#The Top 10 Worst Diets Ever Invented
50 Things I’m Convinced Tay & Joe Do - Reputation Stadium Tour Edition 
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1. Joe always preparing everyone beforehand that he might tear up once more during the show.  
2. Taylor asking Joe to run his fingers through her curly hair to calm her down when she’s too restless to settle into sleep after her concert.
3. Joe always grinning at her when she sings “you’re so cool it makes me hate you so much” cause it’s one of their inside jokes.  
4. Tay always making sure she can see him properly in the crowd as soon as she walks on stage.
5. Joe always kissing her head and her forehead one time and mumbling “I love you, no matter what babe.” before leaving her alone to prepare for the show.
6. Tay constantly telling him that he doesn’t need to go on hour long flights just to see her perform for an hour.
7. Joe always shushing her with a smirk and a kiss.
8. Andrea yelling into Taylor’s dressing room “there’s a fan waiting for you, Taylor” and already laughing while looking at Joe before Taylor approaches her with an eye roll and Joe with a tight hug.
9. Joe attending her last rehearsal in Glendale with his mum and her family and getting up in the middle of the rehearsal to look for tissues cause he couldn’t help tearing up.
10. Joe always distracting Taylor from being nervous by inventing weird names for inanimate objects. A big, fuzzy dustmop the cleaning lady of the hotel uses is a “Poofin’ poodle” and the remote control is a “clicky-wicket boy” and the large antennae on semitrucks are called “big wobblies.”
11. Taylor whispering “and this is the part I’m always looking forward to the most” the minute her make up free self crawls to bed with him and she can hide herself in his arms under the blanket late at night.
12. Joe always making her giggle by subconsciously mumbling “biiiig reputation, biiig reputation” while sitting in her dressing room waiting and scrolling though his phone.
13. Joe hating the fact that all the attention is on him as soon as he enters the stadium yet he’d never let that keep him from supporting her during that time.
14. Joe rubbing his hands up and down Taylor’s back while standing in the dressing room hugging and cuddling face-to-face, then stopping his fingers at the underside of Tay’s bum and wiggling his eyebrows to make her laugh.
15. Taylor always approaching him with an exhausted “I’m sweaty, don’t..” and being shushed by his kiss right after seeing him again after the show.
16. Joe welcoming her with open arms after her first show and mumbling a low “I came for banjos and square dancing.. I’m disappointed Ms. Nashville!”  
17. Joe counting down from three before he turns the lights on, whispering, “Sorry, pet,” when Taylor hides her face in the pillow the morning after the show.
18. Elizabeth hugging Taylor tightly after the concert and mumbling a shaky “I am so incredibly proud of you, love. This was overwhelming.”  
19. Joe listening to her speech about the hard times she has had in the last years and smiling quietly because he knows that her “worst version” was the version he, in fact, fell in love with.  
20. Taylor always sitting nervously on his lap before the show.
21. Joe always placing one hand on her thigh and holding her sweaty hand with his other while smiling at this nervous version of his girlfriend on his lap before the show.
22. Joe pulling the blankets over the both of them when he’s feeling a bit cheeky. “’t’s m’ fort. Want’ a kiss you in it.”
23. Scott always calling Joe “the Brit”.
24. Joe internally cringing as soon as the dancers lift Taylor up because he can’t help but worry that she falls down and hurts herself.
25. Taylor enjoying the concert even more because knowing that he’s close and supporting her is all the reassurance in the world that she would ever need to be calm and enjoy the show.
26. Taylor always being the last one to come to bed, make up free, with creamy hands and a shirt that’s way too big on her and Joe mumbling “I don’t need the make up or the fancy dresses but.. next time you come to bed, the over- knee boots are very much appreciated” and making her roll her eyes with a smile.
27. Andrea sometimes catching a glimpse of Joe during Taylor’s concerts and getting emotional cause she knows that this, in fact, is all her daughter has ever wanted.
28. Joe starting Instagram live streams to show off his girlfriend in front of his mates back home.
29. Taylor sometimes looking at him in the middle of the concert and starting to smile even bigger cause he knows that she knows and that is that nobody of these thousands of people knows anything except for the two of them.  
30. Scott and Joe having Segway races in the empty arena before soundcheck.
31. Taylor always being so full of adrenaline after each show that she kisses his cheek exactly thirteen times and leaves a mess of red lipstick on his face.
32. Joe always closing his eyes even before kissing her after each show and Taylor noticing and loving it.
33. Taylor loving to post for photos with little kids backstage and clearly noticing Joe’s gaze on her that is even more intense than usual.
34. Joe asking if Taylor thinks that London is a better place to raise children than Nashville and responding with, “Dunno, just wondered,” when she asks him why he’s asking her after Rep Room with two pregnant fans.
35. Joe always giving her a long foot massage in bed after the concert.
36. Taylor standing in her dark and sparkly bodysuit in front of him during fittings and asking him if she looks alright. Joe answering her with “I think it needs to be tighter there” and pointing to her side while getting closer to her “and there”, slowly pressing a kiss against her cheek, “and there” another kiss “and there” another kiss and Taylor as well as her stylist just laugh quietly.
37. Joe always insisting on FaceTiming with her right before the show to give her a good luck kiss through the camera.
38. Joe always turning on the tv before they go to bed cause he knows that Taylor is rattled up and then he laughs at the same commercial he always laughs at every damn time he sees it because, “Wot? ‘ts funny!”
39. Joe always folding his underwear and Taylor silently smiling at him while doing so.
40. Taylor starting to say things like “have you seen the girl with the snakeskin make up? She was absolutely lovely. She fancied the guy standing next to her“ and Joe proudly smiling at her.
41. Joe bringing her a Diet Coke as soon as he enters her dressing room again cause “Nobody can be nervous whilst drinking a Diet Coke- it’s a proven fact.”  
42. Joe nuzzling into Tay’s neck when he’s tired and sitting next to her in bed at 2am, not wanting to ask her to go to sleep with him because he knows how rattled up she still is and that she always needs at least one episode of Friends to get sleepy, so he just smells her until her eyes get smaller and smaller and he can call it a night as well.
43. Taylor telling everyone of her catering team that she’s allergic to onions even though it’s not true - she just doesn’t like them and Joe knows.
44. Joe watching Taylor get ready while he rests his head against the cushion of he couch in her dressing room, a soft smile on his face when she pats his cheek as she walks by.
45. Joe whispering, “I love you so much,” in the middle of the night when the two of them switch positions.
46. Joe secretly taking a video during her show of the most random fans and then showing her later on in bed while both of them laugh their asses off and Taylor telling him every time that he needs to stop doing that.
47. Taylor insisting that Snakeskin is a neutral.
48. Joe stretching all four of his lengthy limbs across the bed while Taylor is taking her elaborate makeup off in the bathroom. When she’s done, she just shakes her head and lays on top of him until he’s forced to move.
49. Joe waking up with Taylor peppering kisses all over his face on a daily basis.
50. Taylor and Joe hugging in bed at night, forehead against forehead, and arms around each other’s torsos before falling asleep and Joe’s lips forming a low “I still see that girl with the bleached hair whenever you’re up there on stage, you know” and Taylor replying with a sleepy smile.
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thenightnurse · 5 years
Understanding Diabetes
Let’s discus diabetes. More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, and yet most people don’t understand just how serious of a disease it is, or how it exactly works.
Before we begin, let’s clarify that there are many different types if diabetes, from Type 1, Type 2, Gestational Diabetes, prediabetes, and much more. I’ll talk about them later.
Let’s take a look at a few key players; The pancreas, the liver, the kidneys, your blood cells, and well, the rest of your cells lol. Insulin, glucose, ADH hormone. The stomach (breaks down and absorbs food), your muscles (stores and uses glucose) 
Okay so all foods, once they are broken down, are only one of three things, a carbohydrate molecule, a fat molecule, or a protein molecule. Glucose is a type of carb, a very simple one, and it’s what your body turns all carbs into.
Even though I said glucose is a simple carb (one of the smallest), its still really big, in fact its too large to be absorbed into most cells, like your skeletal muscles (aka most all of the muscles you think of), your fat cells, and your cardiac muscles (your heart). Glucose can however be absorbed by your brain, pancreas, and liver. 
So after you eat some carbs, its broken down into glucose. This glucose is now chilling in your blood stream until its taken up into your liver and pancreas. The pancreas realizes that theres a good amount of sugar in the bloodstream and it releases insulin, which allows your muscles and fat cells to use that glucose. Now here’s the part that I personally hate because no one ever explains how insulin lets your body use glucose other than “it works like a key”, but to be fair it doesn’t actually help you to know how, so skip this part if you don’t care to know. 
[Ight nerds, so remember how I said earlier that glucose is literally too big to just squeeze into the cells? Well then you must be wondering how does it? Good question. So inside your cells you have these things called hexose transporters, which are some cool yet boring membrane proteins. For the most part they kind of just chill in cytoplasmic vesicles, doing nothing and floating within a cell, but when insulin comes and binds to receptors on the outside of the cell, it basically summons all of the hexose transporters, to which they then join together like a fucking mech from power rangers and attach to the surface of the cell, creating enough space to allow them to be channeled through via facilitated diffusion, which is like passive diffusion (high to low), but through a channel/passageway. When the insulin goes away, voltron disassembles and glucose can no longer just float into the cell. Dope shit.]
Diabetes Pathophysiology 
Let’s first discuss type 2 diabetes, since it is the most common type. 90-95% of people with diabetes have this type. At the end of the day, the cause of type two diabetes is Ineffective Insulin use.
Now, what does that mean? Well, it might mean that the body isn’t producing enough insulin, or that the body’s cells aren’t responding to insulin. I’ll give a few examples to help explain.
Let’s say that you wake up and eat a large breakfast of sugary ass cereal and drink a lot of juice. On the way to school or work you have a bar of what is basically sugar, and a cup of coffee. Which is in reality (if you are like me at least), is just liquid sugar and caffeine. For lunch you go and decide to eat a sandwich, which, while it might not be bad, still does have carbs which turn into sugar. You then proceed to have another cup of coffee or soda or something high in sugar. You later have a candy bar as a way of congratulating yourself for getting through the work/school day (honestly, fucking mood, same. lmao) and then for dinner you eat some pasta (again, not innately bad, but because you already had so many carbs it’ll just fuck you up). You also drink some high sugar liquids because you like the taste of it. Then you have another snack before bed. Probably high in sugar. 
Well you remember how I previously said that insulin is released by your pancreas when blood sugar levels are high? Yeah well that shit is going to always be fucking high with a diet like that. Eventually the insulin receptors that are just chilling on your cells become fatigued and no longer respond to insulin because they’re just so done with it. Well the pancreas freaks out and decides to release even more insulin to try to compensate, but it will never be able to keep up, but it keeps trying and trying.
That’s basically how type 2 diabetes goes for the majority of people. Now for type 1.
So type 1 diabetes is a lot more rare. Less than 10% of people with diabetes have it. Type 1 diabetes is when your body’s immune system (the thing responsible for fighting infections) decides to attack the cells of the pancreas instead. It’s funny how the things meant to keep us safe can often times hurt us the worst. Ouch. Anyways, the scientific and medical community still aren’t sure what causes the immune system to do so. Some believe it’s due to genes, others believe its caused by viruses, or other environmental factors. More research is coming out every day. Really dope stuff. I guarantee you that the first person to discover the cause will not only quickly become incredibly rich (fuck the bourgeoise though) but will also win the Nobel Peace Prize that year. 
Well since the pancreas is no longer functioning, your body is unable to actually use any of the carbs you eat, and since your body kind of needs glucose to live and do anything, you quickly waste away. Before the invention of insulin in 1921, the average life expectancy for someone with type 1 diabetes was only 3 years. Imagine being a parent and bearing a child that quickly just died at 3 years old for reasons you didn’t understand. Terrifying and tragic. 
Most people with type 1 diabetes get diagnosed at the age of 14. There are some very telltale signs. So because the cells are unable to actually use the glucose, it kind of just sits in the bloodstream. This puts you at an incredibly high risk for infections, since bacteria will gladly use that sugar and grow rapidly in the bloodstream. Well because of concentration gradients (dude nature really loves conserving energy, I’ll write about it later), the water from within cells decide to leave the cell and enter the bloodstream, to balance out the concentration gradient of the high amount of molecules in the blood. Well on top of that the body really wants to get rid of the high sugar in the blood so it decides to urinate a lot to get rid of it, causing polyuria (poly meaning a lot, and uria meaning piss. So you piss a lot.) 
So in your body your kidneys are whats responsible for creating urine, and then it sends it off to the bladder to be stored till you piss it out. Well it works by filtering your blood and then getting rid of stuff it doesn’t need, like sugar, urea (which is the main part of urine, so your body uses proteins a lot, and when proteins are broken down you are left with nitrogen. Well this nitrogen when combined with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, create urea. Which isn’t healthy for you. That’s why you piss it out ), and toxins like ammonia. Among other stuff.
Normally your kidneys reabsorb the sugars and put it back into your bloodstream, but because you have so much sugar in your blood it’s unable to and instead the glucose goes to your urine. This is why they test your urine for sugar, and why diabetic patients can have urine that smells sweet. In fact old timey ass doctors would even taste your piss because if it was sweet you probably had diabetes. Well due to concentration gradients and your body naturally wanted to go to equilibrium, more water from your cells and body goes to join that urine. Because you are urinating so much, aka polyuria, you become really thirsty since you have no more liquid in your body. Like incredibly thirsty. We call this polydipsia. It’s almost an insatiable thirst. 
Well remember how I said your cells are unable to absorb sugar? Well your cells don’t like this and so it tells your brain to become hungry, to make you eat more, so that it can get sugar. But because you are unable to use the sugar no matter what, you stay hungry and continue to starve. This intense hunger is called polyphagia. (poly means a lot, phagia means eating.)
These three form the trinity of signs of diabetes. Polydipsia, Polyuria, and Polyphagua.
There is a fourth sign however. Diabetic Ketoacidosis. 
So a question you might have is how do people manage to live for so long if they aren’t able to process sugar? Good question. 
They process fats instead.
Okay so this isn’t innately bad. Yay, your body is burning fat, not too bad right? Well. Because someone with DM1 (diabetes mellitus type 1) can only process fats and no carbs, they quickly build up the amount of ketones (whats left when your body processes fats for energy) in the blood, and since ketones are a bit acidic, when they are present en masse they are able to change the pH of your blood. 
Other bad things that can happen due to DM1 and Ketoacidosis include having your electrolytes thrown out of wack due to them being urinated out, and with enough potassium gone you can have irregular heart rhythms which is never good. Lets see, due to severe dehydration your kidneys can decide to give up causing kidney failure. Because your body no longer gets rid of waste you can get really sick, and I don’t want to go into depth on that, but just think of all the troubles that can occur in your own house if you never threw out the trash. Tough shit. This is why so many patients with diabetes end up having to go to dialysis. Since they can’t filter their blood, a machine will have to. On top of this, because your fluid levels get thrown out of wack, fluids can actually build up in your lungs which makes it really difficult to breathe, as you can imagine. Basically it all just sucks.
So treatment for type 1 diabetes is pretty straight forward, everytime you eat, wake up, go to bed, or feel terrible, you pretty much have to prick your finger, check your blood sugar levels, then give yourself a shot of insulin to compensate and everything works out. It’s very annoying, but something you ultimately have to just live with. And if you live in America then it is incredibly expensive and good luck fam.
For type two diabetics treatments a bit different. For a good amount of people, most people actually, if they were to just have a proper diet, eat less sugars and carbs, and just exercise daily, they would be fine and would be able to go about their days without worrying about diabetes. But this is the modern age we’re talking about and people are lazy sacks of shits and are unwilling to do the bare fucking minimum to ensure they have a good life and so instead we’ve developed a lot of drugs to compensate.
 Different drugs do different things. Heres what the main ones do:
Biguanides like metformin or glucophage combat insulin resistance and they decrease hepatic glucose production.
Sulfonylureas work by increasing insulin production from the pancreas.
Meglitinides increase insulin production from the pancreas as well, but these are absorbed much quicker than sulfonylureas which means that they are a lot less likely to cause hypoglycemia.
alpha glucpsidase inhibitors work by decreasing the absorption of carbs in the small intestine.
Theres more drugs but honestly I’ve spent more than 2 hours writing this already and I have to be at the hospital at 6 in the morning and I just want to shower and sleep. I’ll just say this is part 1 and I’ll continue writing about diabetes later on. Like gestational diabetes. 
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viralhottopics · 8 years
The Top 10 Worst Diets Ever Invented
When we look back over the sad, failed history of dieting, one thing came to mind: wtf. Diets alone are really fucking stupid, given the fact that most, if not all, are unsustainable. If you cut out a whole food group, eventually youre either going to slip up and eat from said forbidden food group OR crave it so much you go crawling back sans self-control or dignity. Same for any diet that considers soup your now only source of food.Do yourself a favor and eat HEALTHFULLY without restricting yourself to crazy, weird shit. By “crazy, weird shit” we mean any of the below aka the 10 worst diets of all time. Think of it like Nike, only the complete opposite i.e., just don’t do it.
1. The Tapeworm Diet
In todays batshit crazy news, we learned that there literally used to be a tapeworm diet. Back in Victorian times, when a womans biggest issue was fitting into a corset and pretending to not be interested in banging her husband, some medical professionals decided that swallowing a goddamn tapeworm was the answer to pesky chubbiness. We shouldnt have to explain why this is a terrible idea, but yeah, it is. To add to that, people are still buying janky capsules with tapeworm eggs inside/drinking the tap water in Mexico on purpoe. Earth to Matilda: This is really fucking dumb. Why doesnt it work? Because the damn tapeworm lives in your fucking intestines, eats all your food, can result in malnutrition, AND yes, you can die.
2. The Cabbage Soup Diet
Any diet that literally has you eating one food for an extended period of time is a terrible goddamn idea. Can you imagine how insanely crazy youre going to feel on Day 7 of eating cabbage soup? It doesnt even SOUND appetizing. Yes, vegetables are good for you, but eating just cabbage soup will make you drop a ton of weight and then instantly gain it back when you stop dieting. Next.
3. The Grapefruit Diet
As is the case with No. 2 on the list, eating just grapefruit for an extended period of time is an awful, awful idea. Can you even IMAGINE your new aversion to citrus after a few days of this shit? Yes, you should be working things like grapefruit into your dietshit, have one every morning for all we care. But if you go on replacing every meal with this sour af fruit, youre going to fail in the long run. Youll crave steak, fruit snacks, and all the carbs. Also if you’re on the pill it could fuck up your medication and you could end up pregnant. JUST SAY NO.
4. The Cookie Diet
This sounds like my kind of fucking diet, since my spirit animal is and always has been cookie monster. However, upon further investigation, we cant believe this was everor even still isa thing. Dr. Siegal, whose medical degree we question, came up with a diet that entails eating one to two cookies every few hours along with a 500-calorie meal of the dieter’s choice. The catch? The cookies are made of some bullshit ingredient (probably from Sweden and isnt legal in the U.S., like phentermine) that is apparently going to make you lose weight. So, not only will the cookies taste like shit, but youll start hating cookies. Additionally, this wont make you adjust your shitty eating habits AT ALL. Since, ya know, youre training your brain into thinking cookies are the answer. Which, in this case, they are not.
5. Cigarette Diet
This sounds like a theme from . Apparently, back in the 1920s, tobacco companies started pushing their cancer sticks as a means of controlling appetite. Nicotine does, in fact, suppress your urge to eat, but at the cost of having disgustingly smelling clothes, hair, and hands. Is the cancer worth dropping a few pounds? Gonna go with no on this one.
6. The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet
Ok so yes we were all obsessed with the Master Cleanse a few years ago because we were really fucking stupid. How fast did you gain back all that weight? Ill hold while you crunch the numbers. Drinking a combination of apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and other bullshit may have you drop a few pounds at first, but, like OF COURSE YOU WILL, YOURE NOT EATING ANYTHING. I could drink Blue Gatorade and Ensure and drop weight, too. To add to that, enjoy your gastrointestinal discomfort brought on by the whole drinking vinegar thing. Not to mention the terrible, terrible gas. Sexy.
7. Detox Diets
Hey! You know how you have a liver and kidneys? The job of those apparently ignorable organs is to DETOXIFY YOUR BODY. So, these fucking diets touting extreme regimens like liver flushes, body cleanses, colonics, etc. are literally (and I mean literally) full of shit. Your body detoxifies itself all the goddamn time. Sure, if you want to add a few veggie juices and whole foods to your diet after a week of bingeing on pizza, itll detox you in a mild way. But having shit literally sucked out your butt and calling it necessary is the shittiest shit weve ever heard.
8. The Air Diet
I cant even believe I have to address this, but, its a thing. Probably started by Gwyneth Paltrow and her ungodly shitty GOOP blog (Hey, Gwynethare you going to go ahead and rescind that jade vagina egg post? No? Cool). Hows it work? Dieters literally sit with an empty plate, fork, and pretend to fucking eat. Um, cant think of a faster way to a) starve and b) develop a high-key eating disorder. Man and betch do not live on air and sunlight alone. There need to be nachos and chocolate. On second thought, anyone who does this probably has a great future in miming.
9. The Clay Diet
Something else probably piloted by Diet and Lifestyle Professional, Gwyneth Paltrow, is the clay diet. Apparently, you stir clayyes, literally clayinto water and drink it. Why? Because itll totally detoxify your organs, of course! Wow, I cant even begin to wrap my head around how thrilled mothers of toddlers everywhere will be when they find out that, yes, their children can continue eating mud for health benefits. Seriously, whoever came up with this one: Go fuck yourself.
10. Miracle Diets
Any diet that starts with miracle or what doctors dont want you to know is probably going to be really fucking stupid. Additionally, any diet that tells you to drink green tea or chug acai juice or roll in memberberries to prevent eating more than 500 calories per day is going to make you gain double the weight back in the long run. Your metabolism will actually slow down, so when you start eating like a human being again, youll get fat. Congratulations, idiot.
May all of your diets fail and may you eat like a normal human being. Amen.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2lofIEL
from The Top 10 Worst Diets Ever Invented
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Top 3 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight
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Have you ever been able to lose weight successfully? 
When I was a kid, I didn't gain any weight no matter what I ate or did, and now as an adult, I'm just living a normal life, but I am going to get fatter and fatter despite somehow...
I stay home too much, and my tummy is getting bigger.
I've tried on a diet many times, but I have never achieved it.
I want to lose weight by the next summer.
Today, I'd like to introduce you to my top 3 easy to follow habits that can help you lose weight. 
I have finally got these great habits after decades of me trying to lose weight with no effect. 
I lost about 10 kilos in about two years by making these habits.
It's not a hard one at all, so I think anyone can easily follow them for a long run.
Before I get to the points, please follow or subscribe me on my blog or YouTube channel as I'll be sending out more and more useful information. That will make Uzi happier.
Also, I am running a challenge to have more than 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel by 2021. If I cannot achieve it, I will close the channel. Currently, I have only 50 subscribers so please help me to subscribe me so that I can continue being a YouTuber.
Well, for now,  let's get down to the business!
3 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight #3 is to
Eat only between 12 PM and 8 PM
If you're going through your normal life and getting chubby, you're simply getting more calories than you're using daily. 
Then, Please skip your breakfast.
I often hear people say you shouldn't eat after 8:00 PM, but the habit I recommend is to skip breakfast and eat only between noon and evening. It is also called "half-day fasting".
By skipping breakfast, you will be hungry before lunch.
That is what I want you to feel.
Do you remember on your good old days when you are little? Do you remember you were very hungry before each meal, especially after swimming or sports class?
When our stomachs are physically empty, we burn our fat and convert it into energy.  Hungry = You are losing weight.
The human body has been designed to be very active to hunt outside for thousands of years, but only in the last few hundred years, we started to stay inside and stopped moving much. In the result, we started getting fatter and fatter. 
It's fine to eat two meals a day. Humans have only recently started eating three meals a day.
Thomas Edison's sales pitch for the toaster he invented was, "Eat three meals a day, and you'll be smarter" so three meals a day became the norm and we all started gaining weight.
It might be hard at first for a week or so to get used to it, but once you get used to it, it's fairly easy.
I think many people think they are too hungry to concentrate on their work.
That's not true, on the contrary, it awakens the brain.
It is said that the brain is more pleased with the sugar made by burning the fat than the sugar that comes in from outside. 
And if you eat when you're hungry, everything tastes ten times better. Even just a simple bread is delicious. I've found that eating bread when you're extremely hungry is much more delicious than having fancy food at a luxurious restaurant.
It's been a few years since I started this habit, and it's helped me improve my performance at work as well. It's a great way to save money on breakfast and make your food taste better. "It's killing four birds with one stone" Try it!
As a side note, I eat breakfast before an important presentation or meeting. That way, I can give it about 200% of my power. The happy hormones take over, so I can naturally smile more often and relax, and I feel my brain performs much better.
Now back to the business. 3 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight #2 is to
Set a goal and get on the scale every day
First, set a realistic goal of how many kilos you want to lose. Then, every day at a certain time, step on the scale and record it.
Is that all? That is too easy, is not it? But...
It is the most important thing you need to do to keep the habit of going for a long run.
All you have to do is set a goal and get on the scale and look at the numbers every day, and you will lose more and more weight.
The reason is that when you see the numbers every day, the hormone dopamine in your brain is secreted, and when you see the results, it releases the happy hormone to make you happy. When you are happy, you desire to be happier, so it motivates you to be happier automatically.
It's not only about losing weight habits but also a lot of dopamine is released when you achieve small goals, so a lot of smaller goals are better than a few big goals. Achieving lots of small goals is the key to being happier. Try to lose 1 kilo per month instead of trying to lose 10 kilos per year then your dopamine will be boosted and make you feel happy.
As a side note, it's important to look at the numbers often, not only for your losing weight but also for those who want to get rich.  It's been said that the more frequently you check how much money you have in your assets, the more money you'll accumulate.
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Now, Uzi's Top 1 Recommended losing weight habit is
Consume only the amount of sugar you exercised for
I think you'll have the good result by following the last two habits I introduced, but if you can still afford it, try this # 1 habit as well. It works best in my experience.
The basic things that make you fat are sugar, oil and carbo, but I think sugar is the worst. It's addictive like alcohol or illegal drugs, and it will make your blood sugar go up too fast when you take it so it can make you mentally unstable afterwards and often it cause you to lose focus and get frustrated for no reason.
However, I still can't avoid living a life without sweets. I know you cannot do that either. 
I only eat a small amount of sweet around 3:00 every day, but the amount is determined by how much I have exercised that day.
Normally it's about a couple of pieces of Tim-Tam, but when I work hard, I get about four, and when I work very hard, I drink a caramel macchiato from Starbucks as the reward.
As you act out that you can consume sugar after you've worked so hard for, your subconscious mind will naturally try to work harder so that you will feel it is fun to stay on track with the losing weight habits.
So, today, I hope you have enjoyed my Top 3 Recommended losing weight habits.
Action plans from today's topic are  1. Do a half-day fast. 2. Check your weight daily. 3. Take sugar as a reward for your exercise
Thank you for staying with me till the end of the topic. From now on, I'm going to introduce more and more useful information on how to lose weight, so please hit the subscribe link below.
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My Motto: "Be down to be up! Being down is an opportunity for you to improve!!"
I love to take any challenges that excite me, even if I am not good at them. As you can see from my YouTube channel, I am not good at speaking English for YouTube. But I am OK to show my damn as I can only improve from there.
I'll be sharing ideas and life-hacks regularly that I wish I'd known earlier. Hopefully, you like them.
#losingWeight, #diet, #Habits, #HalfdayFasting, #WeightLoss
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topicprinter · 6 years
Where would you be if you did not have your 9 to 5 job? On a sun-bed underneath a palm sipping water from a cracked coconut? Or in Chile visiting the Machu Picchu? Or just home with your family?This book will show you how to become more productive and how to optimise your resources to generate a passive income. The book is divided in 4 main “steps”:D – DefinitionE – Elimination A – Automation L – LiberationDEFINITIONThe author describes the “New Rich” as the typical wealthy person in this era.The large majority of people on this planet, think that it does not matter that much if you do not like your job or your life right now. All the sacrifices will be entirely paid off when you finally reach the retirement age. The retirement age!! Seriously?? Are you 100% sure you are going to be alive tomorrow?The “New Rich” does not accept this way of living. New Rich are now able to live a comfortable life without the standard, boring 9 to 5 job. Are they millionaires to do this? The answer is NO. Some yes to be fair, but most of them, although not millionaires, have an income that can sustain themselves and respective families. Income that was unimaginable just few years before they started their new adventure.That is right, to have more time in doing or being where you want, you do not need to be a millionaire.The key to this freedom is to put yourself in the position to be flexible and not tied to the same office desk 8 hour a day. How do you achieve this? You achieve this by generating passive income that you can handle anytime and from anywhere in the world.In today’s economy, it seems like there is no room for something new. Everything is invented already. The New Rich never follow others’ rules. On the contrary, they design their own ones ignoring the naysayers’ comments.You need to adopt this mind-set and do not listen to the noise around you.Norman Vincent Peale said “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”Aim high because everybody aims to great! Think about this: what is the worst thing that can happen if you fail? This is how New Rich think, they jump straight into it, because, worst case scenario, they will still be alive! Most people live in their comfort zone with the illusion that someday something will happen. Stop procrastinating and take action today.It is normal to feel fear. Living the life you want requires taking risks. Start by doing something uncomfortable every day. It could be as much as stopping a person on the street and ask for direction.What if I am doing A 9 to 5 job? Here is the good news: you can still achieve the life or a New Rich. The first thing to do is to make yourself indispensable for the organisation you are working for. The moment you become indispensable, start a negotiation with your boss. Your aim is to work remotely. If not the whole week, part of the week could be a good starting point. Most of the bosses will not like the idea, therefore suggesting a trial period to start will give you an advantage. Once agreed, prove to be more effective and productive than ever. When the trial is over, re-discuss with your boss and aim for a longer period of remote work.ELIMINATIONBe effective and productive. Is it better to work hard or to work smart? New Rich like working smart.Focus on the tasks that will help you achieving your goals. As a principle, use the Pareto rule: 20% of your efforts are going to produce 80% of the results. Hence, do no spend too much time on less important tasks.Time is money. Get rid of all the news reading, social media browsing and TV-shows watching. Stick to what is relevant to achieve your objectives. If you cannot commit to total information diet, allocate weekly time slots to watch your favourite series and do not make any exception. Avoid meetings where your presence is not strictly necessary. Start saying no to catch ups for a coffee. “10-minute coffee” can easily become a 40-minute long discussion of useless stuff. Have you ever heard the term “selective ignorance? Selective ignorance is defined as the practice of selectively ignoring distracting, irrelevant, or otherwise unnecessary information. Do it!Rate by importance the tasks you need to accomplish. Aim to finish the most important ones before lunch. Emails are time drainers. They never stop coming. Plan to read them twice a day. Once before lunch and the second time before finishing work, that’s it! Create an auto response that advises senders about your packed schedule. Hence, your response could take some time. Also, make sure people are not calling you over useless topics or requests. Disable phone and computer notifications, there is not worst thing than being interrupted when fully focused on your important tasks.AUTOMATIONNow that you are more productive and on top of your routine, if you want to earn a living by working a few hours per week, you need to create an automatic source of income. In other words, you need to make other people doing the job for you.In today’s world, learning how to set up a business that can operate without much involvement is as far as a Google search away from you.A lot of services can be outsourced. There are organizations offering services such as drop shipping, call centre and virtual assistant just to name a few.India for instance, offers a huge number of virtual assistants that are specialised in different areas of the business. You need to find the right one and make he/she work for you.As a general tip, make sure the communication is clear, be as responsive as you can and let them do the job. You will be surprised of how many good ones there are out there.Now it is time to find a product or a service that can generate your income.The easiest option is to sell a product that already exists. The downside of this option is that the potential profit is limited. Creating a new product is easier than what people think. This option is more time consuming than the first one but the return of investment is much higher. The author recommends creating an info product.You need to do your due diligence before you start manufacturing it. At the end of the day you can have the most amazing product idea but if there is no market for it (aka customers buying it) your idea is going to fail.Testing the market is a great starting point. You can create a fake website (or Facebook page) with a proper “Buy Now” button to analyse how many customers are willing to purchase your product. You can also create a fake advertising campaign with different versions of the same ad to test the response. The author used the same technique to find the best title for his book.It does not matter what kind of product or service you want to sell. You must be credible. Customers must trust you. Academic titles are always a sign of reliability. You can also prove your experience by writing articles and reviews on topics related to your product. For instance, if you want to sell health products, make sure you become a health master first.Additionally, give the impression that your company is bigger than what it is. Potential customers tend to trust big organisations rather than small ones. A good tip is to provide different emails based on the area you want the customer to interact with. For instance you can use: [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. The person reaching out would think that there is a different department per each email. Hence, thinking that the company is big.Use the Pareto rule also to choose your customers. 20% of the customers will generate the 80% of the income. Avoid trouble makers and nurture the 20%!Once you have the right product you must be able to offer great benefits. If you promise anything you would better make sure you keep the promise at any point in time. Furthermore, your customers need to be able to buy your product in the easiest possible way. The most profitable customers are the ones that are willing to pay a premium price for your product. Hence, create a premium version of what you are offering to generate greater margins. The higher the margins the fewer products you need to sell to achieve your objectives.LIBERATIONAt this stage you found the magic formula. It is time to negotiate again your time working remotely. Extend it as much as you can. Enhance your performance remotely rather than in the office.If your level of freedom is not up to your standard, be ready to quit your job but do not do it before you have an alternative. If you urge to quit, make sure you review all your expenses and minimise them to the bone.The author also suggests going on a trip for 6 months (as a mini retirement) to “experience” rather than “seeing” a different country. There are a lot places where you can live great experiences with a fraction of the money you would spend in US.CONCLUSIONThe 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris is one of my favourite books about aiming to do the life you always dreamed on. Tim Ferris is a great example of what a powerful mind can do. Read a bit of who he is and what he is doing here. Simply amazing. Tim has also a popular podcast. In each episode he discovers tactics, tools, and routines of extremely successful people. This includes favourite books, morning routines, exercise habits, time-management tricks, and much more.This book can give you plenty of suggestions on how to initiate the journey on passive income. I highly encourage you to purchase the book. It includes several links and suggestions that will help you to set up your 9 to 5 freedom.I believe some of the principles are not actionable to everybody. However, you can adjust them to your own needs. Do not underestimate the power of a side business. All current successful organisations started from zero sometime in the past. Internet is plenty of successful stories, Tim Ferris is one of them.If you enjoyed this summary, you can download a PDF version with pictures from here.
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sherristockman · 7 years
Regenerative Agriculture — The Next Big Thing Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Judging by the buzz at the annual Expo West organic trade show, regenerative agriculture is where it's at,1 and it's heartening to finally see a tidal change for the better. According to data presented at the show, conventional food brands lost more than $19 billion in revenue between 2009 and 2014, as consumers have become increasingly aware of the many problems associated with conventional food and farming. Projections suggest the natural and organic sector may reach $107.7 billion in sales by next year. However, traditional organics have developed a number of increasingly pressing problems, thanks to manipulation by large food companies. In recent years, many trusted organic brands have been swallowed up by multinational corporations that, by and large, lack a historical interest in organic farming. As a result, organic standards have been significantly watered down, in some cases to the point of no longer fulfilling even the most basic criteria. Case in point: The acceptance of hydroponics for organic certification. According to organic regulations, an organic grower's crop rotation plan must maintain or improve soil organic matter, yet hydroponics grow food without any soil at all. Without soil, how can their operations improve soil health? Regenerative agriculture is a return to what organic was originally all about — the protection and rebuilding of topsoil and ecological biodiversity. Unfortunately, Big Food is acting quickly this time around. Companies are already trying to cash in on the burgeoning trend, and it becomes rather problematic when junk food is paraded as flagship products for regenerative agriculture. The Latest Marketing Ploy — 'Supporting Regenerative Farming Practices' Cookies and other processed snacks do not suddenly become health foods simply because they're made with ingredients that weren't doused with toxic chemicals. Take Annie's (a division of General Mills), for example, which touts "advancing regenerative farming practices" with a limited edition organic Mac & Cheese and organic Bunny Grahams, made with ingredients grown according to "regenerative farming practices."2 The products will be exclusively sold at Sprouts Farmers Market this spring. According to Carla Vernon, Annie's president: "As part of the food industry, our biggest opportunity for impact is at the farm level, where we have a critical role to play in advancing regenerative practices that generate positive impact. At Annie's, we recognize the urgency of this, and we are more committed than ever to champion projects, big and small, to preserve the planet for generations to come. Through these new limited edition products and direct-farm partnerships, we are showing consumers that food choices matter and can make a positive impact on the planet." It's important to remember that without actual certification, regenerative claims such as those made by Annie's are just a marketing ploy, like "all-natural" before it. There's a range of farming practices that could be referred to as "regenerative," even though they're only slightly different from or better than conventional, chemical farming. The fact that General Mills is partnering with Ben & Jerry’s to promote their brands with regenerative agriculture for highly processed junk food like mac n’ cheese, cookies and CAFO ice cream is a strange path forward.3 While it will take farmers, businesses and customers to advance regenerative practices, you have to be skeptical with this alliance of junk food products to promote regenerative agriculture. Ben & Jerry’s has been one of the worst offenders when it comes to environmental pollution, supporting CAFOs while knowingly harming the environment and maximizing profits. These products are as likely to regenerate diabetes as they are to regenerate the soil. What most Americans really need is to start eating real food. That's what's going to save the planet and improve their health. Pesticide avoidance will only get you so far. It's an important part, for sure, but if you continue eating a diet chockful of processed foods, even if they're organic and regeneratively grown, your health is still going to suffer from nutritional imbalances. Then there's McDonald's, which recently announced it is replacing frozen beef with fresh, cooked-to-order beef patties for two of the items on its burger menu4 — as if avoiding freezing will make that CAFO beef any healthier. What's next? Regeneratively grown french fries? The beef is still coming from factory farms where the cattle are given drugs and antibiotics to quell disease and encourage growth. As a result, such meat is more prone to be contaminated with drug-resistant pathogens and has a poorer nutritional profile compared to organic grass fed beef. Aside from improving flavor, the shift to fresh beef is really inconsequential in terms of overall food quality and nutrition. Regenerative Organic Certification In the Works There are a number of separate efforts to create standards and certifications for regenerative agriculture, and unless close attention is paid, there's the risk of these standards being usurped by big business right from the start. Among the contenders is the Regenerative Organic Alliance, led by the Rodale Institute, the clothing company Patagonia, and Dr. Bronner's. Its regenerative organic certification was launched at Expo West earlier this month. According to Politico:5 "Details of the Regenerative Organic Certification [ROC] are still fluid, but the basic idea is that USDA organic certification would be the baseline and requirements would be added on from there. The certification would also expand beyond agricultural practices to include animal welfare and worker standards … Standards for ROC are still in the works, and a number of companies are going to be taking part in a pilot to test various systems. DanoneWave … has pledged to have its Vega One Organic line and its Horizon Organic grass fed offerings take part in the pilot. A number of other brands are also "allies" of the concept, including Maple Hill Creamery, Justin's … and Patagonia Provisions (Patagonia's food line)." Biodynamic Certification Is the Gold Standard to Beat It's well worth noting that top notch "gold standard" certification for regenerative farming already exists. Biodynamic farming is a spiritual-ethical-ecological approach to agriculture initially developed by Austrian scholar Rudolf Steiner,6 Ph.D., (1861-1925). It's an approach that can provide far superior harvests compared to conventional chemical-based agriculture, while simultaneously healing the Earth. Biodynamic standards are both organic and regenerative, and then some. Not only does biodynamic farming provide superior crops both in volume and increased density of nutrients, but biodynamic farms are also completely self-sustaining — something that cannot be said even for most organic farms. For example, biodynamic standards do not simply require farmers to use organic animal feed. Most of the feed must actually originate from the farm itself. And, while an organic farmer can section off as little as 10 percent of the farm for the growing of certified organic goods, to be certified as a biodynamic, 100 percent of your farm must be in compliance. In addition to that, 10 percent of the land must be dedicated to increasing biodiversity. This could take the form of forest land, wetland or insectary, for example. Biodynamic farming also has all of the features associated with regenerative agriculture, such as crop rotation, the use of cover crops and so on. Having animals integrated on the farm, with a focus on animal welfare, is another core principle of biodynamic farming. In short, the farm is viewed as a living organism — a living, self-sustainable whole — and biodiversity of both plants and animals are viewed as integral. In my view, this is really as good as it gets, and buying foods produced by farms certified as biodynamic through Demeter offers the greatest assurance of food quality and environmental sustainability. A catch-22 preventing biodynamic from spreading faster is the shortage of certified products in the national marketplace. Most Demeter members are small family farms that only sell locally or regionally. The best we could hope for is for farmers to embrace biodynamic certification in greater numbers, rather than trying to invent new regenerative standards to compete with organic. In reality, if there's competition, it's with biodynamic, and it's difficult to imagine standards can go much higher. Grass Fed Standards The American Grassfed Association (AGA) has also introduced grass fed standards and certification for American-grown grass fed dairy,7 which allows for greater transparency and conformity. Prior to this certification, dairy could be sold as "grass fed" whether the cows ate solely grass, or received silage, hay or even grains during certain times. Considering how important a cow's diet is when it comes to the quality of its milk, especially when we're talking about raw milk, I would strongly advise you to ensure your raw dairy is AGA certified as grass fed. Also, be sure to look for the AGA's grassfed label when buying grass fed meats. No other grass fed certification offers the same comprehensive assurances as the AGA's grass fed label, and no other grass fed program ensures compliance using third-party audits. An alternative is to get to know your local farmer and find out firsthand how he raises his cattle. Many are more than happy to give you a tour and explain the details of their operation. Barring such face-to-face communication, the AGA grass fed logo is the only one able to guarantee that the meat comes from animals that: Have been fed a 100 percent forage diet Have never been confined in a feedlot Have never received antibiotics or hormones Were born and raised on American family farms The last bullet point is an important one. A vast majority of grass fed meats sold in grocery stores are actually imported, and without country of origin labeling, there's no telling where it came from or what standards were followed. As noted by Feed Navigator8 last year, while the USDA has created a set of "best practices" to maintain the integrity of organic imports, they really do not go far enough to ensure the integrity of organic standards. For example, organic grain shipments have repeatedly been found to contain nonorganic grains fraudulently labeled as organic, and this kind of fraud has severe repercussions for American organic farmers who already struggle to stay competitive. The same applies to the grass fed industry. The Need for Regenerative Agriculture Has Never Been Greater Chemical-based agriculture has resulted in the destruction of rural economies, water and air pollution, depletion of aquifers, destruction of pollinators and biodiversity, soil erosion and loss of soil fertility, climate destabilization, food contamination, nutrient degradation and the deterioration of public health. The U.S. now spends $3.5 trillion a year on health care, more than any other nation on Earth, yet public health just keeps getting worse. It's quite clear why. We live in an increasingly toxic environment and eat cheap junk-filled foods. Even the government admits about half of all American adults now live with one or more chronic diseases, "many of which are related to poor quality eating patterns."9 Approximately 85 percent of Americans do not consume the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's recommended intakes of the most important vitamins and minerals necessary for health;10 87 percent don't eat the recommended 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit per day; 91 percent don't get the recommended 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day. What's worse, what little fruit and vegetables are actually consumed are sorely lacking in nutrients, as today's conventionally grown produce contain far less nutrition than their counterparts 50 years ago. Factory farmed, GMO grain-fed meat, eggs and dairy also typically contain lower levels of omega-3s, vitamin E, beta-carotene, antioxidants and conjugated linoleic acid than 100 percent grass fed and organic pastured products. Research11 consistently shows that organic foods contain significantly higher amounts of antioxidants, especially in no-till regenerative systems,12 and an antioxidant-rich diet is associated reduced risks for chronic diseases, including heart and brain disease and certain cancers. So, to improve health we need to improve nutrition, and to do that we really have to address food at its literal roots. Healthy microbe-rich soil associated with regenerative, soil-centered, organic practices produces crops with higher levels of nutrients, without which maintaining health is difficult if not impossible. The Way Forward As it stands today, organic certification is really the bare minimum when it comes to food quality, nutrition and environmental health. What we need to move toward is biodynamic farming on a much larger scale. You can help shape the future of our food system by being mindful of your own choices. Be sure to look and ask for biodynamic certified produce and AGA certified grass fed animal products. In most cases, your best bet will be to buy directly from your local farmer once you've asked questions and received answers to your satisfaction about how the food is grown and raised. For resources that can help you locate organic and regenerative farms in your area, see the end of this article. In addition to that, consider: • Boycotting GMOs, including every nonorganic packaged food product that displays a QR code. The easiest way to avoid GMOs is to buy organic, or look for the "Non-GMO Project" seal on food products. Keep in mind, however, that many "Non-GMO Project" labeled foods (unless they are also labeled organic) are produced using pesticides and chemical fertilizers. • Boycotting factory-farmed meat, dairy and poultry (i.e., anything that isn't labeled or marketed as organic or 100 percent grass fed or pastured). Factory farm production is characterized by GMO- and pesticide-tainted animal feeds, labor exploitation, false advertising, corporate corruption of government, and the use of massive amounts of dangerous pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, hormones and growth promoters. Factory-farmed meat, dairy, poultry and fish are the No. 1 cause of water pollution, soil degradation, food system greenhouse gas emissions and human diet-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. We will never get rid of GMOs, chemical-intensive monocrops, antibiotic resistance, animal cruelty and agriculturally derived greenhouse gas emissions until we eliminate factory farms.
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dietpillswatchdog · 7 years
Helios is hardcore! If you are one of those body builders who will stop at nothing in your quest for body perfection, an underground supplement formula called Helios ticks all the boxes. It is illegal, can cause dangerous side effects, get you disqualified from competition and you have to get a friend to inject it into your body. We take an in-depth look at Helios to find out more.
According to popular myth, Helios was invented by legendary American body builder Dan Duchaine known as the Steroids Guru. Helios is available only from dodgy-looking websites where it looks to have been made by different and unknown manufacturers. Helios contains two dangerous ingredients and needs to be injected into the body.
Extremely dangerous ingredients
Risk of injecting unsterilized substances
Clenbuterol is illegal in the USA, UK and Europe
Will get you disqualified for doping
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What You Need To Know About HELIOS
Helios is an incredibly dangerous steroid supplement that you inject into areas of your body in the hope of losing stubborn fat. It contains Clenbuterol and Yohimbine and many people seem to have tried it despite the very real risks to health including death. Clenbuterol is illegal in most countries and illegal in the USA for this purpose so use it and you will be breaking the law. Helios may work as described but side effects may cause permanent damage.
The Helios formula was invented by notorious steroid junkie Dan Duchaine and in our opinion demonstrates the crazy world of hardcore bodybuilding at its most sordid and insane.
What Are The Side Effects Of HELIOS?
There are loads of side effects to Helios including the risk of infection of the needle sites and the fact that most Helios on sale has not been manufactured in sterile conditions.
Principle side effects include bruising, infection, heart palpitations increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, sweating, diarrhoea, fever, tremors, breathing difficulties, shakes, headaches, increase in body temperature, risk of stroke, heart attack and death.
How Much Does HELIOS Cost?
Helios is not on sale from any reputable sites. However, you can find it openly offered for sale from some dodgy-looking low rent websites where prices and quality of the product will vary. There is no way of knowing whether anyone Helios product is better than another.
We have seen Helios on sale for $23.00 a shot. Buy in bulk (10 shots) and it costs $100.00. This seems to be the typical sort of price you could expect to pay.
Our Verdict On HELIOS
It’s frustrating when you lose weight but still fail to lose stubborn fat but Helios injections are not the answer. Helios contains dangerous ingredients and will cause numerous side effects, many of them potentially lethal. Clenbuterol is illegal for human consumption because it is so dangerous and although Yohimbine is legal, effects are equally unpredictable. These injections could cause a heart attack or stroke or may even kill you.
Although some sites market Helios as injectable liposuction losing fat this way is not as easy as it sounds. You can’t just inject yourself once; it requires long-term use over weeks in order for any weight loss effects to show. You will suffer bruising and tell tale needle marks that will make people think you are a junkie should they see them. The side effects are dangerous and very unattractive.
Helios was invented by a notorious steroid addict whom some bodybuilders believe in but this does not make this supplement any less dangerous. In truth we cannot think of anything more sordid and ridiculous than jacking up on steroids in order to make your body more beautiful and Helios is undoubtedly the worst supplement we have ever seen and should definitely be avoided.
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Many people find that when they start losing extreme weight they are still left with areas of fat that seem impossible to shift. For men this can be situated around the abs, spoiling the appearance of the muscles. Some women find that they start losing weight from their boobs but retain fat around the waist or thighs. Everyone is different so difficult problem areas will be in different sites on the body.
Helios is designed to remove these fatty areas by what is known as ‘spot reduction’. The idea is that you inject the formula into the stubborn fatty area causing it to reduce or even disappear. This doesn’t happen overnight. You have to inject every day over a period of time in order for it to reduce.
Helios is a substance that you inject into your body with a syringe.
Helios was invented by notorious steroids addict Dan Duchaine.
Contains Clenbuterol, an illegal drug in most countries.
Helios contains two ingredients. The principal component is Clenbuterol – a man-made steroid (a steroid is a drug that mimics hormones) that is used in asthma medication because it widens the airways. It also works like adrenaline so is a stimulant that raises body temperature and puts your body into stress mode – often referred to as the flight or fight response. Clenbuterol increases the body’s ability for aerobic exercise and if you use it and take part in competitive sport you will fail a drugs test.
The other ingredient is Yohimbine HCL another dangerous ingredient. Yohimbine is a chemical that is derived from a tree which grows in Africa. It is a stimulant and although it is legal is known for causing a wide range of dangerous side effects. This does not stop it showing up in numerous supplements relating to weight loss, body building and erectile dysfunction.
Helios has to be injected into the body rather than taken as an oral supplement. According to sources this method of delivery is more efficient for targeting fatty areas. All adipose tissue contains hormones and is part of the central nervous system and when you inject these ingredients into your fat spots you can redirect lipolysis to exactly where it is needed.
How to Take HELIOS
We found some detailed instructions online about how to take Helios. You are advised to have a friend help you administer the dose.
Clean the rubber septum of the vial with an alcohol swab and stick the needle through the septum. Turn the vial upside down, and inject as much air as you want to pull out, this to prevent a vacuum. Pull the top of the needle in the fluid and pull out as much fluid as you and your buddy need.
Inject the fluid in a sterile container (cleaned with alcohol too)
Or suck the fluid directly from the big syringe into the insulin pin, after removing the needle. Suck the fluid into an insulin syringe
All individuals should use their own pin. The pins can be stored in a Tupperware box in the refrigerator and used about three days, you’ll notice it when they become less sharp. The Helios itself should be stored in a cool dark place too, preferably a refrigerator, as well.
For such a dangerous and illegal substance, Helios is surprisingly easy to find on sale. It is available from a range of dodgy-looking websites where it is advertised as ‘not for human use or injection’ in a weak attempt to get round the law.
HELIOS Concerns:
The side effects to Helios are dangerous and well documented.
Injections can be extremely dangerous. You have no idea if the Helios has been made in sterile conditions.
Helios is being offered openly on sale, which may fool people into thinking the health risks are exaggerated. They are not.
Helios is not a product as such, it is a formula. It was invented by American body builder Dan Duchaine, often called the steroid guru who enjoyed some minor celebrity on US talk shows.
Duchaine was a failed bodybuilder who hit on taking steroids as a way to bulk up. He went to prison twice for dealing in illegal steroids, for mislabeling and for conspiracy. He first became an author in prison and his books on steroids (The Underground Steroid Handbooks) are considered important by people who like taking steroids.
As well as inventing the Helios formula, Dan Duchaine popularised the use of DNP for weight loss. DNP (2, 4-Dinitrophenol) is a chemical used in the dyeing industry and can increase the speed of the metabolism when ingested. Many people have died taking DNP for weight loss because it is acutely toxic. Dan Duchaine died in 2000 strangely not from one of his own concoctions but from polycystic kidney disease.
What Does HELIOS Claim To Do?
Helios as been described as ‘Injectable Liposuction’ and it is supposed to help you carry out ‘spot reduction’ where you reduce visible fatty areas of hard-to-shift fat.
All the Helios we have seen on sale adheres to the following formula: 40 mcg Clenbuterol and 5.4mg Yohimbine per millilitre.
All the sites selling Helios provide health warnings and disclaimers such as:
This product is intended for laboratory research use only.
This product is NOT for human use and can be harmful if ingested. This product is for research/laboratory use only. This product is NOT in a sterile solution and is NOT to be injected.
Does HELIOS Work?
We searched online for Helios Injection results and found lots of people discussing this topic. Some people have tried Helios and believe the injections work. Many experience frighteningly serious side effects too but these do not seem to put them off.
Clenbuterol is not legal for using in this way. In the USA it is only legal for the treatment of asthma under prescription or as a veterinary drug. It is banned for all purposes across the UK, Europe and China even for animals use because of fears it may enter the food chain. This has happened in China when 336 people in Shanghai were poisoned after eating pork tainted with Clenbuterol and the same has happened in Spain.
Clenbuterol is illegal because it is extremely dangerous and has been linked to causing deaths. Clenbuterol is also a performance-enhancing drug so if you take part in competitive sport, it will cause you to be disqualified. Tour de France cyclist Alberto Contador was banned for two years after testing positive for Clenbuterol. He was stripped of his title in 2010.
What Are The Ingredients of HELIOS?
All the Helios we have seen on sale adheres to the same formula but is available in different serving sizes.
Clenbuterol (40 mcg per millilitre): Clenbuterol is a stimulant steroid that affects the body in much the same way as adrenaline, only with a stronger and longer-lasting effect. Clenbuterol is used as a treatment for asthma because it widens the airways. It also is a natural thermogenic – it raises the body temperature to potentially dangerously high levels. Clenbuterol is illegal across the UK and Europe and although it is not strictly illegal in the USA, ingesting it or injecting it is against the law. http://ift.tt/14Vw3bq
Yohimbine (5.4mg per millilitre): This natural chemical derived from a tree variety in Africa is legal but it is unsafe. It can increase blood flow to the sexual organs making it often used in OTC sex drugs. Yohimbine is a stimulant that will increase heart rate and blood pressure and has been linked to causing strokes and seizures. http://ift.tt/2nCtA05;
Does HELIOS Have Any Side Effects?
Helios has numerous side effects. Even the people who take Helios put up with side effects that would scare most of us half to death and with good reason. The side effects are very dangerous and are potentially lethal.
First up there is the question of hygiene. Many of the people selling Helios states that the liquid is not sterilised or suitable for injection. You also have to ensure that your needles are clean or the area will become infected. It often causes bruising and needle marks will be visible.
Leaving those issues aside, the risks to health are great. Side effects include:
Heart palpitations
Pins and needles
Breathing difficulties
Cardiac arrest
Caution: Helios is not suitable for anyone to take. It is extremely dangerous and is illegal for this reason.
Are There Any Customer Reviews For HELIOS?
There is a lot of discussion about Helios on the various body building sites. Many people mention side effects. As this customer reported,
First thing I noticed… My heartbeat was hard and fast like I just smoked some meth or something. I never felt overstimmed or anything. Then the second day I had some shakes, I’m guessing that this is normal. Weird thing today I decided not to do it because I dropped about 5 lbs in the last 2 days from the Helios, well… I keep getting sharp shooting pains like in my back, shoulder and arms…
The other forum users told him this was perfectly normal.
Other comments on other forums include,
I was sweating like a rapist.
I got some cramps in my calves, feet and hamstrings. They hurt A LOT!!! I didn’t have a problem sleeping or any other sides… besides the increased heart rate. Resting I was at 90 beats per minute…
Does HELIOS Offer a Money-Back Guarantee?
Helios never comes with a money-back guarantee.
Where Can I Buy HELIOS?
As Helios is illegal to use you cannot buy it from any reputable websites. However you will find it openly offered on sale from some dodgy-looking sites you have never heard of. You can sometimes get it through some of the less reputable body building forums. It seems to be more prevalent in the USA where Clenbuterol is still an ingredient in some asthma and veterinary medications.
The post Helios appeared first on Diet Pills Watchdog.
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