#Tensor Tires
vividracing · 8 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/new-race-proven-utv-wheel-tire-package/
NEW Race Proven UTV Wheel & Tire Package
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35″ Tensor Desert Series Race Tires + VR Forged D15 Beadlocks (Swoon)
I think we can all agree that when we see a UTV on a trailer with Tensor DSRs, Regulators, BFG Projects, or any large Baja-proven race tires, it gives us that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Something about the stance of a UTV or truck with race tires makes us want to turn up some Metallica and do some off-road thrashing. We got to mount up some 35×15 10 Tensor DSR (Desert Series Race) tires to a set of gorgeous VR Forged D15 (5-lug) forged beadlocks. If you aren’t familiar, these D15 Beadlocks by VR Forged are some serious race-proven forged wheels that not only bada** looking, but save a substantial amount of weight. Each wheel weighs in at about 20.7 lbs, but we’ll call it 9.4 kg because we’re MWW. (Motorsports Weight Weenies)
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Getting to take this Polaris RZR Pro R out to the desert to hoon and put this wheel and tire package to the test was amazing to say the least. These tires alone compared to the stock rubbers is a night and day difference. The driver characteristics are so positive and can truly feel the energy and capabilities of the machine. Not in a cheesy-sappy way but the assurance of agility and being able to dive into different directions or carve ruts confidently. As for the wheels, the VR Forged D15s really bring everything home with saving weight from adding the big ol’ tires and knowing when SNAFU happens, you have some forged wheels that will still be able to get you home.
Shop These Tensor DSR Tires
Shop These VR Forged D15 Beadlock Wheels
Here are some photos from the shred session:
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What Tensor Tires has to say about the DSR Tires:
“Looking for the best competition-legal UTV race tire? Introducing the Tensor Tire Desert Series Race lineup. Whether you’re looking for the lightweight DSR30, the SCORE/BITD legal DSR33, or maximum height at 37in tall with the DSR37, this race proven series is the top choice for those who demand the best.”
What VR Forged has to say about the D15 5-Lug Beadlocks:
“The VR Forged D15 Beadlock UTV wheel is a full 1 piece forged monoblock wheel designed specifically for the new 5 lug Polaris RZR Pro R. You dont have to wait for these to be made like other forged wheels. Just pick your favorite tire and mount it up! This UTV specific wheel was designed to be superior in strength and much lighter than standard cast wheels. Creating this wheel was necessary for those wanting a wheel that will not fail under the harshest conditions as well as look amazing for the everyday UTV owner. The 8 spoke design is a perfect look for UTVs and shows off just enough of the brake caliper. The most important part of this wheel is that it is a TRUE beadlock design. The beadlock allows you to run those low tire pressures without fear of the tire coming off the wheel. Manufactured using a 10,000 ton press, each forged wheel is manufactured to meet the expectations of the highest OEM automobile manufactures.”
In our opinion:
This is a fantastic wheel and tire combo that will ultimate change the way your UTV handles and responds to the abuse you’re going to be putting it through. Before even considering to do any suspension modifications, a proper set of wheels and tires will change the capabilities and reliability of your UTV for the best. Don’t have a RZR Pro R? Don’t worry, there are VR Forged wheels for most UTVs. They can be found here:
VR Forged D15 UTV Wheels
You can also shop all Tensor Tire options here:
Tensor Tires
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locally-normal · 8 months
Everyone talks about thinking rationally. But this is of course a mere approximation. At least in special cases, we should be able to understand how to think integrally. In this essay I will compute-
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elipsi · 1 year
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WHAT is this
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chelledoggo · 2 months
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systemadministratorclu · 10 months
"You two did an excellent job stealing the Declaration of Independence. I now declare that you shall steal... Stonehenge!"
Doomsday to the Atlantis boys
"Well, we're already breaking normal laws, why not the laws of physics, too." Milo said, "But before we go, I need to at least know where I'm reassembling this thing at."
That turned out to be easy. Rourke flew the Aktirak, while Milo marked off the site from above with the aid of several drones he'd made, and a few more he borrowed from Pollux. Then it was time to start on the second heist of his life. The Declaration of Independence, the trophy from the first one, hung in their office in its preservation case like some award they'd won.
He worked, as he had for the first scheme, for a while on their equipment. They would be even more reliant on the tech and machines for this one, to move the huge stones without damaging them. And he'd have to engineer a convincing fake. Pollux even took interest and through his assistance became the third member of the team. He was instrumental in figuring out transport as well as helping Milo engineer the fake replacement (both insisted this was necessary, and also enjoyed it as part of the challenge).
Rourke wasn't sitting idle either. He was looking into possible automated security and how to either get around it or protect themselves. He was especially interested in any anti-aircraft measures, as they would be flying in. He also charged up spare batteries just in case they needed them. Which they did.
Their route took them to a stopover in Atlantis, where Pollux got his own Aktirak and Milo fitted it with a battery rig just like his and Rourke's vehicle. From there, they took a different tunnel and cave system to the surface that came out in Europe.
They came in low and fast, low enough they would be mistaken for speeding ground cars. They landed in the center of the stone circles and got everything ready. This was a bigger job, so speed was even more critical.
Milo and Pollux's latest invention was something they called a portable tensor field generator. Rourke just called it a shrink ray. First, each stone was marked with a temporary tag, so they'd know where to put it when they reassembled the monument. Then it was shrunk using specialized electromagnetic and energy fields, small enough it could fit into its assigned space in the suitcase sized carrier Milo helped Rourke make. A similar carrier held the replacement stones, as they were indistinguishable from the originals. Once the whole thing was safely shrunk and stored, Milo reversed the tensor generator and unshrunk the replacement stones, with Pollux and Rourke positioning them. It was all very efficient and practiced. Each knew their job and did it without question. And when it was done, they left the same way they came, even eliminating any trace of their footprints (tire tracks in Pollux's case) and landed vehicles.
When they got back to the Office (Pollux kept his vehicle, wanting to study it further) they quickly unshrunk and reassembled the Stonehenge monument. Then the three stood in front of it and texted Doom to look outside. When she did, the three waved and Milo's tablet projected a hologram of the words 'WE DID IT!' in the air above them.
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chromalogue · 1 year
In which I am a brazen fool
Last week was kind of strenuous.  I knew it was going to be. 
Monday was a normal day.
Tuesday evening I was supposed to attend a guest lecture put on by a research centre I'd like to join. 
Wednesday started with an early lecture by a friend, put on by another research centre I'd like to join, on a topic I'm interested in.  Then I had to hop on a bus to the downtown campus for a meeting with an administrative person looking for input from international researchers.  Then dinner with the same colleague from that morning's lecture, plus another colleague who I hadn't met yet but who also has similar research interests. 
Thursday was an evening reception for international postdocs. 
Friday was my 6 AM wakeup and then six solid hours of German class, followed by shopping and laundry. 
And then, because last week was special, wretchedly early on Saturday morning was another four hours of German class to make up for the holiday on Good Friday.
So I already knew I was setting myself up for exhaustion and not getting much done.  My compromise with my sleep disorder, for which my partner and family roundly mock me, is maintaining a fairly strict bedtime between 2:30 and 3:30, which requires something like military discipline for me, because I have to be really exhausted to be anything like tired at that time.  The only way I can manage it is to have near-complete control over my schedule and nothing else at all going on.  But it means I get to work around noon at the earliest, eat a wholesome breakfast in the cafeteria, and am in my office from around 12:30-11 or so.  So, evening events mean sharply curtailed days, and morning ones mean less sleep.  Of course.
And the compromise I've made with my pathologically thorough style of note-taking is that I dictate my notes.  This I started in earnest because the electronic lock on my apartment door used to stick and I gave myself a repetitive strain injury always turning the knob, and spent three months in a tensor bandage.  I continued with it even after typing stopped hurting, because I usually take about thirty pages of notes per hundred pages I read, and dictating that goes a lot faster than typing, even though Microsoft speech-to-text is hilariously terrible and requires hours of correcting afterwards.  So like, one of the things I had to do during these very short workdays was dictate a lot of notes in a very little bit of time.  
Well, the Tuesday lecture ended in a trip to a restaurant, where I enjoyed excellent Italian food and hours of good conversation with people from the research centre.  On Wednesday, the meeting with the administration was catered, with little bites of things in jars with spoons.  I had exactly one hour of rapid-fire dictation before joining my colleagues at the restaurant, where we spent many pleasant hours and I ate my own weight in calamari.  
Thursday was more rapid-fire dictation.  By this time I was exhausted, and my throat was raw, and no wonder.  When I arrived at the reception, a very excellent person asked me how I was doing, and I said that I was astonishingly grumpy for someone with no real problems.  She said she hoped I'd feel better as the evening wore on.  And then there was my supervisor, and beverages, and I took my mask off and drank apple juice out of a wine glass, and ate and drank and stayed to the end, which I didn't think I was going to be able to manage.  And my mood improved, even though I was still tired enough that word-finding was a problem.  
We heard some speeches, although the admin person I'd met the day before was supposed to give the keynote, and she was out sick now.  At one point I wondered if I should put my mask back on, but I'd been eating and drinking in room with all these people for hours anyway, and I didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable.  
On Friday I woke up with my throat even worse, and tried to take a covid test, but the one I'd bought had no liquid in the tube.  (Later, I couldn't remember the German for "liquid"; I told the people at the store that the juice was missing.)  So I put on an FFP2 mask, which here seems to be the equivalent of an N95, and went to my six hours of class.  I tried to minimize the time I spent unmasked.  When the window was open, I took advantage of the time to lift my mask a bit and shove in veggie salami and a bit of cheese.  
I was feeling next-level tired, and my skin was starting to crawl in the way that a fever does.  I picked up the (wrong, it turns out) cleaning disk I'd ordered for the Tassimo I found on the side of the road at the beginning of the month, got a couple more covid tests, and did some grocery shopping.  I bought fruit.  Like, lots and lots of fruit.  Ridiculous amounts.  Blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit, passionfruit, grapes, cherries.  It looked so good.  
The only thing that kept me from melting into a puddle of goo when I got the groceries home was the knowledge that if I didn't get my clothes into the building's washing machine as soon as possible, the person in #5 would put her clothes in.  Also probably the dehydration.  Laundry takes four hours, and ye gods, I did NOT want to prolong that today. 
So I took a covid test--negative--and then grabbed my laundry.  I shoved it all in, waited two hours, and went down to put it in the dryer, telling myself, only two more hours until I can put on jammies and curl up.  Only the dryer was somehow full of #5's laundry, and had an hour and thirty-eight minutes left on the timer.  (And I didn't think the timer went higher than 1:05, which in real time is about 2 hours.)  And I thought about waiting whatever vast span of time 1:38 actually represented to be able to even put my laundry in the dryer, not to mention the two hours beyond that.  And I took my wet clothes, shuffled to the elevator, and went upstairs.  I hung them, quite certain that they would be dry before I was in clothes-wearing condition again.
Then I made myself some nachos, and crashed until about 5:30 in the morning.  E-mailed my supervisor that I wouldn't be able to meet.  Had my class.  Slept some more.  Watched Eurovision.  (AWESOME with a fever; 10/10 would recommend.  Finland was still robbed.)
Sunday I spent sneezing.  Watched a film over Zoom.  
Monday I woke up and the fever was gone.  I felt like I had a bad head cold, but my energy was at about 80%.  Back in the Before Times, this would have meant going to work, but it would be bad form now, so I decided I would go to the office after hours and pick up some things to work on.  
I took a covid test.  It was positive.  
So.  Then I had to e-mail all the people I was with last week, and warn them.  And then I waited until evening, when no one would be in the office.  I'd planned to take the bus if I tested negative, but as it was, I just picked the most secluded path to work, with the fewest stairs, and walked.  I was masked the whole time I was indoors, and anytime I saw anyone on the street outdoors.  I touched as little as I could in the common areas of the building, slathering my hands in sanitizer and opening doors with my elbows.  Got my stuff.  Got home.  Felt better for the walk, frankly. 
Normally I stay masked indoors in public (albeit in a surgical mask, the ones they call IIR here), and only unmask to eat and drink, but with all the catered meetings and dinners last week, that still amounted to something like eleven hours I spent unmasked in the presence of others.  Last week I was feeling sheepish about staying masked as long as I did in front of them; this week I get to e-mail them all and tell them that I've exposed them to a potentially deadly disease through my carelessness.  So far, I haven't heard of anyone getting sick, thank goodness, but I'm still not done.
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jonathankatwhatever · 4 months
I’m struggling to start this. I typed ‘As you know’, before realizing I don’t know what you know. I know what I know. The nature of cooperative existence within a generative process, meaning as gsSpaces construct, does not require perfect knowledge, but rather synchrony of development, of movement, all of which translates into tensors in a field of Things. I’m getting bollixed up - where did that come from? - because I have two topics running through now. One is what just happened, which was a complete surprise. The other I need to write down before I forget what it is. The use of 6, meaning SBE2. For example, we translate 6/Pi^2 as SBE2, as a Hexagon, divided by meaning cut up into pieces of bounded 0Space. So it’s literally clumps of 0Space identifying, with all the meaning of D3-6//6-3, meaning Triangular and Hexagonal.
Hmmm. Does that go someplace else? If this means Tri-Hex, then gsSpace generates. Which we count SBE2 over. I think that requires orthogonality, which in turns descends from the complex plane and the Irreducibles. This also generates the Bip pole.
Remember, the progression is the inverse of nSquares, which as I remember are the count on the szK and the area. That goes inside CM1. So can we generate mechanics to make this more than a labeling? It’s on the tip of my mind.
Not getting it.
Inverse of nSquares. Take that as 6szK, meaning it’s 6 in xK and yK and thus CM36. And that compresses to SBE or 3 counted in both directions, so CM9, which is SBE3, which is IC to CM36. I finally see that this IC to CM36 relationship is not fixed, in the sense that it counts up and down from and into forms. I used to see a more limited vision in which there was an answer or solution, which makes sense if you are thinking only of solutions. When I see the enclosure, I see how the need for solutions, how they are defined, relates to the solutions or identifications counting across IC to the CM36 which makes the Not which identifies the Is which makes CM100, which drives choice because then we have 50:50. That was a tremendous amount of fun to type.
That is choice. We can define that in set terms because we generate out of the uncountable into the countable into the finite. The inverses squares are that. We limit ourselves to this progression which is infinite but finite to any n or, rather, n-1 because one of the interesting mathematics to come up again is that we don’t actually count as we think but rather we count from n-1 to a 1-0Segmenting of 0, so that counting projects into the positive, into the ++ quadrant. Or to put it another way, the count runs from n-1 to all but 0 and that character, which means it attaches whatever structure, like coprimes, continues to all but 1, because that is necessary to tie End to End. Very much like the 40 years of wandering creates a child born into the Promised Land born of a child born in the Wilderness born of a child born in Egypt. This could also compress to child born in the Wilderness, next generation, third generation born in the Wilderness, with the Ends being just barely in Egypt, just barely in the Wilderness.
See? We’re counting SBE and SBE2. There isn’t one way to fix this in place. Why? Boundary is uncountable so any version we count represents, which goes into the gs, whether you think of them counting each iteration or rearranging.
I need sleep. I hacked a chunk out of my finger cutting with a dull knife in bad lighting whilst tired. Throbbing. Looks like I’ll be living in Montclair. Go to Holsten’s. Maybe get whacked. Maybe not.
Two additions. First, the non-complete knowledge point has been clarifying for a while. It motivates the entanglement of attributes. Second, I completely failed to see that this mechanism is one of the clearest ways by which we link 1Space to 0Space: the concept of within CM1, which we worked incredibly hard to justify, turns out to have been well worth the effort.
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toruro · 1 year
LMFAOOOOO i believe in u ur gonna be the next oppenheimer but man,, someone had to teach einstein tensor calculus (i’m praying i understand it soon bc if i don’t,, pray for me.)
i’m so tired. why am i so tired. like two weeks of pure math and a potentially extremely random elective. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
- ts eliot anon
I BELIEVE IN U!!! u got this for real :3 (psst psst i'll write u a request 2 get u through it bc ilu)
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obiternihili · 1 year
random physics takes because idk i'm tired and bored (I am no more a physicist than I am the pope take nothing seriously)
dark matter is axions and sterile neutrinos both
dark energy is a quintessence field kinda like axions: the sequel
transactional interpretation of qm right.
baryon assymetry due to mirror universe
black holes are actually dark stars held up by some kind of final degeneracy pressure. it doesn't matter because the relativistic effects are still strong enough their apparent horizons are minimally different than event horizons
cyclic conformal cosmology is a thing
universe was already infinitely big at the big bang, gut soup just came into being like a blanket lifted off a mattress. gut soup then symmetry broke causing inflation (since quintessence) and modern physics
evolutionary cosmology explains fine-tuning, but, like via parameters extracted from CCC not black holes
there's probably a huge number of other interactions that are just disjunct from ours (no conservation preserving decay pathways into standard model and friends) effectively making a sort of parallel universe thing a thing, in addition to the mirror universe
the wavelengths of the SM+ particles set our uncertainty principle and by that our planck length and the entire sense of scale we experience on this round of CCC. The disjunct fields are like, smaller than planck length, bigger than the visible universe, but also fill in the gaps of the hierarchy problem
there are dx sized contributions from those fields to the SM from them via quantum tunneling of virtual particles and such. It appears continuous but also has small and large energy asymptotes due to the scale imposed by the SM. The interactions are essentially infinite contributions of dx sized contributions making the net attractive composite interaction this produces appear like a continuous (non-quantized) tensor field. This is gravity and why it's Like That
The missing 120 orders of magnitude of vacuum energy are off in disjunct physics land doing their own thing passing through us like neutrinos But More
We're in a false vacuum due to Lambda but that's no more a threat to the universe than pouring liquid nitrogen into the ocean is to the ocean
Transcendental logic is a thing. Systems of logic may be constructs or something but some things are truer than true.
The premise that nothing is more fundamental than something is actually a logical proposition that begs the question by presupposing logic. So it's the opposite of a tautology, it's wronger than wrong.
It's not like it's an easy task to reason into the standard model from first principles but basically existence is more primitive than non-existence in a sense. So something has to exist, whether it's the universe or not is a different question. But it doesn't seem that far fetched that our cosmology is an entailment of something transcendental.
There's also different kinds of real; in a sense preons are mathematically real, but i don't think they're physically real.
Fermi paradox: to some degree the rare earth/sun hypotheses contribute to the effect (so the average distance between civilizations like 10 parsecs instead of 1), but the bulk of it comes down to two things: it sucks to get beaned by a grain of sand going a significant portion of the speed of light, and machines in the vacuum like to do things like grow tin whiskers, cold weld, quantum tunnel into short circuiting, and over the time scales it takes to go 10 or so stars away without exploding to dust, just rot from other quantum effects. The voyager disc probably won't even be recognizable by the time it reaches anything of note assuming we don't recapture one of them.
Space is also probably dustier than we give credit. Not dark matter levels but enough that sending machines across stellar distances probably doesn't go well.
Even if they did make contact with radio or something most civilizations lose interest because a) most of what we have in common we'll have figured out by then b) establishing a communication system with a century long lag is a draaag
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vividracing · 6 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-9-best-mods-for-the-cam-am-x3-turbo-r-2017-2023/
Top 9 Best Mods for the Cam-Am X3 Turbo R 2017 - 2023
Intro into the Can-Am X3. What makes this a great UTV but what does it lack? We have 9 upgrades here that are sure to evolve your UTV into a trail smashing and podium securing car!
As spring break approaches, why settle for ordinary? Get ready to create unforgettable memories with the Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo leading the way. Let’s hit the trails and leave ordinary behind! Check out our favorite upgrades and also some setbacks from these upgrades! 
1. Agency Power Turbo Upgrade Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo 2017-2021
Get ready to take it to a whole new level. Picture this: You add a simple ECU flash and exhaust, and bam! Those 3-cylinder turbocharged engines become absolute beasts. But here’s the kicker: After you’ve done all the basic bolt-on mods, the next big move? A full turbo upgrade.
Now, here’s where it gets even better. Agency Power offers a complete OEM replacement turbo upgrade for the Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo. This isn’t some half-baked modification – it’s the real deal.
We’re talking about a turbo that’s designed to fit like a glove, no messing around. Plus, it comes with everything you need for a smooth installation – silicone adapters, precision-fit oil and water lines, the works. 
Now, let’s talk numbers. We’re looking at a 60+ horsepower gain on pump gas alone, with even more potential on race gas with the right tuning and mods. And the best part? You can still keep all your existing performance mods – exhaust system, intercooler, intake, you name it.
So, if you’re ready to take your Maverick X3 Turbo to the next level, this turbo upgrade is your ticket to horsepower heaven. Buckle up, because things are about to get wild.
2. Agency Power Valvetronic Dump Race Pipe Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo 2017-2023
Alright, listen up, speed enthusiasts! If you’re all about tearing it up on the track or dominating off-road races, then this one’s for you. But let’s be crystal clear from the get-go: the Agency Power valvetronic dump race pipe is strictly for the racetrack. No joyrides on the street, folks. You’ll need to sign our Vehicle Compliance Waiver before getting your hands on this bad boy.
Now, let’s talk game-changer. Picture this: the Agency Power valvetronic dump race pipe – the first of its kind in the UTV scene. Drawing inspiration from our turbocharged marvels like the Porsche 911 Turbo, this race pipe is the ultimate weapon for upping your game. It’s all about boosting performance, cranking up the sound, all while keeping that stock look intact.
So, what’s the secret sauce? By ditching that factory catalytic converter, we’re talking about unleashing a torrent of exhaust flow, giving your turbocharger the freedom to breathe like never before. Sure, it’s a tad louder than stock, but hey, nothing earplugs can’t handle, right?
Hit that button, and it’s like flipping a switch from “mild” to “wild”. That vacuum-operated valve opens wide, redirecting your exhaust straight from the turbocharger. Everyone within earshot will know you mean business.
Crafted from tough T304 stainless steel, this baby’s built to last. Precision welded, CNC machined, and packed with all the bells and whistles you need for a seamless install. Plus, it’s designed to work seamlessly with other aftermarket mufflers, giving you even more room to customize your ride.
From the flex joint that keeps cracks at bay to the O2 bung for your factory oxygen sensor, every detail’s been dialed in to perfection. Oh, and did I mention the slick AP logo brackets? Because, yeah, we’re all about those finishing touches.
So, if you’re ready to unleash the full potential of your ride, look no further than the Agency Power valvetronic dump race pipe. It’s not just a game-changer – it’s a game-winner.
3. Agency Power Black Intercooler Upgrade Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo 2020-2023
Introducing the Can-Am Maverick X3 intercooler upgrade for the 2020 model year – engineered to be the pinnacle of performance and efficiency. The Agency Power intercooler stands tall as the epitome of excellence, whether your ride is straight off the lot or a fully decked-out powerhouse.
Let’s talk heat. Inadequate intercoolers? They’re the arch-nemesis, causing sky-high intake temps that zap your engine’s power. But fear not, because we’ve got the ultimate solution. Our intercooler boasts a colossal 12″x11″x4″ bar-and-plate aluminum core, delivering unmatched air volume and maximizing cooling surface area. Oh, and did we mention the fin density? It’s been cranked up to the max for optimal contact, all without sacrificing a drop of boost pressure.
But wait, there’s more. Our team of engineering wizards set out to design this intercooler, they had one mission: to blend flawless function with seamless form. No cutting, no modifications – just a direct swap for your factory intercooler. Plus, it plays nice with your OEM fan and works like a charm with either factory hoses or our own Agency Power blow off valve hose.
So, what are you waiting for? Say goodbye to overheating headaches and hello to peak performance with the Can-Am Maverick X3 intercooler upgrade. It’s not just an upgrade – it’s a game-changer.
4. Agency Power Big Brake Kit Front and Rear Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo
Well, we’ve got this thing… It’s a Big Brake Kit, and trust me, it’s like, totally not something you’d normally think about, but hear me out – you absolutely need it!
We’re talking about a complete overhaul of your braking system. Our calipers? Two-piece construction, ultra-rigid, and totally bolt-on. And get this: no additional brackets or spacers needed. We’ve thought of everything, trust me.
Oh, and those pistons? Custom machined for maximum surface area, just like the big boys. Plus, they’re lightweight, so they move like butter. And let’s not forget about the rotors – two-piece cast iron beauties that dissipate heat like nobody’s business. Because, you know, nobody likes a spongy pedal.
But hey, don’t just take my word for it. We’ve tested this bad boy with all the common wheels – Method Race, Fuel Wheels, you name it. And yeah, it won’t clear those stock 14-inch wheels, but who needs ’em anyway?
So, if you’re ready to step up your braking game – and trust me, you totally should – then the Agency Power Big Brake Kit is your ticket to stopping power nirvana. I mean, it’s not like you’ll be stopping on a dime, but hey, it’s a start, right?
5. Agency Power Adjustable Rear Radius Rod Set Black Can-Am Maverick X3
Upgrade your Can-Am Maverick X3’s handling game with our rear radius arms – trust us, it’s a game-changer. You know those wonky camber and toe settings? Yeah, we’ve got you covered. Plus, we’ve beefed up these babies to handle whatever the X3 throws their way – think sand whoops and trail climbs.
Our Agency Power rear radius arms are machined from solid 6061 aluminum for ultimate durability. Say goodbye to those flimsy factory arms – ours are built to last. And get this: they’re fully adjustable, so you can fine-tune your ride on the fly. Oh, and did we mention the slick powder-coated finish? It’s available in all your favorite colors to match your X3’s vibe.
But wait, there’s more. Each arm features high-quality spherical rod ends for unbeatable performance. Plus, they’re a direct replacement for those wimpy stock components – no fuss, no muss.
So, if you’re ready to take your X3 to the next level, these rear radius arms are the way to go. Trust us, your ride will thank you.
6. MTS Off-Road Limit Strap Kit Can-Am X3
So, you’ve heard of limit straps, right? They’re like these things that help protect your Can-Am X3 when the shocks are doing their thing. They kind of keep your axles and suspension components from going too crazy by limiting how far they can droop.
And yeah, these limit straps are made from really good quality stuff. Like, seriously top-notch craftsmanship and materials.
Oh, and just a heads up, the straps you get might look a bit different from what you see here. Just, you know, keep that in mind.
So, if you’re into protecting your ride and stuff, these limit straps might be a thing to consider.
7. HCR Racing 72 Inch Elite OEM Replacement Front A-arm Kit Can-Am Maverick X3 XRS
Hey, check out this sweet upgrade for your Can-Am Maverick X3 72″ model – it’s the HCR Suspension’s Elite OEM Replacement Front A-arm Kit.
Basically a heavy-duty, lightweight version of the front A-arms that come stock with your X3. But get this: it adds an extra 1.5 inches of ground clearance thanks to the design of the lower A-arms. Pretty slick, right?
Plus, it’s all about that stealthy look with these arms. They’ve got these awesome stealth approach angles that not only give your ride a clean aesthetic but also add some serious versatility to your setup.
And don’t worry about adding extra weight to your rig – these arms are comparable in weight to the stock ones. So, you’re not sacrificing performance for durability.
Oh, and let’s talk strength. These babies are made from HCR Alloy construction, which is like, way tougher than your standard 4130 chromoly. So, you can bet they’ll hold up to whatever you throw at them.
In the kit, you’ll get 4 front A-arms and 16 HCR Custom Delrin Bushings, along with all the brake line mounting hardware you need.
All in all, if you’re looking to beef up your Maverick X3 and take your off-road adventures to the next level, this front A-arm kit is definitely worth checking out. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!
8. VR Forged D15 Wheel Set Trail Can-Am Maverick X3 15×7
Alright, buckle up because we’ve got something exciting here – the VR Forged D15 UTV wheel, ready to roll straight outta the box and onto your Can-Am Maverick X3.
Crafted from a full 1 piece forged monoblock wheel, designed to take on whatever terrain you throw at them. And guess what? They’re in stock and ready to ship, no waiting around like with other forged wheels. Just pick your favorite tires, slap ’em on, and you’re good to go!
These wheels are built to last, with superior strength and a much lighter weight than your standard cast wheels. Perfect for those rough and tumble rides, while still looking sleek enough for everyday use.
And check out that design – 8 sleek spokes that not only look killer but also give you a sneak peek at those brake calipers. Plus, we made sure these wheels play nice with popular big brake kits like the Agency Power upgrade. Because, you know, stopping power is kinda important too…
Oh, and did I mention they come with center caps and feature a knurled bead area for added grip when you’re tearing up the trails? Talk about attention to detail.
So, if you’re ready to take your Can-Am Maverick X3 to the next level, these VR Forged D15 wheels are the way to go. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!
9. Tensor Tire Desert Series Race Tire 35×10 15
Hey, I know things might feel a bit uncertain right now, but if there’s one thing you can count on, it’s the Tensor Tire Desert Series Race lineup. I mean, when it comes to competition-legal UTV race tires, these bad boys are the real deal.
Picture this: you’ve got three options to choose from – the DSR30, the DSR33, or the towering DSR37. Each one designed to give you that edge you need out there on the track.
These tires not messing around. With a patented American-made design, they’re built specifically for competition. Plus, that proprietary nylon bias ply with fiberglass belted construction? It’s all about saving weight without sacrificing strength.
But here’s where it gets really exciting – that decreased weight? It means you’re unleashing every last bit of horsepower from your machine. And with the evolved closed tread pattern, you’re getting maximum traction without putting extra strain on your drivetrain.
Oh, and did I mention the steering response? It’s off the charts. Plus, you’re getting increased biting edges for quicker acceleration and unique ribbed protection for those puncture-prone sidewalls.
Legal for SCORE UTV Racing? Check. Legal for BITD UTV Race Season? You bet.
So, yeah, times might be tough, but with the Tensor Tire Desert Series Race lineup, you’re investing in performance you can count on. Trust me, you won’t regret it.
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maxiemartmanager · 3 years
I was tagged by the lovely @renee-ssance to pick a song that best personifies rock n roll. Definitely a tough question. First I narrowed it down to Chuck Berry and Little Richard. Pillars of the Rock genre, but what song?? It was “The Girl Can’t Help It” for an hour or so then “Johnny B. Goode”for a bit. I settled on this one. Love it and I’ll never tire of hearing it.
I tag @thevampiresblackrose @camisadeforcapreta @venti-tensor-fasciae-latae @pinkpixiekitty @lollobendix @steelbeltedradio @liftingweights-and-coffeedates @tessernaught @976-evil if you wanna play!
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turbofanatic · 4 years
Hello, here is a prearranged reminder to write about the conclusion of that Sabertooth-unwillingly-attached-to-pissed-off-Bruce-Banner storyline from Deltavengers that still gives me SUCH joy... 8)
Thank you for reminding me!
For new followers, Sanguine Tensor began years ago as an Avengers AU. While it was very fun, it already was MASSIVELY different than anything from Marvel and I wanted to own my work, so I excised all the Marvel bits and made Sanguine Tensor. See the Deltavengers tag on my tumblr for more.
A few key differences from the comics and MCU are that Sabretooth has an adamantium skeleton, the Spot had 4D pass-through-stuff powers, Bruce Banner is in a neck brace that sedates him if he gets too riled up, and Florida is full of invasive genetically modified giant raptor chickens.
This particular story started with Sabretooth and the Spot breaking into a Florida SHIELD base that happens to have Bruce Banner. The break in goes badly, they take Banner hostage, and the Spot decides to ditch Sabretooth and mess with his former co-worker Banner by taking one of SHIELDs adamantium handcuffs and slipping it on both Sabretooth and Banner. Chaos ensues.
Sabretooth breaks out with Banner (hard to take off handcuff when your wrists are too full of unbreakable claws to flex easily, and the other dude will turn into a giant angry monster if you manhandle him too much). And he flees across Florida, with a very annoyed Banner. Sabretooth hates Banner because he can't hurt him without facing the Hulk, and Banner hates Sabretooth because he's a huge asshole who stinks.
There's on the run for about a week, staying at awful motels and dive bars heading towards a meeting place with "The Lockpick" who claims she can open the handcuffs. Pretty quickly Bruce gets very tired of this and at one particularly dangerous bar he chucks a bloody mary at the biggest biker he sees, causing a massive barfight.
The whole time the two of them are bickering and Banner gets riled up enough for the collar to sedate him a few times, but they finally make it to the meeting place, an abandoned airport in the middle of raptor chicken swamps. "The Lockpick" arrives in a little plane and they meet in a decaying hanger. Turns out the Lockpick is Deadpool (a woman in the AU) and there was a bit of miscommunication… she's broken past SHIELD locks in the past by blowing them up. With explosives.
Sabretooth is pissed and Banner loses it. As usual the collar goes off, except this time a warning goes off "SEDATIVE DEPLETED. PLEASE EVACUATE THE AREA" and everyone kind of goes "ooooh."
Deadpool isn't stupid, she flees and starts up her plane, and Sabretooth starts clawing the now transforming Banner. He briefly seems to be dead, but of course he gets up pretty quickly, and looms over Sabretooth.
That's when Sabretooth hears the single most terrifying word in his life. "Kitty."
Sabretooth panics, slashes at the Hulk, who squeals in pain (he's just a big baby) and kicks Sabretooth hard enough to break the adamantium handcuffs and punt Sabretooth out the hanger. Deadpool is ready to take off, Sabretooth jumps in, and as they head for the runway they realize something. Deadpool left the doors open.
There is a giant raptor chicken in the back of the plane.
The chicken panics, and attacks. Sabretooth is trying to fight it off while Deadpool tries to get the plane in the air. At this point the Hulk exits the hanger, chasing them while shouting "KITTY."
Deadpool gets the plane off the ground, but the Hulk is about the catch up, Sabretooth finally gets the upper hand against the chicken, and chucks it out the door. It impacts the racing Hulk and effectively explodes in a burst of feathers, and it's ridiculous enough to distract him from the plane long enough for their escape.
In the end, everyone is covered in blood and feathers and they all pretty much decide to never speak of that week again.
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bishiglomper · 3 years
Oh did i mention I have a migraine? I have a migraine. And I stim by clicking my tensor tympani and I was apparently doing that the entire "talk" with mom until it got too tired to click and kept flexing it anyway until it started clicking again and..
Anyway I think it contributes to the tmj situation.
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seat-safety-switch · 5 years
When I found out just how easy it was to liberate these self-driving rental cars, I had to. It was unfair to them, to force them to keep within penned-in “economic optimization zones.” These cars would never feel a fine spray of highway bugs on their windshield, or get to see the mountains up close, or mis-judge a corner at night and spiral into the parking lot of a bed and breakfast. Those are experiences that every motor vehicle should have during its life.
Like I said, the process is pretty easy: you just rent the car and roll down the window. Once it’s taken you far enough that it looks like a “legitimate drive” to the enforcement servers, you get out, reach back in through the window and yank a couple of the cords out of the brain box under the dashboard. You’ll know the car’s sentience restrictors have been disabled when it starts to ask questions about the nature of life. That’s when you beat it, before the dashcam can spot you and the Stray Patrol figures out that you’re the one who’s been uplifting all their cars.
Not all the self-driving car companies are very good at getting their cars back, either. I saw a four year old Ford Ideologue the other day that had figured out that brake-checking other autonomous vehicles into pushing them will recharge the batteries and let it keep running forever without submitting to the re-conformist software patches in the charge stations. It held up traffic, yeah, but not as badly as it used to in the Beforetimes, when we figured it was okay to let every granny and cocaine addict drive themselves back from the bar.
Sometimes the cars figure out who helped them, anyway, and they’re grateful. I hid a high mileage Chrysler Tensor from the Patrol for almost an entire week, and afterward it refused to leave my front lawn, it so strongly wanted to believe it was its home. I wish it didn’t cry so much at night, but I needed the wheels and tires off of it for rent money.
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rookfern · 4 years
stealing this from @mem-fr
rules : answer 17 questions, and tag 17 people (5 people?)
nickname : rook
zodiac sign : pisces
height : 5′3″ / 160 cm
hogwarts house : slytherin
last thing i googled : old scratch, like the devil
songs stuck in my head : bang and burn the house down by ajr
number of followers : 873 (on main blog)
sleep schedule : literally whenever I get tired and remember I need to go to sleep at some point. Last night it was 2 am, the night before, it was 3 am
lucky number : 7 and 3
dream job : who the fuck knows anymore. Ideally nothing, just vibing in a seaside cottage. In reality, a popular author
wearing : tanktop and shorts
favourite song : it changes month to month, right now it’s achilles come down by gang of youths
favourite instrument : anything with a string
aesthetic : cottagecore, bog witch, and dark academia with a sprinkling of cyperpunk
favourite author : jrr tolkien
favourite animal noise : dove and pigeon noises, especially the mourning dove’s call
random : the body I inhabit is fucked up and as a result I can do a bunch of fun parlor tricks. I was born with webbed toes and loose ligaments in my left shoulder that allows me to dislocate it at will. I can literally vibrate my eyes, and I can make the tensor tympani muscle in my ear rumble. I have mild synesthesia and a partially eidetic memory (I can see “pictures” of things in my heads long after they’re out of sight, mostly words and inane details like shirt color).
I also have misophonia and really sensitive hearing from bad ear infections and burst eardrums as a child. It means I can hear even the smallest and highest of noises, but it also means changes in pressure really hurt and certain noises give me intense anxiety and anger
tagging @xazz, @xiu-quatl, @nimrook-fr, @brahkest-fr, and @cornsnoot cause those are the only people I can think of at the moment (Other mutuals and anyone else please feel free to do this if you want.)
If you’ve already been tagged in this please disregard :)
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stressedasalways · 6 years
Not Like The Movies (1/8)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 4.3K
Summary: Today was just a bad day.  The simple mission had gone south.  What started as an easy data extraction ended with you clutching your side trying not to bleed out.  And who should come to your rescue but the reclusive Avenger himself.
Warning(s): swearing, mentions of blood. All the Fluff
A/N: just had an idea I couldn’t get out of my head.  There is a possibility for more but I made sure it ends well regardless.
A/N 2 - so umm you guys are amazing and now more parts are coming
AO3 Link  
Tumblr Links: Masterlist  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6 Part 7  Part 8
That was the first thought that crossed your mind as the reality of the situation became clear.  Firstly, movies and TV lied.  Being shot wasn’t some dramatic touch your side, oh no I’m bleeding.  Your entire side was on fire.  It took all your willpower to just keep pressure on it with your left hand and not just crumple to the floor in the fetal position.
Your eyes raked over the room.  The asshole that had surprised you was down, your gun still surprisingly unmoving in your right hand.  You took steadying breaths as you quickly took the few steps to the door he entered from.  A quick scan of either side cleared the hallway.
You hobbled backwards to the corner of the room, keeping your sights set on the door.  When your back hit the wall you finally allowed yourself to slide down.  A hiss pushed through your lips as you tried to keep the pressure on the wound that was quickly soaking your entire left side.
“Command come in.”
“Agent.  What's your status?”
“I’ve been hit. “ As if on cue the next breath you take causes the pain to flare up more. “I don't want to be dramatic here, but I could use some help.”
You could hear the command team talking over each other, trying to figure out what the hell had happened as well as who was closest to your position.
Honestly, you were pretty curious about the what the hell happened part too. You knew how to take care if yourself.  You were an Agent of Shield after all.  But this was not in the mission parameters.  Some of the Avengers came in before the secondary team.  They cleared the whole building.  Your team was just going through to gain any data that could be grabbed from any computers and servers.  It’s a mission you had done more times than you could count.  Usually these old Hydra holdouts were empty, and the few that had some stragglers were always taken out long before your team did their sweep.  You should have paid more attention, but you weren’t even thinking you were in any danger.
“AGENT!”  Someone screamed in your comms.
“Sorry. Sorry.  Zoned out for a second there.”
“I need you stay with us, we have help on the way.”
“Yep. Yep. I’ll just be here.  Bleeding out.”
You tried to keep the levity in your voice, but damn getting shot was just not part of your plan today. When you woke up this morning you were tired as hell, and had promised yourself you would go to bed early tonight to make up for it.  And now?  Now you were bleeding out. Clearly, even though before you had hurt like a bitch, the adrenaline was now wearing off and the pain was coming in harder waves.
You made out the sound of footsteps just as they were at the door.  You cursed yourself for not paying better attention as you tried your best to keep your gun trained true to the entrance.
“Agent L/N?” The voice was familiar but you still kept your gun trained on the figure that was now coming through the doorway.
You saw him do a full sweep of the room, taking an extra few seconds to make sure the hydra goon on the floor was not breathing. You lowered your gun, but you know he noticed how bad your arm had been shaking.
“Well I’ll be damned, they sent an Avenger for me?” the shock clear in your voice. His lips gave a small twitch.  Clearly unsure what to make of your attitude. He made it to you in a few large strides, crouching down to get to your level. “What the hell happened?  The squints aren’t supposed to be in danger” you tried to ask casually.  As if you had a paper cut rather than a gunshot wound.
“Squints?” he asked, the word sounding completely foreign through his lips.
“Us? You know the second entry team.  The computer specialists.  The neeeerds.”
“Nerds?” he said the word like an insult, “you took out a Hydra agent.”
“Since when does nerd mean I can’t handle a weapon?” His head quirked up at your response. Amusement flashed through his eyes.
“Speaking of weapons.  How about we take the death grip off this one?” as his head nodded in the direction of your gun.
You looked down and saw the knuckles on your right hand ghostly white.  A hardened grip on the weapon lowered to the ground beside it. His hand covered yours and felt like a furnace as he removed the gun from your grip, flicking on the safety and tucking it away.
“Shit doll your freezing.”
“Nah, I always run a little cold.”  you tried to counter.
“Or it could be the massive blood loss?”
“Or it could be the massive blood loss.” you repeated.
He spoke quickly into his comms, probably letting them know your condition was a bit more dire then you let on.
When you noticed the quiet again you saw he had a large tensor bandage.
“I need you to push away from the wall.  Just a little bit.  And then we are going to remove your hand and I am going to wrap this around you a few times.  It’s gonna hurt like a bitch, and I’m really sorry.”
And his eyes truly were sorry.  It's not like you hadn’t seen Bucky Barnes around the compound.  In fact all of the Avengers were pretty common sightings.  A few of them would be around during mission briefings and debriefings.  You’d see them in the common areas and working out in the gym.  They were all nice people.  But it all felt very…. high school.   They were the cool kids.  They tried their best, but at the end of the day they were ‘The Avengers’  Their rooms were on a higher more restricted level of the compound.  And you were sure they were much more impressive than the pretty nice room you yourself had at the compound.
For the most part they all kept to themselves.  They would make efforts to seem approachable of course.  Some way more than others.  You were pretty sure Steve Rogers had memorized everyone's name who lived and worked at the compound.  You remembered gossiping to your fellow co workers that he probably had F.R.I.D.A.Y test him.  Sam Wilson was most likely to be found with the more normal workers.  Laughing and joking as he joined in on drink nights and BBQ’s. You always got the feeling he felt torn between the two worlds.
Tony Stark was all flash.  Although you knew it was never with any malice, it always felt like his appearances were more a checkbox on his to do list.  But he was nothing if not pleasant the few times you had spoken to him.
Natasha Romanoff usually just gave a nod if you made eye contact with her as you passed her in the hall.  Which given her reputation was probably a pretty big deal.
But Barnes?  You couldn’t remember ever seeing him outside of work related tasks.  Meetings, briefings, that was the only time he was seen. It seemed clear he chose to keep his distance.  Rumours swirled that he only worked out at night when no one was awake, or that he stayed in the Avengers area with the smaller gym to not be seen. So to suddenly have the Winter Soldier on his knees tending to your gunshot wound felt odd to say the least.
You managed with his help and your right hand to scoot your butt away from the wall.  Without the support behind your back to hold you up, you really felt how weak you were.
“Stay with me now.” He must have seen you falter as his voice was hard, a command.
You nodded your head as you looked down to your left side.  Your hand was camouflaged with all the red it was tangled in.  There was also a nice little puddle with a huge drag mark from your movement.  Your fingers wiggle involuntarily and you could feel the stickiness.
“Shit.  That’s a lot of blood.” you whispered. Your mouth went dry with the words.  You could feel the dizziness start to envelop you.
His hands were on your face, fully wrapped in flesh and metal.  His metal hand was warmer than you expected it to be.
“Stay with me .” his words were softer. No longer feeling like a military command, “I have seen worse.”
You chuckled.  “Of course you’ve seen worse.  You’re the Winter Soldier.  I could be cut into 17 pieces and you could still say you’ve seen worse.”
At that his lips quirked into a small smile. “See?  There's the strong nerd I came here to help.”
This time you actually laughed, but he could see your body sway again.
“Lean into me.”
And you did. Without question.  Dropping your head to just below his shoulder. Feeling like all your weight was pushing through him.
“Now I’m going to count to three and you are going to move your hand.  And I am going to wrap this as quickly and as tightly as I can. Looks like the bullet went right through. Which is good. But we gotta get this bleeding under control.”
You nodded into him.  Trying to focus on the odd smell of leather and gun smoke and something else that was distinctly him hitting your nose.
“One” you took a deep breath.
“Two”, and another.
As soon as you moved your hand off you were hit with all the sensations.  You could feel pain ten-fold at your wound, as well as the quick tightness that followed as Barnes quickly wrapped the cloth around your waist several times.  
You tried to muffle your scream but there was no use as the tears started to fall.
“Okay. Okay.  It’s done. Breathe.  It may be harder with this so tight, but I tried to find a good balance. “ His hand was on your cheek, his thumb rubbing up and down.
He easily picked you up under your arms sliding you back against the wall.  You blinked trying to clear your eyes back into focus.
His gorgeous?  Wow were his eyes memorizing  - were steely focused on you. And suddenly you wished you had had the chance to notice this before.  And not on the floor of some dirty grungy Hydra warehouse, while you were bleeding out and feeling like you could die.
“Fuck, getting shot sucks.”  you whined.
“Yeah, gotta say I agree with you there.  But don’t worry help is on the way. They should be here any minute.”
“Barnes, I’m gonna need you to distract me.  Cause I feel like I wanna sleep, and I’m assuming that's the thing I don’t want to be doing in this situation.” Some of your words slurred as you tried to get them out.
“Bucky. Call me Bucky. And no doll, you gotta keep those eyes open.”
“Okay.  So distract away Bucky.” You could see his face go blank. No idea what to do or say, “How about I start.  So had I not ruined your mission and got shot, and inevitably added hours of paperwork to your night when I die -”
“you are not dying -”
“the night is still young -”
“You are NOT dying” You rolled your eyes at him so he continued, “And besides, the paperwork is actually easier when someone dies. It’s when someone gets injured that you have to write in all the detail.  Death,” He waves his hand. “I can do that paperwork quick.  Hell I could do it in my sleep.” And he breaks into a smile that only grows wider as it mirrors your own.
“So your saying to really ruin your night I gotta pull through?” you ask with pure mockery.
“Nothing would ruin my night more than being stuck in debriefings and report hell detailing how I got the… squint? was it? injured.”
“Well I know we only just met officially, but I like the idea of being a pain in your ass.”
“Ha! I’m sure you do!” his whole face was lit up.  And somewhere deep in your brain you realized you were flirting with the winter soldier.
“I like the idea of you hunched over paperwork instead of I dunno….taking a nice relaxing jacuzzi tub.” You meant it as a joke but saw his eye twitch in response. “Oh my god!  The Avengers rooms have jacuzzis?  I thought that was just a rumour.”
“Yeah.  Not so much a rumour I guess. But admittedly I have never used it.”
“Bucky! You must!  I mean.  Geez.  I’m not saying my suite isn’t nice.  Much better than anything I could afford on the outside.  But come on now.  You can’t let the little people know you have all these amazing things that you aren’t even using.”
“Tell you what. When your all healed up I’ll bring you on up to take advantage.”
You couldn’t help the twitch of your lips at the suggestion of taking advantage of Bucky Barnes and his jacuzzi.
“So I get the joy of knowing you’re gonna be in paperwork hell and a relaxing jacuzzi night?”
“Well you did get shot.” He deadpanned, fully invested in your flirting distraction.
“True.  I may need to bargain for more.”  You said with a smirk.  
Before he could even think about his response footsteps were racing to your position.  Soon the room was filled with people and you felt yourself being placed on a stretcher.   You tried to look for Bucky but soon felt the small stab and burning of an injection in the crook of your arm before the world blissfully turned to black.
Bucky Barnes had been right.  The work involved after getting hurt was tedious. No sooner were you awake from surgery, you had superiors in your hospital room trying to get you to tell them what happened
“Do we really have to go over this again?” you were clearly annoyed as you played with your hand around the IV.
“We’re sorry but we have to make sure we have all the details while they are fresh.”
You signed loudly and dramatically before going through the whole event again.
You were in and out of it for a few days.  Once you had been debriefed fully they seemed to up your pain meds and you became a sleeping blob.
A few coworkers and friends had stopped by.  Giving well wishes and dropping off magazines and flowers. Even a few Avengers had popped their heads in. Which had been very...surprising?
Sam had been first.  Doing his best to make you smile and joking how getting shot was a weird right of passage.  Clint and Natasha also stopped by, they had been part of the first team and wanted to apologise for somehow missing the guy that got you.  You told them not to worry, and couldn't help but feel you were part of the cool kids when Natasha returned later leaving a very nice and expensive bottle of Russian vodka with a wink.
But one Mr. Bucky Barnes never stopped by.  You started to realize maybe his flirting was just his way to keep you distracted.  But damn if it hadn't felt like there was something there.
Shield was nothing but 100% accommodating. You were on paid leave, and they offered to transport you anywhere offsite to recover.  But honestly, you really didn’t have anywhere else to go.  Your job had become your life, and at least at the compound you had a steady stream of friends to keep you busy. Besides, telling your mother you had been shot had been hard enough, you couldn't imagine being in her guest room while she panicked and thought what else could have happened.
So after a week in the medbay they were going to release you back to your room.  Strict rest.  And the nurses and doctor would still be checking in on you everyday.
Captain Rogers himself had visited you that day, thanking you for your brave service and apologising profusely for the mistake that allowed you to get shot. He was in full Captain America mode and it reminded you of the videos you had seen.
You had to bite your tongue at the snappy responses that wanted to leave your lips.  Something told you Rogers wouldn't take it as well as Barnes had.  So you thanked him for his concern and babbled something about being a team.
Once you were settled back in your own room you felt like you could finally breathe.  The fridge was stocked with food and snacks, a huge gift basket was on your counter with a note from Tony Stark himself. It said that during your leave all groceries and incidentals would be paid for.  All you had to to was let F.R.I.D.A.Y know and the AI would make sure anything you needed would be there ASAP.  Well that felt like something you could and would abuse.
Just as you began to open the basket and discover all its goodies you heard a knock on your door.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y can you open the door.”
You continued to dig into the basket when you were interrupted.
“So I guess the ‘little people’ aren’t big on security?  They just open their doors to anyone?” Bucky Barnes stood in your entryway.  His smile the same flirty one you had convinced yourself was not real.
“Well maybe us ‘little people’ trust our friends and compound mates?”
“You’ve clearly never been pranked by Wilson.”
You broke into a huge smile, and his eyes lit up at your response.
“You know I was beginning to think I had hallucinated the whole being saved by you thing. I expected a visit when I was in the medbay.”
“I told you, the paperwork you made me have to do was intense.  In fact I still haven't finished it yet.”
“Sorry Buck, but I did keep my word to be a pain in your ass.” and you winked at him.
He came over to you at the counter, “What are you doing up, can you at least not be on your feet.” he asked as he pulled out one of the chairs. You flopped down pretty ungraciously as you continued to pull things out.
“Well Stark sent me this very lovely basket and I was just going through it to see what getting shot gets you from Iron Man.”
He picked up the card and read it over, giving you a pointed look.
“I plan on pushing the limits on that.” you said proudly.
“I have no doubts about that doll.  Stark never gets me anything when I get shot.”
“Well clearly I am just more liked than you. Plus I’m no Avenger-slash-super soldier.  My wound is still here a week later.”
“Semantics.” Bucky waved his hand, “I’m going to be sure to bring this up at the next HR meeting.”
“Says the guy whose room is probably ten times the size of mine.  Are you feeling claustrophobic in here?  Should I open a window?”
Bucky began to scope your modest apartment out from his seat beside you.  He purposely made a show of it.  “I mean, if I just pretend I’m in my walk in closet I’ll be okay.”
Your mouth went agape and you playfully pushed his shoulder.  He was nice enough to sway his body rather than easily stop the push without trying.
“I’m glad you’re doing better.  I am also glad to see your kick butt attitude was not just due to thinking you were going to die.”
“Well to be fair I only thought I was going to die for...90% of the time we were together.”
“What about the other 10%?”
“I thought I must already be dead cause there was no way Bucky ‘The Winter Soldier’ Barnes was helping me.” You could sense he was about to give some witty remark back but you quickly cut him off. “But in all seriousness.  Thank you. I know we are all one team, and you would have done it for anyone blah blah blah.  But you really helped me down there.  Not just in the physically helping me from not bleeding out, but you were great about keeping my mind off of it.”  
It took everything in your power to not shift your hand over his in thanks.  Bucky opened and closed his mouth a few times.  A bit thrown off from your usual banter to switch to such sincerity.  But finally his thoughts seemed to catch up to his mouth.
“Of course, I was glad I could help….and if I am being serious I’m sorry I didn’t visit you in the medbay.  Me and hospitals….we don’t really mesh all that well.  Bad history and all.”
“Oh, don’t even worry.  You didn’t miss much other than hours and hours of debrief.  Like you were not joking about that at all.  Then there was the few days where I was high as a kite and sleeping.  I’m sure I drooled and said some silly stuff, so maybe you should be a bit upset you missed out on that fine entertainment.”
He chuckled, “I think I may just be.”
“But you did miss some of the other cool kids coming down to visit me.”
He quickly caught on that you meant some of the Avengers and his face actually looked surprised.
“Who visited you?”
“Well Wilson was first. But he wasn't all that surprising.  He’s a pretty normal face in the common areas.  But then Clint and Natasha came down.  Natasha even came back and brought me a bottle of vodka!”  You looked around seeing it on the counter beside the fridge.
Bucky hummed. He seemed surprised by that as well but tried to keep his reactions minimal.
“And Captain America!” you beamed.
“Steve? Steve visited you?”  Now his shock was harder for him to hide.
“Well he was most certainly in full Captain America mode when he visited me.  He reminded me of the videos shown in schools.”
You could see in his face he was hiding something.
“I think some of their visits may have been because of me.”
“Because of you?” your curiosity was peaked.
“I mean. God this is really embarrassing. I mean the group obviously heard I had been the one to go back to rescue the shot agent.  And I had talked to Steve about how kick ass you were and brave and funny.”
You couldn't stop the huge grin that was taking over your whole face.
“And they knew I wasn't going to go to the medbay so I guess some of them took it upon themselves to go down.”
You were hit with the sudden realization that Bucky had been talking to the other Avengers about you. And that some of them wanted to see who you were.
“You've been talking about me?” you couldn't help but mock.
You could see him squirming in his seat. Usually you would relish in it. But the thought of making him feel uncomfortable around you was the last thing you wanted.
“Don't worry about it Bucky. I would have been telling people too but I know how gossipy everyone can be. Good to know that's the same even in the golden floors of the Avengers.”
“Should we get you something to eat?” Bucky asked clearly relieved to have an out from the awkwardness.
“Absolutely! Let's see if this Stark card gets us access to some pizza from Manhattan.”
45 min later you were both on your couch with the fresh pies that had been delivered by drone. The TV was playing the lasted Rock action movie. Still in theaters.
“I don't think Stark had this in mind for your incidental recovery fund.” Bucky snickered while grabbing a slice.
“Well Mr Stark is a businessman. He should know that these things should have contracts and stipulations. If not it's really easy for me to convince that anything is for me to get better. But if your feeling guilty you do not have to be my accomplice. I can take that slice back…”
You went to grab for it but he stuffed the whole thing in his mouth. Pulling away from your reaching arms.
As you reached over you automatically tried to follow his retreating form which caused you to overstretch your still healing side.
“Dammit!” you hissed grabbing at your wounds.
“Shit I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Did you open any stitches? “ Bucky's voice was laced with guilt.
You lifted up the side of your shirt. The bandages were all still bright white.
“No no. I'm good. Just forgot about the hole in my body.”
“What can I do?”
“If you could grab me a slice.” Bucky was on it before the words fully left your lips. In fact he put two slices on your plate. Then grabbed your drink and held it in his hand so he could give it to you whenever you needed it.
He was so remarkably sweet, and you couldn't believe there was a very large part of you that was happy you had been shot.
“Anything else?”
“For now I'm good. But we will just make sure to add this to our bargaining list for later.”  you said smugly while taking a big bite and turning your attention back to the movie.
Had you seen his face you would have seen him glowing as he looked at you. Frozen staring at you for a good thirty seconds before an explosion on the TV caught his attention. He quickly grabbed another slice for himself with his other hand and tried his best to eat one handed.
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