#The Invisible Man Returns (1940)
mourningmaybells · 5 months
Dracula's Daughter 🤝 Bride of Frankenstein 🤝 The Invisible Man Returns
"maybe the sad gay monsters deserve a bit more sympathy this time"
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Invisible Man Returns (1940) - Australian Daybill
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letterboxd-loggd · 28 days
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The Invisible Man Returns (1940) Joe May
August 28th 2024
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thewarmestplacetohide · 4 months
Dread by the Decade: The Invisible Man Returns
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Plot: The brother of the Invisible Man uses his invisibility potion to save a friend from execution.
Review: Despite some entertaining beats, this sequel struggles to justify its existence. At best, it lumbers along, hemorrhaging from a Rains-shaped hole.
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Sequel to: The Invisible Man (1933) Year: 1940 Genre: Sci-Fi Horror Country: United States Language: English Runtime: 1 hour 21 minutes
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Director: Joe May Writers: Lester K. Cole, Curt Siodmak Cinematographer: Milton Krasner Editor: Frank Gross Composers: Hans J. Salter, Frank Skinner Cast: Vincent Price, Nan Grey, John Sutton, Cedric Hardwicke, Cecil Kellaway, Alan Napier
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Story: 2/5 - Its connection to its predecessor is contrived, and, on its own, it lacks tension and compelling characters.
Performances: 3/5 - Price is simply not as effective as Rains, his performance being fairly one-note. Everyone else is either generic or a caricature of the working class.
Cinematography: 3/5 - Fine. One would think an invisible protagonist would inspire more creativity.
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Editing: 3.5/5
Music: 3/5
Effects & Props: 3/5 - Decent enough for the time but substandard compared to the legendary effects of its predecessor.
Sets: 2.5/5 - Rooms often feel like the disconnected sets they are.
Costumes, Hair, & Make-Up: 2.5/5 - Much of it looks like it's from a cheap theater production. The Invisible Man resembles a cosplay.
Trigger Warnings:
Very mild violence
Animal experimentation
Classist portrayal of working class people
Medical scenes (involve needles)
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contentabnormal · 1 year
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Vincent Price as Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe in The Invisible Man Returns
Watercolors on Paper, 8.5" x 11", 2023
By Josh Ryals
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animals-in-old-films · 11 months
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Towser the dog and a white cat in The Invisible Man Returns (1940)
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Vincent Price - The Invisible Man Returns (1940) dir. Joe May
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An Alliance (Part 8)
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        Fem! Spy! (Y/N) x Yuri Briar
        Parts: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, current part, nine, ten (to be continued when Spy x Family has more Yuri content!)
        (Y/N) is given her own backstory that is important for the story!
        The setting for this story is based off West and East Germany's (because Spy x Family is heavily based off Germany in the 1940-1950) laws (or at least replicated to the best of my abilities since it's unknown what time period Spy x Family is exactly in, we'll go with 1950 for the sake of this story). 
        Historically-accurate women misogyny and mistreatment! Only small comments and historically-accurate laws (replicated to the best of my ability). 
        The story, plot, and settings might not match up to the Spy x Family manga as it's not completed and the manga is still being crafted.
        This series contains spoilers for the manga and anime!
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        Even more weeks passed as Yuri and I began to know each other more and more. Eventually, we started to figure out each other's likes and interests.
        I used to hate Yuri for many things, like how he's extremely strict with work, a morning-person, extremely family-oriented (and I swear he has some weird thing with sisters. Would he date a girl if she was an older sister? 'Cause I am). I also hated him cause he's so bossy and stuck-up, not allowing me to even walk outside for a breath of air without him walking beside me.
        Meanwhile, he hated me for a lot of reasons too. Like how I was seen as playful and tired a lot, seeming to have no clear goal of what I want in life. He also didn't like me because I'm carefree and love to tease him. 
        It's not that good of a match when we're both stubborn and opinionated, stuck in the same apartment for hours on end, not even having a break from work, but we eventually decided to put aside our differences. 
        Yuri allowed me to sleep in on our days off, and in return I'd lay back on my teasing. Yuri and I agreed on the groceries and dinners we made, deciding to work together to make dinner. I learned that Yuri likes his eggs sunny side up, and he learned I like mine (egg choice). I showed him how to make my family recipes, and Yuri showed me how to make recipes he's stumbled across and adapted (he admitted he doesn't like cooking Yor's dishes, but he eats what she makes anyways because he admires her).
        Yuri doesn't care for horror movies as he never gets scared, but he's scared of porcelain dolls (just as I am) so we get scared when watching "The Invisible Man" (even though Yuri swears up and down he isn't scared, he agrees to hold me since I forced him to otherwise I'd have nightmares and talk about it in my sleep, effectively scaring him from my sleep-talk of demons and dolls). 
        We learned how to co-exist and work together, helping with interrogations and asking for each other's second-opinions. I tried to listen to bugged audios and such, but I end up falling asleep each time as I have to try and wait for something incriminating, so Yuri takes over that part.
        Our co-workers are extremely convinced that we're a couple, and it really doesn't seem that off. It feels like as more and more time passes, we get used to having to call each other "wife" and "husband". 
        We took the bus since the traffic was way too crowded on the road today, that, and me and Yuri felt exhausted after working long hours for so long. We eventually fell asleep on the bus, leaning onto a each as the train peacefully cradled us.
        "Yuri? (Y/N)?"
        Yuri shot awake, causing me to way up from his harsh movement. 
        "Whu? Yor?" Yuri questioned.
        "You two don't usually ride this train." Yor spoke.        
        "Oh, uh, just on our way back from a little work trip." Yuri spoke.
        I nodded, agreeing before eventually dosing off on Yuri's shoulder, their conversation being alienated in my ears. 
        Yuri soon woke me up. I mumbled out a "bye" once I realized Yor was still onboard. Yuri grabbed my hand as he led me out.         
        "What did you and Yor talk about while I was asleep?" I muttered, keeping my eyes low on the ground.
        It was too bright outside for me now, and I'm really too tired to keep walking yet I went.
        "Nothing really, just small talk." Yuri hummed, he turned to look at me. "Are you okay? You're dragging your feet." Yuri pointed out.
        "Yeah, yeah. I'm just tired. I don't like having to do the interrogations so much. I'm still mad that guy tried punching me when I caught him lying." I sighed.
        "Yeah. That was a quick punch..." Yuri spoke, recalling the memories.
        I'm really glad Yuri was there to catch that punch and hold him down, since I was sitting down, there really wasn't enough time for me to move away from it.
        "Yuri. Can you carry me?" I questioned.
        "No." He immediately responded. 
        "Why?" I sighed, slightly whining. 
        "You're acting like a child." Yuri sighed.
        "But I'm tired." I groaned, then paused, thinking. "You should carry me. It'll make us seem more like a couple to others."
        "You're really trying to use that against me?" Yuri deadpanned.        
        "...Please?" I questioned, causing him to sigh.
        "Whatever, hurry up and get on." Yuri groaned, rolling his eyes as he crouched down.
        "Thank you, love~" I singed, not much energy into it.
        "Whatever." He huffed, grabbed my thighs and placing his arms under them to get a firm grip.
        "You're the best~" I praised, resting my head on his shoulder and sighing happily.
        "I know I am." He snarked, hiding his face to hide his painfully obvious smile. 
        I decided not to fight back on it, resting my eyes again.        
        Mission after mission, I swear I'm going to go insane. I thought. 
        We were chasing after a suspect who ran, my legs were tired as I mentally cussed out the man we're chasing. I never ran as much in WISE as I do here! Usually I'd get escorted to my missions or at least have a motorcycle (well, at least in WISE I would)!
        "The suspect fled to the back alley! Go around and cut him off, you two!" the Lieutenant ordered.
        "Yes, sir!" Yuri responded. 
        I followed Yuri, not bothering to responded back to the Lieutenant in case I accidentally project my unprofessional thoughts to my higher-up. We chased in an empty alley, desperate to cut him off, but Yuri suddenly fell. He didn't trip, no, he just fell, plopped down face first into the ground.
        "Yuri? Are you okay?!" I questioned, immediately stopping and checking Yuri's pulse to make sure it wasn't heart failure or a stroke. 
        "Yuri, what happened? Did he get the drop on you?!" the Lieutenant questioned, running to us.
        "He just suddenly collapsed!" I spoke.
        "Nngh... Captain... I think I..." Yuri paused, "caught a cold..." 
        "So suddenly?!" the Lieutenant exclaimed. 
        "No wonder you were sneezing and coughing today when you woke up. Sheesh, Yuri, if you felt bad, you could've called in sick." I sighed, putting his arm around my shoulder and picking him up with the help of the Lieutenant.
        "Evil never waits..." Yuri responded.
        I signed me and Yuri out early, the Lieutenant going to the Director to tell what happened and to excuse our absences. I took Yuri's car keys and drove us back to our apartment, resting him on the couch.
        "You know, you really worried me, stupid. I thought you inhaled some poisonous gas or went into cardiac arrest. Tell me when you're feeling unwell, jerk..." I muttered, ignoring the tears swelling up in my eyes.
        I thought I was gonna lose you, just like everyone else...
        "Sorry..." Yuri mumbled. 
        "Don't worry, love. Just don't scare me like that again..." I sighed. 
        "Whenever I remember that... my sister's away... my immune system... breaks down." Yuri explained. 
        Woah. Sounds serious... seriously stupid. I thought. 
        "Right, business trip on a cruise." I commented. "I'll go get you some medicine at the pharmacy." I spoke.
        "W-wait, you can't go alone!" Yuri spoke.
        "I'll be fine, don't worry." I reassured.
        "No... It's in the... contract... for me to not... leave you alone... in case you... leave..." Yuri huffed.
        "Jerk!" I scoffed. "I wanted to make sure you heal up and you believe I'll abandon you while you're vulnerable! Besides, I've already left your sight before and I returned, did I not?!"
        "Sorry..." Yuri sighed. "If you go... could you get some herbal tea? The kind with the bear on it..." He huffed.
        "...Whatever..." I huffed, rolling my eyes. 
        I’ll get him it anyways since he’s sick. I thought.
        I hurried to the pharmacy, buying the box and noticing the box’s bear it's the same herbal tea that taste like absolute shit.
        Well, maybe he loses his tastes when he’s sick? So he doesn’t realize it’s bad? Maybe he likes the dirt-like texture. I thought, walking out of the pharmacy with the box and medication in hand.
        I walked back into the apartment, unlocking the door with the key I borrowed (stole) from Yuri’s pocket. I walked back to the bedroom and noticed Yuri sleeping, moving around a lot in his sleep.
        I decided I’d make the tea for him, getting a kettle of hot water brewing. I waited for the tea to boil, then placed a packet in a mug, pouring the water into it.
        I’m not a fan of Japanese tea, I prefer American tea better, but maybe my sense of taste changed? I thought, taking a drink of the tea from the mug.
        “BLEGH!” I immediately spit it in the sink, coughing profusely as the taste lingered in my mouth. “Hell no!” I exclaimed.
        How could he willing choose something like that?!
        I grumbled, muttering complaints and insults of the cartoon bear on the box as I carried Yuri’s mug of disgusting tea and a box of medicine for his cold.
        I walked in, setting the stuff down on the drawer and looked at Yuri. He was awake, shooting up from his sleep rather quickly.
        “Nightmare?” I questioned.
        “No. Just some past memories.” He sighed, his voice hoarse from his cold.
        “Ah.” I hummed. “I got you the tea you wanted, though it tastes like shit.” 
        “Thanks. It’s the one that works the best. And also the one that tastes most like what Yor used to make.” Yuri spoke, sipping his tea.
        He immediately threw up, but seemed re-energized. 
        “Gross! Yuri!” I wailed.
        “Blarf! Now let’s go catch us some criminals! I’m back to 100 percent! We gotta purify the world before my sister returns!” Yuri shouted.
        “Go back to bed, stupid!” I screamed.         .         .
        More weeks passed as me and Yuri learned to fall into the husband and wife role perfectly. We can go anywhere and be seen as a couple—almost, which will be explained soon enough. But I realized a new problem arose…
        It’s all fake.
        All the hugs, all the handholding, all the “see you soon”s, all the kisses, we had to fake it all. We had to fake every compliment, every gift, everything we did outside, was fake. But all the insults, all the teasing, all the “I hate you’s", all the nagging, all of that was real. 
        And the problem was, I’ve begun to enjoy Yuri’s company too much. 
        I’ve begun to enjoy waking up next to him and complaining about not wanting to get up. I’ve begun to enjoy walking to the nearest cafe for breakfast or just skipping and deciding to eat a big lunch later. I’ve begun to enjoy our handholding sessions and hugs and kisses to prove that we’re a "couple". I’ve begun to enjoy being able to see Yuri everyday; but he doesn’t.
        He doesn’t look forward to see me in the morning. He doesn’t look forward to our breakfasts, lunches, dinners, or desserts. He especially doesn’t enjoy the fake affection we had to broadcast to others. 
        I never expected to start wanting to fall in love, to start entertaining the idea of what life would be like with kids, to start a new chapter. I never wanted to leave someone with the fact that I was a bad-doer and that I’ll be at fault for making them cry—if they could even still think of me as their lover after knowing all I’ve done. All I've killed and sacrificed to be what I am today.
        I don’t like to hold regrets, but I am just as human as the next, even if Yuri doesn’t believe it since I was once a Westalis citizen. 
        I regret that I killed people with no thought. That I’ve broken families in just a second, shattered them so they could never be mended back together. I regret stealing information, turning my back on people, and never once listening to my heart and feelings.
        That’s for the best. I thought to myself. If I allow myself to get attached, then I’ll surely never be able to leave. I told myself.
        But do I really want to leave him? I thought. I'm going to have to. I've read the Handler's message: 
        Hello, Agent Vixen. To ensure your alliance with WISE, we need you to gather information on what they know about WISE, who the members are, what our missions are; I want information such as this and more reported to us as soon as you can—without letting any of them know you're still working with us. We also need you to figure out what are their affiliations with the National Unity Party. What do they discuss about? What is said about Westalis? Anything and everything involving the war, our agents, Westalis, and Ostania, we need you to report without being found out. Don't worry about covering for WISE agents, if they were caught; they're no longer a WISE agent in our books. And if you're discovered, we will do our best to recruit you back to us as long as you're proven to be reliable and trustworthy for a second chance. 
         The Handler.
        I'm a failure of a person. I can't even choose a side to back up; I'm a terrible wife too. I sighed, watching as a girl in the coffee line chatted with Yuri. And I’m not jealous. I thought, staring at them socialize. 
        Why would I be jealous? It’s all fake. I shouldn’t care if Yuri decides to leave with a girl. I shouldn’t care if I get kicked out and a new girl moves in. I shouldn’t care if the contract gets breached and I die (it really already has). I shouldn’t care at all, it’s Yuri’s life.
        But what if he starts loving someone? I don’t think I could watch the stages of him slowly falling head over heels in love with someone. If that happens, I’ll be gone. I'll be forced to go back to Westalis; if WISE even deem me worthy enough to be kept alive, that is (but I bet the SSS would kill me before then).
        But it’s not what I want, it’s what Yuri wants. I’ve been nothing but a nuisance ever since I was caught. I really started slacking, and I've been doing even worse now that I'm with Yuri; I'm losing my spark. 
        I stood up from the seat, deciding I was tired of waiting (and not because Yuri was talking with a girl) and walked up to them.
        “Hey! You remember my order, right?” I questioned Yuri, budding into the conversation.
        I don’t care if I’m being rude, it’s about time I start being selfish with my own feelings (haven't I been?)
        “(Favorite coffee/drink), right?” Yuri questioned, looking down.
        “Yep.” I smiled.
        “Is this your girlfriend?” the girl questioned, smiling.
        "Wife, actually." Yuri confirmed, grabbing my hand and holding it.
        A wave of shock hit me. I was expecting Yuri to get mad at me budding in, potentially ruining his chances with a hot girl. I was expecting him to be bummed out, mad, shocked, sad, anything but supportive and proud.
        I felt my heart race as my face heated up. 
        Wow. Wasn't what I was expecting. I thought. 
        "Really?" the girl spoke, shocked. "I didn't see a ring, sorry." 
        Me and Yuri looked down at our hands at the same time, noticing our fingers. 
        Ah, we still don't have rings, actually. I thought. 
        "We're engaged and saving up for rings." Yuri explained quickly. 
        "I see..." the girl went quiet. "Sorry for disturbing." 
        Yeah... I thought. Don't be a home-wrecker. 
        I decided to stay with Yuri in case she decides to change her mind about being a home-wrecker. The girl left and I sighed, feeling relieved, like I overcame a serious obstacle. Yuri is pretty attractive, but I've watched as girls quickly leave once he starts his obsessive rants about his sister.
        Maybe I was a little jealous. I thought to myself. I think I got a little insecure… I’ll keep that in mind so it doesn’t happen again.
        If Yuri noticed it, he decided not to question it. We ordered our drinks, waiting before receiving it. We walked into Yuri’s car, deciding today we’d drive instead of taking the bus. Yuri drives as I thought to myself intensely.
        “Yuri.” I spoke up.
        “Hm?” he acknowledged.
        “Let’s get wedding rings.” I boldly spoke.
        Yuri swerved the car, almost hitting another car before parking to the right side of the road.
        “The hell’s your problem?!” I screamed, scared as I held my chest. 
        Did I just lose my heart? Is it gone? Am I dead?
        “My problem?! What’s your problem?!” Yuri declared. “You don’t just go randomly asking that! Do you even know how much money rings cost?! We’re not married married!” 
        “Of course I know. We can go to a pawnshop and get them!” I hissed. “But it’s been pointed out that we don’t have rings! Usually when people engage, they at least have a engagement ring before a wedding ring! It’ll make our act look more believable.” 
        “People already believe us! Who do we need to coax?” Yuri questioned.
        “Our coworkers! We work with detectives, Yuri, they’re bound to get suspicious about us when there’s no ring and we’re regularly visiting the Director.” I pointed out.
        “Is this because of that girl?” Yuri questioned suddenly.
        “No!” I immediately declared, determined to shut down that idea. “I’m just thinking about our contract!” 
        “Ugh… (Y/N)…” Yuri sighed, hitting his head against the steering wheel.
        "My life is on the line, you know?! It all relies on this relationship!" I exclaimed. 
        The car horn honked as he did, but we both chose to ignore that as he raised his head.
        “I don’t plan on falling in love or whatever you’re thinking of in that pretty little head of yours.” He sighed, flicking my forehead.
        “Hey!” I yelped, offended that he flicked my forehead and called me stupid indirectly.
        “You don’t have to worry. I never planned on having a wife or anything.” Yuri spoke.
        “Why? Are you gay?” I immediately spoke.
        “NO!” Yuri screamed, angry. “I just never saw the point of it. I decided to dedicate my life to helping Yor.” 
        Pathetic. I immediately thought.
        “But what if you do fall in love?” I questioned. “What are you gonna do then?” 
        “I won’t.” Yuri sighed.
        “But what if you do?” I questioned, determined for an answer.
        “I’ll ignore them.” He groaned, hitting his head on the steering wheel once more.
        “But what about the rings and our contract?” I questioned.
        “What about them?” Yuri questioned.
        “My life is literally held together by a paper packet and our relationship.” I spoke.
        “And?” Yuri muttered.
        “You’re not gonna care if I die...?” I questioned, tears welling up in my eyes.
        “N-no! Of course I’d care. I’d—would you stop crying already?!” Yuri spoke, freaking out as tears started streaming down my face. 
        “I can’t help it!” I cried.
        “No! Help it! Help it, damn it!” Yuri groaned.
        “I just said I can’t!” I huffed.
        “I didn’t mean it! I don’t want you to die, geez!” he sighed.
        “Prove it…” I muttered.
        “How am I gonna do that? I’m not going to kiss you.” He spoke bluntly.
        “That wasn’t on the table!” I huffed, ignoring my offended and dejected feelings. “And to prove it…” I muttered, raising my left hand and holding it in the air as I pointed to my ring finger with the help of my other hand.
        “I’ll think about it.” Yuri sighed almost rolling his eyes at me. “Are you happy now?” 
        “Not yet.” I spoke, causing Yuri to groan. “Would you cheat in our marriage?” 
        “Have you no trust in me?!” Yuri cried out.
        “Since you didn’t mind if I died or not, yeah!” I immediately retorted.
        “I said I would mind!” Yuri clarified quick. “And besides. If I actually did did get married, which would never happen, but hypothetically, I wouldn’t. That’s treason to the relationship, and I don’t support treason. Just think back to our interrogation with Jim Hayward.” 
        I don’t think it’d be that serious, but good job on being a decent person, Yuri. I thought.
        “Why am I answering these questions and you’re not giving any information back?! This is trickery!” Yuri shouted, angry as he hit the gas pedal and drove back into the road, speeding a little off the appropriate speed limit to make it to work on time. 
        "You willing answered my questioned; I used no form of deception." I spoke, raising my hand up like I was testifying in court to prove innocence. 
        "Yeah right..." he grumbled. "What are you going to do when you fall in love?" he questioned. "And don't say you won't; I already used that." 
        "Hm." I hummed, thinking. "I'd wait and see if they recuperate. If they don't, I keep the feelings to myself, if they do, I won't do anything either. I have a marriage license with you, and I refuse to be a cheater, even in a fake relationship." 
        "Okay. And what about actual marriage?" Yuri questioned.
        "I want to have a husband and kids one day, but I'm not going to settle for just anyone. They'll be put through a test to make sure they're the one." I stated.
        "Pfft." Yuri scoffed, smiling. "What's this? Are you suddenly Cinderella waiting for Prince Charming?" Yuri joked.
        "Ugh." I scoffed back. "As if! I meant that they need to follow my dad's expectations of my husband, with a few exceptions from me, of course. Plus, Cinderella sought out the Prince first, I'd be offended if the guy I danced with didn't recognize my face!"
        "What's your dad's exceptions? And yours?" Yuri spoke. "Some buff guy who can lift 200 pounds?" 
        "Why? You been rejected for guys like that?" I questioned.
        "I told you, I've never fallen in love and never will..." Yuri grumbled.
        "My expectation of a lover is someone whose stable with a good sense of morals. I could care less about looks or the sex-drive, but I'd want a partner whose honest, loyal, responsible, and no one-sided expectations; like they can go out with friends but I can't, you know?" I spoke.
        "I'm genuinely surprised; that's achievable." Yuri commented. 
        "Oh? Are you going to be a suitor for this bachelorette?" I joked. 
        "Like there's others." Yuri scoffed. 
        "Oi!" I exclaimed. "Of course there's others! I'm not as unlikable as you."
        "Whatever floats your love boat." Yuri sighed.
        "Your boat is Titanic." I retorted.
        Titanic because it's a sunken ship...
        Yuri grumbled under his breath, before speaking up. 
        “I couldn’t ever see you being a real wife.” Yuri claimed.
        “Why?” I questioned, side-eyeing him.
        “Cause you don’t act very sophisticated, I’d be surprised if you even find a guy interested in you.” Yuri stated as if it was a fact.
        “Their loss; they don’t know what they’re missing.” I spoke.
        “What? Like constant nagging about nothing and everything? Constant clumsily and running into still doors and still wall? Constant clinging onto them as you drag your feet about not wanting to get out of bed, or to work, or to the store, or to the doctors? Constant crying? Constant—“ 
        “Say one more thing and I’ll turn that steering wheel so fast off that bridge we’re about to cross.” I spoke, pointing at the bridge we’re stalking towards.
        "...Constant baking at three A.M.?" he shot me a dirty glare.
        "You can't talk bad about my brownies! I love them and I know you love them too!" I shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
        I can deal with a lot of things, but disrespecting my brownies is a no no.
        "As if." He spoke, rolling his eyes.
        "Why do you wake up whenever I cook them, then eat them 0.2 seconds after they get out of the oven?" I spoke, crossing my arms. "I barely get two pieces!"
        "I wake up because I don't feel you in bed, so I think you escaped." Yuri stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
        "Why do you eat the brownies then?" I questioned.
        "...Because they are in my line of sight and we do not waste food in our house." He stated.
        "Or, you just love me and my cooking." I smiled.
        Yuri jumped up, startled as his eyes blew wide and he looked at me with a red face.
         "AS IF!" he shouted.
        "Woah! Such a strong reaction! Maybe you do love me!" I laughed as he glared at me.
        "Did you not catch the 'I’d be surprised if you even find a guy interested in you' earlier?" he questioned, his face showing he was unamused.
        "I think I'm very pretty and interesting." I smirked, looking into the car's rear mirror for a second before focusing my attention back to Yuri. "Besides, people in love always like to give each other a hard time. Just ask Donnie and his wife." I smirked.
        "...You're a brat." He muttered.               
        "Aw! You're the light of my day and stars of the night. You're my honey bunch sugar' plum gum drop pumpkin wumpkin lemon sundae swirl little love bug-" I gushed, smirking before he cut me off.
        "STOP THAT!" he screamed, his face red. 
        "Sorry..." I muttered, acting sad before smiling brightly again. "My little cherry pie dandelion angel dove swan cupid baby cutie sweetie blackberry muffin lemon glaze chocolate-"
        I went on until Yuri blasted the music on the radio until I shut up.
        We made it to work, stepping out of the car and noticing our vans being loaded up with equipment.
        Must be a big raid. I thought to myself as we walked into the building.
        “Ah, Lieutenant, Mrs. Lieutenant.” A lieutenant greeted us as we walked down the hallway. “I heard your niece’s bus is being held hostage right now, are you aware?” 
        “Niece?” I questioned before my eyes widened. “You mean my niece?!” I exclaimed.
        Little pink girl, Anya! I liked her! The first time I met her, I didn’t get to know her well. But the second time I saw her, I kept thinking of what she likes since me and Yuri had to watch her. She answered all my questions without me evening having to ask (she has perfect intuition! I like her!) and she even called me pretty and that’s why she kept staring at me!
        “Chihuahua girl’s bus got hijacked?” Yuri questioned, shocked. “Let’s get to the scene!” Yuri exclaimed, grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hallway.
        We ran down the hallways, finding the Lieutenant followed by a small squad with him.  
        "Captain! We heard Chihuahua Girl's bus got hijacked!" Yuri shouted as we both ran up to the scarred-face lieutenant.
        "Hey, who told them that? And Chihuahua girl...?" he questioned. "You know I can't have you showing your face at the crime scene. Your sister's kid might recognize you both. And don't even think of telling city hall." 
        "Urk... Understood, sir." Yuri spoke, deep in thought.
        "Like hell!" I shouted boisterously. "You have two options, but both of them will end up with me and Yuri ending up at that scene! Either you let us go with, or I'm hijacking one of those damn vans and driving there myself." 
        "You don't even have any information on the assignment. And you're too low of a level to participate." The Lieutenant informed.
        "I have my ways. Watch me." I glared, then swiftly grabbed the paper packet out of one of the lieutenant's hand in the squad.
        "Hey!" he exclaimed, reaching for it.
        I took a step back and read the short packet. Not much information, two Eden Academy buses hijacked by the Red Circus, no straight motive on why they did so.
        The Red Circus? I thought, shuddering. They used to be a peaceful student movement protest group, but their good ways turned sour once their movement for peace and equality for the weakest members of society. The state turned violent to them, causing the Red Circus to resort to an extreme methods, seeking revenge and justice after many of the students died. 
        I've done gigs to spy on the Red Circus to distribute peace in the country, as well as having to spoil their plans because they affected Westalis' and almost inflicted some serious protocols Ostania would've taken. Because of my interference, they have a target on me and other spies. If there's one thing I know, they're not friendly people.
        Please be safe, Anya. I thought to myself, mentally panicking every second we're stuck here.
        "Red Circus, two Eden Academy buses hijacked, motivations unknown." I spoke, dropping the papers down onto the desk. "Now that we know about the situation, we can go. We don't have to be right there, but we should be in a good distance for back up. You'd worry about your daughter and wife too, would you not?" I questioned, crossing my arms.
        The Lieutenant sighed, not seeing to have much battle spirit in himself. 
        "Fine. But hurry to the vans otherwise you'll chase dust." He commanded, exiting the office.
        "Yes, sir!" me and Yuri both saluted.
        "Sometimes, your stubbornness is a blessing, but other times, it's a curse." Yuri sighed, smiling. 
        We ran out into the van, hopping in and taking off instantly as we closed the door.
        "We'll go to the bus where your niece isn't present, that way we won't risk any exposure." Lieutenant spoke. 
        I resisted the urge to scream and kick the seats. 
        BUT IS ANYA SAFE?!        
        "Alright." Yuri acknowledged, nodding.
        We made quick haste to the scene, scoping out the surroundings to make sure none of the members were outside. 
        "Here, take these earpieces so we can communicate." Lieutenant spoke. "Mrs. Lieutenant, you go with your husband to infiltrate. Take these." He handed both me and Yuri gas masks along with the ear pieces.        
        Me and Yuri nodded, moving into one of the entrances into the base.
        "Hey." Yuri spoke, grabbing my arm. "You're not infiltrating. I'm not having you go into danger." 
        "What? Why?" I questioned.
        "We can't risk it. Yor would get suspicious if you're hurt." Yuri spoke.
        "She'll get even more suspicious if you're hurt. I can serve as backup to watch your back." I spoke.
        "No. You can be backup from afar, but you're not going into battle." Yuri spoke sternly.
        I glared at him, before huffing. "Fine. Whatever. But if you get hurt, then I told you so." 
        "Thanks." He smiled, placing the earpiece into his ear.
        "Be safe, love." I spoke, leaning up and kissing his cheek before running away, to the side of the building and up one of the ladders.
        I climbed up the ladder, listening to the conversation in my ear as I placed my gas mask on my face, just in case.
        "I see six targets. They're total amateurs. They have to know the other bus is surrounded, but they're not being cautious at all." A man spoke into the earpiece. "Wait till all six are outside the bus. That's our opening. The guy with the beard seems to be their leader. Deal with the others." 
        I made it to the top, putting up the gas mask to wear and grabbed the gun from my belt. 
        If they have the audacity to even try something to those kids, I'll aim for the head instead of their legs... I thought, propping myself on the pillar cliff. 
        I took a quick look around, seeing as I'm probably the only sniper here. It wasn't the captain's orders, but honestly I could care less about what that man tells me. These are Yuri's orders, and as his coworker and "wife", I have to fulfill them.
        "Do not give anyone a chance to radio out anything." The lookout ordered.
        "Berta team, ready." One informed.
        "Cäsar team, ready." Another informed. 
        "All teams ready. Prepare the tear gas." The captain commanded. "Execute!" 
        Two cans rolled into the way, causing the men to freak out.
        "The cops?!" one shouted, confused.
        "Koff! Retreat to the bus! Use the kids as-" I heard a man shout, but I didn't allow the man to finish his sentence as I locked my gun onto him, shooting straight into his head.
        "Resistance confirmed." I spoke.
        "Who the hell just did that?" the captain questioned.
        "Me. I figured you needed backup." I smirked, following the battle with my gunsight. 
        "You didn't follow orders." He grumbled.
        I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, instead opting watching the scene play out. 
        "A 'thank you' would've been appreciated." I spoke sarcastically. 
        "Aw! Damn it!" the supposed leader shouted. 
        He ran to the bus and gripped on the door handle. I was about to shoot before remembering how it could harm the kids if I miss my shot, and I redirected my gun.
        One of the SSS agents quickly grabbed his arm and punched the leader in the face. 
        "A man your age, hiding behind a bunch of kids..." he spat.
        Gunfire went off that wasn't mine, and the agent got shot in the shoulder by the leader.
        "Ngh, yeah..." the lieutenant huffed. "Real mature!" he shouted, kicking him hard on the stomach. 
        The leader fell down and I watched a different agent fighting. I redirected my attention back to the leader and shot his leg, keeping him down as he tried to get back inside the bus. 
        Stay down, stubborn bitch... I thought. 
        I eyed the agent who got shot in their shoulder, making sure no remaining members of the Red Circus tried to harm them or see him pass out. 
        "Safety of the hostages confirmed. Berta team, do an area sweep as a precaution. We have one wounded." The captain spoke. 
        I climbed down from the ladder just in time to see Team Cäsar walking out, dragging the wounded one out of the building and taking off the mask. The agent shot turned out to be Yuri.
        "Yuri!" I exclaimed, running over to him.
        "He should be fine." One of them said. 
        "Fucking move!" I ordered, roughly slamming my shoulder on his and effectively pushing him out of the way.
        "Ow! She's rude..." he muttered, rubbing his sore shoulder. 
        I observed Yuri's shoulder carefully as he groaned in pain.
        "No major arteries damaged. Only one bullet. It didn't go out the other way, so the bullet is still lodged into his shoulder. Is there a first aid with forceps inside of any of the vans?" I questioned, doing my best to stay calm.
        In actuality, I was freaking out. My hands were shaking along with my bottom lip as I took a deep breath, doing my best to stop myself from showing fear. If the patient (Yuri) notices I'm scared, he might get scared too, it'll speed up the pulse and the blood will pour out quicker.
        Get a grip, it's not the first time you've seen someone shot. I thought to myself, hiding the vision of Rancher, or Hujo, or Net in my mind. 
        I'm not alone. I don't have a huge gun. I'm fine. Help is here. He'll be fine. I thought, my ears starting to ring from my blood quickening. 
        "No. We don't have forceps, but there's bandages." They spoke.
        "We can get the bullet with this pocket knife?" another one questioned.
        I shot them a look. "Are. You. Fucking. Stupid?" I spat. "Digging around in his wound will only cause even more damage. The bullet has done enough damage as it is, it's not harmful anymore. Just get the fucking first aid and bring it here." 
        "S-sorry, ma'am..." he stuttered, looking down. "I-I'll get that first aid, ma'am!" 
        "How you feeling, Yuri? You see any white or black lights? You feel overheated or too cold?" I questioned, looking down at his face.
        "I'm dying!" he shouted.        
        "No, you're not!" I hissed, my tone harsher than I wanted it to.
        Don't say stuff like that. I'm not going to lose another person like this. 
        "Here, ma'am!" the soldier came back.
        I ripped open the first-aid, grabbing the bandages, dressing, and wipes.  I cleaned off most of the blood I could manage with disposable wipes, and gently plugged the wound with foam dressing.
        "YOWCH! IT HUUUUUURTS!" he screamed.
        Where was that pain resistance while fighting earlier? I thought.
        "Calm down, love. I'm trying my best, so stop moving." I spoke softly, hoping he'd copy my volume. 
        "Um, ma'am. I apologize for being clueless, but aren't you supposed to remove the bullet? I'm sure we could find a way without hurting him. Wouldn't keeping the bullet in get infected?" the soldier from earlier spoke.
        "INFECTED?!" Yuri shouted. "Damn my luck! Why must I suffer like this for chihuahua girl, of all people?!" he screamed.
        I rolled my eyes, quickly leaning down and kissing his lips. 
        "Shut it, Yuri!" I scolded. "You'll increase blood flow!"
        He went quiet, dazed as he stared at me plugging the wound.
         "As for your question. It's fine, it wouldn't get infected unless dirt or dust got into the wound, which is why I'm covering it so no debris gets in and infects it, along with stopping blood flow too. The bullet is sterile, meaning it's no threat to being infected since the gun's blast heated the bullet hot enough to where it flies in the air at the target, the heat cures the metal, therefore the metal won't be a threat. Plus, to be extra safe, the bullet is plugging the wound from bleeding out excessively, and it didn't go completely through his body, so that's good (for the most part)." I explained.
        "Wow. You're smart, ma'am." The soldier gushed.
        "I didn't even know that... damn..." the other soldier spoke, looking down depressingly.
        Well, no shit. You aren't a part of the medical squad, and you don't seem to have been apart of the military. I thought.
        I noticed the two medical personnel that are supposed to be taking care of Yuri instead watching from the sidelines away from the two rookie second-lieutenants and us. They must believe I'm doing the job good enough to where they don't need to step in.
        "Hey! That's my wife so watch what you're saying!" Yuri declared, snapping out of his hypnosis.
        I wrapped his wound with triangle bandage, (which is also good for filtering water, I learned when I was in the military!)
        "There, done." I spoke as tears welled up in his eyes.
        "It still hurts!" he complained, quieter then before.
        "Want a kiss to make it better?" I teased, rolling my eyes.
        He immediately directed his attention to the side, going quiet. 
        "Up," I commanded. "Let's get you to a private hospital." I commented. "And you two." I spoke, turning my head to the two men who watched the procedure.
        "Y-yes, ma'am!" they both saluted, a little scared.
        What the hell are they scared for? I thought, confused. 
        "Grab hydrogen peroxide and scrub the blood off the floors in there, really good. It'll lose all of his DNA in the scene, that way there will be no evidence of us here in case the Red Circus or WISE decide to snoop out the place after we leave." I ordered.
        "Yes, ma'am!" they spoke.        
        "And good work today, men." I acknowledged, bowing my head and grabbing Yuri's hand that had his uninjured shoulder. 
        I dragged Yuri into the van, seeing that the captain was already there waiting for us.
        "Hop in." He spoke.
        I opened the door for Yuri (since chivalry is dead, I thought jokingly) and had him sit down. I got in and closely watched Yuri, making sure that he was okay.
        "You disobeyed my commands." The captain spoke.
        "Yes, sir. I did." I spoke. 
        "I told her to." Yuri admitted, panting. "I didn't want her getting hurt." 
        "It's part of the job to take bullets, literally..." the Lieutenant spoke. "However, because you disobeyed me, not only did you save the kids from a second stunt he pulled, but you also immobilized him to where we can arrest him. You also saved another solider from getting shot. And you're experienced in first aid as you've helped Yuri when other experienced agents couldn't get there in time or didn't know how." He sighed. "I really hate admitting this, but throughout the time we've worked together, you've exceeded my expectations; however, I am officially impressed in your abilities. I should've never doubted your position here as a SSS officer and lieutenant just because you are a lady." 
        "Thanks. I don't think you're that ugly." I admitted without second thought.
        "Thanks— wait what?" he questioned.
        "Hm?" I hummed.
        "What did you— ...never mind." He sighed. "I'll write the report for the Director. I'll inform him of your vacations from work since I figure you'll help him heal." I was about to speak, before he answered. "Yes, you'll get paid while on vacation."
        "Sweet..." I muttered. 
        "However, next time, please tell me if you disagree with your position in a plan or if you believe there's a better solution. If we're confused in action, we could die." The lieutenant spoke.
        "Yes, sir." I acknowledged, feeling a slight pit of guilt inside of my stomach.
        "And good job, Yuri. You never fail to impress me, as always." The lieutenant spoke.
        "Thanks... can we just hurry up and get to the hospital?" he questioned.
        "You heard him. Step on it, grandma." I gruffed to the male driver. 
        The hospital told me that the SSS would take care of the paper work and medical costs since it's apart of the job's perks. They gave me instructions on how to care for Yuri in his state. I led Yuri out of the hospital, taking the bus to the SSS building so we can go get our car.
        Yuri was quiet the whole time, not that I don't mind. I understand with rethinking your choices and wondering how you got to getting shot since I've experienced it before.
        I got Yuri into the passenger seat of the car and had Yuri toss me the keys, allowing me to start the engine. By now, us being alone in the car started to unease my nerves.
        "Penny for your thoughts?" I suggested.
        "How'd you know what to do?" he questioned. 
        "Dress your wounds?" I questioned.
        "Yeah." He confirmed.
        "I told you I was in the Westalis military when I was seven, did I not?" I spoke.
        "You did, but how did you know exactly that?" he questioned.
        "I studied up on first aid when I was seven, so I'd be prepared when they let me into the military after pestering them over and over to let me join. When I was in the military, they gave us first aid classes. Then, during battle, I lost two of my soldiers and friends in the battle, those two saved me when the bombings in Luwen, Westalis. If it wasn't for them, I would've died, and yet I couldn't save them because I froze up." I admitted.
        "Then, I was assigned to another rescue mission a few weeks later, and my friend who was there to help save me with the other two, was shot. That time, I refused to leave. I was too close to enemy territory so the military refused to come aid us, I was low on ammo, and I wasn't strong enough to carry or drag him away without injuring him or making it in time. By a miracle, one of the soldier's heard my coordinates over the radio and retrieved me, but we had to leave because the enemy found us, and I had to leave my friend." I explained.
        "After that, I left the military after some time, no longer wanting to watch those I love die or unknowingly step into another landmine, then I was sought out to be a spy, and I learned more medical shit there. And voilà, here we are." I smiled.
        "Huh." Yuri commented. 
        "I also got shot twice in that last battle." I smirked. 
        "Twice? At seven? I can barely handle this!" Yuri exclaimed.         
        "I was just hella lucky I didn't die." I chuckled. "Now, what do you want for dinner?" 
        "I still have another question." Yuri spoke.
        "Is it about dinner?" I asked.
        "No." He admitted. 
        "I guess I can entertain you." I spoke, letting out a yawn.
        "Why'd you kiss me? Twice?" Yuri questioned.
        "That's what's so important?" I smiled. "Well, first was a good luck kiss. I was worried you'd be hurt, and look where we are. Besides, that helped our act." I explained. "And second, it was to shut you up so you didn't kill yourself. To calm you down." 
        Yuri hummed. "Do you want to keep our act fake?" 
        "What do you mean?" I questioned, turning my head to him before looking back at the road. 
        "I mean, earlier you were talking about getting rings, and I'll be honest, I've thought about it before." Yuri admitted, turning his head to the window. "I thought about it a lot, to where I planned to go through with it." He spoke, opening the car's storage port and pulling out a black case.
        "...Yuri?" I questioned, surprised and pulling over to avoid crashing in my dazed surprise (I did it way better and more smoothly than Yuri did earlier that day, might I add).
        "I figured... I'd make it official, especially if we're going to be living together for who knows how long. And... I might've caught something for you, and I was a jerk because I was afraid of falling in love with what I thought was the enemy, because I convinced myself that you'd leave; but you've proven more than once that you'd stay." Yuri smiled, opening the box.
        "I know it ain't nothing fancy, no candlelight dinner or something. I would've planned something, but after today, I realized how easy it is to die, and I'd rather die knowing that I tried to be someone good for you rather than be some jerk." He chuckled.
        I felt tears well up in my eyes as I started crying. 
        "Hey! What's wrong? If you don't feel the same, you can just reject!" Yuri spluttered, looking at me concerned.
        "Today's been such a roller coaster. First, I get all mad about you and some random chick because I was jealous of her taking you away. Then, I almost have a heart attack that my niece is in danger. After that, I swear I was going to die because I almost lost you to the reaper. And now, I'm being proposed to." I laughed. 
        "Yeah, I guess I could've waited later." Yuri smiled.
        "No. I'm glad you did now. I was thinking about sneaking out tonight and running to the nearest jewelry store to find a ring." I joked.
        Yuri placed the ring on my ring finger and I smiled observing it. 
        Of course it has Yuri's touch. A ruby jewel and silver banding. I thought, swooning over the ring.
        "Turn it over." Yuri spoke.
        I took it off and turned it over, seeing that underneath, the wording "Mrs. Briar" was welded into it.
        "I love it." I admitted. "I love you too." 
        "I mean, I'm hoping so." Yuri joked, causing me to laugh. "I love you too. Thank you for being with someone stubborn like me."
        "That's my line." I smiled.
        I'm happy, extremely, but I remembered what I have to do. As part of WISE and the SSS, relationships don't come first; work does. If Yuri found out, could he still love me? Would he still look at his (now-official) wife the same way again?
        Something tells me if I told him, the only thing I'd receive from him is a bullet in my head. But I guess that's a story for later, huh?
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        Parts: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, current part, nine, ten (to be continued when Spy x Family has more Yuri content!)
        Want more Yuri content? Check out these headcannons and one shots!
        Yuri Briar x Sick! Fem! Reader
        Slightly mean! Yuri Briar x Fem! Reader
Yuri Briar x Fem! Reader headcannons + other fandoms!
        Have any requests? Check my masterlist to see the characters I write for: Masterlist (Please request, I have too much free time and too little fics).
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ronearoundblindly · 24 days
Lexi's Monthly Edit
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July 29th - August 31st, 2024
In case you missed them, here's a handy-dandy list of what I posted within the last month. This time we have 9 headcanon/ficlet (links only) and 8 fics (links with blurbs from each) below the cut. Enjoy!
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ice cream headcanons
returning late headcanons
intimacy headcanon for Fools Rush In (mature) Steve Rogers x lab tech!reader
extra hotel bed headcanons
early autumn decorating headcanons
Pregnancy/Children headcanon for Sun, Salt, and Shield Steve Rogers x deep sea mermaid!reader
faking it in bed headcanons (mature)
favorite sex position headcanons (mature)
invisible!reader noticed by Steve
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The Stoop for The Root of All Ransom Ransom Drysdale x rich!reader
"It's okay to be nervous, honey--" "I'm not nervous," he barks. "--because there's a lot going on right now. I get it--" "I was just thinking--" he rips the pinky ring off his hand and shows you the chunky gold emblem "--I'd have to get this little piece of shit resized, for f**k's sake, not that I wouldn't want to wear a g*ddamn wedding ring! What the f**k, woman?"
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Jake's home! (mature) Jake Jensen x girlfriend!reader
The plastic shower curtain and its castors are yanked aside, and you squeal in delight, hopping over the lip of the tub—fully-clothed,—throwing your arms around his neck. One of his feet slips under the weight. “Hey, babe,” he says into your shoulder of still-dry cotton. You pull back and smile. At least, he’s fairly certain you’re smiling. You’re blurry, and he’s a bit blind without his glasses.
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Let Me See You (mature) skinny!1940s!Steve Rogers x reader
"But he wasn't good to you," Steve soothes and wraps his hand around yours, "and he wasn't good for you." All you do is shrug and hide your face. Tears falls to the fabric below your eyes and seep through in dark patches. He scoots forward and lifts your chin with a gentle nudge. When your puffy red eyes meet his, he's struck by how lucky he feels to see you like this. It's odd to think someone who knew you more and for so much longer couldn't feel infinitely more attached and protective. You're so vulnerable, so open, so... "You're beautiful." Steve's tongue swipes over his dry lips. "You're so beautiful."
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Safety Captain, Chapter One (no-powers AU) lifeguard!Steve Rogers x vacationer!reader
“Everyone’s okay,” he rushes, rubbing your back, warm and slick against your wet skin. “You don’t have to talk yet. Take it easy.” You still feel compelled to explain. “The—they were teasing him—“ you point to the chubbier kid in your group, the poor thing cowering by your lounge chair headquarters for the morning “—and I tried to stop them.” “I know, shhh, I saw. Just breathe slowly.” “Don’t like bullies,” you cough out anyway. The lifeguard at your side grins from ear to ear.
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Interlude: A Special Visit for Hideout touch-starved!Nomad Steve Rogers x motel employee!reader
You’re teasing him, but it is fun to see the huge man kneeling at your bedside squirm. His blush is crimson in the candlelight. You poke his burly shoulder. “You were checkin’ me out…” “It’s not like that,” he whispers. “Anyway, make a wish, birthday girl.” Steve pushes the cupcake higher in your hold, encouraging you with a wry smile. Your breath is swift and precise, your desire so clear at the forefront of your mind that picking a wish—another wish, since he’s already here—takes no time at all.
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Big Pharma, sex pollen (mature) Steve Rogers x doctor!reader
Bag tossed to the floor, you unbutton your pants and shimmy out of everything from shoes to panties, letting the longer tail of your dress shirt barely cover your modesty. Steve looks dumbfounded. It’s bad enough he has to run to you for a handy every few hours, but this? “Doc, no,” he breaths. “I understand the procedure,” you say calmly, echoing his harrowing consent from that first night he needed you. Steve’s brow furrows in strain. “We shouldn’t…” ‘We’ are way past ‘shouldn’t,’ buddy. “Can’t ask you to…“ but he also knows time’s a wasting.
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To Tire Is Human Steve Rogers x reader
Steve eats his whole meal--entree and dessert--with his non-dominant hand just so he can hold yours. He had one of your days. He spent the drive home listing all the things he needed to do in his head, more energy for each tick, more time for sitting still, more of him to give... ...and then he got to enjoy a lovely dinner with you. You spent your energy on him, on you both. You spent energy specifically to spend time with him, and Steve could cry but he won't. He keeps smiling, making happy, pleased noises with each delicious bite.
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For Show, reluctant marriage of convenience (mature) Ransom Drysdale x soulmate!reader
A pillow shifts. No, not a pillow; it’s your back, and when you shift again, Ran sees one of the plush throw blankets slink farther down your bare skin. It’s the largest swath of your body he’s ever seen. You lay with your arms folded, peering out the windows behind the couch, and you still haven’t fucking noticed him. He huffs before realizing he isn’t listening to the faint TV anymore, but when he ticks his head, he sees your TV isn’t on either. “”I think of nothing but you as I fall asleep at night”—” Ran hears a woman’s voice fake a deeper tone before switching to normal “—Javier says, pulling her soft curves into his hard body—”
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
Universal Monster watch through thoughts part 2
Onto 5 more monster movies
A few notes:I have been watching the behind the scenes documentaries that go with certain movies and this is the first batch with no documentaries .ALso with Daughter of DRacula we exit phase one of the Universal monsters ,as in studio history I belive this is where the LEamlies (Those who founded Universal) were I believe forced out and Horror films were put on the back burner due to the Hays code ....Till a theater owner did a very sucessful triple bill of Dracula,Frankenstein and Son of Kong ,which got Universal seeing dollar signs and brought beack the monsters with Son of Frankenstein
6.Werewolf of London 1935
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First film I fully dont like.Like its one of the first werewolf movies Jack Pierces makeup ,which is more man then wolf is good and theres some amusing drunk old ladies ......But other then that and unless you are a hardcore werewolf fanatic,I think this film is skipable .I dont like the main characvter or actor ,Henry Hull ,and the key to a good Werewolf story is I gotta care about the main character,and while it has cool ideas it does ntohing with them.Also the villain is played by Warner Oland ,a Swedish actor known for playing mostly Asian characters ,including here .....Skip this movie
7.Draculas Daughter (1936)
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So this is an example of a film I saw once before,didnt think much of .....And on this watch I really enjoyed it .The opening scene is dumb with Van Helsing getting arrested and honestly as much as I love Edward Van Sloan ,I wouldve preferred if he wasnt in the movie .Other then that its a good movie,and for Queer horror fans I think its a must watch ,Zaleskas queer subtext is palpable ,ESPECIALLY in the scene with Lili the model .I like the humor in the film mostly (Im noticing more a trend to humor ),Sandor is one of my favorite characters so far cause he is the ultimate buzzkill and personification of gloom , but what makes the film really is Zaleska played to perfection by Gloria Holden ,she really brings the tragedy and pathos so she isnt just a villain .Also earliest vampire film I can think of to treat vamparism like addiction,with Sandor the utimate enabler .Also ummm I didnt realize this but I couldnt shake the feeling while watching that the hero Jeffrey looked villanious ....And turns out Its Otto Kruger who I had just seen in Hitchcocks Saboteur where he plays a villain (Also was Dr Livsey in Tresaure Island with Wallace Beery ).Anyway good movie,hidden gem reccomend
8.Son of Frankenstein (1939)
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...So yeah the first 3 Frankenstein movies (The Karloff trilogy as I call it ) are all amazing ,its soooooo hard to pick a favorite.I have heard people who say its the best of the three and others who say its the weakest,but honestly like the first two it is still a masterpiece .It is sadly the first one where the monster becomes a bit of a prop,he is the least interesting character in the film but he still has great moments in the film to showcase how great Karloff is (His wail of Anguish upon finding Ygor dead ,his one friend ,is HEARTBREAKINGLY AMAZING ).Honestly what makes the film is the cast which might be the best ensamble of any of these movies .Lionel Atwil is so good as the one armed Inspector Krogh who plays off Basil Rathbone beautifully .Basil Rathbone gives possibly one of his best performances as the titular character and the dart scene is some of the best actor Ive seen from him .The scene stealer in EASILLY his best performance ever is Bela Lugosi as Ygor ,he is so creepy and is played to perfection by Lugosi .I am tempted to say he is tied with Pretorious as my favorite villain of the series .The movie looks beautiful,its got a good final set piece and you get to see some amazing actors work off each other.Another CLASSIC in my oppinion.Also Bambi is in it .And with that we leave the 30's and enter the 40's
9.The Invisible Man Returns (1940)
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Another solid one ,love the wronged man trying to prove his innocence plot while trying not to lose his mind ,I think thats a fun angle .Im not a huge fan of Sir Cedric Hardwicke ,but I love his performance here as the main villain not playing it villainous but rather desperate which leads to villainy .I also really like the inspector here who is a fun foil .The stand out of the movie is its lead a very green Vincent Price in his first time being the lead in a horror film ,I think his manerisms when bandaged are good and he has a strong voice though he hasnt developed his signature affectation yet so he sounds alittle diffrent though the signature "Price voice" slips in a few scenes .My favorite scene is when he is menacing Alan Napier (AKA Alfred brom 60's Batman TV show ) and the film has a great finale .Also the effects were OScar nominated and RIGHTLY so,they look good for being over 80 years old.Must see for both Universal fans and Vincent Price fans
10.The Mummys Hand (!940)
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....Sooooooo,I have seen this one before,but this time around I mostly had it on in the background as I made lunch ,and thus have very little to say .I kind of like that the two main characters are goofy ,fun knowing the mummys actor Tom Tyler was in westerns (Including John Fords Stagecoach) but also is the first live action actor to play a comic book hero ,Captain Marvel and Geroge Zucco is creepy....I dunno,I got nothing both times Ive watched this I just thought it was OK
Ranking so far
10.Werewolf of London
9.Mummys Hand
7.Dracula's Daughter
5.Invisible Man Returns
4.Invisble Man
3.Son of Frankenstein
1.Bride of Frankenstein
To be Continued
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @piterelizabethdevries @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @countesspetofi @amalthea9 @barbossas-wench
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horrororman · 9 months
The Invisible Man Returns was released on January 12, 1940.
#VincentPrice #scifi #sciencefiction #horror
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Invisible Man Returns (1940) R-1948
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ronmerchant · 6 months
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thewarmestplacetohide · 3 months
Dread by the Decade: 1940s Master List Part I
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Part II
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Fantasia - "Night on Bald Mountain/Ave Maria" (1940 | USA): a devil summons demons and spirits to dance. ★★★★½
The Man with Nine Lives (1940 | USA): a scientist believes freezing people can cure disease. ★★
Gaslight (1940 | UK): a man tries to convince his wife she's going mad. ★★★★½
Black Friday (1940 | USA): a man's brain is partially replaced with a gangster's. ★★★½
The Devil Bat (1940 | USA): a chemist makes giant bats. ★
Dr. Cyclops (1940 | USA): a mad scientist shrinks people. ★★
The Ghost Breakers (1940 | USA): a woman inherits a supposedly haunted manor. ★½
The Invisible Man Returns (1940 | USA): a convict escapes execution using an invisibility potion. ★★
Son of Ingagi (1940 | USA): newlyweds are stalked by a monster. ½
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Rebecca (1940 | USA): the new bride of a widower fears she cannot replace his late wife. ★★★★½
The Stranger on the Third Floor (1940 | USA): a reporter fears he helped an innocent get sentenced to death. ★★★½
The Black Cat (1940 | USA): a wealthy woman's heirs are stalked by a killer. ★★
The Devil Commands (1940 | USA): a scientist tries to speak to his dead wife's ghost. ★★½
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1940 | USA): a kind doctor transforms into his darker side. ★★½
Horror Island (1941 | USA): a strange group search for buried treasure. ★½
Man-Made Monster (1941 | USA): scientists subject a man to electrical shocks. ★½
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zippocreed501 · 8 months
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Nan Grey as Helen Manson and Vincent Price as Geoffrey Radcliffe
The Invisible Man Returns (1940)
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pandoramsbox · 3 months
Sci-Fi Saturday: Invisible Agent
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Week 23:
Film(s): Invisible Agent (Dir. Edwin L. Marin, 1942, USA)
Viewing Format: DVD
Date Watched: 2021-11-19
Rationale for Inclusion: 
As I wrote in my post about Dr. Cyclops (Dir. Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1940, USA) a few weeks back, most of the purer works of science fiction in the 1940s were being produced in serial or short format, whilst features were mostly horror hybrids, and frequently linked to past Universal Horror movies or adaptations of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. As a result, this post will be the last one on sci-fi films of the 1940s, and also will finally feature one of the Universal Monster sequels.
While the sequels to Frankenstein (Dir. James Whale, 1931, USA) leaned more into fantasy and horror, the sequels to The Invisible Man (Dir. James Whale, 1933, USA) showed more cross-genre compatibility. The first sequel, The Invisible Man Returns (Dir. Joe May, 1940, USA), sticks to the horror, sci-fi roots of the original with the added thriller narrative of a wrongly convicted man trying to prove his innocence of a murder. The second sequel, The Invisible Woman (Dir. A. Edward Sutherland, 1940, USA), goes the comedy route, and narratively has little to do with the prior films apart from its title. The third sequel, Invisible Agent (Dir. Edwin L. Marin, 1942, USA), puts the invisibility serum of the original film towards the war effort in a sci-fi espionage film. Two more sequels followed, The Invisible Man's Revenge (Dir. Ford Beebe, 1944, USA) and Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man (Dir. Charles Lamont, 1951, USA), which were a return to horror and comedy, respectively.
For all its cultural dominance during the 1940s, World War II rarely shows up directly in feature length sci-fi films of the era. Part of that has to do with the United States' late entry into the war, but also other mediums, like comic books and radio, being the preferred showcase of spectacular worlds and technology. The novelty of its espionage plot is why, out of all the Universal Monster sequels that also fit in the sci-fi genre, I thought Invisible Agent warranted inclusion on this survey.
Continuity within the Invisible Man series is frequently casual, since unlike the Dracula, Frankenstein and Wolfman films, no characters exist in multiple films. Invisible Agent does narratively connect back to The Invisible Man by having protagonist Frank Griffin Jr., alias Frank Raymond, (Jon Hall) be presented as the grandson of the first film's Dr. Jack Griffin, who possesses a copy of the recipe for the invisibility serum. Never mind the fact that in The Invisible Man Jack Griffin was not married, nor shown to be a philanderer, and deliberately destroyed the only existing copy of the invisibility serum formula; the filmmakers probably figured their audience would not have seen the 1933 film, or at least not recently enough for the change in continuity to be an issue.
Retroactive continuities, or as we say today "retcons", have been fixtures of popular media since popular mass media first took shape at the end of the nineteenth century, anyway. So it is safe to presume that audiences in 1942 were apt to just accept the changes with minimal reaction or thought. Increased access to past works in the post-modern, digital age have prompted a more negative response from devoted fan communities when continuity is deviated from. As a fan spoiled by access who typically watches The Invisible Man annually, I definitely responded to the retcon in Invisible Agent by thinking that it made no sense based on what was present in the original film.
However, retconning aside, having the grandson of Dr. Jack Griffin use the invisibility serum to help the United States government and Allies, instead of giving it to the Axis Powers, or maniacally sewing anarchy as a free agent with it, was the story that the era demanded. The film unfolds as a competent sci-fi, spy thriller with gimmicky yet clever effects moments to convey invisibility that were the true hallmark of the series.
The whole narrative is itself a work of Allied propaganda, but it only goes explicitly heavy handed during a speech of Griffin's whilst trying to get information out of the incarcerated Gestapo Standartenführer Karl Heiser (J. Edward Bromberg).
Given the history of German emigrants playing Nazis in American films during the war, it may be a surprise to modern audiences to discover German emigrant Peter Lorre in yellowface playing a Japanese agent, Baron Ikito. Lorre, who worked his way from France to England to America to get away from the Nazi regime as quickly as possible, had previously played Japanese detective Mr. Moto in eight films between 1937 and 1939, so audiences were accustomed to seeing him play Japanese characters. Between his experience playing Moto, and Lorre's skill as an actor, his performance of Baron Ikito is fairly neutral for a yellowface performance, albeit problematic by its very nature. 
Invisible Agent is an interesting cultural artifact. Its narrative is built on a respectable sci-fi concept and it places middle of the pack when it comes to Universal Monster sequels.
World War II and Nazis factor more deeply in later retro and period piece science fiction works than during the actual 1940s. It is somewhat disappointing, but if anything is an incentive to look more into the print offerings of the era.
Next week we move onto the 1950s: flying saucers, aliens, and all manner of atomic terrors.
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