#The Wanderers of Sornieth
fenneckitsune · 1 month
Oh hm ok going back to my original thought about having a dragon for the reader: two clan tabs have that already. Those being Gloaming Grove and Soup’s Stock having Tycho and Nirn respectively
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The ones missing a protagonist so to speak are:
Wanderers’ rest, The Portal Watchers, and an unnamed lightning clan
Technically the kritikos Paladin academy and Gicelburg Penitentiary also dont have a protag dragon but those are also a shared lore thing with my bestie rainydaz3 so like ehhhh idk i’ll think of something later.
Between wanderers rest, the portal watchers, and the unnamed lightning clan i love the thought of all 3 for different reasons
Wanderers rest is a bustling clan on the borders of wind fire and water, bustling with trade from all parts of sornieth with just as strong an underground market presence in the catacombs beneath the city’s fire district.
The Lightning Clan is comprised of inventors and their robotic creations competing for a spot in the company of the sporting events benefactor. Like… robotic gladitorial combat for the corporate overlords amusement
The portal watchers is a clan of dragons researching and guarding the forbidden portal coli venue to make sure nothing escapes it
Figured if I asked folks it’d help since yknow… choose your own adventure style does kinda require interaction to work but no one is under any obligation to vote if they dont want to. Im just hoping to narrow it down a bit to get some writing actually going!
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primrose-fr · 1 year
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With that poll we've concluded our Build a Dragon! Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this event. I hope everyone's ready for their new big brother because you've all been adopted. Surprise!
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He loves you very much. As a wandering mercenary Siriol has seen many things in his travels. But nothing warms his heart more than the lovely people he's met. He may not be a guardian but that won't stop him from making everyone he meets his charges! His faithful familiar Quilbur helps him keep in touch with his many penpals across Sornieth. I give full permission for anyone to include, add, write, and draw Siriol into their lore.
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saltminerising · 7 months
The Parched Canyonwalks are the worst lair location in Sornieth. Earth Flight has so much interesting potential–the devs could have gone with a fossil bed, geodes, wandering rocks/sailing stones, geoglyphs/petroglyphs, etc. But no, they had do a bunch of boring bridges. There’s thousands of more interesting ideas that could have made a better lair location that has more connection to Earth, but instead bridges. Bridges.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
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hungrytundras · 1 year
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Starting off with two strong contenders:
Kyde used his great magical prowess to try to conquer the shade. While he made great breakthroughs, its influence drove him mad leading to the deaths of thousands and his imprisonment as nothing more than a plush toy.
Ryker lived a long and happy life with his charge and mate until raiders destroyed his village. They took everyone from him, including his mate who was killed before him. Rather than wasting away, he has wandered sornieth wondering whether she was ever his charge at all. He lives on as a drunkard banished from every tavern in three flights so far.
Remember, vote for the little man who makes you feel pity and angst in your heart <3
Link to the main post
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screamingsylveon · 1 year
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The Temple Of The Fallen Light Ray The Fallen Light (#49263843)
"I'm a ray of sunlight, fallen from the sky. With the goodwill of our gods I shall rise and build a temple as glorious as the Arcanist." - Ray
Pronouns: he/him Breed: Fae Element: Light
Role at the temple: He is the founder and runs the temple. Story: Ray believes he is a fallen ray of sunlight. One day he woke up without memory at the Sunbeam Ruins. He learned this region belongs to the deity of light: Lightweaver. From this moment on Ray saw her as his mother. He strived to build a temple and to gather dragons around him, to worship not only her, but also the other deities of Sornieth. Unsure about his mortal appearance he started to wear a mask of light color. He began to wander around to share stories and myths about the deities. Gradually more and more dragons joined him and followed Ray through the regions of the flights. They listen to him preaching about the elements and harmony between dragons and everything alive. They worship the gods by his side. And they worship him as the fallen ray of sunlight, an angel sent by Lightweaver to enlighten them. Currently the temple stays at the ice flight, but Ray has plans to move on soon. His goal is to join the arcane flight. Though he loves every single deity and worships them, he has fallen for one specifically: The Arcanist.
"By the way, we are no cult..." - Ray
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flygefisk · 2 years
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wick and ipswich! wick runs a hidden magic item shop called "wick's wondrous wares" down by the docks, and ipswich is his... less than enthusiastic assistant.
wick's wondrous wares is a crowded space made hazy by incense smoke and scattered lanterns, packed with allegedly magical items of every shape, size, and purpose. (quality and efficacy may vary)
wick himself puts on a front of a mysterious mystic, a merchant from a far-off land who knows secrets about everyone who wanders in. he's really a scholar, cataloging enchantment methods from around sornieth- though, he is selling these items acquired by dubious means, so. he's a bit vain, very flirtatious, but overall a decent sort.
ipswich is having some trouble adjusting to their current circumstances. these silly land-mortal customs seem ridiculous. having to wear clothes in public? not solving every dispute with teeth? gender??? and they're just so much smaller. it's awful.
they're a grouch, and think they're above everyone, but they are having a good enough time sifting through this novel little trinkets wick presents to them. not that they'd ever admit it. all they want is for wick to break this stupid binding spell, so they can destroy this entire city and return to the depths. ugh. hurry up already.
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bawkrya · 1 year
a (infodump time GO GO GO :D )
hi i said my other infodumps would be unrelated to fr but i LIED bc i need to talk about the SILVER MARKET.
SO. the current “””head””” of the silver market is my Progen Feir!
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Feir Used to be the Patriarch of Phrauge, coming from the Loral or Old Family, which had held the crown in Phrauge ever since the Clan was first created. He stepped down from his position as Patriarch and named Bawkrya the next Patriarch even though he did at the time have Heirs to inherit the throne. which caused a lot of fuss! but he didnt really care because he was more concerned about what was going on in the silver market, which like, what is that
The Silver Market is the illegal market that inhabits the Burrow Market (or just The Burrow), which is located directly underneath Phrauge, with the primary entrance being in the canyon between the Scarred Wasteland and Dragonhome. No one quite knows how this Market got started up, but everyone who knows about this market knows it was so they could do trades/sales/etc. under the radar of Flight or Clan laws. The Silver Market isn’t a common knowledge thing at all as well, you have to be knee deep in a lot of shady shit to even find out about it.
Guilds, Clans, etc. from ALL over Sornieth occupy the Burrow. Stalls, Very broken down buildings, etc etc make up the huge cavern and its VERY fucking packed. One of the primary jobs you can find down there is being a body guard literally willing to sacrifice ur life because of how packed it is down there-- if u even Look at someone wrong you WILL get ur ass beat. It’s a stupid intense area to be in, people are constantly dealing Various Items (heehee) that are worth even the slightest bit of value, theyre trying to get information, or they’re trying to escape/smuggle/etc. Anything that could get u landed in jail on Sornieth, it is most likely happening in this market.
There are some things that just arent tolerated in the market, as theres certain ways things are done for efficiency's sake, and Feir is the one that typically deals with it with his men. But again what is and isnt tolerated is Very grey and you just have to be careful about how you do things, bc if u do even one thing wrong in someones eyes, again, you can have your ass beat.
The silver market doesnt advertise itself whatsoever unless it is to other shady markets similar to itself. The dragons thrive on any source of income, and again will generally take any sort of work that gets them a good chunk of money, And given its underneath plague, they don’t really care if it fucks them up physically-- plague is all abt pushing thru it baby !!!!
I will say, a good bit of insp for what the silver market can look like is taken from the guild dens in Kill Six Billion Demons! its a lot more crowded, but its just a BUNCH of stalls, vendors, etc. trying to get their shit sold, so you’re constantly being approached when traveling thru the primary roads of the burrow. Hence why one would need bodyguards! Because ppl are so used to others just going up to them, those who frequent the burrow might get used to being approached, and just wont question it if someone rushes up on them LMFAO, so having a good guard that’ll protect u is vital if you intend to go there often
There are Backways to get into the burrow, but its really not the most stable at the moment. The burrow is One Big cavern thats been shelled out underneath plague, and the backways are smaller caverns that are considered to be “newer” than the primary cave. There’s several different backway caverns in Phrauge that are all strictly guarded as to make sure normal civilians dont wander in, under the guise of them being unstable or govt. owned caves. Which like, isnt a lie, but at the same time Phrauge really tries not to be too closely associated with the silver market like.           Publicly. 
BUUUT there are two other really big caves connected to the Burrow that inhabit some life. The first being my unnamed obelisk clan that started becoming active when Obelisks were first unearthed In Earth. These obbies are all a bit deformed, theyre all very aggressive towards other dragons, and generally are independent. Feir is trying his hardest to start working with these ladies, but again, theyre very aggressive to those they dont know. This clan is located a LOT further within Plague, right underneath the Quarantine Zone, which is why Feir believes them to be so aggressive/skittish. The trek to this clan is a Very hefty one, which is why theyve only been recently discovered like the other obelisks. Feir and the Private Council of Phrauge is currently trying to map out all of the cave system connected to the Burrow, which is how they ended up running into them.
The Private Council, which i havent even talked abt Anywhere before, is NOT the only ones who know about these obelisks though. The Lucilia is another group in the Burrow that resides in a big cave just out of reach of the usual marketers! And the creators of the Lucilia just happen to be Yagmur’s parents!
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i dont actually have a set of dragons that are Yagmurs parents, but Yagmur themself is very active within the Lucilia with the information that their parents give to them, which is a lot of fucking dirt on the Loral family. (Yagmurs bio is written btw so u can get a bit more detail out of them)
The Lucilia is made up of a LOT of banished/”executed” journalists, officials, and more that had once been apart of Phrauge, or the clans that Phrauge attacked during the War of Flies. They’re very aware of the activity with the hidden Obelisks (and are studying them how they can), and are actually working with Feir and “Xu” (aka Yagmur) in order to get information about the War to the public.
The actual events of the War of Flies is REALLY hidden. So much so that a shit ton of dragons actually had their memories wiped of what happened during the war, because the Gods of Phrauge (not anura!!!!) didnt want to have their business aired out to the rest of sornieth. But! their power only reached so far, so there actually is a few dragons who remember what happened jst bc they managed to be out of the radar of the memory wipe. Feir happened to be one of the people to escape this radar, along with Xanthia, Yagmur, and *if i remember right* Arulo and Alvery. Fortinbras and Valencia also have information about this memory wipe due to their proximity to the government, but bc they have this knowledge theyre in a standstill w the Private Council. its so much
but yeah. the silver market is a really major part of my lore and theres still a lot of aspects i need to develop for it but this is a very general run down. EVENTUALLY, i will have a dedicated bio to it, which is why Silver exists! but um. again. its a lot of information. so while she’ll have a hefty run down, i might have to turn to a dedicated lore tumblr to go into actual depth, somethings might not b allowed on fr LMFAO
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the funny thing is that Yagmur doesnt know xidorn is involved with the market despite u kno, being married to him. but!
Xidorns primary job as most ppl kno is that he’s a cartographer. He’s known as the sole cartographer of phrauge, but because the Private Council is wanting to Map the cavesystem connected to the Burrow, he’s actually working with a proper team to get everything outlined. His job specifically is to get said outline done, while some others refine everything. hes like, the only one willing to go into the caves to get all the detail he possibly can, so he spends a good chunk of time down there. but he’s also mapping out the Malignant Redwood at the same time! he is a busy bitch!
and thats not even the only two things hes doing, despite spending so much time on both of the maps hes working on. He’s Very involved in the Silver Market fighting rings. 
He doesnt have any kind of alt name, he literally jst uses Xidorn, and its kind of a wonder how Yagmur hasnt found out about it yet? but also yagmur is really only worried about the war shit. but yeah he like beats the shit out of people for entertainment, but also, he basically has a whole hitlist. 
He won’t disclose who or what kind of group has hired him, not even to Bawkrya who has recently Found Out about his involvement in the market, but he goes after specific fighters in the ring and straight up kills them during the fights. These fighting rings are SHADY, so killing really isnt off of the table, and because Bawkrya doesnt want to get busted for being in the silver market as well, Xidorn cant really be arrested properly. But also hes like doing a form of justice? its a very grey area for what hes doing, bt he gets away with it.
He does do normal & fair fights within the rings bc again, its for entertainment (not just for the crowds), but no one is really surprised anymore if he murks his opponent in the ring. Bc no one realizes that it’s targeted! Most if not all of the watchers/ringmasters believe it to be bc Xidorn just gets Really Really into fighting his opponent and jst cant hold off from time to time, bc xidorn isnt like, killing these guys back to back. There’s even times where hes fought an opponent multiple times before killing them. So it kind of throws ppl off his trail, bc no one actually cares about genuine track record outside of how many fights theyve won or lost (& xidorn has a high win rate)
Bawkrya and a select few Have picked up on the pattern though, and Bawkrya himself is watching over it really carefully, but so long as Feir isn’t calling out the behavior, he won’t do anything about it. also he likes watching xidorn fight the mf is insane in the ring.
ok that is all i can think of goodbye
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dianounais-fr · 2 months
Clan's lore: Liminal spaces and other Realms
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This forest is said to be a portal that causes visitors to disappear. Those who have passed through the forest without being zapped into another realm have reported rashes, nausea, and feelings of anxiety, along with amnesia and strange dreams. The spooky curved trees that populate the forest just add to the eerie atmosphere.
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Sanzu River
Before reaching the afterlife, the souls of the deceased must cross the Sanzu river, or get corrupted trying to. But who would want to face the horrors of The Fog? The only way to cross the river is via Taran's vessel. It is believed that a toll of six tokens must be paid before a soul can cross the river, or they are fated to roam Sornieth without ever reaching their departed loved ones.
The only people expempt from the dowry are children. Taran doesn't charge them, and make them cross the river safely, protecting them of what lies in The Fog.
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The Fog
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Drifting sands
Liminal spaces are hard to find, especially this one. This perpetual sandstorm is constantly moving around Sornieth, along with everything inside it. Home to nomadic explorers, monster hunters, and horrors beyond this world, getting lost in the Drifting Sands is an almost guaranty, and most dragons entering it have trouble finding their way back. If you’re lucky, you may be able to meet The Guide, but not before you truly need them.
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Forgotten ruins
Outside of time, deep in the Drifting Sands, you can find the Forgotten Ruins. Explore them carefully, as the Ruinkeeper will observe your every movments, making sure you don't take anything from this wretched place. It would be a shame if you released anything strong enough to get past the treshold of the Drifting Sands.
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Warm, but not scorching, bright, but not blinding, Sabledoray is the only place in the moving sands that is somewhat peaceful. Hidden from monsters, lost wanderers and explorers alike find their way here when they need a respite. Golye, the only permanent resident of the Oasis, is here to offer the kind of deals you just can’t refuse, be it material or not. But everything has a price, and you must be ready to pay for it if you want to get out of the Drifting Sands. Don't speak to Kavir.
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terra-tortoise · 1 year
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this is comete! theyre a traveler and lorekeeper. they wrote a book called the wanderer's guide to sornieth and currently they live in gem's rest in dragonhome, having retired from traveling the world. the wanderer's guide is featured in their bio as well as my clan profile as a way to document specific aspects of my lore as they differ from or expand upon site lore, particularly for new locations such as gem's rest itself. their outfit is a work in progress <3
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plus here's the set up for each territories chapter in the bio specifically. it doesnt look as nice on the profile. i think i may keep Just the prologue on my profile. my lair spans all 11 territories bc i love to worldbuild so i cant put just like. "this is my clan" bc my clan is Many clans. idk. i am leaning towards the prologue as a "my lore is this way!" and then the rest of the bio being more me-specific stuff
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Voltaire & Elliar by Renepolumorfous on Flight Rising
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cornsnoot-fr · 5 years
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“Fen isn't exactly all that she seems, however she hides no malignancy. Fen is an example of a deity - a deity of the forest, in her case - who rather amusingly fell victim to boredom. While her obligations to nature are still taken seriously, her drive to live the life of a normal dragon has proven an equally opposing force, as she's chosen to do just that. She tends to avoid discussing the otherworldly aspects of herself though, as she wants to immerse herself into a conventional life as much as possible, though her close friends certainly know more than others about her. Those few dragons have come to learn that she's of the benevolent variety of deity, a protective, warmhearted and elegant Skydancer, though she has her fair share of quirks and oddities. Her friends often forget her higher title, which Fen considers a cue that she's living the life she desperately longed for. Part of that life includes her role within the village, as well. Fen runs the Riverside Inn, a common destination for many either visiting the village, or newcomers who haven't yet gotten a home built. Despite many being completely unaware of the extent to whom Fen is, she's a welcome and appreciated member of the village who quickly found herself a charming reputation.”
i couldn’t decide between her being a literal goddess and a quirky innkeeper, but the nice thing abt OCs is you can do both
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Aribau, a wandering hairdresser/barber/tailor; a woman that's just straight up dangerous with scissors. Speaks in monotone but for some reason it always sounds like she's threatening you. Complains about furred breeds not properly taking care of their fur at least once a day.
can’t believe I found a f mirror that I like. with ringlets to top it off. wth. I love her
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darkfrostclan · 6 years
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Finally gave Aen a makeover... I swear he has lore (and even unfinished art!) despite his empty description
#flight rising#Aen#apparel adventures#darkfrost lore#he got those birdskulls from his alien god demiboyfriend#Cormex#it's a long story that involves his mate Peril on death's doorstep and Cormex (the alien god) becoming one with Peril to save him#also so Cormex can actually interact with like anything on Sornieth#tho it'd been wandering for quite a while before finding someone it could possess without feeling too guilty#and I use possess in the loosest way possible since it's mostly a matter of fusing their minds#so the Cormex from before exists no more than Peril does#and yeah it was pretty awkward after that#but they figured things out#eventually#but ye Cormex is 1000% ready to fight anyone looking to harm Aen#and it will gladly fight any of the other gods from its own world to protect Sornieth from them#sure it wants to defeat the shade but not if it means destroying other worlds in the hopes of maybe taking the shade with it#so Cormex has kinda given up on defeating the shade once and for all and instead wants to focus on protecting sornieth from it as it can#meanwhile IiIRrdv has no intention of seeing Sornieth destroyed either but still seeks to defeat the shade from within#and that's why it's out in the tangled woods recruiting shade-touched dragons#Zrknwr is just trying to get more powerful than all of Sornieth's deities combined#so it wouldn't have to worry about them getting angry about collateral damage to the world in its fight against the shade#Zrknwr is kind of an asshole compared to the other two#i guess being imprisoned on the bottom of the ocean for forever by the people you got to worship you might make anyone a bit grumpy#IiIRrdv#Zrknwr#god squad#i meant to talk about Aen's lore and instead ended up talking about my 3 god ocs#oops
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aberration-abbey · 2 years
Folk Lore
I was supposed to be planting mushrooms today but I got distracted and accidentally wrote a nearly 1600 word short story about flight cultural differences and the stories dragons tell to explain the game mechanics. No content warnings apply, no editing (beyond slight copyediting) we die like men
"Hey Mom? Why does Glacee look different from me?"
Rimaye looked over at her two children, who were huddled together over a book on the floor while she and the older dragons of the clan prepared dinner. Tyndale was staring up at her, four eyes wide with curiosity.
"Glacee's a Tundra dragon like your father," Rimaye said absently. "You and I are Mirrors."
"Yes, but look." Tyndale held up the book, shoving it towards her. Rimaye recognized it as a book on animal babies; her mate's father had given it to them when Glacee and Tyndale had hatched. It was opened to a page showing a litter of owlcat kits. "Baby owlcats are all the same." He flipped through the pages, showing her the illustrations. "And baby chipskinks. And baby miths. And baby foxrats. And baby--"
"Alright, I get it," Rimaye said, laughing. "Why can dragons have two breeds in the same clutch when other creatures can't, is that what you're asking?"
Tyndale nodded emphatically.
"Well, it's a long story," Rimaye said.
"Tell us!" Glacee crowed. "Please?"
Rimaye took a deep breath and began.
"In the earliest days of the Fourth Age, before Mirrors or Tundras, before Nocturnes or Coatls or Pearlcatchers, the gods created dragons to breed true to their kind like any other creature.
"The Gaolers, the Banescales, the Veilspun, the Imperials…all the dragons who lived then could only have children with their own breed and of their own breed. A Spiral could only have Spiral children with a Spiral mate. A Fae could only have children with a Fae.
"Now, Sornieth back then was a war-torn place. The children of the Icewarden and the Flamecaller were always at each other's throats, and borders between flights had not yet solidified. In these days there lived a white-feathered Skydancer, and her name was Brightness.
Brightness had once lived in a thriving clan, but now she traveled alone. Her clan had been wiped out in an attack by Lightning Flight, leaving her to wander without friends or family. She spent many lonely years soaring from village to village, until one day, she met Breeze.
Breeze was a Guardian Searching for his charge, and when he met Brightness, he knew he'd found it. Breeze and Brightness quickly fell in love, and they decided to travel together instead of alone.
The two roamed together for many years, um, through the fall of the Banescales and the retreat of the Gaolers and the Veilspun. They had many adventures which are sung in other tales, but none we have time to share here until one day, Brightness turned to her mate and said, 'I think I would like to have children.'
'That's impossible,' Breeze replied. 'Only dragons of the same breed can have children.'
'I know,' said Brightness, 'but I would like to try anyway.' So the two of them flew to a nearby town where a respected alchemist was said to live, and they asked him if he could make it so they could have children together.
This was in the days before alchemists had discovered even how to change a dragon's patterns, let alone their nature. 'Alas,' the alchemist said. 'Alchemy is powerful, but not as powerful as that. A change like that is something only the gods can bring about.'
Breeze was resigned then to go childless, but Brightness was a stubborn dragon. When she wanted something as badly as she wanted children, there was no end she wouldn't go to to get it. 'The gods, hmm?' And before Breeze could protest they were flying off towards the World Pillar.
Once they arrived at the Pillar, it was short work to find the God of Stone and tell him their tale. 'The mortal dragons of Sornieth cannot solve our problem, but you are a god. Perhaps you could help us?'
The Earthshaker regarded the pair with his ancient, weary eyes, and then shook his massive head. "My magic shapes things in slow, broad changes like a stone smoothed by the river over time. I could set these changes in motion, but they would not come to pass until generations after the earth reclaimed your bones. If you are determined, seek out the Lightweaver. She works faster than I.'
So Breeze and Brightness continued onward, towards the Sunbeam Ruins. After long travel they reached the Beacon of the Radiant Eye and requested an audience with the Shining Goddess.
To their dismay, the attendants at the Beacon told them, 'The Lightweaver is not here right now. If you wait until her return, she may be able to see you.'
So the two dragons waited, discovering as they did that the goddess was out fighting an Emperor that had arisen. Eventually, the Lightweaver returned to her tower, having destroyed the monstrosity. 'Great Lightweaver,' they beseeched, 'we come to you seeking a way that dragons of different breeds can have children together. Mortal alchemists don't have the power for this, and the Earthshaker says he works too slowly. Can you help us?'
The Lightweaver heaved a world-weary sigh. 'My claws are unskilled in the shaping of dragons. The children of my efforts are cursed. Would you be cursed too, little ones?' Seeing their disappointment, she said, 'Fine. If you are determined, seek out the Arcanist. He is more skilled than I.'
So Brightness and Breeze set out across the continent towards the soaring spires of the Crystalspine Reaches. It took weeks of flight, but finally the two reached the Observatory and gained audience with the Starry Wyrm. They repeated their tale, saying, 'Mortal alchemists could not help us, and the Lightweaver and Earthshaker would not. Please, Great One, is there any way that we might have children together?'
The Arcanist took a feather from Brightness and a scale from Breeze. 'Return in five days' time,' he said. 'I will have a solution for you then.'
So the two dragons waited the five days, and then returned to the Arcanist. 'Ah, good, you're back,' he said, and led them to a room wallpapered with complex calculations. 'I've prepared a spell that will accomplish your desires. Two versions, actually. One will only change the two of you--that was the original plan, of course, but I finished that two days early, and it was only a wingbeat's flight from there to a bigger version that would change every dragon on Sornieth. What do you think?'
'Give it to everyone,' Breeze said. 'Let dragons suffer as we have no longer.'
"So the Arcanist cast his spell, and dragons across Sornieth fell into a deep slumber. The Arcanist worked his magic while they slept, and when they awoke, any dragon could have children with any other dragon.
"Brightness laid two eggs soon after, and when they hatched, they were two breeds: a Guardian daughter, and a Skydancer son. Breeze and Brightness and their children were invited to stay at the Observatory, where they were happy and watched the stars forever after. The end."
"That's not how it goes," Diamond said.
"What do you mean?" Rimaye asked, frowning at the glimmering Fae.
"They went to the Gladekeeper, not the Lightweaver."
"Yeah, that's right," said Specter, green eyes glimmering. "And she told them--"
"That changing dragons in that way would be a corruption of nature."
"What? No."
"And so they went to the Scarred Wasteland," Diamond continued, ignoring Specter's protest, "and sought out the Plaguebringer. 'I'm the last of my clan,' Brightness told her, 'and my bloodline will not survive if I cannot have children with this dragon.' So the Mother of Infection brewed a concoction in her tainted cauldron and gave it to Breeze and Brightness.
"'Drink this,' the Plaguebringer said, 'and if you survive you will have what you desire.' So the two dragons drank her concoction, and for three days they were wracked with horrible fevers. But when the fourth day dawned the fever broke, and they got back to their feet. The Plaguebringer told them that they could now have children together, and any dragon they touched would catch the same fever that had given them this ability. And so it spread across Sornieth, and dragons slowly discovered that they could have children together. And Brightness and Breeze hatched their eggs, and they survived as long as any mortal dragon ever could. The end."
"That's creepy," Specter said.
"Of course the Nature dragon thinks it's creepy."
Specter opened her mouth to respond and Rimaye cut her off. "You're all Arcane dragons now, in case you've forgotten. Specter, how do they tell it in Nature Flight?"
"It's a plant, of course. The Gladekeeper grows a great flower, and its pollen blows across Sornieth for months after. Any dragon who breathes it in can have kids with the other breeds."
"Huh." Rimaye turned over to Sunrise, who was quietly deboning fish in the corner. "You want to tell us how the story goes in Light Flight?" Sunrise quickly shook her head, which wasn't a surprise to Rimaye. The young Imperial didn't like to talk much. "Alright then." She looked back at her kids, who were watching the grown dragons bicker in fascination. "I guess the point is, it wasn't always like this, and somehow the gods changed it. I guess every flight tells it differently."
Maybe she could write a paper on that. Had anyone done studies on the differences between the folk stories flights told? Perhaps Rimaye could be the first.
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tinygryphon-58570 · 3 years
Do you have any Centaur OCs?
I DO! \o3o/
My main clan in Wind actually live in Centaur territory, so I do draw them quite a bit when I'm not doodling other-Flight shenanigans ^^
There are two main ones, though!
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This is Elinor, the ruler of the aforementioned territory in Wind! She's one of the only authority figures my progen Tripp will actually listen to and happily obey c':
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And then my Beastclan Earth rep is also a Centaur, of course! Dusty wanders North Sornieth with my other Earth & Plague reps and helps guide travellers across the plains ^^
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screamingsylveon · 1 year
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Vincent Scrying
The sorcerer of the clan.
Wandering from place to place, he was ridiculed for his talent in seeing the past, present and future in crystals and cards. Angry and hurt by this rejection, he searched for a place to finally call home and other dragons which would accept and respect him.
One day he met a fae dragon who was wearing a mask and talked continously about the eleven gods. Vincent joined him on his travels and learned his name was Ray. Ray was about to gather dragons by his side to praise the gods of Sornieth and build a temple.
"Do you see the stars in your crystals?" He asked Vincent one day.
"I can see everything. I can see the stars, planets, suns and moons."
"Join me, friend. We need someone to paint a picture of this beautiful world the Arcanist owns. Other dragons might be too blind to see that, but you aren't like them." Ray looked at him with sympathy. "No, you are like me. Misunderstood in a world far from the glory of our gods."
Vincent wasn't very interested in the gods. What could they do he couldn't? And all those myths Ray was talking about were exactly that... myths.
"I join you." He said at last. "But I want my peace and..."
"Great!" Ray was overjoyed. "Welcome brother! Welcome to the family!"
'Family', Vincent thought. 'Family sounds nice'. He smiled at Ray.
"I'm very grateful, brother."
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