#The text is small and I don't know how to fix it whoops
quaxorascal · 7 years
Found this meme on @elderly-scrolls​‘ blog and wanted to try it out with some of my DnD kids! Just Taber, Willy, and Mhel for now because this meme is Quite long lmao, if you wanna do it give it a shot and you can say I tagged you!!
name: Taber Annabella Hai Alexandrite Inimeia Honora Mavondra Raine Lamburn alias(es): paladin, she-demon (not a fan of that one) gender: trans lady age: 28 place of birth: Corelia spoken languages: Common, Draconic, Corelic sexual orientation: bi bi bi occupation: Chainbreaker of Ilmater and adventurer
eye color: white with the barest hint of a brown iris hair color: brown with white stress-induced streaks height: 6′10″ without her horns, 7′2″ with them scars: lots burns: For Sure overweight: nope underweight: she probably was while in the Broker’s service but not anymore
color: dark cerulean, silver, lavender hair color: blonde if she had to pick? Pale hair colours in general eye color: silver music genre: stuff with a lot of drums, church hymns movie genre: romcoms and film adaptations of books, provided they’re good tv show: probably shows like NCIS or Bull that make her think as she’s watching food: venison and booze chocolate drink: whiskey rocks book: lots of them!! Mostly romance novels of varying degrees of trashiness
passed university: nope had sex: ;0 had sex in public: lmao absolutely not gotten pregnant (themself or a partner): nope kissed a boy: nope kissed a girl: yes!! gotten tattoos: nope gotten piercings: nope had a broken heart: yes but not because she was broken up with been in love: yuuup stayed up more than 24 hours: or longer, though not by choice
a virgin: nope! a cuddler: she’s working on that a kisser: yup! She’s shy about it though scared easily: haha yeah jealous easily: not sure? trustworthy: absolutely dominant: nooo lmao submissive: AbSoLutey in love: ;0 single: nope nope
have they harmed themselves: not intentionally I don’t think thought of suicide: nope attempted suicide: I mean not deliberately, but jumping onto a fuckin dragon’s back doesn’t have all that many possible outcomes wanted to kill someone: yeahhh ridden a horse: yup! A fey horse to be precise! have/had job: if adventurer counts, yes! have any fears: oh absolutely
sibling(s): Deniel, alive parents: Ciro and Astrid, missing and possibly dead children: No Sir pets: she’s the only person in her party without a pet whoops
name: Wilver Finnegan Craglight alias(es): Willy, Finny, Finn-again-and-again, Quicksilver, Will Pickle, Willy Nilly, So Many More because his siblings are all terrible gender: trans dude age: 23 place of birth: Barrelbottom spoken languages: Common, Halfling, Gnomish sexual orientation: pan and proud occupation: student cartographer and adventurer Agatha Crowe’s bodyguard
eye color: green! hair color: brown height: 3′1″, my sweet little shortie scars: not that I know of! burns: nah overweight: maybe? That would be cute, he’s a halfling and a squishy mage after all underweight: nope!
color: earthy tones and neutrals, so such like green and grey and brown hair color: any? eye color: any?? music genre: traveling songs, especially when sung in round movie genre: coming-of-age stories and history documentaries! tv show: honestly probably cartoons, in modern AUs he’s probably the first one of his siblings to not be stuck watching cartoons his whole childhood because the younger siblings are watching them lmao food: fresh bread and baked potatoes! drink: ice-cold water tbh book: historical tomes!
passed university: he’s working on it! had sex: nope had sex in public: nooope gotten pregnant (themself or a partner): nope, [redacted bc spoilers] kissed a boy: maybe? kissed a girl: maybe?? gotten tattoos: lmao nope gotten piercings: nope had a broken heart: no but if his two siblings who are MIA actually turn up dead the answer will change been in love: yuuup stayed up more than 24 hours: oh probably, and then he fell asleep at the workbench lmao
a virgin: yup yup a cuddler: yessss a kisser: he doesn’t know yet! scared easily: yeah but he hides it jealous easily: ??? not sure trustworthy: For Sure, he’s a reliable business boy dominant: uh?? Maybe?? submissive: I mean probably a little bit in love: he’s got crushes but he’s not in love yet! single: he sure is
have they harmed themselves: not intentionally I don’t think thought of suicide: no! attempted suicide: nope! wanted to kill someone: nope! ridden a horse: no but he’s ridden in horse- and pony-drawn wagons before have/had job: it’s more of an apprenticeship but yup! have any fears: he Does
sibling(s): (oh boy) Orinian, Malri, Laace, Anzona and Jayjen (twins), Therphina, Yeslie, Roslyn, Norvon, Elielle, Pinamin, and Korrich. All are alive as far as he knows, but Malri and Pinamin are MIA parents: Xander and Leorah, both alive children: nope pets: no but I know he could have a spell that would let him have a familiar so this Might change
name: Shuvermhel Hlall alias(es): Mhel gender: genderfluid age: 117 place of birth: Wryn Shiralath in the Underdark spoken languages: Common, Undercommon, Elvish, Druidic, Infernal sexual orientation: Heckin Gay occupation: hunter of the dead and agricultural druid, future adventurer!
eye color: purple with a green shimmer hair color: white height: 6′2″ scars: probably a couple from various hunting trips burns: nope! overweight: nope underweight: nah
color: teal and purple! hair color: he’s a drow so hair colours other than white or silver fascinate him, especially his clade’s (husband’s husband) black hair eye color: he’s Gay and loves his husband’s amber eyes music genre: dancey music! movie genre: nature documentaries and cheesy 80s horror films tv show: I haven’t watched Buzz..feed Un..solved but probably that honestly food: goodberries, mushrooms, fresh bread drink: any fresh vegetable juice! book: he’s not much one for reading but he does appreciate field note-type books about the surface
passed university: n/a actually! had sex: ;0 had sex in public: No Thank You gotten pregnant (themself or a partner): not yet! kissed a boy: yup kissed a girl: nope gotten tattoos: man that would be sick gotten piercings: that would Also be sick but less likely had a broken heart: I don’t think so? been in love: oh yeah, and he still absolutely is stayed up more than 24 hours: oh probably
a virgin: nope ;0 a cuddler: absolutely a kisser: Absolutely scared easily: not really no! jealous easily: maybe a little but he knows how to deal with it, that’s important when your husband is married to two people trustworthy: yes! dominant: nah submissive: yeah B) in love: yesss single: he’s very happily married!
have they harmed themselves: yes but not intentionally thought of suicide: no way attempted suicide: nooope wanted to kill someone: nope! ridden a horse: no but one day he’ll be able to turn into one! have/had job: yes! have any fears: yeah
sibling(s): nah parents: his mother passed away some time ago but she wasn’t an important figure in his life, and as far as he knows his father Valas is still alive children: not yet! pets: no but he can turn into pets, so long as you feel wolves and spiders and poisonous snakes make good pets
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drabblily · 4 years
the end - bokuto x reader
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pairing: bokuto koutarou x reader
genre: angst
warnings: growing apart, hearbreak, mention of death 😈
word count: 1637
synopsis: bokuto grows apart from you no matter how hard he tries not to. is this the end of your relationship with him?
author’s note: i feel like i didn't do him justice despite being in love with him :’) also if you see any mistakes in this, WHOOPS because i didn’t really do in-depth checking fjsabahfb
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you think you started noticing the signs when he cancelled on you for the first time. your extremely clingy boyfriend who somehow always made time for you told you he “was busy.” at first, you understood. he was a busy person in general, with volleyball and such, so of course you couldn't be mad at him for it, he had his life and you had yours.
but then you started noticing the little things, how his golden eyes zoned out when you were talking, how he seemed moody every time he came to see you, how he didn’t share your excitement whenever you were talking about the things that made you happy that day. 
it was odd, how everything about him slowly changed around you. when he usually was the happiest around you, it started to feel like a burden to see or be with you. and you knew it wasn’t because he’d been having a rough day because whenever you came to visit him at his practices, you watched as his eyes were bright and how he laughed oh so loudly. yet, when he turned and caught sight of you, you saw how his wide grin faltered and his laughs came to a stop. you were pretty sure you saw him sigh at one point.
you knew what was happening to your relationship with the owl-like male, you both knew. it wasn’t something either of you could deny, it was as clear as day. he was growing apart from you, getting tired of you and this relationship. but, neither of you addressed this, almost as if you two were ignoring the topic because neither of you wanted to admit that your 2 year relationship would not be making it to it’s 3rd. 
the last straw was when you and bokuto decided to go out with your small friend group, deciding to go separately and meet up there because he wanted to hang out with kuroo, kenma, and akaashi before the night started. you agreed, giving him a quick kiss on the lips and went back to doing your makeup for later. he threw you a small goodbye and you heard the door to your apartment close. your thoughts went back to the kiss you shared with him 10 seconds ago, well, not really shared to be honest. your hand touched your mouth, recognizing how he didn't kiss you back and left so quickly. 
feeling a familiar fluid well up in your eyes, you dabbed at them with a small tissue, not wanting to ruin your hard work with some silly tears. it was nothing to be concerned about, you told yourself, you’d talk about it later with him in private and hopefully figure out a solution that would help repair your broken relationship.
forty-five or so minutes passed by and you were finished, already in your small car and driving to the restaurant you’d be hanging out at. you had gotten a text from your girlfriends that they were about to arrive there soon, which by soon they probably meant 30 minutes soon. you smiled at the small thought of your friends as you pulled into the parking lot near the joint. by now, you thought, bokuto and his best friends would be done with whatever they were doing and should be expecting for the rest of the group to arrive soon, including yourself. 
exiting your vehicle, you locked it and began to make your way to the entrance, looking both ways before crossing the road to make your way to the eatery. when you opened the door to the building, you felt a rush of cool air brush against your face, feeling yourself become calm at the temperature (which was weird that you were nervous in the first place, you never have been so worked up over a simple hang-out.)
flexing your clammy hands, you made your way throughout the building to the table you and your friends usually sat at--which was a booth right around the corner. you don't really know why sitting here had become a tradition but it did, and it was perfect to you. however, right before you could turn that same corner, you heard your boyfriend’s loud laughter come to a stop and his voice speak your name. 
“y/n? she’s…” you could hear bokuto sigh tiredly, “doing fine, i guess.”
“what do you mean you guess? aren’t you her boyfriend?” akaashi asked curiously, noticing how his close friend’s mood lowered at the mention of your name.
“no, no, i mean she’s doing great! and about the boyfriend thing...i don't know anymore. i love her, man, at least i think i do? but lately it just feels like a chore seeing her, you know? i just feel like i want to take a break with her though, or hell, maybe even break up with her? i dont know...it’s not fair to her for me to keep cancelling without any explanation. like she kissed me before i left her house and i couldn’t even return it! er--well more like i didn’t want to return it?”
“shit bro, that took a turn i didn’t expect, but for sure with taking a break at least. even we could tell how you suddenly went all gloomy and shit when we brought her up.” you heard a vibration against the table, probably a text, “oh looks like the girls are about to come in. remember what we talked about, man. can’t have my favorite bro this sad--no offense kenma, you know you’re my bestie~” kuroo teased, followed by his iconic cackle and a groan coming out from the faux blonde’s mouth.
“yeah yeah! just, make sure not to tell y/n about this, okay? i’m not ready for that conversation yet…anyways!” his hands slammed on the table, “i’m gonna use the restroom! i gotta peeeeee” 
normally you would’ve laughed at how he unnecessarily dragged out words, you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything. not talk, not laugh, not even move when bokuto bumped into you when he turned the corner. 
“hey hey hey!! baby? you’re here already? hey, why are you crying, birdie?” bokuto gulped nervously, worried that you had heard everything he said, moving your hair out of your face to look at you more clearly.
as if finally processing everything, you flinched away from him, frantically wiping away at your tears pathetically, “d-don’t call me that kou, what...what do you mean by what yo-you said? you don’t love me? y-you don't want to kiss me anymore? what does that mean?” you stammered out, feeling a sob rack through your body. 
“stop! don’t call me that if you don’t mean it...please…” you begged, your hands shaking and your bottom lip quivering, attempting to bite on it to stop it. 
bokuto’s eyebrows furrowed, feeling a lump in his throat and occasional tears falling down his cheeks. he always hated seeing you cry, to see you so sad, and yet here he was being the cause of your distress. 
“why couldn’t you talk to me about this? why did you have to distance yourself more and more instead of confronting me? was this because of me? please tell me so i can fix myself...because i don't want to lose you, bo…” your eyes searched his face desperately for answers, for anything. 
bokuto took a step towards you, uncaring of the attention you two had gotten yourselves, “no! it’s not because of you, i swear...it’s not you, it's me.”
a sharp laugh came out of your mouth, amused at the cliche that you thought only existed in those movies you watched, “don’t say that. you know how much i hate that…”
“bir--y/n...i love you…”
you inhaled, pursing your lips together and looking deep into those yellow eyes of his, “you love me...but you're not in love with me, is what you meant, right?”
bokuto opened his mouth to speak, to deny and say that wasn’t true, yet no words came out. for some reason, he couldn’t lie to you like that, because it was true, what you said. he tried so hard to make himself fall back in love, but all his efforts were for nothing. that spark he felt two years ago was no longer there, no matter what he did. 
“so it-it’s true?” you questioned, wanting him so badly to say you were acting crazy and kiss you, “you...you’re not in love with me anymore? is this the end of us?”
he watched your figure back up more, nodding your head with a pained expression gracing your pretty features, hearing a small whimper leave your lips, “you know, for a man who loves to talk you sure are quiet...so i’m gonna take your silence as a yes. i should probably hate you right now...i want to hate you for this. but even now i can't help but love you. isn’t that sad…?”
before he could reply, you spared him one last glance with tear stained cheeks and a broken heart, shaking your head lightly in disappointment and turning away. you didn’t hear him come after you. you didn’t hear him call out for you either. you did feel the familiar cool air at the entrance, your friends coming in at that exact same moment, smiles immediately dropping at the sight of you. you felt guilty, pushing past them with no explanation and out into the street to make your way to your car. 
it's funny how the crying blurred your eyes so much that you forgot to look both ways before you crossed the road, something you were taught to do at a young age. but in the end, all you could hear was a loud beep and then blackness flooded your vision.
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taglist: @igenll
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Wish It Was Real: Chapter 3 (A. Matthews)
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Gif by @nylanders
Usually on Saturdays Auston and I would hang out at home all day, listening to music and doing chores around my apartment until it comes time to get ready to go to the arena. It's abnormally quiet in the apartment this Saturday, with no Aus bouncing around the halls, trying to distract me while I fold the laundry, blasting music until I yell at him to turn it down.
I miss him. It's only been a couple of days since I've seen him and I miss him. I don't bother turning on music, but I go around the rooms, picking up old glasses and plates to wash before I get ready to go. I shake my head and wonder how terribly wrong I read the situation on the couch with Auston. I spooked him, and now he'll never look at me the same ever again. He's probably disgusted with me. He's never expressed he wanted anything more with me, our relationship seeming strictly friendly until the fake-dating. But apparently, the entire thing was acting. If he's going to give me the cold shoulder from now on, I don't know how much longer I can go playing pretend with him.
Why the fuck did I run off like that, I think to myself, lying on my back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I've picked up my phone at least a hundred times, opening her contact on my phone, wanting more than anything to text her, to see her.
To hear her voice.
But something stops me every time. Something inside me makes me throw my phone across the room and try to force her out of my head. I can't get her out, though. She's all that I can think about, has been for years. Stupid fucking flings don’t even come close to making me feel the way I do when I’m around her, when she smiles at me and its like time stops, when she jokingly flirts with me when we’re alone. The way she's been looking at me, while we've been pretending, I literally cannot focus. It takes all my fucking willpower not to kiss her while we’re in the company of the team, or her friends.
When she's wearing my sweats, her hair hanging loose with no makeup on, I can't think straight. When she dresses up to go out somewhere, I imagine my hands roaming her perfect body, the things I'd do to her if I could. She makes my heart stop. She's funny, and kind to literally everyone, she's loyal, beautiful…
She’s my fucking favourite person and I want her all to myself.
I'm gonna make her mine. I'm done playing games and pretending and flirting. I sit up on my bed and push myself onto my feet to get ready to go to the arena. I'm not going to wait around anymore.
I smile politely at the people who make eye-contact with me on my way to the section where the guys buy seats for the WAGs. I take a deep breath when I see the group of blondes chatting and drinking a few metres away. I nod at the strangers in the seats between me and the girls and slide past them when they get up.
“Y/N! Hey!” Paige exclaims when she sees me. She gets up from her seat to hug me and sits back down, taking her purse off my seat so I can do the same. I wave at the group, and while most of the girls are nice enough to me, Steph glares at me slightly. I shake my head to myself, but my face breaks into a smile when Paige turns towards me. “So, how are things going with Auston?” She drawls. Paige had quickly become my closest friend out of the girls when Kasperi started dating her. They have an on-off relationship, and when they're on I see a lot more of her, but she's probably the only one out of the girlfriends that I keep in touch with outside of with the guys.
I grimace slightly, and her face falls. “You know how the guys all went out for Will’s birthday the other night?” She nods, her eyes searching mine. “Since that night, I haven't seen or heard from him. I know he’s alive because he’s been posting and the team hasn’t posted a fucking announcement that he died, but he’s been ignoring me for what seems like absolutely no reason.” I pout a little, this being the first time I've spoken the situation out loud, even in its half-truth.
“Want me to get Kappy to kick his ass?” She asks, her expression sombre until she sees my face light up and I giggle. We laugh and continue to chat until the lights dim and the light show begins on the ice. We whoop and cheer with the rest of the arena, and Paige and I yell especially loud for Kap, Mitch, and Will. When Auston’s name is announced and the arena starts to shake, my heart dips and breaks a little. He gives a small nod to the arena, which is displayed on the scoreboard, then looks in my direction. I watch him as he squints to look for me in the crowd, as he does every game I come to, but instead of smiling and waving when he sees me like a little kid, he nods to himself and looks away.
My heart breaks and I slump in my seat a bit, which catches Paige’s attention. “Hey, what's wrong?”
“He barely even looked at me.” I admit, and she puts an arm around me and rubs my shoulder. Her bracelet catches on a loose thread of my jersey, and she grins a little.
“His name is still on the back of the jersey you're wearing. Everything is fine. He would’ve taken it with him when he left if he didn’t want you to wear it. And you're going out with him tonight, right?” I nod, still frowning.
“Okay, so then you talk to him tonight. Ask him why he's being a little bitch. And if he does break your heart, I swear I’ll get Kap to beat his ass.”
I giggle again at the thought of the two best friends having it out. “Thanks for being such an amazing friend,” I tell her, and she smiles.
“Babe, you never have to thank me for that.”
The game speeds by and it’s halfway through the third period with the guys down by one to the Panthers. Auston gains possession of the puck and skates into the opposing end. He passes it to Mitch, who passes it back to Auston, who skates around a defenceman and shoots from his backhand…
The arena starts to shake as people jump up from their seats and scream and cheer. I stand up and clap as the guys jump on Auston in celebration. As he skates towards the bench, he looks in my direction and winks, and butterflies blossom in my stomach. Paige sees, and she wraps her arms around me in celebration.
Mitch scores the game-winning goal seven minutes later, to which the fans erupt, and the game ends three minutes after that. Everyone is ecstatic and I leave our section and go into the concourse with Paige on my heels.
“Do you need anything before you go to see him?” she asks me, gently fixing my hair.
“I think I'm okay,” I laugh. “We’re not meeting for the first time or anything.”
She nods and pats me on the shoulder. “Have fun, don't let Steph drag down the night too much.”
I nod and she kisses me on the cheek before letting me find my way to the stairs to get down to meet Auston.
Most of the security recognize me, so I don't have to pull out my access card, but there's always a few new guys who assume I'm a fangirl going to harass the guys. I groan and fish around my purse, but before I can find it someone comes running down the hall and envelopes me in his arms. “Auston!'' I exclaim and hug him back.
“See my goal? Just for you,” he winks, easily falling into fake-affection.
“I saw,'' I grin, and he plants a kiss on my forehead, right in front of the security guard. He clears his throat and Auston nods at him, then wraps his arm around my shoulders to lead me to his car. When we get in, my smile falls, but his doesn’t.
“We can't just act like nothing happened,” I frown.
“Why not?” he jokes, but immediately drops it. “I know. I'm sorry for the way I acted, I really am. I was stupid, I just freaked because-” he cuts himself off when Mitch bursts into the back of the car, a huge grin on his face.
“Mitch! Game winner!'' I smile and high five him, and he pats himself on the back.
“No big deal,” he laughs. Stephanie steps into the car moments later, and the light mood darkens slightly, but I'm able to ignore the glare she gives me.
“Where are we going?” I ask Auston, telling him with my eyes that our conversation is not over.
“Uhm, the usual place.” I nod, my lips in a tight line, and Auston nods back, expressing that he gets that we’re gonna talk alone.
The night is far from over.
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