#The dates of the concerts are also right in the middle of the exam season
vega-ssi · 5 years
The fact that there is going to be a huge Love Live concert for its 9th anniversary featuring a μ's reunion but I won't be able to go because of course it's in freakin Japan and tickets are super hard to acquire is pan erasure
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milkybonya · 4 years
hello! smiling anon here :) i had a random idea pop into my head: what about a friends to lovers! chanyeol x reader inspired by his song ssfw? cant wait to see how you’ll do this one :) thank you :)
friends to lovers is a concept that i love :”) i hope you enjoy !
SSFW - Chanyeol
Warnings: some angst/mentions of crying and food
Summary: SSFW by Chanyeol where as the seasons pass, college!Chanyeol realizes he’s falling for his best friend.
Lyrics appear like this throughout the fic
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You’re so natural Like the seasons And I’m standing here taking it all in
Like a spring blossom, you’re Deep inside my heart yeah Spreading and taking over babe
You remember the exact moment you met Chanyeol because it was in quite an unconventional way. 
On a spring day, you were passing through the park on your way to your classes. The trees were starting to blossom, their green leaves beginning to take form. The pavement was filled with colourful petals, and as you took a second to admire them, watching them crumple beneath your shoes, something flew by you.
Looking up, you watched as a boy hurried through the park on his skateboard, weaving skillfully in-between the many students who were on their way to class. He wore a baseball cap backwards and his backpack hung on one shoulder.
He looked down to check his phone for a moment and ended up heading straight towards the trash can. You shut your eyes tightly, willing for him to look up before he fell.
A loud crashing sound.
The poor boy was sprawled out on the ground. You were getting closer to him, and noticing that no one had stopped to help him despite everyone staring at him, you walked faster.
Maybe I’ll help him out just this once.
“Are you okay?” you asked him as you stood above him.
He sat up quickly and brushed himself off.
“Of course I’m okay. I was going too fast for my own good,” he chuckled, standing up. He tried to walk, but he was noticeably limping.
“I think you should go to the infirmary,” you told him.
He continued to refuse and resist, but eventually you managed to convince him. The infirmary was far, and the boy who’s name you learned was Chanyeol couldn’t walk at all. So, you had to get him to sit on his skateboard while you pushed it towards campus. It earned the both of you many looks from everyone else, but it turned out to be a funny memory.
Most importantly, that was the day your friendship began.
Well, it was mostly just Chanyeol pestering you at first. 
He’d find you on campus and wouldn’t leave your side until one of you had class.
“My hero!” he yelled from across the hallway. That had become his way of greeting you.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders as soon as you turned around.
“Are you going to eat now? Can I join you?” he asked, a smug look on his face.
“You’ll probably still join me even if I say no, but sure,” you said, walking towards the food hall.
When the two of you sat down to eat your food, Chanyeol asked you if you would be free that weekend.
“Yeah, I’m not doing anything. Why?”
“Remember that band you said you liked? They’re having a show nearby this weekend!”
“What? And I didn’t know?” you said, dropping your fork onto your food.
“You’ve been studying so hard, you probably didn’t see their social media posts. We can go together!”
It was at that concert that he felt something for the first time. On the drive to the venue, watching you laugh as you sang along to the stereo, watching the wind hit you through the open window, he felt some sort of... adrenaline? His heart was racing and he felt incredibly happy. 
Even at the venue, he couldn’t focus on the performance properly. His eyes kept coming back to you, and he watched as you danced along to the rhythm of the music.
The two of us are Like spring and summer Blossoming and deepening
Eventually, you and Chanyeol became close. You grew to appreciate his clinginess and his presence. There were many nights where you both pulled all-nighters, stressing over your work. The only comforting thing that you had during those times was each other.
Chanyeol became someone who you would go to if you were feeling sad or happy. You could share anything, and he felt the same with you. 
It didn’t even take that long. All it took was the changing from spring to summer. The weather got warmer, the days longer and the two of you learned to appreciate one another more.
Perhaps the exact moment the two of you felt a shift in your friendship was when you had many personal issues on your plate yet still pulled an all-nighter to study for an exam. You didn’t do well and buckling under the pressure, you broke into tears in the back of the lecture hall.
No one stopped to ask if you were okay. Everyone left and you were still there.
But somehow, Chanyeol found you. He sat beside you and with his warm hands, gently moved your head onto his shoulder. You cried for a whole hour in that position without saying anything. Although Chanyeol’s shirt was stained with your tears, he didn’t say a word.
“Wanna go out for coffee?” he asked, a smile smile on his face.
At that moment, you realized that Chanyeol was truly your friend. Without even having to know why you were crying, he let you cry. You felt incredibly thankful for him.
We don’t change our minds When the leaves fall I want to hold you closer to chase away the cold This season is already half gone Growing closer to you Even through the rain the two of us Kept dry because our love
After spending the summer together working the same summer job, the leaves began to fall from the trees and you found yourself pulling your coat around you more tightly.
Chanyeol’s heart ached.
When he saw you on that first day of classes resuming, running towards him so you could greet him, his heart ached in the best way possible. The world slowed and all he could see was you. His heart was beating quickly and... he really wanted to wrap his arms around you and hold you close.
He shrugged it off, but any time he saw anyone acting a little too friendly or flirty with you, he would feel sad. He would check his phone throughout the day to see if you had messaged him.
Yes, he was in love.
It was a fact that slowly grew on him throughout the colder season.
Somewhere between fall and winter, he confessed to you in the middle of the park where you first met. The snow started to fall and he held your cold hands in his.
Looking right into your eyes, he smiled softly and said, “[y/n], this is kind of random, but I know now that I really like you.”
His heart was pounding and somehow in the cold, he was sweating beneath his three layers. To you though, he looked incredibly confident, and his out of the blue confession made your heart stop.
From that day on, the two of you became one, withstanding the difficulties of university through your love for one another. When the two of you weren’t busy, or even when you were, you would make time to go on little dates. Coffee shops, small restaurants, malls, whatever it was, spending time in each other’s presence was like a healing experience.
On the few nights that you spent together, Chanyeol felt most at peace when he was holding you in his strong arms. Your head pressed right against his chest with the covers wrapped loosely around you both - that was his home. He’d look down so he could press his lips to your forehead, and the kiss would linger for long, but there was no such thing as too long.
When we turn a page on the calendar Our love more and more Flourishes You mean the world to me When all four seasons Pass by one by one Our love continues to grow I’m fallin’ in love with you
Your relationship with Chanyeol was one where you had your freedom and independence, but you were also tightly interlocked with him. The two of you lead career-driven lives but also had one another.
Sometimes, it was hard to not see one another when things got busy, but this only made the two of you love one another even more. Looking forward to seeing each other again after longer periods of not being able to gave you a lot of hope.
You never needed to do anything special when you were together. Just seeing Chanyeol and holding his hand was more than enough. So when he’d kiss you, your heart would burst into a million butterflies because his lips would always meet yours so lovingly.
The seasons passing felt repetitive, but your love was growing exponentially. 
On a spring day, you were passing through the park on your way to campus. You had finished your studies a long time ago, but there were some errands that you had to run there. 
“Meet me at the park by the campus at 1!” you had told Chanyeol on the phone. He had asked you if you were free today, and you had gladly agreed to see him.
When you were walking back, there he was, baseball cap on backwards, sitting on his scratched up skateboard and flashing a wonky smile your way.
“What are you doing, you silly thing,” you said, lightly punching his shoulder.
“Just waiting for you under these pretty trees,” he said, looking up.
“Okay, but why are you wearing those clothes?” you asked him, suppressing your laughter.
“Actually,” he said, pulling something out of the pocket of his zip up sweater. “I’ve got something here.”
A sleek, blue box appeared in his hand. Chanyeol was slightly blushing. You could only guess what was going on.
He opened it, revealing a ring inside.
“Do you want to marry me?” he asked, still sitting on his skateboard.
The sight of him proposing while dressed and sitting like that made you laugh. You ruffled his hair and bent down to kiss his cheek, which made him blush even more.
“I’d gladly do so,” you replied, helping him up. He slipped the ring on your finger and then held your hand.
“So... wanna grab coffee or something?”
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stainandscribble · 5 years
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Pairing: Sehun (EXO) x Reader ft. EXO
Genre: Coffee Shop AU, Fluff, one shot
Summary: Black Pearl is now open until late, and although it is wonderful news for patrons, it is not so wonderful for Sehun. Or is it?
The quiet ambience is destroyed with a group of college students stumbling drunkenly inside. Along with them, the cheerful art history student who happens to steal the heart of the youngest barista. 
 Maybe it’s Sehun who needs a little courage in his coffee. 
Warnings: None, but they do drink alcohol. 
Word Count: 4170
As the spring and summer months rolled around, the days were becoming longer, and exam season was approaching. Many students ended coming in at the last minute to order coffee before they would have to leave for closing time. Junmyeon had made an executive decision to keep Black Pearl open until late between Friday and Sunday. It had brought in multiple new patrons and swarms of night shift workers. Club bouncers came in for coffee before opening times around eight in the evening, and plenty of student who enjoyed late night cramming had come to them. 
The late shift had taken on a new ambience. It was relaxing, albeit often being frustrating.
One of the disadvantages of being a coffee shop open very late in a student town, is that you sometimes get one or two stumbling drunk inside on Friday night.
Of all late shifts he had taken, Sehun considered Friday evening’s to be the worst. It was only ten in the evening, but the student population was partying in full swing, celebrating the end of the exam period. 
He was the only barista on shift since Jongin bailed on him last minute to go to a concert with some school friends.  Black Pearl was empty save for a couple on a date and Jongdae and his girlfriend, who were quietly reading on the sofa in the corner.
Bored out of his mind, he sipped on his second espresso of the night, willing his eyes to stay open. Chanyeol’s summer night playlist had numbed his brain as it droned faintly from the speakers, by now sounding more like annoying elevator music than upbeat instrumentals.  Sehun downed the rest of the espresso, content with the bitterness it left on his tongue and the surge of clarity it had brought his mind.
Just as he put his cup down, the bell chimed, and he watched some of his college friends walk in, laughing loudly.
“Sehun!” One of them called out, laughing on his way to the counter as the others followed. 
“How are you?” His friend asked as he leaned against the counter. 
“I’m good.” Sehun put his cup down, quite happy with chatting with his friends, despite the states they were all in. Two of them were leaning against the counter, smiling a little too wide, their eyes wide and hazy from alcohol. 
“Why don’t you go out with us?” One of them asked, their eyes never leaving the funky neon sign that hung behind him. It was glowing a bright blue, the word BLACK PEARL COFFEE spelled out in all capitals. 
“I’m working.” He pointed to his silver name tag. 
“When you finish then?” They asked.
“Maybe another time?” He answered.
“Fine, fine. Don’t pressure him.” One of his friends told the others, making her way to the front. She seemed more cheerful than usual and had been talking to another friend before she came towards him. That, and the fact that she was swaying lightly on the balls of her feet made it obvious to Sehun she had drank her fair share tonight. 
“How much did you drink?” He asked, the twinge of amusement apparent on his face as his brows rose and lips pulled into a wide smile.
“They have ladies’ night before eleven.” Y/N answered, hands fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist.
“I see.” he nodded, watching as she progressively leaned more and more towards him.
“Too much.” She had clarified, sending Sehun to throw himself over the counter towards her as his cacophonous laughter broke through the quiet ambience of the café. He had to stop himself mid laugh as to not disturb the patrons. By now Jongdae was also sending glares his way, and he could see them from the corner of his eyes. 
“Would you like anything?” he asked the group but received a chorus of no’s. 
“Can I have a brave coffee?” Y/N asked, looking pointedly at the menu behind Sehun. 
“A breve?” He asked, smile stretching over his mouth. He could not help but feel energised. Watching her right now was better than espresso. 
“A brave coffee.” She nodded, and Sehun set off to work.
“Do want me to put extra courage in this?” He asked, a cheeky smile playing on his lips as he turned to face his friend.
“Can you also put in some common sense?” One of their other friends laughed, sending the group into a fit of giggles. Y/N laughed with them, shouting half-hearted insults back at their friends.
“I don’t know if it will fit in the cup.” Sehun told them, before passing a disposable cup to Y/N, barely making out the quiet thank you she sent his way.
In your intoxicated state, your brain liked pointing out things you ignored when sober. Hence why you were fixating on the way Sehun’s brown hair was parted in the middle, and the way it fell softly in curtains over his forehead. You liked the soft spark in his brown eyes. Hell, you loved it.
But you didn’t admit it to yourself sober.
When you woke up in the morning, the only tangible thoughts swarming through your brain were the unclear images of Sehun’s face from last night. His brown hair was longer than you remembered, and he had seemed to have matured greatly over the last year. His deep brown eyes had warmed up and softened. He looked healthier, and you knew that was because whatever he was doing now was what he loved. You had to be honest with yourself when you thought about how much more handsome he had gotten. There was something deeply alluring about the air of warm maturity he carried. You had had a small crush on him back when he was completing his dance major, and the little crush had seemed to break through onto the surface after seeing him again last night.
It had been a while since the two of you saw each other. He had graduated, and you were still a student. He also now had another group of friends, who were also his bosses and co-workers. College friends had become second place over time. You understood him. You too, had not seen your friends that often now with all the fuss of graduation and work.
The club was buzzing with blaring music and dancing bodies. The heat and energy it possessed directly contrasted with the quiet summer night outside.
It was in the warm night that Sehun’s friends waited for him to come. Tonight was one of the rare nights when all their friends could make it.
“You made it!” One of Sehun’s friends exclaimed as he approached them, wearing a bright blue Hawaiian shirt with some sort of yellow leaf pattern and black jeans. He towered over his friends, being the tallest of all of them.
He was also the first person Y/N saw as she approached the club.
“Where is Y/N?” She heard him ask, and her heart skipped a beat at the way his deep voice reverberated through the still air.
“She’ll be here soon.” Someone told him, right before she neared the group.
“I’m here!” Y/N announced, smiling brightly as she hugged all her girlfriends.
“Let’s go.” Sehun motioned for them to start making their way to the club, the brightly lit sign of Oasis casting a glow over his sharp features. 
You had caught a glimpse of Sehun’s face illuminated by the pink glow of the neon lights, making his look even more ethereal than before.
If Sehun emanated warm maturity in Black Pearl, he was oozing playful charisma in the glow of the Oasis.
Your friends laughed and joked as you entered, their voices swallowed up by the blaring music as the lights blinded you.
You had made your way to the reserved booth before the guys left to get your drinks.
“Y/N.” One of your friends called out, catching your attention.
“You and Sehun?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at you. Your other friends joined in, teasing you.
“What do you mean?” You asked. You had no idea where they got the idea of you and him together, seeing as you barely saw each other nowadays.
“You’re matching.” Another friend pointed out, tugging playfully at your shirt.
“Look at your shirt.” Indeed, the shirt you were wearing was similar. In fact, it was same shirt if not for the fact that Sehun’s had a leaf pattern, but yours’ had flowers instead. Even the colours were the same. You assumed it was from the same brand. There weren’t that many shops in the city, so you had probably brought it from the same one recently.
“Where did you get it from?” The same friend asked, before her attention was caught by someone else, as she started waving at the boys who were coming back with their drinks.
“I went thrift shopping.” You told them as Sehun set a drink down in front of you, before sliding into the seat next to you, bringing you closer as another friend sat down beside him. The girls sent you teasing winks from the other side of the booth. 
Some time had passed, and the booth was almost empty as the rest of the group left for the dance floor. You were slowly sipping on your third drink, enjoying the warming buzz coursing through your blood stream.  Sehun was still sitting beside you, sipping on his own drink. Despite the multitude of empty seats, he remained close, your body still pressed to his side.
The buzz of the alcohol and the blaring music were a pleasant contrast from the usual bitterness of coffee and soft instrumentals playing in the background that he was used to. Everything about Oasis was energising. The neon lights, the mass of people, the way Y/N swayed lightly with the music, absentmindedly bumping her knee with his, and the way Sehun’s arm was draped on the backrest behind her as her hair tickled his skin. It made Sehun buzz inside as he settled into the ambience of it all.
“Come out with us more often.” She told him, looking up to see his face. Sehun smiled lightly at her, hyperaware of their close proximity, and the looks their friends were shooting at them from the dance floor.
“I’ll try,” He told her, “but only if you buy coffee from us.”
“I will be a loyal customer.” She laughed, nodding in agreement, as Sehun got up on his feet, steering her towards the rest of their friends on the dancefloor.
The next Wednesday happened to be an awfully hot day. Sehun and Chanyeol were sipping on their iced coffees in between serving customers. The sun shone outside, and Yixing was collecting glasses from the tables they had set out outside.
From the corner of his eye, Sehun noticed as Yixing waved at someone, before he entered behind Y/N as she was holding the door.
She smiled at Sehun, before walking up to the counter.
“Oh wow, you need a new summer playlist.” She commented when the next song began playing. Honestly, Sehun had stopped paying attention to the music a week ago.
“You also noticed?” He asked, a smile braking through onto his face. He was slightly embarrassed that a customer had criticised their playlist. Out of habit, he scratched the back of his head as he looked away from Y/N.
“Yeah, I heard this song seven times in here already.” She told him, a smile still on her face.
“What’s wrong with my playlist?” Chanyeol’s booming voice sounded behind him, startling him. Sehun jumped slightly, before spinning round to face the other tall man. His eyes were open wide, and his mouth was still open, as if he was about to start complaining.
“Add new songs in.” Sehun told him, a playful giggle broke through his throat. He was very aware of the way Y/N was watching their exchange, still waiting for him to take her order.
Chanyeol huffed, but turned around to their coffee press, and began making himself an espresso.
Sehun turned around to face You, a light blush dusting his cheeks, before he took your order.
“What are you up to?” He asked, handing you the cup of coffee.
“In depth analysis of multiple Art Nouveau pieces due next week.” You sighed, drumming your fingernails on the wooden countertop. You loved the art style, but you didn’t necessarily like writing a ten thousand word report on it.
“How many words?” He asked, and you had to take a gulp of coffee to keep yourself from swearing at him.
“Too many.” You answered, making him laugh.
“You graduated dance.” It was a statement rather than a question, and Sehun looked at you confused, his thick brows furrowed as he scrunched up his nose, not knowing how to answer you.
“Yeah.” He said.
“Why do you work in a coffee shop?” It was an unexpected question. No one had asked him that in a while. In the beginning, people had been curious, but over time the curiosity had died down. You knew he loved dancing, so it was a mystery to you why he had stayed a barista for this long. After graduating, it had not been a bad job to have, but it was a year, and Sehun had taken more shifts as the business expanded.
He moved around the counter. Leaving Chanyeol and Yixing behind. He motioned for you to sit at the table for two. Once you were sitting opposite him, he leaned back in the chair.
“Minseok and Junmyeon were my long-time friends,” He began telling you, “and Minseok always wanted to be a barista, while Junmyeon was a business graduate. They opened Black Pearl together, and got a bunch of their friends involved, me included. It was a good place to start right after graduating. After some time, we all just stayed.” He finished, his fingers drumming over the table top.
“Sometimes we do other odd jobs on the side.” He continued, a smile on his face. His warm brown eyes looked into yours, and there was warmth and happiness shining in them. The air of warm maturity he carried around him returned, enveloping you in a cocoon as he spoke.
“What do you do?” You asked, leaning closer over the table.
“From time to time, Jongin and I volunteer as dance teachers. Last year we were teachers at a summer school.”
“Did you like it?” At this question, he laughed, his head thrown back as the soft sound of childish laughter broke out of his lungs.
“It was fun. But I like it better here. With everyone.” He confessed, his eyes gazing over the shop.
“Plus, we get free cake and coffee every day.” He added, leaning over the table the same way you were.
“Living the dream.” You laughed with him.
“What will you do?” Hi eyes caught yours again, and you smiled.
“I’m going to be a curator.” You told him, taking another sip of your coffee. The bitter liquid was refreshing, bringing you out of the slight daze Sehun had you under.
“Where?” He asked again.
“The art gallery right here.” You told him, and he visibly brightened up at the idea of you staying here, in the small student town you had learned to call home over the years.
The night air was warm and fragrant as the earth released the warmth it had absorbed during the scorching heat of earlier in the day. To battle against the temperature everyone from Black Pearl was sitting around, enjoying cold affogato and some brownies.
“I’m going out tonight.” Sehun announced, earning a groan from Jongin and a few pats on the back from Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Another weekend rolled around, and Sehun’s friends decided to visit a new bar that had opened last weekend. 
“Should we expect to see you stumble in around midnight?” Jongin asked, not ready for his evening shift to start.
“Count on it.” Sehun told him through a mouthful of cake. He smiled teasingly at his friend, feeling no remorse for leaving him alone during the night shift. Sehun counted it as payback for the time Jongin ditched him for a concert a few weeks prior.
“Who is going with you?” Junmyeon asked, picking another brownie from the plate.
“Y/N!” Yixing told them, liking his spoon clean as the others burst out laughing. Baekhyun even whistled when Sehun’s ears turned bright red. Amid Sehun’s embarrassment, his friends started teasing him, asking all kinds of questions as he buried his face in his hands. The attempts to escape their teasing were futile, however, because in the middle of Jongdae’s scolding to finally ask you out, the bell chimed, and you entered, completely unbothered by the ruckus. 
Sehun turned to look at you. His breath hitched in his throat when he caught sight of you. Dressed in a black velvet dress and a pair of high heels made you look older than usual, more mature. Behind him, Chanyeol was patting him on the back, before pushing him out of his chair so that he could greet you.
“Hey!” Sehun said, his friends’ eyes burning into the back of his head. 
“Where is everyone else?” Yixing asked you, surprised that the rest of your friends were absent.
“They bailed on us last minute.” You sent him a wink. Your friends had texted you about setting you and Sehun up earlier in the evening.
“Let’s go! Happy Hour is about to start.” You told Sehun cheerfully before you left, waving at Yixing, Jongin and the others as the door closed behind you. 
“Where are we going tonight?” Sehun asked, walking closely next to you, so that his fingers brushed against yours.
“Love Shot.” You told him. Sehun nodded, the name sounding vaguely familiar. Neither you nor he had been there before. From what you heard the bar was a little fancier than what you were used to. The bar’s vibe was meant to be classier that that of the student bars you frequented with your friends. From what Liz told you, it was perfect for an outing for two. 
The bar was indeed classy. The furniture was all dark polished wood and plush velvet couches. The dimmed light came from a multitude of vintage lamps and small, dangling chandeliers dripping crystal tears that dispersed broken rays of light in all directions. It was way fancier than what you were used to, but it was undoubtedly beautiful.
Sehun led you through the bar, holding tightly into your hand so that he could not lose you among the tables. Since it was a new place many people had decided to come and try their drinks out, so tonight it had amassed a bit of a crowd. Sehun managed to find two seats at the bar, and so you sat down, Sehun’s wide shoulders bumping into yours as he called over for the barman.
“What would you like?” The man asked, looking at you rather than Sehun.
“Can I get Paradise Found and a White Russian?” Sehun said for the both of you, already knowing what you wanted. The bartender’s eyes slid to Sehun, before he smiled at you.
“Coffee lovers?” He asked, noticing your choice of drink.
“You could say that.” Sehun answered before you burst out laughing, finding it ironic that even out of work Sehun’s drink of choice was the caffeinated beverage. The bartender left you and Sehun as he got to work.
The bitterness of coffee and the crispness of the alcohol complimented each other perfectly.
After a few more drinks and an exchange of funny stories, you were so close your noses almost brushed against each other when you breathed.
“I know why they bailed on us.” Sehun told you. The dim light illuminated his face just right, accentuating his high cheekbones and sharp nose. He was dressed in a crisp white shirt, black dress pants and a pair of lacquered black shoes. To put it bluntly, Sehun looked expensive. He looked like he belonged right here among the polished hardwood and crystal chandeliers. The smell of fresh coffee was still on his clothes, and it was as if it had permanently seeped into his skin. It was intoxicating.
“Liz texted you?” You asked him, and he nodded, pulling out his phone from his pocket and laughing at all the texts he received tonight.
“Yeah.” He smiled, catching your gaze in his.
“You could have just asked me out.” He teased, and you laughed in return, the sound echoing like a melody in his ears.
“I could have.” You agreed, teasing him in return as your fingers made their way up his arm, a playful smile on your lips.
“Will you?” He asked, and you could not help but notice the hopeful tone behind his question.
“I don’t know.” You teased; fully aware that you would have. Eventually. When you mustered up the courage.
“Y/N!” He whined liked, reminding you of how young he was, and how young you were. It was nice, feeling young, being infatuated. With him.  
“Sehun.” You caught his attention again, and he smiled at you, anticipating the next words to fall from your mouth.
“Do you want to go on a date?” You asked, mustering up the courage, aided by the drinks you already had.
“I’d love to.” He told you, and your heart sored.
Sehun watched you, smiling to yourself at his response, fully absorbed in the way his heart pounded against his ribs.
The rest of your time at the bar had been spent with Sehun resting his hand over the top of your knee, his thumb brushing soothing circles against the bare skin. His lips would brush gently against the shell of your ear when he whispered jokes into it, causing you to erupt in giggles on multiple occasions.
“How much did you drink?” Jongin asked. Your night had ended back in Black Pearl and you exchanged shy, flirtatious looks over coffee and dessert.
“We went out for happy hour.” Sehun told him, sipping on his breve.
“How is the new bar?” He carried on the conversation. You could tell by the way he was leaning against your table that he was trying not to fall asleep.
“It’s nice.” You told him, taking a bite of your cherry pie.
“Posh.” Sehun added, remembering the fancy dark polished furniture, far classier and far more expensive than their own wooden tables and chairs.
Jongin nodded, before leaving to disappear at the back of the shop.
He came back a few moments later, too tired to tease his youngest friend about the way he was leaving kisses against Y/N’s cheek.
“Close up.” He told them, leaving the keys on the table before he left.
 “Can I get a brave coffee?” You asked your boyfriend, earning a soft giggle from him and a few whistles from Baekhyun who was with him behind the counter.
“Later.” He told you, handing you your usual iced latte. You leaned over the counter, catching his lips in a quick kiss.
You left promptly after that, rushing to the art gallery, where you were working as a tour guide during the summer.
“What’s a brave coffee?” Jongin asked when you left, laughing at Sehun’s flushed cheeks
“Cold brew but make it vodka.” He coughed.
“Should we add it to the menu?” Baekhyun asked, still laughing as he cleaned the coffee press.
“No!” Junmyeon shouted from the back of the shop, causing the three boys to laugh even harder. 
 Later in the afternoon, you ended up lounging next door to Black Pearl, at the tea room owned by Baekhyun’s girlfriend. The two of you were sitting at one of the tables, enjoying a cold infusion and a slice of spiced plum pie as you complained about the new exhibition and the workload you had for next year.
She ended up drinking three more cups with you, before enough customers came in to fill up all the tables. 
At one point, Baekhyun came in to exchange some iced coffee for pie, before running back when Junmyeon figured out he was missing. 
Sehun had sneaked in after him with a cup of lemonade and a carton of ice cream. 
“You’re the best.” You told him, kissing him on the cheek when he handed you a silver spoon.
“I know.” He told you, brushing his hair back and out of his face. On his day off, instead of the usual aroma of coffee beans, he smelled like your favourite cologne. You leaned in closer, breathing in his scent.
“Do I smell?” He asked, looking down at you, one of his thick eyebrows rose questioningly at you.
“No.” You shook your head, smiling when he brought you closer, you that your nose was buried at the crook of his neck.  “You just don’t smell like coffee today.” 
He chuckled, his large hand patting your shoulder lightly as he enjoyed the quiet afternoon with you. 
118 notes · View notes
agirlinjapan · 5 years
Red Data Girl: My Wish on the Night of the Shooting Stars (Week 18)
Red Data Girl: My Wish on the Night of the Shooting Stars By Noriko Ogiwara A Translation
Miss the last piece? Read it here!
Check out the RDG Translation twitter!
Help me pay for my next translation project on Ko-fi.
I went to see Perfume in concert this weekend! It was a great show! Thanks for waiting an extra day for this week’s RDG as a result.
Did everyone see the extra translation I posted yesterday? It’s short, but it’s the first two pages of The God’s Wish, one of the books I bought in Japan this summer as a possible next project after RDG. Click on the link for more information.
Translation Notes:
In Japan, Christmas is traditionally celebrated with KFC or roast chicken and a Christmas cake. Kids get presents from their parents on the 25th, and teens/adults usually spend Christmas Eve at a party or on a date. It’s much more of a social event than a religious holiday.
Red Data Girl: My Wish on the Night of the Shooting Stars By Noriko Ogiwara Chapter 3: Winter Solstice Part 1 (1 of 3)
It started to feel like winter at the end of November.
The view from the school’s windows showed grey skies and trees dyed in understated reds and yellows. Only the grove on the hill and the area around it had bloomed into true fall colors that year. It was the beginning of the season when opening a window made one’s skin prickle and everyone depended on space heaters to stay warm.
There were already six members in the student government room when Jean Hodoka Kisaragi came in.
“Hey, what do you think about having a student government led Christmas event?” she asked, not bothering with a greeting or anything else before the question.
Hodaka Murakami was busy with his full time job as a kabuki actor, and was not coming to the school at all as of late. Because of this, Honoka had continued working as leader of the student government. It remained a mystery how the chairman had taken Hodaka’s report on the match between Izumiko and Takayanagi.
Despite the final outcome still being unannounced, Ichijo Takayanagi had grown very quiet since the showdown. Izumiko had no problems with this, as she herself was also keeping a low profile. Seeing as nothing had happened since the match, Izumiko and her friends had stopped worrying solely about Takayanagi and the issue around the World Heritage Candidate. There was a mountain worth of other things to keep their minds occupied with at the school.
While everyone was aware that the calendar was reaching its last page and the end of the year was approaching, the students had not yet started thinking about the Christmas season. They had end of term exams to worry about first.
Fortunately, there hadn’t been much important business for the student government to work through lately. The only responsibility they had in November was to write the yearly report, and that was what the members in the room had come to do that day. When Honoka had arrive, Ryouta Hoshino had been in the middle of reminiscing over their frenzied preparations for the school festival. Everyone now turned to face their leader in surprise.
“Christmas?” Hoshino repeated, his tone disbelieving. “Seriously? We didn’t do anything like that last year, did we? Wasn’t it because there are so many students with different religious backgrounds here that we couldn’t put together an all-school Christian event?”
“That was last year, yeah,” Honoka shrugged. “But this year, all of the classes seem to be putting together their own plans. An all-school Christmas party wouldn’t really have a religious connotation to it at all. That’s why I’m asking you about putting one together.”
“My family runs a temple, but I’d be just as happy as anyone else to go to a Christmas party,” Wataru Shimamoto said cheerfully. “I want to eat cake and get presents on Christmas. My family just doesn’t put up decorations for the holiday, that’s all.”
“So you’re from a temple family, huh, Wataru?”
“Heh. We run a Shingon Buddhist temple.”
“Doesn’t Izumiko’s family run a shrine?”
Pulled into the conversation, Izumiko shook her head. “Neither of my parents work there. Just my grandpa. We don’t decorate a Christmas tree, but we do eat roast chicken.”
A small smile grew on Izumiko’s face as she remembered how Sawa Suemori had always made the chicken herself because she had wanted to. She couldn’t let her mind linger on winter vacation just yet with finals just around the corner, but there was only a month or so left until she could eat Sawa’s homemade cooking.
“I have absolutely no interest in throwing a Christmas party,” Yoshifumi Okouchi said. “But seeing as Hoshino keeps talking about how free the student government is right now, he’s probably going to insist on making us put together an event. What would we do?”
The two of them went back and forth between each other for a bit before Hoshino finally said, “If we’re really going to do something, I’ll be the planning chief this time and make something amazing. Wouldn’t that be great?”
Up until now, Miyuki and Mayura had been sitting with the rest of the group, but neither of them had seemed to have any opinions to share. They didn’t look particularly excited about Hoshino’s proposal, but from the expression on their faces, they did appear to think that it would be a good idea to have an end of the year party once the exams were wrapped up at the end of December.
Once it had been confirmed that no one was against the idea, Honoka spoke up again. “The truth is that there’s a more serious reason why the teachers have been talking about a Christmas event. Unlike last year, there are a lot more foreign students on campus this year. That’s why no one wants to suggest a more general social gathering. I’m fine with that, but… On top of everything, the teachers want to invite the parents and guardians that worked at the bazaar during the festival. They want to say thank you or something along those lines.”
Everyone sitting around the desks suddenly looked very invested in the conversation at hand.
“Do you think this was the chairman’s idea?”
“I believe so.”
…The parents and guardians who worked at the festival’s bazaar…
Izumiko quietly took a breath. Her thoughts and feelings about what had happened at the festival had had only just begun to fade into her memories lately. Now this was like having a direct connection back to them. Visions of the Warring States era school festival reappeared in front of her eyes. The bazaar had been in front of the library. The parents and guardians, dressed in their Warring States era costumes, had stared up at the chemistry club’s balloon that had been tied in the library’s open space. That balloon had given her so much trouble…
There were definitely people there with connections to the diviners. That means…
The same thought seemed to occur to Miyuki as he declared, “So in other words, this suggestion from the chairman is a way to use Christmas to check on the situation with Takayanagi.”
Honoka gave a small nod. “That’s the only thing I could think of. Right now, they’re just asking us to tell our club advisor whether or not the student government will take part in it. Even if we don’t get involved though, I think they’ll still put some sort of event together. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better if we were the ones in charge? I mean that on a few different levels.”
“Good luck, planning chief,” Okouchi said, clapping Hoshino on the shoulder.
Hoshino blinked.
“What? Me? I’m really going to be in charge of this?”
“It’s too early to start on anything,” Honoka said decidedly. “We still need to consult with President Murakami. Does this have to do with the parents and guardians? The exchange students? There’s still too much we don’t know. But I wanted everyone to be aware of what’s going on.”
“Well, I never thought the semester would end without something else happening,” Miyuki said once they had left the student government room. He didn’t sound surprised. “Don’t you agree?”
“Um, yeah.” Izumiko nodded. In her own opinion though, there had never once been a moment at the school when something hadn’t been happening. There was always something going on. Relations with her class or the girls in the dorm, school events, class presentations, reports… And then there were the end of term exams right in the middle of everything.
“Anyway, we have to finish our exams before anything else. Let’s get past that before we talk about what to do to counter these Christmas plans.”
Mayura came into view in front of them.
“That’s right. We need to finish up what’s ahead of us first. After listening to what Honoka had to say, I’ve come up with a number of possible approaches for looking into the Christmas matter, but until the exams are over, I’m going to concentrate on the tests. Takayanagi can’t use his shikigami now, so I’ve got a chance to steal top score in the grade from him this time.”
Izumiko suspected that despite the measures she had taken against Takayanagi, Mayura’s suspicions of him hadn’t disappeared entirely. Always considerate of the people around her, Mayura hadn’t voiced those concerns to Izumiko, but Izumiko could tell how her friend felt by the way she never said a word about it even with them living in the same room.
“I want you to study hard too, Mayura,” Izumiko said. “Our efforts right now really need to go into getting these exam results.”
Mayura grinned at Izumiko’s words and looked at Miyuki. During the first term’s exams, Miyuki had come in second while Mayura had come in third. Obviously competition would spark up between the two of them now.
“Sagara’s going to study hard, too, isn’t he?”
Miyuki did not look interested in the rivalry Mayura was suggesting.
“I’m not worried about myself. As long as I’m in the top five, that’ll be fine.”
“Don’t talk like that. There’s an opportunity for the top score practically calling your name!” Mayura insisted, unsympathetic to Miyuki’s words.
She turned to Izumiko. “My hands are going to be full with taking care of stupid Manatsu yet again, but if you keep up the effort you’ve been putting in, I think you could score within the top ten of our grade. Try aiming for that. The subjects you have a harder time with are math and English, right?”
“Yeah.” Izumiko gave a sharp nod.
The look Mayura gave her changed to something Izumiko couldn’t decipher. “The only person in our grade who’s going to cream both of those tests like a demon is Sagara. So if you want to raise your ranking on those tests, learn from him. See you later.”
Miyuki watched her as she flipped her hair and walked away.
“She’s really a schemer at heart,” he muttered. “She’s too good at shaking people up.”
“Um, could you help me study for the tests?” Izumiko asked, her expression serious. It took courage to bring up the question. “I know you like to study alone, but I’ll do my absolute best not to bother you. I want to get a grade just a little closer to yours and Mayura’s.”
When Miyuki did not respond right away, Izumiko hung her head. But then she heard his voice. He almost sounded angry.
“Who says you bother me?”
“No one has to say it. I can tell by the way you act.”
“We’re going to spend every minute and second it takes to teach you everything. In return, you’re not allowed to give up. We won’t stop until you blow Mayura’s expectations completely out of the water.”
It was a frightening declaration, but Izumiko didn’t back down. She really did want to be a little more like Miyuki and Mayura who understood so much. She decided that she could try to do her best instead of telling herself she was so different from her genius friends and giving up right from the start.
“Okay. I won’t give up or anything like that.”
Miyuki looked back at Izumiko, a strange expression on his face. Then he said, “Alright, then. Come to the student government room after school and during the time when club activities are suspended for exam preparation. Bring all the quizzes you’ve taken up until now with you. This isn’t the time to say sharing your grades is embarrassing either.”
“I can do that. I don’t think it’s embarrassing,” Izumiko answered, bluffing.
Miyuki’s thorough instruction began the next day.
Izumiko had been able to clearly see that Miyuki excelled at math and English ever since their third year of middle school together. He had been able to answer the teachers’ questions even when he was nodding off in class, earning him admiring gazes from their classmates. If an outsider had looked in on their classes back then, they would have easily been able to tell that he breezed through what he learned at Awatani Middle School.
When they had first met, all the things Miyuki excelled at had made Izumiko consider him to be some sort of alien. She had been sure that there was no point in even trying to understand things on the same level as him. Now that she was sharing her quizzes with Miyuki and he was letting her see his own answers, she really could see that his knowledge surpassed that of a first year high schooler’s level.
Miyuki’s handwriting was cramped, and no one could say that he was good at giving compliments, but the intelligence of his thoughts was evident in the way he quickly wrote out what he wanted to show her. Formulas and English sentences seem to flow out of him as he wrote, and he never made mistakes. It was a complete mystery to Izumiko what he had done in order to reach such a level.
When Izumiko asked him about it, Miyuki answered thoughtfully, “I don’t know why I don’t struggle with math either. I never thought it was hard, not even when I was little. I guess there are people that just get math logic and others that don’t. But that’s not the case with English. I decided that I was going to get good at it, and I started studying hard.”
“Why did you decide you were going to get good at it?” Izumiko asked.
“Yukimasa’s good at it.” Miyuki’s tone made it seem as if this was only natural. “Are you saying to me that you think it would be alright if I wasn’t good with languages? When I was at Keibun Academy, there was a lot of focus on the English proficiency test.”
So this was another rivalry between Miyuki and his father. Izumiko wanted to shrug the whole situation off, but if she wanted to become proficient at English conversation, this probably worked in her favor. She had only heard the rumor in passing, but apparently Miyuki had regular conversations in English with the exchange students at the school.
“I didn’t think about working hard at my English even when Dad went to California. I bet Dad speaks perfect English over there.”
“Daisei’s an expert in his field, so he doesn’t have to. He only has to have enough English ability to communicate his expertise,” Miyuki said casually as he looked over a problem set. He circled the questions Izumiko should review as he went. “I want to be an expert in my own field. If I can do that, I could join a college laboratory or think tank. That would be nice.”
“For math?”
“Nah. It’s hard to make your mark in the world of pure theory, so I’m leaning towards a more practical science. Except I don’t want to do anything like Daisei is with electrical engineering. I’m more interested in something like weather science or environmental biology.”
That’s totally different than what I’m considering in the future…
Izumiko acutely felt the difference between them at the note of pleasure in Miyuki’s tone. All the words coming out of his mouth were things Izumiko had never once considered for herself.
For a moment, Miyuki was lost in his own thoughts of the future he was planning for himself. Then he lifted his head and looked at Izumiko.
“Come to think of it, wouldn’t you say environmental science is somehow connected to the goddess? When Angelica mentioned the name of that group, IUCN, that occurred to me.”
After a moment of surprise, Izumiko asked, “Are we talking about the goddess now? In connection to the World Heritage Candidate?”
“Sort of. The Candidate’s kind of connecting themselves to the world or something along those lines after all.”
He pushed the problem set towards Izumiko, and asked her, “What do you want to do? In the future, is there a field you want to work in?”
Izumiko shook her head. “No. I’ve never thought about it.”
“You’re studying so hard and you’re so determined now that I thought you had some goal in mind.”
“I do have a goal. To make the top ten in the grade for this exam.”
Izumiko’s words were extremely serious, but Miyuki frowned.
“Hey. I’m taking time out of my day to teach you everything you’ll need for these exams. At least say you’re going to try and beat Mayura’s score.”
“That’s completely impossible, so I’m not making it my goal.” Izumiko gave her head a little shake and then quickly started work on the problem set.
Miyuki had given her so much to do that for a while, she didn’t have time to think about anything else but the problems in front of her. Only after she was finished working did she realize that she had done the one thing Miyuki had said she couldn’t do. Her chest felt like a punctured tire as she parted from Miyuki after their study session and aimlessly made her way back to the girls’ dorm. She thought about their conversation as she went.
I’ve never even once thought about what kind of field I want to work in in the future. That’s weird seeing as I’ll probably be able to go to college…
A new thought she had never considered hit her.
I kind of got the sense back when the goddess was talking about the future that I won’t live a long life. Is it pointless for me to be imagining the future long term?...
A cold wind blew across the campus as Izumiko walked up the hill. The leaves were falling now, and every day more and more empty branches were visible on the cherry trees. The sight left a lonely feeling in Izumiko’s chest.
Even if I don’t get to grow up, I should probably still study hard and do something with it. That is, even though education is something that’s supposed to go towards some sort of goal that you want to achieve. I’m just playing at some game here. I’m probably going to end up going in a completely different direction than Miyuki…
Izumiko paused under one of the cherry trees. For a moment, uncertain thoughts washed through her, but then she considered how Miyuki would most likely be there to teach her again the next day. He would choose to be with her. There was something for her to look forward to.
I’ll do what I can now. I’m the one who wanted to take advantage of my three years here at this school. I’m going to do my best, and I’m not going to turn my back on myself. I’m not going to… turn my back on Miyuki.
Keep reading!
23 notes · View notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
I woke up to another tour announcement??? More USA? Literally fuck this country, they have KCON's earlier and then this?! I saw ONE Canadian date, rip 💔 you're not gonna make it, bestie? Also does it mean they're having only one cb this year? Probably not, but seriously... I'm going to SK in spring 2023 if they announce European dates after I leave I'm gonna kms. I had a choice to go this December (for 3 months) then come back and go there again (for another 3 months), but I don't wanna leave in winter. We'll see if I made the right choice 🤡 I'm sad I won't see their older tour though, so many songs I wanted to experience live and Hwa with a sword/gun :(. Skz might announce their tour as well, so...
Asywjsyaigdjswh truthfully I call them mice too, but I just wanted to say I like rodents in general, so gimme the mice <3 didn't know rodents make you posh 😭
Bestie you drop(ped) bodyguard in the middle of the day for me, I could read it instantly, but I wanna leave it for my bedtime reading 😭🤧 though I might be too tired, also need to wake up at 6 tomorrow, but I HAVE TO READ IT TODAY. LIG... I love the banter between Y/N and Seonghwa, I hate that this mf is betting on her though. Yeah Hana pls girl respect yourself and just fuck off
Hard agree on Itzy, I literally love or at least like all their TTs except Icy, I was kinda meh about Dalla Dalla, but everything was better than THIS. MITM was controversial, but at least it was catchy and the MV looked good. Yessss a fucking Disney or commercial song wtf, the PUT YOUR SNEAKERS ON line sadly rings in my head, but I just can't stand the song
Rowoon wasn't in my SF9 bias line until I started watching more of his dramas 👀 waiiiitttt what's going on with that SH x Y/N x MG pairing, a love triangle or... a threesome or polyam?!
I literally did the same thing as Hwa yesterday and grabbed so many free cakes ksudhusueeugewha then ate them on the metro train <3
Every time Hwa shaves/cuts his hair a part of my soul flies away, I'm glad it's not just me. But it's fine, it's him I'll forgive him HOWEVER if he really wants to get on my good side he better dyes his hair at least ❤
NO BECAUSE I NEED TO SEE HQ FOOTAGE OF HIM IN THIS OUTFIT - I can't with Woo and Jongho kshriwyejdhsjwhe, but sleeveless Hwa in loose ripped(?) jeans
His hands so elegant and delicate and... warm 🥴🥴🥴🥴
The gif isn't loading and I'm happy with that 🤗
I got "masculine girl feminine boy" on that quiz, bitchhhhh perhaps you're right 👀 wbu? - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
I woke up to another tour announcement??? More USA? Literally fuck this country, they have KCON's earlier and then this?! I saw ONE Canadian date, rip 💔 you're not gonna make it, bestie? Also does it mean they're having only one cb this year? Probably not, but seriously... I'm going to SK in spring 2023 if they announce European dates after I leave I'm gonna kms. I had a choice to go this December (for 3 months) then come back and go there again (for another 3 months), but I don't wanna leave in winter. We'll see if I made the right choice 🤡 I'm sad I won't see their older tour though, so many songs I wanted to experience live and Hwa with a sword/gun :(. Skz might announce their tour as well, so...
BRO RIGHT??? i don’t know if i can make it bestie,,, im begging, crying for a vancouver stop but i have family in toronto and a atiny sibling who’s absolutely ready to go only IF i fly in for the weekend (+ the mf concert is in PEAK exam season) sO IM REALLY REALLY DEBATING LIKE I PUT MY MONEY ASIDE FOR TRAVEL TOO 😭😭😭😭 bestie if u win the fansign pls ask them to include a van stop i (and all my besties who’re crying) will forever be in ur debt <33 STOPP IF THEY DO U BETTER FUCKING THROW HANDS !!!!!! omg 😭😭😭 missed the sword hwa STOPP 😭😭 atp its better going to japan bc ateez are always there 😭😭🤚🏼no the leaders live stage but the king live stage + the ring 👀
Asywjsyaigdjswh truthfully I call them mice too, but I just wanted to say I like rodents in general, so gimme the mice <3 didn't know rodents make you posh 😭
rodents = posh britisher,,, take all the mice but unfortunately bestie they escaped???? out of nowhere???? so i guess they rly went to u 😭😭
Bestie you drop(ped) bodyguard in the middle of the day for me, I could read it instantly, but I wanna leave it for my bedtime reading 😭🤧 though I might be too tired, also need to wake up at 6 tomorrow, but I HAVE TO READ IT TODAY. LIG... I love the banter between Y/N and Seonghwa, I hate that this mf is betting on her though. Yeah Hana pls girl respect yourself and just fuck off
BFFBDKS I HOPE U LIKE IT DURING UR NIGHT TIME!!! CANT WAIT FOR U TO READ IT!!! lig,,, their banter is what keeps me alive tbh 😩 NAH BC HANA CAN GO SUCK SOMEONE ELSE WHOS NOT SEONGHWA AND THE WAY WOOYOUNG DOES THE “hwa-ey” omg..,, he hates being called “hwa” but when yn calls him that then what….😧☺️
Hard agree on Itzy, I literally love or at least like all their TTs except Icy, I was kinda meh about Dalla Dalla, but everything was better than THIS. MITM was controversial, but at least it was catchy and the MV looked good. Yessss a fucking Disney or commercial song wtf, the PUT YOUR SNEAKERS ON line sadly rings in my head, but I just can't stand the song
i 💃 see 👀 that ✨ im 🧍🏻‍♀️icy 🥶
FBWNBDWK THE MITM’S “RING DANG DANG” PART HAD ME SNORTING FHWKHDKW i didn’t like the vocal tone in that song it made me irritated for some reason 😭😭 YEAAAHH A COMMERCIAL SONG I GENUINELY THOUGHT WHEN THEY DROPPED THE SNEAKER THING IT WAS FOR LIKE A SPONSORSHIP ADD 😭😭 no same 😭😭 its forgettable but also mot forgettable at the same time 😭😭 chungha’s sparkling SAVED kpop, REAL MUSIC IS BACK 😭😭
Rowoon wasn't in my SF9 bias line until I started watching more of his dramas 👀 waiiiitttt what's going on with that SH x Y/N x MG pairing, a love triangle or... a threesome or polyam?!
no bc his drama choices are so 👀🤚🏼 love them,, can’t wait for his future ones !!! FBMWFBKW A PAIRING BUT LIKE SOMEWHAT MILD its also in boxer hwa <3
I literally did the same thing as Hwa yesterday and grabbed so many free cakes ksudhusueeugewha then ate them on the metro train <3
omg???? where were mine???? u lived a whole fic moment, eating on the metros sounds comforting but awkward 😭😭
Every time Hwa shaves/cuts his hair a part of my soul flies away, I'm glad it's not just me. But it's fine, it's him I'll forgive him HOWEVER if he really wants to get on my good side he better dyes his hair at least ❤
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NO BECAUSE I NEED TO SEE HQ FOOTAGE OF HIM IN THIS OUTFIT - I can't with Woo and Jongho kshriwyejdhsjwhe, but sleeveless Hwa in loose ripped(?) jeans
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no bc WHAT THE FUCK was this
His hands so elegant and delicate and... warm 🥴🥴🥴🥴
The gif isn't loading and I'm happy with that 🤗
maybe this one will <3
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I got "masculine girl feminine boy" on that quiz, bitchhhhh perhaps you're right 👀 wbu? - DV 💖
OH HELLO 👁👄👁 THAT SOUNDS VERY ACCURATE WITH U AND HWA AYOOO u were meant to bias him atp the way he just posted as im writing this, he’s a moot
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here’s a uquiz where an option in question 5 is literally u
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our favourite maximus <3
0 notes
chiquititae · 6 years
was tagged by @queenyoonji for this ily!
drink: coke (coke runs in my veins by now)
call: my mom
text: the girl im kinda crushing on whoops
song you listened to: 4 walls by f(x)
time you cried: uhhh  dont remember like 2 weeks ago???
have you ever
dated someone twice: no
kissed someone and regretted it: no
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: have been constantly depressed for 4 years lmao
gotten drunk and thrown up: yep
favorite colors: black, blue, purple
in the last year have you
made any new friends: yes
fallen out of love: uhhh kinda?? stopped having a crush on someone
laughed so hard you cried: i think so?
found out someone was talking about you: yes
met someone who changed you: yes but idk if for better lmao
found out who your friends were: more like who wasnt my friend
kissed someone in your fb friends list: no
how many ppl from ur fb friends do u know irl?: i dont know like 2 ppl irl??
do you have any pets?: 2 cats (misha and luna) and a dog (tika)
do you want to change your middle name?: i dont mind my second name but would prefer sth more original (its anna, my second name is anna and in poland its a really common name)
what did you do for your birthday last year?: last year i had exams on my birthday so.... yeah
what time did you wake up today?: 7:40 am
what were you doing last night at midnight?: uhhhh reading a fanfic i think??
what’s something you can’t wait for?: bts’ concert in october!!!
what’re you listening to right now?: big god by florence + the machine
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: to a person with polish version of this name, yeah
something that gets on your nerves: lmao this is literally what i was discussing with my therapist yesterday and its the general unfairness, especially my parents’ unfairness towards me. also, you know, general stuff like homophobia/ racism/sexism/double standards/etc.
most visited website: youtube, facebook, tumblr
hair color: uhhh light brown?? it used to be dark blonde tho
short hair or long hair: shortish?? arms lenght
do you have a crush on anyone: ....its complicated
what do you like about yourself?: ummmm my legs, my ears, my fingers?? when it comes to personality then the only thing i like about myself is my open mindedness
want any piercings?: yes someday!!
blood type: A+ (at least one thing about me is A+ fjdghfjdk)
nicknames: the only one is smurfette and my grandma calls me that
relationship status: single
zodiac sign: taurus
pronouns: she/her
favorite show: oh boy i think doctor who?? or brooklyn 99!!
tattoos: i don’t have any but i want to!
right or left handed: right
every had surgery:  no
piercings: only the basic ear ones??
sports: god no
vacation: i dont really travel a lot
trainers: god tier
more general
eating: nothing atm
drinking: just finished my coke lmao
about to watch: im rewatching the vampire diaries bc i stopped watching at like season 6 and forgot what was happening before. also i want to watch the originals. what can i say im a vampire fucker
waiting for: nothing really??
get married: i mean maybe?? if i find the right person that i would actually like spend the rest of my life with
career: bitch i wish i knew
which is better
hugs or kisses?: hugs
lips or eyes?: eyes
shorter or taller?: taller tbh?? but short girls are also cute!!
younger or older?: olderor but preferably the same age
nice arms or stomach?: nice stomach
hookup or relationship?: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant?: if its a troublemaker boy then no thanks
have you ever
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: yes
lost glasses: yes and i had them on my goddamn nose 
turned someone down: i mean in primary school yeah dsjgkhsadjgk
had sex on the first date: no
broken someone’s heart: again, in primary school and i still feel guilty
had your heart broken: yes
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: ugh yes
do you believe in
yourself: bitch...im...trying.....
miracles: no but i wish they would happen to me
love at first sight: no wtf
santa: no
kiss on the first date: sure
angels: used to believe in them but now...nah
best friend’s name: im a lonely bitch but my best buddies on tumblr are marti and sanduni
eye color: something between blue and grey
favorite movie: the handmaiden, the whole jurassic park series
favorite actor: don’t have one??
i tag: @kids-these-dayz @namgii @uselesssbian @cuteyg @rysiowate @lesbiansana @maigcshop @bloodsweatandgaytears @singularitytae @gukmul but dont feel pressured to do this
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iheartsurveys · 8 years
Which was worst for you: freshman year of high school or of college? Academically, college. Especially first semester. Idk what I was thinking when I signed up for all hard classes and stacked them back to back like helllloooo college is not like high school. I was like oh I'm used to going to 3 classes in a row on a Friday. Um wrong. You need time to study because the exams are all gonna be on the same day. Anyways, I struggled academically at first but then killed it the rest of the time. But I had so much fun freshman year of college. High school was okay, academically I rocked I had a 4.0, and I had a decent amount of friends since I knew a bunch of people from middle school. But college was def better. It's a toss up What is the last language you spoke, other than your first? Probably Spanish If you could visit either Germany or Argentina, which one would you choose? Oh man. I'm kinda feelin Argentina. I would go to Germany but idk how I'd do with their food. I'm not really a sausage kinda gal. Germany isn't the highest up on my European countries I'd like to go list. Not that Argentina is high up on my South American list but idk I'm just feelin it Would you ever consider moving to a different country? Probably not. Unless Harry styles comes through and we have to split time between here and England haaaa How do you stay awake in the morning? Right now since I'm not working I'm fine because I just wake up whenever I want. Unless I have something going on. The true struggle will come when I start and have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn. Lord help me Do you prefer your men/women to have light hair or dark hair? I've dated more dark haired men but have no issues w light hair What is your favourite food from your culture? Hamburgers and hot dogs? Grilled cheese? Lolllll what even is my culture... I guess from my Italian heritage or whatever, I love everything. Pasta, pizza, gelato, everything. My fave Italian American food is chicken parm. And my polish/Russian side I enjoy pierogis. And idk what is Irish that I like to be honest, I'll get back to ya on that one If you were stressed out, would a run help? Noooo I hate running. I've started again for exercising purposes and wow it is not relaxing. I can see how it could be if you're in shape but I'm not so I die What is your favorite New England state? I haven't been to any in a long time, and out of them all I've only been to Connecticut and Rhode Island. And not even the actual state of Rhode Island I've been to block island which is part of RI. I feel like I'd like Massachusetts. Between CT and RI I like RI because block island is cool Do you find soccer/football/etc boring or exciting? Don't watch soccer. Don't really care for football...I'll watch on Super Bowl Sunday or if my stepdad has it on in the living room but "my team" sucks so I don't really care Do you have a favorite team? My football team is the jets. Mets for baseball and capitals for hockey. Honorable mention to the islanders because they were the OG fave team until I moved to VA. I tried to fight against liking the capitals but it was so hard and they just sucked me in and now I've been going on almost 10 years being a fan. Good times What is your favorite time of the year? Spring and fall are pretty nice Do you know any pick-up lines in a foreign language? The French line in lady marmalade. I was gonna type it out but autocorrect is annoying so nvm When is the last time you went to the beach? July. I miss the beach What degree are you or will you pursue while in college? I did crim What movie did you waste your money going to see at the theater? Hmm not sure can't really think of any sucky movies I've seen recently. Then again I'm not really one for going to the movies so Is the upcoming weekend going to be busy for you? I have plans but they aren't set in stone. So it could go either way really Favorite arcade game? Ski ball is a classic. Would other people consider your sense of humor inappropriate? I don't really think so, I can be inappropriate but not like often Do you look good in hats? I've recently got into hats. Like of the baseball variety. I used to think I looked awful in them but I can dig it now. Beanies, however, I cannot rock Who performed at the last concert you went to? The Lumineers. Highly recommend Who is your biggest celebrity crush right now? Other than my always bae H styles, I've been super into Matthew gray gubler recently. And idk if he counts as a celebrity really, maybe yes maybe no but wells Adams, he was on the bachelorette last season, he's been bae for a while. Such a shame he's like 32 because he's so fucking cute What are they famous for? We all know who Harry styles is. I mentioned wells being on the bachelorette; he's also a radio show host dj type thing. And Matthew gray gubler is in criminal minds What is your phone background? Lock screen is my dog and home screen is a sunset. I need to change it up they've been my backgrounds forever What do you think is the best holiday to celebrate? Christmas What is your favorite time in history to learn about? I don't know honestly. I've never really been into history
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