#The Raben Group
Iaşi– town in Moldavia (northeastern Romania) on the Bahlui River; an important trading center with links to Bucovina, Bessarabia, Ukraine, and Russia; capital of the former principality of Moldavia (1565–1862). The largest and most important Jewish community of Moldavia lived in Iaşi. The presence of Jews was first documented in the late sixteenth century when Sephardic Jews arrived accompanying the new rulers appointed by the Turkish sultan. The oldest tomb inscription in the local cemetery probably dates to 1610.
The number of Jews in Iaşi increased in the second half of the nineteenth century, reaching 39,441 (50.8% of the town’s population) in 1899. This growth was due both to natural increase and to the arrival of Jews who had been expelled from surrounding villages. In the early twentieth century, the number of Jews fell as a result of economic crisis, discriminatory laws, and emigration. In 1910, there were about 35,000 Jews living in Iaşi.
In the late nineteenth century, Jews were active in small industry and crafts, local and international trade, finance, and liberal and intellectual professions (they were doctors, teachers, writers, journalists, bookshop keepers, editors, public servants, and musicians). They also contributed to the setting up of steam mills and mechanical workshops, as well as to organizing freight. In 1890–1892, there were 3,048 Jewish artisans and 3,404 Jewish merchants. By 1909, Jews accounted for 77 percent of the craftsmen in Iaşi.
Most rabbis in Iaşi in 1859 to 1919 were Hasidim. They included Shemu’el Shmelke Taubes (in Iaşi 1852–1865); his son, Uri Shraga Feivel Taubes; Yeshayahu (Isaia) Shor, an adept of strict Orthodoxy (1854–1879); Dov Ber Rabinovici, also called the Folticener Rebbe (d. 1865); Ḥayim Landau (d. 1908), rabbi of the town, an adept of strict orthodoxy; Yisra’el Gutman (1820–1894), and his son, Shalom Gutman. In 1865, the banker Jacob of Neuschatz established the moderate reform temple that carried his name, Bet Ya‘akov. The preachers in this temple included Antoine Levy of Alsace and eventually Matityahu Simḥah Rabener. Later (from 1897), this position was filled by Iacob Isac Niemirower, who subsequently became the chief rabbi of Romania. Another modern rabbi in Iaşi (in 1915) was Meyer Thenen. A Jewish secondary school was also set up in the early twentieth century.
In 1872, Matityahu Simḥah Rabener published the Hebrew literary–cultural review Zimrat ha-arets. Although only two issues were published, it managed to bring together Hebrew writers from Iaşi with others, especially from Bucovina and Galicia. In 1878, a group of maskilim in Iaşi established the cultural association Ohale Shem, whose purpose was to develop the Hebrew language and spread Jewish culture. Hebrew writers involved in the association included Beniamin Schwarzfeld (1822–1897), Naḥman Fraenkel, Menaḥem Mendel Braunstein (1858–1944, known as Mibashan), and the physician Karpel Lippe (1830–1915). The journalist Eli‘ezer Rokeaḥ (1854–1914) lived for a while in Iaşi, where he published the Hebrew newspaper Yisra’el in 1881, as did the poet Naftali Herz Imber (1856–1909), author of “Hatikvah,” which eventually became the anthem of the Zionist movement and the State of Israel.
In 1876, the first performance of the Yiddish theater, established by Avrom Goldfadn, was given in Iaşi. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Iaşi became a center of Yiddish literature. In 1896, the socialist weekly Der veker (edited by Max Wexler [1870–1917], Litman Ghelerter [1873–1945], and Leon Gheler) was issued in Iaşi; it was published again in 1916, edited by Isac Moscovici. In 1899, the Zionist weekly in Yiddish (with a German title) Die Jüdische Zukunft was published in Iaşi; it was a cultural and general Jewish-interest magazine. Between December 1914 and September 1915, the first literary review in Yiddish in Romania, Likht, was issued in Iaşi; it was edited by a group called by the same name, with Efraim Waldman as editor, and Iacob Botoshanski (1892–1964), Iacob Groper, Lascar Şaraga (Lazar Samson; 1892–1968), Moti Rabinovici, and Arn Matisyahu Friedman as contributors. Several Jewish periodicals in Romanian were also issued in Iaşi. One of them, Vocea apărătorului (The Voice of the Defender; 1872–1873), was edited by Marcu Feldman and Marcu Rosenfeld, and advocated Jewish emancipation and tried to fight against the anti-Jewish attacks in the local Romanian press. The Revista Israelită (The Israelite Magazine), edited by Elias Schwarzfeld, was issued in 1874. Other periodicals issued in Romanian in Iaşi before World War I included Lumina (The Light, 1887) a socialist weekly, edited by Ştefan Stâncă; Propăşirea (The Thriving, 1889–1891), edited by Max Caufman; and Răsăritul (The Sunrise, 1899–1901).
In Iaşi, Jewish writers and journalists writing in Romanian before World War I included Adolf-Avram Steuerman-Rodion (1872–1918), Horia Carp, Enric Furtună, A. Axelrod, the brothers Joseph and Marco Brociner (the former an essayist and historian, the latter a novelist in Romanian and German), the epigrammatist Bernard Goldner (Giordano), the poet Adrian Verea, the journalists Jean Hefter, Alfred Hefter, Carol Schoenfeld (C. Săteanu), Clement Blumenfeld-Scrutator, and A. Glicksman (“Dr. Y”).
Jewish musicians in Iaşi played an important role as preservers of Yiddish folklore, as performers and composers. The most prominent musicians were the Lemes family, Avram Bughici, Berl Segal, and Haim Israel Bernstein. In 1906, a group of maskilim, including Niemirower, Iacob Nacht, Abraham Leib Zissu, Iacob Groper, Iacob Botoşanski and others, founded the Toynbee Hall Association, which was a sort of Jewish popular athenaeum, and organized public lectures on Jewish and general topics in Romanian and Yiddish. Among the lecturers who appeared in Iaşi were Sholem Aleichem, Bernard Lazare, Franz Oppenheimer, and Naḥum Sokolow. The first local committee of the Yishuv Erets Yisra’el organization was elected in February 1882; Karpel Lippe became its president. He eventually participated in the first Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897.
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
Under the Quincy's Veil - Mayuri mixes the blood of dead Quincy together and makes new beings with their own unique powers. What will these beings do...
#11, almost done! The missing child of the group, living as an object of warship...
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Name: Raben Lamperd
Biological Parents: Liltotto Lamperd and Pernida Parnkajas
Power: The Evolution (She can eat objects or part of other people's bodies. She can use this to either give herself powers or bestow evolution on another. The main example is her eating the arm of a mother that can see and passing on that sight to her blind son.)
CV: N/A, her voice claim is highly edited and doesn't count.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Ulli Lommel in Love Is Colder Than Death (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1969) Cast: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Hanna Schygulla, Ulli Lommel, Katrin Schaake. Screenplay: Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Cinematography: Dietrich Lohmann. Music: Holger Münzer, Peer Raben. The audience for Rainer Werner Fassbinder's first feature film largely consists of (1) hard-core Fassbinder fans; (2) professional film scholars; and (3) compulsive film-bloggers. (Since I don't belong to either of the first two groups, I guess I have defined myself into the third.) Other viewers probably give up on Love Is Colder Than Death after a few minutes of the minimally staged, flatly lighted, tonelessly acted opening scenes, which look like a documentary of a performance in an experimental theater. (Like, for example, the Antiteater in Munich that Fassbinder helped found.) If they last through these scenes, which are about the attempt of the mob to recruit Franz (Fassbinder) and his first meeting with Bruno (Ulli Lommel), they may have bailed out during an enigmatic conversation between Bruno and a woman (Katrin Schaake) he meets on a train, or shortly afterward, during Bruno's search for Johanna (Hanna Schygulla), the girlfriend Franz pimps out, a long sequence that consists largely of views of the nighttime streets down which Bruno is driving. Eventually, however, Love Is Colder Than Death comes together into the story of the ménage à trois formed by Bruno, Franz, and Johanna, and an ill-fated attempt to rob a bank. At this point it becomes clear that Fassbinder is mimicking and perhaps parodying the French New Wave. The ménage is very much like the ones in Jean-Luc Godard's Bande à Part (1964) and François Truffaut's Jules and Jim (1962), though entirely lacking the joie de vivre of either. In a somewhat shabbier way, Bruno emulates the gangster chic attempted by Jean-Paul Belmondo in Breathless (Godard, 1960) and mastered by Alain Delon in Le Samouraï (Jean-Pierre Melville, 1967). There's some of the larky post-adolescent lawlessness of Breathless and Masculin Féminin (Godard, 1966), as when the trio shoplifts sunglasses in a department store or Johanna and Bruno filch things in a supermarket, though Fassbinder's characters never seem to have much fun doing it. But there are touches throughout the film that might be called more Fassbinderish than Godardian. The supermarket scene is accompanied by several bars from a duet in Richard Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier that have been looped endlessly into a kind of insane Muzak, giving an eerie, almost feverish note to the scene. For much of the film, Fassbinder avoids pans and zooms and other camera tricks, but when he uses them it's noticeable, as in the scene in which Franz is being held by the police for interrogation: The camera glides regularly back and forth along a steady track, without holding for a second on the person speaking -- it's like moving your head back and forth during a tennis match without focusing on the ball. It can't just be the absence of a budget for blanks and blood squibs that makes the several scenes in which people are shot so lacking in conventional movie realism: In each case, we hear the sound of the shot without seeing either smoke or a muzzle flash from a gun, and the victim falls down dead, like a kid in a playground pretend gunfight. And even the ending, which fades to white instead of black, seems like Fassbinder making fun of movie conventions. I don't know of many other movies that manage to be so derivative and yet so original at the same time.
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defietssite · 5 months
Introductie: De transportsector in transformatie
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De transportsector staat aan de vooravond van een grote transformatie, gedreven door technologische innovatie en een groeiende focus op duurzaamheid. Belangrijke trends in de sector zijn onder meer de elektrificatie van transport, autonome voertuigen, blockchain, IoT en duurzaamheid. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op hoe transportbedrijven anticiperen op de toekomst door gebruik te maken van innovatieve oplossingen en hoe zij een leidende rol spelen in de veranderende wereld van transport. We zullen ons daarbij richten op het logistiek bedrijf Raben Group, dat zich onderscheidt door zijn toewijding aan innovatie en duurzaamheid. Raben Group: Een innovatief logistiek bedrijf Het logistieke bedrijf Raben Group is een internationaal logistiek bedrijf met meer dan 160 vestigingen in 15 landen. Met meer dan 90 jaar ervaring, ruim 1,2 miljoen vierkante meter aan warehouse ruimte en meer dan 150 locaties in Europa, staat Raben bekend om hun professionele houding, toewijding, individuele benadering en hoge kwaliteit dienstverlening. Raben Netherlands, onderdeel van de Raben Group, is een gespecialiseerd logistiek bedrijf dat transport- en logistieke diensten aanbiedt in en buiten Nederland. Ze bieden een uitgebreid pakket aan logistieke diensten, waaronder warehousing, wegtransport, transport van verse producten, FTL (Volle Truck Ladingen), intermodaal transport en zee- en luchtvracht. Duurzaamheid als prioriteit voor Raben Group Raben Group streeft naar duurzame logistieke oplossingen en neemt actieve maatregelen om hun dienstverlening milieuvriendelijker te maken. Ze zijn gericht op het verminderen van CO2-emissies en voeren tests uit met HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) als alternatieve brandstof. Daarnaast maken ze gebruik van volledig geladen trailers, het consolideren van vracht op consolidatiepunten en het gebruik van milieuvriendelijke vrachtwagens en ecologische oplossingen in hun magazijnen. Deze inspanningen dragen bij aan de bevordering van duurzaamheid in de transportsector en verminderen de impact op het milieu. Innovatieve oplossingen in de transportsector De elektrificatie van de transportsector is een belangrijke trend die naar verwachting een aanzienlijke impact zal hebben. Elektrische voertuigen, zoals bakfietsen, vrachtwagens en bestelwagens, dragen bij aan de vermindering van CO2-uitstoot en bieden een schonere toekomst. Deze trend stimuleert de ontwikkeling van laadinfrastructuur en de implementatie van duurzame energiebronnen in de transportsector. Ook zijn er innovaties op het gebied van duurzame verpakkingsmaterialen, waarbij bedrijven steeds vaker gebruik maken van duurzame materialen in hun verpakkingen. Raben Group is een van de bedrijven die voorop lopen in het toepassen van deze innovatieve oplossingen, zoals elektrische voertuigen en autonome technologie. Uitdagingen en kansen in de toekomst van transport Hoewel de transportsector voor grote uitdagingen staat, zoals infrastructuurbehoeften voor elektrische voertuigen en cybersecurity in autonome voertuigen, biedt de toekomst ook veel kansen voor bedrijven zoals Raben Group. Door te investeren in innovatieve oplossingen en duurzaamheid, kunnen transportbedrijven hun concurrentievermogen vergroten en tegelijkertijd bijdragen aan een betere en schonere wereld. Raben Group zet zich in om een betrouwbare en competente partner te zijn voor hun klanten, met een professionele en individuele benadering en uitgebreide kennis op het gebied van nationaal en internationaal wegtransport, warehousing, contractlogistiek en intermodaal transport. Met hun toewijding aan innovatie en duurzaamheid, is Raben Group goed gepositioneerd om een leidende rol te spelen in de toekomst van transport en logistiek. Read the full article
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pneusnews · 9 months
Prosegue il processo di evoluzione di Raben in Italia: Raben SITTAM diventa ora Raben Italy S.r.l.
L’inizio del nuovo anno segna per Raben Group, azienda leader in Europa nel settore dei trasporti e della logistica, la continuazione di un processo evolutivo che da sempre caratterizza il Gruppo anche sul mercato italiano. È con grande entusiasmo, infatti, che Raben SITTAM annuncia che, con il mese di gennaio 2024 cambia la propria ragione sociale in Raben Italy S.r.l. Questo cambiamento non è…
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High School Story Class Act gang as Precures
Precure Teams usually come in groups of 5-7 
Red Precure - Skye
After Fighting with her family she runs out of her house onto the street where she meets up with a Rabbit-like fairy named “Moppy” when she sees a glowing tennis-ball pod in the grass of the nearby forest
Gains fire powers 
Single Attacks (Fire Ropes, Throws Fireballs and able to summon random flames of fire with her wands)
Attacks the First Villain alone
Gains responsibility of taking care of Moppy (Feeding and giving aid) and uses her to transform
Most Episodes Are about her and her Family
Yellow Precure - MC’s Twin Sister Leah
Next Day in school at lunch Skye and Leah sit alone and Skye tells her the story of how she got her powers and shows her “Moppy”
That night when she can’t sleep she looks out her window and gets hit with second Tiger-like fairy “Raben” who gives her the power of thunder and lighting and uses him to transform
Lives and takes care of Raben
Single Attacks (Lighting bolts appear to hit emenies when she claps her hands, throws balls of lighting and gets the power of speed)
Attacks the first villain again with Skye 
Main Character of the Series
Blue Precure - Erin
Erin becomes precure when she gains her powers from finding “Raben” in her backpack thinking it was a stuffed animal
Gains her powers when she visits Leah
Gains the Power of Ice and Water (Able to turn everything into ice, Crate Ice Swords and Bows and Arrows, Able to shoot water from her hands and Make snow storms)
Every Episode with her deals with her and Leah’s realatetionship
The Least most talkaive one
transfroms without a fairy
Purple Precure - Lilith
Tough one of the group
Only becomes precure because she hears Skye talking about it and wants to join
When she joins “Happy” a duck-like fairy the last of the 3 gives her pod and uses her to transform 
She cares, Lives and feeds with Happy
She gains the power of growth and darkness (Able to control the shadows of the villains, able to grow and shrink her herself and the villain and able to make massive storms and make earthquakes
Most Episodes deal with her struggling with her moving to the same school and neighborhood as the 4 girls
Pink Precure - Danielle
Leader of the group
She mostly like giving rude remarks to the villains
Most Episodes dealing with everyone not trusting her
Gains the power of love and happniess 
Attacks are 
Mid-way through the season she ends up living with sixth cure
Green Precure - Yummy or Yum
When her mother “Lady Hazel” passes away Yummy becomes the new Queen of the Empire Kingdom, but before she takes up the throne The Villain Quad take over The Empire Kingdom and Yummy flees to the Neighborhood where Skye, Leah and the others live
She ends living with Danielle in her human form 
She changes into dog when she has to hide
Half way through the season she appears becoming a young but powerful ally to the girls
(Attacks) Superhuman strength, Has a bow that shoots magic powerful poison arrows, she can contorl minds of creatures only and Clover Shields powerful to block any attack.
The Villain Quad 
The Feral
Mr. Groabtar
Shadow Monster
Grass and Moss Creatures
Little Boy Sevent (Yummy’s Kidnapped brother)
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Cannabis Trade Federation Announces Federal Lobbying Team
Cannabis Trade Federation Announces Federal Lobbying Team
Cannabis Trade Federation Announces Federal Lobbying Team
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Cannabis Trade Federation (CTF) announced it has formed the largest and most diverse federal lobbying team ever assembled by the cannabis industry or movement. This group will support CTF’s mission of passing the Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States (STATES) Act into law.…
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Raben Group Transport Tracking
Raben Group Transport Tracking
Enter Raben Tracking number in following tracker system to track and trace your Raben Group Transport, Logistics, Spedition, International Shipment, Courier, Parcel, Mixed Pallets delivery status details online. TRACK Raben Group Contact Details:- Customer Service Phone number: +31 88 772 0000Email Address: [email protected] Office Address: Vorstengrafdonk 81, 5342 LW Oss, Netherlands
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mydeliverytracking · 2 years
Raben Group Transport Tracking
Raben Group Transport Tracking
Enter Raben Tracking number in following tracker system to track and trace your Raben Group Transport, Logistics, Spedition, International Shipment, Courier, Parcel, Mixed Pallets delivery status details online. TRACK Raben Group Contact Details:- Customer Service Phone number: +31 88 772 0000Email Address: [email protected] Office Address: Vorstengrafdonk 81, 5342 LW Oss,…
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gayroleplayads · 6 years
Seeking m/m Pokemon or fantasy rp!
↳ hey all, i’m wren and i’m a 23 y/o grad student in the est time zone. i’ve been rping for over 10 years and am looking for some cool new people to plot and rp with. i’m a huge fan of chatting with and getting to know my partner — if this isn’t your cup of tea that’s all good, but i’m always open to dorking around and finding playlists for our characters if it is! i'm looking for people older than 20, as i feel more comfortable when my partner is around the same age as me! i also like writing long posts and would prefer someone who has no problem writing at least 4 paragraphs per reply. i usually reply once a day or every other day and don’t like being poked for replies, so if you’re more of a rapid fire rper we probably won’t work out.
right now i'm primarily craving a pokemon rp! i have some plots that i will list though i’m up for brainstorming as well. i’d like something in the realm or more realistic and unconventional: unusual plots, pokemon can get hurt and injured, wild pokemon are like intelligent wild animals, etc. if that sounds up your alley then read on! i'd also be open to rewriting these plots using animals or mythical creatures/beasts so if you know nothing about pokemon but are interested in the plot please message me~
↳ i'm interested in some other things besides pokemon and i'll list those here!
• adventure; anything with a band of people coming together and forming a found family, traveling together on the way to a goal with obstacles thrown in their way
• fantasy; i adore fantasy, whether it’s magical realism or all out medieval fantasy. world-building is one of my favorite things. sci-fi is great too, but i’m not great when things get too tech-y haha
• paranormal/mythical creatures; sort of goes with the fantasy, but i’m always down to rp different species in any sort of setting
• fairy tales; i love taking old fairy tales or stories and giving them a unique twist, whether it’s making them #gritty or just tossing them in a different sort of setting
• superheroes; people with superpowers using it for good or evil and coming together yesss
• romance; romance is great and i’ll discuss that below, but i prefer this to be like a sub-genre
• AUs; i love taking a fandom and making it an alternate timeline or AUing it completely. also once we have characters and a rp established, i love love love talking about AUs for our characters. i will AU everything, there is no AU too AUish for me
those are just my favorites so feel free to suggest others, but i will not do slice of life. i just find myself bogged down when there’s not a defined plot, and it doesn’t keep my interest. i also love these things if you’d be interested in tossing any of them in the rp:
• mages
• shapeshifters
• daemons [like from his dark materials]
• people with horns or wings
• pirates
• dragons
↳ okay i am hecka interested in doing a more serious pokemon rp. i’ve whipped up descriptions for some plot ideas, but i can expand on them more and i’m very up to brainstorming or altering ideas. also like i said i’m very open to replacing pokemon with daemons, animals, monsters, etc. most of these plots mention two individuals, though i’m happy to expand and play more characters.
Orre has been conquered by Cipher. The region’s government are puppet leaders being controlled by Cipher’s strings, leading to the mass production of shadow pokemon. The public was deceived into thinking that pokemon ownership was unsafe and thus pokemon were banned, saved for by Cipher-affiliated trainers who put on gladiator battles for entertainment. However not all of Orre has cowed to this new leadership; a group of rebels have begun to grow, spread out between cities with their main headquarters being in the Under. They keep pokemon in secret and pass coded messages about how to free the region from Cipher — though Cipher always has their ear to the ground, and the rebellion may not be as secretive as they believe.
team cell
The Sehazi region is high in elevation, primarily mountainous with dense forests and taiga plains. Like the other regions, Sehazi has its gym leaders and champion, though its hostile conditions make it a relatively small League compared to other regions. After a large earthquake, sightings of peculiar pokemon have been seen around Sehazi — pokemon larger and more aggressive than usual, or pokemon that seem to be a mix of others. An organization called Team Cell has emerged to hunt their escaped pokemon back down, simultaneously exposing themselves to the public and making the League realize a threat has been growing beneath their nose for years. Team Cell is an expert in creating fusion and chimeric pokemon and plans to use their creations to seize dominance of the region. In addition to the League, a counterforce called Splice has emerged to fight Team Cell and rescue their pokemon, though neither group may be in the right.
Borrowing inspiration from His Dark Materials, people are born with a guardian, or a part of their soul that is represented as a ditto. As they grow older, the ditto takes permanent shape of a pokemon that represents their personality, and then will evolve as the person matures. This could be incorporated with any of the other plots, or be about individuals with guardians embarking on a typical pokemon adventure. Additionally I have a separate plot about a powerful monarchy killing the guardians of the territories they conquer and a rebellion forming in response to that and the cultural genocide.
A massive tournament has been hosted, inviting powerful trainers from many different regions. However only at the conclusion of the event it’s revealed that the tournament was actually a trial to find the strongest trainers to help carry the Colored Orbs to Mt. Pyre. Entrusting the victors with the three orbs, they set off towards Hoenn, though quickly realize that they have plenty of adversaries pursuing them, as well as the temptation that they could summon three legendary pokemon with the orbs at their fingertips.
around the world
Two rivals struck up a competition on who could sail around the world first, though when hit by a storm early on, one made the decision to save the other and they continue on their quest together with their pokemon partners. As they trek around the world, they find legends and myths yet untouched by civilization, and a temptation that tests the friendship they’ve begun to form.
time is of the essence
A modern individual has an encounter with Celebi and finds themselves forcibly thrust back into time, landing in the past where they save someone from near death. The two realize they have been brought together for a purpose as they are continuously brought to different points in time in which they arrive just at the moment to save something from certain disaster. As they try to piece together this mystery, they realize that they’re having a permanent affect on the timeline, and that there are clues of a sinister force spanning time response for wreckage.
the hunter
In a time before pokeballs, one individual makes their living by hunting wild pokemon bothering livestock and towns. They’ve earned themselves a reputation as they’ve traveled throughout the region, until they bite off more than they can chew: they’re offered a handsome reward to save a town that Darkrai has taken residence in and put to sleep. As they and their partner/benefactor/guide gather information on the town and the circumstances surrounding Darkrai’s presence, they realize this is far more than any mission they’ve tackled in the past. 
It was not just Mohn who was transported through the wormhole, but his entire research team. These individuals and pokemon became stranded on a series of islands they’ve called Pelago, and initial exploration of the nearby islands revealed fruitful trees, fertile land, a cave, and hot springs — all they needed to survive. However the longer they’re stranded, the more desperate and hopeless they become about ever returning home. That is, until some of their bottles tossed out to see have been returned with beans and odd trinkets. Two brave individuals have set off into the ocean to find out who is out there — or what.
fairy tale
↳ la belle et la bête
A wealthy or noble individual has either committed a grievous offense, or was deceived by their enemy and ultimately were transformed into a beastly pokemon. The individual fled into the wilderness and became trapped in time, slowly becoming a legend and a terror. The spell would be broken if the bells of the three regions were gathered and rang by one who loved them — but who would love a beast?
↳ hēraklēs
A young individual is looked fondly upon by one of the legendary deities, and has been protected by them throughout their life. However when they made a terrible err, their deity abandoned them, leaving them to the mercy of the court, which enlisted them with horrible tasks to complete as punishment. With their pokemon and a friend/sibling/messenger of their deity, they embark across the regions to complete these trials.
↳ die sieben raben
A father in want of a daughter promised away the lives of his seven sons in order to save the life of his infant daughter. The sons were transformed into various pokemon and scattered to the wind. Growing up, the daughter heard murmurs that she previously had brothers, and her father finally confessed so. Realizing that the curse could be broken if all siblings were together again, she set off to find her brothers and restore them to their human form again. 
↳ if you’re interested please message me at [email protected]! thank you for reading (:
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pneusnews · 1 year
Raben Group lancia il network Eurohub. Sei nuovi gateway per il trasporto europeo
Il primo trimestre del 2023 ha portato cambiamenti radicali nella struttura di Raben Group. Sei sedi in Germania, Polonia e Repubblica Ceca hanno ottenuto lo status di Eurohub e la licenza di gestire i trasporti in tutta Europa. Questo passo è una naturale evoluzione della posizione di mercato dell’operatore logistico – la sua capillarità, il grado di sviluppo delle sue reti nazionali e…
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lesgensheureux · 7 years
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Exhibition view from our current group show ‘Human Nature’ showing new ceramics by Mette WInckelmann, Cathrine Raben Davidsen, Fie Norsker & Ursula Nistrup
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dompress · 3 years
Walter Herz podkręca tempo
Chcąc zaoferować całościową, zintegrowaną usługę, obejmującą różne segmenty rynku nieruchomości firma Walter Herz rozbudowała zespoły działów Office, Logistics & Industrial oraz Investment & Hospitality. Z początkiem maja br. do teamu WH dołączył również Piotr Krawczyk, który objął stanowisko dyrektora działu Logistics & Industrial
Walter Herz wzmacnia strukturę organizacyjną i wdraża rozwiązania, które pozwalają kompleksowo zaspokajać potrzeby klientów w każdym, możliwym scenariuszu działań, jakie trzeba będzie podjąć w nowym otoczeniu gospodarczym. – Zatrudnienie w firmie zwiększa się regularnie od 9 lat, ale teraz musieliśmy znacznie przyspieszyć rozwój zespołu, ponieważ wymaga tego aktualna sytuacja na rynku. Wiąże się to z intensyfikacją naszej aktywności operacyjnej w ostatnich miesiącach. Dzięki większej liczbie doświadczonych doradców, posiadających dużą wiedzę i szerokie kompetencje możemy efektywniej połączyć różne usługi i zapewnić klientom maksymalnie rozbudowaną obsługę doradczą i wsparcie w każdym aspekcie, bo tego właśnie oczekują dziś firmy. W obecnym, szczególnym dla biznesu czasie potrzebują wielowymiarowego wsparcia, w tym dodatkowych, komplementarnych usług oraz interdyscyplinarnej wiedzy – mówi Bartłomiej Zagrodnik, Managing Partner/CEO w Walter Herz.
Dlatego firma rozwija się, nie tylko kadrowo, ale także zwiększa kompetencje we wszystkich obszarach rynku nieruchomości. Zmiana struktury popytu w segmencie komercyjnym rynku nieruchomości sprawiła, że najszybciej rośnie potencjał i poszerza się portfolio klientów działu Industrial & Logistic, którzy doceniając wysoką jakość usług i niestandardowe rozwiązania oferowane przez doradców firmy wybierają Walter Herz.
Nowy dyrektor departamentu dedykowanego sektorowi magazynowemu, którym zarządza od maja br., w trakcie kilkunastoletniej kariery zawodowej współpracował m.in. z Raben Group, DHL Global Forwarding oraz ROHLIG SUUS Logistics. Doświadczenie zdobywał również we współpracy z firmą deweloperską prowadzącą działalność w segmencie magazynowo-produkcyjnym. Zarządzał projektami dla wielu klientów międzynarodowych, najemców korporacyjnych oraz inwestorów indywidualnych. Na koncie ma również komercjalizacje parków logistycznych, liczone w setkach tysięcy mkw. wynajętej powierzchni.
W Walter Herz Piotr Krawczyk będzie odpowiedzialny za realizację strategii rozwoju działu Industrial & Logistic oraz przygotowanie rozwiązań dla inwestorów, deweloperów i najemców nieruchomości przemysłowych oraz logistycznych, które obejmą opracowywanie propozycji ofertowych, audyt techniczny, analizę kosztów najmu oraz zakup gruntów inwestycyjnych.  
– Wierzę, że Piotr wnosząc do firmy nową perspektywę, odegra decydującą rolę w tworzeniu nowoczesnych modeli długofalowej obsługi klientów oraz wprowadzaniu rozwiązań dopasowanych do zmieniających się warunków rynkowych – przyznaje Bartłomiej Zagrodnik.
– Walter Herz to firma o wyjątkowej kulturze organizacyjnej, dysponująca dużą ekspercką wiedzą i szczególnie mocno stawiająca na budowę relacji, tym bardziej więc cieszę się, że w tak doświadczonym i inspirującym gronie będę mógł kontynuować swoją karierę. Chciałbym podziękować wszystkim za okazane mi zaufanie i miłe przyjęcie – mówi Piotr Krawczyk, Director Industrial & Logistics w Walter Herz. – Chcemy maksymalnie wykorzystać aktualny boom na rynku magazynowym, na którym dzięki rozwojowi sektora e-commerce, tworzą się huby magazynowe na skalę nienotowaną dotąd w Polsce. Obsługa tego obiecującego obszaru rynku będzie wymagała dalszej rozbudowy naszego zespołu ekspertów, jak również inwestycji w nowe technologie umożliwiające podnoszenie wydajności i standardu pracy – dodaje Piotr Krawczyk.
– Team Walter Herz zyskał nowego dyrektora działu Industrial & Logistics, z czego bardzo się cieszymy. Poza tym, umocnił się także nasz zespół leasingowy, nie tylko w Warszawie, ale również w oddziale krakowskim. Dołączyło do niego kilku negocjatorów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w pracy w różnych segmentach rynku nieruchomości – informuje Mateusz Strzelecki, Partner / Head of Regional Markets w Walter Herz. - Doradztwo musi być teraz bowiem zoptymalizowane do zmieniających się warunków biznesowych. Coraz częściej realizujemy projekty wymagające powiązania kompetencji z różnych dziedzin. Prowadzimy złożone procesy, na przykład takie, które wymagają wsparcia klienta, zarówno przy najmie powierzchni biurowej, jak i w rozbudowie własnej bazy magazynowej, co wiąże się z wyborem dostawcy, który potrafi zabezpieczyć potrzeby inwestora w obu obszarach – mówi Mateusz Strzelecki.
Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat Walter Herz stworzyła zespół ekspertów, którzy dysponują szeroką wiedzą obejmującą wszystkie płaszczyzny funkcjonowania rynku nieruchomości w Polsce. Dewizą firmy jest tworzenie długoletnich relacji z klientami i dostosowywanie rozwiązań do ich indywidualnych potrzeb. W wielu przypadkach rozwój biznesu kluczowych partnerów firmy i ewolucja Walter Herz ściśle się ze sobą wiążą. W najbliższych miesiącach działania agencji skupiać się będą na zwiększaniu potencjału regionalnych oddziałów firmy we Wrocławiu, Trójmieście i Łodzi.
Walter Herz
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Reunite families separated at the border, and purge cruelty in the name of justice
Two impeachments and an insurrection should not overshadow Trump's most disgraceful policy choice. Biden will try to fix the damage starting next week.
Former President Donald Trump’s endgame was catastrophic, from strong-arming local election officials to overturn an election on false premises, to inciting a riot on sacred government ground that left several people dead, to becoming the only president to be impeached twice. But we cannot let any of this erase the memory of the ugliest and most immoral policy choice made by the Trump administration — the willful separation of children from their familiesat the southwest border.  
We have known about the family separation policy for years now. However, details revealed in a new report by the Justice Department’s inspector general make clear how low the administration sank in carrying out the historically cruel policy. It also shows how the president didn’t act alone. Senior Justice Department officials, in blessing a policy that was singular in its cruelty, have stained the Justice Department and the ideals on which it was founded. 
First, the report provides a window into how the family separation policy was a result of a “single-minded focus on increasing prosecutions” at the border. The administration crafted a “zero-tolerance” policy, which would knowingly rip children from their parents before prosecuting them, all as a means of frightening adults from coming to the country. Most troubling was the fact that, according to the report, senior Justice Department officials still barreled ahead in spite of warnings that the government was well aware of the likely tragic fallout of the policy. 
Warping the law for evil purposes
This approach — arrest, separate, and deport first, ask questions later — was rooted in the erroneous notion that our immigration system is nothing more than an arm of the criminal justice system, and that deterring people from coming to the United States is its principal objective.
Consider, for instance, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ statement in May 2018 that “we need to take away children” and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s statement a week later to subordinates that prosecutors still should have brought cases despite the children being barely more than infants. The report reminds us that Trump's obsessive opposition to immigration — but only some immigration, from some countries — so easily eliminated the line between enforcing the law and being cruel.
A system focused on enforcing the law can do so justly; a system intent on cruelty warps the law for evil purposes — and is even more dangerous because it cloaks itself in the rule of law. As someone who previously worked as a senior official at both Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Justice, I will be the first to say that there are plenty of reasons to be critical of the Obama administration's approach to immigration enforcement. However, one thing is certain — the Obama administration left prosecutors the discretionnot to bring cases when there was good reason not to do so.
Prosecutors regularly are trained, and have the duty, to consider the potential consequences of their actions at charging and sentencing, in determining how or whether to proceed. In a huge departure from the norms of law enforcement, the Trump administration sought to eliminate this discretion at the border altogether. Being able to say “no” is core to responsible law enforcement, and the Biden administration should ensure that it is fully restored.
Second, in hiding behind the rule of law in order to justify the administration’s horrific policy goals, we see the DOJ's indifference to the core mission embodied in its name. Senior officials viewed child welfare as the responsibility of other agencies, with Rosenstein noting that “I just don’t see that as a DOJ equity.” While this is partly true — agencies like the Department of Health and Human Services play a role in the care of children in federal custody — even artful denials of responsibility fall flat in the face of reality. 
Hate disguised as security:Trump's farcical border wall fails as immigration policy and impeachment distraction
DOJ leaders intentionally separated families and were well aware of the consequences. Indeed, the fear, pain, and trauma caused by these separations were a feature, not a bug, of this program of deterrence. According to a court filing last week, the administration had failed to reach the parents of 611 children separated by the Trump administration. Biden plans next week to set up a task force to reunite families, but some children may never see their parents again.
Cruelty in the name of justice is wrong
Finally, at an April 3, 2018, meeting, as reported in the New York Times, Trump allegedly “ranted” and was on a “tirade,” demanding as many prosecutions as possible. His direct insertion of himself into matters of criminal prosecution is intensely problematic. While the president leads the executive branch, presidents and White House staff have traditionally been walled off from the day-to-day operations and decisions of prosecutors and investigators. Even assuming a president’s interest in carrying out the goals of his border security mission, Trump’s direct involvement — with the assistance of senior law enforcement officials around him — should give us all pause.
Remain in Mexico:My foster daughter was separated from her family at the border
For years, we knew who Trump was. His personal immorality and vindictiveness were on display throughout his presidency. However, the facts detailed in the inspector general report make clear the extent to which some very senior lawyers — who should have known better — were complicit in carrying out the most disgraceful parts of Trump’s legacy. The legal profession, and the Justice Department, deserved better.
New leaders have taken over at the Justice Department. Their work is cut out for them.  Immediately, they will oversee the identification, investigation, and prosecution of many individuals who incited and participated in the violence at the Capitol.  
More broadly, however, they must purge the notion adopted by their predecessors, that blatant cruelty in the name of justice is permissible. Only then can the department live up to the value for which it was named.
Elliot Williams, a principal at The Raben Group, was an Assistant Director at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and a Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice. Follow him on Twitter: @elliottcwilliams
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gheysnakeredacted · 7 years
1, 4, and 10 :3c
1.) What was the first Oc you ever created?
Syriana! Though, I bet if you looked at her the first time I created her they would look nothing alike :”) 
4.) How many Ocs do you have in total?? (including any made up species)
Including every story I’ve made that isn’t the Universalists, uhhh, 24? 24 and counting because actually I’m working on making more ocs as I type this :”) 
10.) Are there any ocs that you never introduced yet? And who are those ocs???
Actually there are a lot of OCs I’ve never introduced. There’s the Multiverse Universal Academy squad with Raben, Leocadia, Yaxha, and Citali, as that main group while the old MUUA consisted of General Reinhart, Cameron and Maeve (And their ass leader Lewis but you already know of him)
And now my new evil group headed by Geonovive and a corrupted AI system and aaa
There are a lot but don’t have much to them now so I don’t talk about them much ;w; (AND GUS, CANT BELEIVE I FORGOT GUS, the main AI system of the main Universalists)
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niconote · 4 years
ATMENS, STIMMEN     Ein Workshop über die Stimme
Leitung von NicoNote • für alle die sich an die Stimme interessieren•
„Stimme als Geste/Zeichnunh zu betrachten, als Resonanz einer Energie, die aus der Tiefe kommt und sich in Form von Geräuschen im Fluss des Atems manifestiert.
Stellen Sie sich die zu zeichnende Landschaft mit Übungen, empirischen Beweisen und Überlegungen vor.Stimme als Landschaft, Weben von Elementen. Der Körper, der Atem, im Raum, in der Stille.
Ein Spiel der Erforschung und Entdeckung, alles wird zur Stimme. Ich nehme die Ressourcen in mich auf, um eine stimmliche Geste zu zeichnen. Einfach. Komplex. Menschlich. «  NicoNote
Wir werden Texte lesen und Lieder singen, improvisieren und tanzen. Es gibt viele Disziplinen, die sich auf die Stimme und ihren Plan beziehen. Materialisierung des inneren Teils von uns, die Stimme ist  Sache des Geistes.   Es ist ein Sprung in das Hören auf uns selbst und außerhalb von uns.Der Kurs beinhaltet einen Teil der reinen Gesangstechnik und einen Teil der einen physisch-expressiven Weg zeigt, der die persönlichen Möglichkeiten des Einzelnen beleuchtet, ohne den Stimmfaktor mit Agonismus oder Spannung zu interpretieren: Es ist ein Labor für alle.
NicoNote schlägt jedem Teilnehmer einen einfachen und effektiven Weg vor, um sein eigenes Vokalinstrument kennenzulernen und einige funktionale Techniken zur Verwendung der Stimme zu erlernen, um seine Leistung zu verbessern.
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  Auf spielerische Weise bietet NicoNote Hinweise auf Techniken, und Reflexion über die Stimme um die Resonanz des Körpers Entdecken,  und um die Atmung verbessern sowohl für die Qualität der Stimme, als auch für das Leben. Ein Workshop über die Stimme, ihre Ausdruckskraft und vor allem das Zuhören, um die Stimme zu zeichnen.
Die Workshops von NicoNote sind echte Erlebnisse, sie werden zu einzigartigen Gelegenheiten, um das eigene Stimminstrument und Vorstellungsvermögen zu entdecken.  Das Labor bietet eine einfache und effektive Möglichkeit, Ihr Stimminstrument kennenzulernen und einige funktionale Techniken zur Verwendung der Stimme zu erlernen, um Ihre Leistung zu verbessern. In theoretischen Momenten wechseln sich Momente der praktischen Übung ab, Atemübungen werden durchgeführt, Lesungen von literarischen Texten und Gesängen werden gesungen und vieles mehr.
•Grundelemente der Physiologie der Stimme
• Atemübungen, verschiedenen Atemzügen
•Korper Haltung Ubungen
•Die Resonatoren
•Stimmliche Aufwärmübungen
•Stimmübungen Das gelesene Wort,
•das Wort sagen
•Möglichkeiten, Erkundungen
•Die Stimme  und das Spielen
Konkrete Anmerkungen:
• SPRACHE: Der Workshop kann auf Deutsch / Englisch abgehalten werden
NicoNote ist eine Stimme. Ein Universum.
Kunstprojekt von die Italienische und halb Österr. Nicoletta Magalotti (1962) aus dem Fellinian Rimini: NicoNote ist Sängerin, Autorin, Komponistin und Performererin.
Transversal Artist, sie arbeitet in verschiedenen Gebieten, die mit Theater, Musik, Installationen und Clubbing verbunden sind. Sie tourte durch Musik und Theater in Italien und in ganz Europa, Kanada, Argentinien und Brasilien.
In den 80ern war es die Stimme der Band Violet Eves, der italienischen New Wave mit dem Independent-Label IRA Records aus Florenz, zusammen mit Litfiba, Diaframma, Moda, Underground Life. In den 90er Jahren kuratierte sie zusammen mit dem DJ David Love Calò einen Raum/Installation (innerhalb der tosenden Disco Cocoricò) the Morphine. Auf ihrer eigentümlichen transversalen künstlerischen Reise wurde sie mehrmals von Regisseuren wie Romeo Castellucci, Francesco Micheli, Maurizio Fiume, Patricia Allio, Fabrizio Arcuri, Silvia Costa und anderen dirigiert. Von 1985 bis heute veröffentlichte sie eine eigenartige Diskographie und arbeitete mit vielen Musikern aus verschiedenen Kulturbereichen zusammen, von Patrizio Fariselli (Area Group) bis Mauro Pagani, von den House-Producer Mas Collective bis Teresa De Sio, von Dj Rocca bis Roberto Bartoli, von White Raben bis Enrico Gabrielli (Calibro 35, PJ Harvey), Luca Bergia (Marlene Kuntz) und Davide Arneodo (Perdurabo, Marlene Kuntz) an die österreichische Pianistin Improvisatorin Elisabeth Harnik und andere.
Die letzten drei Album sind: ALPHABE DREAM (Cinedelic 2013), produziert mit dem französischen Komponisten Mikael Plunian, EMOTIONAL CABARET (DocLive 2017), produziert zusammen mit Dani Marzi und Alfredo Nuti (Freecom 2018). NicoNote zusammen mit dem Obsolete Capitalism Sound System: CHAOS VARIATION V (Rizosfera, RoughTrade 2019). Kürzlich eine neue Release die komponiert und produziert wurde von NicoNote zusammen mit producer Wang Inc; LIMBO SESSION vol. 1 ( Rizosfera, Rough Trade) Mit diesem Improvisations und Elektronikprojekt tourte sie unter anderem im April 2022 durch Österreich, spielte im Kunstler Haus in Wien, in Graz beim Festival Interpenetration und in Ebensee im Kino.  Sie gibt regelmäßig Kurse und Meisterkurse zu Gesang und darstellender Kunst in Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Kunstvereinen und Unternehmen in Italien und Frankreich. Ab 2019 schuf sie zusammen mit der Sängerin Monica Benvenuti in Zusammenarbeit mit Tempo Reale, Florenz, einen didaktischen Weg zur zeitgenössischen Vokalität.
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