#The Maltese Falcon Job
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Leverage 2x15 - "The Maltese Falcon Job"
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caseys-breanna · 23 days
In The Maltese Falcon Job when Parker is told by Hardison that Tara might've sold them out, Jesus fucking Christ it's terrifying. The way her whole demeanor changed, the mad glint in her eyes, the expressionless scrutiny, the way she grabs Tara's throat and just dangles her over the ledge like it's nothing. 'I dangle myself from buildings with my fingertips. Bye now' and then that smile???? That terrifying, Heath Ledger's Joker level smile as she says Bye Now???Parker is more than just the greatest thief in the world and a damn good mastermind, she's also downright fucking terrifying when she's pissed off with a target and that never comes up in like 99% of the meta and even in some of the episodes and imho that's something that really shouldn't be forgotten
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geekynightowl1997 · 6 months
Can we appreciate that when Parker hears from Hardison that Tara backstabbed the team- her first instinct was to throw her off the roof?
Like this is Parker. The thief who everyone claims is crazy. The thief that can't process emotions and needs help to play pretend. This thief who hasn't really known what family is like- and her first instinct when the people she cares about is being threatened- she wants to get rid of the threat.
Parker cares. She cares about Eliot. She cares about Nate. She cares about Hardison. Nobody gets to take away her family.
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machut · 1 year
Sterling Elevator Poll
Full scene can (and should!) be seen here
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[ID in alt courtesy of @bleezebrew]
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irritablegallowglass · 3 months
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Eliot Spencer in Every Episode - The Maltese Falcon Job (S02E15)
There was some serious hair fixing going down inbetween the 2nd last and last picture.
Extra Cuties:
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lightthewaybackhome · 9 months
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Eliot: I'm not walking away. That's not my job. My job is to get your back. And Nate, I'm going to do it all the way down. But I need you to do your job.
Nate: And what's that?
Parker: Be Nathan Ford. Be the person we came back for.
When Nate orders them to leave him behind, he says, "Get them on the chopper!" He says that to Eliot, who does just that. He gets them on the chopper. Because he's got Nate's back all the way down.
Maltese Falcon Job S2:E15
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catawonkus · 2 months
the season 2 finale of leverage is so good
The camera pulls out, and Nate is chained, he’s shot and bleeding, he’s collapsed, he’s under arrest, he’s surrounded by enemies, he still has Sophie’s handprint on his face. But he’s smiling and his eyes are all shiny and blue because he finally knows who he is.
Then sterling, when asked who he is, says “I don’t know”, because Nate has changed.
After several episodes where you start to wonder why Nate is the guy to root for (which makes sense because Nate is loathing himself) he finally has clarity as to his identity: he has a family, he’d die for them, he needs Sophie, and he’s a thief.
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amazzyblaze · 3 months
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"The Maltese Falcon Job" doodles
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lemissingmask · 2 years
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[ID: Sketch of Hardison and Eliot from the end of the Maltese Falcon job. Hardison is sitting on a bed in the suit he was wearing, holding a tablet that is tilted slightly to point the camera towards Eliot, who is sleeping on the floor with his head and shoulders against the wall in the background. His hair is still messy and he has blood on his knuckles and face, and showing through bandages on his wrists. In the top right corner is part of a text conversation between Hardison and Parker that goes as follows. Parker: *ice cream emoji*? Hardison: That sounds great! Parker: *another ice cream emoji*123??? Hardison: Chocolate
Then a line break with 'TODAY' in the middle
Hardison: How's Soph? Parker: Been *Zzz emoji* since we got here. How's Eliot? *punching fist emoji* Hardsion: Crashed 15 min ago Parker: Crashed into what? Hardison: Sleep he's asleep Parker: *camera taking photo emoji*
End ID]
Whumptober 2022 Day 12: Adrenaline Crash (alternative prompt 10)
After The Maltese Falcon Job, they all go to a safe house. Parker stays with Sophie, who is obviously more than a bit stressed out after the whole kiss-slap-Nate arrested business. Eliot, after checking security and doing multiple sweeps to make sure they're safe, pretty much crashes because he's just taken on over a dozen guys with guns all alone, and has probably been on high alert with little rest ever since the bottle job and Nate started to go off the rails.
Of course Eliot crashing is rare, particularly without bothering to deal with injuries (head wounds, wounds from breaking through the cable ties, probably plenty more unseen etc) or get changed or tidy up his hair or anything.
And, given it's so rare for Eliot to just fall asleep in front of them, Parker demands a photo from Hardison as proof.
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There is no way, in the immediate aftermath of The Maltese Falcon Job, that Eliot wasn’t the one to get the team home and situated and took care of the rest of them in the aftermath of Nate’s sacrifice/betrayal (depending on how you look at it - I see it as a sacrifice).
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kcdahippie · 6 days
Whew this season finale served. An out of control Nate saved by Sophie who gets to play hero on return all for Nate to give himself up in the end and serve as hero. Damn n .
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Leverage 2x15 - "The Maltese Falcon Job"
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richardsphere · 3 months
Leverage Log, Season 3 E1: The Jailhouse Job
We have a commentary on the US governments continuous use of slavery in the prisonsystem (which is always a nice thing to see) and almost had me happy and distracted enough that I didnt see what they were doing with the guys name
They named him Adam Worth... They actually named him Adam Worth... They named the episode's villain Adam FUCKING Worth
As in "Adam Worth" the famous historic soldier who was mistakenly reported dead during the American civil war, and used the opportunity of his misreported death to become a renowned criminal whose empire was so notable that it served it earned him the actual title of "napoleon of crime"
They named the seasons started villain after the real historic inspiration for James Moriarty, and they thought I wouldnt notice?! Shame on you sir! Shame on you!
But yeah, also the season finale 2-parter was good and well executed, but what else can you expect from a show that has been consistently rocking it this hard. (thats mostly why i forgot to update the log, its too good to for me to stop and take the time to freeze an episode to write something. Gotta finish the episode first, and when its finished.. might as well watch the next one).
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renew-leverage · 1 year
It’s Sunday, Leverage Marathon folks, time for another episode! This week we’re watching the 15th episode and finale of season 2, The Maltese Falcon Job - in which Sterling has elevator issues, Eliot has the best countdown ever, we sadly say goodbye to Tara but hello to someone long missed, and of course Nate is a colossal idiot. Watch the episode with us on our Sunday Leverage Marathon discord server and post all about your feelings, thoughts, comments, anything &  everything.
Come on in, say hi to your fellow fans, get comfortable.  We’ll be starting in about half an hour at 3:30 PM Eastern U.S. Time
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irritablegallowglass · 3 months
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Leverage gifs that no one asked for but I made them anyway (18/?)
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lightthewaybackhome · 8 months
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I love that Eliot would follow Nate into hell, having his back all the way down, but will equally call him out when he's putting everyone in danger.
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