#The Miraculous
gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
ML Reboot: Miraculous: Heroes of Miracles: The Miraculous Part 7
-Users of the miraculous do end up with some interesting side effects as a result of using the miraculous.
-Miraculous user's bodies end up improving as a result of using the miraculous (So long as the miraculous isnt broken/damaged). Fu having used the miraculous for decades on end has shown to have extended his life expectancy. Aging a fraction as much as he would thanks to the miraculous. (Why he’s over 100 years old yet only looks in his 60’s)
-The reason for this is because the miraculous imbues the divine energy of the Kwami into humans through a regulated means. It has a reinvigorating effect on humans.
-Alya and Nino even note that their eye sight began improving after using the miraculous for periods of time. Marinette also noted that her body had a lot more energy than normal. Adrien noticed his fencing skills also improved as he felt his reflexes increase.
-Gabriel himself notes that when transformed, he doesnt feel fatigued from hours of being transformed, only feeling hungry or tired when detransformed.
-Gabriel also noted that in his training with the miraculous, his body became healthier and he felt as strong and energetic as he did in his earlier years.
-According to Su Han, the condition of the Kwami determines the condition of the miraculous holder when transformed. A well fed Kwami allows for peak performance.
-Kwami can be fed through the spirit of the wielder, usually the more in tune the user is with the respective concept the miraculous represents. But feeding the Kwami normal food when detransformed is seen as more effective.
-Interestingly, eating while wearing the miraculous feeds the user and the Kwami and can be seen as a work around. Adrien discovered this in season 2, which was confirmed by Fu.
-According to Tikki, The Kwami are influenced by the soul of the user, while the user's body becomes influenced by the Kwami's power. A symbiotic dynamic.
-Marinette believes that with her exposure to the miraculous, she could keep up with an olympic athlete, something she notes after biking around the city doing deliveries in half the time it normally takes her.
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ultraurania · 23 days
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bitter-orchid · 2 years
i hear it somewhere, but i can't see
we stumble upon a broken tree
i leave the past to set me free...
anna von hausswolff - discovery
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knightofleo · 2 years
Anna von Hausswolff | Evocation
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buggachat · 9 days
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decided to subject you all to my mind. and my mind has a lot of feelings about adrien and plagg in real-cat!plagg au.
plagg adopted adrien, not the other way around
(sequel to this post)
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sabertoothwalrus · 5 months
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nefarious anglerfish
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hamsternamedmarinette · 3 months
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And once again the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls
(Part 2)
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anna-scribbles · 3 months
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mentally i’m here
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marimbles · 8 months
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kiss kiss fall in love
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ladybeug · 6 months
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he was stupid after all...
thats romance.
merry christmas!!!! I was thinking recently I don't just draw for fun very much anymore, so I put some time aside as a christmas gift for me.
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cienfll · 2 months
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
ML Reboot: Miraculous: Heroes of Miracles: The Miraculous (Part 2)
- So the typical 5 minute timer after using a power isn’t there. (At least not in the usual way)
-Age does not impact how long one stays transformed.
- While transformed, Miraculous users gain super human abilities, Strength, Speed, Durability, stamina and Agility. And while transformed their bodies don’t age. So long as they consume food or rest, they can theoretically maintain the transformation indefinitely. Though they need to rest and consume much more while transformed, which is why many detransform instead of keeping it steady.
-Using the special powers is draining though, and it does lower one’s stamina. As one becomes more accustomed to using the miraculous and bonding with their kwami, the less draining it is. For example. Ladybug early on could only summon 3 lucky charms before feeling exhausted. Season 4 Ladybug can summon 3 lucky charms with little stamina lost.
-Taking too much damage can also force a miraculous user to detransform, as the kwami needs to recover. Over exertion could mean the kwami is out of commission for a day or two. Sometimes longer.
-After long exposure to a miraculous, a user may gain some interesting boosts. Fu’s aging was slowed to half that of a typical human due to spending YEARS transformed.
-Exposure to a broken miraculous does result in negatives, as the power is improperly regulated, leading to damage over time. Not many people can handle the power of a Miraculous without regulation.
-Using two miraculous at once is a much more difficult act than in canon. It takes equal focus and strain on the user. It improves the powers of both, but it’s also hard to maintain.
-Using More than 2 is impossible without some sort of backlash. And in many cases it’s fatal.
-Zhi Chao managed to use all the Zodiac Miraculous because he had the Master Miraculous act as a sort of regulator allowing him to surpass the limit. But as soon as it was removed, he became unstable which resulted in his inevitable and very VERY painful demise.
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sidsinning · 2 months
I thought it was the most hilarious thing that Adrienette's dynamic was
Adrien (platonic) loves touching Marinette and being in her personal space
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While Marinette (romantic) can't handle touching Adrien on her own and can't help but recoil from him (tho ofc not all the time)
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animentality · 1 year
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danismilek · 1 month
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buggachat · 12 days
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my life's goal is to make tumblr regret increasing the image limit to 30
anyway i haven't been able to get real-cat!plagg out of my head. (i blame @hamsternamedmarinette's post for making me think of my real-cat!plagg au again)
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