#Skylar Character Study/About
hollowxport-moved · 2 years
About the Muse     
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tagged by: stole from one of Dani’s blog lol
tagging: @inkmchine​ @automaton-otto​ @blossominqxbuqs​ @cursedxartist​ @royalreef​
FULL NAME: Skylar Maria Steven Phillips 
NICKNAME: Sky, Darling (Tom)
GENDER: Nonbinary Transmac (He/They)
HEIGHT: 5 ft 10 in
AGE: 24-26
ZODIAC: Scorpio
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, French, Spanish, Latin
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬! 
HAIR COLOR: Black with white streaks
EYE COLOR: Dark Brown (Orange or green with black cornea when using magic) 
SKIN TONE: Brown with freckles
BODY TYPE: Petite Figure
VOICE: Silvery
POSTURE: Slight hunch
SCARS: Arms, Back, Legs, Two on stomach, Top sugery scars
TATTOOS: Triple moon goddess tattoo on the back of shoulders 
BIRTHMARKS: Heart on upper arm
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S): White streaks in hair, Fangs, Freckles
PLACE OF BIRTH: Phillips family home
HOMETOWN: Boston Massachusetts
PARENTS: Oliver Phillips, Grace Stevens (Disowned), Nicholas Stevens (Step father; Disowned)
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞! 
OCCUPATION: Server, Priest, Private Paranormal Detective
CLOSE FRIENDS: Allison, Daisy, Thomas, Clyde, Barry, Callob, Salenna 
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: (Verse dependent) In a relationship with Thomas Ciar ( @rcseteaparty​ )
CRIMINAL RECORD: Arson, Petty theft, Trespassing, Minor Assault
VICES: Wrath, Lust, Sloth
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞! 
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE: | submissive | dominant | switch. 
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE: | submissive |  dominant | switch. 
TURN ONS: Sharp teeth, Biting, Humor, Devotion, Loyalty, Demons, Tenderness
TURN OFF’S: Rudeness, Crudeness, Entitlement, Belittlement, Patronizing, Toxic Masculinity
LOVE LANGUAGE: Public display of affection, Gift giving, Making you tea, Cooking meals, Coffee shop dates, Slow dancing
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES: Sky has a true devotion to those they’re with. They will do anything and everything for the betterment of their partner and will even die for them. 
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG: Meet me in the woods by Lord Huron
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME: Reading, Studying, Going to museums, Herbology, Long walks, Gardening 
MENTAL ILLNESSES: Depression, Paranoia, PTSD, Anxiety
 PHOBIAS: Atychiphobia, Thanatophobia, Autophobia, Thalassophobia
VULNERABILITIES: Loved ones, Temper, Emotions, Low strength, Manic mood swings, Self destructive nature
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Out of curiosity, what kind of hobbies and/or special interests do the various characters have?
Ooh, some I’ve touched on in other asks, but I’ll reiterate them again here in one post 😁
Clearly, for Ash, it’s trying to learn various different kinds of martial arts that can help them get the edge in battle, like Sambo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, etc.
Recently, they’ve been a bit interested in tinkering with their motorcycles too (although, they will never tinker with their mom’s bike). Just trying to learn more about these machines that they love. They’re not a mechanic yet, but they are learning.
But outside of combat and motorcycle related stuff, they love listening to music and they listen to a wide genre of songs, depending on their mood. They’ve tried learning guitar when they were younger, but just stopped after getting frustrated, deciding to fully dedicate themself to their training instead 😆
Maybe if they live in a more mundane life, they would be a pretty good guitarist and they would be a band kid or something 🤣
Their mom is a classically trained musician and she taught them a bit on how to read musical notes and playing piano. But eventually, they just got too busy with their studies and their increasing responsibilities that they just stopped. They’re far from good in playing piano, but they’re at least decent.
Also, it was their mother who often played classical music for them, especially whenever they had a headache after using their ability too much. To this day, they still love to listen to classical music and listen to it whenever they need to chill.
But their secret special interest is actually in cooking 😌 Whenever they can, they will try to cook their own meal, but most of the time, they can’t, so they go eat outside. They also can do a bit of baking, mostly simple stuff. Maybe one day, they’ll take a more advanced baking class (private, of course, except if MC or Ash wants to join too).
Honestly, they don’t really know. They’ve always been really busy with their job, or trying to get enough sleep. They do enjoy cooking simple but hearty home-cooked meals occasionally, mostly recipes from their mom. But they’re not as passionate in cooking compared to Rin.
Their hobby is reading novels, even if they don’t really have much time to do that ever since they started their career. They mostly read whatever that intrigues them, but mostly, those end up being fantasy or sci-fi or historical fiction.
You’d think they love to read mystery or thriller, but honestly, they are already dealing with unsolved cases almost everyday—a lot of them leaving them lie awake at night. They don’t really need to read more fictional cases.
Their special interests are in arts stuff, especially drawing/sketching and poetry and a bit of amateur photography.
They’re pretty good in drawing and sketching, and decent in photography (mostly done on their phone for Facegram anyway), but the poetry… It’s a work in progress, alright 😂
They have a little journal book they usually bring around to do lil sketches, or write ideas, or try to write poetry. They hide it in a secure and secret place somewhere 🤭
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meadow-roses · 9 months
Hey can you explain the main plot of keepers?
I'll do my best, I hope this will answer your question 😂
So the main concept of "The Keepers" is a collection of stories that play with the crossover trope. It's hard to say exactly what the plot of the keepers would be at this point in the development, since we're still coming up with the plots of all the individual stories that make up the crossover.
Each of the main characters has their own story they were/are the protagonist of, who's "happy ending" is interrupted by the instability of the universe. They end up meeting and teaming up when they realize they all share exactly the same villain and he's still trying to win.
The main villain is a scientist driven mad by grief, still trying to make his vision a success despite all the loved ones he's lost along the way as a direct result of his research. His end goal isn't necessarily bad- bringing magical equality to the world- but ends don't justify the means and he's tearing apart the universe trying to make everything "fair".
Functionally, Skylar is the main protagonist, mainly because his story kicks off the plot time-bomb but also because he's kinda the one rolling around the multiverse inadvertently collecting allies. (Despite the fact he vehemently insists he's a one man show lol) The other Keepers are Ketsler, Felix, and Betty, but as you might have noticed the cast is pretty extensive. 😂
Skylar's story is a folk fairytale style adventure of two brothers trying to learn what it means to be a Man and also break a curse, but unfortunately the end of the world happens.
Felix's story is a sci-fi/fantasy superhero story set in a dystopian future about family, friendship, and what true bravery is. The main character accidentally becomes the leader of a planetary revolution and meets his true love.
Ketsler's story is about "the prophesied one" struggling to fulfill his role when deep down inside he's just another regular dude, but thankfully the power comes from outside and not within. He, his cousin, and the med student they befriend try to figure out what the source of the evil magic is and it goes terribly wrong.
Betty's is still in the early stages, so I don't quite know what the themes will be, but she is an orphan with psychic powers that lets her hear other's thoughts... including the thoughts of ghosts. In search of a way to use her powers for good and also find a place where she belongs, she moves to Earth and joins the interplanetary organization that studies and controls the supernatural. She certainly meets some supernatural things. :)
There are a Lot of other characters, but those are the main four. Other significant persons would be: Gigi (Skylar's brother), Grace (Felix's wife), Vokku (prince of the Fae), Rhyin (Ketsler's cousin), Haru (Ketsler's apprentice), Vinni (Rhyin's girlfriend), Edmund (the bard from Thistled Rose of Glishern) and the kids from the Ageless War wip.
It's a. Really big story because it's kind of like a 12 book series, so there's a lot of stuff still up in the air that could easily change next week or two years from now, but that's how it stands currently.
If you have any more questions or would like clarification on a point Please don't hesitate to send another ask! I don't want to hit you with a three page essay right off the bat lol
Thank you SO MUCH for your interest and your support!!! 😭💕
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cowplant-snacks · 9 months
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BOLD THE FACTS: Skylar Hammond
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
Thanks @kimorasimz, @paperdolls-and-pixels, and @thebramblewood for tagging me. I choose to do Skylar.
$ Financial: wealthy (his father is a United Simnation Ambassador that's why they moved to Sulani) / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit (but with a bit of Dad bod)/ moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified (Biology degree) / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes/ no/ has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children (twins that his cousin carried for him and his partner) / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized /organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious (has to be he's so clumsy!) /reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard /in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional /modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured /uncultured / in between /unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between /not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: men / women / other / none /all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: men / women / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good /moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate /poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate /poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently/ Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: tried it / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
Feel free to ignore! I tag @gothoffspring, @m0ckest, @superflare @bug-farm for any sim you choose <3
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Stranger things masterlist
first a lil introduction! I’m Skylar and I write for mostly stranger things characters but i will write for Harry Potter, Julie and the phantoms, Spider man,celebs (within reason) and basically anything else you request (also within reason)
I write fluff and smut not too great at angst but if you request it I’ll give it a shot. i don’t write anything gorey or incest, noncon, dubcon, i don’t like writing anything where the character is really rough on reader like I’ll write Dom reader but not hard dom
Here are my works.💗= fluff ❤️‍🔥= smut
❤️= suggestive
Mike wheeler
hate - Mike and the y/n can’t stand each other, that’s until they are paired together for a school project ❤️‍🔥
Mike with an autistic s/o headcanons 💗
We need to study - y/n is trying to study but mikes got other plans 💗 ❤️
Hungry/passionate kisses with Mike - headcanons about kissing Mike 💗❤️
Not just a game (part 2 here)- Mike is annoyed y/n has been teasing him and playing with his feelings. She shows him exactly how serious she is ❤️‍🔥
Needy!mike wheeler headcanons 💗❤️❤️‍🔥
Robin Buckley
It’s always been you - Robin thought y/n had a crush on Steve but boy was she wrong 💗
All mine - Robin has been horny all day at work and can’t wait to get home and spend time with her girlfriend y/n ❤️‍🔥💗
Robin Buckley nsfw imagine - Robin having a very sensitive clit
Love me gently - Robin and y/n have some fun in a picnic date ❤️‍🔥
Eddie Munson
Domestic Eddie imagine - Eddie painting readers toe nails
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pandemieinverse · 6 months
Since I spent a lot of time brainstorming this AU to the point I got tired, I will share the information of each character that appears down here:
But before, a summary of the AU once again since it has been a bit since I talked about it:
Being raised in a family that has been dedicated to detective work for generations, Eleanor’s idea of transferring her son, Freddy Thornfield, to Crimsonwood Preparatory in order to help her investigate a series of murders that occurred there, going undercover as just a new student, wasn’t really that wild to him. He has gone through so many schools changes thorough his life it did not matter. However, since his first day there, he could sense something was… off with the school itself, and every single student and teacher. Either reuniting on the long, seemingly never-ending halls of the educational establishment, or studying on the centuries-old library that has been carefully cared for as to not break, everyone there seemed to guard more than a few secrets. And if Freddy wanted to help to solve the crimes, he needed to race against time and discover the ones that will lead to the culprits.
Now, to the characters (with optional names that I think could fit more with the AU):
Freddy Williams: The protagonist. He values truth more than anything else, and, due to his training, he also developed analytical and observational skills. While he is a determined person, he sometimes finds himself doubting his own skills. He is also overly cautious.
Bonnie (Byron): He's known for being a bit bizarre at times, and can get somewhat mean, but it isn't with the intention to hurt people, he's just being honest. He finds classes very boring, to the point he often has trouble not falling asleep.
Ann Chica (Annabel): A capricious and stubborn girl. Whatever she wants, she gets it. Her attitude can be beneficial sometimes, and for that, she's one of the best students. Besides that, she's very into making her own accessories to wear, things like chokers or anything that can be sewn, or made into jewelry.
Fox: The classic bad boy with a troubled past, becoming an orphan at a young age. He has a fierce loyalty to his friends. He also gets into fights, which can end up physical, and for such, he goes to detention at least one time per two weeks. Older brother of Mistie.
Golden Freddy (Gael Fletcher): As the son of the current director of the school, Gael is burdened by the weight of his family's legacy and the recent string of murders. Constantly anxious and on edge, the other students hate and blame him for, in their eyes, not taking action. Josephine's cousin.
Joy (Josephine): The epitome of happiness and perfection. Her seemingly flawless persona gets unnerving sometimes. Some believe she must be hiding something. Gael's cousin.
Meg (Mistie): A girl with a short temper. People don't really approach her due to this. Despite her anger, she doesn't resort to physical fights like her brother. She's quite angry at him, too, due to a past betrayal when their parents died. She has a crush on Josephine, one she refuses to acknowledge or accept.
Bon (Blake): Despite his self-assured exterior, he struggles with insecurities, especially concerning love. Best friends with Byron and has a crush on him, though the latter seems to be oblivious towards that. In an arranged marriage with Torrie.
Toddy (Torrie): A young prodigy who excels academically, yet carries an air of arrogance. She has a never ending rivalry with Annabel due to this, and the fact she also makes her own jewelry. Some rumors this competence has the potential to become deadly. In an arranged marriage with Blake.
Springtrap (Skylar): A seemingly cheerful student, yet one who never attends classes. The school's handyman by his own choice, also cares for the old library. Best friends with Fox and Mistie.
Cami (Carmilla): She's known for her interest in the occult, and rumors swirl about her involvement in mysterious rituals. Highly intelligent and perceptive.
Mai (Marilyn): Vivacious and outgoing, she has a thing for the bizarre and unusual but always maintains a cheerful demeanor. Fascinated by the strange occurrences around the academy. often acts as the bridge between her twin brother's calm nature and Carmilla's mysterious vibes.
Puppet (Julian): Calm, collected, and observant, though doesn’t run away from things when they get bizarre, he instead embraces them. He possesses a serene demeanor even in the face of the academy's mysteries, which he is also fascinated with. Him, Marilyn, and Carmilla are often seen together.
Owynn (Owen): While he pretends to be an evil person, his evilness is more cartoony than anything else. Has a mysterious connection to Carmilla, with her doing anything he says, yet they are barely seen together. His apparent control over Carmilla and his personality may be a facade, hiding deeper secrets…
Eak (Ezequiel): “Skepticism” doesn’t begin to cover him. He thoroughly refuses to accept there is anything supernatural around the school. He thinks Freddy asks too many damn questions. He’s more in danger than he thinks. Close to Carmilla and Owen.
Maggie (Morgana): Cold, and somewhat rude, girl. Despite her tough exterior, she is fiercely protective of her group, yet is scared of the paranormal occurrences in the school. Serves as the mediator between the group.
Deuz (Denley): He's the leader of the group, displaying a tough exterior but a strong sense of loyalty. Denley is protective of his friends and has a no-nonsense attitude.
Oxy (Ocvran): Rude and combative boy, also the one that gets in trouble the most. Impulsive.
Onnie (Oswin). The most reserved of the four, though he also doesn’t shy away from getting into whatever is needed to defend his friends.
Fred (Frost): Now one of the many spirits haunting the school, he used to be charismatic and arrogant. He courted multiple students at the same time, trying to hide it. Secret that was revealed after his death.
Usagi Bon (Umiko): Umiko was known for her cheerful and carefree nature, though not a lot of students have memories of her, as she was pulled away from them by her friend, “Loon”.
“Loon” (Real name unknown): A deceased student with a shrouded past. There are no records of him anywhere, contributing to the mystery surrounding his existence. He was exceptionally shy, and Umiko was the only person he spoke to.
Liontrap (Todd): The most recently deceased student. He was acting exceptionally weird before his death, talking about some creature called “The Whispering Shadow”, supposedly following him.
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angelwiththeblue-box · 10 months
Chase Davenport knew two things the day he met Leo. One, this kid was going to break a lot of things, and two, his life would never be the same.
chase davenport character study bc i cannot stop thinking about lrmmef
pairings: lab rats team, ef team, chase/kaz, bree/skylar
word count: 1558
rated: t
warnings: mentions of toxic relationships, childhood trauma,
taglist under cut (lemme know if you want to be added or removed)
@blueskiesandstarrynights @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @lab-trash @tronagon @thedrowningpoetofdionysus @genuine-possum @someguyiguess
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neurodivenport · 1 year
i'm gonna talk about the oc in this post because i love her dearly.. one of the ocs i've had the longest & has been through so many changes lmao. originally an x-men oc but once i got out of that phase i still loved her & wanted to adapt her to a different media. she’s currently pretty multi-verse and i basically just insert her into like… every superhero related fanbase i get fixated on
tw for shitty parental relationships & talks of trauma!!
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her name is august riley. she’s had sooo many fcs over time but her current one is ruby campbell!! she might be the permanent one since i’ve been stuck on her for like a year and a half lmao
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she’s a heroine with empathetic & telepathic abilities.
she was born into a family that had little to no experience with superpowered people, so they never realized she was one until later in her life. since her powers weren’t necessarily flashy, she didn’t realize it herself and figured the constant influx of other people’s emotions and thoughts was just kind of normal.
this snippet i posted a while ago was actually from her character study i did:
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over time, when she expressed how she could really feel how others felt, really get into their heads, and nobody else had the same experience- she realized she might be different. a teacher at her elementary school was the only one to really take her aside and talk to her about it. she never had a good relationship with her parents, so she begged her not to tell them, but she did anyway.
since she grew up in a very small town, they all immediately saw her as something dangerous. august was taken in for various scientific valuations, many that left her scarred physically and emotionally afterwards. once they decided this literal child wasn’t a threat, she was sent back to continue her education.
(i feel like i should put… a trigger warning here, but idk what kind i would put?)
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after that, she had to move towns and schools, traveling far away from her cultivated life & friends. her parents never really saw her the same, abandoning her emotionally. think matilda type parenting.
somewhere in her highschool years she experienced some sexual trauma but i’m not gonna fully get into that xoxo
since everyone thinks so differently- tried to get a hold on other people’s thoughts and emotions by drawing out everything she saw in a quest to decipher them. it sometimes worked, but more often than not it didn’t. her notebooks became filled with other people’s thoughts.
once she was old enough to move out, she left town, moving to a bigger city, hoping that she would be understood better and not regarded as a freak.
since she was still haunted by the memory of her bully, and her parents, she kept a solitary life, rarely connecting with friends and only keeping few by her side for fear they’d end up like he did. she kept making art, becoming a painter with a fairly big online following.
how i think she fits into the ef universe, she lives in an apartment underneath the force’s. after they move in, she keeps seeing the same dreams over and over, and never her own.
after some investigating she realized her dreams are other peoples. olivers dreams about her mother, skylar’s about her home planet, and chase and bree’s trauma nightmares.
when she starts seeing them around the building, she starts recognizing them from her dreams and becomes interested in why its them that keeps showing up.
stuff happens from there that i’m still working out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
here’s some fun factz about her!!
she doesn’t really have a sexuality label, she takes people just as they come.
she has ptsd + ocd, most of her rituals surrounding numbers and symmetry
despite the fact that she tries to stay solitary, she feels super deeply, and gets very emotionally attached pretty fast. she’s also a hopeless romantic from the books she grew up reading, but is always too scared to actually find romance herself.
is a pretty big insomniac, because she feels insanely guilty about accidentally spying on other people’s dreams constantly
undiagnosed autistic. tbh all of my ocs are on the spectrum LMAO
she also feels very guilty and is nervous about accidentally reading people’s minds without their consent, so she usually keeps headphones in with music playing to try and drown it out
she’s spent so much time with herself that she now has full control over her abilities, but that control tends to waver depending on her own emotions
can probably recite literally any book word for word. huge bookworm. absolute nerd.
dissociates a lot
she loves great danes. adores em. 99% of her camera roll are great dane memes
she needs glasses (near sighted) but literally always forgets them
is amazing at cooking. she always had to cook for herself as a kid, might as well get fancy with it
loves cooking shows too, but gets uncomfortably angry over them sometimes
powers list!!
thought manipulation
dream seeking
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Hello! I recently reached 800 followers and wanted to thank you all so much and celebrate!
Anyway! Onto the event! I’m doing a thing where I’ll write a reader one-shot based on a song! 
I have a list of 50 songs below. It’s a mix of platonic, romantic, and angsty songs for you to pick from! 
So pick one and a character from one of the fandoms listed, and I’ll write a little blurb or a one-shot based on the song! Just be warned, I will cross off the song once it’s chosen for a one-shot. That way, I don’t have a million requests for the same song. 
The event will be open for two weeks starting today! It’ll be available from the 3rd of February to the 18th of February!
Fandoms I’ll Write For:
Arcane: League of Legends (2021)
Bungou Stray Dogs
The Case Study of Vanitas
Chainsaw Man
Demon Slayer
Detroit: Become Human
Doctor Who (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Doctor)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 
Grimm (NBC)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Moriarty the Patriot
Sirius the Jaeger
Tokyo Ghoul
Rule #23: Birds of a Feather by Fish in a Birdcage
Never Love an Anchor by Crane Wives
Can I Be Him by James Arthur
If You Love Her by Forest Blakk
Despair by leo.
Spell of the Heart by Isabella LeVan
Soldier by James TW
Back To You by Alec Chambers
Meant To Be by Ber and Charlie Oriain
Dark Can Be Beautiful by Alec Chambers
Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade
Gold by Emily Anderson
El Tango de Roxanne from Moulin Rouge
Too Much To Ask by Niall Horan
Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng
Fall On Me (English Version) by Andrea Bocelli and Matteo Bocelli
Love Story by Taylor Swift
Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil
Atlas: Two by Sleeping at Last
Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra
Brand New by Ben Rector
The Scientist by Coldplay
Somebody by Dirt Poor Robins
Somebody To You by The Vamps
see you later (ten years) by Jenna Raine
Take On The World by You Me At Six
I Don’t Burn by Chloe Duvall
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli
My Heart is Buried in Venice by Ricky Montgomery
Fall Into Me by Forest Blakk
I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young
Be My Forever (feat. Ed Sheeran) by Christina Perri
Lady by Brett Young
Slide by James Bay
Someone Like You by Adele
Not Over You by Gavin DeGraw
When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars
Words by Skylar Grey
As You Go (Recalibrated) by Red
What About Us by P!nk
All I Want by Kodaline
You Are My Sunshine by Jasmine Thompson
A Little Bit Yours by JP Saxe
Heather by Conan Gray
Out Of Love by Alessia Cara
What A Time (feat. Niall Horan) by Julia Michaels
right where you left me by Taylor Swift
Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez
Always Remember Us This Way by Lady Gaga
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hollowxport-moved · 2 years
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Skylar does harness a lot of religious guilt from his mother’s side of the family. His maternal grandfather is a very influential priest in their hometown of Boston, and would remind Skylar that they were a child of evil due to their vampire nature from their father’s side. While they in no way think that their father, Oliver, is a monster, but their maternal family have pretty much beated it into their head that they’re are irredeemable, and can only find holiness in death.
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lairn · 2 years
Jesse, Walter and Skylar from Breaking Bad for the character bingo, please (sorry)
Please do not be sorry, I am deep in a rewatch and loving it.
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I didn't mark obsessed with Jesse's character arc even though it's really good. I just love the very clean through-lines of Walter and Skyler's arcs more. I try to remind myself not to woobify Jesse but the show writers are doing it on purpose so here I am. Jesse, I can be your new and better dad! I promise not to gaslight you even a little! I sincerely dislike Walter but wow, what a character. So fun to hate. I love tracking his moral decline - seeing the roots of it in the very first episode and watching them grow and mutate horrifically. Truly a character I want to study like a cockroach. Overrated in the sense that while the show aired fans would talk about how badass he is. They are wrong. He is comically pathetic. I love it.
Has Skyler done some wrong things? Maybe. Is she a woman trapped in a hellscape specifically designed to punish and silence women who is forced to use her womanhood as a weapon? Absolutely. Therefore she gets a pass. <3 She is simultaneously a really good fit for Walt and a more grounded mirror to his behavior while also actually fighting for the ideals Walt claims he stands for. If Skyler had chosen to cook meth, her family would have prospered. Just saying. Anyway the fans were vile to her while the show aired, even in later seasons when the writers were basically screaming, "Walt is horrible, Skyler is trapped." And I actually had someone tell me last month that they hated her because she was a bad wife that cheated on her husband. Yeah.
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csmicletters · 2 years
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Treasure Hunt
Kaia receives a mysterious gift at her doorstep; in hopes to see the guy she's in love with once again, she ends up at a camp, but things get much better than expected.
Skylar Quinn/Original Character - Lovelink
1500+ characters
This was a work for the Summer Vibes Event for r/LovelinkFanfics on Reddit from last year.
I would like to thank my friends Alice and Amanda for all the help and support while writing this, and Amanda, especially for beta reading it for me. I love you guys. You two are just precious to me.
It was after ten when I found myself sitting in my now dark apartment. It seems like today was another day when I've buried myself so deep in work that I've forgotten about the world around me.
As I closed my laptop and started to get up, memories began to flow through my brain like they do every night, reminding me why I've been hiding behind the screen. It's a warm and delightful memory, but at the same time, it's too painful to remember him, his blue eyes staring into my soul, his silent cry for help. It also reminds me how powerless and useless I felt, not being able to help Skylar when he needed the most.
I allowed myself to take a deep breath and stand up, turning my light on low and heading towards the bathroom, wondering whether a long bath would be helpful or not.
Truth is, even though Skylar told me not to worry nor blame myself, I couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that if anything happened to him after he disappeared, it would be my fault, since his grandmother was using me to get to him. Not having news from him was killing me inside.
Suddenly loud knocks on my door pulled me away from my bad thoughts. When I opened the door, I found, to my surprise, a small box, with no mention of the sender.
I picked up the box and walked to the couch with it in hand, grabbing a pair of scissors on the way, and sat down to start opening it.
Inside I found a smaller wooden box, and, when I carefully opened this second box, the contents both surprised and confused me; there was a puzzle of some kind, which right away filled my heart with hope that it was Skylar's, but it also frightened me that it could be someone else's. There was also an anonymous letter saying that I need to go to a remote area in the woods in a few days, containing the exact location of the spot and the directions I needed for me to get there, as well as camping gear, which would supposedly make things easier; but it also asked me to go alone, causing the red flags in my tired and overwhelmed brain to go crazy.
I put the boxes aside and decided that I wasn't up to dealing with this today; I need to keep my head clear. So I resumed my previous plans and went to take a long bath, going to bed soon after.
A few days later, I parked my car in a very remote area, alone, hoping for the best, and with my best friend on speed dial, already aware of the situation, in case I needed it. My heart was hopeful, but my mind was screaming at me for being reckless. I had studied my little treasure hunt so much that I knew it upside down; so I took a deep breath, turned off my car and got out, grabbing my backpack and the rest of my stuff, finally leaving my comfort behind and heading into the woods.
I followed all the directions given to me for my hike and started to find some treats along the way: like the beautiful sky, the breathtaking landscapes, some paths with my favorite flowers, the fresh air; even the breeze was perfect for the day. But the closer I got to the location described to me in the mysterious letter I received, the more I could see an already set up camping site and a small fire pit. But a few moments later, I lost my breath as my eyes met his ocean blue ones as he left his tent and started to walk towards me, making me do the same thing and run into his arms.
As I left the tent I'd pitched a few hours ago, I met Kaia's amber eyes for the first time in so long, they looked like pools of gold; reminding me why I fought so hard to get out of my grandparents' house. Everything I did and went through to get here made sense as she ran into my arms and gave me the sweetest kiss I could imagine. She was worth it all. Her smile, the look in her eyes when she first saw me was everything that I needed.
This treasure hunt was a long shot, I wasn't sure if she would come or if she would just freak out, but I'm glad that she chose the former; that I have her here now in my arms, looking at me like I'm the most precious treasure she has ever found in her life, and in my heart, the was the same.
She looked at me again and said: — You have no idea how happy I am to see you or how much I've missed you. I was scared to follow the instructions in the letter, that someone might be trying to kill me in the woods; but any slight hope that it could be you was worth it. — She smiled and hugged me tighter, allowing me to smell her hair, trying to imprint that moment forever in my memory, and I whispered in her ear: — I'll never get away from you again, baby. And I’m glad you made it, I just couldn’t stay away any longer.
She put her hand on my face, kissed my jaw, the tip of my nose, without ever looking away from me, and said: — I was so scared of them trying to hurt you to keep your mouth shut, of never even finding out about anything they might have done to you. You need to tell me how you got out of there.
I looked back at her, kissed her forehead and whispered: — And you'll hear every detail. But for now, I'll just say that I've found strong evidence against my grandmother, bad enough to threaten her that if she tries to get close to any of us again, I'll throw it all out into the open. Now, can I please just enjoy your company? I have a surprise for you. — I took her hand and led her to the little picnic I had set up in hopes of her showing up.
We sat around the picnic basket I’d gathered with some fruit and snacks. We ate a little, and lay down under the stars after, enjoying each other and this moment.
Kaia made some s'mores and I had some toasted marshmallows, until I asked her if she could stay here with me for a few more days until my getaway crisis eases a little and I feel safer to return home with her.
I was enjoying my s'mores when Skylar asked if I would like to stay here with him for a few days. Although I'm not an outdoor person, I couldn't leave him now that I just got him back. So I turned on my phone, texted my boss and my best friend, telling them that I would be unavailable for the next few days, but I assured my best friend that I was okay, and that I would save battery so I could text her daily, reassuring her that I was safe.
As we lay under the stars, admiring its beauty, Skylar turned to me, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight, and said: — You know, thinking I would lose you and not be able to see you anymore made me realize that I've been better since I met you; made me realize that I was nothing before you, and I would be nothing after. Also, it made me see just how much I actually love you. So, Kaia, I want you to be officially my girlfriend. Would you be mine? Would you let me try to make you the happiest woman alive?
I felt the wetness run down my cheeks and I hugged him, answering as best as I could: — I've been yours for a while, Skylar. But there’s nothing I’d love more than making it official. — I smiled, ear to ear, and we stood up, holding each other's hand as we walked back to our tent.
We entered the tent and I saw that Skylar had decorated it with fairy lights and flower petals. My heart warmed to know that even in the middle of the woods he went out of his way to make this the most comfortable and romantic experience possible for me, even after what happened to him.
We undressed slowly and made love all night long; expressing through our bodies our feelings for each other and gratitude for being reunited.
A few hours later, I put on his shirt and we cuddled, ready to sleep. I looked at him again and I said: — I love you, Skylar, and I'd do anything for you. I hope you know that. I can’t wait to start our lives together. — I kissed him gently one last time before settling for the night, slowly falling asleep as I listened to his heartbeat.
We spent the next few days living in our little bubble of happiness, cuddling in the starlight and moonlight, enjoying our waterfall and lake baths, disconnected from the outside world, and just being here, in the present, grateful for what we have.
But then it was time to go back to reality. And this time we were refreshed and ready to face any challenge that life brings us.
I hope everyone enjoyed it. Any kudos, comments, and feedback are very appreciated.
Thank you for reading.
xx Rafa
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imp-furiosa · 1 year
I was thinking about the bit in breaking bad where saul wants walt to buy an arcade or whatever to launder his money and...
I realized that the show for a good chunk of it shows that despite what he wants, walt is no master criminal and that those around him are essentially as good at this stuff as him. like when it comes down to it skylar is a quick study on criminal activities. it ain’t that hard
but then also we get the mastermind walt who wins in the end and gets to be a hero of his own little twisted drama. I think it’s better if walt gets beaten. like you have to make some changes in season 4 (and basically an entirely different season 5), maybe earlier, for it to be cathartic, but let these other characters be as smart as him, honestly. it’s not the story that was told but the story that was told undermines a good chunk of who the characters are in order to make walt the black sheep winner of the tale
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kimchikrust · 2 years
about me
my name is skylar (sky)
my pronouns are she/her and i’m a pisces <3
i’m 19 and i’m an english major in SoCal
i’m a big gymrat, so i might share some details of that side of me (like last week i squat 205lbs/~93kg; a personal record)
my schedule is usually full with working, studying, and working out – but i’m always daydreaming tropes throughout my days
people that surround me usually aren’t as into fandoms to this extent like i am, so i really look to tumblr to satiate this ‘obsession’
i’m always open to chat, so please pm me if there’s anything on your mind or if you wanna make a request
PSA i only write for fictional characters i have an emotional attachment too,
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alexyssc13 · 1 month
May 15 - Musashi University Visit | Japanese Student-Led Tour
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Lowkey, I was kind of nervous for today. I remember seeing the excursions for the day on the itinerary when I first got it, and I was a bit scared about having to meet new people around my age. However, I think the day ended up going well.
First, we took the train and walked to the Ekoda Campus of Musashi University. The campus was on the smaller side compared to UF. When we met the professor of the class we were visiting, he told us how old the campus was and mentioned how it’s not just a co-ed university. The campus also has an all-boys junior high and senior high school, which I thought was pretty cool. We went to a classroom, and the professor talked to us a bit before giving us a break. During the break, we were asked to write our responses to the prompts he provided that focused on the future. We were also able to check out the grocery store/bookstore on the first floor as well as the goats outside, but Sadia and I couldn’t find the goats. When we regrouped, his students came in and sat all around the room. Together, we watched a video while taking notes, and then he lectured us about future studies. Afterwards, the whole class went outside near the basketball court, and we were given time to talk about anything with the Musashi students. One of the girls actually complimented me for the sound of my voice, which caught me off guard. I thought her and the other girl were so cool for being able to speak multiple languages, like English, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese. While I talked to another group, Sadia and Skylar’s group invited me to check out the goats with them. We didn’t stay long because we had to go back inside and regroup.
Lunch was so good as we were taken to the food truck area near the entrance of the university. I actually got two meals from the same truck. One had garlic butter beef, and the other had herb chicken. During this time, I got to talk to my friends and Leina. Before we left the campus, we took a class photo with the Musashi students and professor.
The final excursion for the day was a tour with the Dokkyo University students. Before we were split up among the student guides, I had to say one last goodbye to Leina because I wasn’t sure if I was going to see her again. It was really sad doing so, but I’m glad Sadia and I were able to buy and give her charms before she moved on to her next group. For the tour, Ren, Sadia, and I went to Character Street inside Tokyo Station and a park in Roppongi with our guide, Misaki. She was so sweet, and I’m glad we got a picture together!
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rejectedbad · 8 months
Rejected Bad: Old Time Radio
The following is a rejected script from an early season of Breaking Bad.
Camera opens to SKYLAR WHITE sipping coffee near the kitchen counter. Next to her, a microphone stands tall, surrounded by vintage radio props.
Skylar adjusts her headphones as she starts recording her podcast, "The Heisenberg Chronicles."
SKYLAR:  (into the microphone)  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another episode of "The Heisenberg Chronicles." I'm your host, Skylar White, here to spin a tale of a mysterious drug dealer who terrorises Albuquerque.
WALTER WHITE is seen working on his research papers when he hears Skylar's voice over the microphone. He looks intrigued and curious.
WALTER:  (from afar)  Skylar, what's that voice? What are you doing?
Skylar looks slightly startled as Walter steps into the kitchen, raising an eyebrow.
SKYLAR:  (startled)  Walter, I didn't realise you were home. It's a podcast, discussing old-time radio shows. But I'm focusing on one character in particular tonight.
Walter's eyes widen, excitement clearly visible on his face.
WALTER:  (exuberantly)  "The Heisenberg," right? That's my territory! Surely you'd want the inside scoop from the actual Heisenberg, don't you think?
Skylar gives him an incredulous look.
SKYLAR:  (sarcastically)  Oh, yes, Walter! I'm absolutely clamouring to hear your insights. "Breaking Bad" with Walter White, live from our kitchen!
Walter tries to play it off, narrowing his eyes and feigning offence.
WALTER:  (defensively)  Well, I think it could be interesting! I've got a wealth of stories to share, and maybe it'll help the podcast ratings.
Skylar shakes her head, clearly irritated.
SKYLAR:  (angrily)  No, this is my project, my creative outlet. I don't need you hijacking it and making it all about yourself, as always.
Walter, taken aback, attempts to appease her.
WALTER:  (apologetically)  Skylar, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overshadow your podcast. I just thought we could work on it together as a team.
Skylar takes a deep breath, composing herself.
SKYLAR:  (resigned)  Walter, it's over. I can't handle your constant need for attention. This podcast was supposed to be my escape, but you just turned it into another ego trip.
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