#eging jr coroika
spegings · 2 months
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squibbymun · 10 months
Yeah i love team emperor
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fiercecoroikakisser · 8 months
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Did a little coloring test, me personally this looks better then most of the works rotting away in my gallery for something that only took like 31 minutes 🤑
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nilliby · 19 hours
I've been meaning to make this for a long long time but wasn't able to get to it. Here you all go
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specstacular · 10 months
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hi guys im back
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cxlliefxn · 5 months
in my dream last night, eging jr went to my school, watched my friend get brutally beat up and exclaim "damn thats rough" 😭😭😭😭
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liffy-feelin-jiffy · 6 months
Team Emperor Headcanons
Disclaimer: some of these headcanons may either slightly or heavily contradict with the canon (and your headcanons), that’s why it’s important to highlight that these are just headcanons and do not affect canon whatsoever. These headcanons are also likely to change as the story progresses or if I suddenly decide one day that I don’t like one of these headcanons and decide to change it. This post is likely due to change in general because I often come up with more random headcanons all the time so be aware
(Just so you know, there has been edits to this post. And there likely will be plenty more to come! So if you see some differences since you last read this post, now you know why)
His real name is King. His full name is King Enperry.
Pan and polyamorous. Also a trans masc non-binary, only going by he/him pronouns. Many people don’t even notice he’s nonbinary until he tells you himself.
Wasian—his mother was Japanese ethnic and his father was American ethnic. He gets his eyes from his mum and his english accent from his father.
He and Prince are Pearl’s cousins. They were the first people she told about her relationship with Marina. They both still keep in touch with the musical pair to this day.
He and Prince were well known for being fashion models for the most popular clothing lines, most often Enperry. Emperor would randomly sign himself and Prince—sometimes even Pacer and Jr—up for modeling roles and they would get chosen more often than not. Now, Emperor only signs up for modeling sparingly, while Prince still partakes in it often.
Owns a pretty nice Road King motorcycle that he got for his 20th birthday. Broom broom.
His hands are as cold as the Himalayas. Although, they got warmer when he started working at the Crust Bucket.
He’s actually a pretty good singer and can play the piano well. Pearl sometimes jokes about him hitching along with her and Marina as another vocalist and piano player—or he plays it off as a joke while Pearl is actually serious about the suggestion.
He only plays the piano when he desperately wants to express emotion, which is probably why his playing always sounds so poetic and full of feeling.
He only sings when he’s alone to himself, but if he finds out that he is in fact not alone then he’s gonna shut his mouth soooo fast. If he’s full of alcohol, then he’s probably gonna be the first one to get up on the karaoke stage and bust it out Brendon Urie style.
I like to think he’s a real flirt. He likes to smile and wink, give some warm bedroom eyes, or just casually compliment random people’s appearance sometimes, mostly if he’s already met them before. He kinda just finds it fun to do because he knows he’s got that charm. But Emperor ESPECIALLY loves to do it to N-Pacer or Eging jr because it always flusters them so much and he loves them. (Prince is sick of it every time his brother does it)
One time Emperor tried playfully flirting with Specs, and the poor guy got so confused as to why he was doing it, but it also blossomed into a short lasting crush lmao
After a while of when he started working with Crusty Sean, he discovered a newfound passion in cooking and culinary. His cooking skills in general also began to improve significantly, impressing his friends and family. Emperor began dreaming of someday opening up a lavish restaurant of his own in Inkopolis.
He’s keeping watch over the Crust Bucket in the square while Crusty Sean is on his trip, with Goggles sometimes coming over to help him out. He’s tried to experiment with some of the foods before, but not without having taste testers like his brother, N Pacer and Eging Jr give him input first before putting it on the menu.
His favorite type of food would have to be spicy food; bonus if it’s sweet n spicy. He really enjoys Army’s curry. Yum yum.👌🏻
He has a large crown made of real gold hiding somewhere in his closet, passed down to him by his mother.
When he's sleeping, he's gonna grab for something. Whether it be a pillow, a plushie, or whatever misfortunate soul snoozing next to him. He will grab onto them and wrap around them like a snake and just cuddle with them until he wakes up. His hold is strong, too, so good luck getting to the restroom without waking him up.
He moved out of his parents’ mansion when he was 21 and decided to move into a cozy cottage with N Pacer and Squidkid Jr on the edge of Inkopolis in a rural estate. Ever since he moved, he kept reminding Prince that his doors were always open if he wanted to come join him. While his little brother was grateful, he declined the offer every time.
Born in a very rich family who owned half of the Enperry corporation alongside Pearl’s parents. His mother was incredibly strict and always expected the best out of him. She put him on such a high pedestal since the day he hatched and was determined to make sure he lived his legacy up to her standards in terms of turf war and inheriting the Enperry company, since Pearl was focusing on her career in music with Marina. Emperor was typically able to meet her expectations, and her constant praise only strengthened his own ego, making him spoiled, arrogant and cocky.
His father was a lot more laid back in raising him and Prinz. While Emperor was still arrogant, his father still tried to teach him the importance of generosity and doing good for others, even though it often fell on deaf ears—save for Prince. He believed that Emperor deserved to follow his own passion and decide his own future himself, and was very proud when he found out Emperor got a job at the Crust Bucket, in contrast to his mother, who was disgusted. His father was very upset with how Emperor’s mother, Elaine, decided to raise him and Prinz, but she often made it seem like his decision never mattered.
Emperor’s parents’ marriage was arranged. They were never truly in love. They don’t hate each other, but they disagree on multiple things and more often than not have they so heavily desired in divorcing each other. They tried to make it work at first, but they just weren’t meant to be. The father, Topaz, was arranged to marry Elaine because they were both in rich families, and those families wanted to keep within the bounds of a high social status and inherit large companies for more money.
His parents did eventually get divorced. When Emperor had begun to see through his mother’s bullshit and moved out, his parents both finally decided to divorce and move on with their lives. While his father and Prince kept in touch with him, his mother stopped talking to him altogether, seemingly cutting all ties with him after he admitted he didn’t want to be head of Enperry and wanted to pursue his own career choice in culinary.
Despite his mother’s neglect toward Prince, Emperor often looked out for his little brother somewhat as they up grew together, as requested by his father. Even if he sarcastically complimented and dismissed Prince typically, he really did care for him. After after his defeat against Team Blue, he started to make it more abundantly clear how much he cared for Prince, and they grew significantly closer with each other and started acting more like brothers.
He’s in a poly relationship with Squidkid Jr and N Pacer. He knew Jr the longest, as they’re childhood friends and met through their fathers being close friends. He met N-Pacer during high school years and he and Jr immediately had major crushes on her, and before long they began mentoring her in turf war and then used her to replace their old, snarky teammate who was assigned to the team by Emperor’s mother.
His mother DEFINETELY did not like N-Pacer when they first met, especially when it seemed obvious that Emperor had the hots for her. She didn't think N-Pacer was anything but worthy of ever having her son's hand in marriage. She tried to hook Emperor up with a bunch of other rich girls, some even boys, even though she really wanted grandkids. Emperor's father thought she was a nice girl and felt so sympathetic when he heard about her struggling home life.
His mother and father were quite shocked when Emperor admitted he and Eging Jr were also a thing, while Papa Eging was quite happy for them. He said something to Eging Jr like "I'm actually glad you chose him of all people, because that assures me that you'll have someone to look out for ya!" He was also very sweet towards N-Pacer when he met her too.
He always makes sure to keep in touch with Blue Team or asks about them whenever he talks with Prince. He and Prince used to invite Specs to family dinners whenever they could, but their mother didn’t allow him to come until she found out how popular and skill his team was and let him come just because he seemed worthy of the Enperrys’ presence.
His real name is Prinz (like in the official English translation)
Kinda on the aroace spectrum, but tends to show signs of the gay
FUCK IT HE TRANSMASC 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ When he came out to his brother he was like “Oh, ok, I guess I have a brother then.” Mans ain’t transphobic ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻
Wasian, just like Emperor. He looks just like his father while his voice sounds eerily similar to his mother.
He was somewhat reluctant when Laceless asked him out, as he was worried it would negatively affect their relationship as mentor and apprentice on the battlefield. (Also because he wasn’t really enthusiastic about getting into a relationship.) When he asked his cousin and brother for advice, they told him to just go for it and find out where it goes, and it’s gone pretty good ever since. His father knows but his mother doesn’t, as he’s worried how she’ll react to him being in a relationship with a “commoner”. Even after all this time, he’s still never told her.
When Emperor moved out with N Pacer and Jr, Prince was determined to build his own team himself. He invited Splat Jr (splattershot jr) onto the team and began to teach him everything he knew. He also invited Lilith to join his team for a little while, and she displayed such spectacular skills so they wanted to keep her around, but she eventually left to start her own group, winding up somewhere in Splatsville—so the fourth role is open for tryouts!Mitsuami eventually joined the team upon becoming more popular within both Splatsville and Inkopolis after the Splatsville Turf cup. He calls his new team “Team Prince” and aims to increase their skills and discover techniques in both turf war and ranked battles. He is very proud of his team. :)
Since Emperor decided to decline the opportunity in inheriting the Enperry corporation, Prinz took the offer instead. Since then, his mother began to show him more attention and give him more of her approval, but he only found her behavior insulting because he knew she was only acting like that to him because Emperor didn’t want to own the company like their mother previously expected, so she was trying to butter him up and get on his good side in hopes of getting some of that dough.
His mother, Elaine, was mostly neglectful during his upbringing. He often grew jealous of Emperor for the constant attention and praise he got while nothing Prince did ever seemed to make her to bat an eye to him. Plus, Emperor often didn't take him as seriously as he did later on, and to this day it still bothers him a little bit. There’s also the inner-family controversy about her being upset that he “decided to transition” because she wanted a daughter apparently… Not that she treated Prince with anymore respect before he came out 😑. His father and Pearl supported him all they could, while his aunt, uncle, and even his dad’s friend, the original Squidkid and his wife resorted to try to spoil him with nice gifts. They all mean a lot to him.
When he and his dad moved out of the mansion and away from his mother, Prince began to discover his newfound mischievous nature and began to find ways to (harmlessly) prank his friends and his dad. They all get a good laugh out of each other at the end.
He looks up to Squidkid Jr and N-Pacer as older siblings. He also sees the original Squidkid and his wife as second uncle and aunt figures, since they spent a lot of time around each other’s families since Prince was little.
Ngl I think he would be a theater kid, or have a fascination for musicals at least. He likes to dance to their genre of music because he finds them ethereally unique. He can act a little bit—he tries his best—but he could never be able to tell a lie to someone’s face (he’s tried)
I think he’d also have a fascination for true crime and mystery in general—mostly murder mystery or just mature mystery kind of stuff. Not because of the horror at the death and all the suspense, but he finds the detective’s process of looking for clues and coming up with theories ti be quite intriguing. At one point he was even thinking about becoming a detective himself, but then he decided to take over the his family company instead, so his detective dream had to be shelved…. For another day, perhaps.
After the King Cup turf war, he became close friends and hangs out with all of the S4. Aloha takes him out for milkshakes and shopping, Prince gives Army samples from Emperor’s food experiments, Mask takes him to the arcade, and Prince and his team like to train with Skull and his team.
He’s more closed off towards strangers and new people, but once he gets to know them, he likes to give and get hugs. He, Bobble and Goggles are hugger extraordinaires.
Became close friends with Blue Team after the king cup arc, especially with Specs after some time. Sometimes both teams will come to share battle strategy meetings and offer very informative suggestions and advice. They also train together a lot.
He also tried to help hype up Specs in asking out Headphones when word got out that they both had a crush on each other.
He may have got a growth spurt, but he was a late bloomer when it came to his voice. Laceless ended up getting the deeper voice treatment before he did, and Prince spent a good while sounding younger than him.
Ever since he became team leader, many people began complimenting him for his leadership skills, especially Emperor, which at the time was surprising. It made him feel so happy and seen, and it chewed away any he self-consciousness he had about himself.
He doesn't snore, but he drools in his sleep because he sleeps with his mouth open. He also sometimes mutters in his sleep.
Squidkid/Eging Jr
Real name is Alonzo Jr (his father’s name is Alonzo)
Bi man, polyamorous too
Bit of a spoiled rich kid, due to growing up in a rather privileged, lavish household. Now he’s mostly just a sporty snob who enjoys barbecues.
Pretty good on the skateboard and roller blades. They see me rolliiiiin’, they hatiiiin’
You’d never hear anyone else scream at a live sports game on tv or in person as loud as he does. Coming from a father who’s very well known in sports, he takes that kind of stuff a little too seriously.
He’s smarter than many people think. Even if it weren’t for his great skills in sports, he’d still get accepted into a good college based on his straight A grades, ESPECIALLY in his gym classes. Just like his daddy, he was the best basketball player in his entire school. He tutored Emperor and Prince a lot when they struggled with homework or had to study for tests.
He’d also be a good gym teacher. A little hardcore, but he loves teaching and coaching others and strives to see his students do their best. He volunteered as a substitute teacher at an elementary school a few times, and let's just say, those kids did not get a day off from the track. Though, they did think he was a whole lot of fun, especially when they were playing basketball with him during recess.
When he and N Pacer first met, he put her through some grueling training, but it only escalated slowly as it went on. He may have had a big ol’ crush on her, but he wasn’t gonna allow that to make him let up on her. Both because their team was striving to be the best and they needed N-Pacer to learn skills and get stronger as soon as she could, and also because they wanted that asshole in their group that was appointed by Emperor’s mom OUT as soon as possible. He was so proud when Pacer finally “graduated” from his training.
Took up learning some martial arts like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and kickboxing as a hobby. He likes to spar with Army and Goggles every so often, and teach Emperor, N-Pacer and Prince some moves. He even spared with Lilith once, and BOY did she floor him. It actually made him very excited to spare again while she was like '👁️👁️'.
Does not know how to cook or bake. He wasn’t as bad as Emperor during his first time learning how to cook, but his skills are… Just not that good. The best he can do is microwave foods or just putting stuff straight in the oven. Even then, he nearly burnt both his parents' house and the cottage down because he forgot to turn the oven off TWO TIMES. He's banned from the kitchen, banished! Bro cannot cook for shit. Even after Pacer and Emperor tried teaching him, he's hopeless. Never let him near Gordon Ramsay lest you want him to get eviscerated.
When he, Emperor and Pacer moved into the cottage, he installed his own a little basket court in the backyard to play basketball. Sometimes he plays by himself, or he’ll invite some buddies like the S4, X Bloods, Prince’s team or team Blue to come over and play.
He likes to hang around the S4 along with Prince, and he loves to have them over for when they have barbecues—all cooked by Emperor.
He and Aloha are party planner extraordinaires. They're also great friends.
Animals don't like him for some reason. Pigeons and other birds harass him, sea slug pets growl and try to nip at him, and Judd and Lil Judd give him the stink eye whenever he's around. It makes him very sad (HE JUST WANTS TO BE FRIENDS MAN).
He snores so loud it's annoying. CLOSE YOUR DAMN MOUTH, BOY.
Her real name is Nahla.
Omni with a preference leaning towards women, yet she scored two fellas.
Been the second shortest in the group for a long time, until Prinz suddenly got a growth spurt out of nowhere, then she became the smallest. Do not let that make you underestimate her; she will jump on you like a spider monkey if so desired.
Got a bit of chub, also mixed with some muscle due to training. Sometimes she likes to pick up Eging Jr and Emperor when they least expect it.
Girl boss on the battlefield—repressed girl failure in the public.
Loves gossiping with Headphones during their tea parties...
Pacer: “I’m not so much into drama, honestly- “
Headphones: “did you hear what Forge said to Asymmetry the other day?”
She also had a part in helping Headphones hook up with Specs. (She wants to be the maid of honor at the wedding--sorry girl, it's gonna be Bobble)
When she gets mad or upset, she becomes non-verbal and refuses to speak until she feels better about. Until then, she's gonna just glare at you know to back off because she's not in the mood.
She used to wear glasses (full moon glasses to be exact; they used to be her father’s) until she started training with Emperor and Jr. She was worried her glasses would distract her so they bought her some contacts.
Her original hair color used to be light pink. There’s still a little bit of bright pink in the tips of her hair.
Clamumbian (Columbian) nationality. She can speak fluent Splatish (Spanish), but she mostly does so around her family. One time she heard Skull speaking Splatish and they ended up having an entire conversation.
She became part of the charger group, consisting of Headphones, Half-Rim, and Skull.
N Pacer grew up in an impoverished family household. Her mother couldn’t work due to a disability and her father’s job did just enough to pay the bills.
She has a little brother and a baby sister whom she has to babysit sometimes due to her father being at work and her mother busy with tedious, out of the house chores. Thankfully, her brother is well behaved enough, at least in the house.
Her father is a gentle man, more so a doormat really. Meanwhile, her mother is TERRIFYING and also very protective of Pacer. She slips that chancla off her foot like she’s unsheathing a sword. However, her mother can be a cool woman once you get to know her.
Her mother did not like the idea of her daughter hanging around a pair of over popular, stuck-up snobs from rich families, much less dating them. She was worried that they would take advantage of her poor little daughter and manipulate her into abandoning her family—which is her greatest fear.
Her mother and Emperor's mother absolutely fist fought each other before, while Squidkid Jr's mom watched, cheering "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
N-Pacer's mom won. Couple days later that's when Emperor moved out and his parents got divorced. 😂
Shes actually knows a lot about science. When she spent free time watching tv, it would usually be on a science documentary/informational channel because they didn’t have a wide range of options at the time. She’ll get into an entire rant about plate tectonics and organism evolution and end up baffling everyone at the tea party (while they’re still listening intently with some interest 😶☕️)
She used to be really unconfident with the charger, because when she first started using it, she wasn't that good at it. But then she was introduced to the splatterscope and then she ruled the stage like the queen she is.
She loves decorating for Halloween and Christmas. She's a total holiday fanatic. She also loves dressing in warm, comfy clothes and drinking her favorite tea or coffee during Fall and Winter, her two favorite seasons.
She became Emperor's cooking buddy when he started getting interested in culinary. She showed him how to make all of her well known family dishes and some of her personal favorites dishes. He likes to surprise her with her favorite foods sometimes cuz he's a nasty heterosexuaaaaaaal /j (He's pan remember?).
She also likes to paint. She wasn't as invested in it at first, but when they all moved into the cottage together, she started painting more during her free time. She originally intended to sell them for money to help support her parents, but Emperor and Eging Jr get too attached to her artwork and choose to hang up plenty of what she makes in the house or just give her canvases to her parents to admire. It flusters her so much.
She's always LOVED jewelry, even when her parents could never afford any due to their economic situation. But when she met Emperor, he and his cousin, Pearl, poured so many jewelry gifts onto her like a waterfall, gold rings, bracelets, diamond necklaces with matching earrings, even little tiaras and everything. It made her so happy like she was kicking her feet and giggling girly giggles. She is so adorable I love her.
She likes dream catchers. She used to ask her parents for one every Christmas or on her birthday, and they always did what they could to get her one that didn't fall apart in a matter of days. When she got older and moved out, one Christmas she bought a giant, expensive dream catcher for her parents and some for her little siblings and they all put it right over their beds. (Me out here writing Christmas family fluff on a Friday afternoon)
N-Pacer has the most ridiculous, loudest laugh you'll ever hear. It's a deep belly laugh, and it sounds so funny. You'll only hear it when she's either drunk or in genuine hysterics because it's considered her true laugh, she tries to hide it otherwise because she's embarrassed of it.
She used to not have any friends except for one snooty narcissist before she became part of team Emperor. When she did, she was expecting to gain a lot more friends due to her popularity, but as it turns out she went from "not being in anyone's league" to "no one being in her league." She gained too much social power and it made her a little sad. At least she still had her team, and she made more friends later on, so that's a win.
Can you tell I love N-Pacer so much?
By the way, here’s my post for my head canons voice claims for team Emperor!
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1-aussiedollar · 2 months
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Some ref sheets for my headcanons! I have eye colour and shape, skin tone, tentacle colour (+ gradient if they have one), skin details, full name and handwriting! This is just part 1 tho I’ve got more to make
Edit: Only reason I drew Rider’s right eye and not Bamboo or Skull’s is because it’s drastically different (slit pupil and the sanitisation scar)
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violethursday · 1 month
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t4tklonoa · 11 months
UHH!!! Aloha and Eging Jr. maybe, if you want!!
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their ship name is aloe 2 me they ar so silly
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hotayasu · 2 years
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spegings · 10 months
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i will boil my joycons if love loses
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squibbymun · 8 months
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shoutouts to jr, the only guy to ever notice the gay activity
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cambriancutie · 2 years
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octorocktopus · 1 year
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The tomboy swag coming out of that women
Eging my beloved I love you girl
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buttermander · 6 months
D&D Coroika Au Character Guide : Team Emporer + Gloves/Laceless
Emperor - High Elf Paladin of Ilmater
The eldest son of an influential and popular nobleman who brought about a time of peace to the area how ruled found himself deciding to go on the run when he discovered a secret about his brother that his father was intent on keeping from everyone including him. He follows Ilmater , seeing his status as a paladin as being his purpose as a ruler to protect his subjects even with his own life on the line. Most of his current motivation is to keep his brother safe at all costs, hence why he was willing to potentially give up his birthright when he decided to run away. He's incredibly protective of his brother, striking down all who would bring him harm with his pair of swords ( some question why he doesn't use a shield of any sort but he's never answered that ).
Prince - Tiefling ( Future Cleric of Ilmater)
The brother of Emporer who was unexpectedly born as a planetouched, his heritage was kept a secret by his parents out of fear that it would put his life in danger should it become public knowledge. He's rather quiet and somewhat distant from others given how he fears the often negative perception of tieflings such as himself. Given how sheltered he has been, Prince is fascinated by the tales of the Tabaxi his brother has hired of traveling lands and felling all sorts of dangerous adversaries. In the future an event will cause a fundamental change in him to strike out alongside Laceless as well as becoming a Cleric in service of Ilmater.
Eging Jr. - Dragonborn Bard ( Gold Dragonborn Subrace/ College of Swords )
Eging was probably the most humorous of the group before Gloves was hired to join them, his claws plucking the strings of his handheld harp during his performances. He is equal parts as fierce in combat ad he is charismatic, wielding his trusty rapier as well as having the capable to breath bouts of fire due to his draconic heritage. Prince has asked him a lot about what its like having blood tied back to creatures as fearsome as dragons, though Eging has had to clarify with the tiefling that metallic dragons such as gold dragons are benevolent in nature. Other than Prince, he's the one who gets along the most with Gloves since their personalities mesh well, even attempting to encourage Emperor to attempt to get closer to the tabaxi since he isn't leaving for a long while with that payment on the line.
N-Pacer - Centaur Fighter ( Battle Master Subclass )
A friend of Emperor's who agreed to travel with him, N-Pacer lends her prowess as an archer to the group of travelers on the run as well as assisting Emperor in devising tactical command for any inevitable combat. She display talent for archery at a young age and quickly mastered training, initially having plans to join the royal guard until Emperor had urgently approached her about his need to flee in order to protect Prince from harm. She isn't fully trusting of Gloves, in fact she's managed to notice that he never truly admits to anything about his past even changing his story everytime somebody asks him. She's willing to trust Gloves as long as he holds up his end of the deal but threatens that if he were to ever betray them, especially Prince, that she will not hesitate to put an arrow between his eyes. Her softer side is more noticeable around Prince, believing that an innocent child such as him shouldn't have to be forced on the run because of how much of society percieves those who are planetouched.
Gloves - Tabaxi Rogue ( Assassin subclass )
Gloves seems rather jovial for somebody who takes up work as a hired blade, he often is known around various places as a folk hero hired to eliminate particualry dangerous individuals in order to protect the people. He doesn't travel anywhere in the lands without his beloved twin daggers at his side, the tools of his trade. Recently he's been made an offer in gold the Tabaxi couldn't refuse but the job itself was quite strange, having him act as a personal bodyguard to a runaway noble heir, his younger sibling, and the company company keeps. Gloves has been bringing a bit of humor into the group, something Emperor isnt exactly keen on but tolerates since Prince has been a whole lot more cheery as a result.
Laceless - Assimar ( Future Circle of the Land Druid )
Another Planetouched individual who Prince harbors a friendship with before he left with his brother, the young Assimar was the son of the kingdoms gardener. He's a lot more open about his planetouched origins despite occasionally receiving negative attention for it, but he's found kinship with those living on the grounds of the noble family since they don't pay any heed to what sort of blood he came from. His expertise in plants will eventually be fully explored when he travels alongside Prince and begins to learn the teachings of Druids.
Hoo boy this is the longest one I've written so far ,and yes as it hints time will pass across various arcs of the au with characters undergoing changes and some choosing new paths in their lives. I wasn't sure how to write Gloves and his team in at first but I had the idea that they were some type of " band of thieves and assasins " before most if the members retired and Gloves became a solo act as a result. Give me some idea on which of the cast you want to hear about next.
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