#The original post is me trying to find cane users in media!
i know the post is from over a year ago but it's now my mission as a fellow cane user to find you a bunch of cane using characters. i WILL be back with more later, for now i've got these for you:
vio/alexander chase from the swan crossing project (like with spencer reid it's not a permeant installation but he does use one for a period of time)
hermann gottlieb from pacific rim (i havent actually watched it but i've heard good things!)
victor from arcane (this has been on my tbw list for a while now, but again, i've heard GREAT things)
yknow when i opened up this ask i meant to include a much longer list but i forgot that i consume media so infrequently that i dont actually have a list prepared, you already got spencer reid, house, and kaz (my beloveds) and now im struggling to think of more. i WILL BE BACK THOUGH!!!! i promise i will be back at some point with more names after i have consumed more media.
anyway, i also love media with cane users in it, (and i loved spencer's era as a cane user even though it was short because it was the first time i ever saw a cane used CORRECTLY on tv and i felt so seen) and i hope that we can create a much longer list, lol, so that no one ever has to feel alone 💖💖 i hope you have a good day!!
Hey nonny!
There is never a time limit on finding representation in media so don't worry that the post is old and thank you for the new characters!
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rafaelthompson · 4 years
Trying Dalgona Coffee with Specialty Instant
We tried the viral whipped coffee sensation using specialty instant packets … this is what happened.
Photos by Katrina Yentch
I could go into a detailed article that explains the origin of Dalgona coffee, what it means, and where it came from, but the whipped coffee treat has been a viral sensation long enough that there’s more than enough content about its origins circulating in the media. All you need to know is that it’s a whipped coffee topping over milk, and its popularity rose on the video app TikTok—most likely for the sensual effect that the whip creates as it slides off a spoon into the chosen liquid.
Dalgona coffee is a massive trend as people look to make coffee at home during the pandemic. Photo taken as a screenshot on YouTube.
The recipe typically involves a couple of heaping tablespoons of Nescafé or any other powdered instant coffee with equal parts sugar and hot water. They all get aggressively whipped together into a creamy foam.
There are a couple of common challenges that make Dalgona coffee a complete fail for many users. One is the substitution of substances other than powdered instant coffee for the whip. Some have tried regular ground coffee, while others have even tried Keurig coffee pods. However, the chemical components of powdered instant coffee are what makes it whip-able since the powder dissolves. Another element is the whisking action itself; many have resorted to hand-whisking sans baking hand mixer, which takes a considerably long amount of time—who will make it to the other end? Lastly, the ratio of sugar to instant coffee makes it a wiry sugar rush that may result in an instant high, followed by a crash and burn. The recommended two tablespoons of instant coffee result in a lot of strong, caffeinated robusta, and two tablespoons of sugar is about 25 grams!
I tried to tweak the recipe a few ways to help you get a tastier treat. With the help of James Hoffmann’s own experimentation on YouTube, here’s how you can make Dalgona coffee with specialty instant coffee.
One tablespoon of sugar is equivalent to 13 grams—keep this is mind when choosing the amount of sugar to put in your Dalgona coffee recipe.
Recipe: 1 packet of instant specialty coffee (I used Olympia Coffee Roasters’ Big Truck Blend, which no longer exists as instant but came as a Swift Cup product), equivalent to 5 grams of coffee 1 tablespoon cane sugar, equivalent to 13.5 grams 1 tablespoon hot water 8-10 oz/236-295 ml milk of choice
Swift Cup makes excellent instant powders for specialty coffee; they work with plenty of roasters, likely allowing you to support a local business with your choice.
A big tip I learned from both my own hand-whisking and James’ notes is that, with specialty instant coffee (and perhaps even other instant powders), you should cool off the mixture somehow as you’re whisking it. If you think about it, whipped cream is cold. Frappes are powders blended with ice to maintain creamy textures. This is because whisking hard enough creates friction, which creates heat, which will ultimately melt your whip. Use hot water at first to quickly incorporate your dry ingredients together. Once they’re emulsified, you take the water out of that mixture by aerating, hence a whipped foam!
That all being said, find some way to keep the liquid cold as you’re whisking. For me, this meant sticking my mixing bowl in the freezer for a few minutes to get the ingredients to chill. For my roommates, this meant taking it a step further to whisking the ingredients as they were sitting in a bowl in the freezer. Folks, you can try this at home, but proceed with caution.
Find some way, any way, to keep your mixed ingredients cold as you’re whipping them …
It took the three of us about 15 minutes to really whip it good, but what resulted was a pretty sweet treat that tasted like melted coffee ice cream! Mix the whip with milk though to avoid sugar overkill.
It’s definitely the enticing looks of the whip that’s making Dalgona coffee a viral sensation on the internet.
Pictures show the whip sitting on top of milk, but you should mix the two together to make it something you can actually drink.
The post Trying Dalgona Coffee with Specialty Instant appeared first on Barista Magazine Online.
Trying Dalgona Coffee with Specialty Instant published first on https://espressoexpertsite.tumblr.com/
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loraxbbx · 13 years
First Morning File - September 23 2011 - OpenFile Halifax
 Below enjoy the text of the first MorningFile authored for Halifax, published on a defunct local news experiment conducted in 2011 or so in Nova Scotia, Canada. 
OpenFile was a tech start-up incubated by three flashy journalists with angel venture-capitalist money. In their white-walled-Toronto experiment, I broke my teeth as a paid full-time cub contract-reporter, covering the trauma of the ever-civil-liberties-challenged G20 summit in Toronto 2010. When OpenFile decided a year later to expand to Halifax, I showed interest in the job of city editor, me and at least 50 other local yokels. Nova Scotia is never not, seemingly, flush with unjustly unemployed journalists. But: I had the foot in the door, & was offered the more writing-focused, city Curator position instead, then invited to help select my boss. I’d been impressed most by Neal Ozano, from the field of candidates. Ozano is the sole editor behind my voice* for most of these blog posts, first published during OpenFile Halifax’s lifespan of 2011 to 2012. The original URLs are long-dead, so I’m bored & re-publishing them one at a time, for the modern era. Any error committed then, or inserted in this iteration, are hopefully mine. The “MorningFile” posts were created to fulfil the role of “weekday morning newsletter”, a now-considered universal, then-copied from Gothamist concept, with a SEO-friendly name we generated by consensus, if I recall, over the course of a group call. Individual voices and style of posts were determined by each city’s Curator. I’ve not approved of the so-called Halifax Examiner’s use of my voice and style to turn its profits & SEO-phish its online audience & subscribers, but I gotta say, it’s a sweetly vengeful move, of the poisonous kind that powerful media men like Tim Bousquet tend to bring to their business relationships. Bousquet concocted grievances against OpenFile throughout its existence, when we were competing with him for local freelance writers, stories and web traffic. We shut down in 2012. Bousquet, then putting in unpaid overtime as an alternative weekly newspaper’s city editor, couldn’t think of anything better for a couple of years, until, in a fit of nightsweats in June 2014, he determined to shed all his pride & steal from the dead.  Halifax, you’re welcome for my words below. Sorry. Not sorry. Etcetera. 
Good morning, Halifax. This is MorningFile, your daily round-up of local news to read over coffee or Corn Flakes. As news curator, I’ll be putting one together every day and tweeting it from our official account with the hashtag #MorningFile.
The story of the white woman hired, then fired, as head of the Africville Heritage Trust gets awfuller by the minute.
Over the weekend, the Trust and local media got a brown envelope with newspaper clippings from Ontario. The clippings alleged Carole Nixon had been let go of four previous position she held, and the reasons “ranged from mismanagement of the organizations she was running, to lying about her employment records, to misusing the funds of the non-profit groups.” CBC reported on it Tuesday night.
That night, 200 members of the local black community voted to find someone else for the position. On Thursday, the board sent a letter to the media saying Carole Nixon was no longer with the Trust, and gave no reason.
They’ve been trying to keep personnel matters confidential, but persistent media attention has forced the board to make further public statements. For example, that they didn’t know, when they hired her, that Nixon had been let go from previous jobs. They are also saying race played no factor in the firing, and crossing their fingers they don't get sued.
Nixon told CBC she might go the legal route. Ugliness-factors include: she contests the rumours about her checkered past, saying she was never charged by police for any of the alleged financial wrongdoings; she found out about the board's decision from a TV reporter; and she believes discrimination was a factor.
Nevertheless, the Sunday inauguration of the Africville church will go ahead, without a white executive director to help cut the ribbon.
The Halifax police are fishing for snitches. Last time they released a 'ten most wanted' list, four on the list turned themselves in and two others were arrested. This time, most of those listed are accused of breach of parole or probation, but Bruce Misener, 46, is wanted on charges of sexual assault.  
The first person to announce his candidacy for mayor, Tom Martin, now has a Twitter account @TomMAskformore. Seen leaning on a Layton-esque cane on a 2006 Coast cover, the former cop described himself in 2009 as the guy “who wasn't afraid to piss off the bosses" in the interests of solving a case. Meanwhile, a perceptive Twitter user quipped he’s “excited that Det. McNulty  has decided to run for mayor.” (The second person to announce his candidacy is ‘Vegas of the East’ cabbie David Boyd)
Yesterday, The Coast had the names of the five middle managers laid off at City Hall (in the name of efficiency, according to the internal memo from top bureaucrat Richard Butts). Reporter Tim Bousquet, an avid City Hall watcher, seems to respect the skills of those laid-off. Butts and Mayor Peter Kelly have yet to speak publicly about the decision.
At a Wednesday utility review board hearing,  Nova Scotia Power customers ask whether the proposed 7 per cent rate hike is 'greed or need,' saying the parent company Emera just built a $53 million new headquarters downtown and their dividends are up every year.
*Neal’s pure unadulterated writing voice was one OpenFile audiences did not get to see nearly often enough. He sent the following as an idea for the site’s launch post:
“It doesn't always seem like it, but Halifax is a dynamic, ever-changing beast. And with all this change comes frustration, confusion, and often times, conflict. It's fair to say that most of the time, the confusion comes from a lack of information, and context. Community members don't know why things are happening. Community leaders haven't been listening to what their constituents have been asking for. There's no dialogue.  And over the hill, like a knight in gilded armour, comes Openfile. Wielding a sword of pure journalism, he rides over the community landscape, slaying the dragons of confusion and misinformation, recruiting followers and fellow soldiers in the battle against darkness and despair. No one is left behind as his crusaders barge into community forums, crying for transparency, and collecting trophies in the form of open files, blog posts, and beyond. His sack is full to bursting with community participation as question after question is asked and answered and the townsfolk shout his name with glee! "OpenFile! OpenFile!" they chant, as he rides off over the journalistic landscape, writing wrongs, and singing the ballads he's discovered in his quest for truth.”
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raystart · 7 years
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What We Learned at the 2017 99U Conference
At 99U, we talk a lot  about the creative community and there was no better representation of that than the audience, speakers, and partners of the 9th annual 99U Conference. Together, they represented 661 cities spread across six continents who traveled to New York City for three days and nights of speakers, Studio Sessions hosted by top creative organizations, and rollicking parties.
While most events might wait until their 10th anniversary to throw a big anniversary celebration, 99U fittingly pulled out all the stops for our 9th edition. We had thought-provoking main stage talks from leaders at brands like Instagram, Airbnb, and Pentagram, on everything from the BS of design thinking to navigating career paths in this age of disruption.  
Then there were the Studio Sessions hosted by companies such as Spotify, BuzzFeed, IDEO, Refinery29, the Upright Citizens Brigade, Refinery29, ustwo, Dropbox, SYPartners, and Shake Shack. If you didn’t attend and you’re starting to feel a tad jealous, we apologize for what we’re about to tell you next—our closing party at the Museum of Modern Art went until the wee hours and featured a DJ set by Hot Chip.
The 99U Conference takes an inclusive approach to creativity. Whether you’re a designer, artist, marketer, engineer, educator, artist, CEO—if you approach your work creatively, 99U’s goal is to help you find the inspiration to build an incredible career. And we did have delegates from all of those fields and more, who heard stories of personal triumph in the face of career challenges, participated in hands-on workshops focused on learning specific creative and job skills, and walked away with new ideas that can make a real impact on their work.
To the 1,000 delegates who attended this year’s sold out event, thank you. And to those who are interested in attending next year, we’d love to have you. In the meantime, here are some of the best and brightest ideas we heard at the 2017 99U Conference.
Creativity is medicine.
“People need doctors. People need clean water. Is creative work as much of a deep need? I would say yes,” said Farai Chideya, author of The Episodic Career.
Challenge the world around you.
“You never see a person on a cycling sign. You see one on a wheelchair sign. You’re saying you can’t use that object unless you are that person,” said Liz Jackson, founder of the Inclusive Fashion + Design Collective, as she strode the stage with the aid of a cane. “We are disabled not by our bodies but by the world around us. It is a social construct. Disability is nothing more than a brand, the world’s ugliest brand.”
Speaker Mike Perry / Photo by Julian Mackler
Challenge censorious tendencies.
With his work, artist Mike Perry has challenged everyone from the FCC to 99U (we were asked to strike a ‘no obscene images’ clause from his speaker agreement). Even Playboy had to be persuaded to run one of his illustrations, which they eventually did with adjustments. “Drawing people is like [sex]” said Perry. “If you’re not careful, you might create a new life.”
Design is a foundation, not a fix.
“Initially, design was the ‘fix it’ team. ‘Can you make the experience better?’ But the best businesses are built with design leadership,” said Adobe executive vice president of digital media, Bryan Lamkin, who was product manager of Adobe Photoshop “before Photoshop had layers,” he said to raucous applause from the designers in the room.
Consider your inner Björk.
“Let’s re-envision the incubator model to foster cultural value, not just capital value,” said Julia Kaganskiy, the director of the New Museum’s incubator, NEW INC. “We don’t want to be the next Facebook or Google. Maybe we want to be the next Björk.”
Speaker Ian Spalter / Photo by Julian Mackler
Data doesn’t have feelings.
This is important because users—and investors, and customers, and colleagues—do have feelings about your product. “With data, you don’t know how you’ve made people feel about the changes you’ve made,” said Ian Spalter, head of design at Instagram, who made the best comparison of the day: “Design is about puppies. Data is about politicians. But there is magic to be found mixing intuition with statistics or art with science.”
You can’t plan for everything, so stop trying.
Selling your company often appears like a well-deserved ending to a long journey. But exiting isn’t always the victory it seems. Barbarian Group founder Rick Webb learned that lesson the hard way when he sold his company to a Korean conglomerate that went through an unexpected corruption scandal shortly thereafter. In his 99U talk, Webb candidly spoke about what it’s like to sell your company and then be faced with challenges that you never saw coming.
Keep it simple.
99U founder Scott Belsky, who had early-stage investments in Pinterest, Warby Parker, and Periscope, emphasized making products simple and accessible—and keeping them that way. Users flock to simple products, noted Belsky, then companies take users for granted and adds features to satisfy the power users, which alienates the users who flocked to the original simple product. “Products can be powerful enough for professionals, but accessible to everyone,” said Belsky.
Prototyping is everything because everything is a prototype.
“Every launch is effectively a prototype. No design is ever done,” said Khosla Ventures design partner, Irene Au, in a talk that held up a complex project with her residential architect as a model for all design collaborations.
Speaker Natasha Jen / Photo by Julian Mackler
Post less, critique more.
If Google Image search is your sole barometer, “design thinking uses just one tool: 3M Post-Its,” said Pentagram partner Natasha Jen. “Why did we end up with a single medium? Charles and Ray Eames worked in a complete lack of Post-It stickies. They learned by doing.” Jen lobbies for the “Crit” [criticism] over the “Post-It” when it comes to moving design forward.
Know your design ancestry.
Writer and Postlight founder Paul Ford spoke in exquisite, informed detail about the four user experiences that transformed his life: the Control Panel in Macintosh’s debut System, the Reveal Code mode in WordPerfect 5.1, layers in Photoshop 3.0, and the general dexterity of Netscape Navigator. He also gave a knowing nod to the favorite crutch of newbie designers: the drop-shadow.
He's not wrong… #99UConf http://pic.twitter.com/ZITLJzBkaQ
— Michelle Nickolaisen (@_ChelleShock) June 9, 2017
Friction builds character.
“What do we lose when we remove friction? When we remove all friction, we remove opportunities for serendipity, confrontation, and personal growth,” said Airbnb’s Steve Selzer.
Speaker Debbie Millman / Photo by Julian Mackler
You can’t disrupt the need for hard work.
“Anything worthwhile takes time,” said Design Matters’ Debbie Millman. “Anything worthwhile takes a lot of time.”
The most important user interface is between you and the gym.
“You can’t do good work if you’re not in good health,” said artist and designer James Victore. “I know too many people are basically killing themselves at work. We have to stay happy, healthy people.”
Create the conditions for creativity.
The right environment can make a huge difference in getting a budding idea off the ground, and Refinery29’s co-founder and executive creative director Piera Gelardi highlighted four ways to foster that creative state: know what works for you, laughter unlocks brilliance, do it for someone else, and embrace the uncomfortable.
Real-life prototype as much as possible.
Clients tend to connect and understand the idea you’re presenting to them much easier if they can see the solution, live in their hands, shared the team at Ustwo. It doesn’t have to be the completed output. Just enough for them to understand the route you’ve chosen.
Know the reality of ‘just-a-minute’ thinking.
On average we switch tasks every three minutes and five seconds, said Capes Coaching co-founder Betsy Capes,. “It’s not multi-tasking,” she noted. “It’s task overload. It takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to an interrupted task.”
This #99UConf studio session slide is on point… guilty as charged @CapesCoaching http://pic.twitter.com/eSqUSmL9ii
— Pollyanna Macchiano (@Poriiana) June 9, 2017
Sweat the right stuff.
Be mindful to sweat the right details and not all the details, when dealing with large projects or many iterations, noted Dropbox’s Aaron Robbs and Collin Whitehead.
Creativity is multi-dimensional.
“A greater knowledge of the materials you can use alters the way you design,” said Material ConneXion’s Dr. Andrew Dent, who works with clients from adidas to BMW on choosing the materials that go into their next best-selling sneaker or sedan.
Shake Shack does a killer lunch spread. 
I knew when I arrived at my @99u Conference session at @shakeshack that I had chosen wisely. #99uconf http://pic.twitter.com/wExCwpRtVy
— Petri Darby (@darbydarnit) June 10, 2017
Data isn’t just for data scientists.
“Everyone [on a team] can and should be involved in the data collection process” said Spotify’s user researcher Caitlin Tan.
Good work doesn’t need trust.
“‘Trust me, this is an amazing idea’ doesn’t exist anymore,” said Verdes partner Greg Matson. “Your idea needs to sell itself. It’s more show me than trust me.”
A delegate takes Google VR’s Tilt Brush experience for a spin / Photo by Julian Mackler
Dwell on the past.
“We believe in a ‘learning loop,'” said BuzzFeed senior producer Erin Phraner. “We loop back to successful videos to try and learn from it and to find new things we can test in the next video. It’s so important to us because it’s a great indicator of what is working.”
Attack your project from different perspectives.
“Sometimes designers needs to step back—be an art director or a production manager—to to find the most appropriate methods or design solutions for the problems. You don’t have to do everything yourself,” said MoMA associate creative director, Ingrid Chou.
Prototypes over presentations!
Prototypes Over Presentations: Fostering meaningful product strategy at our #99uconf Studio Session http://pic.twitter.com/cAUxPmnWjo
— Postlight (@PostlightStudio) June 9, 2017
Intercept your biases.
Why is it so hard to break down biases? Because it only takes 1/10 of a second for our brains to categorize someone by race and about 1.5/10 of a second by gender, said SYPartners managing creative director Rie Norregaard. To increase awareness of these biases and begin to advocate for change, Norregaard recommends creating a space with your team where it’s okay to talk through our biases. 
99U delegates get to work at a Studio Session / Photo by Julian Mackler
Round our your team by perspectives, not jobs.
When designing the dream team for a design sprint, the team at The Design Gym brings a variety of perspectives. What kind exactly? Here’s an easy way to think about it that cuts across industries: have a hustler, hipster, hacker, and heckler.
The Best is Yet to Come
99U has already set the dates for the 2018 conference, taking place May 9 – 11 in New York City. Tickets go on sale later this summer.
DJ Juan Maclean backed by Symmetry Labs’ Sugarcubes light installation at the 99U Closing Party / Photo by Julian Mackler
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