#The Archimagos/Archimagi/Archimages
Okay...got a fair amount of characters....some nice set pieces (if that's the right word) a fairly okay training/education structure for a secret Society. Populated the place with contemporary and parallel societies of an friendly, indifferent, or hostile nature. Some general ideas of characters' personalities and actions and things...
Still figuring out what some people look like (have found myself figuring out the clothes first, then filling the clothes with people, and then refiguring the clothes from there due to a variety of factors)...but got a fair idea for most of the major players? (Still figuring out Aled and Acrasia (protagonists/Faerie royals/cousins) Huld and Runa( Elves, Combat instructor and Treasure House Overseer respectively. Not protagonists) and Faeries and Elves overall.(Faeries have Wings...Elves don't? as a major disntinction probably?)))
So most of that settled...major thing is...figuring out a plot.
Oh dear.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming.
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Various businesses in the FoE-Verse/Al Verse.
Messrs Mancy and Prince's: Fortune Emporium (dealing in Games,Fortunes,and More). Sells games(board, dice, card, role play etc. )Astronomy stuff, Herbs, Fortunes and will apraise/trade/sell gemstones. Run and owned by one Astrophel Ophiucus Mancy with assistance from a Mr. S. Prince. Has four to five other employees (can go into more detail if asked. such as Names, or what Mancy and Prince look like). One of the Protagonists (Cassandra Sibyl Read) being an employee and Ward to Mr. Mancy.
Bacon and Elric Prosthetics. Prosthetic company founded by a Mr. Bacon and a Mr. Alkinous Elric. Provide excellent Prosthetics, of a variety of metals but only payable by the particularly affluent. Those who can not pay outright (time, weight of materials) generally will work off the debt over time (still being payed particularly well). Originally founded some time in around the US Civil War in....probably New Jersey. Has connections to the Ring Market. Only ones who get free Prosthetics are works for Bacon and Elric, Vetrans (an insistence of Bacon's). The Prosthetics are generally non magical, but there are those who have managed to get Magical Prosthetics with the Bacon and Elric seal. Of course, the FoE has their own imedi means of accessing Prosthetics...
Wise Man's Dream. A peculiar book shop that happens to wander about where it likes. only fixed place is in the FoE's Grand Library. Often ran by a Miss G.M. Elric and some others.
Cottage o Wonders: An odd Tourist trap(think something akin to the Mystery Shack) that seems to appear all over the place. Whichever place it is, there will be informative display of Local Cryptids. Seemingly run by a peculiar ecentric answering to the name of Alaire or 'Mr. E' (has said it might mean Ellery...but that's not it). Who will excitedly discuss Cryptids for hours. Seems to have some part time help. As far as anyone can tell Alaire lives in said Cottage all on his own, though he insists otherwise. The Cottage sells Cryptid memorabilia and the like, Books, nick knacks, etc...also Fireworks. Very excellent Fireworks. Most think Alaire is wearing a costume to act out a part....but is seen out and about dressed exactly the same...Known to Drive an old fashioned all black Dusenburg when he's seen driving.
These businesses being public and known if not exactly well known. Bacon and Elric, the most well known. Mancy and Prince's seems to only be in one place at a time. Wise Man's Dream and The Cottage o Wonders being fairly out of the way places not easily found...
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Would anyone like to hear about the various employees of Messrs Mancy and Prince's Emporium for Fortunes, Games,Books and so on (still figuri out a concrete name). Owned and ran (proprieted?) by Mr. Astrophel O. Mancy and Mister S. Prince.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Been debating on just like...sharing random facts and what not concerning OCs of this Al-verse (thanks for the name Sock) thing....but I'm at a loss of what to like...actually share.
Would anyone be curious in just seeing random tidbits (that might be things, or might not be things depending) about characters, be they Main, secondary, tertiary, or what have you? Like...I recall Sock asking me what sort of breakfast stuf the Als have....is that the sort of thing people would find inanely (I think that's the right word) interesting? I know I'll probably share a thing about animals associated with the FoE and stuff...probably...
So....if there's particular things you'd care to know...feel free to ask I suppose? Come to think of it....No wait, I'm pretty sure I did share a thing at one point explaining protagonists and stuff. Yeah, I did....hm...
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Scattered thoughts concerning a new character thing
Atlas Weyland Elric
Basically a Frankenstein monster sort of creature created through the combined efforts of Algimantas Varius Eldritch, Albus Viggo Eldritch, and Aldread V Eldritch after Algimantas read Frankenstein when it originally came out.
Albus only agreed if they all agreed to take some part in caring for and educating Atlas. Atlas' first and second name were agreed upon by the three Fellows.
Albus was the most caring and is the one of the three to actually consider Atlas his son (reason why he has the name Elric. Eldritch would not be entirely accurate, Eldridge as Alyss was named was uncertain so they went with Elric).
Atlas is almost always in the company of Albus alongside the ghosts that regularly escort the Eldritch Fellow.
Atlas knows: Alchemy, Ghosts and various Undead, Angels, Magical Items(though can only make magical weapons), Sword making, Cartography, Poetry (huge fan of the Romantics), Seamanship (a qualified Sailing Master). Plays the Concertina and has a melodious Baritone (I think Baritone is the word? However you describe Stan Rogers' voice). He also paints landscapes and portraits of people
Atlas worked for the Fellowship of Eldritchicians for a time, probably attended Archimago or Suleyman Academy. Was probably on a Trio with Quincey Johnathan Harker...but almost immediately retired to accompany and live with Albus.
Probably attended Dreadrock University for a time, before dropping out halfway through?
I should probably note like Frankenstein of the book (the Creature I mean) Atlas is about 8 feet tall (Albus somewhere around seven feet). he's Wide shouldered, freakishly strong with haunting eyes.
Eyes are something of either a Ethereal ghostly pale blue, electric blue, golden. Actually, lets have it be a mismatched pair of Amber and Blue eyes.? Wears spectacles (most likely because he needs them?)
Hair long and Black witch shocks of Gold and Silver.
Unlike his Creators' very extra wardrobes, Atlas usually just wears a Peacoat and a Marineers/Greek Sailors Cap. He does have a Lighthouse Brooch (Pin?) on the lap of his Coat though.
Probably knows several languages but I'm not certain which ones yet.
Participates when Albus has his War Games with Queen Gloriana
On the cartography thing, regularly visits Archimago Academy and Avalon to keep up to date maps on the constantly changing Landscapes of Faerie and Elfphame.
Is on generally good terms with his creators. As well as his various siblings and cousins (for lack of a better word). On best terms with Alyss(sorta cousin?), Queen Gloriana of Avalon(cousin?), and a handful of the Kleinmann family (cousins/siblings?) most likely Alruna, Panacea, Hermes, Phanos, and Albedo? Basically all the FoE aligned Kleinmann's. On shakier terms with the Kleinmans on staff at Dreadrock.
So yeah...there's that.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Protagonists' cohort( part 2).
The rest of the Protagonists' cohort though these people aren't protagonists.
Selene Szark: A Vampire, one of several rehabilitated in the care of Eldritchician and Preternatural Intelligencer Prioska Lakatos (also a Vampire). Is the sort of Vampire that can be incorporeal, super strength, and heals/regenerates in moonlight And some shapeshifting (Cats, Magpies). Not killed by Sunlight, but made incredibly weak and ill in regular Sunlight. How the Light of Faerie and Elfphame effects Vampires...I'm not certain. Has met one Eldritch Fellow while in the care of Prioska.
Nim Bosch:Short for Nimrod, Nim is a Werewolf who was up until recently a part of Queen Diana of Elfphame's hunting party. Not much else at present. Has met several of the Eldritch Fellows.
Bill Carnacki: An ESPer (Psychic Powers and what not) and can see ghosts. His hair has gone white like most ESPers due to the Shock of coming into their Powers (other ESPers at Archimago staff include Algirdas Simmons and Prof. Florimond Feather).
Guildenstern: A Graduate of Dreadrock University with accepted expertise with Angels and Demons. Human. Enjoys Astronomy. Oldest of his Cohort. No relation to Guildenstern from Hamlet. Has met two of the Eldritch Fellows as a student at Dreadrock
Ajeet: A Changeling in Titania's Court who is basically coming along as a Friend/Bodyguard for Aled. Has met several of the Eldritch Fellows.
Cecelia Luminita Funar: A young Romanian woman who showed potential for Elemental magic especially the Weather. That or she's a Dragon...because. Would have gone to Dom Daniel (the second oldest FoE Academ, run by Overseer Cosmin Lungu a former Solomonar?) but the class was full. Her letter of recommendation came straight from overseer Lungu.
So...there's the protagonists of this thing and the rest of their cohort. Will probably share more regarding how they normally dress and such.
Feel free to ask questions about any of these 13..(from this or the previous post).
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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The Faust Institute for Maleficium
Don't have a lot figured out for the institute yet. Only that it was probably formed by Alumni of Dreadrock University, has no support from any of the Archimages(Archmages?)/Eldritch Fellows, and is in frequent confl with basically every other organization. the FoE, Dreadrock University, the Hermetege, the Knights of the Grail, and the Eldritch Eradication Inititive. Alan (the Archimago/Eldritch Fellow concerned with Demons and such) doesn't give much thought to the Institute.
As the Faust and Maleficium bits imply, the Institute is a bunch of Sorcerers getting involved with demons, being actual demons, or some such...and generally cause problems on Purpose because they can.
Goes back and forth between being serious threats, to nuisances.
Interestingly, Faust himself has no connection to the Institute, nor does Horatio 'Dr. Faustus' Lykke. Mephistopheles might be involved though to some extent. Not sure.
Only have ideas at present.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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Eldritch establishments in the FoE verse(Al-verse? Whichever).
I'm realizing the Eldritch Fellows (aka the Archimages/Archimagi? Archimagos?) seem to all do like two things fairly consistently. Either adopt people to take care of as Apprentices/raise as children, or open businesses relating to their particular interests.
Such establishments include:
Algimantas having both his Secret Ring Market (where magical stuff is sold, and is the largest of any of these) but also a public Company dealing with Prosthetics (Elric Prosthetics(note: not an intentional reference)).
Alaire (under some alias. Mr. E (for Erebus?)) running a Mystery Shack like establishment all about Cryptids that also sells Fireworks. No name for it yet.
Alan (alias Astrophel Ophiucus Mancy) running a hybrid shop dealing with Herbs, preciou stones, A Games Shop(Board, Dice, RPG variety) and Astronomy gear. Maybe some demon related stuff in the back.
Alvis' mostly forgotten Book called the Wiseman's Dream (or something. Still working on the name) shop that's usually run by Graymalkin and some volunteers.
and of course there's that whole University that Alan and Aldread founded after the suggestion of one Dr. Dee.
Alewar may possibly run a shop where he makes Viols, Violins, etc...but maybe not.
And I think that's it.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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