sad-trash-hobo · 1 year
Fast X was amazing. I know everyone likes to hate on the fast and furious movies, so do I, but this one redeemed the franchise from what happened in the 9th movie. Were there stupid, over dramatic, absolutely impossible things happening? Absolutely. Was it still so good and actually a fast and furious movie? Absolutely. I loved it so fucking much
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ffmaschine · 1 year
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Smoke him 😭🤑
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afrotumble · 7 months
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steelknivesx · 6 months
Who: Alden Becotte & @tej-virani
Where: Becotte Manor (Alcott HQ)
Alden hated such affairs, but with Tej recovering the ring and reporting such vivid... visions. He knew that this wasn't going to end well for his kin. The Hexmore court would not like a vampire having such power over their affairs. And although Alden wasn't particularly concerned about Tej's welfare, he was concerned about his own. He knew that the vampire would feel the same. He had called the family members to a meeting. Usually, they would sit around a grand table, drinking from fine glasses and preparing to vote on whatever course of action to take next. But tonight was far more formal, they gathered in the manor, even those that chose to reside elsewhere. Every member of the coven was in danger and although Alden hoped that he was over reacting.... he knew by now to trust his own gut.
He saw Tej, moving towards him gracefully and taking his arm. He knew that many eyes would be on the vampire tonight. He wanted to check in. He also wanted to ensure they were on the same page. The vampires had to begin to work together. They had to rally.... and maybe even take control of Hexmore. Now was the time.
His dark eyes scanned his peer, passing him a glass full of liquid. "Better late then never." he joked, although his lips did not twitch. "how are you feeling? no nasty side effects of your little... encounter." He wiggled his hand, knowing that magical items often caused... strange side effects for vampires.
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boissonsaumiel · 5 months
Tej recipe. Looks a bit more authentic than the other ones I've seen on youtube. She says that in the USA she has to add yeast, but in Ethiopia she doesn't, so presumably the honey/water she has access too in Ethiopia contains more natural yeast than the honey/water she has access to in the USA. She mentions that she would usually use raw honey that contained honeycomb.
The colloquial name for the spice she's using is gesho entchet.
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theimanidavis · 6 months
location: tej's rehearsal space with: @tej-virani
Imani's seen Tej around for a while now - she couldn't quite put her fingers since when, she didn't keep up with who arrived when to Hexmore, but she couldn't not notice the hotness that was Tej. It was mostly just something in the back of her mind, though, something she's been aware of.
The first time she's really noticed her was when she saw him playing at an open mic night - she remembered when that was exactly. The problem was, it was three days before Hazel disappeared and to say she got a bit distracted was an understatement. It was still hard to focus on other things, but really, it was so much easier to throw herself into everything and anything than constantly think about Hazel.
So here she was, after she finally tracked Tej down - it wasn't the easiest, she didn't even know his name, but Imani was determined and finally she got an address and she had... some semblance of a plan at least. (The plan was to poach him, that was all, it wasn't a very good plan.)
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"Hello?! Anyone here?" she called out after she gently pushed the door open, stepping in instead of waiting for anyone to even have a chance to respond back.
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meztelenreklam · 2 years
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Állattenyésztési és tejgazdasági lapok 1902. október 10. via EPA
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k-lua · 2 years
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danhalen · 2 years
omg help
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buckyismybicycle · 2 years
HR, thank you for blessing us with all your creations and headcanons. Getting to know you this year has been one of my favourite memories! You're always supportive, encouraging and supremely talented 💗💗💗
I love you so much! Wishing you a happy new year and the best for 2023 ✨🎉
❣️❣️ Are you KIDDING MEEEEEEEEE 😭😭 Tej I have been so blessed with your friendship. It feels like I've known you forever.
I love you so much that I even willingly let you hurt me....
.... with your amazing writing. You have always been one of my favourite authors, so imagine my surprise when we fell into the same circle! I couldn't believe how lucky I was to get to know! 😍
Thank YOU for all the laughs, the kind words, the support and encouragement you've given me this year. Here's to 2023, and more memories to come! 💙❣️
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mandarinsan · 1 month
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inspiredwriterstory · 6 months
Roman will gladly challenge Hobbs to an arm wrestling match, lose every time, get roasted by Tej, and not learn his lesson!
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kozbeszedhu · 7 months
A tudósuk úgy tartják, kávé fogyasztása feketén a legegészségesebb, ennek ellenére szerte a világon milliónyian döntenek úgy nap mint nap, minden reggel, hogy felöntik vagy ízesítik a kávéjukat. Cikkünkből kiderül, hogy mi történik a testtel akkor, ha valaki tej nélkül kávézik – írja a glamour.hu.
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receptekelteve · 9 months
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ainews18 · 11 months
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nocek · 4 months
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Bit belated but the results of very important shipping name pool for them two dumbasses are in!
Deadfang (that I've added as a jokey joke lol) has obviously won! We can now all feel truly 90s cool and edgy!
Fangpool won close second place. So I have fun fact for you here. I wasn't sure which sounds better between this and poolfang because for me fangpool looks/sounds too close to fangpol which immediately reminds me of all the tiny buisnesses that sprung up in Poland in the nineties. Alongside all the ones with -ex (export) or -trans- for transport in name. So fangpol would be translated to kiełpol and would just be Polish buissnes buisnessing the fangs XDDD
Third place went to regular spideypool. Which I appreciate since I was worried people would be pissed I'm spamming that tag. Pity that spiderypool wasn't higher though.
Anyway. After that blabbling here is a bonus:
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