#The og also didn't have smut (I think) and this new one does
biorg · 6 months
Reading a fic which I think is plagiarizing another fic
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leatafandom · 1 month
So, for the WIP Title Tag Game, I want I know more about the following:
Pinocchio and the Trickster Roleplay movie rewrite with spideypool VHS Cannibalism/Hunting Horror OG Story The Witch King Chronicles OG Water Dragon Horror OG Story Vessel Fic Trek-Expanse Verse
that’s a lot but I’m very curious. @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Thanks so much for asking, I love talking about my WIPs especially my original works!
Pinocchio and the Trickster
This is a really new WIP that came out of a soulless Sam and Gabe smut fic I wrote, Choke Me Like It Matters, where Sam and Gabe have a history of being lets say frenemies with benefits. During Choke Me Gabe takes to calling Sam Pinocchio which is where I got the title and also suggests that he's sticking around for a while because he doesn't really have anywhere to go and a less uppity Sam is more fun even if he thinks he's an ass without his soul. Soulless Sam agrees if only for the fact that Gabe is better with humans and could make interactions easier. I haven't written much more than a diner scene where the two finally talk for more than an five seconds. Throughout writing it I really enjoyed playing a very morally flexible Gabriel who was a little dark, but still not too dark, and was much more Trickster than Archangel and Soulless Sam. Its been really fun to play around with, but I'm not a 100% where its going.
Role Play movie rewrite with spideypool
Oh yesss, this one, I am very excited for this one. I love spideypool. I just have a special place in my heart forever more. I miss writing them and when I watched Role Play (which I recommend if you want some fun, Kaley Cuoco was great) I instantly thought of Spideypool. The movie's about a family, where the mother has a secret job as an assassin who's went out on her own but wants to get out more and gets her cover blown, everything kinda spirals from there. It's funny, its cute, there is a lot of action, and I adore their relationship throughout the movie. There was this one part that just reminded me of Peter so much about how "killing is bad, and you should definitely not do that anymore... after we get out of this alive." Doing a rewrite with them has been slowly simmering in the background of my thoughts and hopefully, I'll have time to write it soon. It would be so nice to write for them again.
VHS Cannibalism/Hunting Horror OG Story
Thank you for asking about this one! I don't often get to talk about my horror stuff. This is an original short story idea that my friend asked me to write and I just haven't finished it yet. Maybe for the spooky season. She wanted a story about a woman who's father died. As she's cleaning up his hunting cabin, deciding what to do with it, and she finds a bunch of old tapes labeled hunting trips with a few years marked on them. She of course misses her father greatly and watches them. The more she watches, the more she realizes that all of those wonderful dinners with her father and his hunting buddies weren't the meals she thought they were. It's probably gonna be grisly especially since she said she didn't care if the woman lived at the end.
The Witch King Chronicles OG
Thank you for asking about Witch King, I need to find more time to flush this out. I originally planned it to be a fanfic but the more I worked on the lore, backstory, characters, and moral of the story, the more I realized it was its own thing. Its a bit of horror, dystopia, fantasy, and sci-fi. I'm pretty sure if I ever get it published it would be a series or a very long book, but it spans a very very long time and begins with the focus on a cursed spellbook found on a planet that seems to be driving the new colonist mad. No one really remembers who owned it, there are rumors since it's such a powerful book, but too much time passed, and it was originally made light years away from where its found. This is where everything starts, Terrence, one of the main characters, does remember and makes sure he is the one tasked with removing the book and taking it to the Collective for "safe keeping". He doesn't, and it starts a very long journey to find out how to properly destroy it relying on legends, old stories, and trusting an old alien he really probably shouldn't.
Water Dragon Horror OG Story
Oh I wish I had gotten further with this one. I'm pretty sure this one started based off a conversation on my discord server with @lucathepanman and @huntressandlioness1 maybe? It was about the biggest lake in the world that is so large and that there weren't enough water dragon stories out there. The doc is a lot of notes about lore for the lake, lore about water dragons, and the beginning of mapping out a story for a sacrifice gone wrong, but I really haven't had a lot of time to work on it >>"
Vessel Fic
This is a fun one! I answered an ask about this one, which you can find here. Hopefully I'll write some more on it soon since I've been fiddling around with it more lately or at least give it a proper title.
Trek-Expanse Verse
Oh, this one I haven't touched in so long, honestly kinda forgot about it. This is one I was working on with my husband, its a bit of mash up of the expanse and trek universes. I think the last time we sat down and worked on it we figured out the adjusted timeline for things and the ships we both wanted to see between both verses, and what people we really wanted to see, since I wasn't sure how many I would write of it and there are so many great star trek characters.
Thanks again for asking, it was wonderful to talk about these. <3
For WIP Title Tag/Ask Game
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sugdenlovesdingle · 5 months
Twenty questions for fic writers!
thanks for the tag @bonheur-cafe 💜
How many works do you have on ao3?
in total 265 - emmerdale 238, Lone star 27
What's your total ao3 word count?
659,962 (!!)
What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly 911 Lone Star at the moment but I do have a RWRB fic in the works (for a new years gift exchange 🙈) and I'm sort of playing with a Buck/Tommy og 911 idea because they've taken over my brain since That Kiss.
Top five fics by kudos
I'll just stick to Lone Star for this
Austin TX first responders week
It started with a concussion
Filling in the blanks
Love and Lou
See you later
Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I appreciate each and every one of them but I never really know what to say other than thank you (also I tend to over-think things). I really should make myself do it more often. We writers complain about people not commenting, but when they do, they should at least feel like it's appreciated!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do angsty endings. Though PS I love you is kind of... emotional I guess
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them. I need a happy ending in my media - always. Though Fire Camp, Love and Lou, and Love online (god I need to work on my titles) all end with tarlos getting married - so that's definitely happy.
Do you get hate on fics?
I have in the past but not on Lone Star fics.
Do you write smut?
I have attempted it... but that's as far as it goes. Nothing worth posting!
Craziest crossover:
I've never actually written a crossover. I don't really read them either. (911/lone star is the only exception)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I have translated fics way back when I was into ATWT Luke and Noah, does that count?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep a few times.
All time favourite ship?
I don't have one favourite ship. I have a few favourites on rotation that sort of take centre stage every now and then.
Robron, tarlos, Nancy/Marjan, Buck/Tommy (my favourite at the moment), Kate/Anthony Bridgerton, Pacey/Joey Dawson's Creek, Ian/Mickey Shameless, Henry/Alex RWRB
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of my multi chapter robron fics probably 💀 I still get kudos on them every now and then but i'm kind of done writing fics for them I think. (Unless Ryan Hawley gets his ass back to Emmerdale, then I won't be held responsible for my actions)
What are your writing strengths?
I don't know... I like writing dialogue I suppose. Maybe banter™ I've gotten comments from people saying certain parts of my fics made them laugh. And most stuff i write is a fluffy "what if the bad thing never happened?" kind of deal.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually finishing things? lol I can't describe things for shit. And sometimes it's a challenge when writing tarlos fic to not slip in British expressions. I learnt British English in school and years of obsessing over British boybands and watching British soaps have *influenced* my writing/English skills in general.
And also sometimes it's "fuck what's [Dutch word] in English???" and then i spend way too long digging through online dictionaries and stuff because NOTHING FITS and WHY IS THERE NO WORD FOR [THING]???
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Don't do it unless you speak the language or know someone who does who can help you with it. I've picked up some Spanish pet names/words in the tarlos fandom (and Spanish shows on netflix) but I won't go any further than that in my fics. And I'd rather die than use Dutch.
First fandom you wrote in?
Luke and Noah (Nuke!) As The World Turns
Favourite fic you've written?
I don't know. Most of them have something special that makes them stand out (to me). But I got kudos on The first morning the other day (aka I saw it in the email from AO3 and didn't remember what it was) and the music/musical theatre trivia i slipped in amused me.
I have absolutely no idea who's been tagged so I'm just going to leave this as an open tag for whoever wants to play!
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tealenko · 5 months
i'm ultra tired, but worth it...
Wooooo!!! Finnally finished planning my fic (cost me a while to find the right order to tell everything T-T)
So yeah... Tomorrow I'll start writing the last chapter of Didn't Have the Heart. Wish me luck!
Looking at the drinks at the bar -> 1st flashback -> she took a nap on the kodiak -> nightmare happened -> she does direct to port observation
Pours the drink, has a deep moment staring at the gin and then changes her mind -> she needs it, and she has learned to never drink when you feel like you need it (cause ME2)
Instead she looks at it one more time, toast to the air and leaves to go to her room.
Lies in bed -> cannot sleep -> 1st flashback -> the kodiak, back to the Normandy, with Legion / Kaidan / Garrus
Garrus (could be Tali, but I don’t think she’s been present for all of it in ME2 [project overlord] and ME3 [Grissom Academy], consult the timeline) freaks out a little
Recalls project overlord
Kaidan is like: yeah, I kinda agree, but Shepard is gonna do Shepard things.
He’s also processing all the new info like: wow…
He loves/hates her courage 
Perhaps Legion’s comments that they wouldn’t endanger Shepard.
G to K: “Aren’t you gonna say a fucking thing about this!?”
K to G: “What do you want me to say? I have no power to stop her from being that way. I’m a mere spectator here. Just doing my best to process everything while helping.”
G to K: Thanks for the help man.
G: I’m more affected: after all these years of suicide plans and all the Cerberus shit.
S to G: I appreciate the sentiment, Garrus, but I’m fine, as you can see.
Kaidan leaves them arguing and talks to Legion for a while -> last opportunity
Back to reality, in bed, keeps turning around
Sees her uniform -> #distracted
Goes to see Kaykay
Stops at the door -> receives message from admiral korris (to tell he’s already saved lol) and when she is about to knock decides not to -> goes to the kitchen instead
Maybe a short conversation with Chawkas??
“Mayor Alenko was looking for you not too long ago?” + the I know look on her face -> that’s all she needs to return to her og plan
Goes back to the room ->Have her mention the amount of reports she has to do -> hesitation followed by a fuck it!!
Enters. -> The rest happens
Mention that there’s a cot in Starboard observation (Kaidan’s room) -> It’s Kasumi’s old cot
Fluff to spicy banter
They spend a while talking on the sofa
She falls sleep
Mention the ring here perhaps
Flash to the bar chapter in LBIG?
She wakes up less shaken than usually -> Bittersweet moment of mourning the dead but being comforted by spending some time in their company, even if it’s on her dreams
Or maybe I can show a little on the ME2 beginning when she gives it to Kaidan
When she’s woken up she sees him passed out on the cot, surrounded by datapads -> she pulls all that stuff on one of the tables and checks that he’s done indeed all her job (informs and all that stuff)
Grabs a blanket and covers him
She’s about to leave but remembers his words -> She hesitates, almost leaves, but doesn’t in the end
And we end with fluff
She joins him in the cot
He hugs her and smiles
She reprimands him for not following her orders (waking her up to do the reports and doing her job instead)
We end the chapter as he replies: I didn’t have the heart
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
🤬Is there a WIP that you hate?
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
🤔Do you have an WIPs where you wish you had chosen a different fandom/character?
And ofc 📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
🤬Is there a WIP that you hate?
This new Erendor x Samara smut fic just for the fact that it exists.
Also, the AU in which Griffin never joins the Company of Light because it got way out of hand (and I say that about all of my WiPs but this one is the worst by a far cry) AND I just got ideas how to fix it after months of my brain going to static whenever I would remember that fic. I am entitled to and demand compensation (aka the fic writing itself).
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
So many! And yet, I am not writing them.
I am really excited about reworking the Domme AU (and itching to do it because boy, does it need rewriting) and a scene that I'm looking forward to writing is the first time when Valtor and Griffin really try out the D/s dynamic. It's going to be completely different from what it is now with Valtor thinking that he'll humor her, she'll see that she prefers it when he's in charge and she'll never bring it up again. Instead, what happens is that he's enthralled with the way she seems to fall so much deeper into the intimacy of the moment and feel both his and her pleasure even more intensely than usual (which he didn't think was possible). So he realizes that he's fucked because that was the most beautiful thing ever but that means he needs to let her dom him again and his ego is not handling that notion. He'll have fun working on that.
🤔Do you have an WIPs where you wish you had chosen a different fandom/character?
Not exactly. First, the sci-fi AU, the witch x witch hunter AU and the water spirit!Griffin AU aren't exactly WiPs in the sense that I'm still at the outlining and planning stage. And second, I am thinking of just writing them as og stories so I wouldn't have chosen another fandom for them.
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
Of course. XD (Thank you.)
“How would you seduce Griffin?”
Griffin's hand dropped out of Marion’s and in her own lap like a sinking stone.
“It’s a perfectly legal question,” Ediltrude cut off her protests before she’d gotten a single word out. “If you try to veto it, both you and Faragonda are out of the game.”
Griffin closed her mouth and turned to look at Faragonda.
Everyone else followed her example.
“I’d take her on a stakeout at some corrupt politician’s home. We’d wait for him to leave, then find evidence against him to blackmail him into improving standards of life and then get him fired. Oh, and we’d raid his library for books I’d get Griffin to read to me while I’m making it hard for her to keep her eyes open.”
Griffin launched herself forward, arms outstretched towards Faragonda, “Take me now.”
Marion had to prop her up to maintain her balance.
“That’s it. You’re done.” Ediltrude reached for the bottle, “Someone else spin.”
Faragonda snagged it from her fingers in the last moment, Ediltrude’s manicures leaving a scratch on the back of her hand. “I’d start from her hair.”
Ediltrude settled back down, a smug grin on her face.
Faragonda focused her gaze on it. “Griffin lets me play with her hair. From there it wouldn't be hard to sneak in little tugs and caresses to turn her on. She’s the embodiment of a one-track mind when it comes to orgasms. I’d just get her in my lap and have her riding my thigh. As soon as she’s come, I’d get her wound-up again and repeat several times until she’s lost grasp on reality. Then I’d play up my innocent act, tell her that it would be so unfair to leave me hanging when she got me turned on, too. She can’t resist my pleading look on a good day.”
“That’s true enough,” Griselda shot Griffin a knowing look, the twins nodding their agreement at her sides.
“You can spin now and I’ll go get you something for that scratch,” Ediltrude shot up.
“Sit down,” Griffin grabbed her wrist.
Griselda had her other hand and they tugged her back in her place.
Griselda shook her head, “Always looking for an excuse to get her hands on more alcohol.”
Ediltrude pouted, the full force of it befalling Griffin. “Fine but you owe me a whole bottle of the finest booze Valtor can buy. I am way too sober for this and I will make it a problem for all of you.”
“You’re welcome to try to explain to him why he should buy you alcohol,” Griffin let go of her. “He thinks your refined taste is completely wasted on you when you down everything in one go and never savor it.”
Ediltrude gaped at her in stunned offense.
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chromochaotic · 3 years
Heyooo @galateagalvanized, thanks for the tag! tbh I've always thought your writing is just incredible; but more than anything, I love seeing how much fun you get out of it! Also, lmao, our dark ff.net past
I went and started a new post because the og one was getting pretty lengthy. I'm tagging @appolojustice, @coconi, @umbreonix, @andstillthestars, and @thesolidolivinephenomenon, if any of y'all feel like it!
Fanfic Writer Interview! I'd be interested in doing something like this for fanart, too, since I sort of think of myself more as an artist. 😅
How many works do you have on AO3? 31
What’s your total AO3 word count? 105,278
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3, 11 fandoms: luca, botw, hq!!, taz, dorohedoro, bnha, trc, critical role, oofuri, and snk. Does D&D OC fic count, too?
Dark past on ff.net and livejournal includes at least 5 more: hetalia, bleach, ironman, teen titans, and eyeshield 21.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The top one by far is still Benvenuto... lmao and I'm too embarrassed to even list the other 4, but they're all jm fics. snk was a dang huge fandom, huh
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
These days I do! In the past sometimes I got overwhelmed/didn't know what to say, but like Chel said, I think replying can encourage others to comment, and it can lead to fun conversations.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I was going to say none of them, but, well... A Filthy Lie ends (spoilers?? and nsfw/tw) with Percy realizing he can't handle Orthax's influence alone (after some preeeetty dubcon demon sex) and asking Keyleth for help. (and lmao if we're counting D&D OC fic, that one about Riley and Silas after the fey realm isn't as depraved or anything, but it's a bit more hopeless? if that makes sense)
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I think the closest I've done for that recently would be AUs for D&D, haha, so that's probably more of a no.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really, thankfully!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do occasionally, haha—I'm still not super satisfied with how I write it, and pretty embarrassed by my older examples of it. As far as what kind, "fluff & smut" is a tag I seem to use a lot. lmao, these days if I write it, it's out of spite/not liking the current options on AO3
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think anyone ever translated Benven... Someone did print & bind it into a book with its own cover design, which was cool.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I meeeeean... Riley and Silas will probably always be special, but OCs have an advantage, right? other than that, I'm not sure I can choose just one.
Whats a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Ah... I have a Luca idea with a vague outline, but things are so busy over the next few weeks, I'm worried I won't have a chance to give it a shot before I lose steam. :')
What are your writing strengths?
Maybe... emotional beats/fluff? If that counts? I love getting comments that use the word "heartwarming". Yeah, one thing that made my day recently was getting a message saying this person still goes back and rereads Benvenuto after all these years, because it's comforting and sweet for them.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Chaptered fics;; I've really lost my stamina when it comes to planning/executing anything more complex than like, 2-3 scenes MAX. ;n; Among many other things that I just don't have experience with
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Hmm. I agree with Chel—preserving the reader's experience is The Most Important part, so I think that either means giving enough context to make the meaning clear, or incorporating the translations in a natural way... Done right, that dialogue can really up the romance and intrigue in a story!! Little things like titles and one-word interjections can be nice and add a lot of character, but like... sparingly.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
wrote for?? was probably fruits basket self-insert messiness hahahaha. first posted works were for Bleach, I think.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Ah... Either Grow, because I really love the concept behind it, or I wrote this 3 Times Silas Read to Riley + 1 Time She Read to Him story that captures some of my favorite things about them, haha. That +1 scene? My magnum opus for rilas fluff, right there.
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tyrilstarfury · 2 years
My favourite choices books are ones I can replay every year... I don't like to replay often but if I can do it once a year then I'm good...
To be honest a lot of them are og-ish books... The new books I don't really like that much but it's one or two that maybe I can get down with...
So my favs are... In no particular order... Its literally three books I think...
Bloodbound... I can probably play this book two times a year I love the characters so fucking much... I love me some Adrian and lily... Damit Jax too (I only say that coz he dies in my playthrough, urgh I cried so much no lie) ... But this book is my everything...
The Royal Romance... This was my first choices book... I was so depressed and I randomly downloaded this app, I just found myself lost in Cordonia and fell in love with Liam... This book brought me through some hard times and is probably my number 1... I finished TRH but I didn't even play that finale book, I played one chapter and never went back it seemed crap ... I will one day I suppose but TRR is my jam, not the rest 😬
Blades of light and shadow... Ummm obviously I would have to be a crazy person if this wasn't on my list... I love literally everything about this book... Which character is shit? That's right none... Fabulous book, I want to be MC and get dick down by Tyril (did I say that out loud?)... I really love this book because modern shit is cool and all but take me back in time or to a fantasy world and you have me hooked and in this case take me to Tyril and you can have my money...
The Nanny Affair... I don't know why I like this book... Errrr that's a lie... The smut and the audacity... I just think Sam and the MC are just so selfish and perfect for each other it's unreal... They both think they are better than everyone and are just literally on their high horse and lusting over each other without remorse... I love a messy romance... On paper I should hate this book because its not fantasy, historical or full of gore but I love me this book... I have replayed it three times, what does that say about me... Idk, that I'm trash I guess.
Endless Summer... I actually haven't played this book since it ended... But when it was airing I replayed it constantly... I don't like unhappy endings... I will replay it one day but the image of Sean heart-broken and alone got me so hard... I know you can be stuck on the island but my dumb ass romanced Sean so I just kept thinking he would be sad without his mom... Its a whole mess... It left me feeling hollow... I like happy endings sue me alright...
Ride or die... I love all the love interests I would marry them in a poly ceremony... Nina is my wife, Colt and Logan are hot... Its just that pb decided not to do a book two... I hate that there is so much you could do with this story but they gave up.. oh welp...
I mean I think these are the only choices stories I replay or have replayed... I would say I replayed the freshman at some point but I don't really like that book, I was just deep in the fandom so I did it (OK I also like Zig but that book was shit to me, I hated reading it)... There are other choices books I like I just never replayed them, not once, I really like that pirate book but I didn't finish when someone spoiled the ending, did I say I hate sad endings, TRM was good but again never replayed... Accept AMA which I replayed book 1 and two randomly when I was at my cousins house coz I weirdly missed Adam (don't ask but he's a vet, that's cute)... I will never play that book again tho...
So yeah I don't really replay choices books or play them tbh... Its a lot of books I've left halfway and thought fuck this, I don't like...
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I posted 624 times in 2021
96 posts created (15%)
528 posts reblogged (85%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.5 posts.
I added 209 tags in 2021
#danny phantom - 40 posts
#reblog - 36 posts
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#scum villain self saving system - 9 posts
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Longest Tag: 87 characters
#dude's got the time and the dedication to collect howevermany pokemon they're up to now
My Top Posts in 2021
honestly all of my favorite parings are:
a) half of the time not actual pairings but just friendships and
b) just whoever I think has solid Those Two Guys energy.  this does not necessitate them being guys, I just want, like, whatever Timone and Pumba had going on.  They would 100% be college roommates, and would fake date each other without hesitation but would also sell each other out for a single corn chip.  If I can successfully picture them being a pair of henchmen to some cheesy supervillain who constantly diss their boss then you are doing it right.
241 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 03:38:55 GMT
Scum Villain soulmate au where you have the name of your destined enemy on one wrist & the name of your soulmate on the other.
Shen Yuan gets Luo Binghe and Shang Qinghua, and immediately panics that his soulmate must be SQH (since OG!SQQ had LBH & YQY).
It's only later they figure out that SQH is his destined enemy because his bad writing literally killed SY.
251 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 16:31:58 GMT
7 deadly sins: webnovel edition
Greed: Sung Jin-Woo aka Greediest King(tm)
Envy: Kim Gongja (so envious he literally got a taunt s-class card for it & then made it fucking work)
Sloth: Cale Henituse (he's never gonna get that slacker life but by god does he try)
Lust: Su Lüxia (She's not technically from a web novel, but she's got the right vibes and quite frankly I didn't want to get into smut series with this)
Wrath: Seo Joo-Heon (Vengeance Time Traveler)
Pride: Kim Dokja (he has the Vibe for it idk)
Gluttony: Rimuru Tempest (they're skill lets them eat EVERYTHING)
333 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 18:29:52 GMT
I recently (5 seconds ago) came up with an au that combines the real hazmat au (where Danny wore a full hazmat suit in the portal) with the No One Knows au (ghosts AND humans don't know Danny's secret) and the Ghost King au (speaks for itself).
So essentially this strange ghost just shows up in Amity Park one day and starts fighting off all of the other ghosts appearing. Some people think this is a good thing, others are suspicious of this mysterious ghost's motives.
It doesn't help that it has occasionally done things like steal jewelry or attack the towns people for unknown reasons. It seems to run on a set of rules that no one else knows or can understand, human or fellow ghost.
Then one day the town receives it's worst attack yet, by the king of ghosts himself, Pariah Dark. No one knows what to do, everyone regardless of living status is panicking.
And then the Fenton's mech suit, the one they made specifically to fight Pariah Dark...
It's only after the battle, when the mysterious Phantom is proclaimed victorious, that everyone sees the burnt husk of what is left of the suit.
The observants quickly decide to crown this new ghost King, as per tradition, not even giving the ghost enough time to stammer out a complaint.
After all, such a serious-looking ghost is just what they need on the throne right now! The ghost seems to have come into being a bit recently, but that's all the better for their purposes anyways.
Besides, if something were going to go wrong with this plan, wouldn't they have already seen it?
(Clockwork cackles in the distance while carefully muddying the future reveal juuuust enough that those lazy eye-balls won't want to put in the effort to look at them.)
Their new king, after a few moments of confusion, silently accepts the position with nervous applause coming from all around.
(Danny, who is 14 and just became the ruler of an entire mirror dimension, sweats nervously inside his suit and prays no one ask him why he's checking out every book on politics at the library later)
543 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 01:22:22 GMT
The fentons are so funny when you compare them to real-life ghost hunters though. Imagine having a ghost hunter convention and everyone is discussing how descriminate actual cold spots from places with bad ventilation or what frequency spirit boxes should be on and then these two weirdos in jumpsuits with a FUCKING BAZOOKA walk in and try to explain that not only are ghosts a lot more solid then everyone thinks but they're also all evil and need to be hunted down.
And everyones just like
"Oh its the fentons. I wonder if they brought fudge again this year."
1426 notes • Posted 2021-04-19 16:38:23 GMT
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