#Teshin's Cave
flamingphoenixfox · 1 year
Hello again, Tenno! Let's talk Easter Eggs! Specifically, Warframe DE Logo Easter Eggs! I just recently found the DE logo hidden in Duviri (quite by accident as I've done with all but the one hidden in the Zariman), and wanted to share screenshots of my findings!
But then it occurred to me, "gosh wouldn't it be cool and helpful if I compiled images to help people find all of the hidden DE logos?"
Just to warn you: this is a long post since it's essentially a step-by-step for finding all the logos in all five areas!
Welcome to Cetus! You're Landing Craft has just dropped you off onto the platform by the shore! See that cliff face off to your right? If you want to find the DE logo you need to go climb on top of that!
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Yeah, in fact you need to go this far inland (to the rock I'm standing on)!
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It's right here on the edge of this rock!
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Next area!
Welcome to Fortuna (my favorite hub ♥)! Bask in the wonderful bisexual lighting!
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When you are done basking jump on up here to this little balcony! It's the second balcony up (the third floor if you count the ground floor as the first one)!
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The DE logo is hidden on side facing inward!
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And onward we go!
Welcome to the Necralisk! It's a bit pustule-y and gooey but there is still some old Orokin architecture sticking out of the infested flesh-scape here and there! Like this pillar! Here - I'll throw my Xoris for you so you can see what I'm looking at!
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Climb on up and - TADA! There it is! A nice and simple find! That can't really be said about the next one though.
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Oh boy here we are...
The DE logo hidden in the Zariman - the one I struggled the most to find, I thought I had rubbed by face against every wall and structure, but apparently I had missed a spot. This is the only one I needed to look up to find. This is the elevator that leads out to the rest of the Zariman - where we do the Zariman missions.
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I thought I had checked this area thoroughly enough but I think that disconnected wall panel always caused my angle coming out from the elevator to just miss it. See where I'm standing? Notice how it seems a little darker there? I certainly didn't.
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There's an opening to - what would you call this - a maintenance port? Regardless, let's head in past the overgrown vines.
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It leads into an elbow passage and into a little room.
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Looks like another area one or more of the Zariman children used to hide. Of course, no area in the Zariman is complete without the ominous graffiti!
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And right on the side of the box here is the logo! Even though I couldn't find this one without help I really enjoy the concept of them being a bit more hidden.
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Like the last one!
I stumbled across this one by accident when I was in Captura gathering references of the mirror and portal frames for a Duviri-inspired piece I'm working on.
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I happened to notice what looks like a window in the Kaithe's stable and totally expected the overgrowth to be a solid object when I jumped at it.
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It wasn't. Queue shock and confusion. At first, I thought it was just a hole leading over to the plant area - a silly short cut. I walked in a little further.
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No, this is an enclosed cave. A secret! A nice little den to hide in!
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Wait that's-! WOAH I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE A HIDDEN LOGO FOR THIS AREA! That's so cool and fun! I love this hiding spot for it! The perfect amount of context clues to make you suspicious and intrigued by the area if you are looking! This one was by far my favorite to find!
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That's all of the DE logos (that I'm aware of)! I'm looking forward to the interesting places they will think to hide the next ones! Hope you enjoyed my guide (and the silly retelling of how I found the one in Teshin's Cave)!
Thanks for reading!
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kingofcaptura · 7 months
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Inception of a New Paradox - Collab Ft. @fr4gtpgaming | @kaastcaptura | @xxb-i-g-bossxx
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feral-lore-creature · 2 years
Crack-fic idea (Duviri Spoilers)
Teshin has tea time with Man in the Wall, he also happens to be slowly loosing his mind.
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Sib going "wait, the gaze can do crit??" made me realise I haven't looked at the build on my beloved Laser Bean in a hot minute and uhh. now I have Plans
Plans which involve two forma and a whole lot of arbies bc I don't have either of these galv mods currently
I mean, it's not like it technically Needs this, it already tears through SP with or without my rank 1 Cascadia Overcharge being in effect, but also. I love this gun. I refuse to pit it against the Nukor anymore bc the damn microwave gun has also grown on me thanks to Circuit, but this thing was the first secondary I ever truly loved and goddamn does it continue to hold up. I wanna feed it snack of Upgrade
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eudico-my-beloved · 1 year
Decided to just start up the mission now so i can finish them later when my mom inevitably drags me out again to sit in a car for an hour straight as the car aimlessly wanders the roads and honestly sythel is such a pathetic sopping wet cat (affectionate)
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alteredsilicone · 1 year
Ergo is all I'm glad you're not too bothered by Nef, he can be a handful when in a sour mood.
And Viri just thinks I can never tell Ergo that there is a Nef puppet somewhere in Duviri I beat into sawdust whenever he pisses me off enough.
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tauforged · 1 year
fun new bug! so i’m doing some kullervo runs with vik, we need to farm decrees before the fight so we stop to feed the maw. while in there i bump into a wall funny and somehow get instantly teleported back to… teshin’s cave. as the maw.
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silence-of-autumn42 · 11 months
Been thinking about how Duviri is structured, and I think I finally wrapped my head around it.
The Planes of Duviri are just that - multiple planes of reality. There's the topmost layer, the Duviri landscape where the stories play out. Underneath that is the Undercroft, which is Duviri's connection to the Void, and where the energy which fuels Duviri comes from. And at the bottom of all of it is the Zariman, half embedded in the Albrecht Membrane and half in the Void, with the Void leaking past it into the Undercroft.
Teshin's cave is, I believe, some decent evidence to this. It is directly connected to the Zariman, and can only be accessed by the same portals that connect to the Undercroft. Furthermore, we can use Warframes without risk in Teshin's cave, as we can in the Undercroft, but not in Duviri Actual. So, Teshin's cave is either in the Zariman, or in the Undercroft, and I believe the Undercroft is more likely, with the Zariman door being a sort of portal.
Of course, the Zariman Teshin's cave links to is the same Zariman we can access from the Origin system. How is this so? Well, it's my belief that both the Zariman from the Duviri timeline, and the Zariman from our timeline, are both half stuck in the Void. But in the Void, because they're both the Zariman, they "overlap" enough that they become the same Zariman - in the Void, there is only one Zariman 10-0
I've included this excellent Paint diagram to explain what I mean
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(edited to fix image)
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pavooko · 6 months
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I found a funny pic on twitter and thought the drifters and teshin would fit there really well (wish this could be placed in teshin’s cave tho)
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andresindoril · 7 months
According to the Twitch Drops from this week's Prime Time, I will enjoy a nice meal from the Zariman Nutrient Dispenser with Angst, while in Teshin's Cave.
Not sure if Teshin would be particularly happy to host us.
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andr0nap-wf · 5 months
Ill be honest, im legit jealous it wasnt me who onvinced you to buy a horse. And for the record, I was thinking about it!
oh no one convinced me to buy a horse
i logged on yesterday and, lo and behold, someone bought me the whole ass royal steed collection 😭
so misha has not 2 but 3 kaithes now!! thats a wholeass stable they gotta rent now bc teshin will NOT let them keep 3 horses in that tiny cave
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Character Info: Drifter Lēna
If y’all saw the post I made about my Operator character, then you already know where this is going. The same notes apply, obviously this isn’t crucial to read to understand my writing, but it might be helpful. So without further ado, some basic info about my Drifter is under the cut for those who are interested. There’s some (very) slight spoiler-y things regarding the Duviri Paradox in here, so if you haven’t completed that, just keep this in mind.
Name: Magdalēnḗ, though she prefers to be called Lēna. At least this way she can discern when people are referring to her, or when they’re referring to Mag. I almost never refer to her by her full name in my writing. Her name can also be spelled ‘Lena’ without the macron, I just prefer to write it the way I do to remind myself of its pronunciation. The same goes for her and Mag’s full name.
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Who the hell knows? She certainly doesn’t. If she had to guess, she’s physically in her early 30’s or so (give or take a few years), and that’s generally how I tend to write her (though at times her age can be a bit more ambiguous). But she has absolutely no clue. The time nonsense with Duviri doesn’t help matters.
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Lēna has the same caring streak that Operator Mag does, but after years upon years of being stuck in that same loop of execution after execution, it’s been…dulled.
She’s very sarcastic.
She doesn’t really have the anger issues that Mag does, interestingly enough. Perhaps it’s because she’s older. Maybe it’s because of the differences in how they grew up. With that being said, she definitely has a sharper speech pattern than the Operator does. Her sentences tend to be shorter, quick to get to the point. After all, when you have only a couple hours to live before the loop begins anew, why waste time speaking?
She’s very impulsive. Living without a healthy fear of death will do that to a person, and when one grows up learning that death is a daily—no, almost hourly—occurrence, well…it just becomes an annoyance. So, Lēna does stupid things sometimes, just because she can. Granted, Mag does too, but not to the same extent.
Fighting Style:
Like Operator Mag, Lēna certainly prefers to get up close and personal with her foes. Not that she particularly enjoys getting tossed around like a sack of Saggen Pearls, but oh well. She only has a pistol and a couple of swords, what else is she supposed to do?
She isn’t sneaky. There’s no reason for her to be. Thrax already knows she’s there. The Courtiers already know she’s there. What would be the point of tiptoeing around, taking longer to get everywhere?
Other Info:
Like her counterpart, Lēna swears at every inconvenience (and even things that aren’t inconveniences). She doesn’t care if it’s ‘undignified’ or whatever nonsense Teshin or the Courtiers (well, some of them) might spout. She’s earned it.
Her only real ‘friend’—up until recently—is her kaithe. She still doesn’t know what to call it, though. She’s tried to entice a kexat to follow her back to the cave on occasion, but that never works in her favor.
And that’s all I’ve got for now! I haven’t done as much character development for Lēna as I have for Mag, unfortunately, but I’m working on it. As always, feel free to ask questions!
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zeroaccord · 3 months
New character, Freya the Drifter
Freya kalani pranav is a 28 year old transwoman. She is a drifter and chooses to stay in duviri due to her own personal issues. Freya is a very blunt-to-a-fault person, She values honesty above everything else and tries to set a good example for others.
She is highly aware of her soundings, and can and will pick up on things you'd never even think about. Freya lives with teshin in the cave, the two of them are close friends. Her duviri is more peaceful after coming to terms with everything and it's true nature.
When sheratan manifested her duviri, it overwritten hers. Making it go back to how it was before and it caused many issues. Before Sheratan arrived, The drifter version of mira lived there. But after Sheratan appeared in her duviri, she seems to be gone... does Sheratan have something to do with it?
When freya first found sheratan, she thought that she was some sort of spy or something sent to harm herself and teshin. They had a long bloody battle for at least a week or more before the two realised they knew each other.
The two of them made up really fast after this, and had re-developed their strong friendship that existed before duviri. Freya helped Sheratan escape duviri to live a better life in the origin system, where she belonged.
Now whenever Sheratan needs help, she sneaks off to talk to freya for advice regarding her looping. Duviri is one of the few places not affected by her time looping, besides from the Zariman
More info under the cut! Be warned, its LONG.
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Prior to Duviri, Sheratan Mira and Freya were friends. They had a strong friendship that went beyond their ranks. Mira, a higher-ranking orokin; Sheratan was somewhere in the middle; and Freya was towards the bottom. You see, her parents didn't want that. They tried to get her to become a dax. They wanted a better life for their child, but they didn't want her to live like them.
Sheratan and Freya were longtime childhood friends, way before Mira came into the picture. They briefly lived together as their parents were friends. Freya, being an older child, took care of Sheratan. Her habit of taking care of Sheratan stayed with her as they got older; she gave up a lot of things so Sheratan could be happy. When Mira came into the picture, she realized she had feelings for Sheratan. But by this point in time, she felt it was too late, as she noticed Sheratan's crush on Mira. From then on, she started to hide her personal feelings, as she felt her main goal should be seeing them happy. Them, especially Sheratan.
When the Zariman incident occurred, Freya protected Sheratan and Mira. By this point, she had taken up dax training and tried to ensure her friends' survival. When Sheratan made the deal with the man in the wall, Sheratan got split into another timeline (the one where they got saved) and was forced to leave Freya behind. Freya became upset and scared at the loss of Sheratan and spiraled into a self-harm spiral, causing her body to be coated with scars. When this happened, she manifested Duviri.
It took years. It took years to recover from everything. She isn't exactly sure when it was, but a long time ago, when she was a little younger, someone by the name of Teshin had shown up. The two of them grew close and had a father-child dynamic. Teshin helped her make Duviri more calm after she found a way to break from the cycle. She and Thrax got closer and helped him regulate his emotions, making them have a sister-brother dynamic. She noticed that there was another person, like her, there. Not only that, but she'd only seen them a few times, but they looked almost exactly like an older version of her friend Mira. They eventually started talking, realizing it was Mira, and growing close enough to help each other heal over the loss of Sheratan.
When she realized Mira went missing, she noticed the world resetting to how it was before she came to terms with everything and panicked. Teshin noticed there was someone new in Duviri and said he felt that they may have been sent by the now-reset Thrax to kill them. Freya became incredibly paranoid. She didn't want to lose her only father figure, so she tried to turn the world around. That was, until she noticed the new person. She looked familiar but tired and beaten. Freya became suspicious of this person and attempted to kill them numerous times. This mysterious person somehow knew her name and kept saying it was Sheratan and how she's back for her. But Freya couldn't believe her and broke down in front of her. The truth is, she missed Sheratan deeply. She wished she'd come back for her, and this person had stirred up emotions she had tried to forget. The two of them reconciled after she realized it was her.
It took at least a year to help Sheratan get out of Duviri. The amount of time it took caused the two of them to rekindle their friendship, and it caused Freya's crush on her to come back. She was deeply in love with her, but once again hid it from Sheratan so she wouldn't cause any issues for her. When Sheratan was able to get out of Duviri, she started to loop back on the same day she got out when she died. This caused her to use it to "timeline-hop," using it to her advantage to "find the best timeline for her and her partners."
Of course, Sheratan didn't forget about Freya. She came back to her once in a while to talk to her. Sometimes, she'd stay with her for a few days. They would have fun, and do stupid things together. She would also come to Freya about her problems, and Freya would help her and guide her, but sometimes Sheratan would take her wrong and do "something stupid" (in Freya's own words). But she still felt like Sheratan was leaving her behind again. She felt like she was going to lose Sheratan because of her overwhelming guilt about being with her partners. When Sheratan started self-harming and, even at times without realizing it, abused her partners to make them stay, she again tried to be there for her, but her patience was running thin. She felt like Sheratan wasn't listening to her, and felt like she was just using her.
They got into many fights about it; Freya just wanted Sheratan to be okay. She wanted her to be healthy and happy, but seeing someone she loved hurt herself caused her to be in so much pain. Over time, Sheratan started to realize how much Freya had done for her to keep her safe and realized she loved her. Sheratan started to try and get Freya to come with her, to live a better life that wasn't in Duviri, but Freya would not listen to her, feeling like she had to live her life here. (maybe a guilt thing?. Much to think about.) Every time she came to visit Freya, she'd ask in some fashion. Freya, started to pick up Sheratan acting so different to her and started to overthink it. She secretly was hoping she had returned her feelings, but was unsure.
Sheratan was scared of confessing her feelings due to how used she was to time looping and having the ability to change her fate. She didn't want to be rejected by Freya and make things awkward between them after just now being able to see each other again. With Freya, she was scared of making Sheratan's life harder by constantly coming back for her and to cause more stress onto her than she already had to deal with.
All of this accumulated into them eventually becoming what eventually amounts to them being "friends with benefits". But anytime they get intimate, They always feel like they have something to say to each other but refuse to.
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unluckyeffort · 6 months
Every time you leave this cave I fear it will be the last time
Teshin 🥹🥹🥹
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This game is fuckin spoiling me
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eudico-my-beloved · 1 year
Mag time baby B)
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