#The holes were for you to take the chara you were playing and put them in your binder
magentasnail · 6 months
hello I do not know anything about Undertale but I am interested in hearing about your children! I think I am in a similar situation with Little Nightmares, haha.
OMG THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!!! i can let this information out without feeling too annoying because now i'm answering an ask so it's fine !! it's going to be so long I'm so sorry, but what are we on tumblr for if not to rumble about our interests, right? also i hope the fact you don't know undertale doesn't make this too confusing !! also spoiler warning i guess ??
general world building:
the humans have forgotten about the monsters and magic, they are only remembered in myths and legends (i made a cool thing about it)
all of the humans had a similar experience to us playing the game, they learned about the monster history, made friends and eventually kinda gave up in hope to help the monsters
right so, first human: chara!
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chara is already in the game, but I think i made them the richest backstory
"chara" is a nickname, their name is actually character. they were bullied for that name and they really hate it, wishing they could get any other name (like what happens at the start of the game!)
they were named character because of an old tradition to name kids based on the first word you see in the spell book that runs in their family. however the book is encrypted, and their parents ended up on a random character they couldn't read.
they didn't get along with the other kids in school, and were trying to study their behavior so they can understand them better by taking notes of what they said and drawing their facial expressions (the way text is shown in the game!)
eventually, they came to the conclusion they don't like the other children and don't want to be like them, so they decided to learn how to push them away (by making scary faces!)
always get red eyes in photos
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next: patience soul! i'll be honset i wrote these stories 6 years ago, i think everyone had names but i don't remember them anymore, so all the children will now be called their soul trait gbfdjfd
patience was a girl from chara's village, and chara's only friend! or well chara was patiance only friend. their parents were friends so when they hung out patience and chara were left to play together. patience liked chara as she was home school and didn't get to play with other kids, while chara was mostly annoyed about the whole thing and felt like patience friendship wasn't genuine, as they were forced into hanging out
she really likes cute things, like dressing cute and putting on make up! she introduced chara to make up which ended up helping chara make scary faces (such as melty face look)
she wanted to be a Dr when she grows up, hence the toy knife (meant to be like a surgery knife for children) and the bandages at the flowey fight
when chara left to the mountain, patience just waited for them to come back. they waited and waited, until asriel got to the village. only then they decide to go to the mountain. they found out chara died very shortly after getting underground, and so lost their determination and was killed easily.
they got to the underground right after asgore declared war against humanity, asogre probably hoped it will take a while for a human to arrive but one fell down and was killed really soon! this just made more sense to me for why toriel left without talking asgore out of it, and why she hates him so much. things escalated really quick
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bravery soul!
youngest brother of like 5 older brothers and a single dad.
his brothers always bullied him for being soft and girlie (I also considered him being afab but im not sure !)
got the worn boxing gloves his dad used to have when he was young, they have big holes and patches
also maybe his mom died when he was born, and she was also a red head like him, which is part of the femininity stuff ?
as part of a prank, his brothers dared him to go to the mountain and come back to prove himself thinking he won't go, but he did!
didn't stay with toriel because he was in a rush to get home to prove his brothers he did it
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integrity!! this is where me not being a native english speaker gets me because I'm not sure what integrity means and it ruined their backstory a bit! I used to treat it as "being true to yourself" but now I think it's more about staying true to your morals, which is a bit different oops !
amab and nonbinary! their mom used to be a ballet dancer and now is a ballet teahcer
they were the only male student, and were jealous and hurt that all the girls got to wear tutus but them, and thought it wasn't fair
they sneakily stole their mom old dusty tutu from the attic and were secretly practicing in their room, until they were caught
they felt so guilty and ashamed that they ran away from home to the mountain
toriel reminded them of their mom, and how worried she must be, so they didn't stay with her
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kindness' little sister!
while looking for books in the library, she stumbled upon and old and encrypted spell book (yes this is the book that was in chara's family!) after a lot of hard work she learned how to decrypt it using some context clues, and with it she learned about the monsters and magic and even a few spells!
when she tried talking about her findings nobody took her seriously, and people at her school made fun of her
even her brother was trying to be supportive but didn't really believe her, which prompted her to run away to the mountain to prove everyone the monsters are real and she's right
in the underground, she was able to use her spells! like the unused spell option in the original battle menu! she also befriended Gerson as they shared their love to history, and she gave him her notebook and glasses (as they were fogging up too much to see out of anyway) as a parting gift! (maybe she also casted a duplication spell on them, considering the infinite supply at his store?)
also she didn't stay with Toriel because she was focused on getting back home to show everyone she was right at that stage
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perseverance older brother !
honestly, he's just a cutie that likes to cook! will often make and food just for sharing with his classmates
when perseverance was sad that nobody was taking her seriously, he went to make her favorite food to cheer her up. she wasn't answering him for a bit and assumed she just locked herself in her room because she was sad, so he gave her some time until eventually he decided to come in to check on her and realized she ran away through the window
he was probably a few hours behind her on the adventure, both as he gave her time, and he checked up a few places before going to the mountain, and he was more lost and confused than her when it came to exploring (also he was wearing flip flops still, which slowed him down)
didn't stay with Toriel because he was determined to find his sister, but then he found out she sacrificed herself, and decided to join her (both for the monsters and for her sake out of guilt)
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justice!! she's the only one I know their name! her name is mustard !! just like undertale yellow I was tempted to call her clover based on the "clover" shooting from her gun at the flowey fight, but actually according to the file name this is not a clover but a flower! and mustard has a yellow flower with 4 petals and it's cute !!
moved to the village near the mountain with her family only recently, and this was their first Halloween in the town! and actually her first Halloween ever, as where she used to live they didn't celebrate it
she loves cowboys ! her grandpa was an actor in old cowboy films, he passed before she was born so she only know him through these films, and thinks he was a real cowboy
the gun she has is his old gun, that she got from her dad for her costume
she saw a group of bullies picking up on a younger child and trying to steal his candy, so she jumped to protect him saying she has a gun, but that didn't go very well as that terrified the small child and made them ran away. she tried to ran after them but ended up getting lost on the mountain
didn't stay with toriel because she wanted to return to her parents who must have been worried for her
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lastly we got frisk!! i didn't get much background for frisk but more like a bunch of headcanons about them
probably homeless? and honestly, might have hit their head when climbing the mountain and suffer from amnesia, so they don't know their backstory either so it's fine!
really need glasses! explaining the small eyes and the whole game being pixelated and the small screen size, they just can't see
when asriel said frisk and chara have similar fassion choices he didn't mean like the striped shirt (as all children wear striped shirts) but like the way they have an under layer, cargo shorts for more pockets (also inventory space has to do with how many pockets you have!!) and boots !
fell underground the same age chara did, so like 10? and chara spent like a year underground
went to the mountain because it was some sort of a calling? they didn't really understand why but they felt like they needed to
also this is a headfanon but I'm for frisk and chara being far relatives!
wooo we did it all humans !!! now some extra general stuff:
the red soul's trait is love!!
all the humans came back to life after the asriel fight!!! and their body were fully healed and fine! Asgore probably bandaged them as he buried them in the coffins, and when they woke up (and opened chara's coffin seeing it's empty) they left their bandages there explaining the mummy wrapping that appear
considering it's been decades since some of them fell down, they had no where to go after this, and were all adopted by toriel! which also motivated her to open the school ! this idea of all of them being roomates and living together is what sparked all of this in the first place, i just really wanted to have a blog where people ask me things as them
at the end of the flowey fight, all of their soul traits "evolved", as seen with the color change when you ask for help, completing their character arc. all of them were helping flowey as part of their flaw, but frisk calling for help helped them change. for example, just as patience was always waiting to see what will happen, she wasn't trying to stand up to flowey, but she learned to be more brave and act! bravery learned to stop complying to every dare he gets and stand for himself and so on.
and that's everything i think !! if you made it all this way you get a sticker! i hope this helped with whatever boredom you were facing !
now i can stop worrying about how their story will never be out there, as it is now! and if nobody cares that's fine !!
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duskkodesh · 2 years
So the freaking miracle worker that is my spouse, I swear actual vampire, knows magic, ANYWAYS he found me the 1988 TSR Marvel roleplaying guide volume 3 just for the Morb profile. It’s a very specific timedate which is in that period where he was cured and She-Hulk had represented him so it does things like list his base of op as LA and things like that. Anyways I’m a sharer so have a look! 
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fellcharas · 3 years
my deltarune theory(ies?)
DISCLAIMER: i am not an actual theorist and i wrote this all from memory! this is taking into consideration the possibility that chara is involved in the making of deltarune (1, 2) as well as other widely believed theories (gaster being involved)
putting a read more because this shit is LONG so buckle up
start with the basics?
something i was thinking about last night is how it’s interesting that we don’t know very much about susie’s home life or her reason for being “the bully.” while there are certainly hints that point to it not being great at all, there’s nothing directly confirming what it’s like.
however something that many people have pointed out is that through the numerous odd similarities deltarune and undertale have, there is the clam girl. for those who don’t know, clam girl is a NPC that you encounter if your game’s fun value is between 80 and 89 and you’re not playing a no mercy route. she talks of her neighbor’s daughter, suzy, and tells frisk that they should become friends with her. but she notes the fact that frisk would have no idea where suzy is yet fate will find a way for them to meet.
in the true pacifist epilogue of undertale with a fun value of 81, clam girl explains that the time frisk (or we, the players) will meet suzy is “fast approaching.” this specific term is yellow in text and her sprite becomes grayscale. then she abruptly vanishes, the noise as she does so being the same noise used for the mystery man and gaster follower 2 sprites when interacting with them. interestingly, her grayscale sprite is “spr_clam_goner”, not much different than goner kid. this dialogue was also added right before the release of deltarune.
so... who is suzy? while it is possible that suzy could just be susie with a different name for undertale’s sake, it’s also possible that suzy could be susie’s sister, likely younger. catty, returning from undertale, has a little sister in deltarune named catti. there isn’t much significance that i could add that would make it likely suzy is susie’s little sister other than this, but i felt it was worth mentioning so do with it what you will.
so... what else?
after interacting with clam girl, if you do the work necessary to access sans’ basement (or “lab”), you’ll be able to find a description of a photo inside one of the drawers that points out there are “three smiling people” with the text “don’t forget” written on it. this has been pointed out several times before due to the fact “don’t forget” is the deltarune song that plays at the end of ch1 (and ch2 although remixed?). if i recall correctly there is no other way of finding this flavor text except for interacting with clam girl. interesting.
lots of people believe that the covered machine in sans’ lab is a time machine. with sans’ many connections to gaster, it’s also possible that this could be a machine gaster made and had broken. it is said to be unfixable.
gaster is confirmed to have created the core. but i don’t believe this is what he fell into. it’s never specified what he fell into, just that it was his creation. so i believe that gaster fell into the time machine. and by taking entry number 17 into account, we are met with the possibility that the time machine might involve a black hole. fortunately for you guys black holes is a special interest of mine, so i can explain this easily.
basically, the anatomy of a black hole, or the structure, consists of the following:
event horizon
photon sphere
the event horizon of a black hole is the shadowy dark sphere that we see in images. it is a boundary in spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. once having crossed the event horizon, the nature of spacetime begins to deform, causing space’s usual three dimensions (length, width, height) to form only one dimension (movement forward) and time’s usual one dimension (into the future) to form three dimensions (past, present, and future). spacetime is what makes up our reality. remember this. and, as predicted by einstein’s theory of general relativity, mass bends spacetime (imagine our universe as a flat plane, and the mass of our earth causes a dip in the space underneath it), so a black hole’s mass warps spacetime so strongly that any direction you try to go in once having crossed the event horizon will lead you to the singularity. (at least... for a non-rotating, non-charged black hole.)
the singularity is a gravitational singularity, a region that may lie at the center of a black hole wherein the curvature/deformation of spacetime becomes infinite. because all black holes spin (due to their last moments as stars involving very fast rotational speeds), the singularity in a rotating black hole’s mathematics smears out to form a ring singularity (ringularity) that lies in the plane of rotation. in this case (as well as the case of a non-rotating black hole), the region has zero volume. and because of all of the black hole’s mass being held in this region, the singularity can be thought of as having infinite density. within a rotating black hole it is possible to avoid the singularity, and extending this solution as far as possible reveals the hypothetical possibility of exiting the black hole into a different spacetime (region of reality) with the black hole acting as a wormhole.
the photon sphere is a spherical boundary of zero thickness in which photons (elementary, electromagnetic radiation particles, associated with light) that move on tangents (the tangent line to a plane curve at a given point is the straight line that "just touches" the curve at that point) to that sphere would be trapped in a circular orbit about the black hole. while light can still escape from the photon sphere, any light that crosses the photon sphere on an inbound trajectory will be captured by the black hole.
lastly, the ergosphere is a region of spacetime found in rotating black holes in which it is impossible to stand still. basically, it’s like a whirlpool, and any object near the black hole will tend to start moving in the direction of rotation.
okay, so... what does this have to do with entry number 17?
WELL, here’s the dialogue from entry number 17. i’ll bold the key parts that i feel tie the possibility of this being a time machine to the time machine involving a black hole:
as you can probably tell by now, it’s possible that this description of growing darkness, no photons, is similar to that of what a black hole is like.
but why would gaster create a black hole as part of a time machine? well, my idea is that he didn’t mean to do so. he likely concentrated enough energy or mass that caused a black hole to accidentally form. this black hole would have been small in diameter, thus having an incredibly short lifespan, its evaporation being violent. this would have broken the machine entirely. however, for the sake of undertale being a video game, it’s understandable why sans (and possibly papyrus or alphys) would be okay and why the machine is still relatively in tact.
it’s unclear to me why gaster would want to make a time machine. because time travel in the sci-fi sense (involving the grandfather paradox) is likely impossible without breaking the fabric of our reality, this could also be explained for why it went so horribly wrong for gaster. and - fun fact - once you cross the event horizon, you are lost to the universe forever. every particle you are made of, every little bit of energy you hold within your existence, is lost to the outside universe. forever. this is called the black hole information paradox. however, realistically, those who are outside of the black hole will still remember you, but in gaster’s sense... i don’t think this is what happened.
it’s possible that gaster managed to avoid the singularity, if the black hole he crossed was rotational. however, because he couldn’t leave the black hole, he could have traveled to different points in spacetime. this is why he was shattered across time and space as his followers describe, because undertale confirms that within its world, this possible existence of a black hole allows for wormholes to exist.
but... but wait. no, no, no. we can’t think of undertale as space-time. why? because sans himself confirms that the continuum of undertale’s reality is a time-space continuum. he puts time before space, which could be intentional and thus swapping their roles. within undertale this means that time is 3-dimensional, explaining the existence of save points and the ability to reset and load. space, on the other hand, is 1-dimensional, meaning you can only ever go one way which is to the end of the game. even if you load previous save files, you’ll still end up finished.
so if gaster was shattered across time and space, it’s possible that he was also shattered beyond. it’s believed that he had some sense of awareness, that he found out he was in a game with multiple different timelines, thus starting his “experiment.” he created the blueprints for the determination extraction machine, and because it’s also widely believed that he and chara were in cahoots with each other, maybe gaster wanted to extract some of chara’s determination and make something for himself. and maybe he succeeded in some way, not by extracting chara’s but by making his own somehow. it’s unknown right now to me. (though if he acquired determination somehow, that would make sense if the mysteryman sprite was him, considering the weird markings or drippy things on his face as well as the general blob-like look.)
so this implies that deltarune’s reality is a time-space continuum as well?
yes. gaster was smart, brilliant even, but it’s likely he didn’t know much beyond the nature of his own reality. when creating deltarune he made the reality of its universe something similar to undertale’s, with 3-dimensional time and 1-dimensional space. if gaster had the determination or something more, enough to persist even as a remnant of a shattered being outside his own reality, then this makes sense as to how he’d be able to create deltarune. if he’s forgotten to everyone within the world of undertale, and (in some abstract way for the sake of kris, jevil, spamton and possibly others) known to nobody in deltarune, yet he created deltarune, he isn’t dead. he’s something else. he’s a god.
and this is why chara is in cahoots with him, even now.
see, chara has determination. they didn’t fall into the underground intentionally; they tripped (1, 2). given these facts and theories it’s likely that chara had determination, or hope, the ability to persevere and keep going no matter what. chara had a red soul like frisk’s, which is what made their essence attach to frisk’s body. that’s why they are tethered to us via name and stats and narration. and as we all know, the red soul symbolizes determination. power.
but while chara is very much their own person, they are still what their name was meant to imply: a character. chara reflects the will of the player; they are not the player theirself, they are their own person, but due to their attachment to frisk (and by extension, us) they act as a mirror for what we do in undertale. and sadly for them, gaster is much more powerful due to his circumstances. gaster is more like us than chara is.
and given deltarune’s theme of nobody’s choices mattering, nobody having any real control over what they do or say, if we take into consideration the fact that chara speaks in the no mercy route about destroying "this" world and "moving onto the next" and asking "when were [we] the one in control", then it’s clear that they have something to do with the theme of deltarune. chara has only ever wanted control, whether that be a good or bad thing is currently out if the question. they wanted control over their own life when they were alive in undertale, and now they want control over other people. anything they feel is a good thing for them to have control over, they will reach for it.
the gonermaker sequence in chapter 1 is abruptly cut off by someone who speaks VERY similarly to chara, in contrast to the person from before who we all agree is gaster (in both japanese and english, it is very chara-esque way of speaking). now, why is this called the gonermaker? my guess is because chara has been discarding all these vessels, making gaster’s experiment much more difficult to start off and get going.
all the gaster followers from undertale, including goner clam girl and goner kid, show up in deltarune. they are fully colored sprites. the only goner character who doesn’t show up in deltarune is the one WE create in chapter 1′s beginning sequence. and i think that’s because they are set up to reappear, at some point in one of deltarune’s future chapters.
so, chara has been discarding all of the vessels, all the followers, all the now-goners because they know that these people will never have control over their lives. as long as they are shallow vessels meant to worship and serve our (the players’) and gaster’s desires (to play a game and experiment, thereby affecting an entire world/universe), they have no autonomy over themselves. and this resonates with chara for a multitude of reasons we can tie back to undertale. they state that "no one can choose who they are in this world," because it’s true. no one can choose who they are. not in a world dominated by gods like us and gaster. and that’s why chara discards these vessels and characters who were probably once their own real persons, as a means of sparing them from what they lacked for theirself: control. and no matter what, even if chara didn’t interrupt, we would have still ended up as kris because again No One Can Choose Who They Are In This World. chara was making gaster’s sick joke plain and simple for us, that it applies to us in some way too.
so then... what’s the deal with spamton and jevil? 
well, i think they are people who encountered gaster (this is widely believed anyway) and convinced themselves that they were significant for this knowledge that they are in a game, knowledge gaster told them of, driving them both insane and robbing them of who they were meant to be. and because nobody can choose who they are in deltarune, when they try to break free nothing changes or has a happy outcome, because it’s sadly just not possible to change your fate in deltarune.
this presumably-fact becomes clearer with spamton, though. and that’s why kris becomes so afraid, both at the end of spamton neo’s pacifist battle and his snowgrave battle. because kris can’t choose who they are, either. kris is like spamton, a puppet. a heart on a chain. they don’t have full control over who they are and trying to break free only hurts them more, as we see whenever they tear their soul out of their body and disable our input. but, maybe it’ll be different for kris, because they ARE the protagonist. but right now it feels like they’ve given up on the idea of having control over theirself. the only rebelling they do is work to open a dark fountain, thereby continuing the story of deltarune and, really, only helping us more in terms of playing the game.
and i mean, it’s also obvious that gaster holds influence over kris, too, considering the weird hidden encounters where you interact with something and see a man smiling or waving at you or giving you an egg. and this egg doesn’t change into a ball of trash like every other dark world item once you return to the light world. it stays the same. i can’t really remember the significance of eggs when it comes to gaster other than his whole existence being left as an Easter Egg but i do know that on the date with papyrus in undertale, there’s an egg on the side with the dating hub so, whether that’s there for funny points or lore is unknown, but interesting too.
i also want to say that i don’t think gaster and chara are being pitted against each other in terms of "these are 2 different types of gamers." while that would make sense simplistically, i feel like toby would be much more in depth and nuanced with it, as he usually is with his method of storytelling. because even though chara is kind of god-like, considering their death in undertale and their soul being the same as ours, leading to them being attached to us like some kind of angel (and angels have lots of significance in both undertale and deltarune), they’re still only a character and not at all on the level that gaster is.
i personally think gaster and chara are, on a more hidden level because toby isn’t being very direct at all with these two, meant to represent a different side of the "player vs character" perspective. and that’s something that undertale and deltarune have both tried to convey to us in the no mercy and snowgrave routes, but unfortunately in undertale’s case it was widely misinterpreted in both ways. i think it’s a bit more sensible to go about it this way, because gaster is not us, as in we don’t control him like we can other characters, and the symbolism of what he’s meant to represent is there.
ok, one last question: how did chara access wherever gaster’s in?
that part is still very foggy. i can’t come up with a definite reasoning, but for now i’ll take a wild guess and say that maybe chara grew tired of being a ghost with no real autonomy. maybe they decided they wanted to break free for theirself, and by doing this their essence became detached from frisk’s body (and by extension our control), thus causing them to be shattered similarly to gaster or winding up in the void gaster has. however that happened.
there’s a lot of uncanny resemblance between chara and kris, though, especially if this is the case. chara breaks free and winds up in the void with gaster, and kris realizes that breaking free for theirself may not be all that they think it’s meant to be. given spamton neo and all. aside from the fact that chara and kris look similar, have the same family (though in different universes of course), and strangely both have a sweet tooth, this is especially odd to me.
i can’t quite put it into words, but it feels like, to me at least, chara is very much present in the world of deltarune. and they share similarities with kris that are hard to ignore.
so that’s it, then.
for the most part... yes. a lot of the theories i’ve linked here and there explain things i agree with, so you can read them as you see fit. i especially recommend nochocolate’s posts on chara if you’re interested, such as the ambiguity of freedom in undertale (and, though this was never mentioned in their post, by extension now deltarune).
but. there is one character that seems to be involved in some (or a lot) of this. and that’s papyrus. the only problem is, i can’t figure out what’s going on.
at first glance papyrus is just a very charming guy. but you know, he’s actually a lot more mysterious than sans. he shares similarities to chara and flowey/asriel, and holds weird possible connections to gaster. he’s also the only major character from undertale (aside from asriel) who hasn’t made a physical appearance in deltarune. while checking sans and papyrus’ house will have you met with narration describing “a distant trousle of bones”, it’s worth noting that in chapter 2 it’s described as getting farther and farther away. so... why? is this world’s papyrus just shy, or is there a deeper reason?
again, i can’t tell what’s going on with papyrus, if there even is anything at all. but there’s a lot of weird and mysterious little oddities involving him that i don’t think are unintentional or accidental.
anyways... there. hoo boy. that’s my theory. or theories. i don’t really know. like i said, i’m not a theorist, i don’t know everything and i don’t expect any of this to be true. it’s just what makes sense to me. and it’s important that if you believe this, you also recognize that toby is the creator and he does what he thinks is best when it comes to the story of deltarune and the possible connections it has to undertale (even though toby’s said that the two have no connections, it’s not uncommon for him to be untruthful about things).
if you read all of this... thanks! let me know your thoughts!
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S/O won't stop winning at Mario Kart. What are the main Undertale characters reaction ?
Undertale Sans - Sans is a pretty chill player, he doesn’t care loosing. BUT ! If you are doing it on purpose just to make fun of him, be very careful. He will simply make your controller fly and good luck to win now, looser !
Undertale Papyrus - Oh, come on, Papyrus is so sweet and happy all the time, he should take it well, right ? OH HELL NO. Papyrus looks calm on the outside, but he is internally screaming SO HARD right now. Good ol’ Papyrus is ENRAGED you keep mastering him at this STUPID game. Though, he will never say it outloud. Nope, instead, tonight, you and Sans are drinking super hot spicey SALTY soup that looks like regular tomato soup. And by salty, I mean he put the entire salt container in it. Poor Sans didn’t do anything wrong but Papyrus has no mercy and want EVERYONE to SUFFER the way he did this afternoon. Also, he will become so obsessive with beating you at the DAMN game he will train all night and challenge you the next morning the second you are waking up. YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF. He’s not giving up unless you loose.
Undertale Toriel - She’s not really a video game fan. She accepted mostly to cheer you. She knows she is bad at it, but that’s ok !
Undertale Asgore - He thinks he deserve to loose anyway. He is a looser in everything he’s doing. Then he sniffed and you had to stop to hug giant big baby goat because he was sad.
Undertale Undyne - Oh boy. What have you done ? Undyne is usually very loud, but now she is just screaming angrily at everything. If you keep winning, there’s a moment when she will snap and throw the controller through the TV, the wall, and the wardrobe behind it. Impressive. Now you have a 3D hole. Later you put a frame on it so anyone remembers to never play competitive video games with her ever again. 
Undertale Alphys - Alphys is letting you win because you are really bad at the game and she feels bad for you. I mean, she kinda invented video games Underground because she designed all the puzzles of Hotlands on day she was bored so that baby game ? 
Undertale Frisk - Frisk made a save before and charged everything again everytime they lost the game. You’ll never know you were stonger than them because the only time you played, they win. 
Undertale Chara - Another raging one. Chara is the vocal one. They will insult you, scream on you and then ragequit the room out of anger. Next time, THEY are choosing the game and you will CRY.
Undertale Mettaton - Well, I mean, he never said it was bothering him before he left the room and came back with a chainsaw to threat you of murder if you win one more game. You are kinda paralized with fear and didn’t touch your controller more.
Undertale Gaster - Gaster was so excited to play video games and discovered new technology he entirely absorbed the controller. Next time, buy a Kinect, even if it’s bad, he doesn’t need to touch the stuff. *sad bloup bloup noises*
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askgenocide · 3 years
askgenocide 56
a long time, a sad girl
that girl, despite living in a comfortable place, was not happy the girl lived with her entire family, from parents to grandparents and cousins people saw them as the exemplary family without knowing that inside he was sick, no one spoke, no one touched the girl's mother did not love her and her father barely appeared, they were both ... brothers it was an accident, she was an accident but still they were forced to marry but they didn't care, dad would put women in the marriage room and mom would come home with many gifts from who knows who. but that wasn't the worst ... I'm just getting started The mother did not take charge, the aunt took her but she was no better the aunt wasn't capable of having babies, she tried so many times, she couldn't. When the girl was born she was the one who was more aware even more than the parents but love that the girl believed her aunt had towards her was nothing more and nothing less than obsession, no I let her go, she had to be attached to her skirts 24/7 if possible, if that girl separated a lot began to scream and cry saying "I DROPPED ME !! NOOO !! DON'T DO IT! DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THE OTHERS! ", The girl loved her aunt ... but ... she was scared and unintentionally caused a fear of detaching from it. in the end the aunt was medicated by her parents and the girl happened to be cared for by her paternal aunt but she ignored him those who did pay attention to him ... were his cousins ​​... they played with her, they hugged her ........ they kissed her saying they were playing the boyfriends one day they said they had created a new game ... and it was about ... playing at night unclothed....sans: what?they played with her poor body when they felt like it ... no matter how sore she was until the daughter spoke with her grandparents ... and they punished them but the girl ... had already broken ... and they broke it even more telling it that it was ... "impure" and that it had ruined everything the plan as his mother did that time ...The girl did not understand, she only had to cry, she stayed with her grandparents now, the grandmother "I trained" with a strange red bag, I undressed her and said "when you feel something you squeeze it but only when the day comes, yes? "the girl nodded to everything he said without knowing ... that soon her life was going to be ruined even more...her aunt had returned, now she was calmer again and spent time with the little girl ... He told him everything that had happened to him ... he did not change his expression until he controlled him about the red bag, the woman stood up and ran to her parents and yelled "IT'S JUST A GIRL! " From an awkward silence changed to pure screamsthe girl could finally hear"marriage "sans: .. were they going to marry her? chara: ... with a very rich man ... they went with his aunt but ... well, she was abandoned for not being able to give him an heir ... sans: ...... chara: ... in short they were part of those rich families who married other families rich ... they believe they are the kings of the world and ... they think that if they do it like that, money will never they are going to go .... ball of idiots The girl finally found out that she was going to be married to a rich man, older ... very old everything came together ... from the constant abuse, the silence and the previous rapes ... Now was she going to be abused by others? ...Could you help her? ... someone? ... no ... they couldn't help her aunt ... and the truth ... she did not want to end the same ... she ran away ... kept running ... until tired of everything ended up falling into a hole ... and died! end! sans: ..... chara: I told you it was sad!
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peonycats · 4 years
iran + china for the ask game if you're still doing it?
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
alighnment: goth | prep | nerd | jock
best quality: hmmm I’ll prbly say that they’re a master negotiator- they strike a great balance between being proud and not underestimating their opponent (most of the time, they’re not exactly immune to hubris) When you finally get through them and all that pomp and circumstance, they can be surprisingly forthright and honest (thought it’s an entirely different story for family members or ppl they have troubled relationships with)
worst quality: Their brutal pragmaticism tbh- it’s a side effect of living for so long and seeing such dramatic and drastic changes, but they’re very good at doing whatever it takes. They’re a little bit more at peace/resigned with this than someone like, say, India.
ship them with: India (their dramatic and proud natures mean they mesh well together), China (Silk Road gang and often travelled to see each other in caravans), Ethiopia (fought a war over yemen that one time but they’re chill now)
brotp them with: India, China, Ethiopia, Ancient Egypt, Egypt, Syria (have known each other since childhood and syria is just suffering :’) ), Armenia, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan
(disclaimer that just because i put a chara here doesn’t mean i dislike the ship or even dislike seeing them together!) needs to stay away from: Rome, Ancient Greece, Saudi Arabia (”get off my lawn you whippersnapper”), Yemen (Have also known each other for a long time, Yemen is also :’) ), Turkey, England, Israel, Kurdistan, Syria
misc. thoughts: Grows flowers in their house. Eats a bunch of bastani. Most of their stuff kinda smells of roses. Comforted Egypt when his mom died. Complained a lot about Rome to China and India. Secretly fond of wine. Has a forbidden twitter account. When they were young, they had a pet hedgehog, and Kurdistan's pet fox kept on trying to eat it.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
alighnment: goth | prep | nerd | jock (TBH I THINK HE WENT FROM GOTH TO PREP AS HE GOT OLDER LMAO)
best quality: Hmmm, I think that he's actually fairly reliable and dependable if he's not trynna fuck you over- need hw help? he's a great tutor (if not for him being kind of an asshole if u don't get it as fast as he thinks u should) say ur hungry? he'll just suddenly peel some oranges for you. left your work lunch behind? he'll deliver it to you, complaining all the way
worst quality: Among his many many other flaws, one that stands out is definitely his condescension, superiority complex, and his belief that he always knows better than anyone. While that isn't unfounded, given that he's seen so much, it's also fucked him over a lot (rip opium wars) but once he learns his lesson with a foe, he is unlikely to make the same mistake (at least for a while)
ship them with: India (seen too much for too long, tired and nosy and horny), Iran/Persia (oldies and their silk road shenanigans)
brotp them with: India, Iran/Persia, Rome (sent letters and nudes to each other over the silk road), America (money money money motherfucker), south korea (sk cries in the corner when China shows up in his latest fashion atrocity), north korea (his reserved nature makes him more preferable to china), Macau (tho not explicitly stated, pretty clearly the family favorite), Vietnam (bugs her all the time, Viet is ignoring his calls), Ghana, Thailand
(disclaimer that just because i put a chara here doesn’t mean i dislike the ship or even dislike seeing them together!) needs to stay away from: England (china’s feelings on him remain understandably complicated, leaning to the derisive side), Russia (personally ambivalent on rochu tbh), Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Tibet, Japan (HOOO BOI)
misc. thoughts: lights up a box of zhonghua/chunghwa cigarettes everyday. Found in the park every morning doing taichi. Experienced in a lot of fields of martial arts. Swears by Feng Shui. Still bikes everywhere. Complains about historical dramas’ accuracy and costuming all the time. Whenever he calls old friends, he’s on the damn phone for hours. Has a vegetable garden on his porch. Had a perm in the 80s. Once bought a bunch of currency for a game app he was playing on the black market and got banned from the game.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Welcome to Backwater ch.12 (spicyhoney)
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Summary:  Stretch has some wheels now and he has directions, now he only needs to start down the path!
Read ‘Down the Garden Path’ on AO3
Read it here!
Stretch’s good mood lasted right about as long as it took to get back to the store. Not that he replaced it with a bad mood, nah, he was still pretty darn cheerful. But now that paybacks were done, it was time to put on his working hat, so to speak. To begin with, his new bike needed a thorough checking over; a skeleton could not travel on wheels alone, not unless he went back for roller skates. He needed to make sure the rest of the bike would get him to where he needed to go, too.
There was a ramshackle garage squatting behind the store, the siding a grungier match to the building up front and the cracked windows too filthy to peer inside. The roll-up door was rusted shut, but the side door was unlocked. Stretch opened it a crack and dared to look inside, braced for anything. Bats, rats, creepy crawlies, who the hell knew what grew inside the sheds in a town with possibly man-eating corn.
If there were any beasties, crawly or otherwise, they stayed hidden behind the wispy cobwebs or in their holes. What he did find was a lot of junk, piled in heaps, spilling out of bins and stacked on shelves. There was enough crap that if Red wanted, he could start a side business as a resale shop and give Miss Maggie some competition, mysterious message from the oracle not included, although tetanus was still on the table.
As curious as some of the objects were, and damn, he could stir up some trouble on the /whatisthisthing reddit with all this, now was not the time for distractions from the main questline, not when victory was in sight.
It didn’t take too much rummaging to find a bike pump and a small metal toolbox that for a wonder, actually had tools in it. He carried both back into the sunshine where the patient was waiting and got to work.
Stretch was never going to earn a paycheck as a handyman, but he did know a little about bicycles. Chara had one and so did their friends and he’d gotten suckered into helping with maintenance a few times by a set of big brown eyes pleading their case. Even had his own bike back home, though it hadn’t been used in a long time. A nice little ten speed with glittery orange paint and a thick padded seat to make up for his lack of pillowy booty surrounding his tailbone. Once upon a time, that bike got pretty decent amount of use, but that fairytale wasn’t one he wanted to get into right now.
This old rattletrap had exactly two speeds; go and stop. The tires were a little bald, but luckily, they took air without issue. The chain was rusty, but it responded readily to some WD-40 lubing and a little foreplay, the tramp. He checked all the bolts and sprockets, wiped off the seat and the little wire basket, and for good measure, gave the horn a good squeeze, setting off a hoarse ‘awooga’ into the still afternoon. Height was a bit of an issue, Stretch wasn’t ever gonna earn the nickname ‘short stuff’, not unless the next fairytale he stumbled into was Jack and the Beanstalk, but he managed to get the seat up enough that he wouldn’t jam himself in the chin with a knee.
Once he was done, he wheeled the bike out to the road and gave it a test drive, tooling up and down the main road. It worked fine, the tires crunching over the gravel, and when he gave the horn a honk as he sailed past Mama’s, he could see people looking through the windows at him, some of them raising their hands in a wave.
He turned around past the sheriff’s and headed back, pedaling slowly. The inkling of an idea was taking hold at the back of his mind, winding its way in like paint dripping down a wall and puddling in his brain pan. Yeah, the bike was fine and all, but he’d been ‘fine’ pedaling along back in Ebott, hadn’t he. Taking little rides in the traditional manner on his shiny, fancy bike that he hadn’t bought and didn’t use the other nine speeds on.
Well, he wasn’t in Ebott anymore, and maybe fine wasn’t good enough. All things could use a little improvement, right, even bikes.
Decision made, he headed back to the shed. He didn’t know if any of this crap was Red’s (and seriously, what was that thing with the handles and the springs, it looked like an eggbeater on steroids) or if it’d been here when he moved in, but it was all covered with enough dust that there probably wasn’t anyone around to mourn the loss. The rolling door responded to a tickle and grope of WD-40 as well as the bike chain had and Stretch ran it up, forging his way through the trash jungle. He managed to clear out enough space to haul out the bulky item he’d noticed early partially hidden under a drop cloth and got to work.
By the time he was nearly done, he was sweaty and filthy, but about ready to celebrate his triumph and thank the Academy. He’d shed his t-shirt, using it instead as a rag to wipe his forehead and if anyone spotting him as they walked down the sidewalk had a problem with his bare bones, no one made a fuss about it like they would have back in Ebott. There was a whole Karen Brigade back there worried about nudity and Monsters, seriously, those people would force a moldsmal into some boxer shorts if they had a chance.
He glanced up at the bang of the side door closing to see Red and the dog headed his way. Red was carrying a brimming glass of iced sweet tea as he limped along. He cursed with colorful flair as the dog danced its way in front of him, making him slop tea over his fingers as he tried not to trip himself with his own cane. He aimed a halfhearted kick at the dog that missed by a mile. The dog only barked gleefully, darting over to Stretch, tongue at the ready for a taste test to verify Stretch was as yummy today as he’d been last night.
Stretch only laughed and tried to hold the dog back in a feeble effort to avoid those eager licks. “easy, pal, you saw me a couple hours ago!”
“he probably don’t remember, mutt has a brain the size of a peanut,” Red growled. He handed it over the tea wordlessly, giving the newly-redesigned bike a once-over as Stretch gulped it down gratefully.
“what the hell are you up to out here?” Red asked. He paused by the remains of the push lawnmower that was laid open like an autopsy, poking it absently with his cane, “and what happened here?
“i…uh…may have borrowed the engine,” Stretch admitted sheepishly.
“borrowed,” Red snorted. “uh huh. seen this kind of borrowing before, usually turns into keepsies right quick.”
“i can put it back—” Stretch started uncertainly. Red waved him off, watching in bemusement as the dog took advantage of the distraction to lick right into Stretch’s mouth and left him sputtering in disgust.
“nah, ain’t used the damn thing in ages,” Red said. “i pay a local kid to mow these days. may as well donate the innards before it gets buried.”
No surprise there. Even after last night's stormy weather tantrum, the ground had dried right up again in the morning sunshine. The mud puddles all dried into cracked divots and whatever grass was left was a charming shade of dead. Walking across it was like taking a stroll through a giant bowl of shredded wheat,
Red wandered back to the bike, his browbone slowly rising as he examined it. “you get that from old madge?” he asked neutrally.
Stretch closed his sockets briefly to block him out. The glass in his hand was down to rapidly melting ice cubes and dripping with condensation. He pressed to cool surface to his forehead, letting the cold wetness soothe him as he said, "okay, what. what's wrong with it.”
Red gave him a startled look, “huh?"
“no, i mean it,” Stretch said insistently. “don’t blow smoke up my ass, what's wrong? do purchases from her come with a darker, deeper price unknown? is all her shit haunted? does riding it commit my soul to the forces of evil? if I rub it does a genie come out, what?” He waved a hand at the possibly monster bike and not the kind of Monster listed on his personal I.D. “tell me now, don’t play sphinx with me, not today.”
Red snorted loudly and pulled out a little cylinder from his pocket. He shook out a toothpick and stuck it between his teeth. “nah, but it might break on ya two miles down the road.” His grin turned wolfish. “getting a little paranoid, dontcha think, city boy?”
“no,” Stretch said, shortly.
Red only chuckled. “only thing wrong with that bike is what you frankensteined onto it. hope that thing actually runs or blowing smoke up your ass is gonna be the least of your problems.”
“it’ll run.” Okay, so he was about 95% sure it was gonna run. Maybe 90%. The engine he’d scavenged from the old lawnmower was strapped to the package carrier on the back of the bike, hooked up to the back wheel with a few extra gears and chain he’d dug out of the garage and he’d jerry-rigged a sort of throttle to the handlebars. It wasn’t pretty, but he was sure it would run without blowing up. Pretty sure.
Sure enough to give it a try, anyway.
“uh huh,” Red rolled the toothpick to the other corner of his mouth with his tongue, neat trick around those sharky teeth of his. “where ya think your headed on that death trap, anyway?”
Yeah, okay, that brought him up short. Aside from warning him off of any booty calls, (not that Stretch was looking for any shape of booty and sure as hell wasn’t taking any calls), Red had been pretty mum when it came to opinions about him hanging out with Edge. Stretch wasn’t under any illusions that Red was unaware of the happenings in town and not only because Edge probably damn well called him so they could keep their mystery woo woos on the same frequency. Red seemed like he knew all the local gossip, hell, he was probably the unofficial town bookie, who knew what he got up to on those weekend poker games?
But Edge was Red’s baby brother and as a big brother himself, Stretch was pretty sure he’d have some mighty strong opinions on Blue inviting someone like him out for pie, much less inviting them home to meet the family. No prospects, nothing ahead of him in life. Hell, he wasn’t even wearing underwear.
And anyway, like he had any right to any fucking opinions about Blue’s life after the way he left—nope, not going there right now.
So, yeah, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to admit he was going to see Edge, except how he really didn’t. He didn’t want to see any disappointment on Red’s face or distaste or…or whatever ‘dis’ might sprout up and if Red told him to leave his bro alone, told him not to go, Stretch wouldn’t, he would never, he owed Red so much, owed him in ways Red didn’t even know about, but—but—
His mental waffling took far too long, and Red was unfortunately just as clever as Stretch feared or maybe it was the simple fact that the options of where someone could go in this town on a motorized bicycle was a pretty short list. One corner of Red’s mouth curled up in a half-smile. “headed out to the farm, huh.”
Stretch struggled with an answer and didn’t manage anything better than the obvious, “i think so?” he said meekly, “i mean, edge sort of invited me. not invited invited, it’s not like a date, not that i wouldn’t date him, except you know, i wouldn’t because it’s a bad idea right now like you said, but he said i should meet his roommate and that I’d have to go to his house to do it and—" Stretch broke off to gasp for breath and his ‘fuck, please kill me to shut me up’ was left unspoken.
“okay, okay, ease down on the gas there. you must think i'm missing my wits on top of my foot.” Red snorted. “go wherever you want, kid, don’t make me no nevermind.” The dog was settled into Stretch’s lap, sound asleep and drooling enthusiastically, and Red leaned over to give him a pat, then struggled back up to give Stretch a similar one on top of his skull. He glanced at the bike again and asked speculatively, “’bout how fast you figure this hunk a junk can go?”
“not sure,” Stretch admitted, “not too fast. maybe twelve miles an hour?”
“that a fact,” Red spat the toothpick into the dust and sucked loudly on his teeth. “hang on a mo’.” He limped through the open garage door and the sound of brisk rummaging echoed out. When he came back, grinning triumphantly, it was a bicycle helmet in hand. It was leopard-spotted, only that hideous pink-and-purple shade never graced any beast Stretch ever heard about. Perched on the top of the helmet were a pair of slightly bedraggled plastic cat ears and Stretch took it as solemnly as if he’d been handed Excalibur itself. Beggar vs chooser? Not him.
Red stuck his hands in his pockets, his cane hooked over his elbow as he rocked unsteadily on his heels, “well c’mon, then, start ’er up. i can’t stand out here forever, someone’s gotta mind the store.”
“oh!” Stretch gave the back door a guilty look, “shouldn’t you head in, someone might loot the register or something.”
“no one steals from my shop.” Coolly assured and yeah, Stretch believed it, and not only because the townsfolk were good people.
Stretch pushed the dog off his lap, ignoring its pitiful whine, and went to the bike. Here was the moment of truth. He gave the primer button a few pushes, then yanked the pull cord as hard as he could. It didn’t catch the first time, or the second, but on the third it sputtered a few times, coughed out a cloud of black smoke, then caught, puttered evenly along.
“see!” Stretch said triumphantly, speaking loudly to be heard over the blatting noise. “it didn’t blow up!”
“don’t know if that’s as reassuring as you seem to think, kid,” Red called back, but his grin was easy, “you know how to get there?”
Stretch cut the engine. He snagged his dirty t-shirt and made a fruitless attempt at wiping the grease off his hands. “down the exchange for about a mile, hang a left, don’t stray from the path.”
“s’right,” Red nodded, “you leave soon, you'll get there right around suppertime and that’s always a good time to show up on my bro’s doorstep.”
“thanks, red,” Stretch said gratefully, “thank you.”
“don't thank me yet. and kid?” Red’s crimson gaze seemed to bore into him, “whatever you see or hear, don't you leave that path."
Well, Stretch should’ve known he wasn’t getting out of here without at least a vaguely cryptic warning.
“i won’t, promise.”
Red nodded and started the slow trudge back to the store. The dog roused himself enough to follow along, tail wagging happily. Red paused at the door and called back, “tell the kid i said hi.”
“i will, but didn’t you just see edge this morning?” Stretch asked curiously.
“didn’t mean him.” Before he could ask, Red was gone back inside with a bang of the screen door, taking both dog and answers with him.
Welp, chasing after him was pointless and anyway, that question would be answered as soon as he got to Edge’s place, which it seemed he now had Red’s unofficial approval to visit. Stretch couldn’t help grinning and he hugged himself tightly, managing to smear even more grease on his bones.
Yeah, okay, he needed at least five minutes for a quick wash up before he headed out or the woods would be the least of his worries. Edge and his roomie would kick him and his stank right back out to the road before he could make it to the porch.
Stretch left the bike and his mess where it was, promising himself guiltily to handle the junk cleanup tomorrow as he headed in to wash and change, and he did not spend an extra minute considering what t-shirt would make the best first impression for the unknown roommate.
He really didn’t.
The first thing Stretch figured out as he started on his journey was that it was honestly a nice day for a ride. Overhead the sky was an endless blue with only a few careless puffy clouds that had no interest in interfering with the affairs of the sun. The blowing wind wasn’t afraid though, it chased away the heat, and that combined with the blatting engine made it impossible to hear much of anything.
Not that there was much to hear. He stayed off the actual road, keeping to the wayside so as not to distract any of the cars as he puttered his way along.
The directions weren’t exactly complex, only one turn that he knew of, right into the woods. Stretch found it easily enough, the paved road vanishing into dust and gravel that led into the trees.
That was where he paused, easing off the throttle and putting his feet down as he looked at the entrance.
It was only trees, their tall, sturdy trunks reaching up towards the sky and the wide, green spread of their leafy branches casting the path in shadows. There were a pair of tire ruts in the path which meant someone drove it regularly and not just Edge’s motorcycle.
Only trees, that was all. Right, just like it’d only been corn, and Stretch didn’t move, sitting there with the engine blatting cheerily and the blue sky watching over him as he waited here on the cusp of…what? Fate? Or fatality?
There was only one way to find out.
Behind him, a couple trucks zoomed on past on their way down the exchange, either heedless of his inner turmoil or foolishly assuming he knew what he was doing and honestly, he wasn’t sure he’d known what he was doing for years now.
His concerns weren’t all simply about traveling in these woods, either, despite them being the same ones Red warned him away from and no less than two people went off with the cryptic about not straying from the path. No, there was also the fact he was gonna be meeting Edge’s unknown roommate to ask questions about some of the mysteries of this place and he’d be lying if he didn’t attribute a nervous butterfly or two to that.
The blat of a horn nearly sent him leaping right out of his shorts and when he jerked around, barely catching his balance before both he and the bike spilled into the dust, he saw a group of Humans in the back of a pickup truck waving at him and probably laughing at his helmet.
He waved back, unable to help a sheepish grin, and then turned back to the path. The trees only rustled softly in the light breeze, branches lightly swaying. It didn’t seem scary and hell, he knew scary. Scary was the first time he stepped out into the sunlight after a lifetime beneath a mountain and scary was another first step, much more recently, this time onto a Greyhound bus.
“fuck it,” Stretch said, aloud. He goosed the throttle, the bike lurching forward into the woods, and the trees swallowed him up.
Only not really, not even close. Stretch really didn’t know what he’d really been expecting. That maybe he’d come across a little gal in a red hood with a picnic basket for grandma heading down the path? Or he’d stumble over some kids with a nasty stepmother backstory on a stroll, scattering breadcrumbs along the way?
Neither of those things came true. (Although if Edge and his roommate lived in a gingerbread house, he was done. He was turning his putt-putt mobile around and heading right out of this fairy tale, tout suite, and into another story. Maybe he’d see if Red’s swashbuckler needed a first mate.)
There was nothing out of the ordinary, not even the creepy vibes that the corn had given him. The woods seemed no different than wandering through the city park in Ebott.
It was a lot cooler here in the woods, not only from the speed breeze. The heavy branches were also shielding him from the overpowering heat of the sun overhead, shading him in cooling green. There were squirrels and birds darting around overhead, unperturbed by his puttering little engine-that-could, and once a deer even crossed the road in front of him, pausing to stare unafraid with large liquid eyes before heading back into the scrubby underbrush.
Hell, if he was honest, Stretch was almost disappointed. Not that he’d wanted anything to happen, he didn’t exactly relish the idea of Red having to make that search party to find his dumb ass.
But after all those warnings, he’d sort of expected something to happen, a little trouble of some kind to be peeking out from behind the trees. Then again, he’d heeded those warnings, hadn’t he, it was always the disobedient types who got turned into frogs or had flower petals spill from their mouths when they talked, wasn’t it. His interest in adventure was definitely on the other side of the scale over his desire not to spit slugs or something, so he was erring on the side of not borrowing trouble.
His disappointment in the woods vanished completely though as he came up on what Red had so quaintly referred to as ‘the farm’.
The dinky path rounded a curve, the trees opening up into a clearing, and Stretch could only stare, dumbly easing down on the throttle until the bike slowed to a stop.
Well, it looked like all his expectations were taking a trip through the funhouse today, now didn’t it.
After seeing Red’s place, he hadn’t really been thinking much about the state of Edge’s homestead, what was there to consider, anyway? It was a cabin in the woods…on a farm…okay, so his logic was a little thin, he hadn’t prepped his anticipation very well on the journey. But whatever he’d imagined paled in comparison to reality.
The actual house looked like a log cabin, sure, but one that took a nibble from Alice’s ‘eat me’ cake. It was huge, with large windows shuttered in green beneath a wide, gabled roof trimmed in scrolling eaves, and a covered porch lined with cozy rocking chairs circling the first floor. Flat stones made a winding walkway that led to the front door and there were flowers lining the path in a riot of brilliant, ankle-high colors. Smoke was curling from the rooftop despite the overall warmth of the day and it scented the air with the welcoming aroma of woodsmoke.
The overall effect was one of one of invitation and Stretch was immediately suspicious of it; not a gingerbread house, no, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a witch inside.
Then the door opened and all the doubts flitting through Stretch’s mind dissolved into impossible static. He could only stare numbly at the person that darted down the path towards him, their hair bouncing beneath their chin as they scampered down the path because it was…it was impossible.
A young human, maybe only a couple years younger than him, and they looked so much like Chara it was downright disturbing, the resemblance taking a detour from possible siblings right into uncanny valley. So much like Chara, only, Chara was just a kid, a kid, and this person who couldn’t be Chara, could not be, but looked as if they’d aged like fine wine since he’d last seen them. Or maybe curdled like old milk.
“Hello, Stretch,” they said, warmly, those familiar eyes shining, and their smile was as bright as the sun that was hidden behind the trees, “Welcome to our home.”
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I am taking on a project. Where i recreate my first ever terraria worlds from mobile 1.1 and 1.2 on terraria mobile for kindle fire from about 7 years ago but in pc 1.4 terraria and also using tedit
So far ive mapped out the locations of all the important structures i built as well as specific locations that Mean A Lot To Me and have pics of the whole map (tho i dont rly care abt making like the caves n shit accurate its mostly the surface and structures in relation to each other) and listed them out. heres some uhh quirks i found/remembered abt old mobile worlds
first some things that dont require pics:
- my guide’s name in my first world was Eva and i remember me n my friend being stoked about how i apparently had a trans guide bc of her name <3 i still have no idea how and Why it gave the guide that name, i think it was only in 1.1 because the world i made when 1.2 came out that i got to hardmode in, i never got a guide with that name after beating the wall a buncha times (as evidenced by the number of purple boxes in hell), nor was it ever on the wiki page for npc names. i still love eva and i will put a cameo of her somewhere in my askblog which you should check out asks are open @moon-lords-pawn​ <3
- if you pause while standing near a bubble machine you can see it keep making bubbles at the normal rate, but none of them like go anywhere. once you unpause they all go flying n it looks super cool w all these bubbles exploding out of the machine
- terraria crashed 14 times and i closed it myself 1 time but i think thats a fault of my kindle being Seven Years Old
- i dont think you can dye accessories! how sad
- cloud saved worlds saved to google drive, but i think before that was changed in 2016? there was a diff service it used and i have NO idea what it was called but i didnt have an account with whatever it was, so it basically meant more world space. i had one world called archery and i think i wrote about it for a writing assignment in 5th grade, pretty sure it also involved herobrine somewhere in there. anyway w the google drive cloud save it just had you sign in with google plus (so, obv, doesnt work anymore RIP) and saved your world and player files to a google drive folder. i still have my folder to this day and it will never leave, and apparently i made undyne as a cloud saved chara and used her a Lot?? and i DONT remember that
ok now some w pictures
- you probably know this one but worlds were ASS SMALL before they introduced “expanded” worlds which i thiiink are just the equivalent of pc small worlds. what i didnt realize was that this also made the dungeon and jungle temple ASS SMALL
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SORRY FOR ASS QUALITY PIC BC MY KINDLE WON’T LET ME TAKE SCREENSHOTS OR OPEN MY PHOTOS BUT JUST LOOK AT IT.. ITS PATHETIC.. also im not entirely sure but i thiiiink this is the temple i was able to get into pre plantera, i think even pre hardmode bc. see that hole at the top? that was replaced with mud that just let me mine right through it. this might not be the one that had that but i remember at least one temple i was in had it. also this temple is right above hell n i think thats funny 
- i had a travelling merchant come buy and i was able to get this picture before terraria crashed, apparently this was the old diamond ring sprite?? bud i played this version for like 3 years ive seen all the old sprites but this jumpscared me
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- tbh theres a lot of old sprites i kinda forgot about and most of them i don’t find that bad in comparison to 1.3 or 1.4 resprites but the old coins take the cake as the ugliest old sprites im sorry
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theyre just so.. unshiny. they look like they would be massive and like super thick if you held them in your hand. they look like stale pastries
anyway heres some notes i wrote for the structures n whatever that i found funny
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luobingmeis · 4 years
I think Undyne's determination has less to do with like something that happened in the past and more like the overlap between determination as an actual physical thing VS a spiritual thing. Whereas the amalgamates were injected with determination by Alphys, Undyne makes her OWN. You've killed her best friend. You're going to kill the love of her life. You're going to kill her mentor. You're going to kill everyone. You've killed HER. But she still has to stop you. Everyone is counting on her 1/2
Undyne's whole motif is letting the monsters of the Underground achieve their hopes and dreams. Theres a reason she is the boss fight in Waterfall, the most backstory rich area in the game. Hope and dreams have just as much weight as determination does, its what helps you defeat Asriel. And Undyne the Undying's design mimics Asriel's because in Genocide SHE is the heroine, SHE is the determined hero that defies death in order to save everyone she loves via the hopes and dreams of everyone (2/2)
Sorry I just really fucking love Undyne Undertale fhfhfndkdk she willingly letting herself be used in an experiment to help her people is Very Good tho too hmmmm
sorry ur abt to get a whole essay i love undertale so much.........
(also i use a lot of !!! for emphasis, not bc i’m yelling omg)
(also i’m letting you know this is an incoherent mess, it is 2am here akjsdkjsdjk)
but you can definitely be right!!!! tbh your idea seems much more par for the course than the spaghetti im throwing at the wall
even then, though, it’s stll so interesting bc like!!!! undyne’s courage is undeniable, and her fight to protect the underground plays Such a huge role in her whole waterfall arc. and, in the spiritual sense, she is absolutely determined!! that just makes me WONDER though bc, like, canonically, monsters Are Not determined! they don’t have that threshold!
and then, in looking at determination in the spiritual sense, what exactly makes undyne different? is it that her desire to live and protect the underground unlocks that threshold needed for determination? at one point, could monsters be determined, but then their millennia trapped underground biologically/psychologically stripped them of that? so then could any monster in the underground, when facing high enough stakes, have that determination? or is it just undyne?
bc then i think about the other bosses in either route, like papyrus, mettaton, asgore, sans. where undyne is the monster/boss capable of possessing determination, sans is probably the one least likely to have any threshold for determination (this is bc his entire boss fight is him realizing he can no longer be an observer, he is literally the last line of defense between chara and the annihilation of all monsters). mettaton is complicated bc as a napstablook turned corporeal, i dont even know where to BEGIN with him. but then there’s papyrus and!! it feels like he should be capable of feeling determined. in both the pacifist and genocide route, he is so assured that the human has some internal goodness. while, in the genocide route, that hope could be translated to fear, that still makes me wonder: under what circumstances could a monster’s determination be unlocked? is it not solely life or death? does it require some ulterior motives (aka undyne’s whole character being protecting the underground)? and like!!! it’s just so fun to think about bc, say it is undyne’s spiritual determination being unlocked, it’s so interesting that she’s the one differentiated!! that even papyrus, a character brimming with good and happiness and love, doesn’t have that determination, but undyne, who has a similar type of passion and goodness within her, does!!!
with experiment undyne, i will admit my theory is very much uhh wild! and unhinged! and, while my theory is much more playing in the “what if’s” of the science of artificial determination, it still makes me wonder! especially in the boss fight herself. ever since i first saw her genocide boss fight, i’ve always been a bit fixated on her eye, specifically the one w/ the eye-patch that eventually seems to have Some type of arrow power. while this definitely could have just been A Design Choice (and one i stand by!!), undertale is a game that reveals its complete lore when the pacifist and genocide route are put together. thus, in a hypothetical situation, i don’t think it would be out of the question that undyne’s eye could still Do that even in a pacifist route.
but even then, there are holes to poke! such as why doesn’t she use it? if undyne has been injected with artificial determination, why is she, frankly, normal until it’s a matter of life and death?
(to cut to the punchline before i get into my bullshit: i think it’s bc, at first, it seemed as if the artificial determination just Didn’t Work and had no affect, when in reality it needed to be met with spiritual determination as well)
and, again, i know i’m playing with a lot of hypotheticals right now, and mostly this is me just kinda fun bullshit theorizing, but i think it could have something to do with the fact that she has the threshold for spiritual determination! the reason i even think that she would offer herself up to determination experimentation is bc of the loyalty and love she has for asgore and the underground. i would argue that she is just as invested in asgore’s plan as asgore himself is, and she obviously sees him as some type of father-figure. so that alone gives her this Drive to do whatever it takes for the underground to survive.
so, therefore, i think in regards to this hypothetical experiment undyne, i think it quite literally is that spiritual determination threshold combined with artificial determination
and for that, i quickly want to talk abt the amalgamates and why they tie into this:
the timeline: corpses/souls injected with determination --> no reaction --> corpses wake up and act normal --> ??? happens  --> (quickly leads to) amalgamates
and so then that once again raises the question: what differentiates undyne? 
i think, for that, we then have to consider another question: if most monsters do not have the physical determination to continue living after death, can that determination be given when they’re already dead? monsters in general already have no threshold for determination, so can that be artificially made if it never existed in the first place? 
bc while alphys’s experiment, iirc, was to see what happened when a soul was injected with determination, i think the other much needed question is if monster souls could even Handle determination
and, while we do not know specifically what went wrong with the amalgamates (aka like How did they melt together), we do know that their physical forms really were not able to handle the artificial determination, imo most likely bc they do not even have a threshold for spiritual determination
but undyne is, as you have noted, different!
so, frankly, i think you’re right! i think undyne does have an inherent spiritual determination. it’s uncommon in monsters, but her want to save the world is enough to leave her determined
however, i think That would have just been enough to keep her alive
i think it’s artificial determination that gave her that final form! to reference  back to the amalgamates, they were all creatures whose powers we had seen before, but different now and, specifically, more powerful. that very same thing could be said for undyne! her powers are, essentially, things we have seen before, but fucking to Max Intensity 
when you do kill heroine undyne, she doesn’t turn to dust first
she melts first, and then turns to dust!!!!!
and, honestly, it’s that small detail that sent me down this rabbit hole, bc the only ever time we’ve seen monsters melted together are the amalgamates!
i think the main difference between heroine undyne and the amalgamates is the fact that undyne, at first, had No Reaction to the determination at first bc, since she most likely already had this secret threshold for spiritual determination, it wasn’t the Biggest of changes. it wouldn’t have had such a drastic reaction on her physical form bc, even if she didn’t know it yet, it wasn’t an entirely foreign substance
the amalgamates, however, aka monsters who had no spiritual determination, could only handle the artificial determination for an unknown amount of time before their bodies began rejecting the chemicals and becoming..... that
of course, then, this leaves me with even more questions, such as could undyne sustain this final form? would her body eventually give out, overcome by determination? was this form only meant for life or death situations?
and uhhh i think this is the end!! if you made it this far and are thinking to urself “damn you’re really an english major when you write like this?? this isn’t even comprehensible” do not fret!! i know this theory is kinda a shitshow, and it’s one of those things where i can keep myself up all night thinking abt this and talking myself in circles bc there are some points that i think have strengths and other points that are probably pretty weak
basically though!! i see the connection between artificial determination and undyne through the fact that her form actually changes, the reveal of her legit power eye, the way her attacks have been altered, and the fact that she melts at the end (akin to the amalgamates’ appearances) before poofing into dust
this has been,,,, a shitshow i am so sorry i hope this was at least somewhat understandable ajkdsjkdsjk
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chuuyagum · 4 years
♡ Winter 2021 Anime I Dropped ♡
as of now this is the anime i've already dropped for the season! i have a 3-episode rule where, if after 3 episodes, the anime hasn't caught my attention i'll drop it to save myself time. i'd rather not force myself to watch something i know i won't enjoy! sometimes i do drop them sooner if it's that bad
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Vlad Love
honestly.......i don't have much to say here. while i initially found the premis interesting, the speed at which the main characters are suddenly girlfriends was uh? quick that's for sure! and while i understand it's meant to be humorous, i didn't really find anything funny about the school nurse constantly stripping for no reason in the middle of school hours and constantly hitting the main character. blood fetish was the main point of humor in this story, and i can tolerate a bit of ecchi in anime, but this really hit all the wrong notes for me. instead of laughing i just sat there wondering why i still had the tab open
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Project Scard: Scar on the Praeter
i wanted so desperately to like this one! i've enjoyed anime by GoHands before, but like i mentioned in a post before, this was overkill. its like they didn't know when to stop. usually we complain about under done animation and can nitpick where improvement could have happened. here its the opposite, there's too much going on. there's so many textures, reflections, and moving pieces with very little contrast between the foreground and background, making it almost impossible to focus on what's happening. in gifsets this anime will look wonderful, but when you watch a full scene you realize there's no anchor points for your eye to settle on. this is what overachieving and still failing looks like
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i genuinely don't even know what this is about, i couldn't get past 5min because for some reason only the protag looks 3D when no one else does and it's not even good 3D. as of writing this the anime literally has a 2.24/10 on My Anime List and only 3 episodes have aired so far. did they even have a budget when they made this?
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Hortensia Saga
i don't really have anything negative to say about this one, its a pretty standard medieval fantasy anime, but thats what put me off wanting to continue it. there's a lack of originality, there's nothing in the first few episodes that makes me want to root for or support a specific character. plus the action sequences were kinda lackluster. basically it's boring; unless this is your favorite type of story and you're interested in something that sticks to tropes pretty closely, or you're a fan of the game it's based on, you're going to be snoring really quickly
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Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun / Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki
12min in and i was rolling my eyes so hard it started to hurt. what seems like a story about a gamer who makes friends and gains a girlfriend really just boils down to, well. pretentious gamer boy meets a pretentious gamer girl and she.....teaches him how to be a normie and blend in with the rest of society by dressing nicer? i guess? this could have been decent if it was played off in a comedic way, but instead it's handled really seriously and as a result i couldn't take it seriously at all. the more the characters monologued about how unfair and difficult life is because they look slightly different or had different interests than most people, the further they dug a sad and pathetic pitty hole to lie in. this feels like a horrible message to send to people who feel somewhat isolated from their peers and decide to blame it on these small incongruities instead of practicing some interspection, or seeking professional help if their problems are that severe
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the-river-person · 3 years
Worldbuilding Tangent Part 1
This is gonna be a post where I get sucked down a rabbit hole about the worldbuilding of the Underground. There are a some things I think are worth noticing. I’ve seen a couple fics and comics where people acknowledge the size of the Underground. But I don’t think we’ve really stopped to take a good look at it much, and I want to cause its fun. Please note that these are my own observations from the game and that It’s possible I might interpret what I see in a different way than others. Let’s start with just the Ruins and the city of Home. (plus some mentions of New Home. But its relevant.) We know that the Monsters were sealed away Underground and trekked across the massive cavern to where the Ruins are now, and they made a city called “Home”. The book in Toriel’s home says “Cavern’s” indicating that its a single cavern with the possessive apostrophe on the end instead of multiple caverns. A cavern is defined as a category of cave that is particularly vast and has formed naturally in soluble rock and grows speleothems (Cave formations like flowstone, stalagmites, stalactites, columns, straws, or drapery). I thought this meant there was only one single vast cavern until I came upon “The Glossary of Geology” which said that the word ‘cavern’ could either be used to talk about one single vast cave or a system of caves, chambers, and connected tunnels. This sounds more like what I see in the game, because we know that there seem to be large cave areas separated from one another and connected by tunnels and smaller caves. So we have a series of connected large caves and tunnels. The first of which we see is the Ruins. The ruins are supposed to be a small part of the ancient city of Home, where the monsters lived for a while after being sealed Underground. Why did they eventually decided to move back to the main entrance where they were first sealed? We don’t know for sure, but based on the timing, it might have been due to Chara. We know Chara fell down the same hole as Frisk does at the start of the game, because the flashback cutscene shows this and because Toriel returned Chara’s body there and buried it. Yet we also know that Asriel and Chara left the Underground through the only real entrance and exit available to them without a ridiculous amount of climbing... The one we find in New Home. One possibility is that Asgore built the city of New Home AFTER they died, but this doesn’t work because Asgore tells us that Toriel became disgusted with his actions and “She left this place, never to be seen again.” Since we know the place Toriel ended up was the closed off Ruins, then New Home would have needed to be built sometime before the death of the royal children, but after Chara’s initial fall. (there is the possibility that it was built before that. I have doubts that Asgore and Toriel would be letting little Asriel wander alone through a set of abandoned ruins, but you could make an argument for it depending on various possible circumstances). Anyway, you the player get to see the ruins as you follow Toriel and solve puzzles. And while they’re somewhat sizable, they don’t seem much like an ancient city, more like a couple of old streets, a park, or something like that. Perhaps a set of gardens since it appears to be set outside (will come back to this in a moment). Then we come to an area where we see the actual city of Home, inaccessible to the player. We’re on a balcony, suggesting that the city is at a lower elevation, and that the ruins we’ve been traveling through are much higher up, possibly part of a castle. The city itself is quite big, containing towers and domes and buildings of all kinds, stretching into the distance. Looking at the Ruins themselves, we know that they’re open air (as much as you can be underground). There are piles of leaves everywhere (despite there only being a single tree, suggesting that there are leaf bearing plants growing above or on the walls outside of the player’s line of sight. And beds of flowers grow in various places. Even the occasional pool, stream, or fountain makes its appearance in this area along with all of the puzzles (this stream could be the very source of the River we see later in the game with the River Person in his boat and Ice Wolf sending blocks of ice down to Hotland). Along with the addition of Toriel’s Home, which appears identical to the one in New home in almost every way, we might guess that this area is an upper area of the original Castle (or Royal Palace, whatever word works) and that it was probably an open air garden area for the Royal Family or others near them. Personally I feel like it could be a play area for the young Prince Asriel to practice at puzzling without his parents worrying too much, but I don’t know that there’s much evidence supporting this. Also there’s the more dangerous puzzles involving spikes, which might have been added later, but we’ve no way of knowing for sure (Didn’t Papyrus suggest that spikes were every child’s dream?). Toriel’s Home itself, much like Asgore’s Home at the end of the game, also acts as a guard to the main exit. An exit to the Ruins into the rest of the Underground, and later an exit from the Underground altogether. This sort of thing fits with the whole Boss Monster idea, which in traditional games act as threshold guardians. So in both cities, the King and Queen were overseers of the main door in and out of the city, placed directly in their living quarters. I have to assume that both are part of a much bigger castle because while they appear tiny when we actually play in them, there’s a scene in Waterfall where we get a good glimpse of the city of New Home and there’s definitely a big whopping castle there in the middle. So either Asgore and Toriel just...don’t live in the big castle (why would they build it?) or Asgore’s home is just a small part of the castle, the royal family’s living quarters. And since its identical to Toriel’s home in the ruins, which is elevated above the main city for unstated reasons, I think it might be reasonable to assume that it too is part of a large castle or palace and acts as the royal family’s living quarters apart from rooms where matters of state are dealt with. Though based on the rooms of various levels it could be a training ground, store rooms, or a set of different rooms that make up that level of the castle. The entire area of the Ruins and Home are populated by various small and weak monsters. Some of them being almost feral or wild in nature, while others appear to be there just to hide or make trouble. A Froggit tells us that Toriel was seen coming from the lower city itself with groceries, which makes it more or less certain that some sort of civilization is thriving in the main city itself, with  enough Monsters around for a working community and things like stores you can buy groceries from. Finally the end of the Ruins, reached by going through Toriel’s home and down to a lower level (which would put it back down on the same level as the city of Home and lower than the rest of the Ruins you travel through), is a large pair of doors with the Delta Rune on them. Beyond them is another long tunnel ended not by a door but by pillars and a wide open dark space occupied by Flowey and a patch of grass and bare earth. Most of the Ruins have the purple flooring, like tile or paved stone. Only the first area where you fall down and this area have this... open feeling. I suspect this area might have been a courtyard just outside the main castle doors but before the outer wall. And indeed we find a second set of ornate doors to leave through, entering out into the Snowdin Forest. The very first thing we see there is the doors we came through set in a very large and purple stone wall. We don’t see much of it, but we know that the Ruins are inaccessible to us and the rest of the Underground, so the wall must be either very tall, or might totally seal off the Home area from the rest of the caverns. It is certainly not a natural feature due to its color, the resemblance to the stonework of the rest of the ruins, and the stylized doorway of the same colored stone set in it.
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llama-lord · 4 years
My Full Personal Interpretation of Chara
It’s my view that Chara was severely abused during their time on the surface, and began to view crying as weakness because of it. I'm not sure if Chara was actually trying to commit suicide, but I think they had suicidal tendencies, showing little concern for their own life. Undertale's intro shows Chara tripping instead of jumping, but it also shows them clearly seeing the hole and approaching it beforehand. Given that the injuries Chara sustained from the fall were far from fatal, as they were able to walk with Asriel's assistance, their cry for help could've been out of pain and/or survival instinct, rather than a genuine desire to live.
Pre-death Chara hated Humanity, but there was always a look of hope in their eyes (in the neutral ending where Asgore commits suicide, he tells Frisk “I'm reminded of the human that fell here long ago... You have the same feeling of hope in your eyes”), they loved Monsterkind, they loved Toriel and Asgore (while it’s possible that Toriel knitted the Mr. Dad Guy Sweater for Asgore, I think it’s more likely that it was Chara. “Mr. Dad Guy” is an awkward name, one that sounds like a middle ground between “Mr. Dreemurr” and “Dad”), and they loved Asriel more than anything. However, while Chara was capable of and showed genuine love and kindness to the Dreemurrs, sharing countless tender moments with them, they could be a bully sometimes. Although Chara never physically hurt Asriel, they frequently shamed and sometimes mocked Asriel for crying (mirroring their own treatment on the surface), and liked to playfully toy with his emotions from time to time. With no other friends and due to his own insecurities, Asriel looked up to Chara and came to idolize them. That said, while Chara's and Asriel's relationship was unhealthy, I doubt it was ever intentionally abusive until the plan came forth. Had Chara been made fully aware of how much damage they were doing to Asriel, I think they would've been horrified.
EDIT: I view the mindset that "big kids don't cry" as being picked up by Chara on the surface due to mistreatment. They shamed Asriel for crying under the distorted belief that they were toughening him up.
While I think Toriel and Asgore were decent parents, they never noticed Chara's darker tendencies, nor did they ever ask them questions about their life on the surface. When Asgore told Chara that they were "the future of Humans and Monsters" (I highly doubt Chara’s deathbed was the only time Asgore said this, given the weight of the title, and his bad habit of placing enormous responsibilities onto the shoulders of young children, seeing how he gave Frisk, a child no older than 12, the duty to "seek the truth" of the Prophecy so they can free everyone in the alternate Neutral Route where he commits suicide), his intent was to refer to Chara as living proof that the two species could coexist. However, Chara took it the wrong way, believing it now meant that they were responsible for everyone, giving them a complex, putting pressure on them as one of the Royal Children.
EDIT: I placed too much blame on Asgore in my initial write-up. It’s far more likely that Chara developed a complex from living with Monsters, and that being called "The Future of Humans and Monsters" was simply the icing on the cake.
EDIT: I think Toriel and Asgore may have recognized signs of abuse in Char, or just felt that something was off about them, but I doubt either of them realized how bad their issues were.
Poisoning Asgore was a genuine accident. I don’t believe Chara "laughed the pain away" nor laughed sadistically. There is a recurring theme of characters laughing and joking in stressful moments (Snowdrake's Father when he talks about his son ran away after his mother disappeared, Snowdrake's Mother during her fight in the True Lab, Mettaton NEO, Undyne when Frisk is beating her to death in the Neutral Route, Toriel when you oneshot her in the Genocide Route or betrayal kill her, Asriel when you hug him, Asgore when he kills himself in the alternate neutral ending, and Migospel, especially Migospel, as his entire theme is him putting up a happy facade to hide his pain). The only times we ever see sadistic laughter in Undertale are from Asriel, who is soulless, and Chara in the Genocide Route, which I don’t believe is an accurate reflection of the person they were in life. So, while I doubt that Chara felt particularly terrible over accidentally poisoning Asgore, I believe their laughter was relatively dry, hollow, and empty.
EDIT: I think Chara freaked out when Asgore got sick, but calmed down after realizing that he wouldn't die. There was still some guilt, but most of it left at that point.
Due to a combination of Chara shaming him for his tears in the past, and his own idolization of them, Asriel now looked down on crying, and saw Chara's (relatively) calm reaction as preferable to his, saying "I should have laughed it off, like you did".
Then came the plan. I think Chara was motivated by both revenge and a wish to free Monsterkind. Chara chose to commit suicide rather than kill the Dreemurrs for their Boss Monster SOULs. I've seen people theorize that Chara picking death of buttercups was self-punishment for what they did to Asgore. I'm neutral on this theory, but I'll acknowledge that there are far less painful ways to die that would've still appeared accidental. And in this moment, yes, Chara was intentionally manipulative (which is abusive). They belittled Asriel's emotions and played up his desire to be a hero by telling him that he could free everyone. When Chara discovered their shared control with Asriel after their SOUL was absorbed, they resolved to walk to the village themselves. When the villagers attacked, Chara tried to kill them all, and that's when he resisted. Asriel had just enough control to walk back to the Throne Room, where he died.
EDIT: I doubt Chara was lying to Asriel when they told him that they only wanted 6 SOULs. Chara had no way of knowing of whether they’d even be conscious, let alone share control with Asriel, after they died. That, and going back to their village would’ve re-opened old wounds, which leads me to believe that their attempt to destroy it was an impulsive act fueled by a power trip, not a pre-planned one.
I doubt post-death Chara is entirely soulless, because they would need a way to manifest themselves. However, Chara’s dialogue at the end of the Genocide Route implies that something happened to their SOUL, saying that “My 'human soul’...My ‘determination’...They were not mine, but YOURS.” While Asriel’s SOUL was completely destroyed, Chara’s SOUL shattered into fragments. At least one of these fragments latched onto Frisk's SOUL after they fell, due to the amount of determination that Frisk had, and their shared SOUL trait.
Fast forward to Frisk's fall. I'll state my main points here. I fully believe the narrator theory, but disagree with the possession theory almost entirely (more on that soon).
If you do not believe the narrator theory, you can skip the bolded passage below.
While Chara does not make a physical appearance in True Pacifist Route, I think they become a better person from it. Chara realizes that they were wrong, that Asriel was right, and that not all Humans are bad. And while Chara doesn't save Asriel or your friends, they give you a push in the end, saying "you can SAVE something else".
Asriel's admission that "Chara wasn't really the greatest person" rings true. Chara was far from perfect. However, I see this statement less as him actually condemning Chara, and more as him taking them off the pedestal he’d placed them on, and realizing that they weren’t a good role model. When Asriel addresses “Chara” after the True Pacifist Route, he has low expectations for them, saying "You’ve probably heard this a hundred times already, haven’t you…?", when he asks them not to reset. However, the fact that he was willing to even make an appeal to begin with, saying "Take a deep breath. There's nothing left to worry about", shows that, despite everything, he still has hope, even though it’s not much, that Chara will do the right thing.
(On another note, the fact that you returned in the first place, after Asriel asked you not to, after he said that he couldn’t come back, after you were EXPLICITLY told that the game would end after you left the Underground, doesn’t speak well of your intentions. Flowey’s expectations for Chara weren’t very high to begin with, but I believe that your return further lowered them. It serves as proof to him that maybe Chara hasn’t learned anything from this.)
Then there's the Genocide Route. Yes, the player not only starts, but is responsible for the overwhelming majority of the Genocide Route. No, I don't believe Frisk is possessed, at all, not until we are very close to the end. Until that point, Chara simply provides a Monster counts for us, and Frisk's more aggressive personality is simply a reflection of our actions. With Chara's SOUL fragmented, severely restricting their ability to feel love and compassion (they might benefit from Frisk's SOUL), there's hardly anything left to restrain their worst traits. Once we kill all 20 Monsters in the Ruins, feeding a desire for power, Chara is on board with us. Their dialogue changes from less joking and increasingly apathetic (“Not worth talking to”, “Forgettable”), with a trace of violent overtones (“Where are the knives”), to outright sadistic as we progress (laughing at the RG 01/02).
EDIT: Judging from the dialogue for the stove after killing Toriel and the dialogue for killing dogs in a Neutral Run, I think Chara may (at least initially) have shame for what they are witnessing in the Genocide Route. However the thrill of gaining power ultimately overrides it. It’s essentially a guilty pleasure.
EDIT: Looking back, while Chara doesn’t actually kill anyone before Sans, it’s plausible that they helped us deal more damage in certain fights. A possible reason why we deal so much damage to Toriel in the Genocide Route is that Chara lashed out. Flowey has feelings of abandonment associated with Toriel (”She'll find another kid, and instantly forget about you. You'll NEVER see her again.”). Given that Toriel refers to Frisk as “my child”, and Chara’s final pre-death memory was of their betrayal, Chara could’ve felt betrayed by her, even though she was a decent parent.
I doubt Asriel’s “recognition” of Chara in the Genocide Route is an accurate reflection of what they were like in life. There is ample evidence to conclude that, not only did Asriel genuinely think that Frisk was Chara in EVERY route, but also that he held onto this delusion the ENTIRE time. Furthermore, there are multiple inconsistencies with the interpretation that Asriel will only quickly conclude that Frisk is Chara in the Genocide Route, and takes much more time to do so in the True Pacifist Route:
1. Omega Flowey toys with Frisk in the Neutral Route, despite seemingly wanting their SOUL.
2. Flowey’s dialogue for sparing Asgore in an aborted Genocide Run directly contradicts the notion that he thinks Chara would only be cruel.
3. Omega Flowey saw the name of Frisk’s SAVE file right before the fight, which alone should’ve been enough evidence to make him think that they are Chara.
4. Flowey’s spare dialogue doesn’t change in an aborted Genocide Run, directly contradicting the notion that he doesn’t think Chara would care about anyone else, as he still threatens to kill “everyone they love”.
Here’s something to consider:
Given how long it took for Flowey to go insane, he is likely aware that Chara will not necessarily be as violent as he is. By giving him evidence for him to conclude that they actually are (killing everyone in the Ruins), Flowey gains enough confidence to drop his charade.
Perhaps the strongest piece of evidence that Flowey thinks that Frisk is Chara in every route is his reaction to being spared in a Neutral Run. He should not be confused by the concept of mercy, as he has undoubtedly been shown mercy himself many times during his own resets.
In other words, it’s not that Flowey can’t understand the concept of mercy itself, it’s that he can’t understand why this person specifically would show him mercy. Although Flowey is aware that Chara may not necessarily be as violent as he is, this scenario is different. If there was ANY time to have a kill-or-be-killed mindset, this was it. Flowey gave us every possible reason he could for us to kill him, and sparing him is the strongest challenge to his delusion that Frisk is Chara. He simply cannot understand why “Chara”, who tried to kill the villagers when he refused, would show him mercy after what he said and did.
Asriel makes three colossal mistakes in the Genocide Route. First, he talks as if he's equal to Chara in strength, that he could kill them if he wanted to, saying "Creatures like us wouldn't hesitate to kill each other if we got in each other's way", making them turn on him (I see this line as serving as proof to Chara that Asriel hadn’t learned anything from the village incident). Asriel flees to the Throne Room. We fight Sans, with Chara making the final attack for us. We confront Asgore, who Chara attacks for us. This is where Asriel makes his 2nd mistake, destroying Asgore's SOUL, trapping us in the Underground. His final and fatal mistake is when he begs for his life instead of hiding in the ground. The Chara who Asriel begs for mercy from is, for the most part, soulless; they cannot and do not feel any love or compassion for him anymore. Asriel neglected his own belief that Chara was soulless, when he told them "No... you're empty inside, just like me". Asriel has given Chara plenty of reasons to be angry, and with nothing left to hold that anger back, Chara proceeds to hack him to pieces. This is when Chara finally makes a physical appearance. While there are plenty of other Monsters left in the Underground, murdering the person they loved the most in life is the point of no return for them. This is important because I don't believe that Chara would've intentionally killed Asriel prior to their death, even at their absolute worst, even if he betrayed them. But here? Chara sees killing Asriel as the elimination of the one person who always held them back, and the final step to abandoning their humanity and ridding themselves of the emotions that they now believe only ever hurt them. They've found a better partner, us, one who will always give them what they want. With their goal to achieve power in this world accomplished, Chara believes that its existence no longer serves a purpose, and asks us to erase it. And if we refuse, they think it's hilarious, that we believe we have a choice here. When Chara says "SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL?", it doesn't mean they were possessing Frisk, nor does it mean that we never had in control. We controlled Frisk, we had countless chances to abandon this path, but we pushed all the way to the end. Chara has been betrayed before, and was caught completely off-guard. But this time, they came prepared. If their partner tries to turn their back on them like Asriel did, they'll override their decision, because they have final say, and they WILL get what they want.
EDIT: I’m on the fence on whether Chara actually hesitated to kill Flowey. I will say that, unlike with Asgore, they were willing to hear him out at the very least.
As far as the Soulless Pacifist Route goes, I fully believe that Chara kills your friends. However, this is not done out of malice. If Chara genuinely wanted your friends dead for good, they would’ve kept the world erased. This is simply a demonstration of power by Chara, to show that they are the one in control.
Other thoughts:
Despite Asriel’s betrayal, Chara doesn’t seem to hold any strong feelings of hatred or bitterness for him outside of the Genocide Route, and until the “Creatures like us...” line, given how there's no push to kill him in an aborted Genocide Run.
Everything after this point are mostly unsubstantiated headcanons and beliefs of mine. Feel free to continue reading if you are interested.
In my opinion, Asriel’s trauma is often underestimated in fan portrayals. While he has healed to some extent from the True Pacifist Route, taking Chara off the pedestal he once placed them on, his sense of self-worth is still in dire need of repair. How intentional the trauma inflicted on him was is simply a reflection on the perpetrator. It is irrelevant in measuring the damage.
I don’t think Chara is completely fixed by the True Pacifist Route? While Chara has certainly learned something from observing our actions, they still have plenty of work to do on themselves. However, while they can’t change what they did, with Frisk’s help, I think they can try to make up for it by becoming a better person.
While Chara is inherently in a better position than Asriel after the True Pacifist Route (Chara benefits from Frisk’s SOUL and fragments of their own SOUL, while Asriel is completely soulless) I think Asriel will be much easier to help. While Asriel could easily get his form restored by SOUL donations from 7 generous dying Humans, I doubt Chara will ever be able their own body again. The absolute best case scenario I see for Post-Pacifist Chara is them peacefully body-sharing with a consenting Frisk.
Asriel is not obligated to forgive Chara, or (while I doubt he’d be this bitter) even talk to them ever again. That said, Asgore and Toriel owe Chara a lengthy talk. Chara is responsible for their own actions, and their circumstances do not excuse them, but, while they failed themselves, Asgore and Toriel failed them too. This talk can be one for understanding, and, hopefully, reconciliation.
I strongly dislike the concept of killing off Chara under the guise of “setting them free”. It does not heal Asriel’s trauma, nor does it accomplish anything else.
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ri-translates · 4 years
Translation: Itaru Chigasaki SSR [Memories are in the Game] - My Personal Fairy Director Part 1
Itaru’s been holed up in his room. Just what is he doing?
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Part 2 || Part 3
Izumi: (Huh. Has Itaru-san woken up yet? I didn’t see him at breakfast…)
Chikage: ….
Izumi: Ah, Chikage-san, is Itaru-san in your room right now?
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Chikage: Well, he’s been there all day... Did you need something from him?
Izumi: There was something I wanted to discuss with him regarding KniRoun’s main performanceーー
Chikage: Hmm, I’m not sure if now is a good time.
Izumi: ?
(What a questionable expression he’s making. Maybe it’s Gamer’s High Time? [1])
(For now, I’ll just go and check.)
Izumi: Itaru-san, can I talk to you for a second?
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Itaru: ーーI’m tied up at the moment so go ahead and let yourself in.
Izumi: Pardon the intrusion.
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Itaru: ...Ugh, why am I getting shot at from that angle.
Izumi: (It really was Gamer’s High Time...But he’s sitting at the PC today instead of the television.)
Are you playing a PC game?
Itaru: Yep, I’m beta testing KniRoun ONLINE, which is slated to release next year.
Izumi: Beta testing?
Itaru: Before a game gets released, the developers recruit participants as public beta testers and have them play the game.
They get results from surveys, reflect on the responses, make improvements, then release the final product.
So, this time I applied as an advance beta tester when they sent out recruitments, and thanks to Hoshii-san’s influence, I got a spot as a priority tester.
Since it’s only available for a limited time as a small scale beta test this weekend, I thought I might as well take advantage of it while I still can and play it until I get sick of it.
Izumi: So you were in the middle of Gamer’s High Time…
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Itaru: Ya, and I dragged Banri in too since I figured I could get ahead in the game faster than the other beta testers with him around.
I want to play it thoroughly and send a solid report of my impressions, enough to equal Hoshii-san’s generosity.
Izumi: (He really loves KniRoun, doesn’t he…)
Itaru: That’s how it’s gonna be, so I’ll be staying in my room all weekend, kthnx.
Izumi: (Well then, looks like I can’t discuss it with him right now. It’s not urgent though so I’ll ask him next week.)
Have you eaten breakfast yet?
Itaru: Mm, not yetーー
Izumi: It’s already noon. Since you’re preoccupied, shall I bring you lunch instead?
Itaru: ...Director-san.
Izumi: ?
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Itaru: I’m really glad you’re our director.
Izumi: ...Even if you say that while posing seductively and giving me The Smolder [2], that won’t make me feel happy. Oh my god.
What would you like for lunch?
Itaru: Something I can eat with one hand would be great.
Izumi: I’ll bring some rice balls and side dishes that fit your requirement, then.
Itaru: ーーWoah, that was close!
Izumi: (He’s completely absorbed in gaming…)
(Huh...It’s totally different from the mobile game version we played before. The graphics are super pretty.)
(Still, I can take a guess and know exactly which character he’s playing.)
Ah, Gwen’s with you.
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Itaru: It’s cuz I’m using Lancelot.
Gwen always follows me around, and she provides auto-recovery during combat. I’m seriously getting healed in more ways than one.
I would work so much harder if I had a Fairy Gwen following me around in my life as an office worker...
Izumi: Is work getting busy?
Itaru: It kinda is. Actually, I was supposed to be working during my time off, but I’ve been completely avoiding it so now I’m scared to go in on Monday.
Izumi: That sounds rough. Be strong…
(Prioritizing games even though he knew better, that’s Itaru-san for you...)
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Itaru: Beta testing ends in two hours, huh…
Banri: [Let’s log off soon-]
Itaru: Hah?
[We’ve still got 4 more runs to go.]
Banri: [It’s already 3 A.M. I’ve got first period tomorrow so I can’t.]
Itaru: [*Itaru grumbling noises*...]
Banri: [GG.]
System Message: NEO has logged out.
Itaru: Can I get an F in chat… Guess I’ll run it solo. At the very least, I wanna rank up one more time…
ーーHell yeah, ranked up just barely before maint!
System Message: Beta testing will close in five more minutes. Please log out as soon as possible.
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Itaru: Next, I’ll put together my impressions…
TL Notes and Comments:
[1] 怒涛のゲームタイム which would translate literally to Frenzy Game Time but. I couldn’t resist throwing in a reference to his chara song LOL
[2]  キメ顔 which means posing seductively with a sexy or sultry look, but once again, I couldn’t resist throwing in that reference either LOLOL
A huge thank you to Nui (@/starrynuinui on Twitter) for providing me with Itaru’s backstage stories!! THIS ONE’S FOR YOU NUI!! 
1) Itaru breathing sounds are dangerous. 2) my itaizus...they thrive in this story... 3) now we know why his unbloomed SSR looks like that LOL 
Parts 2 and 3 will be up soon! I’ll slowly be adding my tls to the A3! wiki as soon as I can figure it out haha- so look forward to that too!
Part 2 || Part 3
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luisleyyaoi · 4 years
Just finished Deltarune after seeing very little related to it for about 2 years, now I’m gonna talk about it!
I just finished it in one day. That can’t be healthy considering I played for about 2-3 hours
The battle system is so good, I love it!! Like I loved Undertales, it’s super simple yet very effective, but this ones just more... fun? Not saying Undertale ain’t fun of course, it really is, but something about this battle system was just great. I really liked it and can’t wait to see it again in chapter 2
Lancer I forgot much I loved you. I know he’s the fan favorite and all but he’s amazing and I will protect him with my life. I really hope he plays an important roll in chap 2 because I really want to see him again
I wonder what his role in chap 2 is gonna be? He’s the king now, if that’s the canon ending, so is he just gonna dip and join us? Is he gonna put Roules in charge? Is he just in the items menu as an Easter egg?
Speaking of Roules, talk about a knock-off Mettaton. I’m joking, I love him very much. He’s just over there putting -st at the end of everything, I’ve probably done that at some point too let’s be honest. I’ve officially decided he’s in love with the King and they are married. I can’t like a game and not ship something gay, it’s just how my queer brain rolls. Like name a fandom I’m in and I can guarantee I ship something lgbtq+
Ok I’ll just sum up my thoughts on every character as I adore them and their all amazing, minus the Berdly he just sucks
Ok but like their obviously setting something up with the King. There’s no way they won’t explore his character later, he’s got tons of potential
Burgerpants!!! I genuinely didn’t know he was in this game, I was extremely happy to see him to say the least. Even though he was just a ship keeper, he had so much personality in UT that made him extremely remeorable and likable, I hope we see more of him later
Ok ok Mettaton you poor thing. He’s holed up in Napstablooks house, my theory is that since he didn’t get his robot body he’s feeling super dysphoric and doesn’t even want to leave which makes me wanna cry. He doesn’t deserve that, let him be happy and a robot Toby, I beg you
Ok I know he’s the meme character and all but I was genuinely happy to see sans again. I know it’s basic but he’s one of my favorites from Undertale, he’s such a well written character ok? I got super happy when I saw him, even though I knew he’d be there lol
Ok but Rudy is alive in this universe, him and Asgore better get together. Asgore was obviously in love with him at some point and Rudy seemed to flirt a bit, see alarm clock dialogue, so like why wouldn’t they?? I swear if Asgore and Alphys get together I’m gonna be mad /j /j I’m joking I swear
Ok but seriously, their gonna kill Rudy off aren’t they? He’s in the hospital, chap 2 has doctor themed animations, it all adds up and I don’t like it. Is gonna be the gateway to Noelle becoming an important character, I can sense it
So theory time. Y’all know how everyone at the end was talking about how Kris was acting different, how he somehow knew who sans was without ever meeting him, and how at the beginning we couldn’t chose who we were? Welp it’s simple, Kris is their own person. They had a life without us and we took control of it. So the ending, while it seems to be showing Chara taking over, I think it’s Kris rebelling against us. I doubt this is right though, it’s probably just how Toby ended the demo to keep people interested, but I like theorizing ok?
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zora-moyashi · 4 years
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chara jumps and looks back at killer. "oh hey, ya miss me killz?" she goes up to the girl kit and ruffles her hair a little.
"Sure, let's go with that." Killer replies. Gradient seemed nervous about Killer, as the female kit, (who's name is Shine) Smiled happily
(what's the boy's name?)
she snickers at killer. "was she nice to you two while i was gone?" she asks as she goes over to the side of the room where her weapon that moku made was.
"Yeah! She brought us a pheasant!" Shine smiled.
"well good! if she was mean i'd have to give her a talking to." she flings the weapon on her shoulder. she gesters to gradient. "gradient, meet shine, shade, and killer."
"speeking of, killer, is it possible that gradient here is one of ink's kits?"
Killer grabbed gradient's arm and used a claw to cut her, then placing the claw in her mouth. She then made a face of disgust. "Yeah, she is."
chara just looks at killer laughing. "that was weird? you know ink by taste? cause that's even weirder.  
"Because she's made of pure carbon, which tastes like dirt," Killer explained. "And when I was in a fight with her, some of her got in my mouth." Killer faked gagged.
this amused chara as she giggled quietly and looks to gradient. "so did you know your mom?"
"Y-yeah, t-though s-she lied to m-me and F-Fall..." Gradient stuttered, holding her arm.
"fall? and lied about what? being your mom?"
"y-yeah..." Gradient stuttered, looking away, this got Killer's interest.
"i don't know much about this ink, but from what i've heard she's a bit of a jerk. who's your dad? or do you not know that either?"
Gradient shook her head. "Never met him."
chara giggles and looks at the kits. "you ready for a field trip? we're hunting down ink." she starts to walk towards the door. "i don't care how damn hard she is to find. we're doing this." she looks up at killer blocking the door. "scoot. "
"No can do." Killer said with a slight smirk. (Here comes the betrayal)
( :( ) "and why's that?" she tries to get around her and to the door.
Killer blocked her way, knife in hand. "Because. I've had my fun, so time to finish the job." She slashed at Chara
she managed to scratch her arm before she got out of the way completely. "HEY WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?"
she raises her weapon
"Nothing, I just can't leave survivors" Killer purred, teleporting behind chara and slashing her back
she got hit before she quickly turns to face her and grabs the arm holding the knife. with her other hand she slashed her weapon at her neck. "survivors of what?
Killer ducked, throwing Chara over herself. "My game, what else?"
"go to hell" she lost grip on her arm and revealed 'new' soul where the sliver of gradient's soul stone was spreading it's color slowly. "leave me alone! do you wanna die all the sudden?!"
"Nah, this was always my goal, what did I have you fooled? did you think I really gave a d*mn about you?" Killer snickered, shooting towards chara slashing
with a growl she rams into killer grabbing for killer’s knife.
Killer kept her grip tight as she stabbed into Chara.
"This is stupid. remember our fight from before? what about you're little spiel on how you missed your friends. I f'n hate lairs!
Killer snickered at this. "It's better if I get rid of you before I get too attached." She slashed again. (also if it gets to a point were Killer is about to kill Chara, a certain someone is gonna help)  
(hmmm? gradient or our good old shatter?)
"you've lost it." she kicks her with a orange covered leg making her slide back a bit.
Killer regained her footing quickly
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chara formed a knife and threw it towards killer and followed it right after with a direct attack with moku's weapon.
Killer warped out of the way
she circles around trying to find where she warped to. while she does that she gets a glimps at the other 3 in the room
"i don't want to fight you yuma! cut it out."
Gradient was trying to get the kits out of the way. "Too bad!" Killer hissed stabing into Chara's shoulder.
she grabs killer's hand as it hit her back and she covers her hand in orange ring to crush her wrist,
Killer got out of the way about to slash at Chara's neck before she was thrown into the wall by some invisible force
chara exhales and looks around for the culprit
She sees Olympia.
she doesn't know if she's relieved or angry that shatter interrupted the fight. she stands there looking at them for a moment. "... uh, hey."
Eunice grabbed Chara, "come on."
"Hey! excuse you! what do you want from me? why are you even here!" she pulls back on her arm.
"To help you, come on." Eunice replied sharply as Olympia kept Killer from being able to move. Tonic was on Sectin's shoulders
chara's flustered and waves around "but, ! i have to take care of these kits! anaand where are we going!"
"Glacia got the kits, and we are going to a safe spot." Eunice said, getting irritated of Chara's fussing.
chara looks back at killer worriedly
Olympia was using telekinesis to keep Killer against the wall. Eunice picked Chara up, done with her hesitation.
chara squirms "stop it! i have stuff to do here! you can't just break in and expect me to leave!"
"That's exactly what we're doing." Eunice said as Plasma made a portal.
chara is so baffled she doesn't know what to do. she pushes out of her arms and goes through the big hole in the floor of the room. she slides down and lands in some dust. she looks around for a window or something. it's really dark down there.
Luna was perfectly hidden in the dark. "Why are you being so difficult? we just want to help."
she's startled and tries to find a wall to help her know where she is. "gee! idontknow! can't you at least tell me what the hell's going on?!"
"Killer was lying to you, it was her game, and you fell right into it, so we took turns keeping an eye on you."
she let's out a frustrated growl. tonic hops off of sectin's shoulders and goes to the hole looking down in. chara lights her hand with fire magic (not hot) "let's put it this way shatter, I don't feel like being kidnapped! kay?" "killer is messed up, yes, but she's still my friend! just as you are! if a agree to come with you can we talk this out?"
"Yes we can, that was the point anyway." Luna answered keeping in the shadows.
"ughh." she looks up and sees tonic which makes her cringe. glareing in the direction she assumes luna is in, she hops back up to the other floor and goes threw the portal.
They were in a strange world, (it's the distortion world), Sectin picked up Tonic "Come on."
chara instantly is thrown to the ground with the gravity change. looking around made her dizzy. she does her best to get to her feet shakily. tonic curled up contently.
Sectin went through as well, olympia soon followed
there are waterfalls going every which way and bubbles that have landscapes in them float around. she looks over to everyone by the now gone portal. "explain."
she folds her arms
"We've seen Killer play her stupid game before. She gains someones trust, becomes their 'friend' and then kills them also." Eunice started to explain before slapping chara across the face. "That's for being a f*cking idiot!"
"YOU'RE AN IDIOT" she shoves her. "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!" "just cause we spent some time together doesn't mean you get to boss me around!"
"It does mean that I actually give a damn about you unlike that stupid Genocide!" Eunice hissed (yeah, eunice is a hothead.) Sectin covered Tonic's 'ears'
"SHUT UP! you don't know any of those 'genocide' stars like I do! they have it bad! you're lucky cause you eat f**king rocks! don't act like you're better than them just because you were born into a better situation." tonic hides her face in sectin's shoulder.
"You don't know jack sh*t!! Sure we were born in a better place but life kicked our *sses out of there so d*mn face it would make your puny head spin! We have been enslaved! forced to fight for the entertainment of others while those Genocides killed countless people because they were bored!"
chara throws her hands up and spins away from her. "you're impossible to talk to." she hops off the plat form to the one close to them and the gravity pulls her to it. she goes over to the water fall and kicks at it.
Eunice growled in frustration before storming off as well. Olympia sighed at this. 'I apologize for Eunice, her temper lately has gone sour
"it's whatever." she shrugs looking down. she quietly listens to the sounds of the distortion world, howling, sound of rock platforms cracking and moving, and so on. she looks at her soul which seems to be stable for now.
'Also, I couldn't help but notice your soul,so I managed to get you some dt.' Olympia 'said' giving a vial to Chara
she looks over. "huh," she takes it susspisiously. "where'd you get it?"
'Well, since you will probably interrogate me later if I do not inform you now, I traded with a version of gaster, the dt for a dusk stone.'
".... seems like a bad trade on his side." she shrugs it off and drinks it anyway.
'Well, his world didn't have dusk stones.' Olympia explained. 'I do apologize for our sudden intervene of your fight, we were worried.'
she caps the vile and sets it down "i don't forgive you but i'll forget about it." with one last kick in the water she turns back around. "I thought i made it pretty clear that my goals conflict with your morals. why are you here? if you're going to help me even more than you already have isn't that kinda against the point?"
'Well, you're not incorrect, though, I assume our reasoning is that we see you as a little sibling?' Olympia answered. 'We just want you to be happy'
chara's taken aback by this. bringing back bad memories of her own little brother. she shakes her head. "a horrible decision really. but you're very sweet."
'Well, it's not a horrible decision if we make sure that the other doesn't die.'  
"you've got tonic though? you could baby that thing instead of me. sense you seem so lonely and all." she hops back to the main platform.
'Yes, but you are still you, not easy to replace.' Olympia said.
Sectin was chatting with Tonic. "You know.. I haven't triped a lot of forms, wanna try some with me?"
tonic's face lights up and she happily nods.
"whatever you say." chara disregards the conversation.
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(it's the red thing) Sectin thinks for a moment, "well, there were those spike things on Sakarr..." She then turns into a swarm of small brown creatures, the main carapiece was domed and had spikes on it.
tonic watches with a grin. "impressive" she goes up to inspect it better. "what is it made of?"  
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Sectin scurried up Tonic's arm.
tonic giggled as it tickled her going up her arm she gets a better look at it but still not quite sure what it is.
It had lots of spines and no visible mouth or eyes
"are you able to explode? what are you able to do?"
Sectin turned back normal. "I dunno, they would bury into people's skin though." She said
tonic looks over to chara. she looks like she's about to ask her if she's ever seen one of those or if she'd be willing to be dug into by a spike ball, but with the glare she instantly received she shuts her mouth and looks away
Sectin saw Tonic look away, and looked at Chara just in time to see the glare. "Oh...I wonder why she doesn't like you..."
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"i'm unsure why as well," she looks up at sectin "have i done something wrong? or perhaps annoying?"
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"I'm the annoying one. maybe she's jealous?" Sectin shrugged
"jealous of what?" she tilts her head
"The attention you're getting."
tonic looks down prepossessing what she said. "i suppose that could be the case." "should i try talking to her?"
"Go ahead, wouldn't hurt."
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tonic thought for a second before nodding and going up to chara. chara folded her arms. tonic stoped infront of her "chara I am sorry I couldn't help you when you called. shatter asked me not to." chara shakes her head. "it just proves to me you're as useless to me as i thought you'd be." tonic blinks. " you wish for me to assist you in getting stronger?" chara laughs. "like you'd know how to. not to mention shatter hanging over your shoulder like a dead bird."
Sectin snuck up behind Eunice and screeching, resulting with her having to flee from a flamethrower.
"shatter wants what's best for you, and you need this as far as i can tell. in fact your mental state has only gone down through the time after you've bent yourself on getting stronger. i expect shatter will not mind." chara rolls her eyes and walks away from the little skeleton and goes over to the two kits. tonic looks disappointingly away from them. "hey kids. like the look of this new world?" she small talks to get tonic away from her.
Shine shook her head quickly, hiding behind her brother who seemed more curious than scared. "It feels weird." He replied.
"Get back here you stupid bug!!" Eunice yelled going after Sectin
tonic watches eunice and sectin run around while chara tries to block them out. with a shrug she replies "a bit i suppose hm? I feel like this is the perfect place for some training. you two as far as genetics go, might have some cool spacial powers similar to your mom." she rubs her hands together. "wanna check that out?"
The boy nodded happily, the girl on the other hand wasn't to fond of the idea. Sectin turned into a yanmega and flew to a different spot, snickering softly.
"sweet~ shine you can sit there and be boring if you want to. "she grabs shade's hand and take in to an area that has a little bit more room. "so i don't know either of you guy's powers. what do you know how to do?" tonic hops up to eunice.
Eunice's hair was a blazing fire a sign she was mad. Shade thought for a moment before opening his mouth showing sharp teeth. "I can bite."
chara looks at his mouth. "i would say that's not a very good power but you look strong enough to hang on if it came to that. no magic powers that you know of yet?"
He thought for a moment before black covered his arm and formed a long blade. "Hows this?"
"yeah that's more what i was looking for." she goes up and grabs his arm to see how strong it was. for the black covering armor she wonders if shade was infected along with his mom. for some reason she assumed he wouldn't have been.
The sharp part of the blade cut into her palm.  
"so is that armor? can you cover your body in it?" she covers her hand in a bit of magic.
He tries to focus, before shaking his head. "No just my arm."  
"huh," (which arm can he cover?) "how about trying to focus on your fangs can you strengthen them? "
(his right, he's right handed) He nodded, closing his eyes to try and focus, after a few moment's he opened his mouth to show his fangs were excreting venom.
"oooo sick" she puts a finger to her chin for a second. " i bet tonic would be able to use that well. I'm going to get your sister, she's just sitting over there anyway." chara goes up to shine and takes her wrist dragging her back to shade. "come on, you have to practice or you'll end up dead, you don't want that right?"
The two shook their heads, but didn't seem to understand they were supposed to fight each other.
"good, glad we agree. now just fight eachother for a bit, if you get around to really hurting eachother im here to stop it so is shatter, so have at it." she sits crosslegged on a rock.
They look at each other, "But I don't wanna fight Shine." Shade said
"you'll be fine, promise, just practice got it?"  
Shine nodded, backing up slightly as she got her claws out. Shade looked at Shine, he still didn't want to fight her
"nice shine~ love the claws." she admires and then looks over at shade expectantly.
Shine shot towards Shade, who used his blade-arm like a shield.
"just blocking isn't going to get you anywhere shade."
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Shade pushed Shine back, Shine tried to hiss, but ended up sneezing
chara snickers at shine.
Shade snickers too. Shine then sticks her tongue out at Shade, who still wouldn't fight his sibling
"shade, how can i get you to do this simple thing hon, no one's gonna get hurt. if you really can't fight your sister then you'll have to fight me or shatter. it'll be much more simple if you work together seeing as you should be around the same level."
"I just don't wanna fight Shine." Shade said softly, looking at his sister.
"why's that?"
"I just don't wanna." He answered in a rather snappy tone
chara rolls her eyes and goes up to the two of them pushing shine to the side gently. "not good enough. people have to do what they don't want to all the time. do it or there will be consequences."
Shine's face went from playfully to worried. Shade looked at his sister, "I don't want to fight Shine." He hissed softly
chara looks back at shine. "can you tell your brother to fight you please?"
"B-but he doesn't want to..." Shine mumbled shyly
chara shakes her head dismissively and turns abruptly slashing through shade's neck forcing him back to his stone. she picks it up and hands it to shine. "try to convince him when he wakes up." she starts to walk away from shine not really caring.
Shine's eyes watered up, as she started crying
tonic was not having that. as soon as she heard shade poof she headed over to shine. chara simply went back to olympia siting down lazily. tonic goes up to shine to try to comfort her.
Shine hugged Tonic clutching onto Shade's soulstone. Olympia glanced at Chara, "That's a way to make an enemy, not an ally."
she shrugs "there's more than one way to make an ally. if they want to be difficult than i'll have to be as well. if i let them walk all over me my whole plan will go down the drain either way."
"fear is an effective weapon."
"True, but he seems to be protective of her." Olympia 'said'
"you tell me why, you're the psychic. why is it?" she lays against the rocky ground.
"well, the two are twins they care so much about each other, Shine saw it as a game, while Shade saw it as a true fight." Olympia explained, "He has more experience than Shine, so he knows that in a fight, one always gets hurt."
"so i gathered," she folds her arms. "how do i change his mind about it than? seems he holds a lot of power over his sister emotionally. perhaps normalizing death would help. " she shrugs. "i knew this wouldn't be easy but frankly seeing how different everyone is it may not even be possible." tonic snuggles against shine and says quietly. "i may be able to help him heal faster."
"Well, if he assumes that someone is going to harm his sister, he would have more motivation. And if you continuously make him retreat to his soulstone, he wouldn't fight for his life." Olympia explained. "R-really?"Shine asked, purple tears running down her cheeks
"i don't want to scar shine, she's much more cooperative. i did have that though but i think it'll just make them both mad at me. as far as shade goes, as long as he knows i can take him and i have power over him he'll learn to respect me and not try to rebel anymore. i simply am trying to break him a bit." tonic nods and wipes away shine's tear with the tip of her tail, with that her liquid turns purple as well.
Shine looked fascinated by the color change, She handed Tonic Shade's soulstone. "But how are you going to know when is a 'bit'?" Olympia added
"hmmm... touché. i'll just have to guess i suppose." tonic takes the stone and coats it with a bit of the liquid that came out of her claws and puts it on the ground. and with that shade's stone starts to glow.
Shade reformed, and looked at Chara, growling softly. Shine immediately hugged her brother tightly.
chara hears shade and looks over instantly angry that tonic healed him when she was trying to make a point. "are you f***ing kidding me." she mutters to Olympia. tonic tilts her head looking at shade seeing if there's anything wrong.
Shade nuzzled his sibling, still mad at Chara.
chara storms over to them. "tonic." she shoves her away from them tonic falling having no balance toppled over and looks up at chara.. "you are not aloud to mess with the kids without permission. understood?" tonic tilts their head and nods slowly.
Shine seemed concerned at this and Shade growled.
"so shade." she turns to him. "are you willing to try now or do you need a break." she folds her arms
Shade turned his arm into the blade.
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"I told you I wasn't gonna fight Shine!" Shade hissed
"and i'm telling YOU to get over it and change your mind."
"What if I don't wanna change my mind?" Shade hissed.
"than tell me a good reason why you won't and maybe i'll let it slide." tonic takes a few steps away.
"Because I need to protect her! She's my sister!" Shade hissed.
"you're not going to hurt her! come on!" she puts her hands up.
"I don't want to risk it!"
"ridiculous. well kid, you need to get stronger somehow and if you can figure out a way to do that effectivly by tomorrow than i'll drop it and won't make you fight her. but if you don't then we do it my way. sound good?"
Sectin buzzed over. "What if he fights Toxin? she has the same arm thingie." Sectin said
she looks over "hey, if it works it works" she shrugs. "just has to be effective."
Sectin flew over to a chick with messy purple hair, a crop top and shorts. She chatted at her.
she watches them for a second before turning to shine. "you're going to practice with me alright?"
"o-ok..." Shine whispered.
Sectin grabbed the chick's arms and flew back to the group.
"hey toxin, nice to meet you. go easy on him hm?" she takes shine's arm and walks a few paces away.
Toxin blew a bubble and popped it as she chewed on her gum. Her hand balled into a fist as her bones turned to daggers, making a blade like Shade's. "Whatever." Shine seemed nervous about having to fight Chara
chara notices her unwillingness. "it's alright, we're not going to spar yet, how about you tell me about any powers you know you have?"
"I-I don't have any I know of." Shine muttered
this makes chara laugh. "alright~ if you say so. minus your claws obviously," she goes up to her. "you left or right handed?"
"L-left, I think." Shine answered, looking at Shade and Toxin as Shade's blade arm cut through some of Toxin's spines.
chara takes her left hand and runs a finger around her palm. with a spell chara cast a couple of colors show on shine's palm. the colors that show are magic types that shine's inclined to use and the other colors that aren't on her palm are hard for her.
Shine saw the magic and freaked out for a moment shaking her hand like there was a spider on it.
chara looks a little confused. " what? did it hurt?"
"It's glowing!" She replied showing her now bright purple hands.
she chuckles "sure is, that's the point. so purple huh? that goes well with my magic, i should be able to teach you some things. so purple pink and red are able to make psychical things. how about you try to use all that magic on your hands and try to pack it like a snowball."
"What's a snowball?" Shine asked
"uhhhhh, okay never mind, just put your hands together and try to combine the magic haha" she shrugs
Shine nodded and tried, a purple star formed
"Oh wow that's cute. Want to try throwing it at a rock or something?
Shine nodded and threw it, it exploded like a supernova
Chara puts her hands over her mouth exitedly. "Oooo very cool. Oh man, now I want to see you and shade fight even more"
"I-I don't think that would be good." Shine muttered "Don't raise your arm like that when you strike you open yourself to an attack." Toxin advised
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She sighs "why not? You were fine with it before"
"B-but that might hurt him...." Shine muttered, she was much more submissive than Shade
"that's the point hon. Okay fine" she puts up a save star and looks back at her. "Use it on me than"
Shine nodded, concentrating as she formed another one, she threw it at Chara
she threw a small pebble of red magic at it, expecting it to explode it on impact. if it doesn't and it goes straight for her than she'll know that shine will be able to do some kind of homing missile.
It exploded on impact, making an effect similar to a collapse of a sun
she felt a little bit of a shock wave from it. "dangggg kid i love it. it's so pretty and strong!" she gives shine a quick hug and then turns to look at the other two.
Shine's eyes sparkled at the hug. Shade's blade chipped at Toxin's spines, Toxin then kicked him in the stomach
she smiles to shine and calls to shade. "gee, looks like someone's out of their league~"
Shade growled, charging at Toxin and biting her, "You can't poison a poison type, idiot."
chara laughs loudly
Shade growled at this
"if only there was someone to brawl with that was close to your level!"
"Shut it!" Shade hissed, jumping back as her left arm became covered in black, forming a shield.
"okay now shine, your brother is getting worked up. if you're in a real fight that could easily get you killed. so don't do what he's doing~" she coos
Shade shot forward, blocking Toxin's spines and then slashing, cutting Toxin's shirt
chara thinks for a moment and gets the idea of having the twins work together. the only problem with that is if she uses their soul stones she'll be out numbered 2 to 1.
she walks a little bit away and looks at some of the bubbles with landscapes in them, she's wanting to find a real target so the kits will have a real fight.
Toxin kicked Shade away, one of the bubbles showed a giant flying creature, with 4 wings
"eh, i don't see why not." she goes up behind shade and grabs the arm that's not covered. "it's field trip time" she starts to drag him over to it. "shine you too, also you're going to work together on this one, but don't get comfortable with that. this is a luxury k? k." she looks back at toxin. "thanks by the way"
"whatever." Toxin said Shine ran after the two,
"well at least i can know which part of shatter i hate now." she mutters. they go through and take cover behind some bushes.
"so that's your target." she points behind her lazily. "let's see what you've got."
The large creature was the size of a car, it had a long neck and tail.
"you want us to fight that?" Shine asked
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Are you all still active? And do you accept oc rp accounts or only canon based ones?
((Oh boy.
So here’s the thing...I’m probably not going to give these blogs quite the attention I did in the beginning, and I should explain why because you all deserve that.
At first, I didn’t think these things would go anywhere. I figured they’d be fun to play around with, banter, get some jokes in and see a few likes, maybe a reblog or two. But then they started gaining traction, and before I knew it, people were invested in my silly little accounts.
I wrote down a quick sketch of a plot and some ground rules for myself, rules that I intended to follow. I essentially wrote a post-Endgame story before Endgame after I saw Infinity War incorporating the elements I wanted to see in the next movie. At the time I was one person. No one was helping me. I knew I wanted to tell a story you all could participate in and enjoy, and to do that I thought it was best if I laid out a groundwork for myself on ways to do that. Things like resolving to answer every Ask, even if it was just to warn the person to stop what they were doing. To adopt every kid (at first that wasn’t on Anon but then I gave in). To give you guys Milestone rewards as thank yous, because even when I just hit fifty subscribers on Tony’s blog, I was ecstatic and appreciated you all so much, and felt like you deserved something so I could show you my gratitude. Unfortunately, before they went up...someone forced me to use one I wasn’t expecting. Literally right after I had made the rule for myself.
I told myself that if anyone found an Infinity Stone, it would be the one Tony had.
The Soul Stone.
I needed the Soul Stone for the plot to work, but I needed Tony to have a safety precaution around it too since Thanos was (is?) still alive. I told myself that if someone found out Tony had the Stone and wasn’t supposed to, he would have a way to protect it. So I had to use the solution I gave him: FRIDAY sending the Stone to an unknown planet with one of the Iron Man suits and promptly wiping her databanks of its location so Thanos or anyone else would be unable to find it. 
So someone found an Infinity Stone...and it was just...gone. Before I’d figured out how Tony would get it back.
My fellow Admins all know this. I can’t begin to tell you how many discussions I’ve had with them trying to write myself out of this hole. Usually, I’m pretty good at getting characters out of seemingly impossible situations...but I haven’t come up with anything that feels believable, that I feel like justifies the plot I have in mind or really respects the characters and who they are.
Normally I would have just gotten rid of the plot point of the Soul Stone being lost completely...but this isn’t an unfinished chapter in my Google Docs. It already happened. I can’t change it.
I don’t know if you guys have read Mercy by Stephen King or watched the movie, but it makes an excellent point that I strongly agree with:
Annie Wilkes : When I was growing up in Bakersfield, my favourite thing in the whole world was to go to the movies on Saturday afternoons for the Chapter Plays.
Paul Sheldon : [nodding]  Cliffhangers.
Annie Wilkes : [shouting]  I know that, Mr. Man! They also called them serials. I'm not stupid ya know... Anyway, my favourite was Rocketman, and once it was a no breaks chapter. The bad guy stuck him in a car on a mountain road and knocked him out and welded the door shut and tore out the brakes and started him to his death, and he woke up and tried to steer and tried to get out but the car went off a cliff before he could escape! And it crashed and burned and I was so upset and excited, and the next week, you better believe I was first in line. And they always start with the end of the last week. And there was Rocketman, trying to get out, and here comes the cliff, and just before the car went off the cliff, he jumped free! And all the kids cheered! But I didn't cheer. I stood right up and started shouting. This isn't what happened last week! Have you all got amnesia? They just cheated us! This isn't fair! HE DID'NT GET OUT OF THE COCK - A - DOODIE CAR!
Paul Sheldon : [long pause]  They always cheated like that in cl... chapter plays.
I don’t want to cheat you all. As arrogant as it might sound, I think I’m a better writer than that. And you all certainly deserve better than that.
When I went to see Endgame (in full Tony Stark cosplay, might I add), I hoped to find inspiration to continue. And let’s just say that ending killed a part of me and I’m still dealing with nightmares and panic attacks over it. My mom asked me if I wanted an Avengers cake for my 22nd birthday and I burst into tears. I just...I can’t handle it right now.
But I recently got my inspiration back for this plot. I remembered how much I loved my ideas, the little timeline I had laid out for myself. I remembered how much fun it was for Tony and Stephen to interact with their kids, for Thor and Loki to talk to Midgardians. I remembered how much fun it was to use obscure ships. And I want to do it. For those reasons, I want to come back to it. I want to see that plot through to the end of the line, whatever that may be.
So I’ve added some elements, and I’ve decided to go in with firmer rules than I had at the beginning, where I would let anyone tell Tony and Stephen “yeah, so...I’ve been stabbed, ‘sup with you guys lol”.
The catch is...it won’t be on these blogs.
It would mean going through everything on them and pretending it didn’t happen, which hardly seems fair, especially when so many people still like and reblog some of my more popular posts. It doesn’t seem fair to just throw all of that away.
Like I said, I don’t want to cheat you, and doing that feels like cheating to me.
So instead I’m starting over. I’m in the process of setting up new blogs, a new Discord server, and I’m working with my Admins to put these new blogs into place.
The other big twist is...I won’t be advertising them here.
I don’t want you all to think I don’t value and appreciate all your kindness and support.
But I don’t want you all to join those new blogs just because I made a joke on Bucky’s account (in this set of blogs) that you liked. I want you to join because you’re invested, because you enjoy the interactions, because you like my writing for what it is and not just because it’s me typing it. It’s the same reason I have a separate AO3 account I never share.
I feel proud when people come to these blogs and see Tony confronting Steve and find out I was writing both of them, not bouncing off a fellow Admin.
I hope I don’t sound ungrateful. I’m swear not. But I want the new blogs to earn their following just like these did. You all saw something in these blogs, whether it was a joke, some advice; something that meant something to you. Maybe you saw family. Maybe you saw a friend. I don’t know. But I sincerely hope that whatever it was, I earned that follow from you. That I earned those likes and reblogs of my own volition.
All I ask of you is if you want to see where these new blogs will go, if you want to follow them, if you find them, please, don’t spoil what will happen for any newcomers who join the ranks. Certain plotpoints will carry over. I want any new fans to be as invested and surprised as you were.
Maybe one day I’ll tell you where the plot moved if you can’t find it and you want to know the big picture. Maybe you’ll just unfollow me or ignore the fact that I’m working on something else.
But I’m not going to just up and abandon these blogs. For a long time, they meant something to me, and at least to some of you. They’ll stay up, and I’ll answer your asks and engage with you. I can’t speak for the other Admins. But with me, you’ll always have someone to message, even if I take forever. But no more nitty-gritty plot. We’ll say Thanos got tired of holding Quill prisoner and fucked off somewhere. These blogs are now just for lighthearted family fun.
This is a long-winded rant to say that yes, I am still active in some ways, and I’m not in others.
As for OC accounts, they have always been welcome, but they don’t get put on the Masterlist or get OC-centric plots. Just be sure to follow certain rules- like Tony having no biological children.
I’m sorry for the rant.
TL;DR: I’m making new blogs to write this plot as I originally intended, but these will stay up and you can message them (at least mine). Also, OCs are cool and always welcome. ~Admin Chara))
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