#The higher you climb up the ladder the more complicated the process becomes
deathinfeathers · 4 months
Would she... lay eggs? Or are angels sterile/do they reproduce at all?
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"Don't...don't ask me things like that."
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scholarshint · 7 months
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Stilettos, Numb Toes, & Letting Go
The truest glow-up is when you get older and realize how much you did not know when you were younger. For instance, because of my strained relationship with my mother, for many years, I suffered from abandonment issues (shoutout to my therapist for helping me unpack that). Fear of abandonment from people I loved or cared for made me hold on to a lot of what was toxic and harmful to me, all in the sake of not letting go or being let go.
I am older and wiser because of all that I have experienced since then. I know now that for me to ascend to higher forms of my existence, I have to shed dead weight. When you’re catching flights, not feelings, do you know how much it costs to bring extra baggage? I can’t do it. And I won’t.  Learn how to let go, Sis.
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For the past week, I’ve been nursing three numb toes. I could easily place blame on the below-freezing temperatures and an uninvited snowstorm that took hold of my city, but the truth of the matter is, I was trying to be cute.
A week ago, I attended the annual party for the company Joe works for. This is a company I used to work for (it’s where I met Joe), so I had every intention of walking in the room as the stated bad bitch everyone knows that I am. And I was fine as hell okay! Together, WE served looks, but zoom in on these shoes.
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 This 4.5-inch floral print heel is not a “party” shoe, and if I’m being transparent, it’s a shoe I’ve worn a total of five times in the three years that I’ve owned it. It’s time to let her go. My process of letting shoes go is the same process I have for letting anything go. I follow these three steps.
How much risk do I invite into my life by holding onto this?                  
If I choose to hold on to something, what are the chances that this thing will hurt me or hold me back in the future? As cute as these shoes are and as many things that I have in my wardrobe to pair them with, every time I put them on my feet for more than five minutes I suffer. I run the risk of damaging the veins in my toes to the point of no return. No heel is worth that. Apply this same principle to relationships. If the risk is greater than the reward, detach.
 Can I afford to live without this thing?                                                   
This is not so complicated with a pair of shoes when there are many more boxes waiting in my closet for their moment to shine. With relationships and opportunities, though, the area is a bit more gray. Last year, I was working as a Customer Service representative for a company that I respected as a helping hand in my community. I wanted to climb the ladder at this company and become a part of that helping hand. They paid me a livable wage and I enjoyed my time there. However, when I learned that the career ladder was incredibly short and movement on it was dependent on someone vacating a longheld position, I set my sights on something else. It didn’t take long to find a job that can easily be molded into a career within the industry I want to work in. There were some tradeoffs, but ultimately, the circumstances surrounding my life tell me that I don’t need to work at a job that doesn’t serve my best interests just to make ends meet. So I let that go too.
 Everybody Can’t Go                                                                      
Different phases of your life will call for different energies, resources, and ultimately circles. In a time where people wax poetic about loyalty and relationships that hold constant throughout time, I’m here to suggest that there’s always a different way of doing things. Everybody can’t go where you are destined to go. If you resist this truth, certain relationships will be brought to the point of pain to get you to see that sometimes it's better, healthier, to let go. This is the hardest one to reconcile with because letting go of people is no easy task. It may hurt to lose contact with someone who has held you down forever and vice versa, but it might hurt you much more to hold on to them when your life is showing you that its time to let go.
In all of these situations, you have to be aware of what’s going on in your life and how your actions are influencing that. Pay attention to how you feel about things; often your intuition will let you know when its time to cut the attachments. When it does, don’t fight against what you know, even if it hurts. 
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siyana2021 · 3 years
HubBroker- Preventing Shortfalls in Supply Chain Ecosystems With Data Integration
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there are considerable losses in logistics and supply chain ecosystems. Among the giant coffeehouses, Starbucks has reported shortages of the necessary ingredients for the coffees like vanilla and cups. Disruptions and delays at customs have resulted in excessive waits and premium costs, and Starbucks is no exception. 
However, during these times, a perfect occasion has arrived that is creating distress in the economy. As the demands have surged, the companies are strategizing and planning to climb their way up the ladder. On the other hand, consumers are excited to invest and gain profits after the deadly pandemic. 
Continual supply disruptions significantly impact every business, and supply chains are becoming brittle and unsustainable. According to a poll conducted by the National Retail Federation, 98 percent of those surveyed said that delivery postponements had negatively affected their business. Businesses all across the globe are coping with volatile pricing and massive shortages of supplies. And the greater consumer transition is putting even more strain on an already weakened distribution network.
How Can Companies Handle Supply Chain Disruption? 
Instead of letting corporations control their supply networks manually, using legitimate data can be an excellent alternative for managing them. Organizations can manage these incredibly turbulent times by having transparency into critical metrics. However, this necessitates higher-level data integration. Data integration will not only help organizations use authentic knowledge from multiple systems, but it can also make positive decisions and have exceptional results.
Advanced data aggregation technologies make it convenient for corporate customers with little or no technical skills to acquire essential information, integrate it, and analyze it to grant actionable insights. CPOs (Chief Procurement Officers) may discover unique cost-cutting methods to lower risk exposure and enhance decision-making by objectively assessing the data. Conventional forms to business analytics (BI), such as query and reporting, are uncertain about seeking out information using these techniques. 
Advanced data integration systems use self-service and artificial intelligence-based projections to evaluate complicated, bidirectional large datasets. They make it possible for non-technical business customers to link data, give valuable intelligence, and integrate new collaborators in moments rather than months. Meanwhile, IT users can undertake management and actually spend their attention on more significant duties. Consequently, businesses can use relevant information to deliver accurate judgment calls and enjoy the journey of business transformation with simplicity and accuracy.
Supply chain workers can benefit from these solutions since they automate tedious information management, consolidate information through a center console, and perform these tasks without any intervention from IT staff. That itself is a milestone and can fasten the process. 
All of that information is likely already accessible to businesses. However, everything gets lost in a sea of datasets spread across various platforms most of the time. Each raw data, including legacy systems, multi-cloud, and third-party sources, must be connected, and data may be discovered, consolidated, and synchronized instantaneously.
As a result, that wealth of information is now the most precious asset in your organization. One can leverage data more quickly, minimize shortfalls, and increase your business’s profitability. You’ll get a greater understanding of what is happening in your firm. In a nutshell, you make decent judgments now that you have the visibility you require.
HubBroker’s Integration Solutions
With Hubbroker, you can assist your clients in streamlining the transmission of business papers while adhering to all current industry requirements. Fill out the form on our website to receive a demo of how Hubbroker can help you get on the train of digital transformation.
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Essential Ideas You Need To Know When Repairing Your Roof
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Similar to many homeowners, you’re probably uneducated on roofs or you simply don’t care about them. However, your Lynchburg roof is the thing that protects you and your home from rain, snow, and other elements. This article is going to teach you all that there is to know about repairing a Lynchburg roof. Keep reading to learn more.
Leaks may come from Lynchburg roof foundation damage. If there’s dry rot on your home’s sides, water will be able to get in through there. Check every possible entry point, including rotten wood, to ensure you solve the problem once and for all.
With roofing, it’s important to think about the weather. Clay roofs are great for dry climates and can help to keep the house cool. Clay Lynchburg roof tiles in rainy climates will cause your roofing in Lynchburg VA to deteriorate quickly. Be sure to ask an expert if you aren’t sure.
Don’t hesitate to replace shingles. Waiting to fix small problems is not a good option since you might end up spending a lot more if the problems get worse. Taking care of shingles right away can save you a lot of money and stress. Prevention is key.
If you intend to complete work on your Lynchburg roof, you must do so securely. It is not hard to lose your footing and sustain serious injury – even death – when you are on your roof.
Don’t use short-term solutions for your roof repairs. You may think you’re saving money, but ultimately you might have more damage costing more in the end. You have to make sure to fix the issue completely; that way, you avoid problems down the line.
Confirm that your contractor has the necessary skills to perform the job. You might consider asking family and friends for personal recommendations. It is important mainly because you won’t want to have your repairs be done poorly, as they will only cost you more in the future.
When roofing is concerned, safety should be your number one priority. A quick way to seriously injure yourself is to try to work on your roof in wet conditions. Just do what you can with the leak, like collecting the water in a bucket, and look at the roof later when the weather is better.
When you have your contractors narrowed down, ask them about the warranties they provide. Don’t contract with anyone who offers a warranty of less than three years. Five or more years is ideal. The warranty should deal with poor work and defective materials, and you should have manufacturer warranty copies too.
If you choose a contractor that has workers for him/ her, this could end up being a cheaper option than a contractor that works alone. A team of roofers will finish the job faster, which will often result in a cheaper final product. If you are hiring a single roofer, be sure that you aren’t overcharged for labor.
If you’re wondering if your roofing in Lynchburg VA is leaking, try spraying it with a garden hose. This is a great way to see if there’s a leak and you can also see where the leak is coming from. This is more cost effective than hiring a professional.
Always check the references of a contractor before hiring them. Follow up on the references, calling previous clients to find out if they are satisfied with the work. Look into these addresses on your own too. Drive by them and look at them carefully to figure out who to hire.
Pay attention to the little things when you hire a roofing contractor. Someone that arrives on time for an appointment or calls you when they say they will is probably fairly dependable. Giving typed bids also looks professional. You want your roofer to have both qualities.
When undergoing a Lynchburg roof replacement, you may want to consider architectural shingles. Not only do they look better than normal shingles, they also last longer. Since these shingles are considered premium materials, using them will increase the value of your home, leading to a higher sale price when the time arrives.
If parts of your roof aren’t visible from ground level or from a ladder, you had best climb up there to inspect them after serious storms with lots of wind. It’s critical to find damage to shingles early, and a few flying shingles can result in major leaks. Check your roof every time, but always remember safety first.
When you’re trying to hire someone to do roofing for you, do some research first. You shouldn’t just go with the one who has the best ad or the lowest prices. Always research all options available to you instead. You can look online, ask your friends, or use a service that helps find trusted workers for you.
Don’t allow people to work on your home if they don’t act professional in their entire approach to your job. For instance, contractors should provide typed and clearly formatted quotes. You will want to make sure the whole process is professional from the very beginning.
There are many aspects to consider when choosing a contractor for roofing repairs, and haste can complicate things. If you do not know how to begin looking, talk to your family and friends if they have any advice. Ask a lot of questions to make sure that they are recommending someone that is worth the time and money.
As previously mentioned, many homeowners don’t know or get concerned over roofing. However, it’s crucial to become educated about it in case something happens, so that you can avoid serious issues. A sound roof keeps your home safe and comfortable.
Never go up onto your roof to inspect for damage. If you have issues, find a pro to come look at it. A damaged roof is not a safe place for an unexperienced homeowner.
The post Essential Ideas You Need To Know When Repairing Your Roof appeared first on Lynchburg Roofing Contractors.
from Lynchburg Roofing Contractors https://lynchburgroofingcontractors.com/essential-ideas-you-need-to-know-when-repairing-your-roof/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=essential-ideas-you-need-to-know-when-repairing-your-roof
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robertvfieldmd · 4 years
Essential Ideas You Need To Know When Repairing Your Roof
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Similar to many homeowners, you’re probably uneducated on roofs or you simply don’t care about them. However, your Lynchburg roof is the thing that protects you and your home from rain, snow, and other elements. This article is going to teach you all that there is to know about repairing a Lynchburg roof. Keep reading to learn more.
Leaks may come from Lynchburg roof foundation damage. If there’s dry rot on your home’s sides, water will be able to get in through there. Check every possible entry point, including rotten wood, to ensure you solve the problem once and for all.
With roofing, it’s important to think about the weather. Clay roofs are great for dry climates and can help to keep the house cool. Clay Lynchburg roof tiles in rainy climates will cause your roofing in Lynchburg VA to deteriorate quickly. Be sure to ask an expert if you aren’t sure.
Don’t hesitate to replace shingles. Waiting to fix small problems is not a good option since you might end up spending a lot more if the problems get worse. Taking care of shingles right away can save you a lot of money and stress. Prevention is key.
If you intend to complete work on your Lynchburg roof, you must do so securely. It is not hard to lose your footing and sustain serious injury – even death – when you are on your roof.
Don’t use short-term solutions for your roof repairs. You may think you’re saving money, but ultimately you might have more damage costing more in the end. You have to make sure to fix the issue completely; that way, you avoid problems down the line.
Confirm that your contractor has the necessary skills to perform the job. You might consider asking family and friends for personal recommendations. It is important mainly because you won’t want to have your repairs be done poorly, as they will only cost you more in the future.
When roofing is concerned, safety should be your number one priority. A quick way to seriously injure yourself is to try to work on your roof in wet conditions. Just do what you can with the leak, like collecting the water in a bucket, and look at the roof later when the weather is better.
When you have your contractors narrowed down, ask them about the warranties they provide. Don’t contract with anyone who offers a warranty of less than three years. Five or more years is ideal. The warranty should deal with poor work and defective materials, and you should have manufacturer warranty copies too.
If you choose a contractor that has workers for him/ her, this could end up being a cheaper option than a contractor that works alone. A team of roofers will finish the job faster, which will often result in a cheaper final product. If you are hiring a single roofer, be sure that you aren’t overcharged for labor.
If you’re wondering if your roofing in Lynchburg VA is leaking, try spraying it with a garden hose. This is a great way to see if there’s a leak and you can also see where the leak is coming from. This is more cost effective than hiring a professional.
Always check the references of a contractor before hiring them. Follow up on the references, calling previous clients to find out if they are satisfied with the work. Look into these addresses on your own too. Drive by them and look at them carefully to figure out who to hire.
Pay attention to the little things when you hire a roofing contractor. Someone that arrives on time for an appointment or calls you when they say they will is probably fairly dependable. Giving typed bids also looks professional. You want your roofer to have both qualities.
When undergoing a Lynchburg roof replacement, you may want to consider architectural shingles. Not only do they look better than normal shingles, they also last longer. Since these shingles are considered premium materials, using them will increase the value of your home, leading to a higher sale price when the time arrives.
If parts of your roof aren’t visible from ground level or from a ladder, you had best climb up there to inspect them after serious storms with lots of wind. It’s critical to find damage to shingles early, and a few flying shingles can result in major leaks. Check your roof every time, but always remember safety first.
When you’re trying to hire someone to do roofing for you, do some research first. You shouldn’t just go with the one who has the best ad or the lowest prices. Always research all options available to you instead. You can look online, ask your friends, or use a service that helps find trusted workers for you.
Don’t allow people to work on your home if they don’t act professional in their entire approach to your job. For instance, contractors should provide typed and clearly formatted quotes. You will want to make sure the whole process is professional from the very beginning.
There are many aspects to consider when choosing a contractor for roofing repairs, and haste can complicate things. If you do not know how to begin looking, talk to your family and friends if they have any advice. Ask a lot of questions to make sure that they are recommending someone that is worth the time and money.
As previously mentioned, many homeowners don’t know or get concerned over roofing. However, it’s crucial to become educated about it in case something happens, so that you can avoid serious issues. A sound roof keeps your home safe and comfortable.
Never go up onto your roof to inspect for damage. If you have issues, find a pro to come look at it. A damaged roof is not a safe place for an unexperienced homeowner.
The post Essential Ideas You Need To Know When Repairing Your Roof appeared first on Lynchburg Roofing Contractors.
source https://lynchburgroofingcontractors.com/essential-ideas-you-need-to-know-when-repairing-your-roof/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=essential-ideas-you-need-to-know-when-repairing-your-roof from Lynchburg Roofing Contractors https://lynchburgroofingcontractors.blogspot.com/2020/02/essential-ideas-you-need-to-know-when.html
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KARACHI—The battle raged for hours between two nuclear powers on Monday, fought in a contested valley high in the legendary Karakoram mountain range. But the weapons used were as primitive as they were brutal: iron rods wrapped in barbed wire, bare fists, and anything that came to hand. When it was over, India counted 20 of its soldiers dead, some of them forced into a river. China acknowledged the clash, but gave no casualty count or details.JFK Stopped a China-India War. Can Trump? The Nuclear Stakes Are Much Higher NowThe incident marked a grave escalation in a decades-old high-altitude stand-off that had been intensifying in recent weeks, and suggests a Chinese strategy for which neither India nor the United States have a good answer: one of provocation, and incremental pushes, constantly testing resolve.India at first said three of its troops were killed, but in a statement issued later on Tuesday the Indian Army said that 17 more critically injured succumbed to their injuries. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Indian troops "crossed the border line twice... provoking and attacking Chinese personnel, resulting in serious physical confrontation between border forces on the two sides.”As the BBC reported, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said China tried to erect a structure inside Indian territory, while China's Wang Yi said Indian troops attacked first. But in a phone call both men promised not to escalate the situation. It was the first deadly clash at the disputed border for at least 45 years.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared his soldiers’ deaths "will not be in vain.”"India wants peace but when provoked, India is capable of giving a fitting reply, be it any kind of situation," Modi said in a televised address on Wednesday.U.S. President Donald Trump offered to mediate, but both Beijing and New Delhi quickly rejected that possibility, as diplomats knew they would. And the American position—or lack of it—suggests just how weak the Trump administration’s position really is in this part of the world. THE BUILD-UPTensions along the China-India border started escalating early last month when Chinese soldiers, ignoring verbal warnings from India, entered the disputed territory of Ladakh and erected tents and guard posts. Since then, thousands of soldiers from the two countries have been facing off just a few hundred meters from each other in the valley of the Galwan River more than two miles above sea level. The proximate cause of the flare-up is believed by observers to be New Delhi's plan to build infrastructure projects along the edge of Chinese-claimed territory. India's construction of roads and air strips along the 4,056 kilometer poorly demarcated Line of Actual Control (LAC) eventually established decades after the 1962 Sino-Indian War raised eyebrows, and ire, in Beijing.While China claims some 90,000 square kilometers of territory in India's northeast, including the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh with its traditionally Buddhist population, India blames China for occupying 38,000 square kilometers of its territory in the Aksai Chin Plateau in the western Himalayas, including part of the Ladakh region. A major reason behind strained Sino-India relations has been the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama, who fled his homeland in 1959 during an aborted uprising against Chinese rule. India hosted the Dalai Lama, who established a self-declared government-in-exile in the northern Indian town of Dharmsala, where thousands of Tibetans have settled.The blame game over trespassing along the disputed border is played out through media on both sides. At present the most contentious issue is the strategic bridge being built by India near Daulat Beg Oldi, the last military post south of the Karakoram Pass. The bridge is the part of Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi road, which will enhance India's strategic advance and access in the disputed region bordering China. Beijing's rapid military mobilization is aimed at deterring India's planned strategic access along LAC in Ladakh region.In the current Sino-India border standoff, Beijing looks offensive and aggressive; New Delhi seems defensive and restrained, and the United States appears to be eyeing the developing situation as a silent spectator.  A FULL-BLOWN WAR?India wants to complete the infrastructure projects for its rapid military mobilization and strategic advance in the Ladakh region. China is increasing maximum pressure to force India to stop the construction activity. China has proved itself a dominant power by intruding several kilometers into the territory claimed by India along the LAC in the Ladakh region and by building bunkers there. Could the first clash lead to a full-fledged war between China and India?Experts believe that with the Monday clash a crisis that was well on its way to de-escalating did an abrupt about face and brought China and India closer to war than at any other time in quite a few years. But, the experts do not see the skirmish leading to a full-scale conflict between the two nuclear-armed neighbors, and reports that despite the carnage no shots were fired suggests just how careful both sides are to avoid such a conflagration."A conflict is highly unlikely," Michael Kugelman, the deputy director and senior associate for South Asia at the Wilson Center in Washington told The Daily Beast."Neither side wants or can afford a war, and especially amid the coronavirus pandemic,” Kugelman said. “India, in particular, as the less powerful state won't want to risk a conflict. Eventually the two sides will deescalate. Still, there's no way that they will quickly climb down the ladder after a high-fatality incident like this one. Both sides will feel pressure to escalate, but both, and especially India, will need to be careful not to take measures that increase the possibility of miscalculation." THE COUNTERWEIGHT?Under President Barack Obama, the U.S projected India as a counterweight to China. But under the Trump administration, U.S policy witnessed a major shift vis-a-vis India. Last year, Donald Trump pushed New Delhi to the sidelines and initiated a peace process with the Afghan Taliban assigning Pakistan—India's arch rival—the key role facilitating U.S.-Taliban peace talks. And finally, Washington signed an exit deal with the Taliban on February 29. India was shut out of the whole two-year-long peace negotiations.Now Trump has eschewed what India might have expected to be his role as a strong ally."Typically in these crises the U.S. stays quiet,” says Kugelman. “I would imagine that we could see the U.S. scale up its intelligence support to India to better enable New Delhi to know the troop positions of Chinese soldiers along the border,” but “the U.S. lacks the bandwidth to do anything else. The Trump administration is completely consumed by the coronavirus and its reelection campaign.”Even so, says Kugelman, “I don't think we should underplay how significant this crisis is for Washington,” adding, "This is a case of Washington's top rival sparring with one of the biggest U.S. partners in the Indo-Pacific. The U.S. government is sure to be paying close attention, and it can't afford to look away."Beijing has warned New Delhi to stay away from the U.S.-China rivalry. Beijing asked India to be careful not to include the U.S. factor in its handling of any problem in its relations with China, "otherwise it will only complicate the issue," China said in an article in the state-owned Global Times. "The offer of U.S. mediation is unnecessary and the last thing both sides could use. China and India have the ability to resolve their problems, and there is no need for any third-party intervention," said the article. "If in a new Cold War, India leans toward the U.S. or becomes a U.S. pawn attacking China, the economic and trade ties between the two Asian neighbors will suffer a devastating blow. And it would be too much for the Indian economy to take such a hit at the current stage."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3hAVZ21
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teeky185 · 4 years
KARACHI—The battle raged for hours between two nuclear powers on Monday, fought in a contested valley high in the legendary Karakoram mountain range. But the weapons used were as primitive as they were brutal: iron rods wrapped in barbed wire, bare fists, and anything that came to hand. When it was over, India counted 20 of its soldiers dead, some of them forced into a river. China acknowledged the clash, but gave no casualty count or details.JFK Stopped a China-India War. Can Trump? The Nuclear Stakes Are Much Higher NowThe incident marked a grave escalation in a decades-old high-altitude stand-off that had been intensifying in recent weeks, and suggests a Chinese strategy for which neither India nor the United States have a good answer: one of provocation, and incremental pushes, constantly testing resolve.India at first said three of its troops were killed, but in a statement issued later on Tuesday the Indian Army said that 17 more critically injured succumbed to their injuries. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Indian troops "crossed the border line twice... provoking and attacking Chinese personnel, resulting in serious physical confrontation between border forces on the two sides.”As the BBC reported, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said China tried to erect a structure inside Indian territory, while China's Wang Yi said Indian troops attacked first. But in a phone call both men promised not to escalate the situation. It was the first deadly clash at the disputed border for at least 45 years.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared his soldiers’ deaths "will not be in vain.”"India wants peace but when provoked, India is capable of giving a fitting reply, be it any kind of situation," Modi said in a televised address on Wednesday.U.S. President Donald Trump offered to mediate, but both Beijing and New Delhi quickly rejected that possibility, as diplomats knew they would. And the American position—or lack of it—suggests just how weak the Trump administration’s position really is in this part of the world. THE BUILD-UPTensions along the China-India border started escalating early last month when Chinese soldiers, ignoring verbal warnings from India, entered the disputed territory of Ladakh and erected tents and guard posts. Since then, thousands of soldiers from the two countries have been facing off just a few hundred meters from each other in the valley of the Galwan River more than two miles above sea level. The proximate cause of the flare-up is believed by observers to be New Delhi's plan to build infrastructure projects along the edge of Chinese-claimed territory. India's construction of roads and air strips along the 4,056 kilometer poorly demarcated Line of Actual Control (LAC) eventually established decades after the 1962 Sino-Indian War raised eyebrows, and ire, in Beijing.While China claims some 90,000 square kilometers of territory in India's northeast, including the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh with its traditionally Buddhist population, India blames China for occupying 38,000 square kilometers of its territory in the Aksai Chin Plateau in the western Himalayas, including part of the Ladakh region. A major reason behind strained Sino-India relations has been the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama, who fled his homeland in 1959 during an aborted uprising against Chinese rule. India hosted the Dalai Lama, who established a self-declared government-in-exile in the northern Indian town of Dharmsala, where thousands of Tibetans have settled.The blame game over trespassing along the disputed border is played out through media on both sides. At present the most contentious issue is the strategic bridge being built by India near Daulat Beg Oldi, the last military post south of the Karakoram Pass. The bridge is the part of Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi road, which will enhance India's strategic advance and access in the disputed region bordering China. Beijing's rapid military mobilization is aimed at deterring India's planned strategic access along LAC in Ladakh region.In the current Sino-India border standoff, Beijing looks offensive and aggressive; New Delhi seems defensive and restrained, and the United States appears to be eyeing the developing situation as a silent spectator.  A FULL-BLOWN WAR?India wants to complete the infrastructure projects for its rapid military mobilization and strategic advance in the Ladakh region. China is increasing maximum pressure to force India to stop the construction activity. China has proved itself a dominant power by intruding several kilometers into the territory claimed by India along the LAC in the Ladakh region and by building bunkers there. Could the first clash lead to a full-fledged war between China and India?Experts believe that with the Monday clash a crisis that was well on its way to de-escalating did an abrupt about face and brought China and India closer to war than at any other time in quite a few years. But, the experts do not see the skirmish leading to a full-scale conflict between the two nuclear-armed neighbors, and reports that despite the carnage no shots were fired suggests just how careful both sides are to avoid such a conflagration."A conflict is highly unlikely," Michael Kugelman, the deputy director and senior associate for South Asia at the Wilson Center in Washington told The Daily Beast."Neither side wants or can afford a war, and especially amid the coronavirus pandemic,” Kugelman said. “India, in particular, as the less powerful state won't want to risk a conflict. Eventually the two sides will deescalate. Still, there's no way that they will quickly climb down the ladder after a high-fatality incident like this one. Both sides will feel pressure to escalate, but both, and especially India, will need to be careful not to take measures that increase the possibility of miscalculation." THE COUNTERWEIGHT?Under President Barack Obama, the U.S projected India as a counterweight to China. But under the Trump administration, U.S policy witnessed a major shift vis-a-vis India. Last year, Donald Trump pushed New Delhi to the sidelines and initiated a peace process with the Afghan Taliban assigning Pakistan—India's arch rival—the key role facilitating U.S.-Taliban peace talks. And finally, Washington signed an exit deal with the Taliban on February 29. India was shut out of the whole two-year-long peace negotiations.Now Trump has eschewed what India might have expected to be his role as a strong ally."Typically in these crises the U.S. stays quiet,” says Kugelman. “I would imagine that we could see the U.S. scale up its intelligence support to India to better enable New Delhi to know the troop positions of Chinese soldiers along the border,” but “the U.S. lacks the bandwidth to do anything else. The Trump administration is completely consumed by the coronavirus and its reelection campaign.”Even so, says Kugelman, “I don't think we should underplay how significant this crisis is for Washington,” adding, "This is a case of Washington's top rival sparring with one of the biggest U.S. partners in the Indo-Pacific. The U.S. government is sure to be paying close attention, and it can't afford to look away."Beijing has warned New Delhi to stay away from the U.S.-China rivalry. Beijing asked India to be careful not to include the U.S. factor in its handling of any problem in its relations with China, "otherwise it will only complicate the issue," China said in an article in the state-owned Global Times. "The offer of U.S. mediation is unnecessary and the last thing both sides could use. China and India have the ability to resolve their problems, and there is no need for any third-party intervention," said the article. "If in a new Cold War, India leans toward the U.S. or becomes a U.S. pawn attacking China, the economic and trade ties between the two Asian neighbors will suffer a devastating blow. And it would be too much for the Indian economy to take such a hit at the current stage."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3hAVZ21
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morningusa · 4 years
KARACHI—The battle raged for hours between two nuclear powers on Monday, fought in a contested valley high in the legendary Karakoram mountain range. But the weapons used were as primitive as they were brutal: iron rods wrapped in barbed wire, bare fists, and anything that came to hand. When it was over, India counted 20 of its soldiers dead, some of them forced into a river. China acknowledged the clash, but gave no casualty count or details.JFK Stopped a China-India War. Can Trump? The Nuclear Stakes Are Much Higher NowThe incident marked a grave escalation in a decades-old high-altitude stand-off that had been intensifying in recent weeks, and suggests a Chinese strategy for which neither India nor the United States have a good answer: one of provocation, and incremental pushes, constantly testing resolve.India at first said three of its troops were killed, but in a statement issued later on Tuesday the Indian Army said that 17 more critically injured succumbed to their injuries. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Indian troops "crossed the border line twice... provoking and attacking Chinese personnel, resulting in serious physical confrontation between border forces on the two sides.”As the BBC reported, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said China tried to erect a structure inside Indian territory, while China's Wang Yi said Indian troops attacked first. But in a phone call both men promised not to escalate the situation. It was the first deadly clash at the disputed border for at least 45 years.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared his soldiers’ deaths "will not be in vain.”"India wants peace but when provoked, India is capable of giving a fitting reply, be it any kind of situation," Modi said in a televised address on Wednesday.U.S. President Donald Trump offered to mediate, but both Beijing and New Delhi quickly rejected that possibility, as diplomats knew they would. And the American position—or lack of it—suggests just how weak the Trump administration’s position really is in this part of the world. THE BUILD-UPTensions along the China-India border started escalating early last month when Chinese soldiers, ignoring verbal warnings from India, entered the disputed territory of Ladakh and erected tents and guard posts. Since then, thousands of soldiers from the two countries have been facing off just a few hundred meters from each other in the valley of the Galwan River more than two miles above sea level. The proximate cause of the flare-up is believed by observers to be New Delhi's plan to build infrastructure projects along the edge of Chinese-claimed territory. India's construction of roads and air strips along the 4,056 kilometer poorly demarcated Line of Actual Control (LAC) eventually established decades after the 1962 Sino-Indian War raised eyebrows, and ire, in Beijing.While China claims some 90,000 square kilometers of territory in India's northeast, including the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh with its traditionally Buddhist population, India blames China for occupying 38,000 square kilometers of its territory in the Aksai Chin Plateau in the western Himalayas, including part of the Ladakh region. A major reason behind strained Sino-India relations has been the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama, who fled his homeland in 1959 during an aborted uprising against Chinese rule. India hosted the Dalai Lama, who established a self-declared government-in-exile in the northern Indian town of Dharmsala, where thousands of Tibetans have settled.The blame game over trespassing along the disputed border is played out through media on both sides. At present the most contentious issue is the strategic bridge being built by India near Daulat Beg Oldi, the last military post south of the Karakoram Pass. The bridge is the part of Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi road, which will enhance India's strategic advance and access in the disputed region bordering China. Beijing's rapid military mobilization is aimed at deterring India's planned strategic access along LAC in Ladakh region.In the current Sino-India border standoff, Beijing looks offensive and aggressive; New Delhi seems defensive and restrained, and the United States appears to be eyeing the developing situation as a silent spectator.  A FULL-BLOWN WAR?India wants to complete the infrastructure projects for its rapid military mobilization and strategic advance in the Ladakh region. China is increasing maximum pressure to force India to stop the construction activity. China has proved itself a dominant power by intruding several kilometers into the territory claimed by India along the LAC in the Ladakh region and by building bunkers there. Could the first clash lead to a full-fledged war between China and India?Experts believe that with the Monday clash a crisis that was well on its way to de-escalating did an abrupt about face and brought China and India closer to war than at any other time in quite a few years. But, the experts do not see the skirmish leading to a full-scale conflict between the two nuclear-armed neighbors, and reports that despite the carnage no shots were fired suggests just how careful both sides are to avoid such a conflagration."A conflict is highly unlikely," Michael Kugelman, the deputy director and senior associate for South Asia at the Wilson Center in Washington told The Daily Beast."Neither side wants or can afford a war, and especially amid the coronavirus pandemic,” Kugelman said. “India, in particular, as the less powerful state won't want to risk a conflict. Eventually the two sides will deescalate. Still, there's no way that they will quickly climb down the ladder after a high-fatality incident like this one. Both sides will feel pressure to escalate, but both, and especially India, will need to be careful not to take measures that increase the possibility of miscalculation." THE COUNTERWEIGHT?Under President Barack Obama, the U.S projected India as a counterweight to China. But under the Trump administration, U.S policy witnessed a major shift vis-a-vis India. Last year, Donald Trump pushed New Delhi to the sidelines and initiated a peace process with the Afghan Taliban assigning Pakistan—India's arch rival—the key role facilitating U.S.-Taliban peace talks. And finally, Washington signed an exit deal with the Taliban on February 29. India was shut out of the whole two-year-long peace negotiations.Now Trump has eschewed what India might have expected to be his role as a strong ally."Typically in these crises the U.S. stays quiet,” says Kugelman. “I would imagine that we could see the U.S. scale up its intelligence support to India to better enable New Delhi to know the troop positions of Chinese soldiers along the border,” but “the U.S. lacks the bandwidth to do anything else. The Trump administration is completely consumed by the coronavirus and its reelection campaign.”Even so, says Kugelman, “I don't think we should underplay how significant this crisis is for Washington,” adding, "This is a case of Washington's top rival sparring with one of the biggest U.S. partners in the Indo-Pacific. The U.S. government is sure to be paying close attention, and it can't afford to look away."Beijing has warned New Delhi to stay away from the U.S.-China rivalry. Beijing asked India to be careful not to include the U.S. factor in its handling of any problem in its relations with China, "otherwise it will only complicate the issue," China said in an article in the state-owned Global Times. "The offer of U.S. mediation is unnecessary and the last thing both sides could use. China and India have the ability to resolve their problems, and there is no need for any third-party intervention," said the article. "If in a new Cold War, India leans toward the U.S. or becomes a U.S. pawn attacking China, the economic and trade ties between the two Asian neighbors will suffer a devastating blow. And it would be too much for the Indian economy to take such a hit at the current stage."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
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usuallyleftnight · 4 years
KARACHI—The battle raged for hours between two nuclear powers on Monday, fought in a contested valley high in the legendary Karakoram mountain range. But the weapons used were as primitive as they were brutal: iron rods wrapped in barbed wire, bare fists, and anything that came to hand. When it was over, India counted 20 of its soldiers dead, some of them forced into a river. China acknowledged the clash, but gave no casualty count or details.JFK Stopped a China-India War. Can Trump? The Nuclear Stakes Are Much Higher NowThe incident marked a grave escalation in a decades-old high-altitude stand-off that had been intensifying in recent weeks, and suggests a Chinese strategy for which neither India nor the United States have a good answer: one of provocation, and incremental pushes, constantly testing resolve.India at first said three of its troops were killed, but in a statement issued later on Tuesday the Indian Army said that 17 more critically injured succumbed to their injuries. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Indian troops "crossed the border line twice... provoking and attacking Chinese personnel, resulting in serious physical confrontation between border forces on the two sides.”As the BBC reported, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said China tried to erect a structure inside Indian territory, while China's Wang Yi said Indian troops attacked first. But in a phone call both men promised not to escalate the situation. It was the first deadly clash at the disputed border for at least 45 years.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared his soldiers’ deaths "will not be in vain.”"India wants peace but when provoked, India is capable of giving a fitting reply, be it any kind of situation," Modi said in a televised address on Wednesday.U.S. President Donald Trump offered to mediate, but both Beijing and New Delhi quickly rejected that possibility, as diplomats knew they would. And the American position—or lack of it—suggests just how weak the Trump administration’s position really is in this part of the world. THE BUILD-UPTensions along the China-India border started escalating early last month when Chinese soldiers, ignoring verbal warnings from India, entered the disputed territory of Ladakh and erected tents and guard posts. Since then, thousands of soldiers from the two countries have been facing off just a few hundred meters from each other in the valley of the Galwan River more than two miles above sea level. The proximate cause of the flare-up is believed by observers to be New Delhi's plan to build infrastructure projects along the edge of Chinese-claimed territory. India's construction of roads and air strips along the 4,056 kilometer poorly demarcated Line of Actual Control (LAC) eventually established decades after the 1962 Sino-Indian War raised eyebrows, and ire, in Beijing.While China claims some 90,000 square kilometers of territory in India's northeast, including the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh with its traditionally Buddhist population, India blames China for occupying 38,000 square kilometers of its territory in the Aksai Chin Plateau in the western Himalayas, including part of the Ladakh region. A major reason behind strained Sino-India relations has been the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama, who fled his homeland in 1959 during an aborted uprising against Chinese rule. India hosted the Dalai Lama, who established a self-declared government-in-exile in the northern Indian town of Dharmsala, where thousands of Tibetans have settled.The blame game over trespassing along the disputed border is played out through media on both sides. At present the most contentious issue is the strategic bridge being built by India near Daulat Beg Oldi, the last military post south of the Karakoram Pass. The bridge is the part of Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi road, which will enhance India's strategic advance and access in the disputed region bordering China. Beijing's rapid military mobilization is aimed at deterring India's planned strategic access along LAC in Ladakh region.In the current Sino-India border standoff, Beijing looks offensive and aggressive; New Delhi seems defensive and restrained, and the United States appears to be eyeing the developing situation as a silent spectator.  A FULL-BLOWN WAR?India wants to complete the infrastructure projects for its rapid military mobilization and strategic advance in the Ladakh region. China is increasing maximum pressure to force India to stop the construction activity. China has proved itself a dominant power by intruding several kilometers into the territory claimed by India along the LAC in the Ladakh region and by building bunkers there. Could the first clash lead to a full-fledged war between China and India?Experts believe that with the Monday clash a crisis that was well on its way to de-escalating did an abrupt about face and brought China and India closer to war than at any other time in quite a few years. But, the experts do not see the skirmish leading to a full-scale conflict between the two nuclear-armed neighbors, and reports that despite the carnage no shots were fired suggests just how careful both sides are to avoid such a conflagration."A conflict is highly unlikely," Michael Kugelman, the deputy director and senior associate for South Asia at the Wilson Center in Washington told The Daily Beast."Neither side wants or can afford a war, and especially amid the coronavirus pandemic,” Kugelman said. “India, in particular, as the less powerful state won't want to risk a conflict. Eventually the two sides will deescalate. Still, there's no way that they will quickly climb down the ladder after a high-fatality incident like this one. Both sides will feel pressure to escalate, but both, and especially India, will need to be careful not to take measures that increase the possibility of miscalculation." THE COUNTERWEIGHT?Under President Barack Obama, the U.S projected India as a counterweight to China. But under the Trump administration, U.S policy witnessed a major shift vis-a-vis India. Last year, Donald Trump pushed New Delhi to the sidelines and initiated a peace process with the Afghan Taliban assigning Pakistan—India's arch rival—the key role facilitating U.S.-Taliban peace talks. And finally, Washington signed an exit deal with the Taliban on February 29. India was shut out of the whole two-year-long peace negotiations.Now Trump has eschewed what India might have expected to be his role as a strong ally."Typically in these crises the U.S. stays quiet,” says Kugelman. “I would imagine that we could see the U.S. scale up its intelligence support to India to better enable New Delhi to know the troop positions of Chinese soldiers along the border,” but “the U.S. lacks the bandwidth to do anything else. The Trump administration is completely consumed by the coronavirus and its reelection campaign.”Even so, says Kugelman, “I don't think we should underplay how significant this crisis is for Washington,” adding, "This is a case of Washington's top rival sparring with one of the biggest U.S. partners in the Indo-Pacific. The U.S. government is sure to be paying close attention, and it can't afford to look away."Beijing has warned New Delhi to stay away from the U.S.-China rivalry. Beijing asked India to be careful not to include the U.S. factor in its handling of any problem in its relations with China, "otherwise it will only complicate the issue," China said in an article in the state-owned Global Times. "The offer of U.S. mediation is unnecessary and the last thing both sides could use. China and India have the ability to resolve their problems, and there is no need for any third-party intervention," said the article. "If in a new Cold War, India leans toward the U.S. or becomes a U.S. pawn attacking China, the economic and trade ties between the two Asian neighbors will suffer a devastating blow. And it would be too much for the Indian economy to take such a hit at the current stage."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3hAVZ21
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donnarrivers29 · 4 years
Essential Ideas You Need To Know When Repairing Your Roof
Similar to many homeowners, you’re probably uneducated on roofs or you simply don’t care about them. However, your Lynchburg roof is the thing that protects you and your home from rain, snow, and other elements. This article is going to teach you all that there is to know about repairing a Lynchburg roof. Keep reading to learn more.
Leaks may come from Lynchburg roof foundation damage. If there’s dry rot on your home’s sides, water will be able to get in through there. Check every possible entry point, including rotten wood, to ensure you solve the problem once and for all.
With roofing, it’s important to think about the weather. Clay roofs are great for dry climates and can help to keep the house cool. Clay Lynchburg roof tiles in rainy climates will cause your roofing in Lynchburg VA to deteriorate quickly. Be sure to ask an expert if you aren’t sure.
Don’t hesitate to replace shingles. Waiting to fix small problems is not a good option since you might end up spending a lot more if the problems get worse. Taking care of shingles right away can save you a lot of money and stress. Prevention is key.
If you intend to complete work on your Lynchburg roof, you must do so securely. It is not hard to lose your footing and sustain serious injury – even death – when you are on your roof.
Don’t use short-term solutions for your roof repairs. You may think you’re saving money, but ultimately you might have more damage costing more in the end. You have to make sure to fix the issue completely; that way, you avoid problems down the line.
Confirm that your contractor has the necessary skills to perform the job. You might consider asking family and friends for personal recommendations. It is important mainly because you won’t want to have your repairs be done poorly, as they will only cost you more in the future.
When roofing is concerned, safety should be your number one priority. A quick way to seriously injure yourself is to try to work on your roof in wet conditions. Just do what you can with the leak, like collecting the water in a bucket, and look at the roof later when the weather is better.
When you have your contractors narrowed down, ask them about the warranties they provide. Don’t contract with anyone who offers a warranty of less than three years. Five or more years is ideal. The warranty should deal with poor work and defective materials, and you should have manufacturer warranty copies too.
If you choose a contractor that has workers for him/ her, this could end up being a cheaper option than a contractor that works alone. A team of roofers will finish the job faster, which will often result in a cheaper final product. If you are hiring a single roofer, be sure that you aren’t overcharged for labor.
If you’re wondering if your roofing in Lynchburg VA is leaking, try spraying it with a garden hose. This is a great way to see if there’s a leak and you can also see where the leak is coming from. This is more cost effective than hiring a professional.
Always check the references of a contractor before hiring them. Follow up on the references, calling previous clients to find out if they are satisfied with the work. Look into these addresses on your own too. Drive by them and look at them carefully to figure out who to hire.
Pay attention to the little things when you hire a roofing contractor. Someone that arrives on time for an appointment or calls you when they say they will is probably fairly dependable. Giving typed bids also looks professional. You want your roofer to have both qualities.
When undergoing a Lynchburg roof replacement, you may want to consider architectural shingles. Not only do they look better than normal shingles, they also last longer. Since these shingles are considered premium materials, using them will increase the value of your home, leading to a higher sale price when the time arrives.
If parts of your roof aren’t visible from ground level or from a ladder, you had best climb up there to inspect them after serious storms with lots of wind. It’s critical to find damage to shingles early, and a few flying shingles can result in major leaks. Check your roof every time, but always remember safety first.
When you’re trying to hire someone to do roofing for you, do some research first. You shouldn’t just go with the one who has the best ad or the lowest prices. Always research all options available to you instead. You can look online, ask your friends, or use a service that helps find trusted workers for you.
Don’t allow people to work on your home if they don’t act professional in their entire approach to your job. For instance, contractors should provide typed and clearly formatted quotes. You will want to make sure the whole process is professional from the very beginning.
There are many aspects to consider when choosing a contractor for roofing repairs, and haste can complicate things. If you do not know how to begin looking, talk to your family and friends if they have any advice. Ask a lot of questions to make sure that they are recommending someone that is worth the time and money.
As previously mentioned, many homeowners don’t know or get concerned over roofing. However, it’s crucial to become educated about it in case something happens, so that you can avoid serious issues. A sound roof keeps your home safe and comfortable.
Never go up onto your roof to inspect for damage. If you have issues, find a pro to come look at it. A damaged roof is not a safe place for an unexperienced homeowner.
The post Essential Ideas You Need To Know When Repairing Your Roof appeared first on Lynchburg Roofing Contractors.
from Lynchburg Roofing Contractors https://lynchburgroofingcontractors.com/essential-ideas-you-need-to-know-when-repairing-your-roof/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=essential-ideas-you-need-to-know-when-repairing-your-roof from Lynchburg Roofing Contractors https://lynchburgroofingcontractors.tumblr.com/post/190768362788
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hishem25 · 6 years
Several Perks Of Propellant Depots Transfer
By Donna Clark
Being part of this government agency is already a big accomplishment on itself. So, do your part in knowing everything about propellant depots. There will come a time when they need to be transferred from one unit to another and you need to be on top of that somehow. Prove your worth at this point. Technology will always be there. This is the reason why these depots will never go out of style. Thus, take advantage of that and secure the safety of every member of the space team. Do your job right and you are looking towards years of service to mankind. This position may not be popular but you know that one is making your mark. Be completely emerged with what this modern world can offer. Yes, you still have a lot to learn but when you take the initiative as a manager, then this process can easily speed up. So, push yourself to love learning more than ever. This would lead you to make the right decisions which can be beneficial to the entire outlet. They are reusable which means that the outlet will not be spending much on repairs. When you show your skills in reducing expenses, this is when you shall become more reliable to the team. Thus, do not stop climbing up that corporate ladder while doing your best in becoming useful at the same time. This is the deal. Stop using vehicles that are already old and focus on the enhancement of the parts instead. That will never be an expensive measure and you can continue to be applauded for that. What is vital is that you manage to look after the resources of the company. Do your part in here and become a better provider for your family too. Spaceships would be more capable of complicated missions once the best depots have already been installed. So, do your research right and always remember that flaws on your work can cause the lives of others. Do not let your guard down and try not to give in to those discounts as much as possible. The depots can withstand just about anything. They will not pass quality control if they have low standards. Just find the perfect supplier on this one and the odds will always be on your favor. The improvement shall be there in a slow but steady rise. That is essential when you want to continue shaping this world. Always be excited for new discoveries because mankind cannot help but rely on you. Do your job at this point and you will not have a hard time retaining it in the years to come. Lastly, you shall not have any problem with feasibility in here. This set up has the approval of most experts. What is important is that you do your end of the bargain and everything shall work its way out. You are going to gain the appreciation of the people in higher ranks and this is how you are able to leave your legacy to the current world.
About the Author:
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Clash Royale online hacks ios
4. The timer for the Cofre de Coronas every 24h is reset from the moment you get the first crown of the current chest. For this reason, it is important to try to get at least one crown as soon as the new Cofre de Coronas available.
A lot of APK Mods have been offered by various self-proclaimed hackers. We advise you to stay away from such mods because as you may know, Android is a very fragile OS and can be easily infected. Maybe there was a working APK hack mod at some point, but it is very tough to find. Besides there aren't any no root clash royale apk mod hacks. And rooting your android phone is definitely dangerous especially when done for installing a hack tool apk mod from an untrusted source. Just stay away from APKs and enjoy the game. It will be much easier on your phone and in your life. Now, you may be wondering why it is I'm telling you all about this Clash Royale gold hack, even more so if you think of me as a selfish individual who wants all of this to myself. Well, that is where you're wrong! I devised the Clash Royale hacks to be spread amongst any and all players who want them. Why? Because I'm sick of seeing these hacks show up everywhere, and yet they scream out, "no survey", then you get there, and low and behold, a survey. I said no to such things and founded my own little personal exploit and Clash Royale hack tool to give me and any other player who wishes to use it an unlimited amount of both gold and gems, all at the click of a button. My particular hack allows you to do these Clash Royale hacks with no survey whatsoever, and even better yet; these hacks are all done online for Clash Royale. No dodgy downloads, no torrents, just quick and easy ways to get free gold and free gems.
Clash Royale Hackers
You will be glad to know that this online hack tool also accompanies user friendly cheats so that beginners can also beat in game challenges with ease. If you are at learning stage of Royale then you will definitely need some expert tricks to move ahead safely. These clash royale cheats can help you to step ahead carefully into each level and will make your journey full of fun and adventure. It will also help you to generate more in game resources and your powers will be naturally boosted. It becomes much easier to ensure right deployment of characters and troops using cheats and your clan can stay safe from enemy attacks. It is right time to go online and use your cloud based hack tool for fast access to cheats and free gems.
7. When searching clan, try to find one with many members( over 45 )and with the greatest possible number of weekly donations. This will give you more opportunities to donate cards and letters that your requests are met quickly. Look at the composition of the clan before joining to avoid ending up in a clan with many inactive members.
You have probably heard of "Gaming with Molt", "Nickatnyte" and "ChiefPat" and their famous YouTube channels. They are recording the screen as they play. That way, they are showing you various tactics and gameplay styles. This actually makes it pretty fun to watch. If you ever wondered how they do it, or if you want to do it yourself, we've created a step-by-step tutorial for it.
Clash Royale Hack With Cydia 2017
Many decks work differently on every player. People wonder, what will be the best deck for this game? The answer is-- there is none. Every deck you combine is good and efficient on its own way. It all depends on the level of the Arena you're in. However, there are some cards that have the tendency to be more effective than others.
You might be aware of the fact that elixir, gold and gems are some of the most essential currencies in Clash Royale platform. But the sad truth is that you have to make lots of struggle on the way to collect these resources. It is essential to prove your abilities and fighting skills to gain access to in game resources and of course this is a complicated task for beginners. Also, players need to make some in app purchases time to time to boost their powers against opponents but sadly if you don't have enough amount of resources then you can not even update your characters and powers with time. Don't worry! We have a perfect solution for you. The Clash Royale Hack Tool: It can solve all your troubles and you will soon be able to beat your enemies on gaming platform. So, let us talk about this interesting source of Clash Royal gems.
Free Gold. The other Clash Royale resource within the game. You get gold with each battle you win and with each chest you open. Needed for upgrading units only. Gold can be obtained by purchasing it with gems too. Which makes gems even more desirable as well.
Clash Royale Hack Without Offers
What this Clash Royale hack tool does is it decodes the encrypted programming code of the game to give you any amount(or at least a REALLY large amount) of gold or gems that you want for free. I'm sure you've already searched online, "how to get free gems in Clash Royale?". And let me tell you, this is the way to do it. It doesn't matter whether you're looking some hack that works on iOS or Android mobile phone. Either way, you will have no troubles whatsoever running our hack tool because it works universally and that's without a survey getting in the way of the process. It was intentionally developed in a way to work online just by opening the address in your phone browser and use it that way. Our dedicated team worked in number of programming languages including php, ruby and python in order to make this work. It is made of sophisticated first class code and rest assured this will be kept updated day by day to keep it working no matter what changes are being made to the original game by its developer. You will be able to cheat with 99.9% guarantee.
Clash Royale Hack With Lucky Patcher
With these two resources, you have the ability to scale the highest limits of the game. Since this game is very unique from other games you might have played, it also features a unique system known as the ladder high score. The system will give you a chance to know who the top player is. This system makes the game competitive and also motivates the player to climb higher on the ladder. For you to go higher, you will need gems. Without gems, you can not move any further. That is why you need the clash royale hack tool online. It will open the door to more gems hence increase your ability to scale higher on the ladder of success. The best part with this tool is that it offers these gems free of charge. To summarize this, you can not play the game without gems. You will need them badly.
0 notes
Clash Royale hack on computer
Clash Royale online hacks android
Clash Royale online hacks ios
4. The timer for the Cofre de Coronas every 24h is reset from the moment you get the first crown of the current chest. For this reason, it is important to try to get at least one crown as soon as the new Cofre de Coronas available.
A lot of APK Mods have been offered by various self-proclaimed hackers. We advise you to stay away from such mods because as you may know, Android is a very fragile OS and can be easily infected. Maybe there was a working APK hack mod at some point, but it is very tough to find. Besides there aren't any no root clash royale apk mod hacks. And rooting your android phone is definitely dangerous especially when done for installing a hack tool apk mod from an untrusted source. Just stay away from APKs and enjoy the game. It will be much easier on your phone and in your life. Now, you may be wondering why it is I'm telling you all about this Clash Royale gold hack, even more so if you think of me as a selfish individual who wants all of this to myself. Well, that is where you're wrong! I devised the Clash Royale hacks to be spread amongst any and all players who want them. Why? Because I'm sick of seeing these hacks show up everywhere, and yet they scream out, "no survey", then you get there, and low and behold, a survey. I said no to such things and founded my own little personal exploit and Clash Royale hack tool to give me and any other player who wishes to use it an unlimited amount of both gold and gems, all at the click of a button. My particular hack allows you to do these Clash Royale hacks with no survey whatsoever, and even better yet; these hacks are all done online for Clash Royale. No dodgy downloads, no torrents, just quick and easy ways to get free gold and free gems.
Clash Royale Hackers
You will be glad to know that this online hack tool also accompanies user friendly cheats so that beginners can also beat in game challenges with ease. If you are at learning stage of Royale then you will definitely need some expert tricks to move ahead safely. These clash royale cheats can help you to step ahead carefully into each level and will make your journey full of fun and adventure. It will also help you to generate more in game resources and your powers will be naturally boosted. It becomes much easier to ensure right deployment of characters and troops using cheats and your clan can stay safe from enemy attacks. It is right time to go online and use your cloud based hack tool for fast access to cheats and free gems.
7. When searching clan, try to find one with many members( over 45 )and with the greatest possible number of weekly donations. This will give you more opportunities to donate cards and letters that your requests are met quickly. Look at the composition of the clan before joining to avoid ending up in a clan with many inactive members.
You have probably heard of "Gaming with Molt", "Nickatnyte" and "ChiefPat" and their famous YouTube channels. They are recording the screen as they play. That way, they are showing you various tactics and gameplay styles. This actually makes it pretty fun to watch. If you ever wondered how they do it, or if you want to do it yourself, we've created a step-by-step tutorial for it.
Clash Royale Hack With Cydia 2017
Many decks work differently on every player. People wonder, what will be the best deck for this game? The answer is-- there is none. Every deck you combine is good and efficient on its own way. It all depends on the level of the Arena you're in. However, there are some cards that have the tendency to be more effective than others.
You might be aware of the fact that elixir, gold and gems are some of the most essential currencies in Clash Royale platform. But the sad truth is that you have to make lots of struggle on the way to collect these resources. It is essential to prove your abilities and fighting skills to gain access to in game resources and of course this is a complicated task for beginners. Also, players need to make some in app purchases time to time to boost their powers against opponents but sadly if you don't have enough amount of resources then you can not even update your characters and powers with time. Don't worry! We have a perfect solution for you. The Clash Royale Hack Tool: It can solve all your troubles and you will soon be able to beat your enemies on gaming platform. So, let us talk about this interesting source of Clash Royal gems.
Free Gold. The other Clash Royale resource within the game. You get gold with each battle you win and with each chest you open. Needed for upgrading units only. Gold can be obtained by purchasing it with gems too. Which makes gems even more desirable as well.
Clash Royale Hack Without Offers
What this Clash Royale hack tool does is it decodes the encrypted programming code of the game to give you any amount(or at least a REALLY large amount) of gold or gems that you want for free. I'm sure you've already searched online, "how to get free gems in Clash Royale?". And let me tell you, this is the way to do it. It doesn't matter whether you're looking some hack that works on iOS or Android mobile phone. Either way, you will have no troubles whatsoever running our hack tool because it works universally and that's without a survey getting in the way of the process. It was intentionally developed in a way to work online just by opening the address in your phone browser and use it that way. Our dedicated team worked in number of programming languages including php, ruby and python in order to make this work. It is made of sophisticated first class code and rest assured this will be kept updated day by day to keep it working no matter what changes are being made to the original game by its developer. You will be able to cheat with 99.9% guarantee.
Clash Royale Hack With Lucky Patcher
With these two resources, you have the ability to scale the highest limits of the game. Since this game is very unique from other games you might have played, it also features a unique system known as the ladder high score. The system will give you a chance to know who the top player is. This system makes the game competitive and also motivates the player to climb higher on the ladder. For you to go higher, you will need gems. Without gems, you can not move any further. That is why you need the clash royale hack tool online. It will open the door to more gems hence increase your ability to scale higher on the ladder of success. The best part with this tool is that it offers these gems free of charge. To summarize this, you can not play the game without gems. You will need them badly.
0 notes
Clash Royale hack onhax
Clash Royale online hacks ios
Clash Royale online hacks android
4. The timer for the Cofre de Coronas every 24h is reset from the moment you get the first crown of the current chest. For this reason, it is important to try to get at least one crown as soon as the new Cofre de Coronas available.
A lot of APK Mods have been offered by various self-proclaimed hackers. We advise you to stay away from such mods because as you may know, Android is a very fragile OS and can be easily infected. Maybe there was a working APK hack mod at some point, but it is very tough to find. Besides there aren't any no root clash royale apk mod hacks. And rooting your android phone is definitely dangerous especially when done for installing a hack tool apk mod from an untrusted source. Just stay away from APKs and enjoy the game. It will be much easier on your phone and in your life. Now, you may be wondering why it is I'm telling you all about this Clash Royale gold hack, even more so if you think of me as a selfish individual who wants all of this to myself. Well, that is where you're wrong! I devised the Clash Royale hacks to be spread amongst any and all players who want them. Why? Because I'm sick of seeing these hacks show up everywhere, and yet they scream out, "no survey", then you get there, and low and behold, a survey. I said no to such things and founded my own little personal exploit and Clash Royale hack tool to give me and any other player who wishes to use it an unlimited amount of both gold and gems, all at the click of a button. My particular hack allows you to do these Clash Royale hacks with no survey whatsoever, and even better yet; these hacks are all done online for Clash Royale. No dodgy downloads, no torrents, just quick and easy ways to get free gold and free gems.
Clash Royale Hackers
You will be glad to know that this online hack tool also accompanies user friendly cheats so that beginners can also beat in game challenges with ease. If you are at learning stage of Royale then you will definitely need some expert tricks to move ahead safely. These clash royale cheats can help you to step ahead carefully into each level and will make your journey full of fun and adventure. It will also help you to generate more in game resources and your powers will be naturally boosted. It becomes much easier to ensure right deployment of characters and troops using cheats and your clan can stay safe from enemy attacks. It is right time to go online and use your cloud based hack tool for fast access to cheats and free gems.
7. When searching clan, try to find one with many members( over 45 )and with the greatest possible number of weekly donations. This will give you more opportunities to donate cards and letters that your requests are met quickly. Look at the composition of the clan before joining to avoid ending up in a clan with many inactive members.
Clash Royale Hack With Activation Code
You have probably heard of "Gaming with Molt", "Nickatnyte" and "ChiefPat" and their famous YouTube channels. They are recording the screen as they play. That way, they are showing you various tactics and gameplay styles. This actually makes it pretty fun to watch. If you ever wondered how they do it, or if you want to do it yourself, we've created a step-by-step tutorial for it.
Clash Royale Hack With Cydia 2017
Many decks work differently on every player. People wonder, what will be the best deck for this game? The answer is-- there is none. Every deck you combine is good and efficient on its own way. It all depends on the level of the Arena you're in. However, there are some cards that have the tendency to be more effective than others.
You might be aware of the fact that elixir, gold and gems are some of the most essential currencies in Clash Royale platform. But the sad truth is that you have to make lots of struggle on the way to collect these resources. It is essential to prove your abilities and fighting skills to gain access to in game resources and of course this is a complicated task for beginners. Also, players need to make some in app purchases time to time to boost their powers against opponents but sadly if you don't have enough amount of resources then you can not even update your characters and powers with time. Don't worry! We have a perfect solution for you. The Clash Royale Hack Tool: It can solve all your troubles and you will soon be able to beat your enemies on gaming platform. So, let us talk about this interesting source of Clash Royal gems.
Free Gold. The other Clash Royale resource within the game. You get gold with each battle you win and with each chest you open. Needed for upgrading units only. Gold can be obtained by purchasing it with gems too. Which makes gems even more desirable as well.
Clash Royale Hack Without Offers
What this Clash Royale hack tool does is it decodes the encrypted programming code of the game to give you any amount(or at least a REALLY large amount) of gold or gems that you want for free. I'm sure you've already searched online, "how to get free gems in Clash Royale?". And let me tell you, this is the way to do it. It doesn't matter whether you're looking some hack that works on iOS or Android mobile phone. Either way, you will have no troubles whatsoever running our hack tool because it works universally and that's without a survey getting in the way of the process. It was intentionally developed in a way to work online just by opening the address in your phone browser and use it that way. Our dedicated team worked in number of programming languages including php, ruby and python in order to make this work. It is made of sophisticated first class code and rest assured this will be kept updated day by day to keep it working no matter what changes are being made to the original game by its developer. You will be able to cheat with 99.9% guarantee.
Clash Royale Hack With Lucky Patcher
With these two resources, you have the ability to scale the highest limits of the game. Since this game is very unique from other games you might have played, it also features a unique system known as the ladder high score. The system will give you a chance to know who the top player is. This system makes the game competitive and also motivates the player to climb higher on the ladder. For you to go higher, you will need gems. Without gems, you can not move any further. That is why you need the clash royale hack tool online. It will open the door to more gems hence increase your ability to scale higher on the ladder of success. The best part with this tool is that it offers these gems free of charge. To summarize this, you can not play the game without gems. You will need them badly.
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