#The midfield is painful
princelancey · 2 years
Happy 2 year anniversary to the best day I've had watching formula 1
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renarots · 7 months
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Whoever decided on signing a 10 year contract with this fucking track it’s on site
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isalabells · 2 years
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anditwentlikethis · 2 years
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you’re gonna come back stronger 💚
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wileys-russo · 6 months
you’re a mean one mrs grinch II a.putellas x reader
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you’re a mean one mrs grinch II a.putellas x reader
"more?" alexia sighed in disbelief as you returned from your shopping trip, bags of decorations in hand. "yes. its december!" you rolled your eyes, reaching up to peck her lips hello ignoring her grumpy mumblings at your holiday habits.
"it looks like a shopping store window in here." alexia crinkled her nose in disgust as you had already started to put out your new decorations.
"well not everyone hates the holidays as much as you amor." you quipped, the girl rolling her eyes and helping you hang the north pole sign you had in your hands as you were just not tall enough to reach the hook.
"i do not hate christmas." "well you don't love it." "because it is all about money and presents and lies and flashy things. it is corrupt!" "sure sounds like you hate it."
"oh! wait here." you held up a hand cutting her off before she could speak, the catalan rolling her eyes and checking you were out of sight as she rushed around hiding a few of the ornaments sat around on the tv cabinet and mantle.
"look, matching!" you beamed happily holding up the matching sets of pyjama pants and tank tops, alexia grimacing at the sight of them. "princessa i am not wearing that." she refused stubbornly with a shake of her head.
"just during the night when we watch movies. no one has to even see them! they're just for me and you." you smiled softly as alexia sighed and you perked up as it looked as though she might give in.
"...no." the midfielder decided, taking a seat on the lounge.
"please alexia!" you groaned, no amount of pouting or puppy eyes getting your girlfriend to even budge an inch. "no." the girl replied bluntly, arms crossed over her chest as she leaned back into the lounge staring up at you.
"why? you're being unreasonable." you huffed, crossing your own arms and staring right back. "no." was all you got back, the older girl unwavering in her firm stare. "baby." you tried again, moving to sit down on top of her with a smile as she raised an eyebrow.
you threw your head back and groaned loudly, standing up and storming off to the bedroom. alexia watched you go, contemplating going after you but instead deciding to give you a little space and time to cool off.
"amor." you glanced up from your book with a sour glare around a half an hour later, eyes flicking back down to the pages in front of you. "bebita." she took a seat on the edge of the bed as you huffed and continued to ignore her.
"hermosaa." alexia sang out, hand reaching out to gently tug the book away and place it on the nightstand, shuffling closer to you. "no." you mocked her word from earlier sarcastically.
"you know i do not go all out for christmas." alexia's hand settled on your knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. "but it is my favorite holiday and you will not even meet me halfway." you protested. "ugly matching clothes are not halfway amor." alexia chuckled, missing the way the hurt flashed across your face at her words.
"fine." you felt a surge of anger replace the pang of pain in your stomach, pushing her hands off and storming out of the room. "hey cariño what-" her eyebrows furrowed into a frown as you began to yank down the decorations and toss them into a pile on the floor.
"what? you hate it anyway, you think it is stupid and meaningless and-" you struggled through your waves of emotions to get your words out, instead huffing and now turning to the tree continuing to pull things down, alexia's eyes widening in shock as your destruction continued.
"hey bebita no, stop por favor." alexia frowned moving to take your hands in hers, trying to pull your body in for a hug as you harshly shoved her away. "i need some air." was all you managed out, grabbing your jacket and shoes by the door and suddenly it was slamming closed and you were gone.
alexia tried calling you over and over, her worry increasing as you declined her calls again and again and the magnitude of just how much she upset you began to sink in, immediately followed by the guilt.
her hand was on the front door ready to try and find you when her phone rang, the device falling from her grip and clattering to the floor in her haste to answer, the brunette dropping to her knees and rushing it to her ear.
"hola? amor?" she breathed out without bothering to check her caller ID. "hola, grinch." alexia frowned at the unfamiliar term. "mapi?" the midfielder sighed, standing to her feet and shifting the phone against her ear.
"you have really upset her ale." the brunette wincing at the serious tone from her normally playful best friend. "is she with you? i will come now." alexia grabbed her keys and flung open the door, two steps down the hall before mapi discouraged her.
"she has gone for a drive with ingrid to see the lights display down main street. something i know she wanted to do with you!" mapi's tone softened a little as alexia sighed, retreating back into her home, yanking her jacket off and dejectedly making her way back to the sofa.
"there are a lot of things she had planned to do with you, she showed me a list she has on her phone. have you done anything for the holidays with her since the break started?" mapi questioned as alexia winced.
"alexia." mapi sighed in disappointment from the other end of the line as the midfielder sank down into the sofa. "she is from england capi. christmas is a very big deal there and she has grown up always celebrating, always with her family, probably doing their own special traditions." mapi started to remind her friend in a warning tone.
"but she chose to stay here with you this year, to spend time with you and your family. but you cannot expect her to just forget everything she has grown up with and knows. this is not easy for her, i am sure she misses her family and how they spend the holidays together." the defender lectured as alexia sighed, body now wracked with guilt.
"she could have gone home! i told her that." alexia sighed rubbing a hand against her face tiredly. "bah ale! that girl loves you amiga and she knows how much your family mean to you. especially during the break in season when you get to see them more, and we both know how much your mami loves her." mapi laughed as alexia finally cracked a small smile, the fact truer than she often cared to admit.
"so i am not asking you to lead a christmas parade or dress up like santa clause and hand out gifts. but at least try to make sure there are things she does not need to miss during the holidays." mapi finished, the two chatting for a few more minutes before alexia ended the call and tossed her phone aside.
she had some serious work to do.
"and you know you are welcome to our house anytime yes?" ingrid asked for what felt like the tenth time this evening as you laughed, pushing her lightly and assuring you understood.
the two of you had bonded over both choosing to remain in spain for the holidays, missing the typical snowy white winters you were used to for the women you loved.
"i should get inside. i need to apologise for leaving and not even answering her calls, she is probably worried sick." you sighed, unbuckling yourself as ingrid pulled you into a tight hug and you kissed her cheek, thanking her for listening before you stepped out of the car.
sending your girlfriend a text that you were on your way up you bounced nervously on the balls of your feet as the elevator seemed to take even longer than usual to reach your floor, your hands playing with the hem of your jumper as finally the doors opened.
your eyebrows raised in surprise to see the taller girl already waiting for you outside your shared apartment, relief flooding her face at the sight of you as she met you halfway in a bone crushing hug.
"i'm sorry for leaving and ignoring you." you mumbled into her chest as she cradled your head and firmly shook hers. "i am sorry for being unreasonable hermosa." the catalan rasped apologetically, the two of you embracing one another for a few more silent but needed moments.
"did you enjoy the lights?" alexia asked once the two of you pulled away as you gave her a curious look. "mapi called, let me know you were okay." you nodded in understanding at that. "they were really nice." you smiled in response to her previous question.
"maybe we could go? take alba and mami?" alexia asked hopefully as now you really gave her a look of surprise. "but i didn't think-" she cut off your words by leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips. "close your eyes please." she pulled away and requested with a smile of reassurance.
you were aprehensive to do so but you followed her orders none the less, alexia moving behind you and covering your face with her large hands 'just to be safe'.
you heard her key rattle around in the lock for a moment before she guided you inside, steadying you as you tripped over once of her shoes and almost lost your footing. a kiss to the cheek and a soft apology murmured in your ear she continued to guide you as you tried to work out where in the house you were right now.
"open." you felt her hands drop from your face as your eyes opened, blinking a few times to adjust before your hand flew to your mouth and you looked on in awe. "alexia..." you trailed off, not just the living room but now your whole apartment decked out in various matching christmas decorations.
you melted seeing the stockings hung up, making your way over to them and tracing a singular finger over the letters on the bottom of each one indicating one was clearly yours and one was alexia's.
"i am stubborn cariño, i know that." you turned as the brunette in question began to speak, nervously playing with her fingers.
"but you have always loved me and stood by me. you gave up christmas with your own family to spend time with mine and i appreciate that more than i have allowed you to see, which is unfair." she paused as you moved closer, grabbing her hands in yours with a squeeze.
"i still do not love christmas, i never will. but i love you and i do not want you to have to give things up that you love and find special because i am a...how do you say it?" you frowned at her obvious struggle, the girls broken english though not perfect had improved since meeting you, as had your spanish.
"ah mierda mapi said it before! a gringo? no. a gri-" she continued to struggle, huffing in frustration. "a grinch?" you guessed as she exlaimed happily and nodded. "si! a grinch."
"do you even know what that is?" you laughed, moving to wrap your arms around her as she shook her head, lips moving against yours sending your head into a spin. "its perfect ale, and i love you too." you smiled resting your head against her chest.
"you are perfect hermosa." she smiled charmingly, kissing your cheeks with a grin as you blushed. "i would like to watch a movie." you stated suddenly, brushing away her hands and gesturing for her to sit down.
"one more thing. stay here!" alexia gently pushed you to sit down instead, holding up a finger and hurrying away. you busied yourself texting mapi a thank you, not hearing her return until she cleared her throat.
"good?" alexia asked, your hand covering your mouth as she stood dressed in one set of the matching pyjamas you'd gotten the pair of you, a santa hat sitting lopsided on her head. "very good." you beamed, alexias heart melting at the way your eyes lit up, silently promising herself she would never let them dim.
once you'd hurried off to change into your own set the two of you had cuddled up together on the lounge, your back settled against alexia's front as you flicked through trying to find the movie, her hands massaging your shoulders as she laid soft kisses to your neck.
"this one." you beamed, clicking play and laying back down into her more, her arms snaking around your torso and settling on your stomach as your own fingers interlocked with yours.
"how the grinch stole christmas?"
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kyra-cooneyx · 18 days
fight club // o.batlle x reader
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summary: you get hurt during a game and find out afterwards that ona can be very protective
it wasn’t uncommon for referees to carry on play after a player goes down but after watching you get taken out over and over again, ona could feel her anger towards the ref growing with every tackle she let go. even more so with the real madrid back line who were seeing the lack of discipline as an opportunity to continually target you.
and it wasn’t that ona didn’t think you couldn’t handle yourself because you could. you just weren’t a fan of confrontation of any kind. especially when it came to the football pitch.
so when you ended up on the floor again, ona felt it was only right for her to get angry on your behalf. as you nursed your incredibly sore ankle, you could hear the heated discussion between ona, the ref, and whichever real madrid defender had taken their turn.
“are you okay?” aitana asked, holding her hand out to help you up.
you took it gratefully, wincing slightly as you put pressure on your ankle. she gave you a look but you waved her off. “i’m good. thanks aita.”
as the midfielder nodded and walked off, you could faintly hear the ref warning ona about her attitude. and if you weren’t in so much discomfort, you probably would’ve laughed at the sheer look of disbelief on your girlfriend’s face.
you managed to catch her eyes and when her eyebrows lifted slightly, you gave her an assuring smile. but unfortunately for you, ona knew you.
she could see the pain on your face as you limped back into position and even if you pretended you were okay, she had a feeling that you wouldn’t be on the pitch much longer if the defenders had anything to say about it.
luckily the halftime whistle blew before that happened and ona made her way over to you, wrapping her arm around your waist. you leaned into her, guiding her away from the changing room.
you leaned back against a wall, eyebrows furrowing when you felt ona’s hands dance around the bottom of your shorts.
“oni, what are you doing?” you asked quietly, hissing as she pressed down on a bruise. “ow! don’t do that!”
“you’re going to have lots of these.” she said and you nodded.
“i’m aware and if you touch any of them, i’ll hurt you, comprendida?”
ona rolled her eyes but nodded, and you pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek. “comprendida.”
the second half was going suspiciously well for you in the sense that you hadn’t been touched. it left a weird feeling in your stomach but you pushed it aside and ran down the field with patri in tow, the ball at her feet.
she kicked the ball towards you and you skilfully stepped around one of the defenders to retrieve it.
and for a second, everything was going to plan. you brought your foot back, ready to smash the ball into the back of the net when you felt two somethings—two someone’s—crash into your sides, twisting your leg awkwardly and making your head collide with another head.
since ona was still near the middle of the pitch, she could only watch on as you dropped to the floor, one hand cradling your head and the other clutching your knee. there was a crowd around you, a mixture of barcelona and real madrid players and the referee.
ona shoved her way through, glaring at the two players who were at fault. alexia stepped in front of the younger spaniard, cutting her view off as the medics ran over to tend to you.
“not the time or place.” alexia said quietly, nudging ona closer to the barcelona players.
along with the pain spreading through you, you were acutely aware that it was ingrid whispering reassurances and not ona but you didn’t have any energy left in you to really care.
once you were escorted to the medical room, your nose was plugged whilst your knee was examined and by some miracle, you came away with a mild concussion, a sprained knee, and a few weeks rest.
when ona followed around ten minutes later, her heart sunk at the sight of you bruised, bandaged, and crying quietly.
she threw her arms around you with a second thought and you melted into her, sighing softly. “did you get subbed off?”
you were met with silence for a few seconds. “…not exactly.”
your eyebrows furrowed and you moved back to look up at her, the guilty expression on her face telling you all you needed to know. “oh, oni, no—“
“it was not a straight red,” she told you, brushing her fingers along your cheek. “prometo mi amor.”
you shook your head fondly, leaning back into her. asking questions was pointless, you knew that whatever happened on the pitch was going to be discussed at length amongst the girls and it was probably plastered all over social media too.
after the medics had explained everything again to ona, the two of you slowly made your way into the changing room. and whilst you were met with sympathy from the older players, ona was met with excitement from the younger players. and mapi. who was quick to gently grab you and sit you down so she could be the one to tell you what happened.
you were pretty sure that mapi was over exaggerating absolutely everything she was saying. but you nodded along anyway since she was practically vibrating. you were fairly certain that ona didn’t go around two footing every single real madrid player on the pitch but judging by the looks on everyone else’s faces, it wasn’t too far off what actually happened. and when ona’s face flushed red once mapi started the second yellow card part of the story, you were absolutely certain that the over exaggerating was no longer happening.
“i can’t believe you shoved her.” you giggled quietly to your girlfriend once everyone was situated comfortably on the bus. your legs thrown over her lap as she rubbed gentle circles into your ankle.
ona didn’t reply but you could see the flush on her cheeks again. you dug your heel into her leg, yelping as she pressed down on some of the many bruises littering your legs.
you slapped at her hands, glaring as she laughed, quickly overpowering you and pinning your hands down. “hey i’m injured, you can’t be mean to me.”
ona kissed the pout from your lips just as mapi’s head popped out of nowhere. “so we are thinking of starting a fight club—“
the spaniard was yanked away before she could say anything else which left you and ona sharing looks and giggles as you cuddled into her, a small smirk on your face. “maybe you should consider joining.”
the groan that left ona’s lips had you giggling again, the events of the day slowly becoming long forgotten. “por favor don’t start.”
“sorry, i’ll leave you alone now.”
a comfortable silence fell over the two of you, the chattering of the other girls serving as background noise. ona pulled you closer and you hummed in content. “you don’t really mean that, do you?”
“i think we both know the answer to that, don’t we, mike tyson?”
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bellawoso · 5 months
How You Get The Girl
Alexia putellas x fem!reader
(Featuring Alexia in denial and Mapi’s devil antics)
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This was not how Alexia was expecting her weekend to go.
She was supposed to be having a weekend trip to Mallorca with her closest long-time friend, Jenni. As much as it pained Alexia to leave her 4 legged companion behind, she knew she would also have an even harder time leaving her at a hotel when her and Jenni went to some bars, as Jenni said ‘to find someone to spice up her life a bit’.
Mapi was definitely not her first choice on who to leave Nala with, however with most of the team using their break to travel back to their families, it left only Mapi and Ingrid to look after her Pomeranian.
However, after receiving a frantic phone call from Mapi, with the few words she managed to make out due to the defender’s worry laced voice being: Nala, Cake, Vets.
Alexia rushed onto the next flight and was at the vets in around 2 hours, to find Mapi still in the waiting room clutching her beloved dog, and Alexia was quick to snatch Nala from her.
It took everything in Alexia’s power to not start cursing Mapi out for her carelessness, but as she gave in and threw a snide remark at the defender, it was interupted by the receptionist.
“Nala is ready to be seen”
Alexia rushed to the door with Nala in her arms, and Mapi trailing behind. They were shown into the room, and Alexia walked straight into someone quite a bit shorter than her, this combined with the fact she is a professional footballer who keeps on top of her strength training resulted in her basically knocking this person over.
“¡Lo siento, lo siento!”, She said whilst keeping her eyes on Nala to check she wasnt hurt even more by her collision.
As Alexia looked up at the person she had crashed into, she was met with arguably the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Only to be met with a shove from her best friend, was when Alexia realised she had been staring.
“Alexia stop ogling the poor woman and apologise”
“I did!” countered the midfielder.
“Maybe in English would be smarter? So that she actually understands you!”
At the realisation that you had absolutely no idea what ‘lo siento’ meant, Alexia’s cheeks flushed crimson red, which recieved one of Mapi’s infamous snorts of laughter behind her.
Alexia honestly had no idea what was happening to her. She knows that your pretty, but she had seen other pretty girls before, why did you make her feel like this?
“Hello, I will be Nala’s vet for today, i will just go grab her records from reception, wont be a minute!” you said with a soft smile.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind you, Mapi burst iut laughing.
“Ale, as much as i love you, you were embarrassing there! If this is how you act around girls, no wonder you have never had a serious relationship”
“Shut up! I am not attracted to her, she makes me feel like i want to throw up!”
“Honey, thats called butterflies in your stomach! pretty cliché if you ask me, but I didnt realise you were such a romantic!” Mapi retorted, still laughing.
“I’m not a romantic. I’m not into her. I just want her to treat my dog, and then i can go play football after”
“Wait until i tell the team about this! The scary la reina, reduced to a blushing mess by a cute vet who she body slammed and then spent a minute ogling her, all because she has a little crush”
Before Alexia could respond with a threat of using her captain title to punish Mapi with tunning laps, the door clicked open to reveal you rushing back in.
Nala, who usually was very timid and barked at anyone who got near her, immediately jumped off of Alexia’s lap and ran straight up to you and jumped at your legs, to which you responded by picking her up and gushing over the cute little ball of fluff.
Alexia knew that if she wasnt already sat down her knees would have buckled at the sight of her dog basically confirming the fact that you were perfect for her. As Alexia contined to daydream about you, she was interupted by a hand clicking in her face, to which she turned to glare at Mapi’s toothy grin.
“Te distrajiste, el lindo vert estaba tratando de preguntarte sobre Nala. (You zoned out, the cute vet was trying to ask you about Nala)” Mapi said with a knowing smirk.
“¡Callarse la boca! y deja de llamarla linda. (Shut up! and stop calling her cute”
“¿Celosa? (jealous?)”
“Nunca. (never)”
However, when the two spaniards turned to face you, they were met by your dumbfounded face trying to decipher a word of what they just said. Although you had been taking Spanish classes since you moved to Spain, both Alexia and Mapi spoke the languge with too heavy of an accent and too fast for you to understand.
“So you filled out your form saying Nala ate a full chocolate cake?” You asked.
“¡Si! Yes! Will she be okay?” Alexia responded worriedly.
“Honestly this happens a lot, and there is no point her having ang unnecessary procedures, so we usually reccomend her take these tablets twice a day for a week and if you notice any unusual behaviour, bring her back here. I will write you a prescription for it now!”
“Ah okay thankyou, do I scedule an appointment for after she finishes the pills for a checkup?”
“No, the pills are enough, no checkup” You say with a smile.
As Alexia now realised that she would probably not see you again for a while, she slumped back in her seat and a new frown sat predominantly on her face.
Upon Mapi seeing this, she immediately felt an impulsive urge to assist one of her closest friends in her crush dilemma situation.
So Mapi did what she did best.
“My friend thinks your hot and wants your number now”
At hearing this you blushed bright red and Alexia smacked Mapi round the head.
“Excuse my friend! She can be very blunt… and stupid” Alexia said as Mapi emits an offended gasp, “As I would have politely asked you at the end, could I please have your number, as I think your very beautiful”
You are still sat there in absolute shock, you knew who these two people were, Alexia Putellas and Mapi Leon. Two world famous Spanish and Barcelona football players, you couldn’t help but wonder what the two time balon d’or winner wanted with your number.
Unfortunately, Alexia mistook your shock for rejection.
“I’m sorry, I have made it awkward, it’s okay that you dont feel comfortable giving me your number” Alexia suddenly stood up to leave, and pulled Mapi up with her “Thankyou for your help, goodbye”
The spaniard quickly took the prescription from your desk and rushed out with Nala in her arms, and urging Mapi to follow her, who felt slightly bad for embarrassing her friend like that.
Alexia quicky rushed back down the corridor to the receptionist desk, wanting to get Nala’s prescription, and get out of the stupid vets as soon as possible, probably as she knew to return to her house and cry at the embarrassment she had suffered today.
The midfielder was about to hand over the prescription to the receptionist, but Mapi’s eyes caught a glimpse of something on the back of the paper.
“Alexia stop!”
Alexia turned to glare at the defender, “What now?” She said followed by an exasperated sigh.
“The paper!”
At this, Alexia turned over the paper, and couldn’t stop the smile tugging at her lips, as there was your number hastily scribbled down with a note: -call me
As she noted down the number into her contacts, she realised, she hadn’t even asked for your name.
Alexia turned to the receptionist, and asked, “Who was the vet that just saw us?”
“Y/n, she’s sweet, just moved here from London recently!”
“Thankyou” Alexia replied, as the receptionist grabbed the pills, Alexia put down your name into her contacts and sent you a quick message.
- Hey! It’s Alexia, from the clinic, I wasn’t lying when i told you i thought you were beautiful and I would love to take you on a date sometime?
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helen-with-an-a · 2 months
Short but Mighty
Hi. So this is a request I got and I absolutely loved writing it. It's a little on the long side but I really hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also, just imagine no one is injured in either team and it’s Arsenal not Chelsea against Barca in the UWCL this year. Another side note is that I am 5’6/5’7 so I don’t really have much of a frame of reference for being short/shorter but I hope I’ve done it justice 🩷
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Description: R is short and a little angry
Word Count: 4.8k
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“She’s so angry because her attitude has been compressed into that small body”
“Have you ever noticed that in every friend group, the shortest one is usually the craziest?”
“Short girls are mean because they are closer to hell”
“If you think she’s short, you should see her patience”
“The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit”
“Like a chihuahua”
“And though she be but little, she is fierce”
You had heard it all. Even Shakespeare had commented on it. Every comment about short and angry people ever made – you had heard it all. But the thing was, you weren’t short. You were 5 foot 3 inches. 160cm. The average height for women in the UK – you would know; you googled it to make sure. But for some reason, every person on your team was a bloody giant – towering over you, making you look even shorter. Except for Aitana – she was the only one who truly understood your pain.
At first, it bothered you. Growing up, you were constantly being leant on by your friends or patted on the head; your coaches affectionately called you ‘short stuff’. It really, really pissed you off. You saw players on the field consider you a joke of an opponent as you stepped onto the field. So, you started to build muscle, lifting heavier, adjusting your diet, and altering your lifestyle as much as possible while remaining healthy. When you made your senior debut at just 17, you could lift well over 1.5 of your body weight. You also channelled that muscle into your speed, earning a reputation for being the fastest on the pitch. On paper, a defending midfielder of your height was laughable, but when the challengers on the pitch saw your name in the Starting XI, they would quake with fear.
Despite all the comments, they were right about your supposed anger. You don’t know whether it was you being unafraid to utilise your body on the pitch or something else entirely, but you were frequently topping the table with the number of yellow cards at the end of the season. Personally, you believed the refs had a vendetta against you; your reputation preceded you, so they felt it was necessary to uphold it – often giving you cards for something that would have been just a caution for anything else. You did pride yourself on never receiving a straight red (only double-yellows) – something that Lucy frequently reminded you; it wasn’t that impressive as many people didn’t receive straight reds. You weren’t an aggressive player by any means. As soon as that whistle went, you were the first to offer a helping hand. You had never injured anyone – ever. That was something else you were proud of. Whilst you often got yellows for the tackle, you never left any lasting marks. Were you physical? Yes. Were you aggressive? No.
It was the only thing people had spoken about in weeks. Arsenal vs. Barcelona in the Champions League semi-final. Walsh vs. Williamson; Russo, Lacasse and Blackstenius vs. Leon, Bronze and Batlle; Little vs. Putellas; Codina vs her old club; Paralluelo, Pina and Caldentey vs Wubben-Moy, Catley and Fox; Y/S/N vs. McCabe. That was the big one – two of the most carded players in their leagues battling it out for a chance to snatch the other’s chance of a Champions League title. Alexia had been pestering you since the draw was made about your behaviour. She wouldn’t hesitate to bench you if you were acting out. Her tactics were based on negative reinforcement. It hadn’t worked – all her threats, lectures, and pressures were rendered null because you knew how physical these matches would be. You knew Jona would put on the most physical players, at least to start with.
Lucy, on the other hand, relied on positive reinforcement. As your girlfriend, she was always in your corner, especially on the pitch when a card was lifted above your head. But she didn’t like how often you were suspended or how often your abilities were outshone by the number of yellows next to your name. Your technical prowess was often overlooked by commentators and fans because of the cards.
“You know,” Lucy started, her fingertips brushing your neck as she pulled your hair out of her way. You were standing at the kitchen counter, looking at a recipe on your phone as you planned out your tea.
“What do I know, gorgeous?” you teased, tilting your head up to look at her. Your hands came to rest on top of hers on your waist.
“I think we should set up a sticker chart system or something. What do you think?” She mused, starting an assault on your neck.
“N-no marks, my love,” you stuttered out automatically but leaning back into her body anyway.
“I know.” You could feel the grin against your skin. “But you didn’t answer my question, lovely.” She nipped at your earlobe gently.
“Stickers … what for?” You turned around in her arms, coming to look at her. She didn’t stop her attack, her strong hands coming to angle your head so she had more access to your jaw. You let your eyes slip closed, getting lost in the feeling of her mouth on you.
“As a way to … combat?... your little card problem.” That sobered you right up. You pushed her way and raised an unamused eyebrow at her.
“My card problem?” You snarked.
“Alexia has been on my arse about getting you to … calm down … during matches,” she explained, choosing her words carefully. She moved to put her hands back on your hips, but you stopped her with a hand on her chest.
“So, you went with a sticker chart?” you asked incredulously. “I’m not a child, Lucy.” You never called her Lucy unless you were angry at her; she was always ‘gorgeous’ or ‘my love’, just like you were always ‘lovely’ or ‘pretty girl’ to her.
“I know you’re not, pretty girl.” She cupped your face with her hand. “I think I phrased myself badly. I’m sorry.” Her thumb moved methodically against your cheek, an action that has always calmed you. “How about a little reward system?” She grinned cheekily at you as you narrowed your eyes. “For every match without a card, I’ll treat you?” She proposed.
“I don’t need a-” you started, still annoyed that your girlfriend and your captain felt it necessary to set up a system to manage your behaviour.
“Alexia has been on my arse about this for weeks. She’s serious about benching you, lovely.” She interrupted. You sighed. You were well aware of what Alexia considered unacceptable in the Barca team – and the number of yellow cards you received was one of them. “So, what do you think? I think it’s a win-win situation if you ask me. Alexia will finally back off and not be a minute away from a heart attack, and you get …” she paused, thinking of the right way to phrase it. “Whatever your heart desires.” You could see her reasoning. Judging by the vein in Alexia’s forehead, she wasn’t coping too well with the idea that you would face McCabe in a few weeks. And you get weekly treats if you avoid yellow cards.
“Whatever I want?” You double-checked. Lucy could see you were already agreeing to her idea.
“Whatever. You. Want. Pretty girl.” She punctuated each word with a kiss.
“So, if I wanted a fancy date night at that place in town?” Lucy wasn’t the biggest fan of dates where you had to dress up all fancy – she thought it wasn’t an accurate and complete representation of your relationship. She loved taking you to smaller, more casual restaurants where you could relax, order something to-go, or just cook a nicer meal at home. But Mapi had shown you a place she was planning to take Ingrid for their anniversary, and you had fallen in love – begging Lucy to go on a date there with you. What you didn’t know she was saving it for when she proposed – the ring hidden with her Euro medal buried in the depths of the cupboard in your spare room.
“Whatever you want.” She smiled at your shocked expression.
“Or if I wanted a spa day at home on our day off?” you asked, checking how far she would be willing to go. She would much rather do something on your day off to keep her body moving a little, whereas you would rather lounge on the couch, catching up on your show.
“Whatever you want.” She repeated, leaning down to kiss the corner of your mouth.
“Or…” you tried to think of something she would say no to. “If I asked you to put on my old United jersey? And take a photo in it? And post it on social media?” Your request was ridiculous, but you knew it was something she would never, ever say no to. You had played for United while she was at City, moving to Lyon together, where your relationship had budded into what it is now, before returning to your respective clubs. You were friends before Lyon, having played with each other on the England squad for years, but moving to the new city together had led to something magical. The rival was a constant joke between you, often tuning in to the Derby’s when your schedule allowed for it – her and Keira on one couch, you and Ona on the other – all clad in your particular colours and fighting for the right to brag.
“Whatever you want.” She sighed but loved the fact that it brought that big, wide grin of yours to your face.
“What about if I asked for control?” You wiggled your eyebrow and scanned her body appreciatively, indicating precisely what you hinted at. You could see her eyes flicker slightly, making you think you had found the thing she wouldn’t do as your reward. Lucy loved being in control, and you didn’t mind letting her do it. But occasionally, very, very occasionally, she handed over the ropes (figuratively and literally) to you.
“What. Ever. You. Want,” she said lowly, silencing any more of your questions with a passionate kiss.
This was it. The big day. The first leg of the Champions League semi-final. Arsenal vs. Barcelona. McCabe vs. Y/S/N. You had been good to your word – the reward system was working well. So far, Lucy had treated you to a day at the beach, a nice meal, a new set of lingerie, and a day trip with you to Tarragona on a day off. Four treats for your four matches without a yellow. It would have been more, but you picked up a yellow card during your match with Real Madrid. But this … this was your big test.
“Todas mantienen la cabeza,” Alexia said just before you all left the changing rooms. She said it to everyone, but you know it was aimed at you.
“What do you want your reward to be, pretty girl?” Lucy asked you as you performed your final pre-match ritual (a quick roll of deodorant, a pump of breath spray, and a spritz of perfume—you’re welcome, everyone on the field).
“Not sure, I’ve got an idea, but I might wait for the final for that one,” you winked cheekily at her, giving her an indication of what you were insinuating. She sighed, shaking her head at you.
“Later,” she promised as she guided you into the tunnel.
This match was not going to plan for you. Ona and Pina had already picked up yellows for dissent, and you were only 30 minutes into the match. You were on your best behaviour – even going so far as not to tackle Katie when you would usually have. You could see how much less stress Lucy was under with every game you played where you didn’t have your name on the card list. You weren’t behaving for yourself – you couldn’t care less if you were benched (slight exaggeration, but the sentiment remained). You were doing it for Lucy; her frown lines were easing somewhat; her muscles were less tense; she was sleeping much better. You hadn’t realised your actions added much to her plate.
And then Katie left a studs-up tackle on Lucy and didn’t get carded or even a foul. You were near her when it happened. Lucy was running down the wing with the ball at her feet, you were dropping back a little, allowing her the space to make a cross to an awaiting Patri and Aitana. Katie’s yellow boots appeared from nowhere and clipped her ankles – not even making an attempt to get the ball. It was an obvious card, yet the ref motioned to carry on whilst Lucy was on her knees, clutching at her ankle, her eyes scrunched shut at the pain.
Eventually, the whistle was blown when it was apparent that Lucy wasn’t standing up. You crouched at her side, a hand coming to rub at her back.
“Do you need the medics, my love?” You asked, the tone gentle in comparison to the fury you were filled with.
“Just … gimme a minute,” she gasped. You nodded even though she couldn’t see you, your hand resting on her lower back in silent support.
“Estás bien? Está ella bien? Necesitamos a los fisios?” Alexia gushed as she came to your side, a concerned Patri and Marta joining her.
“Ella esta bien,” you said, your words supported by Lucy’s actions as she moved to stand up. You briefly scanned her, nodding to yourself as you confirmed she was fine.
The switch in you was instant. McCabe needed to pay for that. And if the ref wasn’t going to do it, you would.
“Don’t,” Lucy said at the same time as Alexia uttered “no”. You just waved them off, smiling innocently at them as you set up for the corner kick.
The incident that got you the card was well deserved. You had only 2 minutes left of the half – not including injury time – and Katie was starting a last-minute Arsenal press. You were winning comfortably at 3 – 0, but you knew Arsenal would come out hard in the next half; they weren’t called ‘second halfsenal’ for nothing. Could you have gone for a clean tackle? Probably. Could you have just tackled her in general? Yes. But it wouldn’t have been nearly as satisfying as watching her fly to the ground. She ran full speed down the wing, not looking where her defenders were. You timed your run well, bracing your body as she slammed into you. You had bothered to stick out your leg to make it look like you were aiming for the ball, but everyone, on and off the pitch, knew you were going for revenge. She clattered to the ground in a pile of red and white, and a torrent of Irish-accented swears erupted from her.
You were immediately faced with an angry Aussie. Caitlin shoved your shoulders as she demanded retribution for you. You lifted your hands innocently.
“I was going for the ball,” you said, shrugging a little. You could see the referee approaching, Alexia looking furious at you, and Lucy shaking her head. Still, you could see her smiling – finding the situation at least somewhat amusing. “I was going for the ball,” you repeated to the ref, ignoring the shouts from the Arsenal girls. “See, she’s fine.” You gestured to a now-standing McCabe. It didn’t help your case; the yellow square was lifted above your head as you rolled your eyes.
“Fucking short-arse bitch” you heard McCabe mutter as you all walked away, ready to finish this half.
“And yet, I still put you on the ground,” you smirked at her, letting Lucy drag you away.
Halftime was full of Alexia's lecture. You looked to Jona to see if he would intervene, but he just shrugged. When he saw Lucy go down from a dodgy tackle, he expected nothing less from you.
“Prometiste que te portarías lo mejor posible.”
“She’s still walking, isn’t she?” You weren’t about to apologise for this. This was your style of play; she knew that when you joined the team; Barca knew it when they signed you.
“Qué dije de los amarillos? Te pedí que no los consiguieras. Y que haces?” She continued as if you hadn’t spoken. “Necesitas empezar a actuar de forma más adulta al respecto. No necesitas ser cardada por todo. Recibir tarjetas todo el tiempo es muy inmaduro. No tienes respeto”
“Enough, Alexia.” You interrupted. Yes, she had somewhat of a right to be angry at you, but calling you immature? Saying you had no respect? “I play my style of play. If the club didn’t like it, they wouldn’t have renewed my contract or signed me in the first place. If Jona has a problem with it, he would either speak to me or not play me. But they haven’t. I have renewed with Barca and Jona hasn’t even mentioned it in our one-to-ones. You are the only one who’s up my arse about this. And you’ve been pestering Lucy, too. Newsflash, she’s not my keeper, Alexia, and I am not a child; she’s my girlfriend.” You could see she was trying to interrupt you again, but you pushed through. “If you had maybe spoken to me in a way that suggested you valued me as a player and a person rather than lecturing me every chance you get, we could be in a different situation right now. But no, you have insulted me and the way I play my football, and now you have made me even more pissed off than I already was. So please, leave me alone at the moment.” You were seething. You hadn’t meant to explode at her like you did, but she had hurt your feelings one too many times about a bloody yellow card. You looked around the changing room, seeing the shocked expressions on people’s faces. No one spoke to their captain like that. You didn’t dare glance at Lucy, too afraid of what you might see. You would have seen the proud expression gracing her face if you had. She had been waiting for you to detonate at Alexia; she could see it in the way you grit your teeth during every lecture, the way you took longer showers after training to destress every time Alexia had called you away to talk about your behaviour, the way you were baking more and more as a method to try to quell your anger.
You pushed your way past, banging the door heavily as you stormed back out of the tunnel. You knew the Emirates well, so there were no chances of you getting lost. A few doors down, there was a seldom-used bathroom you could hide in, but you could still hear the chatter that told you the team was in the tunnel, ready to start the second half.
The changing room was silent. You could hear a mouse sneeze if you listened carefully enough.
“Bien entonces,” it was Mapi who spoke – breaking the tension-filled silence.
“Quién se cree que ella es? Todo lo que he estado tratando de hacer es ayudarla a limpiar su juego.” Alexia was incredulous. She believed you needed to clean up your act if you were going to go far at Barca. She didn’t consider the fact that you had numerous accolades to your name, coming second in the Ballon d’Or for the past 3 years and earning yourself a Sports Personality of the Year twice.
“No, Alexia. You are in the wrong.” Lucy snapped. She couldn’t allow this to go on any longer. Yes, she wanted you to stop getting yellow cards, but not at the expense of your style of play. She wanted the cards to stop being the only thing commentators spoke about when your name was mentioned. She wanted the world to see you as she did. “I know you meant well, but you basically asked her to stop playing in the way that makes her so unique. Imagine if someone did that to you, you’d be pretty pissed off too.” Alexia frowned. That wasn’t what she had meant – not at all. She wanted you to stop getting the yellow cards because she viewed something to be feared, not something that was just a part of playing football.
“Y ahora te has ido y la has hecho aún más enojada,” Patri laughed humourlessly. “No se sorprendan si hoy vemos un rojo, chicas,” she added as the team made their way back to the pitch.
You slipped silently out of the bathroom, joining the rest of the team as if you were just the last one to leave the changing room.
“Hey, pretty girl,” Lucy said, extending her hand to you as she lingered just out of sight of the cameras.
“Hey, gorgeous.” You squeezed her hand, letting her know you were ok.
“Please, try not to get a red,” she joked.
“If McCabe behaves, so will I,” you said seriously. She smirked at you – just the sort of thing she was expecting from you.
McCabe did not behave. It was remarkable how calm you had been, considering how riled you were during the half-time break. You had spent a lot of this second half on the floor, being a victim of harsh tackles from McCabe herself and a particular Aussie. You could see your English teammates wincing every time you went down. But you always gave as good as you got, leaving unforgiving shoves and exacting tackles just on the right side of nasty.
 It was in the 55th minute when the second incident occurred. You were genuinely going for the ball. You both jumped up for a header – you might have jumped more sideways than up, but that was neither here nor there. The slight knock you gave her made her lose her balance, landing hard on her hands and knees rather than her feet. It didn’t help that you landed perfectly upright, either. You knew how much running into you could hurt – particularly if you braced yourself (which you had been); she had been jogging backwards, unaware of your presence behind her.
“Oh, my god. I am so sorry. Are you ok?” You were genuine this time; both your national and club teammates could see it. This time, Leah was the first one to you, pulling you away by your shoulder.
“What the fuck, Y/N?” She asked, shocked by your display of aggression.
“I’m sorry, Lee. That was a complete accident.” You looked down at McCabe rolling around on the floor, gripping at her ankle. She just sighed in response. Lucy was the first of your Barca friends to reach you.
“I’m sorry,” you said dejectedly.
“I know you are, lovely” Lucy squeezed your elbow gently. “But you know you’re going to get a card, right?”
“Yeh, I know.” You turned to face the ref, shocked to see Alexia pleading with her and arguing for you. You were unsurprised when her protests were waved away, and you were presented with the yellow and red squares before being shown that you had to leave the pitch. You took it graciously and headed off the pitch.
You were escorted to the changing room by an official but were left to your own devices. You showered quickly before changing into your clothes, grateful you had packed some ‘street clothes’ – just jeans and one of Lucy’s hoodies. As you heard the Emirates erupt with cheers, the idea was planted in your head. This was a Champions League semi-final, no way in hell were you missing that. So, you slipped your accreditation around your neck and left the changing room. The crowd were still celebrating the Arsenal goal as you emerged from the tunnel. You saw Jonas spot you, his eyes widening as he gestured to the Fourth Official. You nodded once and waved at Jona and the other Barca coaches before hopping over the barricade. You spotted a woman with a young girl sitting on her lap with a free seat next to her.
“Do you mind?” You asked as you gestured to the seat. The woman shook her head and laughed a little as you made yourself comfortable next to her. The little girl was staring at you wide-eyed. She was wearing a little Barca jersey with her hair in two plaits, looking the epitome of cute.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” You said, extending your hand to her. “What’s your name?” After a second of cajoling from her mother, she piped up.
“Lucie. But with an -ie not a -y.”
“Well, Lucie with an -ie not a -y, that is a very good name.” You smiled and turned back to the pitch, watching the game resume. You could tell the cameras were on you; you could see Ingrid shaking her head from the bench every time your face was displayed on the big screen.
The rest of the match was uneventful. Barca scored another two goals, bringing the final score to 5 – 1.
“So, Lucie with an -ie. Whose number’s on the back?” You nodded to her shirt.
“Lucy Bronze,” she cheered. “She’s my favourite. And we have the same name, but we spell it differently.” Lucie said with all the seriousness of a 6-year-old with something essential to tell you.
“Can I let you into a secret?” You leant down to whisper to her conspiratorially. She nodded enthusiastically. “She’s my favourite too.” Lucie looked up wide-eyed at you. “Do you want me to try and get you her shirt?” You asked. Her eyes grew even wider; you thought her head might pop off with how aggressively she was nodding. “Ok, wait here, ok. I’ll be right back.” You smiled as you hopped the barrier again, making your way onto the pitch and headed straight to Lucy. She was standing with Keira and Leah, clearly having a bit of a catch-up.
“Hello, trouble.” Keira teased as you appeared.
“Yeh, yeh.” You lightly shoved her head. “Can I have your shirt, my love?” You asked Lucy. She cocked her head at your request. “I think I might have found your biggest fan.” You smiled as you started to take your jumper off, grateful that you had put a shirt on underneath for once. Lucy laughed as she whipped off her top, thanking you as she slipped the hoodie on to keep her covered. You hugged Leah quickly before dragging Lucy away to find your new friend.
“Alexia wants to talk to you, pretty girl,” Lucy said as you pulled her back to the stands.
“Later,” you sighed, not really in the mood for anything Alexia had to say. “I want you to meet my new friend first.” You looked at her with a wide smile as you came to a stop in front of Lucie.
“Lucie with an -ie meet Lucy with a -y. Luce, this is my new friend, Lucie.” You did the unnecessary introductions.
“Hi,” Lucy grinned at the young girl. You handed the jersey off to her mum as you left them alone for a little bit, moving to interact with some of the other fans.
A little while later, familiar strong arms wrapped around your waist, distracting you from your conversation with Alessia and Lotte.
“Nosotras tenemos que ir, lovely” Lucy whispered, kissing your shoulder lightly.
“We get it; you speak Spanish.” Alessia teased, waving goodbye to you as you sent them both a kiss.
“Vamos,” you joked as you leant back into Lucy. Although your position made it a little awkward to walk, you were too comfortable to move.
“What reward do you want this week?” Lucy whispered in your ear as you entered the tunnel.
“Reward? But I got a card, two, in fact. Or did you miss the part where McCabe ran into me twice, and you went down a player?” You looked at her, confused.
“I know, but you were so, so sexy.” She squeezed you not-too-gently. “I’ve got to treat my pretty girl when she looks that good,” she teased, but you knew by the glint in her eyes that she was deadly serious. You hummed.
“I think I might have some ideas,” you mused as you leant back on her subtly, letting your head drop back on her shoulder.
“Good,” she whispered back, littering a series of kisses to your cheek. “My short, sexy defender.” She laughed.
“Oi,” you slapped her arm. “Enough with the short jokes.”
“Never, you get so riled up by them.” She laughed at your angry expression. “And you know exactly what that does to me,” she said lowly in your ear – a lasting promise of later left unspoken in the air.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Youth Team III
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You have a bad game
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You stared down at your gloved hands with a frown, like you couldn't quite believe that you missed it.
You should have caught it but one of Scotland's strikers came barrelling towards you and trapped your hand between her shoulder and the goalpost.
Your fingers throbbed badly and you just managed to block another shot but by a bare brush of your gloves. Your fingers pulsed with pain and you grit your teeth.
It was official.
You were having a bad game, by your standards at least.
Letting one goal past you could take but two were unacceptable. Your saves were sloppy and your footwork even worse. Your defence was having an off day too so there was nowhere to hide.
The armband around your bicep felt like a weight rather than a privilege as you struggled to keep the ball out of your net.
By the time the first half finished, you were disappointed in yourself, a pit deep in your stomach. Letting two goals past you felt like the end of the world. It felt like everything was going wrong and it was all made worse when you tugged off your gloves.
Two of your fingers were purple and swollen.
It made sense why they were throbbing now.
They were both curled over as well and felt stiff. You try to straighten them out and wince, biting down on the inside of your cheek.
This can't be happening.
You hide them under your shirt. If anyone saw then they would take you off. If they took you off then you wouldn't be able to redeem yourself.
Your mothers were in the crowd. You were wearing the captain's armband.
You didn't want Momma to see her daughter being taken out of the game.
You dig around in your bag, pulling out a popsicle stick that moster Frido gave you for emergencies and a roll of medical tape. You shove the stick between your two fingers and wind the tape around them, forcing them to straighten out.
They pulse in protest but you pop a painkiller and grit your teeth.
It's harder to play with two fingers in one finger hole but you're coping and no one seems to notice.
Your defence is still in shambles and you yell at them to get their act together. You're not really a yeller. You don't like to bark orders but you're getting desperate.
Usually, you can allow your defence to be a bit messy but you're not on form and you need them to start pulling their weight.
They don't and the ball skims your finger as you push it away.
"Organise yourselves!" You snap, your frustration bubbling up as your fingers throb in protest," Stop playing like children!"
This is one of the worst games of your life.
Your defence might as well be making daisy chains. Your midfielders keep losing possession and your forwards have grown complacent with your one goal lead.
You're not doing much better either.
None of your saves are smart. You're desperate to keep your measly lead even as your fingers throb and your armband feels tighter and tighter every minute you wear it.
The win leaves a bitter taste in your mouth when the final whistle is blown and you can't help but ignore your defensive line in an attempt to not blow up at them.
Your fingers look terrible as you shower and change, shoving your hand into your hoodie pocket so you don't have to look at your failure.
Your mothers are waiting outside in the car and the rain pelting the windows only seems to make your mood worse.
"A few close calls, huh, princesse?"
It's clear Morsa is trying to laugh this off but you don't want her to talk so you stubbornly plug your earphones in and turn them up until your mothers can hear it too.
You stay silent until you get home.
A win is a win but this is the last game of this international break and you can't help but feel angry at it all. Your flight back to Sweden is tomorrow and you've got two days of rest before you're back at training again.
"Have we got ice?"
It's the first words you've spoken since you left the changing room and your Momma raises a brow.
"Why do you need some?"
You show her your finger and the hasty splint you made.
"Princesse...What happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it," You reply, turning your head away so you don't have to make eye contact.
Momma looks like she wants to say more but she ends up just shaking her head and going off to find some ice.
Morsa throws your phone at you. "Call Zećira," She says.
"Call Zećira. You're upset. You didn't play as well as you hoped. We can't help so call Zećira."
Morsa doesn't give you much of a choice and you dial the number.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Hi..." Your voice is moody and sullen as Morsa stands in front of you with her arms crossed.
"Well, that doesn't sound good. Rough game?"
You look down at your bruised fingers. "Something like that?"
Zećira hums on the other line. "Did you try your best?"
"I guess..."
"That's not an 'I guess' question," She chides," I'm not asking if you were the very best today. I'm not asking if you played in your best form. But, for how you were feeling today, did you try your best?"
"Then that's all that matters."
"How many did they score past you?" Zećira asks," Come on, how many?"
"Two goals isn't much in the grand scheme of things. How many did Denmark get?"
"You didn't lose," Zećira says," And you tried your best. What else happened?"
"I hurt my fingers. They're all purple and...I didn't get them checked out."
"Put ice on them and get them checked as soon as you're back in Sweden, okay? I've got money placed on those hands winning a World Cup. You've got to keep them safe."
That shocks a laugh out of you. "I will."
"Good. Listen, you're still young. You're allowed to have off days. It's okay."
You sigh. "Things were easier when it was just as in the park."
Zećira laughs too. "I hope you remember those times when you're lifting the World Cup as a captain."
You scoff.
"I'm serious," She says," Maybe not your first World Cup but definitely one of them. I can see it."
"Whatever you say."
533 notes · View notes
adascore · 2 months
Hello! Not sure if you’re taking requests but would you consider doing an addition to TSS where young!arsenal reader was starting before Beth and Viv came back and has been benched majority of the time since (Kyra core☹️). Maybe during like the west ham game was one of the subs thrown on halfway through and after the loss made a snarky comment about “being thrown on to unfuck everything” type of thing to another teammate and Viv/beth overhear and think she’s talking about them (maybe they’re already a little insecure about losing such an “easy” game, self doubt post ACL) and things are super frosty and weird at home until one of them snaps and makes a comment about how they still wouldn’t have won even if R started. Hurt/comfort angst but with a happy ending!! Not sure if any of that strikes your fancy but I had the thought and you’re so talented:) no worries if not!!!
To Jump The Gun(ners)
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pairings: arsenal x teen!reader / meadema x teen!reader / kyra cooney-cross x arsenal!reader
warnings: the west-ham match. swearing. angst. awkwardness.
author’s note: OMG LOVE THIS IDEA ! like this was right up my alley I felt like 😭 thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy the story!
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February 4, 2024 - Essex, England
It had become a routine, seeing her name and number on the bench. She took a glance at Kyra, a knowing look in her eyes.
The young Arsenal homegrown wondered where it all had gotten wrong. Well, she knew the answer, but it wasn't exactly something she could say out loud to anyone.
She was transported back to the 2022/23 season, where she would warm the bench until either Vivianne or Beth were too tired or they needed to be rested for the next match.
Their injuries had changed everything.
Y/N not only became a regular starter, but became a vital part of their game. Her absence would be noticed.
She scored the goals that got them to the semifinals of the Champions League, keeping them level with 2x champions Wolfsburg.
However, Beth and Vivianne were back now. Alessia's arrival also didn't help much, the former Manchester United player having cemented herself into the starting line-up.
It also didn't help that Jonas was not a fan of rotating. Only in specific Conti Cup matches or against what he deemed 'weaker' teams in the league would he make changes to the usual starting XI.
In other words, she was back to step 1.
That's why it was hard to watch her teammates falling 2-1 behind against West Ham, with no one seeming to find an answer or any will to turn the game around. It was a painful spectacle.
In the 63rd minute, Jonas decided to throw herself, Kyra and Cloé in the match, and take out Vivianne, Victoria and Beth. It was a desperate attempt, and the three Gunners found themselves on the pitch, tasked with the challenging mission of trying to fix everything that had gone wrong so far.
Y/N and Cloé quickly created some chances but the West Ham defense or the swift reflexes of Mackenzie Arnold saw them go in vain.
The teenager could see the expressions of her teammates on the bench, visibly frustrated with how the match had unfolded since Alessia's successful header.
Vivianne couldn't hide the discontent in her eyes as she sat with a subtle shake of her head. Her partner, sitting beside her, noticed and Beth patted her thigh, offering silent support as they continued to watch their team scramble for a late equalizer.
As the final whistle blew, the disappointment within the team was high. Y/N did her usual post-match routine, and congratulated all the West Ham players on their win, while giving and receiving solace from her own teammates.
The teen found Kyra again, someone who she had found a friendship in over the months the Australian had joined the Gunners.
''You alright?'' The midfielder asked her, a dejected tone in her voice.
Y/N nodded. ''Yeah, you?''
''Not too great, but there are worse things in life.'' Kyra responded, trying to put the loss in perspective.
''True,'' the striker agreed, ''I can't believe he keeps putting us in these positions.''
Kyra nodded. ''You think he would learn after Tottenham.'' She sighed.
''Apparently, we're not good enough to start, but when he needs us to unfuck everything that happened, then he knows who we are.'' Y/N said, her frustration evident. The unfair treatment of some players during the season lingered in the air, leaving a bitter taste after the defeat.
As the youngsters continued their conversation on their way to the locker room, Vivianne and Beth, unintentionally overhearing their discussion, exchanged puzzled glances.
''Did you hear that? 'Unfuck everything'?'' Beth repeated her housemate's words to her partner.
Vivianne's brow furrowed as she processed what was said. ''Yeah,'' the Dutchwoman breathed out, ''not very nice.'' A hint of sadness lingered in her voice. It stung that their efforts were being discussed in such terms, especially by the young girl they were living with.
They didn't say much else to one another as they strolled through the corridor.
The atmosphere in the locker room was subdued, void of any banter and entertaining chats. Most of the players were already there as the couple walked in.
Beth took a glimpse at Y/N and Kyra who still seemed in a discussion with one another, although they were whispering now.
''Girls, we're a lot better than this.'' Kim broke the ice, a neutral expression on her face.
Everyone nodded at the captain, the collective disappointment from the match was visible. ''Well, it's done, we can't change anything about it. So, everyone just do a reset, try to get some sleep or distract yourselves on the bus, and I expect everyone with fresh minds and legs at training.''
The team nodded and weakly applauded Kim's small speech.
As the team began to disperse, Y/N caught Beth's eye, offering a faint smile in greeting. However, the winger's response was noticeably strained, her usually warm demeanor replaced by a subtle tension.
"Everything okay?" The younger one ventured, her concern evident.
Beth's smile faltered slightly, her gaze flickering away before returning to meet Y/N's. "Yeah, everything's fine." She replied, though her words sounded hollow even to her own ears.
The striker's brow furrowed further, a flicker of uncertainty clouding her features. "Are you sure?" She pressed gently, not used to this awkwardness from her teammate.
"I... yeah, I'm sure." She retorted, her voice tinged with irritation.
"Okay..." Y/N trailed off, unsure of how to proceed. Sensing the dismissiveness between them, she offered a hesitant smile before turning back to where she had been talking with Lia.
As her housemate walked away, Beth's expression hardened, a pang of guilt gnawing at her conscience. She knew she shouldn't act like this towards her, but her words had really struck a nerve for some reason and it was hard to pretend it didn't.
The drive home on the bus wasn't that different, though the atmosphere was more subdued due to the loss. Y/N and Kyra were seated next to each other, Katie and Caitlin sitting on the other side of them.
''You alright, Y/N?'' Caitlin asked, noticing the youngster's quietness.
Y/N looked up, glancing away from her nails to the older Australian player. She hesitated answering, not knowing if it was appropriate to say anything about her interaction with Beth.
She sat up straight and motioned for the three of them to huddle together over the small table. They got her message and did just that.
''Did anything happen on the bench or something? Cause I had this weird exchange with Meado, and it's just stuck in my head.'' She explained, her voice hushed.
They all frowned at her words. ''No, she was just frustrated about the game, but so was everyone else.'' Caitlin responded.
''What happened?'' Katie chimed in, curious to know about this exchange.
''I don't know. She was looking at me in the locker room, and I smiled at her, but she, I don't know, just looked weird at me. I asked her if she was alright, but she was kinda distant with me? She responded a little irritated so I left her alone, but it was weird.'' Y/N gave a small summary of the interaction.
"That is strange." Kyra mused, breaking the silence that had settled over their huddle.
They nodded at her words, agreeing with the young Australian.
''I didn't notice anything.'' Caitlin said with a pout, feeling sorry she couldn't help her younger teammate out. ''Me neither, kiddo.'' Katie added, a similar expression on her face.
Y/N smiled sadly, disappointed she wasn't any wiser on Beth. Katie rubbed her arm once she noticed her dejected expression. ''Hey, I wouldn't worry about it. It's a tough loss.''
The youngster nodded at the Irishwoman's words. ''Yeah, you're right.''
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Katie was not right.
As soon as she got in the car with the beloved couple it was clear that something had gone down for them to act in such a sour mood. Vivianne's knuckles were white against the steering wheel, while Beth stared out of the window, her expression unreadable.
Sensing the palpable tension, Y/N shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The youngster wanted to break the silence, but the words wouldn't come out. It felt like they were stuck in her throat.
The drive home felt like forever. Every minute made the atmosphere worse. Y/N tried to catch Vivianne or Beth's eye, hoping for some sign that things would get better, but there was nothing.
Car rides after losses were never filled with much conversation, but it had never been like this.
A wave of relief went through her as the car was parked in front of their apartment complex, longing for the comfort of her room where she could hide from whatever the situation was.
Y/N couldn't even come up with a guess on what had transpired. Did they have a fight? Did she do something? Did someone else do something?
She had absolutely no clue.
However, the tension seemed to follow them into their shared home. The silence had become even more deafening with each step they took.
Beth disappeared into her room without a word, while Vivianne headed straight for the kitchen, her movements stiff and mechanical. Y/N stood in the hallway, feeling like an outsider in her own home.
Their behaviors made her feel anxious, feeling that knot inside her stomach. What had happened during the game? What had caused them to retreat into themselves like this?
Unable to handle any of it longer, Y/N tentatively approached the Dutchwoman in the kitchen. "Um, Viv?" She began, her voice small.
Vivianne glanced up, her expression guarded. "Yeah?” She replied, accent heavy.
The younger girl hesitated, unsure of how to broach the subject. "I, uh, did, uh, something happen at the game?" She stammered, her words stumbling over each other in her haste to get everything out.
The striker's eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about?” She asked, her face neutral.
Her response only added to the youngest one's confusion. It seemed as though they were both dancing around a subject neither wanted to address.
"I-I just... noticed things were a bit off between everyone after the match," Y/N explained, her voice barely above a whisper, "and, well, the car ride home was... a bit weird, you know.”
Vivianne's expression softened slightly, though her guard remained up. ''Don't worry about it. Just… frustration from the game.''
But Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than just frustration. She wanted to press further, but the fear of causing further conflict held her back.
Instead, she offered a hesitant nod. ''Okay, good.'' She murmured to the floor, retreating back to her room with a heavy heart.
The Arsenal homegrown player pulled her phone out of her pocket, searching up Kyra's contact. It only took a few rings for the Australian to pick up, she was probably already on her phone as she was called.
''Hey.'' Her accent momentarily bringing a smile to Y/N's face.
''Hey, you're home?''
''Yeah, just arrived. What's up?''
There was a brief pause before Y/N continued. ''Things have gotten a bit weirder since, uh, on the bus.''
''Shit. What happened?'' She asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.
''It's just... the tension at home is almost suffocating," she explained, ''it was completely silent the entire time we were driving home, and when we got home, Beth immediately went to her room. I tried to ask Viv about, but she told me it was just frustrations, but it clearly is not just that.''
There was a moment of silence as Kyra processed Y/N's words. "That doesn't sound good," she finally replied, ''you really have no idea what might have happened? Maybe they had a fight or something?''
Y/N shook her head, even though her teammate couldn't see it. "No, that's the thing. I'm completely lost." She admitted, frustration lacing her words.
''Same. I wish I knew what to say to help.'' Kyra said softly.
''It's alright, Ky. Thanks for letting me ramble.'' Y/N chuckled, appreciating the opportunity to unload her worries onto her friend.
''It's fine, honestly. It must not be fun to be in this situation,'' the Matilda replied, feeling for her friend, ''if anything else happens you can always let me know, okay? I'm gonna have some dinner now.''
Y/N smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Ky. I really appreciate it.”
''Anytime. Take care, I'll see you at training.''
''You too. Bye, bye.'' They bid each other goodbye before hanging up the phone.
Y/N prepared to leave her room again, wanting to check if Vivianne had started dinner yet or not.
Just as she stepped into the hallway, she nearly collided with Beth, who was coming out of her room with a tight-lipped expression. The sudden encounter caught them both off guard.
''Shit, sorry.'' The younger one apologized first, giving her housemate an awkward glance.
''It's alright,'' Beth brushed off, ''uh, were you on the phone just now?" She asked, her brow furrowing slightly.
Y/N nodded. ''Uh, yeah, with Kyra.''
Beth's expression shifted, a flicker of something unreadable crossing her features. "Oh, Kyra." She murmured, her voice tight.
The younger girl simply stared at the winger, not knowing what to say to her words. "Is everything okay?" Y/N ventured, her voice hesitant as she searched Beth's face for any sign of what might be bothering her.
Beth's lips pressed into a thin line, and for a moment, she seemed lost in thought. When she finally spoke, her words were tinged with a hint of irritation. ''Everything's alright.''
Y/N offered a small, uneasy smile and nodded. "Oh, okay." She said, though her words felt hollow even to her own ears.
With a nod of acknowledgment, Beth turned to walk away. As she watched Beth disappear around the corner, she wondered if it had been something she had done. However, she couldn't recall saying or doing anything that day that would have provoked this kind of demeanor from the couple.
The young striker walked into the living room, noticing Vivianne bustling about in the kitchen. But what caught Y/N's attention was the hushed whispers exchanged between the couple, Beth and Vivianne not being subtle about their gossiping.
A sense of discomfort washed over the youngster as she hesitated in the doorway, unsure whether to interrupt or retreat unnoticed. But before she could make a decision, the Dutchwoman glanced up and caught her eye, her expression inscrutable.
''Hey, dinner is almost ready. Just some leftover pasta from yesterday.'' She informed Y/N, her tone somewhat forced as she attempted to maintain a facade of normalcy.
Y/N forced a smile. ''Nice, thanks, Viv.'' She answered, trying to ignore the awkwardness that hung in the air.
She retreated to the couch, feeling as if she wasn't welcome in the small space. Something was off, and she couldn't help but feel like she was on the outside looking in.
She scrolled on her phone for a few minutes before Vivianne called her to the table as the food was ready. As they gathered around the dinner table, the atmosphere remained strained, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
Vivianne served up the leftover pasta, her movements brisk as she avoided making eye contact with anyone. Beth sat across from Y/N, her expression unreadable as she picked at her food.
Y/N tried to focus on her food, but the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach made it difficult to swallow.
For a few moments, the only sound was the clinking of forks against plates, the silence punctuated only by the occasional awkward cough or clearing of throat.
Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, Y/N opened her mouth. "So, um, what did you guys think about the match?'' She asked the pair, her voice coming out more high than she had intended.
As if on cue, Vivianne and Beth glanced up from their plates at the same time.
''It was tough, but it shouldn't have been tough. We lacked a clear tactic.'' The experienced striker answered, filling up the silence.
Y/N nodded, relieved at least one of them responded to her attempt at conversation. She took a peek at Beth, who did not seem amused in the slightest to talk about the surprising defeat earlier that day.
''It was just another match of us fucking everything up, and you kids having to unfuck it all.'' Beth said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
The youngest's eyes widened slightly at the cutting remark, not expecting those words to come out of the Brit's mouth.
Vivianne shifted uncomfortably in her seat, casting a quick glance at Y/N before fixing her gaze on her partner. "Beth, that's enough.'' Her voice was stern, warning Beth that this was not the way to go about this.
But Beth ignored her girlfriend, her eyes fixed on Y/N with an intensity that made her squirm. ''No, she needs to learn to not talk about teammates that way, especially the ones that have just gotten back from serious injuries, and need time to reintegrate into the group.''
Y/N felt a flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck, she cast a desperate look at Vivianne, silently pleading for her to intervene and diffuse the situation before it escalated any further.
''Beth, I wasn't-''
''You weren't what? You weren't talking shit to Kyra about us right after the match? You weren't talking shit about us to Kyra on the phone just now?'' The oldest continued in an accusing tone.
Vivianne let out a sigh, her frustration evident as she attempted to defuse the situation. ''Beth.'' She said firmly, her gaze shifting between the two other people at the table.
''I wasn't talking shit about you guys. I would never do that.'' Y/N managed to let out, offended at the mere idea of her not appreciating the two women who'd let her move in with them a 1,5 years ago.
''Y/N, we heard you. On the pitch after the match, with Kyra.'' Beth responded bluntly.
Y/N swallowed hard, slightly ashamed of being caught. ''We were just... we were just frustrated, okay? That comment wasn't directed at any of you guys, it was more at Jonas, to be fair.''
The couple grew silent at the admission, realizing they had greatly misunderstood the two young girls' conversation. ''About Jonas?'' Vivianne repeated, her voice carrying a note of embarrassment.
The young striker nodded. ''Yeah, me and Kyra have just been a bit upset with our game time, that's all. It felt like a repeat of the Tottenham game.''
Beth and Vivianne exchanged a glance, coming to a silent understanding. ''We're sorry for jumping the gun on that one, darling. We really thought we needed to teach you some manners.'' The Brit nervously apologized with a chuckle.
''It's alright, we probably should've been a bit more discreet.'' Y/N brushed her apology off with a hand gesture.
''No, you two are in your full right to complain.'' Vivianne retorted, agreeing on the playing time matter.
The teenager waited a few moments before elaborating. ''I don't mind sitting on the bench, it's great to get rest, you know? But it almost feels like he doesn't trust me to get the game starting or something. I like to think I did great last season, so this kind of sucks.'' She opened up, not having voiced these thoughts to anyone but Kyra.
''You did amazing last season, you stepped up when we needed someone and the team will never forget that.'' Beth smiled, squeezing the youngster' s hand.
''It seems that Jonas forgot.'' Y/N muttered bitterly, looking down at her empty plate.
The couple silenced themselves at her mumbled words, not knowing what the appropriate response would be to cheer her up about the situation. They were indirectly responsible for the young girl to not get as much game time anymore, so whatever they would tell her, she would most likely not feel much better afterwards.
''Just focus on what you're doing right now. Show up to training, recover well, maximize everything in the minutes you do get. Show him that he should trust you to start, and that you deserve to have that spot in the line-up.'' Vivianne chimed in, her voice soft but resolute.
Y/N nodded at the older woman's words, though her demeanor still seemed dejected. ''Yeah, I'll continue to do that.'' It came out somewhat passive aggressive.
''I know it doesn't fix the situation, but you're my personal star girl, regardless whether you play or not.'' Beth softly smiled at her.
The teen managed to crack a small smile back, appreciating the sentiment. ''Thanks, Beth.''
''You're mine too.'' Vivianne added.
''Hey, that's my compliment for her! Find another one if you want to be cute!'' Beth scolded her partner, dramatically feigning annoyance.
The Dutchwoman frowned. ''Everyone calls her ‘star girl'! You're not original either!'' She pouted back.
Y/N couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the banter between the couple, happily accepting the momentary distraction from her frustrations.
Beth playfully rolled her eyes. ''At least I'm complimenting her!''
''Sorry that I was just giving useful advice, Bethany.'' Vivianne retorted.
''Useful.'' The Brit repeated, her voice heavily tinged with sarcasm.
Vivianne's mouth gaped, pretending to be offended. ''It was useful! That's what I would have wanted to hear at 19 year-old.'' She defended herself.
''19 year-old's want to hear praise, Viv. They want to be called star girls, not receive a lecture.'' Beth quickly replied, with a smirk.
''Y/N, it was useful, right?'' The older striker turned towards the teenager.
''Yeah, Y/N, tell Miss Miedema how useful her advice was.'' Beth chorused her words, grinning from ear-to-ear.
The youngster simply glanced between the two of them, before picking up her empty plate and standing up from her seat. ''I'm taking this as my sign to leave.''
She ignored their pleas with a satisfied grin, making her way to the kitchen to dump her plate, and walking back to her room.
The couple watched her depart, sharing a knowing look, a hint of amusement dancing in their eyes. ''She's gonna call Kyra, isn't she?'' Vivianne chuckled.
''She so is.'' Beth agreed with a laugh.
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pelova4president · 6 months
Won us the World Cup
Alessia Russo x Williamson!Reader
summary~ Leah couldn’t attend the World Cup so you had to take the Williamson name to the tournament. When you arrive in Australia and get roomed with Russo you thought you were just unlucky. Rooming with the blonde wouldn’t be a problem if there were two beds instead of one.
!warnings! smut
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Being Leah’s younger sister, you were destined to be a footballer. You wanted nothing more than to follow in your sisters footsteps, carrying the Williamson legacy further. Leah did her thing as a defender and the captain of England. You did your thing as a midfielder and Captain of the Under 23 of England.
You got scouted when you were about twelve when Arsenal found out that there were two Williamson’s. Arsenal had been your dream club, hearing Leah talk about the staff and team only made you want to work harder to get where she got.
When you finally got to play for the senior team you were so nervous. How could you ever meet the standards your sister set. Leah always said that you shouldn’t compare, her being a defender and you being a midfielder plus you were years younger.
It was an away game, Manchester United against Arsenal at Leigh Sports Village. Playing against United was always hard. Their defence was good and the Toone x Russo link-up was golden.
Jonas wanted to try something different, he was sure it would work since Beth, Viv and Kim were out for the season. He wanted Leah as a central midfielder. It wasn’t necessarily a bad decision, it was just a bit odd. Leah had always played as a defender but this was an attacking game.
You knew you couldn’t expect much. There was even a chance that you wouldn’t make your debut today but that was okay if it meant that you could get those three points.
The warming up went smoothly. You were doing passing exercises with Leah, who was talking you through the game. It helped with your nerves. It had always been like this, you didn’t really like to talk before games so you opted to listen to your sister and the tactics. Even when you were away for the England games you would call her before a game. She gave you a peptalk and ended with ‘i know you can do it y/n, you’re a Williamson, we thrive under pressure’ like she always did.
The game started and you had a bad feeling. Normally the stress and anxiety would fade away once the game had started but this time it kept blooming in your stomach.
It was the fifteenth minute when Leah fell onto the ground, screaming in pain and her clenched fist hit the ground. She was holding her leg with her other hand. The medics ran their way onto the field.
She wasn’t getting up and that’s when you knew it was bad, Leah always got up. Jonas was yelling at you to warm up and get ready to take Leah’s place.
This isn’t how you wanted to make your debut. You wanted to play with tour sister, not instead of.
Leah limped off the field with assistance of the medics. You could only stare at her with glassy eyes. She placed her hand on your shoulder and whispered “Go do you and impress everyone.”.
You jogged onto the field, taking the central midfielder place.
The game was rough and physical. They really wanted to win and you could feel that. There was a certain blonde striker who was making the game very difficult for you. In the extra time of the first half she even managed to score a goal for the home side.
The second half was even more physical than the first. The yellow cards were flying like the referee was Rebecca Welch, probably a Rebecca wanna be.
When the fulltime whistle blew you didn’t think of the loss, the only thought was Leah. Leah who was seriously injured. Leah who was crying when she limped off the field.
You ran towards the changing room but stopped when the United striker grabbed you by your shirt. You looked at her with a confused expression on your face, why wasn’t she saying anything. “What do you want? I need to get to Leah.” you told her, sounding a bit more annoyed than you intended to. “Uh yeah sorry, i just wanted to say that you played good.. Can you send my best wishes to Leah please?” she frowned.
You nodded and ran to find Leah. When you walked into the physio room she was laying on the bed. With puffy eyes and red cheeks she gave you one of her sad upside down smiles. You knew what it meant, you didn’t have to ask. You saw Beth and Viv do theirs, Leah had just tore her ACL.
You laid down beside her, your head resting on her shoulder. “Leah, they won. I’m sorry.” you whispered. She took a deep breath “I know.” she replied. The both of you stayed like that for a bit before the whole team came walking in.
A few days later the doctors confirmed what you all suspected, Leah had done her ACL and would miss the World Cup.
You tried not to focus on the World cup. Viv wouldn’t play, Beth wouldn’t play and Leah wouldn’t play. Leah tried to hype you up for the whole World Cup thing saying things like ‘Maybe you’ll even get to play, then there’ll atleast be one Williamson playing’ you shrugged her off, not wanting to think about it. If you even thought about this tiny chance your hopes would get crushed.
It was when you got a call from an anonymous phone number that you got a bit confused. You didn’t really read any of the emails you got from England since you’d probably be let down. Leah asked who was calling and you shrugged. “Y/n, pick up!” she yelled from the kitchen.
You did eventually pick up and were met with the voice of Sarina Wiegman. “Hey, i’m speaking with y/n Williamson. Right?” you were too stunned to speak and looked at your sister who was holding up her phone, filming like a proud mom. “.. uhh yeah, yeah this is y/n.” you finally spoke. “Well y/n, i’ve got good news. I’ve watched you play, for Arsenal and the England Under 23’s. You’ve had quite the season. So i just wanted to let you know that you’ve been selected for the World Cup squad.” she continued.
You looked at Leah with wide eyes, she was smiling at you and reminded you to reply. “T-thanks Mrs. Wiegman.” you thanked her. She wished you a good weekend and hung up.
Leah had always been the better one with words. She was the perfect captain, she could always say just the thing you needed to hear. And she did just that while you were stuck on the couch. “Fucking hell kid, you’re going to a World Cup. I know you’re gonna do the Williamson name proud.” she hugged you.
You hadn’t cried in a long time, not even when Leah had done her ACL. You didn’t really like to show anyone when you were hurt or just emotional. But now you couldn’t help but shed a tear. The Williamson’s are still going to the World Cup.
Lotte and you arrived at St. George’s park, apparently the first ones. You didn’t really know anyone that well so o it was relieving you didn’t have to walk into a full hall. You knew that you were the youngest with your twenty years but you were not aware of the height difference between you and the other girls.
Lotte was already tall but Millie Bright was a fucking wall. It soothed you a bit when mini Jordan Nobbs came walking in, not only did you know her but she was also just a bit shorter than you.
Just when you thought everyone had arrived two other girls came walking in. Ella Toone, who you knew from her goal in the Euros and that blonde striker, Alessia Russo. The one that wanted to talk to you after that horrible game.
You didn’t hate her. You quite admire her off the field. She seems like a sweet person but that goal and that loss really kept you from liking her. Alessia had followed you right after the game so you followed her back… a few days later, just because you’re too stubborn for your own sake.
You made eye contact but broke it almost immediately, walking over to little Jordan to bully her a bit more about her height.
It wasn’t long before Georgia and Keira had found you. G came over sprinting towards you screaming like she hadn’t seen you in years. “oh my god! You’re here! Tiny Williamson getting big!” she hugged you. Keira joined the grouphug and you couldn’t help but smile up at them. You knew that Leah not being there was hard for them so you wanted to do everything to make them feel a better.
The weeks before going to Australia were perfect. You could really prove yourself at the trainings and you got to bond with the group, most of the group. You played table tennis with Hempo, Niamh and Lucy. Made tiktoks with Millie, Rach and tiktok queen Mary ofcourse. Watched movies with G, Keira, Chlo and Tooney. You thought Toone and Russo were inseparable but everytime you were talking to Ella, Alessia was nowhere to be found.
It was when you got on your flight to Australia that you interacted with the blonde. You were seated next to eachother, you didn’t really mind since you got the window seat.
Alessia walked over to her seat and saw you. She said a quick hi and sat down, putting her headphones on immediately.
You were flying for about three hours when you felt something heavy on your shoulder. Alessia fell asleep on you. You couldn’t really move now, could you. She was quite cute when she was asleep, when she was awake too but nobody needed to know that you thought that.
It wasn’t much later that you fell asleep too, on Alessia.
ellatoone posted on their story
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You woke up to a blushing Alessia looking at her phone. You wiped the sleep out of your eyes and peeked at her phonescreen. Fucking Tooney posted the two of you on her story.
Alessia didn’t want to make it awkward so she tried to make conversation. Everyone knew you weren’t really a talkative person, you liked listening and that’s what you’ve always done. But with Alessia it was different. Even though you mostly listened, the conversation was still two sided. She talked about her family, how she got into football and that game.
“I didn’t know what happened to Leah until i saw it on the news. I’m really sorry y/n but you’ll make her proud. You’re a really good player.” she told you and you just smiled at that. She was really sweet.
The rest of the twenty hours went by quickly. Alessia talked you through it and you let her listen to your music. She eventually convinced you to listen to her country music, it wasn’t for you but it made her happy so you’d listen to it with her.
When you arrived at the hotel where you’d stay for the tournament the rooms got divided. G got roomed with Kei, tiny Nobbs with big Bronze, brickwall Mills with Rach, Tooney with Mazza and you with Alessia.
You got quite on now so it wouldn’t be a problem right? The two of you carried your suitcases into your room only to realise there was only one fucking bed. Both you and the blonde stared at is for a while before one of you spoke up. “I can sleep on the couch.” you offered and tried looking for the non-existent couch. “Okay so.. there is no couch but i’ll take the floor.” you tried again.
Alessia looked at you and shook her head. “No, we’ll both be playing. Let’s just share the bed, no problem.” she told you.
Yeah, yeah.. no problem.
You got changed into your nightwear only to discover you didn’t pack your pyjamas. You didn’t think you’d need it since it was warm in Australia and at the Under 23’s you’d never had a roomie before.
So while Alessia was doing her skincare in the bathroom you got into bed, in your sportsbra and boxers.
The blue eyed women walked into the room with a silky pyjama set on. You read a book for a little while and Alessia was on her phone for a bit. She put her light out, signalling that she wanted to sleep so you did the same.
Hearing the little snores you knew she was asleep. Arms wrapped themselves around you. Alessia was a cuddly person, you knew that but you weren’t at all. You only hugged your sister from time to time and were forced into grouphugs from G, Kei and Leah.
You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t like it atleast a bit. It was comfortable, she was comfortable. When Alessia’s legs tangled into yours you were already gone, both of you sleeping peacefully.
Alessia woke up the next morning with her arms still around you and with one leg draped over your hip. She didn’t really want to move but she had to, it would be weird if you woke up to her holding you like that.
Alessia had had a little crush on you ever since that game. Tooney saw her looking at you with lovesick eyes and knew she had to help het bestie out. She followed you on Alessia’s phone when she saw her bestfriends stalking your instagram for the third time that day.
The tall women climed out of bed and started to get ready for breakfast. You woke up minutes after her, hearing the shower running and figuring out that your roomie was taking a shower.
Walking into the dinner room everyone was already seated. You looked at your options, there was a chair free next to Alessia and one next to Lucy. You walked over to Alessia and sat down. Tooney was telling everyone about her next YouTube video.
The next week flew by. You’d walked with Alessia, went out for a coffee with Alessia and shopped with …Alessia. You did pretty much everything with Alessia. You had asked her if Tooney minded that you were spending so much time with her but she said that Tooney had had enough time with her so it didn’t bother her.
It was the day before your first game. Alessia and you walked hand in and, wandering on the beach. You knew you weren’t going to play, Alessia was though. There was a hammock on the beach, one where the two of you would always sit after dinner and training. Both of you rested there for a bit, your head on her chest listening to her heartbeat.
“I quite like it like this, i don’t want to go back to rainy London.” you told her. You could feel and hear her laugh “I like Australia better too.”. You looked up at the blue eyed girl and spoke again “Alessia, you’re really nice you know… And quite comfortable too.”. She looked you in the eyes and kissed you on your lips.
Alessia didn’t know where all this confidence came from but she was happy she did because you kissed her back. When she took her lips off yours she whispered “Hmm, thank you baby.” you smiled up at her with lovesick eyes. She knew you could put up this though girl act around others but you secretly liked to be the little spoon and be called all those cheesy nicknames she gave you.
alessiarusso99 posted on their story
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y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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The two of you went to sleep like you did every night ever since the first one, cuddled up close to eachother.
You woke up the next morning with Alessia by your side. You had breakfast, went on a little walk and drove to the stadium.
The game went alright, a 1-0 win over Haiti.
The second game had the same outcome, against Denmark.
The third game went a lot better, Alessia scored the first goal in the 4th minute. Even though you hadn’t won yet it certainly felt like it. Your gir- best- friend? had just scored her debut World Cup goal.
Alessia walked off the pitch at halftime and you sprung on her. “Lessi you scored! You scored!” you yelled and she let out one of her adorable giggles. You got off her back and she gave you one of her amazing hugs.
The whole team was staring but that didn’t really matter, right?
When you got to your hotel again you kissed her, hard. She was a bit surprised but leaned in to kiss you back. When it got hard to breath you pulled away. Alessia looked at you like she was starved and started pulling your top off.
She looked so hot. Her hair was wet and in a bun and she was stood before you in only a sports bra and shorts. “Hmm, like the view baby?” she teased.
You kissed her again and she started unclipping your bra. The blonde kissed down your neck and let your bra fall to the floor. You couldn’t hold your moans in anymore when she started biting down your neck, leaving bruises everywhere. “Fuck Lessi, more please.” you begged her.
“Yeah, tell me what you want pretty girl.” she ordered lifting you up by your ass, one leg on either side of her hips. “Want you please.” you whimpered.
Alessia laid you down on your shared bed and took your shorts and boxers down in one motion. She looked up at you, her eyes a little darker now. Kissing down your stomach she ended just above your pussy. She ran her finger through your pussy and smirked. “So wet for me hmm. Such a good girl.” she took her finger into her mouth and moaned at your taste.
“Fuck Alessia, please.” you cried. Taking her finger out of her mouth she started licking your pussy. You whined when she stoped for a bit and you could feel her smirk. She teased you a bit more before sliding a finger in. “Look at you, taking it like a champ baby” she praised you. If she didn’t already know you had a praise kink she definitely did now.
She climbed on top of you again, kissing you and biting down your lip. You gasped in surprise and she took that chance to slide her tongue in. She put another finger in your pussy “Baby, you’re so fucking tight for me.” she whispered against your lips.
She pumped her fingers harder and harder, you felt yourself nearing the edge. “Lessi- Lessi i’m gonna cum.” you screamed. “That’s not how you ask. You’re a good girl, try again.” she frowned. “Please- Alessia please make me cum” you corrected.
She smirked and watched as you came. You’ve never seen her look so arrogant in your life. With a smug smile she spoke again “You enjoyed that baby?”. You rolled you eyes at her and was about to kiss her again when someone knocked at the door.
“We’re about to bake some cookies, see you in ten love birds!” Tooney yelled. You couldn’t help but blush at that, love birds. You knew you were in love, but was she? You’ve just fucked, she just gave you the best orgasm of your life so are you just fuck buddies or…
You got in your head again and Alessia kissed you out of it. “Hmm what’re you thinkin’ about pretty girl?” she asked you. “I don’t know, just zooming out i guess.” you lied.
Alessia knew you lied but she also knew that pressuring you into telling her wouldn’t work so she let it be “ ‘kay you can tell me everything you know that right.”. You hugged her and went into the bathroom to change into something more comfortable and… more suitable. You fixed your hair and made sure no sign of sex could be seen.
You did a good job, you thought, until you walked into the big kitchen and went over to Georgia who looked at your neck and back to your eyes. “Y/n, is that a hickey!” she screamed. You pulled your hood up and shook your head no. “Georgia, why’d you have to yell that man” you scolded her. Keira came walking over and took your hood off. “Oh my god, who gave you this hick- all these hickeys.” they started to inspect your whole neck.
You looked around only to find Alessia giggling with Tooney and sending you an evil wink across the room.
After the duo was done inspecting the damage you walked over to Alessia. “Why didn’t you warn me!” you whisper yelled. “It’s more fun this way babe.” she argued. You rolled your eyes and she started tickling you.
The evening ended with some good cookies and you even managed to watch a marvel movie without Tooney asking questions every minute.
alessiarusso99 posted on their story
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Before you knew it England were in the World Cup Final. Lauren James and Ella Toone had both gotten a second yellow card in the game before so they couldn’t play the final. You knew how terrible Ella felt about it, Alessia told you how she felt like she disappointed everyone.
Even though this wasn’t good news it did mean that you had to start. You got to make your World Cup debut.
You were in the changing room when Leah called. “Leah i feel sick” you told her. “I’m gonna start Leah.” you said panicking. Leah had never heard you so stressed about a game. “Y/n, you’re gonna do good, just be yourself.” she told you.
“Listen, i just wanna tell you now okay. I’m dating Alessia, well i think we’re dating. I don’t actually know. She’s really nice and she’s beautiful and i think i love her. She even kissed me but i don’t know how to ask her.” you rambled to your sister. “Oh my god. Y/n this is really not the perfect timing. Tell her about how you feel after the game, i’m happy for you. I know you can do it y/n, you’re a Williamson, we thrive under pressure. Go on and bring it home.” she spoke. “I love you” you whispered and hung up.
The game was about to begin. There were a lot of Spain fans but even more England fans. This was it. This was the big final.
The whistle blew and the game started. The first half was intense. A few Spanish player had gotten a yellow. Mary had to really fight to keep a clean sheet but she did it.
The second half was pure pressure. There were dangerous tackles and unfair challenges but the referee didn’t give anyone an advantage.
It was the 88th minute when Keira made a good tackle and took the ball away from the opponent. She passed the ball onto Georgia who dribbled past two players on the left side of the field. You were free and Keira saw the opportunity to pass to you. The ball landed at your feet, you only had to get the ball to Alessia who had a perfect position in front of the goal. You gave her a through ball and she shot straight into the top bins.
You were fucking winning in the 90th minute of the World Cup final.
You looked around the field searching for someone to run to when you saw Alessia sprinting towards you. She picked you up “I fucking love you y/n!” she yelled. Before you could register what she had just confessed the whole team sprung on the both of you.
But the game wasn’t over yet. You still had to play five minutes of extra time. Spain made it hard, you had to foul a player in order to keep it 0-1.
When the final whistle blew you dropped to your knees. Alessia scored the winning goal and you assisted her. This couldn’t be real.
Alessia was searching for you. Tooney saw her looking around and hugged her “Go and get your girl Lessi.” she whispered and pointed towards you. Alessia gave her bestfriend a quick smile and made her way towards you.
“So pretty girl, made the winning assist huh.” you heard her say. You took you hands off you eyes and looked up at her. She was beaming down at you like you were the World Cup trophy yourself. Alessia took your hands in hers and pulled you in for a hug and a quick kiss on your cheek.
“Did you mean what you said?” you asked. Alessia didn’t answer. “I mean with the ‘i love you’ thing?” you clarified. You felt her chuckle “Yeah i meant it. I really love you babe, even more now that you’ve won us the World Cup.”. You knew that you hadn’t exactly won England the World Cup, the whole team did but it still felt special when she said it.
“I love you too Lessi.” you mumbled.
“Y/n.. i’m moving to Arsenal.” you heard her say. Speechless you hugged her harder. Both of you walked towards the stands, where your family was, where Leah was.
Alessia still had your hand in hers. You were looking for your sister when Alessia asked you something. “You wanna be my girlfriend?” she asked like it was the most normal question. “Uhh yeah Lessi, i’d love too actually yeah” you rambled.
You walked over to your sister who saw everything. “So, how’d it go?” Leah asked. “Well, don’t know if you’ve noticed but we won the World Cup.” you joked. Leah rolled her eyes “Yeah i can see that. I mean how did the Alessia thing go?”. You smiled from ear to ear “You mean my girlfriend who’s coming to Arsenal after the summer?”.
You spent the entire summer with Alessia by your side. You met her family and she met yours. It was quite perfect, she was perfect.
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liked by lucybronze and 127.224 others
post World Cup haze
leahwilliamsonn little sis is getting big
↳ y/nwilliamson Leah i’m 20
ellatoone cheesy 🧀
alessiarusso my pretty girl
stanwaygeorgia got those hickeys from someone
↳ leahwilliamsonn what hickeys??!!
woso4evr wait who’s next to her on those pics?
lessitoone11 is that Alessia on the second photo
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liked by ona.batlle and 142.819 others
won us the World Cup
leahwilliamsonn i still need to have a talk with you
↳ keirawalsh me too
↳ stanwaygeorgia me three
↳ y/nwilliamson oh my god
ellatoone third wheeling
↳ alessiarusso99 i’ve been third wheeling with you and joe for a while now
ellieroebuck_ cute ❤️
williamsons88 THAT’S Y/N
When Arsenal had officially announced the signing of Alessia you were happy. You’d spoken to Alessia about moving in and decided that that was the best thing for the two of you right now. Alessia was excited but nervous about the reactions to her transfer but it didn’t really matter anymore because it was the best decision, being with you.
alessiarusso99, arsenalwfc
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liked by y/nwilliamson and 302.739 others
she’s here and she’s a gunner.
comments disabled
A/N i wrote this fic in like 4 hours straight so i don’t know what to think of it but it’s definitely my longest fic yet. Alessia is so so gorgeous in the first pic. Also if you have any music recs send them in because i’m getting tired of listening to my playlists for hours while writing.
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lovinpelova · 6 months
good girl | j. fleming
summary; jessie finds out you have a praise kink. [SMUT]
🎵 cliffs edge - hayley kiyoko
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"you played so well today my girl."
jessie mumbled against your temple as she kissed it sweetly, hand resting comfortably on your waist with her other redirecting your water bottle to her mouth cheekily. a bright red blush spread across your cheeks at the praise, yourself unable to move at the words she'd just spoken, knowing she didn't mean to rile you up but had unknowingly done it anyways. you and jessie had only been together seven months, so whilst sex had obviously already been explored (a lot) you were still too shy to tell her about your liking for praise.
"thanks jess, you too. my midfield maestro."
you wrapped your arm around her waist as she smiled down at you, staying like that when emma pulled you all in for a teamtalk. you'd just played liverpool and won 5-1 with yourself bagging an assist and goal, jessie only playing nine minutes due to emmas stubborn nature but still managing to make an unmissable impact in midfield.
the canadian took note of how you froze up for a couple seconds at her praise, thinking you were maybe just shocked at her sudden appearance and blushing in response like you always do when complimented. she brushed it off and thought nothing of it, the rest of your post-match routine going smoothly from in the changing rooms to when you'd just gotten out of the shower at home. luckily you didn't need to make any food afterwards as you'd already had a pre-ordered meal delivered to you after the match, meaning you and jessie could relax for the rest of the night.
that's when jessie decided to pounce.
her back rested against the pillows of your l-shaped couch whilst you were sat inbetween her legs, your back facing her front. she rested her head on your shoulder and gave you the odd kiss whenever she felt like it, arms tightening around your waist whilst yours gently held her hands in place on your stomach. the tv was playing one of your favourite shows in the background, neither of you watching it for the past five minutes as jessie began trailing kisses further down your neck, then back up to teasingly bite at your earlobe before repeating just to be a pain in the ass.
"have i ever told you how good you are for me baby?"
your grip on her wrists tightened whilst your breath hitched audibly, the canadian smirking into your neck as she continued kissing along your pulse point. she knew she'd hit the target - and she got a bullseye.
"yeah, y/n/n?"
you turned your head to look into her eyes for a moment, closing them afterwards and leaning your head back on her shoulder in a silent command for her to keep going. whether it was for her to keep talking like that or continue her actions she didn't know, so she took control of the situation and continued doing both.
"don't stop."
you whispered breathlessly against her ear, the midfielder grinning at the way your hands were guiding hers around your body. they dipped under your shirt to softly caress your breasts in all the ways you liked, jessie blushing at the soft moan you let out and continuing her actions. her lips returned to your neck and began nipping lightly to leave marks that wouldn't stay for long or be too painful, arms relaxing lightly to give you full control of where her touch travelled to, a grin crossing her face as they were dragged under your waistband.
"you think you've earned this?"
"mhm- haven't done anything bad i promise."
the midfielder chuckled at your neediness, now knowing for definite that you had a praise kink- and you had it bad.
her fingers moved further down into your underwear and began slowly rubbing your clit in firm circles, lips trailing down your shoulder as your head lulled back completely against hers. your hand came up to grab at the bottom of her neck for a sense of relief, tugging on her baby hairs to show her she was doing well so far. jessie continued her movements for a couple more moments to rile you up fully before slowly moving her fingers to dip inside your wetness, grinning devilishly at the whimper you let out with your fingers gripping her neck tighter.
"don't tease me baby."
"hmm, good girls don't tell people what to do. they ask nicely, don't they princess?"
the midfielder continued circling your entrance with her fingertips, occasionally moving back up towards your puffy clit and brushing over it before repeating her actions. jessie wasn't giving you any friction - her legs keeping yours open and arm keeping your hips down - she wanted to keep you like that until you broke. she wanted you begging.
"i am a good girl-"
"no, you're not."
she replied sternly, raising her eyebrows at the way you whined in frustration and restlessly moved about to find her touch, groaning when her fingers stopped their movements completely. jessie grabbed your face with her other hand and turned it towards hers, eyes meeting yours with a disapproving look.
"you wanna try that again y/n?"
the tone of voice she used had you dripping, especially with the way she was gripping your face so harshly as she asserted her dominance. she'd never been this rough - this mean - before, but you weren't complaining at all.
"please jess."
"i need more than that and you know it."
the canadian heard you try mask another whimper, her eyebrows raising in suspicion as she tilted her head for you to go on.
"stop being lazy and ask nicely. earn it."
"please jessie- don't tease me anymore. i want it so bad baby please give it to me. i'll be good."
seemingly approving of your words she let go of your face before pulling you into a heated kiss, pulling back to bite your bottom lip as she sunk her fingers inside of you. jessie relished in the choked moan you let out and eventually let go of your lip, beginning to move her fingers with a slight curl to brush against your g-spot slowly.
"that's it baby. bein' a good girl now, aren't you?"
wordlessly nodding your head in response, your hand went down to grip at hers that was resting on your waist, throwing your head back again with a guttural moan at a particularly deep stroke jessie supplied you with. you bucked your hips into jessies palm to meet her thrusts, pleased she let you move however you wanted to now that you'd asked so nicely for it. her lips scattered across your neck to lick along your jawline and pulse point, fingers speeding up every second as her thrusts had her bicep bulging out with the force she was using to please you.
"who's my good girl, hm?"
a deep moan escaped your throat as it was followed by a string of high pitched ones, jessies name beginning to sound like a mantra to you.
"c'mon baby. don't good girls speak when they're spoken to?"
you nodded your head as jessie did alongside you, mockingly of course, loving to humiliate you every now and then just to see the way you'd blush. her fingers were knuckle-deep by now, completely curled and hitting your g-spot directly with every thrust as your legs began spasming and walls started to clamp down on her digits, tightening with every thrust.
"fuck, so tight."
the canadian mumbled to herself, knowing you only started to get like that when you were nearing the edge. jessie made you feel far too comfortable for you to ever be this tight unless you were near an orgasm.
"i'll ask you again, yeah? who's my good girl?"
her teeth grazed your earlobe teasingly as her thumb came up at an awkward angle to rub your needy clit, a smirk falling on her face at the way your grip tightened on her neck whilst you moaned out her name when your orgasm came crashing down on you.
"me jess! fuck, that's me baby! so good- fuck."
your dominant hand went down to hers that was inside your shorts, pushing it impossibly deeper into you whilst your hips bucked upwards, then pulling her fingers away before pushing them back inside as far as they could go with your hips meeting them in slow but deep thrusts. the canadian watched in awe as your other hand travelled beneath your shorts to roughly and frantically rub at your clit with your teeth biting your lower lip, her lips whispering praise against your skin as she let you guide her movements to your own liking.
you eventually slowed down your movements and let go of her hand, jessie taking that as a sign to pull out as you recovered from your mind-blowing orgasm. she brought her fingers up to her mouth and sucked your arousal off them, moaning in pleasure at the taste before turning her attention back to you.
"you okay baby?"
it took a couple moments for you to respond but you eventually did, still catching your breath with your legs twitching every couple seconds, the way they tingled making you let out a dopey grin and string of blissed out moans as your body relaxed further into jessie.
"that was the best orgasm i've ever had."
the pair of you laughed together as you pulled jessie in for a soft kiss, stroking your thumb over her cheek with her arms wrapping further around your waist.
"we should do that more often."
"i won't let you have sex with me unless you speak to me like that from now on."
you replied instantly, your girlfriend scoffing at your demand as she kissed further along your shoulder, letting you calm down some more before focusing on the tv again whilst you relaxed in her arms until you fell asleep out of pure exhaustion from the truly unimaginable orgasm your girlfriend just gave you.
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gunnerfc · 3 months
Mommy? Sorry. | Alexia Putellas x Barça!Reader (18+)
Summary: you call Alexia ‘mommy’ for the first time
Warnings: there is literally no plot, jumps straight into smut, calling alexia ‘mommy’, strap use (r receiving) top alexia, bottom reader, alexia calling r ‘good girl’ and ‘princess’, hair pulling, strap sucking, use of the word ‘cock’ lol 
WC: 1.1K 
AN: is this on my wips list? No! But the idea popped into my head while watching the game and I needed to write it lol – all translations are from google so, sorry if they are not 100% accurate!
Alexia’s tight grip on your hips as she roughly thrusts her hips, the strap attached to her hips hitting deeper inside you with each thrust. The captain had you bent over the desk in the Madrid hotel, hands digging into your skin and your moans filling the room.
“Eres una buena chica (you’re such a good girl),” the blonde groaned as her skin hit yours. You were fresh off another win over Real Madrid and Alexia wanted to celebrate you scoring two goals and assisting her goal privately. 
You moaned loudly at the praise from Alexia, every time she told you how good you were, you felt lightheaded. Praise from Alexia as both your girlfriend and your captain meant everything and the midfielder was always there to make sure you knew just how good you were.
Your hands tightened around the edge of the desk as you felt Alexia’s strap hit that familiar spot, bringing you one step closer to the edge. You knew she was holding back despite how rough she was being. If there was one thing Alexia hated the most, it was seeing you in any amount of pain but right now you needed her to be rougher with you. 
You needed her to go faster, the pent-up tension from how physical the game was had yet to break loose. The blonde knew how to read your body for signs and she knew what you wanted from her, but she didn’t want to give it to you just yet. 
Her hands pushed your hips against the hard desktop, pinning you against the surface as her hips continued snapping against yours. The loud sound of her skin hitting yours mixed with your loud moans left little to the imagination and you could only hope most of your teammates were still out celebrating.
Your breathing was heavy as you moved your hands to rest on the surface, propping yourself on your arms as best as you could with how Alexia had you pressed against the desk. You felt one of Alexia’s hands leave your hips and suddenly it was wrapped in your hair, pulling your head back slightly. 
Alexia leaned forward until her front was almost flushed with yours to whisper in your ear. “Me estás tomando muy bien la polla, princesa (you’re taking my cock so well, princess),” the captain husked, lightly biting your earlobe as she pulled away. Alexia placed small kisses along your shoulder blade, her hips still not speeding up like you needed them to.
Alexia let go of your hair without warning and your head jerked forward, her hand sliding around your naked torso toward your chest. Her large hand groped one of your breasts, kneading the soft skin in her hand, before letting go to pinch your hardened nipple. Your breathing was heavy as your eyes rolled back, the pleasure was amazing but you needed her to ruin you.
“M-mommy, p-please,” you begged, “harder,” you whined in between loud moans. You didn’t realize right away what you had said, but you didn’t care at the moment.
Alexia’s hips faltered at your words, unsure if she heard you correctly. The blonde’s hips almost came to a stop as she processed what you said and how hearing you call her ‘mommy’ turned her on more than she would have ever thought. 
“Dilo otra vez (say it again),” Alexia ordered, but your loud moans meant you didn’t hear her. “Dije, dilo de nuevo, princesa (I said, say it again, princess),” Alexia repeated, this time in her “captain’s voice” which gained your attention, as it always does because of how attractive she sounds when she’s commanding the team.
“Mommy, please! He sido una buena chica (I’ve been a good girl!)!” you whined loudly, tears threatening to fall from your eyes as the immense pleasure you were experiencing. 
Alexia didnt respond verbally, instead her hands pushed your hips further into the desk and her hips started slamming against yours much harder than they ever had. You gasped loudly before it turned into a long moan, the feeling of Alexia’s strap buried deep within you had you in a state of bliss. 
Alexia gave you exactly what you wanted, she was fucking you harder and faster than she ever had. With your eyes tightly closed and your back arched, you felt the familiar coil in your lower stomach start to break. You both knew you wouldn’t last much longer. 
“Ven por mi, mi buena niña (come for me, my good girl),” Alexia ordered as she kept her hips moving at a steady pace.
With a loud moan, you let go, coming around her strap. Alexia didn’t let up, her hips stayed moving in you, working her way to her own orgasm. You whined at the oversensitivity but your whines turned into shallow chants of “please” as you felt a second orgasm washing over you. 
Alexia’s hips stuttered as she felt her own orgasm hit, pausing her hips as the strap bottomed out. The only sounds filling the room were both of you heavily breathing, trying to calm yourselves down. Alexia’s head rolled back as the intensity of her orgasm before her eyes refocused on you, bent over the desk with her strap buried in you. The blonde slowly pulled the toy out of you, causing you to whimper at the loss of contact. Your arms that were propping you up were weak but right before they could give out, Alexia turned you around, pulling you into a deep kiss. 
Your mouth moved against hers, letting her control the kiss. Your naked chest was flushed with hers and you could feel the strap attached to her waist hitting your thigh. Alexia pulled back, a string of saliva lingering between the two of you.
“Sé una buena niña y limpia la polla de mami (be a good girl and clean mommy’s cock),” Alexia croaked as her thumb swiped across your bottom lip. You nodded obediently as you lowered to your knees in front of her.
You looked up at her as you took the cum covered toy in your mouth, taking it to the hilt. The sight of you on your knees with her strap down your throat was one of Alexia’s favorite sights. She kept eye contact with you as you started sucking on the strap, moaning around the toy as best as you could as you tasted yourself on it. 
Drool started dripping out the sides of your mouth as you felt the toy touch the back of your throat. You gagged lightly at the feeling which spurred Alexia on, as she moved her hands to gather your hair into a makeshift ponytail. Alexia held your hair as her hips started moving slightly, not wanting to hurt you but wanting you to feel enough of the toy. 
You let Alexia fuck your mouth with the strap, taking her fully without complaining. You were her good girl after all and you wouldn’t disappoint her. You two were far from over for the night now that you unlocked something within the captain, and you made good use of the word as you begged and whined for more orgasms that night.
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viennakarma · 4 months
What would I do (without you)
Fernando Alonso x Reader
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Summary: When Fernando is in a very ugly crash, your anxiety gets the best of you, luckily, he’s there to comfort you.
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: female!reader, established relationship, hurt/comfort, anxiety, Fernando’s crash in Australia (2016), happy ending, not beta read
Relationship: Fernando Alonso x Reader
Note: This is a little treat inspired by the unfortunate crash Fernando went through in Australia, 2016. I'm sorry if it's rushed or full of mistakes. Comments and feedback are appreciated xx
The day was perfect, sunny, warm and you had been accompanying Fernando the whole day, and he wanted you close to him at all times possible, unless he had a meeting or press.
You sat on an armchair, watching as Fernando dressed in his racing gear. You unabashedly watched as he undressed from his shorts and team shirt into his undershirt and overalls.
“You’re staring,” he pointed, not looking at you as he adjusted his clothes.
“What? Can’t a girl stare at her man?” You joked, smirking.
“She can, not when I shouldn’t get distracted by a pretty girl.”
Before the race started, you hugged Fernando, pecked his lips quickly and wished him good luck.
You watched the race from the garage, through the screen, headphones firmly around your head. He had a good start, and was climbing from midfield up.
He was going to turn 2 when you saw that his right front tire touched the left back tire of another car, which looked like a brief touch, but due to the speed, his car immediately broke, and Fernando lost control of the car.
Heart on your stomach, you gasped as the car kept going ahead at high speed, scraping the wall with such force, then as soon as it hit the gravel, the car was lifted off the floor, immediately overturning mid air. The car twisted a couple of times in the air, raising dust and debris, until it stopped upside down against the barrier. The car, or what was left of it, was destroyed in a pile of rubble.
You felt like you were going to puke. Everyone in the garage watched in horror one of the ugliest crashes they had ever seen in their lives. The silence felt like hours, but they were barely a few seconds.
He lost control of the car, he couldn’t even brake to ease the impact, the pain took over your chest like fire spreading quickly and deadly. Your knees were shaky as you watched the screen, and heard the silence stretching in the garage.
“Fernando, are you ok?” The engineer asked via radio.
Everyone waited a couple of seconds, and you felt like you were going to pass out when the silence stretched, everyone waiting for a response.
“Yes,” he sounded winded, voice a little shaky. You breathed again, panting as if you were gasping for air after staying a bit too long underwater.
“The marshals are coming to get you, stay put.” The engineer told him.
Your eyes stayed on the screen, and then you could see him climbing out from the rubble, standing up slowly and limping away from the car. Then he stopped, both hands on his knees, looking like he was having trouble breathing.
“Is he hurt?” You asked, your voice loud but shaky.
“No, it seems like he’s just a little dizzy and breathless from the impact,” someone answered.
You pressed a hand against your chest, trying to ease the pulsating pain you felt. Panting, you closed your eyes for a couple of seconds, only to open them to see Fernando being helped by the marshals, talking to the other driver who he had crashed with.
Eventually, he came back to the garage, finding you and his team. You waited while everyone greeted him, with worried hugs and pats on the shoulder. You waited until he came to you, with that silly smile. He pulled you into his arms and he hugged you, holding you for a couple of seconds. You ran your fingers through his hair, inhaling him in, even if he smelled of cologne and sweat.
Your chest gave in, and he was in your arms, and you didn’t want to let go. Because he was there, in one piece, unharmed. Your Fernando was ok, and you told yourself you had not lost him.
“You’re here, you’re here” was all you could mutter into his shoulder, over and over, confused and trembling.
“I’m here, corazón. I’m right here,” he said back, softly.
Someone called him for his post race duties, and you didn’t want to let go, it took your whole strength to unlatch your arms from around his shoulders. You shuddered as he took a step back.
Everything was a haze after that, Fernando going to the med center to check if he had any injuries, then a brief media walk. Your mind was running a thousand miles per minute, thinking about the crash, about how it could’ve gone so, so wrong.
You sat in his driver’s room, out of it, thinking about all the what ifs, all the possibilities. You could’ve lost him in a couple of seconds, you could’ve been going to the hospital right now, or worse, you could be calling his parents with the worst news ever.
You’re agitated for the next couple of hours. You tried to eat something, but after two bites you felt like you’re going to throw up, so you gave up.
“Corazón? Corazón!” You heard his voice, quickly taking you away from your anxious thoughts.
Fernando looked like he had showered and changed, you stood up, numbly taking your bag and following him. During the ride back to the hotel, you stayed silent, watching the view from the window, holding his hand on your lap, firmly.
He soon noticed how you were too quiet, silent. Your bubbly personality hadn’t shown up since before the race. He knew you must’ve been scared to death, even himself had been.
“I’m going to take a shower,” you said as soon as you got inside the hotel room. Fernando was going to say something but you just turned around and went inside the bathroom.
Under the shower, you closed your eyes, trying to delete the images of the crash from your mind, trying to stop this anxiety bubbling in your mind and heart. Fear slowly gripping your every muscle, and every thought.
Turning the shower, you got out, barely taking time to dry, just dressing in a robe and going outside, water dripping down your legs and dampening the floor.
Fernando, who had just asked for room service, was waiting for you to come out of the shower so he could really check on you. He didn’t have to wait as you came out of the bathroom, still wet, disheveled and terribly pale.
You jumped into his arms and he stumbled backwards until you two sat on the sofa, you on top of him.
“Talk to me, cari��o,” he asked, “are you ok?”
As soon as he said the words, you started to sob, crying out loud, shaking and holding him tightly. Your face against his chest inhaling his scent, nuzzling your face into his beard.
“You’re here, Nando,” you puffed, nervously.
“I’m here, my love. I’m right here.”
“I thought- I was going to lose you today,” you managed to get out, between sobs. He ran his hand over your back, hugging harder, kissing the top of your head. “I was so, so scared!”
“It’s ok, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere,” he comforted you.
You kept crying for a few minutes, and Fernando just held you close, running his hands over your body, pulling you impossibly closer, kissing your face. Until you calmed down, and your sobs turned into sniffles. You were still sitting on his lap but you pushed away to look at his face. You held his face with both hands, running your thumbs over his cheekbones, then his eyebrows, then his lips. You observed his face with such worry, such devotion that he was overcome with love for you.
“I’m sorry I’m being so selfish, oh god- you- you were in the crash, inside the car- I’m sorry, you must’ve been so scared! This- this wasn’t about me!” You said, suddenly embarrassed for being so scared.
“Hey, it’s ok, corazón. I understand you were scared. I was too.”
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, amor,” you whispered, kissing him softly.
“No, don’t apologize,” he whispered, holding your face as if you were a delicate thing. At that moment, you were fragile and worried sick because of him, “you know why I left the car so quick? Because I thought of you and my mom watching the race, I thought about how worried you two would be, so I came out because I wanted to show you that I was fine.”
You hugged him some more, finally managing to calm your heart down, as you settled your face against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. When the food arrived, you ate quietly, still keeping a hand on him, feeling his body all the time.
When you were getting ready for bed, after blow drying your hair and dressing in pajamas, you reached in your bag for something. Fernando sat on the bed, staring at you. Holding the thing behind your back, you went back to him, standing between his legs.
“I need to tell you something, Nando.”
“¿Estás bien?” He asked, worried.
Smiling, you took his hand with yours, and placed it on your belly, holding it there. You raised the other hand, showing him the positive pregnancy test.
“No,” he shook his head in disbelief.
“Yes,” you nodded, smiling.
“¿En serio?” he asked again, just to make sure. But his eyes were shining in barely contained happiness. You held his face, pecking his lips for a second.
“For real, amor. We’re having a baby!” You told him, and he hugged your middle, putting his head under your shirt to lay his cheek against your belly. You could hear him muttering spanish against your skin, 
After quite the scare, you knew you had to forget about a pretty and cute way to tell him, and just show him why you felt so worried, so scared because it wouldn’t be just you losing him, but your baby too.
As you laid in bed, cuddling with Fernando’s face against your chest and his hand holding over your stomach, you ran your fingers through his hair.
“I know it’s part of racing and accidents happen sometimes, but,” you whispered, trying to sound understanding, “could you be a tiny bit more careful? For us?”
“Yes, corazón, I will.”
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mapecl-stories · 2 years
The Big Game
Marcus was excited as he walked towards the sports field. Today was the big game against TSV Weiche Flensburg and he didn't yet know how the coach would set him up.
Maybe as a striker? Maybe as a midfielder? He definitely didn't want to be a goalkeeper, he would have to catch all the balls with pain. It was his first game, but maybe he's just on the bench anyway.
Arriving at the sports field, the other boys looked at them funny at first: "What's he supposed to do here, if he plays, we'll lose anyway?!" said Klaus. Another frowned and then headed for the dressing room. Marcus followed him and changed, then we went towards the square. "So, warm up!" said the trainer, but Marcus really didn't feel like it. "WARM UP OR YOU WON'T PLAY!" the trainer yelled at him. "Am I playing at all?", asked Marcus. "Let's see, I really want to know what you're capable of!" the coach replied and so Marcus went to the other players.
One ran from one half of the pitch to the other, the next stretched his calves and the goalkeeper kept letting balls be passed to him, which he then caught. "I don't have to go into the goal, that's for sure!" thought Marcus. He also started stretching his calves, which is why athletes who were present on the sports field, critically appraised: "Put your leg on the railing and bend forward!" one said to him. But Marcus was only 13 years old and the railing was much too high for him?! The athletes just laughed and then continued their exercises. Marcus made do with stretching and stretching and said: "it works too."
After a while, the coach called everyone together and announced the line-up. Marcus was assigned to the substitutes' bench and was disappointed: "You said I could play?"
he said to the coach, who replied: "wait and see". Marcus's club, the SG Flensburg lined up, the referee made the choice of seats, the opposing team was allowed to start. It only took 5 minutes before the ball came into the opponent's penalty area, Klaus took the ball as a striker from SC and sunk it in the opponent's goal. Of course, the athletes who had just warmed up were also very happy. Marcus continued to warm up and lost interest in the game. "I don't have that kind of feeling for the ball," he regretted.
"Marcus, come here!" said one. No sooner said than done and Marcus was passed a ball. He stopped this when Marcus put his foot on the ball and played it back. "He can't even stop the ball properly!" his opponent laughed and passed Marcus the next ball. This Marcus hit back with full force, whereupon the ball almost went onto the playing field. "Look, you can't stop the ball in play by stepping on it without control you shouldn't play him back either!" said the adult athlete who practiced with him. After a while Marcus got the hang of it and got the hang of it.
The coach whistled loudly, waved Marcus over and said: "Now it's your turn! You'll be in midfield for Sven.". In the meantime it was already 2:0 for SC Flensburg in the second half. Marcus ran onto the field, one of the opponents said: "Another one like that" and Marcus got the ball. "Come on, show us what you can do!" shouted the trainer. Of course, Marcus passed the ball immediately because he didn't know exactly what to do.
"Don't play back, go forward" his team-mate complained and made his way towards to goal himself... 3:0! After the goal, the teams gathered in their halves and the other team kicked off first. Jens took the ball from the TSV player and passed it to Marcus.
"Hurry up, we want to see something!" he said, Marcus made his way towards the gate. "Surrender, surrender!" shouted a player from TSV. At some point it became too colorful for Marcus and he pushed the ball to the opponent. He laughed: "he really gave me the ball!" "What are you doing?" said Klaus and the trainer shouted: "Come out of here you idiot!" But Marcus remained stubborn and did not leave the field. "I want a little more" he called and the coach couldn't believe it. "Don't just give him the ball, or we'll get one in too!" shouted the goalkeeper from behind, but Marcus didn't care. "It's getting boring here, leave the others alone!", he shouted and Klaus scored the 4:0 after taking the ball from an opposing player. "We want to win and not lose!" snapped Klaus Marcus.
"To zero? They cry themselves to sleep and never compete again?!" "That's what we want from you!" Klaus replied and went back to his position. After the next push from the opposing team, Marcus got the ball again. "Come on, is that going to happen? You'll never come out on the pitch again!" yelled the resigned coach and turned around. Marcus saw that football wasn't really his sport and called the coach to: "Give me something I can learn that I would enjoy!" "and what?" the trainer replied, Marcus shouted "Referee!". The coach said nothing at first and Sven scored the 5:0 in the 89th minute.
"Referee could work, make him the referee, he doesn't have a feel for the ball anyway."
The coach asked, "would you really do that Marcus?" and he replied "Yes, I would at least try". "We can't find any in the district league!" the referee murmured and called off the game.
All of the SG Flensbung met again after the game on the field and the trainer said: "You can referee, I will definitely never set you up again!". "Then I'll try refereeing, if that doesn't work I'll leave the club.", Marcus replied.
No sooner said than done, Marcus changed his sport clothings with the others and got his referee's license after a few weeks (but that's another story).
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reminiscingtonight · 4 months
And The Things You'd Do
Lia Wälti x Russo!Reader (Alessia Russo & Russo!Reader + Kyra Cooney-Cross & Russo!Reader)
Word Count: 1.4k
The Thing About Families (Part One) // That's How You Know It's Home (Part Three)
[WOSO Masterlist]
It’s the shuffling of feet that draws your attention. 
You’re off stretching on the side of the field. Having just come back from injury, you’ve been approved for some light training and warm-ups while the other girls do their own drills. You’ve been doing alright all by your lonesome, so you’re surprised to see the Australian girl approaching. 
You’re quick to narrow your eyes at the sheepish look on her face.
“What is it?”
Kyra turns and you instantly see the problem. She tries to wiggle her arm, one sleeve somehow caught underneath her pinnie. “I’m stuck.”
Sighing, you jerk your head at her. “C’mere.”
The young girl brightens up at your command, dutifully rushing to your side before allowing you to free her from her self-made prison. 
“Go on,” you chuckle when she finally pops free. 
Kyra lets out a whoop before sprinting back towards the other girls.
You’re smiling fondly at her departing figure when you hear a familiar drawl.
“Thought you were getting sick of her.”
You roll your eyes. “Please. I had to grow up with you, Gio, and Luca. Kyra’s a breeze compared to you lot.”
Alessia lets out an offended squawk. “You take that back!”
You raise an eyebrow at her raised arm and Alessia freezes. She gives you a grin, quickly recycling her plans to give you a noogie. “Sorry. Point taken.”
“What can I say? She grew on me.”
Alessia huffs, dragging a toe in the grass as the two of you slowly make your way back to the others. “The taste of coffee can grow on you. Being relegated to passenger-side-car-DJ can grow on you. Annoying Australians cannot grow on you!”
“Relax, rat. I’m not replacing you with her. Think of Kyra as your unofficial niece.”
Alessia pulls a face at your words.
You shake your head. “Take it up with Lia. I’m pretty sure she’s ready to duel Mini for guardianship.”
So maybe you should’ve thought things through. 
When the ref whips out her red card, pointing for you to get off the field, you realize you might have gone a little too far. 
In your defense, it really wasn’t your fault.
The first yellow you get on purpose. 
No one messes with your baby sister. 
When Alessia is blatantly fouled and the referee lets play go on without a single care that the blonde is clutching her ankle in pain, it only seems right that you bulldoze through the player at fault. 
She milks the muck out of it and you’re rolling your eyes at the yellow card pointed your way, confidently swaggering your way back across the field to where Alessia’s still on the ground. 
Alessia winces when the trainer presses a little too hard on the joint, fingers nearly crushing yours that you’ve graciously lent her for support. 
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Didn’t have to do what?”
Alessia tries to look stern but all you can see is the little girl who would follow you everywhere just because she could. You know she’s trying to be strong but you’d recognize the tearful look on her face from a mile away.
Lia doesn’t find the humor in your act of retribution, rightfully chastising you into the locker room at halftime.
“It’s not my fault! Look what she did to Less! She’ll lucky if she only needs to be in the boot for two weeks!”
It isn’t until Kim gives you one of her disapproving glares that you wilt. 
“Sorry Kim,” you mumble, scuffing your shoes on the ground. “Won’t happen again.”
It happens again.
There’s only ten minutes left in the match when you feed the ball into your midfield and time seems to come to a standstill. 
You watch on with a twisted horror as Kyra leaps up to receive your ball. She barely gets a touch on it before she’s caught on the wrong side of a flying elbow, crumpling to the ground.
The whistle blows and you can practically hear the blood pumping in your ears. One second you’re rushing across the field to be by Kyra’s side. The next you’re pivoting midstride, catching sight of the smirk on the offending player’s face. 
No one’s close enough to stop you from shoving her over. 
“You think that’s funny? Throwing your elbow into her face? Let’s see if you think it’s funny when I do it to you!” 
Steph catches you by the waist and hauls you back before anyone can test how serious you are. 
You’re still yelling and spitting when the ref stalks over, hand already digging into her pocket. 
There are boos and jeers when the inevitable comes and you throw a hand up in disgust. 
“Go on then, you gonna card her for drawing blood too?”
It’s clear your teammates don’t know what to do. 
Getting a yellow card is rare enough for you. But getting two and then being thrown out of a game? Practically unheard of in the years you’ve been at the club.
You ignore the look on their faces as you stomp all the way off the pitch and straight for the med room. You see Leah quirk her eyebrow, ready to give you an earful but you just push past, knowing full well that you’re going to get your ass handed to you later.
Alessia blinks up in surprise at the sound of the door opening.
She’s sat on top of an examining table, ankle propped on a pillow and wrapped in ice.
It only takes a second for her to realize what’s wrong with the picture. Alessia glances at the clock on the wall before her eyes flicker back to your fuming face. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything,” you mutter. You poke at the ice, ignoring the way Alessia hisses and slaps your shoulder. “How’s the foot? Are we going to need to amputate?”
Alessia rolls her eyes. “My foot is fine. Now what is this I hear of you getting a red card?” 
You glare at her phone, the sound of another message coming in, no doubt your mother telling Alessia about what you’ve done.
“Tell ma to stop snitching. That girl got exactly what she deserved for elbowing Kyra In the face.”
“Kyra got what?” Alessia gasps, eyes going wide.
Before you can repeat, the door opens behind you.
The two of you turn to see a sullen looking Kyra.
You don’t think you’ve ever heard Kyra so quiet before.
“Oh wow, you look miserable.” You’re not sure if Alessia thinks this is hilarious or sad, but you’d definitely say the latter.
Kyra did look miserable. Her nose is already becoming discolored, swelling and bruises become more prominent.
“C’mere,” you huff, pressing an icepack against her nose when she gets close enough to you.
Kyra hisses and tries to jerk back but you just follow with the ice.
“The sooner you stop moving the sooner your 15 minutes of icing will be done.”
You don’t even make it to the 15 before the door slams open again for the third time. 
“What did I say about getting unnecessary cards?!”
“Unnecessary?” you gwak. “Look at the kid! What part of me defending her was unnecessary?”
You backtrack. “Look at both of the kids.” You gesture wildly between Alessia and Kyra. 
Lia rolls her eyes but follows your fingers nonetheless. 
“Ma’s never going to let Less leave our house ever again, and Mini will probably drop by to kidnap Kyra and revoke our Australian baby access!”
“I’m not a baby--”
“Ma can’t stop me from moving out--”
You and Lia whip around to glare at Alessia. “You’re not moving out.”
Alessia frowns. “Whatever.” She crosses her arms. “Kyra’s a baby.”
The younger girl gasps in defiance before whimpering at the pain that radiates through her nose.
Lia looks a little exasperated when she turns back to you.
“Please. No more red cards.”
“No more red cards,” you echo. 
When Lia grabs hold of your hand, leading you back to be chewed out by your captains, you turn to get one last glance at the two troublemakers.
Alessia and Kyra are already looking your way, shooting you two thumbs up.
You shake your head.
Oh the things you do for family.
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