#The Machinist
fizzyshark · 2 days
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more drawpile but yuri edition
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The Machinist 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible bullying, misogyny, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your new boss sets his sights on you. (short!reader)
Characters: August Walker
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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Your forehead pinches and your eyes singe. Your brows dip as you focus on your tasks, your hands firm on the small cylinder as you smooth the edge. Your work is tedious and precise, but you work off muscle memory. It all comes naturally. 
You lean in as you finish off the small piece, slowly pulling it away from the spinning wheel. You hit the stop and admire your handiwork briefly and label it before putting the piece aside in its coordinated container. You keep your space as tidy as you can, as organized as possible to avoid anything missing or overlooked. 
You lean on the tall stool you never use; it’s too high and this job isn’t really made for sitting. You take off your safety glasses and pull the bandana down from over your hairline to sop up your sweat. Your shoulders are tight and sore and your lower back tugs from your half-bent posture. 
You fix your bandana and near the work table again. Your old station was too high and now this one somehow is too low. It’s like a cruel trick. 
You pull the next blueprint up on the screen, clacking on the keys to zoom. It’s simple. You’re sent the schematics and you make whatever’s needed. It is a less than exciting job but it pays the bills. 
As you put your materials out in front of you and ready the borer, the noise of the factory forms a calamitous wall around you. You’ve learned to tune it out, you hardly notice when Bill swears at his lathe or Joe and Sakir argue over one thing or another. You keep to your work. You keep to yourself. 
Before you can start your next job, you sense a shift in the air. Voices quiet, machines slow and some stop. You peer over but can’t see much from your vantage in the corner. You claimed the station even though the air flow is crap. You prefer that you’re not center among the chaos. 
You begin by shaping the steel into a flat circle, then bore a hole in the middle. You’re going to have to be careful with how thin the sheet is but any thicker and it will impinge the hinge in the blueprint. You’ll have to make that too. 
The odd lull seems to flow across the factory floor like a tide. You peer up only as the air seems to stagnate. You see a man approaching. You don’t recognise him but he’s not very much different than most men you work with; ball cap, plaid shirt, that overly macho stance. 
Unlike most factory men, he isn’t built like a noodle or with an extra pouch around his middle. He’s tall and lumbering and his shoulders broad. Across his upper lip, he sports a dark mustache, and his blue are somehow bright and dark at once. 
“Hello,” he approaches as his bold tone rolls like thunder, “machinist?” 
Your brows knot together curiously as you shut off the borer and set aside the parts. You turn to him completely, “yes.” 
“Ah,” he reaches into the bin and takes out the cylinder you just finished, “fine work. Detailed. The labeling is clever.” 
You’re wary. You’re used to the men talking down to you. It’s not that unusual but something about him is loftier than you’re used too. 
“Engineer?” You wonder. He has to be. Their degrees seem to overload their egos in a certain kind of way. 
“Supervisor,” he puts the part back in the green container, “first day. Did you not receive the notice?” 
“I did,” you assure him. You read the notice on the lunchroom wall but it didn’t matter much to you. He isn’t the first replacement to pass through the position, especially since the buyout. 
“August Walker,” he offers his large hand. 
You eye it and reach with your glove, mindless of the darkened fabric, and dully recite your name. He squeezes, in the way that men do, trying to prove their strength. You simply allow him his little display before rescinding your hand. 
“How long have you worked here?” He asks. 
You look around. You notice Bill watching and a few others trying to act like they aren’t. You know what they’re thinking. If fat needs to be trimmed, naturally it should be the girl. 
“Three years,” you answer. 
“Really? Work like this, I’d have guessed longer,” he muses, “by looking at you, though, I might have guessed you just started.” 
“Mm,” you grumble and turn back to your parts. 
“Compliment,” he says bluntly. 
“Right,” you utter. “Got work orders.” 
“So, you do,” he agrees, “but I’m your boss.” 
You hesitate and pull your hands back from the table. You face him again as he stands on the other side of the table’s arm. You step up to your side and look up at him. 
“Is there something I missed? A task I should focus on first, sir?” You ask. 
He snorts and one side of his mouth lifts up in amusement, “not much for water cooler talk, huh?” 
“With due respect, I’m on the clock.” 
"Due respect," he echoes.
His eyes flick up and down and you withhold your discomfort. It isn’t unusual. Your coworkers are more often in miserable marriages or eternally single. They all can’t help but ogle you now and again, even if you dress exactly like them. Nothing special. Not the girls at the bar or the wives they once loved. 
“Well then, maybe I’ll run into in the lunchroom and you can tell me all about yourself,” he plants his hands on the table and leans over just slightly, “I’m dying to know how someone like you ended up in a place like this.” 
You tweak a brow and cross your arms. Right. He’s one of those. Just like the rest of them. This isn’t your place, you’re an intruder. 
“I mean, why would you come here and sweat over all this dirty work when you could be put up in a kitchen, huh?” He wonders with a smirk, “but I’ve seen the men around here, none of them got the guts to put you where you belong.” 
Your chest rises and falls as a swell of anger comes over you. You know the best way to react is not to. So, you don’t. 
“Sir, I’m right at home right here,” you assure him and turn back to your station. 
You ignore him as you adjust your glasses and adjust a setting on the lather. What you wouldn’t do to put his face to the grinder. He isn’t worth the damage his thick skull would do to the wheel. 
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vitikko1 · 1 month
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wlw (welder loving welder)
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pix11-4k · 26 days
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The machinist! ⚙️💥🔧
Fortnite fanart!!!! Any character with a mechanic aesthetic is automatically me in every shape ans form.
Look at what i can actually accomplish if i don’t procrastinate and put effort into my work. 😭
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rakshaartblog · 13 days
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Mad Max: Fury Road and Fortnite? YES! I love chapter 5 season 3🚙🚗💥
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chikncheddr · 25 days
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odd seeing fortnite content from me huh?
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madcat-world · 4 months
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the Machinist - Alex Andreev
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fortnite-headcanons · 25 days
machinist x jules yuri <3
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Fortnite Headcanon #408
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ariellex51 · 13 days
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Totally normal first date!!!!
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rayonago · 1 month
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autistic ass smile im crying bruh
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it takes one to know one
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sick-o-sal · 18 days
This MIGHT be fortnite fanart
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+Transparent one cuz I'm not a fan of the backround
I'm totalllyyyy not addicted to playing fortnite that would be cringe of me😞
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The Machinist 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible bullying, misogyny, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your new boss sets his sights on you. (short!reader)
Characters: August Walker
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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You take your lunch where you always do; outside. You don’t like to sit inside all day, especially after sweating amid sparks flying from dozens of torches and grinding wheels and the like. The metals walls do little to let the heat out, so it is that you greet the sunshine and fresh breeze with a sigh. 
You find your way to your truck and unlock the back, climbing up to sit in the open bed as you unzip your lunchbox. You have your standard fare; some carrots, hummus, and a tuna sandwich. Nothing fancy or special. Just what you have time to throw together in the morning. 
You watch the distant skyline as you chew. Insects buzz in the air and you swat away a nosy fly. The smell of pollen underlines the lingering scent of singed metal and your own sweat. You enjoy the small moment to yourself, with the barely muffled noise of drills, wheels, and hollers all around. 
You dip your last carrot and close up the container of hummus. You wipe the lingering garlicky smear from your fingertips and zip away your leftovers and the used napkin. You push your head back to stretch your neck and loosen the stitch between your shoulders. 
“You’re prettier in the sunlight,” the rocky voice brings your chin back down. 
August approaches as you clutch your lunch box against your lap. You don’t know how to respond without putting your job in the balance, so you don’t. You push yourself to the edge of the truck bed but he’s quick. He’s right in front of you, close enough that you can’t jump down. 
“This your truck?” He muses as he gives it an emphatic look, “not too bad. Bit big for you, girl. Ah, but maybe you like handling big things.” 
His insinuation repulses you. He was rude before but now he’s just being gross. Doesn’t matter. Who are you gonna tell? Who’s going to care?
“Excuse me, my lunch is almost over,” you say as you teeter on the edge. 
“I’m sure the boss won’t mind,” he grins boastfully. 
“Really, I got a lot of work--” 
“I never heard about your promotion,” he intones. 
You stop short and bite back your words, “promotion?” 
“Right, you must’ve got one since you’re telling me what to do,” he challenges, crossing his arms to make himself even bigger. 
“I wasn’t. I’m trying to go back to work.” 
“I didn’t dismiss you,” he sneers. 
You ease back and nod. This isn’t the first time a man’s postured at you, it won’t be the last. You’ll let him get his rocks off. 
“Sure,” you nod. 
“Hmph,” he looks you up and down, “it always makes me wonder why women wander into metal shops. Really? You like being sweaty,” he steps even closer and you wince as he reaches and drags his thumb down your cheek, “dirty? I can think of better ways for that.” 
“Sir,” you say flatly. 
He trails his thumb down and presses on your bottom lip, “I’m new around here. Need someone to show me around. How about it?” 
You scowl and rip your mouth away from his hand, “you can’t be serious?” 
“Do I look like I’m fucking kidding?” He slowly pulls his arm back, crossing it once more across his chest, “what I know about this town is there’s no other fucking shop looking for tool and die, and let me tell you, princess, you’ll find they don’t pay pennies next to what I pay.” He brings a hand up to brush the short stubble darkening his jaw, “actually, we’re due for salary review. That’s what the finance officer tells me.” 
You understand his threat. Even if he doesn’t fire you, he can mess with your money. All the leering men, all their nasty words, wouldn’t be worth it if you didn’t get a half-decent cut. 
“Can your precious little head understand me?” His mouth slants in a half-smirk. 
“Not that difficult,” you hiss out.  
“Great, sounds like a plan, princess.” 
Before you can react, he steps forward. He grabs you by the waist and drags you forward on the open door of the truck bed. You yelp in surprise and bat his wrists, your lunch box bouncing out of your grasp onto the ground. He holds you to hover on the edge before he lowers you to the ground, crowding you. 
“Good girl,” he growls and squeezes before he lets you go. 
You struggle not to snarl outright. He takes a step back, not far enough. You turn your attention to your errant bag and bend to pick it up. 
“Mmm, I like that position,” he purrs. 
You snap up and tamp down your irritation. You wish you could say he’s the first man to be so disgusting but that would be a miracle. Especially in this line of work. He’s just the only one you can’t tell to go fuck himself. 
You face him, “can I go back to work?” 
“Mm, look at you, learning already; asking permission,” he clicks his tongue, “sure, go on, princess.” 
You hold back a shudder and turn to close the truck door. You toss your lunch bag over it. Whatever. 
You spin and stomp away, refusing to look back at him, even as you feel his gaze bearing down on you. You feel even more filthy than before. Not just because of his behaviour but your own weakness. You should say no, you should go work at the Pizza Hut, at least there, you can spit in the food of every ass who gives you lip. 
As you cross the yard towards the shop, you slow down. Your eyes meet those of Carey. He started at the same time as you. He asked you out. Several times. He glowers and narrows his eyes.
He looks at the other guys sat around him at the smokers’ table. They saw it. You know they did.
“All the fucking same, aren’t they?” He spits into the dirt as the other men look in your direction. “Cozying up to the boss to get a few extra bucks on her check.” He flicks his butt towards you as you near the door, “whatsa a matter, baby? You need some new panties? Oh, maybe you’re gonna buy a dress? Start dressing like a woman, huh?” 
The other guys chortle and you ignore them. They don’t matter. That’s the difference between them and August. He can actually ruin your life, they only wish they could. 
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sleepyghostiii · 14 days
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Hhhngh she..
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werewolff · 6 months
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funkii4-blog · 26 days
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The Machinist 🛠️⚙️🧰
(inspired by her part of this season’s key art)
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aerosai · 4 days
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I felt the Wrecked BP designs were missing something tougher so I added piercings
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