jonnywaistcoat · 6 months ago
Hello! I just wanted to tell you a funny situation I was in today. I drew Michael the Distortion in class and tbh my art is not so bad but my friend said it looked like "der Struwwelpeter".
I dont know if you as a master of horrors know of him but well, "der Struwwelpeter" is a charakter on the cover of a german tale book, which is supposed to show children on how to act (eating your food even if you don't like it, not playing with fire or sucking thumbs,...) by turning these everyday children problems into literal horror stories (starving to death, burning to death, get you fingers cut off by a guy with scissors).
Just wanted to let you know that one of your characters gives that impression (according to my friend, i do not agree on that)
Have a picture:
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Oh I'm well aware of the Struwwelpeter. Most of the stories in the book are pretty mid (with several being breathtakingly racist), but there are a couple of fun ones in there.
Shock-headed Peter, as pictured above, is not a direct inspiration for Michael, though I'm sure the image was somewhere in the big mess of inspiration for him.
The story that's always stayed with me more, though, is that of little suck-a-thumb, and his encounter with the great, long, red-legged scissorman:
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lpbestiary · 6 years ago
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The red-legged scissor-man, also known as the great tall tailor, is a boogeyman from Western Europe. He is, as his name suggests, a tall, spindly man in red trousers, wielding large scissors which he uses to cut off the thumbs of children who suck them.
The red-legged scissor-man first appeared in the Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb, in the 1845 German children's book Struwwelpeter, and has since entered the collective consciousness as a frightening cautionary tale.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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qadmonster · 3 years ago
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The door flew open, in he ran, The great, long, red-legged scissorman.
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babylon-crashing · 5 years ago
Daumenlutscher (the story of Little Suck-a-thumb)
One day, Mamma said, "Conrad dear, I must go out and leave you here. But mind now, Conrad, what I say, Don't suck your thumb while I'm away. The great tall tailor always comes To little boys that suck their thumbs. And ere they dream what he's about He takes his great sharp scissors And cuts their thumbs clean off, - and then You know, they never grow again."
Mamma had scarcely turn'd her back, The thumb was in, alack! alack! 
The door flew open, in he ran, The great, long, red-legged scissorman. Oh! children, see! the tailor's come And caught our little Suck-a-Thumb.   
Snip! Snap! Snip! the scissors go; And Conrad cries out - Oh! Oh! Oh! Snip! Snap! Snip! They go so fast; That both his thumbs are off at last. Mamma comes home; there Conrad stands, And looks quite sad, and shows his hands;- "Ah!" said Mamma "I knew he'd come To naughty little Suck-a-Thumb."
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The Disturbing Parts of Culture: German Fairytales
Everyone knows by now how disturbing the original Disney stories were but what about the tales that Disney found a bit too short or a bit too disturbing to make into movies, German fairytales, keep in mind these are meant for children. Let’s start with ‘Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher’ or ‘The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb‘ which may sound okay but then you read it
“"Konrad!" sprach die Frau Mamma, "Ich geh aus und du bleibst da. Sei hübsch ordentlich und fromm. Bis nach Hause ich wieder komm' Und vor allem, Konrad, hör! Lutsche nicht am Daumen mehr; Denn der Schneider mit der Scher' Kommt sonst ganz geschwind daher, Und die Daumen schneidet er Ab, als ob Papier es wär'." Fort geht nun die Mutter und Wupp! den Daumen in den Mund. Bauz! Da geht die Türe auf, Und herein in schnellem Lauf Springt der Schneider in die Stub' Zu dem Daumen-Lutscher-Bub. Weh! Jetzt geht es klipp und klapp Mit der Scher' die Daumen ab, Mit der großen scharfen Scher'! Hei! Da schreit der Konrad sehr. Als die Mutter kommt nach Haus, Sieht der Konrad traurig aus. Ohne Daumen steht er dort, Die sind alle beide fort.”
If you can’t read German here is the rough translation
“One day, Mamma said, "Conrad dear, I must go out and leave you here. But mind now, Conrad, what I say, Don't suck your thumb while I'm away. The great tall tailor always comes To little boys that suck their thumbs. And ere they dream what he's about He takes his great sharp scissors And cuts their thumbs clean off, - and then You know, they never grow again." Mamma had scarcely turn'd her back, The thumb was in, alack! alack! The door flew open, in he ran, The great, long, red-legged scissorman. Oh! children, see! the tailor's come And caught our little Suck-a-Thumb.  Snip! Snap! Snip! the scissors go; And Conrad cries out - Oh! Oh! Oh! Snip! Snap! Snip! They go so fast; That both his thumbs are off at last. Mamma comes home; there Conrad stands, And looks quite sad, and shows his hands;- "Ah!" said Mamma "I knew he'd come To naughty little Suck-a-Thumb."”
So basically, if you are over infancy and you suck your thumb, a man will burst through your window and cut off your thumbs. Let me repeat. A MAN WILL BURST THROUGH YOUR WINDOW AND CUT OFF YOUR THUMBS. This is for a child, I came from a part Polish and part German family, and if you have met a German grandma you know they gave up caring like seven years before her first child was born. So when I heard this story along with Krampus, I haven’t slept since I was like five. So if you are learning German fairytales have fun, here’s a website for them ----|>
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