#Wilver F Craglight
quaxorascal · 6 years
For the romantic OC ask, can you do 6 and 8 for Taber, and 18 for Wilver, and 24 for both.
Gladly!! (from here)
(06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC?
(this is me paraphrasing bc it’s been a while but: ) “This [your past as a slave] isn’t a deal-breaker. I adore you. ...And I want to see how this goes.”
(08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal?
Gods, she didn’t even think she’d be in a relationship until recently, much less that she would ever get engaged!
(Raine’s teasing made her think of it, briefly, not long enough to plan anything out. She came to the conclusion that if she were to propose, she’d want to do it after she’s done adventuring, in an environment where it’s just her and her lady. Something quiet and intimate and just for them.
Also, she knows that knights propose to their ladies traditionally, but those novels of hers where the lady proposes to her knight were always her favourites for gender euphoria reasons.)
(24) How does your OC determine that they’re attracted to someone?
She’s the last one to know, usually. She gets distracted from what she’s doing by watching her crush go about their own business, and by thinking about the sound of their voice, and doesn’t fully realize why. By the time she’s at the point where she’s thinking of gestures to impress them, someone has pointed her feelings out to her, and thank the gods for that
(18) Does your OC have a “type”?
He sure does! His type is people who are reckless, who are stubborn, who are energetic and/ or passionate, and who don’t look before they leap. Wilver, I know you like taking care of people, but come on
(24) How does your OC determine that they’re attracted to someone?
Willy gets infatuated with people entirely too easily, and he would probably tell you that half the people he knows are attractive if you asked him. It’s when he actively wants to spend more time with them, when they make him smile if he so much as thinks about them, and when he wants to follow them on their ridiculous schemes that he knows he’s got a crush on them
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quaxorascal · 7 years
Because the last ask made me think about it, here are my DnD kids as per the distinguished/functional/disaster gay/bi/lesbian graph, in text form:
Distinguished: Shuvermhel (gay), Niamh (lesbian)
Functional: Fyf (either gay or bi, they don’t Fuckin know), Erisonne (lesbian)
Disaster: Taber (bi), Wilver (pan)
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quaxorascal · 6 years
gimme those good talkin kids
I’m going to assume that this is CHA so here we go
Erisonne (9): I mean you don’t Need to know how to talk well when you’re a monk
Fyf (14): Really good at rallying troops and boosting morale, but the shit that comes out of their mouth at other times is just….
Shuvermhel (15): Is still pretty good at talking to people despite the culture shock he’s working through
Niamh (16): Very devout and charismatic, also an adorable drunk
Keziah (16): You’ve gotta have good stage presence when you’re a carney, plus she’s very enthusiastic and charming
Taber (17): Also very devout for how little time she’s spent as a religious woman, though her presence is also quite something in and of itself
Wilver (18): An excellent business boy who loves seeing what makes people tick and how, can probably work someone’s life story out of them if given enough time
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quaxorascal · 7 years
rank all ur useless kids from least to most socially competent
You sent another ask that began with “addendum” but I wanna do this one first, trust me on this one (from here)
Wilver (a good good business boy who likes figuring out what makes people tick)
Taber (She’s Learning and she’s doing really well)
Shuvermhel (has excellent people skills at home but has to adapt them now that he’s not in the Underdark anymore)
Niamh (a naturally charming cleric who initiates conversations with approximately three people a week, but who loves to talk when approached)
Fyf (they know how to ask for the things they want and get people to react in certain ways, it’s just that they don’t always care to apply this knowledge)
Erisonne (does not care to know anything about social interaction)
Kestrel (gets along great with people and is a natural leader, knows she strikes everyone as Weird, loves it)
Joelle (very direct and stubborn but rich in Farm Girl Charm)
Esteban (loves to talk with people, the problem is that he’s been in medicine so long his grip on what’s normal and what’s only normal to fellow doctors is very loose)
Ingrid (she gets along great with people, but she loves talking about her research work and like Esteban she doesn’t always remember that her line of work is considered Bizarre at best)
Kiyotaka (Lone Wolf™ who will one day come out of his shell if Esteban has anything to say about it)
And if I had to rank all of these kids compared to each other (as your phrasing implies) it would look something like
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quaxorascal · 7 years
Found this meme on @elderly-scrolls​‘ blog and wanted to try it out with some of my DnD kids! Just Taber, Willy, and Mhel for now because this meme is Quite long lmao, if you wanna do it give it a shot and you can say I tagged you!!
name: Taber Annabella Hai Alexandrite Inimeia Honora Mavondra Raine Lamburn alias(es): paladin, she-demon (not a fan of that one) gender: trans lady age: 28 place of birth: Corelia spoken languages: Common, Draconic, Corelic sexual orientation: bi bi bi occupation: Chainbreaker of Ilmater and adventurer
eye color: white with the barest hint of a brown iris hair color: brown with white stress-induced streaks height: 6′10″ without her horns, 7′2″ with them scars: lots burns: For Sure overweight: nope underweight: she probably was while in the Broker’s service but not anymore
color: dark cerulean, silver, lavender hair color: blonde if she had to pick? Pale hair colours in general eye color: silver music genre: stuff with a lot of drums, church hymns movie genre: romcoms and film adaptations of books, provided they’re good tv show: probably shows like NCIS or Bull that make her think as she’s watching food: venison and booze chocolate drink: whiskey rocks book: lots of them!! Mostly romance novels of varying degrees of trashiness
passed university: nope had sex: ;0 had sex in public: lmao absolutely not gotten pregnant (themself or a partner): nope kissed a boy: nope kissed a girl: yes!! gotten tattoos: nope gotten piercings: nope had a broken heart: yes but not because she was broken up with been in love: yuuup stayed up more than 24 hours: or longer, though not by choice
a virgin: nope! a cuddler: she’s working on that a kisser: yup! She’s shy about it though scared easily: haha yeah jealous easily: not sure? trustworthy: absolutely dominant: nooo lmao submissive: AbSoLutey in love: ;0 single: nope nope
have they harmed themselves: not intentionally I don’t think thought of suicide: nope attempted suicide: I mean not deliberately, but jumping onto a fuckin dragon’s back doesn’t have all that many possible outcomes wanted to kill someone: yeahhh ridden a horse: yup! A fey horse to be precise! have/had job: if adventurer counts, yes! have any fears: oh absolutely
sibling(s): Deniel, alive parents: Ciro and Astrid, missing and possibly dead children: No Sir pets: she’s the only person in her party without a pet whoops
name: Wilver Finnegan Craglight alias(es): Willy, Finny, Finn-again-and-again, Quicksilver, Will Pickle, Willy Nilly, So Many More because his siblings are all terrible gender: trans dude age: 23 place of birth: Barrelbottom spoken languages: Common, Halfling, Gnomish sexual orientation: pan and proud occupation: student cartographer and adventurer Agatha Crowe’s bodyguard
eye color: green! hair color: brown height: 3′1″, my sweet little shortie scars: not that I know of! burns: nah overweight: maybe? That would be cute, he’s a halfling and a squishy mage after all underweight: nope!
color: earthy tones and neutrals, so such like green and grey and brown hair color: any? eye color: any?? music genre: traveling songs, especially when sung in round movie genre: coming-of-age stories and history documentaries! tv show: honestly probably cartoons, in modern AUs he’s probably the first one of his siblings to not be stuck watching cartoons his whole childhood because the younger siblings are watching them lmao food: fresh bread and baked potatoes! drink: ice-cold water tbh book: historical tomes!
passed university: he’s working on it! had sex: nope had sex in public: nooope gotten pregnant (themself or a partner): nope, [redacted bc spoilers] kissed a boy: maybe? kissed a girl: maybe?? gotten tattoos: lmao nope gotten piercings: nope had a broken heart: no but if his two siblings who are MIA actually turn up dead the answer will change been in love: yuuup stayed up more than 24 hours: oh probably, and then he fell asleep at the workbench lmao
a virgin: yup yup a cuddler: yessss a kisser: he doesn’t know yet! scared easily: yeah but he hides it jealous easily: ??? not sure trustworthy: For Sure, he’s a reliable business boy dominant: uh?? Maybe?? submissive: I mean probably a little bit in love: he’s got crushes but he’s not in love yet! single: he sure is
have they harmed themselves: not intentionally I don’t think thought of suicide: no! attempted suicide: nope! wanted to kill someone: nope! ridden a horse: no but he’s ridden in horse- and pony-drawn wagons before have/had job: it’s more of an apprenticeship but yup! have any fears: he Does
sibling(s): (oh boy) Orinian, Malri, Laace, Anzona and Jayjen (twins), Therphina, Yeslie, Roslyn, Norvon, Elielle, Pinamin, and Korrich. All are alive as far as he knows, but Malri and Pinamin are MIA parents: Xander and Leorah, both alive children: nope pets: no but I know he could have a spell that would let him have a familiar so this Might change
name: Shuvermhel Hlall alias(es): Mhel gender: genderfluid age: 117 place of birth: Wryn Shiralath in the Underdark spoken languages: Common, Undercommon, Elvish, Druidic, Infernal sexual orientation: Heckin Gay occupation: hunter of the dead and agricultural druid, future adventurer!
eye color: purple with a green shimmer hair color: white height: 6′2″ scars: probably a couple from various hunting trips burns: nope! overweight: nope underweight: nah
color: teal and purple! hair color: he’s a drow so hair colours other than white or silver fascinate him, especially his clade’s (husband’s husband) black hair eye color: he’s Gay and loves his husband’s amber eyes music genre: dancey music! movie genre: nature documentaries and cheesy 80s horror films tv show: I haven’t watched Buzz..feed Un..solved but probably that honestly food: goodberries, mushrooms, fresh bread drink: any fresh vegetable juice! book: he’s not much one for reading but he does appreciate field note-type books about the surface
passed university: n/a actually! had sex: ;0 had sex in public: No Thank You gotten pregnant (themself or a partner): not yet! kissed a boy: yup kissed a girl: nope gotten tattoos: man that would be sick gotten piercings: that would Also be sick but less likely had a broken heart: I don’t think so? been in love: oh yeah, and he still absolutely is stayed up more than 24 hours: oh probably
a virgin: nope ;0 a cuddler: absolutely a kisser: Absolutely scared easily: not really no! jealous easily: maybe a little but he knows how to deal with it, that’s important when your husband is married to two people trustworthy: yes! dominant: nah submissive: yeah B) in love: yesss single: he’s very happily married!
have they harmed themselves: yes but not intentionally thought of suicide: no way attempted suicide: nooope wanted to kill someone: nope! ridden a horse: no but one day he’ll be able to turn into one! have/had job: yes! have any fears: yeah
sibling(s): nah parents: his mother passed away some time ago but she wasn’t an important figure in his life, and as far as he knows his father Valas is still alive children: not yet! pets: no but he can turn into pets, so long as you feel wolves and spiders and poisonous snakes make good pets
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quaxorascal · 7 years
rank your kids by (and ik this is subjective but) best music taste. OH and also worst music taste please and thank you
God I love this question, thank you!! (from here)
Best music taste, in no particular order:
Evan (he gets bonus points because he’s also a fantastic singer)
Naomi (her tastes are more varied than mine but she loves MIKA and Pentatonix and Celtic Woman and so do I So)
Wilver (loves songs that are fun to walk to and/ or fun to sing with a group of people)
Worst music taste, in no particular order:
Skylar (she’s my Stardew farmer but I haven’t ever talked about here here lmao, anyway you know that one post about the dude who only has Linkin Park’s “In The End” on iTunes? That’s Skylar with “Starlight” by Wailin Jennys until winter of year 1 when she and Emily start dating lmao)
Naomi (she also goes here because she’s still a teenager so she listens to all the “trashy” pop music of the era and loves it)
Alex (for the same reasons as Naomi, now with 50% more emo music)
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quaxorascal · 7 years
can we get niamh and wilver?
Sure can!! (from here)
full name: Wilver Finnegan Craglight
gender: trans dude
sexuality: as pan as they come
pronouns: he/him
family: younger brother Orinian; older brothers Laace, Norvon, Pinamin, and Korrich; older sisters Malri, Anzona and Jayjen (twins), Therphina, Yeslie, and Elielle; father Xander; mother Leorah. As far as Wilver knows, all are still alive, though Malri and Pinamin are both MIA, and he’s only currently in contact with Norvon
birthplace: Barrelbottom, a close-knit halfling town on the main river to Brighthaven
job: a student of the Brighthaven cartographer’s guild, and currently also an adventurer one of Agatha’s bodyguards
phobias: drowning, losing control of his magic
guilty pleasures: he doesn’t swear a whole lot and when he does it feels really good. Also his type counts as a guilty pleasure since it’s Bad
morality alignment?: neutral good I would say?? Alignments are hard
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extroverted!
organized/disorganized: he thinks he’s a lot more organized than he is lmao, at least the maps he makes are legible
close minded/open-minded: rather open-minded, though also one-track minded
calm/anxious: more on the anxious side whoops
disagreeable/agreeable: very very agreeable! A good business boy
cautious/reckless: cautious with the occasional Horribly reckless idea
patient/impatient: he’s extremely patient unless you’re one of his siblings having a minor crisis
outspoken/reserved: pretty outspoken the majority of the time, but certain things stay under lock and key if he has anything to say about it
leader/follower: he prefers to follow, though he has the makings of a fantastic leader in him
empathetic/unemphatic: he’s got a very very sweet heart
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic!! Think positive everyone!!!
traditional/modern: modern!
hard-working/lazy: he’s super goal-driven and hard-working, love him
otp: Wilver/Ezekiel, which snuck up on me and slapped me in the fucking face when it first came about in my head
ot3: eh??
brotp: Wilver/Minnow, Shortie Squad. Also I’m hoping Willy and Agatha can be magic friends or have like a mentor/apprentice relationship because really How Cute
notp: eh???
full name: Niamh Mac Báicéir
gender: somewhere in the area of nb
sexuality: lesbian
pronouns: they/them
family: two parents who Niamh hasn’t been in contact with for the past decade and a half; some celestial/ godly relation who Niamh is trying to find
birthplace: Roselake, a city of decent enough size and a rich political scene in the richer side of the city; they were born on the edge of the city to poor baker parents
job: Joybringer of Lliira
phobias: heights, the void
guilty pleasures: eating jam straight from the container
morality alignment?: I could peg them as chaotic good just as easily as lawful good??
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: actually rather ambiverted, they spend a Lot of time in the woods alone and then a Lot of time in villages and towns interacting with people
organized/disorganized: their life is an organized mess that makes perfect sense to them and that’s what matters
close minded/open-minded: pretty open-minded!
calm/anxious: neither really, they’re excited and happy all the damn time
disagreeable/agreeable: very agreeable!
cautious/reckless: okay maybe they Are chaotic good since they’re on the reckless side
patient/impatient: patient!
outspoken/reserved: very outspoken, you’ll never have to worry about what Niamh is thinking because they’ll let you know
leader/follower: more of a leader I think!
empathetic/unemphatic: huuugely empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic always always
traditional/modern: ??? modern??
hard-working/lazy: they’re a big advocate for being on the floor lmao, though they know that there’s a time and place. If they’re chilling though they are Fucking Chilling
otp: [redacted]
ot3: eh????
brotp: there was at least one bard dude in the temple back home that they were very close with, always singing duets together and stuff. Also I hope they and their weird party get to grow close
notp: Niamh/dudes tbh
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quaxorascal · 7 years
15 for Taber (probably something she just blames herself for that's nothing), 24 for Wilver! And 6 for everyone, of course.
Gladly!! (from here)
6. What’s their theme song?
Right now I’m just gonna drop “White Cedar” by The Mountain Goats here
Forged my armour in the old fireMy spirit sings loud and clearEven in here
I’ll be reborn someday, somedayIf I wait long enoughI don’t have to be afraidI don’t want to be afraid
15. Most despicable thing they have ever done?
She’s done… a lot of things that she despises having done while under The Broker’s thumb. To her, however, the most despicable is the way she escaped. She snuck into the armory of The Broker’s militia, stole new armour and weapons, and ran. She doesn’t remember the fine details beyond that, but she knows she killed people on her way out, and it deeply disgusts her to think that she could very easily have the blood of fellow slaves on her hands
6. What’s their theme song?
I put “The Trail We Blaze” by Elton John in Wilver’s playlist kind of as a joke but honestly these lyrics suit him really well:
No place for the travelerTo be faint-heartedWe are part of the sumptuous Grand design
But I’ve also got “The World Is Ahead” from the Hobbit soundtrack there and that’s perfect too
24. Do they have any interesting skills?
Wilver’s a wiz at figuring out what people mean when they don’t quite have the words for it, being because they’re distressed or they’ve forgotten the words they want or they’re speaking in a language they’re not used to! Also an interesting un-skill for you: he can’t swim for shit
As for theme songs for everyone else…
FYF was ofc inspired a fair bit by Les Mis and it wouldn’t be right to not give them a song from Les Mis as a theme song, and while I can’t find a recording of the full version that I actually like here’s a very relevant bit from “Drink With Me”:
Drink with me to days gone byCan it be you fear to die?Will the world remember you when you fall?Can it be your death means nothing at all?Is your life just one more lie?
I cannot explain exactly how but NIAMH’s theme song is “Kingdom Dance” from the Tangled soundtrack (it’s instrumental so no lyrics for you)
The aesthetic of “Night of the Dancing Flame” by Róisín Murphy is solid as hell and honestly perfect for SHUVERMHEL
To dance around the fireOn the night of the dancing flameTo make the flame grow higherIn the light of the dancing flame
And ERISONNE is super hard to place musically, I’ll say her theme song is more like the general sound of leaves rustling in the wind
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quaxorascal · 7 years
I actually properly filled out Wilver’s character sheet yesterday bc I’ve neglected to do that, and I’ve just gotta say that warlocks are So Fucking Cool as a class
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quaxorascal · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
[Images: three drawings. The first is two people from the shoulders up; the second and third images are individual pictures of these people. On the left is a halfling (aka hobbit) boy, Wilver; on the left is a human woman, Sutton. Both are laughing merrily.
Wilver has long and messy brown hair tied into a single braid, pale skin, green eyes, pointy ears, and freckles. He is wearing a grey cloak over a leather breastplate over a green-and-white striped button-up shirt. He is facing the viewer, but looking off to the side.
Sutton has long red hair tied into a high ponytail at the back of her head, and a braid from her temple leads to the ponytail as well. She has deeply tanned skin and light blue eyes. She is facing 3/4 toward the left side of the image, but looking at the viewer; a tattoo of a vine of blue roses curls from her jaw up the side of her face that the viewer can see, curling over her eyebrow. She is wearing a grey fur mantle over a metal chestplate and a blue jacket.
/end description]
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quaxorascal · 7 years
for the dnd ask thing, number 1 for everyone >:3
Can do! (from here)
How many dead parents do they have?
All FYF knows about their parents is that they have a necklace with a pendant made of chainmail that Naoka found them with, so it probably belonged to their folks. They assume their parents are dead
TABER doesn’t know if either of her parents are dead yet, but they’ve been missing for over two years now, and The Broker knows that they’re missing
Both of WILVER’s parents are alive and well, and they’re thankfully not in the town with the demon problem. Two of Willy’s sisters have gone home to let their parents know what happened in Brighthaven, and their mother is apparently not taking the news well – given the lives of two of her children are at stake, who can blame her?
ERISONNE left home ages ago and hasn’t seen her parents since, and the story is similar with NIAMH. They both assume their parents are well though
The thing with SHUVERMHEL is that he really only ever cared for one parent. Mhel’s birth mother hadn’t cared all that much for him, which was fine as it meant his dad was his primary caretaker – with the help of the rest of his community of course. He loves his dad to smithereens, and they frequently hunted undead together as a pair – Mhel is a druid and his father is a ranger. A couple of decades back, Mhel’s dad left the Underdark in search of treasure, and he has yet to return; Mhel becomes an adventurer when he leaves the Underdark to look for his dad so they can be together when Mhel, his husband Nalinyon, and Nali’s husband Nowhere start a family
(To actually answer the question though, he’s pretty sure his father isn’t dead. His mother did die a few years after his father left the Underdark, but he only saw her as a community member, not as a parent)
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quaxorascal · 7 years
❤ ❤ for taber and wilver!
TABER“She has such excellent taste in wine. Maybe I’ll see if Lady Zandria has any labels to recommend. …Or maybe I’m focusing too much on one detail…”
“I can’t believe I never noticed that she wears purple lipstick. And I imagine she’s proud of herself for my never having noticed. …Gods.”
WILVER“Messy hair is such a cute look. The way her ponytail always falls out halfway through the day, his sweaty hat hair. …Oh, Yondalla, I can’t help it! It’s cute!”
“I really should look into healing-related cantrips, if I’m gonna commit to this whole… spellcaster thing. I’m sure he’ll appreciate someone looking out for him, at least. Are there even healing cantrips…?”
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quaxorascal · 7 years
24, 28, 29 for taber, 3 for wilvur, and 11 for niamh ;0
Coming right up! (from here)
24. Do they have any interesting skills?
She can speak Draconic! She’s found this more interesting since leaving home tbch. And she’s also very good at styling hair!
28. What do they do between quests?
For the most part she reads trashy romance novels and goes on dates with her gf!! When she has the chance to lay low she Lays Low and enjoys the idea of being able to choose what she can do while simultaneously choosing to do very little
29. Biggest positive and negative influences on their life and development?
Okay full disclosure, I figured out a little while ago how vengeance!Taber would have come to be and literally all she would have had to do is chase after The Broker after he booked it from Fallhaven. Had she chosen that hunting him down was more important than staying behind with these two randos who weren’t terrified of her upon approach, her fate would have been radically different
All of that to say that Aracelli and Belasco have had a Tremendous positive impact on her
As far as negative impact, she’ll tell you otherwise but that would be her cousin Judoc. This girl treated Taber like a servant in her own home and was the main force pushing Taber’s self image down into the dirt, though she wasn’t the only one by far, only the most vocal and forceful. The Broker may have done well to break Taber’s spirit, but Judoc put the cracks in it in the first place
3. Biggest regret?
Shay why are you like this
But actually! Willy has no regrets! None at all! Everything he does goes well! He’s made no mistakes!!
11. What is their favorite anime?
Futari wa Pretty Cure!! I only watched the original season of the show (and only the English dub lmao) but I know Niamh would like it! Nagisa is their fave and they have a crush on Honoka’s outfit and eyebrows
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quaxorascal · 7 years
Thank you Gordon I love shaming this boy for his bad taste
“I dunno, maybe it’s the homegrown, small town guy in me, but I think that the way he says ‘Howdy’ is really cute. It’s just so… It’s so genuine and good-natured.”
“…Whatever it is that’s got his face all frowny like it gets when things are quiet… I’m not telling him anything about what I’m feeling until that’s done and dealt with. He doesn’t need me and my feelings in the way. …And I hope the problem can be solved using magic or guns. I’ll gladly help him if I can.”
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quaxorascal · 7 years
idina and wilver for
Thank uuuuuu
IDINA“She has this truly adorable expression when she pauses to think, searching through that marvellous mind of hers for the perfect solution to a problem. I almost wish she would get confused more often, for how cute she looks.”
“I treasure those moments where I can be with her outside. The way the sunlight makes her eyes shine… it’s truly breathtaking.”
“I’d live my whole life over, time and time again without changing a thing, just to grow up with her and fall in love with her over and over and over again.”
WILVER“They’re an absolutely reckless spitfire who I wouldn’t trust anywhere near an open flame. I really wish they’d be more careful, they make my heart twist with their recklessness…”
“You know, I’ve spent the past five or so years knowing this girl, and she just keeps getting sunnier and sunnier every day. …And her arm keeps getting stronger, too. But hey, I’m a little brother, I can take a few affectionate punches!”
“I‘ve gotta say, I never thought someone could actually pull that hat off. I have to crane my neck in order to see it on him, and I’m gonna get caught doing that someday, but just… it looks nice, okay?”
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quaxorascal · 7 years
❤️ for wilver?
(Heads up I’m on mobile)
“I want to know why she left Brighthaven so soon after me. Especially right after coming home with all those injuries she had…”
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