#The Gentle Giant: Daisy George
daisyblinder · 2 years
Whoopsie Daisy// Richard Winters x reader
🍁 Warnings: None
🍁 Summary: George Luz has a big mouth
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You had gotten used to the ways of the men. It was more often than not that the nurses got their fare share of attention when dealing with the more upbeat soldiers.
 You did not wear your engagement ring when working, for obvious reasons, but it was never far from you. Hidden in an envelope, in your skirt pockets so you would not lose it. Many soldiers took the lack of the ring visible as an open door to take their chances.
 And for the most part, you did not mind. Most of the men were just genuinely sweet and funny. In the midst of all the horror, it was nice to have something happier and regular to think of. When it was just innocent and cheerful, you saw no harm in it.
 The thing is: you did not expect to end up working with men under your own fiance’s command. And some of those men, were far from innocent. They had made you blush and cover your ears more than a few times.
 ”What do you say, Ms.? Should I get this cake on the line so you can finally get your hands on it?”, George Luz was a handful that one. Trying to patch up Buck Compton’s behind while having him observing was not an easy feat. A lovable man, George was, but he was a jokester and he knew exactly the words to say to fluster someone.
 ”I would advice you to keep you head low and preferably if there is cake on the line; eat it”, you answered with a light tone as you try to focus on your work.
 ”You’d like to eat this cake then, huh?”, George teases with a chuckle making your whole face heat up. Buck swats a heavy arm at him, noticing how flustered you are becoming.
 ”Come on, Luz, leave the lady alone”, he commands lightly. Buck knew who you were, you had met him before. He was a pleasant man. A gentle giant with carefree baby blue eyes. If only they could remain as carefree.
 ”I would have to agree with Lt. Compton, Luz”, rasps a voice behind you. You don’t have to look to see who it is. A smile spreads to your face as you finish your wrapping and still your hands.
 ”You’re all good to go”, you say to Buck and the men waiting to carry him away to a transportation for the hospital. ”Take care, Buck”
 ”Will do, sweetheart”, he answers back quietly. As the men take him away, you stand up to look at Richard. The man is staring down the radioman with such intensity it could set the whole field on fire. He was not a jealous man, your Richard. Usually at least but the time apart did something to a man.
 ”Let me introduce you”, Richard says with a commanding voice. ”Come closer George”, The man in question gulps lightly, not used to this sort of power play from his usually calm officer.
 ”Holy Mary and Joseph care for me like you did Jesus”, he whispers to himself as he comes to stand right in front of Richard. You step next to him as well an amused smile playing on your lips. Several of the men were also now alert on what was going on.
 ”This here, Is our T-4 George Luz”, Richard begins, ”and this George, is my fiance nurse Y/n Y/Ln” he finishes with a tight smile. George pales at the mention as you can hear a howl of laughter from the side. From what you can see it’s Lewis and Harry.
 ”Honor to meet you. Whoopsie daisy how my mouth deceives me”, the technician stutters before saluting Dick and taking off. You let shake your head as you giggle.
 Without a word Richard starts leading you to a jeep with a hand on the small of your back. ”You silly, silly man”, you say shaking your head. ”What has gotten into you?”, you giggle looking at his sour face.
 Richard shakes his head as he helps you to take as a seat in the back of the empty jeep. ”Do they do that often?”, he asks making you furrow your brow in confusion. ”Make comments, my men”, he clarifies seeing your confusion.
 You sigh, looking around quickly to see that people aren’t looking, and cup his face. ”Your men are very well behaved, they make comments yes, but they can draw a line. You don’t have to worry, darling”, you soothe.
 Dick’s face remains tight as he looks at you. ”I miss you”, he says after a moment of silence. Your own face goes grim as you bite down on your lower lip. ”I miss you too”, you agree. Gently resting your forehead against his, you hold back your tears.
 What would you give to just burrow yourself into his arms like you used to back in Lancaster. ”This is what awakened our jealous Richie, huh?”, you tease trying to deflect the sadness, not wanting to take the chances of the last time you see him, being a sad memory.
 ”I don’t have to be jealous”, he shakes his head. ”I would be a bad man to take away your smile from other men. What matters to me is that this heart here beats in union with mine”, he whispers both of you looking down at his palm that now rests on your chest.
 You take your hands away from his face and rest a palm over his own heartbeat. Soon your hearts beat together to the same pace. ”I have to go”, he says all too soon but makes no move to step away.
 ”I love you”
 ”Till death do as part”
 And with a tender swift kiss, you have to part.
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trashbag-baby666 · 10 months
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Another request from my discord friend 🫶🏻! Had lots of fun writing this one.
The Maple Tree-Luztoye
Summary: bad nights with happy memories.
WC: 1,231
C/W: mentions of a car accident and depression.
BofB Masterlist!
Request Prompts List!
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"Can you hand me that cup?" Joe's voice was raspy and he wasn't awake enough to really process his words.
"Yeah," George said. His voice was softer than usual, it felt like laying on a pillow of clouds. George grabbed the cup of water off his side of the nightstand and handed it to Joe.
"How're you feeling?" George kept his voice just as gentle, Joe propping himself up with an elbow as he downed the rest of the water in the glass.
"I'll get you some more." Joe said as he went to get up, George rested a hand on his bicep.
"No, it's okay I'll go fill it." George didn't know why he was still awake, maybe to make sure if Joe needed him he was here?
George had been away for a week visiting with his family after Grandma Lip had passed away.
He knew Joe didn't like being alone, that when he was alone his brain would make the most noise.
Joe watched as George disappeared into the hallway. The sound of the faucet running echoed through the silence of the apartment.
They'd been occupying these walls for five years now. Joe knew George wanted to buy a house. He was sick of renting and dealing with landlords.
"See, when we get that house we can spend our Saturday mornings at Home Depot picking out our next home project." George smiled, laying his head back on Joe's lap as he looked up at the branches of the giant maple tree above them.
"So I can spend my afternoons building a deck while you have a glass of wine with Babe and Daisy in the kitchen. With the flooring I did myself?" Joe chuckled, running a hand through George's fluffy brown hair.
"But what if I make you a pitcher of my Ma's best lemonade?" George held Joe's hand tight, giving it a firm squeeze.
"Joe," George said again, pulling his husband from his thoughts. That was one of Joe's favorite days, it happened two years ago. They had put an offer in on a beautiful town house and it was looking good for them.
Then the car accident happened and Joe lost his leg. They had to withdraw from getting the house, they barely could afford the hospital bills from Joe's stay and multiple surgeries.
Joe was on leave from work and George was working overtime. He was killing himself at work and having to come home and take care of Joe.
Joe felt like he really ruined George's life and now he'd be stuck in debt because of him.
"Sorry," Joe sighed, taking the cup and taking another drink before setting the cup down and lying back staring at the ceiling.
"Were you thinking about the maple tree again?" George laid down next to him on the bed and laid his head on Joe's chest. Joe knew how much George liked to hear his heartbeat. It kept the two of them centered.
Reminded them that they were human.
"Yeah," Joe breathed out resting a hand on the small of George's back. That's what they called Joes memory of that day. The day before the accident that had happened on Joes way home from work.
When he was ready to open back up to George after a long, six, terrible months of healing. He told him about how on his worst days he'd think about the day. Where George lay in his lap under the maple tree in the park by their apartment.
But it was the distance between the two of them they had this week. It was George's second night back and Joe was still deep in his head.
It was the longest they'd been apart from each other since Joes accident.
He had missed all of George's touches. The one that him feel safe and calmed. From the thumping chest and his uneven breathes of anxiety.
When he'd massage Joes stump from phantom pains.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here," George breathed out and gently rubbed Joes toned bicep, "I wish you would've called me if you were hurting."
"Didn't wanna bother you, knew your family was having a hard time." Joe sighed feeling a little guilty he didn't go to the funeral. But Joe was held up with a project at his garage and couldn't get off.
Grandma Lip was everyone's favorite, she was so kind and caring of everyone. Made sure her son always knew he had someone willing to help with the twins when Ron was deployed.
Grandma Lip had been so excited at the wedding that Joe and George were actually getting married.
"I know, honey but you're my favorite person in the world and I don't like when you're upset." George turned his head to look at Joe.
"Yeah but I should be able to handle having my husband leave for a week for a funeral. Then within those days go manic because he's not here." Joe sighed out.
"Joe don't ever say that about yourself. You're trying so hard and I'm proud of you for trying. I know how hard it is." George moved off of him and laid his head on the pillow next to his. George rested his hand on Joes cheek turning his head gently.
Joe would get embarrassed when George would tell people about Joes progress when he was healing. Didn't understand why George was proud of him.
"Yeah today Joe really showed those stairs who they were messing with."  George smiled as he sat on the couch talking to Daisy between her back to back concerts.
Joe was lying in the bedroom where he spent most of his days. He was only 24 he wasn't supposed to be ready to roll over and die.
"I'm so proud of him Daisy. He always gets so flustered when I tell him that." Joe could hear the soft smile resting on George's face when he said that.
"You know he's just been really hard on himself  lately. He's pushing himself really hard and I've been trying to get him to slow down a bit." George sighed.
"I think after tax season we could afford to put in for a house." George smiled rubbing Joes chest.
"I know I'm making less are you sure you want to do that?" Joe looked at him.
Joe had taken a pay cut after his accident. He couldn't stand in the shop as long as he could before when working on cars. So now he was doing some marketing stuff and it was a bit of a pay decrease.
"I can afford it and we want this." George found Joes hand and held it tight, "Look I was looking at it with Ma the other day and it's accessible. It would be just perfect. Arguably it might be better than the first one."
"Nothing could be as good as the first one." Joe smiled, it was true that house was literal perfection.
It wasn't too expensive and it had all upgraded appliances and new flooring and siding. It was in a really good neighborhood that was a newer addition to town. By a really good school with really good parks.
"You're right about that, Mr. Toye." George giggled his cute crooked smile shining out for Joe to see, "Maybe this time around I'll help you with the projects and not drink wine."
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hollowxport-moved · 2 years
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Based on this post I found on Twitter.
I needed to draw something, get my hands moving, and since it’s Lesbian Visibility Week, Daisy seemed like the obvious candidate!
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steamdriiiven · 4 years
Daisy Tag Dump!
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cathygeha · 3 years
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We Cry the Sea by Glenn Quigley
The Moth and Moon #3
 1780 in a place and time that is on an alternate plane. There are islands and boats, and some similarities with clockwork devices, accepted marriages between non-binary couples and a whole lot more. It was a fictional, fantasy, fairytale feeling world filled with intriguing characters. Again, tis was a story of family, friends, community and more. Romance was abundant and communication healthy and wise. I am not sure this is the end of the series, but I wouldn’t mind returning to Merryapple in the future if the author were to decide to take us there. I would recommend reading this series in order although having not read book one I still thoroughly enjoyed book so much that I was eager to read book three.
 What I liked
* Robin: a gentle giant, somewhat damaged by his childhood, eager to find his father, in love with Edwin, important to the community though on a quest of his own most of this book.
* Edwin: a nice guy and Robin’s partner
* Duncan Hunger: Intriguing man, clockwork genius and carpenter, a bit of a romantic and an intriguing fellow
* Iris & Eva: a good partnership and soon to be parents
* George: owner of The Moth and Moon, historian, collector, storyteller
* Vince: half-brother of Robin, a bit of an enigma, might be interesting in a story of his own, more to him than what we have seen so far – I like the direction he is heading at the end of the story
* Being reminded that we all have preferences in the type we might be drawn to. I had not thought much about it but some of the thoughts of various characters in this story had me thinking about this.
* finding out what happened to Daisy…
* Going to the Pirate’s lair
* The fun fantasy fairytale feel of the story
* That couples were so open with their feelings and open sharing of them among others
* The way it made me feel…
 What I didn’t like:
* What Robin found out about his father…
* The people I was meant not to like
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes
 Thank you to NetGalley and NineStar Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 5 Stars
 After the explosive events of The Lion Lies Waiting, life has returned to normal for burly fisherman Robin Shipp. That is until the innkeeper of the ancient Moth & Moon approaches him with a surprising proposal, and an unexpected arrival brings some shocking news that sends Robin on a perilous journey alone. While he’s away, his lover, Edwin, anxiously prepares for the birth of his first child with his friend, Iris. Her wife, Lady Eva, must travel to Blackrabbit Island for a showdown over the future of the family business. Meanwhile, Duncan nurses an injured man back to health but as the two grow close, the island’s new schoolmaster makes his amorous intentions clear. Robin’s search for answers to the questions that have haunted his entire life will take him away from everyone he knows, across a dangerous ocean, and into the very heart of a floating pirate stronghold. Pushed to his limits, Robin’s one last chance at finding the truth will cost him more than he ever imagined.
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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Ghosts of Hollywood
Marilyn Monroe The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Boulevard is said to be the current residence of several ghosts of popular film stars. Marilyn Monroe, the glamorous and funny star of such pictures as Some Like It Hot and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, was a frequent guest of the Roosevelt at the height of her popularity. And although she died in her Brentwood home, her image has been seen on several occasions in a full-length mirror that once hung in her poolside suite. The mirror has been relocated to the hotel's lower level by the elevators.
Montgomery Clift Another respected star who died before his time, Montgomery Clift, was a four-time Oscar nominated actor who is best known for his roles in A Place in the Sun, From Here to Eternity and Judgment at Nuremberg. His ghost has also been seen at the Roosevelt. According to some of the hotel's staff, Clift's spirit haunts room number 928. Clift stayed in that suite in 1953, pacing back and forth, memorizing his lines for From Here to Eternity. Loud, unexplained noises have been heard coming from the empty suite, and its phone is occasionally found mysteriously off the hook.
Perhaps it's fitting that the Hollywood Roosevelt should be the stirring place of celebrity ghosts since it was the site of the very first Academy Awards ceremony in 1929. In fact, the Blossom Ballroom, where the ceremony was held, has an unexplained cold spot - a circular area measuring 30 inches in diameter that remains about 10 degrees colder than the rest of the room.
Harry Houdini Houdini is best known as a magician and escape artist, of course, but at the height of his fame he was also drawn to Hollywood, where he made a handful of silent films from 1919 to 1923. With such titles as The Man from Beyond and Haldane of the Secret Service (which he also directed), the films were not regarded well enough to give him much of a Hollywood career. Houdini's interest in the occult was well known, and although he earned a reputation as a masterful debunker of séances, he earnestly sought contact with those who have passed on to the other side. Shortly before his death, Houdini made a pact with his wife Bess that if he could, he would return and make contact with her from the other side. Perhaps he truly has attempted to return. Some claim to have seen the ghost of the great Houdini walking around in the home he owned on Laurel Canyon Blvd. in the Hollywood Hills. Film historians Laurie Jacobson and Marc Wanamaker, in their book Hollywood Haunted, dispute this story, saying that "Houdini most likely never even set foot in the Laurel Canyon mansion he is said to haunt."
Clifton Webb Clifton Webb was a very popular star of the 1940s and '50s, earning two Oscar nominations for his roles in Laura and The Razor's Edge. He may be best known for his portrayal of Mr. Belvedere in a series of films. It's not too often that a ghost haunts the place in which the person is buried, but this seems to be the case for Webb. His ghost has been seen at the Abbey of the Psalms, Hollywood Memorial Cemetery, where his body is interred. But it seems to be a restless spirit, as his ghost has also been encountered at his old home on Rexford Drive in Beverly Hills.
Thelma Todd Thelma Todd was a hot young star in the 1930s. She was featured in a number of hit comedies with the likes of The Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy, and Buster Keaton. But that all ended in 1935 when Todd was found dead in her car, which was parked above the café she owned on the Pacific Coast Highway. Strangely, her death was ruled an accidental suicide, but many suspected murder and a coverup by powerful Hollywood figures. The building that once housed the café is now owed by Paulist Productions, and employees have reportedly witnessed the starlet's ghost descending the stairs.
Thomas Ince Ince is considered one of the visionary pioneers of American movies. He was one of the most respected directors of the silent era, best known, perhaps, for his westerns starring William S. Hart. He partnered with other early Hollywood giants such as D.W. Griffith and Mack Sennett, and founded Culver Studios, which later became MGM. Ironically, Ince's death overshadowed his film legacy. He died aboard William Randolph Hearst's yacht in 1924, and although the official record shows the cause of death as heart failure, the hot rumor is that he was shot by Hearst in a fit a jealousy over Hearst's wife, Marion Davies. Ince's ghost - as well as several other ghostly figures - have been seen in the lot that was once Culver Studios. Film crew members have seen the specter of a man matching Ince's description on several occasions; in one instance, when the workers tried to speak to the spirit, it turned and disappeared through a wall.
Ozzie Nelson Ghosts and hauntings are the last thing that come to mind when you think of the perpetually cheerful Ozzie and Harriet Nelson. The couple, with their real-life sons Ricky and David, were stars of the long-running sitcom "Ozzie and Harriet," noted for its good-natured, gentle humor. Yet poor Ozzie doesn't seem to be as contented in the afterlife. Family members, it is said, have seen Ozzie's ghost in the family's old Hollywood home, and it always appears to be in a somber mood. Perhaps he's unhappy about how another Ozzy and his family have gained notoriety on TV.
George Reeves From 1953 to 1957, George Reeves was TV's Superman. Reeves had been around Hollywood for a while, playing bit parts in such films as Gone with the Wind and dozens of B-movies, but it was "The Adventures of Superman" on TV that brought him fame. Reeves died of a gunshot at his home in 1959. The official cause of death was suicide, but that conclusion has been hotly disputed, with some believing that Reeves was murdered. Whether it was suicide or murder, Reeves ghost has been seen in his Beverly Hills home. A couple claims to have seen the ghost of Reeves - decked out in his Superman costume - materialize in the bedroom where he died, after which it slowly faded away. Others believe that Reeves succumbed to the "Superman curse," in which those associated with the fictional character over the years allegedly have met with disaster or death. But is there really a curse? 
More Celebrity Ghosts
Rudolph Valentino - This silent film heartthrob has been seen in the bedroom and stables of his old Hollywood home. Jean Harlow - The spirit of this blonde bombshell is said to haunt the bedroom of her home on North Palm Drive, where her husband allegedly used to beat her. Mary Pickford - This legend of the silent era - actress, writer and producer - was co-founder of United Artists with her husband Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin. Comic Buddy Rogers, who lived in the house Pickford once owned, saw her ghost appear in a white ruffled dress. Grace Kelly - Princess Stephanie of Monaco believes that the ghost of her mother, Grace Kelly, helped her write a song from the spirit world.
Celebrities Who Have Seen Ghosts
Nicholas Cage - This Oscar-winning actor (Leaving Las Vegas) refused to stay in uncle Francis Ford Coppola's home after seeing a ghost in the attic. (Cage was also cast as Superman in director Tim Burton's film project, which was never made.) Keanu Reeves - The star of The Matrix films and Devil's Advocate was just a kid in New Jersey when he saw a ghost that took the form of a white double-breasted suit come into his room one night. He wasn't imagining it; his nanny saw the phantom, too. Neve Campbell - She's been in more than her share of paranormal-themed movies (The Craft, Scream), but she's had real-life encounters as well. A woman was murdered in the house she now lives in, and friends have seen her ghost walking around. Matthew McConaughey - This popular actor (Contact) says he freaked out the first time he saw the ghost of an old woman, whom he calls "Madame Blue," floating around his house. Tim Robbins - Robbins, who was nominated for an Oscar in Mystic River, didn't see ghosts, but strongly felt their presence when he moved into an apartment in 1984. Following his instinct, he moved out the next day. Hugh Grant - British romantic comedy lead Hugh Grant (Love Actually) says he and friends have heard the wailing and screaming of some tormented spirit in his Los Angeles home. He even speculates it might be the ghost of a former resident - Bette Davis. Dan Aykroyd - The Ghostbusters star (and Oscar-nominated for Driving Miss Daisy) has long had a fascination with the paranormal. He believes his home, once owned by Cass Elliot of The Mamas and The Papas, is haunted. "A ghost certainly haunts my house," he said. "It once even crawled into bed with me. The ghost also turns on the Stairmaster and moves jewelry across the dresser. I'm sure it's Mama Cass because you get the feeling it's a big ghost." Sting - Rock star Sting (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) and his wife Trudie have seen ghosts in their home. "I was absolutely terrified," he said. "I now believe those things are out there, but I have no explanation for them." Jean Claude Van Damme - The Belgian action star (Timecop), also known as "Muscles from Brussels," swears he saw a ghost in his bathroom mirror while he was brushing his teeth. Richard Dreyfuss - He won an Oscar for The Goodbye Girl, but at one time had a cocaine problem. Visions of a ghost, he said, helped him kick the habit. "I had a car crash in the late 1970s," Dreyfuss said, "when I was really screwed up, and I started seeing these ghostly visions of a little girl every night. I couldn't shake this image. Every day it became clearer and I didn't know who the hell she was. Then I realized that kid was either the child I didn't kill the night I smashed up my car, or it was the daughter that I didn't have yet. I immediately sobered up." Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman - This Hollywood couple was forced to flee their "dream home" in Sneden's Landing, N.Y. when it became all too apparent that it was haunted. They still are reluctant to talk about their frightening encounters. Belinda Carlisle - This pop singer and founding member of The Go-Gos, who appeared in Swing Shift and She's Having a Baby, says she saw a "misty shape" hovering over her as she lay in bed one night. She also says that when she was 17, while nodding off to sleep in a chair in her parents' home, she levitated and had an out-of-body experience. Elke Sommers - This German-born actress, who appeared in the 1966 film The Oscar, claims to have seen the ghost of a middle-aged man in a white shirt in her home in North Beverly Hills. Guests in her home have also seen the specter. So much paranormal activity was reported in the house that the American Society for Psychical Research was brought in, and which verified the unexplained events. The severely haunted house was bought and sold more than 17 times since Sommers vacated it, and many have reported ghostly phenomena. Paul McCartney - Ex-Beatle and Oscar-nominated songwriter ("Live and Let Die") says that he, George Harrison and Ringo Starr sensed the playful spirit of John Lennon when they were recording Lennon's song, "Free As A Bird" in 1995. "There were a lot of strange goings-on in the studio - noises that shouldn't have been there and equipment doing all manner of weird things. There was just an overall feeling that John was around."
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richie-txzier · 7 years
Don’t Call Me Eds (As You Wish)
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IT/Reddie: The Princess Bride AU
Georgie cautiously opened the gift, shedding the simple brown paper from the hard and rectangular prize, and watched the leather boung and gold trimmed book fall into his lap. His eyebrows pinched, "A book?"
Bill smiled and nodded, taking the book from Georgie's grasp to blare the front to him. His dark blue eyes narrowed as he struggled to read the cover, his 6 year old mouth curling around the syllables messily as he sounded out the title, "The Pr-in-ce Gr-Gr-oom. The Prince Groom!"
"Mhm!" Bill's smile brightened as he placed the book on his knee, leaning back on the headboard and opened the cover with clever fingers. Stiff ivory pages fluttered from the arched movement and George caught a glimpse at the intricate inked illustrations aroudn the calligraphy of the title on the first page. He spotted a black mask with a pair of thick glasses over two white eye holes; crossed twins of long thin swords with delicate handles entwined around the leather grips; a large hand holding a smaller ringed delicate one, a pair of rhinestones goblets holding smoking black liquid; bottles of potions printed around the cornucopia of items acting as the border; and in the centre, a sketch of a boy, his crown, one half jewelled silver metal, the other half interwoven with ivy, large, densely flowered roses, and petite, sparsely petalled daisies. The elegant prince stared out at Georgie, large eyes round with innocence but dark with a fiery courage that held Georgie in a place in awe. He pointed to the boy with a gentle hesitant finger.
"Is that the Prince Groom?" He asked, and Bill nodded, his longer and more tanned finger joining Georgie's to stroke the boys face. Georgie's face suddenly brightened and he tapped the picture with rapid excitement, "I know him! It's Eddie isn't it?"
Bill chuckled and wrapped an arm around Georgie's shoulder to ruffle his hair, "Y-You got it, buddy."
"Does that mean everybody in this is going to be our friends?" Georgie blinked up at him.
"Uh huh!" Bill grinned crookedly, as he turned to the first page, "Y-You'll have to wuh-wait and s-see who's who though."
Georgie pouted, and jumped when Bill cleared his throat, "Wait! You haven't told me what it's about yet!" Georgie's eyes flickered to his paused game, the batter stuck in the prime of his swing, "Are there sports in it?"
Bill's eyes lit up with sudden passion, a wide beam settling on his lips, "A-Are you k-kidding? F-Fuh-Fencing! F-Fighting! Tort-torture! Revenge! Giants! Mon-Monsters! Chases! Es-Escapes! True love! Mi-miracles!"
A yawn roared from Georgie's mouth, his eyes drooping as the sick fog clouded his head in a dull headache; the pain emerging through the seeping of heat from his warm blankets and the comfy body of his brother. He smiled sleepily, nuzzling his head into Bill's side, "That sounds okay. I'll try to stay awake."
Bill rolled his eyes with a fond smile, flattening the centre of the pages, and shifting the book so he could hold it in one hand, the other twisting through Georgie's soft but slightly greasy light brown hair, "Thanks, Guh-Georgie. That's r-real considerate of you."
With a jumbled tongue and muddle lips, Bill began to read, "The P-Prince Groom, by W. Denbrough. Ch-Chapter One: Edward was raised on a smuh-small farm in the country of Duh-Derry..."
Coming Soon
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the-kool-kyle · 5 years
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review
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It's been 42 years now since we were first introduced to massive blockbuster franchise Star Wars in 1977. Created by George Lucas it has become one of the greatest pieces of science fiction in history and one of the most popular franchises of all time spawning billions of fans world wide thanks to it's fun action, unforgettable adventures, tear jerking moments and best of all....it's lovable relatable characters. Such as Mark Hamil as Luke Skywalker the brave selfless Jedi, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia the strong independent rebel, Harrison Ford as Han Solo the scoundrel with a heart of gold and Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca the hulking yet gentle giant Wookie. Over the last 40 years the franchise has had the prequel movie trilogy, Graphic Novels, comic books, TV shows and countless video games. But now this decade we have the “Sequel Trilogy” which is the new Star Wars movies set 30 years after “Return of the Jedi”. The trilogy focuses on the remnants of the Empire now known as “The First Order” trying to conquer the galaxy and the Resistance lead by General Leia trying to stop them.
The Sequel Trilogy has gotten something of a mixed reception from the fans and critics since the release of “Force Awakens” some people like them and some hate them but overall everyone can agree their not as good as the original trilogy. But overall the trilogy has done a great job in introducing and building it's new characters like Rey the scavenger turned Jedi, Finn former Stormtrooper who defected to the resistance and Po ace pilot and cocky rebel. The trilogy also brings us a new villain Kylo Ren leader of the Knights of Ren and son of Han and Leia who shows no mercy and uncontrollable rage. The movies also use the original cast like Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie.
But were getting off track. Were here to talk about the newest instalment and final movie for the Skywalker story line....Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The film picks up after “The Last Jedi” where Kylo Ren is now the supreme leader of The First Order after killing “Snoke” and now seeks to conquer the galaxy and destroy anything that stands in his way. While the resistance continues to fight for freedom and peace in the galaxy....Rey tries to bring balance to the force. After the controversial and hugely discussed Last Jedi the fans are divided on what has become of the franchise. Mainly due to the massive backlash over Luke Skywalker's death and the many hated characters that were introduced in Last Jedi. However I can truly say that from the bottom of my heart.....that Rise of Skywalker is....the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes back! It was exciting, action packed, tear jerking, full of twists and turns, had great character arcs and truly did the franchise justice. I'll be honest there were times that I shed a tear in both excitement and sadness. Yep it's that amazing. This film was without a doubt the perfect way to end the Skywalker Story and end with a bang.
But that's just my opinion every Star Wars has always had their own crazy views and thoughts on all Star Wars material. Overall “Rise of Skywalker” is entertaining and provides answers to some questions raised in the last 2 movies but there are some plot holes and new characters who don't make much of an impact as the old ones which leads to the conclusion that the studio didn't have any of these movies as well planned out as expected but then again most franchises aren't. So there new movies are nowhere near as legendary as the original trilogy by George Lucas but still have a lot of heart and ambition.
Ever since Disney took over....the Star Wars franchise has been changed forever...but above all has divided the most of the fans. For example ever since the they cancelled the Clone Wars TV in exchange for Star Wars Rebels which was more family friendly has sparked outrage due to the fact that a lot of fans preferred the Clone Wars more mature and darker take on the franchise. Well I can't blame them since sometimes it's good for a franchise to mature with it's audience and to have more mature themes and darker story lines. Most of which were used for the Knight of the old Republic and Force Unleashed games as well as the Clone Wars TV series and comic books. Sadly how ever since Disney bought the rights most of the “Star Wars Extended Universe” has been declared non-canon. This was created after the original trilogy to continue the stories of Luke, Leia, Han and the rest of the characters as well as introducing new characters through comic books, novels, video games and other media. However since acquiring the Star Wars media Disney has removed most of these stories from canon. This has really been a major disappointment to the older Star Wars fans. But honestly why did they have to do this I can't see why most of the Extended universe and canon can't fit together. So in conclusion this new generation of Star Wars media has divided the fan base and it may never be whole again.
The Star Wars franchise's strongest suit has always been it's characters. Rey played by (Daisy Ridley) the young woman who has evolved from the lonely orphan scavenger to a strong, independent, no nonsense Jedi that has become one of the best female leads in Star Wars history like Leia, Padme and Bastila. Having been trained by Luke him self she has become a powerful, strong and the last Jedi. Daisy Ridley really works hard on bringing this character to life and earns respect for it.
Finn former stormtrooper played by John Boyega has really developed as a character since he defected from the first order and tried to run away from the war. Since then he has become the team's moral compass and greatest soldier who is always willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good which he has done many times. Proving that not all stormtroopers or first order soldiers are there by choice and just want to do whats right.
Po fighter and the greatest pilot in the resistance has really stepped us from being a background character from Force Awakens to a fun relatable hot head that will go to extreme and crazy lengths to end the war and save the galaxy. Oscar Isaac really does a great in portraying the cocky, stubborn yet brave pilot.
Chewbacca aka Chewie the iconic Wookie and Han Solo's best friend returns. Chewie is one of the most beloved characters in the franchise due to hulking size, gentle personality, fierce loyalty and iconic roar. He has appeared in over 7 Star Wars movies and can be found in a lot of the SW extended universe media due to a Wookie's long life span of 400 years and Chewie is only 200 in Return of the Jedi.
Carrie Fisher returns one more time to play the strong wise leader of the resistance Leia Organa. Princess Leia rebel and sister of Luke Skywalker. Leia has become Sci-Fi royalty in both the Star Wars universe and science fiction itself she has evolved from the Damsel in distress to a strong tough female character that still has a soft side as well as the iconic haircut. Following actress' tragic death in 2016 the studio had to take a few liberties but even with these restrictions they were still able to give give the character a perfect send off. It was the best way they could have done it and it's what Carrie deserved.
The film's main villain Kylo Ren returns this time with The Knights of Ren who the movies have only mentioned. While Adam Driver does a great job in portraying this Sith villain he has gotten something of a mixed reception from the fans and the critics. Some dislike the characters portrayal as a moody, arrogant and whiney teenager. Others like him mainly for his badass mask design and his cross guard lightsaber. But overall he doesn't quite live up to the villainy expectations of Darth Vader, Maul, Revan or any of the other Sith lords we've seen throughout the years. While some like the character and others don't he still has his redeeming qualities like his mentioned cross guard lightsaber and new battle damaged mask.
Final Verdict: So in conclusion not all the fans are gonna be happy...so people are gonna like this movie and some are not. But that's what the fans have always been like since the beginning and it's what makes them so unique. SO wether or not this film was able to stick the landing of 40 years of story telling is entirely up to the viewer. But for me the film was awesome!
Final Score: 9/10
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tlcrescuepa · 7 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-art-food-music-puppies-wraps-up-a-great-week/
Week-End Update: Art, Food, Music & Puppies Wraps Up A Great Week
We don’t know about you but we had a wonderful week-end filled with fine food, some pretty cool art, great music and, of course, puppy cuddles!  Yesterday, we had the pleasure of being the beneficiary of Woofstock at Osteria in Collegeville. We can’t thank local musician Tony Costello enough for pitching the idea to Osteria or the folks at Osteria for asking us if we’d be interested in letting them throw such a nice benefit for us. Of course we said yes because, have you had the food there?! It’s as fabulous as their customers and all the TLC adopters & supporters who came out for the event.
As if the week-end wasn’t great enough, we spent the day in Historic Yellow Springs today for the 44th Annual Yellow Springs Art Show. If you haven’t been to the show, it’s open through May 14th; don’t forget to bring your checkbook because you’ll be sure to find a few pieces you will want to show off in your home.
To top it off we’re pretty sure some of the pups met their furever families at the events. Mr. Triton, however, did not attend any events this week-end because he’d already met his match and has happily settled into his new home. Also celebrating gotcha day this week were Armani (now Chewey), Hopper & Miss Prue.
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Armani now Chewey
  We received some updates this week, including one from Prue’s brother Murphy FKA Phantom. We also had some alumni come hang with us at the Art Show today!
Celly FKA Grumpy (Avery’s pup)
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“He’s 74.6 lbs and a gentle giant . We can’t thank you guys enough . Hope the family is doing well.”
  Hazel Grace FKA Daisy
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“it dawned on me that it’s been just over 6 months since Hazel Grace has joined our family. In that time she has truly captured all our heart. She is such a lovey girl who absolutely adores her fursister, Sofie. Everyday Hazel Grace needs to “groom” Sofie, none of our other dogs ever did that. She has earned many a nickname, including Hazey Gracey, Haze, Nugget, Nug Nug, Pupster, Little One and Sweetness.​​ Hazel Grace is a smart girl who has mastered all her basic commands plus a few “fun” ones: sit, stay, down, paw, high five, touch, come and the latest we are practicing are how to hop on her back feet, commando crawl, pirouette on her back legs. At just over 10 months she’s mostly done growing. She is Sofie sized, but only about 30 lbs. She has enjoys walks in the neighborhood and local walking paths. She has been such a great addition to our family and we couldn’t be happier with her.”
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“Mr. Tank George Washington got his first “Big Boy” haircut today!!! Big difference from Shaggy McShaggerston earlier this morning. I love him shaggy. I love him like this. I love this pup more than I could ever explain. Thanks TLC for bringing him into our lives!”
Belle FKA Lydia & Bear FKA Laker
Belle FKA Lydia & Bear FKA Laker
These two are now inseparable. Belle (FKA Lydia) is even catching up to Bear (FKA Laker) size wise!
  Moe FKA Sanders
“We are doing great. We love Moe. And so does everyone else. He’s the best.”
  Daisy FKA Blossom
“Thank you! We have named her Daisy and she is doing great. Everything we hoped for in our next dog. We love her.”
Mia FKA Jenny
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“We have re-named Jenny and now refer to her as ‘Mia’. She wasn’t responsive to the name Jenny so we did not see any harm in doing that. She seems to be responding already to Mia which is great. Mia is enrolled in the 24PetWatch insurance and we have updated her microchip information on there as well to reflect ‘Mia’. She is also waiting on her pet license for the state of Delaware so she will soon become official. Mia visited with our vet on Wednesday for a check up and some shots and though she was happy in the waiting room, was a bit timid once she got into the examination room. We get the impression she doesn’t like enclosed rooms as she also doesn’t like to come upstairs with us at night and be in our bedroom even though she follows us up during the day. Mia has shown progress though in regards to her timidness. She greets people warmly and even goes so far as to jump on us in greeting when we walk through the door (a bad habit she picked up from Rooney) which is more than she did the first few days she was with us. She truly becomes a different dog though when we step outside for walks. She has already seen a fox, a few cats and many birds and squirrels so she’s loving the area. It’s also been a great bonding experience for her and Rooney because we’ve noticed Mia warm up to him immensely since day 2 when we started our daily walks together. I think she trusts him more and she actually lets him give her tons of sloppy kisses. Our plan within the next few months is to have her signed up for training as we know this will be beneficial for us as well and help us all bond. So far the experience with Mia has been great. She has been adjusting very well and quicker than we expected, though we know there is still a lot more work to do. Attached are a few pictures of squirrel watching, dog kisses and just more overall cuteness. We are so happy to have Mia as a part of our family now and look forward to many more memories with her. Thank you all for making this happen for us, we love working with TLC!”
  Murphy FKA Phantom
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“Since it has been about two months since we adopted Murphy (FKA Phantom), I wanted to give an update on how it is going.  He is definitely growing and is very comfortable at home.  His favorite thing (well besides chewing things) is spending time outside, especially when we are all outside together.  
He also loves going to the woods and playing fetch.  We are all very happy to have him as part of the family.  “
  Vixen & Rex came to visit with us at the Art Show today
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  We have another action-packed week-end next week starting out with our Raffles For Ruffs fundraiser on Saturday and Malvern Blooms on Sunday. We hope to see you at one, if not both, of these events!
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hollowxport-moved · 2 years
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“Oh! Excuse me!? Miss?” 
Daisy rushes up to the stranger, gently taking her wrist. She normally would let the new face go on her marry way, but with how dangerous this area of Hollow Port is, she’s very likely to run into trouble...Hopefully none of The Blue Phantoms saw her with the intention of starting trouble...
“You really shouldn’t be in this area, isn’t the safest to be in!”
@shattered-protectors​ liked for starter!!
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hollowxport-moved · 3 years
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Don’t worry Lesbians, I didn’t forget y’all~!
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hollowxport-moved · 2 years
15 Muse Associations
TAGGED BY: @animatronicabundance​​​
TAGGING:  @automaton-otto​ @inkspltter​ @pxppinmolly​ @xdeerxhealerx​ @perilumbra​ @dethqveen​ @blossominqxbuqs​​​
Muses under Read-more.
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COLOR(S): Browns, Tans, Golds, Reds, Oranges
MONTH: November
SONG(S):  They/Them by Atlas & Jhfly, The Sick Crow by Spiky, A Little Wicked by Valerie Broussard, Under Your Spell by The Birthday Massacre, Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery, Take Me To Church by Hozier
DAY OR NIGHT: Midnight
PLANT(s): Marigolds, 
SMELL(S):  Leather bound books, Coffee, Cigarette smoke, Fresh-baked goods. 
SEASON:  Autumn
PLACE(S):  Library, Museum, The Woods, Downtown, Abandoned Chapel
FOOD(S):  Raw Meat, Freshly baked bread, Chocolate, Salad
ELEMENT(S): Fire, Earth, Air
DRINK(S):  Black coffee, Red wine.
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ANIMAL:  Unicorns, Horses, Deer, Sheep
COLOR(S): Pink, White, Brown, Red, Gold, Peach
MONTH: February 
SONG(S): Song Of The Witches by S. J. Tucker, Shoot Him Down by Alice Francis, Dixie Biscuits by Tape Five ft Henrik Wager, Belle Reprise by Paige O’Hara, I Want To Be Bad by Betty Boop, Gimme That Swing! by Cissie Redgwick, Perfume by Annella, Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab
DAY OR NIGHT:  Early Afternoon
PLANT(s): White Roses, Lavender, Carnations, Daliah, Hollyhock
SMELL(S):  Floral, Sweets, Fruit
SEASON: Spring
PLACE(S):  Stage, Library, Home, Bar, Downtown, Garden
FOOD(S):  Pizza, Cake, Candy, Chocolate, Macaroons, 
ELEMENT(S):  Fire, Water, Earth, Air
DRINK(S):  Coffee, Jasmine Tea, Champagne, Rose Wine, Strawberry Milk
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ANIMAL:  Grizzly Bear
COLOR(S): Red, Black, Gold, Brown, White
MONTH: July 
SONG(S):  Girls by Girl In Red, Meet Me In The Woods by Lord Huron, Witch’s Rune by S. J. Tucker, Princess by Fletcher, Soldier Poet King by The Oh Hellos, Live By The Sword by Dorian Electra, Hero by Skillet, Waiting In The Wings by Eden Espinosa, This Is Me from The Greatest Showman, Surface Pressure from Encanto, Wait For It by Leslie Odom Jr, 
PLANT(s): Red Roses, Daliah, Poppies, Tulips, Daisies, Lily, Hydrangea 
SMELL(S):  Leather, Motor oil, Coal, Hot steel, Roses, Strawberries, Freshly baked bread, The morning after it rain, 
GEMSTONE: Black Onyx 
SEASON: Summer
PLACE(S):  Workshop, Behind the bar, The open road, The forest, Downtown, 
FOOD(S):  Strawberries, Cherries, Well-done steaks, Pizzas, Ice cream, Cheese burgers, Fries, Hot wings
ELEMENT(S):  Fire, 
DRINK(S):  Tea, Beer, Champagne, Whisky, Scotch, Wine, Vodka, Hot Chocolate, Milkshakes, Cola, Rootbeer, Water
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hollowxport-moved · 3 years
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“Welcome to the Bellowmight ma’am~! Can I get you anything to drink?”
They were already thoroughly exhausted from the night already... but the smile remains as another lovely young lady enters the tavern and sits at their bar. Grin and bear it, Daisy... someone has to.
@xdeerxhealerx​ liked for a starter
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hollowxport-moved · 3 years
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“Oh um, are you a friend of Allison’s...?”
Daisy was sure they saw this vaguely familiar face around before. Allison did mention that she met another occult detective that’s been coming around. Was this them? They didn’t know... Daisy’s memory failed her more often than they’d like...
@dethqveen​ liked for a starter!!
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hollowxport-moved · 3 years
As the music blares, Daisy couldn’t help but look around in order to locate a four-eyed dhampir, but alas she couldn’t find them anywhere...
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“Um... Allison? Where’s Skylar?”
The flapper barely looks up from her drink, to address Daisy. 
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“They’re either goin’ to second base with Tom or they’re havin’ an emotional breakdown in a stall. Eh. Probably both. Depends on the order.”
Daisy could only stare at Allison with a flabbergasted expression on their face.
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“Y-You know you could’ve just say that they’re in the bathroom...”
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hollowxport-moved · 3 years
How Daisy says “I love you” without actually saying.
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“You can come to me about anything, okay?”
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