one-with-the-tree · 7 months
TIL that there's an '80s movie where they portrayed Smilodon by sticking actual fake teeth onto actual live lions.
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nicky-696 · 3 months
I just want to be happy and maybe a little bit naked.
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harmony-and-peace · 8 months
„Nie myl mojej osobowości z moim nastawieniem. Moja osobowość jest tym, kim jestem, a moje nastawienie zależy od tego, kim ty jesteś i jak mnie traktujesz"
- autor nieznany
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Ile może być krzyku w milczeniu
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chrysopoeias · 2 months
fmalore no one but me cares about
One thing that gets portrayed ‘wrong’ often in fullmetal fanworks and discussions is Resembool. Although I do not fault anyone for it, because Resembool is not really a major setting and other people aren’t obsessed autists about fma like me.
But Resembool often gets portrayed as being 3 houses on a hill with nothing else going on. But that’s not the case. It’s stated in the series Resembool has a major wool and textile industry, and they have a train station (!!). They are a major supplier of military uniforms & textiles. That is the reason the ishval faction bombed the place during the war. I think it was omitted in the anime (correct me??), but yes the war also reached Resembool.
That is why Winry’s family has their automail surgery there. They are nearby the loose-your-limbs warzones and accessible by public transport. Their clinic being on the outskirts of town probably makes a peaceful recovery atmosphere to the traumatised amputees before they are well enough to travel home again...
A town does not get a train station without it making economic sense. Nobody is gonna pay for and built a station + rails + staff + maintenance for 3 houses on a hill for 1-10 people. Resembool has industry. At the end of the series they talk about expanding the rail network. They have factories and workers who need to live there. There are big festivals mentioned. When the elrics say they are from Resembool, people have heard of it. There could be a couple thousand people living in Resembool, like >10k maybe more. The protagonists simply live on the rural area outside the town, but close enough that they walked to school by themselves.
Resembool is no grand metropolis. They are behind technologically compared to the main cities. Outside the town center we see people travel by foot or horse carriage on non-paved roads, while in the major cities we see cars. Resembool is rural yes, but it’s a proper Town too, likely growing rapidly until their station/factories got bombed. It’ll likely grown fast again. It’s not just 3 houses 😭
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Nikt nie wie ile rzeczy ukrywam
Nikt nie wie ile traumatycznych przeżyć próbuje przepracować
Nikt nie ma pojęcia, że tak naprawdę walczę.
Widzą to co chcą widzieć.
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“Ti si dobra osoba”
Pa zašto su me svi ostavili i zaboravili?
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tebipisano · 2 months
Jednog dana ćeš shvatiti koliko je potrebno više poštovanja od ljubavi.
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obsesj-a · 4 months
dotknij mnie w najczulsze miejsce mojej duszy
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mrasicc · 11 days
Nemoj se svetiti, vec nastavi dalje..
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ona-voli-kontrolu · 11 months
u centru
mog malog svijeta
čovjek koji
nikada nije
doista znao što želi od mene
- glavna točka rušenja
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one-with-the-tree · 14 days
It's Thylacine Day.
88 years ago the last known thylacine passed away in Hobart Zoo, marking the species' extinction.
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toskadosta · 1 year
da znas
ja sam sada bolja da znas
ne pijem vise
ne tugujem vise
da znas i da nemam nijedan ispit za septembar!
ja sam sada sretnija da znas
ja sada imam pet prijatelja
i ne izlazim vise kao prije
sada vise volim prirodu da znas
i planinarim
i idem na piknike
i cijenim sve oko sebe puno vise
ja sebe sada puno vise volim da znas.
nikad vise se ne bih tebi vratila
i nikad vise ne bih iste stvari trpila
i nikad za nikad neces vise da vidis staru ja
da znas.
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idaljemislimnatebe · 2 years
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harmony-and-peace · 3 months
„Pamiętaj, że nawet jeśli teraz jest źle, jeśli przechodzisz przez załamanie, stan depresyjny, to minie, bo skoro szczęście nie trwało wiecznie, to smutek też nie będzie. Wyobraź sobie, że jest to tylko mały etap w drodze do celu i chociażby było to najbardziej niemiłe i niekomfortowe to musisz przez to przejść, jak kałużę w drodze do domu, której nie da się obejść, a Ty nie masz butów, ale w końcu kałuża się kończy, Twoje skarpetki też wyschną. Odnajdziesz zagubione buty i trafisz do domu”
- @harmony-and-peace
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chrysopoeias · 6 months
giving mustang eyebags/lines under his eyes look good actually 🤔
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