#The show was just ruined with Bellamy's death
suzy-queued · 8 months
weekly tagly wednesdly
Thank you for the tagly! @darlingian @juliakayyy @mmmichyyy @francesrose3 @mybrainismelted @deedala @energievie
About you
name: Deena
age: Same as Julia and Kat
starsign: Aries
your first language: English
second language: Whatever German can be cobbled together from 3 years of classes and two trips to the country
favourite lip product: Rodan + Fields Redefine Lip Renewing Serum
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: Chinese orange glazed chicken
If you drink tea, what kind? Decaf English breakfast
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? I drink decaf coffee maybe 4 times a year
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: My history is all Gallavich clips
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: Drunk History before it got picked up by Comedy Central
favourite item of clothing right now: A pair of olive colored pants that fit just right
favourite item of clothing in 2012: A "Life is Good" hoodie
three movies you recommend: Safety Not Guaranteed, Pan's Labyrinth, Audition
your favourite concert: According to my scrapbook...
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have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Nah
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? No, but I don't start up in many fandoms.
the best tv show you watched last year: Our Flag Means Death
do you have a fancasting you just can't let go of? Not really.
a ship you've abandoned: Bellamy/Clarke from The 100
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? Is 10 the highest? I'll share it all! I read everything. Yes, even those fics. And those. Yep.
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?): No, I don't have any tattoos. The closest I've ever come was a fleeting desire to have Master Roshi's Kame House symbol on my heel.
what fandom do you wish was bigger? Can't think of any.
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? See above RE: The 100. The second half of the final season has been banished from my mind.
Have you...
swam in an ocean? Yes, Pacific and Atlantic
ever been vegan/vegetarian? Nope, but I choose a lot of vegan dishes at restaurants because I can't eat dairy
gone skinny dipping? Yes
gone skiing? We don't speak of those cursed incidents
been to a convention? Yes. In fact, I've been the guest of honor at a convention.
Tagging: @look-i-love-u @creepkinginc @gallavichgeek @ian-galagher @notherenewjersey @skylerwinchester @deathclassic
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bellamyblake · 3 months
hi!! I’m a former HUGE fan of the 100 and bellarke, but after the final season completely shattered my heart and destroyed my trust in showrunners 😀, I haven’t been able to really return to the show or ship at all.
Did you have a similar experience? How do you still enjoy it without the sting?? 💔 Just curious, thank you!!
I understand that this is how it is for most fans, that everyone pulled away because of the ending and I understand and respect that.
I think for me, it's simple, i'll be honest that I never expected Bellarke to happen as much as I wanted it and for me the simple reason why was because of the way things happened back in season 3 with Lxa and everything else. I wanted it, of course, I was hopeful for it, especially after 6x10 and I wished for it to happen but when we found out Bob needed time off, I understood that decision and I understood why it won't happen. Yes, I still think that it was just JRoth being absolutely bitter making that ending, they all admitted it, even the writers that for example Levitt's ending where he gets hurt in the final episode was supposed to be Bellamy but that didn't happen because Bob needed that time off. And yes, I am pissed because of the fact that she killed him, I don't think I'll ever get over it but I just...find it to be absolute bullshit and that is because of the way Clarke's character is ruined to me rather more so than Bellamy's.
I know people talk about him being OOC in s7 and him never doing that, never believing Cadogan, I get that. I do agree that it is somewhat OOC. BUT
I have always been a person to look at all sides about this and that is why I survived season 3 and the way fans were back then (may I remind you the bellarkers hated Bellamy and people were awful to him) and I do think that I find it i my mind the reason why he chose that side. I have my own theory about Bellamy's choices about season 7 but I won't indulge here in that because I'm sure I'll bore you to death (It's a Jasper-Monty-Bellamy meta that I have talked about before I think and for me they are still the only three characters who reached a sort of understanding of how to survive/not survive in this world but who separated themself from the cicle or wheel that Clarke talked about in s7 and who saw things for the way they were, as grim and sad as they happened to be at the time-again, another meta if you want me I can indulge).
But the truth is I have always been realistic about Bellarke and them not happening (Not that it didn't hurt me that they didn't happen, i catch myself wishing I saw a kiss) but I also cannot say I was too surprised. For me, and people talked again a lot of shit about Bellamy in s5, but I do think Clarke is a lot more different in s5 than she was before and I think from there on now we don't see the character we first saw, just glimpses of her. The problem with s6 as much as I like it and find it interesting is that we don't see Clarke much in it since she's kidnapped and I hoped we did saw her in s7 but I feel like she wasn't really herself back there.
So...anyway I can talk a lot and probably bore you to death, but I don't want to do that. The simple truth is that I CAN thankfully separate myself from the show and what I love. I know it was shitty what happened, I cried and still cry when I think about my boy Bellamy dying (Because I will be honest, I was always a Bellamy fan first and Bellarke second, I even write more familial fics with Bell than I do Bellarke, that's how I am) but I can find my reasons behind his actions and no, I'm not blindsided by my love for him, I know his mistakes, I can point them out and I can explain why they happened.
I really have no other simple explanation other than I chose to enjoy what I love and have always loved and ignore the last part. I know most people can't and I do not judge them. He brings me joy. Bellarke do bring me joy still, I love think, headcanon and meta about them and just because someone was bitter and because they didn't really show any understanding and BECAUSE and let's be honest, he didn't want to make Bellarke because Bob and Eliza happened and he refused to play into the narrative of actors being married in real life and indulging fans in the fantasy one, is not my problem.
I often think about JRoth and how shitty he was on more than just the Bellarke occassion (that's another meta) but just how much he, because he is an a**, hates religion for example, so he absolutely demolished it and made fun of it and then used it to show stuff in the most awful of ways just like not just with the deciples btw, but starting from season 1 where he crucified the kids on the trees, how he made fun of the grounder's religion and the commanders, everything JRoth did was a mockery caused by his own inability to deal with his problems so ...honestly WHY would you give away something you love to that guy? I think that's just bs.
Again, I am sad and devastated, I always will be but I choose to separate myself from this narrative, enjoy my Bell and writing about him, enjoy reblogging gifs and making gifs in our now little circle, I enjoy seeing new fans of the show too and them reblogging our stuff. That's basically it.
My love for Bellamy Blake is stronger than JRorth's bs.
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios Adventures
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“This is the greatest day of my life. I can’t believe this is happening. Do you know how few people have done this? You used to have to be royalty to even know about their existence.”
“I am royalty,” Ulyssa remarked, entertained by her excitable little brother. “And as you always remind me, your greatest day is a three way tie between your wedding and the birth of your kids.”
The Durant siblings stood outside an otherwise unremarkable house in a less expensive part of Pleasantview. The house was small; the modest frame was expanded with the use of shipping containers. Pleasantview wasn’t known for a low cost of living, especially with a nobility and attention seeking witches to support. Estates were common in the areas surrounding the old castle and old ruins filled with lingering magical energy was where most witches chose to dwell. The “ordinary” people were scattered across the country, far enough away from the rich or powerful areas to be noticed by most of society. Naturally, if someone or something wanted to keep a low profile, this neighbourhood was an excellent choice. Everything on the street was quaint and charming. Well manicured lawns and carefully maintained wooden fences were everywhere.
Ulyssa had questions and concerns that could only be answered by a trip to Pleasantview, but wasn’t brave enough to go alone. Luckily, her little brother Jorah seemed to know a little bit about everything and had jumped at the chance to accompany his sister on an adventure. What she had overheard Claudia tell her wife was concerning. Not only did Claudia know about Georgiana’s paternity, but her only heir to the most powerful throne in the world was a Bellamy.
She could blackmail Roman or Wanda with her daughter, potentially harming Arkhelios. She could expose Georgiana and ruin my life- our lives.
They had all agreed that Georgiana would be Maura’s daughter when Ulyssa discovered that she was pregnant. If her daughter ever found out the truth, it would be devastating. Ulyssa needed some dirt on Claudia if she was going to keep her family safe. Something that she could use as a bargaining chip. If Claudia was going to threaten her family, then Ulyssa was going after Claudia’s. The only problem with that plan was that no one had really seen her family. Her own government listed her parents as dead, but also as unnaturally able to produce three children and stop by the castle on occasion. King Ewan and Princess Anneken were undead creatures who stayed in the shadows, flitting between life and death as easily as a demon.
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“You know what I mean,” Jorah scoffed, refusing to let his sister ruin this moment for him. “No one has seen a reaper in recent memory, or if they have, no one will admit to it. They used to be legends and myths and now they’re real! Well, I mean they were always real, but they’re not hiding anymore. Well, I guess they are still hiding, but these ones aren’t. How did you manage to track them down anyway? Did you have to watch someone die and then trap whoever showed up? Did someone who had a near death experience point them out? No, I bet it was a dark spell that required a blood sacrifice to get the information.”
“I looked in Maura’s address book,” Ulyssa sighed. “You let your imagination wander far too much. Her grandmother had their address and it got compiled in Maura’s copy when she took the throne. Why on earth would I have to do any of that other nonsense?”
Jorah pouted, despite his excitement. There were times when his sister’s bluntness overshadowed her kindness. Living in a castle hadn’t made Ulyssa any less cynical, she just usually hid it better. Only Ulyssa could make meeting one of the rarest supernatural creatures into something mundane.
“Gee, I don’t know. Maybe, just maybe, you can only find a grim reaper when it’s doing its job?” he shot back. “They blend in otherwise. Maybe they have a dark form like vampires and demons that you can only see when it’s reaping souls. It makes sense to me.”
Ulyssa took a moment to reflect on her brother’s ideas. Truthfully, she didn’t know much about the grim reaper or any of his associates, but Jorah didn’t need to know that. Reapers had been just a footnote in their magical studies class at school as little was actually known about them. Jorah loved reading about the supernatural and world history, but books could only tell him so much. According to some ancient texts and some mysterious undated writings, the academic community had mostly agreed that there was one “Grim” reaper that assisted a sim with the process of dying, and a handful of lesser reapers that assisted him in this task. No living soul had insight beyond that, or if they did, they weren’t sharing that information.
The first glimpse of this secret supernatural hierarchy had come from Crystal Cove centuries ago when it was still known as Viper Isle. Reports of people seeing glimpses of deceased sims running around in robes and cloaks just before someone died were recorded in the history books, even if they weren’t taken seriously. A former king had seen his dead brother on a battlefield and spoken with him. This was chalked up to the king’s history of mental illness, even when his son confirmed the story. The next sighting was during the Great Demon War where palace staff claimed to see the recently murdered crown prince of the newly named Blue Viper Isle. When humans defeated the demons intent on expanding their territory beyond the Void, there were whispers about secret meetings held by the queen and long deceased members of the community. The demonic ruler of Strangetown was seen arguing with a man that no one had seen age and had demonstrated mysterious powers through his long lifespan. Strange children enrolled in school and were picked up at the end of the day by people who looked oddly familiar to dead sims. Sometimes these children would display unusual powers of their own but remained tight-lipped on where they’d inherited them.
Over the centuries, these accounts were assumed to be myth. Reaper sightings dropped and the creatures were considered about as real as a unicorn. They were a fantasy cobbled together to help the people endure hardships by imagining a world where their lost loved ones could return to them. Supposed sightings happened every few decades, though few found them credible. It was said that the ruler of a nation was sometimes warned by a reaper of a great peril they could intervene in, though no royal diary had ever recorded such a case.
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That was until Queen Claudia had taken the throne. Born Claudia Goldman, the queen had grown up in this humble house with her two loving parents and her little brother, Oliver. To the outside observer, the Goldmans looked like a typical commoner family. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Anna Goldman had been born Princess Anneken Spencer Toyonaga, the crown princess of Twikkii Island and Strangetown. Her husband had been born King Ewan Ben Goldman Siew, the infant ruler of Pleasantview upon his father’s death. Both of them had died incredibly young, Anna as a toddler and Ewan as an infant. Their families had mourned and the line of succession moved on.
Until the day that Claudia and Oliver Goldman were enrolled at the Princess Zarah Royal Academy, their tuition paid for by the queen of Twikkii Island and her ex-husband, the former crown prince of Strangetown. Both children were listed as their grandchildren, even though neither supposed grandparent could list which of their children had created these mysterious grandkids. Pleasantview was ruled by Queen Charlotte II at the time, a ruler installed by a foreign government who hated living in Pleasantview and who was hated by Pleasantview in return. The nobility had salivated to learn that a blood descendant of the last “true” bloodline existed and upon turning eighteen, Claudia completed the first and only peaceful transfer of power in Pleasantview’s history. Claudia Goldman became Queen Claudia Anneken Maricourt Goldman Goss overnight and once again, the living world brushed against the world of the dead for a fleeting moment. Reapers had to be accepted as real creatures to somehow produce this living, breathing genetic successor to two dead sims. In the centuries that would eventually pass, Claudia’s origins would likely be interpreted as metaphorical or as just a myth to support a regime change and reapers would once more disappear into history.
Which was why Jorah could barely contain his excitement. Only a handful of people had knowingly interacted with a reaper, and even fewer had lived to tell skeptical audiences about them. Claudia’s origins could be explained easily enough by genetic tampering and a surrogate pregnancy, true, but there was confidence in the way Claudia held herself when she spoke about her family. As a family man himself, Jorah could see the respect and love she had for her mysterious family members, and Queen Spencer and Prince Vrai had both supported her claim and sponsored her education. You didn’t get royalty to do that unless there was a legitimate reason.
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The siblings approached the house cautiously, unsure of what to expect from its inhabitants. Would there be a fight? Would the reapers run away? Would they kill the Durants just for looking for them?
Ulyssa held her breath and dropped to a curtsy as soon as a figure appeared at the door. Beside her, Jorah waved like an idiot.
“Can I help you?” the man asked, looking baffled by his visitors. “Are you selling something? I don’t think we’re interested. Money’s tight these days. But thanks for dropping by.”
Ulyssa dared to rise from her curtsy after a moment had passed and the door hadn’t immediately been slammed in her face. The man had kind eyes and bone white hair and barely looked older than Claudia. Whatever she had been expecting, it wasn’t this.
“Your Highness? King Ewan? My name is Ulyssa and I’m married to Queen Maura Siew. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to talk to you if I could. Please don’t kill me or my idiot brother; we don’t mean you any harm or disrespect.”
The man looked visibly confused by this but made no move to reject them.
“Maura’s wife? I don’t think I’ve seen my niece since she was a teenager. Work keeps me busy these days. Come in, come in. Show me pictures of your kids, Claudia says they’re quite cute.”
The Durants slowly moved into the house, closing the door behind them. Was this a joke? Was this a trap? Neither one of them knew what to expect.
“Anna, we have guests! Your sister’s daughter in law stopped by. No, she didn’t bring the kids. I don’t know what she wants. Just come down and find out for yourself.”
“Is your hair white because your ‘job’?” Jorah asked excitedly, trying to remember every detail of the house they were in so he could relive this experience over and over in his mind.
“Uh, no. I inherited it from my father,” the man replied. “It runs in the family, you could say. Who are you exactly? You’re not that Abe that Claudia talks about, are you? With the demon son?”
Jorah shook his head quickly, fascinated by the knowledge these creatures possessed about his tiny settlement. Had they ever been to Arkhelios? Did they ever accept ‘assignments’ there? He had so many questions.
Before Jorah could ask anything else, a knock on the front door interrupted him.
“Mom? Dad? I’m here to pick up Mom’s brownies for the dinner tonight.”
“Wait outside!” the man exclaimed quickly, ushering the Durants out the door to the backyard in a hurry. “Claudia doesn’t like surprise guests. I’ll be with you in a minute.”
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Just as soon as the Durants were shoved out the door, Victoriana rushed in, engulfing her grandfather in a hug.
“Vicki, what a surprise!” the man exclaimed, kissing the little girl. Even through the back door window, Ulyssa could see the deep love the two had for each other. This wasn’t some random person Claudia paid to play her parents, this was a legitimate connection. The man with the white hair had to be King Ewan. A woman descended the stairs who could easily be Claudia’s sister. Both had the same shade of green skin and gently curved ears and a commanding demeanor. With Claudia’s hair dyed black, the two women could have been twins. Both of Claudia’s parents looked like they were no older than thirty which was baffling. Ulyssa’s own father was an elder with grey hair and wrinkles who looked very much his age.
“Do reapers not age?” Jorah asked with awe, clearly noticing the same thing as his sister. “Do they age backwards? Do they have real bodies or do they possess living people? I have to know. This is amazing.”
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“Why don’t you stay for dinner? Your brothers will be home within the hour from school,” Anna asked, grabbing a chair to sit next to her daughter. Ewan played with his granddaughter happily, seemingly oblivious to the guests outside.
“I have a meeting, I can’t,” Claudia sighed. “Then another meeting with the witch council right after. I’m hoping that Miruna can keep that one short enough that we can spend some time together.”
“Oliver is bringing a friend home from school,” Claudia’s mother insisted. “At least stay long enough to say hi. You never see your brothers anymore. They miss you just as much as I do. Ewan, tell your daughter to stay for dinner.”
“You heard your mother, “ Ewan laughed. “I’m going to barbecue for our guests, so if you miss your dad’s famous burgers, stick around.”
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“That’s not fair,” Claudia complained. “Maybe I can take some on the road. You know I can't turn down one of Dad's burgers. They're almost as good as Grandpa’s."
Ewan laughed, reaching for a plate to put the food on.
"I'll be sure to tell him next time I'm over," he promised. "Though he has the advantage. Cooking with actual food is way harder than shaping energy in the afterlife. So, mine are better by default."
Beside Ulyssa, Jorah was practically vibrating with excitement.
"Did you hear? He admitted it," Jorah exclaimed. "He's a reaper! We're looking at a creature so secretive and rare that we might be the only ones who have seen one this century! Our names are going to be in the history books as witnesses! Even Bigfoot has reliable sightings more than reapers. This is huge!"
"Well, clearly they have people stop by and come home with their kids," Ulyssa pointed out. "They get seen, but no one knows what they are. Even at royal events. Maura says that sometimes they go to functions, but in disguise or something. She's never seen Claudia's parents really. Once in passing supposedly, but nothing else. There's probably tons of reapers floating on the edge of society that we have no idea about. Also, I think that you should probably refrain from calling them creatures. They look human enough to be offended."
"Dad? Do you have company over?"
Ulyssa froze at the question. She hadn't counted on Claudia stopping by when she decided to attempt this mission. She was here getting intel on Claudia, but that would all be compromised if Claudia knew about it. She'd tell Maura and then Ulyssa would have to tell her wife that she emptied her schedule today to play detective with her brother.
"Abort! Abort! We've been made!" Jorah whispered urgently. "Teleport us out!"
"No, we told him who we are," Ulyssa hissed. "We need a cover story. Claudia's going to be suspicious as hell about why we're here. She's going to tell Maura and I'll have to spend three more hours in therapy talking about boundaries."
Without thinking through his plan, Jorah opened the door and stepped back into the kitchen area. He waved awkwardly at Claudia in apology.
"Sorry, we don't mean to intrude," he said confidently, despite not having a single clue of what he was doing. "Ulyssa and I were just visiting. I'm sorry, I was bugging her about getting an autograph from Queen Claudia's parents because I'm such a fan. She told me that it was rude to try, but I was just so desperate. My kids and I collect autographs together and they begged me to add the royal family of Pleasantview to our collection. You're so hard to find accurate pictures of, but you know Maura so I thought-"
"That you'd come bother my family?" Claudia remarked. There were icebergs warmer than the tone of her voice. "Innocent civilians just wishing to exist in peace?"
"Claudia, calm down," Ewan snapped, cutting his daughter off before she could tear into the nervous visitors. "We raised you better than that. You, me and your mom aren't too good to do a favour for a father. What example are you teaching Victoriana? Did you bring your autograph book? I'd be glad to sign it."
Ulyssa froze, frantically trying to think of an excuse to have not brought an autograph book with them, but Jorah just smiled.
"Just the small one," he said, pulling out a thin booklet from his wallet. "I wasn't sure if we'd find you, so I packed light."
Thank god my brother is the biggest dork in the world. Of course he keeps an autograph booklet with him, he pulled one out at the last formal tea we hosted. He's probably not even lying about collecting autographs with his kids. Is that a normal thing for a parent to do? Should I be encouraging my kids with a group hobby? Probably. Just another thing I’m terrible at.
“Hey, do you know how to grill fish? I’m not the biggest fan of fish, but Anna loves it. If you could assist me with that, I’d have no problem helping you get some even rarer signatures,” Ewan suggested, clapping Jorah on the back. “How would your kids like Death’s signature? I could probably grab Life’s too if they’re in a good mood.”
Jorah beamed with enthusiastic joy and waved to his sister as he headed for the barbecue, leaving Ulyssa alone with Claudia and her mother.
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alyssaforevermore · 3 months
Hounded ↦ Bellamy Blake 8. Day Trip
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Synopsis: After being locked away for eight months, Athena Kane alongside 99 other criminals is sent to the ground to find out if it's survivable. The ground was the dream, but who knew it would turn out to be a nightmare?
Show: The 100
Pairings: Bellamy Blake x OC
Warnings: major series spoilers (full series will be covered), use of profanity, descriptions of violence, death, blood and gore, and mentions of drugs and alcohol.
Tags: @mellxander1993 @sweetz1919 @jordangdelacruz
The rest of the day was spent recovering from the storm. Finn was healing slowly but surely, and the Grounder was still tied up on the top level of the dropship. I'd hardly seen Octavia, and I didn't blame her for avoiding me; part of me wished I could avoid me too.
I sat in my tent the following day, waiting for Clarke's meeting with the council to finish. We would soon know how long until the Ark would reach the ground, more importantly, how long we had left before we had proper defences against the Grounders. Until we had guns, the Grounders would always have the upper hand.
"Athena, are you in there?"
I stood from my cot, pulling open the flap of the tent. "How did the meeting go?"
Clarke shrugged. "There's an emergency depot not too far from here. Your father mentioned it would have supplies and could provide shelter for us while we wait on them to get down here."
I could feel my body tense up at the mention of my father. "That'll be good. I have a feeling we'll need to move there sooner rather than later." Stepping out of the tent, I allowed Clarke to lead me towards the dropship.
"The council set up meeting times for the rest of the day," Clarke started. "For us all to talk to our families."
I took a deep breath. "That'll be good."
Clarke stepped in front of me. "Are you okay?"
"Sorry," I spoke, rubbing my eyes. "I've just gotten so used to life down here, you know? Without the Ark. Not having to worry about my father."
Clarke nodded. "I know what you mean."
"Right," I couldn't help but frown. "Did you talk to your mom at all last night?"
"You mean, about her turning my father in?" Clarke asked, each word laced with venom. Then, she let out a small sigh. "Yeah, I told her I knew."
"What did she have to say for herself?"
Clarke shook her head. "I didn't really give her a chance to explain. I mean, what is there to explain? Nothing she could possibly say would make any of this better. She's the reason my father is dead. I don't think I can forgive her for that. Does that make me a terrible person?"
I shook my head. "It makes you human."
"Being human sucks."
I looked up at the sky, taking a deep breath. "Forgiveness has never really been my strong suit, so I'm probably the worst person to give you advice anyway."
Clarke frowned. "Well, I can help you avoid having to talk to your parents."
My eyes met Clarke's, a small smile forming across my face. "What do you have in mind?"
Clarke turned around, continuing towards the dropship. "The depot. I figure you can lead the search for it. Scope it out, see if there's anything of use there. See if it can actually be used as shelter."
"I can do that," I responded. "When do we leave?"
We entered the dropship, spotting Bellamy and Octavia standing next to the ladder.
"Whatever twisted connection you think you have with that animal, forget it. You don't get to see him. End of discussion." Bellamy turned to leave.
"Why do you even care?" Octavia pressed. "If I ruined your life, you should want me to go up there. Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll kill me. Problem solved."
Bellamy looked back at her. "You know I didn't mean that."
"Bellamy," Clarke spoke up.
"The answer is still no, Clarke." He responded, now facing us. "I'm not talking to Jaha."
Clarke shook her head. "That's not why I'm here."
"What, then?"
"The Ark found some records that show an old supply depot not too far from here."
My eyes darted to Clarke. "Clarke, what are you-"
"What kind of supplies?" Bellamy asked.
"The kind that might give us a chance to live through the winter." Clarke responded. "I have to stay behind to organize visits, but I'm sending Athena and she could use some back up."
I folded my arms across my chest. "You're kidding, right?"
"Why are you asking me?"
Clarke smirked. "You want to avoid Jaha right?"
Bellamy scoffed. "Alright, I'll go."
"I thought so." Clarke said, handing me a map. "I've marked the coordinates on this map. Be careful out there, alright?"
Before I could object, Clarke had left the dropship. I turned back to Bellamy, my arms still placed tightly across my chest. "Meet me at the gate in ten minutes, or I will leave without you."
Bellamy smirked. "Someone is bossy today."
"I mean it, Bellamy," I spoke, turning to leave.
I stopped at my tent to grab my pack before heading to the gate. By the time I made it there, Bellamy was stuffing packages upon packages of nuts into his pack.
"That's a lot of rations," I mumbled. "You do realize this is a day trip, right?"
"A lot can happen in a day."
I rolled my eyes, signalling for Jasper to open the gate.
We had been walking for over an hour, only ever discussing the directions Clarke had given us. While the silence had left little room for a Grounder to sneak up on us, I was growing tired and needed a distraction.
"You know, the first dropship will be down soon," I spoke, earning a side-glance. "Pretty sure you can't avoid Jaha forever."
Bellamy scoffed. "I can try."
"Maybe he'll be lenient?" I suggested, eating some nuts from my packet. "You know, he's forgiving the rest of our crimes. Why not yours too?"
"I shot the man, Athena. He's not just going to forgive and forget."
"At least you didn't kill him."
"Has terrible aim ever in the history of law been a good defence?" He sighed. "Your honour, I concede that I shot the man, but he didn't die! No harm, no foul?"
I rolled my eyes. "I'm not saying you'll get off with no punishment. I'm just saying, maybe he'll opt for some time in lock-up? We don't really have to worry about wasting oxygen anymore."
Bellamy stopped, staring at the ground. "What if they find out about the radio? I mean, someone is bound to tell them. I shot the Chancellor, and then I destroyed the radio, causing three hundred innocent people to die up there."
"So it does bother you?"
He turned around, looking me dead in the eye. "Of course it bothers me, Athena." Bellamy turned back around, continuing through the forest.
"Why do you always act like you don't give a shit, then?" I asked. "I mean, why do you keep pretending like nothing matters to you?"
"I don't pretend like nothing else matters."
"You're right," I responded. "You couldn't pretend that Octavia doesn't matter to you no matter how hard you try."
Bellamy shook his head. "You have no idea."
"Octavia used to talk about you all the time," I started, smiling to myself. "Her big brother. Her greatest protector. You gave up everything to protect her."
"What's your point?"
"I'm just trying to understand how the person I heard about for eight months is the same guy I'm talking to right now." I shrugged.
Bellamy scoffed. "No matter what Octavia has told you, you'll never understand what we went through up there. What I went through. Your father would take over if anything happened to Jaha, right? That would make you Wells 2.0."
"You will never understand, Athena. You will never know what I had to go through to keep her safe. What I had to see my mother go through." He paused, steadying his breathing. "Octavia spent sixteen years under the floor. Sixteen years confined to our tiny dorm. She was a prisoner from the day she was born and all I wanted was to protect her, or at the very least, be with her one last time before radiation killed her." He stopped, looking around. "But, it didn't."
"So you destroyed the radio because you were afraid she'd be alone? After they came down here and executed you."
"That was part of it." Bellamy nodded. "Is it so wrong just to not want to die?"
I shook my head, feeling a pang in my heart. "I don't think so."
"If I had known what would happen," Bellamy closed his eyes. "I wouldn't have destroyed the radio. I swear."
I stared at Bellamy for a moment, taking in a side of him I hadn't seen since the night in the cave. He was vulnerable. Maybe I was an idiot, but I couldn't help but believe him. Feel sorry for him even.
Clearing my throat, I pushed past him, looking down the hill we'd now approached. "The depot is supposed to be around here somewhere. There's got to be a door underneath all of this brush."
"Let's just split up, cover more ground." He sighed, beginning down the hill. "Stay within shouting distance, alright?"
I nodded, slowly making my way down the hill behind him. Broken branches from the trees surrounding us were scattered along the grass messily, having been tossed around by the storm most likely.
It didn't take long for me to find a metal door hidden under a large branch. "Bellamy, I think I found it!"
Bellamy rushed over, helping me move the branch. He tugged on the handle, to no avail. "It's rusted shut. Here, watch your foot."
I stepped back as Bellamy pulled out his hatched, bashing it against the edges of the door a few times. Putting the hatchet back on his belt, he signalled for my help. After a few tugs, the door swung open.
"Woah," I gasped, peering down the stairs. "Here, take this," I said, handing him one of two flashlights before descending into the bunker.
Bellamy followed behind. "Do you really think this place hasn't been touched since before the war?"
"A girl can dream."
We continued through the bunker, coming across another set of stairs. My light shone over a skeleton, leaning up against the bannister.
"A hell of a place to die," Bellamy commented.
"So much for living down here. This place is disgusting." I said, looking around the spider-web infested room. "Damn it."
Bellamy sighed. "Anything left down here is ruined."
I soon noticed a shelf, shining my light against it. "Hey, I found some blankets!"
"Excited about a couple of blankets?" Bellamy grumbled.
"It's something, at least," I responded, rolling my eyes. "We might not be able to live down here, but at least these will help us stay warm. Even if it is just a little bit."
"How about a canteen? Or a medkit? Or a decent freaking tent?" Bellamy snapped, kicking a barrel in front of him.
I spun around, noticing the contents of the barrel spilling out onto the floor. "Holy shit," I mumbled, rushing over.
Bellamy smiled, kneeling down next to it. "I'll be damned."
Two guns laid on the floor, surrounded by grease.
"Do you think they'll still work?" I asked, picking one up.
"I guess we'll find out," Bellamy responded, looking around. "Help me with the rest of the barrels. Maybe there's more guns, some ammo."
We headed around the room, kicking over every barrel insight. In total, we came up with fifty guns, but only enough ammo to fill half of them twice.
"This changes everything. No more running from spears." Bellamy spoke, a glimmer in his eyes. "Ready to be a badass, Athena?"
I bit my lip. "I know we need these, but I don't know how I feel about bringing them back to camp. We do have murderers among us."
"Who could've killed us by now with anything else lying around camp." Bellamy pointed out. "I know what you mean, but trust me, those killers are focused on the Grounders. Not any of us."
"You're right," I confessed.
"We're lucky these guns were packed in grease. The fact that they survived means we're not sitting ducks anymore." Bellamy grabbed a sheet from the shelf, drawing a target on it with some dust. "You need to learn how to do this."
I nodded, lifting the gun and pointing it at the sheet. "So I just hold it on my shoulder?"
"Just a little higher," He spoke, standing behind me. He placed one hand on the gun and another on my upper arm. I could feel his warm breath on my ear, jagged with each inhale and exhale. "Uh, yeah, that's good." He spoke, moving away. "Here, watch and learn."
I stepped back, watching him pick up another gun. He aimed it at the target, pulling the trigger. The gun clicked, nothing coming out. "Still watching," I spoke, smirking.
He shook his head, turning to me with a smile. "My bullets are duds. Try yours."
I stepped back into place, aiming the gun and pulling the trigger. A bullet flew out of the gun, shooting through the sheet. "That was amazing!" I spoke, smiling ear to ear. I turned to look at Bellamy, my face now pale. "Am I horrible for feeling that?"
He shook his head again, still smiling. "Try again."
"We shouldn't waste the ammunition."
"You need to practice."
"We need to talk about how we're going to keep these guns around camp," I started. "Where we're going to keep them, who has access to them." Bellamy rolled his eyes, opening a pack of nuts and eating a small handful. "You left Miller in charge of the Grounder," I continued. "You must trust him."
Bellamy nodded. "You should keep him close. The others listen to him."
I raised an eyebrow. "Bellamy, what's going on? You've been acting weird all day and you took a shit-ton of rations-" I stopped, my eyes widening. "You're planning on running. That's why you agreed to come today. You were gonna load up on supplies and just take off?"
"I don't have a choice, Athena." Bellamy sighed. "The Ark will be down here soon. You said maybe they'd just lock me up, but there's no way I'm giving Jaha the satisfaction."
"What about Octavia?" I asked. "You can't just leave her."
"Octavia hates me. She'll be fine."
"Octavia is upset, but she'll get over it. She loves you." I spoke, stepping closer. "Please, Bellamy. Don't do this."
Bellamy stared at me for a moment, his eyes softening. "Come with me."
I stared back, my heart stopping for a moment. "What?"
"Screw everyone else," Bellamy responded. "Let's just go."
"Clarke knows where the depot is." Bellamy started. "We can take a gun, some ammo, and go somewhere else."
"We can't just abandon our people. Your people, as you've said over and over again since we got down here." I spoke, stepping back.
Bellamy rolled his eyes. "Keep practicing. I need some air."
"Bellamy, wait!"
"Don't worry, Athena." He spoke, walking away. "I won't leave just yet."
As his silhouette disappeared, I felt my heart sink into my stomach. Come with me. He asked me to come with him, and for just a moment, I thought about it. Could we find a place where the Grounders would never find us? Would the others manage on their own until the Ark came down? Leaving them to fight without my help just didn't sit right with me.
I placed my gun on the shelf, grabbing a few more nuts. Then suddenly, I heard a familiar voice.
"You've always been just like your father, you know?"
I turned around, the room having morphed into my bedroom on the Ark. Standing in front of me was my mother, as clear as ever.
"Mom?" I gasped, rushing over and throwing my arms around her.
"My sweet baby," She spoke, giving me one of her tightest hugs. "I've missed you so much."
I opened my mouth to respond, reality slowly sinking in. Looking up at my mother, I frowned. "You're not really here, are you?"
"I'm afraid not," She confessed.
"How is this possible?" I asked, stepping away.
My mother turned away, looking around the room before sitting down on my bed. "I'm thinking 'why' is more important."
I frowned. "Because I need you."
"What for, Sweetheart?" She asked, patting the bed next to her.
I sat down next to her, feeling her arm wrap around my back. "I don't know what to do. I'm so scared, Mom. All of the time. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how to keep us all safe. I don't think I can."
"Are you trying your best?" I nodded. "That's all you can do." She said, pausing for a moment. "But, you can't run away, baby. You're better than that."
I pulled myself away, standing in front of her. "You don't understand what it's like down here."
"Of course I do," She said, smiling. "I'm you, remember?"
"Right," I frowned. "So I guess you're my conscience?"
"I'm whatever you need me to be."
I let out a huff, shaking my head. "That's not really helpful, you know?"
"Would you prefer to speak with your father instead?" She asked, letting out a small chuckle.
"That's not funny," I hissed. "And for the record, I'm nothing like him."
"Are you sure about that?" I raised my eyebrow at her. "Here you are, worrying about the safety of your people. Having to make the hard decisions to keep them alive, a burden he's carried since before you were born."
"Dad has never had trouble making the hard decisions."
"If you're going to try and defend him, just save it. He let them lock me up." I spoke, tears forming in my eyes. "Aside from our family, Jaha and Jesse's family, nobody else knew what I did. He's the second in command! He could've talked to Jaha, asked him to let it go, but he didn't. He's never stood up for me, not once in my entire life. He knew they were sending us down here, and he did nothing to stop it. He sent me, his own daughter, down here to die."
My mother frowned, her eyes shifting to the floor. "You know none of that was within his power. He loves you, more than anything."
"Now I know for sure you're not real," I scoffed. "You'd never lie to me."
"Too bad I couldn't say the same for you."
Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. "I never told you I was sorry. For what I did. Stealing your keycard. I know you could've lost everything."
"But you did it anyway, all to save someone you loved. Look where that got you; locked up and sent down here to die."
"You're saying Dad did the right thing?" I rolled my eyes.
"Not everything is black and white, Athena." She started. "Sometimes you have no other choice. Being a leader is doing what's right for your people, not what's right for you or one other person. Your father knows that, and so do you."
I shook my head, a tear falling down my cheek. "I'm not ready to forgive him."
"Whatever," My mother spoke, her voice suddenly changing. "Crazy bitch."
"Mom?" I asked, feeling a hard smack against the back of my head.
Then, everything went black.
I woke up on the cold ground of the bunker, my head throbbing. Sitting up, I looked around the room, noticing Bellamy's pack still sat on the ground where he left it. Whoever knocked me out, it definitely hadn't been him.
"What am I supposed to do?" It was Bellamy's voice.
I pulled myself off the ground, grabbing my gun and running out of the bunker.
"Do you think you deserve to be free of your pain? Do you deserve that gift?" I recognized the voice as Dax, one of the murderers of our camp. "Because you're going to get it."
I hid behind a tree, poking my head out, struggling to see in the darkness. Dax stood over Bellamy, holding one of the guns we'd found. Bellamy lifted his hand, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Nothing personal," Dax said. Then, he pulled the trigger, nothing coming out.
"Put the gun down, Dax," I spoke, stepping out from behind the tree with my gun aimed at him.
Dax spun around, shaking his head. "You should've stayed in the bunker, Athena. I tried not to kill you, but here you are, and Shumway said no witnesses."
"What is he talking about?" I asked, my eyes shifting to Bellamy for a moment.
"Shumway set it up. He gave me the gun to shoot the Chancellor."
I froze for a moment, Dax taking the chance to move closer. "Walk away now, and I won't kill you. This is your last chance."
"I can't do that, Dax."
He nodded. "Your choice."
I pulled the trigger before he could, this time my gun being the one to jam. He was quick to pull the trigger next, and I dove behind the tree just in time.
"No!" Bellamy yelled, tackling Dax.
I could hear them struggling behind me as I remained behind the tree, reloading my gun. Stepping out, I fired again and again and again, nothing coming out. I watched Dax climb on top of Bellamy once more, pushing the gun hard against Bellamy's throat. Giving up, I ran towards.
"Get the hell off of him!" I yelled, swinging the gun at him.
Dax dodged me, hitting me in the stomach with his gun, causing me to fall to the floor. I clutched my stomach, gasping for air, Dax's eyes still on me. With no time to waste, Bellamy grabbed a discarded bullet, stabbing Dax in the neck with it.
Blood spilled from Dax's mouth as he fell backwards, slowly bleeding out. Finally, he stopped moving.
I crawled over to the tree, leaning myself up against it as Bellamy rushed over, still struggling to catch his breath. He placed his hand on my knee, leaning himself against the tree as well.
"It's okay," I spoke, slowly catching my breath. "You're okay."
"No, I'm not." He choked out, tears forming in his eyes. "My mother... If she knew what I've done, who I am. She raised me to be better. To be good. And all I do is hurt people."
"I'm a monster."
"Hey, you saved my life today. You've saved my life twice now." I spoke, grabbing his hand. "You may be a total ass half the time but... I need you. We all need you. None of us would've survived this place if it wasn't for you."
He shook his head. "They have you. And Clarke."
"We couldn't have kept everyone alive without you by our sides," I confessed. "You want forgiveness, fine, I'll give that to you. You're forgiven, okay? But you can't run, Bellamy. You have to face it."
"Like you faced your father?" He asked, catching me off guard. "Come on, Athena. I know you only came here today to avoid talking to him."
I sighed. "You're right. I don't want to face my father. I don't want to face any of it. I would love to run away and start a life far away from everyone else, far away from all the death and destruction, but we don't have a choice."
"Jaha will kill me when he comes down."
"I won't let that happen," I spoke. "We'll figure something out."
Bellamy nodded. "Can we figure it out later?"
I nodded, leaning my head back against the tree and letting go of his hand. "Whenever you're ready."
We returned to camp later that night, pushing our way through a crowd surrounding the dropship. Miller had just informed the camp that the Grounder had gotten free, nowhere to be found.
"What if he brings other grounders back?" Jasper asked.
"He'll kill us all!" Another delinquent spoke.
"Or worse."
"Let the grounders come," Bellamy spoke, us both reaching the front of the crowd. "We've been afraid of them for far too long, and why? Because of their knives and spears. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being afraid."
Bellamy and I both dropped the sacks we'd made of sheets, them falling open to reveal guns. Clarke eyed them in amazement as everyone cheered around us.
"What about the bunker?" She asked.
I shook my head. "We can't live down there, but we did find blankets."
Clarke nodded, raising her voice. "These are weapons, not toys, alright? We have to be prepared to give them up to the guard when they get down here."
"But for now, they'll keep us safe," I added, earning a small smile.
"There are plenty more back at the depot that we couldn't carry," Bellamy spoke. "Tomorrow we start training, and if the grounders come, we're going to be ready to fight."
Everyone dispersed, Monty and Jasper carrying the guns to the dropship for storage overnight. Clarke placed her hand on my arm, grabbing my attention.
"I got you a meeting with Jaha," Clarke said. "He's waiting."
I smiled. "Thank you."
"What do you need to talk to him about anyway?"
"It's not for me," I responded, my eyes landing on Bellamy. "He was going to leave, you know?"
Clarke's eyes widened, her face turning red. "Are you kidding me?"
I shook my head. "I convinced him to talk to Jaha. Promised I'd do it with him. He's just scared, Clarke."
Her face softened and she nodded. "I get it."
I watched as Bellamy marched over, his eyes shifting nervously around camp. "Are we doing this?"
"Jaha is waiting. Are you ready?"
Bellamy huffed. "No, but let's get this over with."
The two of us headed to the tent, Bellamy gesturing for me to enter first. I pushed the flap aside, quickly spotting Jaha's face on the monitor in front of us. Bellamy took a deep breath, sitting down first and putting on his headset. I did the same.
"Mr. Blake," Jaha spoke. "I've been wanting to talk to you for some time now."
"Before you do, there's something I'd like to say." I started, glancing at Bellamy before looking back at Jaha. "When you sent us down here, you sent us to die, but miraculously, most of us are still alive. In large part, that is because of him, because of Bellamy. He's one of us, and he deserves to be pardoned of his crimes just like the rest of us."
Jaha scoffed. "Athena, I appreciate your point of view, but it's not that simple."
"It is if you want to know who on the Ark wants you dead."
I watched as Jaha contemplated Bellamy's offer. Finally, he responded. "Bellamy Blake, you are pardoned for your crimes."
Bellamy let out a sigh of relief, and I couldn't help but do the same. I placed my hand on his, squeezing it slightly and earning a small smile from him.
"Thank you," Bellamy spoke.
Jaha nodded. "Now, tell me who gave you the gun."
AN: Here we are with chapter eight! I hope you all enjoyed this one. Please remember to like/reblog and share your thoughts <3
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hehevoldy · 1 year
Didn't know Wells was Clarke's first boyfriend I hope nothing happens between them in the books or any other love triangles but since it's a YA it might I just thought it would be interesting if they kept that aspect in the show for when Jaha enters the story and we see that relationship on the show because he basically shot his own father for Octavia lol Okay I'm going to be real Bellamy's death was because of Jason being petty Bob wanted some time off for his mental health so Jason wrote his death there's been confirmation that Bellamy wasn't supposed to die I actually think the entire plotline with Bellamy was horrible and should never of happened it made no sense I hated how everyone turned their back on him. Did they relly go "uggh" evertime someone mentioned Bellarke how come I thought they liked the ship? I will never watch anything from Jason again he ruined this series I was only watching the last season because of Bellarke and we didn't get anything with them I thought she would of done what he did last season doing everything to save him but nope we never got them to even kiss unless you count the cpr scene :(
At least in the books he is. The love triangle is very one-sided, though.
I don't remember if he knows that Jaha is his father at first 🤔 I donated the books to, so I might have to find an ebook if I want to reread them at some point.
Bob didn't deserve all of that. For me, he carried the show from the start. There were amazing characters on the show but one of the only ones that was giving the 100% from the start was Bellamy's character.
They were annoyed by the questions about Bellarke, but from what I understand, it was because at every freaking panel somebody asked about Bellarke.
I feel so sad about all the wasted potential with them. Jason did everyone super dirty. They deserved a good and wholesome storyline. Not a 'happily ever after,' but a 'they have each other so they'll be ok' kind of thing because that's what their relationship was all about. Instead, we got a Bellamy who was ok with torturing Madi and a Clarke that killed him for nothing.
Now I want to watch Bellarke edits on youtube just to remember all the possibilities 😩
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nctilucent · 4 years
What makes me extremely sad is that we could still have the same ending with Bellamy in it. Clarke could've just left him there with the notebook, he could've given up information about Madi or whatever and the ending could've been the same with him. He would transcend, be with the people who were his family, they would see that he was not entirely wrong and they would forgive him. Like they've forgiven Clarke, Octavia, Echo and so many characters for worse things.
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Top 10 Mishandled Ships (Bellarke ; Bellamy and Clarke)
Given the way that JRoth ruins every single ship he touches, I really should have known better. I didn’t put Clexa on this list, but the way he handled that ship was also a disaster. But, somehow, I thought that Bellarke would be different. Bellamy and Clarke are endgame in the book series. The actors who play them are married in real life. The ship was built up beautifully over six seasons and then…season seven happened. Due to offscreen factors, Bellamy and Clarke couldn’t be in as much of the season. I still don’t know if JRoth sunk this ship out of spite to the actors, to the fans, or just for his own sick amusement. Having Clarke kill Bellamy over a book she doesn’t even bother to grab? After all they’d been through? The core theme of their relationship was forgiveness and this was where Clarke drew the line? Clarke also referred to Bellamy as her “best friend” multiple times in the final season, the characters barely mourned Bellamy’s death (including Bellamy’s sister and girlfriend), and Lexa was shown to be Clarke’s soulmate at the end. I spent the entire final few episodes sobbing out of anger at the injustice. They even added a stupid “everyone lives happily ever after except Bellamy” ending that just felt hollow. The entire final season was disappointing, confusing, and self-congratulatory. It honestly kind of ruined the entire show for me. What could have been one of the best slowburn romances of all time was carelessly destroyed due to a writer’s ego and I’ll never not be bitter about it.
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pr1dek1ng · 2 years
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3 months ago I was on season 4 of the 100 and Now I quit in season 6. Idk what it is but I cannot move forward with season 6, the vibe doesn’t feel right and I feel like the story got really boring. I unfortunately know how the show ends with our…sorta clexa endgame. But I will do a little review and go from there
Season 1 was a good season and ngl a comfort season if you will. Getting to know our characters and what not
Season 2 was a holy fuck stressful season itself with so much that had happened. Bellamy carried that season on his back like a champ he was by far my favorite of the season
Season 3 was just complete bullshit imo but it was also my favorite. I’m more pissed off that we lost Lincoln and…and lexa within I believe back to back episodes. How she died was complete bullshit by a stray bullet and then Lincoln executed like FUCK MAN. I’m extremely happy we got clexa before tragedy struck with THAT scene😏. Seeing clexa reunite in the city of light had me BALLING like a whole baby I think I cried that whole entire episode and that I love you made me sob so hard😭 good season but shit deaths
Season 4 I think was pretty cool especially meeting Luna, Emori and other characters. Seamechanic had me sold and it sucks that they weren’t made into a couple with them ruining Luna’s character and killing her off (let’s be real she could’ve solo’s EVERYONE in that conclave) the ending had me in tears and it was just a phenomenal season
Season 5 was a complete total different vibe to it. 3 groups in different places was cool too (didn’t like Octavia this season AT ALL) Clarke with madi and knowing she’s basically a mini lexa had me sad as hell. Echos whole turn around as a character was awesome I loved her this whole season, Bellamy I didn’t really care for much at all still a favorite tho. Murphy as well he became top 10 of my favorite characters of all time. Madi getting the chip and lexa speaking through madi had me in tears I miss her sm. And Harper and Monty’s deaths were NOT something I expected at all which had me BALLING so hard at I loved them both bro it’s not fair.
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lizblogsshit · 3 years
ok the more i think about bellarke the angrier i get. there was so much build up to them, and we just get clarke shooting him after they ruined both their characters??? like dear god, they couldn’t have done us dirtier. and i was an original fan of the books, so i have been holding out for bellarke endgame since season one, but even if that was never the goal, why couldn’t bellamy have survived? his death added nothing to the plot and just made me even more mad at that trainwreck of a show
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
The Voyage So Far: Skypiea
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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the bar scene in jaya is one i didn’t really get the first time i read it- like nami, i mostly found luffy and zoro’s refusal to fight back frustrating more than anything else. i didn’t realize the connection to shanks in the prologue until someone else pointed it out awhile later, but when i did, it made me appreciate the entire sequence and luffy’s choices a lot more. 
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honestly, i know this is one of the pages that gets the most attention from jaya, and it absolutely deserves it. blackbeard here is effectively dropping one of the biggest main themes of the series- people’s dreams don’t end!!- and how interesting that we get that delivered by the antagonist to the protagonist, instead of the other way around? how often do you see a series do that? 
and the line hits. look at the emphasis. there’s absolutely nothing on these two pages except for the three strawhats, blackbeard, and blackbeard’s line, bigger than anything else. 
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chapter 232, with luffy punching out bellamy in one hit is still, to this day, probably my favorite one piece chapter. it opens with the drunk pirate seeing the newspaper with luffy’s hundred million bounty and realizing just who bellamy was kicking around, and it hits on one of my favorite plot threads of one piece- the growing infamy of the strawhats and luffy in particular, and their rise in the world. 
the atmosphere of the whole scene is so good, the tension in their air, the way all the bar patrons jump when luffy yells for bellamy to come out- and when the hit comes, the satisfaction is visceral. 
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i’ve talked about it before, but god, i LOVE the way one piece defines “romance”- the arthurian kind of romance, the adventurous kind, that romanticizes the world and its wonders- romance dawn. in an arc as thematically heavy as jaya, it makes sense that it, too, is explicitly brought up. can you think of a more romantic, impossible adventure than traveling to the sky?
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nami’s confidence when faced with the task of navigating into the sky is so fantastic. 
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the expressions, and the art in general, in skypiea, are really so lovely. look at the variety between the strawhats when they first emerge from the white-white sea to lay eyes on angel island. look how expressive they all are!! i have such a soft place in my heart for the art in these earlier arcs, honestly.
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somewhat related to the above: there are so many little moments in skypiea where the strawhats just get to have FUN, and be stupid, and get fleshed out more as characters, and honestly it’s such a delight. also, everyone’s skypiea outfits were just really really good. cowboy hat robin... i miss u every day 
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i really like the whole scene where robin is exploring the ruins, and these panels in particular have such a lovely sort of ethereal look to them. i love seeing robin doing archeology, i think for the same reason i love to see sanji cooking- the strawhats are all such cool and passionate people, and it’s really really nice to see them doing and talking about the things they love and excel at most. 
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i’m sure i’ve said it before but i LOVE how logia powers are depicted, especially when used to avoid an attack. it’s so cool. ace’s cover story runs through most of this arc, and we get some great examples of it there as well. 
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1. wife 
2. skypiea is SUCH a good character-building arc for robin- which is good, because the next saga is almost entirely predicated on how much both the audience and the strawhats care about her. it’s here where we learn about her passion for archeology, her reverence for history, and get a much better look at the softer sides of her personality and her fast-growing admiration and affection for the strawhats. 
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man, enel has so many huge, terrifyingly powerful shows of force throughout this arc, but this right here, this little sequence where he appears behind raki between panels without warning and we see him reflected in her eye, communicates better than absolutely anything else just why he’s a nightmare.
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“jonny you sure are posting a lot of panels of zoro being cool without any real commentary” yeah. he kicks ass in this arc 
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conis is a very underrated character, i think. she’s pretty easy to overlook, but she also manages to completely break the indoctrination she’s been raised into and gambles her own life to save most of the population of angel island from complete extermination. she yells that she doesn’t recognize enel as god, an instant death sentence at any other time, just to get them to listen to her. 
there’s a moment, in this scene, where a boy throws a rock at her for insulting enel, and she just stands there, and lets the blood trickle down her face, and keeps making her case. honestly, i really like her.
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look at this page. look how it’s framed. luffy in the foreground, taking up most of the page- enel in the background, tiny, inconsequential. 
now that’s how you draw god’s natural enemy. 
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this is one of my favorite nami character moments in the whole manga. nami is a greedy person. she has a lot of things she wants. it’s one of her defining traits. 
but when faced with someone with godlike power, offering her absolutely anything she wants if she’ll just abandon her friends and come with him- she doesn’t want anything, for that price, even with her life on the line if she declines. she knows exactly what her treasure is. 
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obviously this is an awesome panel, but sanji’s little smile just before enel strikes him is what really, really makes it for me. he’s about to get slammed with several thousand volts of lightning, but more importantly, nami and usopp are going to be safe. 
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the skypiea flashback is one of my very favorites, and also the first time one piece ever made me cry. i nearly cried just flipping through it again for this post. it’s just so fucking devastating.
noland never stopped looking, and calgara never stopped waiting, and neither of them ever lost faith in each other despite how badly they fell out at the end, and wow, that just kills me. but at the same time, it makes the way the flashback and the main story come together at the end so satisfying and cathartic.
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i do think skypiea has one of the best climaxes of any arc. the way all the disparate elements and plot threads- enel, the story of noland and calgara, the war between the skypieans and shandians, cricket’s search down on jaya- come together and tie up so perfectly that the entire arc can be ended by the ringing of a single massive bell is nothing less than genius writing. 
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i really love the establishment of roger’s poneglyph message and all the things it implies here. it raises so many questions, most of which we’ve only now gotten answered, in wano. oda’s capacity for long-term storytelling is one of his greatest strengths, and this is probably one of my favorite examples of it. (see also, in jaya when sanji mentions offhand that he was born in north blue.)
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i just really love seeing them all smiling, and i love the parallels to calgara and noland’s sendoff here. feels like a wound finally healing, after four hundred years. 
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and, of course, it ends with cricket, asking what crazy, romantic dream they’re going to chase down next. because this is one piece!! just because you find the end of one rainbow doesn’t mean you stop looking for the next one. 
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thequeenofsastiel · 4 years
I'm still so upset that Clarke's ending involves her having to spend the rest of her life without the two people she loves most. Even if you don't subscribe to Bellarke being romantic, the truth is that Bellamy was the second most important person to her. I know the ending of the show seemed sweet and all, with Clarke’s friends choosing to come be with her, but all I can think about is the fact that she's going to have to live with the knowledge that she killed the person who she loved almost more than anyone else to save the person she loved most, only to lose that person too. That's such a terrible thing to have to live with, and I hate that for her more than I can possibly say. The worst part is that it was so so unnecessary. Madi could have chosen to come back like the rest of Clarke's people, considering the fact that those who had been on the brink of death came back without their injuries (including Emori, despite the fact that her body had actually died, tf?). So why didn't she? As far as I can tell, the only reason is to make Clarke miserable. And don't say it's because The 100 is "realistic" or whatever, because Mackson, Memori, and Levitavia all got their happy endings. So why didn't Clarke, who spent the entire show protecting and sacrificing for others, get hers? It's just such fucking garbage.
I hate how the awfulness of season seven keeps hitting me in waves. I've spent the last year so excited about the end of this show, and jroth just ruined it.
Clarke haters don't interact.
EDIT: Anti Clarke comments will be deleted.
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historyofshipping · 4 years
For those of you trying to make sense of this: don’t. There is none.
I first want to thank each and every one of my followers (both current and former) for staying with me on this journey. For me, I think that the journey is over. I don’t know what that means for me and this blog going forward but I think I’m going to take a break at the very least. (I will get to all of your asks still, just not right now.) 
For me, the show ended with the CPR scene. Nothing happened after that. 
There is no sense in Bellamy’s death. None at all. I’m not mad that he died - I’m mad about how it happened. It was a pointless, meaningless death and JR made his soulmate pull the trigger. 
It’s bad storytelling. There is nothing about that death that advances the plot. There’s nothing about his death that does anything for any of the characters. It’s pointless. 
That’s not the way the story was going. It wasn’t a good “twist.” It was shit storytelling. 
I am angry, but more than that - I’m numb. And after loving these characters for 6 years, I’m angry that I’m numb. JR ruined his own show for no reason, other than maybe his own petty grievances. 
I will never be involved in a fandom the way that I’ve been in this one and Star Wars. I can’t invested that much of myself in anything ever again, especially to be hurt like this. It’s just not worth it to me. 
But make no mistake - these characters belong to us. Bellamy and Clarke will get the ending they deserve in fanfic and I, for one, am so excited to finally start reading it. 
Even if Bellamy comes back, I’m out. I’ll watch the Bellarke scenes - if any more happen - but that’s it. Bellamy was the heart of the show for me and I already know what the show is like without him and I don’t like it. I have no connection to it. 
I love you all and this community so much. Fuck JRoth. 
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bellamyblake · 2 years
absolutely love hairclip dad standing up for his little girl. tbh the most normal parent we ever saw on the show, everyone else just seems downright dysfunctional. yes, reese doesn’t have to be that strong. i feel like abby does expect clarke to be strong and survive this like she knew she’d survive her dad’s death which is why she pushed forward with it. we don’t know enough about jaha and wells but from what we can assume, he expected a lot of him and was semingly sometimes disappointed. we all know about aurora and the blakes (though that’s a whole other subject i would discuss in a different meta) but yes aurora does expect bellamy to be as strong when she puts a baby in his hand and tells him to raise it and he does prove her right, he is. they shouldn’t be as strong-they should’ve just been kids loved by their parents like Tor does with Reese. (and to an extent Jake with Clarke though that ofc gets ruined)
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pretend-writer · 3 years
Down Below (Chapter 72)
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Summary: After being sent down on Earth with the other prisoners from the Ark, Y/N Reyes faces series of events and learns about survival. With new things happening around her, she is now starting a new chapter in her life.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, John Murphy x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 2k words
Warning: swearing, mention of death
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It was hard to grasp why majority of us were in on staying in Sanctum. Call me paranoid but it was hard to trust someone who we barely knew; I mean look what happened with the grounders, Mount Weather, Diyoza and McCreary.
But Clarke always knew what was best for us right? She was the person we had to listen to because she kept us together, kept us sane and had our back throughout everything. Obviously Clarke knew what she was doing.
She knew it was a great idea to leave Raven, Marcus and Octavia outside when the radiation was going to kill us. Clarke knew to shoot me in the head when I tried to save them. She knew to betray her family and side with the enemy that was trying to kill them for the valley.
So it was such a great idea to listen to her to stay here. Not that we had a say in it at all.
Some of us knew that this was a terrible idea. They interviewed Clarke, horrible candidate to represent us, to show us that we were reliable to the community. That we were no harm.
But that was a lie wasn't it? All we've been doing since we landed on Earth was fight war one day after another. We've made enemies, soon joined clans but continued to kill each other. Who were we to tell them that we deserve to live with them.
Somehow, someway Russell and his people accepted us into their community. Don't know what lie Clarke pulled out of her ass but they were more than excited for us to stay with them. Too excited.
So enthused about welcoming us that they've invited us to attend their Opening Ceremony for "Naming Day", whatever that meant.
John and I sat together, watching everyone mingling and introducing themselves to our new "people."
'You know it's bad for your skin to crinkle your brows like that.' John laughed softly, watching me stress over these new people that we had to live with.
Looking over at Murphy, I rubbed my forehead as I tried to hide my facial expression. 'I'm sorry. Force of habit to not trust people, that's all.'
'Enemies wouldn't save lives. Matter of fact, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for them.'
'Please don't tell me you're defending them.'
'Ah, no. It's just that-' He bit his lip as he gazed at the people. 'I don't know, it doesn't hurt to have a little hope. For us.'
My jaw dropped, 'John Murphy talking about hope? Wow, you must be a different person.'
He nudged me, 'I died, didn't I?'
'Not funny.'
'What? Too soon?' He chuckled a little until he saw that I wasn't joking. 'Aw, baby I'm sorry.'
The flashback of that moment still terrified me, the way he lied silently, not moving a muscle. 'I was scared that I was going to lose you.'
John smiled, kissing me on my temple as he wrapped his arm around me. 'I'm not going anywhere. Your sister calls me cockroach remember?'
'Right, the infamous cockroach.' I kissed his cheek, leaning into his chest.
As I look up I see Raven approaching us with a huge grin on her face. 'It's been a long, long time since I've seen you two cozying up like this. You two lovebirds need a room?'
'I think you should get Jordan a room.' John pointed at him flirting with Delilah, the girl that everyone was celebrating Naming Day for. 'Man, I bet Monty is so proud.'
As I was laughing at the joke, I saw Bellamy and Clarke talking in a serious tone then eventually hugging. I didn't know what they were talking about but my guess was she was apologizing for the billionth time about all the "mistakes" she had made.
Raven stood in front of my view, looking over me with her arms crossed in front of her. She was probably confused, assuming that I was staring at Bellamy for a different reason.
As I looked up and met my eyes with Raven, she shook her head. I continued to stare at her with a straight face, showing her that I didn't care about what he did, more so annoyed about what Clarke was doing. I didn't want to say that aloud, of course.
Besides, I was angry with Bellamy. I didn't give a damn about what he was doing. If he wanted to make amends with Clarke that was going to betray us again, he can knock himself out.
Speaking of the devil, I heard their voice getting closer. Knowing Clarke's voice from miles away, I rolled my eyes as she started to speak to us.
'The ceremony is about to start soon. Don't really know what we're supposed to do but it'll be good for us to attend.'
'Count me out.' I laughed sarcastically, 'You guys can have your fun.'
Clarke rested her hands on her hips, 'We don't want them to think we're being disrespectful right?'
'I don't give a damn about what they think about us. I never agreed to stay here anyways.' I stood up and approached Clarke. 'They were digging into our history, did you ever think to ask them questions as well?'
Bellamy cut in, defending Clarke. 'She's doing the best she can for our people. They've agreed to take us in and because of that, we have a home now.'
'Okay, so where are the rest of our people? Some are still in cryo and stuck in the ship, correct?' I shook my head, 'It's always whatever that's convenient for you. Not us as a whole.'
'Soon enough, we will bring them here. Right now, we just bring whoever can represent us as a whole and look the best we can.'
'Mhm.' I hummed, staring at Clarke as my thoughts went elsewhere. She brought Madi back, having Gaia by her side as she was trained to control the flame in her neck.
She only brought people who were convenient for her, using us as bait to make ourselves look good when in all reality was that we had a ugly history behind us.
Why couldn't she bring Indra? She was smart in these situations, great at communicating and talking with people. Matter of fact, knew how to handle and escape tough situations. Yet she brought Gaia with us; without her mother. Only to use her to benefit her "daughter", Madi.
The fact was that nothing that was coming out of her mouth made sense; if we were safe and welcomed into the family, why couldn't we bring the rest of our people? Why couldn't we start settling into this "wonderful" place if this was our home now?
'Clarke again with the bullshit. How long will it take for you to betray us this time?' A chuckle escaped my mouth. 'I'll be in here, away from these people while I enjoying the booze I haven't had in years.'
'Same here. I'm going to the bar.' Raven didn't bat an eye before she walked away. I followed her to the back, where the bar counter was.
Sitting down as I took a deep breath, I pouring my first shot. 'I probably should just go back to cryo, pretend that none of this is happening.'
'I hear ya. I'll join you if you actually mean it.' John jumped in, sitting next to me as he poured a shot as well.
'Do we really believe this crap? I mean come on, it's so obvious Russell or someone has something on Clarke.' Raven shook her head, taking a sip from her beer that she had before.
'Clearly, he didn't want us near Sanctum and now he's so welcoming. I agree, something is definitely not right.' I knew I sounded paranoid, but given the fact that Russell almost wanted nothing to do with us, it did sound a bit odd.
Raven looked at me with a smirk on her face. 'You want to snoop around? I mean no offense to them but I just don't trust them.'
Murphy raised his brows, 'The perfect Raven Reyes suddenly wants to be bad? Wow.'
'How is this bad? I need to make sure we're not falling into some trap.'
'I'm down for that. Whatever we need to do to keep us safe.' I smiled.
'Do we have to ruin this?' John sighed, 'I mean come on. We're in paradise right now. Let's leave it be for a few days, enjoy ourselves.'
Raven shook her head as she grinned, 'Okay now you're crazy. You want to turn down being bad?'
John nudged Raven, 'Leave me alone. Recently died here.'
I instantly looked over at him, Murphy noticed too because he apologized. 'I-Sorry Y/N. I guess it's just my way of coping. I'm sorry.'
'Yeah, I know.' I sighed, understanding his part but also sensitive to the subject. It hurt to see him like that and the flashbacks just drove me crazy.'
'This is why we need to keep it be, for now. Let's just enjoy this moment. Y/N, when was the last time you were relaxed?' John smiled, 'Let's go on a date, you and me.'
'A date?' I didn't know why but my mind went blank, what is a date exactly?
My whole life I was trapped in a metal box that was floating out of space, the life after that all I knew was fight and survival. I've never in my life never dreamed or even thought of a date. A moment to spend quality time with a significant other.
'What did you sound like that.' John scratched his head. 'I mean if you don-'
'No, no. It's just that, I've never even thought about any of that stuff.' My cheeks got warmer, I could feel myself blushing. 'I'd love to go on a date with you.'
His eyes widened, John's cheeks getting pink as well. Raven giggled, 'You two act like you haven't seen each other naked. Why are you guys shy all of the sudden.'
The joke made everything worse, our cheeks getting redder. I took another shot and then hit my sister, 'Okay stop with that!'
'What? It's true.'
Murphy rolled his eyes as he laughed at Raven, then turned back to me. 'Meet me in front of the staircase tomorrow night. The one that goes up to that palace, okay?'
I nodded, butterflies in my stomach as I was excited. It had been a long time since I've looked forward to something, hell, it had been a long time since I've been genuinely happy.
Bellamy's POV;
She was smiling, so beautifully and so happily. I haven't seen Y/N smile so genuinely since I left her on Earth. Now she was smiling, except I wasn't the reason behind that joy.
Reyes was done with me now, I knew all the reasoning behind it. Everything she had said about me was true; I was a hypocrite, I was a cheater, I was everything she didn't deserve at all.
Of course she left me for Murphy, he was good. He'd done a lot better in the Ring than I ever did. Hell, anyone up there did better.
Now, I deserve what had come to me. The love of my life with another man, me being miserable once again. But I couldn't complain, I deserve this. After hurting Y/N, not pulling her out of the struggle that she had been facing under the bunker.
She had called for help so many times, the silence but loud cries of suffering that I ignored. Not to mention the fact that I've pushed my sister away also; I didn't know why I was behaving the way that I was.
This time, I was alone. Facing these new strangers that we started sharing their spaces with, facing them by myself. No one wanted to be near me but Clarke. I didn't know how I felt about it, considering Y/N had really strong feeling towards her but it was better than nothing.
The fact of the matter was I had to do better, I had to win Reyes back and make her love me again. Go how it used to be, how it was supposed to be when she flew up to the Ring with us.
But I couldn't tell her my secret; Y/N couldn't know about the six years that happened with me while I was up there. She should never know.
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northby-northwest · 4 years
y’all i’m just watching the bellarke shippers be absolutely PISSED after bellamy’s death and calling the show horrible and ruined but lemme just say
the show was ruined when they killed lexa bb. y’all mad cuz they offed half of your ship? this is how the gays feel 24/7 😛
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princesswan · 4 years
I haven’t been here in ages but I desperately need a place to rant right now. This is gonna be long, I’m sorry but I need to get this off my chest.  So, Bellamy Blake.  This doesn’t make any fucking sense to me. Nothing about this entire season makes sense, but what happened in 7x13? That I just can’t get past. I genuinely can’t believe that the writers room thought that scene out, wrote it and then was like “yeah this is a good way to kill off the male lead who’s been with us since day one”. It makes zero sense that it is a thing that actually happened. I set the bar so low for them and still they manage to achieve a level of shitty, spiteful, senseless and absolutely horrible writing. And it’s not like I was convinced that Bellamy wasn’t gonna die, because deep down we all knew that in some way he was gonna leave us, and I would have been okay with that with time, but not even in my worst nightmares I expected this bullshit to happen on my screen. And I’m mad, I’m so mad right now because I never thought I would come to hate one of my favorite shows in the entire universe. It just doesn’t make sense to me, I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that one of my fav characters is gone just like that, it completely clashes with everything that has happened and has been said in the past six seasons. He died in the worst way EVER, because I’ve never in my entire life witnessed such a horrendous death, killed by one of the people that meant most to him, a person he trusted, that he loved and took care of, and stood with, he died convinced all of his friends hated him, he died without any kind of redemption, without saying goodbye to his sister, he died on another planet, completely alone and abandoned by all of the people he considered his family. And the worst thing is that we saw nothing of him in season 7, he disappeared for most of it and when he got back they made sure he would be villainized, they isolated him and made everyone turn their backs on him without a second thought, without even trying to understand his point, his fears, his story. And then, 3 episodes after getting him back he’s brutally killed, just like that, over a book Clarke didn’t even get. And I know it’s more than just a book and that she wanted to protect Madi, and I absolutely don’t blame her for putting her daughter first, but that scene could have gone in like a thousand different ways, and still, she chose to shoot him, TO DEATH. She could have shot the disciples, and then him in the leg to get the book, I really don’t know, she could have done a million things to prevent literally killing one of the people she was closest with, and still she didn’t, and STILL she left that damn book there. This was just so fucking unnecessary and let me add, so out of character for her. I don’t care, the real Clarke would never ever do that, she couldn’t kill him to save the human race in s4, and I don’t believe for a minute that she would actually do that now, despite the betrayal she could be feeling over her best friend acting like that, she would never do that without thinking of another solution first. And that’s all on Jason’s spiteful ass, this is just a slap in the face of the fans who supported his show through the years no matter what. I knew he loved doing things just to spite us, just to make us feel bad and angry, but this is on another level. He literally killed off Bellamy, ruined one of the most beautiful and developed relationships ever and ruined his show in the matter of 10 seconds because he needed to make a stand and show that it’s his show so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. I still don’t get and will never get Jason’s need to cut Bellamy off like that, but what I know is that this horrible, dumb storyline they gave to the male lead is just because of his private matters with Bob, and that simply shows how disrespectful and unprofessional he is. I don’t give a fuck what their problem was, when you are on set, when you are working on your damn show, you put your differences aside, you try to make the best out of it, for you own sake, for the sake of the content you put out, you don’t just throw away an entire character, his development and his relationships because you are petty. That’s not how things work, but it’s exactly what jason did anyway, and for that I will never forgive him. He really managed to ruin his own show, everyone will literally remember the 100 for this, for his pettiness, for his constant need to bait and then let down the fans; looking back, despite all the fond memories I have of this show, my mind will always go there first. I’m just so ashamed, I feel so disappointed and so emotionally drained like “why did I spend so many years investing my energy in THIS?” and that’s the worst feeling ever in regards to a show, it just means that the story failed. I’ve never regretted watching anything before, even when things got bad and out of control, and now I just kinda wish I never put myself through this in the first place. I’m so sorry for what it has become, I’m so sorry for the cast who worked so hard for this last season to be a complete mess only because a childish, petty, ridiculous show runner made the dumbest decisions ever, turning his own product into a fucking joke of a show, solely to concentrate on a prequel project that’s not even assured to be picked up, solely to get revenge on his lead for who knows what fight they had in the past. But most of all, I’m so sorry for Bellamy Blake who deserved at least the chance to get his redemption arc, to work things out with his friends, to have them understand him, to reconcile with all the people he loved, to get a chance at happiness. He deserved so much better but he was left with nothing. As we are. And lastly I’m sorry for the fandom, we deserved so much better too.
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