#The Simquisition
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Confession: Dwarf Inquisitor getting used to hairy, unshaven Dorian after weeks on the road, practically begging him to keep it. And Dorian does, for a while. But he gets fed up with all the hair and shaves it off again. Everyone can see the Inquisitor is unusually sad that day but no one knows why he is mourning...
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inquisitoracorn · 4 years
Simquisition - Part 1
Part 2
As promised, I’ve started making my inquisitors in The Sims 4! I take no responsibility for the terrible quality of the full body screenshots, that’s entirely the game’s fault. 
I think I’ll use this opportunity to fully debut my characters on here, as it were, as I haven’t done that properly on this blog yet. To do that, I’ve used the very handy character sheet provided by Marian Churchland.
Okay so with no further ado, my canon inky :)))
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Lord Jonathan Trevelyan of Ostwick, representing the Inquisition
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His CAS traits are: Perfectionist, Bookworm, Loves Outdoors with the Renaissance Sim aspiration
Top left are his preferred Skyhold PJs, wonderful CC by @nolan-sims​  and very poorly showcased in this low quality screenshot. CC can be found here. 
The rest is his modern AU attire, an attempt at a copy of his most worn armor. I tried to make his specialization relevant to the concept and also limit myself to three outfits which was hard.
Here is some trivia no one asked for 
Age: 27 at the start of Inquisition
Jonathan is part of a large family with 8 children (yep). He is the 6th child and therefore very far from either importance or inheritance. This allowed him blissful ignorance of court responsibilities in his childhood and teenage years.
Family relations are a bit of a touchy subject at the moment though. He does not write home. 
Reason for being at the Conclave: 
He was sent to join the Chantry in service of the Maker after managing to put it off for almost a decade. As agreed with his relatives, he was to be part of the clergy for a year before being allowed to make the choice to stay or look for a different purpose. As the year neared its end, he was planning to leave the Chantry as soon as the meeting at the Conclave was over, hoping for a successful peace agreement between the mages and templars that would allow him safer travels. 
Class and specialization: 
Rogue archer, artificer. Shooting arrows is a favorite past-time, but he cannot wield daggers. Range and accuracy over mobility definitely. He is also very good at tinkering with things, making traps and poisons. I think he’d be an engineer in the sims maybe.
Short explanation of major game decisions:
In Hushed Whispers:
Fascinated with everything magic, he offered the mages an alliance and support of their goals of gaining independence in exchange for their help with the Breach. If the existence of the Circle has reached this breaking point, restoring it is out of the question. You can imagine how well Trevelyan and Vivienne get along :)))
Here Lies the Abyss: 
Left Hawke in the Fade, thinking the Grey Wardens will need Stroud’s guidance to rebuild (subject to change, now that I’ve played DA2 and I like Hawke, the wonderful sarcastic mess)
Grey Wardens joined the Inquisition - it was not their fault that they were fooled. They can help make the real culprits pay.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
Florianne humiliated in the Grand Ballroom. Celene rules alone because Gaspard is a warmonger and unrest needs to end. However, Gaspard’s life was spared and he was sent in exile, as a courtesy for allowing the Inquisition entry as his guests. 
What Pride Had Wrought:
Wisdom beyond imagination that comes with the potential of being bound to an ancient Elven god. Jonathan sees that as a lot more of a responsibility than a gift and doesn’t trust himself with that much power. He is already the leader of a holy militia, this much confidence in his decisions is a guaranteed way of becoming a tyrant with good intentions. Also, if anyone is to lose their will to an unknown powerful being, it is probably safer they don’t also come with their own army. And as Dorian tactfully put it, “I don’t want to risk losing you to a well.”
Hence, he trusts Morrigan with the well. He did not ask the others.
I realized while carefully crafting this character sheet that his flaws don’t really come through, but some of the positive attributes he has on there taken to extremes are more of a double-edged sword.
His cautiousness makes him insecure. He’s never truly comfortable in the role of Inquisitor and takes forever to grow into it and accept the fact that it’s now his responsibility to make difficult decisions. He relies on his companions and advisors a great deal.
His selflessness is more of a glitched coping mechanism and easily turns into self-destruction. Learning to accept his new duties as Inquisitor has him go through a long phase of disassociation, where he embodies the symbol of the Inquisitor at the cost of all else. The time before Adamant and Halamshiral is a very lonely time for the Inquisitor. He learns to tone it down but it’s a learning curve. 
Also his trusting rating goes down by the quest :)))
Aaaand that’s a wrap for this evening thank you for your attention :))))
Drop me a message for questions my asks are always open. I’ll try to do the same for all my other inquisitors as this has been very fun and I’m learning photo editing tools wow. Learning more skills trying to craft Tumblr posts than I did at university :)))
These took me a lot longer than I expected :))))
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equinoxts2 · 2 years
To Tumblr, from the Sims community...
I have submitted a message to this link and I hope @staff @support will sit up and take notice. I’m posting my message here too, just for good measure! If anyone wants to signal boost this post, go right ahead 😊 The message in question:
Dear Tumblr Staff, On behalf of the Sims Tumblr community, I would like to request that you stop terminating Sims blogs that have not violated Community Guidelines at all. My account hasn't been affected, but several others I know have been deleted without warning. All we are doing is playing our games, sharing our stories and created content, and enjoying interacting with our fellow Simmers. Yet you feel the need to target us specifically, while harmful bots run rampant? How is a 3d model of a cute plant, for example, something that warrants a terminated account? Simmers are no strangers to mass migrations away from blogging platforms, and your actions have already destroyed several years' worth of content on some blogs. If this continues, you will no doubt lose our community's support. I for one am fully prepared to go elsewhere. Please, call off the Simquisition and just let us play! - equinoxts2
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surnumanaja · 2 years
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my simquisition is starting to get mixed up with dracula daily
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robinreddhood · 5 years
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No expects the dragon age simquisition!
I’ve spent what feels like weeks making these sims (personally very proud of cullen and dori) . ngl i kinda gave up on bull and varric. also dk where i went wrong with lelianna but i couldn’t seem to fix it
CC free verisoins on the gallery origin id: spiderrwoman 
I don’t own any CC used and also can’t remember who any of it is from but I can try to find out if anyone wants particular items
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The Trevelyan-Aclassi sim family is expanding alarmingly fast. They started with one daughter and then Ana had triplets (named Bull Jr, Cole, and Thomas). No more woohoo for these two until someone grows up and leaves
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thesimquisition · 5 years
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After taking my sweet time in viewing The Crown - Season 3, I gathered all my excitement and creative energy (do I really now?) to continue my ambitious project - The Sims 4 version of Buckingham Palace. Again, limitations in the game mean that I couldn’t pull it off 100% but I’m still happy and excited to share to you one of my projects that is closest to my heart.
Have I mentioned before that this has been a project years in the making? Yes, it started from The Sims 3 - which ran the course of its life without me completing this. Then, in TS4 I had multiple revisions (sometimes being a perfectionist does have its pros and cons).
This project wouldn’t have been possible without countless searches on Pinterest and stalker-ish searching online for photographs of the rooms (No, I haven’t been to Buckingham Palace).
Now, let me give you a tour around Buckingham Palace - à la The Sims 4 style!
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For a very special guest like you, we pass through the main archway and here I give you a glimpse of the West Wing portico. (My Sim Royal Family isn’t in residence right now - which means we have all access! Yay!)
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Now, we enter through the Grand Entrance. According to historians, this area was ‘sunken’ to give that high ceiling effect. Before the Buckingham Palace became this grand home to Her Majesty, it started out as a small house bought by George III for Queen Charlotte.
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Before we go to the Principal Floor, let us see the rooms on the Ground Floor. Here, we have the Marble Hall. At the end, you can see the foot of the Ambassador’s Staircase. (I tried to fully recreate the Marble Hall by recoloring @thejim07​ portraits with the actual portraits care of the Royal Collection Trust website.)
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We are now in the Bow Room. If Her Majesty, The Queen hosts garden parties, we go exit through this room and proceed to the Palace Gardens but unfortunately, the next garden party will be scheduled next year. Maybe we’ll invite you by then?
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From the Bow Room, we proceed to The 1844 Room. This is where The Queen usually receives distinguished guests (https://www.vogue.com/article/1844-room-buckingham-palace).
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If we go farther, we can reach the Belgian Suite. Her Majesty’s guests stay in this Suite. Some of the distinguished guests that stayed here were the Obamas for their state visit (This is actually my own interpretation of it, there seems to be no photos of it online.).
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Now, if we just go back to The Bow Room, we can access The 1855 Room opposite The 1844 Room.
Hope you’re excited now, we’ll be going up. Kindly follow me to The Grand Staircase.
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Well, it’s not as grand as it looks now but at least the portraits are faithful representations, eh? Now, may I direct your attention to the next room in the tour?
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We are now in the Green Drawing Room. You may take a look at the view outside by the Portico if you wish.
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Shall we move on to the next room?
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This is the Throne Room. Official functions are held at the Grand Ballroom (of which, is absent in this build due to space limitations) though official photographs of events are usually taken here. The portrait on the left side is a portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II with Willow, Vulcan, Candy and Holly commissioned by the Royal Mail Group last 2013.
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We are now in the Picture Gallery. On display are (supposedly) The Queen’s collection of Italian, Dutch and Flemish works from around the 17th-century.
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Now, we’re here at the White Drawing Room; quite famous of the State Rooms and well-known if you ask me. You can see the portrait of Queen Alexandra hung above the fireplace. This room is usually used for small gatherings and audiences. HM The Queen usually does her Christmas Message in this room.
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Next stop is the Music Room. During summers when the Palace is open to the public, collections, such as the Queen’s dresses, are displayed here.
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The Blue Drawing Room. You can see portraits of Queen Mary and King George V. Did you know that the architect who was tasked to redesign Buckingham Palace went over budget?
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...and we have the State Dining Room. Again, this is usually reserved for small gatherings since State Banquets are done at The Grand Ballroom.
Now, I’ll be giving you an extra tour of the palace. HM has extended her warmest regards to you, our very special guest.
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Maybe she’s waiting for you at the Private Audience Chamber? Oh, she’s out but feel free to look around instead. (I tried to copy this room from photographs the Queen has with dignitaries - well, this is the most dignified recreation I can make.)
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Now, we’ll be passing through the Principal Corridor. We’re already at the East Wing and I’ll be showing you the Balcony Room.
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We’re now in the Balcony Room. This is where the Royal Family gathers before they go out the Balcony and wave at the British (Sims?) people during great events - and no, you may not go out on the Balcony as protocols permit only the Queen and members of the Royal Family.
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On the South end of the East Wing, you can find the Yellow Drawing Room. Yes, this place has a lot of sitting rooms.
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On the North end of the East Wing, we have the Chinese Dining Room. The Chinese collection came from the Brighton Pavilion when Queen Victoria commissioned the construction of the East Wing of Buckingham Palace.
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Since we’re already on the North Facade, how about a tour in the Queen’s Private Apartments? (Old paintings show a predominantly green room dated to Queen Victoria’s time.)
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For the last part of the tour, the Private Apartments of the members of the Royal Family. (This was heavily inspired by The Crown - Season 3).
It was very wonderful having you around and I hope you had a great time with us. On behalf of HM The Queen, I would like to extend her warmest gratitude for your time. We hope to have you again soon!
...and that ends our tour! I hope I didn’t post a very long one but I hope you all understand how excited I am to share this to you all. Of course, this wouldn’t be possible without the creative works and efforts of the following The Sims 4 CC creators:
@felixandresims​ most of the royal build-buy content, @harrie-cc​ for her traditional re-colors, @thejim07​ for the artworks, sculptures, and to Leader Belgraves’ TS3 to TS4 Asian Objects c/o @simshistoricalfinds​ (and if there is someone I failed to mention, please send me a message so that I can acknowledge you)
I also dedicate this post to HM Queen Elizabeth II - for being an inspirational figure; to all royalty simblrs out there... and to those who are waiting for their creative juices to complete their WIPs :)
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thesimquisition · 5 years
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The Royal Romance x The Sims 4 | by The Simquisition
👑  Here they are! The gang from ‘The Royal Romance’ (Choices: Stories You Play) in The Sims 4!
Well, they may not be in the best shape (can I say that?) but I guess with a few more tweaks here and there, the resemblance will be there.
Having the color wheel for CAS would be quite helpful here in matching the hair color, clothes, etc. (but alas, there will always be limitations). Looking for the closest hairstyle also took a lot of time for me - even CC shopping.
I haven’t completed the books yet (still on Book 2 but I’m taking my sweet time) but I’m really growing to love Olivia in the story - I think that she just needs the right people to be her friends. For Hana, hands down she’d be a great bestie IRL.
Am I the only one here that crosses over characters into different games? 😆
Let me know what you think. Any thoughts? Some facial structures that needs some ‘dragging’ here and there?
CCs used
🗽 King Liam
@marvinsims - Sweater Top (personal recolor)
@tamo-sim - eyebags
DivP - Monolid
@pralinesims - N74 Eyebrows
@luumia​ - Skin
🌸 Hana Lee (the quickest to recreate and she turned out pretty too)
@goppolsme​ - Brows FG7
@golyhawhaw​ - Eye Color
@luumia​ - Skin
🌹 Olivia Nevrakis
@goppolsme​ - Brows FG7
@golyhawhaw​ - Eye Color
@luumia​ - Skin
🍷  Maxwell Beaumont
@goppolsme​ - Brows FG7
@golyhawhaw​ - Eye Color
@luumia​ - Skin
🍻 Drake Walker (the hardest to recreate)
@golyhawhaw - Eye Color 
Screaming Mustard - Minos Eyebrow
@vevesims​ - Hair (I’m sorry I forgot the name)
If there are CCs there that I failed to mention, please do let me know so I can tag you too.
[I hope the tags show up this time. Please help @staff​]
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thesimquisition · 5 years
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The White Drawing Room in Buckingham Palace
To kick start the New Year (and decade) I decided to take a look at my old WIPs. I was so inspired by @thesimpireblr‘s work that I was so motivated to give my old WIPs another try. Here you have my personal recreation of the White Drawing Room found in Buckingham Palace - one of the grandest rooms there is. Guests are often presented here to The Queen. I just love how the CCs make it look beautiful. The ceiling is a bit hard to make, I still have to make adjustments to the lozanges. The pilasters are personal recolors of @felixandresims work and so are the trims. Now, all I lack are the golden curtain accents, accents above the doors (plus the fake door wall decor), and the door frames.
I also wish you all a very Happy New Year! 😊👑
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thesimquisition · 5 years
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The Sims 4 CAS Suggestions | Choices The Royal Romance?
I’m trying to maintain some normalcy amidst the outbreak, lock downs, and quarantine here and there (praying for the good health of frontliners) so I decided to spend some of my time playing The Sims 4 - tried building an opera inspired by the Palais Garnier (will post about that soon if I feel like it’s no longer an abomination and do some CAS tinkering.
I’m that type of Simmer that spends much time on Build/Buy Mode and CAS without actually ‘playing’ in Live Mode that much. I also challenge myself from time-to-time in recreating characters from other books, games etc. that I go over (I’m looking at you Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and most recently - Choices| all personal WIPs).
If you are familiar with the Choices: Stories You Play app then you must be familiar with this character - Prince/King Liam (I might complete the whole gang, but that must be too much wishful thinking).
So, I’m asking you guys for any suggestions on how I can improve this character. I just can’t seem to point a finger at it where the issues are.
CCs used:
Marvinsims - Sweater Top (personal recolor)
Tamo - eyebags
DivP - Monolid
Pralinesims - N74 Eyebrows
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thesimquisition · 5 years
S01E04 - Auld Lang Syne
“With the start of a New Year and a new decade, The Queen hosts a reception at Buckingham Palace in gratitude for the people who are dedicated for the service of the country. Meanwhile, Prince Marcus is feeling tense under the pressure of getting things right and with an old friend coming on board the Prince's Trust.”
Hello, everyone! I have a new episode of the Crown of The Sims, yay! For the fourth episode, I tried to do a mini-machinima and, yes, it was quite challenging. This would be my first and it may not be as refined and perfect, but it works. I hope to get better at it someday. Let me know what you think and I'd also love to hear your suggestions.
I also featured the newly renovated State Rooms (minus the Picture Gallery and Music Room) in this video. I'm quite proud of the results of the Blue Drawing Room and the White Drawing Room.
I also made a YouTube Channel to host my videos for the future (fingers crossed).
Many thank you's to the following creators as well:
@batsfromwesteros - for the poses I used when standing @theroyalsims - for the sitting poses (Yes, I simply adore your page and content.) @simmerberlin​ - expression poses @rusty-cc - for the dresses and suits @happylifesims - for Queen Amelia's reception dress @felixandresims - for the build/buy items @thejim07 - for the build/buy items
Also, many thanks to all Simblrs out there. 👑���️
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thesimquisition · 5 years
S01E05 - My Sister’s Keeper
“Queen Amelia receives news from Versailles that her sister, Queen Adelaide has fallen ill. Worried over the situation, she goes to Versailles sensing something amiss about her sister. Meanwhile, the Prince's Trust gains a new member on the team.”
________________________________________________________________All characters and events depicted in this short video are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ________________________________________________________________
🎞️ Previous Episode (S01E04): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeASS...
🎶 Music
"Scott Buckley - Time and Space" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0).
"Naoya Sakamata - Dissociation" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0).
New episode out! Can’t wait to share this to you all!
Let me know what you think.
Thank you to harrie-cc for her lots: Pepper’s British AF Pub and Honeydew Parade.
Many thanks to all Simblrs out there. 👑❤️
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thesimquisition · 5 years
S01E06 - Bounden Crisis
“With the country facing an economic crisis, the Prime Minister suggests that Queen Amelia dispatches the Prince's Trust in the guise of securing a sponsorship from the King of Chrysantha. While on a night out celebrating Princess Alex's birthday, the bunch bumps into an unusual group. Will they be able to secure the sponsorship or is there more to the Prince's Trust?”
All characters and events depicted in this short video are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ________________________________________________________________
👑 Follow me on Tumblr: https://thesimquisition.tumblr.com/
🎞️ Previous Episode (S01E05): https://youtu.be/l71zjXqMvJo
🎶 Music
"Steffen Daum - Goodbye My Dear" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0). "Sapphieros - Awake" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0). "Nicolai Heidlas - Someways" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0). ________________________________________________________________
It’s been a while since I posted - well, you’ve guessed it, work overload. What better way to clear my mind than by making the next episode.
Let me know what you think, guys!
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thesimquisition · 5 years
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I’m impulsively sharing some teaser screenshots of another WIP that I decided to continue - can you guess what this could be? (Hint: 👑 ). Many thanks again for CC creators: @batsfromwesteros, @felixandresims, @thejim07 - I recolored your portraits with the actual ones on display in Buckingham Palace.
I’m quite excited for the third season of The Crown already this 17th!
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thesimquisition · 5 years
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Crown of the Sims: S01E03 - Simple Joys
Hello! Here is another episode of my short story series - hope you’ll like it! Let me know your thoughts as well. 😊👑
Hoping everyone is enjoying the Christmas Season! 🎅🎄
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inquisitoracorn · 4 years
Simquisition - Part 2
l am back at last with part 2 an with Inquisitor Adaar who freshly finished the main game :)))
Part 1
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Herah the Herald
She looks so angry and evil but she’s such a sweetheart I promise. 
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Sims CAS traits: Self-Assured, Goofball, Outgoing, with the Friend of the World aspiration.
Herah: Josephiiiiine I am wearing heels!!!
Josephine: Inquisitor, you cannot wear a crop top to the Halamshiral gala! It is ei formal event!
Managed to make a pretty decent copy of her Antaam-Saar, it has the main idea behind it anyway. She wore that for half the game before switching to more intimidating gear, seen in the pic with Scout Harding. I imagine her preferring browns and yellows and earthy tones generally, but occasionally going full uncoordinated kaleidoscope (plaidweave was used in crafting her armor). Her work outfit is for manual work, painting, gardening, woodwork, restoration. I like the idea of her wearing a vitaar for Halamshiral. 
Qunari Horns by @valhallansim​ can be found here
Face tattoos by @wistfulpoltergeist​ can be found here
Here is some trivia no one asked for
Age: 34
Family: Her parents live happily in the Free Marches (well, as happily as a couple of Vashoths in a human community can be but nothing new there). She’s been away with her mercenary company since her early 20s so she only got to see them sporadically. After the Inquisition is declared she doesn’t visit home at all, but after defeating Corypheus she finally pays them a visit. 
Reason for being at the Conclave: the canon reason, really. Her company was hired to be there. They had stayed away from the worst areas of the templar-mage conflict, so she was a bit wary of how a Tal-Vashoth mage might be perceived by the templars.
Class and specialization: Electricity rift mage. With the powers given by the Anchor she wanted to understand the Fade better. 
Short explanation of in-game decisions:
Champions of the Just:
Herah has never had to deal with Templars before. She was raised outside the circle and has been travelling all around with her mercenary company. Word of the tensions inherent in Circle Towers had reached her, but she’s never witnessed true templar powers at work. She imagined if they were strong enough to disrupt and cancel out magic like hers, they must be strong indeed. So when a decision had to be made, she decided to trust Cullen and go after the templars. In theory, it made a lot of sense. However, after witnessing what had become of them and how they fell into corruption, she decided they cannot be trusted on their own, so she conscripted them to the Inquisition.
Here Lies the Abyss:
Stroud left in the Fade, the Wardens banished. These heroics of theirs just went too far, playing with powers they do not understand.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
All of the possible rulers are awful and manipulative, so they should be awful and manipulative together. She won’t favor any of them, they all deserve each other. 
What Pride Had Wrought:
No price is too high for the success of the Inquisition. She has mastered her magical powers, she has mastered the powers of the Fade, and now she will master the wisdom of the ancient elves to win this war for them. She is the one who has to do it. Not Morrigan, or anyone else.
A lot of these make sense based on her personality. She is very sure of herself and so she does not shy away from making radical decisions. What needs to be done now is always more important than dealing with the repercussions. Also a lot of them are made by my wanting to try out other game decisions and making up her personality afterwards who said that.
She also really enjoys being the Inquisitor. So many people around her treated her with fear and disdain, not reverence and she’ll be damned if she won’t have fun with this new status. Within limits, of course.
As usual, asks are open! 
For a lot of the inquisitors that follow I will have a lot less info, since it’s hard to come up with so many details and well, I’m only invested in some of them :)))))
But I like having this little system. 
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