#that fucking mr2 guy
bellygunnr · 11 months
Tomorrow and Our Other Futures
My half of an Art Trade with the wonderful @twilighthomunculusart / @twilighthomunculus
This was a total blast to write!! Thank you!!
Humidity makes the air stuffy and warm, thick to breathe, but Kai sucks it in anyway, grimacing as sweat collects against his skin, perspiring happily around folded joints and scrunched fabric. He has to swap his phone ear to ear to dry his palms, half in the mind to put Kyoichi on speaker phone just to avoid the hassle, but something stops him. Maybe it’s how public his apartment is, or how well sound carries from balcony to balcony. He doesn’t want anyone having the entire conversation, but maybe he should duck back inside anyway. It’s getting late.
“You know, me and Seiji were considering heading up to Fuji Speedway,” Kyoichi says, voice crackling slightly over the phone. “That’s near you, right?”
“Close enough,” Kai says slowly. “I haven’t-- I’ve been focusing on more local things. Haven’t hit there yet, so…”
Shuffling on the other end of the line. Something dark flits across Kai’s vision. He tracks it to the railing, where light floating up from below illuminates the shell of a beetle. Bits of wing stick out from its carapace.
“So what? You should come with us. We’ll crash at your place for the weekend, since the drive’s so long. Sound good?”
“Woah, hey. I’m cool with coming-- you know that. You sure you want to crash here, though?”
His apartment’s tiny. Barely more than a studio setup, with most fixtures a combined room except the closet and bathroom. Not to mention all the stuff he still hasn’t unpacked. Really, he’s been living out of his MR-S more than his room.
Kyoichi mumbles something unintelligible. The faint click of a lighter twinges Kai’s inner ear, followed by the snap of a zippo. Kai can see it perfectly in his mind’s eye, and, fuck.
It’s only been a couple weeks since he’s moved out. No one was particularly friendly in Tochigi, but Kanagawa is a new type of hell, trying to meet people. He’s lonely. He’d had a routine-- and now?
“Can’t be any worse than my place, Kai,” Kyoichi says.
The beetle flares its carapace, stretching out its wings. Kanagawa even has different bugs. The summer works differently. The pavement on the touge is an unfamiliar formula. Kyoichi, at least, is the same, voice tight with a perpetual edge of being irritated.
“Got that right,” Kai snorts. “Alright, okay. When should I expect you guys, huh?”
“Dunno. Guess you’ll have to call Seiji for that. It’s late here-- good night, Kai.”
The cell goes dead. Kai stares at the screen with bemusement, Kyoichi’s words echoing in his head. He’d gotten breathless and rushed, there, at the end, probably because he started having an emotion. Maybe one of them should have started an argument instead.
But he can’t deny that he feels a little better.
The Evo III slides up next to his MR-S like it was always meant to park there and Kai just stares at its glossy black paint, throat choked, until the doors pop open and the remnants of Team Emperor come spilling out. Kyoichi runs his hands through his hair, headwear tucked into the collar of his shirt, betraying the impact the day had on him. Opposite of him, Seiji stretches, groaning loudly as he chases off the aches of riding in a stiff sports car. 
“Well! That was fun,” Seiji says. “Oh, shit, Kyoichi, pop the trunk, will you? I just remembered–”
Kai tilts his head, watching silently. Kyoichi waves a dismissive hand and tosses his keys at Seiji, who catches them without looking halfway to the rear of the car. The parking lot lights frame them perfectly, throwing them into that stark relief so reminiscent of Iroha’s slopes. Maybe something’s wrong with him, or maybe that’s all he’s ever known, and dealing with change is– hard.
“You guys better not have gotten me anything,” Kai calls. “I didn’t get you anything!”
“Obviously,” Kyoichi says.. “And if you had, I’d hit you. Go on, we’ll catch up.”
Kyoichi has the nerve to wave Kai on. Sputtering, but compliant, Kai turns on his heel and hurries up to the upper level. At least this way, he’d have time to pick up a little…
Not that he hadn’t already! Kai had spent the better part of a week making sure his stupid flat looked presentable. Some boxes got unpacked, he scrounged up some extra bedding, and he even had food in the fridge. Drinks, too. It’d have to do.
He has enough time to shove a few things into unseen corners before there’s knocking on his door. He hurries to open it with a flourish, only to gape at the gift brandished in Kyoichi’s hand.
“You guys didn’t have to get me anything,” Kai laughs. “Is that–?”
“Sake,” Seiji sings. “And movies. And an extra futon.”
Kyoichi’s footsteps are loud and heavy as he crosses the threshold. Kai wonders if he looks this huge everywhere, or just here. Seiji takes up room, too, but he slips in far more delicately from behind and immediately sets to untying his boots, overnight bag pinned under an arm.
“The movies were Seiji’s idea,” Kyoichi says with a grunt. So we’re watching them because he’ll be sad if we don’t goes unsaid.
Kai accepts the proffered gift of sake, the shiny wrapping crinkling against his arms. He’d have to get cups, and maybe popcorn, even as he reels at the sudden turn of events. Really – this was a lot. This was downright sappy for Kyoichi, no matter how dour he looks. It’s saccharine. 
They never flipped on the lights. In the dark, they’d shoved everything over and made the bedding, spearheaded by Seiji’s giddiness, leaving Kai feeling– pleased but unbalanced. The sake helped settle him a little, but not even it could soften the sharp sensation of Kyoichi’s arm around his shoulders. When he steals a glance at him, all he sees is a barely-suppressed smile and a pink flush across his face.
The movie is a quiet one. Foreign, either French or American, Kai can’t tell, but it’s good. Seiji leans his full weight onto Kai throughout it, humming.
“Do… either of you… know what’s going on?” Kai manages to squeak out.
“Car race,” Seiji says, with a grim inflection. “It’s good.”
Well. Yeah. Kai snorts a laugh. He’s not wrong.
“Where did you even get this from, Seiji? What happened to Perfect Blue?”
“Oh, yeah, Perfect Blue. Great buddy film,” Kai says, giggling. He grips his sake closer to his chest. “I saw it in theatres awhile ago.”
“You were a baby awhile ago,” Kyoichi responds, flicking his shoulder. “Seriously, Seij–”
Seiji flaps a placating but dismissive hand, then throws his arm around both Kyoichi and Kai, dragging them closer. The pile of pillows and blankets they’ve wrested onto the floor with them shifts haphazardly. Music and noise blare from the television as one of the quintessential car races goes belly-up.
Kai stares as the scene is repeated from every angle. He thinks about SW20s, autumn, and dangerous hairpins. He thinks about the blind corner in the track he hit last week. It’s all part of the game, here. He needs to rotate his tires. 
A strong hand tugs his drink out from his grip. 
“Hey!” Kai says, grabbing for it.
“No,” Kyoichi grunts, and downs it. “Stop looking so maudlin. You’re giving me depression.”
“If it helps, I got the movie from Fumihiro,” Seiji says conversationally. “And you already have–”
Kai squints at the screen, theft momentarily forgotten. Who the hell was Fumihiro? Kyoichi seems to know, as he has to duck underneath his fist, striking out at Seiji with a clumsy swipe. Laughter overrides whatever the TV is doing, and Kai breaks down into giggles between them, burying his face in the blankets. 
Kai wakes up slowly in the morning. His neck hurts. He’s too warm. There’s something sharp jutting into his lower back. When he tries to move his arms, he finds he can only retrieve one, and opens up sticky eyes to investigate.
His apartment is a disaster, is what he registers first. Not unusual, but strange because didn’t he just clean it? And then, oh, right, Seiji and Kyoichi are here– and wow, okay.
He’s half lain out on top of Kyoichi, who folded himself into a pretzel, and Seiji is the one who has his arm trapped by reaching across the gulf to grip his team leader’s hand. Sunlight flickers in through the curtains, casting a slice of light over the three of them. Kai debates waking them up, or moving, or anything, really.
But that’d be a waste. It can’t be that late in the day. Besides, Kai can’t let them know he saw them holding hands. That’s– that’s gotta be saved. 
And he does feel better. More settled. Huh.
With that last thought, Kai tries to turn over, curling into the mess of bedding and Seiji’s side. He’s asleep within seconds.
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mr2swap · 1 year
Took a shower!
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-Shut your mouth Jackson I just got back from the gym, were you expecting me to smell like roses? Meet and smell If you had ever stood in a gym in your real body... Anyway, make sure you take a shower before returning it to me- The smile on the handsome face that was now hers was a little creepy, her hands exploring her slim, alluring abdomen that had earned me several nights with Emma the hottest girl in all of the high school meanwhile.
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without any embarrassment, he took out his long cock and began to explore his hairy balls with his fingers -Hey! Would you mind if I make some cuts? I'll have some action later and I met a guy who really likes shaved balls- Jackson acted as if his hands were a pair of scissors cutting through the air while showing off his perfect white teeth he seemed much more comfortable on my body than in his and I don't blame him, his body is horrible!
We're lifelong friends, and our moms are best friends so we used to spend all our time together, of course, all that ended when we got into high school I got into the football team at school and started going to the gym while he spent his afternoons watching anime, playing video games, and eating Doritos.
I felt bad for ignoring him at school and making fun of him with my new popular friends for his pimply face and his huge belly that stuck out in that flashy t-shirt with the picture of some girl from one of his animes, but the most uncomfortable thing was how in love he was with my new friends, he was like a fat leech trying to sleep with my friends, I never get it… at least not on his body.
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It didn't bother me that Jackson used my body to get some action while I took advantage of my time alone to copy Jackson's homework, eat junk food, and rest from training but I should stop offering my ass to be fucked, It's very uncomfortable having to playing the state championship one day after I got my ass busted the night before at a gay orgy.
Hey! You can support me to continue creating stories, see similar stories on my patreon, you can also join my discord if you are interested in role-playing about bodyswap, possession and transformation, m2m!
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toyota-supra · 11 months
oh yeah I meant to show my cars
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I asked what they had of Hondas so that's what I brought home. this is a Honda NSX, which isn't a car I see much of nor does its design particularly stand out compared to its competitors but it's still really neat
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this is the Honda City Turbo II, a car that I don't know much about but I mean look at it
both the NSX and the City are Premium Hot Wheels, which means they have a bit more detail and weight than regular models and they have rubber tires, which is really good
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Toyota MR2!! I fucking love this thing. this one isn't a Hot Wheels though, it's actually a Matchbox! my very first of the brand. haven't noticed much different because I haven't played around with these yet, but hey, great car!
now here's what you're waiting for, dear reader who likes me but doesn't know cars
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the Honda Civic Type R. I like this car because
no really though uh. they're really neat. guy there said "why are you taking two? they're the same model" but look. they're not. look at the hood. the blue one is a little older. I like them both a lot. I wish I found different colors though.
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twilighthomunculus · 9 months
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kozakuwas · 1 year
what i love abt platonic kidoshin is that theyve both seen the other be absolutely fucking Pathetic (haunted house scene in mr1, vending machine scene in mr2) but they still have this nice mutual respect for each other. shintaro thinks kido is a cool guy, kido thinks shintaro is a cool guy, then they shake hands 🤝
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masonsystem · 6 months
ultimately jin is a very good writer in spite of everything cuz like the scenario of novel 8 is fucking amazing like two people pretending like they didnt just lose their entire family in one night for the others person sake is like wowza!! i say this cuz im thinking thinking thinking of what a proper kgpr ending would be like and its like Hmmmmm its pretty hard to imagine it. especially in terms of seto cuz like what would it take for seto to stop being a useless character. kgpr has had like 8 years of storytelling and seto has barely done shit in those 8 years. and novel 8 was the most hes ever done like jin hit it out of the ball park with that and its like.... ok what scenario would be as good as novel 8 then. so hard for me to think of something like that...
also it makes me think that if mekakucity reload does ever exist, jin being the insane writer he is (dude who made mr2) would probably soft reset the entire plot meaning it would look nothing like the novels + mca + mr1's standard plot, and he'd do something insane and new w these characters cuz thats the type of guy he is. new backstories maybe new setting if hes crazy i mean look at No. 9 he was going to add a random new character if he couldve. which is crazy but yeah thats what id imagine mekakucity reload wouldve been like.. he doesnt seem like the type to just 'fix' mca, hes gonna do a fucking mr2 to us again AUDHSH
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scarletnakazato · 2 years
Kyoichi Sudo - rEvolution
• Kyoichi Sudo x Reader | Smut | • Word Count: 5,702. • Synopsis: In which Kyoichi finds his Empress, a bit of jealousy caused by his rival ensues, and a hatched plan from the reader tips Kyoichi over the edge, bringing out his inner Emperor.
Another one beaten. These teams can't keep up with or handle (Y/N)'s Lan Evo by any means. One after another, they all fall. The red of the car is dark, but the shade of it stands out like a beacon, day or night. That's going to be the colour they all remember, and it'll never leave their mind. Her and her Evo III have been unbeatable since she bought the car. She had lost race after race in her previous car. She tried her best, did what she could to improve, it never worked.
The night she saw a race with an Evo III she fell in love with it. She quickly got rid of her old car and bought the red beauty she has now. She practiced every night for years, bettering herself and upgrading the car as needed. From then to present, she hasn't lost since. Anyone who knew of her said that she went on her own revolution; overthrowing each team and every racer that came after her looking to beat her. Soon enough, one by one, they all fell before her, like enemies groveling at the foot of an empress.
She had gone through the prefecture tearing up the streets and beating teams she comes across. Then, she ended up at Irohazaka, the home course of a team consisting entirely of Lan Evos. Maybe she could get in and join them? She's been without a team for a while. When she reached the top, she noticed a blue MR2 parked in the middle of the road. Must be waiting for his opponent to show up, she noted. She checked the time, seeing it was fifteen minutes past ten. The race normally would've started by now.
Team Emperor was sitting on the sidelines, their evos all parked in a row. "Hey, Kyoichi?" Seiji asked, getting the leader's attention.
"That's not one of our guys, is it?" Seiji pointed behind Kyoichi, causing said man to turn around.
Catching sight of the blood red Evo III he replied with, "No. We don't have a red Evo on our team." The car pulled up next to the MR2, the engine's purr sounded like low, deep rumbles of thunder in the distance. The muffler gave off a similar sound and it made the car look and sound more intimidating than it already was.
The entire team was interested in seeing who drove the car and were definitely not expecting a girl to get out of the driver's side. "Your opponent not showing up on time for 'ya?" She spoke to the MR2 driver.
"No, he isn't." He replied, looking a bit annoyed.
"Well, if you're still looking for a race, I'll give you one." She leaned against the front right fender of her car.
The guy laughed. "I don't race girls."
"Why? Scared to get your ass beat by one?" (Y/N) smirked. Most of the Emperor guys snickered and gave a quiet "Ooh." Seiji gave a small whistle, Kyoichi giving him a glare that said, "Dude, fuck off" before returning his attention to the girl.
"Not like you'd be much of a challenge anyways. Girls can't race for shit." The guy thought he made a good comeback, smirking proudly. Now, (Y/N) was getting pissed.
"Better hope you don't find yourself rolling off this mountain, Kogashiwa. That's what happened to the last one." She lowered her voice at the last sentence, Kai now looking a bit intimidated that she knew his name and her Evo seemed to rumble a bit like it was laughing. It was a bluff, sure, but it still had the desired effect on the guy. "So, race or not?" she asked, looking directly at him.
"Fine, whatever. Let's get it over with." Kai gathered his composure before getting in his car, (Y/N) doing the same. The countdown started and they took off after the ten second count. The battle consisted of a downhill and uphill run. Whoever finished first on the uphill, won.
"How in the hell did my MR2 lose to a Lan Evo?!" Kai started fuming. "It's got a mid-engine, making it more evenly balanced! It should've beaten an Evo easily!"
"MR2s actually have more oversteer problems because they have a mid-engine. If you know how to control the car properly and use it to your advantage, then it wouldn't be a problem. The car didn't lose, you did." (Y/N) replied which only caused Kai to get more pissed off, muttering something before slamming the door shut and driving off.
Damn, she's hot. Kyoichi smirked, watching her as she went to grab a coffee from the nearby vending machine. "Say, Kyoichi. You think we should let her on the team if she's good enough?" Seiji asked.
"Kogashiwa, despite his temper, is a highly skilled driver. He knows this course as much as we do, and I highly doubt she even practiced this road for one night." Kyoichi started, his eyes averting from her to Seiji. "If she can beat a local on their home course with little to no practice and only use their skills and car's power efficiently, she's either got ridiculously high adaptive abilities, or she's insane. If she's interested and beats you in a few runs for initiation, then she's in." Kyoichi looked back to (Y/N) sitting on the hood of her car, drinking her coffee as some people eagerly talked with her about the race.
"You want me to race her? Any specific way you want to do this?" Seiji asked, looking curious.
"She raced Kogashiwa without a plan, as far as I can assume. The kid most likely stuck to his own lines that he always uses. She probably caught on quickly and used it against him. If she's interested in getting on this team, we're having her race through all the simulations until she can't win. If she does beat you in all of them, including Simulation X, then she's on the team hands down." Kyoichi spoke firmly, his eyes landing back on her. When she hopped off the hood and the group of people she spoke with left, he decided now was the time to talk to her.
Looking over to her left, she noticed one of the Evo guys walking up to her. Isn't he the leader of that team? She raised an eyebrow and fully turned towards him. "You must've put up a hell of a fight during that race." He said as soon as he stopped in front of her. "Kyoichi Sudo." He introduced himself.
"(Y/N) (L/N)." She nodded slightly, then gave an answer to his statement. "In the first half, yes, but after I caught on to his pattern and how he likes to jump the corners, I figured out how to beat him." She answered honestly, taking a sip of her coffee.
"And how'd you do that?" Kyoichi raised an eyebrow.
(Y/N) shrugged a bit saying, "I copied his pattern, used it against him, then boom, won." She took another of sip of coffee, a small smile on her lips.
How the hell can she simply copy someone's pattern and make it sound that easy? his eyes narrowed in thought. "Have you ever raced on this pass before?" Kyoichi asked, making eye contact with her once again.
"No, only drove it to get up here."
What the hell? She didn't practice this course and she nailed it on the first run? Just what kind of adaptability does this woman have? Kyoichi had to admit, this sounded quite impressive. But if he was going to be actually impressed, he's going to need to hear it from Seiji and possibly even see it for himself. "So, you got a team you race with or you go solo?"
"I haven't been on a team since I got rid of my old car for this guy," She pointed at her Evo with her thumb, "about a year and a half, I'd say."
He nodded in acknowledgement. "Would you be interested in joining us? We're made up entirely of Lan Evos. I am however going to put you through some tests if you really want to get in." Kyoichi smirked when she did. "Sounds fair. What kind of tests?"
"You'll be going against our number two driver in a few races consisting of uphill, downhill, and both at once. Should be four races or less, depending on how many you win. Think of it as ascending levels, they get harder with each one. If you lose the first race, we won't bother doing the rest."
"Good with me, when do you want to do it?"
"Next Saturday at ten. We'll give you time to practice the course how you see fit, seeing as we've had years on this pass." (Y/N) nodded at his words, giving a short "See you then," before parting ways and driving home.
(Y/N) had practiced the course a few times a night, easily getting a feel of the road. She showed up at the top of the pass a few minutes early, the team was already there talking amongst themselves. They all focused on her when she pulled up to the start line and got out of the car.
"So, how are we doing this?" she broke the silence first, leaning against the door. Kyoichi motioned for Seiji to move his car to the start line before approaching her.
"We're going to start off with a downhill race. You beat him on this run, we move onto the next. Like I said last week, it should only take four runs at most. Once you're finished with the downhill, the second race starts from the bottom of the pass as an uphill." Kyoichi stated and (Y/N) nodded in understanding.
"How about the last two races?" she asked.
"Those will be combinations of up and downhill. Each race gets harder, I want to see how well you handle them all. If you're up to my standards and expectations, you're on the team. Good?"
"Yep." Pushing herself off the side of the car and opening the door, she got in.
Kyoichi moved to the driver side of Seiji's Evo and he rolled the window down. "Starting this off simple, right?"
"I want you to start with Simulation One. If she beats you, move up to Two on the uphill. Don't pull anything funny, no dirty tricks, stick with the plan, got it?" Kyoichi gave him a slight glare until he nodded before heading back to his car. They revved the engines, warming them up before the countdown began and they took off down the pass.
She's got some powerful acceleration, Seiji noted. Evos naturally have instant acceleration, but hers reacts in such a way that allows the car to accelerate faster, gaining speed in a smaller amount of time. He continued to tail her bumper, attempting to put even a little bit of pressure on her. All part of the simulation.
(Y/N) glanced in her rear-view mirror, seeing how close he was riding the rear end. She rolled her eyes, focusing on the road. If he wants to intimidate me, he's going to have step it up. Riding my bumper won't do shit with me. This is Kyoichi's number two driver? If intimidation is his game, he's not very good at it.
Once they pulled out onto a straight away, she pressed on the gas more, putting quite a distance between them. Damn, her acceleration is insane. Seiji furrowed his eyebrows and stepped on it, trying to catch up. Did she even spend any real time practicing this course or she is just winging it with what she knows?
Seiji followed the procedures of the first simulation and went to pass her in the last quarter of the race, which was successful. However, as soon as he did, he felt like prey that was about to get mauled. Looking back at the red evo in his rear-view, it gave off an aura that screamed anger. Right after they turned another corner and the straightaway appeared just before the first bridge, she floored it. That's when Seiji heard it. A small series of loud bangs echoed as she passed him.
"She's got a misfiring system?!" Seiji watched the exhaust to see two more bright flashes escape the pipes, the bangs sounding along with them. "She must be running anti-lag as well with how fast her acceleration is. Damn, this chick isn't fucking around."
They passed the finish line, (Y/N) winning the first race. The guys on the radio reported everything in as they prepared for the second race.
When Kyoichi saw (Y/N) pass the finish line on the uphill, he was honestly, a bit impressed. How was she beating Seiji so easily? Said man pulled up and rolled the window down. "Yo, Kyoichi. She's got a misfiring system." Now this was interesting. He heard no trace of one when they took off for the first race.
"Wait, does she run anti-lag?"
Kyoichi was no longer impressed with this woman, he was starting to get obsessed. Just what the hell is she? Who was she before she left her previous team? What car did she have? What kind of racing has she been capable of when she got her Evo III? What do crowds say about her and her skills? He needs to know.
(Y/N) successfully passed all the tests she was given and joined team Emperor. Since the team consisted of all guys, she was expecting them to make comments how "She won't last long" or "Why the hell is a girl on our team," but that never happened. If anything, they all looked impressed with how well she performed and even started up conversations with her. But she never thought she'd be meeting up with the leader of the team at a small restaurant, alone.
Is this a date? Or does he just want to talk since I'm new on the team? Her thoughts wandered as she pulled into the parking lot, finding Kyoichi's Evo and parking next to it. When she got inside, he noticed her talking with a hostess before heading over to him.
"Hey, sorry I'm a bit late." She gave a quick, small smile as she sat down across from him. "It's fine, only been here a few minutes." He said as he waved his hand slightly. "So, what did you want to talk about?" (Y/N) asked slowly.
"Oh," her eyes widened as she nodded slowly, not expecting such a straightforward answer, "that's... probably the most straightforward thing I've ever heard from someone." She said a bit shyly.
Kyoichi smirked. "I like to get straight to the point."
"Yeah, you sure do." She nodded in agreement. "So, what would you like to know?"
Kyoichi leaned against the side of his car, a cigarette hanging from his lips as he was deep in thought. To think she gained so much skill in such a short amount of time. Putting herself in different mental scenarios to come up with solutions to possible problems or obstacles. Her instincts and adaptability are so damn high because of that. Impressive. Taking another drag from his cigarette he turned his head to look down the road. Multiple loud bangs flooded the air as the sound of a high revving engine made its way closer.
The shine of headlights appeared from the corner, approaching at blistering speeds. A quick flash of red sped past him followed by another series of bangs as the red Evo climbed up Irohazaka.
She's one hell of a woman.
Kyoichi decided to get in his car and drive up as well. By the time he reached the top, (Y/N) was chilling on the hood of the car drinking a small can of coffee. Parking next to her, he got out and leaned against the front right fender of his car.
"Stalking me as I do practice runs, are we?" she smirked, taking a sip of coffee.
He scoffed, "Hardly stalking if you can see me so easily."
"True, or you could be really bad at it. Is there anything you are good at, or are you just naturally a bad boy?" her tone changed more to a teasing, seductive one for the last half of her sentence. The smirk on her face stayed the same, her eyes on his, almost challenging him.
He took the time to stare into her eyes. Now he had an excuse to do it and not get made fun of by the guys; if they were here. He could easily see the fire that shone in those (E/C) of her eyes. He loved that. She's a woman who likes challenges and doesn't back down from them until she wins or loses. She doesn't run from danger; she runs to it.
"I guess you'll have to see for yourself." Mirroring her smirk, he shrugged. Getting off of her car, she stood in front of him.
"Then show me."
Without hesitation, he took hold of her wrist and waist, turning her around and laying her on the hood of his Evo. Hooking an arm around his neck, she pulled him down, crashing her lips onto his.
Their kisses were rough, Kyoichi holding her hip with one hand and pinning her wrist onto the hood with the other. His muscular thighs were pressed against hers. She could feel the small flexes they made when he moved, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't like it.
Kyoichi pulled away from the kiss, leaning towards her neck. (Y/N) gasped when lightly bit at her neck, soon leaving a dark purple mark just below the side of her jaw. Pulling away from her completely he smirked, admiring his work.
He loved how she looked, spread out on his car like that. Just imagining what else he could do to her like that got both of them riled up in the mind. When (Y/N) was off of his car and back by hers with cheeks still flushed red and legs a little weak, Kyoichi spoke up as he got in his car.
"If you thought that was bad, call me if you want worse." He winked and smiled smugly when he saw her blush get worse before he took off down the mountain.
"Damn, that man is something else."
Spectators lined the edges of Akina's pass behind the guardrails, having heard of the infamous Takumi Fujiwara taking part in a race against Seiji. Team Emperor traveled across the prefecture taking down all the teams in the region. Since Ryosuke Takahashi was beaten by Fujiwara, Kyoichi wanted to make sure he was beaten before his rematch with Ryosuke.
(Y/N) was the last of the team to arrive, but still had plenty of time before the race started. Parking her Evo next to Kyoichi's, she got out. "'Bout time you showed up! You're late." One of the guys piped up.
"I'm not late, we still got a half hour before the race starts. I'm not the one racing anyway." She waved them off and hopped up onto the hood, per usual. She leaned her back against the windshield and her legs were stretched out in front of her, ankles crossed.
The kid going against Seiji showed up last minute, the race starting immediately after. (Y/N) glanced at Kyoichi and the rest of the guys talking with him. Her eyes then glanced to the back door of his car. She smiled mischievously, silently getting off of her car and quietly making her way to the back-right door of Kyoichi's Evo. His back was to her, the other guys were facing mostly the same way.
Slowly, she opened the door as quietly as possible before snatching what she wanted, shutting the door just as quietly. Smiling in victory she slipped on Kyoichi's blue jacket, no longer trying to be quiet as she walked back to the front of her car. It was pretty big on her considering Kyoichi had quite a bit of muscle on him. The ends of the sleeves went past the tips of her fingers just a bit and the bottom of the jacket ended on her upper thighs.
Looks like Kyoichi got a new addition to his team. She's quite easy on the eyes, isn't she? Ryosuke looked her over, a small smirk on his face. He wondered how Kyoichi would react if he flirted with her a bit. He decided to put his small plan into action when she finally started walking over after staring at something on his side of the lot for a while.
As she got closer, he began walking in her direction to meet her in the middle. "Excuse me." (Y/N) stopped and looked up at the guy who approached her. "I'm sorry for stopping you but I must say, you are quite beautiful." He gave her a charming smile and she raised an eyebrow.
"Yo, Kyoichi." One of the guys tapped him on the shoulder and pointed behind him. "Takahashi is talking up your girl." Hearing this made him instantly turn around, locking eyes on their forms. He was giving a death glare to Ryosuke, often looking at (Y/N) to see her expressions. She looked a little confused and highly uninterested. Kyoichi was a bit relieved to see that. He was also surprised she wasn't interested to some degree since nearly all women within a thousand feet of Ryosuke swooned over him like he was a god, always complimenting his looks and height.
Kyoichi wasn't exactly on the tall side of men according to himself since most women went for a guy 6' and up. He was 5'7". Of course, there were girls who didn't care how tall a guy was as long as they were taller than them. (Y/N) was definitely shorter than him. She never made any mention for caring about this kind of thing, so he could only hope she preferred him over Takahashi.
He continued watching the interaction and he was starting to think she didn't even know who she was talking to. Ryosuke was starting to look a bit confused as well, giving Kyoichi more of a notion he was right.
"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm terribly sorry. I'm Ryosuke Takahashi, I lead the Akagi RedSuns." He smiled charmingly once again, giving his head a slight tilt. His hair dropped a bit in a good-looking manner, but sadly, not having the desired effect on (Y/N) that he was going after.
She turned on her heel and headed in the direction of where she was originally intending to go. The vending machine. She got two cans of her favourite coffee before walking back to her team. It was when she was heading back and facing Kyoichi's direction that he noticed the jacket she was wearing. Is that mine? When did she get that? he looked through the windshield of his car, seeing no jacket in the back seat. He quietly hummed, looking back at her.
He had to admit, she looks good in it. He'd love to see her in the rest of his clothes. "Weird ass guy." (Y/N)'s voice pulled him from his thoughts making him think he said it out loud before she continued speaking. "You know who that guy is? He wouldn't shut up."
"Ryosuke Takahashi." Kyoichi replied.
"That's what he told me, but he said it in a way like I was expected to know who the hell he was and be impressed by it." She sighed, opening a can of coffee, taking a drink.
"You have no idea who he is?" Kyoichi was surprised, every street racer has heard of him.
"Nope. I don't care either, he's weird." This made him and the guys laugh. Finally, a girl who doesn't like him.
This reassured Kyoichi tenfold knowing he has no competition with Takahashi. When she was close enough, he skillfully wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her to his right side. His hand keeping a tight grip on the side of her hip. After her initial shock she relaxed into his hold easily, dropping her head to rest on his shoulder. She could pick up on the faint smell of his cologne, deep and musky; it fit him perfectly.
Out of the corner of his eye, Kyoichi saw Ryosuke looking in their direction. He lowered his hand to her ass, giving it a squeeze. She let out a mixture of a hum and sigh, leaning a bit more into him. Kyoichi smirked when he looked down at her.
When the race ended, and Seiji drove back up, he ended up not following the last half of the simulation Kyoichi told him to use. When everyone else had left and Emperor was the last group on the top of Akina, Seiji got bitch slapped. Kyoichi wasn't happy to say the least, giving Seiji a rough lecture about fucking up such a simple plan and needing more patience. (Y/N) thought it was a bit much, but she was sure Seiji learned his lesson and he wouldn't have to worry about getting slapped again.
The next time the team was partaking in a race was back on Irohazaka. (Y/N) had her car in the shop getting some tricky parts installed so she had to hitch a ride with Kyoichi. She had a little plan up her sleeve. She told him she'd give his jacket back the next time they met up, which is tonight.
The tension between them has been getting thicker and she was about to cut it. They both have been wanting to get on the other and that was going to happen tonight. She's going to rile him up until he's got her on the hood of his car.
What he doesn't know: she's not wearing anything underneath his jacket.
Throughout the entire night she's been teasing him subtly, little by little. He couldn't tell if they were on purpose or not since her neutral expression didn't help him at all. They were small things, almost unnoticeable. Light brushes of her hands against his thighs, staring at his neck, arms, waist, and lower. She only looked away a few seconds after he looked directly at her, like she was coming out of a daydream. It was frustrating him.
This had to be on purpose. She unzipped his jacket just enough to show her collarbones. Nothing unusual there, except for the fact he couldn't see the bits of a shirt or tank top anywhere. Everything else she chose to wear looked too easy to take off.
Kyoichi was a bit happy he was wearing pants that were on the baggy side to hide his, well, "frustration". When this race was finished and everyone left, he was going to show her the consequences of teasing him. If she wants to go around thinking she's got all the control like she rules the situation, he's going to show her who the real emperor is.
Soon enough, that time finally came. As soon as the last car turned around the corner and out of sight, Kyoichi pinned her on the side of his car. A small gasp past her lips when her back hit the car. Her wrists were pinned on each side of her head, Kyoichi keeping a firm grip on them.
"If you think you can play these games and not get punished for it, you're going to get it rough, babe." He leaned forward, speaking lowly in her ear with a deep, husky voice.
"What if that's what I want?" she replied, mirroring his tone. Kyoichi nearly growled as he leaned down further to bite at her neck, leave rough kisses, filling it with marks. (Y/N) let her head fall back to rest on the Evo, giving him more access to her neck. With each nip at her soft skin, she let out quiet, breathy moans.
When he finally let go of her wrists, she wrapped them around his neck, her hands holding onto the sides of his shoulders. She flipped them around, Kyoichi's back hitting his car. He was slightly taken aback by her sudden strength and how quickly she took his shirt off, yet he easily molded into the rough kiss she initiated.
She's feisty and he loves every bit of it. He loves the challenge of authority she gives him. The constant fight of who's in charge, who's the most dominant, and what they'll do to stay on top. Kyoichi revels in it.
With a hand in her hair and the other keeping a firm grip on her ass, he forced his tongue past her lips, covering the entirety of his new territory and the sound of moans escaping from her throat and her tongue fighting for dominance only pushed him further.
Letting out a low, guttural groan, Kyoichi moved his hand from her hair to the other side of her ass, picking her up and moving to the front his car, laying her back flat against the hood of the black Evo, a leg on each side of him. He trailed his hands up her thighs, slowly, almost teasingly until he reached the waistband of her skirt. Hooking his fingers, he slid her skirt down her legs until they were off completely.
He decided he wasn't patient enough to drag this out when he pulled off her underwear as well adding to the small pile on the ground. When he was about to reach up to unzip his jacket she was wearing, she did it for him. His hunch from earlier proved he was correct; she wasn't wearing anything underneath it.
Her appearance before him was only making the tightness in his pants much, much tighter. Completely bare from the waist down and his jacket barely covering her breasts. He was both turned on and annoyed by the fact she was like this the whole time. The places they went throughout the day, the entire drive up here, and there was nothing under that damn jacket. If he wasn't already going to fuck her roughly for her teasing, he's sure as hell about to for this.
The sheer thought of watching her getting railed by his dick and only wearing his jacket had him lowly growling, as he leaned down leaving bite marks along her collarbones. (Y/N) bucked her hips up, her arousal hitting Kyoichi's making him hiss deeply. Her hands were on his back, lightly trailing up and down was nearly driving him insane. When he pulled back, she wore a small smirk, her cheeks were flushed, and her lips, red. She looked him in the eyes and spoke, her voice a bit higher, seductive, and purring lightly.
"I want you... Emperor."
Kyoichi stopped moving for a moment, his muscles tense as he quickly processed her words. His eyes darkened and all in one swift motion he had his belt off, pants and boxers lowered, and slammed himself into her with no warning. (Y/N)'s eyes rolled back, her back arched, and she nearly screamed from the pleasurable and painful sensation. Her nails left deep marks in his back; some drew blood.
Kyoichi's thrusts were fast paced and rough that caused the Evo to rock slightly which each thrust in. "K-Kyoichi, f-fuck!" (Y/N) whimpered loudly. Having a hard time forming coherent sentences and words, she filled the air with moans, whines, and whimpers. She chanted his voice over and over until her voice went raw.
Her hair was clinging her face, and a sheen layer of sweat covered their skin. Kyoichi has never felt so in control over anything until now. The sight of her beneath him, sprawled out on top of his car, his jacket leaving the covered bits of her to the imagination raised his pride tenfold. There was no feeling more superior than this.
Her hoarse voice calling his name like it was the only thing she could remember. Such bliss. She was dominant in her own right and really knew how to get Kyoichi riled up. He wondered if she could up the dominant persona even when she's on the bottom.
He was pleasantly surprised when she pulled him down, latching her lips onto his neck, nipping, biting, and sucking on one spot leaving a dark hickey he knew would be a bitch to try and cover up. When she stopped making noise but gave the expressions of a moan as he continued his rough thrusts, he realized she lost her voice.
"Good to know I can fuck you so well that you go mute." He said through heavy pants and a smirk played on his lips. She let out a whine that was barely a whisper and smacked his shoulder, making him chuckle deeply.
She was getting close when her walls started to tighten around him, and he was too. His thrusts had gotten sloppy over the last few minutes and his breaths were heavy. He lifted one her legs up a bit, allowing him to go deeper. He groaned when she raked her nails up his back, running over small cuts that she made earlier.
(Y/N) arched her back, letting out a silent scream as she came. Kyoichi continued his thrusts for another minute until he came as well. Panting heavily, they slowly came down from their high. Kyoichi recovered the fastest, situating himself after a few minutes, his clothes put back on. After (Y/N) put on her clothes and zipped up the jacket, she got off the hood of Kyoichi's Evo and would've faceplanted onto the ground if he didn't catch her. She gave a whisper-like whine as she held onto him. She wasn't going to be able to walk for a while. Kyoichi smiled subtly at the thought.
"You've been awfully quiet, (Y/N)." Some the guys look at her curiously after their friend spoke up. She smiled smugly and shrugged pointing at Kyoichi. They all gave a low "Ooh." When Seiji arrived, he nearly spit out his drink at the sight on Kyoichi.
"Yo, Kyoichi!" Seiji called out to him, causing him to look at the guy.
"Nice hickey!" Kyoichi glared and flipped him off.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
I don't want to watch Back to the Future
Billy Bennett x Male Reader
Request - Billy Bennett x male reader fluff. Reader is a student at Kings and grows bored. The Legacies minus Saya and Maria are annoying and he starts talking to Billy and Co. maybe he helps Billy with Classes, like a study buddies to boyfriends thing? And subsequent questions and teasing from each of their friends
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Billy is having lunch with Lex and Lex noticed how Billy is looking at you.
”Just to talk to him, mate,” Lex said.
”I can't. What if he doesn't want to speak with me? He will think I'm a loser” Billy said.
”Don’t be an idiot, mate. Y/N doesn't care about status, he actually told me that he liked my leather jacket” Lex said.
Billy did feel a little jealous that you spoke to Lex.
”I will try since we have the same classes,” Billy said.
”Don’t chicken out” Lex said.
After lunch, Billy goes to class and he doesn't like history. You walked in the classroom only seat available is next to Billy and you sit next to him. Deep down Billy is smiling and he will try to play it cool.
The whole school King's Dominion Atelier knows about your family's legacy. Your mother is the top drug cartel crime lord and she is very ruthless. She always gets away with breaking the law and she knows very powerful people that will help her avoid jail time.
Your father is a dirty ex- FBI agent and knows very powerful people also. Now he sells secrets of the governments, weapons, and drugs in the black market.
Billy got his exam back and he failed and you passed your exam.
”Ugh! I hate history” Billy said.
”You have no chance passing this class with those grades,” Master Lin said.
He walked away and you look at Billy.
”I can help you study,” You said.
His eyes opened wide and he smiled.
”Y-yeah! I really need-”
Master Lin smacked the back of your head and Billy’s head hard.
”No talking in my classroom. Pay attention” Master Lin said.
You start to rub your head and Billy does the same.
Class is over and you went to your bedroom to grab other books. Billy ran to his room that he shares with Lex.
”Lex, I need you to leave now. Y/N is coming over to tutor me!” Billy said out loud.
”Nice. But I don't want to leave I will just stay” Lex teased.
”Dude! He will be here” Billy said.
Lex gently smack his face.
”Calm down, mate. Remember, guys like him are hard to impress and if he turns your down is not the end of the world” Lex said.
”You are a horrible motivational speaker,” Billy said.
You knocked on the door and Billy is freaking out. Lex opened the door
”Y/N! Good to see you mate!” Lex said.
”Hi Lex,” You said.
”Well, mates I'm going to have some real fun, not like you two!” Lex said and left.
Billy is glad that Lex left and the room is kinda messy.
”Ready to study?” You asked.
”No, but I don't have a choice and I don't want to fail,” Billy said.
”I will try my best to help you understand history,” You said.
Billy couldn't help to smile.
You sit on his bed and he sits next to you really close. He finds history to be very boring and it makes him sleepy.
”Don’t fall asleep on me” You said.
”History is soo boring. Y/N why would anyone like history?” Billy said.
”I like history because I like to read,” You said.
”Oh. I promise I won’t fall asleep” Billy said.
”I won't let you,” You said.
You and Billy stay up all night studying together. Lex hasn't come back.
✪ ✪ ✪ ✪
Besides history class, you have another class with him and it's toxicology.
”I’m going to prank on Viktor” Billy whispered to you.
”If you get caught I don't know you” You whispered back.
You and Billy tried not to laugh out loud.
You watched Billy make laxative and be the look for professor Jürgen. Viktor is flirting with someone and Billy managed to put laxative in Viktor’s energy drink.
”Now we wait and watch,” Billy said.
He gave you a high five.
Viktor did drink the energy drink seconds later, he starts to feel strange. Billy is laughing and you try not to laugh. Viktor ran out but he accidentally pushed you into the acid chemical on your clothes started to get ruined.
You rapidly took off your shirt and it didn't get on your skin.
”Y/N this isn't a party to get naked” professor Jürgen said.
”Sorry, professor Jürgen,” You said.
”Leave my classroom and come back tomorrow,” professor Jürgen said.
You and Billy leave the classroom.
”My room is closer and you can have my shirt” Billy said.
Billy can't stop checking you out.
”T-thanks,” You said.
You and Billy have been spending more time together and learning about each other. But Billy hasn't asked you out yet and he chickens out when he tries to ask you out.
”Is that Billy’s shirt?” Lex asked.
”Yeah. I ruined my shirt in toxicology class-”
”Don’t lie, mate, you and Billy finally fucked” Lex said.
”We didn't have sex” You said.
Billy and Marcus came back with the pizza. Lex told Marcus that you and Billy had sex but Marcus knew Lex is lying.
”Lex, stop teasing them. We already know they are dating” Marcus teased.
”We are not dating,” Billy said.
Marcus and Lex kept teasing and you rolled your eyes at them.
Billy has a hard time telling you how he feels. Lex is giving him a hard time about him not telling you. But he knew how to tell you and he can't stop thinking about the idea.
He bought empty cassette tapes and he started to make a list of songs. He wants to show that he really likes you. And he picked a few bands.
The past 3 days you and the others haven't seen Billy. He is almost done now he starts to write the band's names and song titles. he is proud of himself.
✪ ✪ ✪ ✪
There is a party and everyone from school went. Everyone is drinking and having a good time, but you are looking for Billy.
”Billy where the hell you been!?” You asked.
”I have been busy. So I heard Viktor asked you out” Billy said.
”He did and-”
Billy didn't let you finish the sentence.
”You can't go out with him, Y/N. I'm not good at this talking about my feelings on certain things. But I want you to have this” Billy said.
He gave you two mixtapes and you smiled.
”Thanks. We can listen to it in my car” You said.
”Awesome!” Billy said.
You have a blue Toyota mr2, you put in the tape and pressed play.
”It took me forever to make sure the songs are perfect. It's hard to record it and do it over once I messed up” Billy said.
”Billy, I said no to Viktor when he asked me out. I like someone else” You said.
”Who do you like? Is it, Marcus? I know everyone likes him” Billy said.
”I like you, Billy. You making this mixtape it's awesome. No one has ever made me a mixtape” You said.
You and Billy smile at each other. Billy pressed his lips and you start to kiss him. After the kiss, you and Billy hold hands in the car. He talks about the songs that he picked.
You and Billy go to the movie theater and its the first date. You and Billy are watching Weird Science.
”Let’s watch another movie,” You said.
”Sure,” Billy said.
Billy tried the new counterfeit money that Lex gave him. Billy used it to buy snacks then you and Billy sneaked in to watch Mad Max.
✪ ✪ ✪ ✪
You and Billy walked on the roof holding hands. Lex and the others are smoking cigarettes and they are happy for you and Billy.
”About time, you two wankers got together,” Lex said.
”Now the whole school knows we are dating,” You said.
Billy lights up his cigarette.
”Money worked and we managed to buy snacks and sneak into Mad Max,” Billy said.
Billy high five Lex and you are sitting next to Marcus.
After a long day of school, you are in Billy’s room. You are in his bed and cuddling with him. Lex isn't in the room, so Billy has alone time with you.
”We have to study,” You said.
”No we don't. We need a break we just had four exams” Billy yawned.
”We have two more exams tomorrow” You said.
Billy picked up his head and he starts to kiss you.
”Let’s take a nap now then we study,” Billy said.
You kiss him back.
”Sounds good,” You said.
Billy smiled and kissed you again. You and Billy did fall asleep together and he cuddles onto you even more.
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kongpeople · 5 years
full moon | part four
full moon part 4
chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 (not out yet)
pairing: richie x reader
age of the main characters: 17-18
word count: 3,134 (wow!)
warnings: smoking, cursing, sexual harassment, irresponsible driving
tense: 1st person
abbreviations: y/n : your name
prompts: 97: “ Don’t touch me. ”
music recommendations: goodbye (karaoke) by don’t hug me i’m scared, sweet dreams (are made of this) by emily browning, midnight in the garden by atli örvarsson
a/n: so many words wow hope you enjoy this long ass chapter! (i could’ve split it into at least two parts but it’s all for you 💜)
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(goodbye (karaoke) by don’t hug me i’m scared LOOP ON)
I got through the already broken fence and stepped into the woods with ease. I could see the bloody balloon very well, surrounded by the fields of various trees and bushes, it was almost screaming to get my attention. I heard a subtle crack behind me, but couldn’t dare to get my focus off the flying object. Right away I noticed a big tree that no longer had the feeling of an unkept jungle. Inside the tree was a huge hole, pitch black inside, where probably five grown men could fit. The balloon suddenly stopped and levitated in place. Before I could proceed to overthink anything, a white gloved hand appeared from the tree hole. I watched as it clutched on the dirt, crawling out. When a red pompommed wrist showed, my nerves went loose and made me scream for my life.
I closed my mouth when the light caressing my closed eyes disappeared, and darkness surrounded me. I opened my eyes and just then felt the overwhelmingly intense cologne irritating my nostrils. Sound not hitting me yet, I tilted my head back and looked around. No longer was there a big tree nor the tree hole. Not even the bloody red balloon, but a bushy and disgustingly moist forest again. Looking up, I saw the face of Lucifer himself, Richard Tozier, gazing down at me, saying something in my direction. My hands were on his chest, while his on my shoulders, shaking me subtly. Just then, when all senses hit me, I heard his voice.
“(y/n), (y/n), jesus, do you hear me?” His tone was annoyed but also a bit worried, I guessed. I opened my mouth, trying to spit something out as well as going through everything that had happened. His hands were still clutched on my thin sleeves.
“I, uh, the tree, balloon...” I muttered. Richard’s brows furrowed, as he penetrated my eyes with his gaze, seeking an explanation. “Wait, you followed me here?”
He scoffed. “I found you screaming in the woods, talking about balloons, and you’re asking me about following you?” He’s avoiding the question. His hands finally left my shoulders and I took mine off his chest as well, missing the feel of a leather jacket on my fingertips left behind. I stumbled back and reflected on what had happened again.
“Let’s go back.” He pushed me in the right direction extremely cautiously and began to walk behind me, leading and watching my step.
A minute has passed, and I couldn’t gather my thoughts. The fact that Richard Tozier followed me to the woods hasn’t hit me yet, as the bushy forest disappeared and I was once again at the school backyard.
“Try not to die when I’m gone, okay?” And with that, Richard has passed me from behind, hands in his pockets, with no intention of going back to biology class. His head down and back arched, somehow with grace, he disappeared, once again, leaving me trembling.
(goodbye (karaoke) by don’t hug me i’m scared OFF)
“Anyway, we’re going to the shopping center in Augusta, you should come with us, (y/n).” Jane awakes my consciousness once again.
“Huh? Sorry, what for?” Her stare deepens as she raises her eyebrows at me.
“To try on prom gowns.” Jane repeats slowly, visibly not concealing her annoyance with me. “(y/n), you didn’t forget, did you? Prom is in three weeks.” She scoffed. I did forget.
“No, of course not.” I tried laughing it off, but my acting skills weren’t top notch. “Yeah, sure, I’ll go with you. I have something to get in Augusta anyway.”
“Great, so it’s settled.” Emma speaks up. “Wednesday after school, we’ll go by a bus.”
It’ll be good to take my thoughts off Richard for a while. Or so I thought, but didn’t realize how far away it would be from Derry. By the time we got there, I was already exhausted. Augusta, being the capital of Maine, population 18,594 as of 2017, has still been nothing compared to Phoenix. I glanced at the flashy, yellow sticky note once again, memorizing the address written down on it. Jane and Emma found themselves trying on the fifth dress since they got in the mall.
“Does it make my boobs look bigger? I think it does.” Jane fixed the corset. “(y/n), what do you think?”
I looked up from the note and murmured. “It’s nice.”
“That’s what you said about the other three.” She sighed.
“It looks very good on you.” Emma helped me out, clearly satisfying Jane with that. I glanced at the hung up clock and cautiously stood up from my spot by the window.
“Hey guys, I’m gonna go grab something from the library real quick. I’ll see you at the restaurant.” Jane let out a silent “oh, okay” and I left.
Leaving the mall, it was no surprise to notice raindrops falling down onto the uneven pavement. Asking around, I got to the destination on my sticky note. The library was extremely cozy. All woody and traditional. It reminded me of my favorite Hollister store in Phoenix.
“Are you looking for something?” An old lady sitting behind the desk uttered in a raspy voice.
“Yes, um, I’m looking for ‘The History of Derry’. Is there a chance I could get it?” I smiled lightly and found myself caressing my unpainted fingernails.
“Just a minute.” She stood up and walked to the nearest wooden shelf. After fixing her glasses and running her finger through the book spines, she grabbed one by it’s headband and handed it over to me. The book was a square covered in brown leather, with black painted words on top. I payed for it and left.
(sweet dreams (are made of this) by emily browning ON)
“Have a good night.” I exclaimed as I walked out, and concluded with surprise that it was already dark outside. The air was humid and the street lights were dimmed. I hid the book inside my messenger bag, and trying to recall the directions to the mall, I entered the dark maze of grey buildings and narrow alleys. The claustrophobic street opened as I found myself in a dimmed and moist crossroad between abandoned buildings, looking scarier than I recalled. A band of men standing next to their rusting cars, noticed an intruder, being me.
“Hey, where ya goin’, sweet cheeks?” One of them exclaimed as I fastened my pace. They laughed and walked towards me. A four pack of beer flew from behind me, landing in the men’s in front of me hands. I acknowledged that I’m being circled.
“What are you up to so late at night, huh?” He caressed my chin as I turned my head in the other direction, almost tripping over. My brain was frozen in place like a wheel that could no longer turn. I was paralyzed by my own fear. I knew exactly what was about to happen but I could do nothing to stop it. Soon, I would be nothing more than a news story of a young, innocent girl found dead on the streets of Augusta. There was no one here to save me.
“Don’t touch me.” I muttered through clenched teeth. They continued to laugh and circle me tighter, from time to time whispering something to me. Trying to get a glimpse of my predators, I felt dizziness hitting me. They were close enough now that I could see the sick, twisted grins of the two men in front of me. I spun on my heel, only to see that the others had expressions that matched. They would enjoy this. I could see it on their faces.
"I want her first this time Jared," the man closest to me said to one of his companions.
"No fair! You got the last one first!" he replied, outraged.
"Boys, since you can't seem to stop fighting, I'm going to get her all to myself." The oldest looking one said. Tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision.
"Aw, come on!" the other man said. He came over to me and wrapped around the middle of my body. That one griped me so tightly he was going to leave bruises, not that it would really matter in the long run. "Such a pretty thing," he continued, stroking my face with his fingertips.
"Mmm..." his breathing began to speed up. Quick gusts of hot air were being blown onto my exposed skin. "Now where shall we begin?"
As I was about to shout for help, a violent tyre squeal made everyone jump away from the sound. As the men rushed back, I turned face to face with the familiar, matte black Toyota MR2. As I stared into the blinding lights of the car, the driver doors opened rapidly and a black figure walked out. In the dimmed light, his skin looked paler than ever, his eyes darker than in the sunlight.
“Get in the car.” He spit out as he pushed me towards the vehicle. I followed his command numb headed. Inside the car, I felt a gust of cologne hitting my nostrils. The upholstery was nice in touch and warm. I thrilled to the sensation as I observed a peculiar scene. Richard appeared to be having a staring contest with my predators. As they backed out, he slowly spun on his heel and got inside the car. Trembling, he did an irresponsible maneuver, almost hitting the men, then spun the car around and drove off violently. Holding onto the cup holder as much as I could, I heard a small ‘what the fuck’ coming out of his mouth. I glanced at his tense face.
“You followed me. Again.” I spoke numbly. Richard inhaled sharply.
“I was driving by.” I gaped unimpressed and observed his maneuver.
“You should put your seatbelt on.” He laughed at my nervousness, revealing his teeth.
“You put your seatbelt on.” He scoffed, fixing his grip on the steering wheel. I pushed my back against the passenger seat and stared at the road with no expression, as Richard drove dangerously, earning honks from the cars he has passed.
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(sweet dreams (are made of this) by emily browning OFF)
“Where in the world have you been?” Jane exclaimed as I got out of the black matte car in front of the restaurant we were supposed to meet at. “We’ve waited for you over 3 hours! What the hell, (y/n)?” As I was about to apologize to Jane and Emma, a voice interrupted me.
“Sorry, it’s my fault.” Richard came out of his matte black car and smiled lightly at the girls, pushing his hair back, and making them gape uncontrollably. “We ran into each other and started talking. I lost the track of time.” He sure knew how to charm anyone. Jane tucked her hair behind her ear and exchanged the smile. “I thought (y/n) would be hungry, so I offered her a meal before a ride home, since it’s already dark outside.”
Jane and Emma looked at each other knowingly and grinned widely.
“No, I mean, of course. We were already leaving anyway, right, Jane?” Emma spit out, to which Jane nodded energetically.
“Yeah, so have a safe ride home, (y/n). See you at school.” She gave me a smile and passed me, giggling with Emma. I glanced at Richard, he seemed to be staring at me this whole time.
“A meal? Really?”
“What? If you’d rather stay with your best guy friends back there, you should’ve said so.” He spit out. “They sure seemed nice to me.” I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I followed him inside the restaurant. We sat down by the empty table with two seats. He handed me the menu. I glanced briefly at it, feeling his gaze on me.
“You know, I’m not that hungry.”
“Still, you should eat.” He didn’t move his stare off me.
“Why would you care?” I put the menu down. He thrilled to the sentence for a while. Before he could answer, a waitress with a punk hairstyle and heavy makeup approached our table.
“Hi there, how could I help you?” She says, swaying her hips and checking out Richard, as if I didn’t exist. He took a look at the menu for the first time and turned to the waitress.
“Cheese ravioli for this lady.” I looked away as he used his most seductive voice. She wrote something down.
“And something for you?”
“A glass of water would be great.” He smiled stunningly, making her blush.
“It’s on me.” The waitress winked at him and left, swaying her hips once again. He concentrated on me at last.
“What if I was lactose intolerant?” Richard laughed at my seriousness.
“Then I’d be in trouble.” He flashed his pearly white teeth at me and I looked away once more. I bit my lip awkwardly. I had so many questions buzzing in my head, none of them escaping my mouth. The feeling of confusion made me scream for a rest. I shouldn’t be afraid of him, definitely shouldn’t show him that. Who is he to me? No one, right. He’s no one.
“Why did you follow me?” A question rolled out of my mouth. His face was expressionless, making it even harder for me to read him.
“I already told you. I was driving by.” Does he take me for a dumbass? His eyes showed no emotions, yet lips formed into a thin line.
“Yeah, sure. Just like that time in the woods, right? You were just...” I crossed my arms. “Passing by.” Whatever he was doing, was not working on me. All of his lies and explanations. Richard smirked, looking down at his hands.
“I guess you could say so.” I scoffed in disbelieve. At this moment, the waitress trespassed our bubble of awkwardness and placed a glass of water in front of him. I gave her a death stare as she left. “You know...” He brought my attention back to him. “You’re so stubborn, why can’t you just thank me and forget all of this ever happened?”
“Listen.” I raised my voice, stern as ever. “I don’t know what it is that you’re doing, but I want you to tell me about Neibolt.” Richard stiffened. “I saw the way you reacted at the party when I said it’s name. I know you can tell me what it is.” His stare was no longer relaxed, brows furrowed and lips still formed into a thin line. “Please.”
He looked away for the first time. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I scoffed at his response.
“You’re kidding me, right? Of course you know what I’m talking about.” I exclaimed, but quickly hushed myself. “I want to know. I want to know what the Neibolt house is and why I’m having these god awful nightmares. I know it sounds crazy... but there’s something that pulls me towards it.” He sighed, as his gaze softened.
(midnight in the garden by atli örvarsson LOOP ON)
“See? Why are you like this?” My eyes widened, brows furrowed. “I tried avoiding you, keeping my cool, but you pulled me inside your world and now, it’s too late.” His tone was soft and vulnerable. Richard looked around as if someone was overhearing. “I want to know you. You seem like someone worth knowing. Every day, I feel like I’m surrounded by people with hard edges and sour faces, but I get the sense that you’re different. Too often people seem to think that they have the answers to everything. Their faces are trapped in permascowls and they can’t be bothered with anything besides their own narcissism. You aren’t like that. You still ask questions. You’re still looking for the answers...” The waitress cut him off, as she placed a plate before me. She smiled once again at Richard, but he didn’t exchange it, still tense. He sighed as she left.
“Weren’t you the one who told me to stay away from you?” I huffed, clenching my fists.
“I meant it would be better if we weren’t friends, not that I didn’t want to.”
I tried gathering my thoughts. Frustrated at not being able to answer him, I looked down at my plate and began to eat the already cold pasta. Did he just open up to me? I couldn’t believe he was the same Richard from school, cold and calm. I heard a chair squeak against the wooden floor as Richard stood up from his seat, hands in pockets.
“I need to go for a smoke.” He murmured and left. I noticed he left money to pay.
After a few minutes I couldn’t stand the tension and left a half full plate. As I walked out, I saw him leaned against his car, a cigarette in his mouth. He threw it out and crushed with his heel. We got in the car and he started the engine. His quietness was intimidating.
“Richard..” I broke the silence. “Please, I need you to tell me about Neibolt.” He fixed his grip on the steering wheel. I noticed he does that when he’s nervous. After a moment of silence, he spoke.
“Back there, in the woods, did you see a clown?” I wasn’t ready for such a question.
“I, uh, I guess. Yes? I think I did. I don’t remember much. I just know I saw a balloon, and when I followed it, it lead me to an old tree with a tree hole in it... Then something started coming out of it.” Richard fixed his grip again.
“Are you doing something tomorrow after school?” His voice was serious.
“No, I don’t think so.” Richard nodded to himself.
“Alright, I’ll show you something tomorrow.” As he said that, the car stopped. He got out the car and walked over to the passenger door, opening them. He leaned over to take my seatbelt off.
“I can do it myself.” I murmured coldly. I pressed my back against the seat, watching as he freezes before me. His side profile was right before my eyes, and I could smell his perfume very well. His jaw clenched as he took a deep breath. Richard backed out, almost embarrassed, and I got out of the car. We were outside my house. He closed the car doors behind me and once again glared at me. I exchanged the look, admiring his beauty. He truly is charming.
“Thanks.” I spit out looking down. I threw him an awkward half smile and proceeded to head home. I turned around at the doorstep and saw him leaning against his car, watching me. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I spoke up once again, seeing his dark as night eyes and a hand raised goodbye last time, before closing front doors behind me.
(midnight in the garden by atli örvarsson OFF)
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nek-ros · 4 years
journey into hell: a recap
> starts plague star bounty as wisp
> forgot to switch my gun to kuva chakkhurr, realizes i have a rad/viral glaxion vandal instead, which is fine i guess so i can just focus on killing the lesser enemies
> got stuck with a mr20, mr2, and mr7 player
> mr20 player conveniently didnt adjust the amount of infested catalysts (like come on, just use one catalyst and four eidolon phylaxises since these new players cant fuckin handle hemocytes and im a fucking support frame. and this guy puts in FOUR FUCKING CATALYSTS) and the mr7 player went afk for 10 FUCKING MINUTES during the last stage
> bugged out at the third hemocyte, none of my abilities worked, melee didnt work, gear didnt work so i couldnt archwing or pull out my heavy weapon, so i could only attack with primary and secondary weapons
> players ditched the bounty so i effectively wasted my phylaxises
> *alad v death noise*
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zarzarzarzarzar · 7 years
Welp. This Friday's gonna be weird, but the rest of my month is gonna be dope af. My weekends in May this year are really quite packed. I started off the month going to a vaporwave event with @moocow- and chad. Kris invited another friend along and it was pretty damn lit. The music was hat, kris got an offer to do visuals, we all got to talk about a lot of our sadboi and sadgirl feels. We went home a little early to grab nations cuz we were all pretty drunk and had the drunchies. After nations, we grabbed some beers at Safeway. Chad started with Kris cuz she was 3turnt3walk. I went in with her friend and we had this long discussion about what chips to get everyone 😂😂. After we got back to Kris' spot, we all just drank a bit more and talked. At one point her friend was like, damn, I wish I could drive an mr2 so I was like, "fuck it, let's go?" And tossed my keys over. What was supposed to be a ten minute drive around the neighborhood turned into an hour long drive down skyline and back. We stopped by 7-11 to grab an Arizona to finish of the aesthetic day. From there we filled up gas and went home. After I got home, I went bank to the city with Joanne to pick up Sally from her cousin's wedding. Had a real thought provoking conversation with the two, like always, and they dropped me off at home so I could get ready for how weird. SUNDAY was pretty wild. Chad and I drove to sf for the How Weird street festival. I was wearing my panda onesie, so I had my phone in my bag the entire time. It was really liberating not checking Facebook every ten minutes. I had some edibles and smoked chad's pen, so I got so ridiculously high that I forgot cell phone's existed. There was one guy in our group that we all keep forgetting was even with us. It's pretty funny tbh. But it was a day well spent, even if I only spoke 4 times the entire time I was there. Either way, I think these three are pretty squad and can't wait to see them all again, maybe even go on a cruise with them somewhere fun. I need a fucking daycation. This coming Saturday, I have glovecon that I'm working, so that'll be dope af, too. Sunday's mothers' day, so that'll be nice. Next Saturday is my eldest full sister's birthday party! I invited those I kicked it with this past weekend as well as my main squads. Excited for this one cuz I'm gonna get wasted with family and friends for the first time ever. The next day I'm tripping with two of my dearest friends. Finally gonna see what the hype is all about. The weekend after is muhfuggin Fanime and dreamstate thooooooo. Hella juiced. June is a whole other adventure and I'll post about that when it comes
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loseranthems · 7 years
How did you get into cars? I've always been curious because I visually love mechanical stuff but i dont know nuch about them.
what an awesome question! haha and it gives me a perfect situation to be verbose lol. so, uh, going back in ye olde life timeline, it definitely started when i was like… 5. lol. i grew up around a purebred 50′s idealist british uncle and my cousin, and every time we went over they both would be out front restoring this old clunker of a ‘65 beetle. my uncle also had this fixation on thunderbirds back then, so i think one of those was being worked on too. but anyway, yeah, it started with them. anyway prepare for an ESSAY after the cut haha
really, they’d spend all day out in the middle of every summer on their driveway dropping engines, scouring backend sites for parts, taking me to car shows in fields up in northern ontario. i’d always be in the background looking on with this immensely vested interest. like, “holy shit that looks amazing, can i do that?” so eventually, yeah, i got involved. everyone said it wasn’t something ‘little girls got into’ and told me i’d hate the dirtiness, the guy talk etc. but i think i was 7 and changing oil and tires and ruining all my shitty dresses and making my mom mad lmao so, ultimately, the love for it never left, really. even if the early stages were based around me making my mom mad LOLuh, god what else, i was introduced to watching F1 every time we went over, i’d sit doe-eyed at barrett-jackson every year, would salivate over old muscle mags left on bathroom floors. then eventually my cousin grew up and became a mechanic (i think hes at porsche now, that lucky SOB), did some work for toronto indy as a pit crew guy and told me everything, taught me socket sizes, let me help him organize his snap-on toolboxes etc. then ebay flew around and we all scoured that for days on end, huddled around their shitty small computer desk while my mom and my aunt just scowled lmao. i’d try and go to every car show, make it to every autoshow. so to be poetic, it just waved over me as something that burrowed into my bone marrow and never let go. it was a ‘boys club’ but i could always hold my own, and especially as a young girl it was a real fucking effort to fit in, but my passion for it kinda made everyone realize that it wasn’t just a phase. and shoutout to my dad for that, too, who always egged me on while going full boy-mode and doing whatever i wantedoh, and old top gear. (especially this segment on the vantage) not the pompous, explosions everywhere, family entertainment shit they have now, but seasons 3-12 kinda deal. they were some of the first people in mainstream media who made poetry out of vocalizing what cars are. how there’s this bone-deep connection to driving, this primal love for tinkering and working in a shed. but ultimately, it’s about going. exploring, being able to have this personal connection to this machine that can ultimately kill you, this 2-tonne thing that you could pull apart on your own as this humanizing way of making it better, more, faster, stronger. putting trust in something so intimately, and losing yourself to the experiences that driving gets you. don’t see it as something you get only groceries in. take the long way to the store, take the back road, start by changing your own oil and ignite that feeling of just going somewhere. essentially, they put out this, well, practically a love letter every wednesday to how driving felt. and that’s really what cars are. the largest inspiration for it all was my ex though, who god bless his soul, kinda ignited in me that whole passion of tinkering and doing it as a hobby that could turn into a career, etc etc. he became a mechanic, too, and that’s where a lot of our shared cars came from. but just imagine this passion for a couple of 17 year old kids who would get ass-blasted by insurance rates for anything smaller than a dodge caravan - so that’s where the love for old 80′s cars came in. especially anything group B. the whole thing behind them was that they were cheap to insure (surprisingly LOL) and that was like this a-ha moment of pivoting this niche near-brutalist aesthetic of 80′s iconoclasm and subpar safety and using that as the jump-off point from childhood car-poster-on-the-wall to ‘hey holy shit i can buy this myself’. i’d download old pdfs of rx7 manuals to help him change wiring harnesses and we both sat up for days on end learning how to drop the engine of the MR2, researching how to change the lights of our celica supra, burning oil on the highway in our bugeye. a lot of it was passion turned academic, having this need to learn more about it, watering the seedling of a spark that started in childhood, entering a veritable boys club and holding my own, etc etc. and just driving. i think me and him clocked a thousand Ks on that MR2 the first week we got it, on near-slicks up north. getting lost on unassumed gravel roads mid-winter in a mid-engined safety nightmare and just… driving. knowing the limits of the car, knowing it inside and out, gravitating to older and older cars which led to being more in tune with driving, finding more and more challenging roads, etc. struggling with stock wipers on a rainy day, fiddling with the handle of the passengers side door as it almost falls off, staring at the farms 40 minutes out of cityi have no idea where i’m going with this, but ultimately – i got into it from kinda growing up around it and simply never losing that spark of passion that i had. coincide that with my love for always being on the extreme edge of tomboyism and it was a perfect fit. i love everything automotive, it’ll be something i never let go. and if you ever want to get into it, always just go in wanting to learn. it’s a huge nebulae of facts and little measurements and one-off tricks and bro-ism, but it’s so worth it in the end. because despite the gatekeeping for being a girl, it’s ultimately all about driving your own shitbox and knowing it inside and out. and that’s it. it’s not about rolling up to every theatre parking lot at 3 am showing off a chrome muffler, or backfiring at every red light. modding is a culture in itself, but bypass that. go straight to what counts and make it your own and just learn. that’s really it, use driving as therapy and get lost in how the roads feel. it’s the simplest way to get into it without worrying about 14-year old boys with bolted on spoilers lol. and i bring up the gatekeeping a lot, but only because it really is such a fucking macho culture. it’s like walking into a real life COD lobby with mics on. but push past that and automotive culture at its core is so much more, and completely open to everyone 
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mr2swap · 1 year
Take it easy son!
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-Okay dad, you already had fun and relived your time of youth and glory now give me back my body and my life or I'll tell mom about the statue you used to exchange our bodies, I know you keep it in the safe in your office! -
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I can't believe that my father fucks me like that, he tricked me into touching his fucking magic statue to exchange our souls and have fun with my life and my youth, being a fucking old man sucks I thought it would be fun at first like in the movies and I would learn to see the world with a new perspective but every day I wake up with a backache that doesn't stop until I fill my mouth with a dozen pain medications, my father neglected his body and now I have to live with his huge belly, his thick mustache and with his painful infection every time I go to urinate, my mother has incited me to go to the doctor but I will not let anyone see the tiny and dysfunctional cock that now hangs from my obese crotch.
I have no fucking idea how to do my dad's law job every day all I do is go to his job and drop my fat ass on my dad's office chair for 8 hours and pretend he worked at the computer so that my mother doesn't suspect anything, I have tried all the combinations that I can think of to try to get the fucking statue out of its safe, reverse the exchange and return to my body but I have tried all the possible dates since mom's birthday up to mine and nothing seems to work.
and while he has fun using my fit body to fuck a bunch of random girls and guys in my old room, partying with my friends, and winning my track meet thanks to my long hours of training I sit on the stands next to my mother watching as he shows off my muscular body flexing his biceps to the public after winning first place.
-Wow! take it easy son, there's no need to tell your mother our little secret, she's only been in your body for a couple of weeks, listen, I'll make it up to you when we change again, your birthday is near, isn't it? How would you like to have a new car? I think it's time to change that junk car you have for something better, it's a bit embarrassing to have to move around in that coffin with wheels-
The voice in the distance almost made my heart stop, Monica my girlfriend was sitting in the backseat of my old car with my best friends and her girls, I had not seen or talked to her since my father put me in his obese 250-pound body.
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-look, son, we'll talk later, I have things to do…- She ran out using my long and muscular legs and jumped into my car, and left without looking back. leaving me standing there in the middle of the field like an idiot while my mother slowly came up behind me.
-Hey Joe, are you ready to go? I want to go to the mall to try on some shoes for church before I go home- I looked at my old mother who came slowly to kiss my fat cheek and take my hand to walk with her back to dad's truck.
I sighed and walked with her swinging my hairy belly until I got to the car, I just hope my dad doesn't make any more excuses to give me back my body, My parents' wedding anniversary is near and I don't even want to think about what he has prepared for me. mother... maybe I should buy him a gift with my dad's credit card in case my father decides to extend his stay in my body longer, I don't want to make my mother angry and make me sleep on the sofa, my back wouldn't take it.
Hey! You can support me to continue creating stories, see similar stories on my patreon, you can also join my discord if you are interested in role-playing about bodyswap, possession and transformation, m2m!
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smoothshift · 6 years
The Worst Car I Have Ever Driven: A Review of My Enterprise Rental Chrysler 300C via /r/cars
The Worst Car I Have Ever Driven: A Review of My Enterprise Rental Chrysler 300C
On March 17, 2018, a red light runner cut across an intersection I had just started crossing. I was on my way home from getting the Jaguar washed. It was Spring Break in Miami Beach, and Miami Music Week had just started, and it was a great day out, so I took the scenic route through South Beach to see what was happening and (no shame) show off a little bit. It was a shit show, and it took me an hour to successfully navigate 40 blocks, but I did it with little incident, dodging tourists and rental cars without a single incident. I was 4 blocks away from my home. The light in front of me turned green, and I pulled out, and a Jeep Cherokee zoomed across the intersection from the right. I almost managed to stop in time. Almost. Cut to about a week later, when I finally had time to take it to the body shop. I drop off the car, and they give me a ride to the nearest Enterprise, and I meet the hell I have been stuck in for the last two weeks: the rental Chrysler 300C. This is a review of the abomination I am currently driving, as I wait for a new radiator bracket to be shipped in and installed.
Typically, reviews start with some kind of overview of the mechanics or specs. I'm not going to. Partly because I have no idea what they are and don't care enough to find out, and partly because it genuinely doesn't matter. I don't even know what year it is, though I know it's relatively recent since UConnect has CarPlay and Android Auto integration and they don't suck. The reality is it doesn't matter. I assume the engine is some kind of V6, only because I'm reasonably certain that they never made a Chrysler with a wood-fired locomotive engine, because that's what it feels like.
Hitting the gas in traffic causes... Well, the best way I can describe it it is to talk about my grandfather. He's a 70-something year old Russian PhD. in nuclear chemistry who strongly disapproves of basically everything I do. Sometimes, when I'm visiting my grandparents and he irks me enough, I'll rile him up just to pass the time. The Chrysler 300C builds power like my grandfather gets angry - it's a slow build that gets progressively louder and less coherent, but without much of anything actually happening. And then he takes a nap. This is the Chrysler 300C - impotent, mildly annoying, and ultimately with nothing to show for all the sound. Which, by the way, sounds very similar to a blender making a smoothie. Oh, and the engine keeps building revs and speed for several beats after you let go of the gas.
All of the other mechanical systems are just as awful. The brakes are spongy and brake force feels completely random from one push to the next. The suspension is boat-like. But not a good boat. The kind of boat that gets passed down from generation to generation in a family that have been unsuccessful fishermen since the Civil War. I've managed to bottom out the car more in the last two weeks than I did with my F-Type with far less suspension travel in the last year. The best that can be said about the steering is that it generally turns the car in the vague direction that you point the wheel, but only barely. It's just an absolute mess all around.
But what really angers me about this car is the sheer size of it. I'm not a small guy - 6'0 and about 185lbs - and the interior absolutely swallows me. I have to seriously lean out of the seat to close the door. I could, without too much discomfort, fit three people in the drivers seat and still be able to drive the car. Why the hell is it so big? Who the fuck actually needs enough room to transport an entire football team in what I am told is actually a relatively small mid-size sedan? I know there are a lot of people that insist they need large cars, but this is absolutely ridiculous. Literally no one needs a car this large. Not unless they weigh 400lbs or more, or they've made some questionable decisions and need to transport the 15 children they managed to crank out. It's just absurd. I moved cross country with all of my stuff and my wife in a 1993 Toyota MR2, and have taken lengthy road trips in my F-Type. I've done full landscaping Home Depot runs in my Mini Countryman. Hell, I bought my daughter's entire bedroom at Ikea and transported it home in a Mini Cooper. And you people tell me you need the space in a 300C? Because an interior the size of Rhode Island is somehow critical to your daily functioning? GTFOH. This is why cars are getting huge and heavy - it has nothing to do with safety features and airbags and crumple zones - it's because Americans woke up one day and decided their lives wouldn't be complete until they had a car interior that could pass for a mid-size New York apartment.
The interior features are also questionable. The sun roof and rear sunshade are stupidly loud to open or close (and the sunshade oddly stops with about two inches of space left at the top - this isn't a mechanical fault, the rails just end. Why?) The seats are hideously uncomfortable. They're the heated and cooled seats, and they feel like someone put a piece of cardboard on top of a piece of plywood, covered the whole thing in awful pleather, and called it a day. The buttons are all huge, clearly designed with the aforementioned fat-fingered 400lb typical customer in mind. Everything rattles, and everything feels cheap, and the worst part is that it looks like it's trying soooooo hard to not feel cheap. The only positive thing I have to say about the whole thing is that uConnect actually seems reasonably functional, modestly zippy, and the display is pretty decent.
I knew getting a rental that it wouldn't be my F-Type. I wasn't expecting it to be anything remotely close, so I haven't been comparing the Chrysler against the Jaguar. Instead, I compared it to the last time I had a rental car - a Hyundai Accent. That car was also obviously cheap, but it was functionally and unpretentiously cheap. It more or less worked as intended as basic shitty transportation. The Chrysler doesn't. I see these things on the street, ones that are obviously not rentals, and my first thought is always "Why? Why would you actually voluntarily go out and buy one of these cars? Was the Hyundai or Kia dealership closed? Was your credit so bad that you couldn't pick up a base trim Accord or Camry? What makes someone actually want one of these monstrosities?"
At the end of the day, this is a car that has absolutely no reason to exist. It does nothing better than any other car in its class, and many cars a class down. There is literally not one reason to pick up a Chrysler 300 vs. any of the competitors from Hyundai, Kia, Ford, Honda, Toyota, Mazda, Subaru, Nissan, VW - whatever. Hell, even if you just really want American muscle, the Charger and Challenger are there and are better in pretty much every way. And given that these things start at $28,000, there's no reason not to not spend an extra grand or two and just buy a CPO 335i. It almost feels like this car exists for the sole reason that Chrysler just doesn't want to be a company that only sells a minivan, and that's a terrible reason for a car to exist. Which, really, is the best way to sum up the Chrysler 300C - a terrible car that only exists for a terrible reason.
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mr2swap · 1 year
Happy valentine's revenge
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-Hi Babe! are you ready for our da...- Derek was silent halfway to the living room and the entrance of the apartment that he and his boyfriend shared, he had no words to describe what was in front of him Johnny Peterson the bully who had done his entire adolescence hell was now in his apartment.
Johnny slowly approached taking big and noisy steps towards Derek while he was only wearing a tiny pink thong, when they were only a couple of inches away Johnny with her thick and powerful voice whispered in his ear -Make me your bitch...-
—3 hours before
Johnny Peterson had walked into the trap like a hungry animal, 3-for-1 on protein powders, dietary supplements, and plus-size sportswear in a lonely alley? He was too obvious and suspicious, but for someone as big, powerful, arrogant, and stupid as Johnny it was like finding a gold mine.
Johnny was the biggest, strongest, and most arrogant guy in town, nobody messed with him. But he used to pick on everyone, especially the smallest people he could find, like my current boyfriend Derek. I love Derek. I would do anything for Derek even this.
 He and Johnny used to go to the same high school. Johnny was the statewide wrestling champ and Derek was a member of the debate team, and there was nothing more fun for Johnny than treating my boyfriend like shit. He still has some scars on his thin and delicate body, and he still has more scars on his soul every time he talks about Johnny and how he treated him like his personal punching bag, it makes me boil of Blood.
That's why I planned all of this. -WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME, SON OF A BITCH? LET GO OF ME OR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!- Slowly the muscles, the height of Johnny's entire appearance, was quickly and painfully transferred to me. He could feel my muscles bursting as he sank in front of my eyes, The arrogant and handsome Johnny deflates and became the person who looked at himself in the mirror every day, we were exchanging our bodies.
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When the process was over, the arrogant Johnny was now on his knees with a flushed face and tears in his eyes from the pain. Finally, the magnetism that had made it impossible for both of us to let go of our hands disappeared. I think my body doesn't resist the process so well because the instant I let go of him he passed out.
I flexed my powerful new arms and that made my shirt rip thanks to how huge it was now, my clothes had ripped in the process, but Johnny's clothes were still intact, I undressed him without any problem right now he was double the size it was a few minutes ago I had to admit it felt fantastic to be this powerful too bad I couldn't enjoy that sweet moment with Johnny I had a valentines date with my boyfriend and this muscular ass was screaming to be fucked.
Happy valentines day, I hope you like your gift, I wrote this last year for this date, you can check out my patreon and see all my stories to give yourself a gift wink wink ♥️
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mr2swap · 1 year
Old politician's bodyguard
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How much longer am I going to have to hold this job? I guess this is why this company is always hiring young, muscular guys like me, I thought it would be like in American movies and I would have to be behind a subject all day in silence, and they would put me in a black suit and dark glasses.
I knew that working as this obese old politician's bodyguard would have put my life at risk, but I didn't think so. When I started this job I couldn't believe what they did to me, they took me to a lab and transplanted my brain into this horrible old body, I almost had a heart attack when I woke up in this guy's house and the first thing I saw was my huge and hairy belly, I should have read the contract before I signed it.
After that, this guy came in accompanied by his secretary in my perfect and beautiful recently stolen body and explained the deal to me, how the hell was I to know that I would have to pretend to be this guy for a year while he runs the country in the shadows from my young and hot body?, after the operation I had to spend a week with my old body that was now owned by that old man, while I got used to weighing more than 120 kilos and my bushy mustache taught me all about his boring and fucked up life.
For him, I am a damn puppet, from my cell phone I receive instructions on what I should do, with whom I should speak, or what I have to sign, in addition to that I receive photos and videos of that damn fat man having fun in my body, I don't know if he likes to torture me, or he knows what those photos do to my new body.
I don't know exactly what those doctors did to me during the operation, but I think they messed with my brain a bit to make my acting more realistic, I can't control myself no matter how disgusted I feel about who I am now, When I'm alone in my new office I can't help but stare at pictures of my old body for hours and start jerking off my wrinkled little cock until I shoot my stinky little load into my calloused old hands.
-You have a message from Jack-
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Oh, shit! Speaking of the devil, I just got a message from that damn old man. fuck, what I would give to put my old hands on those biceps and dip my gracious face in his armpits…would I be a national security risk if I didn't attend the meeting with the president and masturbate in the bathroom right now?
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