#The Last Apprentice
best-childhood-book · 10 months
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madamrynodm · 7 months
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Local apprentice killed for going to breakfast too early, more at 7
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Tom: If a beautiful woman disagrees with me I will immediately change my views. I have no principles Alice: Well maybe you should have principles Tom: You're right maybe I should
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xxlucyxlolaxx · 10 months
Are there fans of Spook Apprentice?
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jvaissauterdunpont · 2 years
Rip Joseph Delaney and thank you for everything
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libraryspectre · 2 years
One of the scenes in The Last Apprentice I remember the best is when Tom's dad is telling him how he met Tom's mom and he's all "I was a poor sailor. She was naked and chained to a rock and blistering in the sun. I covered her with my shirt until the sun went down. I was soooo sunburned. Anyway we got her out of there and kept the chain" and I, age 12, was like "this is the most romantic thing I've ever heard"
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enlilwind · 8 months
Ucenicul Vraciului de Joseph Delaney este un volum captivant și destul de întunecat despre maturizare și despre asumarea responsabilității. Mi-a plăcut mult cum e construit Thomas - cum dintr-un băiețel speriat de orice începe să devină un ucenic studios, să ajungă la concluziile corecte, să facă greșeli pe care și le asumă. Nu de puține ori băiatul dă dovadă de un al șaselea simț și am apreciat felul în care autorul îl face pe Thomas să ajungă la anumite concluzii sau să ia anumite decizii. Deși nu este cel mai curajos sau strălucit ucenic, Thomas își dă absolut toată silința să afle unde e adevărul și dă dovadă de empatie acolo unde altcineva ar fi nemilos și dur.
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eyelessdraws · 9 months
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sketch of Grimalkin the Witch Assassin that would never see the light of day otherwise
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sullivan8413 · 10 months
♡My favorite shit♡
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timelessphoenix · 2 years
Oh, Thorne deserved better... But also.... hell yes, Grimalkin!
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jensjumbledmess · 14 days
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My review/thoughts on Seventh Son by Joseph Delaney. (This particular version contains both book 1, The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch & book 2, The Last Apprentice: Curse of the Bane).
Star & Spice Rating: ⭐️ 4/5, 🌶️ 0/5 (for both books)
TWs: There's a bit of gore in Curse of the Bane and the description of a dead cat.
Judging a Book By It’s Cover: Nothing too special about this one, just the movie poster cover. I'll give it a 6 out of 10 just because Ben Barnes is on it.
"I've just given birth to a baby boy,' she wrote, and he's the seventh son of a seventh son. His name is Thomas J. Ward, and he's my gift to the County. When he's old enough we'll send you word. Train him well. He’ll be the best apprentice you've ever had, and he'll also be your last.'"
This is a book that I wish I had found in middle school. (I hated reading then, but I think I would have really enjoyed this series and I think it would have gotten me into reading sooner.) That’s one thing to keep in mind before you start reading this, it’s certainly a book for young adults (I would say around the ages of 12 to 16). I wouldn’t consider it young adult in the way that ACOTAR or Shadow & Bone/Six of Crows is considered young adult. It feels like a good introduction to fantasy and has a very easy/simple reading style to it. Tom Ward, our protagonist is 13 after all, and at times his thought process and the sentence structure feels like it reflects that. (It took me a minute to adjust to this style.) Another thing I would warn readers of is not to go into reading this expecting what you saw in the Seventh Son movie; it’s very different. The characters feel different and they were aged up for Hollywood.
I can’t quite explain it, but both of these books (especially the first one) gave me a “classic fairy tale” type feeling? I think part of it is the little dashes of advice or morals that are sprinkled throughout the story. Things like:
"Trust the voice inside you. It's rarely wrong,” or “—as my mam once told me, you never know just what you can do until you try. So I'm going to try. I'm going to try just as hard as I possibly can because I want her to be really proud of me.”
These books almost give me an “off-brand Witcher for kids” type feeling as well. The process of becoming a Spook is less harsh than becoming a Witcher, and they possess no magic, but the Spook is treated in nearly the same way when he comes to town.
I found Tom to be sweet, brave, and he has some pretty great morals for his age. There were times when I felt bad for him, when he would come home from his apprenticeship and he was treated differently by his family (tough love from his strong mother and contempt from his older, and in my opinion, jealous brother, who I absolutely could not stand and rolled my eyes at any time we had to deal with him.) I enjoyed the slight eeriness of some of the situations that he ended up in, and I can actually see this series potentially getting a bit darker as it goes and as Tom ages. I look forward to seeing what kind of man (and Spook) he ends up becoming.
Anyway, like I said, this makes a great entry fantasy book for young readers, and I enjoyed it even as an adult!
Thank you for reading! If you liked my review/thoughts, consider following me on [GoodReads], [Bookstagram], or [Threads]! (I tend to post on GoodReads & Threads first!)
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best-childhood-book · 6 months
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madamrynodm · 8 months
Haven't thought about the series in years but I feel the overwhelming urge to reread The Last Apprentice/Spook's Apprentice
Mainly because I remember the pictures being very cool and Grimalkin being a queen all the time
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Mr. Gregory: Alice, what did you do?
Alice: Woah, why do you think it's my fault?
Mr. Gregory: Because you always do something.
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blogthefiresidechats · 3 months
Best 10 Books in.....Horror
I’ve comprised a list of the 10 best books from the horror genre. This list is in no particular order and this list is only my opinions based on what books I’ve read in the past. Enjoy! I came to read this book back in 2018 and I remember it kept me pretty hooked throughout the entire story. The story follows two young boys when they initially think the circus has come to town during the month…
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jvaissauterdunpont · 8 months
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I'm so happy !!! I got the french "the revenge of the witch" comic early !!!
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