#The Hart Hotel
phenphoenix · 4 months
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Swap!Huskerdust being cute.
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Charlotte please give her back, that is your sister! She is happy with your father! Also, she has Alastor's powers, what if she hurts you or Vaggie! Are you willing to risk your love for her over trying to take a girl who is going to be very scared and prone to attack out of fear?
Charlotte: *carrying Calliope* Welcome to Heaven sweet baby! Now! Let’s see if you have any relatives up here! I’m sure they’ll wanna care for you! *pulls up a magical device that scans Calliope’s body and DNA, finding several matches* OH! ITS SAYS YOUR AN ANGEL??? That’s strange. OH WAIT! YOU HAVE A GRANDMA IN HEAVEN! LET’S GO MEET HER!
— Somewhere in the Heavenly Bayou —
*jazz music is playing in the air. People are partying in the streets. Several winner souls are having the time of their afterlife*
Charlotte: *looks around for one particular winner* Excuse me! Are you Ellie Hart?
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Ellie: Why yes child! I am! Care for some jambalaya?? It’s made with real seasoning!
Charlotte: Perhaps another time! I have someone for you to meet! *shows Calliope to Ellie* This is your granddaughter Calliope!
Ellie: A granddaughter? But I only had a son and I know he never— *looks at Calliope and sees a shadow of a resemblance to her son* Oh…well it’s nice to meet you Calliope…you’re a sweetheart aren’t you? *takes her from Charlotte’s arms*
Charlotte: Perfect! Would you mind watching her for a bit?
Ellie: Leave her here! *turns to the other souls* EVERYONE! I HAVE A GRANBABY!
Everyone gathers to see the new baby, gushing at the adorable Calliope.
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hmjoyy-selfships · 1 year
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Love these goofs.
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cyberslam · 26 days
Are you having your fun?
Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels/Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Heartbreak Hotel AU
Chapter 2
[Ao3 link]
He was the first one Shawn really cared about.
The Heartbreak Hotel’s proprietor stared at the name on the page of the check-in book. Each page had a different name. Shawn couldn’t explain it, but he liked to keep each guest who signed in separate. The history of his past affairs were his and his alone to know.
Soft fingers traced the letters of that name.
B-R-E-T H-A-R-T. 
Bret Hart.
He had been mysterious. Mistrusting, at first, and Shawn found him plenty annoying. But still, the two of them felt linked. Being with Bret was the first time Shawn felt alive. No one else before Bret made him feel that way.
Bret was a lot of firsts. He was the first to stay more than a night. He was there for a week. That was one of the best weeks of Shawn’s life, but he didn’t even know how many weeks he’d been around. It was all fuzzy to him. He was just…here. It felt like he’d been running the Heartbreak Hotel for years, and at the same time just for a handful of days. Shawn wondered a lot of things. Was he here because he died? Was this Hell? Maybe it was somewhere in-between Heaven and Hell? He joked to himself that he should’ve listened to his mom when she told him to pray more, but he wasn’t even sure if he had a mother.
Bret had stories. About his mother. And his father. A whole big family made up of sisters and brothers. 
He remembered Bret rolling up in that slick, black muscle car. Dark tresses and pink tinted sunglasses. Stress showed itself on his face in the form of fine lines and wrinkles. He was a man of few words, but there was an accent there. Shawn remembered his voice clearly.
“You’re not from around here, are ya?” Shawn had asked, not really knowing where ‘here’ was.
“No.” Bret hadn’t seemed all that interested at first.
“Where you from, handsome?”
“Canadian, huh? Don’t think I’ve gotten many of those…” Not that Shawn knew for sure.
That first conversation didn’t go far. Bret was standoffish, grumbling his answers. Shawn chalked it up to tiredness. After all, who wouldn’t want to talk to him? He charmed plenty of guests with his voice alone.
Somehow, Bret had managed to actually lock the door to his room. Shawn had been upset and confused about that. He spent minutes trying to open the damn thing, trying his own keys. Keys that worked in the past, to gain access to the honeymoon suite. Keys that didn’t do anything but open the door to the honeymoon suite.
Eventually, Shawn gave up. As he was throwing his hands up and walking away, Bret opened the door. He’d asked Shawn if he could help him.
“Ah…no, just came by to check on you, sir.” Shawn rolled his eyes, popping the gum he had been chewing.
Bret had pulled off his sunglasses. It was the first time Shawn would look into those dark eyes of Bret. There was a flash of something there that went away pretty quick. It sent a shudder down the blonde’s spine when he recalled it. The same way it had when he first saw it. It felt like his eyes pierced right through him.
He remembered feeling stunned.
“Well, I’m fine. So goodnight.” Bret spoke after a moment, closing the door and locking it with a click again.
Shawn remembers the frustration he felt. To this day he didn’t know how Bret locked the door, but he had also learned more about the Hotel in that time. Maybe the Hotel didn’t want Shawn in. It didn’t want Bret on that first night for some reason. Maybe because Bret would’ve skipped out as soon as he could if Shawn slept with him right away?
He sat there, at the hotel front desk, face in hand as he leaned on the desk. Marty’s departure had left him feeling a storm. Even now, the weather outside was gloomy. Shawn didn’t know why memories of Bret were hitting him so hard today, but it felt like the only thing calming him down.
Bret didn’t check out like Shawn thought he would. He extended his stay by another day. Maybe it was because he got some good sleep, but he was a lot more sociable that second day. He had alluded to being on the run, needing to hide out. It was all coyly said. Shawn found it thrilling.
“So it’s really just you out here?” Bret had asked, stopping by the lobby for the third time that day.
“Yep, just me.” Shawn nodded. The weather outside was late spring-like. Sunny, warm, just enough of a breeze. Shawn had popped the windows open, the smell of blooming flowers wafting through the lobby.
“I see. It’s a nice place. Quiet.” Bret remarked. Shawn had wondered why he’d been lingering around so much that day. It became pretty clear later that evening, when Bret invited him to visit him in the honeymoon suite.
“You’re pretty eye-catching, you know.” Bret had remarked, lounging on the heart shaped bed. Shawn had been sprawled out against the side of the bed, mostly on the floor. His arms had been folded up on the edge of it as he peeked up at Bret. It’s how Bret had wanted him, apparently. On the floor. His fingers idly played with the short velvet trim of the bedding. Hand selected by him.
He had stared at Bret, who had stared right back.
“Thanks.” The blonde responded after a beat. He didn’t know what to make of Bret at the time.
Maybe he still didn’t.
Their night ended like that, too. Shawn on the floor for Bret. It felt good. On his knees for this mysterious man.
The man who praised him and petted his hair all night.
Hunter was finished eating breakfast, and bored. Shawn was who knows where, and Hunter was hardly let out of his room without Shawn’s accompaniment.
He knew it’d make Shawn mad, but he couldn’t help it. His ankle was finally feeling better. He didn’t feel so…so damn out of it.
Determined, Hunter got dressed in some clothes Shawn loaned him. Jeans and a t-shirt, clothes he felt out of place in but it was all he had. It was this or the silk robes, and while he normally loved silk…it was uncomfortable.
There was something almost perverted about wearing Shawn’s clothes though. The scent of rose laundry soap hung on to the shirt, and Hunter huffed in the scent as he brought the collar of the shirt up to his face. It was a strange feeling. Worn cotton that felt out of place with the upbringing he had. It reminded him of when he was much, much younger, before he had to refine himself. Playing with his cousins, wearing hand-me-downs and running through mud.
Hunter gave a deep sigh, stifling his tears. He wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t–
Enough of that.
Hunter pushed the door open.
He couldn’t help but be surprised at how…nice it was outside.
It wasn’t like any motel he’d stayed at. It was more like a hotel, funnily enough. A beautiful marble fountain stood in the center of the parking lot. It wasn’t with any fancy statues or anything, but white marble and some of the clearest water Hunter had ever seen. Taking a few more steps out, he saw there was a pool not too far off from the parking lot. It looked inviting, like he could strip himself bare and step in and it would be happy that he did.
Hunter clutched his head. These thoughts were so strange, he didn’t even know what to do with them. It was like if he acted on them he’d be rewarded, but they went against everything Shawn had asked of him.
He stepped onto the asphalt of the parking lot, down pristine birch wood stairs. Not a grain of wood was out of place thankfully, or else he’d probably have a few splinters in his feet. The asphalt itself was warm but not hot, and a refreshing breeze passed by Hunter. Partly cloudy skies overhead, and the temperature was moderate and comfortable. It was all perfect.
Further, he stepped towards the fountain. He reached its edge, looking down into the crystal clear blue water. His reflection waved in the ripples of the splashing water into the main basin. If it had been still, it could’ve been mistaken for a mirror. There was a tuft of black hair next to him and he stood up straight with a start. 
He stood up with a start, looking over at a woman who was now sitting at the edge of the fountain. She had a Virginia slim in-between her fingers. Her lips were painted perfectly red, her cupid’s bow accented by the matte color on her lips. A heart was painted on his face, outlined by rhinestones. She looked tired, beyond herself. Dramatic, dark but glamorous makeup around her eyes and penciled in thin eyebrows. A white evening gown that looked almost like a very chic wedding dress, with a slit up to her thigh bedazzled with crystals. It was unlike any dress Hunter had seen, and even his own mind failed to understand how something so simple could appear to be so beautiful. It was a contrast to the woman’s quaffed hair, full of hairspray to keep its shape and her complex expression that Hunter couldn’t fully read.
“It doesn’t matter who I am, sweetheart,” she started, inhaling from her cigarette. The orange-red burning tip flared as she did. The woman held her breath for a few moments, before letting out a smooth and steady stream of smoke. Even the scent of burning tobacco and tar was whisked away by the breeze. “But you can call me Sherri.”
“Okay Sherri…” Hunter started. “I didn’t know there was anyone else here.”
“I’m not exactly here.” Sherri turned her head to look at him, slumping forward to reaching her face down to her free hand and holding it there. Her smile was sad. There wasn’t a better word for it from Hunter’s perspective. Just sad.
“What do you mean?”
“What do you think I mean?”
Leaves rustled, green and lush around the property. 
“This place feels unreal,” Hunter said.
“It is,” Sherri said.
The man understood, but he didn’t. He knew it was too amazing to be real, but it was real the way a nightmare felt real. Blurred lines of reality in the space between just waking up and having your foot in the door of the realm of sleep.
“You should go now, Hunter,” Sherri continued.
“Shawn won’t be happy to see you out here.”
Before Hunter could finish his thought, there was the bang of a screen door opening. Shawn stood outside the main office, eyes wild as he began approaching him.
He turned to look at Sherri, but she was gone. There was a single glass crystal in the fountain, turning and tossing under the falling water from the higher tier.
Shawn ran up to him. He was dressed down. For himself, at least. A red and white checkered shirt that looked like a picnic blanket. He was in jeans, perfectly tight, and cowboy boots. Brown leather with white stitching and tips.
“Hunter! What are YOU doing out here?”
“I–” he didn’t have a chance to explain himself before Shawn grabbed him roughly by the wrist and dragged him away from the fountain.
“You need to be resting. Didn’t I tell you to stay put?” Shawn chided, like he was scolding a child and not an adult man. “I don’t want to have to put locks up but I will.”
“It’s for your own safety! I mean you shouldn’t try to get around too much on your ankle. We don’t even know how bad it is.”
“Then we can get it checked out at a hospital.”
Gray clouds began to roll in as the wind went from pleasant to chilling. Hunter shuddered, now cold in his shirt and jeans. He stood on the stairs, wrist still in Shawn’s hand, when the rain came pouring down.
Shawn was under the awning that covered the door to his room, protected from the rain. His eyes were piercingly cold.
“Let go of me Shawn.”
“No. You have to get inside, now.”
“I’m leaving.” Hunter tried to tug his wrist away, Shawn only doubling down by grabbing it with his other hand as well.
“No you’re NOT. You CAN’T leave, I WON’T LET YOU,” Shawn was practically yelling.
Hunter pulled harder, grabbing onto the railing for support. His bare feet were beginning to slip on the wooden stairs, as the rain poured down by bucketfuls. 
“I. Want. To. LEAVE.” He managed to tug his hand free, watching horror cross Shawn’s face. He didn’t realize he was falling until he felt the ground fully slide from under him, crashing down onto the parking lot’s asphalt. He felt his head bounce against the blacktop, his back thudding down after it.
was the last thing he heard before he blacked out completely.
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misskittyhart · 3 months
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Have a little comic from a prompt by @radioiaci I love the dynamic between these two
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cursed-saphire-hart · 4 months
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[HazbinStuck Saturday Stream]
Hopefully I stream Saturday! Something my come up, but if that happens I'll stream sunday!
Hope to see you there!
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1800miserablethot · 11 months
Bret x Shawn and Bret’s Bottom because I say so <3
Also it’s kinda sloppy sorry
Summary: Shawn really wants Bret in the Heartbreak Hotel (Smut)
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The heartbreak Hotel, the place ladies want to be at and where men wish to be him or hell be with him too. But there was one man in particular that always had Shawn’s eye, the leader of the Hart Family Bret the so called “Hitman” Hart. His rival, enemy, whatever people wanted to call their feud.
He couldn’t get enough of the stupid Canadian, he did everything in his power to piss him and or the family off just so he could be near Bret. Some called it obsession, while others saw it as him being a suck up. Regardless of the label, Shawn was willing to risk it all just to see those brown sly eyes shine his way.
So when the day came that he was told he was doing a promo with Bret with his HeartBreak Hotel setting his heart practically bursted out of his chest. Especially at when Bret walked onto the set, how his face was illuminating the red lights. How he stood there with one hand on the title and the other on his pants.
Fuck it took everything in Shawn’s power not to break script and to toss the Canadian onto the heart shaped silk bed. The tension between them was palpable, and Bret didn’t make it easy on him with how his dark chocolate eyes gazed up at Shawn. He could hardly concentrate on the words coming out of his own mouth. All he could focus on was the small smirks that tugged on Bret’s lips, hoping that it broke into a smile so he could see those pearly whites.
And when the promo was over, you know that one corny saying that goes like “I hate to see them go but I love to watch them leave.” Yeah well that was exactly Shawn, he hated watching Bret leave his presence yet he loved to see the Hitman’s hips taunter with each step he took.
Now here he was backstage in his locker room laying on the heart shape bed, staring at the ceiling while once again thinking about a certain Canadian.
His lips curling into a grin as he sits up on the bed. Maybe he could get Bret on this bed, his grin growing bigger as he walks over to the door and into the hallway. Eager to catch another glimpse of the man who occupied his thoughts day and night. As Shawn made his way through the bustling backstage area, his heart raced with anticipation. The familiar sounds of people preparing for their matches filled the air, but Shawn was focused on finding Bret.
With each step he took, Shawn couldn’t help but wonder if this longing he felt was reciprocated. Did Bret feel even a fraction of the desire he felt? Or was this all just a one-sided infatuation?
Through the labyrinth of corridors he quickly stopped by the main one. Walking in he looks through the bags until he finds Bret, laughing loudly when he sees the WWF championship sitting in it. “Oh this is too good,” he murmurs before grabbing it and making his way back into the halls. Eventually catching sight of Bret. He was standing alone reading a newspaper, Shawn paused, taking a moment to admire the way Bret’s defined muscles stretched against his tight t-shirt. He shakes his head, with a smirks he yells out “Hey Hitman!”
His smirk turns into a grin as he dangled the title seeing Bret’s face tighten with anger. He turns on his heels and books it down the halls, pushing pass people as he heard Bret’s booping voice behind him along with his footsteps which echoed off the wall.
Shawn’s heart pounded in his chest as he raced through the backstage area, the adrenaline fueling his every move. The thrill of the chase mixed with the excitement of being so close to Bret energized Shawn. He could feel a surge of electricity coursing through his veins, making his grin even wider.
He turns a sharp corner, he could see his dressing room up ahead. He could hear Bret’s voice growing louder behind him. The sound of his footsteps quickened, giving Shawn the motivation to push even harder. The backstage area seemed to blur as Shawn darted through until he got to his locker room.
Busting through he tosses the belt onto the bed, trying to shut the door but Bret was on his heels. Slamming the door shut then grabbing Shawn and pushing him onto the bed.
(‘What did he say? Told you he could get Bret onto this bed’ )Shaking his head Shawn comes out his thoughts, he swiftly bucks his hips, catching Bret off guard and causing him to lose his balance. He rolls on top of the older man, pinning Bret’s wrist to the side of his head.
“Didn’t think Canadians were this dumb.” He laughs, but it quickly dies down when Bret strains his neck forward, whispering “We aren’t.” Against Shawn’s lips before connecting them.
Arching his back off the bed, pressing his body against Shawn’s. A soft moan being muffled into the kiss as he feels Shawn’s hands move down to his hips, pulling him in closer. Bret grinds his hips up against the younger man, his head spinning at the feeling of his jeans rubbing against Shawn’s gear.
The fleeting thought of his WWF Championship title eases its way into the back of Bret’s mind. Soon to be forgotten about as Shawn trails kisses down his neck, a gasp slipping pass him when he feels one hand grope his ass through the thick denim. Bret grits his teeth, trying to hold back the moan that threatens to escape. His hands flailing to the silky pillow case under him.
"Fuck," Shawn whispered, still lost at the fact his plan actually worked. His eyes wandered to Bret's face. With hazy eyes Bret looks back at Shawn, “Pussy out already, Michael’s?” he teased, his voice low and a bit horsed.
Shawn swallowed hard, his eyes never leaving Bret’s face. Fuck he was pretty like this, face flushed softly and inky black hair sticking to his forehead. “You wished,” he murmurs, his hands working at Bret’s jeans. The sound of the metal zipper dragging down filled the room. The denim material rustling with each movement. His hands slide to the waistband of Bret’s jeans, tugging them down. The material pools around Bret’s ankles, leaving him exposed.
Shawn can feel his breath catch in his throat at the sight of the man under him. Bret’s chest heaving up and down, the tip of his cock glistening with precum-fuck how the hell could Bret get embarrassed over this? He looked so damn good, it burned its way into Shawn’s mind. Slowly making his way back up, leaving kisses in his path, lips brushing over Bret’s skin feeling it tighten under his touch.
Rising Bret’s shirt up, he swipes his tongue over one of the dark nipples. Grinning at the low groan he got in return, Shawn takes the opportunity to tweak it with his teeth. Chuckling softly at how Bret’s hips writhe against his own, listening to the loud gasp that filled the room.
His hand trails down between them, wrapping itself around Bret’s dick. Bret's brow furrowed, and his lips parted as a low moan escaped him. Feeling Shawn’s grip become firmer around his tip. A soft whimper slipping pass his lips, “S-Shawn.” He stammers, his chest heaving up and down under Shawn’s touch. His hand grips onto the silky material of the pillowcase. “Fuck,” Bret whispers, feeling a buildup of heat in between his legs as Shawn trails kisses upward towards him. Nobody’s ever felt so nice against him like Shawn does, every touch leaves a trail of fireworks on his skin.
His head lulls back, eyes closing as he focuses in on Shawn’s touch. He can feel the heat radiating off himself, a warmth that spread through every part of his body until it settled in his lower stomach, where an uncomfortable tightness now filled him.
He tried to warn Shawn but all he could manage to croak out was a whine before his hips are spasming as he cums onto his stomach and Shawn’s hand. His eyes flutter back open, looking up at the brunette above him.
Shawn brings his messy fingers up to Bret’s lips, pushing them into his mouth. Watching that pretty little tongue wrap its way around his fingers. A low groan of his own fills the silent room, his other hand messing with the buckles of his gear top. Pulling away, he sits back on his heels.
Shimming the top off his shoulders letting it fall to the ground with a thump. his hands working at buttons and zipper of his pants. He sighs feeling relief flood through him when his cock springs free from the tight fabric. He gleams down at Bret, slowly crawling up him until he was straddling Bret’s upper chest.
“My turn Hitman,” he purrs softly, his fingers finding their way into Bret’s hair gripping it. “Open.” He demands, grinning when Bret opens his mouth without hesitation. Resting his other hand on the bed board railing, he slides his cock slowly into the warm, wet heat of Bret’s mouth. He lets out a groan, his eyes rolling lazily before shutting. “Fuckk, that’s it baby.” He pants reopening his eyes, “Doing so good already.”
He whimpers quietly, pushing further into Bret’s mouth until his hips are flushed against Bret’s face. Rocking them back and forth slowly, hearing the small gag Bret let out. “Come on baby boy you can take it,” He murmurs using Bret’s hair to guide his head up and down.
Glancing down, seeing Bret’s eyes squeeze shut as he gags again, earning a chuckle from Shawn. He pulls out completely, his tip resting on Bret’s bottom lip. “Now Hitman I know you can do better than that.” He tease before thrusting his dick back into Bret’s mouth, choking out a moan when Bret’s fingertips dig firmly into his upper thighs forcing him deeper into his mouth.
He gripped the back of Bret’s head, holding him in place as he began to thrust into Bret’s mouth with quick ruts of his hips. “Let me see those pretty eyes baby.” He mumbles, tapping the side of Bret’s cheek watching his eyes flutter open showing off those watery, glazed over dark eyes.
Feeling Bret’s chest rise and lower under him fairly quickly, hearing him let out a muffled keen. “Getting close again?” He asked, glancing over his shoulder grinning at the sight of Bret’s legs spread and trembling while his dick leaked precum onto his stomach, seeing it drip down onto the bed and mix with the old cum. He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his mouth, turning back to look down at Bret. “Yeah that’s it, cum with me baby. Cum by me fucking ur tight little mouth.”
When Bret’s moan vibrates around his cock that was it, throwing his head back he thrust once more into Bret’s mouth as he spills down the man’s throat. His head spun, feeling Bret’s hands wrap around his waist holding him in place.
“Fuck B-Bret.” His legs trembled and tighten around Bret’s head as overstimulation spreads throughout his body. When Bret’s hands finally unlatch him, he pulls off slowly laying next to Bret on the bed. Glancing down looking at the even bigger mess that was made before looking up at Bret. Grinning he leans in kissing softly at his neck, before whispering in his ear “Welcome to the Heartbreak Hotel, Hitman.”
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rikkurae · 5 months
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Just a bunch of close friends getting together to watch a movie. ☺️
(a made a slight change to Kai’s hair btw ^^; )
background is from Hazbin Hotel
Hazbin Hotel belongs to @vivziepop
Flare Hart belongs to @flare-friday
Sylvia Serpentree belongs to a friend on DeviantArt Thalia-dawnbringer
Lil Bendy belongs to Bendy and the Ink Machine by theMeatly
Rika Stonez, Kai Faizan and the artwork is mine 😜
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phenphoenix · 4 months
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You remind me of someone.
More lore let’s gooooo. This takes place in episode 7 when Charolette takes Alastor to meet Lilith. And just like the show, it takes a funny song and dance to convince getting help in the upcoming battle. Only now it’s the queen of hell and not a bunch of well dressed cannibals. lol
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museicbox · 9 days
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Muse IC box
Multi-muse, multi-verse, multi-ship, multi-fandom
Mun is 40+
21+ preference for interaction
Mature and NSFW themes
Open to OCs, AUs, and Crossovers
Lengthy and short replies
Discord RP upon request
Rules }{ Muses }{ Mobile
Main muses pictured above, but there are more! Please read rules before interacting, drop me a message if you'd like to plot!
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corvarrow · 8 months
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Lost Kingdoms Day 19 - Hallway
Ahveph in modern day is not overly fond of outside visitors, but it does keep at least one hotel in the form of the Haunted Hart....assuming anyone can find it. The HH is perfectly safe to stay in, however actually walking around in it is disconcerting at best. It contains a series of long, interconnected halls, some well lit and others, not so much, and the overall color scheme changes depending on the wing of the hotel - cycling through seasons with slow shifts between corridors.
Really happy with this one! I almost had the front light be the one that was lit but changed it last minute to the back one. Glad I did!
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loli-momo1908 · 1 year
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"Commission: Flare Hart 2023"
Hey, everyone~ Here's a simple and shaded commission for one of my best friends: @flare-friday!~ This one, she requested for a drawing of Flare Hart in her awesome and wicked looking dress she has shown me from the link.
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Hope you like it as much as I do :)
Hazbin Hotel (c) @vivziepop
Flare Hart (c) @flare-friday
*Please don't steal my artwork, @flare-friday's oc, or @vivziepop's amazing project ideas*
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hmjoyy-selfships · 11 months
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Very self indulgent art skskjhks
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discocandles · 11 months
Ok that was definitely supposed to be the most fruity episode of Henry Danger, and that's a show I can barely seen as remotely heterosexual.
Like Ray and Henry basically downloaded Grindr i mean Rumblr, a fighting app and go to a gay fighting bar on a double "fight".
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misskittyhart · 3 months
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Contracts & Beasts
Warning: violent content ahead
The night was buzzing with the sound of the denizens of hell going about their eternities. The lights of the streets illuminated the mischief and violence happening around the city. Screams and gunfire was like a soundtrack on repeat in hell. Explosions, and yelling over territory ripe for the picking.
Hell was….hellish. It didn’t bother Kitty Hart. Life above had been far more cruel, and having to hide the wild beast under a mask was always so troublesome. In hell she found more freedom than she had ever had above dirt.
It was another night working at the Jazz Club the Black Dahlia. It had been many decades since she had passed from Earth, and woke in hell. However it seemed habits were hard to break, as she still was a jazz singer. Hell was a far cry from her beautiful New Orleans, and the 1920s seemed like a century ago. Nevertheless, Kitty made do.
She was becoming quite the little starlet at this new club. She moved frequently trying to find anywhere that she could belong. So many people she had met didn’t see eye to eye with her. It seems the manners and class of the 20s was all but lost here.
Sighing heavily the little fox demon made her way into the club. Waving lightly to the employees she passed, burying her mind in music, wanting to lose her self for the night ahead.
Before she knew it, it was time to take to the Stage. It was time to feel the hot stage lights on her skin, and feel the music swell deep with in her soul. She commanded that stage with a great sense of grace and arrogance. Pride oozing off of her as she belted her songs to the packed house. The air was hot, thick and heavy with an eager crowd.
Her sex appeal in those heavy beaded, hip hugging dressed had men clawing at the stage at her. One was way too bold and had climbed on the stage groping her. The fox did not hesitate to lash out. Leaping from the stage in a blind fury and chasing him into the crowd. The manager panicked and began to have the band play solo to distract.
Kitty tore after him like a feral beast set free from its cage. A long hunting knife in her clawed hand, large fox ears pinned back, grace and speed moved her through the onlooking crowd.
The sinner bolted into the alley way with Kitty on his heels. Her fangs bared fiercely. She rounded up on him.
“Did your mother never teach you about consent you vile worm of a man!” She spat.
The fox demon pinned him up against the wall with a fury. The sinner tussled with her trying to get away but her knife made contact. It made contact again. And again. Again. Again. A blind flurry of stabbing as a wild look of blood lust burned in her eyes. A deep seeded rage coursing through her traumatized soul. She in her life was abused and assaulted by a wicked ex husband, in an arranged marriage. She was in hell for this very reason, killing abusive men. The little vixen took deep pride and putting men like this in their place.
Starter for
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augment-techs · 4 months
Kimberly: Okay, if you're so close to the Coinless now, describe them for us.
Scorpina: 'Kay.
*Starts pointing while sipping a kale smoothie*
*Slayer Kim, trying to avoid running into herself on entering the room by turning right around* Pathetic.
*Trini, helping tiny Prime Billy fix a piece in the Tyranno zord* A Freak.
*Kat, trying to make eggs* A Blonde.
*Aisha and Rocky, both yelling out advice while the Prime Stone Canyon Trio train* A Whore Duo.
*Zack, enjoying listen to hip-hop with Prime Zack on shared earbuds* Hopeless.
*Jason, huddled in a corner with a shotgun* A War Criminal.
*Adam, trying to offer Jason coffee with the promise that he didn't do anything to it* A Special Boy.
*Bulk, with five very young Coinless-would-have-been-Rangers following behind him* The Duckmaster.
*Skull, asleep on the Command Center's lounge sofa* Hated By All Gods.
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