#The Fool's Errand
kahran042 · 3 months
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Headcanon: The young man ships Treize and Zechs from Gundam Wing. Never mind that this game predates Gundam Wing by eight years. :)
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retrocgads · 1 year
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USA 1990
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arthaven-hina · 2 years
Self Defense Tips from Aboard the Fool's Errand!
If you go wooden in a fight, that's on you (Thanks, Rhea)
If it's you or them, make sure it's you (Thanks, Vlad)
Also, keep your focus and be present (Wow you really miss teaching already, huh, Vlad?)
You have a right to protect yourself and your safety, whether that means biting the thing in front of you until it stops or scaring it off (Thanks Kombu!)
Talk to your mentor about the whole squaring up with death thing (... not a bad idea thanks Kombu)
✓ Read at 1:00 pm
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
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esprit de corps
[ there's still space left in your shadow. most of us will die in it.]
prints (all proceeds go towards purchasing e-sims and donating to Care For Gaza)
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the-one-someone · 1 month
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Tom Badgerlock and his dog that is not a wolf.
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brbarou · 8 months
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beloved in fool's errand cottage era you will never be forgotten
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renarines · 5 days
there’s actually no way robin hobb wrote “He swung his pale eyes to meet mine, the gold of them mirroring the firelight. Light ran up his cheekbones and dwindled as it merged with his hair. I gave my head a small shake. “In the space of a sundown, you show me the wide world from a horse’s back, and the soul of the world within my own walls.”” sat back, and went, ah perfect, my heterosexual fitz agenda lives another day
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dduane · 20 days
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(via @theworldsgreatestwriter at Bluesky)
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song-of-amethyst · 1 month
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oexas · 10 months
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A Dance at Winterfest
prints available
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kahran042 · 1 year
Another rant that isn't about TV Tropes
Having recently replayed Cliff Johnson's The Fool and His Money, I've come to realize how people feel about what Linda Woolverton did in Maleficent, except that it was somehow either better or worse, since Cliff did it to his own character - the High Priestess. She may not have been an example of Unspeakable Trope #9, but she was introduced in The Fool's Errand as a genuinely sinister and menacing villainess with just a dash of hamminess, cursing the land and sealing away the Fourteen Treasures for $#!+s and giggles, to the point where it was satisfying to see the Fool tricking her into defeating herself. Then, along comes TFaHM, and it reveals that she wasn't evil, just corrupted by an outside force into doing what she did. It's almost as if Cliff wanted to show off how much he'd learned about tarot motifs since his previous game. I'd say Egyptian mythology, too, except that he made Thoth female for no apparent reason other than Thoth being a lunar deity, never mind that I can name three other male lunar deities off the top of my head - Mani (Norse), Chandra (Hindu), and Tsukuyomi (Shinto), and there are probably many more out there. Don't get me wrong, TFaHM is a great game, if fiendishly difficult without a guide and often fiendishly tedious with one, but these two things just bugged me enough that I just had to rant about them. :P
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wyldfell · 3 months
real talk real quick: but i feel like there is a faction of this fandom who thinks that the ways of old valyria are superior to andal society, especially in terms of misogyny and moral freedom. this is especially apparent in the writing of and reaction to viserys's death, when the red keep becomes bleak and all of the saucy tapestries are removed - this is to signify that when viserys yet lived and when rhaenyra was still at king's landing, the environment was less repressed and ~more open, that the faith of the seven and alicent's adherence to and promotion of it are inherently bad.
i feel the need to point out that all of asoiaf takes place in a feudalist society. old valyria was feudalist, governed by dragonlords. westeros after the coming of the andals is feudalist, governed by warlords and kings. the first men were also feudalist... this is all feudalist!! and feudalism is fundamentally incompatible with any sort of equality because it is by nature a society that runs top-to-bottom. the targaryen consorts and rhaenyra herself are exceptions!!!! i love them but they are not going to smash the patriarchy!!! there is no escaping the patriarchy in asoiaf!!! stop scapegoating alicent and the faith of the seven!!!! old valyria deserved to burn, the iron throne deserves to burn!!!
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everywaythatmatters · 3 months
So if you were a 100%-straight-definitely-heterosexual man like Mr. FitzChivalry Farseer, how many times do you think you’d describe your boy best friend’s hands in a singular book? Bc in Fool’s Errand Fitz did it SIXTEEN FUCKING TIMES
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heyitsrink · 6 months
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Caught Staring
Tom Badgerlock never beating the allegations <3
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brbarou · 8 months
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woww lord golden!! how does it feel knowing everybody in buckkeep is in love with you!!
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raindropwindow · 1 year
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Book series that get u all scrambled up
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