#The Master's Apprentice - ch 21
reinerzbongoz · 2 years
Fleeing Fate Character Roster (Ch. 1)
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Major: Music Composition for film Age: 20 Hobbies: read and find out Class: 23' (Junior) Style and face Claim: Hilary Banks | Bel Air
Annie Leonhart
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Major: Business Admin w/ a minor in P&P Writing Age: 20 Occupation: Underground Boxer | Apprentice Mechanic | Full-time Student Hobbies: Working out Style Claim: Punk
Zeke Yeager
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Degree: Master's in Business Administration and Accounting Age: 28 Occupation: "Club Owner" Hobbies: Heckling | Not minding his own business
Sasha Braus
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Major: Horticulture with a minor in Food Science Occupation: Full-Time Student Age: 20 Hobbies: Gardening | Cooking Class: 23' | Junior
Connie Springer
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Major: Sports Management Occupation: Full-Time Student Age: 20 Hobbies: Skateboarding | Smoking | Napping Class: 23' | Junior
Hitch Dreyse
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Major: Marketing Age: 21 Occupation: Event Planner Hobbies: Being Unapologetically Lesbian | Yoga | Modeling Style Claim: Lori Harvey Class: 23' | Junior
Floch Forster
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Major: Communication Age: 20 Occupation: StoU News Reporter Hobbies: Dickriding Class: 23' | Junior Style Claim: Justin Bieber when he first debuted
Coming soon...
Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein and a few more. (You'll have to keep reading to see the surprise guests *wink*)
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damianwho · 2 years
Episode Arc (and Clumping) Guide for Star Wars: Rebels + Dark Disciple Audiobook Chapter/Episode Correlation
Because I could never find an "arc" guide online for Rebels, and as my favorite Star Wars podcast is transitioning into their Rebels era, I decided to clean up and post this list I made that tries to sort/clump episodes together based on shared plotlines, characters, or as failsafe, movieish-sized chunks. The point is to make a sort of manageable, weekly checklist for rewatches.
I'm also including my personal assessment of which of the unmade episode titles for the Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos arcs correlate to which chapters of the Dark Disciple audiobook, so you can listen to them in "episode" chunks over the next couple weeks before it is covered on AMCA.
Star Wars: Rebels
Season 1
[101, 102] - Spark of Rebellion  
103, 104, 105 - Droids in Distress, Fighter Fright, Rise of the Old Masters  
106, 107 - Breaking Ranks and Out of Darkness  
[108, 109] - Tseebo Arc  
110, 111, 112 - Path of the Jedi, Idiot's Array, and Vision of Hope  
[113, 114, 115] - Tarkin Arc(in)  
Season 2
[201, 202] - Siege of Lothal  
[203, 204], 205 - Clone Arc + Always Two There Are  
[Garel Arc] [206, 207, 208] - Brothers of the Broken Horn, Wings of the Master, and Blood Sisters  
215, 216, 217 - The Call, Homecoming, and The Honorable Ones  
[Garel Arc] [209, 210, 211] - Stealth Strike, The Future of the Force, and Legacy
212, 213, 214 -  A Princess on Lothal, Protector of the Concord Dawn, and Legends of the Lasat  
218, [219, 220]  - Shroud of Darkness + Chopper Arc  
[221, 220] - Twilight of the Apprentice  
Season 3
[301, 302] - Steps Into Shadow  
303, 304 - The Holocrons of Fate, The Antilles Extraction  
305, 306 - Hera's Heroes, The Last Battle  
307, 308, 309 - Imperial Supercommandos, Iron Squadron, The Wynkahthu Job
310, 311 - An Inside Man, Visions and Voices  
[312, 313] - Ghosts of Geonosis  
314, [315, 316] - Warhead + [Darksaber Arc]  
317, 318, 319 - Through Imperial Eyes, Secret Cargo, Double Agent Droid  
320, [321, 322] - Twin Suns + Zero Hour  
Season 4
[401, 402] - Heroes of Mandalore  
[403, 404] - In the Name of the Rebellion  
[405, 406, 407, 408] - Prototype Arc  
[Lothal] [409, 410, 411] - Rebellion Arc  
[Lothal] [412, 413, 414] - Loth-wolf Arc  
[415, 416] - Family Reunion - and Farewell  
Dark Disciple
Ch. 1-7 (Episode 1) - Lethal Alliance  
Ch. 8-12 (Episode 2) - The Mission  
Ch. 13-17 (Episode 3) - Dark Disciple  
Ch. 18-21 (Episode 4) - Conspirators  
Ch. 22-25 (Episode 5) - Saving Vos, Part 1  
Ch. 26-30 (Episode 6) - Saving Vos Part 2  
Ch. 31-36 (Episode 7) - Traitors  
Ch. 37-42 (Episode 8) - The Path  
The only place I could find online that has attempted to make a similar chapter-episode breakdown was the Clone Wars wikia, which has no source for the information, and in my opinion, cannot be correct to the actual produced chapters of the audiobook. At the very least, Dark Disciples and Conspirators were switched from their original script order just based on the actual content of the audiobook chapters.
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whispersafterdusk · 4 years
The Master’s Apprentice - ch 21
Three days had passed and nothing had happened.  No Varea, no Kestrel, no visible change in the guards or mages.
The Jarl had returned by then and to Onmund's dismay Ulfric was with him; neither of them was especially pleased, and wasted no time letting him know how deeply angered they were over this whole fiasco. It didn't escape his attention that, during his initial little tirade - when Korir was tearing into him, Brelyna, Nelacar, and Gormir, even - that the guards were not mentioned at all; it left a sour taste in his mouth even as he argued with them, trying to get them to understand that none of this was anyone's fault but Varea's but Korir seemed especially fixated on the mages's supposed role, and he grew more heated by the moment as he spat and yelled to be heard over every word coming out of their mouths. ((Continued beneath cut))
Gormir, thankfully, stood beside Onmund and the others for the entire argument.  That a Winterhold resident was willing to stand up to his own Jarl to make him see reason seemed to mellow Ulfric's fury, and finally Ulfric dismissed Korir entirely, ordering him back to his hall and everyone in the inn outside so Onmund and the others could sit with him in private.  They spent the next several hours (several uncomfortable, tense hours) fully detailing to Ulfric what had happened, starting with Onmund's fall in Saarthal and ending with how they'd repelled the daedra, and the strange hum and blast that had knocked Onmund, along with everyone else that had been outside, off their feet.
"And, nothing more has attacked Winterhold?"
Onmund shook his head.  "No, Jarl.  Nothing.  We've been preparing for the worst but it's not come.  I'm..."  He paused, eying Ulfric carefully.  "I'm not sure what's happened, so I'm not sure if the worst WILL come."  He fell silent, staring down into his lap.  There's no way Kestrel and Varea could have been fighting all this time, and if one or the other had triumphed he was certain they would have returned here by now...
He looked up to find Ulfric staring at him, his chin resting on interlaced fingers and elbows braced against the table.  A sigh rumbled out of him but his expression remained stony and unchanged.  "You know how Korir sees your kind, mage - and how I saw you all prior to hearing the full accounting.  I personally see magic as a tool but any tool can be misused.  Korir wants to have all of you executed due to the danger you pose to his holding."
Onmund's eyes widened.  "What?  No!  How can he say that?"
Ulfric held up a hand and Onmund fell silent, gripping the edge of the table between them with white-knuckled hands.
"I disagree with his broad declaration.  He is blinded by fury and hate - something I too fell prey to on the way here when I heard him describing the chaos going on.  I now understand, as much as I am able, what truly happened here, and I do understand Korir's desire to protect his people.  As I am not yet king, nor is this my hold, what I can actually do in this situation is very limited.  Once he's had time to calm down, as I have, Korir may listen to my counsel but I cannot force him to do much - not without causing an incident between our holds and casting doubts on my ability to rule once I am crowned."
"I - I understand, but Jarl, please - he can't execute them, they're innocent.  I can't let him do that," Onmund growled.
Ulfric's expression hardened.  "LET him do that?  Are you challenging his decision before it's even made?"  He paused then added "I'm sure that will help your case," his tone dripping sarcasm.
"But he's right," Brelyna broke in, leaning over the table some toward Ulfric.  "And how can he want to execute the mages while letting the guards walk free?  It's not fair."
"I agree.  But again, this is not my hold and ultimately not my decision." Ulfric closed his eyes for a few breaths, then opened them to stare them down.  "If I am capable of understanding who is truly at fault surely you can understand how my hands are tied."
Onmund felt something inside him deflate.  "I...yes.  Unfortunately," he muttered.  "What can we do, then?  I DON'T want to argue for more deaths in the name of "fairness" - those guards are just as innocent as the mages. Can you at least get Korir to..."
There was silence for a long moment - he knew what he wanted to say but it was difficult to voice it when he could imagine how Korir would react.  And he knew the others would object too, but...there didn't seem to be another--
"Get him to what, mage?"
"To let us leave," Onmund sighed.  "Will Korir just let us leave?"
Brelyna's eyes widened and she looked to him with an expression that was part surprise, part horror; the College was home to everyone, HAD been home to him too.  There was a lot of history, a lot of hidden power, within those stone walls.  To leave was... It seemed like admitting defeat, like running with their tails between their legs.  But if the alternative was being put to death, wasn't running better?
Ulfric slowly straightened and leaned back in his chair, rubbing at his chin.  Gormir shifted on his stool, the old wood creaking a bit, and the noise drew the Jarl's attention to the man.
"...Jarl Ulfric, if I may..."
"Go on."
Gormir nodded.  "There wouldn't likely be a Winterhold still handing if not for the return of Onmund here, and his master.  I'm no lover or hater of magic but everyone's had days to hear what happened here, both from our Jarl and from those sitting here.  They all saw these mages here defending them, and whether they like mages or not there's not a man, woman, or child here who would easily condemn someone innocent.   Surely Jarl Korir has to see that none will trust his judgement if he falters now."  Ulfric slowly raised an eyebrow at that and Gormir leaned back from him, looking uncertain.  "I-I mean to say, no one will see him as fair.  I...I know I wouldn't.  I can't help but see myself standing in the boots of the mages, or of the men and women I've known and worked beside for years.  That he'd spare one and not the other when they were both in the same situation... Who could possibly trust him in the future not to do that again when it's them in the mages' position?"
Ulfric slowly nodded to him.  "It is Korir's choice, and he will have to live with the consequences of his decision."  He stood abruptly; Onmund jumped a bit at the sudden movement.  "Come - I wish to see the defenses you have, and hear what you have planned.  I could only spare twenty men and I must return to Windhelm as soon as possible, and no doubt Korir will soon tire of being ordered about in his own hold and demand the opportunity to speak to you as I have."
Onmund nodded silently and stood to follow Ulfric back out into the snow; those that had been ordered out of the inn hurried inside as they left, seeking shelter from the storm that was still blowing.  Tugging up his hood Onmund took the lead and, shouting over the gusting wind, led Ulfric around Winterhold pointing out where they'd placed wards and where Gormir had set what men were left to defend the town.  Ulfric didn't say much aside from directing pairs of men from the forces he'd brought to go here or there, shoring up where he saw weak points in Winterhold's defenses.  At the far end of the town they paused as something caused the wind around them to shift -- like the wind had taken a very brief break in blowing to-
The twilight matriarch chose that moment to land ten feet from them, and Onmund quickly reached out to stop Ulfric from drawing his weapon.
"Wait- that thing is on our side."
"Have you gone mad, mage?"
Onmund's brain chose that moment to scream at him over who he'd just manhandled, and he quickly pulled his hands back.  "I'm sorry, ah, sorry -- I mean, yes, it's on our side.  I know it sounds dumb or dangerous but this creature was also forced to act against its will.  It's allied itself with us until Varea is dealt with."  
"You are foolish, thinking a beast like that would-"
The wind halted entirely then, and the air took on a blueish tint.   Ulfric paused, whatever he was about to say cut off; alarmed, Onmund looked around to see that Ulfric, as well as the others, were frozen in place - as though time itself had stopped for everyone but himself.   What could have...
"Kestrel?" he called into the silence.  A thin line of blue light appeared in front of him further down the road, widening into an oval through which a man stepped.  Onmund blinked in surprise at Quaranir.   "You... You came back.  Why?"
The psijic's expression softened briefly even as his hand came up in a sharp gesture that then ended with the flat of his palm thrust out toward the mage.  From his fingers sprang narrow filaments of white that raced across the air between them, striking Onmund and coiling around him in thick bands of conjured rope.
"Hey-!  What are you-"
The ropes tightened, pulling his arms in to his hips and forcing his ankles to snap together; he wobbled on his feet and then toppled, biting deeply into his lower lip as his chin slammed into the snow.  He felt the back of his robes ripple and then he began to rapidly slide across the ground toward Quaranir; as he came closer to Quaranir whatever force was moving him was slowly lifting him upright as well as rotating him so his back was gradually turning toward the man.
Mere feet from Quaranir Onmund winced at an ear-piercing shriek and then again found himself falling face first into the snow as the psijic dropped him with a startled cry.  Behind him Quaranir grappled with...the matriarch.  The twilight had the talons of one foot sunk deeply into the mage's arm and was tearing at him with the other, all while beating at Quaranir's face and shoulders with her wings. The blue tint to the air disappeared and through his daze Onmund could hear Ulfric continuing to speak as though nothing had happened for several words before the man realized that Onmund was not beside him and--
"We are under attack!"
With a groan Onmund awkwardly rolled away from the thrashing tail and Quaranir's staggering gait; his lip was throbbing and his chin freezing as the wind reached the slick of blood and melted snow running down his face.
Brelyna, with Gormir on her heels, rushed to him; in the few seconds she had before Gormir reached him she grabbed the ropes and tugged at them - they didn't budge in the slightest - but then the Nord guardsman just grabbed his belt and hood and bodily lifted Onmund off the ground and swung him away and over his shoulder as several of Ulfric's men rushed toward the struggling figure of Quaranir.
Onmund's ears popped from a whoosh of approaching pressure and there behind Gormir he spied a second psijic man stepping free from a portal. "Behind us!"
Ulfric heard him and spun in one movement.  The psijic's feet had barely touched the snow when Ulfric bellowed in the tongue of the dragons; Onmund had never seen a Thu'um performed before and whatever this one was lifted the psijic off his feet and sent him flying backward to crack into the trunk of a pine tree before falling to the ground in a heap.  
Gormir plunked Onmund's feet to the ground and steadied him, and beside them Brelyna was rapidly muttering under her breath, trying spell after spell until finally she hit upon the correct one and the ropes binding him disappeared.
"Thanks," he let out in a rush, spinning to look back toward Quaranir in time to see the psijic manage to throw the twilight and guards aside in a sweeping motion; the man's arm was shredded down to the bone and the snow at his feet was stained a bright reddish pink.  The guards recovered far quicker than the psijic must have been expecting and he flickered out of view to reappear further away, frantically trying to tend to his bad wounded arm.  
"-I don't get it, he helped me before.  Why did he--" Onmund fell forward, or at least, part of him did.  From where he landed in the snow he had a good view of his own body stumbling, crumpling into the panicked grasping hands of Brelyna and Gormir.
 Oh no...not again.  Not now.
If he was here and his body was there, that meant--
He watched as his eyes opened, and he looked around in mild confusion before his gaze fell on the sight of Ulfric advancing on the psijic still collapsed at the tree's base.  Onmund's face twisted into a look of sheer fury, and one of his hands raised to the sky and sent out a blast of golden light that, similar to Quaranir's spell, encased the unconscious psijic man in yellowish bonds.  Ulfric spun around, and Onmund's spirit shifted unexpectedly to hang at the Jarl's shoulder, staring his own body down; at least this time, while he wasn't able to control where his consciousness appeared, he felt a lot more stable and whole than the first time this had happened -- he actually was able to keep his thoughts together and coherent, and could understand what was going on around him a lot better.
Not...that he actually understood what was happening right now, to be honest.
"I warned you and you pursued anyway - this body is younger and much more rested than I was when you took me.  What chance do you think you have NOW?"
 Took?  ...wait.  The psijics captured Kestrel?  What about Varea?
"Hush, apprentice," his body said as it turned to face the guards and Quaranir.  "I will explain when this is dealt with."
Quaranir was being driven back rapidly off the road, fighting to keep the five guards in front of him while the twilight and Nelacar harried him with spells and talons; with a gesture Onmund's body sent out a crackling blast of lightning that wove between the guards without harming them and slammed into the hurried shield Quaranir raised and just as quickly shattered it.  Onmund's spirit shifted again to float alongside his body as it stalked forward and sliced the air with a hand gesture; the guards were roughly shoved to either side to clear a path for Onmund's body to approach Quaranir uncontested.  As they (that is, Onmund's body and his spirit, separately) approached him Quaranir's gaze shifted -- it almost seemed like he could see Onmund's spirit, and Onmund supposed that Kestrel, inside his body, must have realized this as well as his body extended a hand and Onmund was drawn into his own palm.
"Don't even think about it," his body snarled.  The hand holding his spirit pulled in close to his chest, and his own fingers blocked his view of what was going on outside of his body.  "I need no further reasons to cut you down."
If Quaranir responded Onmund couldn't hear him from where he was sheltered against his own chest; at the moment all he could hear was his own heartbeat and hear his body breathing, and also strangely feel the magicka flowing out of him as Kestrel used him to cast several spells.
"What is going on here, mage?"  
Well, he could definitely hear Ulfric, and he sounded angry again.  
"Jarl Ulfric, I can explain-"
And that was Brelyna.  
"Don't you-- aaargh!"  He - Kestrel, in his body - let out a frustrated noise at whatever was going on; Onmund had the sensation of a sharp turn.  "You, girl - Brelyna, was it?  Explain-"
"No, YOU explain, mage," Ulfric interrupted.  "Explain now or be cut down where you stand."
"That's her - that's Onmund's master," Brelyna cut in.  "The spell binding the two of them lets her speak through him, and-"
"-and I'm to believe that, after this?"
"Enough.  We're only going to cause confusion if we talk over one another." Onmund inwardly winced -- Ulfric was going to think HE was the one talking to him in such a manner; now more than ever Onmund wished he could see what was going on beyond the closed fingers of the hand that was holding his spirit.  He gently moved as his chest lifted - Kestrel, taking a deep breath - and the fingers above what he currently perceived to be his head uncurled just enough to let him see his physical chin above him, and through a small gap between his fingers he could barely make out where Ulfric stood, with Gormir behind him.
"Now," his body went on.  "I am Kestrel.  Onmund is my apprentice, and there is a spell at play that is allowing me to speak to you right now.  Onmund is safe, just not in control of his body at the moment."
"I'm to trust you at your word?"
"Yes, lord, you are.  None of you are in a position to disagree."
Onmund winced again. Kestrel, please don't pick a fight with Ulfric and his guards.  He felt himself bobbing up and down and what he could see of Ulfric was growing closer.
"'Lord' is not my title, mage."
"Jarl, lord, whatever you're called is hardly a concern of mine right now.  Were there just the two?"
"The two...?"
"The two Psijics.  Were there only those two that showed up?"
Onmund's view shifted again and he could barely make out the edge of the twlight's wing.  "And you - why are you here?"
"You defeated the woman who destroyed Azura's altar, mortal?"
"I did.  You'll find what's left of her in a crater far to the south of here."
Now he could make out the top of the twilight's head, and as it dipped briefly out and back into view he assumed the twilight had nodded.  "-good.  Azura asks, in exchange for the aid she has provided, that the young mage you possess assist her priestess in restoring her altar."
"Agreed," came Kestrel's response.  "Now return to your mistress as you do not belong here."
 Hey, wait a moment - I don't get a choice?
Above him his chin lowered as his face gazed into the hand that held him.  "Don't complain, Onmund.  You can handle melding a statue back together in an afternoon."  Onmund heard the rustling of wings and again his view shifted though this time all he could see through the gaps in his fingers was snow and trees.  "Now, Jarl - I suggest we retreat somewhere better guarded, where I can explain who I am and why I am here in this form as you see me now. -- and before you get any ideas, I do not intend to hold this possession longer than I must.  Onmund is fine but I find being in a body that is not mine to be incredibly uncomfortable - the only one of us that could be assumed to be suffering is me."
Without further word his body turned and began walking up the road; Onmund could sense himself using restoration magicks to mend his lip, and could hear the crunching of multiple footsteps behind and around him but Kestrel kept him cupped in close to his own chest until he found himself peeking out at the darkened inside of the inn.  Once they were seated his hand deposited himself onto his shoulder which gave him a free view of everything around him, and as he sat perched next to his own ear he listened as Kestrel described the ambush by the psijics -- how they'd swooped in as she lay there, wounded and exhausted, in the aftermath of finally besting Varea by destroying the crown itself while the woman had been wearing it.  
"And so, Jarl, they now hold my body captive and as of this moment there's no feasible means of retrieving me," his body went on.  
"But what about Onmund?" he heard Brelyna ask (she was sitting on his other side, his own head was between him and her and he could not see her from here).  "What do you do now if you don't have a body to return to?"
"I can place my spirit into an object for the time being, until I figure out how to retrieve myself."
"What reason would these psijics have to take you captive?  Or to come for your apprentice?"
"I have a history with the psijics. They believe themselves valued counselors, keepers of secrets, and custodians of dangerous magic and relics."  Onmund heard himself snort.  "They have failed in those last two more times than I can count over the centuries and several times came crying to me for assistance in cleaning up their damned messes.  At some point they decided that I, too, was dangerous - and to be truthful, I am, when provoked. They have made several attempts to either bring me to heel beneath their banners or take me captive.  I've never meant them any harm and, as I've said, I've often helped them...I don't know what ultimately changed their opinion of me but even now I just want to be left alone.  Lesser mages may seek power and control - all I seek is knowledge and answers to existence's greatest mysteries.  I am no one's enemy...save for Molag Bal's now, I suppose.  The whole reason any of this happened is because I spent ages keeping a relic of his out of the hands of his followers...now that the crown has been destroyed I have nothing tethering me to this region."
"Why did they come for Onmund?"
Onmund heard himself snort.  "Why else?  He's my apprentice.  They likely wanted him there to 'assist' me so they could capture us both at once.  And once they had me, while they did not know the extent of what the spell binding us does they DID correctly assume that I could use it to communicate with him -- though I imagine if they'd known exactly what I'm capable of doing with this spell they would have killed me outright and Onmund as well, rather than give me the chance to sever my spirit from my body and escape them."
"And should you leave here - would that remove reason for these psijics to come here?"
His body nodded.  "They should have no quarrel with this town.  And if they decide otherwise know that I won't let that stand.  Whether I choose to remain in this territory or not won't have much impact on how quickly I can get back here if I need to."
Ulfric nodded slowly at this, gaze dropping to the table as he sat there lost in thought.  Kestrel seemed content to let the silence stretch on though Onmund could see that Gormir and Nelacar looked uncomfortable.
"--what will you do now?  As I have explained to your companions already I cannot shield you from Jarl Korir's decisions.  He is still convinced the mages deserve to be executed for their supposed role in this mess, and as for myself I am not certain if I should attempt to change his mind regarding any decisions made about you, master mage."
Onmund heard himself snort again, loudly. "He is hardly in any position to threaten me."
Ulfric's eyes narrowed.  "I'm not sure I care for the implications of that."
"Care for them or don't, it's not my problem."  Onmund's view of the room shifted slightly as his body stood.  "I think it's time I speak to this Korir."
"It may be best to wait.  He is still furious that I have kept him barred from this meeting as well as the one earlier."
"I have little time for children playing at governing, Jarl Ulfric.   If he can't hold his temper and conduct himself with the dignity of his title then perhaps his people deserve a new leader."
"That is a question for his people to decide."  Ulfric stood as well, staring him - them - down.  "Know this, mage: I will take you at your word now, but I will show no mercy should you be found to go back on your word."
Onmund's lips curled into a smile.  "The feeling is mutual, Jarl.   Send Korir in, I will deal with him - and if this turns violent you can rest assured it will not be me that instigates it."
Ulfric nodded, gesturing for the guards around him to follow as he swept out of the room.  For a time there was just silence, then Korir all but kicked the door in.
"You!  I want you and the-"
Onmund's hand raised and Korir lifted from his feet and accelerated across the room to drop roughly into the chair that Ulfric had just vacated; the spell reminded Onmund of being moved in the exact same manner when he'd first been "adjusting" to his new role as Kestrel's apprentice.  It brought him a tiny amount of amusement to see the same magic rendering Korir pale and sputtering, unable to form a coherent sentence for a breath or two.
A ghost of a smile crossed Onmund's face - Onmund could almost picture Kestrel's own features superimposed over his, fangs and all.   "Greetings, Jarl Korir.  We have much to discuss.  I do hope you'll behave yourself."
After several hours of getting nowhere Kestrel had threatened to simply bury Winterhold under the mountainside and be done with it and all its inhabitants - something Onmund knew to be an empty threat but it had finally forced the Jarl to compromise, at least a little bit: the mages were free to go but would be killed without question if they returned to Winterhold, and the same held for anyone who supported or showed anything other than contempt and hostility toward them.
At this Gormir had protested the Jarl daring to make opinion an enforceable law; Korir took it as a declaration of treason to the hold and ordered the man banished with the mages.  As Onmund had suspected Korir did not hold any of the enthralled guards responsible for their actions -- it was only the mages, the magic users that he'd hated for a lifetime, that he blamed for everything.  Kestrel had taken it in stride, brushing aside the obvious bias and assuring him that Winterhold would not have magical worries "of any kind" as she led the others out into the storm and toward the College.
The only people outside now were the guards that were still holding their posts; Kestrel swept by them with hardly a look, marching across the bridge to the courtyard where she destroyed the stone jail cell without even breaking pace and leaving the men and women there to sort themselves out.  Inside the College the mages were lined along the wall, bound and gagged and with eight feet of space between each of them.  
In here were ten guards and two volunteers from the town; when "Onmund" stalked into the room the nearest ones had all reached for weapons before realizing Gormir was at his shoulder.
"Stand down - leave.  All of you.  It's over." Gormir's tone was sharp and abrupt, and seemed to surprise everyone there even as it immediately drew their attention to him.
"Over?" a woman nearby repeated - she wore the garb of a guard.  "Then what's-"
Gormir moved over to her and nearly pressed the front of his helm against hers.  "I said, leave.  Now."
The woman pulled back in surprise but took a few hesitant steps toward the door; Gormir planted his feet and stared down the remaining men and women there.  They all slowly moved from the mages and then filed out in silence.  Once they were gone Gormir reached up and tugged his helm off, then hurled it across the room.
Onmund felt a pang of guilt as he looked the man over - Gormir was gray-haired, his beard thick and braided with what looked like brass beads woven into the hair.  He was scarred, thick jawed, and was even missing a small chunk of his right ear -- this man was rough, worn, and based on his age Onmund guessed that he'd probably lived in Winterhold all his life, fighting for and protecting its inhabitants for years.   And now he was being thrown out, with them...all because he'd spoken out against his Jarl's injustice and unfairness.  
Onmund's hand reached up and moved him from his shoulder to just over his own sternum, giving him a view of the mages ahead of him but hiding Gormir from view.  "Listen well - Korir is banishing us from Winterhold.  We are permitted to take only what will fill the wagon he is providing.  We will regroup at Saarthal and plan our futures there - what is required of you now is swift packing and an understanding that I will answer your questions once we're somewhere safe."
Saarthal... It seemed like Kestrel was going to lead them to her home.  It'd definitely be the safest place for them all right now though there wasn't really room for everyone. But, if they were to plan for the future, and now that there wasn't a reason to remain hiding, they probably wouldn't stay there for long.
The size of Kestrel's library came to mind then, and he inwardly groaned as he thought about having to move all those books...
Gormir helped cut the ropes and remove the gags; once the mages were free they'd clustered around Onmund, or who they thought was Onmund, and Kestrel had stubbornly refused to say or offer anything further than "shut up and go pack" until finally they all scattered, hurrying to try and pack up what they thought couldn't be left behind.
For a moment, as his body turned, Onmund lost sight of Gormir, nor did he hear the man's footsteps following along behind him; as he turned around again he could see Gormir standing near the wall, one arm braced against the windowpane and his head lowered.
"I meant you as well, Gormir."
"And what do I pack, eh?  Can't take the city or the people I know with me."
"I would assume you'd at least like some clothing."
"Clothing is replaceable.  Home isn't."
Kestrel walked them over to Gormir, reaching out to put a hand on his arm.  "I'm sorry you have to suffer this disappointment - not all leaders are wise, and not all wise men end up leaders.  Sometimes you simply get someone too fixated on their own nonsense who still manages to fool enough people to place themselves in power.  This city, and this-" his hand reached out to tug at the leather straps that held the guard's armor on "-may feel as familiar as skin and you may feel deeply attached to what it means, or meant, to you.  Don't.  You don't need a guard's uniform to be a good man, and you don't need a hold to guard to satisfy a desire to protect."
He swatted the hand away.  "And what would you know of that?"
"I've been alive since before the second era," Onmund heard himself say dryly.  "I think I know a thing or two about watching symbols and places and people fade away.  There is a delicate line to walk between holding on to who and what you are, and holding on to a time that has passed.  Your time here is passing but you will remain the same man with the same memories as before."
Gormir stared at her - him - for a long time, then shook his head.   "I can't even see myself being anywhere but here.  Where are we even to go?  What place could a simple man have among a bunch of magic users?"
Onmund's shoulders lifted in a shrug.  "First we'll return to my home, and then find a new home elsewhere that can accommodate all of us.  Give it some time and you'll have an entire new hold to keep an eye on."
"Pah. We can't just build our own hold somewhere; there's not a Jarl who would accept that, especially not if Korir runs his mouth - he might poison all of Skyrim against us."
"Sounds like we'd need a man who was present and isn't a mage, and thus has no stake in protecting us, to make sure the correct story is told." Gormir's response was a heavy sigh, and again Onmund's body moved so he couldn't see the man.  "Go pack, Gormir."
"If that was an attempt to make me feel any better about this-"
"-there are times where the truth doesn't make anyone feel any better, regardless of what side of the truth you may be standing on.   All I can do is point out that despite how you feel now you're the one on the correct side of it."  Onmund watched as Kestrel walked them toward the door, only to pause right before it and shift enough that he knew they were looking back over their shoulder.  "And besides - we do have at least ONE Jarl who knows what happened here, and that Jarl is currently trying to become king.  Depending on how history works itself out the truth may come knocking on Korir's door and he won't like what it has to say to him."
With that they left, heading back out into the courtyard.  Kestrel paused at the stone base where, until recently, the statue of a mage had stood; Onmund recalled how it had been shattered, and shortly afterward how the daedroth had come after him, and felt his spirit shiver a bit at the memory -- he hoped he never had to face one of those things again, ever.
Kestrel rubbed his hands together and Onmund felt magicka shift in both his body and in the air as whatever she silently casted made his hands glow.  She began to trace patterns around the ruined statue's base, fingers cutting through the stone like a blade through fabric; his body made one full circle of the base before stopping to carefully deposit his spirit on top of it, giving him a perfect view as Kestrel continued on with her stonemarking.
 What is she doing?
Onmund's face lifted to look at him, smiling a bit.  "Watch carefully, apprentice -- this isn't how I intended you to learn teleportation circles but I may as well make use of this time to teach. First, we must prepare the foundation - this includes sketching the base of the circle as well as calculating the width and height.  See here..."
The storm had blown over and it was late at night by the time the wagon Korir had ordered arrived at the College; he watched, perched back on his own shoulder, as the mages carefully packed in crates and satchels full of supplies, books, scrolls, reagents, tools... It was a pathetic fraction of what filled the College and he knew they'd agonized over every choice they'd made and that they were leaving a great deal behind.  He suspected this wasn't the end of it, knowing that Kestrel had placed that rune circle in the courtyard, but he couldn't help feeling an encompassing sadness at having to leave the College for good this time.  
It was somehow worse than what he'd worked through when he'd been resigned to an eternity underground as Kestrel's apprentice.  Maybe eternity was easier to reckon with since there wasn't anything to compare it to and it wasn't easily understood - it was just a nebulous concept to a man who still thought of himself in terms of being mortal, not something that felt permanent or encompassing; he supposed that even though he'd thought he'd come to terms with never returning to the College there must have been some small part of him that'd hoped that someday he'd return here.  It still felt like home.
'Now I know exactly how Gormir feels,' he found himself thinking.  Even though he'd spent over a year somewhere else...
He was dragged out of his thoughts as Kestrel moved them to the wagon, holding out a hand to Drevis and gesturing for him to bring the bag he was carrying over; when she took hold of it Onmund could hear the soft noise of glass objects clinking together, and watched as his arm rummaged through the bag carefully until it pulled out a jar of frost salts before handing the bag back to Drevis with an appreciative nod.  
With the jar in hand Onmund was next turned toward the bridge leading to the College, stopping just before the planks.  Behind them Onmund could hear shouting and approaching footsteps as his fingers dug into the frigid salts within the jar.
"Stop!  What are you doing!?"
"Stop right there, mage!"
That last voice was Korir's.
Kestrel gestured behind them and Onmund felt the magicka in him shift and release, and his spirit turned around to see a rough and towering barrier of snow and rock forming with a thunderous crackling noise that blocked the Jarl and the guards from stepping foot onto the bridge; there were a few failed attempts to climb over or around it and a lot of pounding and shouting, all of which Kestrel ignored as she took a handful of the salts and threw them into the air where they hung, glittering and bobbing gently in the breeze.  His palm pressed against some invisible, flat surface, and then slid rapidly to the left and then directly up - almost like he was polishing whatever it was in front of his body. The frost salts began to glow and expand outward into geometric shapes, growing larger and larger; now Kestrel hurled the entire jar of frost salts against the shapes and uttered a few words that made Onmund's spirit shake as a cold chill raced through him.
The jar shattered and the salts inside it slid along whatever invisible barrier was forming beneath the shapes; the air crackled and ice formed, rapidly racing around, up, and below, wrapping the entire College in a thickening globe of ice that immediately lowered the temperature near it to the point Onmund's body was shivering violently as they turned to walk back across the bridge.  Right before reaching the stone barricade Kestrel dug fingers into the stone archway and stomped the ground; from Onmund's fingers and where his heel struck a shockwave spread out and shook the bridge apart, sending the planks and remaining stone tumbling to the beach far below (which, considering the damage from the Collapse and then the daedroth it wasn't too difficult a task to force the rest of the stone to break apart and fall).
Only then did she demolish the barrier and followed it by shoving all the guards and Korir back from them, fixing Korir with a stare.
"I hope you didn't intend to both drive us away and also steal what you've forced us to leave behind, Jarl.  Let's not add theft to your ever growing list of questionable decisions."
"You damned mage -- Winterhold could have made use of that fortress for our own defenses!"
"I suppose you'll have to build your own," came the flippant reply.   "You are, after all, banishing a large part of your defenses as it is."
Korir's face went a deep red and he turned to the guards around him.  "Seize them - ALL of them."
Several guards drew their weapons and advanced a few steps; Gormir hurried forward with his hands outstretched.  "NO - stand down.  We've all suffered enough and I won't stand to see my Jarl lower himself into the mud for his own damned pride!"  The few men that had moved to follow Korir's order actually paused at Gormir's outburst; Korir fixed Gormir with a murderous glare but before he could say anything else Gormir jabbed a finger in the air toward him, glaring just as intently back at the man.  "Save what honor you've got left, Jarl, and go back to your hall.  While you've still got one, anyway.  Without the College there's no reason for anyone to come this far north -- you won't need a fortress to defend an empty city, and I won't stand to see you stoop so low as to drive innocent folks out of their home so you can claim their belongings for yourself.  What would you even do with it?  Divines know you can't likely use it.  Sell it? No amount of gold will save Winterhold now.  This city dies with the exile of the mages."
Gormir huffed several deep breaths through his nose (it briefly made Onmund picture a bull ready to charge) then turned to let his gaze roam over the guards and the few townsfolk left that had bothered to come "see" the mages off.  He seemed poised to say more but finally just grunted in distaste and stomped back to the wagon and hoisted himself up to the bench in front.
Onmund could see a small smirk crossing his own face -- he supposed Gormir's speech was a lot better than Kestrel threatening to bury the town again, and Gormir was right: even if they'd left everything for Korir to claim, what could the man do with it?  The only persons who would be interested in it would be...mages, maybe alchemists.  He really couldn't see Korir dealing with mages even if it was in the name of raising funds to keep Winterhold afloat, and it'd probably be more trouble than it was worth to try and transport goods elsewhere to sell. Winterhold really had depended on the patronage of those that came to do business with the College and with them gone...
Korir would have to live with the consequences of his decision, just like Jarl Ulfric had said.
Onmund's hand gestured and the mages gathered around the wagon.  "-are we ready?"
"Of course not.  But do we truly have a choice?" Nirya sounded bitter.
"We have plenty of choices - I am merely choosing the least violent one," Kestrel replied.  She walked his body around to the front of the wagon and gave Gormir a nod.  "I suggest we leave before anyone else gets any ideas."
Gormir flicked the reins and the wagon lurched forward as the sole horse began to move (it was Nelacar's mount; Onmund wondered where the horse he'd ridden had disappeared to - maybe Quaranir had retrieved it though Onmund doubted he would have bothered).  There was no fanfare, no hurled curses their way -- just the silence of a city watching them leave and the faint whisper of pines moving in the wind.
For most of their walk there wasn't much talk; Kestrel carefully explained, in broad terms, how she was actually possessing Onmund and that Onmund himself was perfectly fine -- the others had seemed both surprised at the spellplay at work and a few had admitted that they'd thought Onmund hadn't seemed himself when he'd arrived at the College to set them free.  Kestrel was content to let them think they'd figured it all out ahead of time and went quiet as the others chattered amongst themselves; they were nearing the break in the mountains where they'd need to turn to head down the trail to Saarthal when J'zargo cleared his throat.
"At the risk of sounding ungrateful, this one wonders how we can possibly live within a crumbling ruin."
"My home is under it - we are merely walking through Saarthal to get there.  Ordinarily I would open a portal but the wagon won't fit."
 How are WE all going to fit?
Onmund's lips curled into a smile.  "Well, apprentice - it would seem that after I've deposited myself somewhere secure, you will need to either start digging or teach the others so they can help you.  Now that the crown is gone we won't need to stay there long but we WILL need the space to fully empty the College of all that's in there, and I'm sure we can all survive a night or two sleeping in the floor."
Phinis shuffled up beside them.  "What do you mean "empty"?  What have you prepared?"
"I left a rune circle behind so we can portal in and out.  The spell that wraps the place in ice will last a month, possibly two depending on how the weather holds.  Let Korir have his pyrrhic victory - by the time he can get into the College I intend for him to only inherit cobwebs and the contents of the latrines."
At that Urag began laughing; the laughter was loud and rough and Onmund wasn't sure he'd ever heard the orc laugh before now.  "I like it.  Serves the bastard right."
"Do you really think he won't change his mind and kill the guards involved?" Nirya asked quietly - from the sounds of it she was somewhere behind and to Onmund's right.
Gormir grunted and spat from the front of the wagon.  "If he tries it he'll have one hell of a fight on his hands.  I know those men and women - they won't go down quietly even if their Jarl demands it."
"I don't care for the fact we are letting Korir win, pyrrhic victory or not," Sergius grumbled.  "As much as the College did for Winterhold..."
"And what do you suggest we do, Sergius?  Go back and force them into a confrontation?" Drevis snorted.  "I don't much care for this particular ending to the College's history but at least let records show that we left with dignity and without bloodshed."
"But what are we to do now?" Enthir broke in.  "I don't intend to stay in a hole in the ground or a crumbling ruin, nor do I think we'd be welcomed into any other hold considering what's happened.  Knowing Korir he won't rest until all the Jarls hear his version of our supposed assault on his hold."
Onmund's shoulders lifted in a shrug.  "We shall discuss that when we're indoors and sorted - none of you need to remain with me if you don't want to. For now let's prioritize getting me out of Onmund's body, getting your belongings out of the College, and getting short-term food and lodging sorted.  ...I suppose you could, instead of digging anew, expand off the spider's dwelling, Onmund. It would be less work on you and there would be a guardian available that doesn't require sleep."
"...spider's dwelling?" Nirya repeated, sounding somewhat dismayed.
"It's a-- ugh. I'll explain when we get there.  It'll be easier to show it than try to explain it."  Kestrel - meaning, Onmund's body - sounded weary.  "We are nearly there.  Gormir - may I ask that you take whoever you choose and attempt to hunt something for your meal tonight? Onmund and I do not require anything so hunt and gather enough to feed the rest of yourselves."
Onmund heard Brelyna quickly quipping a "don't ask" after Kestrel had fallen silent.  The rest of their walk to Saarthal was quiet; once they'd arrived Kestrel directed the others to bring the wagon's contents inside the ruins and to store them further back toward the wall with the dragon carving.  Being as Gormir and whoever he took with him would need to get down into the hideaway with the others Kestrel rebuilt the staircase descending down into the home, detouring only to introduce them to the spider (Nirya wasn't pleased at first but seemed placated when she learned it was a construct and not an actual living spider).   She offered them a quick explanation then of what doorways led to what room (and told them that in no uncertain terms her own room was strictly off-limits to everyone but herself and Onmund) and then left them to poke around or go hunt or read or whatever they wanted to do while she walked Onmund into the little armory room and looked around.
"Let's see, which shelf did I...  Aha, there we are."
Onmund's knees cracked as he squatted on his heels, his hands reaching out for a small lock box that looked to be made of plain iron and sky blue glass; whatever was inside it rattled gently as his body straightened and walked into Kestrel's room, locking the door behind them.  The box was carefully sat upon the scrying table and then Kestrel moved them over to the wardrobe (it was only know that Onmund noticed scorch marks on it - likely from when Varea had led the others down here to steal the crown) where, in the pocket of a rather plain tunic hanging amongst other clothing (that Onmund had never seen her wear) she retrieved a key.
The key opened the lock on the box and the lid tipped open on well-greased hinges to reveal a box of strangely colored soul stones -- most of them were as black as obsidian and comfortably reminded him of the same material that had made up the crown.
"This is definitely not how I wanted us to progress into necromancy but considering the circumstances we have little choice."
 Necromancy?  I don't want to be a necromancer of any kind.
"I know the stigma regarding this particular type of magic but it too is ultimately just a tool.  There are actually quite a few practical uses for necromancy and, as you'll eventually learn, the best way to stop others from misusing it is knowing intimately how it functions.   These-"
His hand reached in and pulled out a jagged soul stone the length of his palm and about three fingers wide at its widest point.  "-will be combined with a bit of complicated alteration, and will serve as my home for the time being."
 ...do you really think we can retrieve your body, somehow?
Kestrel was silent for a long moment as she once again went to the wardrobe and removed what looked like a small jewelry box from the long drawer that made up the floor of the wardrobe.  "--in a perfect world, yes, I think we could.  But the world is rarely perfect and the Psijics will be expecting that."
 So what do we do, then?
"I have a few ideas but it will take quite a bit of planning.  This...won't be corrected for quite some time, Onmund."
A small smile crossed his face as his hands gently placed the jewelry box next to the box of soul stones.  "Don't sound so depressed - you're not the one being made into jewelry."
 But I'll be the one fixing you, won't I?
"Of course.  Who else could I possibly trust to do so?"
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haikyuuwaifu · 3 years
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Genre: Drama, Humor, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Toxic Parents, Toxic Best Friends, Toxicity all around, Drinking, Recreational Drug Use, Gaslighting, Shitty Daishou
Y/N L/N: Student, Ghibli Obsessed, Weeb. Childhood best friend of Daishou Suguru, Y/N has always been “there”. When they were children, she let him herd her along, “protecting” her from bad people trying to use her. When they were in middle school, Y/N let Daishou lead her along, following like a loyal puppy. For most her young life, naïve Y/N loved Daishou Suguru, and would do almost anything for him. 
Iwaizumi Hajime & Kuroo Tetsuro: Friends, Sometimes lovers, one a barista with a part-time modeling contract; the other a fitness training apprentice, with dreams of working for the national team. Kuroo and Iwaizumi have been trying to find the “one”. Not much for dating, both men are surprised when they meet the elusive Y/N. Tamer of the wild Kyoutani Kentaro. 
With the help of new friends and old friends, watch Y/N make her way through the world. Finding love, finding herself, and finally, letting go of the people intent on holding her back. 
Join us on the Merry-go-round-of-life
Prologue: Her origin story
Introductions: Ghibli gang gang| Besties w/ testies 
Ch.1: Welcome home brat Ch.2: We have a surprise for you Ch.3: The anti-social Ghibli weeb club Ch.4: Opposites attract Ch.5: The Mad Dog Tamer Ch.6: Kuroo Tetsuro, best Barista around Ch.7: First Day Jitters Ch.8: Fall Semester Shenanigans| Fall Semester Shenanigans 2 Ch.9: Happy Halloween Ch.10: Iwaizumi Hajime, Godzilla #stan Ch.11: An evening of laughter and comfort Ch.12: Surprise Angel Ch.13: The enemy of my enemy Ch.14: Play nice or go fuck yourself Ch.15: Her surprise visit Ch.16: Nothing but a virgin loser Ch.17: Ghibli Marathon Ch.18: Surprise, Mom’s here Ch.19: Stay as long as you need sweetheart Ch.20: Y/N’s pre-origin story Ch.21: Protective Iwaizumi Ch.22: The virginity talk Ch.23: It’s not about love, it’s about the right time Ch.24: The return of the great Oikawa! Ch.25: Christmas Shenanigans Ch.26: We want you, as friends Ch.27: I want you, as friends Ch.28: Post Christmas Nut Clarity Ch.29: New FWB dynamic Ch.30: So cute it’s disgusting Ch.31: Y/N’s father, universal asshole Ch.32: Happy New Year Baby Ch.33: The return of their ex Ch.34: Protective Y/N Ch.35: Kuroo and Iwaizumi caught simping in 4K Ch.36: A death in the family Ch.37: The familial confrontation Ch.38: Unbothered queen Ch.39: Can we talk angel? Ch.40: You’re toxic bro Ch.41: They’ll never love you like I do Ch.42: Y/N’s worries Ch.43: Anti-social Ghibli weebs to the rescue Ch.44: They’re different with you Ch.45: The flirty customer Ch.46: Kuroo’s bold statement of “love” Ch.47: Iwaizumi’s bolder statement of “love” Ch.48: Absolute Idiots Ch.49: Sofie, but which on is howl? Ch.50: The fight for howl Epilogue
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Figured I should make one in case anyone is looking for a specific chapter, since there are a lot of ‘em to navigate through and because everyone else has one and got pressured that I should too.
Be warned: long-ass post ahead (links to side drabbles at the end) 👇🏽
Star Wars: Autonomous Pt. I
Ch. 1 “ACT I: Soprano” Introduction to Móni and Maul
Ch. 2 “Dynamics” Móni senses someone is tracking her
Ch. 3 “Shockball” Something goes awry in the middle of the shockball tournament and Maul takes notice
Ch. 4 “Dead is Dead” For the first time in years, Móni uses the Force to make her escape  
Ch. 5 “High Baritone” Enter Maul and all his glory and which we see his first meeting with Móni
Ch. 6 “ACT II: The Shadow” There is immediate distrust between Maul and Móni
Ch. 7 “The Chef” First introductions are made with Móni and Maul’s Mandalorians
Ch. 8 “Jump” Maul makes his first attempt at training his new apprentice
Ch. 9 “Lies” An unlikely friendship forms between Móni and Avin, a Mando warrior, as they face their trials together
Ch. 10 “Mayishka” With the help of a Force-sensitive creature, Móni is transported to the planet’s past
Ch. 11 “ACT III: Control” The planet’s lifeforce shared a fragment of what the Force expects from Móni
Ch. 12 “The Sith” For the first time, Móni feels like Maul is actually teaching like a true master
Ch. 13 “Purpose” Small time skip of Maul training Móni and her progression
Ch. 14 “Deceit” Móni is sent on her first mission with a small team of Mandos
Ch. 15 “Dimachaeri” Complications arise on Móni's mission as well as on Maul's end of negotiations
Ch. 16 “Hate” We go a little deeper into Maul’s and Móni’s relationship as master and apprentice
Ch. 17 “Fear” Being spaced isn’t fun and Maul suggests something only Móni can pull off 
Ch. 18 “Black Krinos” Maul and Móni face off against an enemy for the first time together
Ch. 19 “ACT IV: Apprentice” Our duo get a little closer in understanding one another
Ch. 20 “Respect” Móni builds her first lightsaber
Ch. 21 “Ravi” Móni’s first solo mission that forces her to connect with her past
Ch. 22 “A Promise” The confrontation with her past nearly breaks Móni with heartache, but learns to rise above it 
Ch. 23 “Revenge” Maul finds a snippet of Móni’s past with some help
Ch. 24 “Vulnerable” Móni unveils her deepest secret to Maul
Ch. 25 “ACT V: Embrace” Small time skip and a new mission that involves the entire Shadow Collective, Maul and his apprentice
Ch. 26 “Boudika” Maul and company land on planet Gigor. Móni strikes a deal with the lord of Crimson Veil
Ch. 27 “Possessive” Móni and Maul are stranded alone on an ice planet
Ch. 28 “Touch” It’s not often Maul makes physical contact with anyone. Probably never has
Ch. 29 “To Understand” Our duo’s relationship reaches new heights and revelations
Ch. 30 “Fate” With an unconscious Maul on her back, Móni reaches a settlement of Gigor’s natives
Ch. 31 “Trust” Maul awakes from a nightmare and Móni discovers a new ability
Ch. 32 “Mother” Maul finds a dark fragment of Móni’s past
Ch. 33 “Broken” Móni’s deepest desires are revealed and Maul shuts them down
Star Wars: Autonomous Pt. II
Ch. 1 “ACT I: Móni” It has been several months since Maul and Móni have been in contact until one of them finally breaks the silence
Ch. 2 “Maul” We see Maul’s internal struggles during their time apart as well as his insecurities
Ch. 3 “Time” The reunion they had been waiting for but not how they wanted it to go down
Ch. 4 “Weakness” Móni is beginning to wonder the consequences of her actions
Ch. 5 “Stars” The Gala has begun and Maul didn’t expect the potential benefactor to have ties with his apprentice... or their enemy
Ch. 6 “Suffering” Móni’s past returns to haunt her, breaking her and the relationship with her dearest friend
Ch. 7 “Tangible” Tattered, beaten, and worn, Móni was relieved to see him again
Ch. 8 “Closer” “Apprentice or not, I want you by my side.”
Ch. 9 “Boundless” Everything he kept hidden, Maul finally gave to her
Ch. 10 “ACT II: Zahri” “When I said to not make me regret choosing you, I didn’t mean it,” Móni shook her head at the words that should have never formed. “Because I don’t. No matter what.”
Ch. 11 “Always Two” Maul reveals a little more of his past to Móni
Ch. 12 “Destiny” Maul and Móni take the time to navigate through this new relationship 
Ch. 13 “Lesser Than” Our duo’s relationship continues to expand and to new places
Ch. 14 “Desires” The duo have some new things to explore about their developing relationship.
Ch. 15 “Entwined” “Móni was more certain of his place by her side; the threads of fate entwined into a knot and can never be severed—she made sure of it.”
Ch. 16 “The Beginning” Móni’s origins and her mother’s story are finally revealed
Ch. 17 “The Choice” The final standoff between Móni’s mother and Maul’s former master.
Ch. 18 “Happiness” Bit of fluff and other stuff while the duo locate the final pieces of Zahri’s past.
Ch. 19 “Amidalans” Maul’s instincts for control and destruction are tested when Móni’s life is on the line.
Ch. 20 “Ixigul” The name of Móni’s enemy is finally revealed.
Ch. 21 “Promise Me” Móni is finally within reach, but why does Maul feel she is further away than ever before?
Ch. 22 “Ner Darasuum” Avin’s uncertainty about Móni and Maul’s new status in their relationship raises hard questions no one wants to face.
Ch. 23 “Obsession” Pushed to her limits, Móni sets her mind on a single solution to put an end to everything.
Ch. 24 “Dysphoria” It’s a race to reach Móni and stop her from doing something that could become irreversible.
Ch. 25 “Paths” Despite all odds, Maul chooses Móni.
Ch. 26 “Truth” The thing about lies is how they tend to grow and fester until they can no longer be controlled and hurt those we care for the most.
Ch. 27 “Vanquish: Part One” “The Emperor was no longer the enemy or the source of Maul’s vengeance. He felt it beyond the Force, a reckoning waiting to occur by those he could not fathom their existence of, yet they were the vanguards of the calamity occurring before him and the ventriloquist of Sidious’ life. Beings he could not see, could not sense, could not fight. How could he protect her from such a thing?”
Ch. 28 “Vanquish: Part Two” The final, awaited battle occurs and Maul makes the hardest choice in his life at the behest of the Force’s will.
Domesticity Snippet into the life of Móni and her mothers
Devaron Móni comparing Devaron with Coruscant
Ravi Móni’s first meeting with Ravi
Cultural Identity (Boudika Clan) Details about the culture Móni was raised in
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Blade’s MHA Fanfiction Masterlist
Greetings friends!  This is the post listing all my past, present, and future My Hero Academia fanfictions.  Links are provided to what has been published so far.  Titles, summaries, and chapter counts are not final and will be updated as they change.  Please feel free to ask me about any and all the stories described here, not just the ones that have been published.  Thanks for reading!
(This currently version 14 of the masterlist, updated 9/9/2020)
Link to my Ao3 if you want to browse there: https://archiveofourown.org/users/aconstantstateofbladerunner/works
The Butterfly Continuity
- Butterfly - (Complete) The first over-night trip off campus since the training camp was supposed to be a fun break from more intense work back home.  But between a bleak introduction to chaos theory, a chilly reception from the locals, and the looming threat of a villain attack, Izuku has too much on his mind to properly enjoy the fresh air.  But those worries are a light breeze compared to the hurricane that accompanies what he finds on the outskirts of town.
Or rather, what finds him.
Izuku is stalked by a powerful creature who only seems to be interested in him.
32 chapters.  It’s done.  Beware major character death.
- Moth - So how does Hisashi fit into this aftermath?
11 chapters.  Outline complete.  There will be angst.
- Exit Light [hiatus] - A young Toshinori is just starting to feel truly at ease with his master and his role as her apprentice.  But uncomfortable truths come to light once a villain threatens the lives of their entire town with all-consuming darkness.  “Consuming” in this case is literal.
A prequel story that is referenced in Butterfly, but neither are required to understand the other.
4/9 chapters.  Major events outlined.  Warning for heavy violence in ch. 2.
For Izuku (Bio Dad Might AU)
- For Kurou - For their own safety, Toshinori must remove himself from the lives of his long-time partner and newborn son.  But they’re never far from his mind.  For years, not a day goes by where he doesn’t write a letter or set aside a gift for their eventual reunion.  It isn’t until he’s spent some time with his chosen successor, a young quirkless boy named Midoriya Izuku, that Toshinori’s consistent dedication to his family is interrupted.
Canon divergence fic.  Streamlined to the important stuff because there are already an abundance of fics like this and I want to focus on my original stuff.   Toshinko.  Family angst with a happy ending.
3/30 chapters.  Strap in.
- For a Wider World - Izuku hasn’t decided yet if he wants to go public with his heritage.   On the one hand, he want to make a name for himself, not just as the son of All Might.  On the other, he hates to lie and lying about One for All is hard enough.  Most of the people who know the truth will support whatever decision he makes.  Sir Nighteye isn’t one of them.
10+ chapters.  Basic outline complete.  Internship arc.
- For an End to the Pain - UA is under investigation by the Hero Commission, the world knows about the son of All Might, and the fight with Overhaul has left Izuku severe wounds both physical and mental.  As the weight of all these drastic life changes bare down on him, for the first time ever, he starts to question if he really wants to be a hero.
8-10 chapters.  Basic outline complete.  A whole new level of angst.
- Son Rise - Rumors have been circling of a secret All Might lovechild for a while now.  A new rumor says that All Might will reveal the child as his successor at the next International Heroes’ Summit in Hawaii.  The rest of the hero community has mixed feelings.  
Or, “Izuku goes to another country with his dad and has a bad time.”  Shameless excuse for me to gush about how cool Hawaii was while also hurting my boy.  Some Toshinko on the side.  Family angst with a happy ending.  
11 chapters.  Major events outlined.
Single Fic Dad Might
- Angel’s Egg - Orphaned babies showing up on the stoop of hero agencies is unfortunately not all that rare.  And egg the size of a baby is entirely unheard of. Is the child within just the result of an unusual quirk, or something of far greater, supernatural origins?
Kinda out there au where Izuku hatches from an egg and is raised by All Might.  That question is posed to me, because I’m not yet sure if I want to go down the mundane or supernatural path; I have potential endings for both. 
4/20 chapters.  Structure similar to Full Metal Jacket in that the story will shift gears completely in the second half.  Heavy violence and potential character death
- The Wails in the Walls - Toshinori was convinced his cottage was haunted from the day he moved in.  He could easily blame the missing objects and little bites in his food on pests, but that wouldn’t explain the faint sound of crying some nights.  
Izuku is a tiny child living in Toshi’s walls who survives by ‘borrowing’ little things.  Gonna jump between angst and fluffy like a seesaw.  Idea originally by @abyssal-glory who graciously gave me permission to use it.
5/21 chapters.  Violence, reference to death, and bugs.
- Hanakotoba - Toshinori always wanted a family, but he wanted to be a hero even more.  He figured the family thing would happen naturally, but as the years go by and it doesn’t, he finds himself sinking further and further into longing.  And then he finds the end of his sorrows in his own garden.
Princess Kaguya au prompted by @agent-jaselin.  This one is for sure supernatural.
18 chapters.  Outline complete.  One scene of attempted sexual assault.
- Son of the Sun - Of all the gods, the Sun is the most generous with its gifts
Fantasy au where Izuku is the only child of the legendary son god Toshinori, and gets swept up in the apocalyptic destruction caused by a few other gods’ petty disagreements.
Outline incomplete, no chapter estimate.  This is the new roadtrip au.
Miscellaneous Multi-Chapter
- All but One - Toshinori is given the opportunity to undo over two decades of suffering by going back in time and ending All For One.  And that’s just the beginning.  He goes on to use his knowledge of the future to correct errors of the past, and makes his new reality infinitely better than the one he came from.  Better in every way but one.
Used to be a oneshot, now multi-chapter.  Open to making it an au but not sure yet.  Based on a bittersweet post by @skygemspeaks
10/18 chapters.  This was supposed to be short.  Warning for some violence.
- The Necromancer - An unseen villain sets hoards of undead upon Japan.  As a designated disaster-relief shelter and a small fortress in its own right, UA becomes host to both the heroes working to stop the onslaught, and several hundred terrified civilians.  Supplies and space shrink with each passing day, and it seems like the end to the nightmare is nowhere in sight.  Someone is bound to take matters into their own hands.
Zombie Apocalypse AU.  Most of the kids stay within the walls to care for panicking civilians, while the heroes take the fight to the outside.  At first.
10+ chapters.  Some events planned. 
- Habitus - Tragedy forces Izuku back into the custody of his father, who he hasn’t seen in years and has a new family of his own.  They uproot him from UA, separate him from his friends, and, worst of all, expect him to be happy about it.
Formerly called Where the Heart is.  Izuku’s step family from America claims custody of him after Inko passes away, and are less than sympathetic to his situation.  He rebels in every way he can, meanwhile All Might and the other teachers comb for any legal loopholes to get him back.
Less than 10 chapters.  Outlined.
- Spiked - There’s no such thing as a free meal.
Gore headcanon request that got out of hand.  Please read the tags.
- The Road that went Forever - Izuku’s Papa picked him up from kindergarten that day.  He hadn’t done that in a while.
Usually, I write Hisashi as a normal, emotionally distant father.  This is not one of those stories.  A very sad two-shot.
And that’s all for now!  Again, please feel free to ask me about any of these ideas! 
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iluvsumbucky · 5 years
Becca′s 366 Days Reblog Challenge Masterlist
I’m doing Becca’s reblog challenge, the 366 days of reblogging. I’ve never made anything like a masterlist but here goes…. I hope that you help show these talented writers some love & appreciation for sharing their works with us by reblogging as many wonderful & amazing works that we can.
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Day 1 Midnight in Manhattan by @beccaanne814
Day 2 The Gift by @barnesnroses
Day 3 Undercover by @buckysknifecollection
Day 4 Under Oath - Part One by @ugh-supersoldiers
Day 5 Magic Touch by @jaamesbbarnes
* Under Oath - Part Two by @ugh-supersoldiers
* Blessings In Disguise ch 21 by @thorfanficwriter
Day 6 Touch (one-shot) by @theonewiththefanfics
* Under Oath - Part Three by @ugh-supersoldiers
Day 7 Jumping To Conclusions by @thorfanficwriter
* Under Oath - Part Four by @ugh-supersoldiers
Day 8 Light In The Dark by @wxntersoldiers
* Under Oath - Part Five by @ugh-supersoldiers
Day 9 Timeless Love - Part 1 by @beccaanne814
* Under Oath - Part Six by @ugh-supersoldiers
Day 10 Blessings In Disguise ch 22 by @thorfanficwriter
* Timeless Love - Part 2 by @beccaanne814
* Watchful Eyes by @beccaanne814
Day 11 Charlie’s Angels (1/9) The Flu by @buckysknifecollection
* Under Oath - Part Seven by @ugh-supersoldiers
Day 12 Under Oath - Part Eight by @ugh-supersoldiers
* Charlie’s Angels (2/9) Simulation by @buckysknifecollection
Day 13 Under Oath - Part Nine by @ugh-supersoldiers
* Charlie’s Angels (3/9) Master Chef by @buckysknifecollection
Day 14 Under Oath - Part Ten by @ugh-supersoldiers
* Charlie’s Angels (4/9) Blue by @buckysknifecollection
Day 15 Hello Darkness, My Old Friend by @beccaanne814
* Charlie’s Angels (5/9) Angels, meet Charlie by @buckysknifecollection
* Under Oath - Part Eleven by @ugh-supersoldiers
Day 16 Under Oath - Part Twelve by @ugh-supersoldiers
*Charlie’s Angels (6/9) Birthday Boy by @buckysknifecollection
Day 17 Under Oath - Part Thirteen by @ugh-supersoldiers
* Charlie’s Angels (7/9) Need a hand? by @buckysknifecollection
Day 18 Under Oath - Final Part by @ugh-supersoldiers
* Charlie’s Angels (8/9) Safe haven by @buckysknifecollection
* 10,000 Hours: Part 1 by @imaginedreamwrite
Day 19 Blessings In Disguise Chapter 23 (final) by @thorfanficwriter
* Charlie’s Angels (9/9) The oldest trick in the book by @buckysknifecollection
Day 20 Uniformed by @bucky-plums-barnes
* Poetry by @heli0s-writes
Day 21 Rose by @softlybarnes
* Rose Pt.2 (Final) by @softlybarnes
Day 22 Mischief Managed (1)Code Red by @helloimanavenger
* Carrying Low (oneshot) by @muchadoaboutbucky
Day 23 The Maiden And The Outlaw Chapter 1 by @thorfanficwriter
* Mischief Managed (2)Wyatt by @helloimanavenger
Day 24 Miscommunications by @buckthegrump
* Mischief Managed (3)Debriefing  by @helloimanavenger
Day 25 Mischief Managed (4)Suit Up by @helloimanavenger
* Hired Hit {Part One} by @buggy-blogs
Day 26 McCormack’s Wall by @buckthegrump
* Mischief Managed (5)Mørk Bueskytter by @helloimanavenger
Day 27 A Modern Day Goldilocks by @beccaanne814
Day 28 Hired Hit {Part TWO} } by @buggy-blogs
* Iris by @sarahp879
Day 29 Internet History by @buckthegrump
* To You. by @sinner-as-saint
Day 30 The Spark Within - Part 1 by @beccaanne814
Day 31 The Spark Within - Part 2 by @beccaanne814
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Day 1 The Spark Within - Part 3 by @beccaanne814
Day 2 The Spark Within - Part 4 by @beccaanne814
* The Maiden And The Outlaw Chapter 2 by @thorfanficwriter
* Mischief Managed (6) by @helloimanavenger
Day 3 The Spark Within - Part 5 by @beccaanne814
* Hired Hit {Part Three} by @buggy-blogs
Day 4 The Spark Within - Part 6 by @beccaanne814
* The Thief by @heli0s-writes
Day 5 The Spark Within - Part 7 by @beccaanne814
* Mischief Managed (7) by @helloimanavenger
Day 6 The Spark Within - Part 8 by @beccaanne814
* Mischief Managed (8) by @helloimanavenger
Day 7 The Spark Within - Part 9 by @beccaanne814
* Mischief Managed (9) by @helloimanavenger
* Cold & Flu Season by @buckthegrump
Day 8 The Spark Within - Part 10 by @beccaanne814
* Take Out by @buckthegrump
* Hired Hit {Part Four} by @buggy-blogs
* Mischief Managed (10) by @helloimanavenger
Day 9 The Spark Within - Part 11 by @beccaanne814
* The Maiden And The Outlaw Chapter 3 by @thorfanficwriter
* Wait, what? by @buckthegrump
* Cheap Thrills (reader x Bucky Oneshot) by @avengerofyourheart
Day 10 The Spark Within - Part 12 by @beccaanne814
* Three Jerks by @beccaanne814
* An Unforeseen Outcome by @myoxisbroken
Day 11 The Spark Within - Part 13 by @beccaanne814
* Winter’s Warmth by @wordynerdygurl
* Nervous by @buckywithegoodhair
Day 12 The Spark Within - Part 14 by @beccaanne814
* Ashes To Ashes Chapter Two - The Church Of Loki by @the–sad–hatter
* Ashes To Ashes Chapter Three - Stained by @the–sad–hatter
Day 13 The Spark Within - Part 15 by @beccaanne814
* Mischief Managed (11) by @helloimanavenger
* The Hearing by @buckthegrump
Day 14 The Spark Within - Part 16 by @beccaanne814
* Mischief Managed (12) by @helloimanavenger
Day 15 The Spark Within - Part 17 by @beccaanne814
* Ashes To Ashes Chapter Four - The First Fire Always Burns The Hottest by @the–sad–hatter
* Hired Hit {Part Five} by @buggy-blogs
* Stranglehold by @fvckingavengers
DAY 16 The Spark Within - Part 18 by @beccaanne814
* Gone But Not Forgotten (Or Forgiven) by @captainscarletwanda
Day 17 The Spark Within - Part 19 by @beccaanne814
* Fate Calls Home Prologue & Chapter 1 by @marvelgirl7
* The Maiden And The Outlaw Chapter 4 by @thorfanficwriter
Day 18 The Spark Within - Part 20 by @beccaanne814
* Fate Calls Home Chapter 2: The White Wolf by @marvelgirl7
* Another Try [1] & Another Try [2] by @sunriserose1023
* A Poorly Kept Secret by @s-trawberryv-eins
Day 19 The Spark Within - Part 21 by @beccaanne814
* Fate Calls Home Chapter 3: Alone by @marvelgirl7
* not just an apprentice : b.b by @nev3rfound
Day 20 The Spark Within - Part 22 by @beccaanne814
* Fate Calls Home Chapter 4: Be At Peace by @marvelgirl7
Day 21 The Spark Within - Part 23 by @beccaanne814
* Mischief Managed (13) by @helloimanavenger
Day 22 The Spark Within - Epilogue
* The Wolf by @shotsbyshae
* Deal With The Devil by @sinner-as-saint
Day 23 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter One - Meet and Greet by @the--sad--hatter
* Unexpected by @luci-in-trenchcoats
Day 24 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Two - The King Of Hearts by @the--sad--hatter
* Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Three - The Best Laid Plans by @the--sad--hatter
*  The Maiden And The Outlaw Chapter 5 by @thorfanficwriter
Day 25 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Four - The Distillers Planet by @the--sad--hatter
* not like we’d sink any farther by @mareli-carter
Day 26 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Five - Protection Detail by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter One by @the--sad--hatter
* Dizzy by @nevertoofarfromivar
Day 27 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Six - Trust Fall by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Two by @the--sad--hatter
Day 28 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Seven - Abandonment Issues
* A Taste For Life Chapter Three 
* Hired Hit {Part Six} by @buggy-blogs
* Mischief Managed (14) by @helloimanavenger
Day 29 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Eight - Poison Planet by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Four by @the--sad--hatter
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Day 1 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Nine - Marital Bliss by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Five by @the--sad--hatter
* Touch Starved: Bucky Barnes by @sassy-pelican
Day 2 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Ten - Mischief, I’ll Make a Meme Out Of You by @the--sad--hatter
* No Air by @buckys-other-punk
Day 3 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Eleven - Worst Nightmares by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Six by @the--sad--hatter
*  The Maiden And The Outlaw Chapter 6 by @thorfanficwriter
Day 4 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twelve - Curiosity and the Kitten by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Eight by @the--sad--hatter
* A Tale of Two Buckys by @crispychrissy
Day 5 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Thirteen - Mischief Squared by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Nine by @the--sad--hatter
Day 6 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Fourteen - Outfitted For War by @the--sad--hatter 
* A Taste For Life Chapter Ten  by @the--sad--hatter
* the light behind your eyes  by @evanstanwrites
Day 7 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Fifteen - The Pits Of Hell by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Eleven by @the--sad--hatter
* Adore You by @yikeswtfmate
Day 8 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Sixteen - Gladiator  by @the--sad--hatter
* My Own Prison by @littledarlinwrites
Day 9 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Seventeen - WarChylde by @the--sad--hatter
* No Need To Fear, The Ladies Are Here by @avengerskeeper
Day 10 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Eighteen - They’re Taking The Kitten To Asgard  by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Twelve  by @the--sad--hatter
Day 11 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Nineteen -  Home Is Where The Heart Breaks by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Thirteen by @the--sad--hatter
* Space Daddies The Mandalorian/ GOTG crossover  by @thenerdyhooker
Day 12 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty - Mind Games by @the--sad--hatter
* Love is an open door by @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall
Day 13 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty-One - One Door Closes by @the--sad--hatter
* Bucky’s Mate by @writing-what-writing
Day 14 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty-Two - Another Door Opens by @the--sad--hatter
*  The Maiden And The Outlaw Chapter 7 by @thorfanficwriter
* Another Try [3] by @sunriserose1023
Day 15 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty-Three - Claimed by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Fourteen by @the--sad--hatter
Day 16 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty-Four - Run, Kitten, Run by @the--sad--hatter
*  Thor’s Birthday Surprise by @thorfanficwriter
Day 17 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty-Five - Silent Treatment  by @the--sad--hatter
* Angel 101: Chapter One by @kittenofdoomage
Day 18 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty-Six - Family Matters by @the--sad--hatter
* Angel 101: Chapter Two by @kittenofdoomage
Day 19 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty-Seven - Adjustment Period by @the--sad--hatter
* Stranglehold - Part II by @fvckingavengers
Day 20 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty-Eight - For Sale, One Soul by @the--sad--hatter
* Angel 101: Chapter Three by @kittenofdoomage
Day 21 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Twenty-Nine - You’re As Cold As Ice by @the--sad--hatter
* Angel 101: Chapter Four by @kittenofdoomage
Day 22 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Thirty - Nuke Em’, Nuke The Bastards by @the--sad--hatter
* Angel 101: Chapter Five by @kittenofdoomage
Day 23 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Thirty-One - The Cost Of War by @the--sad--hatter
* Angel 101: Chapter Six by @kittenofdoomage
* Mischief Managed (15) by @helloimanavenger
Day 24 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Thirty-Two - Death In The Tower by @the--sad--hatter
*  The Maiden And The Outlaw Chapter 8 by @thorfanficwriter
* Angel 101: Chapter Seven by @kittenofdoomage
Day 25 Mischief, Meet Your Match Chapter Thirty-Three - The Final Chapter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Fourteen by @the--sad--hatter
* Angel 101: Chapter Eight by @kittenofdoomage
Day 26 Bloody Roses Chapter One by @the--sad--hatter
* Angel 101: Chapter Nine by @kittenofdoomage
Day 27 Bloody Roses Chapter Two by @the--sad--hatter
* A Taste For Life Chapter Fifteen by @the--sad--hatter
* Angel 101: Chapter Ten - FIN by @kittenofdoomage
Day 28 Bloody Roses Chapter Three by @the--sad--hatter
* Another Try [4] by @sunriserose1023​
Day 29 Bloody Roses Chapter Four by @the--sad--hatter​
* A Taste For Life Chapter Sixteen by @the--sad--hatter​
Day 30 Bloody Roses Chapter Five by @the--sad--hatter​
Day 31 Bloody Roses Chapter Six  by @the--sad--hatter​
* A Taste For Life Chapter Seventeen by @the--sad--hatter​
*  The Maiden And The Outlaw Chapter 9 by @thorfanficwriter​
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
Ah yes, Team Mustang. The hand-selected, elite group of military officers who effectively spend their time…
picking up stray puppies
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playing board games 
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making paper airplanes out of official documents and throwing them around the room
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counting the colonel’s love letters
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hooking Havoc up on dates
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dreaming of miniskirt armies
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sleeping on the job
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sleeping on the job
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sleeping on the job
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sleeping on the job
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sleeping on the job
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sleeping on the job?
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[whispers] sleeping on the job
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drawing on official military documents
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drawing on Mustang’s FACE
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cleaning… poorly…
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snapping candid photos of the colonel on break
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getting so distracted by an order to observe Mustang that all other duties get neglected
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getting distracted from THAT distraction to bicker about Havoc’s love life instead
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making shadow puppets and telling ghost stories (On duty. Reminder: this is ON DUTY. The Amestrians are paying TAXES for this).
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hijacking rich peoples’ cars at gunpoint
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dating the enemy
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writing terrible song lyrics
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bestowing a dog with a military ranking
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ignoring reports on terrorism and kidnapping… to instead harangue Mustang about “having” a child
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performing plays
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legitimately ditching work. since when does a base’s top-ranking officer need to be around?
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Is... is that Mustang passed out in a bar? That’s Mustang passed out in a bar, isn’t it? 
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Okay. I mean. The excuse may have been false THIS time, but the fact it’s an ACCEPTABLE excuse brings its fair share of questions.
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forming the Eastern Command Paranormal Investigations Squad 
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.......only to be collectively outsmarted by one (1) dog
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I... I don’t want to know
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Yeah. Sometimes it’s better not to know.
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I love these guys.
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A Summary: Team Mustang.
In anticipation anyone might want to ask me where these are from, I thought maybe it’d be helpful to list everything now? Hope this saves any potential trouble!!! Enjoy!!! XD
Note some of these are omake and I know omake aren’t meant to be taken as seriously, but still. It’s Team Mustang shenanigans. They count. And I’m not even going through everything.
FMA 2003 Ep. 13 “Fullmetal vs. Flame” 
FMA Manga Vol. 4 Side Story “Dog of the Military?”
Chess: All across FMAB / FMA Manga, Ex: Vol. 8 Ch. 31 “The Snake That Eats Its Own Tail”
Mahjong: FMA Light Novel #3 “The Valley of White Petals”
Shogi: FMA Manga Vol. 6 Ch. 25 “Master and Apprentice”
Cards: FMA 2003 final credits
Paper airplanes (HAVOC, MUSTANG): FMA Light Novel #2 “The Abducted Alchemist”
Counting the colonel’s love letters (BREDA, FALMAN, FUERY, HAVOC): FMA Manga Vol. 6 [Japanese only] Bonus Chapter “Roy Mustang’s Observation Diary” - also in Chronicle
FMA 2003 Ep. 37 “The Flame Alchemist, the Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13” 
FMA Manga Vol. 7 Side Story “The Second Lieutenant Goes to Battle” 
FMA 2003 Ep. 13 “Fullmetal vs. Flame” 
FMA Manga Vol 3. Omake “The Ambitious Alchemist” 
FMA Manga Vol 4. Omake “The Ambitious Alchemist Part 2″ 
FMA Manga Vol. 22 “Campaign Promises”
FMAB 4-Koma Theatre
Sleeping on the job - aka Mustang has SERIOUS sleep schedule issues (HAVOC, MUSTANG):
FMA 2003 Ep. 37 “The Flame Alchemist, the Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13” 
FMAB Ep. 10 “Separate Destinations” 
FMAB Ep. 16 “Footsteps of a Comrade in Arms” 
FMA Manga Vol. 6 [Japanese only] Bonus Chapter “Roy Mustang’s Observation Diary” - also in Chronicle 
FMA Manga Vol. 9 Ch. 34 “The Footsteps of a War Comrade” 
FMA Manga Blue Book Extra Chapter “His Battlefield Once More” - also in Chronicle 
FMA Light Novel #3 “The Valley of White Petals”
Drawing on official documents (MUSTANG):
FMA 2003 Ep. 37 “The Flame Alchemist, the Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13” 
FMA Manga Vol. 6 [Japanese only] Bonus Chapter “Roy Mustang’s Observation Diary” - also in Chronicle
Drawing on Mustang’s face (HAWKEYE):
FMA Manga Vol. 4 Omake “A Man’s Dignity”
FMA Manga Vol. 5 Omake “It Was a Grease Pen, Remember”
Cleaning poorly (MUSTANG):
FMA 2003 Ep. 37 “The Flame Alchemist, the Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13” 
FMA Manga Vol. 6 [Japanese only] Bonus Chapter “Roy Mustang’s Observation Diary” - also in Chronicle
Also sort of FMA Light Novel #4 “Under the Faraway Sky”
Candid photos of Mustang (BREDA, FALMAN, FUERY, HAVOC, HUGHES): 
FMA Manga Vol. 6 [Japanese only] Bonus Chapter “Roy Mustang’s Observation Diary” - also in Chronicle 
FMA Light Novel #4 “Under the Faraway Sky”
Neglecting other work duties to observe Mustang (HAVOC): FMA Manga Vol. 6 [Japanese only] Bonus Chapter “Roy Mustang’s Observation Diary” - also in Chronicle
Bickering about Havoc’s love life in the observation journal (BREDA, FALMAN, FUERY, HAVOC): FMA 2003 Ep. 37 “The Flame Alchemist, the Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13” 
Making shadow puppets and telling ghost stories (BREDA, FALMAN, FUERY, HAVOC, MUSTANG):
FMA 2003 Ep. 37 “The Flame Alchemist, the Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13” 
FMA Light Novel #1 “The Land of Sand”
Hijacking rich peoples’ cars at gunpoint (HAWKEYE, MUSTANG): FMA Manga Vol. 11 Ch. 45 “Scar’s Return”
Dating the enemy (HAVOC, MUSTANG IF YOU COUNT OMAKE IN CHRONICLE): This particular screencap is from FMAB 4-Koma Theatre
Writing terrible song lyrics (no one’s telling me Mustang was sober when he recorded that hold music) (MUSTANG): 
FMAB 4-Koma Theatre
FMA Manga Vol. 12 Omake
Bestowing a dog with a military ranking (FUERY, MUSTANG): FMA Manga Vol. 21 Ch. 87 “An Oath Made in the Underground”
Ignoring reports on terrorism and kidnapping to harangue Mustang about “having” a child (BREDA, FALMAN, FUERY, HAVOC, HAWKEYE): FMA Light Novel #2 “The Abducted Alchemist”
Performing plays (HAWKEYE, MUSTANG): Fullmetal Alchemist: Daughter of the Dusk
Ditching work (HUGHES, MUSTANG): FMA Light Novel #4 “Under the Faraway Sky”
Off-duty at a bar with Mustang Out (BREDA, HAVOC, MUSTANG): FMA Manga Vol. 13 Ch. 53 “Signpost of the Soul”
Drunk buying flowers comment (MUSTANG):
FMAB Ep. 38 “Conflict at Baschool”
FMA Manga Vol. 18 Ch. 71 “In The Grip of the Red Lotus”
Flirting (HAVOC, MUSTANG): Multiple locations throughout franchise; this given reference comes from an omake
Eastern Command Paranormal Investigations Squad (BREDA, FALMAN, FUERY, HAVOC, MUSTANG):
FMA 2003 Ep. 37 “The Flame Alchemist, the Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13” 
FMA Light Novel #1 “The Land of Sand”
Athlete’s foot comment (HAWKEYE): FMA 2003 Ep. 46 “Human Transmutation”
Last three pictures (BREDA, FALMAN, FUERY, HAVOC, MUSTANG): Prince of the Dawn and Daughter of the Dusk games
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sparkleywonderful · 6 years
Prince of Ice: Ch.23
Part 23 of The Prince of Ice series, a retelling of Heir of Fire from Rowan’s point of view.
The Prince of Ice Parts [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 14.5 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ]  [ 17 ] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] [ 20 ] [ 21 ] [ 22 ] [ AO3 ]
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She was standing across the clearing with her knees slightly bent and her hands loose waiting for his next move. He could not hide the glint in his eyes. He’d been waiting for this. He had to remind himself that she was nineteen and even though she lacked the skills of other magic wielders in some areas, she excelled in others.
“Your magic lacks shape, and because it has no shape, you have little control. As a form of attack, a fireball or wave of flame is useful, yes. But if you are engaging a skilled combatant—if you want to be able to use your power—then you have to learn to fight with it.”
She groaned. “But,” he added sharply, “you have one advantage that many magic-wielders do not: you already know how to fight with weapons.”
“First chocolates on my birthday, now an actual compliment?”
He chose to ignore that comment, nothing good could come from that acknowledgement.
“Your fire can take whatever form you wish—the only limit being your imagination. And considering your upbringing, should you go on the offensive—”
“You want me to make a sword out of fire?”
“Arrows, daggers—you direct the power. Visualize it, and use it as you would a mortal weapon.”
He smirked, he had been right that she was learning to read him. Her answering groan was enough to say that she knew what was coming.
Afraid to play with fire, Princess?
You won’t be happy if I singe your eyebrows off.
Try me.
“When you trained as an assassin, what was the first thing you learned?”
“How to defend myself.”
Any other apprentice and he would have held back. Given them a chance to hone their defensive magic, but this was Aelin. In the cave he had learned that she learned best under pressure. In the rare time she spoke of her previous training, she hinted that her old master had used the same incentive. In the hours spent with her in his room, their room he had learned she hated pity.
So he hurled dagger after magical dagger at her, barely giving her time to react.
One shield—that was all she had to craft and he would stop. He knew she could do this and like her shifting, he just had to unlock the first time. The first time and she would master this skill as quickly as she had mastered the others.
“Try harder.”
“I am trying,”
His anger snapped, once again she was holding herself back. A part of him wanted to know why, but he already knew. She was leashing the monster inside her. Afraid if she learned how to burn the world that nothing would stop her. For the promises etched into her skin she would cleanse the world.
“You’re acting like you’re on the verge of a burnout.”
“Maybe I am.”
“If you believe for one moment that you’re close to a burnout after an hour of practicing—”
“It happened that quickly on Beltane.”
“That was not the end of your power.” His magic knew this he could feel the depth, the power that she kept back. Another wall, another lease that she would have to break down before she could face Maeve. The magical training would do nothing for her when she returned, her continent no longer had magic. She would survive as she had for the last ten years, with her daggers and that cunning brain of hers. But if magic was ever returned she needed to understand that what happened during Beltane was not the well of her power.
“You fell into the lure of the magic and let it do what it wanted—let it consume you. Had you kept your head, you could have had those fires burning for weeks—months.”
“I knew it. You wanted your power to be insignificant—you were relieved when you thought that was all you had.”
He had no more words for her, so instead he sent the dagger, then the next, then the next at her. She raised her left arm as she would raise a shield, but instead the daggers met flesh.
“Stop hitting me! I get the point!”
He did not believe those words for a second. All he needed was to push a little further, he continued to unrelentingly toss more ice daggers at her.
If Lyria had a even a small drop of the power Aelin possessed she would still be alive. If he would have spent time training her how to defend herself, she could still be alive. He wrapped each dagger with a little more of the ice that encased his heart with deadly efficiency towards the princess turned assassin. He was not going to lose another. He was not going to break another promise.
He saw the shift in her eyes, the sense of acknowledgement as she broke her most current leash and raise a perfect circular shield.
“We’re done for today. Go eat something.”
When her eyes met his, he knew that he had broken more than a leash she was holding on herself. He had broken down a wall.
He could only smile when she said “No. Again”.
- - - - - -
Aelin being awake and out of the room before he was, had given him a chance to continue his work on her dagger.  Work that he had stopped in the past few weeks due to his new living arrangement. There was an ease to living with Aelin that he had not expected. It was a little early for their training but he knew that Emrys would understand if he pulled her a little early from her kitchen duty.
He followed her scent and was a little surprised when it did not lead him to the kitchens but instead to the battlement wall. He shifted back as he watched in wonder. Before him was a warrior Queen refusing to bow, even to herself.
“How long has she been down there?”
One of the sentry replied, “An hour, Prince.”
“For how many mornings in a row?”
“This is the fourth, Prince.”
He had assumed that she was slipping to the kitchens. This would explain how she improved at a rate she should not have. He had to give her credit for her resourcefulness.
“I’ve never seen anyone . . . fight like that”
Neither had he. It was her technique that drew him in. The way she moved, her master had been a monster, there was no doubt left in his mind of that. He had trained her thoroughly. She ducked and flipped and twisted, rentless, raging, and cunning.
He watched as she continued to hone the monster inside her. The only thought he had was if she settled, she would have centuries to hone the skills she had learned in the past decade from one monster and months from another. He knew in this gut this was the game that Maeve was playing. His Queen wanted to know if she needed to kill a possible future threat and not for the first time in the last few months did he regret that oath he made centuries ago.
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shadesmaclean · 6 years
Tradewinds 21 CH XX
INTERLUDE: BARGAIN (II) The sun hung low and hazy on the shimmering horizon, the ever-shifting sands drifting across baked hardpan, blowing small dust devils into the outskirts of a marketplace of some remote oasis. Flat, broad adobe buildings radiated out from the deep wells of the commons, forming a ramshackle maze of back alleys, dusky and dingy in the shadow of the setting sun. Moving through the robe- and tunic-clad crowd, a dark-cloaked figure, wearing a conical hat of outland make that drew its share of stares from the locals, made his way through the crowds of people and livestock. Pausing here and there along the way, occasionally consulting a compass otherwise tucked up one sleeve, still leading in a steady direction. Due to local architecture, it was a rather indirect, labyrinthine path that finally led the traveler to a faded, little-used wood plank door around behind a place of dubious repute. Without the compass, it would have been all too easy to overlook, even to the most discerning eye, but once noticed, there was no mistaking the sign, the only one not printed in the local vernacular. Obscura Antiques & Curios. Along with the legend: “…For that is not dead which can eternal lie.” As well as a plucky scrap of paper tacked to the door: New location! Check us out! The compass needle pointed directly at the door, so the traveler tucked it back into his cloak and opened it. Even as his eyes adjusted to the candlelit gloom, this visitor saw little of any personal interest in this enigmatic emporium, and nothing he would be inclined to pay for. Only one thing in this infamous inventory held any interest to him, and his nostrils flared at both the blend of incense and antiques, as well as the certainty of who he was dealing with. The desert village behind him muted and ultimately silenced as the door swung closed behind him, the air hanging untimely still as he strode to the counter. Where a certain wizened old shopkeep already awaited him, impassive eyes measuring him as the traveler removed his hat, revealing an Oriental countenance of indeterminate age, crowned with raven black hair, and piercing eyes that returned his host’s appraising gaze. “So… awake, you are now?” The shopkeep’s words were merely phrased as a question; there was none in his expression. “It has been a long time, hasn’t it?” The visitor’s words were casual, but not their tone. “Why don’t we forego the pleasantries and get down to discussing business. You do still honor the old contracts, do you not?” “Of course,” the shopkeep replied. “Then I have come for what is mine,” the visitor told him. “You know what I seek.” “Found this place, you have.” “I have my ways.” “You always did…” The shopkeep weighed his options carefully, concluding that refusing service to this customer could be quite costly. “Have you the finders fee?” “You tread on thin ice, old man…” The visitor produced and consulted the compass again, finding it now pointed to the shop’s dimly-lit back room. “I will have it, one way or another.” “I see…” the shopkeep nodded. “Preparations, you have made.” “For many things.” Both an assurance and a warning. “The only question left is what you get out of this, if anything.” “Short on funds, are you?” “You still accept equivalent exchange, do you not?” the visitor asked, trying not to dwell on how much his quest had cost him already. The shopkeep nodded. “Then I propose a trade.” The visitor reached under his cloak and shifted a leather shoulder bag around. Among other odds and ends was a bundle of dark cloth that he fished out, unwrapping it to reveal a book. Bound in deep red leather, bearing no title upon its cover. Only the dragon pentagram symbol also inscribed on the amulets, stamped into that ancient leather in worn gold foil. He placed it upon the counter, and the shopkeep leafed through this weathered tome with great care, for its thick pages were brittle, bearing inscriptions and diagrams and arcane symbols few in this age could read. Scanning through key passages to appraise its authenticity, all the while struggling to an uncharacteristic degree to conceal his interest in it. Satisfying himself that it was the genuine article, he glanced back up at his guest, one eyebrow raised. “Willing to part with this, you would be?” “It contains nothing further for me to learn,” the visitor informed him. “I’m offering you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to possess the only complete manuscript of my master’s original masterwork, which I refused to leave behind for some ignorant treasure hunter to blunder upon.” “Powerful you have become, Xiang-hai, to cast aside the wisdom of your master so casually…” “Do not address me as some lowly conjurer, I was once Court Mage to an Emperor.” “And you seek to be again?” “That has yet to be seen.” “Fair enough.” “I first knew you back when you were but a no-name wandering peddler, long before you ever had a store of your own.” “And you, when you were still but an apprentice,” the shopkeep reminded him. “Perhaps we should just agree that we have both come far in this world, and leave it at that? My offer still stands, but not for long…” “Very well,” the shopkeep finally answered, “a deal you shall have. Committed to this course, you are, more so than I imagined.” The visitor nodded, and shopkeep stepped into the back room, returning a couple minutes of rummaging later with the jade disc. After scrutinizing the amulet to his satisfaction, the visitor handed over the tome, sealing the deal. The shopkeep watched as he opened the face of his compass, revealing a tiny chamber at its heart. He then removed from it a small slice of jade, dropping it into a tiny pouch. From that pouch, he withdrew a white crystalline shard, inserting that into the heart of the compass. Once the face was back in place, the compass needle spun rapidly in one direction for a moment, then the other, finally settling on pointing to the shop door. Which he promptly turned back toward, saying, “The Winds of Time have carried them far…” “Better for you,” the shopkeep conceded, “than the Sands of Time burying them.” The visitor made no reply as he strode back across the floor and exited without any further delay, leaving the shopkeep wondering who got the better end of that bargain, yet only for a moment before turning his attention to his new book.
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annelisterofhalifax · 3 years
A bad wrist,Lady Vere Cameron and an uninteresting sermon
M[ar]ch Sun[day] 29
9 1/2
No kiss. Fine morn[in]g F 45 1/2° at 10.20. H[a]d Mr Jubb for 10 min[ute]s, dress[e]d my wrist
right, and put a spalk on it 1st ti[me]. Go[in]g to York on Mon[day] subpoena[e]d on 2 trials, t[ha]t of
Morrison, for violat[in]g a lit[tl]e girl aged 5, tak[e]n to Mr Jubb the next morn[in]g, will recov[e]r, and t[ha]t of a boy convict[e]d
of manslaughter. Br[eak]f[a]st and sat talk[in]g till 11.50 wh[e]n ca[me] upst[ai]rs, fr[om] 12 to 2 wr[ote] 1/2 sh[eet] note pap[e]r 2 2/4 pages to
L[ad]y S-[Stuart] and 3 pages to L[ad]y St[uar]t de R- [Rothesay], and 1 page to L[ad]y V.C [Vere Cameron]. A-[Ann] and I at Lightcliffe  
ch[ur]ch in 19 min[ute]s.
at 2 3/4, wait[e]d 13 min[ute]s. Mr Bellamy d[i]d all the duty, preach[e]d 34 min[ute]s, ex tempore
and uninteresting[l]y fr[om] ps[alm] 51 v[erse]. 6. Ho[me in 23 min[ute]s at 4 3/4, dress[e]d, fr[om] 5.20 in 1/2 h[ou]r
wr[ote] 2 pages and und[e]r the seal and finish[e]d my no[te] to Vere, kind no[te], hope and th[in]k she is right in
think[in]g Mr Cam[ero]ns eye chang[in]g ‘fr[om] bet[ter] to worse and bet[ter] ag[ai]n’ is a good sign. ‘Has an[y]bod[y]
‘ ev[e]r fanci[e]d the digestive powers at all in fault? You kno[w] how m[u]ch I am interest[e]d for
t[he]m, and t[he]refo[re] for all concern[in]g you’. Kind reg[ar]ds and th[an]ks to Mr Cam[ero]n for his troub[le] ab[ou]t my carr[ia]ge
will wr[ite] ab[ou]t in a day or 2- in fact ‘I put off all writ[in]g t[ha]t does n[o]t eith[e]r partic[ularl]y bear
‘up[on] heart or buy[in]gs’ on acc[oun]t of my wrist. ‘Wh[a]t my medic[a]l man calls spalked, t[ha]t I
still wr[ote] w[i]th pain and diffic[ult]y’, gl[a]d she is at Lodge etc etc. ‘one line fr[om] an[y]bod[y], to
say all is well, and wheth[e]r the young Laird be co[me] or n[o]t, will qui[te] satisfy me’.Gl[a]d h[i]s  
sist[e]r L[ad]y Alb[ini]a Fost[e]r, is go[in]g to take y[ou]r niece Aba [Albibia] Hob[ar]t b[a]ck w[i]th h[e]r and t[ha]t V- [Vere] likes h[e]r fine
niece, so m[u]ch. ‘Y[ou]r plan is a ver[y] nice one, and reallygi[ve]s me pleas[u]re, y[ou]r broth[e]r
‘ August[u]s will be pleas[e]d, and I ha[ve] n[o]t forgott[e]n the inter[e]st ab[ou]t h[i]m I learnt to feel at Hastings.’
Th[in]k L[ad]y Gord[o]n will feel the loss of h[e]r moth[e]r. ‘I th[in]k she,’ L[ad]y G-[ Gordon], ‘h[a]s deep[e]r and bet[ter] feel[in]g t[ha]n  
may so[me]ti[me]s
‘app[ea]r. Does Mr Camer[o]n kno[w] an[y] good Scotch gard[ene]r w[i]th wh[o]m one m[i]ght a year or two hence apprentice a
‘well- principl[e]d boy, the son of an old serv[an]t?’ My no[te] to L[ad]y S-[ Stuart], kind as us[ua]l, glad t[ha]t
h[e]r last few lines, 3 w[ee]ks ago, ga[ve] a rath[e]r bet[ter] acc[oun]t of h[e]r. Gl[a]d she is w[i]th Miss Tate.
‘[Expect] Vere has, in h[e]r state of uterm[os]t disengagement, c[oul]d n[o]t ta[ke] bet[ter] care of you. In
‘k[i]nd attent[io]n nobody[y] can exceed Miss Tate. I trust she is in strong[e]r health
t[ha]n she w[a]s 2 y[ea]rs ago’. Am conclud[in]g by my comp[limen]ts to her, ask if I may not congrat[ulate]
her L[ad]y S-[ Stuart] and L[or]d St[uar]ts go[in]g to Constantinople.’ I long to kno[w] if it be true’.
He w[oul]d n[o]t like S[ain]t P-[Petersburg] b[u]t sure[l]y w[oul]d ma[ke] no object[io]n to C- [Constantinople]. ‘An emb[ass]y w[hi]ch at t[hi]s  
so loudly calls for a diplomatist of first rate talent, n[o]t dishearten[e]d ab[ou]t the
scrutiny. Hope all will go well, if writ[in]g to L[ad]y Harr[ie]t beg my love and th[an]ks ‘for
‘h[e]r long interest[in]g let[ter] and got the ver[y] pret[ty] draw[in]g of her ‘cabinet’ w[i]th w[hi]ch I am qui[te]
‘delight[e]d, it brings to my mind a host of agreeab[le] recollect[io]ns,’ will wr[ite] to h[e]r ‘as soon
as my wrist is out of bandage’. It is still ‘spalk[e]d t[ha]t I wr[ite] w[i]th diffic[ult]y and pain.
‘Bel[ieve] me alw[ay]s d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t ver[y] truly and ver[y] affect[ionate]ly, y[ou]rs A Lister’.  My no[te] to L[ad]y S[tuart] de
R-[Rothesay] to say I r[ea]d a day or two ago in the morn[in]g Herald the [?] of L[or]d S[tuart] de R-s [Rothesay’s] appoint[men]t
to Constant[inople], an emb[ass]y requir[in]g 1st rate tal[en]t. ‘Is it true t[ha]t the d[uke] of Wellingt[o]n h[a]s filed up[o]n
‘t[hi]s trust w[i]th his us[ua]l discern[en]t, and t[ha]t we are to ha[ve] a man of bus[ine]ss, and of master-mind,s[u]ch as1835 M[ar]ch ‘L[or]d St[uar]t 
undoubt[abl]y is?’ prob[abl]y w[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve] lik[e]d S[ain]t Petersb[ur]g and 
can serve up bet[ter] at C-[Constantinople] ‘I long to kno[w] if his Lordsh[ip] is, 
or is to be appointed, and wh[a]t do you th[in]k ab[ou]t it? ‘I am sure you kno[w] 
my real anx[iet]y for anyth[in]g and ev[er]yth[in]g to hap[pen] t[ha]t can do you 
serv[i]ce, or gi[ve] you ‘pleas[u]re. I admire L[or]d St[uar]ts tal[en]ts,and wish his 
count[r]y to profit by t[he]m, b[u]t if the ‘appointm[en]t were made, I c[oul]d 
scarce[l]y rejoice till I knew t[ha]t you were satisfi[e]d. Hope they are all 
enjoy[in]g t[hei]r s[tay] at Highcliff etc etc  ha[ve] ask[e]d L[ad]y S-[Stuart] if I 
may n[o]t congrat[ulate] h[e]r, gl[a]d she is at Miss Tate’s, hope Mr Ja[me]s 
Wortley is safe in spi[te] of the scrutiny, fear Mr Cam[ero]n is no bet[ter] ‘ wh[a]t 
a bless[in]g t[ha]t Vere is so free fr[om] alarm! my love to the d[ea]r girls, and 
bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] truly y[ou]rs A Lister’ Wr[ote] all 
b[u]t the  first 2 lines of today till Din[ner] at 6 1/2. H[a]d Charlotte Booth a few 
min[ute]s whi[le] A-[Ann] and I were seat[e]d at the din[ner] tab[le]. Charlotte 
ca[me] wi[th] a req[ue]st fr[om] Miss Hebden for so[me] new th[in]gs, ans[we]r 
yes!. S[e]nt off und[e]r  cov[e]r to ‘The Lord L  Stuart de Rothesay, 3 Carlton T
errace, London’ my let[ter] to ‘The Lady Stuart de Rothesay’ L  and my let[ter] to 
‘The hon[ora]ble Lady Stuart at Miss Tate’s 21 Grosvenor Place’ and my let[ter] 
to   The Lady Vere Cameron at the hon[ora]ble Lady Stuart’s Richmond Park’. 
Coff[ee], ca[me] upst[ai]rs at 8, sat talk[in]g 1/2 h[ou]r t[he]n skimm[e]d ov[e]r the 
1st 8 or 10 pages of  vol[ume] 2 Sharon Turner’s sacred hist[ory] of the world 
t[ha]t I g[o]t b[ou]ght, for A-[Ann] the oth[e]r day. Th[e]n wr[ote] the last 7 lines. 
Till 9.50 Read[in]g ov[e]r the Introduct[io]n + and the 1st 8 pages of Philip on the 
Vit[a]l Funct[io]ns, t[h]en ten min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t. Fine day F 47° at 10.5 p.m. 
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