xraeone · 1 year
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"Harmony Psychic Goddess Squad." #Goddess #Woman #Women #Psychic #TeamHarmony #MewtwoArmor #Mewtwo #Espeon #MegaAlakazam #Malamar #Slowking #Lugia #GreatBall #UltraBall #MasterBall #Pokemon #Anime #AnimeArt #Manga #MangaArt #Japan #Art #Artwork #Artist #Drawing #Drawings #Sketching #Illustration #artistsoninstagram #igartist https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpkmd-HuYzR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spiritualsoull1969 · 2 days
Entrepreneurial Insights from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching
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"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves."
This quote aligns perfectly with the principles of Wu Wei and Te, emphasizing the power of effortless action and leading with integrity, fostering an environment where the team can thrive independently and harmoniously.
Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, a cornerstone of Taoist philosophy, is a timeless text offering profound wisdom on how to live harmoniously with the natural order. While it’s traditionally associated with spiritual and philosophical insights, its principles are remarkably applicable to the entrepreneurial world. Entrepreneurs can draw on its teachings to cultivate a balanced, mindful, and effective approach to business. This article explores how the Tao Te Ching can provide entrepreneurial insights, blending spirituality with practical strategies. Additionally, we’ll provide a toolkit to help entrepreneurs incorporate these principles into their daily routines.
Understanding Tao Te Ching’s Core Concepts:
The Tao Te Ching is based on three main principles: Tao (the Way), Wu Wei (effortless action), and Te (virtue or integrity). These concepts can offer invaluable guidance to entrepreneurs:
Tao (The Way): The Tao represents the natural flow of the universe. In business, aligning with the Tao means understanding market trends, customer needs, and the broader economic environment, then adapting accordingly.
Wu Wei (Effortless Action): Wu Wei emphasizes taking action that is in harmony with the natural order, avoiding unnecessary force. For entrepreneurs, this means making decisions that feel intuitive and organic, rather than forced and overly complex.
Te (Virtue/Integrity): Te signifies living with integrity and virtue. In an entrepreneurial context, this involves ethical business practices, transparent communication, and building trust with stakeholders.
Practical Application of Tao Te Ching for Entrepreneurs:
Aligning with the Tao:
Market Research: Regularly conduct market research to stay attuned to industry trends and customer preferences. This helps you align your business strategy with the natural flow of the market.
Flexible Planning: Create flexible business plans that allow for adaptation as circumstances change. Avoid rigid plans that don’t leave room for the unexpected.
Embracing Wu Wei:
Intuitive Decision-Making: Trust your intuition when making business decisions. While data and analysis are important, your gut feelings can provide critical insights that numbers might miss.
Streamlined Processes: Simplify your business processes. Focus on what truly matters and eliminate unnecessary complexity that can lead to inefficiency and burnout.
Living with Te:
Ethical Practices: Commit to ethical business practices. Ensure that your business operations are fair, transparent, and environmentally responsible.
Building Trust: Cultivate trust with your employees, customers, and partners through honest communication and consistent, reliable actions.
Practical Toolkit for Entrepreneurs:
Morning Mindfulness Routine:
Practice: Begin each day with a mindfulness or meditation session. Spend 10-15 minutes focusing on your breath and setting positive intentions for the day.
Benefit: This practice helps you start the day with a clear and focused mind, ready to tackle challenges with calm and clarity.
Regular Reflection and Adaptation:
Practice: Set aside time each week to reflect on your business strategies and outcomes. Consider what’s working, what’s not, and how you can adapt.
Benefit: Regular reflection helps you stay aligned with the natural flow of your business environment and adapt proactively.
Simplification and Focus:
Practice: Identify and prioritize the most critical tasks that drive your business forward. Delegate or eliminate tasks that are not essential.
Benefit: Simplifying your workload reduces stress and increases efficiency, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.
Intuitive Decision-Making Exercises:
Practice: When faced with a major decision, take time to quiet your mind and listen to your intuition. Consider meditation or a quiet walk to help you connect with your inner wisdom.
Benefit: Intuitive decision-making often leads to more authentic and effective outcomes, aligning your actions with the natural flow of events.
Ethical Commitment Checklist:
Practice: Create a checklist of ethical commitments for your business, including fair labour practices, environmental responsibility, and transparent communication.
Benefit: Regularly reviewing and adhering to this checklist ensures that your business practices remain aligned with the principle of Te.
Building Trust Through Transparency:
Practice: Maintain open and honest communication with your team, customers, and partners. Share both successes and challenges transparently.
Benefit: Building trust through transparency fosters strong, long-lasting relationships that are crucial for business success.
Weekly Team Alignment Meetings:
Practice: Hold weekly meetings with your team to discuss progress, challenges, and any adjustments needed. Encourage open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving.
Benefit: Regular alignment helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and working harmoniously towards common goals.
Customer Feedback Integration:
Practice: Actively seek and integrate customer feedback into your business strategies. Use surveys, reviews, and direct communication to understand their needs and preferences.
Benefit: Aligning your offerings with customer needs enhances satisfaction and loyalty, driving business growth.
Nature Breaks for Rejuvenation:
Practice: Incorporate regular breaks to connect with nature, whether it’s a short walk outside or time spent in a nearby park.
Benefit: Nature breaks help reduce stress, boost creativity, and enhance overall well-being, contributing to a more balanced and productive workday.
Food For Thought
Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching offers profound entrepreneurial insights that blend spirituality with practical wisdom. By aligning with the Tao, embracing Wu Wei, and living with Te, entrepreneurs can cultivate a balanced, mindful, and effective approach to business. The practical toolkit provided helps integrate these principles into daily routines, empowering entrepreneurs to navigate the complexities of the business world with grace and integrity. Embracing these Taoist strategies not only enhances business success but also brings a deeper sense of fulfillment and harmony to the entrepreneurial journey.
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eleganteventss · 2 days
Consequences of Poor Employee Scheduling
Poor scheduling lead to less productivity. Poor Employee Sceduling Employee scheduling is a critical aspect of workforce management that directly impacts the efficiency and success of any organization. When done poorly, it can have a ripple effect that touches every facet of a business. Let’s delve into the significant consequences of poor employee scheduling and how it can negatively affect…
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serenityspirits · 4 months
Embracing the Power of Hugging! 🤗✨ Did you know that a heartfelt hug extends beyond a warm gesture?
#HugInBusiness #ProfessionalWellbeing #TeamBonding #CommunicationMatters #WorkplacePositivity #SerenitySpirits
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levontechnologies · 5 months
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Join the Levon Techno Trend: Where Work Feels Like a Celebration! 🌟✨ Our team at Levon Techno is not just working; we're crafting a trend where work and enjoyment go hand in hand. Experience the joy of collaboration and innovation as we turn each project into a celebration. 🎉💻 Follow the trend and be part of a workplace that's buzzing with positivity, growth, and shared success. Elevate your career with the trending culture at Levon Techno!
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shajiibrahim123 · 8 months
The Power of Personality: Hiring for Traits and Characteristics | Marcio Goncalves
"In this informative video featuring Marcio Goncalves, dive into the compelling topic of hiring based on personality traits and characteristics. Learn how assessing these aspects can lead to more successful and harmonious teams. Gain valuable insights into the significance of selecting individuals whose personalities align with your organization's culture and goals."
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skdigvijay · 10 months
Drum Circle Team building event
Experience the ultimate Drum Circle Team Building event for corporate employees! Immerse your team in the rhythm of collaboration and connection through this trending musical activity. Energize your seminars, conferences, and offsites with engaging drumming rhythms that foster teamwork and creativity. Our professional coordinator guides participants through rhythmic experiences, building team bonding and coordination. Unite your team through the power of music, reduce stress, and enhance productivity. Discover this unique event in Bangalore, Goa, Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and more. Elevate your team's synergy, creativity, and joy. Check out our Drum Circle activity’s page for more information.
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4leafperformance · 3 months
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Struggling with team discord? Misunderstandings can escalate into major conflicts. Learn the art of active listening and clear communication to turn chaos into collaboration. Your path to a harmonious team starts here. #TeamHarmony Need help? We can guide your team to effective communication: https://www.4leafperformance.com/services/
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How to resolve conflicts and disputes arising in the process of forwarding
Resolving conflicts and disputes that arise during the process of expedition is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and fostering positive relationships among all parties involved. Expeditions often involve tight schedules, varying expectations, and unpredictable circumstances, making conflict resolution an essential skill. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to effectively handle conflicts during the expedition process. Effective Communication: Open and transparent communication is the foundation for conflict resolution. Encourage all parties to express their concerns, expectations, and grievances. Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings and lays the groundwork for finding common ground. #ConflictResolution #TeamHarmony #ExpeditionSuccess
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adultteamharmony · 6 years
Team Harmony Enters the Scene
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Hello everyone, KZT is coming your way~!
Team Harmony is here and is showing some nice promise to be rather strong heroes and a strong team. This trio certainly have come a long way, in both physical and mental maturity from when they first formed their team all the way back as kids, and they still have plenty of growing to do. So please, feel free to come by and have some fun, ask some questions or even throw your muse at them and see what happens, who knows with this bunch. Lets introduce the trio to you guys~
We have the leader, right in the middle, Kodo Hayashi, also known as RootSanna Spore. Her flower produces some colorful pollen that can either combust when ignited or put you to sleep. She also has a pair of vines that can do a large array of things, and they make for some rather nasty whips as well~ This girl has some serious brains, since she created her own tech; seeds that can explode, vines with thorns that she can control, or even seeds that can entangle foes with vines. She became the leader for a reason, and with her wit and trust in her teammates, she is sure to lead them to victory and safety.
Up next, on the left, is Zackery Asashi, the team’s #1 hype man, though he also goes by Phoenix. His Flame quirk allows Zackery to breathe fire, strong enough to melt rock though he rarely ever needs to go that far. He can also create a rather large smoke screen or even take tempory flight. Water might be the most obvious weakness of his, but he’s called Phoenix for a reason, always getting back up no matter how many times he is taken down. Zackery has a rather cheery attitude, bouncing between hyper and laid back, but dont tick him off, because this boy can and will gladly fight you. Even old-school style with his fists if needed.
Last but certainly not least, the dude on the right, Tachi Adachi. This guy comes from the Adachi family, a line of people who are all study the way of the blade and have a special quirk, the Power Slash, that is directly passed down the bloodline. The Power Slash gives Tachi both enhanced strength, though judging by those guns of his even without his quirk he can throw down, as well as the ability to send out a wave of energy from those glowing marks on his arms, that can cut only nonliving things. On the outside, Tachi might come off as cold and sometimes even rude, but if push comes to shove, this guy will help you fight off your demons or even become a one-man army if needed (or at least try), he is a hero after all.
This is already getting long, so I’ll just stop here, but if you want to know more, either check out the About page or just come by and leave an ask or two. Anyway, thank you for your time.
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isibisihb · 6 years
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#travelgames2018 #teamharmony #tausendundmeinurlaub #kuşadası #turkey #turkiye #türkei (hier: KoruMar Ephesus Beach & Spa Resort)
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dddemigirl · 7 years
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#pokemongo #teaminstinct #alexaspokemongoadventure #teamharmony #houndour
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spiritualsoull1969 · 3 months
Cultivating Compassion: How Spiritual Practices Foster a Positive Work Environment
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In the bustling corridors of today's workplaces, cultivating compassion has emerged as a transformative approach to fostering a positive and thriving work environment. Rooted in spiritual practices and principles, compassion transcends mere empathy, extending towards understanding, kindness, and action. In this article, we delve into the profound connection between spirituality and compassion, exploring how integrating spiritual practices into the workplace can nurture a culture of empathy, collaboration, and well-being.
Understanding Compassion:
Compassion is more than just a fleeting emotion; it is a fundamental aspect of human connection and understanding. At its core, compassion involves recognizing and alleviating the suffering of others, whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual. By cultivating compassion, individuals cultivate a deeper sense of empathy, kindness, and altruism, fostering positive relationships and contributing to a more compassionate world.
The Role of Spiritual Practices:
Spiritual practices offer a rich tapestry of tools and techniques for cultivating compassion in the workplace. Whether it's mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, or reflective journaling, these practices provide pathways to deepen one's capacity for compassion and empathy. By integrating spiritual practices into the fabric of organizational culture, leaders can create environments where compassion becomes a guiding principle in decision-making, communication, and collaboration.
Creating a Compassionate Work Environment:
Mindfulness: Mindfulness serves as the foundation for cultivating compassion, as it allows individuals to cultivate awareness and presence in the present moment. By practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or mindful walking, employees can develop greater empathy and compassion towards themselves and others.
Loving-Kindness Meditation: Loving-kindness meditation is a powerful practice for cultivating compassion and empathy towards oneself and others. By silently repeating phrases of loving-kindness, such as "May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be safe, may I be at peace," individuals can cultivate feelings of warmth, kindness, and compassion towards themselves and extend these sentiments to others.
Active Listening: Active listening is a key component of compassionate communication, as it involves fully engaging with others and seeking to understand their perspectives and experiences. By practicing active listening techniques such as maintaining eye contact, paraphrasing, and asking clarifying questions, employees can foster deeper connections and empathy in their interactions.
Empathy Training: Empathy training programs can help employees develop their capacity for empathy and compassion by providing education, skills training, and experiential learning opportunities. By learning to recognize and validate the emotions and experiences of others, employees can foster a culture of empathy and understanding in the workplace.
Acts of Kindness: Encouraging acts of kindness and generosity can help foster a culture of compassion in the workplace. Whether it's volunteering together, organizing charity drives, or simply expressing gratitude and appreciation, these acts of kindness create ripple effects of positivity and connection throughout the organization.
Benefits of a Compassionate Work Environment:
A compassionate work environment offers a host of benefits for both individuals and organizations. From increased employee satisfaction and well-being to improved teamwork and collaboration, compassion fosters a sense of belonging, purpose, and fulfillment in the workplace. By cultivating compassion, organizations can enhance employee engagement, retention, and productivity, creating a positive and thriving work culture that attracts top talent and fosters long-term success.
Food For Thought:
In today's fast-paced and often stressful work environments, cultivating compassion is more important than ever. By integrating spiritual practices such as mindfulness, loving-kindness meditation, and active listening into the workplace, leaders can create environments where compassion becomes a guiding principle in decision-making, communication, and collaboration. Through acts of kindness, empathy training, and fostering a culture of compassion, organizations can create workplaces where individuals thrive, teams flourish, and well-being is prioritized alongside performance. As we embrace the transformative power of compassion, let us remember that small acts of kindness and empathy can create ripple effects of positivity and connection that extend far beyond the walls of the workplace, fostering a more compassionate world for all.
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seoxys6 · 7 years
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So I've been getting a lot of message about "Niantic putting Team Harmony in Poémon GO" and I'd like to make things clear for everyone :)
There are a lot of articles running around the internet right now about Niantic putting my Team Harmony in the game because of the legendary pokémon addition (including Lugia). However, Niantic's officials never said they were putting Team Harmony in the game. They once were interviewed and got asked for their opinion about a 4th Team and said they were "open to the idea", but never said they would add or use Team harmony.
You need to understand that all of these rumors are FAN-MADE THEORIES, not official statements. You should only believe what Niantic's official websites/pages say. Anybody on internet can write an article on unfounded information and then spread rumors that are not actually true. So please always check your sources before assuming :)
I wasn't approached by Niantic nor Nintendo about the use of my Team Harmony design, and to avoid legal actions I highly doubt they would use my logo for their game unless permission was given from me to use my artworks. So legally they cannot use mine. I would definitely be open to the idea of letting them use Team Harmony as an official team for the game, however I'd like to be asked by the devs themselves.
What's most likely going to happen here is Niantic will make a 4th team, but it will be their own original one and not mine. I am all for people making their own version of a Team Lugia or Harmony (after all I do not own Lugia itself, and as long as it's not copying/tracing mine I'm pretty ok with it ^^ (but I do have rights over the team image I've created)) so if Niantic was to make a Team Lugia I think it would be awesome! They might also make a 4th team with another Pokémon (which would be a little weird in my opinion considering the link between Lugia, Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos) but I still see it as a possibility.
So TL;DR: Pokémon GO is NOT using my Team Harmony in the game. These are fan-made theories and not actual, confirmed, official facts.
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fantasy-kat · 7 years
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Happy #FilthyCasualFriday from Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas 😎 #TGIF #RedRockCanyon #LasVegas #Nevada #Hiking #Desert #DesertHike #Sand #Sohot #RedRock #sunset #overcast #ThingsOutsideVegas #Vegas2017  #TeamHarmony #PokemonGo #Lugia #samkart #samkalensky Team Harmony tee by @samkalensky 💙 (at Red Rock Canyon Las Vegas)
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the-bizzare-catnon · 6 years
Use this hashtag to post any info u find about the new team or to find info other people have posted about it.
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