#Team Emperor
squibbymun · 13 days
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smth i made last year
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2cake · 4 months
omg i found officially colored team emperor, so cutieful
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nikfishstix · 1 year
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My doodles keep getting out of hand
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'' Alright Emperor Gang… If we are gonna win this tournament… we've gotta do this… together!
EGING! You go left! N-PACER! You take the right! Prince! you know what to do… '' Finger guns. Dualies roll sound effect.
You just be Laceless.
Now let's Square this King. ''
FNAF five nights at freddy's song plays
Epic still of them walking forward.
'' And it was in that moment that I realised… That the real Square King Tournament are the friends we made along the way.
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emperorcoroikd · 6 days
The bride and her ugly ass groom (i didn’t draw emperor because I think he’s a tall pony sooo) oh god I love this show
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vampire-cookie · 1 year
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the princey <33
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industrialtoastxxl · 8 months
do they really?
people ACTUALLY think that emperor is the king? like the actual, official king of turf war, or of even inkopolis?? i mean he’s probably loaded sure but i always thought his “king” title was a result of him being a theater kid, drama queen dork who loves to roleplay
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twilighthomunculus · 9 months
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bellygunnr · 11 months
Tomorrow and Our Other Futures
My half of an Art Trade with the wonderful @twilighthomunculusart / @twilighthomunculus
This was a total blast to write!! Thank you!!
Humidity makes the air stuffy and warm, thick to breathe, but Kai sucks it in anyway, grimacing as sweat collects against his skin, perspiring happily around folded joints and scrunched fabric. He has to swap his phone ear to ear to dry his palms, half in the mind to put Kyoichi on speaker phone just to avoid the hassle, but something stops him. Maybe it’s how public his apartment is, or how well sound carries from balcony to balcony. He doesn’t want anyone having the entire conversation, but maybe he should duck back inside anyway. It’s getting late.
“You know, me and Seiji were considering heading up to Fuji Speedway,” Kyoichi says, voice crackling slightly over the phone. “That’s near you, right?”
“Close enough,” Kai says slowly. “I haven’t-- I’ve been focusing on more local things. Haven’t hit there yet, so…”
Shuffling on the other end of the line. Something dark flits across Kai’s vision. He tracks it to the railing, where light floating up from below illuminates the shell of a beetle. Bits of wing stick out from its carapace.
“So what? You should come with us. We’ll crash at your place for the weekend, since the drive’s so long. Sound good?”
“Woah, hey. I’m cool with coming-- you know that. You sure you want to crash here, though?”
His apartment’s tiny. Barely more than a studio setup, with most fixtures a combined room except the closet and bathroom. Not to mention all the stuff he still hasn’t unpacked. Really, he’s been living out of his MR-S more than his room.
Kyoichi mumbles something unintelligible. The faint click of a lighter twinges Kai’s inner ear, followed by the snap of a zippo. Kai can see it perfectly in his mind’s eye, and, fuck.
It’s only been a couple weeks since he’s moved out. No one was particularly friendly in Tochigi, but Kanagawa is a new type of hell, trying to meet people. He’s lonely. He’d had a routine-- and now?
“Can’t be any worse than my place, Kai,” Kyoichi says.
The beetle flares its carapace, stretching out its wings. Kanagawa even has different bugs. The summer works differently. The pavement on the touge is an unfamiliar formula. Kyoichi, at least, is the same, voice tight with a perpetual edge of being irritated.
“Got that right,” Kai snorts. “Alright, okay. When should I expect you guys, huh?”
“Dunno. Guess you’ll have to call Seiji for that. It’s late here-- good night, Kai.”
The cell goes dead. Kai stares at the screen with bemusement, Kyoichi’s words echoing in his head. He’d gotten breathless and rushed, there, at the end, probably because he started having an emotion. Maybe one of them should have started an argument instead.
But he can’t deny that he feels a little better.
The Evo III slides up next to his MR-S like it was always meant to park there and Kai just stares at its glossy black paint, throat choked, until the doors pop open and the remnants of Team Emperor come spilling out. Kyoichi runs his hands through his hair, headwear tucked into the collar of his shirt, betraying the impact the day had on him. Opposite of him, Seiji stretches, groaning loudly as he chases off the aches of riding in a stiff sports car. 
“Well! That was fun,” Seiji says. “Oh, shit, Kyoichi, pop the trunk, will you? I just remembered–”
Kai tilts his head, watching silently. Kyoichi waves a dismissive hand and tosses his keys at Seiji, who catches them without looking halfway to the rear of the car. The parking lot lights frame them perfectly, throwing them into that stark relief so reminiscent of Iroha’s slopes. Maybe something’s wrong with him, or maybe that’s all he’s ever known, and dealing with change is– hard.
“You guys better not have gotten me anything,” Kai calls. “I didn’t get you anything!”
“Obviously,” Kyoichi says.. “And if you had, I’d hit you. Go on, we’ll catch up.”
Kyoichi has the nerve to wave Kai on. Sputtering, but compliant, Kai turns on his heel and hurries up to the upper level. At least this way, he’d have time to pick up a little…
Not that he hadn’t already! Kai had spent the better part of a week making sure his stupid flat looked presentable. Some boxes got unpacked, he scrounged up some extra bedding, and he even had food in the fridge. Drinks, too. It’d have to do.
He has enough time to shove a few things into unseen corners before there’s knocking on his door. He hurries to open it with a flourish, only to gape at the gift brandished in Kyoichi’s hand.
“You guys didn’t have to get me anything,” Kai laughs. “Is that–?”
“Sake,” Seiji sings. “And movies. And an extra futon.”
Kyoichi’s footsteps are loud and heavy as he crosses the threshold. Kai wonders if he looks this huge everywhere, or just here. Seiji takes up room, too, but he slips in far more delicately from behind and immediately sets to untying his boots, overnight bag pinned under an arm.
“The movies were Seiji’s idea,” Kyoichi says with a grunt. So we’re watching them because he’ll be sad if we don’t goes unsaid.
Kai accepts the proffered gift of sake, the shiny wrapping crinkling against his arms. He’d have to get cups, and maybe popcorn, even as he reels at the sudden turn of events. Really – this was a lot. This was downright sappy for Kyoichi, no matter how dour he looks. It’s saccharine. 
They never flipped on the lights. In the dark, they’d shoved everything over and made the bedding, spearheaded by Seiji’s giddiness, leaving Kai feeling– pleased but unbalanced. The sake helped settle him a little, but not even it could soften the sharp sensation of Kyoichi’s arm around his shoulders. When he steals a glance at him, all he sees is a barely-suppressed smile and a pink flush across his face.
The movie is a quiet one. Foreign, either French or American, Kai can’t tell, but it’s good. Seiji leans his full weight onto Kai throughout it, humming.
“Do… either of you… know what’s going on?” Kai manages to squeak out.
“Car race,” Seiji says, with a grim inflection. “It’s good.”
Well. Yeah. Kai snorts a laugh. He’s not wrong.
“Where did you even get this from, Seiji? What happened to Perfect Blue?”
“Oh, yeah, Perfect Blue. Great buddy film,” Kai says, giggling. He grips his sake closer to his chest. “I saw it in theatres awhile ago.”
“You were a baby awhile ago,” Kyoichi responds, flicking his shoulder. “Seriously, Seij–”
Seiji flaps a placating but dismissive hand, then throws his arm around both Kyoichi and Kai, dragging them closer. The pile of pillows and blankets they’ve wrested onto the floor with them shifts haphazardly. Music and noise blare from the television as one of the quintessential car races goes belly-up.
Kai stares as the scene is repeated from every angle. He thinks about SW20s, autumn, and dangerous hairpins. He thinks about the blind corner in the track he hit last week. It’s all part of the game, here. He needs to rotate his tires. 
A strong hand tugs his drink out from his grip. 
“Hey!” Kai says, grabbing for it.
“No,” Kyoichi grunts, and downs it. “Stop looking so maudlin. You’re giving me depression.”
“If it helps, I got the movie from Fumihiro,” Seiji says conversationally. “And you already have–”
Kai squints at the screen, theft momentarily forgotten. Who the hell was Fumihiro? Kyoichi seems to know, as he has to duck underneath his fist, striking out at Seiji with a clumsy swipe. Laughter overrides whatever the TV is doing, and Kai breaks down into giggles between them, burying his face in the blankets. 
Kai wakes up slowly in the morning. His neck hurts. He’s too warm. There’s something sharp jutting into his lower back. When he tries to move his arms, he finds he can only retrieve one, and opens up sticky eyes to investigate.
His apartment is a disaster, is what he registers first. Not unusual, but strange because didn’t he just clean it? And then, oh, right, Seiji and Kyoichi are here– and wow, okay.
He’s half lain out on top of Kyoichi, who folded himself into a pretzel, and Seiji is the one who has his arm trapped by reaching across the gulf to grip his team leader’s hand. Sunlight flickers in through the curtains, casting a slice of light over the three of them. Kai debates waking them up, or moving, or anything, really.
But that’d be a waste. It can’t be that late in the day. Besides, Kai can’t let them know he saw them holding hands. That’s– that’s gotta be saved. 
And he does feel better. More settled. Huh.
With that last thought, Kai tries to turn over, curling into the mess of bedding and Seiji’s side. He’s asleep within seconds.
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simp999 · 1 year
I don't know which one to use in my fic aaa
He seems really fun, and I'm really looking forward to writing about him!!
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squibbymun · 10 months
Yeah i love team emperor
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2cake · 4 months
eging jr!! ^_−☆
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turigirltoybonnie · 1 year
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x x x / x x x / x x x
[gif descriptions: a three by three dark blue and gold stimboard with picture of prince coroika from splatoon in the middle. it is tinted dark blue. the gifs, left to right top to bottom are as follows: a golden leaf-like crown spining in place, ornate gold calligraphy on dark blue paper that resembles leaves, a small amount of gold glitter being poured onto a pile, a gold necklace with charms shaped like flowers on a dark blue background, a similar/same necklace being put down, gold glitter being poured onto more gold glitter, a wider shot of the same ornate gold calligraphy, and another shot of the gold crown spinning. below is a blue dni banner with team emperor on it that says "dni: terfs/radfems/transmeds, exclusionists, anti bi/pan lesbians, anti lesboy/turigirl." /end ID]
prince coroika stimboard for anon!
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princewashere · 1 year
Helloo everybody!!
hello!!! Its me!! Prince from team Emperor!
I saw that some of the other teams made these blog thingies so I asked my brother and he made me one!! Ask any of us on the team anything and we’ll answer :D
Hello, this is N-Pacer. Be nice, especially to Prince. I won’t hesitate to find you if you do.
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Voice claim time! Ft. the Monarchs
Emperor: Satan (Puyo Puyo 1991, dub voice preferred.)
Prince: Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, specifically his young voice)
N-Pacer: Melady (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)
Squidkid Jr.: Natsuhiko Hyuga (Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun)
Laceless: Edward Elric (also Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
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itsskoll · 2 years
Splatoon devs please give us Emperor’s outfit again
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