#The (in)Complete Guide to Britpicking and Finer Football Details
”I talked to Southgate yesterday.”
The sun is not yet up; Jamie is dutifully stretching his legs in the cold yellow of a streetlight when Roy suddenly speaks. It’s the first thing he’s said all morning, except for gruff commands of run and ten more and fucking higher, Tartt. 
“Yeah?” Switching legs to work on his other calf, Jamie tries for a casual tone, fails, and doesn’t much care. “What about?” 
Roy gives him a look: the fuck do you think? There’s no heat in it, though. Rarely is these days, and that thought is a glowing ember in Jamie’s chest, equal parts joy and amazement.  
For a moment, Roy doesn’t say anything else. Jamie completes his stretches and straightens. Waits, with heart hammering hard, hard beneath his hoodie. 
“He got in touch two years ago,” Roy finally offers, seemingly adressing the streetlight. “Before the Euros. Asked about you, what sort of player you were.” He glances at Jamie then, face carefully blank. “I told him the truth.” 
That… hurts, unexpectedly. Not because Jamie is surprised, really, or because it is unfair, because he isn’t and it’s not, but still. It stings, though not as bad as it had back then, and for different reasons. 
He wants to make a joke, say something glib to chase the taste of resigned dismay and shame away: he opens his mouth; closes it again. Looks away from Roy and is grateful that the other man seems content to leave it at that rather than going into the details of just what he’d told Southgate. Fair or not, Jamie thinks he can do without hearing it. He can imagine it well enough. 
Roy is studying him, like he’s expecting Jamie to protest or complain. It feels a little bit like a test, maybe. Jamie remains quiet. Fiddles with his sleeves for something to do with his hands as the silence grows longer and the morning colder around him.   
And perhaps it is a test after all, because after a moment Roy nods slowly before starting to talk again. “Anyway, yesterday I called him up to let him know that those things I said two years ago weren’t true anymore, and that I didn’t want any of that to be held against you now.” 
Jamie’s eyes snap to Roy’s face and he opens his mouth to speak, but Roy holds his hand up, forestalling him. “Now, I have no idea what’s going to happen so I don’t want you getting your hopes up, but I’m telling you this because if he calls I want you to be prepared, because he’ll be asking about that stupid shit you pulled, what the fuck you thought you were doing, and I need you to be on your best fucking behaviour, okay? Don’t grovel, but none of that fucking cocky bravado or defensive bullshit either. You were a prick, you understand that now, and you’ve worked fucking hard at being better. Got it?” 
Jamie nods, quickly, eagerly, because yeah, yeah, he can do that. Would probably be up for a bit of grovelling too, if it increased his chances of being called up. Fuck, he’ll say whatever he has to say, spill his whole fucking heart if need be to prove that he can be the best fucking— 
Suddenly, he frowns. Roy notices and raises his eyebrows. “What?”
“Should I… “ Jamie pauses, uncertain. “Should I tell him, you know, about me dad? I mean, if he asks why I left City to do a TV show, what do I say?” 
Roy considers that for a bit. It occurs to Jamie that Roy probably doesn’t actually know why Jamie ran out on City the way he did; Jamie certainly never told him, and he doubts Ted did either. But he can probably guess the rough shape of it anyway.
“Gareth’s a good man,” Roy offers at long last. “You want to tell him the truth, you tell him the truth, he won’t say a word. Don’t try to use it as an excuse though.” 
“I won’t,” Jamie says with a small scowl and a flash of annoyance, because when has he ever? 
Maybe Roy realizes as much, because his face softens into something almost apologetic. “I’m just saying, because I don’t want any of that old stuff getting in the way of you being called up now.“ He pauses, like he’s hesitating over whether to keep on talking or not. Settles for keep on talking, apparently, because he adds, without looking at Jamie, “You deserve it.”
Three words, and enough for the ember in his chest to roar into open flame. Jamie can feel the heat of it reach his face; gentle warmth in the February chill. “Thanks, Coach.”
The call comes two days later. Taking it has Jamie running late for training and when he finally rushes into the dressing room Roy lays into him with enough venom to make the other players carefully back away from them. Still, Jamie can’t do a thing to quell the grin on his face.
“What the fuck are you smiling at?” Roy snaps. 
“Southgate called.” He’s a little surprised to hear how dazed he sounds. Feels like he could fucking fly, but the words come out almost hushed. 
Roy immediately stills. “And?”
He should savour it, perhaps, the triumph of this moment. Take a second to marvel at the sight of Roy – Roy fucking Kent – holding his breath as he waits for an answer, but he can’t, he can’t, it’s too big, to happy, too fucking good, and he can’t hold it in. “He’s calling me up.”
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belmottetower · 1 year
International Break
In case people are curious in advance of the episode, I have a chapter in my Ted Lasso football primer about how international breaks and a first call-up would work for Jamie in particular and the way things happen at the England team. This was written during the World Cup, but it applies to basically any international break during a season.
This primer was intended for fic use, which often puts more realism into the football circumstances than the show itself does. So there absolutely may be things that happen in the show that don't line up here. But in general, this is a very thorough guide to what the situation SHOULD look like for Jamie if he receives his first call-up for England in 3.10, and if you want to get a feel for it, you can have a look?
The (in)Complete Guide to Britpicking and Finer Football Details: International Breaks and the England National Squad
Aside from Jamie-at-England details, this page includes a list of who is realistically likely to make their national team (Dani, Van Damme, Sam, possibly Colin, formerly Roy) and who would not (Richard, Jan, any other English player besides Jamie.) Let's see how the show lines up with this assessment.
There's some information there specifically about the 2022 World Cup and how to maybe incorporate it into fic, but a large chunk of the page is about what would happen on a non-tournament international break, a normal, mid-season one like next week's episode.
It also covers the likely history Jamie may have had with the "age group" national teams, the U20s and so on, and how his chaotic career would have impacted his call-up viability and it's got a whole bunch of different anecdotes of how players got the call-up - who told them, and so on - and I have fantasised about what it will be like for Jamie, what route they might go.
I'm really keen to see how the show handles all of this! Also whether they're going to claim Gareth Southgate really is the England manager, like how they've kept Pep as real. Fingers crossed.
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