#The Return of Ultraman
arcadebroke · 1 month
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chernobog13 · 6 months
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Jack looking a little wrinkley.
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tokusongs · 9 months
"The Return of Ultraman" OP (1971). Performed by Ultraman Jack/Go Hideki (Dan Jiro) and the Misuzu Children's Choir.
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ultimate-ultra-opening · 10 months
Round 1, Poll 4: The☆Ultraman vs Return of Ultraman (Ultraman Jack)
The☆Ultraman Theme (The☆Ultraman, 1979) plaintext link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYb5m2qW6jA
Return of Ultraman, Ultraman Jack's Theme (Return of Ultraman, 1971) plaintext link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33iJf1gKbEM
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sicherosaga · 1 year
jaw dropping moment from return of ultraman episode 38
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duckieduccss · 2 months
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Picnic Time!!⭐️🍓
One last small thing before i move onto my main project that I really wanna work on (realized it might take a lil more of time to do so here’s something as a thank you for your patience). Once again i have a lot of fun drawing the lil bbys & them having fun. Once i finish what im currently finishing, I’ll go more into my ideas for them relating to my au (& possibly some other bonus stuff too)
This time around, they decided to all make a picnic together & spend time enjoying some special kaiju sandwiches (with the best ingredients that every kaiju loves). Mothra was kind enough to give them a basket full of strawberries she picked herself (kinda of a reference there)
As for mothra larva, she’s actually busy with her mom baking something special for her friends (a yummy strawberry pie✨) thats she’s planning to surprise them all with :)
[Thank you all for the wait & ofc support to what i do. Im sure youre all gonna love what im working on next ^^]
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 3 months
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So embarrassed for him
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thecreaturecodex · 29 days
Kami, Oxter
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Image accessed at the Ultraman Wiki here
[I'm back! It's the start of a new school year, so I've been busy busy busy. I do hope to return to my summer schedule of one new monster a week.
And what a monster we start with! Oxter is one of the weirder designs in Return of Ultraman, but has connections to Ultra kaiju before and after. The plot of the episode, and Oxter's acidic powers, feels a lot like Stegon, who I've already statted up here. And the same author who wrote this episode wrote an episode of Ultraman Ace with another bovine kaiju, Cowra. The Cowra episode is notable not for the powers or appearance of the kaiju, which are fairly sedate by the standards of Ultraman Ace. But the way a character turns slowly into Cowra feels like it started out as transformation fetish porn, and then was repurposed into a kid's show about a giant silver alien/angel who punches monsters. The "writer's barely disguised fetish" trope goes way back.]
Kami, Oxter CR 19 N Outsider (native) This creature’s head resembles that of a cow, but its anatomy otherwise bears little resemblance to ordinary animals. It is bipedal, with a thick slug-like tail and stumpy legs. Its back has a high bony hump, and its head is set low on its shoulders. Instead of arms, it has large red horns, which articulate on jointed stumps. Its ears stick out at a wide angle, and a ribbon-like tongue flickers in its tusked mouth
An oxter is a bizarre kami that guards a site of mass animal death and protects their remains from desecration and disrespect. They can be found in any natural environment, from tar pits and volcanic craters to water holes that had dried up at an inopportune time. Oxters do not care much for the reasons their ward might be disturbed and respond to any disturbances with violence. From wizards seeking out supplies for necromancy or golem construction, to scientists studying the natural processes that occurred at the site, all are likely to find themselves subject to the oxter’s destructive scrutiny.
Oxters are slow and cumbersome on land, but they are surprisingly mobile in the water. As such, they often remain stationary and probe out disturbances using their supernaturally long tongues, which can extend for hundreds of feet. These tongues are coated in corrosive saliva, and anyone who gets close to an oxter will be sprayed by a torrent of acid. An oxter’s melee weapons are its horns, which are capable of surprising mobility and can strike repeatedly at multiple targets as if they were swords. Oxters have few spell-like abilities in comparison to other kami, but can use magic to move through impeding terrain or to smite interlopers in a particularly desperate battle. An oxter will fight to the death to protect their ward.
Because of their association with mass mortality events, oxters and stegons can be found in association with each other. Stegons are the only undead creatures oxters will tolerate, and the kami see such assemblages as a natural consequence of particularly serious disturbances. Oxters will permit other creatures to live in their wards, even sapient ones, as long as they respect the peace of the dead who lie there. They rarely associate with other kami unless their wards overlap, but in such cases the oxters tend to defer to their more intelligent kin, even if they are much physically weaker.
Kami, Oxter CR 19 XP 204,800 N Colossal outsider (kami, native) Init +9; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Perception +26
Defense AC 34, touch 7, flat-footed 29(-8 size, +5 Dex, +27 natural) hp 330 (20d10+220); fast healing 15 Fort +19, Ref +19, Will +17 DR 15/cold iron and magic; Immune acid,bleed, mind-influencing effects, petrifaction, polymorph; Resist electricity 10, fire 10; SR 30
Offense Speed 40 ft., swim 80 ft. Melee gore +26/+21/+16/+11 (4d6+13), bite +24 (4d6+6 plus 2d6 acid) or gore +24/+24/+19/+19/+14/+14/+9 (4d6+13), bite +24 (4d6+6 plus 2d6 acid) or tongue +26 (2d8+13 plus 4d6 acid plus grab) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. (20 ft. with bite, 60 ft. with tongue) Special Attacks breath weapon (120 ft. cone, 20d6 acid, Ref DC 31, 1d4 rounds), constrict (2d8+19 plus 4d6 acid), extensible tongue (AC 23, 33 hp), trample (2d8+19, Ref DC 33) Spell-like Abilities CL 19th, concentration +23 3/day—commune with nature, freedom of movement, undeath to death (DC 21) 1/day—quickened divine power
Statistics Str 36, Dex 21, Con 32, Int 9, Wis 20, Cha 21Base Atk +20; CMB +41 (+45 grab); CMD 56 Feats Blind Fight, Double Slice, Great Fortitude, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multiattack, Quicken SLA (divine power), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (gore) Skills Knowledge (nature) +16, Perception +26, Sense Motive +22, Survival +22, Swim +37; Racial Bonuses +4 Perception, +4 Swim Languages Senzar, telepathy 100 ft. SQ articulated horns, merge with ward, ward (animal graveyard of 4 square km or less)
Ecology Environment any Organization solitary Treasure incidental
Special Abilities Horns (Ex) The horns of an oxter are capable of making iterative attacks as if they were manufactured weapons. An oxter can fight with both horns in the same turn as if using two manufactured weapons (and most oxters take Two Weapon Fighting and other feats for this purpose). In any round in which an oxter makes a melee attack with its articulated horns, it treats its other natural weapons as secondary natural attacks. Extensible Tongue (Ex/Su) An oxter treats its tongue as a primary natural attack that deals bludgeoning damage. It can make attacks with a reach of 60 feet ordinarily, but if the oxter spends a move action, it can extend its tongue 60 feet. It can continue to spend move actions to keep extending its tongue at a rate of 60 feet per round to a maximum of 1200 feet long. The tongue can attack around corners and even enter buildings; if the oxter cannot see what it’s attacking, the tongue can use the oxter’s blindsense. An oxter cannot use its tongue as a weapon in a round where it attacks with other natural weapons. The oxter’s tongue has hit points equal to 1/10 the oxter, and an AC of 10 + ½ the oxter’s natural armor bonus. It uses the oxter’s saving throws, resistances and immunities if attacked separately. The oxter’s tongue can make Stealth checks as a Medium creature, and is five feet in diameter. If an oxter’s tongue is reduced to 0 hp, it is shed, and the oxter grows a new tongue over the course of the next 24 hours.
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science70 · 1 year
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Mika Katsuragi as Monster Attack Team member Yuriko Oka, Return of Ultraman (Japan, 1971-72).
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ask-cloverfield · 2 months
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This show has some sexy cinematography
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chacerider · 1 year
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ultraman day, 2023
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tokumon · 1 year
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Terochilus uses webbing to cocoon the city in Return of Ultraman eps. 16-17
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Ultraman Jack by Nobuhiko Ito (@itonobuhiko/Twitter).
Jiro Dan R.I.P.
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tokusongs · 1 year
"Fight! Ultraman", from The Return of Ultraman (1971). Performed by Ultraman Jack/Go Hideki (Dan Jiro).
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peerless-cucumber · 1 month
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the vague ultra human host situation is driving me insane
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