#Creepy as hell
jonnywaistcoat · 22 days
Hello! I just wanted to tell you a funny situation I was in today. I drew Michael the Distortion in class and tbh my art is not so bad but my friend said it looked like "der Struwwelpeter".
I dont know if you as a master of horrors know of him but well, "der Struwwelpeter" is a charakter on the cover of a german tale book, which is supposed to show children on how to act (eating your food even if you don't like it, not playing with fire or sucking thumbs,...) by turning these everyday children problems into literal horror stories (starving to death, burning to death, get you fingers cut off by a guy with scissors).
Just wanted to let you know that one of your characters gives that impression (according to my friend, i do not agree on that)
Have a picture:
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Oh I'm well aware of the Struwwelpeter. Most of the stories in the book are pretty mid (with several being breathtakingly racist), but there are a couple of fun ones in there.
Shock-headed Peter, as pictured above, is not a direct inspiration for Michael, though I'm sure the image was somewhere in the big mess of inspiration for him.
The story that's always stayed with me more, though, is that of little suck-a-thumb, and his encounter with the great, long, red-legged scissorman:
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 4 months
Nah cause like was he stalking us? The way he said “oh um… I overheard you were human born at orientation. Ig I js have a good memory”
That shit was made up ON THE SPOT. I don’t like it
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lanaevyssmoved · 8 months
lusting over the baldurs gate 3 cast (the actors) is a sure way to get unfollowed and potentially blocked. soz
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rubyof-thesea · 7 months
the whole thing with conchitas husband and the nanny makes me so uncomfortable
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necro-the-dragon · 6 months
I’m sure many have seen this photo of William
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Well I was messing around with some photo setting or whatever it’s called (I was looking to see if there were eyes but.. I don’t think I found that)
so.. here I what I found
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What in the fuck (I’m sure you all see it in its spectral glory)
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jackmerrideeznuts · 1 year
i (regretfully) watched the seven year old jalph stolen-art pmv on youtube
I spent the whole time watching it laughing hysterically and sobbing my eyes out
but nothing
couldve prepared me for this:
something about this sudden zoom in and the music lyrics and the art it just it just BROKE ME iT WAS SO FUNNY BECAUSE I JUST THOUGHT
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silvyysthings · 7 months
Eww, why Stephane Bak why? Does he want stds? Emily is a wannabe KarJenn. 💩😂
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Don't get me started on Stephane
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gnawing-on-cheese · 1 year
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this is a real ad...how did this get through???
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tirsynni · 6 months
Still visiting my dad. He turned on a cop show and defended the cops using force on a guy, saying that he should have just complied. That sparked a massive rant about how the cops escalated the situation, which led to the non-compliance, which then sparked a detailed ACAB rant from me.
Anyway, the channel has been changed and it's something about giant skeletons. Much better.
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allyouneediskilly · 1 year
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Bleach by Tite Kubo
Chapter 665 - The Princes Dissection
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hoarding-stories · 2 years
They've done this spell before but it's worse now
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endstar · 2 years
i had a thought… so what if bierce
control’s/possesses Doug
idk why she would but i know it would be creepy as hell
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woodelf68 · 6 months
Finally watched Wild Blue Yonder and it was horrific. I'd been feeling oddly reluctant to watch it; my brain must have known how much I would dislike the 'trapped in a confined, inescapable place with monsters that look just like us except when they don't' premise. *Shudders* It was VERY similar to the "Night of Terror" episode from Wizards and Warriors, except sci-fi based instead of a medieval fantasy setting. But exactly the same 'two people getting split up and then thinking they'd found the other person except they hadn't' premise. Absolutely terrifying, and the dead captain clomping around on the outside of the ship was the nightmarish cherry on top of the body horror sundae. Did I enjoy it like I'd enjoyed the Meep? No. Was it well done and memorable? Hell yes.
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serendipity-in-spring · 6 months
Hi tw for decomposition, creepy things, grandparents death??, just creepy i don’t know. read at your own risk.
For context. I was an adult when both my grandfathers died. This is a dream that I just had and am actually so terrified to fall back asleep now. So, it’s set in an office- like setting, however the floor is tilted like a hill, they are on wheeled desk chairs and they are constantly having to hold themselves at their desks. (facing the slant, so going forward into the desks constantly). My grandpa and grandma work there and are seated next to each other. I am aged at about 7-9. My “grandpa” is a mix between both my grandpas.
Basically it starts off sweet with little me going to visit them everyday at work and saying hi. I go alone everyday as far as i know. However i start to notice that every time i go in my grandpa is a little bit different, it’s very gradual. In my little girl brain at one point i’m even thinking is grandpa sick? However they are acting as if nothing is wrong and everything is exactly the same. However closer to the end it almost seems like he’s decomposing. I think at one point i ask and they tell me that nothing is wrong and grandpa is completely okay.
Basically every time i go in they act like a g+g would and basically are offering me cookies and are saying i’m the cutest little girl and shit. However I know something is wrong and there is nothing i can do because they won’t say anything so i have to act as if everything is okay and dandy.
The last time i go in (at this point he is like skins and bones, picture that one fish off of spongebob with the chocolate situation but human person who you love), grandpa slips and falls forward into the wall (still in his chair) and he’s laughing it off but the laugh like goes creepy real fast. So i go help him wheel back up to his desk, however i’m a whole child so i don’t have a lot of strength. And he like flops over so i am like basically dropping him. so my brother who i didn’t know was there. Who was the age he is right now comes over and does something to his neck, it almost seems like he breaks it. And suddenly grandpa is back alive again. my brother says something like “he just fell asleep haha just gotta keep him awake.” then brother disappears. Anyways as i am walking away this time i look back and there are tubes sticking out of his back. One is large enough that it takes up his whole back and is like pulsing. And i swear i like aged back up to where i am now like in the span of 5 seconds and then woke up.
So if any dream analysts would like to tell me what the fuck that means i would appreciate it
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akkpipitphattana · 8 months
i hope mew blows top up when he wakes up
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maddiedraws04 · 2 months
Stardew valley update spoiler
The villagers terrified and taking shelter from the green rain:
The farmer absolutely going ham on foraging:
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