#Terran asked for Kiersa
rathwald · 1 year
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Palette challenge sketches done for guildies <3
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terranlloyd · 1 year
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Terran lifts his hand up to the bridge of his nose, partially pinching, partially hiding his face. "A few years back, I had a plushie commissioned for my fiance. At the time I had considered it 'cute' to have a custom raven plushie that bore my hat and apparel. The decision was a mistake and I try not to stare the plushie in the eye whenever Kiersa brings it about." Terran lifts his hand up to the bridge of his nose, partially pinching, partially hiding his face. "A few years back, I had a plushie commissioned for my fiance. At the time I had considered it 'cute' to have a custom raven plushie that bore my hat and apparel. The decision was a mistake and I try not to stare the plushie in the eye whenever Kiersa brings it about."
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Thanks for the ask whoever you are! Mentioned: @arcane-artisan
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terranlloyd · 1 year
36. Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?
There are a few people I could answer this for, but I think it is funniest if I answer it for @arcane-artisan. Kiersa, Terran's fiance, has been in his life for years now. Their relationship started off as just two individuals working alongside one another in mutual endeavors. Terran worked for her, helping her with Arcane Blacksmithing parts for her artifice. And in turn, Kiersa worked for Terran, helping him with reconstruction efforts and renovations on his estate. To no one's surprise, they eventually started seeing one another in a different, more romantic, light ... but they still very much remained in the "I am your boss, you are my boss" which I don't think is an exactly healthy method of building a relationship, but it works for them. Needless to say, no malicious intent in this case :D Thanks for the ask!
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terranlloyd · 1 year
lavender— what is currently on your mind (aside from this ask game)?
Currently Terran is working in Northrend within the city of Freyharbor (Guild stuff). The city is under siege by undead forces but they are pushing them back little by little.
In this time, Terrans currently thinking about his children and Kiersa. Worried that he may not return quickly, and that they may fear for his life if they knew what was happening. He doesn't fear for his own life, but it still keeps him going.
Thanks for the ask!
Mentioned: @arcane-artisan
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terranlloyd · 3 years
how many friends does your character have?
Aw heck this one is hard.
Terran has a whole host of friends.
His closest friend is certainly his fiancee Kiersa (@arcane-artisan ) followed by his boss @alexandria-morrowgrove and her partner Valorian Songheart( @the-elderarrow ). Past that co-workers such as Caspar, Vuulke. Former Co-workers like Keith Johnston. Students/ mentees such as Oliver Hilbin, @abighail-stalsworth , Zephrine.
Honestly he makes a lot of friends and considers a lot of people his friend even if he isn't super open or warm about it. If you've interacted with him positively on multiple occasions he likely considers you a friend or a good acquaintance.
Thanks for the ask!
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terranlloyd · 4 years
To the attention of one Sir Terran Lloyd was delivered a parcel. Innocuous in its packaging with paper of copper hue and strung with simple white cord, with only the faint aura of the arcane present. A remnant of existing enchantments. Within, enclosed in a velour-lined box designed for the garment inside, was a hat. One familiar, as it was one of his own. The charged arcane energy within was entirely depleted, and a tiny note accompanied. "-- Thanks. Will be in touch."
Terran sighed as the package entered into his possession. He had a feeling he knew what laid inside. Terran kept the box to his side, and stalked his way inside his home, up the stairs, and directly to his room. A second sigh came once inside, relief that Kiersa was nowhere to be seen. He placed the box down at his desk, and glanced out the window, seeing the Half-Elf working the forge already. Her work ethic saved him a long and unwanted explanation.  Terran returned his attention to the box, and carefully opened its packaging. He sighed a third time as he saw the hat once more, exactly like the one resting atop his head. Terran reached in and flipped the hat around, peering into its under-crown, the blue patterned emblem of Stormwind was still intact. Terran reached a hand within and touched the worn blue pattern; however, it began to split apart, despite his gentle touch. Terran shook his head and began to pull on the threads drawing each one out of the hat’s material. Once finished Terran moved the worn thread into a small jar. He’d find a use for them in time; he had more pressing matters. Terran reached his hand into a small hidden compartment of his desk, withdrawing a small metallic compass. Miss Stalsworth would want results soon, and so did he. As he had several times before Terran placed the compass at the center of a small bronzed chalk circle, not dissimilar to one utilized in scrying spells. Another item came shortly thereafter, a large hourglass crafted of bronzed metal, it’s was as clear as crystal but the sand within seemed to shift of its own volition. At the epicenter of the hourglass, the crux of its flow sat a draconic eye, ever watching and observing. Terran set the hourglass across from the compass and prepared himself.  “Eye siht fo xepa eht hguorht ssap ti tel stilps dna, swolf, sllaf emit sa. Stilps stilps, stilps yllaudarg emit fo wolf eht. Swolf, swolf, swolf yllaudarg emit fo wolf eht. Sllaf, sllaf, sllaf yllaudarg emit fo wolf eht.“ Terran’s incantation flowed smoothly through his lips, and pulled on the strings of time. His hands reached out and began making slight adjustments to an unseen force. After just a few moments a small bronze rift formed in front of him, a vision of other times, other possibilities, and other realities. Terran sighed once more as the compass failed to respond.  ”I’ll find him. I just need ... time.” (Thanks for the ask! I’ve written out a bit more of what Terrans been doing. This is continuation of a plot with @abighail-stalsworth and @thomasstalsworth :D) (@arcane-artisan​ for the mention.)
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