#The Exodar
oldeazeroth · 1 year
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The Crystal Hall, The Exodar (37,30)
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almostharmon · 11 months
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with forsaken and kaldorei heritage sets announced i am just gonna ✨shamelessly✨ plug my draenei heritage armor concept i did in 2021 because im yearning for more space goat content
my goal was to marry their nomadic and old eredar/vindicator aesthetic that would resurge every time they settled down for a long period of time. i thought going with strictly either would do them a disservice, as both are essential to them.
heres hoping they do them justice and that they are next in line for heritage sets!!
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rain-harmonia · 3 months
Alivemus (alive caedmus) and his family on Draenor. If only he’d known these times wouldn’t last…
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once again, art is by @freejamtime
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frutavel · 1 year
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I have a normal draenei
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illidan · 3 months
can everyone listen to greyfoo’s world of whatever/spacebar clown album with me rq
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wowlorecraft · 7 months
Draenei, the Exodar, and Azuremyst Isles
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As the embers cool after the Fourth War and the collapse of the Legion, the various Eredari came together and began working to rebuild their homes, communities, and cultures
Despite seemingly little activity in-game, the years that have passed on the Isles have seen significant changes happen to this northeast corner of Kalimdor: Several villages have popped up, Azure Watch has become Azuredor, a bustling Draenei and Krokul town, and Stillpine Hold retains warm relations with their non-Furbolg neighbours.
The Exodar, after the latest Legion assault, has vowed to return to the skies in order to ensure its safety and assure the safety of the Alliance. As such, the Exodar relocates temporarily above Stormwind before more permanently settling into a low Azerothi orbit. Azuredor remains the Draenei capital on Azeroth, as well as one of the few remaining Alliance strongholds on (slash near) Kalimdor.
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azerothtravel · 1 year
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They did him dirty in front of his dad, Exodar, September 2, 2016.
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wowscenery · 1 year
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too-much-orc · 1 year
I know I've posted this a few times but why the hell are the Xe'ra cinematics still not skippable?
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Pick your preferred name for Exodar.
I’m partial to “worthless elek dung”
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mipeltaja · 1 month
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I am honestly floored. I never thought I'd see these guys do anything ever again.
They're only hanging around the draenei heritage gathering, but at least there's new gossip text! Also, not that it wasn't already clear that they're inseparable, but Asric insisting on coming with Jadaar to freaking Exodar, and Jadaar negotiating with the peacekeepers to actually allow Asric into freaking Exodar is on a whole other level.
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 months
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The Exodar is a dimensional ship satellite structure of the dimensional fortress known as Tempest Keep that crashed on Azeroth. Like other dimensional ships, the Exodar was able to transcend dimensions, and warp time itself but that is no longer the case since the ship is apparently beyond repair and now acts solely as the new home of the draenei on Azeroth.
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wowhead · 1 year
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midnightfandoms · 1 month
I really need to get some WoW friends who are into the exact same lore bits as me. I am in love with how many familiar Draenei faces they managed to shove in the Exodar at the the end of the heritage armor quest-line. I need someone else to be like "Yeah, Demolitionist Legoso would say that."
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galderthefuzzy · 8 months
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The Cryomancer
I had the pleasure to work on this piece for the winner of the 14k Giveaway, Selanna. Congratulations! The character was quite exciting to depict - having a draenei battlemage cryomancer to work with was something new and enjoyable. I hope you like the final result!
Here is a background story for Cyana, provided by Selanna. 
Cyana was born on Draenor, in a village called Embaari. Her mother is a tailor and her father a Talbuk rancher. She was a very shy a quiet child, having trouble to go to others, she started to think she was worthless. She sacrificed her happiness so other would be happy. It made her cry but that's how she grew up.
Some day she started to get interested in magic and more specifically the school of ice. Despite Draenei having a culture tied the arcane for millennials, they lost a bit of their trust in this magic after her people felt for power on Argus 25000 years ago.
Years of  being introverted made Cyana think she wasn't welcome amongst her people.
When the burning legion struck Draenor, she hid in Zangar with her parents and other refugees until they flew from that world with the Exodar.
Due to a sabotage, the ship crashed on Azure mist. Luckily, she and her family survived, but being completely disoriented by everything that happen, she ran away from her people, finding solace with the alliance and more specifically the Kirin'tor who helped her to pursue her learning.
A couple years later, the scourge awakened. Being now an accomplished  Cryomancer of the Kirin'tor, she was detached in battles against the undead. She fought well during many battles, but she met a young mage that would change her life.
This was the first battle of that mage. Being worried, Cyana tried to comfort her and stand by her side to watch over her for the upcoming battle. At first it was going well but it was before a Death knight managed to cross the front line and reached the back line. Cyana tried to protect the young mage, but her power sealed away by the death knight, she was powerless. A paladin killed the abomination but it was too late, he had time to stab the young mage, bleeding on the freezing snow.
Cyana crawled to her, cursing herself for all of this. She felt so weak at this moment and kept saying she was sorry. She received a smile and a few  last words : "I'll be watching over you. Always".
This is Cyana's biggest failure in her mind. She realized that her power alone wouldn't be able to protect others. What if she can't use them. She decided this had to change. She would pick a weapon and wear an armor, combining it to her spells. She would get in the front line, risking her life so others wouldn't have to do it.
For years after that, she fought fearlessly of death, being convinced she had nothing to lose.
She stand against threats that appeared on Azeroth but without denying principles. She would not take part in the conflict between the horde and the alliance.
When Garrosh opened the timegate to Draenor, Cyana had the chance to see a homeworld once again.
This was as beautiful as it was painful. She swore to not let this Draenor fall like the Outland.
She fought again and again, until she had the lead of a small unit to attack the hellfire citadel in  Tanaan Jungle. A big assault went on the citadel. Breaking the gates, they were here to take out the frontline.
The joint effort of every soldier managed to make an opening but the canon were still active, shooting infernal at them. Cyana protected her unit, with all her power and was badly wounded.
She survived and after months to recover, she went back to Dalaran. The burning legion soon came back as well, infiltrating the flying city. Cyana took place as a guard of Dalaran.  Her only implication on the field was to infiltrate a camp, turning herself into an Eredar thanks to illusions and artefacts to disguised her aura.
She was proud of what she accomplished and yet she was feeling empty. All those years of casting away her emotions, she was slowly losing her light and her will.
The new conflict between the alliance and the horde didn't help and little by little she got weaker. It's only after she met a lightforged that she found some solace.
She felt in love with her, and after some time, a bound was born between the two Draenei. The lightforged reconciled Cyana with her people and her parents that she didn't see for 12 years.
She almost retired from fight only taking her armor back when the scourge and the creatures of the shadowlands attacked Azeroth. She was affected at the silver tournament in Northrend.
The scenario of her old fight  almost repeated itself, a young mage being powerless against an enemy who could resist to her powers. Cyana took the hit, stabbed by a long spear.
This wasn't the end for her though. She had something to live for. She wanted to live. She was saved at the last second and healed in Dalaran.
Since the remaining of the war was taking place in the veil and most of people ignoring what was happening there, Cyana was just wandering on Azure Mist, trying to find a new goal in her life.
Being in love and in a serious relation for years helped her to become more mature. She decided she would help her people now. She started to teach magic to young Draenei and joined as an assistant in the townhall of Azure watch. The city has expended well with time and is now bigger than her home town Embaari.
Instead of protecting people, she now wants to bring light and happiness in their heart without sacrificing her happiness this time. She would still take her weapon if the situation ask for it like when the primalist were rampaging some region.
Cyana aims to be a beacon of hope. She'll guide people who needs her help or advice, she'll give her everything to bring a smile on a crying face. No matter who you are, you deserve a chance if you want one. She will forgive if you truly want to change things. But mostly, she won't let anyone down so they can see the peaceful future she wants to build.
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rain-harmonia · 2 months
Give us a basic rundown on your OCs, who they are, what their favorite colors are, and if you have a song you associate with them :3
I’m a chronic oc maker so I will keep the list short by only talking about the ones that people might encounter in WoW! (US - Wyrmrest Accord, say hi if you see me!!)
• Zhuklesh: He’s a dracthyr evoker who combats the difficulties of his creation and abandonment by Neltharion with the joyous whimsies of life. Though not a Dark Talon (and overall claiming neutrality), he tends to stick with the Horde over the Alliance because he enjoys the vibes that the Horde brings to the table. He’s curious, fierce, and proud. Finding his favorite color was an absolute delight to him, and he’s settled on an enjoyment of bright and gentle pinks such as the shades found streaking the sky at dawn. I didn’t have a song readied to associate with him but I’m making the snap decision to assign To The Sky by Owl City.
• Vildryc: A primal dragon from the ages of Galakrond and the War of the Scaleborn, he was meant to be elevated with the power of an Incarnate after Vyranoth was sealed in the Vault. However, he failed the ritual and was consumed by the ice, thought dead and left forgotten for thousands of years. When the Dragon Isles were awakened and flooded with mortal explorers, Vildryc was unintentionally freed from his icy prison. Now he’s trying to adjust to modern Azeroth while still seeking a way to carry on the war that is so fresh in his memory, unwilling to forgive the Aspects. If asked about his favorite color, he’d answer that it’s a vibrant violet. As for songs, I’ll go with either Frequency or Back To The Earth, both by Starset.
• Ael’thein Mirthheart / “Eyes”: Ael’thein is a blood elf who was aligned with the Illidari on Outland, where he worked in the Den of Mortal Delights. After surviving the raid on the Black Temple, he fled back to Quel’Thalas where he grew in popularity as a courtesan. Enough popularity that the magisters began sticking their noses into his business to ensure his minor levels of influence could be used to maintain Silvermoon’s peace and order. Ael’thein grew resentful and took a “vacation” that spiraled into landing him among the Blacktalon. Now he adopts the code name and title “Eyes of the Black Prince”, returning to Silvermoon to use his status to spy for Wrathion. Just to keep him up to date on important happenings, of course. His favorite color is very typical for a blood elf, being the bolder shades of red. I don’t have any songs picked out for him yet.
• Caedmus: My very sad old man. A draenei who lived long enough ago to remember fleeing Argus, he spent the following thousands of years growing angry with the constant fleeing of his people. Draenor was a home that he’d hoped would become permanent. Obviously that didn’t work out, and his rage finally exploded when the Exodar crashed, killing his wife, and he learned it was sabotage. Despite being heavily injured, he went to confront the blood elves responsible and promptly got slaughtered. Years later, he found himself waking in Acherus, no memories of his previous life present. Being a death knight has been a very unfun time for him and after gaining his free will, he’s taken to wandering Azeroth, a shell of his living self. He’ll claim not to have a favorite color, that it’s not something he’s put much thought into. There are many songs (a whole playlist even) for him but I am choosing It’s All So Incredibly Loud by Glass Animals.
• Zolduri: Once a troll of the Gurubashi and now vaguely of the Darkspear, she was the high priestess of Hir’eek long ago when Hakkar and the Atal’ai were rising to power. For speaking out against Hakkar and preparing to leave with the Darkspear, she got jumped one night and sacrificed to Hakkar. Later, she was raised as a zombie by the Atal’ai. She spent several centuries enslaved to their will until she was able to break free. Her faith in Hir’eek remains as strong as ever and she has taken to coping with the shame she feels at her undead state by devoting everything that she is and does to her loa. Recently, she’s also taken to watching over the Darkspear from afar, lending them aid under cover of night and always fleeing before she can be seen. Her favorite color is the sort of greens that you’d find standing in a forest and staring at leaves filtering sunlight. She doesn’t have any songs associated with her yet.
• Nythoren Moonweaver: He’s a night elf who grew up as a caretaker of Elune-favored spiders and a temple healer. The second invasion of the Burning Legion ripped his life out from under him and ultimately resulted in his encountering Illidan, training as a demon hunter, and discovering being transgender. He elected to consume an aranasi for his ritual, clinging to his love of spiders. Afterwards, he served Illidan primarily as a strategist and as a trainer of basic first aid skills for the Illidari. In the current age, with the Legion defeated and Illidan gone, he’s taken up a hobby of spider breeding, half returning to his old life as a caretaker of the creatures. His favorite color is orange, especially in its softer or faded shades. I have no songs chosen for Nythoren yet.
• Leoranaku / “Leo”: They’re one of my newest, so this is going to be short. A Netherwing dragon who came with their flight to Azeroth, they’re determined to find a way to bring more of Outland’s creatures to the safety of Azeroth as their former home crumbles away. To this end, they travel Azeroth in search of environments that might be able to well-support Outland life. They’re quite taken with the forsaken, and assume the visage of one. Much less taken with orcs, having been a beast of the Illidari’s fel orcs in the past. Leo’s favorite color is just about any shade of blue imaginable. I currently don’t have any songs for them either.
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