#The conqueror
kowai-kabuki-tanuki · 5 months
I, uhh, did some storyboard practice using a scene I wrote. Yeah, it’s a prequel to a prequel. I think I sort of figured out how to draw Skeksis characters but Mystics remain impossible to me.
Here’s some frames I think were fun on their own:
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I have so many ideas floating around in my head about this so please feel free to comment or DM me!
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pythiaswine · 11 months
"Hamilton mourned him passionately, and never ceased to regret him. He was mercurial only among his lighter feelings. The few people he really loved were a part of his daily thoughts, and could set his heartstrings vibrating at any moment. Betsey consoled, diverted, and bewitched him, but there were times when he would have exchanged her for Laurens."
"The Conquerer Being The True and Romantic Story of Alexander Hamilton," Gertrude Franklin Atherton.
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drakefromfortnite · 3 months
Aegon Targaryen Is The Best Monarch In Westerosi History
In The 7 Kingdom's 300-year history, there has been a semblance of kings that can be considered the greatest. The consensus option is Jaehaerys I, but I would like to argue that its first monarch, Aegon The Conqueror, is the best one.
Apart from conquering the whole continent, I believe his efforts to preserve the realm he forged are more important than Jaehaerys's reforms which undoubtedly made the 7 kingdoms what they are today. Aegon's conquest brought 7 kingdoms but also 7 different cultural groups together, Aegon made efforts to unite them all into one entity even as a foreigner and a subjugator. He went on many royal progresses, accepted the faith of the seven into the Targaryen dynasty, and compiled many men from different parts of the realm, at the same time he brokered political marriages between other noble houses strengthening the unity between them, he also had many construction projects and develop King's Landing into a prosperous city.
Though Jaehaerys's feats are undeniable his best feat as a king is a road, Aegon's is a realm.
"My father was only nine-and-thirty. He had it in him to be a great king, the greatest since Aegon The Dragon. Why would the gods take him, and leave you? Begone with you, Ser Duncan. Begone."
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hollywoodlady · 1 year
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Susan Hayward on location during filming for 'The Conqueror', directed by Dick Powell, Utah, 1955. The film was released in February 1956.
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Tell us weird theories/speculation among Insomnia's population about What Happened When The Conqueror Went To Galahd.
Hello and welcome to another episode of Historia Antiqua. A podcast where we dissect anecdotes, happenings and people from ancient history. The grotesque, the mysterious, the mundane, the well known and the unknown. Everything goes.
My name is Falco and today I have something very special prepared for you.
Maybe some of you listeners - depending on when you are listening to this - have already heard of this. If so, welcome! I hope you will learn something new from this as well.
So what are we talking about today? Well, we are going to talk about a man named Firmus Lucis Caelum. You may better know him as the Conqueror and 10th King of Lucis.
'But hold on', I can hear you say, 'we already know everything about this man' - well, you're wong. What I will talk about today currently has near every scholar of antique history up in a tizzy. I think one of the old scolars got so upset his wig fell off. It was great.
But before we get into the meat of things, let's first talk about what we know about dear old Firmus. A refresher, if you will. And maybe you will learn something new as well. You never know.
Who was Firmus Lucis Caelum? We all know him for his epithet. The Conqueror. So let's start there. What did he conquer? The answer to that is most of the Lucian continent.
Before his reign, Lucis was barely more than all of Cavaugh and a few territories along the Leidean coast. After he died, his son inherited a Kingdom that stretched from Cavaugh all the way to Ravatogh. The land north of the mountain was still its own kingdom by that point, but that's not important right now.
What is important is that a single man's ambition more than tripled the size of a kingdom in about a generation's time. Which is very impressive. According to anecdotal history, the moment Firmus brought Ravatogh under his rule, the Draconian gave him his epithet The Conqueror. Before that he was actually known as The Elementrist.
Side tangent: If you ever come across a certain consirancy theory telling you that The Elementrist is a missing King of Lucis that we erased from history, no, there wasn't. It's just Firmus. I cannot stress enough how that is just Firmus's first epithet. Yes, I'm talking to you, Constantia.
Where were we? Ah, yes. Firmus came very close to giving Lucis its modern borders. Which begs the question: Why? Why conquer nigh on a whole continent? No one just wakes up one morning and chooses violence on that scale.
The answer to that question is 'A Divine Decree'. For all that don't know: the Devine Decree is a document written by the Conqueror himself, detailing that his conquest is in accord with the Devine Will of the Astrals. It's a very... interesting read. Sadly, not all of it survived to this day. Part of it got burned when the Old Palace burnt down during the time of The Rogue.
Some people were very upset back then about women being Kings. Let me tell you.
If you are interested in the finer details of what we do have from the Divine Decree, I'll leave a link on my mog-page along with all other sources I have consulted for this episode.
What else we have on written record of the Conqueror is very sparce. Most of what we do know, comes from a man named An Inarim - a Leidean historian who lived around that time - and he wasn't exactly Firmus's biggest fan. For very good reasons as well. According to what we have of his books, Firmus had a very salt-the-earth mentality when a town didn't surrender before he killed their leaders. Among varuous other things. An Inarim also called Firmus a religious fanatic, which was a very bold claim to make at the time.
By now some of you might be wondering what the point of all of this is. Well, that's simple: Some weeks ago a young man named Ianus Veter walked into the Grand University of Insomnia with an old diary he found in his grandparents' attic. The contents of which are so monumental that they will change how we write history.
Yes, you heard that right. A nearly 2000 year old diary is the reason you have seen that funny little picture of old Scolar Lampas loosing his wig circling around the net.
In all seriouslness though, this diary is a milestone in researching ancient history and how we think about it. Especially wen it comes to one tiny detail. A hint to answering the qustion of what happened to the Black Fleet.
Through the tenth book of the Lucis Caelum Cycle - which is what the bools of An Inarim are called - we know that the Black Fleet was built as a part of the Divine Decree, though that part of the document has been lost to time and flame. It was completed somewhen around 427 AS, though some sources also mention the years 424 and 429. We know for sure however, that it set sail in 431 AS. Inarim is quite insistent on that detail.
What we don't know what happened to the fleet after that. All we know through the Lucis Caelum Cycle and a few surviving written pieces in Insomnia, is that only three ships returned, maybe around the year 433 AS. No one can say for sure.
What happened to the fleet has been a mystery ever since. Firmus himself hasn't been very vocal about it. As far as we know, at least. He must have said something, since the vanishing of a whole fleet, ships and crew and all, cannot have been without consequences. Sadly, no sources survived to this day.
This is where the diary comes into play. According to the University - and the parts of the diary they have published - it was written by an older noble named Avitas Veneres. He mostly wrote about his day-to-day life, which in and of itself cound't be amazing enough. That man really loved his wife and children. Which is an important detail, because on the 13th day of the 1st Leviathanis 431 AS he writes that, and I shall translate roughly: 'Worry eats me down to my bones, for my youngest son has signed onto the Farsighted. It is a fine vessel and it would be a fine choice, if this ship hadn't been part of the fleet set sail to the savage nation of Galahd.'
He goes into a bit of a rant, which shall not be repeated here, but let that sink in. Part of the fleet set sail to Galahd. If there wasn't any other fleet being built at the time - and the possibility of that is vanishingly low - Veneres here is talking about the Black Fleet.
Which, I don't even know where to start with this. If this is true, then this would mark the first contact between Lucians and Galahdians in history. It was previously thought that the honour of first contact belonged to the Wanderer.
Why is this important? Well, it would at least in part inform about the animosity between our two people. I mean, who would want to deal with a nation that tried to conquer theirs? And I know it has been nearly 2000 years since then, but I think we all have heard about the famous feuds of the Galahdians by now.
My sister hears two of them arguing in the streets one day. Apparently it was about a member of one family slighting another family, which happened at least several hundred years ago, and they were arguing about it as if it had happened just last year.
So I do have to wonder: Do they know about whaat happened to the fleet? And if yes, how accurate is it? In research circles Galahd is famous for keeping to its oral traditions to this day. Which is quite the amazing feat, to be honest.
All we do know for sure is that the Conqueror has forbidden the depiction of his likeness after his desastrous return to Insomnia.
And that's it, dear listeners. We shall take a quick break and then return to discuss some of the finer details of what Avitas Verenes has written about Firmus Lucis Caelum and the whereabouts of the Black Fleet.
See you in a few.
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elizabeth-halime · 2 years
Sultan Mehmed II
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axiseart · 2 years
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The Conqueror's Mistress receives an unexpected guest after being provided with an ancient brick phone.
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citronavalkiro · 2 months
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My medal came in today. I am waiting on my Bangkok one right now
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imkeepinit · 3 months
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Movie poster by Reynold Brown, distributed by the National Screen Service (#56/50) for the 1956 RKO motion picture The Conqueror. Though the film boasted a budget of $6 million dollars, it only made $4.5 million in box office rentals, partially due to the miscasting of John Wayne as Genghis Kahn.
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LIFE, February 20, 1956
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𝔖𝔬𝔡𝔬𝔪 - 𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔯
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dinastiatargaryen · 1 year
"Um rei nunca deve se sentar à vontade, dissera Aegon, o Conquistador, quando ordenara aos armeiros que forjassem um grande trono a partir das espadas depostas pelos seus inimigos." - A Guerra dos Tronos // Eddard
"Irri buscou sua coroa, feita na forma do dragão de três cabeças de sua Casa. As caudas eram feitas de ouro, as asas de prata e as três cabeças de marfim, ônix e jade. Os ombros e pescoço de Dany estariam duros e doloridos pelo peso antes que o dia terminasse. Uma coroa não deve assentar fácil na cabeça. Um de seus antepassados reais havia dito isso certa vez." - A Dança dos Dragões // Daenerys I
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Ilustração Aegon: Jota Saraiva
Ilustração Daenerys: Aleksander Karcz
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ava-valerie · 1 year
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josephinekhawaja · 2 years
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So in my mind, the MCU has been in 2023 the entirety of the pandemic. With some spilling over into 2024, as in the case of Wakanda Forever, but nothing past that. So all storylines of Phase 4, with the exception of the 2016 prequel that is the Black Widow film, are just overlapping in those 20 months from Avengers 4. Was made to realise only recently that Cassandra Lang is in fact no longer 15, but closer in age to her future best friend Kate Bishop. She still look 15 though so I should probably pump my brakes on this. (...I say as if I did not already go ahead to Google the age difference between Jonathan Majors and Kathryn Newton for Phases 5 and 6 long term⌛⏳🌀💫.)
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Some historians find a bunch of letters from the time of the Conqueror in a dusty corner of Insomnia, or maybe they were donated to a museum by a noble looking for a PR boost.
Most of the contents are the usual day-to-day doings of nobility but one line stands out. A mention of a relative joining with the fleet that the Conqueror took to attack Galahd.
The entire Lucian academia is in uproar! They never knew that the Conqueror went to Galahd. What had happened?! Why was it never mentioned anywhere?!
Meanwhile, the entire Little Galahd:
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I am laughing!!
Yes! Exactly that!
There are a few Galahkari in Lucian academia (though not many) and one of them is in the history department.
She's regretting that now. Very much so.
She watches the Lucian historians lose their shit over this and just. Goes home. She goes home to her three cousins which which she's sharing an apartment.
They take one look at her and ask what happened.
She tells them.
All four end up staring at the wall for a while. Then, at the exact same time, they all lunge for their phones to call all the relatives they can reach. This is cursed knowledge and they must share it.
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Where I'm at...
Okay, so I injured both my shoulders doing aerial yoga and wound up in a serious slump because of it. I went from an activity I really enjoyed to having to take months off to build up shoulder strength so that I could be pain-free, let alone go back to it. I got back into stress eating in a big way, and with walking being my physiotherapist's main suggestion for exercise that won't aggravate my shoulder, my body has felt very stiff and generally bad.
But I want to get back to myself, both because I made so much progress in my health and also because I have a bridesmaid dress I have to fit into at the end of October.
So I'm going to do a daily check in/recap to hold myself accountable and share updates.
Here is today:
I was below my Lose It goal for the day and feel okay about it. Granted, I had a day off today so waking up later helped a bit there.
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I went on a walk today. I signed up for the Conqueror’s Jurassic Coast challenge to encourage myself to walk more and to make this a bit more interesting. The learning element definitely helps. Plus I took some fun photos while I walked around.
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I also did a bunch of meal prep. My work is close to a lot of fast food and I want to make sure I have healthier options available.
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