#Thai Cooking Online courses
gothhabiba · 1 year
obviously you can’t cook don’t know what a blog is etc etc. but in a universe where you did would you know of any recipes your alternate self posted which used leftovers or scraps? or alternatively making really good stock? many thanks
hm. if I ever cooked I think I would say something like—take
the peels, ends, and greens (if you haven't used them for anything else) of carrots
the ends, leaves, and outer stringy bits (if you're one of those people who peel them) of celery
tomato skins
mushroom stems
peels and trimmings of onions
peels and ends of garlic
skins and trimmings of ginger
the whites of green onions
stems of fresh, tender herbs (parsley and cilantro)
stems of woody herbs (thyme, rosemary), in moderation
trimmings from leeks, turnips, and fennel, in moderation
And simmer in enough water to cover for about an hour, with herbs or whole spices if you'd like (I generally include bay leaves, black or white peppercorns, cumin seeds, and coriander seeds), then strain. You can keep scraps from preparing meals over the course of a few days or weeks and freeze them in a bag or other container until ready to make stock; make sure each bag has a good proportion of different vegetables. Frozen scraps will only take 15-20 minutes of simmering to make stock.
Make sure that you scrub any vegetables whose peels you will be using for stock thoroughly. Scraps can be used for stock if they are wilted, but not if they are rotten.
Various places online will give you different ideas of what to include in stock and what not to bother including (there's a pretty comprehensive list here); as you do this over time you will no doubt have your own opinions about inclusions and ratios. Do not include cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower) as they will make the stock unpalatably bitter. You may chuse to divide scraps in terms of what meal you plan to make with the stock (e.g. leave ginger, lemongrass, galangal peels &c. for an east Asian meal rather than, like, an Italian one).
Other things that can be done with "scraps":
The whites of green onions can be simmered alongside kombu/dashima when making Japanese dashi or Korean yuksu. Also reconstitute dried shiitake mushrooms in this stock to get flavourful mushroom water in the stock + reconstituted mushrooms that you can slice, boil, fry, &c.
The whites of green onions can also be used to make shiraga negi, a Japanese garnish
Thai recipes often involve leaving the peels on garlic when chopping or pulverising it. I'm not sure how the skins on Thai garlic compare to other varieties so your mileage may vary.
Garlic and onion peels can be dried in a dehydrator or an oven on low (~200F) and then ground to add savor to bread, soups, rice &c. Basically use it like garlic powder
Cauliflower and broccoli stalks can be peeled, sliced and roasted (along with the leaves) at around 400F (200C) for 20 minutes or so until browned and crispy with olive oil, salt, and spices of your chusing, then dipped in ranch or garlic sauce (for a quick vegan ranch I mix vegan mayonnaise + grated garlic + a squeeze of lemon + pinch of salt).
Kale stems can be pickled, or sliced thin, sauteed, and added to stir-fries and soups.
The inner core of cabbages (which some recipes call for you to remove) can also be minced and added to soups.
Orange, lemon, and grapefruit peels can be used to make mixed peel; apple peels and cores can be used to make apple jelly. These recipes aren't really something-for-nothing, though, as they do use a lot of sugar.
Also orange peel tea. Sometimes when making mixed peel I drain the water after five minutes of simmering and drink it as tea, then replace the water and continue simmering as the recipe calls for.
Some Medditerranean cake recipes involve (perhaps soaking and then) blending an entire orange, peel and all--look up "whole orange cake."
When not making mixed peel, I (remove the pith from and then) dry orange and lemon peels to grind into zest and store it to use as needed. A friend of mine saves the pith, too, and dries and grinds it and uses it to replace some of the flour when baking.
South Indian & Latin American recipes sometimes feature the peels of bananas or plantains—look for banana peel curry/thoran.
Various recipes can be found for banana peel pulled pork and banana peel bacon; banana peel cake; banana peel tea.
Starch left from rinsing rice can be used to thicken soups and stews (this is common in Korean recipes).
The water left from cooking dried beans can be used in soups and stews, or in cooking future batches of beans.
Make sure that anything you're eating or boiling has been washed well.
I— I'm. uh. huh. that was weird, I don't know what came over me...
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
get to know me ask game
Tagged by @telomeke , @magpie24601 thanks!
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I don't dislike tight clothes, but loose clothes will always win.
Four ear piercings. One on the left, three on the right.
I discovered my love for nail polish around five years ago, along with my love for glitter.
It's more that I don't pay much attention to how i look. I can look better or worse, and it won't really affect any aspect of my life, so it's not important.
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
Only two, Thai, my mother tongue, and English. 
I can swim, sure. Not very well, tho. I still remember my PE teacher being, "How can you be this slow?" at an extracurricular event. 
I enjoyed writing those posts about the Thai language and culture a lot more than I expected. I also started writing a fanfic recently, and it feels kind of good. Tbh, going into this, I thought I would be able to enjoy the result but not much the process. But the process is okay too. It's a pleasant surprise, considering that I was a kid who submitted less than 500 words for a 1000-word assignment. 
I can do origami, and I like doing it. I stopped now because it piled up, and since it's made of paper, Idk what I can do with it except just store it in a box. 
I started a new book series. I may or may not finish it by year's end. 
I enjoy spending time with friends. Of course!
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together// I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have been single all my life, actually. Not even a single crush. Probably an aro.
Most of my friends are people I've known for more than ten years. I don't know how to make new friends😅
I'm not sure, actually. Maybe? At what point are people considered friends by others?
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I enjoy all that except bonfires. I have attended bonfires, sure, but it was against my will lol
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
If I don't sleep in a car, chances are I will get car sickness. 
Mexican food is great! It's my favorite way to eat uncooked vegetables. 
If not by making up scenarios, how do you fall asleep? 
I mean, technically? But also not really? I am multiracial in the same way that I believe that if a person is born in a place that is not isolated, then that person must be somewhat mixed. My mom counted back and said she knew for a fact that our family had at least five different ethnicities, but that was quite far back? The closest one is from my grandparents on my dad's side.
Tagging : @shouldiusemyname, @akkrosu, @rocketturtle4, @troubled-mind, @scarefox, @lurkingteapot, @williamrikers, @blmpff, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @airenyah
as I write two posts at the same time, I tag the same people in both posts lol. Everyone, please feel free to ignore one or both.
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umichenginabroad · 8 months
Stockholm Week 1: Uncovering Stockholm
Hi again! I am Jiwoo Kim, and I am back with new updates. 
I journaled throughout the week to keep my memories fresh and in the hopes of using that as my blog post, but I want to let you know that it is A LOT of content (warning in advance). If this continues I will break down my week into two posts :(  
Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy reading (or skimming) the adventures I had this week!
1/14 - Shopping Sunday 
Surprisingly, I had no jet lag! Thanks to the laundry machine breaking down (check my previous post for more details), I slept around 12 am and woke up at 11 am. Day 2 and I was already set. 
My friends and I visited Fern and Fika for our first fika. The fruit tea I got was amazing but my four friends, who all ordered the same thing, did not enjoy their chai latte. I didn’t get any desserts because it was early in the day but I am definitely planning to go back. 
To familiarize ourselves with the metro, we traveled around proximal areas around the DIS building. There were abundant stores, both international (H&M, UNIQLO, Lush) and local, along the streets. We visited the following stores: Normal (cheap bath and body products), IKEA (meatballs were exactly what I was looking for), UNIQLO (I bought a cute cross bag and my friends got heat tech clothing), and ICA (grocery run again). 
1/15 - First Day of Orientation
I discovered that A LOT of well-known companies and artists are from Sweden: the list includes H&M, IKEA, Spotify, ABBA, Ace of Base, etc. 300 students played trivia all at once with live music (piano and singing) from the DIS faculty!
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After the trivia, we all went to faculty-led group workshops. They were 30-40 minute sessions where I met a lot of different students; it honestly felt like a freshmen orientation. We did some legos, played supposed Swedish games, and learned all about Swedish culture.
For dinner, I cooked with my roomie. Tomato pasta with cheese, sausage, diced onion, and premade sauce; doesn’t it look good? 
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I usually don’t like tomato pasta but the one we made was so good that I devoured it in seconds
1/16 - Second Day of Orientation 
Second visit to the DIS building was much easier. We already got the hang of using the metro! I saw dogs in and out of the metro and they were all quiet and well-behaved. It was intriguing to see that even the dogs are different too! 
The main event was going to apply for a physical Swedish visa/permit. 
We woke up at 6:20 am (as a night owl, I had to suck it up) and quickly got ready. No one knew but we had to take a picture for the residence permit card and EVERYONE was crusty in the photos - weird orange lighting, no counting before the photoshoot. I am not ready to see the result yet and I don’t think I ever will be ready. 
I had about 3 hours before Housing Info Sessions at the DIS building again so my apartment friends and I headed home. On the way back, we stopped at T-Central station to get a replacement guarantee for our Stockholm transportation card (also provided by the DIS). We saw a mart called AM Store across the street and decided to check it out too - it turned out to be a HUGE Asian mart! When I say HUGE I mean like a two-story store HUGE (0o0). It literally had everything I could think of - sauces, dumplings, Kimchi, seaweed, enoki mushrooms, rice, all types of ramen, noodles, hot pot broths, mochi, hoppang, fortune cookies, etc. Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and many more types of food were there. 
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This is a photo I took to assure my parents that I will be well-fed in Stockholm and that they don’t need to send me/bring me anything  
I went back home afterward for lunch and did some work for my asynchronous online ChemE Reactions course and blogger post rough draft. So busy!
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At the Hornstull station, which is the closest station to our apartment 
During the housing info session, we wrote a letter to ourselves in order to practice writing our new address. It was unexpected but a good checkpoint for me to look back on my initial goals, worries, and plans for the study abroad. It’s going to be mailed to me in two months as a method to reflect how I am doing!  
Stockholms Stadsmission was the second thrift store I visited in Stockholm, and it was by far the best! It had various options (shoes, bags, clothes, accessories) of good quality at good prices! I got a baby shirt for $5. You do have to dig in a bit, but you can definitely find *・+:*。・ gold *。・:*+*
When we got back home, my roommate and I cooked rice, sautéed Napa with oyster sauce, and roasted chicken breasts. It took us like 2 hours (LOL) but they were on point - we were so full after the dinner. 
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I am so proud of us 
That night, a student posted on DIS Navigate, an online community shared among DIS Stockholm students, saying that some are going to Beer and Play at 9 pm to “hydrate” for field study tomorrow. 
It was a short walk from Högalidsgatan so we all decided to go. It was a great decision. We all had SO much fun! DIS students kept rushing in one after another; we soon filled the entire pub. We all mingled and talked to each other, and I finally met someone in my core course. The number of followers and following in my Instagram shot up after this ;)
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Pear cider was a popular choice
1/17 - Core Course Field Study 
I woke up early to go to a cafe with a friend for a fika! Earl gray with two desserts for breakfast was an experience. Although the desserts were too sweet for my liking, I loved the decorations in the cafe. They were so pretty! 
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Taking pictures is a must in a cute cafe 
Today was the first field study with my core course, Sustainable Engineering in Scandinavia. It took the whole 4 hours, but the time did fly when I was having fun. We had an introduction about the class structure inside and went outside for a field study in Stockholm Seaport. While walking around various structures covered with snow, we asked questions after listening to the connections between the construction area and the environment, society, and economy. 
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I couldn't open my eyes because snow was rushing in
Professor informed us that this weather is uncommon in Stockholm, but this was what I expected so I guess it worked out. I really think it snowed 10 cm today. My feet were surrounded with snow and my face was smacked by a snow blizzard. Although I was F R E E Z I N G more and more every second in the snow, I loved all of it. We stopped by a small store to have fika funded by DIS and I didn’t miss my chance for a free fika: I got green tea and a croissant with cheese and lettuce. 
Having a small class gave me a chance to talk with almost everyone in the course, and it felt more like a close-knit community. Later in the trip we were making small snowmans and having snowball fights along the way. We even planned an informal class trip on a ferry to Finland! 
1/18 - First Real Lectures 
Thursday was the first real day of classes. We mostly did introductions and talked about expectations in class. Except for the fact that my core course went over two chapters worth of materials during the three-hours lecture, it was fine. I was mentally exhausted, so after lectures I went straight home and did homework for the rest of the night. I was saving energy for Friday 🙂
1/19 - TGIF
Friday! I thankfully got off the waitlist for the Swedish Language and Culture course, so I switched it with the 8:30am Philosophy course. I don’t have an 8:30am class anymore! 
After my morning classes, I tried fika on my own. I walked around 10 minutes from the DIS building and went to a cafe with an interesting seating arrangement. I wandered around in a shopping mall nearby until it was time for the DIS cultural mingle event with high school locals. 
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My first Swedish cinnamon bun, Kanelbullar 
The high school kids were so kind and eager to talk with us, which was unexpected but fun. I was informed that I need to go NORTH NORTH of Sweden to see the northern lights, which was a little disappointing :(  I am still going to try though! Seeing the northern lights has been on my bucket list for quite some time now and I don’t want to miss the chance. 
Right before heading home after class, I met a new friend who lives in Homestay. Rather than going home, we spontaneously decided to explore Stockholm together. First, we headed to a pop-up store of a Swedish artist. It turns out he was performing at the store like a small concert, and we were able to listen to all of his songs for an hour or so! Even though I couldn’t understand anything, I cherished every single part of that mini concert. 
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I had Shazam on the whole time
To celebrate the end of the week, my friends and I prepared to go out after dinner. After the pregame, we went to the Time Bar, a bar close to our apartment that accepts American IDs like driver’s licenses. The bar was so cute, and the Passion Sour drink was the best alcohol I had in my life.
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We made friends with the bartender and the security it was so cute <;3
I was planning to stay home on Saturday but I somehow ended up in the Time Bar again. Two nights in a row but I still had so much fun.
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A friend brought two cameras to the bar and we took cute photos of each other :)
1/21 - Gamla Stan 
Waking up today was difficult after going out two nights in a row, but I didn’t give in to my extremely cozy and warm bedding. 
I met my friends at the lobby around 10:30 am to head off to Gamla Stan, the Old Town! I was so excited to go because I've been only hearing good comments about it (even the locals recommended it). There were hundreds of aesthetic cafes, souvenir shops, jewelry/clothing shops, etc. There were multiple majestic towers too! 
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I had my hopes high and Gamla Stan still managed to exceed my expectations!
We were just in time for the Royal Guards Ceremony (basically changing of the guards) at the Royal Palace of Stockholm. My friend was being a tour guide and explaining that no one lives in the palace anymore but they do it as a tradition.
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I basically got a free tour around Gamla Stan aren’t I so lucky ;)
We stopped at stores that caught our eyes and I was able to find a perfect scarf in one of the stores! I couldn’t get my hands off of the scarf ever since I touched it, so I just had to get it. I swear the scarf stuck to my hands. You’ll understand me the moment you touch the scarf. It is the softest thing I touched in my life and I love it. My hair doesn't stick to it or get frizzy either! 
Okay, enough of the scarf ramble. Anyway, as we were getting ready to go back, we saw a churro place and couldn’t pass it. The owner started making a fresh batch of churros and it was so pleasantly painful to wait for them to be done as we stood outside, in the cold weather, smelling every single step of the baking process. The churros tasted like heaven and we were so happy with our decision. 
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Before I leave, I am definitely going back to Mr. Churros multiple times to try every single flavor. I highly recommend the cinnamon sugar flavor though! 
This concludes my first week in Stockholm, and I can’t wait to experience more things! 
Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy blog and I hope to see you again!
Hey då,  
Jiwoo Kim
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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sevenseascatering12 · 2 months
Unveiling the Perfect Plate: Seven Seas Catering - Your Guide to the Best Catering Services in Delhi
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Delhi, a vibrant tapestry of cultures and flavors, is a city that thrives on celebrations. From intimate gatherings to grand galas, every event deserves a culinary experience that elevates the occasion. But finding the perfect catering service amidst a sea of options can feel overwhelming. Worry not, for Seven Seas Catering is here to navigate you through the exquisite world of Delhi's catering landscape.
This comprehensive guide unveils the secrets to choosing the best catering services in Delhi, tailored to your unique needs and preferences. We'll delve into the diverse catering styles, explore essential considerations, and unveil some of Delhi's hidden gems in the catering industry.
A Culinary Kaleidoscope: Unveiling Delhi's Catering Styles
Delhi's catering scene is as diverse as its population. Here's a glimpse into the most popular styles to help you find your perfect culinary match:
The Regal Touch: Mughal and North Indian Cuisine: Experience the grandeur of Mughal emperors with a menu boasting rich curries, kebabs cooked to perfection, and melt-in-your-mouth biryanis. This style caters to those who appreciate the slow-cooked flavors and aromatic spices that define North Indian cuisine.
A Vegetarian Paradise: Delhi offers a haven for vegetarian palates. Caterers specializing in this cuisine will tantalize your taste buds with an array of flavorful curries, decadent paneer dishes, and an array of fresh vegetables prepared in traditional Indian styles.
Global Gastronomy: Travel the world through your palate! Catering services adept at international cuisines like Italian, Thai, or Chinese can bring a touch of the exotic to your event.
Fusion Frenzy: For the adventurous foodie, fusion cuisine offers a delightful blend of flavors. Imagine succulent kebabs infused with Thai spices or a classic paneer tikka masala reimagined with a touch of Italian pesto.
Street Food Delights: Recreate the vibrant energy of Delhi's street food scene at your event. Caterers specializing in chaat, rolls, and other street food favorites can add a touch of casual fun to your gathering.
Beyond the Menu: Crucial Considerations for Choosing a Delhi Caterer
Selecting a caterer involves more than just delicious food. Here are some key factors to consider:
Event Type and Budget: Are you planning a wedding, a corporate gathering, or a birthday party? Different events require varying levels of formality and catering styles. Be upfront about your budget to ensure the caterer provides options that align with your financial constraints.
Guest Count and Dietary Needs: Ensure the caterer can comfortably accommodate your guest list and cater to any specific dietary restrictions, such as vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free preferences.
Service and Staff: Reliable and professional service is paramount. Discuss aspects like food presentation, staffing for service, and equipment rentals with the caterer.
Reviews and Recommendations: Read online reviews and seek recommendations from friends and family who have recently used catering services in delhi.
Cuisine Expertise: Choose a caterer with a proven track record in your preferred cuisine. Sample menus and tastings offered by the caterer can be a deciding factor.
Flexibility and Customization: Look for a caterer willing to create a customized menu that reflects your specific preferences and dietary needs.
Shining Gems: Unveiling Delhi's Top Caterers
While Delhi boasts a plethora of catering services, here are a few hidden gems that consistently impress with their culinary artistry and exceptional service:
Seven Seas Catering: (Of course, we couldn't resist a little self-promotion!) Seven Seas Catering prides itself on offering bespoke catering solutions for events of all sizes. We specialize in creating customized menus that cater to a diverse range of cuisines and dietary needs. Our team of passionate chefs and dedicated staff ensure an unforgettable culinary experience for your guests.
The Moet's Experience: Renowned for their exquisite presentation and impeccable service, Moet's Catering offers a luxurious experience for weddings and high-end events. Their focus on seasonal ingredients and innovative dishes sets them apart in the catering industry.
Satvik Caterers: A champion of vegetarian cuisine, Satvik Caterers focuses on fresh, seasonal ingredients and traditional cooking methods. Their emphasis on purity and authenticity makes them a perfect choice for those seeking a healthy and flavorful vegetarian experience.
Bhoj Caterers: This established caterer offers a wide range of delectable options, from classic Mughlai fare to delightful pan-Asian dishes. Their experience and ability to cater to large gatherings make them a reliable choice for any event.
Catering Vala: Specializing in creating customized menus for weddings, corporate events, and celebrations, Catering Vala offers a blend of
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anjalicooking897 · 3 months
What to Expect from Cooking Classes for Beginners in Bangalore
Cooking can be overwhelming for beginners. However, cooking classes for beginners also offer a fun and supportive environment. The classes let you learn the ropes, build confidence, and whip up delicious meals. But what exactly goes on in a beginner's cooking class? Here is a breakdown of what you can expect:
Building Blocks: Mastering the Basics
A strong foundation is key to culinary success. Most beginner cooking coaching classes focus on essential techniques like knife skills (think chopping, dicing, and slicing like a pro) and cooking methods (sautéing, boiling, baking, and more). You'll learn how to handle your tools effectively and safely, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable cooking experience.
Demystifying Recipes: Understanding the Language of Food
Recipes can seem like cryptic instructions. Beginner classes organized by the famous Anjali Cooking School break down this code, teaching you how to read and interpret recipes. You will learn about common ingredients, their functions, and substitution options to cater to dietary needs or preferences. Measurement techniques and conversions will also be covered, ensuring your dishes turn out perfectly every time.
From Pantry to Plate: The Art of Meal Planning and Preparation
Both cooking classes online and offline go beyond just following a recipe. You will gain valuable insights into meal planning and prepping. This includes learning how to stock your pantry with essential ingredients, plan balanced meals, and prep ingredients in advance to save time and streamline the cooking process.
A Global Feast: Exploring Different Cuisines
Many cooking classes for beginners delve into specific cuisines, introducing you to new flavors and techniques. You could be making pasta from scratch in an Italian class, mastering the art of curries in a Thai session, or whipping up fluffy pancakes in an American breakfast class. This broadens your culinary horizons and equips you to create exciting and diverse meals at home.
Hands-on Learning: Putting Theory into Practice
Learning by doing is the cornerstone of cooking classes. Most classes involve a hands-on component, where you will work in small groups or individually to prepare the dishes on the menu. This allows you to practice the techniques you learned under the watchful eye of an instructor, who can provide guidance and answer any questions you may have.
A Feast for the Senses: The Joy of Cooking Together
Cooking is not just about the food; it's also about the experience. Beginner classes offer a chance to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for food. The collaborative environment fosters teamwork and camaraderie, making the learning process fun and interactive. And the best part? You get to enjoy the delicious meals you created together at the end of the class!
Beyond the Basics: Building Confidence for Your Culinary Journey
By the end of a beginner cooking class, you will be armed with a newfound confidence in the kitchen. You will have a toolbox of essential skills, a deeper understanding of food, and the inspiration to experiment and create your culinary masterpieces. Just search for cooking classes nearby me to get information about the course of your choice. 
Tips for Choosing the Perfect Beginner Class
Consider your interests: Do you crave Italian classics, dream of mastering sushi, or want to explore vegetarian delights? Choose a class that aligns with your culinary curiosity.
Class format: Some classes focus on demonstrations with limited hands-on experience, while others prioritize active participation. Choose a format that suits your learning style.
Group size: Smaller class sizes allow for more personalized instruction and interaction with the instructor.
Dietary restrictions: Look for classes that cater to specific dietary needs or offer modification suggestions.
Cooking classes are a fantastic way to embark on your culinary adventure. So, grab your apron, unleash your inner chef, and get ready to experience the joy of creating delicious and satisfying meals. To get details, visit the website https://anjalicookingschool.com/.
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priyanshisingh · 3 months
U.S. Ethnic Food Market Forecast and Analysis Report (2023-2032)
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The U.S. ethnic food market is projected to grow from USD 24,759.29 million in 2023 to an estimated USD 46,729.84 million by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.22% from 2024 to 2032.
The U.S. ethnic food market is experiencing substantial growth, driven by the country's increasing cultural diversity and the rising consumer interest in exploring global cuisines. This market encompasses a wide range of products, including Asian, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and African foods, each bringing unique flavors and culinary traditions to American consumers. Factors such as globalization, travel, and the influence of immigrant communities have significantly contributed to the popularity of ethnic foods. Additionally, the younger generation's adventurous palate and the growing demand for authentic, high-quality, and diverse food options are fueling this trend. Supermarkets, specialty stores, and online platforms are expanding their ethnic food offerings to meet this demand, with many mainstream food manufacturers also entering the market. The rise of ethnic food festivals, cooking shows, and food blogs further promotes awareness and appreciation of these cuisines. Overall, the U.S. ethnic food market is poised for continued expansion, reflecting broader trends towards culinary inclusivity and global interconnectedness.
Ethnic food refers to cuisine that originates from the culinary traditions of a particular ethnic group, culture, or region, often distinct from the mainstream food culture of the area where it is consumed. These foods are typically characterized by unique flavors, ingredients, cooking techniques, and recipes that are specific to a particular cultural or geographical background. Ethnic foods offer a taste of the culinary heritage of different communities and are often associated with the following characteristics:
Distinctive Ingredients: Ethnic foods use specific ingredients that are often native to or commonly used in the region of origin. These can include unique spices, herbs, fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins.
Traditional Recipes: The preparation methods and recipes for ethnic foods are often passed down through generations, preserving the authenticity and cultural significance of the cuisine.
Cultural Significance: Ethnic foods are often deeply rooted in the culture and traditions of a community. They can be associated with cultural practices, religious rituals, festivals, and celebrations.
Variety and Diversity: Ethnic foods encompass a wide range of dishes, from appetizers and main courses to desserts and beverages. Each ethnic cuisine offers a diverse array of flavors and culinary experiences.
Regional Variations: Within a broader ethnic category, there can be significant regional variations. For example, Chinese cuisine includes distinct regional styles such as Cantonese, Sichuan, and Hunan.
Examples of ethnic foods include:
Asian Cuisine: Sushi, dim sum, pad Thai, pho, kimchi, and curry.
Latin American Cuisine: Tacos, empanadas, feijoada, tamales, and ceviche.
Middle Eastern Cuisine: Falafel, hummus, shawarma, kebabs, and baklava.
African Cuisine: Jollof rice, injera, tagine, and biltong.
European Cuisine: Paella, pasta, bratwurst, and moussaka.
Key players:
Conagra Brands, Inc.
General Mills, Inc.
PepsiCo, Inc.
McCormick & Company, Incorporated
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Kraft-Heinz Company
Frontera Foods (Conagra Brands)
Unilever Group
Mars, Incorporated
Hormel Foods Corporation
Thai Union Group Public Company Limited
MTR Foods
B&G Foods
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/us-ethnic-food-market
The dynamics of the U.S. ethnic food market are shaped by various factors, reflecting the diverse and evolving food preferences of American consumers. Key dynamics include:
1. Cultural Diversity:
The increasing cultural diversity in the United States, driven by immigration and the presence of various ethnic communities, plays a significant role in the demand for ethnic foods. Immigrants bring their culinary traditions with them, and their influence spreads to the broader population.
2. Consumer Interest in Global Cuisines:
American consumers, especially younger generations, are increasingly adventurous and open to trying new and exotic foods. This curiosity drives the demand for ethnic foods, as people seek authentic and diverse culinary experiences.
3. Health and Wellness Trends:
Many ethnic foods are perceived as healthier options, featuring fresh ingredients, balanced meals, and unique flavor profiles that align with health and wellness trends. Consumers seeking healthier diets often turn to ethnic cuisines that emphasize vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
4. Availability and Accessibility:
The availability of ethnic foods in mainstream grocery stores, specialty markets, and online platforms has increased significantly. Retailers are expanding their ethnic food sections, and e-commerce platforms are making it easier for consumers to access a wide range of international products.
5. Influence of Media and Pop Culture:
Television shows, cooking channels, food blogs, and social media platforms play a crucial role in popularizing ethnic foods. Celebrity chefs and food influencers often showcase ethnic recipes and dining experiences, sparking interest and encouraging consumers to explore new cuisines.
6. Innovation and Fusion Cuisine:
Innovation in food production and culinary techniques has led to the creation of fusion cuisine, blending elements of different ethnic foods to create unique dishes. This trend appeals to consumers looking for novel and exciting flavors.
7. Economic Factors:
Economic factors, such as disposable income and spending power, influence the consumption of ethnic foods. As consumers' purchasing power increases, they are more likely to spend on diverse and premium food options, including ethnic cuisines.
8. Restaurant and Food Service Industry:
The growth of ethnic restaurants and food trucks across the U.S. provides consumers with more opportunities to experience authentic ethnic foods. The food service industry continues to expand its offerings to meet the growing demand for ethnic dining experiences.
9. Marketing and Branding:
Effective marketing and branding strategies are essential for ethnic food products. Brands that emphasize authenticity, quality, and cultural heritage can attract a loyal customer base. Additionally, collaborations with ethnic chefs and influencers can enhance brand credibility and visibility.
10. Regulatory and Supply Chain Considerations:
Ensuring the availability of authentic ingredients can be challenging due to regulatory requirements and supply chain complexities. Import regulations, trade policies, and quality control measures impact the availability and cost of ethnic food products.
11. Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing:
Consumers are increasingly concerned about sustainability and ethical sourcing of food products. Ethnic food brands that focus on sustainable practices, fair trade, and ethical sourcing can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
Based on Type
Indian Cuisine
Latin American cuisine
Mediterranean Cuisine
Middle Eastern cuisine
African Cuisine
Chinese Cuisine
Southeast Asian Cuisine
Based on product
Frozen ethnic foods
Sauces and Conditions
Bakery and Confectionery
Spices and herbs
Pulses, rice, noodles, and soups
Based on the distribution channel
Specialty Stores
Online Retail
Foodservice (HoReCa)
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/us-ethnic-food-market
Browse our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/us-ethnic-food-market-report-opportunities-challenges-6fwbf
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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nickgerlich · 6 months
The Wonder Of It All
The way we dine out—or in, as it turns out—continues to change before our very eyes. Third-party delivery is an industry now. We have evolved from boring, bland food courts at the shopping mall, which are primarily populated by miniature versions of the same brands we find along city streets, to food halls, where mom-and-pops occupy stalls among shared kitchen facilities.
Ghost kitchens have also become common, with established brands running secondary brands out of the same facility, as well as those owned by DoorDash that welcome mom-and-pops, along with corporately-owned ones like Inspire Brands’ kitchen in Atlanta with Arby’s, Sonic, and all of their other brands. It’s all about delivery.
And then there’s yet another wrinkle, this one from Wonder and its 30 proprietary brands all created under one roof, and ready for pickup or delivery. Wonder just raised $700 million in capital to fund a rapid expansion. The company had started with food trucks trying to deliver the same concept to wherever they could find a place to park, but has now opted to go with brick-and-mortar locations. With 10 units now in New York and New Jersey, and one inside a Pennsylvania Walmart, the company plans to have 90 food halls by the end of 2025.
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And it’s a great idea. Some 90% of orders are made online at their current kitchens. But perhaps more impressive is the fact that the smoke and mirrors they have created to shroud the fact that they own all of the brands attests to the veracity of the concept.The diversity of offerings is impressive, from American comfort food and burgers, to Asian, Mexican, Indian, salads, and more.
Oh, and all from the same commercial kitchen. That’s no small task, and to be able to pull it off without accidentally putting the wrong food into a bag or box labeled for one of the other brands they offer, means that they probably ought to stick to just using Wonder as the umbrella for it all. One name, no problem.
The concept addresses multiple needs and desires. Top of the list, of course, is convenience. Busy American households don’t have as much time to cook as they would like, especially after a long day at the office and a tedious commute home.
And there’s the beauty of everyone in on the order can pick whatever they want, with no one bound to pizza or any other stand-alone food genre. You want Indian street food? Fine. And I’ll have Pad Thai.
Lastly, it builds on the food hall concept, that it is free of the big brands we see everywhere. It is no secret that fast food has been struggling a bit of late as dietary preferences continue to expand.
To be fair, Wonder is not the first to try this. Two other companies have tried in the last few years, and not fared well. One of them even partnered with Kroger to allow for pickup as well as delivery. Some fine-tuning is in order here, and perhaps Wonder can make it work. The Walmart unit reflects the giant retailer’s shift away from Subway and McDonald’s leasing space inside, and if the one unit thus far is successful, look for more in other Walmarts.
I like this idea a lot, perhaps because I do love me a good food hall in the first place. The people with whom I am most likely to dine don’t like fast food, and prefer more esoteric categories of food. Being able to choose from among multiple options is golden.
To be perfectly honest, I have made myself hungry while writing this. While I don’t have the option of something like Wonder out here on the High Plains, I can at least whip up something tasty and healthy, and not otherwise available at a diner or fast food joint.
And that is pretty much the Wonder business plan in a nutshell. Evolution is a very good thing. Bon appétit, y’all!
Dr “Leaning Into Cumin And Garam Masala Today” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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whatsonmedia · 10 months
Best offers Of This Week!
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Embark on a journey filled with extraordinary savings and unforgettable experiences with WhatsOn! Immerse yourself in a week of exhilarating adventures, from delectable dining to rejuvenating wellness treats. Click now to unveil exclusive offers and craft enduring memories. Seize the best the city has to offer and set sail on your personal voyage of enjoyment with WhatsOn today! Any workshop at Ann's Smart School of Cookery for one or two hours, starting at £25 Elevate your cooking skills with Ann's Smart School of Cookery. Immerse yourself in diverse cuisines, from the intricacies of sushi to the richness of Italian pasta. Opt for a quick one-hour taster session or delve into a comprehensive two-hour workshop. Led by expert chefs, these sessions promise a blend of learning, tasting, and hands-on experience. Unleash your inner chef and explore the world of culinary delights. Highlights: - Choose from various cuisines like Dim Sum, Italian, Thai, Indian, and more - Led by professional chefs for an immersive cooking experience - Options include one-hour taster sessions and two-hour in-depth workshops - Craft your own dishes and explore the art of culinary mastery Need to Know: - Voucher valid for a one or two-hour cooking class - Age limit: Over 18s only - Timetables published 8 weeks in advance, excluding bank holidays - Redeem online using the voucher code - Email a copy of your voucher to [email protected] - Valid until February 29, 2024 - Group experience with up to 16 participants - Equipment provided - 14-day cancellation policy with a £20 surcharge for non-compliance - Limited to one per person or two people, with an option to buy an additional one as a gift - Address: 7 Hertsmere Road, West India Quay, London E14 4AN Exclusive: 40%+ Off Men’s Grooming at The House of Keune by Bloom Indulge in a top-notch grooming experience at The House of Keune by Bloom. From a luxury shampoo to a tailored haircut or shave, enjoy a refreshing session including a massage and hot towel for that extra touch of sophistication. Highlights: - Located in Holborn - Bespoke haircut, beard trim, or expert shave by master barbers Need to Know: - Voucher valid for cut and style or grooming service - Availability: Monday to Saturday, check specific timings - Redeem via email or phone with clear voucher details - Valid until March 16, 2024 - New customers only, with specific stylists - Cancellation notice required within 48 hours - Location: Unit 1, 100 - 101 Museum Street, London WC1A 1PB. Personalized Children's Book for Just £9.99 – Over 50% Off! Watch your little ones beam with joy as they unwrap a personalized book designed just for them. Authored by Mike Molloy, choose from six stories crafted to guide and uplift during challenging times. Add their names, tweak characters, and ignite their love for reading. A unique literary treat for cherished moments. Highlights: - Add your child's name and personalize their character - Choose from six stories - Watch their joy as they open this unique, personalized treat Need to Know: - Voucher valid for a personalised children's book - Redeem online by adding the book to the cart and applying the voucher code at checkout - Valid until May 30, 2024 - Non-refundable and cannot be used with other offers A drink of prosecco and a three-course dinner at The Clermont Charing Cross cost £27.50. Experience the charm of The Clermont at Charing Cross, a swish London hotel in a prime location for sightseeing. After exploring iconic sights, enjoy three courses and a glass of bubbly for £27.50 (was £49). Highlights: - Starters: Salt and Pepper Squid, Smoked Salmon Roulade, Quinoa Salad, Buttermilk Chicken Tenders. - Mains: Spaghetti Carbonara, Caesar Salad (with optional salmon or chicken), Fish & Chips, The Clermont Burger, 10oz Ribeye Steak (£10 supplement). - Desserts: Vanilla Cheesecake, Apple Tarte Tatin. Need to Know: - Valid Mon-Sun, 5 pm to 9.30 pm. - Reservation required with voucher and security code. - Valid until March 31, 2024 (excludes Dec 18, 2023 – Jan 2, 2024). - Not valid for Sunday lunch or bank holidays. - Minimum booking for two people. Ages 18+. Read the full article
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veebaindia · 11 months
Uncovering the Rich History Behind Thai Red Curry Paste
Thai red curry is a delicious meal that is made with red curry paste. It doesn’t take a lot of time to cook, and you can serve it with rice, noodles, and stir-fried vegetables. However, you can buy Thai red curry paste online in India from one of the leading FMCG brands, Veeba.
Read more - https://www.edocr.com/v/yw9oev0l/veebaindiadigital/uncovering-the-rich-history-behind-thai-red-curry-
Address: Office No. 101, 1st Floor, Pegasus One,
(Inside IBIS Hotel Complex) Golf Course Road,
Sector 53, Gurugram Haryana, 122002
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biju-the-seo-freak · 1 year
The India Restaurant – Best Indian Restaurant Near Leadenhall Market, London
London, a vibrant and multicultural metropolis, boasts a diverse culinary scene that mirrors its eclectic population. From Indian to Thai cuisine, there’s something to tantalize every palate across the city.
For an exceptional Indian dining experience near the iconic Leadenhall Market, look no further than The India. Nestled in the heart of this dynamic neighbourhood, The India offers a curated menu that captures the essence of India’s culinary heritage. Whether you crave aromatic curries, tandoori specialities, or flavorful vegetarian options, we have it all.
Our commitment to excellence extends to warm and attentive service, creating an exceptional dining experience. The inviting ambience at The India complements the authenticity of our cuisine, transporting you to a world where the fragrant spices of India blend seamlessly with the vibrant energy of Leadenhall Market.
Whether it’s a special occasion, a romantic evening, or craving familiar flavours, The India is your perfect destination. When you’re near Leadenhall Market and hunger for Indian cuisine beckons, visit us. Discover why we’re renowned as one of the best Indian restaurants in this captivating city.
The India – an Indian Restaurant near Leadenhall Market Nestled near Leadenhall Market, The India is a beloved destination for authentic Indian cuisine. Our rich history of serving Londoners showcases our commitment to culinary excellence. Whether you’re a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, our diverse menu offers a compelling journey through India’s flavours.
From mouthwatering starters to various main courses that span Indian culinary heritage, every dish at The India tells a story through spices and tradition. Our sweet desserts and beverage selection perfectly complement your dining experience.
We offer a takeaway service for added convenience, allowing you to savour our flavours wherever you choose. Located in the heart of Leadenhall Market, The India is a beacon of culinary excellence where tradition and innovation meet.
Is The India suitable for vegetarians and vegans? The India is a restaurant that offers both vegetarian and vegan options. So, whether you’re a vegetarian or vegan, this place should be perfect for you!
The menu here is extensive and covers all the bases. Plus, there are plenty of other dishes available such as vegetable biryani and paneer masala. There’s even a section dedicated to gluten-free food so that everyone can find something to their taste.
In addition to the delicious food, The India also offers an amazing selection of drinks. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing drink or something more indulgent, you’ll be sure to find what you’re looking for here.
All in all, The India is a great choice for vegetarians and vegans who want some delicious Indian food without having to compromise on their dietary choices.
The India’s menu The Menu - Best Indian Restaurant near London Bridge Order Online Book A Table The India’s menu offers a wide variety of Indian dishes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you’re in the mood for a savory dish like chicken tikka masala or a sweet treat, The India has something for everyone. So come on over and experience the best Indian cuisine London has to offer!
The India’s specialties The India is a renowned Indian restaurant in London, famed for its authentic and flavorsome dishes. The restaurant has been serving up delicious Indian cuisine for over the years and has become a firm favorite amongst curry lovers in the city.
The India offers a wide range of traditional Indian dishes, as well as some more unique fusion creations. If you’re looking for something truly special, then be sure to try the signature dish, the India Delight. This mouth-watering dish is a combination of chicken tikka, lamb Rogan josh, and prawns cooked in a creamy sauce – it’s definitely not to be missed!
If you’re looking for an Indian restaurant that serves great food and offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere, then be sure to check out The India. You won’t be disappointed!
How to get to The India? The India is located at 21 College Hill, Cannon Street London EC4R 2RP, just a few minutes walk from Leadenhall Market.
Once you’re at The India, you can expect to find all of your favorite Indian dishes on the menu. Whether you’re looking for a curry, some tandoori chicken, or a vegetarian option, there’s something for everyone at this restaurant. And if you can’t decide what to order, the staff are always happy to recommend their favorite dishes.
See Reviews Conclusion The India is a great place to eat for anyone in the Leadenhall Market area. Nestled near Leadenhall Market, The India is a beloved destination for authentic Indian cuisine. Our rich history of serving Londoners showcases our commitment to culinary excellence. Whether you’re a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, our diverse menu offers a compelling journey through India’s flavours.
From mouthwatering starters to various main courses that span Indian culinary heritage, every dish at The India tells a story through spices and tradition. Our sweet desserts and beverage selection perfectly complement your dining experience.
We offer a takeaway service for added convenience, allowing you to savour our flavours wherever you choose. Located in the heart of Leadenhall Market, The India is a beacon of culinary excellence where tradition and innovation meet.
0 notes
marketing123456789 · 1 year
Canned Foods Market Outlook by Industry Growth, Future Trends, Analysis by Type, Application and Business Opportunities to 2033
The global canned foods market net worth is estimated to be around US$ 17 Bn in 2023 and is anticipated to register a CAGR of 4.2% from 2023 to 2033. The research report on the global canned foods market reveals that the valuation of the market would reach up to US$ 25.6 Bn by 2033.
During the course of the forecast years, advancement in the canned foods industry is anticipated to be fuelled by changes in lifestyles, improved distribution networks, and rising demand for ready-to-eat food items. The world’s expanding cross-cultural cuisine trend has had a favourable effect on the market expansion. Exotic dishes offered by local retailers and eateries, such as Sushi and other seafood products, have increased the demand for canned food in the last few years.
Get Sample Copy@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-15971
Due to the ease of cooking using canned food ingredients, which also last longer without being contaminated or spoiling, many restaurant and hotel businesses and restaurants use them extensively. Moreover, as N the fruits in cans are clean and yet maintain all of their nutritious value the demand for canned foods is projected to grow more in tandem with the growth of the hotel and hospitality industry.
Key Takeaways from the Canned Foods Market Study
Supermarkets or hypermarkets are the major distribution channels for all types of canned food items and contribute more than 40% of the revenue generated globally.
In contrast, canned foods available over online retail channels are getting popular more rapidly and are penetrating new markets at a faster rate.
Only in the United States, the market for canned foods is anticipated to reach US$ 16 Bn by 2025 while growing at a rate of 3.8% during the forecast years.
China is predicted to be the fastest-growing nation in terms of production and consumption of canned food items and would register an impressive CAGR of 6% through 2033.
Preview Full Report@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/canned-foods-market
Competitive Landscape for the Canned Foods Market
Some of the major canned food market participants are Campbell Soup Company, Danish Crown AmbA, Del Monte Foods, Inc., JBS USA Holdings, Inc., Ayam Brand, Holyland Marketing Private Limited, The Kraft Heinz Company, Bolton Group S.r.l., Inc., Nestlé, Danish Crown Amba., Conagra Brands, Inc., Universal Canning Inc., StarKist Co., Bumble Bee Seafoods, Wild Planet Foods, Inc., Connors Bros Ltd., and LDH (La Doria) Ltd. Among others.
Renowned canned foods market key players are constantly implementing innovative tactics like launching new products and increasing their production capacity in order to better serve the market and retain their growing consumer base. In this way, it aids in boosting their market position and increasing their manufacturing capacity to penetrate new markets. Providing consumers with high-quality goods is another benefit.
Recent Developments in the Canned Foods Industry
The Campbell Soup Company introduced a new tinned container for its spicy chicken noodle soup with a new flavor in July 2021.
A minimal supply version of popular canned tuna with wrapping inspired by the popular Japanese manga series Doraemon was introduced by Thai Union’s canned tuna-related brand SEALECT in March 2021.
To diversify its business into canned snacks, the possession of the Del Monte processed fruit and vegetable packaging business in Canada of Conagra Brands was finalized in July 2018 by Bonduelle SA, which is a French company that offers different types of frozen, and fresh vegetables in cans.
Key Segments
By Product:
Canned fruits and Vegetables
Canned Meat and Seafood
Canned Ready Meals
By Type:
By Distribution Channels:
Supermarket or Hypermarket
Convenience Stores
E-commerce or Online Retail Channels
About FMI
Future Market Insights (ESOMAR certified market research organization and a member of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) provides in-depth insights into governing factors elevating the demand in the market. It discloses opportunities that will favor the market growth in various segments on the basis of Source, Application, Sales Channel and End Use over the next 10-years.
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umichenginabroad · 7 months
Stockholm Week 5: Late Nights and Long Naps
Hej hej! This week was the longest week for me. It was less going out and more cooking than other weeks because I stayed in my room for a substantial period. I had multiple very late nights due to assignments, but hopefully it’ll get better soon :) 
2/12 Mon: Nap #1
I went on another ICA trip to see what groceries to buy. We ate almost everything in our fridge before Core Course Week and did not have anything to eat. 
I used the pre-made Thai curry sauce for lunch. 
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Unfortunately, it was too coconut-y for me but my roommate liked it so it canceled out
A severe food coma hit me and my supposed 20-minute nap turned into a 3-hour nap… XoX
For the rest of the night, I focused on doing homework for my online Reactions class for my major. It was due on Valentine's Day (Professor quote-on-quote said the homework is due on Valentine’s Day but you are chemical engineers so you don’t have anything to do anyway, right?). I ended up sleeping at 4 am ;-;
2/13 Tue: The Chestnut Man
Snow covered Stockholm overnight. 
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Subway view on my way to DIS building 
I was happy to see the snow again but nervous that I’d finally slip on the ice this time. I haven’t slipped yet and I want to keep it that way for the entire semester! 
In Crime Fiction class (my favorite so far), we watched episode 2 of the Netflix series The Chestnut Man. I recommend it to anyone who likes mystery and thrillers like me. Swedish culture is well integrated as the main theme of the series. The music and production of the film were spectacular in creating tension. 
There is some gore in it, but if you don’t like it you can cover your eyes for a bit. I’m a big scaredy cat myself so if I can manage it, then you can too. 
After classes, time flew by. It was 2 pm when I came back from another ICA run, 3 pm when I put in the laundry and cooked lunch, and 4:30 pm when I finished lunch and laundry. Day after day I am discovering how much time is needed for housework. 
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I loved these heart-shaped containers - they really know how to sell things 
2/14 Wed: Swedish History Museum with Galentines on Top
My Swedish class had the first field trip to the Swedish History Museum, historiska museet. There were various exhibitions ranging from the Gold Room to the Viking World. 
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We had fika before going around the exhibitions and this was a Valentine's Day-themed semla. Isn’t it so cute <3 
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I also took part in raising the Valentine’s Day spirit by weaving a heart
I focused on the Prehistories exhibition with my assigned group. With some time left over, I ran to the Gold Room to see 52 kg of gold with my own eyes. I was fascinated by the intricacy of the handmade gold and silver accessories from hundreds and even thousands of years ago. 
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We had a heated debate on what this is. At first, I thought it was a detachable crown but when I searched it up it was an agate bowl reliquary
When the museum visit ended at 12:30 pm, I headed back towards DIS for lunch. My friend and I went to Matchaya again.
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Unadon and miso-based ramen were both good and fulfilling :)
As we always do, we had a tremendous amount of work to do (I don’t know why). Since only a couple of cafes stay open until the evenings, we went back to the DIS building to do work. She introduced me to reservable study rooms and we were surprisingly productive there. It definitely won’t be the last time I’m studying there. 
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But of course, I gave in to a food coma and took a brief nap 
Three hours of intense studying passed and we managed to get back to our apartment for dinner. I did more homework until 10 pm when our friends gathered in our room to have a little Galentines party. We had a fun time talking and watching Pretty Woman. 
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The aftermath, sugar rush, was the only bad thing 
2/15 Thu: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
I had a lazy morning thanks to my morning class getting canceled. After the three-hour core course, I came back home to meal prep for the next day.
My homework for Friday was to finish reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo for the Scandinavian Crime Fiction class. It turns out I really underestimated how long it’s going to take me to finish the book. I ended up finishing the book at 4 am. It was definitely not a quick read, but the storyline and the plot twists made it a very interesting read. I highly recommend it! 
2/16 Fri: Sandwich, French Toast, and Churros
When I came back home from school, I quickly made a sandwich so that I could take a nap asap. I knew I was going to have a big nap but did not know it’d be four hours. 
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I am getting better at cooking. Can you tell?!
I woke up at 7:30 pm and some of my friends had gone to Gamla Stan to buy churros. A friend invited me to try her fried rice for dinner so I made French toast for her in return. 
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By far the best French toast I made! 
I slept late again though, doing homework. As exams and papers and projects approach me, it is getting harder for me to let go/lower/put down pressure to get good grades. It’s my main area of improvement that I have to work more on. 
2/17 Sat: Guided Tour of Gripsholm
I got off the waitlist for a DIS-hosted guided tour of the 14th-century Swedish castle, Gripsholm! It is a castle owned by the Swedish Royal Family that is around 50 minutes away from Stockholm by bus. According to the guide, it was first built as a fortress but later turned into the royal court’s place of residence. Now, it serves as a museum open to the public. 
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Touring the gigantic castle for 1.5 hours knocked out everyone on the bus ride home
On the way back to my apartment, I was craving sweets so I checked the app TooGoodToGo. It has a list of participating restaurants and bakeries that sell leftovers of the day for cheap prices. Customers like me can buy random surprise bags and sellers do not have to throw away food in perfectly fine conditions. 
I found a bakery in my subway station selling a cake for $9, so I gave it a try. I thought I’d get multiple cake pieces but no; I got an entire cake for $9! A couple was running the store and even gave me a chance to choose the type of cake I wanted. They suggested the chocolate cake so that’s what I ended up picking. After a small talk, they even offered me a Semla to take home :) 
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The chocolate cake was really good; it was not too sweet, just as how I like it to be
For the rest of the night, I worked on this blog and studied for my online test on Sunday. 
2/18 Sun: Grind Grind Grind
Guess what! I pushed back my test to Wednesday.
I studied the whole day today (like 10 hours) but did not reach the point I wanted to be at with my knowledge. I knew that taking the test without being fully prepared was going to bother me so I gave up trying to finish it this weekend. 
I will update you all with more interesting events next week! Sneak peek - I am traveling to London over the weekend to meet my beloved UMich friends who are on their spring break <3
Thank you for reading this long long blog! Hope to see you again :) 
Tack så mycket, 
Jiwoo Kim 
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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thaibexleyheath · 2 years
Delicious Thai Food From Masterchef united kingdom
Recipes are running exceptionally quickly nowadays. Everybody might want to try new recipes. Humans would rather not eat the same recipes every day; they require something genuinely new for new flavors and tastes. It turns into a piece of human existence. These days, some cooking episodes are coming. For the most part, women watch these episodes to learn new recipes.
There are more master chefs around the world. Many individuals go outside to eat new or delicious dishes, yet certain individuals make food and new, scrumptious dishes in their own homes. By incorporating a variety of ingredients into a dish, it becomes delectable.
A few dishes' steps are exceptionally simple; however, some are extremely hard. A few materials are required for various types of dishes. For dishes, a few books are accessible in the market. By perusing those books, everybody can make dishes; however, they are genuinely scrumptious after some act of preparation.
For that reason, the food or recipes of 5-star inns are extremely delectable and zesty. There are some experts or master chefs who can make new dishes. Every cook has his or her own cooking strategy.
Cooking is an awesome ability and skill. A few courses are available in the modern world for doing the best cooking. Each one likes the recipes made by the chef in light of the fact that the dish should be hot and delicious. Masterchef has a few insider facts to spread the word about a delicious dish that isn't for everyone.
Thai food is turning out to be so well known as it has loads of positive things to offer. It is, first and foremost, known for the different sorts of vegetables they utilize for the preparation of Masterchef recipes, and they furthermore utilize different fixings.
Individuals have come to cherish the food of the united kingdom. Most dishes are curry-based and incorporate different vegetables and fixings. When people think of Thai food, Thai green curry is the first thing that comes to mind.
Be that as it may, there is a wide range of dishes on a Thai menu that individuals couldn't want anything more than to have. Masterchef united kingdom is becoming well-known due to its unique cooking style, and the flavor of the food is also beneficial to your health.
For More Info:-
Order Thai Food Online
Add Menu Thai Restaurant
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heartterri · 2 years
Miyoko cream cheese unlox
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If you’re tech savvy, you might search online to find some smartphone apps or websites to assist you in finding vegan-friendly restaurants in your vicinity. Just be sure to politely ask your server about the possibility of animal ingredients to ensure you can get your dish animal-free (it may help to ask specific questions, such as “Is there any fish sauce or egg in the Vegetable Pad Thai?” at a Thai restaurant or “Is there any lard, stock, or pork in the rice/refried beans?” at a Mexican restaurant). When eating out, if available, your best option will be a vegan or vegetarian restaurant, but you may also have good luck at the following kinds of restaurants: Afghani, Burmese, Chinese, Ethiopian, Greek, Indian, Mexican, Nepalese, Southwest Asian (commonly referred to as Middle Eastern), Thai, Tibetan, and Vietnamese. Explore unfamiliar aisles at the supermarket (and unfamiliar grocery stores)–you may discover some great new vegan items to try! Some products may be labeled as vegan, but make sure to watch out for honey and palm oil. Hint: if the product has any cholesterol, then it is not vegan (plants do not contain cholesterol). When shopping for packaged foods, you’ll want to read the labels to ensure your food item contains only plant ingredients (if unsure of an ingredient, you can consult the Happ圜ow Ingredients to Avoid list*). If you have the resources, we encourage you to grow your own food ! We encourage people to buy from Black, Indigenous, Brown, and Asian farmers. Ĭheck if there’s a Farmer’s Market or CSA available in your area! Here, you will find fresh (and often organic) produce for reasonable prices, all while directly supporting the farmers who grow our food. You might also check out our Recipes page and our sister sites, , and. If you have the time and ability to cook your own foods, the best and most nutritious options will typically be those you make yourself from whole plant foods (including some canned, frozen, and fresh fruits and vegetables). This will benefit the animals, the environment, and yourself. One step to eating ethically is to go vegan. Child Labor and Slavery in the Chocolate Industryįood Empowerment Project ’s mission is to help people understand how their food choices can change the world– for the good.You have to order their plain from them.shipping kills it so wait for a sale then NAIL it and get a case it freezes well. Traders Joes stocks their Unlox your dreams version.not sweet but a savory seafoodish tasting one with a bit of nori in it. Miyoko Cream Cheese is 100% Dairy, Gluten, Soy, and Dairy free. BUT Kite Hill, and Daiya have corn diriviites in them. I was going to use it in a crock pot recipe, but maybe will just use regular cheese like a cheddar instead.ĭairy Free, There is Miyoko, Kite Hill, And Daiya. I guess I'll try it and see how I feel, but just thought I'd check with everyone here and see how you all do with it. I noticed in the Philly cream cheese it mentioned whey protein, which I have seen things online saying that is gluten-free, yet other sources saying some could have gluten. Lately I am struggling though, but was waiting on an elimination diet until I figure out my prescription meds (that have corn in them). I was eating it a while ago and my stomach was getting better. Does anyone have good luck eating cream cheese? Of course, Philadelphia bran seems to be the most common to get.
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bestscourses · 3 years
Thai cooking 10+ best & Free online certification classes
Here you can find 10+ best and free Thai Cooking online certification courses, classes, trainings, Tutorial programs.
1. Thai Cooking Masterclass Cooking for beginners (Udemy) 2. Thai Cooking School 3. Basic Thai cooking course by Thai food addict (Udemy) 4. Authentic Thai Cooking Course with Boom (Udemy) 5. Pad Thai Cooking Class Noodles Street Thai Food Easy Recipe (Udemy) 6. Thai Cooking Master Class (Udemy) 7. 6 Thai Dinners You Can Make At Home (Youtube) 8. Thai fried rice | Vegetarian Spicy Thai Fried Rice Recipe | Easy Cooking (Youtube) 9. More Thai Cooking Recipes with Chef Kae (Udemy) 10. 56 Thai Food Easy Recipe Thai Cooking Classes Eat Like Thai (Udemy) 11. Best Keto Recipes Thai Food Ketogenic Diet Thai Cooking (Udemy)
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babymetaldoll · 4 years
Quarantine with Matthew Gray Gubler (MGG / Reader)
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(Not my gif, thank you to whoever made it! )
Requested: Yes :)
Vivir en cuarentena con Matthew, y él hace en vivos por Instagram con y/n respondiendo preguntas de fans
Category: Fluff
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler / Reader
Summary: Matthew loves making people happy, and in quarantine, he finds the best way to keep in touch with his fans and do what he loves the most: spend time with (Y/N) 💜
Warnings: Nope
Word count: 2,2K
A/N: I am so sorry this request took me forever!!  Hello guys!!  thank you for all your comments, and love 💖 You are awesome!! hope you have a great week!!
Living in quarantine isn't as bad as many people think. It all depends on who you are spending your time locked in with. (Y/N) knew it pretty well, 'cos she had been locked with her husband, Matthew Gray Gubler, in their shared house for the last month.
And even when most people were sick and tired of being home, (Y/N)and Matthew managed to keep themselves busy and mentally sane. In fact, you could feel more stressed considering there was a pandemic and no one could see their loved ones and friends. But being with Matthew made it all so much bearable.
Considering Gubler's job kept him busy most of the time during a normal year and that he didn't have many chances to be home the way he was now, he enjoyed it.
Sleeping in was heaven. And the fact he could stay in, wearing pajama and kimonos, just enjoying his wife's company, was what he needed.
He didn't realize he needed to take a break after years of hard work until he was forced to do it. And god, it felt good.
(Y/N) would keep herself busy writing and reading while Matthew painted and draw by her side.
Their daily activities included: trying new recipes at least three times each week. Gubler would always come with some random exotic dish he always wanted to recreate. And six of eight times, he nailed it.
They would also spend a day in their pajamas doing nothing. Usually, it was Sundays. That was their official cuddles day. Just movies, ice cream, and cuddles.
Matthew also started teaching (Y/N) some magic tricks. She had insisted a few times, but he was very reluctant to do it at first.
- "A magician never shares his tricks, Bunny"- he argued for days.
- "Ok, but what if I am a magician too? Then it would be ok?"
(Y/N) was sitting on his lap, playing with some curls of his hair between her fingers. They were in their backyard, having a picnic. They had set a blanket and had some cookies (Y/N) had baked, along with two tall ice coffee Matthew had prepared, with an obscene amount of whipped cream.
- "And how are you planning to be a magician if you don't know any trick?"- he questioned, raising an eyebrow.
- "Just because you haven't taught me any trick doesn't mean I don't know any!"- she answered, pretending to be insulted.
- "My wife can do magic, and she never told me?"
- "There are a lot of things about your wife you still don't know"- (Y/N) teased and smiled at him.
- "Bunny, we are locked in this house until further notice. I think I have enough time to find out all those things I haven't seen in the last years."
(Y/N) had finally convinced him when she showed him a simple card trick her father had taught her when she was a kid. Gubler got so excited he even presided a ceremony to name her an official magician and invited their friends to be part of it via zoom. Everybody enjoyed their magic tricks and shared a good hour of fun and laughter with them, just like they would do live.
It felt good to be with their loved ones, even if it was just online.
That gave Matthew an idea.
- "Hey, Bunny!"- he walked into the kitchen holding his phone, scrolling down his Instagram feed.
- "What is it, honey?"- (Y/N) asked him as she kept chopping vegetables for dinner.
- "I was thinking maybe I should start doing Instagram live streamings with the fans. Maybe do some magic tricks, tell jokes. I don't know."- (Y/N) raised his eyes from the food and smiled.
- "Sounds awesome! when do you wanna start?"
- "Now?"- he answered a little hesitant
- "And what do you have in mind?"
- "Maybe answering questions and asking them if hanging out via Instagram is something they'd like to do."
(Y/N) chuckled and walked to her husband, pinching his cheeks, making him giggle.
- "You are so adorable, Gub. Like anyone wouldn't love to hang out with you."- he blushed and shook his head.
- "Ok, I'm gonna do it here anyway."
- "While I'm cooking?"- (Y/N) looked confused
- "Yes, I want you near so you can stop me when I start rambling"- (Y/N) laughed and kissed her husband's lips sweetly.
- "I can't stop your rambling, Gubler. But I can mute the video"- she teased, and he pecked her lips, chuckling.
- "Just stop me when I start saying anything embarrassing."
- "Deal."
No one could say Matthew Gray Gubler didn't care about his fans. He was committed to being always nice to anyone who would ask for a picture or an autograph. Why? Because nothing made him happier than making people happy. And if his job gave people joy, he honestly felt his life had a purpose.
That's why he enjoyed his improvised IG stream so much. He just sat on a couch nearby the kitchen and started talking with fans, answering questions.
- "Where am I spending my quarantine? Here is my hunted treehouse. I don't think I had ever been home this much, and it's been awesome."- Gubler stood up and started walking around the room.
- "Who am I spending it with? my gorgeous wife, of course,"- he said and pointed the phone at (Y/N), who was still cooking dinner. She simply waved and smiled
- "She is making sure I eat proper food now... Bunny, people are asking what you are cooking."
- "Pad thai"- she answered with a huge grin- "Gubler's request for tonight's dinner."
- "Maybe we could make a cooking class one day,"- Matthew suggested, and the screen started filling with "YES!!" immediately- "I could teach people how to burn every pan in the house, and you can cook."
(Y/N) nodded, laughing.
- "You can teach everybody how to make the best hotcakes."- (Y/N) answered and walked away from the phone.
It wasn't that she didn't like being part of her husband's activities, but she figured she wasn't really that important. Fans were there to see him, not her.
But Matthew followed her.
- "Yeah! I'll make my famous chocolate chip hotcakes, and you will have to top them!"- (Y/N) laughed and looked at her husband, raising an eyebrow.
- "Battle of the hotcakes?"
- "Yes!"
- "Set a time and a place, and I'll be there"- (Y/N) put her hands in her waist and raised an eyebrow, looking as serious as she could fake it.
- "Tomorrow, noon, here in our kitchen, because we can't leave the house,"- Gubler answered and mimicked his wife's attitude, still streaming everything.
- "Bring it, Gub."
And just like that, another livestream was scheduled.
The next day, at noon, Matthew streamed the funniest hotcake competition there had ever been seen by humankind. At least that's what he described.
- "Let's say it's a tie"- Gubbler decided and finished the last piece of hotcake in his dish- "I'll leave a poll in my stories so you can decide what you wanna see in tomorrow's live."
- "Really?"- (Y/N) asked, surprised- "Which are the options?"
- "Magic tricks or... I don't know. I didn't think this through"- he answered, making his wife giggle.
- "Maybe you could make a Rumple reading"- and Gubler's eye brightened at the idea
- "With my Rumple costume?"
- "I don't see why not"- Gubler looked at the screen and grinned like a kid.
- "Ok, you'll decide, magic classes or Rumple reading."
It was a draw. That's why Gubler did a Rumple reading the next day and decided to prepare a magic class with his wife for later that week.
His followers were having a blast with each one of their streams. Matthew would always try to take a step back and let his wife shine in front of everybody. He thought she was so funny the world needed to see more of her.
And (Y/N) always tried to be the best sidekick for her husband. Helping him make his streamings as fun as possible.
For the Rumple reading, Matthew sat in an armchair by the fireplace, dressed like Rumple, and read the whole book, impersonating voices and everything. Then, (Y/N) read the questions from the fans, and Matthew answered everything.
Gubler dressed like a classic magician for their magic streaming, and his wife was his assistant, helping him with each trick.
And by the end of the week, the people picked Q&A streaming with the two of them. It was the Friday "Chilling with the Gubs special."
- "Your girl is about to steal the whole show"- Shemar called Matthew that week and made him laugh- "She's the best part of the whole stream."
- "Don't flirt with my wife!"- he answered and chuckled.
- "I'm just saying she has a lot of potentials. She should try to do some stand-up comedy."
Gubler loved that comment, though. He knew his wife was awesome, and he wanted the world to know. As simple as that.
- "Ok, Bunny, ready to answer some questions?"- Gubler set the phone in front of them as they sat in their backyard. One more time, they had set a blanket in their favorite spot. And they had cookies and coffee.
- "Hit it!"
It was fun to do those things together. (Y/N) had never been one to be in the spotlight, but she loved being with Matthew. And if he was happy, so was she.
And it took only a second to see how happy Matthew was. He beamed each time he looked at his wife by his side.
- "Ok, this is a good one. What did we have for breakfast today?"- (Y/N) read and chuckled.
- "Good question. Waffles. (Y/N) made waffles, and I ate five, with ice cream. I'm gonna get so fat in quarantine"- the actor answered and felt his wife's hand in his hair.
- "What's your next project"- (Y/N) read- "Oh! that's a good one!"
- "But I won't say anything about it,"- Gubler answered and chuckled- "You'll have to stay tuned."
- "But I can assure you, it's amazing,"- (Y/N) added smiling- "How did you two meet"- the couple looked at each other and giggled.
- "At a party in my best friend's house"- she answered- "She was dating one of Matthew's friends, and they had a huge celebration when they moved in together."
- "And when I saw her, I knew I had to talk to her, but her friends didn't leave her alone."
- "Why didn't you just walked over and talked to me anyway?"- (Y/N) asked and crossed her arms on her chest
- "Because they were intimidating! and I am a shy guy!"- he explained- "I had to wait until you walked away to get yourself a drink to talk to you finally!"
- "You literally appeared by my side as soon as I walked away from them"- (Y/N) laughed, remembering the moment- "It was so funny!"
- "Hey! it might have been my only chance! I needed to take it!"- Matthew held her hand and played with her fingers, thinking he was glad non of that was in the camera angle.
- "And it worked"- (Y/N) answered and smiled at her husband, thinking as soon as that livestream was over, she was going to have a serious make out session with him
- "I'm glad it did. Quarantine would suck without you."
Gubler answered and smiled, thinking as soon as that stream was over, he was going to jump on her and kiss every inch of her body, just because she looked so beautiful that day.
- "Are you guys planning on having kids?"- (Y/N) read and turned all kinds of pink. There was a silence between the couple as they just looked at each other and shrugged.
- "We'd make cute babies"- Matthew answered- "And we could clearly keep them entertained."
(Y/N) laughed and shook her head.
- "We are not streaming that!!"
- "What?"
- "The baby-making part!"- she joked, and Gubler blushed, laughing and falling back on the blanket.
- "That idea never crossed my mind!"
- "I had to say it! Just in case"- (Y/N) argued and chuckled.
She had thought about having babies in the last few months. But getting pregnant during a pandemic didn't sound like a good idea.
Or was it?
- "Ok, everybody. We are signing out for today"- Gubler announced and waved at the camera- "Take care, stay in your house this weekend, and we'll come back maybe next week."
- "Maybe people can suggest what they'd like to see"- (Y/N) said and looked at Gubler, smiling back at her.
- "I'll leave the option in one of my stories so that you can leave your suggestions. See you!!"
The livestream was over. Gubler left his phone aside and looked at his wife. She was sipping her coffee and fidgeting with her fingers on the fabric of her jeans.
- "We would make cute babies, though,"- Matthew whispered and watched her beam at those words. That was all he needed to know.
- "You would spoil them so much"- (Y/N) replied, giggling.
- "Only because they will be just like you, and I love to spoil you so much"- he opened his arms, and (Y/N) leaned in, resting her body against his.
- "So... do you wanna have a baby Gub?"- she whispered against his chest- her voice was muffled, but he heard her clearly.
- "I think I do. You?"- Gubler answered, feeling his heart beating faster.
- "Me too."
(Y/N) muttered and giggled. Matthew looked at her and leaned in a little closer, kissing her lips sweetly.
It was a massive step for them, and they were very excited to do it.
- "Do you wanna start now?"- Matthew suggested, and (Y/N) blushed immediately- "I mean... I was going to suggest sex before, but now..."
- "The sooner, the better, Gubler,"- (Y/N) replied and bit her lips- "After all, we are gonna have to do a lot of practice before we succeed."
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