#The X-Files 4X11
bisexualfbiagents · 10 months
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It makes perfect sense, Mulder. Admit it. You fell for it. Your "Fortean Event" turned out to be nothing more than the oldest story in the world. Two men. One woman. Trouble.
Dana Scully in El Mundo Gira (4.11)
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emilylprentiss · 2 years
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Dana Scully the x files. 4x11.
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spnscripthunt · 10 months
"You know we want to make an episode like the X-Files' 'Home.' Let's make an episode that the network will air once and then people will complain so much they'll never air it again."
- Eric Kripke, February 2009 issue of Sci Fi Magazine
Family Remains story arena
Family Remains script (Yellow Collated)
Casting sides for Brian Carter
Casting sides for Danny Carter
Casting sides for Kate Carter
Casting sides for Susan Carter
The X-Files - 4x03 (aired as 4x02) Home
Q. Did you have any sense that what you were doing might be controversial?
A. Wong: We were obligated to do four episodes that season, and we thought this was the most down-the-middle, straightforward "X-Files" of all of them. As it turns out it, it was one they never repeated until several years later.
Q. What was the rationale?
A. Wong: I think it had to do with the incest.
Q. There was also the buried baby in the opening scene.
A. Wong: Originally it was obviously alive when they buried it, but we changed it a little bit because it was too harsh. It was inspired by this book called "Dark Nature."
Morgan: It was about, is nature moral?
Wong: Nature is pretty heartless.
Morgan: So we had this family of human beings act as nature does. When the bird is sick, the mother kicks it out of the nest. Everybody seems to think that's fine and they love birds. But if a human does it, you get banned from TV.
Source: Egneroct, Jeremy. 2015. 'X-Files' Writers Recall the Show's Most Disturbing Episode. The New York Times, October 30.
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | El Mundo Gira (4x11)
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The flame from the lantern danced around the wooden ceiling of the shack while the neighbors gathered around to hear the story of his encounter with El Chupacabra. 
The children eagerly whispered amongst each other as they sat cross-legged on the ground, anticipation momentarily distracting them from their empty stomachs. It seemed that their parents were doing too good of a job assuaging the children’s fears, for if they turned around and looked at the worried faces of the adults lining the perimeter of the room, they might realize the danger lurking outside.
Juan would have to take care of that himself. With a resigned sigh, he stood up on a small apple crate they were using as a makeshift podium, and the room fell silent as all eyes looked towards him.
“God said the Devil would come to man under the guise of a cloven-footed beast. There have been tales of goats standing on hind legs so they could look man in the eye.” Juan took a shaky breath before asking, “But what was it we found in the field lying dead next to Maria?”
“A goat,” someone whispered.
He nodded severely, repeating, “A goat.”
His voice felt loud in the confined space, and he felt perspiration at his brow from the heat of all the bodies warming the room. He wasn’t used to having this much attention on him. In fact, this might have been the first time someone cared what he had to say in years. It felt good to have his community hanging off of his every word, so he pushed down his discomfort and continued his story. “Those who have claimed God was speaking of a goat were fools lucky enough to have never known true evil. They are just servants, there to do Evil’s bidding.”
“The only reason Maria was on the hilltop was because she was following a goat,” his elderly neighbor added, supported by several hushed affirmations.
“Exactly, because that’s what El Chupacabra wanted, and then he killed them both,” he responded.
At the simple mention of El Chupacabra, the shack erupted in a cacophony of worry, as if merely saying the name might summon the beast. 
“He’s going to kill us too.”
“What if he comes back?”
It was easy to get lost in the sea of panic, and Juan knew he had to get their attention again before he was drowned out. More forcefully than before, he shouted, “That’s why we screamed and prayed when la migra brought him to us.”
His plan worked, and the crowd settled down, shushing each other. “We could hear him talking to la policía from our cells. Eladio spoke with man’s tongue to spread the lies of the Devil, but we weren’t fooled, we could hear the truth beneath his deceit.”
“What did he say?” 
“He said he stood atop that hill waiting for Maria. That he lured that poor girl so he could devour her soul,” he exaggerated. His chest felt heavy when Maria’s cousin wailed, but his skin was thrumming like an electrical current under the rapt attention of his audience and he couldn’t stop. “Maria kissed the Devil’s friend and he ripped her lips off her very mouth.”
“Why didn’t la policiá put a stop to this madness?” Flakita cried.
“They tried, but Eladio outsmarted them,” he sighed, rubbing his beard thoughtfully. “When we were being transported, they tried to put him on the bus with us, but we cried out! No, la migra! El Chupacabara!  He will kill us! Please, won’t you spare us?”
He paused interruptions and took the time to come up with what to say next. “Looking at Eladio was like looking at a wolf wearing sheep’s clothing that didn’t quite fit right. He was hunched over as if he was in pain. His skin was pale and sweaty like the exertion of pretending to be human was too much for his body to maintain anymore.”
“How did he get off the bus?” a young boy asked. A vein in Juan’s temple pulsed in frustration as the kid rushed his story. 
“After we begged and pleaded for la migra to keep him away from us, they let him sit in the passenger seat. We all were afraid to breathe, we didn’t want to do anything that might draw Eladio’s attention to us. All we could do was sit there and listen to Eladio whimpering and begging to go to the hospital.”
“Why the hospital?” a voice called out.
“Probably because it would be filled with weak prey for him to feast on,” another replied.
Ignoring them, Juan continued, “Eventually the driver couldn’t take it anymore, and he turned on the radio. That’s when things went bad.”
He rubbed the back of his head and stared at the floor, letting the tension build as he formulated the climax of his story. Truth be told, it smelled like someone farted, then the driver started coughing and crashed the car. There wasn’t much room to see into the bed of the truck, so he was really going to have to fill in some blanks.
“It’s okay, Juan.”
“Take your time, buddy.”
“Remember how much Maria loved Selena?” he asked softly. The whole room nodded. “As soon as la migra turned on the radio, Bidi Bidi Bom Bom started playing and Eladio lost it. A foul odor seeped through the truck and the driver started choking and gasping for air while Eladio screamed.”
He took a shaky breath and covered his face with his hands for dramatic effect while anxious whispers filled the room. “The next thing we knew, the truck stopped and the driver was dead. We knew the federales were following behind us, and we only had a few moments to escape. We were able to break free from the truck and we ran without looking back!”
“Did El Chupacabra follow you?”
“No,” Juan shook his head, “But heed my warning. He is out there, and he isn’t done yet.”
Read the rest of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on Archive of Our Own!
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irryne · 2 years
Scully's look, addressed to Mulder and called "this weirdo talks about complete nonsense, but that's why I love him"
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moiraiinesedai · 2 years
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THE X-FILES | El Mundo Gira (4x11)
— don’t you just love it when your favorite shows collide?
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television-overload · 5 months
More NCIS / X-Files stuff no one asked for:
Matching Episode Titles:
"Unusual Suspects" - TXF 5x03 and NCIS 20x15
"Detour" - TXF 5x04 and NCIS 10x16
"Chimera" - TXF 7x16 and NCIS 5x06
"Requiem" - TXF 7x22 and NCIS 5x07
"Patience" - TXF 8x03 and NCIS 12x19
"End Game" / "Endgame" - TXF 2x17 and NCIS 7x07
Super Close:
TXF 1x8 "Ice" and NCIS 3x19 "Iced"
TXF 6x02 "Drive" and NCIS 4x11 "Driven"
Special Mentions:
NCIS 1x17 "The Truth Is Out There"
NCIS 5x03 "Ex-File"
TXF: Fallen Angel
NCIS: Angel of Death, Better Angels
TXF: Blood, Bad Blood
NCIS: Bloodbath, Flesh and Blood, Blood Brothers, Blood and Treasure, Blood in the Water
TXF: Deadalive
NCIS: Left for Dead, Dead Man Talking, Dead and Unburied, Dead Man Walking, Bury Your Dead, Dead Reckoning, Dead Air, Dead Reflection, Dead Letter
TXF: The Jersey Devil
NCIS: Devil's Triangle, Devil's Trifecta, Devil's Triad
TXF: Fire, Firewalker
NCIS: Playing with Fire, Friendly Fire, On Fire
TXF: Young at Heart, Paper Hearts
NCIS: Heart Break, Heartland, Lonely Hearts
TXF: Home, Home Again
NCIS: Hometown Hero, Homesick, Homefront, Home of the Brave
TXF: Kill Switch, Surekill
NCIS: One Shot One Kill, Kill Ari (1 & 2), Road Kill, Kill Screen, Kill Chain, Dressed to Kill, Kill the Messenger
TXF: Beyond the Sea
NCIS: Seadog, High Seas, Lost at Sea
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cas---2y5 · 27 days
spn details i love:
4x11 Family Remains, an episode very much inspired by X Files 4x2 Home, actually uses the same house as the X Files episode
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left: spn 4x11, right: X Files 4x2
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mvalana · 5 months
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The X-Files 4x11 El Mundo Gira
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enigmaticxbee · 4 years
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✖️✖️ 4x11 El Mundo Gira
The one where... migrant workers think the chupacabra is killing people but really it’s a fungus infection.
Best: Well, I give the episode credit for trying something!
Worst: Playing with the telenovela tone/storyline was an interesting idea but it... does not work for me.
❌ Flashlights
❌ Woods
❌ Slideshow
✔️ Autopsy
❌ Evidence Disappears
❌ Scully Misses It
❌ Mulder Ditch
✔️ Sunflower Seeds
❌ Voiceover
❌ Catch Phrase
✔️ Scully is a Medical Doctor
❌ Mulder is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
❌ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
❌ Casual Scully
❌ Casual Mulder
✔️ Trench Coats
❌ Bad Tie Watch
❌ Glasses Watch
50 States: California x5 (34/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 61%
❌ Bechdel Test: The only conversation between two named female characters is about a man.
MSR: 🐝🐝
Goriness: 👽👽👽
Creepiness: 👽👽
Humor: 👽👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
The rapidly growing fungus is pretty creepy and gross but the tone of the episode is very campy so it doesn’t feel very threatening.
They really thought this extraterrestrial “alien” vs illegal “alien” idea was clever didn’t they.
Scully’s like fools who believe in foolish superstitions, yup checks out.
Scully sass is strong this episode - I don’t think he’s going anywhere re: the corpse.
Scully: The aliens in this story are not the villains, they’re the victims. Mulder’s in. to. it.
Mulder: Scully, I’ve been thinking. I know that’s dangerous but just bear with me...
Episode-Related Fanfic Recs:
El Mundo Gira by @30xf . Scully enjoys a little downtime with her brother Charlie. Mexican goat suckers come up. As well as a little prodding about her work partner.
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scullydubois · 5 years
thoughts on El Mundo Gira (4x11)
Written by John Shiban     Directed by Tucker Gates
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Spanish subtitle time
The goats! The goats are escaping!
The water? It’s yellow.
“Purple rain?” “Yeah, great album.”
Fancy Spanish music!
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El chupacabra! Oh boy!
“Two men. One woman. Trouble.”
Love triangle!! Let’s do it!
“They have to make up these fantasies just to keep on going. To stay alive.” Same though
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It’s gross like that
Too bad my three years of high school Spanish aren’t helping at all
Kinda zoned out there for a second, subtitles would have kept me more engaged
The body had a fungal infection? Yikes.
“I think the aliens in this story are not the villains. They’re the victims.”
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Cute color on the bus
Not so cute body
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He’s got his yeehaw hat on
Scully’s gotta do the science stuff while Mulder’s gonna handle the Scooby Doo side of it
The body has athlete’s foot?
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Ew oh my god
Hiding in a port-o-potty...now that’s the move
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Dying in a port-o-potty...not the move!
Scully admitted that Mulder’s right, and then he posed another argument to change his argument to make it alien
Did they find the guy they’ve been looking for? I think so
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He rolled under that truck like no biggie
They’re really letting him walk around the market like that…
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I’m assuming he’s waiting for the girl because she works there
It’s all about the love triangle huh
Calm down man
The lighting is A+
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Chupacabras or aliens? Who can say?
As my sister just said, Thanos is looking real weird
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“And this enzyme came from where?” “Outer space.”
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Consensus: Interesting that they played off a fable. Not the worst, not the best.
3 out of 5 stars
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agentelmo · 6 years
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Mulder, ever the loyal Prince fan.
11x07 -  Rm9sbG93ZXJz | 4x11 El Mundo Gira
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imbradpitt · 2 years
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The X-Files
4x11 El Mundo Gira 
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Season Four Master Post
Season four is one of the most beloved seasons of The X-Files, and we had a lot of fun exploring the background characters that helped make it so special!
Check out this thread to see all the characters we got to meet this season!
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Herrenvolk (4x01) | X
No one would remember him, and if they did, they would struggle to remember a name they were never told. The memory of his existence would remain occluded by the shadows he lived in.
Home (4x02) | Sheriff Andy Taylor
For protection, his father had said, as he pressed the unfamiliar cold metal into Taylor’s warm hand. To keep your family safe.
To keep your home safe.
He shuts the drawer. He isn’t ready for this reality, not now. Not yet.
Teliko (4x03) | Special Agent Sean Pendrell
With them, it was never something simple. It was a computer chip so fragile he could barely study it. It was a complex string of numbers and letters tracking a smallpox vaccination program for reasons he couldn’t even begin to fathom.
This was what he went to school for.
Unruhe (4x04) | Gerry Schnauz
Gerry knew she needed his help the moment they met. There was a howler inside of her head — a black mass invading her body and mind.
The Field Where I Died (4x05) | Melissa Rydell Ephesian
Melissa struggled with the idea of reincarnation, but dared not show it. And as it turned out, a broken link in the chain of her faith led to more broken links.
When she first saw Vernon hurt a child, the chain shattered.
Sanguinarium (4x06) | Dr. Theresa Shannon
The face on the computer had looked just like Jack, but that had to be impossible. The science of surgery hadn’t come that far. To spread the eyes further apart, change features completely… and besides, she knows him. Knows the person he is…
Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man (4x07) | Albert M. Godwinkle
All Albert M. Godwinkle wants today is to read a halfway decent manuscript that puts a smile on his disgruntled face. Today is not that day.
Tunguska (4x08) | Alex Krycek
If looks could kill, Alex would be a dead man. But he thrives off this, off making Mulder squirm. It’s just so fucking easy.
Terma (4x09) | Senator Albert Sorenson
He was a staunch proponent of holding insubordinate witnesses in contempt when the court was not being respected, and no one, not even a government employee, was immune to that.
Paper Hearts (4x10) | Addie Sparks
The little girl he loves is gone, and she is never coming back.
Just like me.
El Mundo Gira (4x11) | Migrant Worker
At the simple mention of El Chupacabra, the shack erupted in a cacophony of worry, as if merely saying the name might summon the beast.
Leonard Betts (4x12) | Michele Wilkes
Even through the panic she felt screaming through her that nothing about this was okay, she felt a moment of relief wash over her. Maybe it had all been a dream. Maybe her partner hadn’t died while she was at the wheel.
Never Again (4x13) | Ed Jerse
Deadbeat. Loser. Failure.
He’s heard it all, and he has had enough. No one humiliates Ed Jerse anymore. No, not now. Never again.
Memento Mori (4x14) | Kurt Crawford
What is destined for a creature borne of fluid and test tubes, guided by the hands of cruel men?
Kaddish (4x15) | Ariel Luria
Someone else’s hatred had taken her true love away. Just like that, in an instant, like it was nothing. But it was not hatred that led her to the gravesite that stormy night.
Unrequited (4x16) | Special Agent Kent Hill
Hill slides in his earpiece, watching as their eyes lock. His wife would call it eavesdropping, but as he steps closer, tilting his head just right to better hear their hushed voices, Hill simply calls it satisfying a long-standing curiosity.
Tempus Fugit (4x17) | Bartender
The man tried to fluff the pink ball back into shape after presumably squashing it in his pocket. “The woman I came in with— it’s her birthday, and she loves these things. I was wondering if there was any way you could ask someone in the back to put it on a plate and bring it out to her?”
Max (4x18) | Sharon Graffia
Sharon Graffia isn’t a liar. She’d only done what she needed to in order for people to believe her. All she’s ever wanted was someone to believe her.
Synchrony (4x19) | Jason Nichols
Naïveté and a complete lack of understanding of the consequences of their work had been their downfall. But how could they have known?
Small Potatoes (4x20) | Eddie Van Blundht
It didn’t take him long to realize he’d initially misread the situation when he saw them at the clinic. Based on the look Dana Scully shot him when he tried to hold her hand at the airport, he knew he was navigating territory Fox Mulder had yet to conquer.
Zero Sum (4x21) | Billy
He slowly twisted his neck to the right, and was horrified by the sight before him. In the next bed over was David from his class, his face covered in gross red bumps. He looked dead.
Billy didn’t know what else to do. He started crying.
Elegy (4x22) | Lauren Heller
She had an exam in the morning. Her mother’s birthday was the following weekend. She had plans.
Demons (4x23) | Amy Cassandra
As she speaks, the deep wound in her skull throbs, reminding her that that was true, until weeks ago when she’d traded the nightmare of one penetrating drill with the reality of another.
Gesthemane (4x24) | Father McCue
Her faith had come from God, yes… but it had also come from another, less expected source. Perhaps it still did.
Stay tuned for more perspectives coming in Season Five!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
We spend so much time deliberating and chatting about who to use in a given episode or where certain characters would be best utilized in the series, and we'd love to hear any opinions or predictions you might have! Do you have a favorite minor character? What episodes do you think would be best for our favorite recurring characters? Your feedback is one of the most enjoyable parts of this project (and sometimes hearing other perspectives can help inform the decisions we have to make). - @admiralty-xfd, @fridaysat9, @monikafilefan, and @gaycrouton
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soundsofmyuniverse · 3 years
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Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully in The X-Files «El Mundo gira» 4x11
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fandom-fandom · 3 years
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10 Days of Christmas - Recap
I actually challenged myself to to do this on the 15th and needed to start posting on the 16th, so really proud that I did it. Thanks everyone who followed along!
1 - JAG 5x11 Ghosts of Christmas Past
2 - The X-Files 6x6 How the Ghosts Stole Christmas
3 - The Golden Girls 2x11 T’was the Night Before Christmas
4 - Gilmore Girls 1x10 Forgiveness and Stuff
5 - JAG 4x11 Jaggle Bells
6 - Bones 1x9 The Man in the Fallout Shelter
7 - Supernatural 3x8 A Very Supernatural Christmas
8 - Madam Secretary 2x10 The Greater Good
9 - NewsRadio 2x10 Xmas Story
10 - Gilmore Girls 2x10 The Bracebridge Dinner
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