#The Coven
boilbluedenim · 13 days
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happy vampire pride month
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freakystrashdump · 26 days
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"And I will do nothing less than I please! I'm the backbone of the Witches"
Oh hello there, it's been a while. Have some scene redraws, why don't ya
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I think it’s kind of necessary to consider that episode 3 of the Acolyte is told entirely from the witches’ pov, where the Jedi are dangerous outsiders who might hurt them. When you consider it from what the Jedi see/know, what they did makes a lot more sense.
For starters, they arrive on a planet that is supposedly uninhabited (and was, until at most a couple of decades ago) and pretty quickly they see two force-sensitive kids playing in the woods.
That’s pretty weird, but then a woman comes up and gets mad at them for playing in the forest, which is a very normal kid thing to do. One of the kids says that they are never supposed to leave the Fortress, which kind of leaps the situation from weird to concerning pretty quickly.
It’s pointed out in the dialogue of the episode itself that the galaxy is a pretty dangerous place for force-sensitive kids (people try to enslave them and use them as weapons a lot, think tcw). And. Well, when you go to a place that is supposedly uninhabited (isolated) and immediately see children of a very vulnerable group who are, by their own admission, never allowed to leave a fortress (military connotations), that’s pretty concerning.
Look at Sol’s face when we first see him. He’s breathing heavy, and he looks scared. He’s obviously, and justifiably, imo, worried for these kids.
When they go to look for these kids later, they find, yeah, a massive fortress, but, since it’s implied that everyone is at the ceremony but the two scouts, it’s empty. So they come in, and they are immediately met with hostility.
They say hi, and someone yells that they’re trespassing, despite the fact that no one is supposed to be on this planet and nobody was answering the door. When they point that out, the lady in charge is immediately condescending and and rude for no reason before accusing them of lying.
We know that the coven is trying to stay hidden, and earlier this episode believed that the Jedi didn’t know they existed, so why Aniseya is suddenly sure that they knew the planet was inhabited is unclear.
Indara is then clear that they’re not here to hurt anyone, and Aniseya accuses them of lying again, because they’re armed (Jedi always carry their lightsabers, it’s part of their religion, though I’m willing to believe Aniseya didn’t know that) and unannounced (?? What. How are the Jedi going to announce themselves to people they didn’t know about).
Indara pretty quickly makes it clear that they’re concerned about the kids (she literally says concerned), which, as I said earlier, is pretty justified from their pov. She says that it’s illegal to train children in the Republic, which I have to assume is meant to be seen as a lie (or at least a stretch of the truth) by the audience, considering that the Jedi know of and are friendly to many other force-sensitives faiths across the galaxy, including ones that train children and use the Dark Side, like the Nightsisters.
And yeah, maybe that lie wasn’t the best approach, but I think it’s an understandable choice. They get the kids to come out, and then ask where their dad is, which seems pretty reasonable to me, and are told that they don’t have one. Since that is impossible, it probably sets off all kind of alarm bells, like were these kids (force-sensitive, living on a planet where nobody is supposed to be, unable to leave their fortress) kidnapped?
One of the kids has a very intricate tattoo that probably feels pretty weird in the force, that she didn’t have a couple hours ago and does not appear to have been done recently (no irritation or redness).
When Sol points this out, he’s accused of spying on them (as opposed to the idea that he saw the kids out in the forest? It seems like everyone in the coven knows they were out in the morning) and trying to steal the kids. He’s literally just said hi, asked their names, and pointed out a confusing tattoo.
When he’s like, no, I’m not here to steal your kids, we don’t do that, he’s immediately threatened. Despite this, he gives his sacred weapon away to one of the kids, who was clearly curious about it, to prove he’s not a threat. Indara is even clear that she doesn’t want Sol to even have his saber out to protect himself from the witches who just threatened to cut his tongue out, which really speaks to his much the Jedi are being genuine and not trying to cause problems.
Sol then tells Osha that she’d be a good Jedi (nice compliment to a kid who’s clearly interested) and asks if she wants to be tested, which is pretty innocuous, especially when considering that the Jedi probably think that Osha and Mae might be being abused.
In response to this, the witches then cast a spell on and threaten a child to make them leave. The child has done literally nothing this entire time. He hasn’t talked to the witches or the kids, he’s just been standing there.
Seriously, I don’t think people are talking about that enough. They torture a child (he is clearly in pain and ‘not in his right mind’) because… they’re threatened by Sol talking to Osha? That’s a huge red flag, and probably confirms to the Jedi that Osha and Mae are in danger. They attack a child with no provocation, and the Jedi are just supposed to assume that the kids in their care, in an isolated fortress on an uninhabited planet, are safe?
The Jedi (rightfully) double down, going like, hey we have the right to make sure these kids aren’t force sensitive (and probably to make sure they aren’t being hurt, though they don’t say that because, well, they already know that the witches aren’t going to react well).
After getting permission, the Jedi thank the guys who just attacked them and leave (look at how scared Torbin is, how quickly he tries to get away from the witches).
They test the kids, who are definitely trying to fail, and ask Osha what she wants. She reveals that she wants to be a Jedi despite pressure from her family to lie (bit of a red flag) and that she doesn’t seem to be aware of the existence of other kids (another red flag).
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ryhoferu · 3 months
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Beach episode yay
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Hester: We need to distract these guys. Anadil: Leave it to me. Anadil: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Agatha & Tedros: *immediately begin arguing*
Hester, whispering: I love you so much
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jasvvy · 11 months
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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The Coven by Carter Brown Signet 4581, 1971 Cover by Robert McGinnis
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distant--shadow · 3 months
sorry, but still, every time Imogen brings attention to that bracelet I'm like "ah yes, the ot3 dream jewellery, that fearne gave the idea and half the materials for"
also interesting with how reluctant Imogen is to having laudna first (after experience) and now anyone else with her in her dreams. be there with me but don't actually caus it's dangerous. I'll remember you're on the other side. she doesn't have many possessions so she holds on to that one thing. it's messy. I love it. keep referring to the symbolism of that bracelet babe
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lyannatropes · 7 hours
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I miss my lesbian necromancers so have a little Lavinia sketch (based on a painting by Caravaggio, tbh I'm definitely going to continue it I just don't know when)
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soupy-girl · 9 months
i was inspired by @smoshmonker ‘s post so here’s the same thing but with the crew (part 1?)
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abby-lynn-xx · 5 months
joy and her horrible (but sexy) exes
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I need you to know that, spiritually, we are all in someone's basement right now huddled around a radio and poking each other with excitement
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freakystrashdump · 3 months
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a Salem I forgot to post here
she loves her job :)
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lestatitties · 3 days
Can someone get me a picture of the coven from the woodcutter/random person death scene? Yknow when they're wearing those white caps and have the black and white face paint?? I need it for science.
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thenopequeen · 1 year
Lauren's Witchcraft finale showed toxic vs healthy relationships perfectly. Joey saying "I thought we were friends, come back here!" while trying and failing to kill her. Scott absolutely stacked and passing her more golden apples because he's not touching any member of his coven while there are any other targets available, but not wanting to go into battle together at first because if he unleashed any of the demons he has captured they would obliterate her.
Just, the coven. The coven, people.
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Agatha: I’m so tired, I think I’m going to go to bed.
Tedros: You literally just got up.
Agatha: ….What’s your point?
The Coven (and Sophie), standing behind Agatha with knives: Yeah Tedros, what's your point?
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