#That and the fact that audio - any audio including added-on-top audio - sound effect or background music audio - is automatically synced
sysig · 2 years
Editing in Windows Movie Maker: I know you’re trying your best, but you keep moving my captions and I want you to stop
Editing in Lightworks:
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cs0127 · 5 years
A detailed review of the OnePlus 7T from :wired:
I TEST A lot of phones here at WIRED. Smartphones incrementally change each year, and they’ve become more of an essential utility and less of a source of the tech world’s greatest innovations. I often appreciate their new features, but few of those enhancements spark actual joy. The OnePlus 7T, however, has done just that. Putting down the glossy, fingerprint-plastered Galaxy Note10 to review the matte glass 7T was both a relief and a reminder why OnePlus has continued to gain popularity as a smartphone brand year after year.
Like the company's previous devices, the 7T is a phone that showcases much of the best smartphone tech introduced in 2019 at a $600 price—more than $100 cheaper than many top rivals from Samsung, LG, and other manufacturers. What I’ve come to appreciate more is how it uses all that latest tech to enhance my life, often by getting out of my way. Its touch interface is simple and looks just like the brand new Google Android 10 OS it runs on, only a little easier to navigate. It’s just more pleasant, like a PB&J sandwich where mom cut the crust off just because she loves you.
Smooth and Frosty
If you’ve seen an expensive smartphone in the last two years, you know what the 7T looks and feels like, but I’ll describe it anyway. It has a 6.5-inch AMOLED display (that means deeper blacks and richer colors) that takes up its entire front. A teenie teardrop cutout hanging from the top of the screen holds a 16-megapixel selfie camera.
Like the similar and more expensive OnePlus 7 Pro, this display has a 90 Hz refresh rate, which makes the entire interface noticeably smoother. OnePlus calls it a Fluid AMOLED display, and it may live up to that name. Phones have been bumping up the resolution (this one has a 1080p HD screen), but the bump in refresh rate is more noticeable. Everything feels smoother and faster, with richer color than many displays.
The power and volume buttons are in all the right places, and OnePlus has kept its sound/mute/vibrate switch on the right side. It’s a dead-simple little toggle and worth every millimeter of its cutout, letting you easily silence your phone or perk it up anytime.
OnePlus was one of the first companies to introduce an in-display fingerprint sensor, and the latest iteration on this phone is faster than ever. I’ve had trouble with Samsung's on-screen sensors in the Galaxy S10 and Note10, but the optical fingerprint reader in the 7T does the trick in a way that’s more convenient than the fingerprint sensors on the back of many phones like the Google Pixel 3A.
The phone's frame is metal, and the back is covered in shimmering Gorilla Glass because ... well ... trends. It’s silly that the back is made of glass at all, given that we probably drop our phones more than anything besides our keys, and there's no big advantage to the glass here since the 7T doesn’t have wireless charging. But the “glacier blue” color certainly is sleek, and the frosted texture repels fingerprints better than some phones. OnePlus thankfully includes a clear case in the box. I suggest you slip it on.
All Spec’d Out
Between all that glass is a list of luxury technical specs. The 7T runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+ processor, which is half a tad speedier than the 855 on some earlier phones this year. It also comes with 8 gigabytes of RAM, and 128 GB of storage. (Sorry, no MicroSD slot; that’s all you get.) These are all fantastic numbers, as are the numbers you’ll see from benchmark performance tests. It’s a powerful phone, right up there with the best.
OnePlus doesn’t make a lot of changes to Android 10, but the changes it does make seem to (mostly) improve the phone's performance. You can more easily swipe up or down from anywhere on the homescreen to access the notification shade or pull up your entire list of apps. I also like the gesture controls that mimic recent iPhones, and the option to turn the back button into a swipe from the left side of the phone has worked well for me. Your mileage may vary, but you can disable these gestures controls and go back to a traditional back-button setup if you like.
The fact that the 7T even has the latest Google OS is a testament to the company’s focus on delivering software and security updates. It promises two years of updates for buyers of the 7T, and has demonstrated a positive track record on updates for older phones. This is notable—despite costing close to $1,000, most Android phones outside of Google’s Pixel line and Motorola's handsets do not get regular software updates, leaving security vulnerabilities exposed and new features out of reach.
With stereo speakers and a gaming mode that optimizes graphics (and can also restrict notifications and calls so you can play without interruption), this is an ideal machine for playing Mario Kart Tour, or any other high-end title, until your eyeballs fall out. Netflix looks lovely, as well.
I’ve ended most days having spent four or five hours with the screen active, and seen about 50 percent battery remaining. A few nights, it’s been closer to 30 to 40 percent, if I stay up late. This is good, but somewhat normal battery life. If you want to improve your power efficiency, you can turn the 90 Hz refresh rate down to a more normal 60 Hz. In a pinch, the included charger is very quick. It can juice the 7T up significantly in a half hour.
Sadly, like many high-end phones, there’s no audio jack (and no adapter in the box), but OnePlus sells an adapter for $13. And this phone also isn’t IP-rated for water resistance. OnePlus claims it will handle some rain pretty well, but you won’t want to drop it in the tub.
Ready to Zoom
When it comes to smartphones, you ain’t cool unless you have three rear cameras these days, and OnePlus always wants to be cool. Like the 7 Pro, it has a 48-megapixel standard rear shooter that outputs extra sharp 12-megapixel images, a 16-megapixel sensor beneath an ultrawide lens, and a 12-megapixel telephoto. This lets you take shots that you can both zoom out a bit, and zoom in to 2X. There’s also a portrait mode, which adds a bokeh effect, the shallow depth-of-field trick that keeps the subject in focus but blurs the background in a close-up photo.
I had a great time shooting plenty of outdoor shots around Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the past week, and I've even enjoyed the extra stability of the Super Stable video mode, which uses the wide angle lens to better stabilize 1080p video; 4K 30 fps video is also available. Everything looks good, especially shots in the Nightscape mode. Like the new iPhone 11 and the latest Pixel phones, the 7T enhances night shots, adding more light, color and detail to areas that would have just appeared as black splotches on older phones. Night shots require a steady hand and a second or two wait, but they are a definite improvement.
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In some of the above shots, you can see some examples of Nightscape mode and Super Macro mode. If you press the flower icon in the upper left side of the camera app, you can move in closer to small objects and still see them stay in focus. The effect isn’t perfect, but I was able to get closer to some plants and ants than I ever have before using a smartphone. It’s a blast to play around with modes like these, and they solidify the OnePlus 7T as a phone for shutterbugs.
Plus One
OnePlus isn’t tampering with the formula that got it to the dance, and that’s good. The 7T is one of the most powerful phones you can buy, and it costs hundreds less than its peers. It also runs on all four major US carriers, and T-Mobile sells it directly.
I've recommended the Pixel 3A ($400) as the best phone to buy for a few months now, and given the performance it offers for the price, for many of you it still is the best phone. But if you are willing to spend an extra $200, the OnePlus 7T will give you a taste of the luxuries you’d otherwise miss out on.
Correction: I referred to the display as a "Liquid" display. OnePlus calls it a "Fluid" display.
you can check out all Amazon has to offer in the One Plus lineup at:(https://amzn.to/35H33nU)
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beyondmistland · 5 years
“May your heart be your guiding key” (Full thoughts on Kingdom Hearts III below!)
Ø  The game is bloody gorgeous, which helps mitigate the long and frequent cutscenes
Ø  The lip-syncing rarely fails
Ø  The new remixes are awesome and the brand-new tracks don't disappoint either
Ø  What does though is the actual audio mixing:
More often than not I struggled to hear the music over the sound effects during gameplay and the voiceovers during cutscenes
Ranking the Worlds:
Ø  #1: Corona: The world is huge, with varied terrain and a kick-ass final boss
Ø  #2 Olympus: The sheer scale and scope of the world took my breath away, plus we (finally!) get to fight all four titans
Ø  #3 The Caribbean: Assassin's Creed IV meets Kingdom Hearts, what's not to like
Ø  #4 Monstropolis: While not as eye-catching as some of the other worlds the way it intersects with the broader KH lore is really neat and the final cutscene was a delight in that it averts the Disney characters being useless when dealing with the original KH villains, on top of which its straightforward design is a nice change of pace, my only complaint is that there are only four types of Unversed
Ø  #5 San Fransokyo: The story is surprisingly short, which means you don't really get the chance to explore the environment, which sucks because the verticality and day/night cycle are awesome, plus there are a number of memorable boss fights
Ø  #6 Twilight Town: If it had been fully recreated based off the KH2 version the world would be much higher on my list but despite how small it is I love the liveliness, not to mention how peaceful it is in comparison to the other worlds, the same can be said for Hundred Acre Wood
Ø  #7 Keyblade Graveyard + Final World + Scala Ad Caelum: Though jaw-dropping in terms of visuals and audio they're not fully realized worlds, the same can be said for Dark World
Ø  #8 Toy Box: I loved the final boss as well as how the story tied into the larger plot of the game and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy exploring Andy's room while "You have a friend in me" played in the background
Why then is Toy Box so far down on my list, world design
Even with endgame stats (LV40-45) the Gigas are tough to take down and as a result they come off as gimmicky in the worst sense of the word, beyond that the fact that the majority of the world is set in Galaxy Toys made me feel constrained and claustrophobic, which could have been partially alleviated if we'd been allowed to make our way through the parking lot outside, finally, the story kind of got repetitive with the backtracking whenever the characters were about to leave because "someone went missing yet again"
Ø  #9 Arrendelle: Though it has one of the best final bosses in the game along with Corona there is so much wrong with this world that I wonder if it's less Square Enix's fault and more Disney placing an insane amount of red tape on their favorite cash-cow:
1) Elsa does not become a party member even after you beat the world
2) You do not get to explore the city or the ice palace despite the latter being fully rendered on the map
3) Larxene, a lightning-based character, randomly traps you in an ice labyrinth when that would have made a lot more sense both logically and thematically if it had been Elsa
4) Speaking of Larxene, she does practically nothing the whole time you're there unlike Marluxia and Luxord, who are at least semi-active
5) You climb a mountain and get knocked off of it so many times that even Sora gets fed up
6) The bloody minigame where you have to find Olaf's body parts
7) Forcing us to watch the entire "Let it go" sequence and then having "Do you want to build a snowman" play over Anna's voice as she's explaining herself to Sora
8) So much of the story is excised that you have little clue as to what's going on to the point Hans appears for all of five minutes, doesn't say any lines, and isn't even named when it would have been cool, not to mention, just plain better, if he had started off as a guest member of your party
9) As a result of #8 Sora, Donald, and Goofy's presence feels like even more of an afterthought than usual in the sense that them not being there wouldn't have changed anything at all apart from Hans' Heartless then having no one to defeat it which can be seen by the fact that when they leave no one tells them goodbye unlike in every other world
10) The visual design was bland and tiresome after a while
11) The world's gimmick was uninspired to say the least
12) Fighting alongside a giant snowman (AKA Marshmallow) was awesome and in terms of pure gameplay the labyrinth was actually quite fun
Story Pros:
Ø  Master Xehanort's new voice actor is good but after hearing Leonard Nimoy's voice for the past couple of games the change is a bit jarring
Ø  The way previous games are referenced and tied together is a nice way of bringing new players into the fold while also setting up the finale's resolutions
Ø  The game has a better sense of humor than previous installments
Ø  Sora is more like his KH2 self than the bland caricature we saw in 3D and quite a few characters display some degree of genre-savviness
Ø  Master Yen Sid gets out of his chair to lend a hand for once
Ø  Donald Duck is the most powerful mage in Square Enix canon (and I am not making that up)
Gameplay Pros:
Ø  Being able to switch between different save points in the same world is a welcome addition
Ø  The secondary ability of all shotlocks to airstep is ingenious
Ø  You can have more than two party members finally!
Ø  The secret ending isn't too hard to unlock
Ø  You can upgrade your Keyblades, which means older ones aren't automatically relegated to redundancy
Ø  Donald and Goofy are useful again after being nerfed into uselessness in KH2
Ø  Towns and cities are actually populated by fully-voiced NPCs!
Ø  Cutscenes in Theater Mode are unlocked after completing each world rather than after beating the game
Ø  I never tried the Classic Kingdom minigames but the cooking one with Remy was a nice break from the normal gameplay (I suck at the egg-cracking one though)
Ø  The camera doesn't get in the way like it infamously did in KH1
Ø  I like the new main menu design (Feel free to disagree though)
Ø  The Gummi Ship is entirely optional outside of a few mandatory boss battles
Ø  Moogle Tickets are a nice way of giving players a second chance during difficult encounters (I do wish they didn’t activate so quickly though) 
Gameplay Cons:
Ø  The game never once tells you that you can switch between Situation Commands using L2
Ø  The game never once tells you that you keep all your lower-tier magic (Fire, Fira for example) and that your shortcuts don't automatically update to include the higher-tier version of whatever magic you have equipped
Ø  There's no real incentive to switch between Keyblades (That being said, my favorites are Wheel of Fate, Nano Arms, and Happy Gear/Ever After)
Ø  Attractions lose their charm quickly and completely ruin the flow of combat
Ø  Summons aren't too big of a deal since I only ever ended up using them once and even then it was by accident
Ø  Donald still heals you at the wrong time more often than not
Ø  Even on Proud Mode the game is way too easy for the most part (Apparently Critical Mode addresses this but I can't confirm that)
Ø  There is a lack of sidequests and post-game content that contributes to the feeling Square & Disney gave us half a game (For example, there is only one secret boss, said secret boss has a generic design, no ties to the story, and can be defeated at LV40 on your first attempt)
Ø  Hollow Bastion, Mysterious Tower, and Destiny Islands are not playable
Ø  The parkour from 3D has been nerfed too much in terms of distance to actually be useful
Story Cons:
Ø  Nomura fridged Kairi and he worfed almost everyone the first time you arrive at the Keyblade Graveyard!
Ø  The wrapping up of plot points and character arcs from prior entries was a little too nice and neat for me
Ø  The out-of-nowhere introduction of Subject X
Ø  Pete and Maleficent do literally nothing the whole damn game
Ø  The pacing is awful:
Almost all of the game's resolution is held back until after you've beaten the last Disney world
Ø  There are two important cutscenes in the Final World that you can accidentally miss because for some reason they are optional
Ø  We don't get to see what happened to Lingering Will, which also means we don't get any more insight into the third aspect of being (AKA the soul)
Ø  There are no Final Fantasy characters in the game, not even Sephiroth!
Ø  What happened to Demyx?
Ø  Master Eraqus has absolutely nothing to do with Terra’s restoration
Changes I’d make:
Ø  Require us to go through the Disney worlds a second time like in KH2
Ø  Have Aqua and Ven be saved halfway through the game instead of at the end, they could then spend the second half of the game resting or join you on one of the Disney worlds to refresh themselves
Ø  Have Lea and Kairi join you on one of the Disney worlds to get practical experience
Ø  Make the Keyblade Graveyard sequence be a series of one/two/three-on one battles so that members of Organization XIII can use their full arsenal of attacks from previous games
Ø  Let us play the second battle between Lingering Will and Terra-Xehanort
Ø  Speaking of Terra-Xehanort, we should have fought him alongside the Guardian Heartless
Ø  Have us explore Scala Ad Caelum while hunting down the individual replicas before then making us fight all of them in a boss battle
Ø  The presence of it says a lot about the game and not in a good way
Final Score
Ø  7/10-8/10
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Top 5 Spotify To MP3 Converter Review — Convert Spotify Music To MP3
Why convert Audible to MP3? Free Video To Audio Converter is a free piece of software developed for the Home windows operating system. Designed to create audio information from larger video recordsdata, it extracts the sound from movies rapidly and easily for the highest quality. Supporting numerous file varieties, Free Video To Audio Converter can take just about any video file and turn it into an audio file of your choice, whether or not MP3, WAV or FLAC. One of the best a part of the software is correct in its title: it's free. There are lots of free audio converters on the market for Home windows users but it surely's doubtless that Mac customers have fewer options to cope with their audio conversion points. In fact you could find payware someplace but the likelihood is large that it supplies nothing worthy of buy. Skilled users could not want steerage on selecting the instruments wanted however for common users, it's important to choose a cost-effective product by following a rule - do not waste your cash in vain except you fully perceive what you're as much as. Free software is the most effective to do the job for many of us.
Along with audio conversion, the application also provides video conversion options. There are also some video editing features out there, so you possibly can simply apply filters and effects to your movies. There are over 30 results available and you'll easily crop, trim and flip your videos. If wanted, you can also compress video information proper from this application. You can even create videos or mix two or more movies into a single video. Video seize feature is out there as nicely so you possibly can simply document movies. Of course, there's a batch processing characteristic obtainable permitting you to convert a number of videos. In case you opt for MP3, you might wait around longer than you'd like, as this system first extracts songs to short-term WAV information before changing them to the compressed codec. In our checks, the application had no bother obtaining monitor data from the Web. As you may count on, the program enables you to set the bit rate and use VBR compression, however the capability to normalize tracks is a welcome surprise. Ditto for the audio-conversion and recording instruments, that are quite basic but still work simply positive. One of many major variations between the traditional Mac OS and the present macOS was the addition of Aqua , a graphical person interface with water-like elements, in the first major launch of Mac OS X. Every window ingredient, textual content, graphic, or widget is drawn on-display using spatial anti-aliasing expertise. 122 ColorSync , a technology introduced a few years earlier than, was improved and constructed into the core drawing engine, to supply color matching for printing and multimedia professionals. 123 Additionally, drop shadows had been added round home windows and remoted text parts to supply a sense of depth. New interface components were built-in, including sheets ( dialog boxes hooked up to particular windows) and drawers, which might slide out and supply options. Five different sorts of Spotify to MP3 Converters are listed above. All of those great tools might help you convert Spotify to MP3 for offline listening. Technically, the perfect Spotify to MP3 Converter you may choose is NoteBurner Spotify Music Converter , which can enable you convert Spotify music to MP3, AAC, FLAC or WAV with lossless quality. Pace, excessive audio high quality, ID tags conserving; these all makes it the perfect Spotify Converter out there. But everybody has his personal choice, so which one is your favorite, or received a greater one? Rely on your own analysis. You'll be able to download them first for a strive, then choose the most effective fit. DON'T OBTAIN THIS REPLACE. THAT IS NOW MALWARE!!!. DO NOT DOWNLOAD. Just like the previous reviewer, mp2 mp3 converter freeware I was tricked into an replace by software I had previously trusted. It appeared immediately sketchy, attempting to change my browser to Yahoo! and all that b, but I persevered. After I put in the software program, it give up out Chrome, and once I rebooted, there was a brand new Extension installed WITHOUT MY PERMISSION - some b referred to as PremierOpinion. Additional, All2Mp3 had buried PremierOpinion as password-protected software program in my Applications folder, and had set it up to run within the background all the time. FreeRIP MP3 Converter is a classy CD to MP3 Converter that comes filled with options. At its core, FreeRIP MP3 Converter reads audio from your CDs and means that you can save them to your laptop computer in numerous digital codecs along with WMA, MP3, Ogg, Wav, or FLAC audio recordsdata (this course of is called CD ripping or CD to MP3 conversion and converter mp2 mp3 converter freeware). Changing your CD audio assortment to digital audio information is a breeze with FreeRIP MP3 Converter: download and install FreeRIP MP3 Converter , put your audio CD into your pc's CD drive, run FreeRIP MP3 Converter and click on on the Rip button.If Home windows 10 breaks and nothing appears to work nicely anymore, you could be tempted to contemplate reinstalling it from scratch. Nevertheless, that may mean that you could go through a rather elaborate process to save lots of your recordsdata and then to reinstall Home windows 10. Fortuitously, you would not have to do so, because Windows 10 offers you the option to reset it to its initial state and keep your private files within the process. The benefit is that it is a lot sooner than formatting your system partition and installing Windows 10 from scratch. Resetting also can improve the performance of your Home windows 10.The ATSC specification and MPEG-2 permit the usage of progressive frames, even inside an interlaced video sequence. For instance, a station that transmits 1080i60 video sequence can use a coding method the place these 60 fields are coded with 24 progressive frames and metadata instructs the decoder to interlace them and carry out 3:2 pulldown earlier than display. This allows broadcasters to switch between 60 Hz interlaced (information, soap operas) and 24 Hz progressive (prime-time) content with out ending the MPEG-2 sequence and introducing a several seconds of delay because the TV switches formats. This is the reason why 1080p30 and 1080p24 sequences allowed by the ATSC specification aren't utilized in apply.
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Merge Songs Online, Combine Mp3
From the album Effluxion, out February 22, 2019 on Merge Information. Free HD Video Converter Manufacturing facility is a well-revered music joiner app that's in style for its straight-forward operation, compact interface, high-effectivity and useful options. Therefore, it's highly really helpful for you. Free download the software program and set up it in your COMPUTER. Then observe the instruction under to merge any audio information. Other fields is likely to be off and have to be merged, but it's nonetheless the identical album. Merge data with completely different time, where the time distinction is smaller than 1 hour. When you'll want to create a special lyric for as ringtone or be part of MP3 recordsdata for free, you might want a MP3 joiner to mix them together. There are thousands of MP3 combiner programs around the world. A lot of the programs are greater than to merge MP3, WAV, WMV and other audio formats as a single audio monitor. With a purpose to choose up the specified program, Merge MP3s the article listed the top 10 free MP3 Mergers you must know. Simply choose the desired program in keeping with your requirements. In case you have any question related to merging MP3 information, you'll be able to feel free to let me know within the comments. Many enterprise audiobooks present motivational and advertising and marketing tactics that can assist you to enhance your business. Whether or not you downloaded the audiobook from the Net or transferred the unique CD to your laptop, the audiobook most likely contains quite a few audio information. By merging the tracks collectively, you may create a single, consolidated audiobook file that will play continuously. To hitch the audiobook information, use a program corresponding to iTunes, Free MP3 Joiner or Merge MP3. After you mix the tracks, you'll be able to transfer the only audiobook file to your iPod or MP3 participant and take heed to it on the go. Aside from making a voice over & adding background rating, enhancing pace, changing audio files, and so forth. you may as well split and merge audio recordsdata especially your MP3 tracks. What's outstanding about Wondershare Filmora is that it is compatibility with many of the audio formats and likewise the fact that it helps edit any sort of video and audio information. I'd use GPS Babel - you can obtain it free right here: It's a terrific, easy GUI that will take any number of GPX file (or any other sorts which might be associate with random GPS collections) and merge them into one GPX, or some other format you wish to output. You can too select whether or not you want just Waypoints, Routes and Tracks, or every part. Mp3 Merger can be utilized for a variety of purposes. You'll be able to merge two mp3 information together in various codecs. You'll be able to merge quick mp3 information captured by a voice recorder. If you happen to used the recorder to report lectures, you'll be able to merge mp3 files into one file to cover the entire recording out of the various completely different fragments. Finally, chances are you'll just wish to scale back file muddle and merge audio tracks in a variety of codecs together into a single super-combine. One factor to notice about this program is you could only merge all txt information included within a single folder. So you would possibly need to maneuver the separate txt documents you are going to join into one folder beforehand. Then click on Browse Folders and select the folder that features the text files that you must merge mp3s collectively. To listen on my cellphone I will copy the per-discmp3s to my Nexus 6 and use BeyondPod to load the directory as a "virtual feed". This has the great bonus of remembering the last listened position, simply as for a podcast. I wish there were a great way to place this into my Google Music account so that I may stream the information from the cloud, but I have not discovered any strategy to get "resume from final place" from this. You most likely can tryout this freeware should you want to merge various mp3 recordsdata merely. The app supports better than 300 audio codecs, robotically changing them to mp3 for quicker and easier operation. It is among the many most uncomplicated purposes that imply you possibly can lower any audio file on-line. Bên cạnh đó, Merge MP3 còn cung cấp tính năng sắp xếp các file Mp3 được ghép nối theo trình tự của tên hay thời gian, kích cỡ … tùy thuộc vào lựa chọn của người sử dụng. Điều này thuận tiện cho người dùng trong việc quản lý và theo dõi file Mp3 của mình. Like mp3DirectCut, Mp3Splt can work on an audio file with out having to decompress it first, leading to a quick workflow and no influence to audio high quality. This app is means simple though: you merely resolve a begin and finish time, then export that alternative as a separate audio file. The ensuing file may also be minimize up again into its component parts using the mp3splt device - mp3wrap provides info to the IDv3 remark to permit this. Merge database, and REMOVE second duplicated document. I collaborated with Maggie Fost, Merge Report's artwork director, to develop a new website platform for the established indie music label headquartered in Durham, NC.
For Windows customers, I recommend utilizing iTunes to import the CDs as grouped tracks, and in MP3 format, and then utilizing MP3 to iPod Audio E-book Converter to merge the tracks into a single audiobook. I am woefully behind on penning this up, however I think it's simpler than utilizing MarkAble, which adds plenty of complexity, with out including a lot in the way in which of flexibility. Within the Conflicts part, select the Overwrite Target Worth possibility for any source report subject that ought to overwrite the target report field. If this selection is cleared, the target discipline's value is retained in the merged file.How you can mix tracks inside Audacity is a very common query and a good skill to have. When utilizing Audacity merge tracks will be achieved a couple of different ways and relying on what your needs are a sure kind of merge may be better for you.I will provide you with a fast Audacity tutorial on three alternative ways to do an Audacity merge tracks process. When creating an audio CD the most effective source format to use is a WAV file (MP3s are always compressed from CD audio quality to some extent). Changing a 44.1 kHz WAV file to CDA introduces no noise, distortion or coloration to the sound.
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queezleposts · 6 years
Paladins Patch 1.3 Thoughts
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So now that it’s a bit after the fact, I figure I might as well organize my thoughts more about the upcoming patch! Everything is under the cut, and I apologize in advance to mobile users. The patch notes for 1.3 are already up if you’re interested.
The Emote Wheel, and Gold Sinks
Okay so first off, just the addition of being able to equip multiple emotes and sprays on its own is such a good addition! But also as one of those folks currently sitting on a mountain of gold right now, we REALLY needed this sort of gold sink:
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From the looks of it to upgrade to each additional slot for both sprays and emotes, the amount of gold will be:
Slot 2: 50,000g
Slot 3: 100,000g
Slot 4: 150,000g
Which works really well for me. Fernando has so many good emotes, I can’t be expected to pick just one! Speaking of Fernando though -
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Please excuse the quality of this image but my BOY is using his SHIELD like a SURFBOARD! I don’t care if its Battle Pass exclusive, I WANT IT
...Okay back on topic. I’m not sure if you have to unlock these additional slots for each champion on their own, or if its a universal unlock yet - only PTS will tell. I honestly have enough gold that I’d probably be set either way though...we really needed a gold sink that doesn’t revolve around buying champion levels. I only buy champion levels if I want to unlock their talents, but nothing beyond that. No sir, I like to EARN my gold skins!
The other gold purchasable addition to the game is additional language announcer packs - 25,000g each. I think we’re definitely going to see someone playing champions of a specific nationality along with their respective announcer pack in youtube videos. So, Fernando with the spanish announcer pack for example. It just seems like an inevitable thing that’s gonna happen, haha
New Map, New Queues
So first off, the separation of TDM and Onslaught and the reintroduction of multiqueue are GREAT and I’m happy to see this happen. It looks like Snowfall Junction will also be added to the TDM queue, so that will be interesting to see how it works out. More importantly, the Rise of Furia event map isn’t going entirely to waste; I really love the look of the modded version outfitted for a classic TDM match, and the creation of points of interest with the spawned pickup that gives you a full ult charge sounds neat on its own as well. A sort of objective in an objectiveless game mode if you will.
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The fact that the old Throne Area at the top of the Spire during the event will still be accessed from the custom match lobbies is just the icing on top.
I honestly would love to see more of an emphasis on new map additions over new champion additions in the future. We really are in sore need of new maps. Hell, I’d love to see the reintroduction of the test map queue just on its own.
Balance and In Game Adjustments
Fusillade Nerf: Both necessary AND welcome!
Cherish Nerf: I’m gonna miss that extra burst, but I can also see why this was necessary.
BUCC: It’s a bit of a mixed bag here, isn’t here? Self Sustain nerfed, but buffs to his ensnare as well. Then you have the reload changes; kinda makes me wonder if he’s one of those champs that’s going to receive yet another rekit later in the future because these tunes he always receives tend to be all over the place.
Bug Fixes:
Grumpy Bomb no longer deals 3x damage to Shields: AS A FERNANDO MAIN, THANK YOU
Overall audio fixes: these were a long time coming, I especially noticed the Mal’Damba one brought up.
Fixed an issue where Furia’s Wrings of Wrath Projectiles were sometimes tracking and moving through walls: Thank u lord.
Seems like a lot of map collision bug fixes went through too
You know that thing where you’re making a Loadout, the queue pops, then you get sad because you can’t finish the loadout before the match? Now you can – until all the other players have accepted!
This is a quality of life change that I sorely needed considering how many times this has happened to me, lol.
Skins + Battle Pass
So the Battle Pass looks to have more concrete stuff this time around though they did up the buy in price - from 500 to 600 crystals. So, some skin reviews.
Crimson Serpent Mount
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I actually kinda dig this mount; its nice to have another non-horse addition, and the fire trail effects are also neat.
Makoa – Akuma Skin
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While the fact that there are elements that remind of Bowser is pretty fun to me, this is overall not a skin that suits my personal tastes. It feels too overdesigned, too cluttered, too clunky, too many unnecessary spikes everywhere. I guess I’m just not...too into edgy aesthetic skins though overall so I’m biased here.
Cassie – Dragoncaller Skin
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When the visuals for her first dropped with the splash art for the new mount, I deadass thought this was going to be a Lian skin because of the hair and the royal vibe, but no it’s...Cassie. Honestly this feels more like Cassie cosplaying Lian more than anything, right down to the voice pack. Seriously the voice pack has HUGE Lian vibes to it, its the high born haughtiness. I guess if you’re into that, this is your skin. I do admit though, Dragon Ziggs is pretty cute, and the crossbow is alright.
Mal’Damba – Shadow Lord Skin
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CONGRATULATIONS TO HI REZ FOR BEING COMPLETELY INCAPABLE SO FAR OF PUTTING OUT MAL DAMBA SKINS THAT I DON’T LIKE. This skin goes so against what kind of aesthetics I usually go for, it’s very “edge” but my snake boy pulls it off and I love him. The only downside is that the voice pack is very generic and is definitely outclassed by all of Mal’Damba’s other voice packs by far. It’s situations like this that really make me wish they added voice pack customization back so that I could equip his halloween voice pack with this skin.
Oh also who gave snek a knife?
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If I get this battle pass it will be purely for the Fernando emote and this Mal’Damba skin, and I suppose the mount as well.
New Champion: Koga
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Okay so visually? I don’t find Koga appealing at all. The colors just clash so much, especially that orange, and once again this is a character with Too Much Stuff and Clutter. Visually a lot with Koga gets lost to me; again, it’s just...too much. Sometimes, less...is more. As to his recolors, I do like the concept they’re continuing with in terms of recolors having slight tweaks to the model; in this instance, its the recolored version not including Koga’s mask:
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It would be neat if we had multiple gold purchasable recolors for champions like we used to outside of masteries, but that ain’t happening anytime soon. That’s visuals though; kit wise, I do dig what he brings.
I think the concept of working off a resource meter for all abilities instead of using cooldowns is interesting, and his mobility looks super fun. While I am dissapointed that his claws serve no melee functionality outside of his ultimate, I do like the way their attacks tie in similarity with Zhins flame sword attacks. I was hoping for another weapon switch champion along the lines of Strix, but the way the claws function as a weapon switch is much more of a set time focused thing, since using your claws eats up resource meter. He has a talent right off the bat that restores energy when he uses his submachine gun, and if I had to guess that’s probably one of his talents that’s going to get a future nerf. Again, that’s just if I had to guess.
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Seeing Koga’s passive wall climb ability and his dash is a bit dissapointing in some ways though, since much of his mobility is things people have suggested in the past for Skye in terms of a rekit. Before Koga, it was Skye that was our resident Ninja Themed champion. The woman wears kunais, uses stealth and smoke bombs, she’s clearly meant to evoke a stealthy ninja assassin in terms of how she operates. While we already know Skye will receive a visual reworking first before we see any rekit, its still going to be a hard pill to swallow for most Skye mains out there. Speaking of Skye, we did see her visual revamp teased during the Koga trailer:
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I am NOT a fan of this wristbow redesign. If Koga is meant to evoke a more aggro ninja archtype, than Skye is meant to evoke a more stealthy one; besides that, Skye has always struck me as the more sleek and elegant type. This giant cumbersome crossbow she’s wielding here just DOES NOT fit the bill. Well, at least we know for sure that she’s still going to be purble (the lighting in these screenshots is affected by a firey background so its a bit misleading color wise).
I can also definitely see Maeve mains being salty though; while Street Justice has been the talk of the town, that talent really has been the ONLY thing going for her, as her base kit and mobility has been nerfed multiple times. When you look at Maeve’s large cooldowns and compare them to Koga’s resource meter, its quite the disparity. What I’m trying to say is, Maeve and Skye mains should stand in solidarity against this injustice and maybe commiserate in a bar over drinks later I guess.
I feel pretty positive about the new additions overall though, and I’m kind of looking forward to this patch which is nice for a change. Let me know your thoughts too!
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digirater · 3 years
Why Whiteboard Videos Are So Effective
For decades whiteboard videos have been used to make a variety of kinds of videos, from sales to explanation. In such a rapidly changing field how have whiteboard video clips stood the years? The key to success lies in the small details.
Whiteboard movies give viewers a unique viewing experience through the scene and characters created with a pencil. In essence, they make you are able to watch each moment unfold while the narrative progresses and, most of the time it feels like you're in the middle in the narrative.
Whiteboard videos consist of three parts comprising a white background drawing hands and a continuous black drawing. This implies that they are simple and simple to comprehend. In conjunction with the fact that whiteboards provide a constant reminder the classroom (the environment where we learned the most complex of concepts) it's impossible to not see why whiteboard videos are an easy to comprehend. According to experts, they offer the most straightforward and efficient method to convey complicated concepts to your students. What's the psychology behind the whiteboard video?
How effective are whiteboard videos?
There has been a lot of debate regarding the psychological effects that come from whiteboard animation videos. One researcher named the Dr. Richard Wiseman, conducted study through comparing whiteboard animation videos against the classic "talking-head" videos.' After studying these results, the researcher came to the conclusion that whiteboard video held a significant 15% advantage in terms of memorability in comparison to their "talking-head" counterparts. What is the reason for this?
It's easy. The first thing to note is that whiteboard videos are enjoyable. It's a proven fact that our brains retain the most information when studying is enjoyable. Additionally, they are easy. Therefore, it's simple to get away from the complexity of ideas and be absorbed by simple explanations. In essence, whiteboard videos can be great tools for education.
This is the script to be used in the film. Because scripts tell the story to be followed in the future it is essential to write a good script. What's the real difference between a poor script and one that is effective? A good script will explain three essential factors: the who the how, what, and the reason.
What problem do your target audience have to face?
What does your product do to help solve the issue?
What makes your product top-of-the-line or the most effective?
When a potential buyer sees the video, they're trying to find a solution for their issue. This is why it's essential to frame your message in a way that your customer believes that you are aware of the root of their issue (you don't want a physician to insist on treating you leg even though your arm hurts is it?). It is then that the script describe the way the product you offer addresses the specific issue and convince your customer that you are the most appropriate solution for the problem.
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This is the second stage of your animation process. A storyboard is table that details every aspect of your video (in details).
In contrast to storyboards in other kinds of animation whiteboard videos' storyboards are distinctive and require focus on the details. This is due to the fact that, in whiteboard video, each frame is linked to the following. Because one of the primary elements of a whiteboard video is drawing with a hand the scenes as a whiteboard animator can't afford to make too many changes without the danger of being unable to maintain the consistency which distinguishes whiteboard video.
3) Illustration
As mentioned earlier whiteboard storyboards need an intense focus on detail. They must keep the simple style in mind and still explain the concept in its entirety, no matter how complicated. Therefore, your images should be designed with exact proportions and be placed in the correct places. In order to convey the message of your presentation, it may be necessary that you zoom into and out of distinct sections. This allows you to have the possibility of providing more details without using too many changes. Since this process is quite complex, it's recommended to collaborate with an experienced artist or animator to ensure the video will be exactly as you would expect.
4) Whiteboard Animation
In the past this process was done through the use of a professional illustrator drawing the sketches. Technology has transformed the field. In the present, based on the software you're using, you are able to select and then include a drawing hand in the video. Additionally, you can create a unique video by adding a characters in your video. This can significantly improve quality and appeal of the video. However, be careful not to overdo it.
5) Voiceovers, Music and Sound Effects
This section determines the time to the clip. Actually, it is a key element in the process of creating the storyboard because the animation's transitions have to be in sync along with the narration. But, it's usually included last in the video. To ensure the authenticity and efficacy in your voiceover, it's crucial that your narration is done by an experienced speaker , so that they can accurately capture regional dialects, accents,, and languages. This will allow for a better relationship with your target audience. The most important thing to consider is that the audio and the sound shouldn't be in competition with the voiceover but should rather create an enjoyable listening experience.
How do you get your video's rights?
It is by far the most crucial element. Without any characteristics, your whiteboard video could appear dull and uninteresting. But don't worry about it, there are ways that you can make your video more distinctive.
1.) Make sure to include your logo colors
This is the best method of claiming your video. For example in the event that Facebook created whiteboard videos however, it could lose some of its appeal and impact without Facebook's famous blue color. However, do not use a full color pallete. The video must always feature a white background (otherwise it's not an actual whiteboard animation video).
2.) Create a visual representation with your intended audience in your mind
It is equally important. One reason why whiteboard videos work so well is because they let viewers be a involved in the story. But, if the characters don't have any connection to the audience in any way it could be difficult to convey your message to the audience. Promoting your product and attracting new customers to visit your store can be accomplished by educating customers through animated videos, such as whiteboard animation. What is a whiteboard animation video? In Whiteboard animation Services, you will get a style of video that is designed to look like the content is being hand-drawn on a school whiteboard or white background. It's a particularly popular way to communicate more complex information because simple graphics are easy to understand.
You can now create a captivating whiteboard video to promote your brand. Be sure to make it easy with high-quality and concise The video is meant to be enjoyable.
Note:- Original post published on this URL https://sites.google.com/view/whiteboard-animation-companies/
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Best PS5 Accessories For 2021: PlayStation 5 Headsets, Controllers
The PlayStation 5 launched with a range of first-party PS5 accessories, from the DualSense Wireless Controller to the Pulse 3D Headset and PlayStation Media Remote, but while each of these can enhance your experience in different ways, they're not the only accessories for Xbox worth picking up for your new console. Brands like Logitech, Razer, Samsung, and SteelSeries all have quality products designed specifically for the PS5 (or that will work via backwards compatibility), and now that the PS5 has been on the market for some time, you can find a PS5 accessory for pretty much any specific need at this point. With that in mind, we've rounded up the very best PS5 accessories worth picking up so far, from standard controllers and headsets to flight sticks, racing wheels, external storage, and more.
For more recommendations on PS5 software and accessories for playstation, check out our guides to the best PS5 games of 2021, plus the best PS5 headsets and controllers beyond just the first-party options.
Sony's PS5 DualSense controller is a fantastic upgrade over the PS4's DualShock 4, reshaping the controller to give it a more comfortable, ergonomic shape and more easily visible light bars on either side of the touchpad. Its standout feature is the haptic feedback that, when fully utilized in compatible games, creates immersive vibrations that really let you feel what's happening in the game. Adaptive triggers work in tandem with this as well to further enhance PS5 games, offering different levels of resistance in the L2 and R2 triggers to simulate the feeling of, for instance, drawing back a bowstring. This can also be used to make different weapons, like guns, feel different when switching between them. Overall, the DualSense is an excellent controller that feels kind of magical when its features are fully utilized, and now that two new colors, Midnight Black and Cosmic Red, are available, there's good reason to pick up a second one just to have for multiplayer or switching to while your first controller charges.
Sooner or later, you're probably going to want to pick up a charging station for your DualSense controller, and this official one from Sony can charge two at once, meaning you'll always have a controller ready to go when you get that low-battery notification. It takes a little getting used to, but when you slide a controller in, you'll hear a slight click and see it light up, letting you know it's connected and charging. In terms of convenience, this is easily one of the best PS5 accessories to pick up as soon as you can. No one likes messing with a charging wire.
Surprisingly, the PS5's first-party headset option, the Pulse 3D, is on the more affordable end of the spectrum for quality headsets; however, this is paired with a build that does feel somewhat flimsy, cheap, and easy to break. On the flip side, it delivers rich audio using Sony's proprietary Tempest 3D AudioTech, which really brings surrounding environments alive in PS5 games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales, letting you hear subtle sounds and get a better sense directionally of what's around you. It also supports both wireless and wired connectivity for not only PS5 but also PS4, PC, and Mac, with a battery life of up to 12 hours. At the end of the day, it's still one of the best PS5 headsets to buy, especially if you don't want to break the $100 mark, but there are even better third-party headsets we recommend that fall between $150 and $200.
SteelSeries headsets have been very popular for years, and the Arctis 7P is its next-gen headset designed specifically for PS5, though we like it for its versatility, as you can also use it with PS4, PC, Android, and Nintendo Switch thanks to an included USB-C dongle. Featuring 2.4GHz wireless audio and a low-latency connection, the Arctis 7P also pairs nicely with the PS5's 3D audio tech with excellent sound quality for such a versatile headset. Like the BlackShark V2 Pro, it's also a more durable and comfortable option than the Pulse 3D, with a lightweight steel frame and elastic ski goggle band for an adjustable fit. It also has a retractable, bidirectional microphone for clear voice capture and a 24-hour battery life to last during all-day gaming sessions.
For those planning on streaming their PS5 gameplay on Twitch or YouTube, the PlayStation HD camera is one essential accessory that'll make the entire process a breeze. Featuring 1080p capture, the PlayStation HD camera lets you record yourself and your gameplay by using the DualSense's share button, and by using the PS5's built-in background removal tools, you can add yourself to gameplay videos while streaming in picture-in-picture mode. You can crop the background or even lose it completely if you have a green screen.
The Razer Raion has long been one of our picks for the best PS4 controllers, and it still works great for playing backwards-compatible PS4 games on PS5. Though its layout may look strange, the Razer Raion is optimized for fighting games, and its six-button layout resembles what you'd find on a fight stick. It has a fantastic, clicky D-pad and is lightweight enough to comfortably hold in one hand, letting you tap on the rows of buttons piano-style. However, it also has digital buttons for every DualShock 4 shoulder button and trigger if you prefer to use it that way. Also convenient is the fact that you won't need to switch between the Raion and a more fully-featured Ps5 controller faceplate for things like character customization, as it lets you map the D-pad to the left and right analog sticks. Though the Razer Raion isn't for most PlayStation games and certainly not every type of gamer, for fighting game fans, it's a budget-friendly option that will take your experience in games like Mortal Kombat 11 and Tekken 7 to the next level.
The Victrix Pro FS is on the expensive end of fight sticks, but for hardcore fighting game fans, it's worth every penny, and it's forward-compatible with PS5. The Victrix Pro FS has a premium build made of durable aluminum and authentic Sanwa Denshi parts, its buttons are satisfyingly clicky, and the joystick is equally satisfying to use as well as accurate in its movements. In addition to all the essential fight stick buttons, it has several added features including three programmable buttons, customizable audio, lighting adjustments, and an easy access door for swapping out components. It's also a travel-friendly stick with a removable joystick, a plastic organizer to wrap your cables around, and handles for carrying. Costing as much as a console, the Victrix Pro FS isn't for everyone, but if you're serious about having the best fighting game experience on Ps5 dual charging and competitive play, this is an excellent investment.
As with fighting games, you can certainly use your regular old DualSense with racing games, but if you're passionate about the genre and want a more realistic experience with games like Gran Turismo Sport and Assetto Corsa Competizione, a racing wheel and set of pedals is designed for just that. Released in August 2020, Logitech's next-gen racing wheel, the G923, has everything you need for the best racing experience on dongle Ps5. Its TrueForce technology delivers next-gen force feedback with a physics engine that's directly connected to the wheel for heightened responsiveness. Essentially, the wheel synchronizes with your gameplay to deliver a more immersive and realistic experience. The downside is that right now, TrueForce is supported for only a handful of games: Grid, Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, Gran Turismo Sport, Showrunner, and Dirt Rally 2.0.
The Logitech G923 also features a programmable dual clutch launch assist to get you off the starting line cleaner and faster, a progressive spring brake to simulate a pressure-sensitive brake system, a built-in rev indicator that can show you when you're redlining, and a whole set of customization options via Logitech's G Hub software.
Most flight sticks out there are designed for PC, but with flight sims having a bit of a resurgence recently thanks to games like Star Wars Squadrons and Microsoft Flight Simulator, we're starting to see more options for consoles. The official PlayStation-licensed Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS 4 is an affordable option that, crucially, is also widely available to buy. It'll work great with games like Star Wars Squadrons and Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
A great entry-level flight stick for those just dipping their toes into the flight sim genre, the T.Flight HOTAS 4 features adjustable joystick resistance, a detachable throttle, and a dual-rudder system that operates by rotating the handle with an integrated locking system or by the progressive tilting lever. The flight system has five axes, 12 action buttons, one rapid-fire trigger, and one multidirectional hat switch for navigation/panoramic view.
The democratization of music production has meant that just about anybody can make music from their personal computer. As a result, there's a lot of great music coming out from people who wouldn't have been able to create anything 10 years ago.
That said, whatever personal DAW (digital audio workstation) you choose as your preference, you'll need to use plugins in order to procure certain sounds that you'll need for your music. The Complete 2021 Synth & Sound Software Bundle from Applied Acoustics sets you off immediately with a collection of 10 software kits that include psychoacoustic effects, piano tones, strumming patterns, sound effects, arrangements, and more.
Specifically, you'll get the Objeq Delay filter, which grants effects ranging from echoes to modulations to loops. On top of that, the bundle includes a variety of arpeggiators from composer David Kristian, a collection of folk loops from Celine Dion's keyboardist, and a bunch of other stuff that, in total, almost completely encompasses every possible preset or filter you could ever want for creating your own music. You can go through the different plugins yourself, but suffice it to say that musicians have raved about the different features included here. Whether you are an accomplished musician, like many of the contributors to this bundle are, or a novice beginner who is looking to dip your toes into an ocean of different DAW software, there's something of value for everyone who purchases this expansive bundle.
To put the cherry on top, you can get the Complete 2021 Synth & Sound Software Bundle from Applied Acoustics for just $30. If you've bought music plugins online before, you know how expensive they can be, so the value of this deal stands out even more at an average price of just $3 per individual software pack within. Start creating at a higher level and invest in your musical career with Applied Acoustics.
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finaliosss · 3 years
Top 9 Best Video Cutter and Joiner
Under what circumstances would you need a video cutter and joiner to assist you in completing file processing operations? Well, in fact, the most common is to remove unwanted segments from the big video and then merge multiple videos together. It sounds quite simple, right? If you really don't know which tool to choose, just take a look at the list provided by this article.
1. Joyoshare VidiKit
2. Free Video Cutter Joiner
3. Bandicut
4. WinX Video Converter
5. Filmora Video Editor
6. TunesKit Video Cutter
7. Avidemux
8. BeeCut
9. WeVideo
#1 Joyoshare VidiKit
Joyoshare VidiKit is a smart yet powerful video cutter and joiner that enables you to cut and merge video and audio files accurately with completely original quality. It also converts files to any popular format at a superfast speed, up to 60X.
What's better, the tools this professional video toolkit offers can efficiently help edit the videos in the way you desire. You're able to record screen, adjust brightness, contrast, saturation and hue, rotate by any 90 degrees or flip horizontally or vertically, add subtitles, embed watermarks, and even apply special sound video effects.
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Supported OS:
Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP; Mac OSX 10.8 - 10.15
$19.95 for 1 PC/month; $39.95 for 1 PC/year; $55.95 for 1 PC/lifetime
#2 Free Video Cutter Joiner
As its name suggests, this is a straightforward video cutter joiner freeware that can cut and merge videos, remove useless parts of the video such as trailers and commercial ads, etc. Besides, Free Video Cutter Joiner can combine several video clips of different formats to form a new video in any format according to your own needs. Moreover, the software also works well with multiple media file formats including AVI, WMV, MOV, MP4, DVD and so on.
Yet, Free Video Cutter Joiner only has basic trimming and joining function and lacks powerful video editing features. Also, it takes a long time to convert and process the video file.
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Supported OS:
Windows 10/8/7/Server 2008/ Vista/2003/ XP
#3 Bandicut
Bandicut is a lossless video cutter and joiner to cut off unwanted parts of a video and combine multiple video files. With it, you can trim parts of the video you want, cut a large video into several smaller pieces, join different small video clips to a complete one, delete some unnecessary parts and retain the satisfying parts of the video, extract audio from the video and save as an mp3 file.
In addition, it supports almost all the video file formats in the current market, such as M4V, MKV, AVI, MP4, MOV, MPEG, MPG, ASF, WMV, DAT, VOB, FLV, TS and many more.
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Supported OS:
Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP (32 bit & 64 bit)
$29.95 for 1 PC/lifetime; $44.96 for 2 PC/lifetime; $102.95 for 5 PC/lifetime; $195.00 for 10 PC/lifetime; $380.00 for 20 PC/lifetime
#4 WinX Video Converter
Known as a versatile video converter, WinX Video Converter is also a free video cutter and joiner. It works to split a video into sections and combine separate video clips into a whole without re-encoding. The splitting feature even enables you to edit out commercial ads or outtakes of the video, so that you can watch it without interruptions.
Winx Video Converter supports hundreds of video file formats such as AVI, MP4, MOV, 4K, MKV, AVCHD, M2TS and more. Moreover, you're allowed to merge videos to DVD PAL or NTSC format for further burning. Unfortunately, the Mac version of WinX Video Converter doesn't support the latest version of operating system.
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Supported OS:
Windows 10/8.1/8/7 and lower (32-bit & 64-bit); Mac OS X 10.12 or lower
#5 Filmora Video Editor
Filmora Video Editor is another best video cutter and joiner for PC and Mac users to trim and join videos in an easy way. Just launch the program, choose Easy Mode, import the video, and cut and merge the video clip as you like, then export the video based on your requirements. You can select Full Feature Mode to edit the video and add special effects like filters, transitions, overlays and elements, etc.
The software supports a wide range of input and output media file formats including MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV, MKV, F4V, MPG, TS, 3GP, WEBM, etc. You can also export your new video onto many common mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Android phones, PS4, etc., or upload it directly to YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo and share with friends.
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Supported OS:
Windows 10/8/7 (64 bit OS recommended); macOS 10.12 - macOS 11
$39.99 for 1 PC/1 year; $69.99 for 1 PC/lifetime and more
#6 TunesKit Video Cutter
This video cutter joiner is suitable for novices to trim and merge videos. Under the help of it, you can split a large video file into small parts, cut out the unwanted parts such as ads and blank contents and string the video clips you've cut into a polished one.
Trimming and joining a video in TunesKit only needs 3 steps. First, add your target video, set the cut segments you want and then merge these segments. What's more, this program is capable of cutting and joining all kinds of video files like MP4, AVI, MPEG, 3GP, VOB, WMV, ASF, RM, RMVB and other formats.
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Supported OS:
Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP (32-bit & 64-bit); Mac OSX 10.12/10.11/10.10/10.9/10.8
$29.95 for 1 PC/lifetime; $49.95 for 2-5 PC/lifetime; $69.95 for 5+ PC/lifetime
#7 Avidemux
Avidemux is a video cutter and joiner freeware for beginners to split and combine MP4, MKV, MPEG, AVI, FLV, etc, especially for MP4 files. It has a user-friendly interface and very easy to use, no need any experience in video editing. You can cut one large file into parts and join the video clips together quickly. Remember that all the video files to be combined must have the same formats.
Avidemux provides preset output formats so that you can save your video onto iPhone, iPod, DVD, Sony Playstation Portable and Microsoft Zune. But the program is liable to crash, so always keep in mind to keep saving your project.
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Supported OS:
Windows; Mac OS X; Linux; BSD
#8 BeeCut
BeeCut, a simple video cutter and joiner, offers a variety of abilities to help you leisurely gallop around in the video editing field. It quickly cuts videos to keep the highlights and merges different sections into a completely long one.
Better yet, it's able to optimize videos magically by stabilizing, fine-tuning color, flipping, creating picture-in-picture video, applying effects, or even changing aspect ratios.
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Supported OS:
Windows; Mac OS X; iOS; Android
$29.95/monthly; $39.95/yearly; $59.95/lifetime; $209.9 for 5 users/family lifetime
#9 WeVideo
WeVideo is a timeline-based online video cutter and joiner to quickly start. It supports importing media files from local folders, Facebook, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, Instagram, etc.
Utilizing this online solution, you're allowed to trim and combine files precisely. It's also viable to add text and transitions, adjust background, apply sound effects, etc. Handily, all changes can be previewed in real-time and you can export videos in SD, HD, or 4K.
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Supported OS:
Windows, Mac, Linux, and more
$4.99/mo for Power license; $7.99/mo for Unlimited license; $17.99/mo for Professional license; $29.99/mo for Business license
For more info, please visit the source page here:
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angrygoateestranger · 3 years
Manycam For Mac Os
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Download thousands of free webcam effects for ManyCam! Make your own custom live video effects. Top Freeware - free downloads - Top Freeware Downloads. GnuCash for Mac OS X. GnuCash for Mac OS X is a powerful, dynamic finance and accounting software. License wire will provide to users. The GnuCash for Mac OS X has double entry system to enter any value.
ManyCam Pro 7 Crack Plus Keygen Free Download
ManyCam Full Crack is a freeware program that allows users to use their webcam with multiple different video chat and video streaming applications simultaneously for Windows and Mac computers. This is a software that enables you to add various effects to the webcam of your computer and MAC. Manycam offers different types of effects which can be added right away when you are running your webcam and see it on a real-time basis. In which you can change the colour are sepia, black and white and negative. You can add text on the webcam, draw something using your mouse as well as display the time and date. Overall, ManyCam 7.2.0 Full Crack is a great software that you must have if you want something new in your PC.
ManyCam Pro Crack is the latest multimedia camera management program. It allows the user to use their camera in multiple applications simultaneously. It provides an easy and user-friendly environment to handle it. Also, it works with high resolution to produce the image sharply. You can make amazing live stream videos with a professional look. This can allow you to record your screen to make a video. You can also add multiple effects and explain your emotion more precisely. You can also use ManyCam Full Crack for your business purpose. It allows making live videos and managing web conferencing in an attractive look. This software is also perfect for teaching purpose. You can deliver lectures with its high-quality effect and other features.
ManyCam Pro Crack Full Version [Latest]
ManyCam allows for sharing your screen with others and guiding whatever you want to explain. You can also control your game console with its Chroma Key feature. It allows you to record your screen with a flashing background during playing game. You can also combine multiple videos at the same place with its Twitch Integration feature. Furthermore, it allows to fully customize your video. It gives you complete control to group your favourites in one place. Also, it gives you hundreds of effects and 3D mask to make a fun online. You can also make live streaming on any of your favourite social sites. It allows you to add secondary photos in a video to deliver the message accurately. ManyCam also gives the latest picture in picture feature. This allows you to split multiple images on one screen.
ManyCam with Crack provides you with the best ever opportunity to make stunning videos than other camera programs. You can also control your microphone with it. Also, it supports the 4k video formats to make high-resolution videos. It allows you to change your voice or include sound effects. It supports both all Microsoft Windows and MAC operating system. Furthermore, you can also include watermarks during your live broadcasting videos. You can also make a focus on your important information during live video streaming. Almost, it gives you all the features and proper control to make it your final choice. You can download its proper setup from here. It’s totally free crack version is available there. You can download it from the below button and enjoy with your camera.
ManyCam Key Features
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It supports all the latest Windows and MAC operating system.
It provides a simple and user-friendly interface to make it use easy.
You can use your camera in multiple applications at the same time.
You can make professional videos with its hundreds of effects.
Also, it can use anywhere like in business, education and for many other purposes.
You can create live streaming and make web conferencing.
Furthermore, you can share your screen to explain something.
You can also record your game console using chroma feature.
Also, you can customize your video with its 3D mask and other many more effects.
It provides a picture in picture feature to merge multiple images at one place.
How to install?
First of all, download ManyCam Crack from below.
Now open the C drive of your computer
Go into the download folder and get the crack file
Open it and run it on your computer
Complete the installation.
Launch it in your System.
Then provides the Crack file key from the downloaded file.
Run it. Enjoy the Full Version.
ManyCam pro Crack
Windows, Mac
ManyCam 6.4.1 Crack + Keygen
ManyCam 2018 Crack Mac is an advanced program based on the latest broadcasting technology for the creation of high-quality videos and images. The interesting fact about this program is that it transforms your computer into a live video generation studio for the creation of amazing videos with the latest style and ideas.No need of special training like professionals is required to use this software.
ManyCam 6.4.1 Keygen design in a versatile way to provide you facilities of many useful alternations in videos like changing the background of an image or in a video, control the voice, handle and switch mixture of 10 media files at a time.It helps you to use it like a webcam with multiple chat apps at the same time like many social media video sites on youtube and skype etc.You will provide a free hand to add effects and graphics to your videos and photos.It provides you latest tools like filters, flames, cartoon eyes, etc.It shows full compatibility with webcam programs like skype, google, hangouts, Camfrog, and co etc.
ManyCam 6.4.1 Crack Features
Manycam Download 4.1
Add webcam graphics to videos and photos.
Draw over your video windows.
Switch between the mnay source of videos.
Screenshots desktop.
Power ISO Key.
Make your video preparations more experts with the new interface.
Broadcasting as multiple channels simultaneously.
Provide microphone audio effects.
Hd video supports.
IP or web-based cameras support.
How To Install?
Download the program from the official site.
Install the program by following all the instructions.
Copy crack into the installation directory.
Run the program on our desktop.
Its done, enjoy.
Anna Wallace
ManyCam 6.4.1 Crack
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The Beginners Guide to Selling Ebooks Online (With Real-Life Examples)
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Are you thinking about writing an ebook to monetize your skills?
Then your eyes are in the right place. Ebooks, just like their printed counterparts, have been around for decades. But in 2020, they are poised to grow like never before.
By 2025, analysts expect the ebooks industry to grow at an annual rate of 3.7%, reaching a projected market volume of US$19,997 million.
The opportunity is loud and clear. With the right attitude and tactics, you can take advantage of it and be one of the many entrepreneurs who make a living off their skills and knowledge.
Today, you will see how you can start selling ebooks online and make a living with everything you already know.
Research, Research, Research
The barriers to write and sell an ebook are few and easy to overcome. The challenge isn’t whether you can sell an ebook, but whether you have something worth writing about.
To write an ebook, you need a skill, experience, or knowledge others are willing to pay for. The best way to know if your book meets these criteria is by applying a simple rule of thumb: if anyone has ever paid you (or someone else) for the skills you have, you can use it in your ebook.
Think about it this way: if you are a designer who makes money creating logos, then the fact you have made money with your logo design services is proof that you can make money with an ebook about that topic.
Another way to check the potential of your ebook is to look for competitors. If others are writing about the same topic as you, then it’s a good sign.
Go to Amazon and search for your skills. Let’s say you were a content writer like myself, and you were interested in teaching others how to write content.
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There are 20,000 books about the topic of content writing, with many successful authors in the results. If you were interested in writing about that topic, then this is already a good sign.
Once you have verified the viability of your ebook’s topic, you want to define a specific angle. You can sell an ebook on writing, but you can make it about grammar, storytelling, journalism, etc.
To find the right angle, you want to dig deep into the audiences your ebook will cater to. This research will also help you later when you decide to promote your ebook to this audience.
Reddit and Facebook groups are sites that beam with activity in specific niches from every topic imaginable. In our example, this could include the subreddit r/Writing or groups like Writing tips for beginners.
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Read through dozens of posts and see what people talk about. Look for patterns in the pains and problems that arise. The more people explicitly wish for a solution, or the more they complain about a problem, the more attractive your ebook will be.
1. Create the Ebook
Writing and creating an ebook worth buying is a topic that could take a whole new post. But without a well-written, well-designed ebook, your chances of succeeding become smaller, so we can’t ignore this step.
The bad news is that writing an ebook can take months of hard work before you can decide to launch it to the public. But as James Scherer said before, you can hack your way through your ebook creation process by reusing existing content.
Tim Ferriss, the author of the popular book 4-Hour Work-Week, wrote his latest two best-selling books, Tribe of Mentors and Tools of Titans, based on his popular podcast.
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If you have ever published content about your ebook’s topic in any format—written, audio, video, etc.—you can take this content and build an outline with it. You can then add more ideas, take out unnecessary ones, update them, and improve them.
Before you publish your ebook, hire an editor to fix any grammatical mistakes and clarity issues. An editor will make your ebook look professional.
Then, hire a designer to create a cover and a template for the rest of the book. An ebook cover will also showcase a professional attitude, raising the perceived value of your ebook.
Need help promoting your next ebook?
Book a free call to learn how our team of marketing experts can help you to promote and market your new ebook today.
2. Collect Leads
Before you even start editing your ebook or designing its cover, you want to start working on its marketing. You want to launch your ebook to an engaged audience and not to the sound of crickets.
The first step to building an audience involves collecting leads on your website from potential buyers. Two tactics you can use to do so are pop-ups and quizzes.
Pop-ups have earned a bad reputation, but they work. They allow you to capture the visitor’s short attention span and offer them something of value. Among the many options available, you can use:
Exit-based pop-ups trigger when a visitor hovers the top part of the site, indicating they are about to close the tab.
Entry-based pop-ups trigger as soon as a visitor enters a website.
Time-based pop-ups trigger after a predefined amount of time.
For example, Wishpond uses an entry pop-up that leads to the pricing page.
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Consider offering the reader the opportunity to get your ebook before you launch it to the public. Better yet, offer them a discount.
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Quizzes are an alternative way to collect leads. Unlike pop-ups, quizzes have the visitor assess themselves on a topic of their interest. For example, Netpeak Software, an SEO software company, offers a quiz that helps SEO practitioners see whether they prefer “white-hat” or “black-hat” SEO techniques.
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After the visitor finishes the quiz, they can get the answers in exchange for their email address. The more interest your quiz generates, the larger your email list can grow.
Whatever list building tactic you choose, you want to create an automation campaign for your leads. You can use a marketing automation campaign to notify your subscribers about the launch of your ebook, among other news related to your ebook.
3. Create Landing Pages
As you finish your ebook and build an email list for its launch, you want to create a landing page. The landing page will work as the base for your entire ebook promotional campaign.
Compared to creating a website from scratch, which involves designing a web template, setting up your hosting, and so much more, creating a landing page is easy. With the help of a landing page builder, it’s only a matter of knowing what you want to say rather than how you can bring the page to life.
Your ebook landing page should have, at least:
A clear, powerful headline.
Concise and persuasive copy.
An image of your ebook’s cover.
A button—i.e., a CTA—that motivates your visitors to buy.
A money-back guarantee.
The design of your ebook landing page doesn’t have to be fancy. Take a look at the landing page Kai Davis uses to promote one of his ebooks:
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Above the fold, you see the benefit of the ebook—“Selling Discovery-as-a-Service”—a short explanation of the ebook, and a brief, exciting introduction to the topic. The rest of the landing page includes an explanation of the ebook’s premise, price, testimonials of past customers, and a risk-free money guarantee.
You can also create a landing page as a tool to collect leads before and after your ebook launch. Traditionally, marketers use landing pages as a B2B lead generation tactic, where you offer a free ebook in exchange for your visitor’s email address.
In your case, you can offer a free chapter to entice your readers. Nathan Barry has used this tactic to generate leads for his ebook, reporting conversion rates between 2.4% and 5.2%.
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4. Promote Your Ebook
The final step is where the fun begins. There are countless ways you can promote your ebook. Below, you will see that merit some consideration.
Share It on Your Website
The first and most crucial channel where you can promote your ebook is your website. In it, you can communicate not just what your ebook is about, but who you are. People will want to see more about you—your background and experience—your website will do that for you.
Within your website, you can promote your ebook with one of your pop-ups, as described above. You can even add banners and static opt-in forms about it.
Mark Manson, a blogger and best-selling author, shares a link to the books he has published right on the homepage. He adds more links to them throughout the site.
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You can also make the ebook a part of your overall content strategy and create articles around the ebook’s sub-topics, promoting the ebook in between.
You can even write a post to promote your ebook, before or after the launch. Amy Hoy, the writer behind the blog Behind the Stacks, promoted the pre-launch of her latest ebook in her blog.
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Find your highest-traffic posts and pages and add a banner or link to your ebook. If you have promoted other products before, replace the links to the landing page of your ebook.
Share It Online Communities
The key to any successful marketing campaign is to be where the buyer is. For you, this means the online communities where they hang out.
Use the communities you found previously and use them to build trust in the community. Share your content, offer free advice on the topic of your ebook, or simply help others. This can take months, but as you build clout in a community, people will start to follow you.
Chris Guillebeau, the author of several books on entrepreneurship, has used AMAs (ask me everything) in popular entrepreneurial communities as channels to promote his latest books.
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Online communities will force you to continue to research your audience and create rapport with them. By the time of the launch, the people in the community will trust you, making it easier to promote and sell your ebook.
Run Facebook Ads
Facebook’s advertising network is one of the most scalable and effective marketing channels where to promote your ebook. Facebook gives you the option to add ads in the sidebar or news feed of its users, targeting the exact demographics you want to attract.
With the help of Facebook Audience Insights, you can target pretty much any audience you want. For example, this is how an audience interested in content writing would look like if I were to run ads to them:
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Add the Facebook pixel to your website, especially your landing pages, so you target your ads to the people who visited your ebook landing page. You can even create lookalike audiences, targeting those who are similar to those who visited your landing page.
A Facebook advertising campaign can get costly fast if you don't track its performance closely. To avoid burning your cash irresponsibly, create a custom URL for your ads, and follow the effectiveness of each campaign and ad you run. Optimize your budgets to avoid overspending in the wrong ads.
With Facebook ads, you can directly promote your ebook, leading visitors to your landing page, or you can offer a free chapter before you ask them to buy it.
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If your ebook is expensive—something that depends on your pricing strategy—you can consider the latter. Those who don't know you may not be willing to invest over $50 to buy an ebook whose author they don't know. But if you price ebook like an average Amazon book—think under $20— then you can lead your visitors to your ebook's landing page directly.
Start with a small budget, targeting a small audience—especially if this is the audience who visited your landing pages. There’s much more to mastering Facebook ads, so take your time to learn the most effective ways to use it.
If you don’t see positive results or see that the costs are too high, you can try some alternatives to Facebook ads. They are all equally effective, depending on your goals and budget, but if you want to diversify your advertising profile, consider trying:
Twitter ads.
Instagram ads.
Pinterest ads.
With your knowledge and skills, you can create and sell an ebook. All it takes is the right mindset and the right tactics. The process laid out here shows the overall process you need to use to launch an ebook that you can profit from successfully.
And with the right tools, like the ones Wishpond offers, it will be easier than ever to launch and promote your ebook.
About the Author
Ivan Kreimer is a freelance content writer for hire who creates educational content for SaaS businesses like Leadfeeder and Campaign Monitor. In his pastime, he likes to help people become freelance writers. Besides writing for smart people who read sites like Wishpond, Ivan has also written in sites like Entrepreneur, MarketingProfs, TheNextWeb, and many other influential websites.
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VidSell Review
VidSell Review
What Is VidSell?
VidSell Is A New Innovation Cloud Application Produces High-Converting Videos. You Can Offer In 60 Seconds Apartment By Merely Inserting ANY Key Phrase Or Paste In A LINK.
Immediately Transform ANY Web Page Or Write-up Into A Quality, Fully-Fledged Video!
Repurpose Old Web Content & Articles Into Flashy Videos That Achieve Top Rankings, Viral Traffic and Boost Sales!
Include Photos From Pixabay With Just 1-Click!
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Just how to Create a High Conversion Sales Video Clip (Component 1)
Absolutely nothing converts like an excellent video.
There are plenty of researches showing how efficient video clips go to turning visitors into customers. Definitely, video has actually been among the most valuable additions to my advertising toolbox and also I have actually been doing video clip for a long period of time.
However exactly what goes into making a high-conversion sales video clip? Exactly how do I tackle creating these video clips by VidSell and also what aspects are consisted of to see to it the video is involving, interesting as well as results in sales?
These are questions I obtain asked a lot as well as below is the most extensive solution I can give in a blog-post layout.
What you find below is a really detailed breakdown of my most recent sales video (one I made for a pre-release of a Thrive Themes product). The video clip was exceptionally effective, based on the conversion prices that were attained on this deal.
This is some extremely in-depth, nearly unfiltered behind-the-scenes insight right into just how I compose advertising and marketing messages. This is not fancy, not made for rapid usage and not dumbed down for blogging and very easy social shares. Just for the major. [/thrive_text_block] You can watch the full video by clicking on the web link listed below. Nonetheless, the individual components I'll be speaking about are all playable separately (simply click on the video clip strip heading photos), so I advise you watch each part, read the breakdown of it and after that maybe re-watch it.
Wish to see how they all meshed? View the whole video clip right here.
Component 1: I' ts Everything about the A
Focus, Interest, Desire, Action. AIDA is an advertising and marketing formula mentioned so usually, it is becoming a platitude. That does not make it less useful, though.
The first part of the video clip is a caution message and also it's everything about getting the visitors focus as well as stimulating their interest.
Harmonizing Act
Creating this component was a harmonizing act, due to the fact that I do not want to make the caution message as well severe or too tacky. In the sloppy waters of the "generate income online" niche, cautioning messages are usually utilized at the beginning of videos. The warning is normally extremely significant as well as totally severe on VidSell. Not to mention that it typically additionally includes some over-blown promises thrown in for good step.
Unlike this, I maintained my warning message short and the tone playful. My objective is to stimulate a "what is he yet?" response.
Favorable Organization & & Knowledge
For the layout, I attempted to make the slide look comparable to the "FBI Caution" titles that you in some cases see in motion pictures. This is a calculated choice. The association I'm going for is that what comes after that is something the visitor is enthusiastically eagerly anticipating seeing (like a new film).
Component 2: Preparing
The objective of the 2nd part is to establish the foundation. By the end of this component, the visitor ought to get on the very same web page as me and we ought to both recognize and also recognize what we are and also aren't talking about.
Rhetorical Questions
I open this area with a question: "Do you love WordPress?"
When you encounter a concern, your mind immediately engages and also you can't help however address the concern in your head. Rhetorical questions such as this can be made use of as a sly means to virtually require the audience's brain to react.
Dividing the Chaff from the Wheat
One more vital work this component has is to remove one of the most interested audiences in the audience: I make it clear that what I'm about to present is for individuals who use WordPress and also particularly people that use it regularly.
Whenever possible, do the filtering at an early stage in your message. This does two essential points:
For people who aren't in your target group, VidSell avoids losing their time. Think of if you enjoyed a tasty, 10-minute video about a brand-new item of software application, just to discover at the actual end that it's constructed for WordPress ... and you do not use WordPress. I 'd have wasted you time and also you would lose several of your rely on me. In every future message, you would certainly be supporting on your own for one more frustration.
For individuals who remain in your target group, it grows their engagement. When you involve a point that clearly claims "this is for you, however except those other individuals", you come to be extra committed to the message.
VidSell Summary
Vendor: Mike Mckay et alia
Item: VidSell
Launch Date: 2020-Mar-19
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Cost: $20
Sales Web Page: https://www.socialleadfreak.com/vidsell-review/
Particular niche: Video clip
VidSell Features & Advantages
You Obtain Every one of This Inside Your Automated 1-Click VidSell Dashboard ...
Function 1: Cloud-Based Software Works On Any Kind Of Platform Consisting Of Smartphones And Also Tablets:
With VidSell all you need to do is open your browser and also you're simply a click away from constructing eye-popping video clips!
Feature 2: The Most Powerful Video Clip Creation System At Your Fingertips:
VidSell is the future in terms of video clip advertising modern technology by creating sensational videos easily!
Attribute 3: Transform Any Kind Of URL Into a Fully-Fledged Video:
Transform your web site's web pages and also old posts into traffic-generating, profitable video clips!
Function 4: Place a Keyword Phrase as well as Obtain a Complete Video Produced For You In Secs:
VidSell will curate an article from our 10,000+ database and also turn it right into a video right prior to your eyes!
Feature 5: Developing Targeted Videos In Any Type Of Particular Niche Has Never Ever Been Easier:
VidSell will curate a write-up from our 10,000+ data source as well as transform it into a video right prior to your eyes!
Attribute 6: Remarkable, High-grade Videos In one minute Or Much less:
Not only is VidSell the fastest means to produce video clips, it's also 100% newbie friendly and the end outcome is truly jaw dropping also!
Attribute 7: Immediately Add Images & Video To Your Videos:
With PixaBay API combination consisted of, all you have to do is insert a keyword as well as obtain relevant images added to your videos!
Feature 8: Get Total & Full Flexibility:
You Get Overall & Full Versatility!
Function 9: Include Any Type Of Audio Documents:
Add whatever you desire, be it background music or voiceover
Attribute 10: Dozens of Expert Prefabricated Layouts To Choose From!
Preview Your Video Clip Masterpiece In-Browser & Export As Soon As Happy With The Results!
Just How Does VidSell Job?
Action 1: You start by either inserting a keyword or paste a link to an article
Step 2: The software program then gets hold of the content and divides it right into slides.
Step 3: You can conveniently add appropriate pictures from Pixabay with just a few clicks
Step 4: You add your sound file if you desire, after that select a layout
Step 5: DONE: Your video clip is created and all set to be published online
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dantexkrv310-blog · 4 years
About Simultaneous Intepreter
They likewise require to have an enough number of power outlets for their laptop computers, tablet computers and any type of other gadgets they might need to work. High air top quality is a non-negotiable for evident reasons, also. That's where sensing units that gauge CO 2 step in. Optimal acoustic conditions, indicating fans should be as quiet as feasible as well as audio insulation from other cubicles ought to be close to perfection.
IT specialists in simultaneous interpretation field created systems that can work alone or in combination with conventional translation hardware. Synchronised interpretation applications are mobile systems that stream real-time sound on audiences' phones via regional wifi or audiences' mobile information. The audio speaker's stream is transmitted to interpreters that then, with an unique broadcaster or standard consoles, stream their analyses.
Analyzing is a resource language . One of the most typical 2 modes of translating are synchronised analyzing, which is done at the time of the exposure to the resource language, as well as consecutive interpreting, which is done at breaks to this exposure. Translating is an old human activity which precedes the development of composing.
5 Easy Facts About Simultaneous Translation Services Explained
Study right into the numerous elements of the Thinking about the quantity of interpreting activities that is assumed to have taken place for thousands of years, historical documents are limited. In addition, interpreters and their job have actually generally not discovered their method into the background publications. [note 1] Our understanding of the past of translating often tends ahead from Many Arabic .
Buenos Aires in 2019. Alongside him, the interpreter (initially from the right) waiting to convert right into Spanish. In successive analyzing (CI), the interpreter starts to interpret prior to the audio speaker stops. Therefore, the moment needed is a lot reduced (possibly half the moment required). Generally, the interpreter will certainly sit or stand near the speaker. Successive interpretation can be carried out in a pattern of short or lengthy sectors according to the interpreter's choice.
This pays for a truer, extra precise, and also more available analysis than where brief CI or simultaneous analysis is utilized. An https://ccalanguagesolutions.com/services/interpretation/simultaneous-interpretation-services attempt at consensus regarding sizes of sections may be gotten to before beginning, relying on intricacy of the subject issue and also function of the interpretation, though audio speakers generally deal with problem getting used to unnatural speech patterns. [citation needed ] On occasion, file view translation is required of the interpreter throughout consecutive analysis job.
Examine This Report on Simultaneous Translation Services
Sight translation occurs typically, however not specifically, in judicial and medical work. Successive interpretation may be the picked mode when multilingual listeners are present that desire to hear both the original and also analyzed speech or where, as in a court setting, a document has to be kept of both. [citation needed ] When no interpreter is available to translate directly from source to target, an intermediate interpreter will certainly be placed in a relay setting, e.g
. This is also commonly referred to as double-interpretation. Triple-interpretation might even be needed, specifically where rare languages or dialects are entailed. Such interpretation can just be successfully performed making use of successive analysis. Synchronised interpretation (SI) experiences the disadvantage that if a person is doing the solution the interpreter have to do the most effective he or she can within the time permitted by the pace of resource speech.
SI can also be accomplished by software where the program can all at once listen to incoming speech and speak the associated analysis. The most common type is ad-lib SI, where the interpreter does not understand the message up until she or he hears it. Simultaneous interpretation using digital equipment where the interpreter can listen to the audio speaker's voice in addition to the interpreter's very own voice was presented at the United Nations Interpretation Service .
Indicators on Simultaneous Translation Services You Should Know
The synchronised interpretation is rendered to the target-language audiences via their earphones. Consecutive interpreters, in order be precise, made use of a specialized system of note-taking which included symbols abbreviations and also phrases. Due to the fact that they waited until the speaker was finished to provide translation, the interpreters then had the uphill struggle of creating from these notes as high as half an hour of free-flowing sentences carefully matching the audio speaker's meaning.
Simultaneous Interpretation Service Fundamentals Explained
All about Simultaneous Intepreter
The Main Principles Of Simultaneous Intepreteter Companies
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To stay clear of disturbing the original audio speaker as well as those existing paying attention to the original speaker, the interpreter's voice is maintained a reduced volume. To do this, the interpreter as well as the individual requiring analysis has to sit or stand in close closeness to one an additional. No real tranquil is included as this is difficult to analyze along with being excessive of a stress on the voice: the interpreter makes use of regular 'voiced' speech at a low quantity.
This kind of analysis puts a pressure on the interpreter who has to rest for extended periods leaning in the direction of the person looking for interpretation. Interpreting cubicles at a meeting by the Globe Profession Company 2017 Seminar analyzing refers to interpretation at a conference or large conference, either concurrently or consecutively.
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9 Must See Internet Marketing Tips
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After A Few, Highly Actionable And Highly Effective Internet Marketing Tips? Here Are 9 Of The Best That Have Been Gathered Together By Squirrly SEO.
1/ How To Create The Perfect Instagram Post (7.4M Posts Researched)
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With more than one billion active monthly users, Instagram is definitely one of the most popular social media platforms; one that you should use to promote your business and brand.However, the fact that a lot of people use Instagram doesn’t guarantee your success. From the types of posts to the hashtags used, to the caption subject and length, every detail must be carefully thought through and measured. So, how does the perfect Instagram post look like? To come up with an answer, Social Insider looked at 7,433,417 posts, and their study has revealed a few key ingredients for creating the most engaging Instagram posts.  Here are some of the internet marketing tips main takeaways from the study: Publish more carousels. Carousel posts were shown to receive a higher engagement rate per post - up to 5.13%. Keep your captions nice and short. Writing short captions of under 10 words increases the average engagement rate per post to 3.13% for carousels, 2.54% for images, and 2.35% for videos. Add more emojis. Data shows that the best performing posts have 20 to 24 emojis. That may seem like a lot, considering that most brands tend to only use one or two emojis/post. However, by using more emojis than most of the brands out there, you can stand out in people’s feeds. Create more contests, giveaways, and DIY posts, as they perform better than regular posts. Source: Social Insider
2/ Changing One Word Led To 46M Registrations (A Case Study)
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Ten years ago, as consumers were just starting to discover digital photography, James Currier, a four-time CEO and co-founder of multiple venture-backed companies, helped create an online photo repository. However, despite the initial enthusiasm, Currier found it challenging to pick up new users. For their main call-to-action, they decided to go with “store your photos”. But they noticed that the word store was triggering people’s protectiveness, sparking user’s motivation to defend and collect.So they decided to experiment with a new call-to-action and replaced the word Store with the word Share.  ‘STORE your photos’ became ‘SHARE your Photos.’This made people feel like there were others involved in the concept, so suddenly the user psychology changed - as did the motivation.Sharing is an inherently social activity that most of us associate with affection and acceptance. It’s something that simultaneously triggers users’ altruistic motivation, as well as the motivation to show off.After making this seemingly small change, Currier's site dramatically boosted uploads per user, the rate at which users were sharing photos, and signed up 46 million people in just six months.“Just by changing that one word, we were able to motivate each person to send it out to 120 of their friends,” says Currier.Source: Reforge
3/ 68% Improvement In Conversions
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As a marketer, pain is one of your greatest weapons. Of course, it’s not about causing your potential customers pain. It’s about leveraging the pain they already feel. Whether it’s anticipatory pain (the pain of something negative happening in the future), loss aversion pain (the pain of losing something) or current pain (something negative is happening), you can leverage it.  One way to do that is in your landing pages. Make sure that as soon as they land on your page, visitors are reminded of their biggest pain points. Then show how your product or services helps make their pain go away. It works! Instapage used a loss aversion headline to create a 68% improvement in their landing page conversions.Headline A: “Pinpoint and Eliminate Duplicate Content. ”Headline B: “Avoid Losing Traffic, Rankings, and Money.”By switching from a benefit-oriented CTA to one that instead focused on the pain of loss - losing rankings, traffic, money - they improved conversions by 68%. Source: Crazy Egg
4/ 86% Of Consumers Want To See This On Social Media (Research Study)
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Today’s customers enjoy learning about brands through social media; there is no doubt about that. Companies know this, which is why it’s becoming harder and harder to cut through the noise and stand out on social media. One way to do it is by prioritizing authenticity. According to a recent study by HubSpot, 86% of users prefer a brand with an honest, authentic, and personalized social media presence.Internet marketing tips on how to build brand authenticity on social media: Share stories about your brand that connect with readers (this can be anything from a short story about the company’s history or a personal story about an employee) Focus on personal interactions. Comment on positive customer experiences and reply to any possible negative comments in a way that helps consumers see your organization as a team of real people dedicated to serving them. Share original images instead of generic stock photos. Post pictures of your team; behind the scenes images from office events, and so on. Source: Small Biz Genius
5/ 7.32% More Views On YouTube (Case Study)
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By adding closed captions to their YouTube videos, Discovery Digital Networks (DDN) saw an overall increase of 7.32% in views for their videos.The greatest gains in views were seen during the first 14 days after adding captions, with a 13.48% increase. If you have a YouTube channel, consider adding closed captions. Closed captions are similar to YouTube subtitles.However, unlike subtitles, they not only supplement for dialogue but other relevant parts of the soundtrack – describing background noises, phones ringing and other audio cues that need describing. Both subtitles and closed captions (CCs) are valuable because they help open up your content to a larger audience, including deaf or hard of hearing viewers or those who speak languages besides the one spoken in your video. Plus, closed captions are indexed by YouTube search and boost your traffic.If you’re interested in adding your own subtitles and closed captions to potentially get more views, here’s a step-by-step resource from Google on how to do it. Source: 3playmedia.com
6/ Increase Dwell Time On Your Site (SEO Booster)
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Dwell time is the length of time a person spends looking at a webpage after they’ve clicked a link on a SERP page, but before clicking back to the SERP results. Not to be confused with bounce rate or time-on-page. You can see why a metric like dwell time could be very important in determining searcher satisfaction (something Google cares greatly about).If you have a content-rich page, you’ll want people to stick around and absorb all that information after they land on your page from Google. It’s one of the ways you know that visitor finds the content on your page to be interesting and relevant. However, keep in mind that some people like to read articles. Others like to listen to someone else read them. Using a tool like Amazon Polly - a speech-recognition tool that will read the entire article out loud to visitors - can help you engage both groups to increase dwell time.If you’re interested in this but don’t want to use Amazon Polly, you can also check out some alternatives here.  Note! Dwell time must be considered in a mix of many factors, so it shouldn't be the only focus or reason you do something. Generally speaking, you should focus on broader improvements for a website that increases user engagement, and dwell time may increase as a result.Source: SingleGrain 
7/ How GrooveHQ Grew Their Customer Exit Survey Responses By 785%
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Learning the reasons why your customers leave can be quite painful sometimes, but it’s always incredibly valuable.Whether they stop their service/product subscription, cancel their accounts, or unsubscribe from your mailing list, knowing why someone chooses to leave provides a way to continuously improve and move forward. However, it’s not easy to collect feedback and get people to share valuable insight. Alex from GrooveHQ knows this firsthand. He wanted to know why their customers cancel their subscription, so he decided to give customer exit surveys a try.He started sending emails to every customer who canceled their subscription: Subject: "Quick question"Body: "... Why did you cancel? ..."The result: almost nobody completed the survey (a whopping 1.3% survey completion rate). On top of that, most of the data they collected was useless. Then, he made a small change.Instead of “Why did you cancel?”, he asked, “What made you cancel?”The change led to a 19% response rate.One possible explanation is that “why did you cancel?” sounds somewhat cold and distant, putting the reader on the defensive, whereas “what made you cancel?” doesn’t have the same accusatory tone.Source: Groovehq
8/ Optimize Content For Featured Snippets And Get More Traffic
The holiday season is upon us, so for today’s hack, we want to share with you a quick SEO improvement you can make in less than ten minutes and actually see your traffic go up.  The hack: Use tables wherever it makes sense in your content. For example, say you have an old blog post that’s got some good information and data in it. You could go back to it and see if there’s a way to put that information into an easy-to-read table.Why? Because that’s going to help you out with SEO, in part because it’s going to help you land more Google featured snippets. A featured snippet is a search response shown at the top of a search engine results page that contains a summary of the answer taken from the page. There are 4 types of featured snippets that you’ll come across: paragraph, list, video, and Table.Here’s an example of how a featured snippet looks like:
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The featured snippet shows up right under the paid ads, but before the rest of the search results. This result position is known as “position zero,” and it’s definitely a great place to be. So, go through some old posts that contain data and add some tables. It’s likely to help you snag some featured snippets that you didn’t have before.   Also, as you continue to create new blog posts, ask yourself if it would be better for the reader if it was in a table format. If it would be better for the reader, then Google will want to put a table out there as the snippet.  That’s how you’ll win that much-coveted position zero and most likely improve your rankings outside of the snippet as well. Give these internet marketing tips a try.  Source: Income School
9/ 22.3% Higher Engagement Rate - One Word
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Landing in your customers/leads’ email inbox is almost like stepping on a landmine. Most emails will be deleted without ever being opened, and some won’t even make it out of the spam folder.Only the strongest emails will survive in this fragile and crowded place.However, it’s becoming increasingly hard for businesses in all niches to create strong emails that stand out from the vast majority of promotional emails that their audience receives on a day-to-day basis. Writing captivating subject lines remains one of the most effective ways to make sure your emails survive in the Inbox. But while it’s safe to assume that email recipients will prefer certain words over others, what exactly those words are is a lot harder to guess. SendGrid (email delivery platform) analyzed 5 million unique subject headers in nearly 18 million emails and here’s the internet marketing tips they highlighted: Subject lines referring to “yesterday” and “tomorrow” have higher engagement rates (20.5% and 22.3%, respectively) than “today” (11.8%). By using Tomorrow in your subject line, you can get a 22.3 % Higher engagement rate. Subject lines with “soon” have higher engagement rates (21.9%) versus subject lines referring to “now.“ Email subject lines that use the word “free” have significantly lower engagement rates (13.1% versus 17.2% for subject lines without “free”). Source: SendGrid Which One, Or Ones, Of These Internet Marketing Tips Will You Use To Improve Your Online Internet Marketing Presence? Read the full article
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jennyw65670314-blog · 5 years
3 Ways To Convert A WAV File To A MP3 File
Sure, you may convert information in WavePad. Download, install and wav to mp4 converter free download for mac launch the MP4 to WAV converter on your Mac system. M4A and MP3 files to iTunes library. Probably the most obvious inefficiency of free audio converter software program is the time it takes to transform a file. And just as the title implies, it does a stellar job converting video file codecs to different codecs. Formats including; AAC, MP3, MP4, RealAudio, RealAudio Lossless, WAV, WMA. The extremely fast pace and wealthy features make you take pleasure in excellent time with the Cisdem Mac WAV to MP3 converter.
For that goal, I take advantage of Mp4 Video 1 Click on for Home windows (search right here or google) along side LameXP. It might probably convert almost any audio format to aac, ac3, mp3, FLAC, Wav, Ogg, opus or MPC. When you convert a music to sure compressed formats, some information would possibly be misplaced. Another big plus level to Sound Converter versus different apps of this sort is that it has full support multithreaded conversion. Improved assist of Wave files. Observe: Concentrate, as Format Factory tries to bundle software program during installation, as well as the primary time you begin up this system. I am using pure-java - WATSON speech-to-textual content API and must convert any enter format into WAV. With Aura Video to Audio, the MP4 to WMA converter, wav to mp4 converter online fast you are able to do this simply. Advice: To create DVD movies with personalized DVD menu templates, you possibly can flip to Any Video Converter Final. Bought an MP3 and need to convert it to a video? For the reason that program does all of its rendering within the background, it will assist you to play any of the three audio formats in actual time while you are editing — although it is nonetheless urged you select AIFF or WAV for quality functions.
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Do you wish to convert Wav To Mp3? MP4, because the video format and WAV, as the audio format, are each popular formats, however there are few converters which may convert the MP4 video to WAV audio. ClipConverter is one other one that is able to make WAV to M4A conversion. When you have an MP4 video file and wish to extract an audio half from it, you can opt for MP4 to WAV conversion. If you subsequent wish to convert an audio file (no Ogg, FLAC, or Home windows Media information allowed) just drop it on top of this workflow. Fairly presumably the very best free audio converter available, Freemake Audio Converter is certainly the easiest to use. Select which audio files you need to merge. Now, all you have to do is open this system and begin changing. The quality of compression might be compared to MP3, but it's much less widespread in terms of help by numerous audio gamers and gadgets. Should you do not know what program ought to be used to open one audio-format or one other, we recommend using our audio converter It helps nearly all the formats out there. Supports AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, ASF, 3GP, MP4, DVD, VCD, SVCD and other formats. Added the option to decide on the format of the extracted AAC audio tracks: M4A, AAC (ADTS - Audio Information Transport Stream), MKA (Matroska audio). Subsequent, once you have setup your file conversion choice, you can press the Achieved button. It is a utility that has functions to transform, edit and improve videos. For instance, the FLAC codec is nice for prime-quality lossless audio, whereas Vorbis is designed to compete with MP3 in file measurement whereas providing better audio quality. Discover that All2mp3 handles many more conversions than justwav files, you can drop practically any audio file sort into the app and it will convert it to the straightforward to use and widely accepted mp3 format. Risk to splitting the output recordsdata based on chapters stored in the supply information. Add MP4 file(s) that you wish to convert. is a service for converting information on-line from one kind to a different. If in case you have installed VLC Media Participant on your pc, you possibly can convert video to WAV following the steps beneath. "Format Factory is a multifunctional media converter. Software lets you convert any audio information in a convenient format completely free. In case your MP4 movies are used only for their soundtrack, then converting it to the popular WAV audio format will save lots of space for storing in your COMPUTER. Furthermore, there are many media players that don't support mp4 to wav ffmpeg for taking part in audio, and in such situations changing MP4 to WAV helps. Click "+ Video" icon on the top toolbar to browse MP4 video file(s) in your LAPTOP, and click "open" to import supply MP4 video(s) to WinX software program.Click on "Effect" button and switch to "Audio" category and the unique MP4 audio will appear in the field underneath Add icon, and then click Add icon (a "+"sign on the decrease left side) to import the MP3 audio that you simply need to add to MP4. We've got examined WAV to MP3 Converter 2.0.1 towards malware with a number of completely different applications. 27 In Firefox OS 1.0.1, when detecting support for different formats, HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType incorrectly reports true for h.264 video whereas in precise fact h.264 just isn't supported.You will return to the earlier step the place you will see this new profile as an option from the Profile choice dropdown. The output file will have am4a extension (MP4 audio only). Online Convert is a free on-line document converter that may convert your PowerPoint to multiple video codecs and obtain it to your pc whilst you wait. You will WAV recordsdata will likely be burned and transformed to MP3 format. Finally, click Convert button to start out the MP4 to WAV conversion course of. In fact, for those who check out a number of the free inventory music on this web site, the AIFF recordsdata and WAV recordsdata have comparable file sizes as WAV also makes use of PCM.
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Neverending Postmortem
Game Summary
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Title Neverending
Genre Top-down, 2D, rogue-like, twin stick shooter
Platform(s) Initially the game will release for Android devices. As the game gains traction, it will be released for iOS devices. The Android version will be available for anyone who is running at least 4.1 and the iOS version will be available for devices running multiple versions previous to the most current.
Revenue model Interstitial advertisements. Upon death the player has the option to watch an interstitial advertisement for 30 seconds in order to revive back to full health instead of losing all progress inside of the game.
Development tools/Language Unity3D & C# - The game was developed using the Unity game engine and the C# programming language. Development started off utilizing the 2018.2.8f1 but due to a complete computer crash, it was completed using 2018.3.3f1.
Photoshop – This tool was primarily used to alter the art assets when needed to facilitate the general desired aesthetic of the game.
Tiled – This tool was utilized to piece together the initial room assets/prefabs. As development continued, any additional tilemaps that needed to be created was done inside of Unity exclusively.
Audacity – This was used only to make the necessary cuts to the audio tracks to attain a more seamless loop to the background music.
Game audience The game will be targeting both male and female gamers between the ages of 14 and 29 who are a healthy mix of Achievers and Explorers (Gamification 101, 2014).
Team Samuel Hubbard – Developer/Designer Thomas Graham – Primary Advisor Nick Penney – Alternate Advisor
Copyright/Reference Hubbard, S. (2019). Neverending [Mobile game]. Ozark, AL. Neverending © 2019 Samuel Hubbard. All rights reserved.
Sound Bite Fight. Loot. Survive. Learn.
Executive Summary Neverending is a twin stick, rogue-like shooter where you will explore and fight your way through randomly generated dungeons in order to uncover the mystery as to why you are trapped in what seems like an endless loop. No dungeon playthrough will ever be the same as you get various buffs that will alter the way you approach different encounters and you have three different classes to choose from.
Inspiration I love rogue-like games. I have played Dead Cells (Motion Twin, 2018), Binding of Isaac (McMillen, 2011), Enter the Gungeon (Dodge Roll, 2016), Hades (Supergiant Games, 2018), and a multitude of others. I wanted to create a rogue-like experience that you could legitimately take with you in your pocket. The general inspiration came from the fact that a lot of these have a fairly large time commitment in one sitting if you want to make any real progress, which isn’t ideal for being able to play it while you are in a doctor’s office waiting to be called back for an appointment. So, the general design is based on this aspect: short spurt style dungeons with a boss at the end that will save all progress along the way so that if you have to put your device down, you can come back knowing that all of your progress is saved. That really was the inspiration to Neverending. In addition to the overarching, top level design I wanted the game to have an old school feel to it, so I opted for it to be two-dimensional and utilize pixel-based artwork. When it came to the sound effects, I wanted them to be pleasing to the ear and satisfying. The music needed to instill some adrenaline, so it felt like some intense orchestral music would be my best choice.
Capstone Game Scope The original scope that was planned for my capstone was a bit too large for what I would have been able to accomplish in the compressed time frame with my level of experience with game development. So, the overall scope for the capstone ended up getting scaled back to what is essentially a fully functional, albeit limited, game that acts as a phenomenal prototype for what the game can expect to become provided I give it more “time in the oven.”
The capstone game scope is comprised of one biome with two enemy types and one boss inside of that biome. The player has the choice between three different classes (knight, rogue, mage) to choose from where the attacks and statistics are similar but there are subtle differences. All of them throw projectiles at the enemies. The knight has no special abilities and simply does a high alpha strike style of attack. The rogue’s attack does no upfront damage but apply a damage over time effect to the enemies that it hits. The mage’s attack is a fireball that does less initial damage to the enemies but has an area of effect explosion that will also damage nearby enemies. The two different enemy types are a melee skeleton and a ranged goblin wizard. The melee enemy utilizes an A* pathfinder to move toward the enemy and, once in range, attacks the player up close. The ranged enemy stays in one place and simply shoots at the player. However, there is a timer in place that will cause the ranged enemy to teleport to a random location inside of the room. The dungeon is procedurally generated outside of the menu and boss level, so the overall layout is different with every run. The boss is comprised of two different attacks (a whirlwind attack and an AOE projectile spread attack) and one overall phase. The boss will randomly perform an attack toward the player. The overall game is setup to be run repeatedly with the goal of unlocking all of the lore. If the player dies, their progress and stats will be reset back to zero to facilitate the rogue-like elements to the general design. The player will power up with buff potions and be able to carry two inventory items for use as he/she progresses through the dungeon rooms.
Ideal The capstone game scope is essentially a stripped-down version of what the ideal game scope would be. Ideally, the game would include multiple biomes with more enemy architypes than just two. I think that having 10 biomes with 5-7 total enemy architypes per biome. There would be approximately 3 times as many possible room layouts as what is included in the game in its current form. There would also be 2-3 bosses per biome. Bosses would have 3-5 unique attacks and 2-3 overall phases that the player would have to react to. Speaking of the player, there would be a much larger cast of classes for the player to choose from where the differences are inherently more unique. There would be melee and ranged classes with plenty of differences to enable them to stand apart from each other. The movement and shooting would be more refined as well. In its current state, the movement and shooting are locked to variances of 45 degrees. I would want to open this up and have an omnidirectional input approach. In addition to having lore unlocks, there would be other unlocks and rewards that would drive the player to continue playing. For example, there would be more traditional achievements and then what could be equated to a trophy case where the player could visually see different objects that the player has acquired from killing bosses. There would also be a statistic portion where the player could see how many dungeon runs they’ve made, what their longest streak has been, how many hours they have played, etc. I feel that this is the ideal visualization of what Neverending could be.
Demo Screencast
  The Critique: What went right
Design & Aesthetics The aesthetic design really could not have gone any better in my opinion. Granted, I am no artist, so it was nice to be able to get onto the Asset Store to find some pixel-based art assets. Some of the inventory items are mine and I edited some of the other art assets. When you just apply a light source, instead of having it full bright, it really conveys the sense that you’re in a dungeon! So, as a general whole I would say that the aesthetic design was an overall win.
Project Management It took me a little while to get used to Underdog, but once I had a good handle on it, I feel like it did a great job of keeping track of the time spent and keeping track of the overall milestones that I was working on. There at the end when I was crunching, I used Trello as well to really have a fast view of what was immediately important for me to work on. I do believe that I will be utilizing Trello again in the future. In terms of my completion, while I had some missteps, I am can confidently say that the progress that I made was consistent and adequate during development.
Development Overall development of the game was handled well. While I was learning both Unity and C# while I was creating this game, it all was pretty intuitive for me to pick up on to implement the functionality that I needed to implement. The biggest achievement that was achieved was implementing the A* algorithm into the game. In fact, instead of utilizing a standard array or list to sort through all of the nodes to calculate the fastest route to the player, I implemented a heap. That took the calculation times down from an average of 19ms to an average of 4ms.
Testing The good aspects when it came to testing the app was the ease in which I was able to put it up on Google Play. Because of that I was able to easily share it to people to try out to give me feedback on. Once I figured out how to use Unity’s profiler, it was a great way for me to simply verify that my game wasn’t too resource intensive. Overall, there isn’t too much to add here about the testing.
Business Model/Plan The positive aspect about the business model is the fact that there is a monetization method in place. It wasn’t the planned implementation, but after looking at different ways that the game could be monetized throughout development, it only made sense to include a means of letting the player revive in a rogue-like game by watching an ad. The player may not want to give up their progress and watching an ad then benefits both parties.
The Critique: What went wrong
Design & Aesthetics This is the aspect of the critique that has given me the most issues. Overall, I am super happy with all of the design and aesthetics inside of the game. So, I think that the only aspect that went wrong was simply running out of time. I would have loved to add light sources to the portals and then make the torches and candles light up once a room is cleared. Those were (and still are) on my list of things to accomplish, but when it came time to turn in the final build, there were more important things to fix and implement.
Project Management What went wrong with project management also is what went wrong with development. So, I’ll outline the problem here, go into depth as to what failed with the project management element to the overall development, and then I’ll focus in on how it failed inside of the actual development in the next section.
Overall, when I received the green light for development, it was for a game that was completely outside of the scope of my abilities as a novice game developer. So, at some point in month two of development it became apparent to me that I wasn’t going to be able to implement everything that was slated. This drastically altered the project management plan I had in place to get everything implemented. That meant having to completely remove everything that was currently applied in my Gantt and starting from scratch in that regard.
Development The development issue came in that when it was apparent that I simply didn’t have the skill level to be able to churn out the amount of features that I had originally planned for, I needed to figure out what to develop that would provide enough value to the game so that I could remove the other elements. This made some of the systems that I had already put in place inside of the game utterly pointless for the sake of this turn-in. Overall, it was rather difficult for me to really pinpoint different elements of project management and development that I could call a failure. I suppose another aspect would be that when I first started to implement the game systems into the game, it was coming from a novice’s understanding. As I progressed through development I discovered that there were infinitely better ways of implementing some of the features that were already in the game. However, because that would have required me to go back and restructure almost everything that I had put in place, I chose to continue with the overall direction that I had taken in the beginning so that I could keep the progress moving forward. It isn’t the smartest or best implementation of different features and best practices were not utilized.
Testing While the testing model that I used for having other people test the game and get their feedback to me was so very helpful, the test code that I attempted to write a couple of times throughout development was an utter failure. This is something that I now truly realize that I don’t have a good grasp on. It’s something that I really need to focus in on post-graduation as writing tests for my code is something that will be extremely helpful to learn, not only for my projects, but also for any employer that I may have in the future.
Business Model/Plan The primary issue that I ran into was having to cut the in-app store from the game due to the fact that I wasn’t going to have the amount of time to be able to implement it. This WAS the primary means of monetization for the game. When I objectively looked at all of the remaining requirements after I restructured the overall approach to development, it didn’t make sense for me to keep the store in instead of some other, more important aspects to the game.
In the end, while the overall differences between the planned version of the game and the finalized version are quite different, both versions still hold the same core principles that the overall design was attempting to reach. The majority of everything that went wrong can be attributed to my inexperience and necessary design changes that cropped up during development.
Dodge Roll. (2016). Enter the Gungeon [Computer game]. Austin, TX: Devolver Digital.
Gamification 101: Richard Bartle player types. (2014, July 20). Retrieved from https://repignite.com/2014/07/richard-bartle-player-types/
McMillen, E. (2011). Binding of Isaac [Computer game]. Santa Cruz, CA.
Motion Twin. (2018). Dead Cells [Computer game]. Bordeaux, France: Motion Twin.
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