#Tensor DSR
vividracing · 5 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/new-race-proven-utv-wheel-tire-package/
NEW Race Proven UTV Wheel & Tire Package
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35″ Tensor Desert Series Race Tires + VR Forged D15 Beadlocks (Swoon)
I think we can all agree that when we see a UTV on a trailer with Tensor DSRs, Regulators, BFG Projects, or any large Baja-proven race tires, it gives us that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Something about the stance of a UTV or truck with race tires makes us want to turn up some Metallica and do some off-road thrashing. We got to mount up some 35×15 10 Tensor DSR (Desert Series Race) tires to a set of gorgeous VR Forged D15 (5-lug) forged beadlocks. If you aren’t familiar, these D15 Beadlocks by VR Forged are some serious race-proven forged wheels that not only bada** looking, but save a substantial amount of weight. Each wheel weighs in at about 20.7 lbs, but we’ll call it 9.4 kg because we’re MWW. (Motorsports Weight Weenies)
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Getting to take this Polaris RZR Pro R out to the desert to hoon and put this wheel and tire package to the test was amazing to say the least. These tires alone compared to the stock rubbers is a night and day difference. The driver characteristics are so positive and can truly feel the energy and capabilities of the machine. Not in a cheesy-sappy way but the assurance of agility and being able to dive into different directions or carve ruts confidently. As for the wheels, the VR Forged D15s really bring everything home with saving weight from adding the big ol’ tires and knowing when SNAFU happens, you have some forged wheels that will still be able to get you home.
Shop These Tensor DSR Tires
Shop These VR Forged D15 Beadlock Wheels
Here are some photos from the shred session:
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What Tensor Tires has to say about the DSR Tires:
“Looking for the best competition-legal UTV race tire? Introducing the Tensor Tire Desert Series Race lineup. Whether you’re looking for the lightweight DSR30, the SCORE/BITD legal DSR33, or maximum height at 37in tall with the DSR37, this race proven series is the top choice for those who demand the best.”
What VR Forged has to say about the D15 5-Lug Beadlocks:
“The VR Forged D15 Beadlock UTV wheel is a full 1 piece forged monoblock wheel designed specifically for the new 5 lug Polaris RZR Pro R. You dont have to wait for these to be made like other forged wheels. Just pick your favorite tire and mount it up! This UTV specific wheel was designed to be superior in strength and much lighter than standard cast wheels. Creating this wheel was necessary for those wanting a wheel that will not fail under the harshest conditions as well as look amazing for the everyday UTV owner. The 8 spoke design is a perfect look for UTVs and shows off just enough of the brake caliper. The most important part of this wheel is that it is a TRUE beadlock design. The beadlock allows you to run those low tire pressures without fear of the tire coming off the wheel. Manufactured using a 10,000 ton press, each forged wheel is manufactured to meet the expectations of the highest OEM automobile manufactures.”
In our opinion:
This is a fantastic wheel and tire combo that will ultimate change the way your UTV handles and responds to the abuse you’re going to be putting it through. Before even considering to do any suspension modifications, a proper set of wheels and tires will change the capabilities and reliability of your UTV for the best. Don’t have a RZR Pro R? Don’t worry, there are VR Forged wheels for most UTVs. They can be found here:
VR Forged D15 UTV Wheels
You can also shop all Tensor Tire options here:
Tensor Tires
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soccomcsantos · 5 years
Bem-vindo GLB!
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Vem aí um novo Mercedes-Benz! A seguir ao GLA, prepare-se para receber o GLB, o mais recente membro da família de SUV compactos da marca da estrela, de aspeto robusto, com aptidões off-road (tração integral 4MATIC opcional) e toda a versatilidade própria de um familiar, a quem nem sequer falta uma terceira fila de bancos. Com motorizações potentes e eficientes, múltiplos sistemas de ajuda à condução e a inteligente plataforma MBUX, bem se pode dizer que o GLB nasceu virado para o sucesso!
Com 2.829 milímetros, o GLB tem dez centímetros a mais de distância entre eixos que o novo Classe B. O espaço nos bancos da primeira fila é de 1.035 milímetros, o melhor neste segmento. Com 967 milímetros, o espaço efetivo para as pernas na parte traseira (versão de cinco lugares) está num nível especialmente confortável. 
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A capacidade do compartimento de carga, de 560 a 1.755 litros (valores para a versão de cinco lugares) possui as qualidades de uma station. A segunda fila de bancos pode ser ajustada longitudinalmente e, de série, também a inclinação dos encostos é ajustável em várias etapas. Isto permite ampliar o compartimento de carga até mais 179 litros, dando-lhe enorme versatilidade.
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Pronto para o embarque: até sete lugares
O GLB é o primeiro veículo compacto da Mercedes-Benz a estar disponível com uma terceira fila de bancos, com mais dois lugares individuais. Estes podem ser usados por pessoas até 1,68 metros, oferecendo um espaço confortável. A extensa lista de equipamentos de segurança inclui apoios de cabeça retrácteis, cintos de segurança com tensores, airbags laterais de janela que também protege os passageiros na terceira fila e fixações ISOFIX e TOP-Tether para cadeiras de criança compatíveis. Estas podem ser usadas para instalar até quatro cadeiras de criança na parte traseira.
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Os dispositivos de conforto nos lugares da terceira fila incluem dois suportes de bebidas entre os bancos, bem como dois compartimentos de arrumação à esquerda e à direita nos revestimentos do compartimento de bagagem, cada um com uma porta USB. Os bancos podem ser arrumados para que fiquem nivelados com o piso do compartimento de carga, a fim de aumentar o volume de carga.
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Design exterior orientado para o off-road
As proporções robustas do GLB sublinham o design orientado para uma utilização fora-de-estrada: as formas estão em evidência com linhas reduzidas. A seção dianteira com faróis marcantes é uma clara evidência da orientação off-road deste veículo, assim como as extremidades curtas à frente e atrás.
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As linhas do veículo são marcantes e de contornos sensuais, dominando a vista de perfil na zona do pilar C, um efeito que é reforçado pela cintura ascendente. As portas vão até à barra lateral, melhorando a facilidade de acesso e mantendo as aberturas livres e limpas, bem como aumentando a proteção dos ocupantes em caso de impacto lateral. As proteções em todo o veículo dividem as proporções gerais e sublinham o caráter todo-o-terreno do veículo, tal como a proteção inferior simulada na parte dianteira e traseira.
Design interior robusto e moderno
O painel de instrumentos é composto por uma só peça com recortes óticos na zona do condutor e do passageiro dianteiro. O condutor tem à sua frente um cockpit panorâmico com o sistema MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience). Uma característica nova é o elemento tubular característico off-road que remata a seção mais baixa do painel de instrumentos e aloja as três saídas de ventilação em formato de turbina. Estas dão ao tablier uma impressão de robustez e de dinamismo. Por baixo das saídas de ventilação, encontramos os comandos do ar condicionado, cujos botões criam a impressão de que foram obtidos a partir de partir de um cilindro de alumínio sólido.
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O caráter robusto do interior encontra continuidade na consola central. Os elementos tubulares em alumínio conferem solidez ao design. Ao longo das portas, o caráter SUV é sublinhado pelos puxadores horizontais que, a partir da linha de design Progressive, forma uma parte robusta da estrutura dos painéis de porta e se assemelha a tubos de alumínio do tablier e consola central.
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Iluminação para todas as circunstâncias
Os faróis LED High Performance estão disponíveis de série em combinação com a Linha Style Plus, Progressive e AMG e os faróis LED MULTIBEAM estão disponíveis como opção para o GLB. Estes últimos oferecem uma regulação controlada eletronicamente e com toda a precisão dos faróis, adequando-os a cada situação específica de condução. Como opção, também estão disponíveis faróis de nevoeiro dianteiros com tecnologia LED. Estes distribuem a luz de forma mais ampla do que os faróis principais e, assim, iluminam melhor as áreas periféricas. A sua posição rebaixada no para-choques dianteiro ajuda a reduzir o risco de encandeamento.
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Os modelos 4MATIC incluem o Pack Off-Road. Em combinação com os faróis LED MULTIBEAM, estes modelos oferecem uma função especial de luz fora-de-estrada. Esta facilita a visualização de obstáculos no escuro em terrenos irregulares. Com a luz fora-de-estrada, a luz de curva dos faróis LED MULTIBEAM está sempre ativada até uma velocidade de 50 km/h. Isto resulta numa distribuição de luz imediatamente ampla em frente ao veículo.
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Sistema de tração integral 4MATIC para progressão em qualquer terreno
O GLB está equipado, em certas motorizações, com o sistema de tração integral permanente 4MATIC. Esta configuração de tração integral permite ao condutor utilizar o interruptor DYNAMIC SELECT para adaptar as características do sistema 4MATIC. Há três mapas específicos disponíveis para controlar a tração, embora o sistema responda de forma flexível à situação atual de condução em qualquer modo. 
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Em condições normais de condução, o programa de condução "Eco/Comfort" baseia-se numa distribuição 80:20 (eixo dianteiro, eixo traseiro), enquanto em "Sport" essa distribuição é de 70:30. Em modo off-road, a tração integral funciona como um bloqueio do diferencial entre eixos, fixando-se a distribuição básica um num valor equilibrado de 50:50.
Pack Off-Road
Para além da luz de fora-de-estrada, o Pack Off-Road possui um modo de condução adicional. Este adapta a disponibilidade de potência do motor e o controlo do ABS à condução fora-de-estrada, em estradas não pavimentadas. O modo pode ser ativado através do interruptor DYNAMIC SELECT.
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Pode ser mostrada uma animação deste modo de condução no ecrã multimédia. A apresentação realista da inclinação, bem como do ângulo de inclinação e das configurações técnicas, ajuda o condutor a analisar as manobras corretamente e em tempo real.
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Por outro lado, o sistema de assistência de arranque em inclinação (Downhill Speed Regulation – DSR) seleciona automaticamente uma velocidade lenta pré-selecionada, entre cerca de 2 e 18 km/ e pode ser visualizado no painel de instrumentos e no head-up display opcional. Com a aplicação selecionada dos travões, este assistente ajuda a manter o controlo nas descidas mais acentuadas.
Motorizações potentes e eficientes a gasolina e Diesel
O novo GLB está equipado com motores a gasolina e Diesel que foram completamente atualizados. Em comparação com a geração anterior, as motorizações são caracterizadas pelo aumento significativo da potência, pela maior eficiência e pelas emissões mais reduzidas. A motorização de entrada na gama de modelos a gasolina é o M 282, com uma cilindrada de 1,33 l e 163 cv no GLB 200. Este motor tem a função de desligar os cilindros para uma operação eficiente na gama de funcionamento com carga parcial.
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Graças ao pós-tratamento dos gases do escape, a unidade Diesel de dois litros (OM 654q) do GLB 200 d/GLB 220 d com 150 cv e 190 cv, respetivamente, e com caixa de dupla embraiagem 8G-DCT já cumpre o nível 2 da norma RDE (Real Driving Emissions), que só entrará em vigor a partir de 2020 e tem homologação Euro 6d.
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O novo GLB é produzido na fábrica de Aguascalientes (México) e, para o mercado chinês, em Pequim, e tem data de chegada prevista à Sociedade Comercial C. Santos no final deste ano.
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techstartro · 2 years
Gamerii GeForce sunt Game Ready săptămâna aceasta pentru God of War și Rainbow Six Extraction cu NVIDIA DLSS și NVIDIA Reflex
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Următorul NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready driver care se va lansa pe 14 ianuarie include optimizări din prima zi pentru God of War, considerat la scară largă unul dintre cele mai bune jocuri de acțiune din toate timpurile, iar doar gamerii GeForce RTX primesc suport la lansare pentru NVIDIA DLSS și NVIDIA Reflex, atunci când jocul se va lansa pe PC, pe 14 ianuarie. Noul driver dispune și de suport pentru Rainbow Six Extraction, care se lansează pe 20 ianuarie cu DLSS și NVIDIA Reflex. Gamerii care joacă Hitman III, The Anacrusis, GRIT și Monster Hunter Rise vor dispune de cea mai bună experiență în aceste jocuri cu ultimul driver. De asemenea, există suport pentru 8 noi monitoare compatibile G-SYNC. O versiune de placă video GeForce RTX 3080 cu 12GB de memorie GDDR6X erste disponibilă de la partenerii noștri începând de astăzi, cu drivere disponibile prin GeForce Experience și pe pagina de drivere NVIDIA. Pentru prețuri și mai multe informații legate de placă, puteți lua legătura cu partenerii noștri.
God of War și Rainbow Six Extraction se lansează cu DLSS și Reflex
NVIDIA DLSS și Reflex au dovedit că sunt tehnologii pe care dezvoltatorii de jocuri vor să le adauge în locurile lor, iar pe care gamerii le vor. În această lună, două jocuri importante, God of War și Rainbow Six Siege se lansează, iar ambele vor avea suport pentru aceste două tehnologii la lansare. Bazat pe tehnologie de randare AI și nuclee Tensor dedicate, găsite exclusiv pe plăcile video GeForce RTX, DLSS crește numărul de cadre pe secundă în God of War și Rainbow Six Extraction în timp ce păstrează grafica incredibilă și detaliile pentru a oferi o calitate a imaginii similar cu rezoluția nativă. NVIDIA Reflex este o suită de tehnologii care optimizează și măsoară latența sistemului în jocuri competitive, făcând gameplay-ul mai fluid chiar și pejntru cele mai dificile provocări.
Mai multe update-uri Game Ready
Driver-ul NVIDIA Game Ready pentru God of War adaugă și alte funcții, precum: Optimizări și îmbunătățiri pentru lansările The Anacrusis, GRIT, Hitman III și Monster Hunter Rise. Îmbunătățiri Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR) cu AI pentru îmbunătățirea calității imaginii. Adăugarea a 3 noi filtre bazate pe profunzime în NVIDIA Freestyle, printre care și Screen Space Ray Traced Global Illumination, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion și Dynamic Depth of Field. Suport pentru 8 noi monitoare de gaming compatibile G-SYNC: AOC AG275QG3R4B+ AOC Q32G3WG3 AOC AG275QXE Dell G2723HN HP OMEN 27i IPS MSI MPG321UR-QD Philips 24M1N3200ZA ViewSonic VX3220-4K-Pro Read the full article
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GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming OC video card: Review| Specs | Set-up|
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Review and test of the GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming OC video card - silence and ultimate performance! | Video Cards | Reviews| Hashrate In one of my reviews, I looked at the GeForce RTX 3080 Gaming OC graphics card, which really opens the door to the 4K gaming league. But, in fairness, it should be noted that this graphics adapter is only a pre-top solution in the product line with the Ampere architecture. The place of the flagship is at the mercy of video cards with an NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU and 24 GB GDDR6X memory. This video card will be discussed in this review. I will test and tell you about the GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming OC , which you can buy now at a price of 164,999 rubles. Specifications - Manufacturer: GIGABYTE; - Модель: GeForce RTX 3090 GAMING OC; - GPU: Ampere GA102; - Process technology: 8 nm; - GPU frequency: 1395 MHz; - GPU Boost frequency in games: 1755 MHz; - Number of shader processors: 10496; - Video memory: 24 GB; - Video memory type: GDDR6X; - Video memory bus width: 384 bits; - Video memory frequency: 19500 MHz (2438 GHz QDR); - Порты: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4a, 2 x HDMI 2.1; - Additional power connector: 2 x 8-pin; - TDP parameter: 370 W; - Dimensions: 320 x 129 x 60 mm. Packaging and delivery set By the appearance of the graphics accelerator box, we can say that its design has not changed much in comparison with previous generations of video cards. The changes are only visible in the details. For the RTX 3090 Gaming OC, this is the model name and memory size, as well as the technological features accompanying the device. The main bet in the RTX 3090 Gaming OC is on the cooling system for the graphics adapter. It is to her that most of the information on the back of the cardboard box is devoted. Also, the emphasis is on the metal backplate and RGB backlighting of the video card. The RTX 3090 Gaming OC is guaranteed for 4 years from the date of purchase. In order for this guarantee to be valid, the manufacturer asks to register the device on a specialized website. How to do it correctly and simply, the booklet included in the delivery set will tell you. Also inside the box, the user will find a small user manual. Appearance and features The look of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC can be most accurately described as calm. The video card does not differ in "flashy" design, and its cooling system is not overloaded with an abundance of decorative elements for RGB backlighting. At the same time, the dimensions of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC are impressive - 320 x 129 x 60 mm in length, height and thickness, respectively. Almost the entire back side of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC is covered with a metal plate with an inscription in the form of the manufacturer's name. Excellent PCB protection solution. The thickness of the radiator of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC cooling system shows that they definitely did not save on this aspect. At the same time, the manufacturer has designed a metal backplate with an upper L-shaped bend. This made it possible to protect the video card from the top end and it is convenient to take it in hand when removing the motherboard from the PCIe slot. The bottom end of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC radiator is almost completely open for ventilation. The used plastic casing of the cooling system is designed in such a way as not to interfere with the removal of the air flow blown by the fans. The right side of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC is tightly closed with a casing of the cooling system. Only two attachment points for corporate PC builders dilute the picture at this point in the graphics case. The five connectors for displaying the image on the RTX 3090 Gaming OC are installed in two rows. These include two HDMI 2.1 and three DisplayPort 1.4a. The video card supports connection of up to four monitors at the same time, the maximum possible resolution is 7680 x 4320 pixels at a refresh rate of 60 Hz. Let's take a closer look at some of the design features of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC that definitely deserve attention. First of all, it will be the RGB backlight module on the upper end of the graphics accelerator. It is designed in the form of GIGABYTE lettering, which can glow in all colors of the rainbow and can be controlled using RGB Fusion 2.0. As an additional power supply on the RTX 3090 Gaming OC, a pair of 8-pin connectors are implemented, which turn out to be slightly recessed relative to the CO casing and the backplate of the video card. Another interesting feature of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC is the cooling organization called "Screen Cooling". It is a through blowing of the CO radiator by the third fan. To implement this method of cooling, the metal backplate of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC provides many cutouts, which are also an element of decorating the video card. A nice bonus for owners of RTX 3090 Gaming OC will be the presence of two BIOS chips, the switch between which is installed on the upper end of the graphics adapter. It allows you to choose between a quiet mode of the cooling system and a more aggressive one called "OS". In the Ampere product line, graphics cards with an RTX 3090 chip are given the exclusive ability to combine into multi-graphics configurations using SLI technology. Therefore, on the top end of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC, you can see the pins of the NVIDIA NVlink connector. Cooling system Starting the story about the RTX 3090 Gaming OC, I noted for a reason that the manufacturer of this graphics adapter focuses on the cooling system. And there is really something to see here. First of all, the massiveness of the radiator itself with heat pipes and a copper contact pad is impressive. To connect the CO and RGB fans of the video card backlight, three cables with 4-pin connectors are used. At the heart of the CO of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC is a thick copper plate that contacts the GPU crystal directly. Also, this plate gets heat from 12 GDDR6X memory chips on the front side of the PCB. Seven 6mm heatpipes help to quickly distribute heat throughout the body of the radiator. At the same time, the VRM zones are also not without attention - for the most heated elements, heat removal to the CO radiator is provided using thermal pads. One 80mm and a pair of 90mm fans with unique impeller blades are built into the CO casing of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC video card. During operation of these fans, an alternative rotation pattern is used. The central fan rotates clockwise, while the two outer ones rotate counterclockwise. This technique optimizes airflow and increases the overall cooling efficiency of the graphics adapter. The turntables used are manufactured by PowerLogic. And so the radiator of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC cooling system looks from the front side with the plastic cover removed. It can be seen that five heat pipes go to the left section of the radiator at once, while two more fall on the right section with a copper contact pad. The backplate in the RTX 3090 Gaming OC does more than just protect the PCB. This can be seen by a detailed analysis of the graphics adapter. This aluminum plate is used to dissipate heat from 12 GDDR6X memory chips on the back side of the PCB. The backplate is also a mount for an adapter for additional power connectors, which allowed placing a pair of 8-pin connectors on the right corner of the video card on the RTX 3090 Gaming OC. Printed circuit board The PCB of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC graphics adapter is oversaturated with the element base and this is primarily due to the technological features of this flagship product. The layout of the components on the PCB is built around the GPU, which is centered on the PCB. A similar picture is observed on the back of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC. In particular, half of the 12 GDDR6X memory chips are soldered to this side of the PCB. The computing power of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC is based on the GA102-300-A1 GPU, made using an 8nm process technology at a Samsung factory. According to the chip labeling, it was produced in the 32nd week of 2020. This GPU contains 10496 CUDA cores, 328 texture units and 112 raster units. It includes 328 tensor and 82 RT cores. 24 GB of on-board GDDR6X memory is packed with 24 Micron chips of 1 GB each. They are soldered on both sides of the PCB, right next to the GPU. The operating frequency of the memory is 19500 MHz, which, in the presence of a 384-bit bus, makes it possible to obtain a bandwidth of 936 GB / s. The RTX 3090 Gaming OC's 19-phase power system is wired to either side of the GPU. The power harness provides 15 phases for the GPU and 4 phases for the GDDR6X memory chips. To control the power supply of the video card, three uP9512R digital PWM controllers from uPI Semiconductor are used. They are wired from both the front and back sides of the PCB. A separate Holtek HT32F52342 chip drives the LED backlighting of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC graphics card. Test stand - Processor - Intel Core i7-10700k (8-cores) - Motherboard - Gigabyte Z490i Aorus Ultra - Cooling system - Noctua NH-U12S Chromax.black - Thermointerface - Arctic MX-2 - RAM - G.Skill Trident Z RGB DDR4-4266 8Gb * 2 @ 4400cl18 - Storage - M.2 SSD Samsung 970 Pro + M.2 SSD Intel 660p - Power Supply - Corsair RM850x 850W - Case - Corsair 540 Air - Монитор - TV LG, 47", 1920x1080, 2560x1440/3840x2160 (NVIDIA DSR) - Operating system - Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 2004 - Drivers - GeForce 457.30. The RTX 3090 Gaming OC graphics card was installed in a test bench with an Intel Core i7-10700k processor and a Gigabyte Z490i Aorus Ultra motherboard. The RTX 3090 Gaming OC's LED backlighting is modest but impressive enough at night. Using RGB Fusion 2.0, you can customize the lighting to your liking and preference. Testing was carried out with the case cover open. This is how the RTX 3090 Gaming OC video card looked against the background of the test build. Temperatures, noise, power consumption and overclocking Moving on to getting acquainted with the RTX 3090 Gaming OC in practical conditions, let's look at the operation of the video card cooling system, as well as evaluate the overclocking capabilities of the sample I have in my hands. With the main BIOS "OC" mode, the power consumption limit of the graphics adapter can be increased by software up to 390 watts. Modestly relative to other versions of this flagship, but it does not pretend to be an extreme overclocking RTX 3090 Gaming OC. But in idle or with a slight load, the RTX 3090 Gaming OC graphics card shows itself remarkably. The cooling fans stop and can return to active mode only when the GPU heats up over 55 degrees Celsius. I launch Furmark and immediately check the Boost frequency of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC using GPU-Z monitoring. On average, the chip "boosts" even a little higher than the manufacturer's declared value of 1755 MHz. At the same time, the GPU temperature does not rise above 64 degrees Celsius. And this is when the power consumption of the video card is impressive 350 watts. Bravo cooling system Windforce3X. I am trying to overclock the RTX 3090 Gaming OC graphics card to the maximum possible values, using the maximum possible power consumption limit of the graphics adapter. After these manipulations and selection of frequencies, the following picture is obtained. The graphics processor on the RTX 3090 Gaming OC kicks in confidently at 1950 MHz, while the GDDR6X memory clocks in at 21504 MHz. At the same time, the maximum GPU temperature does not exceed 67 degrees Celsius under Furmark load. To achieve this overclocking of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC, the power consumption limit slider was unscrewed by + 105%, the GPU by +110 points, and the memory by +1000 points. Despite the horror stories on the Internet that new video cards with NVIDIA Ampere architecture need a 1000 W or higher power supply, the RTX 3090 Gaming OC graphics card has moderate appetites for power consumption. The peak power consumption of the entire test system did not exceed 600W, which allowed the used Corsair RM850x PSU to feel comfortable. Thanks to the extremely efficient cooling system, the RTX 3090 Gaming OC is also quite quiet. On rare occasions, during a gaming load, the noise from the entire system exceeded 40 dBA. Performance The synthetic test in the AIDA64 program allows you to evaluate the computational performance of a video card. For the RTX 3090 Gaming OC, it is possible to obtain high performance values ​​for FP32 blocks. Rendering the scene in the Cinebench R15 benchmark with the RTX 3090 Gaming OC scores highly on the performance of this graphics adapter. The RTX 3090 Gaming OC also performs well in the V-Ray application, in which a scene with this graphics accelerator can be completed in an impressive 20-22 seconds. Now let's see how the RTX 3090 Gaming OC performs in the popular 3D Mark gaming benchmark. On the left will be the performance results at the factory settings of the graphics adapter, on the right - after overclocking +110 MHz for GPU / + 1000 MHz for GDDR6X. The TimeSpy and TimeSpy Extreme tests show that the performance gain of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC after manual overclocking is impressive. For benchmarking performance with beams, the Port Royal benchmark is an excellent option. Here, the RTX 3090 Gaming OC scores almost 14,000 points after overclocking. Ray tracing technology on the RTX 3090 Gaming OC can also be assessed using the auxiliary benchmark 3D Mark package. A test scene run is given to a video card with almost 60 frames per second. At the same time, let's look at the scaling of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC when working with DLSS technology. Here, the graphics adapter shows more than double the frame rate after activating this NVIDIA technology. I also tested the RTX 3090 Gaming OC in five graphics-heavy games using only the highest possible settings. It goes without saying that the performance evaluation of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC adapter was made at three popular resolutions 4K (3840x2160 DSR), 2K (2560x1440 DSR) and FullHD (1920x1080). Far Cry 5 Shadow of the Tomb Raider Wolfenstein: Youngblood Red Dead Redemption II Metro Exodus In some gaming projects, the FPS turned out to be so high that one could even talk about the excess performance of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC. But for full-fledged 4K gaming, this video card is definitely ready and there is no doubt about it. If we relax some part of the graphics settings, then I dare to assume that this graphics adapter will also pull out 8K gaming. Especially if these are unhurried single projects, for the passage of which 50-60 frames / s will be enough for the user. Conclusion Any graphics adapter with a GeForce RTX 3090 chip is a solution of today and tomorrow, which is deservedly the flagship among video cards for personal computers. With an impressive 24GB of memory and truly ultimate performance, this graphics adapter is made to be a gamer's dream. It just doesn't make sense to buy such a video card for monitors with low resolution. Potential applications for the GeForce RTX 3090 are 4K and 8K gaming, as well as competitive gaming on 240, 280, and 360 Hz monitors. As for the specifically tested GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming OC model, its cooling system definitely deserves a positive assessment. By dissipating nearly 400W of heat, the Windforce 3X cooling system manages to do so with a minimum of noise and cool temperatures. At the same time, as shown by testing, the RTX 3090 Gaming OC video card can be overclocked quite well beyond the factory values. Also in this graphics adapter I liked the presence of a metal backplate and RGB LED backlighting. Out of the box, the video card has factory overclocking and two BIOS chips with the ability to switch between them. The 4-year manufacturer's warranty will help ensure the reliability of the RTX 3090 Gaming OC. Pros: Advantages - NVIDIA Ampere architecture with third generation tensor cores; - Second generation RT cores; - 24 GB of GDDR6X memory at a frequency of 19500 MHz; - high efficiency Windforce 3X cooling system; - metal backplate with the function of removing heat from the GDDR6X memory chips; - RGB LED backlighting; - Factory overclocked GPU up to 1755 MHz; - high performance in 4K and ready for 8K; - 4 years manufacturer's warranty. Minuses: Disadvantages - high price. Read the full article
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vividracing · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/behind-the-all-new-37-inch-tensor-dsr-tire-victory-at-norra-1000/
Behind the All-New 37-Inch Tensor DSR Tire, Victory at NORRA 1000
Tensor Tire has officially released the 37” DSR competition-level “Desert Series Race” tire. After rigorous field testing and analysis, the new Tensor Tire has proven its competitive advantage in the recent 2021 NORRA Mexican 1000 as well as a Baja 1000 Class 7 victory in 2020. Rhys Millen, in his RMR built four-wheel-drive “Jackal” buggy took the overall win (in the former) using Tensor’s new 37″ DSR competition race tire. The NORRA Mexican 1000 is a five-day rally through the deserts of Baja California with multiple stages per day covering more than 1,000 miles. The event is a huge undertaking and among the most historic ones in all of desert racing.
Shop All Tensor Tires Here
The RMR Jackal is a versatile platform that could be outfitted with different engine configurations to run in multiple divisions depending on what the driver wants. The single thing that does not change is the 37″ DSR Tensor Tires. This Jackal platform was designed for and built around this specific tire in a collaborative development program between RMR and Tensor Tire. During the NORRA 1000, Millen suffered zero failures, with the tires performing beyond their expectations. 
Millen commented on the performance of the Tensor DSR 37-inch tires saying, “I won the Baja 1000 last year in Class 7, zero flats. We just finished the San Felipe 250, zero flats. So, the tire has a weight factor balanced with this lightweight vehicle is an amazing combination.”
Tensor Tire congratulates Rhys Millen for this big victory and recognizes the proven performance of the lightweight RMR Jackal Buggy combined with their incredible 37” Desert Series Competition Race Tire. Find out more about it in the video clip below. 
  Tensor’s DSR Tires already own a championship-winning track record. Like its 33″ and 35″ counterparts, the 37″ DSR has a lightweight, rigid bias-ply construction with durable ribbed sidewalls and shoulders for reinforced puncture resistance. Made in the USA and developed specifically for competition and race applications, the new DSR tire is appropriately sized with decreased weight to unleash all the horsepower from your machine for the best performance possible.
Weighing only 50 pounds, Tensor’s 37″ DSR measures 10 inches wide and is available for both 15″ or 17″ wheels. For example, a 37″ Tensor tire paired with a 15″ Method Race wheel can weigh as little as 70 pounds, and is approximately 50 percent lighter than a comparable 37″ race wheel/tire package.
The 37″ DSR is a purpose-built racing tire designed primarily for race-specific buggies and pre-runners. Tensor DSR Tires offer race-proven performance at a larger size for those who demand the very best and nothing less. Check out the video below to get a closer look at this all-new tire from the experts at Tensor. 
Tensor Tire / 37” DSR Features:
Made in the USA
Dimension: 37” x 10” 
Available in 15″ and 17″ wheel sizes
Weight 50 pounds
Ribbed sidewall shoulder for enhanced puncture resistance
Lightest race tire on the market
Lighter than previous class-leading tire
Bias-ply construction
Race use only, Not DOT-Compliant
NORRA 1000 overall winning car
Baja 1000 class-winning car
Browse and Purchase Your Own Set of Tensor Desert Series Tires Here.
If you have any questions regarding Tensor Tires, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by phone at 1-480-966-3040 or via email at [email protected].
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