#Thanks to Esteban life in Avalor wasn’t that terrible
lieutenant-amuel · 11 months
It feels like people really forget sometimes that Shuriki has been ruling for 41 years, there are two generations that have grown up under her and have no idea what life looked like before she came
#Personal#*Avalor under Shuriki*#The biggest port in the whole EverRealm#Merchants arrive from over the world to trade there#Therefore Shuriki is bad#…#I mean yes she erased their culture#their national identity#And THIS is what bad#Not that she’s an evil sorceress#She wasn’t even violent she just sat at the throne and gained power#She literally didn’t care about people#Which means she neither thought about them nor harmed them#Thanks to Esteban life in Avalor wasn’t that terrible#The young generations like Gabe’s have NO reason to hate her#This is how they got used to live because they had NOTHING to compare with#Unless their parents were some rebels but this is unlikely if you care about your child’s safety#You cannot tell me that every single Avaloran hated her#There’s been SUCH strong propaganda under her it literally can’t work like that#Why would young generations care about festivals and music if they never experienced it?#There’s no way I’m saying Shuriki is nice of course not#But c’mon guys let’s be realistic#Even if we take Gabe into account#Do you really want to tell me that he had anything against her?#When he was a kid and a young teen?#With absolutely non-rebellious parents?#Yes Mateo is different because he learnt magic and was literally breaking the law so of course he treated Shuriki differently#But the majority of Avaloran kids were like Gabe#Because again they didn’t have anything to compare with#And if we talk about old people and adults too there must have been people who supported her this is just a lot more realistic
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aurorasilverthorne · 4 years
Total Misunderstanding Part #1:
Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!! Esteban, Shuriki, Armando and Fiero belong to Disney.
Note: Elizaveta, Aléjandro, Llorona and Esperanza all belong to me. If you use them in fanfiction or fanart, please remember to give me proper credit as their creator. Thank you.
Esteban wasn't prone to sleeping late. He'd been an early riser all his life, but he'd spent the night entertaining the queen, and had indulged in one too many glasses of wine.
I should've stopped at three...
But Shuriki had been in such high spirits and invitations to her bed were rare these days. Esteban had begun to believe Shuriki was losing interest in him altogether. The previous evening had assured him she still desired his touch.
Esteban groaned. His head kept throbbing like a pulse as he tried to go back to sleep and not think about the day ahead.
Dame Elizaveta Kapeka of the Northern Islands was going to arrive later that afternoon and that was troublesome. Shuriki always viewed other women as competition. Esteban should've been worried, but all he could think about was the noise their constant bickering would make.
I'm starting to sound like Shuriki.
Shuriki was probably still in bed sleeping off her hangover. He sat up slowly so as not to irritate his already nervous stomach.
Had he even eaten anything? He couldn't remember. Esteban was debating on whether they should just forego their meetings for the day when his bedroom door flew open startling him so bad that he fell off the bed. When he opened his eyes, Armando was standing over him, his expression that of a man on the verge of panic.
"Dame Elizaveta Kapeka is here!"
Of course she is...
Esteban hauled himself up off the floor. "Where is the queen?"
"Sleeping," Armando answered sheepishly.
Esteban gave the steward a half-hearted scowl then snatched his coat off the back of a chair as he headed for the queen's personal chambers. He managed to make it halfway down the hall before pausing to retch in a gilded vase.
Apparently he'd eaten something after all. Carrots, or corn maybe? Esteban didn't really care and he wasn't going to stick around to find out.
The drapes were closed and the previous night's candles burned down to the wick when Esteban stepped into Shuriki's bedroom. He nearly tripped over a pile of clothing before pulling back the curtains on the massive canopy bed.
"Your Grace?
Shuriki groaned.
"Elizaveta Esfir Kapeka of the Northern Islands has arrived."
"Who?" Shuriki asked her voice muffled by the blanket covering her head.
Esteban could tell she was still half asleep elsewise she would have launched into a tirade.
"Elizaveta? Older lady, silver hair pulled back in a braided bun? Green eyes? Any of this ring a bell?"
Shuriki pulled down the blanket to scowl at him. "Seriously, Estéban? We've met a plethora of women that could fit that description."
The chancellor sighed. "La Monstrua de Ojos Verdes."
The Green Eyed Monster.
Shuriki had thought she was being clever when she had given Elizaveta the cruel nickname. He wasn't about tell the queen most of the palace staff called her that when she wasn't within earshot.
Shuriki scowled. "Ugh, not her."
The last time Kapeka had come to Avalor to talk trade, she and Shuriki had almost killed each other due to an argument over negotiations. Shuriki refused to say why she detested the other sorceress so much, but she and Elizaveta were always vying for dominance any time they had to interact with one another.
Shuriki wanted nothing to do with it. "Leave me here to die."
Esteban huffed. "It's customary in Avalor for the ruling monarch to greet visiting dignitaries."
Shuriki buried her head under a pillow. "I really don't care about proper decorum."
Esteban folded his arms and began to tap his foot impatiently as he tried to figure out a way to rouse her. Then it hit him like a runaway carriage. "Well, if you aren't feeling up to it..."
"-Oh, thank Maru-"
"I'm sure Doña Paloma wouldn't mind helping with the dame."
"That money hungry hussy?!" Shuriki grabbed his cravat and yanked him towards her. "Estéban, I told you to stay away from her!"
"Mamá...? Papá...?"
Esteban and Shuriki both turned to see their seven year old twins, Aléjandro and Llorona, hovering in the doorway.
"Oh, my little darlings..." Shuriki cooed.
She released Esteban and held out her arms to the pajama clad children. "Come here..."
Esteban knelt to steal a hug from the little ones before helping them up onto the bed.
"Why are you fighting? Did Papá do something wrong?" Alé asked.
"We weren't fighting, were we, Estéban?"
Esteban shook his head. He couldn't help smiling when their children were around. "No, just having a discussion, that's all."
"About what?" Alé asked.
"Oh, nothing important," Shuriki answered, giving Esteban a warning glare to drop the subject. She smiled softly at the twins. "What are you two doing out of bed so early, hmm?"
"I don't feel good," Aléjandro replied.
Shuriki frowned. "You don't? What's wrong?"
"My nose is stuffy and I keep coughing. It makes my throat hurt, Mamá."
"My poor, sweet boy..." Shuriki pressed a hand to his forehead. "You're running a fever. Estéban, cancel everything that's on my agenda for today. If Elizaveta throws a fit about rescheduling, tell her to go eat sand. And have breakfast brought up. The children need to eat, especially Alé or his illness will worsen."
Shuriki was adamant about not using vulgar language in front of the children. She would've been spewing obscenities at Elizaveta by now if not for them. "Yes, querida."
"Can we have ice cream for breakfast?" Aléjandro asked, giving her the cutest look he could muster.
Shuriki quirked an eyebrow feigning displeasure, but her facade cracked, and she gave him a smile. "Oh, alright. The cold treat will help with your sore throat, but you'll have to finish the real food first. Only then can you have the ice cream."
Aléjandro nodded and smiled. "Si, Mamá. Gracias!"
Shuriki chuckled. "You're very welcome."
What she didn't tell the child was that she'd be lacing his treat with a medicinal potion to combat his illness. Shuriki had learned early on that the best way to convince a child to take medication was to hide it in their favorite desserts and not tell them it was in there elsewise they wouldn't eat it and she'd have to force it down their throat which was something she didn't enjoy doing.
Esteban knew it was probably a bad idea to make Elizaveta wait, especially given they intended to reschedule, but his son was sick, and he felt like it had been ages since he'd enjoyed a warm meal with his lover and their children.
Esteban even made breakfast. He cooked them guava-cheese empanadas and pão de queijo with atole and avena because they'd do less damage to Alé's sore throat when he ate them. He prayed the fruit he'd put in the oatmeal would strengthen the boy's immune system and speed up his recovery. He also prepared some green tea with honey and lemon in the hopes that it would keep Shuriki safe from the illness while she was caring for their son.
Shuriki was waiting for him when he brought in the food. She'd retrieved four year old Esperanza from her crib so she too could enjoy eating with her parents and siblings.
Esteban blocked young Aléjandro's view of the ice cream bowls so that Shuriki could stir a vial of healing potion into the already half melted treat then feign resignation as she handed the child the bowl.
Aléjandro ate every bit without questioning his mother's motives. If he'd asked, Shuriki would've just fibbed and claimed she'd let him have the sweets first due to him giving her the puppy dog eyes. They couldn't risk him getting too full off the empanadas or the potion would upset his stomach.
The boy was half way through his second empanada when he began yawning and rubbing at his eyes. "Mamá...I'm tired..."
Shuriki bit her lip to suppress a triumphant smirk as she pulled him close and stroked his hair. "I know, child. Close your eyes. I'm here. No harm will come to you."
Alé tucked himself up against her side and buried his face in her shoulder. At first, she thought he'd fallen asleep, but then the boy lifted his head. "I can't sleep, Mamá. Sing for me, por favor?"
Shuriki groaned. She wasn't a fan of music or dancing due to having a problem with sensitivity to noise. She'd gone so far as to ban both from Avalor, but had allowed Esteban to keep a guitar. Shuriki had also let him teach the children how to dance. She'd even sung a lullaby or two back when they were infants in the hopes they'd fall asleep. She'd been in desperate need of rest herself, of course, elsewise Shuriki would've taken a dagger to the throat rather than be heard singing or seen dancing around even if it was for her children who were the only people she loved more than Esteban or herself.
"Why would you want that?" she asked. "My voice sounds terrible when I sing."
"But I like when you sing, Mamá."
She quirked an eyebrow. "You can't be serious."
"It helps me sleep and makes me feel better." He gave her another one of his puppy dog pouts. "Por favor, Mamá?"
Shuriki sighed. "Fine..."
The sorceress closed her eyes trying to gather her thoughts. The Northern islanders didn't have too many lullabies as music, dancing and art were all considered nonsensical frivolities. There was a song she did remember from back when she was a child. Her mother had sung it to her on the rare occasions when she was ill.
Now is the time for the wolves and thrushes, to sing to the moon from the forests and rushes.
Sleep, my love. Sleep my only dear, in the dark.
Fragile and magical shadows will suddenly start to appear, lovely and lyrical, a frightening miracle, within your ear.
Carefully raising their voices, in a chorus loud and gracefully clear,
Over and under, the multi-toned, wonder of dreams endear.
Why are they singing, calling, and braying all night long?
What are they trying so hard to convey with their haunting song?
Sometimes when somebody loves you, they say and do things you don't understand.
And there in the harsh truth lies the proof of a parent's love.
Aléjandro fell asleep midway through the song. Esteban sat and listened to Shuriki sing while she stroked their eldest child's hair.
He tended to forget just how hard her childhood had been. The Northern Islands was a dark, cold place with authoritarian laws and an intolerance for failure of any sort. It was a miracle that she'd survived what with the horrid weather and the unrealistic expectations heaped onto her by her parents, peers, and the royal family she'd once served.
Shuriki laid Alé down beside her and curled herself around him to cuddle and protect the child while he slept.
"Put Esperanza back in her crib, and make sure Llorona gets back to the nursery on your way out, would you, Estéban?"
Esteban nodded. "Si, mi amada."
"But I want to stay with you," Llorona pouted, "I don't want to go back to the nursery. There is no one there for me to play with."
"Nonsense. You've more than enough toys to play with," Shuriki said, "And the last thing I need is for you to catch whatever it is your brother has. Now run along..." Shuriki was only half listening or she would've realized it was the lack of playmates not the quantity or quality of toys upsetting her eldest daughter.
"But, Mamá-"
"I said no," Shuriki snapped.
Shuriki hadn't meant to be so harsh towards the girl, but the damage was done. Llorona recoiled at the sharpness in her tone before retreating over to Esteban who was putting Esperanza down for her midmorning nap. Shuriki wanted to tell Llorona to come back, that she was sorry for having lost her temper, but the girl had bypassed a preoccupied Esteban and already left the room before she had the chance.
Shuriki sighed. "Estéban, would you-"
"I'll check on her on my way back to my office," he promised, pressing a quick kiss to her temple. "You just focus on Esper and Alé right now and leave everything else to me."
"Thank you."
"You're muy welcome, mi corazón."
"I didn't mean to shout at her," Shuriki admitted. "I just...it's so frustrating at times..."
"I understand what you mean," he assured her. "Llorona is going to be fine."
"Are you sure?"
Esteban nodded. "She's always been a resilient child. Give her an hour or two and she'll have forgotten all about it."
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displacedprincess · 5 years
Prepare For Trouble || Eleteo
Summary: Elena is #shook after her first doctor appointment after finding out she’s pregnant
Date: February 6th, 2020
 Elena had barely said a word since the tech at the checkup told Elena that not only was her pregnancy going well, but there were in fact two humans growing in there. 
 Actually, let her rephrase that.
 Elena had said many words quantitatively but if one was to count the number of unique words, they would only come up with a handful of individual words. It was like she was Spotify stuck on repeat but only repeating a certain part of a song and not even a song proper.
 The words ‘both heartbeats are really strong’ didn’t hit Elena at first. She thought she meant hers and the singular baby’s. 
 (Yeah, Elena could think of it as a baby now instead of a terrible inconvenience. She wasn’t yet able to think ‘my baby’ or ‘our baby’ or other phrases that came with implicit affection, but she didn’t treat her pregnancy with cold indifference anymore either. It had gone from being ‘this problem’ to ‘a baby’, to ‘the’ baby if not yet ‘my’ or ‘our.’ While anger hadn’t quite given way to love yet, it had left her and acceptance and anxiety filled its place. She was getting there.)
 Both, however, clearly didn’t include Elena’s heartbeat, because the second after the tech said that, she pointed to the screen and said “Baby A...and Baby B hiding a bit behind Baby A.”
 Elena’s shock hadn’t worn off but it has instead settled into her skin, down to her bones, and filled every cell of her body. She should probably panic. Or something? But all she could do was every now and then turn to Mateo and say something like ‘A and B. A and B.’ 
 They’d gone to Chippamunka’s for a post-doctor snack, and Elena couldn’t even order, just muttered, “Get something you think I like.” to Mateo before immediately repeating ‘A and B, Mateo. And!’
 Vanilla milkshake in front of her, and french fry - excuse her, chip - in hand, Elena was trying desperately to eat, but every time she opened her mouth she said something like “Mateo! Two babies. Two.”
 She managed to pop a chip in her mouth, but soon enough
 “Two. Entire. Babies. Mateo, two. God, you’re fertile. You can never cheat on me because the evidence would be all over town.” Those were the most individual words she’d said in a while. “Two. Dos. Deux.”
 Mateo was shocked. Two heartbeats? Two babies? He was going to be a father to not one, but two babies? With Elena? A whirlwind of emotion overwhelmed him at the news—a mixture of fear and excitement and joy.
 Fear because, well? He didn’t know how to be a dad and his own dad had turned out to be a jerk who abandoned his family hadn’t he? What if Mateo turned out the same way? 
 Excitement and joy because these babies were already precious to him because they were part of Elena and himself. 
 Elena, however, had gone into shock, muttering the same words over and over again for the last hour. He’d simply held her hand and patted her on the back, trying not to look too entirely amused at her reaction to the news. At first he’d been concerned that she would be angry again, but now he could see she was simply processing. 
 He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze, unable to stop the chuckle that escaped his throat at her declaration. “Well, I suppose its a good thing I only have eyes for you then, isn’t it? This town definitely doesn’t need a bunch of mini-me’s running around it.”
 Elena exhaled a laugh through her nose and popped the lid off her milkshake. 
 “I am literally never having sex with you again. It’s too dangerous.” Elena said, dipping a chip in her milkshake and munching with an inordinate amount of furor. 
 She stuffed a couple more in her mouth before holding up two fingers, and vigorously moving her wrist from side to side with raised eyebrows. No, Elena would be in a state of shock for a while, thank you. At least she was expanding her vocabulary now. 
 “I wish I had my mom right now,” she sighed, fiddling idly with her food. “But. Ten years ago this April, Mateo.”
 And then Elena frowned but not because she mentioned the assassinations, oh no. “I don’t think I was craving something sweet or salty after all.”
 Mateo snorted. He couldn’t help it! Because he didn’t believe for a second that her threat was sincere. Of course, he wouldn’t blame her if she never wanted to have sex again, but—this was Elena and he knew her well enough to know that this sentiment wouldn’t last more than a day or two tops. 
 And just as quickly as the amusement came, it vanished. Elena was talking about her mother and the assassination. He watched her a moment with wide, sad eyes as he covered her hand with his other, brushing the skin with his thumb in comforting circles. 
 She didn’t deserve the tragedy and sorrow. Death and destruction were such a common thread between the assassinations, the coup and all of the attempts on her life that he was starting to realize that he was secretly happy that they had a precious new life to celebrate. Wait. No. Two precious new lives to celebrate. Which was so weird to think about, by the way.
 “I know,” he finally said softly. “Everything about it is so unfair. She should be here with you for this.” He sighed, blinking back the slight stinging in his eyes. “I know I’m not a great mom substitute, but you’re definitely not alone in this.” He smiled tentatively, raising her hand to press a kiss to her knuckles. “I’m with you, Elena. All the way.”
 Oh, why did Mateo have to be so sincere right now? Elena blamed the hormones for the embarrassing tears that welled up in her eyes. She missed her mother, her grandmother, and all of her tías who had had children. The comfort of a woman veteran to childbirth would do Elena wonders. 
 Even Mateo’s mother would suffice. 
 “I- I’m so angry Mateo, that I don’t have her. I need her. Actually no. I’m also angry because we’re not in Avalor, because your mom is there, and she would also talk me through all of this.” Elena wiped her eyes with her free hand and dried it on her sweater. 
 “Having you is comforting, even if you’re not a person who’s been pregnant before.” She teased. 
 Mateo was Elena’s anchor and the thought of doing this with anyone else was absurd to her. 
 Mateo’s heart squeezed at the first sign of tears and his own eyes stung as his empath magic sensed Elena’s mood and filled him to the brim with the hurt anger. That combined with his own sadness on her behalf was almost too much. 
 Wordlessly, he got up and moved around the table, sliding into the diner booth beside her, pulling her into a hug, almost as much for his benefit as for hers. 
 He huffed out a laugh at her teasing. “Sorry I can’t help on the pregnancy front—I’ve never even known anyone while they were pregnant.” He was quiet a moment, idly toying with a strand of her hair as he thought. “You know,” he started slowly. “What if—I wrote to my mom? Maybe she could come here somehow? She wouldn’t want to miss the chance to fuss over you and her grandchildren, plus—” his tone shifted as he deadpanned, “You and I both know she will want to kick my ass personally for getting the crown princess pregnant.”
 That...was a difficult question. Part of Elena wanted to say yes. Part of her selfishly didn’t want to share Mateo with his mother. And part of her just didn’t want to get her hopes up. It wouldn’t be easy, getting Rafa here.
 “I just don’t want to cause her trouble - like, I don’t want her getting hurt trying to leave Avalor on account of me. You know there are eyes on her, considering her known allegiance to the previous government. My family’s government.” Travel to and from Avalor had been all but prohibited, and anybody fleeing the dictatorship had to rely on crossing the border into the surrounding countries and seeking asylum there or being resettled to a third country from there. 
 If Rafa made it out of Avalor and made contact, they could get here to Swynlake no problem. But the problem was getting out while surely being under surveillance. Ir was possible! Elena just didn’t feel right asking her to try.
 “I miss her too, and I know you miss her more, but. I don’t want to ask her to put herself in more danger, so I’ll leave that decision up to you.” She was Mateo’s mother, after all. It was his call.
 Elena snorted. “Please, you just better hope Esteban never hangs up his spy hat and shows up. He’d skip the ass-kicking and go straight to murder.”
 Mateo did miss his mom. And he'd really love for her to be here when the babies arrived. But of course he wanted her to be safe.
 “Well? I'll just get the news to her and we'll see what she does with it.” He grinned. “Because we both know she's going to do exactly what she wants, no matter the cost to her personal safety.”
 He gave Elena a little squeeze, resting his head on hers. “In the meantime we'll just do our best. Babette knows all about babies, so at least she can help there. And then there's my friend, Imelda. She has the cutest little girl! She's been through all of this before and I bet she'd be happy to help however she can.” 
 He paused, thoughtful a moment. “We should have them over for dinner actually. I think you'd like her. She reminds me a bit of your mom.”
 “You got side bitches is all I’m hearing.” Elena deadpanned, if only to see Mateo’s reaction. Ha! Even if Elena was one to get jealous she knew he only had eyes for her. For his entire life he’s only loved her and she can’t imagine how hard it must have been for him. 
 If Imelda was truly anything like her mother, Elena probably would  love her. And her name…she must speak Spanish.
 “Dinner would be great. When I can keep food down I’ll cook a big Avaloran dinner and we’ll invite them.”
 Mateo’s eyes went wide at the comment and he pulled back from her, shaking his head in vehement protest. How could she think—after everything they’d been through together?!
 “Oh my god, Elena! No! Definitely—no! It’s not like that—she—” He stopped, eyes narrowing. “Wait. Are you laughing at me?” He shot her a mock glare before huffing and swiping up his milkshake, taking a long drink. 
 “You are hilarious, you know that?” He grumbled, rolling his eyes. “A true comedic genius.” 
 Elena’s eyebrows quirked up in amusement at Mateo’s expected freak out. My goodness he was too easy. This was going to be fun the closer she got to her due date. 
 “At least your offspring will be funny. You’re welcome.” Elena pointed out, before sticking her tongue out at him. 
 Mateo snorted, unable to stay pretend mad for very long. And like the mature adult he was, he stuck his tongue out right back at her.
 “True,” he mused. “I can only imagine the hilarious things they’ll get up to if they are anything like we were as kids.”
 Slurping up the last of his milkshake, he glanced at Elena, brows furrowing in concern. “You look a bit pale and kind of green. If you’re feeling poorly, maybe you should rest. I can take us home if you’re ready.”
 Elena wasn’t quite at the point where she could start imaging the twins as proper people, as beings outside of being hosted by her, but she was glad Mateo could. It would be Mateo’s optimism that ultimately would make her start being happy about this change.
 Not quite yet, but even now, her anger gave way to anxiety, which had then given way to acceptance that didn’t come with a bitter aftertaste.
 “I look pale because the doctor just said-! Two! Two, Mateo. I’m shook.” And then she frowned. “And I also can barely even keep water and crackers down. Yeah, we should go home, you’re right. I need to lay down.”
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