#Terra mha verse
▲ for both Terra and Jubei (MHA verse)~
How they'd fuck - Still Accepting!
(I assume you meant Terra and Neka, as well as Jubei and Neka, not Terra and Jubei, yeah? Lmao! I'll do all 3!)
Jubei would, 100%, be taking it from the back, on top, where she can be seen by as many people as possible. She wants everyone to know how powerful she is, and if that means showing off her body, well...
Terra, likewise, would also be one to take it from the back, though given she's security for the firm, she's more likely to have more than one person in there, painting her pretty form white.
Terra and Jubei, however, would have a little more fun with Jubei's quirk~.
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
Terra sat there next to the window in the lounge area of her dormitory. The teen watched as the rain hit the window leaving droplets of water. She sat there a the while everyone else seemed busy hanging out with each other. Chatter all in the background as she sat there by herself. Nothing but her own thoughts and her drawing pad. Terra taking this time to give herself a break from school while everyone seemed to be having fun without her. 
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viisiond · 4 years
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cosmic-canons · 2 years
Anonymous asked // Sep 14 · yesterday
⌛ - Which muse would make the best parent
More multimuse questions! Send a symbol to find out...
// going to break it down via category/fandom, and this is more my canondiv version of the muse over canon also shameless RP side blog self promos
Original Character: Kaito. Being my main OC aside, he’s been in/through fatherhood with his multiple verses and ships. He is usually very overprotective at first, but means well and learns to keep a balance of caution/trust in the end.
My DBZ/Xenoverse Supreme Kai OC @xangoshin​ is a close second, he (with his mother) took his son to Time Patrol school and got him candy for his return!
Dragon Ball Z: Vegeta @cc-vegeta or Gohan @cc-gohan​. Vegeta will spoil his daughter or someone (a Saiyan) he sees as a daughter, and my Gohan finds a good work/training/family balance. Android 17 @cc-dbz-skw​ too with his love for animals (like Android 16 before him)
Fairy Tail: Gray @cc-gray-fullbuster​ or Jellal @cc-fairytail-s-class-men​: Gray would bring back souvenirs from his quests, and Jellal would take his kid flying on his back with Meteor!
Naruto: Sasuke @cc-sasuke​ or Naruto @cc-naruto-s-rank-shinobi​, my canondiv with them is that they found a better balance with work/family and were there to (better) raise their children.
Bleach: Ichigo @cc-ichigo-kurosaki​ or Uryu @cc-bleach-blazing-souls​. My Ichigo runs his own clinic, and Uryu becomes a doctor (and fashion designer), but do make time for family/friends despite how busy they get.
One Piece @cc-one-piece-grand-adventurers​ Sanji: he is a pro cook and will make sure his kid eats right, and will teach them how to cook for himself/herself and others too!
Marvel @cc-marvel-ultimate-variants​: Thor: he is fun but strict when he needs to be
My Hero Academia @cc-mha-plus-ultras​ Izuku or Bakugo. (my) Izuku would be freaking out about potentially messing up at first, and Bakugo would be too pushy with training his kid’s quirk as early as possible, but both grow through that to become great fathers. Tenya too, he was make sure his kid studies well!
Kingdom Hearts @cc-kh-keyblade-masters​Terra or Riku, as they both took took leadership roles at some point.
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goodandbadhearts · 7 years
Super Moves
This is for my MHA/BNHA verse of Pit. Just making some super moves for super hero boy
So here we go. Starting off with..
Rock Style: Rock style is more of a melee based style. Pit is willing to get up close and personal with rock style.
Terra Nova: Pit coats his arms in stone and begins throwing punch after punch against his enemy. Before finally grabbing them and slamming them hard into the ground with such force the ground explodes pure earth energy at the target. Devastating the area. Though Pit has controlled it enough to prevent too much devastation in the area. 
Pit considers this his most powerful super move.
Terra Blast: Pit punches the ground, causing an upheaval of the earth to appear in front of Pit. He then punches the upheaval towards his enemy, making sure to break it up so it sends multiple projectiles. It’s one of Pit’s only ranged based attacks with Rock style.
Magma Style: Magma style is more of a ranged based style. Knowing just how dangerous magma can be. Pit was quickly able to master how to change the temperature of his magma. Even to the point he can harden it right before it hits someone to quickly pin someone down if needed.
Cowboy shooter: Pit makes two finger guns. Firing magma blasts out of his fingers. Has six bullets per finger gun. Representing revolvers. Pit does in fact have to reload his guns.
Cowboy shooter - Desperado: Pit instead of using one finger for the barrel. Uses two barrels. He also increases his ammo capacity with his gun and fires even faster. As well as bigger bullets too. His reload speed is also faster in this form instead of normal cowboy shooter.
Magma Rush: Pit coats his hands in balls of magma and proceeds to unleash a barrage of punches, the magma does not harm the target other than light burns. As Pit does not wish to kill the enemy. This is the only melee move Magma style has.
SureShot: Pit creates a gun of magma in his right hand. Instead of his normal finger guns. He makes a handcannon in his hand. He then slowly brings it to his left hand and fires a massive blast of magma. Pit keeps the magma at it’s max heat as it goes towards the target, but before it can cause too much damage to the target Pit cools it off and hardens it. Though Pit does keep it hot enough to cause some burns. Just not too serious ones. Used to easily capture enemies that get caught in the blast. (Based off of Norris’s TopShot from Chrono Cross)
Pit considers SureShot is second most powerful super move.
Metal Style: Metal Style is for defense, but.. The best offense is a good defense.  Pit can protect himself in this style. As well as dish it back out as well.
Metal Lariat: With Pit turning his body mass to whatever metal he decides to use. Pit rushes his enemy and deals a devastating Lariat with the force of that metal going at that speed.
Perfect Guard: Pit increases his body mass so much he can’t even move, but at that point he’s basically a wall of whatever metal he is. Able to tank just about anything. Long as the attack isn’t able to break the metal Pit is using as defense.
Sand Style: Sand Style is what Pit considers his strongest style. After activating Sand style he creates a field of sand all around him and his enemies. It allows him to move around at speeds that can only be considered teleportation. Used to catch his enemies off guard and just gain an advantage in battle. 
Sandstorm: Pit creates a sandstorm further disorienting his opponent now with limited visibility.
Thousand sand strikes: Pit with his sand style makes a bunch of copies of him around the enemy. He then attacks the enemy with his copies, each hit dealing just as much damage as any other blow from any of the copies as well as the real Pit.
Always under construction, just some super moves I’ve come up with.
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
@latibule-of-ice continued from here
Terra didn’t know how she was convinced to go to class 1-A’s dorm but the wolf girl went anyway. Only made sense to go if her other classmates were going to be there. There only was one problem, Terra wasn’t much to socialize with other people. 
To her surprise though she did ended up talking to a few people before being left out of the conversation like usual. So Terra decided to step away from the crowd to give herself a break. While walking up to the kitchen she noticed someone else.  “Trying to get away from all the commotion?” Terra asked the other. 
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
starter for @decayingquirk
What did it mean to be a hero? Terra had been asking herself this question ever since she had her run in with Shigaraki. The days that followed didn’t really have much of an impact as at the time she had to be focusing on her studies. As the days had slowly passed the teen couldn’t help but repeat the words Shigaraki had told her. If heroes wouldn’t get paid for their deeds, would they bother even doing their job? Terra couldn’t believe she was even thinking like this but she couldn’t let it go. Something in her heart was telling her that maybe he was right about this unjust society. By becoming a hero she would just be adding to the problem. After giving it some thought Terra had one thing she needed to do. 
When everyone fell asleep, Terra had grabbed her bag of belongings she had packed, and left without a single word. She needed to do something before making a life changing decision. She needed to seek out Shigaraki no matter what. There was something that maybe only he could reveal to her. Using her senses she made her way into the back alleyways for the city to look for the leader of the League of Villains. 
Terra had to keep an eye on her back as she searched. It seemed maybe the wolf teen wouldn’t be able to find him after all. Then she caught it.. that scent.. Terra ran toward where she believed Shigaraki could be hanging out. As she turned the corner, Terra took a deep breathe then.. “Shigaraki! I’ve come to talk.” 
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
starter for @notasmighty
It had been a little over a week since Terra had left home. Not only did she leave home, but she had also been skipping out on school. Terra couldn’t bare to face her peers nor her teachers. Would they be disappointed if they found out what she was thinking? For a while she had been questioning the way current society ran. Their views on heroes seemed twisted. It was all his fault. For putting these thoughts in her head in the first place. 
Terra was walking alone in the more outskirts of town. She did this in order to be less likely spotted by either one of the staff at U.A. or to avoid any classmates. With her bag held close to her, she began to hear footsteps following her. As she began to walk faster, so did the figure behind her. Then she turned the corner and so did the other. Now this was starting to freak her out. Terra needed to get out of here so she jolted as fast as she could. If a villain was trying to get to her then she would be in trouble. 
“Someone help me!” Terra yelled at the top of her lungs. All she could do was pray that someone would show up. 
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
Recovery Girl: “Please don’t drink that.” (to Terra)
Opps! Looks like Terra got caught. “I wasn’t going to drink it. I was just staring at it. 
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
Create your own muse badge
Muse: Terra my hero academia verse
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
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//Not my best work. I wanted to draw this real quick. Here’s a flustered Terra @the-half-and-half-hero
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
ask meme here
Terra and Shouto had a run in with a villain during their class trip. Luckily they had been paired up when the attack began. There was no way either of them were going to back down. If they were so daring to be confident then this would be their downfall. Terra had been this villains target for some reason and she had done nothing but dodge their attacks. 
But it was one slip up and Terra had left herself vulnerable. She had closed her eyes prepared to take the hit when she felt herself get pushed. Her love had pushed her out of harms way and took the blow for her. It had seemed time had slowed down in that moment. Terra felt paralyzed, taking a moment to process what just happened. 
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
Headcanon time!
//Headcanon I have for Terra’s mha verse is that she hates when people see her use her quirk. Terra doesn’t like how she looks when she is in the middle of a transformation. 
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
"Are you sleeping okay?" {I imagine Shouto just picking Terra up and cuddling with her until she falls asleep XD}
Sleep meme//Accepting 
Terra rubbed her eyes, “No.. Haven’t been sleeping well. Been really stressed out about school that I can’t sleep.” 
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
@hxlfsatan continued from here
“I’m aware.” He stated, staring at her with a relatively confused expression. “I’m not babying you, I’m just.. I’m worried? I don’t think you should go out alone, it’s unsafe..” With the amount of villains in the city at the moment and the amount of activity, Shoto knew that she shouldn’t be going out.
“There’s also the rule that you have to have at least one other student with you when leaving campus.”
Terra scoffed at Shoto, “Nothing is going to happen to me while I go out. I’m just going out for a walk. I won’t be long. I don’t need someone to escort me.” With quick precision, Terra turned her heels to face Shoto. 
“I have no need for an escort to follow me around the town. I can take care of myself. It’s not like I’ll be going somewhere isolated. I’ll make sure to stay where there’s a big crowd.” 
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lovelyzanu-a · 6 years
@branchingouttoheroism continued from here
Terra wasn’t even looking at Kamui Woods as he responded to her question. In fact, she was only half paying attention to what he was saying. She simply tugged on the straps for her backpack, “No.. I mean..” Great now he was acting her questions. Not what she wanted to be dealing with at the moment. “Even heroes can’t save everyone. Since heroes can’t save everyone then those people that get left behind feel as if the heroes abandoned them.” Terra could feel it. Her wavering in the faith of the heroes she once believed in. 
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