#The WildChild Kingdom
alongwaytostar · 2 years
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Please click on it to see better, the quality is so bad.
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samantabrzozowska · 2 years
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“You are so loved”
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centrally-unplanned · 6 months
The implied "theory of history" of the latest Fantasy RPGMaker "Kingdom Ruling" games I have been playing is always pretty consistent, even if its something of an emergent phenomenon. These games are a narrative, a narrative where the player "inserts" into the story, which means its gonna be a narrative of progress in some form (even if it has ups and downs). The player will "win", and you need a reason why they win and others lose - but in real life people rarely "win" at rulership to the extent these characters do. So how do they pull it off, and what is the implied model?
Good vs Bad People: Very commonly, the duke of this or that duchy is either a good person or a bad person - loyal & virtuous, or corrupt & venial. The problem the kingdom has is that too many unvirtuous folk have risen to the ranks of power.
Note while the above is often explicitly stated, it is also used as a sort of narrative shorthand - have a subplot about illicit slave markets in the capitol city? Replace the implicated mayor with someone you narratively know is good, and so the problem is gone, and you can now ignore it. You can walk away without feeling like you walked away, since Good Person is there to handle it.
Power of Friendship: So where do all of these good people come from? Sometimes its just things like visual coding, we all know what a "good" and "bad" character looks like in a JRPG. But the bread-and-butter is that as the main character you build up a group of friends. Classmates from the Magic Academy, childhood friends, a random barbaric wildchild you seduce with sweets, w/e. You play as them sometimes, they have cute scenes together, become friends, and so on. You get exposed to their personalities and humanity and generally the narrative constructs them as being emotionally invested in the protagonist & plot. And then they & their own families and friends (who get trust by association) can populate out the "bureaucracy" of your country when these problems come up. Obviously they won't take that opportunity to simply pursue their own interest, friends don't do that.
And in particular these aren't regular friends: they are nakama, a band of brothers, forged in the fire of battle and bound by the steel of the sword.
Also sometimes you are boning all of them.
Crisis = Opportunity: And the final piece of the puzzle is the hammer that makes any piece fit: copious amounts of violence! These stories are almost always war stories; primarily of course because in fiction "war is awesome" and it provides a big narrative throughline and all that, but also because that is the justification for the scale & pace of change. You could just take a peaceful-but-corrupt country and start beheading civil servants & nobles, but its a tough sell morally and realism-wise. But have those same people engaging in rebellion, raiding, or other forms of violence, and now they can die on the battlefield - and be undone by clever schemes and the abilities of the heroes as opposed to idk IRS investigations of tax irregularities. It also justifies that nakama as mentioned above, you need a reason to fight and therefore bond. And it confirms one's morality; war is a mirror that shows you the true self; coward, hero, villain, martyr, etc.
On top of that it provides an excuse in reverse, as to why the country had so many "bad" figures in the first place. It was peacetime, they played their game "inside the system" and you can't purge them without breaking the peace.
Okay, so what all that sums to is that this genre's median "theory of history" is that societies decay over time as Bad People populate the ranks of power, and things like crime, poverty, etc come from that decay. Good people could purge that, but too many lost the Game of Politics to the Bads. Eventually of course some crises comes along that breaks the weakened system. This allows for people of talent and good moral virtue to rise to the top again, purge the bad elements, and the arc of combat forges a class of moral leaders who will rule justly into the future.
Now obviously I do criticize the realism of this model - most societal problems are structural, emerging independently of the moral stance of the leaders in question and not amendable to HR reshuffles. It is stridently anti-materialist in a way I must object to. However, its a game, its not trying to be history, I'm not here to bash on that. It is a coherent model - it works! It explains history and its cycles and ebbs in a narratively satisfying way. (and ofc I am simplifying strongly here, it has more elements).
What I do find funny is how intensely Romance of the Three Kingdoms it is. Its an extremely specific outlook on what makes the mettle of a kingdom, how virtue flows from the top, how nations rise and fall in cycles based on that. Which isn't surprising - they are universal-enough themes of course, but the genre is "Japan"-RPGs for a reason. They may all be mainly styled after western fantasy aesthetics but their storytelling conventions come from Japan's own historical fiction literary tradition, which is intensely derived from China's.
But of course this is now a global tradition, most of these games don't come from that ecology of 1980's-1990's JRPG makers clustered around Tokyo & Osaka anymore. The legacy of that influence endures though, due to both a deep cultural history of how these things evolved ("genre staples") and also because the ludology of these games implies certain narrative directions. At this point its what audiences for these games all over "want".
Which, as always, is neat!
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rosedosed · 1 year
Best thing they could do to Ezra in Ahsoka show is make him a funny wildchild-style adult man who is really into Space Free Willy and is still FULLY willing to bite Thrawns head off despite their many years on the road together. Worst thing they could do is pretend Sabine wants to find him for any other reason than My Stupid Idiot Baby Brother Thinks He's Funny Getting Out Of Dishwashing Duty By Martyring Himself To Kingdom Come? Well I'm About To Be HILARIOUS. ABSOLUTE worst thing they could do is still have him with the buzzcut.
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smallchaoscryptid · 2 years
genre ; what's your favorite genre to write? is it the same your favorite genre to read?
so my favorite genre to write is like fantasy, like superheros, monsters, kingdoms far, far away. i also like taking characters from one media and placing them in another like i have a few dsmp wips where i wanna put them in other worlds. when it comes to reading fanfiction i also like to read fantasy but when it comes to like published books ill read just about anything. i actually read and enjoy ya romance books and like informational books.
characters ; is there something you always incorporate into your characters? if so, what is it? (If N/A, then what is your favorite character trait?)
imma put this here before danny comments it but autism. im told i make every character i write really autistic. but like i think i always incorporate bits of myself into every character i write. i think a lot of authors do but to write. sicne i write a lot of sbi i can use them as the best examples like expecially like how smart wilbur and techno are i take bits of how i am smart in ways that fit yheir character and weave it in to flush them out. wilburs eccentricities i take from my own too. tommys wildchildness i take from me when i was younger and a bit more care free. if im not taking bits from myself to round out characters im taking bits of other people to round out characters. it also helps me when im lost on dialouge like "what would [insert friend here] say if this was them?". tbh for me i think thats what makes some of the dynamics i write acurate and believable on top of understanding the character because i also take bits of real actual people into my writting.
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rhyse-ry0t · 1 year
Heading back on the road to shred 🤘
Drumheller tonight for the iron kingdom Pharm tour at the loud as Hell fund raiser
June 30th at Brickwell Taphouse in Calgary
Tickets for the Calgary show at
#metal #roadie #heavymetal #metallife #photo #longhairmen #metalmen #guitarist #bandshirt #aviators #ktx #motorhead #guyswithlonghair #sunny #nwothm #metalguy #singer #metalfashion #metalhead #rocker #punk #headbanger #alternative #metalheadsunite #wildchild #metallkopf #rockon #hornsup #musician #metalforever
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absurdthirst · 4 years
Do you ever write characters in an AU setting? If so, could I please request Oberyn in a Modern!AU? Thank you!! 💙💙
***I don’t know how this turned out...so let me know.
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Y/N was just a housekeeper. Often overlooked by the wealthy patrons of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. It wasn’t hard for them. After all she was just “the help”, to be used or chastised, but never actually treated like a person.
The worst of the abuse had come from the Lannisters, the family that actually owned the hotel. They lived on the top floor and were her employers. The socialite, the “Queen” of high society for NYC, Cersi was the worst of them all. Often she would be ridiculed or harassed for mistakes that others make, receiving a sharp slap if she dared to stand up for herself.
But she couldn't quit. HR would never believe her, the Lannisters were untouchable. And unfortunately they paid just enough to make her grit her teeth and bear it.
Until the day that he checked into the hotel.
The entire staff was abuze over the arrival of Oberyn Martell. The flashy playboy wildchild of the largest rivals of the Lannisters. His staying at their hotel was a pure power play. A way to get under their skin. Martell International was engaged in negotiations to buy one of the Lannister properties, the Seven Kingdom’s Resort in Barbados.
Everyone knew there was bad blood between the families. A nasty history that was whispered about behind hands. A scandal about Oberyn’s sister being killed at a wild party that was thrown by the Lannisters at the exact resort that Oberyn was there to purchase.
The penthouse was supposed to be empty. At least that was what the printoff said. So Y/N had used her keycard and entered the suite.
Champagne bottles and glasses littered every available surface of the suite. Room service had set up a veritable feast on a sideboard, picked halfway clean by those that had partied in the room.
Y/N huffed. She had been given an hour to clean the suite. It would take four or five other people to clean the mess made by spoiled rich brats. But of course they were short staffed today, Cersi had demanded that her little brunch she was throwing for her bitch friends be completely covered. A servant for every single person in attendance. For all forty of those “friends”.
Charlie, the housekeeping manager, had almost cried when the hotel general manager had shuffled 20 of their maids to be pressed into service for the party. He had tearfully begged Y/N to take the executive suites, knowing that she could handle most situations efficiently by herself. So here she was, hands on her hips as she stares at the disaster in front of her.
Y/N growls in annoyance as she wheels the cart further into the suite and gets out the bathroom cleaning tray. It was always easiest to start in the bathrooms and work her way out. She doesn’t knock, there’s not supposed to be anyone where. So when she pushes open the door to the master suite, she gasps in shock.
There are...bodies everywhere. Men, women all naked and intertwined on the massive bed. All of them asleep, save for one.
He’s devilishly attractive. Closer cropped chestnut hair, silver threaded throughout the slightly curly locks. A thin strip of hair lines his jaw, bringing attention to the sharp lines of his face. The aquiline nose sets very nicely with the wide brow and intrigued eyes.
He unfolds his body easily from the rest and stands, unashamed of his nudity. Y/N flushed hotly as the lean and golden skin hypnotized her as he smirked.
“Oh! Mr. Martell, please forgive me. I was told that the suite was cleared for cleaning.” Y/N stammered as her gaze darted to the floor.
Oberyn chuckled as he reached for the bright yellow silk robe that was draped carelessly over one of the suite's many overstuffed chairs. He shrugged it on and tied it loosely as he picked up a silver cigarette case that was adorned with an intriguing symbol. A sun with a spear. The same symbol that adorned all of the Martell International holdings.
“My dear, I did not realize the Lannisters would be so brazen in their attempt to sway me.” His eyes flickered over her briefly as he took out a cigarette and put it to his lips. The light flared to life as he lit the smoke and took a deep breath, inhaling the smoke.
“But I must say, they know exactly how to tempt me.” He comments as he blows the smoke out, smirking at the NO SMOKING sign that was right by his head before turning back to her.
She didn’t understand why he wasn’t yelling, cursing her for interrupting his interludes and sending her away. Threatening to have her fired, something that she heard at least three times a day.
Instead, Oberyn walked closer to her. Only it was more like sauntered, or stalked. Either way, she knew that a predator had her in his sights. His eyes were alight with mischief as he reached out and lightly trailed a finger down her arm.
“Feel free to join us. You look like you hate the Lannisters as much as I do. ” He quipped. “You will do just nicely.”
Y/N couldn’t deny that Oberyn Martell was intriguing. A shiver ran through her body at the wicked delight that was promised in his chocolate eyes.
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thehollowprince · 4 years
Nanny, Orphan-Maker and Wildchild died in Arakko, not Otherworld. They just used Otherworld as a bridge to get there. They should be resurrected fine
Okay, so here's where I'm confused about the whole situation.
From my understanding, as in what I picked up from the origin story we were given, was that once there was just one land, that being Okkara. Back in the day, an enemy of mutantkind (heavily implied to be Annihilation) used the Twilight Sword to split the land in two - Krakoa and Arakko.
To stop the demon hoardes of Amenth, which was opened when the land was split, Genesis and her children took their mutants and the whole land of Arakko to Amenth, leaving Apocalypse behind to seal the gate. Once there, Arakko was part of Amenth and as we got closer to the X of Swords event, Arakko, now under the sway of Annihilation and Amenth, conquered the kingdom of Dryador, which is in Otherworld. That's why Famine and Pestilence were representatives of Dryador when Saturnyne invited everyone to the tournament. Sort of like how Jamie and Brian were from Avalon.
My understanding was that Arakko moved to Dryador and was thus in Otherworld when the whole tournament took place, which is why I just assumed that the Resurrection Protocols wouldn't 100% apply to them.
But I very much could have missed something. There was a lot going on in Marvel.
I'm still holding onto hope that Wild Child will show up and reveal Sinister's treachery, but the chances of that are very slim.
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prochnostpromo · 4 years
can you tell a bit more about the already taken characters?
UM, yes!!! Absolutely! Here’s a teaser of my messy, chaotic son Ryker:
God didn’t make you. You made you. And God certainly had no hand in the game. God didn’t play cards. But, you did. And what a goddamn masterpiece of a game you’ve woefully spun. You’ve carefully woven everyone into this work of art with each delicate stroke of the brush, haven’t you? And, fuck, if it wasn’t fun. It was almost savory; to see how your muses writhe and squirm in terror, or perhaps delight, on the canvas. But even as you make the world shriek and turn, you never thought you’d find yourself trapped in your own vicious games. You never thought you’d get so much bloody delight from getting your hands dirty rather than simply watching your world burn. But wasn’t that inevitable? The gamemaker always gets caught up in his own games. The real fun will be in seeing how long he lasts.
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And here’s a teaser of my absolute wildchild Evelina:
You’re a survivor. You’ve experienced and withstood tragedy and has it certainly left its mark upon you; especially with your distrusting and suspicious nature. The scars of your past have coiled ever so tightly around yourself as protection; ever ready to rear its head as it has transformed you into a lethal weapon. One that is fearsome and to be wary of. Yet despite the work you’ve done for the Reapers, people whisper can you truly be trusted, and do you even know yourself where your own allegiances truly lie? You’ve learnt from the streets self-preservation at its best — to look out for number one, and to leave others in the dust. But is that all there is to you? Or is there a part of you beneath the surface that desires for something more in this life, to have a sense of stability and perhaps even a true home? Time will only tell.
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I’m late to the party but alas, let me talk about my slightly less messy girl, Theresa. 
Born into darkness, you were expected to be a beam of light anyway, to be lovely and engaging and brilliant. They didn’t anticipate that a child born into the dark would want to claim it as her own, her home. So, as you tried to take just a tiny part of the kingdom of shadows, you were reprimanded for your actions, told that none of this was yours to part take in. You were just the princess, this was not your place to be in. It might have been the first time they denied you anything and maybe they should have done so much earlier because now you weren’t ready to let go of it just like that. Trying to take what you considered to be yours by force ended in tragedy, as you packed your things and left. It was not the darkness you left behind but rather those holding you back, setting sails for new beginnings and determined to find a place in the shadows that would be just yours. 
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alongwaytostar · 2 years
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Love those muscles tan jodidamente mucho.
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bluestrawberryradio · 3 years
[🥁 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT ON FRIDAY 25 🥁] 🍓Hey Guys, . 🥁Welcome to Blue Strawberry Live Show. I’m @michele_santorsola_ and i’m so happy to be here! . Drums and Artists, Influences my life in a circle of riff, music and hot percussions . In this episode i’ll play some drums over classic house music tracks from: WildChild, @harryromeroofficial , @johnsongram and more! . Check my last performance and Don’t Forget to Subscribe, “Drum” the Like Button and Enjoy! . . . . #bluestrawberryradio #MicheleSantrosola #MicheleSantorsolaLive #BlueStrawberryLiveShow #MicheleSantorsolaBlueStrawberryLiveShow #drumset #drumsdrumsdrums #percussionset #liveperformance #liveperformances #percussion #percussionis #electronicdrums #drums #drummer #rolandoctapad #liveset #livedrums #livepercussion #liveperformer #drumlife #housemusic #housemusiclovers #housemusicalllifelong #housemusicallnightlong #housemusiclive #classichousemusic #classichouse #classichousemusic #classichouses (presso London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQdqx1Oq1tA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fromme20 · 3 years
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- We are one! 💋 #weareone #wildchild #harleyquinn #sabadou #geekgirl (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/COD_CzXFkx0/?igshid=16f5yqkyyfif3
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The circumambulation of the Ka-ba (cube) at Mecca is a symbolic ritual related to the concept of Squaring of the Circle
Robert Lawlor, Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice (via didanawisgi) #bookrecommendation BTW
Written on the walls of Luxor Temple in Egypt
.“The kingdom of heaven is within you; and whosoever shall know himself shall find it.”
If you think I just sell tits ass and tantra
Hahahaha oh my love
Your heart is weighed against a feather
And lighter than a feather it can be ..what makes it heavier is a wasted life
What do you think is a wasted life?
If not a life when you did not ...NOT get to live your purpose..no.....nope not that ..simpler.
🕊️🙏♥️Not get to know thyself
365 days over and over round n round the sun and how many years ..?
I say to the sky
I know
I know
I release
I let go
For this be your show
And when 2 become 1
That be where it's at
That be where the Love is at
That is when true love is born.
That be the release of it all
Not just ego
Hush hush
Let it speak
Let it
classes not for anything but to introduce you to .....to the big show.
The snake
The force
... something that can not be labeled it defined
Shamanic tantra
The lobes of that brain.the lower brain
The hormones
The pituitary
The grid
www shaktidurgahealingarts.com
In person Past life regression
Spiritism journey to those crossed over
Energetic reading and massage
Shamanic breath
In #centralflorida for eye therapies & till borders open to gringos ..catch me now
Otherwise pura vida
Yes I must do another IG video TV deal
My rebel heart really isn't in need to be seen
Because I see
I see but I will chat it off soon
(Although right eye is figgy loss of a bit of vision. But I see what I have to and that's all that matters.
Do you? Do you? See
Got my Doors on #Sundayvibes
#life # purpose
#empowered #men #women #feedyourhead #soulfood #lifestyle #wildchild #vision #visionary #artoflife #radicalselfacceptance #music #soul #motion #dance of Life
#instamood #mood
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suiriswhite · 7 years
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Hidden Paradise 🌿 Reality is that this wasn't really a hidden place. However, you can always use your fantasy imagining that you're in the middle of the jungle, on some exotic island, in the mountains,.. just wherever you wanna be.✨ And if it's Middle Earth or The Seven Kingdoms, let your mind wander there, let your imagination run free.🐉 . . . #nature#naturesbeauty#forest#natureheals#sky#clouds#neverstopexploring#wildheart#wildchild#freespirit#adventure#flowers#trees#outdoor#city#citylife#architecture#urban#rural#animals#selflove#selfacceptance#positivity#meditation#beautifulinyourownway#depression#livinginthemoment#realtalk
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metalshockfinland · 5 years
TOMORROW IS LOST Announce New Album "Therapy", Out March 13th, Release New Video 'Wildchild'
TOMORROW IS LOST Announce New Album “Therapy”, Out March 13th, Release New Video ‘Wildchild’
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United Kingdom NWOCR / alternative-metal rockers TOMORROW IS LOST will release their new full-length album entitled Therapy on March 13, 2020 via Eclipse Records. The album was produced by Dave Boothroyd (Phil Campbell [Motorhead], Don Broco, The Bastard Sons) at 6db Studios, was mastered by Jon Astley (Judas Priest, The Who, The Rolling Stones) at Close To The Edge, and the album’s artwork was…
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memoriesofasinger · 5 years
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By @lumierephotography.co.uk #fashionphotography #badass #badasswomen #red #redhairstyle #leatherjacket #outfitideas #styleoftheday #highwaistedjeans #model #portrait #globe_people #feature_portraits #editing #retouching #portraitpage #bristolmodels #fashion #portrait_shots #bullet #rebel #wildchild (at Bristol, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Ql2e6J7Ux/?igshid=stxkjbb0ahjg
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