#The makings of Greatness // Jim Hawkins
a-n-i-m-a-t-i-o-n · 3 months
Animation for Jim Hawkins in Treasure Planet done by Danny Galieote. From his Facebook:
"Flashback 2001–Before painting full-time—At Disney…When I animated Jim Hawkins in these scenes, I had to be very present mentally and physically by acting out the scenes before drawing them. These rough pencil scenes are the bare bones of the movie.
For example, the shots with him stuck below deck with the giant spider villain (Scroop), I was listening to the soundtrack to Jaws (by the great John Williams), which always makes my hair stand up
*These were drawn with thick Design Ebony graphite pencils."
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
From this post about Eddie controlling the demobats
When Eddie returned, so did the bats. In a great blast of cracking concrete and flapping wings, they emerged like a storm right in the middle of main street. The people of Hawkins, who were still getting over the earthquake, had run inside every nearest building, waiting for the revenge of the man they had hunted down.
Eddie had simply taken one long look at their cowering faces through the windows, and then walked off. The horde of bats followed closely behind him. They were still just as menacing in the daylight but they never strayed to pick off a helpless human.
So Eddie was back. Good news!
The bats were also top side. Bad news?
Eddie had control over them. Definitely good news.
It was an odd arrangement. It was made less odd by the fact that Eddie didn’t bring them absolutely everywhere. They mostly stayed in a dark cave unless called upon.
At least at first.
It started with small things. These were wild, territorial things and they never backed down or deferred to anyone who wasn’t Eddie. Except for Steve. Eddie had been sitting on a park bench, tossing some food to the geese who dared to get near. The demobats were perched next to him and around his feet, at least a dozen. They were immovable. But as Steve walked up and drew near, they parted and cleared a space for him.
He had staunchly refused to be around the bats at first. He never wanted to give them a taste again. It appeared his worries were for nothing. Because they hadn’t touched him once.
“Do you think they think I’m gross?”, Steve asked as he tossed to the birds. “I mean, they chomped us both up but they obviously like you better.”
“Why? Is the king jealous?”, Eddie teased, flashing his fangs in a grin.
“I’m just saying you’d think they’d have better taste. No offense, but I’m basically prime rib and you’re just some beef jerky.”
Eddie scoffed in offense despite Steve saying no offence. “Robin is right, you’re a total meat head sometimes. Tell me Steve, when you’re on an hours long road trip and need somethin’ to keep you going, do you just fork a whole steak while driving? Or do you stop at a 7-Eleven for a Slim Jim?”
“You’re just proving my point at how slender you are compared to me.”
While he and Steve traded barbs it would’ve been clear to anyone who made the connection between Eddie and the bats that he wasn’t offended at all. But no one had made the connection yet.
It was one of those days where a bunch of things had simply lined up and everyone was in the same place. Hopper was fixing his car with the help of Jonathan, Mike, and Max. Joyce was merrily cleaning the house and even rearranging the furniture with the assistance of El, Steve, and Eddie. Robin, Dustin, and Erica were posing for a painting outside for Will. Argyle and Lucas were sitting on the porch, talking about California.
As usual, Eddie’s command for the bats was to stay in the cave. Even if the others knew they wouldn’t be attacked, they still didn’t feel totally comfortable with them around. But throughout the day, a few at a time had appeared, making the roof their perch.
“Should we be worried about those?”, Argyle asked, pointing towards the sky.
Hopper looked up from the hood and let out an exasperated sigh. “If they cause trouble we can handle ‘em. Mike, oil.”
Eddie looked out the window and cursed under his breath, making El pause as she moved the couch.
“It’s fine. Nothing. I guess I’d get stir crazy in a cave all day too. Aren’t bats supposed to be nocturnal?”
“They’re not exactly normal bats”, Steve grunted as he pushed the fridge into its new position.
Eddie bit his lip as he watched the way his arm flexed a little and right then a demobat face planted into the kitchen window.
Joyce whipped her head. “What was that?”
“Nothing!”, Eddie rushed to cover his tracks. “There’s always one that’s a little uh, new to their wings, you know?”
Their need to follow Eddie was beginning to be a problem. Because they only seemed to disobey when he was with Steve. When Eddie was by himself, they stayed put. But the moment Harrington was in the picture, these little monster shits had to be there. And if anyone ever realized that, his cover would be blown.
Eddie thought he’d been keeping a good handle on things all considered. That is until one bat decided to have a personal vendetta against him. Eddie had been calm, cool, and collected while he and Steve hung out by the quarry. A couple of bats had joined them as usual. But Eddie kept a straight face about it.
And then their bull session turned to serious talk. About what the future held for them after this. About how they’d never be able to leave this town. About how it felt like no one would need them.
Eddie was quick to shoot down that part for Steve. This man was like the air he breathed and if there was ever a day that Steve wasn’t in the world, that would be it for him. That’s not what he said though.
“People need you more than you think. Just cause we don’t say it, doesn’t mean we’re not thinking it.”
“Dude, we’re about a six pack in, too many negatives.”
“I’m saying we all want you here. Even if we don’t need you to hold our hand, isn’t that enough?”
Steve’s eyes softened. “They need you too. I can’t even describe how they all-how we were while you were gone. We need you just as much Eddie.”
And then one of the bats, those traitorous bats, sidled right up to Steve and nuzzled its ugly little head into Steve’s side like a pitiful dog and Eddie could’ve cried. At least he did internally.
‘Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo what are you doiiiiiiiiiiing????’
Steve was visibily nervous at first because that was the same area he’d been eaten but the bat didn’t put its mouth anywhere near and simply rubbed its cheek to his torso.
“Hey, hehe”, he laughed a little when it was clear he wasn’t being attacked. “I think they like me now.”
“You don’t say”, Eddie breathed out in a strained, punched out voice.
That incident was enough for Eddie to have a heart to heart with his group of followers. He paced around the mouth of the cave while the bats sat on the ground at attention.
“Okay, here’s the deal guys. You can’t keep stalking Steve like this. I get it, trust me. But if people start to catch on to what I’m feeling because you guys keep. Making. It. Obvious. Then we’ve got an angry mob on our hands again.”
Eddie felt like he was talking to a pack of puppies because that’s exactly how they looked right now and didn’t these things kill him before? He couldn’t believe he’d ever been afraid of them.
The talk did nothing though. They still left the cave in the middle of the day to find him and Steve together and were getting more and more affectionate as the days went by.
And somehow Steve just got more comfortable with it. Nancy had them in her garage, teaching the two of them how to clean a gun and a demobat was honest to god (was there a god up there? If there was, he was getting his giggles in) snuggling up in Steve’s hair. In his hair! The crown that Eddie dared not touch. He had never been more jealous or mortified.
“Those things really like you Steve”, Nancy mentioned.
Eddie was mentally begging her to not be a sleuth for once.
“I think they’re just realizing which of us would’ve been the better boss based on flavor.”
“On the flavor?”, Eddie and Nancy deadpanned in unison, also giving him twin looks of judgement.
“Nancy how you’d ever date this guy? It’s like he’s got beef for brains.”
Nancy shrugged. “I guess I’m just a little carnivorous. I think we’ve got that in common”, she said, giving Eddie a meaningful look.
Outwardly, his throat bobbed. Inwardly, he was screaming from the edge of a cliff. Still his feelings for Steve trumped any panic that Nancy Wheeler might know his feelings because the demobat just burrowed deeper in his hair.
Eddie cleared his throat. “Yeah”, he admitted. “I’m pretty carnivorous. Maybe a little too much. That bother you?”
Nancy shook her head quickly. “To tell you the truth...I might be....”, she hesitated on the words. “Going vegetarian.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up while Steve was on another page entirely.
“Vegetarian? Nancy you’ll never survive in this town, everyone cooks with bacon grease or lard.”
“Well it’s more like, I’m omnivorous but I might be trying to add more vegetables to my diet”, she amended. “Does that bother you Eddie?”
“I’m in no position to argue Big Wheel. I’ve been circling your steak like a vulture.”
“I haven’t looked at that steak in ages. You can have it. Not that you need my permission.”
“I get the feeling you guys aren’t talking about food anymore”, Steve said.
And Eddie just couldn’t resist that confused face Steve made. But the moment wasn’t right to reveal his and Nancy’s ahem, dietary preferences. So he just patted him on the shoulder.
“We just agree with the bats man. You’re pretty tasty. Even if not all of us are getting bites in anymore.”
“Oh that reminds me”, Steve said. “We weren't able to get you a blood bag. I kinda dropped the ball. So tonight you can just drink of me.”
At least five bats descended and inched their way towards Steve like desperately hungry animals and Eddie had to stop them in their place.
“Looks like steak’s on the menu tonight”, Nancy commented.
Part 2
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Jerry Nelson 1980-2002
Matt Vogel 2011-present
DEBUT 1980
Pops is the stage doorman for The Muppet Theatre. He's supposed to greet the guests when they first arrive -- though the nearsighted and forgetful Pops invariably needs to ask "Who're you?" in his slight country accent. Pops was first introduced during the fifth season of The Muppet Show, where he was featured in the Cold Open of each episode. This was a departure from the previous three seasons, which had featured Scooter talking to the guest stars in their dressing room. (No cold open was used before the opening titles during Season 1.) Outside of his expository function in establishing the guest star, Pops appeared three times onstage. First, in the episode 508, he took on the role of Geppetto to perform "Puppet Man" with Pinocchio. He then performed "Once in Love with Amy" with Fozzie in the UK Spot in episode 512. His last onstage appearance was in a sketch where Professor Salamander hypnotized him in episode 520. In The Muppets comic strip, he also took on the responsibilities of running the wardrobe and props departments. His most substantial role was as the owner of the Happiness Hotel in The Great Muppet Caper. He also appeared briefly at the end of the musical number "Scrooge" in The Muppet Christmas Carol. Although barely glimpsed in Muppet Treasure Island, he had a larger role in the video game version, where he runs a clothing store and, as part of a minigame/sidequest, will pay Hawkins if he protects his shop from pirates. After that, Pops wasn't seen for several years. On Muppets Tonight, Bobo the Bear filled the function of greeter, in addition to serving as security guard. However, when The Muppet Theatre re-opened in It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie, Pops was back on hand selling tickets. In "Kermit's Story," the first in Roger Langridge's four-issue run of The Muppet Show Comic Book, Pops was seen delivering the mail to the Muppets, including the letter to Kermit that sets off the main plot. He often makes appearances in the comic book. At the end of part 2 of The Muppet Show Comic Book: Muppet Mash, when Calistoga Cleo chooses Pops over Statler or Waldorf, Waldorf says "Well, we knew she preferred older guys", implying that Pops is older than Statler and Waldorf. Pops spoke for the first time since performer Jerry Nelson's retirement in an online behind-the-scenes video for the music video of OK Go's cover of "The Muppet Show Theme." Matt Vogel assumed the role at that point, and has spoken for him again in a 2013 Muppisode (with Gordon Ramsay) and in Muppets Most Wanted. Palisades Toys produced a Pops Action Figure in their ninth and final series of Jim Henson's Muppets Action Figures. FILMOGRAPHY The Muppet Show (all season 5 episodes) The Great Muppet Caper The Muppets Go to the Movies Polaroid commercials The Muppets Take Manhattan The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years A Muppet Family Christmas The Muppet Christmas Carol Muppet Treasure Island Muppet Treasure Island (CD-ROM) Muppets Tonight Episode 101: Michelle Pfeiffer It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa The Muppet Show Theme Music Video Muppisodes (2013) Food Fight! Muppets Most Wanted The Muppets Presentation Pilot "Because... Love‎‎" The Muppets Take the Bowl ↑ hide BOOK APPEARANCES Two for the Show Light on Our Feet! On the Town The Phantom of the Muppet Theater The Muppet Show Comic Book issue #1 - "Kermit's Story" The Muppet Show Comic Book issue #3 - "Gonzo's Story" The Muppet Show Comic Book: The Treasure of Peg-Leg Wilson Part 1 The Muppet Show Comic Book: On the Road Part 3 The Muppets Character Encyclopedia
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imagitory · 8 months
All right...for those of you who don't know my thoughts about Wish, yes, I wasn't happy with the finished result, but no, I'm not a hater. I'm mostly just disappointed that this project that had so many good ideas came out so half-baked, and THIS is a perfect example of what I mean.
No, it's not because "Star Boy" appears in it -- at least, not by itself. I do actually like Star's "himbo" personality in this, even if I also completely understand liking the idea of a mute version of the character. (The downside is that the mute Star from the finished film honestly doesn't have much personality outside of just being cute, in contrast to other mute magical Disney characters like Tinker Bell.)
No, the lost potential here is two-fold --
Firstly, I once again felt more emotion watching this storyboarded sequence than I did at any point in the finished film. I smiled hearing the fun banter between Star and Asha, insinuating that they're becoming closer despite their contrasting personalities; I felt some suspense in how Star and Asha were going to get away from evil!Queen Amaya; I even laughed pretty hard at the cat-and-yarn gag! I didn't laugh once while watching the finished movie.
Secondly -- and this point is actually the one I want to focus on more -- is the commentary given about why this scene was cut. I truly think another unspoken reason behind the decision was that this sequence was clearly inspired by the transforming chase scene in Nimona, which Disney of course infamously dropped when they closed Blue Sky Studios and later got picked up by Netflix, only to receive glowing reviews from just about everyone...but one of the core reasons that Head of Story Mark Kennedy cites for why they changed this scene (aside from wanting Star to be mute and not a shapeshifter like other Disney characters, which I'm a bit confused about because yeah, Disney's done cute, mute non-human characters before too -- what about Dopey, Pascal, Maximus, Dumbo, Bambi, Magic Carpet, Sven, and again Tinker Bell?) is that they wanted Asha to be the hero and be able to "solve all her problems" without Star's help.
Up to a point, I understand what Kennedy means -- the theme of the film is supposed to be that we all have the power inside of us to make a difference, and that's great. But by making it so that Asha doesn't need any help from Star, it takes something away from their relationship. No human is an island, and relationships, both in stories and real life, are often built on that fact. Just look at Ariel and Eric in the original Little Mermaid -- Ariel saves Eric from drowning and from Ursula zapping him with Triton's trident, and then Eric saves Ariel from Ursula by skewering her with the broken figurehead of a ship. Even in non-romantic examples, we have Judy and Nick having to help each other solve the case in Zootopia; Buzz and Woody helping each other get back to Andy in Toy Story; the Parr family and Frozone all fighting together against Syndrome's robot with their unique powers in The Incredibles; Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver working together to save themselves and everyone else at the end of Treasure Planet; even Anna helping Elsa learn how to control her magical abilities through an act of authentic, courageous, selfless love that only she can do in Frozen. These characters needing help and deep emotional connections with others is what creates a bond between them, helps the characters grow and change into stronger people, and makes us as an audience enjoy watching the two characters together. We become invested in both the two individual characters and the relationship forged between them. Because they all have their unique strengths and weaknesses, they supplement and complete each other. Even perfect paragon Superman in most DC properties isn't an island -- when he's in the Justice League, there are plenty of times where he needs help from Batman or other team members to save the day. Even Superman is a stronger character when he has people around him who can balance out his flaws.
If Asha never needs help, that runs the risk of the challenges she's facing seeming far less consequential, because no human can handle absolutely everything, all by themselves. Yes, perhaps in the finished film, Asha asks her friends to help her liberate the wishes (a task which ultimately fails, leaving Asha to confront Magnifico alone again and realize exactly what everyone has to do to defeat him on her own anyway)...but just in regards to Star and Asha's relationship -- which even the filmmakers have said is something like a "soulmate" relationship, though not in a romantic sense in the finished product -- these two can't have a meaningful connection if one of them is completely self-sufficient. This is also why quite a few Disney fans didn't like that the Little Mermaid remake changed Ursula's defeat to have it be Ariel who killed her, rather than Eric, because it hurt the "equal" dynamic between the main couple where they both helped and supported each other.
In short, "girl power" shouldn't have to mean never needing to rely on anyone else...and honestly, looking at this scene concept, we don't see Asha relying on Star too much! She's the brains of the outfit -- she's making plans; she's providing Star some much needed common sense; she's using Star's light as a distraction so they can get away...she even escapes Amaya at one point by sliding right under her horse! Asha in this storyboard is a bad-ass!
What we see in this sequence is these two characters having to help each other in order to succeed. And that would've been a great foundation on which to build more dramatic stakes and a relationship with actual pathos, whether romantic or not.
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Captain Jim Hawkins Headcanons
Hello hello! I adore writing about Jim Hawkins. Despite the awkward design of him in The Battle at Procyon video game, I have loved exploring his future as a captain. Here are a few of my Captain Jim Hawkins headcanons:
Jim takes risks with his ship and crew on missions. While other Naval Officers would follow protocol to the letter, Jim throws the rule book out the window. This leads to others thinking he's rash and incompetent. In reality, the risks Jim takes are perfectly calculated. He would never put his crew in unnecessary danger for his own ego. He weighs the odds which is why his gambles typically pay off.
He's a young captain. Despite his fellow crew being trained to serve their commanding officer, some can't help but passive-aggressively talk down to Jim. When meeting with base command, Jim will occasionally run into an Admiral or two with more years in the field who see Jim as 'too inexperienced'. While this irritates Jim, he converts the frustration into a drive. He goes out there and rattles the stars despite how people treat him.
He was issued a standard Naval Officer tricorn hat upon graduation, but he never wears it because he prefers the wind in his hair while out among the stars.
He takes great care to oversee his lines and tackle. He's not about to repeat the fear of losing a crew to a lifeline failure.
Sometimes he takes the longboats out on a test run, and the rest of his crew all refuse to join him because of that one time with that one stunt...you know...Jim being Jim.
At first the crew aren't sure how to react around their young captain with his pink shape shifting companion, but Morph quickly becomes a favorite. An annoying favorite, but a favorite nonetheless. Sometimes Jim asks Morph to report in on how the crew are handling their emotions because morale is just as important as a job well-done aboard ship. Morph keeps people in higher spirits on those long or heartless missions.
Mister Onyx is Jim's best friend from the Academy for good reason. Whenever Jim's own emotions are bubbling over or impacting his command of his ship, Onyx acts as an anchor. He essentially forces Jim to sit down and take a breather. He also keeps Jim from making decisions that serve only Jim's passing whimsy and not the collective.
I'll think of more soon, but just my initial first post woo!
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jamdoughnutmagician · 6 months
A Slice Of Life (Waitress AU) Part 3
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Doctor!Steve Harrington x Waitress!Reader
<- Previous part. Next part ->
Warnings:Cheating and infidelity, but otherwise nothing that I can think of (unless of course you want something tagged, so don't hesitate to shoot me a message)
also if you've read my other fic, A Cut Above The Rest, then there's a little hidden easter egg in here!
Word Count:2,301
*dividers by @saradika-graphics
Masterlist // Steve Harrington Masterlist
“Can you serve table 15 for me please!” Robin pleads desperately, fluttering her eyelashes like that’s somehow going to get her what she wants.
“Why? Who’s on table 15?” you ask, looking over her shoulder to the table in the far corner. “Ohhh I see. That’s Chrissy Cunnigham’s table. The preppy cheerleader you had a crush on in high-school.” you shake your head at your friend. You knew that Chrissy came in here quite regularly and everytime she asked you if Robin was working. Chrissy was as much into Robin, as Robin was into her, although for whatever reason Robin refuted that idea, thinking that someone like Chrissy would never be into some as “dorky”, her words, as her.
“Please, I can’t talk to her, I get so tongue tied and stupid.” she whined.
“Look, Robs, you’ve just to go over there and put your big girl panties on and go talk to her, she likes you trust me.” you tell her earnestly, with a gentle touch to her arm. “Besides, I’ve got to go throw up.” you say quickly before leaving your friend to rush off to the bathroom at the back of the diner.
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 After the baby had you making yet another trip to the bathroom to spew your guts up, you take a moment to use the phone hanging on the wall at the back of the diner’s kitchen.
“You’re always hanging on that damn phone, Y/N.” Jim’s voice calls from over your shoulder.
“Can you just give me a moment, Hop, please, this is a personal call.”
His eyebrow raises at you suspiciously before tuning on his heels to leave you alone.
You dial the number you had stashed away in the pocket of your uniform, and the line rings once, twice, before a cheery voice on the other end picks up.
 “Hello, Hawkins' Doctor’s practice, how can I help?”
“Uh, hi, is Doctor Harrington there? This is Y/N Hargrove, I’m his patient.
“I’ll just patch you through to his office.” comes the voice on the other end. 
The phone’s dial tone rings down the line for a few seconds before you hear someone pick up on the other end.
“Hi, Doctor Harrington, This is Y/n Hargrove.” 
“Oh hello, Y/n, how is everything going?” his friendly voice sounds down the phone line.
“You said I could call you if I had any concerns, and this morning, um, well I’m bleeding a little, it’s only very light, but I just want to be sure that it’s nothing I should be afraid of.”
“You were absolutely right to call me Y/n, come in to see me, and I’ll be able to check you over.” he reassures you with that calming voice of his. “I can squeeze you in for an appointment tomorrow morning, if you like? Say, 7.00?”
“7.00? That would be great, thank you very much. It’s nice that you’re open early enough that I’m not going to be late for work.” you chuckle lightly. “Well, I won’t keep you, and I’ll see you tomorrow, Doctor.”
“See you tomorrow Mrs. Hargrove.” he finishes, and you hang up the phone back on it’s receiver before getting back to work.
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Munson’s Motor Repairs
The heady mix of motor oil, leather and dirt hung heavy in the air as Steve stepped through the garage door. Metallica’s Ride The Lightning filters from the battered tape player stacked on top of the work benches. 
After a long day’s work this was not a place that Steve wanted to be, but Eddie had phoned him up earlier to let him know his car was fixed and ready to be picked up.
Walking over to the stereo Steve takes it upon himself to pause the music, the loud guitar music suddenly being cut off in favour of deafening silence.
“Hey, who the fuck turned off my music…” Eddie grumbles loudly, sliding out from underneath the body of the car he was working on. His dark curls tied back in a dishevelled bun at the back of his neck, and a few smeared grease stains decorate his skin.  “Oh, Harrington it’s you.”
“Got a call from a friend who said my car was ready to be picked up? You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you, Eddie?”
“C’mon man, she’s out the back, come with me.”
Eddie walks out to the back yard, with Steve’s footsteps trailing behind him.
“Alright here she is, all fixed up and ready to go.” Eddie says, gesturing towards Steve’s old Beemer, sighing with a disapproving sigh as he side-eyed Steve.
“What? Steve shrugged, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“Seriously man,” Eddie said, wiping his grease stained hands on the cloth rag hanging from his coverall’s pocket. “When was the last time you got your oil changed? Thought a smart doctor like you would have some brains knocking about in that ol’ skull of yours.”
Steve blushed an embarrassing shade of crimson, having been caught out by the simplest of fixes with his car.
“Alright Munson, enough of your jokes, how much do I owe you?”
“That’ll be $70 today Steve-o.”
Fishing out the notes from his wallet, Steve hands Eddie the money with a resigned huff.
“Thanks man.” Steve says, bringing Eddie into a quick one-armed hug, before getting in his car.
“You’re welcome, just make sure you’re on top of this next time.” 
“Will do.” Steve nods at Eddie out of the driver’s side window. “Say, uh, Ed, you don’t happen to know of a little diner along I70 do you?” 
“You talking about Byer’s Pie Diner? Man, that place serves the best pies in the whole of Indiana, I swear. I always get a slice of the Cherry Dream Pie every time I go. That’s the best thing on that whole damn menu.” Eddie rambles, thinking to himself about how he’s gonna drive down there when he’s finished up here to treat himself to a slice. “Why are you asking about that all of a sudden, huh?”
“Oh it’s nothing.” Steve brushes off. “Had a patient come in who works there, and she brought me a pie.”
Eddie fixes Steve with a knowing glare and a small smile. There was a girl, that fact Eddie was sure of. There was always a girl when it came to Steve Harrington
“Alright, Harrington, it's nothing. I believe you.” Eddie smirks, tapping his hand against the hood of Steve's car. “See you around, man.”
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“Hello, Y/n.” Steve says as he moves to sit down behind his desk.
“Hi,” you smile, sitting down in the chair on the other side of the desk. “It was quiet out there in that waiting room, it was only Maddelyn at the reception.” 
“I-uh-I came in a little earlier than usual to see you, nobody else is here yet.” he says, a slight pinkish flush dusting across his cheeks, before coughing and changing the subject. “So you said that the bleeding was very mild?” he asks, eyes flicking over the notes on his computer. 
“Yeah, I only saw it the one time.”
“..And then it stopped?” 
“Yeah it stopped pretty soon after.” you nod.
“Sometimes this happens in the early stages of a pregnancy, it’s very common, and it’s usually around about the time that your period would have started.”
“So you don’t need to examine me or anything?”
“No, not at all, it’s a perfectly normal thing, and I wouldn’t worry about it that much.”
“Well that’s a relief.” you huff. “So is that all then?”
“Unless you had any other concerns you’d like to share, or any other questions?” Steve prompts, looking at you from under his shaggy fringe of hair.
“No, no, I think I’m good to go now.” you nod with a smile as you grab your purse and begin to make your way out his doctor’s office, before turning on your heels to face him once more.
“Actually, no, I did have one more question I wanted to ask you, Doctor Harrington.”
“Oh, okay, sure, shoot.”
“Why did you have me come all this way out to see you if spotting a perfectly common symptom in early pregnancy? I mean I had to get up early, catch a bus and then walk another four blocks just to get here, and you’re telling me that spotting is a perfectly normal symptom?” you bubble, the confused and slightly disgruntled tone in your voice coming through.
He hangs his head down, unable to meet your harsh gaze.
“And what time does this office usually open, Doctor? 8:30?” you question him, tilting your head at him as he flushes that familiar shade of pink once more.
“Um, we’re usually open by 9.00.” he mumbles.
“9.00? So, you came to work a whole two hours earlier just to tell me that my symptoms are perfectly normal?”
“Well, yes,  it would seem that way,” he says quietly.
“Goodbye Doctor Harrington.” you say, giving him a curt nod as you make your way out of his office.
“Goodbye Y/n.”
“You know, you’re quite strange, and you make me uncomfortable. I’m not sure I want you to be my doctor anymore.”
“I really am truly sorry Y/n, it is never my intention to make you feel uncomfortable, and whatever it is I do I will stop doing it-” he starts to ramble, but you cut him off before he can finish.
“-You’re doing it again.” you snap at him. “It’s that nice-guy-talky-thing that you do. You just..Oh forget it.” you huff before finally stomping out of the doctor’s practice 
You only make it the few steps out of the door before you’re cursing at yourself at having left your purse in his office.
Stomping back towards the door, Steve is there with your purse in his hands.
“You forgot your pur-” he gets cut off by you again, although this time it is for a completely different reason. 
Your lips crash against his in a bruising kiss, which he leans into, wrapping one of his strong arms around your waist, holding you close to his body.
You’re quick to pull away from him, suddenly thinking about what you were doing, before trying to make your escape.
“Y/n wait!” he calls after you. “Don’t walk away from me, please.” 
Your hurried footsteps stop enough for Steve to catch up to you.
“What do you want?” you huff.
“I want to see you again. I want to talk to you somewhere away from here, maybe we could go somewhere, have coffee or something?”
“I can’t have coffee, it’s on the bad food list you gave me, remember?”
“You could have a glass of water, maybe a fruit juice? I just want to see you again.” he says, his hazel brown eyes soft on you as he talks.
Your mind is working a mile a minute, thinking about how wrong this is.
“No, no, I can’t do this. I wouldn’t be right, I’m mean; I’m married, you’re my doctor, I’m pregnant.”
“You’re right, I shouldn’t have asked, it’s crazy and unethical and-” his rambling gets cut off once again as he feels the press of your soft lips against his. Urgent and desperate and so fucking sweet. He slips his tongue between your parted lips, smiling slightly when he hears you moan into the kiss.
You wind your fingers into his hair, tugging against the shaggy strands as you try to somehow get closer to him. His large hands hold you close, holding their space on your hips as he kisses you with a deep-rooted need.
You pull away from his lips, with a panting breath before looking into his lust-hazy hazel eyes.
“We can’t be kissing each other in the street like this. I have a very jealous husband. He’d very likely kill you if he ever found out. He doesn’t even like it when other men so much as look in my direction.”
“Well, I did wrestling in high-school, I think I can still remember a few of the moves..” Steve says all too confidently.
“So did he.” you say flatly. “And he drives past here every morning on his way to work, so it’s probably best we don’t stand out here together for much longer.”
“Well why don’t you come back in and we can talk about things a little bit more in detail..” Steve says suggestively, raising his eyebrows up at you.
“No, I’ve got to get to work, Jim hates it when I’m late, and I’ve got to walk the four blocks to my bus stop..” you worry, before Steve stops you in your tracks.
“Let me drive you to work, please. At least it’ll give us a little time together.“
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I really mean it, I’d like to see you again, and not just as my patient this time.” he says, kissing your lips once more, and buttoning the top three buttons of his shirt, from where they had been pried loose from you getting a bit too handsy whilst making out in his car.
“So, what do we.. I mean, should I…” Steve trails off.
“Thank you for driving me to work, Steve. I’ll call you if I have any questions or concerns.” you flush before moving to make your way out of his car.
“Y/n.” he calls out to you before you can go, gesturing towards your lips where your lipstick is smeared in a dusky pink swipe.
“Oh, uh, thanks for letting me know, that could have been an embarrassing one to have to explain to Robin.” you laugh quickly fixing your lipstick in his rear-view mirror with a tissue from your purse, and leaving his car with a new-found pep in your step.
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@penguinsandpotterheads @paybacksawitch @mrsjellymunson @seatnights @ali-r3n @potatobeanpies
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molovs · 2 years
Jim Hawkins Headcanons
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When you first met him
If you met jim when he was a child before his dad left
If you are a girl, he would be enthusiastic but also kinda grossed out, (he thinks girls have cooties) i think he wouldn't like you romantically for that reason
But overall would a pretty good friend
He would always make his mom call your parents for you to come over
Shows you his captain flint book and you guys always stay up late talking about treasure planet and adventures you would have together
This is a personal headcanon i have about his dad: he was a good dad but often very neglectful and would not pay much attention to Jim, but Jim always loved his dad (until he left)
If you met Jim after his dad left
He wouldn't be very friendly or approachable and often mistreat people (not children tho)
If you somehow manage to get over that and get to know him you will see that he isn't as bad as he looks
He is pretty sarcastic and funny to be around
Would take you on his solar surfer and of course he drives
Personally, at this point, you would be his only friend
If you were friend before, he would often vent with you about how when his dad left, he develop an emontional void deep inside him
Personal headcanons
Everytime he hears his mom talking to delbert about him he would cry himself asleep
He loves kids (also want to be a paternal figuere to someone)
He has a very sweetooth
His favourite fruit would be purps
Snores when sleeping
Very, and i mean VERY touch starved
He had friends before when he was a child but they left after his dad left
Romantic Headcanons
He is pretty flirty
Fav pet names to give : Sweetie, honey, baby, sugar, love, darling, dear, sweetheart, princess/prince, beautiful, doll/doll-face
Fav pet names to recive : Baby/babe/baby-boy, handsome, hun/honey, cutie pie, hot stuff
Would love to cuddle or snuggle up to you
Definition of clingy bf
I think he would confess first:
He would send you a letter for you guys to meet at the ben bow at night
When you arrived you saw only one table with two seats, on one was jim looking down nervously and not even notice that you were there.
When he finally snaps and sees you, he goes up to you and greets you awkwardly with sweaty hands
You guys sit down and delbert is the butler
Overall a great night and when you both finish eating (and finished dessert) he invites you to a walk around the forest by his house.
On the walk he stops and confesses his love
if you correspond, he would kiss you deeply and walk you home
If you do not correspond he would stay quiet and kinda sob a little, he would awkwardly walk you home and possibly end your friendship with him
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ktamina · 2 months
09/30/08 - Mick 7 answers your questions!
This is an old interview of Mick (#7) that I found, enjoy!!
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Hey, I am like, the UK's number 1 Slipknot fan, and have always wanted to know, what inspired your mask design?
Matthew Fulton- 14
MICK: Nothing. I had my original latex hockey mask way back and then my leather one and I was using those designs and it morphed into what it is now. There isn’t something crazy creative about it.
Hey Mick! I just want to let you know that you are a huge inspiration to me. You were one of the reasons I picked up a guitar, B.C Rich 7 string Warlock as my own first purchase, and got serious about it. My question is, how do you get new ideas for riffs and solos. I've made a couple of my own songs, but I always get stuck trying to make cool catchy riffs or solos. Got any advice?
Jim- 16
MICK: Yes. Don’t over-think it. Just let it happen. Things come out. If you try and plan or force it will sound forced or dishonest. I never try and over-think a direction whatever comes out 1st time I play it comes out. I never spend a ton of time thinking because it sounds forced. If you spend too much time thinking about it, it won’t sound like you. Don’t try and sound like someone else.
How does it feel to be getting back to work with the rest of Slipknot after a 3 year hiatus? Did it feel great knowing you were going to be back behind the mask and in a recording studio once again or was it just the same as it was 3 years ago?
Matt Haynes- 16
MICK: Things are always different when doing a new record. You are a different person than you were years ago. I don’t think in those terms. I just do what I do! But yes it felt good getting back to work.
What has been your scariest nightmare?
Paul Hawkins- 16
MICK: I wouldn’t say I have had a scariest nightmare but it would probably be something that deals with me not having genitals anymore…
If you could play any other role except Rythym/Lead guitarist in the band which would it be?
Bryan Lares
MICK: I wouldn’t.
What was the biggest culture shock you experienced in a foreign country during SK a tour?
Marcelle Andrade- 21
MICK: Being forced to shit into an ornate porcelain hole in the ground in Japan. OR having a warm stream of water tickle my asshole from the bidet in my hotel, also in Japan.
Mick, what advice would u give to young metal musicians trying to get our band noticed without reverting to the typical main stream sound?
Alex Munro- 16
MICK: Music should be honest, it should be an extension if you. You shouldn’t try and achieve a sound. It should just be you and not what you are trying to manufacture. We didn’t pay attention to the trends at the time when we wrote. We did what we felt and that is what you should do. You should play music for you and not to be noticed.
I'm Marina. OK I know that you probably get this question asked a lot by fan-girls but are you single, and can i ask u out on a date if you are :) ?
Marina Spevak- 25
MICK: Send pictures and I will get back to you.
Hi Mick! What Pedals do you use for Before I Forget and Heretic Anthem, and what Guitar would you recommend for a O.K Metal player at good price (like below $400)?
Alex Hayden
MICK: I don’t use pedals on either one of those songs or any pedals of any kind. But if its distortion you are referring to I just have a tube head turned up loud. There isn’t one really so buy used. You can’t get anything new that price worth anything. Look at pawn shops and buy a decent used early to late 90’s Ibanez especially an RG 570.
Hey micl! I'm from Iran. First you should know you've got MANY fans in Iran! Seriously. :D My question is what's the meaning of the tattoo on your arm? The Asian one…
Sohrab Alimardani- 18
MICK: It means hate in Japanese.
What do you think is the meaning of life?
MICK: Life is without meaning. And we are all totally insignificant in the whole scheme of things.
Just touring with slipknot but be crazy but what is the single most brutal moment you can recall while on tour?
Shawn Jarvis- 15
MICK: Watching a guy die in a police chase about 100 feet in front of me...
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Kinktober Day 19: Uniform- Jim Hopper
Word count: 2,012
Summary: Youre the new police station receptionist and you can’t help but love how Jim looks in his uniform.
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“Benefit of now living in a small town is you guys always have my favourite cereal. Living in a bigger city it was always gone by the time I’d get to the store after work.” You lightly laughed with Joyce as you held up the cereal in question.
“Well im more than happy to keep it stocked for you. Since that new mall was built I haven’t had much to do, it’s pretty much just you, some parents and the elderly of Hawkins.” Joyce replies warmly.
Since moving to Hawkins three months ago, Joyce has been such a big help and a great friend. She was just under twice your age but that was fine, she has been like a cool Aunty to you.
“Hey, Joyce.” You heard a gruff voice say as the heavy steps of none other than Jim Hopper walked in.
“Here’s my other regular.” She smiled warmly at her old friend. “I was just telling y/n that she’s keeping the store open since that mall was built.” She joked with the man.
He smiled at you as your eyes met.
Even though Hopper was technically your boss, he still made you feel comfortable and taken care of. Well when you saw him out of work he did, when he was in his uniform it was another story.
“She’s keeping the station together too since Flo semi retired. From Wednesday to Saturday things seem to run a bit smoother.” He complimented you with a warm smile.
“Oh I don’t know about that, I think Flo just organises it so well the rest of the week that she makes me look good.” You joke back, hand lightly touching his forearm.
Though you didn’t speak loudly your volume of voice seemed to shock him a bit. To be fair it was because at work you were a lot more shy and quiet, but you couldn’t help it.
Here out in public in his regular clothes, Hopper still looked amazing to you but he was on equal grounds. Hell if Joyce hadn’t been standing there you might have even flirted with him a bit, but at work, when he was in his uniform, it was a different story.
The way he looked and the power he held in that uniform just made you clam up, you turned into a horny school girl again. If Hopper knew how he made you feel though, he’d probably fire you, or so you thought.
Hopper definitely noticed your change in behaviour at the store compared to work, sure everyone was a little different in and out of work but this was something else. The way you freely chatted and laughed with Joyce and himself made him eye you suspiciously. However your behaviour wasn’t the only thing that made him eye you.
He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about flipping your skirt up, unbuttoning your blouse and seeing what lay beneath your clothes but here in your regular clothes, he couldn’t help but stare a little more.
When at work you wore long skirts and quite full covering blouses, but here, on a hot summers day, your beautiful legs were on full display and your basic t-shirt seemed to sit nicely across your chest. Luckily for him he could be subtle enough to not be noticed staring.
Seeing you back at work the next week and you were back to your shy and closed off self. Surely it was just you being professional at work and wanting to focus on your job, but there was something about it that felt off.
Wanting answers he decided to do some semi police work and try to see if he could discover why. Making sure to pay attention to when you became more nervous and where your eyes fell. Though he tried to be subtle, you definitely noticed his extra attention and tried hard all day to stay focused and not stare.
You especially tried hard not to stare when his strong thighs came to sit on your desk, or when he unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up. Though you tried hard to keep your eyes on your work, you couldn’t help but stare and the blush that creeped up onto your cheeks.
By the end of the day Hoppers ‘police work’ had seemed to have paid off and he believed he had found his answer. His self conscious thoughts came out when he came to his conclusion but there was no way around it, it was his uniform.
His uniform got you hot.
Now he’d found the reason surely he could just move on, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but then it got worse.
The next day you seemed to be even more on edge. As soon as he saw you shuffling around in your seat and crossing your legs each time he came over to your desk, he couldn’t help but play with you a bit.
“Y/N could you come to my office, I just have something I need you to look at.” He asked that afternoon, walking right up to your desk for what felt like the thousands time that day.
God he was driving you mad. Your skin was hot, your heart raced and every time he came into view in that uniform, your core couldn’t help but flutter. Walking to his office, you tried hard not to stare at his ass and instead tried to focus on keeping your shaky legs from failing you.
Walking through the door to his office and of course he’s sitting behind the desk with his legs spread out beautifully. You swear the second you get home you are going to need a cold shower and some time with your favourite ‘back massager’. Standing in front of his desk your eyes nervously follow him as he begins to stand and walk behind you.
Usually Hopper couldn’t see much with the clothes you wore but today your skirt was a lighter fabric and colour, being able to see the curve of your ass a lot better than usual. Standing behind you he had a perfect view of your ass and his fingers itched to reach out and grab it.
You were confused as to what he needed from you but not wanting to be rude, and not wanting your voice to falter, you waited for him to speak first.
“You know, Y/N, I wasn’t lying the other day with Joyce, you truly do work very well here and help the station run so much better.” He complimented in a deep dominating voice.
Your breath and heart rate began to pick up as you could feel him stepping closer to you.
“I love coming into work and seeing you sit there. First to come to work and last to leave, you work so hard.” He now breathes down your neck, a hand coming to rest on your hip.
A gasp makes its way past your lips at the contact, surprised at the touching but hoping he wouldn’t stop just there. Stepping closer your gasp turns into a moan as his other hand lays on your other hip and you can feel just how hard he is.
“I was beginning to worry that you didn’t like working here, you seemed so quiet and so nervous, but that’s not it is it, Y/N?” He asks, his lips now right by your ear.
You want nothing more in this moment then to grind back into him but you force yourself to stay still.
“You like how my uniform makes you feel don’t you, Y/N? Like how dominant I look? Is that it, sweetheart?” He asks hotly whispering in your ear.
His breath now on your neck causing you to moan and your head fall onto his shoulder. His grip on your hips tightens at the contact.
“Yes. Yo-you look so good in your uniform, I can’t stop thinking about you when you wear it.” You moan out to answer as he now presses hot kisses to your exposed neck.
“It gets you hot doesn’t it? I bet you think about me bending you over this desk and fucking you, don’t you? I mean you’ve been doing so well here, I think you’ve earned a good fucking. Would you like that, baby?” He asked hotly in your ear, one of his hands now feeling your breast over your blouse.
“A-aaah, ye-yes. I want you to fuck me, Hop.” You moan back, now fully grinding against his quite large bulge.
“Mmm, that’s what I like to hear.” He praises you, nibbling at your ear before he roughly shoved you onto the desk.
Landing chest first with a small grunt, you can’t help but stick your ass out a little further, hoping he’d get the hint.
“Take off your shirt and bra, sweetheart, let me see what I’ve been thinking of these past few months.” He orders, standing right behind you and caging you in with his strong hips.
Doing as he says, you quickly straighten up, now being consumed by his large frame behind you.
“Have you been thinking of this, Y/N? Have you touched yourself to me, baby?” He teases, his large fingers making their way under the front of your skirt, finding you soaked through your panties and to your tights.
“Oh fuck, baby, feels like you have.” He chuckles deeply as he begins to play with your clit, his other hand roughly squeezing your now very exposed breast.
“Aa-aaah, ye-yeesss, Hop. Oh fuck! I touch myself to you! Oh god! I want you to fuck me do badly, Chief.” You pathetically moan, practically humping his hand now.
Deeply moaning he harshly pushes you back onto the desk, another soft grunt leaving you, followed by a whine at the loss of contact.
“Ooohh ‘Chief’, I like that.” He smirks by your ear, his whole chest pushed fully onto your back.
Stepping back briefly, he pulls down your stockings and panties all once. Quickly shoving your legs apart you hear him unwrapping and putting on a condom.
“You ready for me, baby?” He asks as you feel him lining his tip up with your soaking entrance.
“Yes, please fuck me, Hop.” You pathetically moan out.
Feeling a harsh slap on your ass you loudly yelp out.
“That’s not what you call me.” He growls in your ear as his grip on your hip tightens.
“I’m sorry, Chief! Please fuck me.” You plead out.
“Good girl.” He praises sweetly in your ear as he kisses your cheek.
Feeling him fully thrust into you all at once, your body lunges forward and you let out a loud moan.
“Fuck, baby, lucky no one’s here today.” He chuckles as he grips harshly onto your hips and fucks you into the desk.
He fills you up so perfectly and his thick cock manages to hit the perfect spot each time. You can’t control your loud moans as your head drops between your folded arms.
“Oh fuck, baby, you’re so fucking tight! God your pussy feels amazing around me. Squeezing my cock so good.” He growls as his harsh thrusts continue.
You can feel the coil in you begin to tighten and your walls begin to flutter.
“Oh fuck! Chief I’m gonna cum! Please make me cum!” You shout out as you push your hips further back.
One of his large hands leaves your hip as his arm wraps around the front of your hips, and his other hand makes its way to your clit, lightly rubbing you as he continues to fuck into you.
“Cum for me, darlin’, I’ve got you.” He whispers surprisingly sweetly into your ear.
With the added pleasure your body begins to shake as your orgasm washes over you with a loud moan. Hopper closely follows behind you as he grabs onto your hips and thrusts harshly into you.
Lightly pulling out of you, Hopper readjusts your stockings and skirt as he lightly turns you around.
“You did well, gorgeous.” He gently praises as he strokes your hair.
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camila-narade · 1 month
"Together across the galaxy"
a/n: This is my first time writing something like this, English is not my first language (I used translator to write this) and maybe I wrote Jim a little Oc.
Relationship: Jim Hawkins x Reader
Warning: None, just two teenagers in love (It doesn't have a real kissing scene because I don't know how to write something like that).
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It was already quite late, the inn was quiet and the customers had left hours ago...everything was quiet except for Jim's room.
The room had the light off and the only lighting there was was the one emitted by the book. I watched carefully as the images moved on the pages of the book, It wasn't the first time I read it but it always felt like it was the first time.
Jim was also looking at the book although he wasn't as focused as I was, he seemed to be somewhat lost in his own thoughts. I snuggled closer to him because of the little space there was in the bed.
After a few seconds I took my attention away from the book and looked at Jim.
—What would you do if the treasure planet existed...?— I will ask him with some curiosity.
Jim came out of his thoughts when he heard me speak to him but it took him a few seconds to respond. A slight, somewhat cocky and perhaps even determined smile formed on his face.
— If the treasure planet existed, I would definitely do everything possible to find it...— He answered me as he passed his hand behind my back and grabbed my shoulder to bring me closer to him.
I smiled slightly at the gesture and also at his response, he would definitely do that, I could basically imagine him getting on a ship completely excited for the adventure.
Another question began to develop in my mind and I spoke again.
—And if that were the case... would we go together? — I asked him with a slight smile. even though I didn't really like adventures and preferred to stay safe in my comfort zone...I would have no problem traveling to every place in the galaxy if it was with him.
He laughed a little at my question but nodded as he looked at me now with his bright blue eyes and sweeter smile. — Yes, we would definitely go together...— He answered me determinedly while giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.
The tender gesture made me blush a little as a warm feeling appeared in my chest, one I normally felt when we were together.
— It's... it's good to know — I said without knowing how to respond, internally cursing for my pathetic response, knowing that he would probably make fun of my blushing a little or something.
But this time he didn't say anything and just moved closer to me. Now he was the one focused on the book and I was focused on my own thoughts.
I felt a premonition that something would happen along with a feeling of uncertainty washing over me. I shivered slightly at that and shook my head to get the feeling out of my body and I refocused my attention on the book in my hands.
"The great merchant ships, with their cargoes of Arcturian solar crystals..."
I focused on the narrative that the book was emitting and leaned on Jim's shoulder, beginning to forget that feeling.
I stayed silent as I looked at the pages of the book, leaning against Jim, relaxing into his body heat, along with the slow rise and fall of his chest with each breath he took. I could hear how it was starting to rain little by little outside...While I was starting to feel more and more sleepy.
He began to notice this and gently took the book from my hands, placing it on the nightstand next to the bed, then he grabbed the blankets and covered us both. I snuggled against him while I let out a small yawn, I felt him hug me gently and then kiss me on the forehead.
— Good night, Y/N...sleep well. —He whispered to me while he also yawned.
Within a few seconds we both fell asleep in each other's arms, not knowing the great adventure that was waiting for us...
🌷— Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, as I said English is not my first language... maybe I posted this on Ao3 and Wattpad in English and Spanish too
I will probably write more things about Treasure Planet, especially about Jim Hawkins, but they will probably be somewhat silly things jsjs
And that's all✨... thanks for reading ♡
(I had a hard time writing from an Alcatel cell phone that I've had since around 2021, I'm surprised it hasn't exploded in my hand yet jdjs...)
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jimhopperlova · 10 months
What about a hot but sweet story, when hopper is your dad best friend and he comes a lot at your house you can’t take your eyes off him he can’t take his eyes off you, until one day he confessed his feelings for you and you do it too and you get together not caring about the age gap and what you’re people will think. Thank you 🫶🫶
- Secrets (18+)
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omg thank you for this request! because of character development, im thinking a 2 or three parter. but this is *chefs kiss*. no smut in this one, but part 2.. yesh.
Pairing(s): dads best friend!jim hopper, fem!reader
Summary: your dad’s best friend has come over again, but it’s different this time. reader and jim can feel the tension between the two of them, sneakily catching each other’s eye contact.
Warning(s): large age gap (hop is 41, reader is 19), mentions of and masturbation (m receiving), mentions of oral (m receiving).
once again, thank you for this reguest! im excited for this journey.
for the past year or so, the chief has been coming over to your home a lot more than usual. sure, him and your dad have been best friends since high school, so you would see him every once in a while. but, the past year has been different. jim would come by atleast twice a week, chatting with your dad and the three of you playing card games. the two of you holding eye contact longer than usual. you didn’t know if it was just you, but you could practically sense the tension.
today was the big 4th of july party your dad was hosting. he was inviting everyone he could possibly think of. the whole town was invited, and more than welcome to stay for the fireworks since you had a good view of them from your home. you sighed loudly, trying to get as much stuff out to the picnic table he had in his yard.
“don’t drop it!” your dad yelled out, and you could only roll your eyes. you’re trying the best you could!
“i’m trying the best i can, dad!” you shrieked out, holding onto the hot crockpot full of those tiny weenies with barbecue sauce (you had no idea what they were actually called and calling them tiny weenies made you laugh. maybe you were a little immature).
“you’re doing great, sweetie. thanks for the help.” you heard the words of your dad before you set down the crock pot, hearing a vehicle pulling up. you looked up to notice it none other than the chief’s blazer. you felt yourself blushing a little, but paid no attention to the thoughts in your mind. he was early, no? before you knew it, he was walking out of the vehicle, clad in his police uniform. that uniform really did fit him well.
“oh, hey jimbo! what brings ya here early?” your dad spoke loudly, and the chief could only chuckle. he smirked towards your way before slowly approaching you two, taking the hat off slowly off of his head, holding it in his hand. you stepped away from the crock pot to stand next to your dad.
“what did i say about calling me jimbo?” the chief asked your dad who could only chuckle and give the chief a hug. you sighed and ran your finger through your hair, only before making your way closer to the scene. “thought i’d stop by since i had a free minute and see if you guys needed any help. but it seems muscles has it handled.” the chief spoke, and you could only let out a small laugh.
“yeah.. we got it. i’m sure dad here wouldn’t mind the extra help, of course..” you spoke out before you looked down. you bit your lip, wondering if asking him something would be prying too much. “you comin’ today? or are you too busy with chief of police things?” you asked and of course the chief could only chuckle and smirk, flashing those soft dimples over at you.
“well.. today out of all days i should be at the station. but.. i’m the chief of police, i can do whatever i want,” the chief spoke, still looking at you with his infamous smirk. you could only smile and laugh softly, looking back up at him. “so.. yep. i’ll be here. can’t miss those infamous hawkins fireworks,” the chief spoke the last sentence almost too sarcastically, and you could only laugh at that. “oh, and the little smokies.” the chief laughed and your dad could only smile. you looked back at the chief who then flashed another soft smile at you, the two of your eyes meeting. you blushed under the intense gaze of the chief, trying to kid yourself. ‘he’s only doing this because he’s being friendly, not because he likes you. what are you, stupid?’ you told yourself before your dad rid jimbo goodbye, and all you could do was wave. you went back inside to gather up all of the other food your dad had out and started to bring it to the picnic table.
see, you really were oblivious. the past year, the chief has looked at you in a different way than he ever has before. he didn’t know if it was the way you joked with him about being an old man, soft food fights in the kitchen when your dad is too lazy to cook so leaves you and the chief to do it. “not the mash potatoes!” your voice shrieked as you laughed, throwing mash potatoes back at the chief. jim could only laugh before the two of you threw the mash potatoes back at one another. and then, you got close to him. maybe too close. that was when he realized he had real feelings for you. your lips were merely inches away, and the teenager in him told him to just kiss you right there and then. but with your father in the other room, he had to pull himself away.
the chief would fantasize about you way too more than he would like to admit. that smile on your face everytime he teased you, that soft laugh, the way your skin would brush his when you had to make your way around the kitchen. that one time he could have kissed you if he wanted to. he was also kidding himself. you were merely the age of 19, and your father was his best friend. he knew it was wrong, but he simply couldn’t help himself. late at night when he couldn’t sleep, it was all you in his thoughts. working up a sweat, stroking his cock to get himself off to the thought of you.. it was simply a dirty sight. and again, late at night, it might have been wrong, but fuck, it was you. the chief knew all too well about what you did with your spare time. you weren’t innocent by any means, but you try to be around your father. it was adorable.
finally, everything was set up for the night. you and your father exchanged a high five, and before you knew it, more and more people started to show up. the wheelers, joyce and her kids, dustin henderson and his mother, the sinclair family, benny hammond, i mean.. everyone was here. your father couldn’t stop saying hi to everyone, as he was ecstatic. you laughed softly at the exchanges before you made your way inside your home. you had decided to wear something festive tonight for america celebrating. you settled on some red white and blue summer dress, letting your hair match with the outfit. when you were all dressed, you took a moment for yourself. all this hardwork was paying off thankfully. you sat down on the couch, letting out a long sigh. you were already exhausted, and you hadn’t been able to say hi to the kids. you flipped on the tv, subconsciously getting yourself a little break. you should socialize, but you really weren’t the social kind.
as you watched the tv show, you didn’t even hear the chief waltz in. when you did, he was chuckling at the sight of you. you shot up and looked at the chief who was smirking slightly down at you. you rolled your eyes and shook your head, looking up at him.
“don’t even talk about my outfit,” you spoke. the chief only laughed and sat down next to you on the couch. he really was close, now. you did your best to not let your mind wander about how he showed up. he still was in his uniform, but he had the fresh scent of cologne and cigarettes. for some reason, that really had you going. “why aren’t you out there with my dad?” you asked him, curiosity getting the best of you.
“he’s talking with everyone, thought it was better i come find you,” the chief spoke before watching the tv show was on. “magnum P.I. ..really?” the chief asked you with a soft chuckle, and you could only shake your head. you playfully swatted in the arm and laughed.
“it was just on! this is how america celebrates, chief,” you told the chief who could only snicker. he was looking at you now, but not just looking.. he was staring. you swallowed past the lump in your throat, the nerves getting the better of you. you stared back, trying to read him. why was he staring at you? did you have something in your teeth? “jim..” you started to speak, only before you heard the voice of your father.
“hey, we are about ready to eat. what’s going on here?” your father spoke now, both you and jim immediately looking away from one another. you heard the chief let out a soft cough before looking up at your dad.
“erm.. watching magnum p.i. this is how america celebrates, (y/f/n)!” the chief spoke up, and you immediately shook your head and swatted him across the arm. your father could only chuckle and made the chief leave you alone again. fuck. what was all that about? it made you a quivering mess. your face was a bright red and now your stomach was full of butterflies. the palms of your hands were now all so sweaty. you decided to take the world by storm and actually socialize with the kids, maybe play a round of d&d with them.
“and the demogorgon appears! what are you going to do, red ranger?” the voice of mike wheeler yelled out to his friends. will, dustin, and lucas all sat with amused grins on their faces as you approached the picnic table. atleast your dad was able to use the other picnic table for the food and one for the kids’ sharades. you laughed softly as the kids all looked at you, bright smiles on their faces.
“(y/n)! you gonna attack the demogorgon with us?” dustin had asked you, will and lucas looking up at you with smiles on their faces. meanwhile, mike was unamused by your interruption.
“yeah! we could totally use your skills!” lucas then spoke, before will agreed. you looked over at mike with a soft smirk, silently asking his permission.
“.. you always interrupt at such bad times,” mike shook his head before letting out a sigh. he grabbed your character sheet from the book and handed it to you, as well as some dice. “fine. but if you’re playing, you’re in for the long haul.” mike spoke, and you instantly laughed.
“oh.. we’re going to kill this demogorgon.” you spoke before sitting down next to lucas, and the kids all cheered. well, except mike. he was always so controlling as a dm, and you didn’t really understand. oh well, he still let you join last minute. fast forward a bit later, there you were, shaking the d-20 in your hand, hoping to go for the kill.
“.. and now, lady kabob rolls the dice, hoping to destroy what lies ahead of her and her compadres..” mike details, as everyone watches in despair. hands placed together, begging that lady kabob does not mess this up. your hand then lets go of the dice, watching as it slowly rolls, almost in slow motion. and finally.. a 19 was shown on the dice. you and your team mates all cheered, high fiving each other, finally killing the demogorgon that lays in your way. you laughed softly before your dad interrupted.
“alright, kiddos, time for you to eat now. that includes you, lady kabob.” your father spoke and you rolled your eyes at the character name you chose for yourself. you were sure your dad would rather see you draw or something rather than play dungeons and dragons. but you didn’t care, it was fun. you stood from the spot and picnic table and bid your friends a soft goodbye before grabbing a paper plate. you laid some little weenies, and a burger on your plate, decorating the burger with the condiments you enjoyed on your burger. you then took a seat next to your dad who was in some kind of conversation with the chief.
“we were just talking about the adventures of lady kabob. dare i ask?” the chief now asked you. you looked across at him with sort of a glare and a shake of your head. you laughed softly at the mention of your d&d name.
“it’s just dungeons and dragons! i enjoy playing with the kids, so what?” you told the chief before you dug into the food. the three of you made soft conversation while you ate, and finally, it was nearing dark.
you were currently hanging out with the kids again, but this time the four of you played hide and seek with the walkie talkies. when you felt that familiar feeling in your bladder, you handed the walkie to mike and said you had to take a leak. mike of course had his disgusted face and emitted out a ‘ew’ and shooed you away. you laughed and made your way to the bathroom in your home. you opened the door without knocking (oh, you should have), and the scene in front of you was something you didn’t think you would ever see.
‘urgh- shit,’ the chief was currently going to town on his cock. long strokes and soft moans were heard. you thought you were dreaming, but you had to pinch yourself and alas.. it was real. very real. especially when the chief turned his head and noticed you there. your eyes went wide, and that familiar pit in your stomach was doing flips. you just wanted to pee!
“fuck, uhm.. i uh.. sorry.” you squeaked out and shut the door. upstairs it is, then. you couldn’t move, though. you were shaking through your pants. not only did you just see your dad’s best friend jerking off, but he.. he looked hot doing it. your thoughts were now clouded with the way jim was moaning, his eyesbrows knitted together in pleasure.. what was he thinking about? no, you couldn’t think like that. because if it was anyone but you, you would feel this deep feeling of hurt. what were you kidding? of course he was thinking of someone else. he was your dad’s best friend, you were positive he thought it was wrong and only looked at you like a kid. oh how you wish you were older.
throughout the night until fireworks, you were awkwardly sat at one of the picnic tables, sneakily drinking a beer out of your dad’s cooler. your dad was cool in that aspect. he let you drink as much as you wanted, but only asked if you were going to drink more than one to be home. the chief was nowhere to be found, and honestly you were glad about that. you didn’t know if you could talk to the chief normally after the scene you just saw. sure, you knew that boys will be boys and that they do that often, you just didn’t expect.. to see the chief masturbating in your bathroom.
“alright kiddo, time for the fireworks.” your dad hummed out and you nodded, looking up at the sky. your dad then walked away from your vision, leaving you alone in your thoughts. you took a sip of the disgusting alcohol before you watched the chief come closer to you, his hat now hung on his head. you felt that clammy feeling in your throat, not thinking that this moment would come so fast.
“anyone sittin’ there?” the chief asked you. you looked at him and paused. he shouldn’t sit next to you, if anything. you shook your head ‘no’ anyway, and before you knew it he sat next to you. you smelt that familiar scent of beer, cigarettes, and cologne radiating off his body. he was so.. enthralling. that scent was so addicting, and the way he sauntered in that uniform and looked down at you was something else, especially with that scene in the bathroom. you couldn’t help but think of yourself in there with him, him looking down at you as you ever so lovingly sucked on that big cock of his. eyebrows knitted in pleasure, that small bead of sweat falling off of his forehead. “hello?” you suddenly heard the voice of jim ponder your brain, thinking you were day dreaming again. but instead, you weren’t. you swallowed past the thickness that came up in your throat again, and let out a soft cough.
“oh, uh.. sorry chief. i was, uhm.. distracted.” you spoke and the chief could only chuckle softly. of course you were distracted, why wouldn’t you be?
“distracted by what? i’m sure i have an idea,” jim spoke before he took a sip of his own beer in his hand. you looked over at him, that familiar feeling of your body on fire. palms sweating profusely, realizing just how close the chief was to you. he englufed your senses, the beer not smelling like it usually did. “i want to apologize for uhm.. jerking off in your bathroom. it wasn’t professional of me.” the chief spoke, finally speaking about the elephant in the room. you practically choked on your beer and laughed awkwardly.
“i mean- if uh.. you were d-distracted by uh.. a w-woman here and didn’t want to uh.. walk around with a um.. b-boner, i mean i can’t uhm, blame you.” you stumbled on your words, looking away from the chief and back to your beer. you took a drink of it, trying to not think of the conversation at hand. where were these damn fireworks? the chief could only laugh at your words and shake his head, looking at you. thoughts persuaded in his own head, trying his best to not kiss you. but you were.. right there. and those lips were.. merely inches from his own. he cleared his throat before speaking again.
“well.. i appreciate the concern,” jim spoke roughly again, before looking around. the yard was fluttered with people, he was afraid of what would happen if he told his feelings in front of the townsfolk. he had an idea, hoping you would go for it. “uh.. follow me, would ya?” jim then asked you. you looked at him wide eyed, and hesitantly followed him. he lead you to the other side of the house, looking around. everyone was too concerned about the fireworks, no doubt his own radio was going off. he looked down at you, and softly pulled the hair that was over your face back behind your ear.
“jim..?” you looked up at him, in hopes that this was what you thought it was. was he about to..?
“shh,” jim told you before he found your lips with his. your eyes went wide with want, need. your arms found his neck, and instantly wrapped them around it. he held your face in his large hands, captured by your touch. your lips were exactly how he imagined. sweet, plump.. it fit his like a puzzle piece. he didn’t want to stop, especially when the fireworks went off from behind you. you laughed softly in the kiss, at the cheesy way of him expressing how he felt. “what?” he mumbled out into the kiss, before capturing your lips again. he wanted you. no, he needed you. he needed you to be full of him. his touch, his scent, his.. everything.
“nothing, it’s just.. cheesy.” you explained to him, and he finally let your lips go. he looked at you, the colors of red white and blue flashing against your face. you looked beautiful.
“well.. uh, i gotta go. say bye to your dad for me.” jim spoke softly before kissing the top of your head, walking away from you. you watched as he hopped in his blazer and headed towards what you assumed was the station. suddenly, you were oulled from your trance.
“what are you doin’ back here? come on, you’re gonna miss the fireworks!” your dad interrupted before dragging you back to look at the fireworks. you laughed softly to yourself. you will never look at fireworks the same again.
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Dirty Dancing
Jim Hopper x AFAB! Reader One day I'll write a story which actually has strange things happening but today is not that day. Bob didn't die, Eleven closed the rift at the end of Season 2 everyone is happy, leave me alone. I'm a Jopper fan 'til I die, but not for the purposes of this. Set 1987 - Jim is approx 44/45, reader is approx 30/31.
Warnings: Swearing, p in v sex, lots of references to Hopper's size, creampie, multiple orgasms, slightly rough Hopper, cock bulging, age gap, nicknames - baby, babygirl.
Jim has been oddly detached and quiet since yesterday evening. The stars had aligned along with your busy schedules and you’d managed to have a rare date night, going to the movies to watch ‘Dirty Dancing'. You thought he had enjoyed it, seeming engrossed rather than trying to get under the skirt of your dress like normal, but when you asked him what he thought on the drive home he simply shrugged and went to bed.
The following morning he’s still in his funk, not saying a word, departing for work with a distracted kiss to your cheek, a far cry from his usual passionate goodbyes that often left him running late and you in a state of undress.
His attitude bothers you all the way to the Diner.
“How was date night?” Donna asks you cautiously when you arrive, instantly noticing the way you fling your purse to the side and how you punch your card in with slightly more force than necessary.
“Well, I thought it went great, I really enjoyed the movie, evidently Jim’s experience of the evening was vastly different.” You rant, trying to tie up your apron, before giving up, elbows resting on the counter, head bowed in frustration.
“He didn’t like it?”
“I’m guessing he didn’t, but how would I know? He’s barely said two words to me.” You mumble despondently, the whole thing has left you feeling rattled, you and Jim fought plenty but you’d never been given the cold shoulder without a good reason. Donna opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted by Joyce coming in to collect her usual lunch order to share with Bob.
“Hey! How was the date ni-?” She greets you excitedly, cutting off at the look on your face, and Donna’s frantic shaking of her head. “What happened?”
“Jim hasn’t spoken to her since the movie.” Donna stage whispers, hastily departing to wipe down tables at your glare. 
“Hop’s not talking to you?” Joyce asks in concern, sitting on one of the vinyl stools.
“Apparently not.” You grunt, making up Bob’s sandwich.
“Did you have an argument?”
“No, we went out, we watched ‘Dirty Dancing’ then he was just off with me and still is.” You snap, knife ripping through the slice of bread you had been buttering, Joyce reaches across taking your shaking hand in hers. “Sorry Joyce, I didn’t mean to -” You trail off gesturing at her apologetically, she gives you a small understanding smile in return.
“Bob and I went to see ‘Dirty Dancing’ last week, and I think I know what’s bothering Hop - he feels old.” She says softly.
“Old?” You ask, feeling lost.
“Sweetie, you gotta remember Hopper, and I -” She adds with a slight wince, “- we were in our twenties in the sixties, the stuff they do in the film, the dances, we were doing that years ago. I think maybe it’s made him feel his age.”
“That's ridiculous! You and Jim aren’t old.” You say laughing.
“But we’re not young either, certainly not as young as you” She reminds you gently.
When you and Hopper had started dating a year ago it sent shockwaves through Hawkins, which was ironic considering all the other crazy shit that had happened, kids going missing left, right and center, secret government lab, literal demon creatures crawling out of the ground. Oh no, all that was nothing compared to the chief of police dating a woman 14 years his junior, 29 to his 43 at the time, never mind that you were a fully consenting adult, and you were the one that had pursued him.
Jim couldn’t for the life of him work out why ‘a sweet young thing like you’ could ever want ‘a grumpy, fat, miserable, old guy like him’, you couldn’t give him a proper answer, all you knew was that you loved him and there wasn’t a single thing he could do or say that would change your mind.
"So what should I do to make him feel less old?” You ask Joyce somewhat desperately.
“I might have a suggestion.” She grins wickedly, leaning in close.
The plan was in place. Jane was staying at Max’s for another evening.You had primped and prepped yourself, wearing a dress not too dissimilar from Penny’s red halterneck in the film. The wine was poured, a couple of glasses already consumed for Dutch courage, you’d thrown pieces of coloured cloth over the table lamps to give the cabin an orange-reddish glow, and finally you had one of Jim’s favorites from his vinyl collection queued up and ready; Solomon Burke’s Rock ‘N Soul. You wring your hands nervously upon hearing the truck pull up outside, straightening out your dress, and quickly rechecking your hair in the small mirror on the wall as Jim tiredly trudges in toeing his boots off without looking at you.
“Hey baby, sorry I’m a little late Callahan screwed up a report and I -” He trails off finally glancing up at you, brows creased slightly in confusion, as he surveys you and the cabin. “ - what’s all this?” 
“I know what’s been bothering you since yesterday, and I want you to know that I understand why, and I want to help.” You say softly, approaching him, going up on bare tiptoes to kiss him gently. He returns the kiss eagerly albeit somewhat surprised, a large hand coming up to cup your cheek.
“Baby, I'm at a loss here.” He murmurs against your lips, but allows you to pull him by his belt to the centre of the room nonetheless.
“Joyce said the film last night might have made you feel - nostalgic, and I want to show you that you’re not down and out just yet Jim Hopper.” You purr, leaning away to put the record on, Cry to Me filling the room. “Dance with me?” You ask quietly, unable to keep the pleading edge out of your voice.
Jim lets out a shaky breath, as you loop your arms around his neck, your height difference making him lean down slightly, chest to chest, his strong hands splayed across the top and small of your back.
You weren’t one hundred percent sure how to move so you simply rocked your hips, letting the music take control, running your fingers through the hair at the nape of Jim’s neck. He sighs softly, eyes closing at your touch, and you smile as you feel him start to move along with you. You experimentally lean back, pressing into his grip, he follows you lips tracing against your throat, before bringing you close again. You’re both smiling now, swaying more, his pelvis flush with yours, grinding against each other. You unbutton his police shirt, the fabric falling forgotten to the floor, leaving him in just a tight white vest, hands wandering again tracing his muscles stopping just shy of crotch. 
“Tease.” He rumbles.
“Not teasing baby, just dancing.” You say sweetly.
Jim’s touch snakes from the small of your back to the flesh of your ass, gripping firmly, using his hold to hook one of your legs up, slotting his broad thigh into the gap, smirking wickedly when you gasp at the pressure against your clit, the material of your panties shifting with Jim’s movements.
“Hop -” You sigh dreamily, as he uses his strength to rock you back and forth.
“This is how we used to do it in the good old days, baby.” He says, voice gravelly. “You’d hold your best girl tight, dancing nice and close.” He grips you harder for emphasis, dress half bunched up around your waist, fingers digging into the soft swell of your ass.
“I’m your best girl?” You ask softly, clinging onto his shoulders, gyrating slightly as your head falls back.
Jim lifts you up suddenly, your legs automatically locking around his thick hips, breath catching in your throat at the look of desire in his eyes. 
“My best everything.” He whispers before bringing you to his lips in a searing kiss, tongue licking languidly into your mouth. You reach up, pulling at the straps of your halterneck until they come undone, the dress slipping past your bare breasts. Hopper groans, nipping at your earlobe, your jaw line, your throat, you can feel his hardness pressed to your center straining against his slacks.
He carries you to the bedroom, lowering you gently to the bed, pupils blown wide as he steps back to watch you pull the dress off your lower half, taking your panties with it, leaving your glistening core on display.
“Shit baby, I am one lucky son of a bitch.” He breathes, yanking his vest over his head, you crawl towards him on your knees, unbuckling his belt, both of you working with frantic hands to get his pants and underwear down.
Jim wraps his arms around you again, manhandling you with ease to rest against the pillows, his large frame dwarfing you. Your kisses are messy, verging on desperation, hands petting each other heavily, hips bucking with need. 
He rubs his thick cock over your dripping slit, and you let out a soft moan, back arching up into his strong chest, nipples peaked and sensitive.
“This all for me, baby girl?” He hums, grinning as you nod wordlessly, rocking the swollen head of his dick against your aching pussy, slipping in just an inch before pulling back again.
“Don’t tease me Jim.” You pout, hands on his ass trying to bring him closer.
“Not teasing baby, just dancing.” He coos smugly, filling you with a single thrust that has you crying out, cunt clenching at the delicious stretch.
His hips are flush to your own, the coarse hairs at the base of his cock tickling against your clit, heavy balls slapping your ass with each drag and hit. Hopper is marking up the delicate skin of your neck with multiple hickies, like you’re teenagers, the harsh suck and gentle soothing lick sends you higher, a fresh surge of wetness coating his cock in a ring of cream.
“I can feel you squeezing me baby.” He growls, muscular arm braced against the headboard, driving him harder and deeper into your fluttering cunt.
“Hop!” You squeak, unable to do anything other than grip his shoulders, anchoring you to him through the onslaught of pounding thrusts. You feel your slick dribbling out, pussy squelching obscenely, being made to fit around Jim’s hard length.
“You gonna cum for me baby girl?” He asks, panting, the large hand that was gripping your hip moving to stroke over your swollen clit. 
“J-Jim…” You whine brokenly, orgasm rushing through you like a flash-flood, wrapping your legs around his hips again, cock hitting you relentlessly.
“Yes - shit - so good, my best girl.” He groans, flipping you suddenly so you’re on top, limp like a rag doll as Jim squeezes your hips in a bruising hold, rutting up into you. “You’re getting my balls wet baby.” He chuckles, voice strained, you can only whimper, nails digging into his chest, back arched, skin covered in a light sheen of sweat.
He sits up, strong arms wrapped tight around your back, jackhammering his cock so deep you feel your belly concave with the bulge. You’re keening into his mouth, tongues sliding against each other, your stomach tightening again with a telltale warmth.
“Jim - I’m - oh my god.” You stammer weakly, foreheads pressed together.
“That’s it baby girl cum with me, let me fill you up.” He says roughly, grunting as you clamp and spasm around his cock once more, drawing out his own release, spurting thick heavy loads deep within you.
There’s a vague ringing in your ears, and you register that the record has long stopped playing, the only sound in the cabin being your light gasps and Jim’s staggered breathing. He kisses you tenderly, as he pulls out, dick twitching at the sight of his seed dripping from your puffy cunt.
“I love you so much baby.” He murmurs, cradling your face, laying back against the pillows, with you still sprawled listless on top of him. 
“I love you Jim.” You smile blissfully, pressing kiss after kiss to his lips. 
“Sorry for being a grump.” He sighs.
“Hop - I don’t care how old you are, I’d have loved you when you were twenty, and I’ll love you just as much as I do now when you’re sixty.” You say sincerely, giggling when he grimaces at the word ‘sixty’. “There’s no one else I’ll ever want.”
“You keep saying sweet things like that, we’ll be dancing again.” He warns, hands slipping down to squeeze your ass.
“Sure you don’t need a rest, old man?” You tease, choking on a moan, as Jim presses his rock hard cock back into your tight wet heat. 
“You’re in for it now baby girl.”
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metalmonki · 4 months
The Dating Odyssey: Billy
Eddie Munson/Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Jim Hopper/Jonathan Byers x fem!reader
1.7k word count
fluff, idiot reader, reader who can't say no, choose your own adventure-ish
Part 1 / Steve's Ending / Eddie's Ending / Jim's Ending / Jonathan's Ending
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Underneath the sapphire sky, you hesitated at the entrance to Hawkins Pool. You hadn't seen Billy since your first pool date a week ago. After a whirlwind of emotions, you decided to take a breather, avoiding him and the others to clear your thoughts. You had felt sure of your decision to pick Billy 4 days ago. You felt sure of your decision every day since. Now, standing there, you wondered if you had made the right decision to meet him again. Would it just stir up more confusion?
You had originally gone to Billys trailer hoping to run into him somewhere a bit more private. You’d stood knocking for almost 15 minutes when Eddie Munsons stepped out of the trailer across the road. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of boxers clearly not long out of bed. He pulled a cigarette from behind his ear, lighting it and smiling across at you.
“If your looking for Hargrove his at work” Eddie called across the road.
“Oh thanks Eddie I guess I’ll head there then” You smiled and tried to make a quick exit.
“Wow, hay there, what’s the rush? What do you want with Billy anyway?” Eddies smile never fell from his face.
“Well honestly Eddie I went on a date with Billy last weekend” You choose to tell him the truth. Eddie deserved that much.
“Oh wow well uh I guess it’s not like we were exclusive or anything” Eddie scratched the back of his neck.
“Sorry Eds, your super sweet and any girl would be lucky to have you but I love Billy” You were honest with him and yourself.
“If you were saying that to high school Eddie I would have told you to run that Billy is bad news but he has changed since high school so if you think he is the one for you then go for it” You could hear the sadness in Eddies voice
“Thank you Eddie, um, maybe you should go for some clothes” You motioned to his boxers.
“Oh this is nothing you should ask Billy about the day he saw my pale naked ass run past his bedroom window” Eddie chuckled.
You shook your laughing at Eddie as he waved and ran back to his trailer. You climbed back into your car and headed towards the Hawkins Community Pool. This brings you to your current predicament. You stood in the parking lot looking at the entrance. Your nerves had hit you all at once. Your thoughts were interrupted by a voice behind you.
"Hey, y/n”
You turned to see Billy, his grin as bright as the sun reflecting off the water. His presence sent a flurry of butterflies into your stomach.
"Hey, Billy," you replied, forcing a smile.
He approached you, his steps confident. "I've been trying to catch you all week. I was starting to think you were avoiding me."
Your cheeks flushed with guilt. "I...I needed some time to think."
Billy nodded understandingly. "I get it. But hey, I'm glad you're here now. Ready for round two?"
“Uh yeah actually  I thought you might like to go for another date this weekend? Maybe make us something a little more official?”
“I would love that” Billy had the brightest smile on his face making your heart skip a beat. “I actually have somewhere I would love to take you but you’d need to be ready early Saturday morning, say around 5am”
“I’ll be ready” You smiled
“Great I need to get back to work, make sure to wear something light that you don’t mind getting wet” Billy gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and jogged back into the pool.
Your stomach was doing leaps and a smile plastered it’s self on your face and you didn’t know if you would ever get it to leave. Billy, you were confident, was the only guy you believed could do that to you. Saturday, just two days to wait and you would have your next date with Billy.
Thursday and Friday flew by. You smiled through the days and Friday night you couldn’t sleep. The nervous energy kept you awake. You planned your outfit out and laid everything out ready for you to grab and put on the next morning. You went to bed at 7pm exactly knowing you need to be up at 4am to be ready on time. You tossed and turned constantly looking at the bedside clock. At some point you had fallen asleep though and you were woken by the alarm clock at 4am. You thought last night that if you didn’t get enough sleep, you would be too tired when you woke up to do anything. Instead, you were full of endless nervous energy. You jumped out of bed and raced into your bathroom. You took a quick shower and got dressed into a simple pair on denim shorts and a white tank top with a bikini underneath. You then rushed into the kitchen fearing you were going to be late, grabbed the pop tarts you had left out the night before quick access and tossed them into the toaster while also flipping on the kettle. You already had your coffee mug out with instant coffee and sugar in it ready for hot water because you were so anxious about being ready on time the night before. As you munched on your pop tarts and waited for the kettle to boil you looked at the clock on the wall. 4:25. Your eyes almost bulged out of your head. How had so little time passed? It just left you more time to panic. The kettle clicked off bringing you back to your breakfast. You poured the hot water into your mug and stirred it before getting the milk from the fridge to add to the cup. You sat at the kitchen bench and sipped at your coffee while waiting for time to pass willing it to move faster. By the time the clock struck 4:55 the coffee mug was empty and had been washed up. You bag was packed for the day ahead. You took a deep breath and made your way to the street below your apartment. You hadn’t even been on the side walk for 5 minutes when the familiar roar of a Camaro engine graced your ears. A smile broke out on your face and you bounced excitedly on your heels. Billy’s blue Camaro came to a stop in front of you and Billy was quick to jumped out and open up the passenger side for you. Once you were seated in the Camaros Billy closed the door and ran back around to the drivers side. He put the Camaro back in gears and began driving out of Hawkins.
“We have about a 3 hour trip ahead of us just so you know” Billy smiled across at you.
“I’m sure we’ll find ways to keep ourselves entertained” You laughed
Billy blasted the music and placed a hand on your knee as he drove. It was as if he had driven this same road many, many times. You took a chance to take in Eddies outfit. He was wearing a pair of black shorts and a white singlet. He had his normal necklace on and sunglasses. He had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He seemed at peace on the road compared to how you had seen him around town. You laid back and closed your eyes allowing the sun coming in to heat your skin. You must have dozed off at some point because you were woken by Billy shaking you.
“We’re here sleepy head” He chuckled.
“The beach?” You sat up and looked around.
“Yep welcome to Chicago, it’s no California but hay it’s a beach” Billy smiled.
He laced his fingers with yours and guided you down towards the ocean. It was perfect beach weather, warm and sunny. You looked out at the water as Billy pulled you onto the beach and began to walk along the waters edge.
“So California huh? Born there or holiday spot?” You asked.
“I was born there, use to go surfing with my Mom, basically lived on the beach” Billy smiled looking out at the water.
“Then why the move to Hawkins?” You asked confused.
“My mom, she…well she left us and my Dad remarried Max’s Mom and he thought after Max tried to run away a few times that it would be best for us to move away. I don’t blame Max at all….well maybe in the beginning but not now” Billy had a look of regret on his face.
“I’m sorry that’s clearly a sore topic for you” You regretted asking.
“No, it’s fine you deserve to know, my dads dead now anyway so it’s not like it matters” Billy shrugged. “Anyway what about you, I know your not local to Hawkins either”
“New York City born and raised. Couldn’t stand city life and needed to go somewhere quite” You smiled up at him.
“Well I for one am glad you made that choice” Billy chuckled
“Me too” You nodded.
Billy quickly swept you up in his arms before running off into the water. You screamed begging him to place you down only to be met with him saying no over and over again. At just the right depth Billy tossed you in. You got to your feet and began splashing at him. Soon you were both surrounded by laughter and love. Everyone else on the beach cease to exist to the two of you. You got so wrapped up in each other to failed to see time getting away from you. Before you knew it the crowds had begun to go home for the day. You and Billy had become quiet as he swum up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist.
"I'm glad you came back," Billy said quietly, breaking the silence.
You turned to him, your heart somersaulting in your chest. "Me too."
Your eyes locked, and in that moment, you knew you had made the right decision. Sometimes, all it took was a leap of faith to find something worth holding onto.
As you emerged from the ocean, the sun sinking below the horizon painted the sky in hues of pink and gold. Hand in hand, You and Billy walked away from the beach, your hearts lighter than they had been in days, ready to face whatever the future held, together.
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otmaaromanovas · 1 year
The Grand Duchesses and sweets
Scientists working with the dental remains of three of the Grand Duchesses concluded that their dental structure and fillings suggested they were “fond of sweets”.
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A favourite of the Grand Duchesses in the palace was Jim Hercules, an African American servant. The Grand Duchesses’ aunt, Olga Alexandrovna, recalls how Jim would spend his “annual holiday in the States and brought back jars of guava jelly as presents for the children.” Jim also brought them other American candy, and toys for their playroom.
The head baker at the palace, Ermolaev, specialised in making pastries and confectionery, and even the yacht Standart was equipped with a confectionery kitchen. However, the children still enjoyed the novelty of foreign imported sweets. In June 1912, it was reported that “when the Grand Duchess Anastasia, daughter of the Emperor Nicholas of Russia, celebrates the eleventh anniversary of her birth on June 18, she will have an abundant supply of American candy. Curtis Guild Jr, American Ambassador to Russia, left New York Tuesday on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse with a trunkful of candy for her.”
In 1916, the Governor of Tver sent the Grand Duchesses pryaniki, a sweet gingerbread cookie biscuit that the region specialised in manufacturing. Sweets were also discussed by fans of the Grand Duchesses: Dolores Sybilla Adam, a teenager from California, once wrote a fan mail letter to Olga Nikolaevna, writing “I should dearly love to make you a great big box of candy and send it to you, from your friend, away in sunny California.”
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A love for sweets ran in the family. Conservators recently found a half-chewed piece of sugar paste candy hidden within the dress of the children’s aunt, Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna!
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Correspondence of the Russian Grand Duchesses: Letters of the Daughters of the Last Tsar, George Hawkins, ([n.p], Independently Published, 2020) [no page numbers], letter beginning Dolores Sybilla Adam to Olga and Tatiana, Nov 25 1913, Amazon Kindle eBook
LUNCH ON THE BALCONY: Recipes from the table of Russia’s last imperial family, Helen Azar, ([n. p.], Independently Published, 2022), Ch. ‘The Confectionary’, [n. p. n] Amazon Kindle eBook
The Many Deaths of Tsar Nicholas II, Wendy Slater, (Oxfordshire: Routledge, 2007), Ch. ‘True Crime’, p. 40, Google Books eBook
Anon. ‘RomanovsOneLastDance’, ‘June 1912’, Tumblr, 25 March 2016
Nicholas and Alexandra, Robert K. Massie, (New York: Laurel, 1985), Ch. ‘The Tsar’s Village’, p. 123, archive.org eBook
Helen Azar, ‘LUNCH ON THE BALCONY: Recipes from the table of Russia’s last imperial family’, (2022), Ch. ‘The Confectionary’
Photos: Public domain, GARF, Heritage Auctions, HA.com, Russia Beyond
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He is screaming and crying for help
Part 1
Jim only felt slightly guilty at this. He was, after all, a tired middle aged police officer and honest enough with himself to know that if it weren’t for Jane, he would have probably fallen into Morpheus’s arms with a half-finished sixpack and a couple of empty chip bags.
        So Hopper could definitely appreciate a home cooked meal. Returning home to a ready dinner and a happy daughter is something that both scarred and soothed his wounded heart. It serves as a painful reminder, not only of what he used to have, but of how he failed Diane and how he continues to fail every day. Because, yeah the fact that a teen basically parents his daughter but doesn’t stick around when her parent’s over is sick. Hopper would very much like to have a dinner with the boy. Ask him a couple crucial questions. Like what business the most popular kid in Hawkins has hanging around any children, annoying nerdy ones at that. But every time he gathers enough courage for that, Steve slips out with progressively lamer excuses. Jim’s getting increasingly worried. When was the last time he was in the same room as Harrington and the kids? He has no idea what’s happening under his own roof every other day and that’s unacceptable.
              The past two weeks he found himself looking for an opportunity to kick him out, throttle him a little, make him never come back again. And then he sees Jane, and how his presence makes her more confident, more sociable. Watches with poorly vailed delight as she happily gobbles up Harringtons pumpkin stew. Last time he cooked they had to spend the entire evening cleaning up and getting El to eat vegetables ended in them not talking for three days and he’s just so tired. Looks at the dinner before him, which is more nutritious and tasty than anything Hopper would ever hope to create. Jane is getting closer to a healthy weight and he’ll begrudgingly admit he is too.
              At night he lies in bed agitated. Reasons Harrington’s just lonely after getting dumped. Or that somehow this is his ploy to get her back. That by taking care of the brats she’s so close to, he will gain something in her eyes. He goes to sleep once again promising himself to finally talk to the kid. That he doesn’t mind buying, making and cleaning up after dinner, if it gains him some of her attention.
              Needless to say the police chief never expected this. One thing about Harrington is that he never stays over for long, especially with Jim present. Despite what one could have expected Steve is actually surprisingly understanding of him and his wariness about people seeing El, hurting her. Seems to know that a boy his age hanging around kids isn’t welcomed and so he never overstays his welcome.
              So when Hopper comes home to the sight of one Steve Harrington lying on his couch and bleeding all over his only white towel, with two thirds of the toddler bunch jumping around him, he is a little bit shocked. They haven’t noticed him yet. Jane stands in the middle holding what looks like every blanket they own. Will is holding a steaming cup attempting to spoon feed Harrington. Henderson looks like a maniac, with rubber gloves that Jim forgot he owned, holding a roll of bandages. He can clearly see Mike Wheeler anxiously trotting along the cabins living room yelling angrily into his radio. It’s shocking enough that he releases his hold on the door and it closes loudly. Suddenly all (accept for Harringtons who lets out a yelp as he moves to sit) heads snap to him. The door locks snap shut at once. There’s a second of peace before all five start yelling over each other.
“Oh, great sir, you have to hel-“
“Hopper I can explain. I wa-“
“Steve is hurt.”
“Chief, pass me the antiseptic”
“-ink Dustin knows appropriate firs-“
As always Hopper focuses on his daughter first.
“Are you hurt? Any of you?”
“I am not hurt”
“Obviously we’re not hurt. Haven’t you heard the best paramedic is an alive paramedic.”
Since he met them Jim has never once been as thankful for their all-knowing snarky attitudes as he is now. God knows he can’t handle more than one moaning kid. There’s only going to be one problem today. A problem witch has apparently given up on moving and let his head fall with a quiet thud. Some part of Hopper, that he takes great effort to hide, is happy that Harrington finally can’t escape him. He closes his eyes and tries swallow down the venomous offspring of his suspicion. It takes one second, one second, to collect himself and of course that’s all it takes for the chaos to start up again. This time provoked by Wheelers radio.
“Hey guys, what’s going on?”  Maybe it’s the interference but Jim doesn’t recognize the voice of whoever Mike was yelling at more than any other people in this town.
“Steve is hurt. We’re helping” El instantly replies clearly pleased to know what’s going on and Jim is shamefully a little proud, that his little girl is most calm in this situation.
“We’re trying to do stiches, sir, and.. uh-” Will ever the polite young man tries to offer but then Wheeler of all people has to ruin it by bitching back at the walkie-talkie.
“Hopper’s pissing himself, don’t interrupt” Oh, that’s it El is going to wait three years before that boy is allowed in here again. He’s outdone himself this time. It’s getting very clear to that Mike needs to be taught some respect and he would gladly fulfil his duty as the chief and be the one to teach him.       He’s just about to threaten the kid with that, when the Henderson kid screeches.
“Steve is dying, is what’s going on and if you’re not going to tell us about stiches than get lost because you’re no help right now.” Jim didn’t even know that a fourteen year old boy was capable of such a sound, but he quickly abandoned that thought when little Will started shaking Harrington by the shoulders. Oh shit. Hopper will begrudgingly admit, that sometimes he can be a victim of tunnel vision, and it would seem his dislike of Mike Wheeler might have misguided his judgement of the situation, but now, as he looks at Wills pale face he can feel himself sobering up.
              His eyes move over Harrington, trying to assess the damages. His face is still full of yellow and green hues, but there aren’t any visible cuts. If it weren’t for the bloody towel under his head and Byers’s terrified expression he wouldn’t even know anything was wrong. Steves eyes are closed and he’s breathing small quiet breaths. He’s unconscious.  Hopper is sure he was talking just fine five minutes ago. He cups his face between his palms and maneuvers them/it to look for the cut. Now that he touched him he realizes Harrington is burning. His hair feels damp, especially where it’s shorter, but it looks as over-the-top as ever. He lets out a whine when Hopper pushes him up to sit. Around them the kids are all holding their breath. The only sound interrupting the surprisingly firm silence was the crackling coming from Wheelers radio.
              He finds it.  Going from the back of Harringtons head, next to his left ear, to the middle section on top is a open cut, slowly oozing blood into thick hair. Carefully Jim tries to push the hair apart, struggling to get a better look while not worsening the wound. When he finally manages, the pregnant silence is interrupted by several kids’ gasps. It’s not good. It’s vicious red, leaking puss in several places and if Hopper’s seeing properly, has some remnants of dirt in it. The edges are painted a darker color, somewhat scabbed over, like an old poorly treated tear re-opening. All right, that’s it. Hopper is done letting Steve from his grasp. It’s about time to get this problem over with thoroughly.
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Coming Home (18+)
Minors DNI
summary- Moving back home isn't as bad as you thought after an encounter with Chief Hopper
pairing- Jim Hopper x female reader
word count- 1354, cross posted on AO3
warnings- 18+, smut, oral sex (m), unprotected sex
AN- I am really new to this, I'm definitely not a writer but I can't get enough of this man
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So this is what starting over feels like you thought as you drove your car down the main road in Hawkins, Indiana. Thirty years old and moving back to your hometown was an idea you were still getting used to. After getting out of a horrible relationship that had lasted way too long, you decided it would be a great time to uproot everything and move back to your hometown.
  Truth be told, you were really tired of living in a big city. Too many people, too much traffic, just too much. You needed a change, and craved the quiet of a small town. Your dad had even found an apartment that you could afford until you found a job. You were hoping this would be just what you needed to get your life together. 
  As you pulled into the parking lot and made your way to your apartment, you started to feel excited. You needed something that was just yours. You spent the next few days unpacking and decorating, and by the end of the third day you were completely wiped out. You needed a break,  so you took a quick shower, put on some jeans and a nice shirt and made your way out. There was a bar not far down the road and honestly a drink sounded amazing. When you got there you sat down at the bar and ordered a jack and coke. 
  You looked around at the ten or so people that were inside, and your eye caught on a very familiar looking man. It had been years but you would recognize Jim Hopper anywhere. Well, it was Chief Hopper now. You had always thought he was a very sexy man, but had never really even had a conversation with him before you moved away. He saw you staring and made a small wave in your direction. You were sure your face turned at least four shades of red, especially when he got up and came over toward you. He sat down at the bar beside you and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach already. When he spoke it was like the breath left your lungs. “Hey, don’t I know you?” he asked with a smile. “Maybe, it’s been a while since I’ve lived here,” you replied shyly. “So what brings you back to Hawkins? It’s usually somewhere people are running away from, not coming back to,” he said. “I needed a reset, a change of scenery. So here I am, back where I started,” you replied ruefully. “I can appreciate that,” he said, and you could feel yourself relax.
  You continue talking to him, the conversation coming easy. The problem was that your drinks also kept coming and before long you could feel yourself slipping into a warm haze. He could tell also, and he offered to drive you back to your apartment. You took him up on his offer and got into the passenger seat of his truck. When you got back home, he walked you in. You were feeling really drunk and he was uneasy leaving you by yourself. When he offered to stay the night to make sure you were okay, you didn’t know what to think. Was this really happening? You didn’t know what to do but in the end you relented. He offered to sleep on the couch so you went off to take a shower and get in bed before the inevitable alcohol headache kicked in. 
  When you got out of the shower you threw on a nightshirt and passed out in the bed. Upon waking a few hours later, you got up to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Walking past the living room, you almost jumped out of your skin when the side table lamp turned on and you saw a man on the couch. It took your sleep-addled brain a minute to remember what had happened the previous night, to realize that it was Hopper on the couch staring at you. That’s when you also remembered that you only had on a nightshirt and you felt your face blazing. “How are you feeling?” he asked, and you told him you were much better. His gaze kept raking over your body and you felt rooted in place, staring back at him. Were you imagining the lust clouding his eyes? It didn’t take long to find out. 
  He patted his leg, wanting you to come over to him. You cocked an eyebrow, questioning. “Oh come on darlin, am I supposed to pretend I didn’t see the way you were looking at me last night?” he asked, and you wanted to die from embarrassment. Was it really that obvious? Apparently so, even before you had several drinks in you. You could feel your feet betraying you, and you started walking slowly toward him. You felt like a marionette that someone else was controlling. Your body knew what it wanted, and it was him. You reached him and sank down, straddling his lap. You inhaled the scent of him, smoke mixed with whiskey, and so delicious. He ran his large hands up your bare thighs and around to grab both of your ass cheeks. He groaned with pleasure when he realized you were only wearing a thong under your nightshirt. 
  You could feel your body reacting to him immediately and you began grinding your aching pussy against his leg. How had this man managed to have you completely undone in a matter of seconds? He pulled your nightshirt off and tossed it to the side, leaving you in only your thong. You didn’t have time to feel self-conscious though, because he immediately found your breasts, gripping one in his hand and another in his mouth. As he licked and sucked on first one nipple, then the other, you felt your eyes roll back in your head. “Please, I need you to touch me, Hop,” you hear yourself begging. He chuckled. “Anything for you,” he replied, moving your panties to the side and inserting a thick finger inside your slick folds. 
  He gave you a second to get used to it before giving you a second finger. The obscene noises your body was making made him rock hard. You ran your hands over his cock but quickly became irritated at his pants being in the way. You pushed off of him long enough for him to undress. You then sank down on your knees in front of him and started stroking his dick. He practically growled and laid his head against the back of the couch. You licked up and down his shaft, loving the feel of him in your mouth, and knowing you were the cause of the sounds he was making. You looked up at him, and his lust blown eyes almost pushed you over the edge. 
  “Come up here, I want you to ride me,” he said and you practically jumped in his lap. You straddled him, aligned with his tip and sank slowly down onto him. You couldn’t believe you could actually take him all. You took it easy as you adjusted to the sheer size of him, but once you started rocking back and forth, you lost all control. He couldn’t take his eyes off of your bouncing breasts. You didn’t know that sex could be this good. He kept his hands on your hips, his fingers digging in with delicious pressure. When he moved one hand to start circling your clit, that was all it took. You felt the coil in your center that was already tight just snap, your orgasm overtaking you. 
  You tightened down on his dick, causing him to roar at you again. This man will be my undoing you thought as he switched positions, laying you against the couch and relentlessly pounding into you, chasing his own ending. You sank your nails into his broad chest and yelled his name over and over as his thrusts became faster and faster, and he came inside you with a loud groan. Damn you thought with a smile. It’s good to be home.
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