#Temp Char
toranoya · 7 months
Hiro was sitting at the lunch table all by himself while eating his food and reading a comic book. He was pretty new to Collège Françoise Dupont as he hadn't met anyone new yet. (Marc)
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Marc was also sitting by himself, far in a corner as he ate quietly and flipped through something on his phone. As usual he made himself as small and unnoticeable as possible, face covered slightly by his red hoodie.
(lol, you picked a shy one. :)
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reborrowing · 8 months
dust prince, part two
(prev) (next) hi sorry this is a bit later than intended, I agreed to make something irl that’s taking more of my freetime than expected and also my body might be kind of falling apart, so, priorities, you know? enjoy!
> You offer him your hand so he can climb out.
A good part of you thinks this is an absolutely terrible idea, sticking your hand out for an unknown, probably fae creature…but the little guy does look genuinely terrified and you would hate for him to drown in your dinner after he’s already spoiled it.
He teeters unsteadily, initially backing away from you as best as he can, broth pooling around his bare feet. You stop with your hand stretched into an open palm where he can easily reach you. 
“It’s alright, I won’t hurt you,” you say softly. 
Relief flashes across his face and he pulls himself onto your palm with shaking hands. He glances back to the bowl, then up towards the rafter and he collapses with a whimper, probably taking stock of just how bad that fall could have been.
“Thank you, I - I apologize, I was…thank you,” he says breathlessly.
He speaks with a familiar accent, one that mirrors the upper class speech that you grew up surrounded by. If it’s not an affectation or some sort of trick, the little man is a long way from home—you’re certainly no local.
He doesn’t look like any sort of noble merchant. He doesn’t look quite like anything you’ve ever seen, not during your travels and certainly not at home. He has a very human face, now that he’s wiped it clean, save for gently pointed ears that are no more exotic than your average elf’s. Arguably you make for a more exotic figure, with your devil’s eyes and slender tail. He’s dressed in a crudely-made tunic and, were it not for his size, would look like any number of beggars you’ve passed in your time. 
At least, one who’s had an exceptionally rough day at the soup kitchen. 
“You say something, Red?”
Your barbarian companion turns back from their critique of a random brunette dwarf. They notice you staring at your messy hand and lean forward on the table, their eyes lighting up when they catch sight of the tiny figure. 
“Hey, what is that? A sprite? Let me get a look,” they say. 
They reach towards him before you can answer. The mysterious little stranger recoils back against your hand as he notices Mikko reaching for him.
taglist (lmk if you want to be added!): @da3dm @whumpinthepot @whumpsday @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question
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👶 + choose 3 sets of intended parents
//...could've either been interpreted as "one child with three sets of potential parents" but that woulda been hella confusing and tricky given how different our range of muses are;;;,, and also how most of them don't have relationships that are probable to bear in their own universes,,,;;.....
Peony/fern Name: Iris Gender: They/he/zem (agender demi-bi;;;). Appearance: Long, silvery hair touched with faint hints of lilac reminiscent of their human parent,, that slips into yellow much like the end of a petal or feather. It curls up at the edges,, a little like a long feather from a peacock's train,,,.... Their eyes are a bright soft moon-gray,, and the slight subtle scaling around their eyes makes it appear that they already have some glittery gray-lilac eyeshadowing,,,. Their scales are armour-esque,, curling out from their shoulders and plating their tail like a pangolin,,. (Their scales are marble, moon-like, edged with an arrow of gold.) Iris has scales and a tail and two sets of canines and black nails,,,. Personality: Observant, logical, tinkerer, reserved;;; -- Iris inherited indeed a high level of intelligence from their parents but doesn't think too much about it,,,. What do they like? Sweet foods, (hoarding) pretty things like pearls and marbles and scraps of silk,,, genuine praise,,. What do they dislike? Attending other people's live amateur performances on stage,,, off-pitch/key singing,, scratchy textures,,,. Who are the godparents? Slugger and Char because truly the Underground does not good monsters make,,,; Anything special about them? Iris has embroidery and sewing as a hobby,,,. They smell strongly of ice/snow/morning frost and thunderstorms,, all the electric static and rain to the point it's even noticeable to the human nose,,. What are their talents? Iris would fall under the 'aerial silks' niche for the Underground and would take formal ballet training if they were on the Surface,,,. Who do they resemble of their parents ( appearance) ? As a mostly humanoid child Iris resembles Near as a whole more,,, though the monstrous attributes they've taken from Nori can't be passed as easily passed as simply "oddities";;;. Who do they resemble of their parents ( personality ) ? Iris takes more after Near in personality,, but that's probably because of how Nori's life-experienced has been warped and adapted from the Underground;;;. A headcanon: Iris would be a very quiet baby who would eat mostly lotus seed and bamboo mash,,,. Adored pocky when they were younger though,,. Their future: Nori would feel like they needed to be instructed even if they were below the human legal age,, but would refrain from letting them actually practice with anyone so all their knowledge would be hypothetical;;;. On the Surface Iris would stay close to Near's side and not actively participate in the detectivery;; though they may choose to attend a school for the arts to actually become a performer of some kind -- ice-skater??? Faceclaim: 
??? walking-by! Name: Izanami Uchiha,, ward of the Hyuuga Clan,,,. Gender: Female (while her mother is aromantic Izanami is thoroughly bi,,, though it's a rather very very oblivious-to-emotions one she makes,,,) Appearance: Choppy dark hair in a spiky triple-rose-up-do,, stabbed through with senbon,, pens,, or chopsticks depending on the day,,,... Dark eyes like both of her mother's parents though they are a dark shade of brown;;;. Personality: Bold, analytical,, fight-happy,,, What do they like? Weapons-building,, seals and ink-script (Sai was glad to take yet another apprentice for his ninja-art;;;),,, melons,, unadon bento is her favourite;;;;. What do they dislike? Mildly dislikes red-bean and restrictions in libraries;;;. Who are the godparents? Izunagi's brother,, Kanega,, Hironori as the technical bio/donor sire,,, honestly the entirety of the Peace Generation lmao;;;. Anything special about them? Izanami absolutely cannot make tea. Always burns it,,,. It's actually kind of baffling,, especially to Hironori (very skilled at tea-ceremony;;;),,,. What are their talents? While Izanagi prefers to wear temporary seals on her skin for her weapons instead of using scrolls Izanami uses them just like her grandmother Tenten;;;. Who do they resemble of their parents ( appearance) ? Izanami resembles her mother in the strong Uchiha-ism that presents in her features;;;. Who do they resemble of their parents ( personality ) ? Izanami also takes rather after her maternal line with Tenten and Izanagi's interest in weaponry,,,. A headcanon: Izanami likes going outside during thunderstorms and identifying plants through tasting them (which is a very bad idea). Their future: Izanami is probably going to join her mother Izunagi as the inheritors of Tenten's family weapon-shop instead of staying as a full shinobi;;;. Faceclaim: 
Thauma/Eraser Name: Kimio (紀美生, 喜美生 , or 貴美雄) or Masayoshi (匡美) Aizawa Gender: Male (pan man :))) ) Appearance: Messy, natural-bedhead dark hair just like actually both of his parents down to his shoulder-blades,,, typically barely tied back into a sloppy waterfall. Kimio has dark eyes that are actually a deep shade of indigo,,,. He definitely takes face-shape and body-structure from Shouta;;. Personality: Mellow, calculative, handy -- messes around with things that use his hands like painting models and coding,,,. Likes wordplay,, enjoys a good pun,,,. Slightly manipulative;;;. What do they like? The smell of freshly fallen rain,, reading,, horseback riding (serious hobby;;;),, taking long walks actually we're not joking--. What do they dislike? Being forced to deviate from his routine,, being woken up forcefully/unnaturally,, people who abuse living things plants, humans, and animals,,. Who are the godparents? Hizashi and Nemuri to exactly no surprise,,,. Anything special about them? Kimio has a silverpoint maine coon tom that he has on campus that technically he shouldn't have reason to have,, but he claimed him to be the "class spirit animal" and got the rest of 1-c to beg Aizawa to keep,,,. What are their talents? Quirk: Can use someone else's quirk after establishing eye-to-eye (actually have to meet eyes,,) contact for up to an hour after first glance;;;. Can hold multiple quirks in this way,,, (limit at the time is four but expands to five from training,,,). His hair doesn't fly up as much as his father's would but that's mostly due to the weight of the hair itself,, his eyes do flash a peacock blue when he uses one of his stored quirks but will not constantly glow,,,. Once he starts using a stored quirk he has about eight minutes before it dissipates from his grasp,,,. Who do they resemble of their parents ( appearance) ? Kimio resembles Shouta more,, definitely,,,. Who do they resemble of their parents ( personality ) ? Kimio doesn't particularly match either of his parents strongly in personality but he does have the honesty and kindness levels of his parents,, and Shouta's "can and will drop anywhere for a nap",,,. A headcanon: Kimio constantly wears an array of mismatched hair-ties around his wrist and will give them off to anyone who asks,,,. Also his favoured breakfast is oatmeal and one of his tics is tying knots,,,;;;;. He does this absently with like the wrappers for straws or with scraps of paper or string constantly,,,. Their future: Will come to UA as a technical "Legacy" student,, but goes to gen. ed at first due to not wanting to take the Heroics exam--;;; but partway through the year gains a motivation for becoming a Hero and goes into the Sports-Festival to win;;; :))) Faceclaim: 
come judge us lmao @nearriver and @dadzxwa,,,;;;
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buttressarcade · 24 days
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A 3-to-1 Pavilion
Architects: Temp
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starsmuserainbow · 2 months
Ah yes, and after sharing a pic of Sheshe earlier (a picrew one, but hey, details), have some of Akari that I did recently too!
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A few more below the cut bc I don't wanna spam everyone's dashes too much!
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Outfit is from a group over on another social media that's about basically a school for MermaidMelody-OCs, which I got into (both that social media in general basically, though I wouldn't say I'm really into it I'm still at least actually posting there every now and then now, and the group) through @merveiilles - so thank you again here <3!
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newlyy · 2 months
But didn’t photograph well but believe me when I say I just made a delicious omelet and hashbrowns
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this is THE worst pizza I've ever eaten in my life.
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lovebugcody · 2 years
i saw this thing on tiktok that i'm going to try. it's called a crow journal and it's for people like myself who compulsively keep packaging and things because it's shiny or looks cool. basically anything crow brain tells me to keep
because i've kept the fucking boxes for my captain rex and commander cody lego sets and i just... i need to bin them they take up too much space. so i'm going to take parts of them and put them in my brand new crow journal
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hellvcifer · 5 months
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CARING FOR YOU WHEN YOU'RE SICK— ଘ drabbles┆part 2
ft. pairings :: charlie, lucifer, adam, angel dust, vox // gn!reader wc :: 3k note :: i am sick (◞‸◟;) so i wanted to bring a little comfort to others in the meantime. enjoy !! warnings :: canon typical language, pet names used instead of y/n (darling, sweetie, love, babe, sweetheart)
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The door to your bedroom slammed open, “Okay!” hurried shuffling and fumbled footsteps accompanied a strained voice. “Oh, no! Wait, wait, wait! Ugh.” Charlie was able to grab the glass of water before it fell off her tray. “Got it!” Her arms were filled with extra blankets, a thermometer, a tray topped with a bowl of hot soup and water, about three bottles of pills, and one with liquid medicine. “Phew! Okay!” She scrambled over to the bed you laid in.
You groaned, the throbbing in your head getting worse every time there was a loud noise. The bed dipped with new weight. You slowly turned over, shifting the blankets around you to do so, feeling them drenched in sweat. “Charlie?” You rasped, seeing her blonde hair swish as she turned to look at you. Her eyes creased in a nervous worry.
“Hi! Okay, look.” She turned back to her things. “I cooked up some soup, I read that the clear broth is supposed to be really good for you! Oh! Also.” She grabbed a few of the pill bottles, held them up. “One of these helps with headaches and muscles aches! And the other will help with your stomach… I think.” She pouted while reading. “Or! I can give you this,” She held up the liquid medicine. “And it should help with… Everything?”
“Charlie…” You tried sitting up, feeling the aching throughout your muscles. You groaned but fully sat up. 
“Oh! And we can take your temperature. I’m not sure how that will work though… Hellborne temps are way higher than Sinners but Sinners temps change when they get here and run higher. Do you think there’s a conversion?” 
“Charlie!” You sputtered, sending yourself into a long coughing fit feeling a sharp pain throughout your head with each one. 
Her brows furrowed, “Here, drink!” She held up the glass of water to your lips, her hand rubbing your back as you did. A few drops of water leaked past the brim before she pulled it away. She moved her palm up your shoulder, then your neck, before coming to your chin. Her thumb brushed away the trail of water that was left.
You looked up at her, bleary-eyed and clammy. Her features brought a weak smile to your face. “Don’t worry, this happened to us before we got here. We get through it… Eventually.” You explained through your raspy voice. 
“I just wish I could make you feel better.” Charlie spoke, head tilting to look at you softly. 
“Having you here is enough.” You giggled. “You’re lucky you can’t get sick or I’d be kicking your worried butt out.” She laughed in response. You turned to look at the liquid medicine and pointed. “That one will work.” 
“Hey.” Charlie spoke, both her hands squishing your cheeks. “Anything you need, and I am right here. Okay?” Her glistening eyes were accompanied with a caring smile. 
You melted. “Thanks Char.”
It may not have been the best idea to try and hide the fact that you were sick from everyone at the hotel. After the battle with Heaven, and rebuilding the hotel, you really didn’t want to be the one caught slacking off. The grand re-opening was soon and everything needed to be perfect.
Which brought you to the present, standing atop of a ladder as you helped hang the very sign that stated what you were prepping for. Lucifer stood at the base to make sure it didn’t tip in the process.
“Okay, a little to the left!” Vaggie called out, standing some feet away and eyeing the placement. “Up a little!” You stood on your toes to make the adjustment, legs straightened to their max as you did so. You began feeling your head fill with pressure, vision slowly overcoming with weird splotches of black and purples. “A little higher on the right.” Vaggie was addressing you, but it seemed muffled the more you tried to shake the increasing feeling of dizziness. 
“Hey, you alright, darling?” Lucifer called up to you, seeing you sway ever so slightly, hand dropping the banner before your body completely leaned backwards and fell off the ladder. He was quick to catch you, calling out your name as you landed in his arms. He cradled your figure, worried eyes staring down at you before being directed to take you to a room by Charlie.
“Dad, don’t worry!” She tried to reason with him, seeing how he watched you with concern. “Angel Dust said that Sinners get sick like this all the time! Some rest and things will be back to normal!” Her dad didn’t budge, brows still creased with worry as he held your hand, seeing your chest rise and sink with raspy breaths. His daughter sighed, “I’ll go get some water.” She took her leave.
Lucifer had no idea Sinners dealt with things like this, even after their deaths. He wished he could take away any discomfort you were feeling. If only he had the power to do so, he would in a heartbeat. 
A groan from your lips brought his focus back to you, he watched your chapped lips become slick with your saliva as you licked them. “Luci?” You felt his hand squeeze, your eyes sliding to see your partner. His hat was missing, hair tousled and wrung as if he couldn’t keep himself from threading his fingers through it, troubled at the thought of somehow losing you. 
“Hey, Sweetie.” He did his best to smile but nothing could prevent the worry from leaking through. “You uh, you gave me quite a scare! Ha-Ha!” He tried to push a smile though it was obviously strained. “H-How are you feeling?”
You glanced around, seeing that you were in one of the newly refurbished hotel rooms. Your eyes squinted, trying to recall the events that led you to waking up here. You had been feeling all but ill for the past few days and did nothing but try and push through it. “I, uh… I’m fine.” You tried to sit up but Lucifer pushed you to lay back down gently. 
“You’re anything but fine.” You met eyes with him once more. “If I hadn’t been there to catch you, it could have been worse.” His voice was shaky as he spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me that you weren’t feeling well?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I fell.” You tried to scoff out a laugh but seeing his expression you quickly stopped. You sighed, reaching for his hand again, searching for any comfort. He met you with his own, fingers intertwining tightly. “I just… Wanted to help out as much as possible.” You felt his thumb begin to rub along the edge of yours. “I wasn’t feeling well but… I didn’t want to let anyone down.” You saw him melt, now understanding. He felt his heart swell with even more adoration for you.
“Oh, my love.” His other hand caressed your cheek. “There is no way you’d ever let anyone down. Especially with me.” You leaned into his hand a bit more at his words. “If anything is wrong, please promise you’ll come talk with me?” 
You smiled softly before nodding your head. “I guess I should thank you for being there to catch me.” You yanked him towards you, arms wrapping around him tightly into your chest. “My gaurdian angel.” That nearly made his wings pop.
꒰ ADAM ꒱
“Hey Babe!” The door to your bedroom opened, a familiar voice announcing his entrance. “Saw you weren’t at the high council meeting and Danger Tits said you’d be here.” He strutted closer, seeing that the only thing on your bed was a weird lump of blankets. “Uh…” He poked it, “The fuck is this?” He did it a few more times. 
“Sto~op.” You groaned out, muffled through the layers of fabric.
“Uh, ew.” He took a step back, the disgust was ever present in his response. “Sounding a little gross there, babes.”
“Oh screw you.” You threw the blankets off you, narrowed eyes squinting at the intruder. “Why am I sick in Heaven! I thought Angels couldn’t get sick.”
Adam stared for a moment before he bursted into an obnoxious laughter, “Ain’t no way you caught the Angel Allergies!” His cackle continued, clutching his stomach.
“The what?” You spoke flatley, watching him walk around the bedroom and into the on-suite bathroom.
“Every Angel gets them after being in Heaven for a while. It's a side-effect for human angels.” He explained shuffling in the cabinet. “Can’t believe you actually caught them, that’s so lame!”
“Oh, like you’ve never been sick before!” You tried to challenge but your stuffed sinuses made you sound like a little kid throwing a tantrum. 
It only caused Adam to laugh even more. “Fuck no. The first man doesn’t get sick.” The water ran for a second before he walked back out, throwing a white bottle that rattled familiar to pills. “You’re welcome.”
You caught them, all but ungraciously. “What are these?” You glanced at them before having a glass of water shoved into your other hand.
“I can’t have my arm candy looking like a wreck, okay?” He sat down next to you on his side of the bed. Arms crossed behind his head. “Take two of those and you’ll be fine.” Your tired gaze slid over to see him resting, his mask now gone and eyes closed. “You’re stuck in bed until they go away.”
You huffed before quickly taking the pills with a few gulps of water. You drank the liquid entirely and set the empty glass on the bedside table. You immediately turned towards your man and tackled him. Your body cushioned by his and the impact was followed by a breathless grunt from him. “What the–”
“Thanks, babe.” You hummed, and squished your face into his chest. His hand hovered your form before settling around you, pulling you closer into him. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He glanced down at you, seeing your eyes close with a peaceful sigh. “Just get better, okay?” 
“See ya whores later!” Angel threw his right hands into the air as he walked through the lobby. “This body doesn't get paid the big bucks for nothing.” He pushed his fluff up, eyes catching a peek at your hunched over form at the bar. He immediately stopped walking. 
“What’s the matter with you?” He took a few steps closer. “Hey,” He poked your arm, causing you to finally sit up straight and wearily turn your head towards him. “Oh, you look like shit.” His lip curled at the sight. Dark eye bags, bleary eyes, dull complexion.
“Thanks, Ange.” Your tone had no inflection of appreciation as you rolled your eyes. “You’re a real confidence booster, you know that?”
“No seriously, what’s going on?” His voice deepened, brows creasing as he sat down on the bar stool next to you, scooting closer. 
You waved a hand in the air, shooing him away. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
“More like anything but fine.” Husk spoke as he walked behind the bar. “Spends most nights sitting here rather than sleeping.”
“Shut. up. Husk.” You snapped at the bartender. 
“Insomnia, huh?” Angel sighed, hand hovering your shoulder. He hesitated. “Listen, I gotta go but… Take care of yourself, okay?” You glanced at him before holding your hand out. He grabbed yours and felt you squeeze.
“Don’t worry about me.” You tilted your head and smiled, though unconvincingly. “I’m okay… You should go before you’re late.” Your brows creased knowingly. 
“Right…” He stood,  nervously looking over your figure before letting go and turning to leave. As much as he wanted to stay, to take care of you, he couldn’t do anything to upset Val when he was needed at the studio. 
The next time he saw you was when he had finished shooting. Finally making his way back to the hotel and seeing you in the same spot where he had left you. Except now, you were passed out.
“The fuck, Husk?” He stomped over, “You can’t just pour out the drinks without regard to someone’s health!” He angrily glared at the bartender. 
“I didn’t pour anything.” He huffed, tone blunt as ever. “Started snoozing the minute you left. Figured I’d let them catch some sleep for once.” He shrugged. 
“You– but– Ugh! Nevermind!” Angel came closer, arms wrapping around you softly before lifting you up. He made his way to your hotel room, kicking the door shut with his foot and walking in to lay you on your bed. The jumble finally brought you out of your sleep with a hummed groan. 
“Ange?” You asked, eyes squinting to see his dual colored eyes, a sense of relief flooding your body. You sighed. “You’re back.” You reached out for his hand, searching for his. He returned quickly, though confused. “I’m glad.” The comfy bed now felt like a warm cloud, pulling you back to your slumber once more.
“Wait a minute,” His eyes widened, falling to his knees next to your bed. “Is that why you’ve been staying up?” He whispered in shock.
“Well someone’s gotta make sure you get back safely.” You mumbled into your pillow, feeling your eyelids becoming heavy. He let out a long sigh, overwhelmingly filled with a sense of warmth, hand coming to your head and resting there. 
“Thank you.” He laid his head in his other set of arms next to you. “For everything.”
꒰ VOX ꒱
The man released an exasperated sigh after reading his most recent text from Val. He had to do everything around here, didn’t he? All to keep up appearances with the public and uphold their reputation. Because if it wasn’t his dear Val running up a storm, then it was Velvette. 
Vel’s on a rampage~ ♡
He pushed open the doors to said woman’s studio, seeing her shouting at her workers and her assistant cowering behind one of the trash cans. Taking cover from the throne spools of fabric and occasional scissors. 
“Velvette.” Vox cascaded in a calming tone, walking closer to her and dodging an incoming hairbrush. 
“The fuck do you want, flat face?” She snarled through heavy breaths, “Can’t you see, I’m busy!”
“Yes, of course, so busy.” He rolled his eyes. “And why are you destroying your department this time?” He leaned forward, eyes intent for an answer.
“My star pupil decided to show up late today!” She shouted, “Do you know how much money was spent for this show! And out of nowhere, cough cough, the bitch is sick!” She swiped at her phone, dialing a number. “If that dumbshit doesn’t show, I will kill every last one of you!”
Vox’s brow raised instantly, knowing exactly who she was talking about. “I’m sure someone as smart as you will figure things out.”
“You don’t think I know that!?” She turned towards him. “Go get me my lead!” He huffed and with a zap, he disappeared through one of the many security cameras and into your apartment within the building.
He took a few steps, searching for any sign of you. It was eerily quiet until a symphony of coughs could be heard from the kitchen. They became louder the closer he got, seeing you hunched over the sink. “Oh, No…” He walked over, placing a hand on your back and rubbing to ease your discomfort.
You finished out your fit, “Don’t mind me.” You sniffled, grabbing a tissue and wiping your mouth clean. “Just hacking up a lung.” You stood up, turning to fully see Vox. “Let me guess… Vel told you.” You spoke flatly, knowing his appearance wasn’t a coincidence.
“You should have called me.” He frowned.
You rolled your eyes, walking over to the hot tea you were brewing until you were rudely interrupted by your weak immune system. “I knew your schedule was busy…” You poured in some more honey. “Not to mention, Vel went off before I could even finish telling her I couldn’t make it today.” You raised the mug to your lips, letting the warm liquid relieve your scratchy throat.
“Velvette’s show is the least of your problems.” He spoke and watched your turn to him. “She can find a new lead. You need to rest.” 
“Yeah, but you’re all about saving face.” You poked the corner of his screen, flashing a small smile before walking past him. “Faking it on that runway for an hour won’t be hard.” His steel claws grabbed your wrist and stopped you. 
“You’re not doing her show.” His eyes glared down at you. Screen flashing a few times before revealing his face once more. “I’ve canceled my appointments for the day.”
“What?” your eyes widened. He grabbed your mug, hand falling to your back and guiding you towards your bedroom. “And you expect Vel to just be okay with that?” 
“Let me handle it.” He brought you to your bed, setting your tea on your bedside table before pulling back your blankets. “You’re on bedrest until this thing has flushed itself out of your system.” 
You propped your hand on your hip, “If I didn’t know any better, Vox. I'd think you cared about me.” You watched his face glitch, blue-screening for a moment. 
“sħᵾⱦ ᵾp ⱥnđ lie down!” His filtered static appeared for a moment with his flustered order.
“Oh, kinky! I love when you get all dominant on me.” You smirked, seeing his face continue to malfunction. “Cool your hard drives.” A soft giggle escaped your lungs before you started coughing again. You slid under the comforter, getting situated as he flicked the blankets over. He passed you your tea and watched you take a sip to relieve your coughing. 
“Stay.” He pointed and glared down at you before turning away. Your fingers swiftly caught the tail of his suit, stopping him. He swiveled his head, brows raised.
You turned away, “Thank you.”
A gentle smile graced his mouth. He stepped closer, hand on your head to lean you towards him ever so slightly. His warm screen grazed your forehead as he softly kissed it. “Anything for you, my love.”
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likes and reblogs appreciated ༊*·˚
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kozumesphone · 4 months
⤷ piper mclean x daughter of dionysus!reader ‧₊˚ ⋅
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♡ liked by aphroditesfav.piper, mcshizzleman, j.grace, sallysgoldenboy and 96,337 others
tagged: aphroditesfav.piper
yn.yln baby, why don't you come over? red wine supernova, falling into me . . .
view all 69,325 comments
aphroditesfav.piper I love you so so much my baby 💓 I have no idea what I did in my past life to deserve someone as amazing and perfect as you, princess <3 happy 6 months of chaotic gayness 😌🫶 ilysm!!! AND thank you SO much for playing all my favs on your guitar, I think I fell asleep crying about that so 🫣
ㅤ ↳ yn.yln bro literally. our chaos potential is so unmatched 😌 and babes stop- idk what I did to deserve YOU, someone who’s so stunning, smart, and loving. happy half a year to us, and here’s to many more years of us to come 🥂🤍 AHHH my love, i’m so so so happy you had fun w me <3 ilysm angel <3
larue.c she plays the guitar? and writes handwritten letters and adds lipstick marks? AND shares wine? wifey material fr 💋
ㅤ ↳ yn.yln STOP i’m blushing too much man 🫣
ㅤ ↳ aphroditesfav.piper HELLO?? that’s my girl right there- go smooch chris, clar 😭 gimme back my girl 😭
mcshizzleman FOUR PLUS FOUR???!!
ㅤ ↳ yn.yln ATE? no, WE DEVOURED, BABY 🗣️‼️ okay but fr. I owe you forever for helping me set up everything for this yesterday bb 🫶
ㅤ ↳ mcshizzleman all I ask is to be the best man at your wedding + that I be the godfather to your kids + that one of your children gets named after me. that’s all 😌
ㅤ ↳ aphroditesfav.piper homie you WISH 🙄
sallysgoldenboy exactly HOW much wine might have you consumed last night, without adult supervision, might I add? 🤨
ㅤ ↳ yn.yln less enough to drive us home sober dw, DAD ✊
j.grace congratulations, guys (: you’re literally endgame and my personal otp, so 🫡
ㅤ ↳ yn.yln AHAHAH JACE ILYSM BBY ❤️!!
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♡ liked by yn.yln, larue.c, mcshizzleman, j.grace and 93,617 others
tagged: yn.yln
aphroditesfav.piper so baby, let's get freaky, get kinky, let's make this bed get squeaky . . .
view all 69,490 comments
yn.yln BABY?? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH?????! running back home asap, be right there, my sweet angel 🏃‍♀️💨
ㅤ ↳ aphroditesfav.piper i’ll be waiting for you, ma’m 🫡
ㅤ ↳ mcshizzleman ew
ㅤ ↳ yn.yln wdym ew ): i’m going home fast to bake stuff for pipes so she doesn’t blow up the kitchen ):
ㅤ ↳ aphroditesfav.piper oh my GOD, please have SOME faith in me
mcshizzleman KEEP IT PG 13 OH MY GOD, THERE'S KIDS ON THIS APP?? (@/j.grace 😞)
ㅤ ↳ aphroditesfav.piper you're just jealous shush ✋
↳ j.grace oh, shut up, leo 😒
↳ mcshizzleman yes, sir 🫡
dio.urlocaldrunkard should I be concerned?
ㅤ ↳ yn.yln LMAO no, chill, dad <3
larue.c if one of yall was a guy, you’d be pregnant like yesterday
↳ aphroditesfav.piper …valid
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temp. taglist — @nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby
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@urbanflorals @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr
@pjoverseluvr @maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn
@metyouattherighttime @a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor
@iheartgirlzn @nomournersnofunerals @over-the-ocean-call @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia
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@moon-drop18 @d4rkdi0rrr @hopelesslyromantic-shark @saltwatergirl6 @hope92100
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answering this req from char !
kozumesphone © 2024 | don’t repost my works onto other platforms, or edit and post them even on tumblr, without asking me first • don’t steal my works, steal my heart instead • reblogs and comments are more than appreciated !
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toranoya · 2 years
Elias and Sonic
When it was finally a quiet moment around Knothole, Prince Elias Acorn, recently rescued and reinstalled as in charge as the King’s shy first-born son pending the King’s recovery. Of course, some of the Freedom Fighters privately disagreed with the decision, having to follow orders from an unknown when his sister Princess Sally had been with them the whole time.
As such, people in Knothole greeted him politely, but didn’t really offer to help, so it took him longer than it had to in order to find Sonic, whom he eventually found with Tails. “Excuse me.” Elias said as his gaze roamed Sonic’s body, whom he had started to get quite a crush on. “Miles, if you would give us a moment please? I would like to talk to Sonic in private.”
(Hope this works and look forward to rp’ing with you. :)
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isolatehim · 3 months
  ┄  THE WATCHMAKER ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓏵⠀⠀⠀danger, danger!
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   the watchmaker is a free doc themed on misha from honkai: star rail, best viewed on print layout for easier access with editing.
you can  ⦂
 ꔫ change template colors
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 ꔫ basically anything else
you may not  ⦂
 ﹒ Remove the credit for any reason at all (you may move it to a different area within the doc)  
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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀  𓏵 2/3 finished ⠀ ⸺⠀⠀this one is a bit short in length/decoration since the og was short :3 ⠀⠀⠀
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charlesslut16 · 1 year
-forbidden love-
summary : you and charles are in love but you are not allowed to date...
PAIRING : charles leclerc x fem!reader
WARNINGS : badly translated french
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Your love was forbidden.Charles and you have been in love with each other since you were both kids. The love only developed more with the years. You both longed for each other, like kids longed for candy.
Your moms hated each other, so your love was forbidden. Convincing. That was what you did all your life. To convince you moms to let you date each other, but you moms didn't back down.
You tried torturing Arthur, so you could see Charles, but you moms never allowed it. Only if Charles wasn't around, you could come into the house and help Arthur. 
Your mom's never allowed you both to be in the same room, because you could have tried to date in secret. But now you were both in the Ferrari motor home, looking at each other.
Feeling the same as you have always felt. You both knew what you felt for each other. Both of you having the same question on your tongue but knowing that the question would never be asked.
Charles looked at you, as if you were the only woman who'll ever exist to him. It was making your heart race, your mind screaming. He reached for you, making your skin tingle when his hand touched your cheek.
It felt like your tongue was tied, because there were also many things you wanted to say to him. But nothing left my lips. Instead, his deep voice filled the space between you.
"Tu es à couper le souffle, mon coeur." You looked at him with big eyes. His dimples made you a beautiful appearance. Beautiful. You are breathtaking, mon coeur.
"We can't be together, char" You whispered. "You know we can't." He simply shook his head at your statement, leaned in closer until his lips brushed your ear, a shudder worked itself in your spine.
"There's nothing that could part me from you. Not a country, not an ocean and especially not our families who believe we cannot be together. Tu m'as volé, mon petit voleur. You have taken my when I wasn't looking. And I beg you, mon amour, don't ever give it back to me." You stole from me, my love.
His voice was low in your ear, it felt like a harmony. He pulled away a little, our eyes connected again. His words toke me by full surprise and made me even more stunned than I already was.
"We can't be together." You repeated yourself hoarsely, your voice seemed to leave you, breaking in the process.
The warm smile he gave you was... comforting. Butterflies somersaults made it into your stomach. "Maybe not at the moment, mon petit voleur" he agreed.
"Mais j’attendrais cent ans pour toi, seulement pour avoir un peu de temps avec toi." But I would wait a hundred years for you, only to have some time with you at all.
He lightly grabbed you by your throat. You sucked in a sharp breath when he had pulled you closer to him, his own breath mingled with your own, what made your head dizzy.
"Let me just have a little taste before I starve to death." He rasped, the words made no sense to you, but then his mouth crashed down onto your lips. And suddenly, everything started to clear itself.
For a moment, everything was perfectly fitting. Every little thing was right. The voices in your head quiet down. And the time seemed to stand still. But every little moment had to stop eventually. Just like this one had.
It left you with a void that should have been filled.
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ac-schryver · 3 months
RadioApple: Mild to Medium
Lucifer: -baking bread and churning butter- Hey, Char Char, can you do me a tiny favor and stir that roux?
Charlie: -weirded out but stirs the pot- what are you doing?
Lucifer: I got a look at that Vagintony guy and he’s pretending to be Mothman, but Mothman is sexy and he’s not sexy, so I decided to put him in his place by showing him that he’s not sexy enough to temp an Asexual! You can’t call yourself sexy if you can’t temp an Ace!
Charlie: DAD, you’re not going to lure someone who doesn’t like sex into sex are you?!
Lucifer: What? No! Your uncle Ozzie would kill me! I’m talking about luring them with food! Most Aces I’ve known don’t like the sticky, but some like the thought of it in book form! So I’m going to trap Alastor in a box in front of V tower using garlic bread, jambalaya and like the dirtiest book I could find from Lust just so I can watch Box sob!
Charlie: is this about what Vox said to you the other day?
Lucifer: Alastor is my bestie and I’m only sharing with Rosie!
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minthesupremacy · 3 months
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Hermes redesign!
Design notes below the cut
His color scheme is inspired by Midna in LoZ. IDK, the vibes were just there. He has a dual color in his hair to show the duality of his nature. He was born with black hair with a tuft of blonde. It has gotten more pronounced as he’s gotten older, and is very prominent when he is in his “true” form. He gets this from his mother (shown in the last slide) Maia. Though he has more of Zeus’ skintone. His red eyes are due to his ties to the Underworld.
On Olympus/In the Underworld he wears very sporty clothes. He likes to wear as little fabric as possible, as he runs very hot (due to his mother being a pleiad/star (she herself doesnt wear any clothes), he has an insanely high internal temp). His preferred wear on the mortal realm is the Chlamys for similar reasons.
He spends a lot of time in disguise as a mortal, especially while doing Zeus’ bidding in the mortal realm— Hermes and Iris (and formerly Iris’ sister, Arke, though neither of the two are prominent chars) specifically are the only gods who are able to hide themselves even from other gods. He can disguise his nature and thus is able to travel through the Mortal Realm unrecognized by other gods. This becomes necessary when Persephone and him have a falling out, so he has to sneak around to pass messages through the realm. (other goddesses live with D/P, including his own mother). He has a cap made of a piece of Hades' helm of invisibility, that he uses to disguise his identity, though it does not fully conceal him.
Hermes is a god of many dualities— travel, thievery, commerce, messages, and psychopompery (new word dropped). As such, his true form dons many faces. His hair colors inverse, and his right eye swaps color. The ram because he is a god of fecundity and commerce, as the ram is a sign of fertility and was traded for meat and used as inspiration in art (this head was inspired by a rhyton I saw in the Met forever ago). His bird head is a magpie— which is typically associated with thieving and death. Both are aspects of Hermes and embodied in his true form. The wings are cus hehe he flies.
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fidjiefidjie · 15 days
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"Il faut être l'homme de la pluie et l'enfant du beau temps." 🌧
René Char
Gif de The Connoisseur/ Norman Rockwell
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