#The time doesnt start until it’s processed by the council though
thematchmakingoffice · 2 months
Don’t worry guys, I am aloud to quit, I just have to put in my 20 decades notice first.
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nattyluvs · 11 months
CAFE CUTIE - chapter 6
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you walked slowly throughout the hallways of the school. occasionally peeking into classrooms to see if anyone was in there, and looking out the window down at the students below.
softly, there was music playing in one ear. the other airpod in your bag that you had left in your classroom. lost in the music, you failed to hear the call of your name, until a mysterious figure appeared behind you to tap your shoulder.
now tuning the music out, you responded, do you need anyth- oh."
"actually, nevermind." jake spoke, to your suprise since you didnt expend him to be the one needing your attention. he was about to turn on his heels and head back the other way until you stopped him
"dont you have anything to say to me??" you proceeded to dramatically point out your eye, which was still in healing.
"right, i stopped you so that i could apologize. im sorry i hit you with a dodgeball, i really wasnt aware i hit you" his voice sounding sincere
"and i know i cant repay you for the damage to your eye, but i hope these will makw you feel better. my mom helped me make them" jake pleased, practically begging for forgiveness.
"oh! ummm thank you i guess, there is a way you can repay me though" you revealed
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"the student council doesnt have many members, and we need volunteers. so if you can put into some work, itll count as community service hours." she spoke intelligently, even though the topic wasnt complex.
i didnt even think before i started to respond "of course, ill do anything for you to forgive me" i sounded like i was begging, basically submissive to doing whatever she wants.
"great! give me your phone number so I can contact you on when i need your help. and no, im not giving you my number for that reason." she warned.
"of course angel, but who wouldnt want my number lets be honest here"
"...aand your back to your regular personality. dont be full of yourself." she assured
"whats that supposed to mean?" i questioned
fuck. how am i supposed to give her my number if i already gave her my number as ethan?
"here, i just got a new phone recently so i'll give you my twitter instead." i confirmed.
"thanks...i'll contact you later. thank you for actually apolgizing" she answered, smiling a bit.
she turned around and walked away, but i stood there, still processing what was even going on.
i was really in deep shit this time.
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janewaylineage · 2 years
Kyttana DeCroix
“Call me that again you might lose a finger…or a whole hand. I’m still deciding on it.”
Full Name: Kyttana “Kytta” DeCroix
Age: 20’s?
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Demisexual/Demiromantic Biromantic/Bisexual
Title/Alias: (Current)Bounty hunter: Phantom (Former)Padawan Kyttana
Force Sensitivity or Not?: yes
Evil, good, neutral, or both?: neutral
Species: human
Gender: questioning. (she/shock)
Home Planet: Aris
Occupation: (Current) Bounty Hunter (Former) Padawan
Weapon(s): Primary: blasters Secondary: lightsabers
| “You think the war matters to me? Since when?”  |
Voiceclaim: n/a
Appearance: drawing in process/to be posted soon
Clothing: dip/tbps
Personality: Short tempered, quick witted, closed off, quick on her feet, usually distant yet she can be rather caring and give decent advice if you manage to break her walls and gain her trust. She’s very skeptical of people and prefers to do things on her own unless it benefits her in some way, she’s close with the person or has no other choice. Shock refrains as much as possible from making attachments so shock tries not to work with the same person more that a small handful of instances. shes the kind of person to be quiet and listen rather than start a conversation, but will interject and throw sarcastic comments if shock feels up to it.
Strengths: • close ranged/hand-to-hand combat • quick learner • Determination • Patience
Weaknesses/flaws: • short tempered • doesnt take criticism well • Distrusting • Stubborn • easily bored
Fears: • fear of creating attachments and loosing them • astrophobia - fear of lightning • haphephobia - fear of being touched • eisoptrophobia - fear of mirrors
Bio/Backstory: Kytta started out as a young padawan before the clone wars started, shock was a very curious learner though she tended to be quite the risk taker which put shock in some dangerous situations. When the clone wars had started, Kytta and shocks master Daijiro went out on a mission. The details of the mission have long since been muddied but the jist of it went that their ship got attacked, forcing them to land. A sith started a battle with an already wounded master Armada and his padawan, ending with his death. When kytta was about to be picked up and taken back home to the temple, she caught wind that she was being accused for the death of her master and fled. she lost trust in the council since then.
At some point in time Kytta had met a woman shock grew fond of, they had seemingly grown close until the woman was no longer in her life. It’s an event she prefers not to talk about, like most things in her life.
Family: (Mother/creator)- n/a (Father/creator)- n/a
Master: Daijiro Armada (oc)
Apprentice: none
Love Interest: Open ended? (At some points it was Anakin then Rex but honestly it could be anyone)
Headcanons/Extra things: • Carries an old hologram image of herself and her former master • has a soft spot for found family but is very awkward around kids. • normally calm and mellow but when shock gets genuinely angry she will be a bit unhinged.
| “Hey, I won’t kill you, as long as you tell me what I need.”  |
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Bio! Dad Strange Part 10, Mr. J finds Robin
Realized it might be easier to add titles so people know whats going on in these
Marinette was glad she had red hoodie, er, Jay back. He helped her escape her overprotective rouges, and aas the only one she could rant to about JL members without worrying about secret identities.
They may also be plotting to get their Hero Stalker out of the batfam—apparently Dick was a dick to Jason and chances of him changing with Tim were slim.
Speaking of, he didnt pick up lastnight and there havent been Robin sightings lately. Though, she is a but distracted trying to manage Jay’s murder rampages. Zsasz was helping with those and the Sirens pointed him to targets that deserved it, mostly traffickers and cartels.
The Council said that at this rate, he’d be her bodyguard or a new member. She didnt know what that meant for him besides staying beside her, when she worked as ‘Harley’s Niece’ (thank you puzzles for that) but otherwise she was kept away as Pixie Pop (too easy to id her) and Jill was just her father’s daughter taking to his patients and keeping certain Rogues from plotting mass murder (Uncle Jerome, Penguin, Riddler) or terrorist attacks (mostly Scarecrow but sometimes Ivy, Dent and Mr. Freeze)
But it bugged her, Robin being missing. She mentioned it to Rose, who said her flowers hadn’t seen him at all. As Tim or Robin.
She sent out a rouge and RKC search city-wide. Jay helps, as Red Hood (helmet was better but no, hood. Even though he isnt wearing one and is still in the awful outfit they met in).
Red Hood has managed to get a following on the streets and made a no kids rule for everything. All kids found were given to Uncle Oswald or his ‘son’ Marteen (late twenties) for recovery phsycially. Mentall Harley had her own picks for help on therapy, social and psychological sides.
The RKC was thriving since that system was installed.
But Robin was missing two days in. Mr. J was still back and too quiet and damnit!
Marinette skipped her treatments. Gotham is loud and she knows it but she has to do something. Jay is in his gear and she puts on her knock-Harley outfit and stocks up on knives, stungun, bolas and rubber bullet guns on her hips or legs.
She doesnt think about the fact that the red and black makes it look like her and Red Hood are trying to match with the the different red and black he’s wearing. Her makeup covers her face again—done up like a mime with a few contour tricks now.
She sneaks out and patrols on the rooftop, one of Robin’s usual routes. Maybe they just need to talk in person.
Then she catches something that sounds like her Hero Stalker when he was frustrated and tired and oh god that was screaming in there.
She moved. hit Rose’s tracker flower hard enough to leave a distress trail as she ran.
Jay ran after her, following her twists and turns.
She wished she skipped her treatments sooner. Could fly off to help but she hadnt and she cursed herself for this.
At 10 she found Mr. J torturing her friend in a warehouse.
“Stalker,” she whispered. Becuase that’s who he was first, the hero stalker that loved Batman and Robin (Robin-Jay, a small voice corrected her) for helping his city and were kind and caring and nice when his home was cold.
Robin and Mr. J didn’t hear. She knew that words were being said but she couldnt process them. Shock, Harley talked about that a lot after last summer.
A camera was recording. The sick fuck, he wanted to show this to someone.
She grabbed her bolas and threw them at Mr. J’s head.
He went down, hard. Jay handled him, but Marinette only cared about getting her friend off that table.
There was an oversized ray gun lointed at them while she fiddled witht he restraints, picking the locks.
She heard the whirling in it and kicked it in another direction.
It threw lightning. What the hell. What the hell—where was Batman. Why wasnt he keeping her friend safe. Why did he fail to keep Jay safe. Why—why does he get to put kids in danger?
Marinette felt sick. She got an exhausted Tim out and carried him.
She felt Harley run a hand through her hair as she refused to let her friend go.
She didnt know when the others got there, but they were.
Never alone, never go in alone. Always call the family and they will show. Never fight alone—the Council drilled this into her for years. Why was Hero Stalker-Robin alone? Did Batman forget how dangerous Gotham can be?
Zsasz was there with Jay, something Jay being “too nice” about needing to kill him painfully and permanently this time—“properly put him down this time.”
Her mind was a mess. She went to her Father on autopilot, carrying Tim over the rooftops. He clung to her. She’s ten and he’s twelve clinging to her as support. Where’s his team, his backup. Where’s Batman or Batgirl or Nightwing or the newb—Spoiler?
Why was Tim clinging to her and her team when his should be there. When his fights hers. Why were his enemies there and Batman—no, Bruce, his dad. Why wasn’t his Dad there for him. Why?
Father’s assisant helped fix Tim, their ability is to augment healing after Father puts them back together. Any attempt to move his mask was met by her breaking their wrist.
He had enough to worry about. No identity reveals on top of this nightmare, not on her watch.
She didn’t leave him that night. Refused to sleep too.
When he came to the next day, Jay was with a despondent Marinette.
“Going Kronos route,” Jay. Jay was tlaking about that monster. “He said I didnt have to see that.” Jayw as looking at her weird.
Marinette nodded, hoping it was the last time for real Jerimah would die. She lost track of how many times he’d been killed.
“Dad, he’s gotta be worried...” Tim, why the hell aren’t you thinking for yourself? Marinette wants to shake him, to keep him there and never let Bruce see him again.
Jay is debating it too, she can feel it. “I don’t know, he replaced me pretty quick.”
She wants to hit her brother. Becuase she knows he’s hurting but Jay can you chill for a but—he knew Hero Stalker befor ehe became Robin. He kenw what Tim’s life was like before Bruce. And Tim has been through enough, especially for now, hasn’t he?
“I, Ja—” so his first name started with a J. He was Jason Todd Wayne. Red Hoodie was Jason Todd Wayne and Robin and now James Smith. A lot of o’s until now, she noted (distract to aviod processing an overwhelming situation.)
“Its Red Hood. That kid died.”
“Hoodie...” she wanted to hug him or hit him or something. She doesn’t know. It hurts and doesnt at once.
Jay put an hand on her shoulder.
She knew he meant it. That Robin was killed by negilence from what he’d told her and she could peice together. The batfam picked Dick who left over him—a new Robin with no idea what was going on and how to Wayne and was being bullied by the rich kids and teachers in the ways that Jason couldn’t fight against. And when he finally lashed out—started being abit more violent—they put distance and then he went to find someone that might want him, his birth mother. That person sold him out to Mr. J. He died trying to protect his birth mom who wanted him dead.
She wanted cry but her eyes weren’t working. Still in shock then.
“I’m taking you back home if you want, but you have to stop being Robin like this. You can still do detective stuff but you need backup when you patrol or do a bust ir anything. You’re thirteen, not twenty.”
Tim didn’t make eyecontact. “I, he needs me.”
Marinette wanted to throttle Bruce. Badly.
“I get that.”
Harley only got better when Ivy stepped in. Jerome only recovers as long as Marinette keeps talking to him, the Sirens are slowly adopting him so she has more free time. Zsasz does what she says, and when she said no more taking hits unless they broke an RKC rule—attacking kids, abuse (any kind), murder that isn’t justifiable (see Dent for clarification), and active enablers of systematic abuse (dirty cops and their ‘albi’ partner, the false alibi givers too—Rose and Ivy’s plants were happy to testify the truth of anyone’s lcoation at any time).
Hell, if it wasnt for Frost and Ghoul and Puzzles, she doubted their fathers would even be considering backing off of crime. As it stands, Riddler is now running a youtube let’s play and working on game design as her and puzzles constant request. The other two were slowly moving off of crime and more into science again.
Her father would still be.. she didnt want to know how he’d escalate. But there were rumors of an alter around... she’d handle that tomorrow. Today was making sure Tim understood boundaries.
“But that doesnt mean you die for him. Do you hear me?”
Tim wasn’t looking at her then, looking at Jay instead.
“How are you even...”
“I dont talk about it.”
Tim nodded, slowly turning back to Marinette. “I, uh...”
Jay shook his head. “He wont get it pixie.”
“I,” Marinette sighed. Everything in her hurt and she didn’t know why. She wasnt injured. “He can try. Just, please Jay?”
Jay ruffled her hair. “Talk to him then you’re getting some z’s got it?”
Marinette nodded, feeling Jay leave. Probably to talk to Father about this. Maybe the Council.
“T—Robin.” He turned to her then. “Please, don’t die. If its life or death situation, please dont be the one to die. Don’t pull an idiot move and martyr yourself fighting a war. Focus on the causes, find the root issue and kick its butt. If anyone can, its you.”
Tim blinked slowly at her.
Marinette sighed. “Get some rest. Everyone knows if the touch your mask Jay’s got free reign.”
She went home and let Harley gove her Ivy’s knockout tea.
“Hun, how...”
“He doesn’t even realize how screwed up it is. I, he can’t becuase he came from such shit parents and...”
Harley raised an eyebrow at her word choice, and decided certain people would get a talk. Lter, when her neice didnt look like she couls blow up at any minute.
Marinette wanted to scream and kick and fight but thst won’t help her friend.
“...how bad.”
“His birth parents left him alone enough for him to stalk vilgantes and rogues and get pics. They didnt even notice.”
Harley took a deep breath. “I’m giving him a burner. If he’s in deep, he can message us. I can talk to him but we both know that not how Waynes work.”
Marinette rubbed her temples. She suspected Harley knew but... “Do they know?”
“Only me, Selina and Jerome for now. Ivy suspects. Want it to stay our secret?”
Marinette nodded.
Harley patted her head. “Get some sleep. You have a Bat to chew out tonight.”
Marinette walked Tim to Batman, escorted by Jerome and Harley.
Jerome was pissed, she noted.
“Batsy, care to explain why my neice and us were the ones to find your bird?”
Batman didn’t look good. His skin was tired. Hopefully from searching for his son, right?
Batman was silent.
Tim ran into his arms, crying.
Marinette could feel Jerome ready to punch Batman. She held him back.
“Give him a minute, please.”
Jerome narrowed his eyes, but nodded.
Batman idly noted the interaction. Apparently this girl... clown-mime? She had sway over Joker and Harley. And found his son.
He didnt know how to thank them, or what to do with that.
“Er, Mr. Batman?” The girl sounded different then. More than a tonal shift.
“I, you need to fix your team. This is the second time this happened to one of your sons.”
Batman tensed at that.
“It was Mr. J again. I, one of my uncles and my brother are handling him. This is the third summer he’s tried killing a kid.”
That had both looking at her. “He,” Marinette was smaller then, almost... scared.
Batman seemed to catch what she was trying to say.
“He kidnapped my girl here with hatter, killed Hatter infront kf her, and held her for a week while deciding how to kill her until she escaped and called us.”
Batman stared at Marinette then, something clicking enough to make him pale.
“He targets kids. The, the RKC are claiming jurisdiction on him and claiming his body to prevent future revivals,” Marinette got out, shaking slightly. She hated thinking about that week. It took day with the green crystals and week after to recover phsyically.
Batman didnt say anything, waiting for her to talk. Not the adults—he put together she’s incharge.
It was unnerving.
Tim was looking ar her too. They both knew she knew a lot. He wanted to see what she’d do with that knowledge.
She hated to dissapoint him, but Oswald and Marteen and Fish told her to make sure negotations go her way by any means necessary.
“I, Robin is either to be supervised or partnered during all patrols, put on a team somewhere else where he gets that support or be removed from fieldwork and he needs a new alias for his safety.”
Robin, not Tim, stiffened. “You’re not the boss of me!”
“If these conditions aren’t met, then i...”
Harley stepped forward then. “Then me or Jokes will blab about who’s under the mask. If its bad enough, then my mini-me will let out four other leaguer’s identities and their sidekicks. She’s pretty smart, even panicked when she found out i knew how much she knew.”
Marinette was paler under the makeup. She knew
This was the best plan for sucess but it made her feel sick.
Batman put Tim behind him.
“How does she—”
Marinette winced at the tone.
Batman froze at her reaction. He didnt like it when kids were scared of him.
She was shaking when she spoke. “Paterns and friends with their obsessions and me with mine and a few photoshop jokes and it just...” she trailed off, curling in in herself and eyes on the ground.
Bad move but she, she cant look at people right now. Maybe Jay but not the man who pushed her brother into a palce where he was vulenerable, not one who failed to get two of his sons away from Mr. J.
“You, you should have a meeting or something on secret identities becuase i have to keep a lot of them now. Becuase, becuase you guys are bad at them and blocking JL news did nothing to stop figuring out Arrow with his archery style and Superman’s only works with general disbelief and acting and Wonderwoman should vary how she carries herself or something and uh, yeah, Flash was more a senses thing and uh, i just...”
She was fiddling. With her ropes. When did she start doing that?
“I’ll talk to the league.” Batman was watching her carefully. Too carefully.
“Just, just think things through, okay? Tag team patrols if he stays and new costume—i made him by knowing him before... maybe a different role on the team? I, i don’t know just...”
Marientte squeezed the rope. Oh, those were tears starting up. “please keep him safe.”
She didnt see their reactions. She heard Jay coming over, in his helmet.
“Pixie, time to go.” It was Jay that lifted her up. She was lighter then? Did her worry screw with her treatment processing again? She didnt know. Or maybe she was just light to him?
She let him take her the long way, to the RKC.
She cried with Rose’s plants growing over her and Jay into him. Rose kept Ghoul from going to kill someone by getting him to help her make crepes for Marinette.
It was an absymal attempt. But it got her to laugh.
Frost gave her an ice sculpture and told them he’d be taking her to his summer classes in Central for a few.
The JL have a meeting. No one likes what Batman tells them.
“You’re telling us Harley Quinn—who took you down on her own twice—she has a neice that knows not only your team’s identities, but mine, Supes, Wonder Woman and Flash’s?” Arrow summized.
Batman sighed. “Yes.”
The League was silent for a moment.
Flash was the one to break it. “You wouldnt happen to have any pictures of Harley in casual clothing would you?”
Everyone turned to him, various looks of confusion, rage and disgust.
Batman put a picture of Harley with the Sirens up, one where she forgot her make-up during a ‘shopping spree’ in the Sirens early days.
“Yeah, i think she’s this girl, Jill i think, her aunt. The kid was wicked smart when i met her at the Flash muesum last year, and knew more than she should about acfive police cases. I think she’s our mystery girl, Pixie.”
“That’s what Red Hood was calling her before taking her away.”
The league burst into chaos then.
“We need to find her”
“Get the security feeds from the Flash muesum last summer.”
“Theyre deleted already.”
“Databases for american girls named variations of Jill born between XXXX and XXXX”
“Wait, alias, maybe?”
The Flash was patroling his city when she spotted her. Pixie. At central city university.
“Hey there kiddo.”
The girl jumped a bit, turning to see him. Earplugs. sensory issues?
“Uh, hello?” Th girl looked around, like she was expecting someone else. “Are you looking for someone?”
“Kind of. Maybe you can help?”
That got the girl’s attention, sitting up straighter and her eyes sharper. Definately the girl Batman said she was. He put his league comm on, hoping the others would hear.
“There’s this case I’m working on, but the lead scientist is stuck on. I heard from a certain reporter you’re pretty good at forensic science, think you can help with a bit of bio?”
Marinette blinked a few times, but nodded. “Kind of. Im not allowed in labs yet so i mostly just look at data and figure out what patterns fit it best. My father doesnt want me to get too involved with biology or medicine since mom has a science ban.”
Red flag. Restrictive learning is a red flag. Possible abusive or toxic home. Procede with caution.
“Well that’s good. Give me one sec, the lead on this isnt getting it done.”
flash came back in less than a second, holding a file. “Can you look this over and tell me what happened?”
“The kid was moved through multiple locations while injured. He, he couldnt fight back since there’s no defensive wounds, but restraint bruising, looks like metal since its uniform... i, mr. flash, they have a lot of injuries, but some are old and defensive so in bad fighting situations a lot too.”
Marinette handed him back the file.
“Thank you. The forensic guy is taking forever.”
That had the girl, Jill? Looking at him again, this time curious. He hoped the league turned on his camera to see her reactions. Get her into their database.
“Who is it?”
“Barry Allen.”
Marinette couldnt help it, Barry (not flash, Barry who is hiding being a meta and still speaking out) is her personal hero. Him and Harley, but still. “He’s really cool!”
Okay, she can’t hide her fangirl side.
Flash raised an eyebrow. “Not really. Always late, sloppy attire, testimonies are eh.”
Marinette was mad then—why cant Flash let his alter be amazing!
“He’s late becuase he’s known to stay up late working on other cases when he isnt paid to and doesnt have to. And appearances and organizational skills arent what matters—his expertise is and he’s one of best with getting everyone what they need in time for case-building. So what if his reports are hard to read sometimes? He explains it in personso everyone gets what happened, which is very important and a lot of people are super bad at. And—and he advocates for meta rights and for their ability and circumstances taken into consideration during sentencing—none of the others even try to remind people of that and that a lot of metas dont chose their powers and it gets overwhelming and scary and then one instictive reaction later and people get hurt when you didnt want to react at all.”
Flash felt something kick him in the chest then. The girl is meta. Ear plugs. Possibly hurt somone by accident.
“If its okay, can i ask what your ability is?”
Marinette froze. “I. If anyone finds out, I lose Maman and Papa and Father and everyone.”
Flash froze at that. “What do you mean you lose everyone.”
“I, I’m visiting family for the summer. I live in France.” She didnt want to say more than that for location. “Being meta there is bad. Automatic life sentence with no trial bad.”
Flash sat down, putting an arm around her. This, this was not what he was expecting.
“My powers get worse in the summer. If I slip here, most of my family can handle it. Nothing bad happens. If i slip at home with Maman and Papa, i... if anyone knew then i’d be taken away whether they wanted it or not.”
“Where would you end up?” He had to know how bad it was.
“Living zombie in correction centers. Then jail-jail when you’re 18 until you die... no trial. Being meta is a crime there. And, and mr. Allen doesnt think that way at all. He keep saying you need to contextualize power and abilities and intents and if you defend yourself and you’re meta you go jail...”
Flash stayed silent, letting her continue.
“Maman screamed a lot when i hit this stalker in france. He was following me and other kids from school with a bat, saying he’d teach us all lessons. We got away but he kept trying to get us. I snapped one time and he was mostly fine, nothing permanent but Maman was so angry at me for almost getting caught becuase it was on tape and i was a little kid and little kids run, they dont fight.
“My powers didnt show though—Father made a treatment to keep them from that. No one suspects stickers... but she’s still scared its enough for a rep to come and check me for meta abilities and that she’ll lose me again.
Marinette twisted at that. “I, uh, probably would be dead if Father didnt find a treatment for me as a baby. Its how i got my abilities, but if theyre ever neutralized completely, i’d be dead. So we have to curb them... Maman forgets i need them and almost threw out my supply once. She forgets that i’m not normal until things like a student stalker happen and i hit the guy with his bat and then she remembers and gets scared i’ll be taken and its just...”
Flash decided he was adopting her, somehow. Smart and powered and in need of help.
There would be an intervention in France soon.
“Sounds like a lot of pressure, especially for someone your age.”
Marinette didnt make eye contact. “I have to. If i dont then there’s a dot in the open and thats a possible pattern and someone might connect it to the ones i couldnt stop. And Father and me are good at connecting dots and finding possibilities.”
Flash wanted to scream at the League then, he ahd a feeling they only added to her stress.
“He, he says we’re hardwired to find patterns and possibilities. But i shouldnt catch as many as i do. My teachers keep saying i need to slow down and dial it back and stop catching on so fast and blurting things out but i just...”
Marinette was fiddling with her hair then, it was down enough to.
“Sounds like you’re a real smart kid.”
“Smart kids don’t get caught.” She needed to be smarter, untraceable.
Flash thought she meant the Justice League wasn’t smart. And if the girl was reluctant to let him bring them in just yet...
“Do you at least have someone you can talk to about this?”
“My Auntie Quinn and Rose. Rose doesnt like you though.”
“Oh? Who made her mad at us? Was is Arrow?” He already knew but he wanted to know why.
“Batman. He, uh gave her to someone who, and i quote, ‘should never be allowed to have a sentiment child that is not a plant’ when she was found by him. She’s younger than me but she looks older, and isnt allowed outside of her house.”
Flash heard a low thump from his comm. oh, Batman knew who it was alright.
“I, uh, do you need help with another case?”
Flash smiled at her. She needed a distraction from what she just said.
“Back in a flash!” Once he was back in starr labs he turned on his audio. “Who was it?”
“Poison Ivy’s daughter. Cadmus, not Ivy, created her apparently.”
Flash swore as he grabbed a differnt file. Potential speedster case he hadn’t gotten around to.
“Here ya go kiddo,” Flash grinned at her.
Marinette nodded her head and looked over the file.
“Something doesn’t add up... there!” She pointed at one of the photographs. “See?”
Flash leaned in to get a better look.
“It looks like the speedster marks but that would only work if the speedster was messing with spacetime continum! But there’s no evidence of that so Occam’s razor, its a lightning meta!”
Flash looked over the picture and it did add up. Especially the lack of certain streaking patterns.
“They were probably teleporting since theres no drag or streaks, just one epicenter,” Marinette continued.
Flash decided that the League would be visiting Paris, and he’d be personally fixing the meta policies. And that the girl, Jill, she’d be in the League. She lectured Batman and Robin on safety and seemed to be focused on helping them in their weaker spots as heroes... mainly identity maintenance. And she likes science and is good at it—perfect to add a science-centric member to the League as she grows up.
That’s the end of this summer. Next time we do marinette meeting Tikki and becoming Ladybug. That should take a few posts until we get back to gotham.
Let me know if you want a JL handling looking for Marinette as Princess (the kiddie kyptonian) and Jill (who Flash found and is presumed to be Harley’s neice). Im happy to if there’s interest.
Reminder, there will be many a miraculous swap and the Ladybug parts will diverge from cannon as 1) i changed a lot of characters, 2) charater dynamics are altered too and 3) i’m changing when students came in and how Adiren ended up in school.
Also, see my kwami posts for how the kwami are in this AU as they are not the same as cannon and it will be a bit obvious.
@dast218 @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @weird-pale-blonde-person @emeraldpuffguide @mystery-5-5
71 notes · View notes
bratzdyke · 4 years
ive never said it or achkowledged the things my absuive mom did to me outside of my own mind so mayb if i write them down and let them out here ill feel a little more a peace with my current situation
- mom gaslighted me into thinking my dad chose drugs over me and my brother. he didnt. hes a recovering addict and never skipped an NA meeting bc he wanted to be better for us. convinced me to drop him out of my life for 5+ years all bc me and my dad got in an argument when i was 14.
- now that my dads in my life hes helped me become independent from my mom, new car + own insurance, new phone, got me on my own phone line, and is helping me apply to colleges even tho im almost 21 years old bc my mom didnt care enough to help me but now my mom feels a type of way about it and goes out of her way to put me down and talk bad about my dad
-pulled me out of therapy when i was 15 struggling with my parents nasty divorce, an extreme anxiety disorder, suicidal thoughts and tendancies, an ed, and adhd tht went unmedicated, and was failing all my classes bc of these things bc she wanted me to be ""normal""
- when i had anxiety attacks before school she used to grab me by my hair and pull me to the car no matter what i looked like and took me to school, screamed at me fir being embarrassing the whole time and made my counciler to class. i got bullied relentlessly for this.
- currently no one except me regularly cleans in the house, everythings a mess constantly its genuinely getting gross, things are falling apart in the house, the lights in my room dont work anymore the bathroom ones are starting to go also, my carpets are from when i was 3 years old and im 21 now they smell and theyre old and she wont let me buy new ones bc its not my house.
- stop letting me have friends over when i was 14. seriously. its been 7 years and i have never had a friend over. never let me hang out with ppl outside of work or school until i was 18 so i dont really even have any friends anymore.
- married someone who is physcially abusive towards my brother. let his kids who never lived with him before move into my house, treats them better than me and my brother they can get away with not working, going to school or paying any bills for their phone or car. I ALWAYS DID.
- screams at my brother constantly for not having a job but wont give him his ss card or birth cirtificiatw so he can get one.
- whenever i have more than 2 days off at my job she tells me im lazy and dont do anything. i work an average 35-40hrs a week.
- 1st time she ever made a comment about my weight i was 7 years old rollar skating with my skinnier friend and she made me cry so bad we had to go home and screamed at me in tbe car for being so embarrassing
- as a teenager she threw away my clothes when i was at school that she didnt like even though i paid for them myself and were typically expensive.
- would tear apart my room in school for drugs i didnt have at all, and wouldnt clean it up and yell at me to clean it up bc its my fault she thought i had drugs.
- i smoke weed now bc with my ed the only time i can eat comfortable is when i smoke and im in the process of getting a medical card and and whenever she finds my weed now she throws it out and screams at me to tell her why and when i try to explain to her its genuinely for health reasons she doesnt care and loses her shit anyway and tells me i dont know nothing abt real life and that im a druggie and is going to lock me away in rehab. i smoke maybe 2 times a week on my days off when i dont have anywhere to be. i only eat around 300 cals or less a day without these 2 days a week.
-when i was in school she forced me to tell her things i dont feel comfortable telling her by locking me in my room and taking away my phone/tv/laptop until i told her. she did this with my first kiss, my first bf and so on.
- tought me that i was a huge financial burden on her my whole life from a very young age.
- invalidates my sexuality constantly, im not even out to her but i never will be bc she doesnt believe in being gay.
theres so mych more i cant even name it all and tbh all this did was make me cry
0 notes
7 day auto insurance quotes
"7 day auto insurance quotes
7 day auto insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance question?
If I where to go for my license tomorrow would i have to get car insurance right away? I don't plan on driving until i get a job so could i just have the license just so i can get a co op job with my school then get insurance. Thank you
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in ..Oregon?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in Oregon?
Car insurance for a teenage female?
i'll be turning sixteen soon and im curious as to what the average cost rate with state farm for a new driver is?
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
How much will this ticket bring up the car insurance?
My boyfriend is 17 and getting his license. About a year ago, (last summer) when he just had his temps, he was driving without a parent and speeding in the middle of the night. The speed limit was 65 and he was going 104... He got caught by the police and had to go to court but he got off easy and they didn't give many charges. They let him off really easily actually. He just got his license delayed for 3 months, so he had to wait 3 more months to get it. That was all that happened though. So now he's all worried about how high his insurance will be and how many points will be added on his license and stuff. Like how much higher will his insurance go up? He lives in Ohio. &He's not a bad kid or anything.. he was just messing around with a few friends one night and they just so happened to get caught...""
Getting Car Insurance?
I'm getting married and because I'm moving to another state I'm having to switch from one insurance for my car to another. My question is this, how much up front money will it cost to get insurance for me and my wife? For example, will they need a deposit, or expect a certain number of months up front? Also if anyone could refer me to a good insurance company, I live in Alabama near Birmingham I 'm considering either state farm or alfa. Thanks!""
Cant get contents home insurance because of council windows?
We live in a council flat and because we have metal framed windows without the key locking system like the new ones, insurance companies wont insure us for our contents. I complained to this to the council also but they are not going to replace windows either, even though one is stuck, yet they put all new windows in around the corner to us and gave them new doors, and left our block out. Suggestions?""
What kind of insurance do you have and do you 'like' it/is it good?
I want to switch insurance companies, but I don't know how to decide what to switch to. Insurance is such a confusing thing to start with that I need to find a company that is helpful as well as affordable. I'm looking for a company to cover automobile and homeowner's insurance, and if possible life insurance too. Thanks for the help.""
How do I get 1 day car insurance in virginia?
Someone is giving me a car I am picking up in newark and I need one day insurance to drive it back because i dont have money right now since my job doesnt start til 2 weeks from now and its my first job since my car accident 2 months ago. I tried calling elephant because I thought they had 1 day insurance but they keep transferring me to a place that says they dont have it. I dont know who to call
Increase in car insurance after DUI?
Recently my friend received a DUI charge in the state of New Jersey, and is waiting for his court date. He is 19, so I assume this case as an underage DUI. He is worried about ...show more""
Leaving saga car insurance due to high renewal quote so would like to know another over 50's car insurer..?
I have just received his renewal quote which is around 90 a month more than last year and Saga claimed they do a price match guarantee. My circumstances are still they same as they was last year. Nothing has changed for me or the second driver on the policy. Any way I have been in contact with Saga for the past few days providing the details they requested for price match and they don't seem to want to price match the competitive quote I received from the co-operative car insurance. The quote is decent, cheaper than Saga even when I add on extras such as courtesy car and we have also provided details for them to log in and see the quote and all details they requested for themselves but for some reason they want to stick with their high renewal quote. Because of this I've decided to switch but before the switch we would like to know if there are any other insurers that would benefit me?""
Does anyone know of cheap health insurance in north carolina?
am a father of two and my wife has her and the kids covered under her policy at work. I have not had insurance in over 12 years! I need low cost health insurance and I have heard of plans under $100. I obviously never get sick, and dont mind a high deductible. I really need a low premium and a semi low RX cost and co-pay/ doctor visit (just in case). Any help or suggestions? Thanks!!!""
Question about how much you think my insurance will be??! please help?
I'm 17. I just got my license. I will be put on my grandmas insurace. She has one car. We plan to share that till I can get my own. the car is a 1995 sc400 lexus. how much do you think its going to be a month?!
Can i sue a car insurance company?
Heres the story, me and 5 friends were driving from Los Angeles to Bakersfield in the middle of the night, it was really rainy, i was in the backseat sleeping. My friend hit a puddle and hydroplaned, cleared 3 lanes and we rolled 5 times down a hill and slid into a field, everyone was ok miraculously. I sustained minor injury, had cuts and bruises all over. Was out of work for a week on doctors note, but was really out longer because i work at lowes.....im lifting heavy stuff all day and i couldnt move well at all for weeks this happened all in November, it is now may and i just got a letter in the mail from my friends insurance stating that there is a possibility they wont pay my medical bills in full and i should consider other options pretty much How the hell do i handle this?""
How much will my ticket be? I'm a little nervous to see since he gave me 4 months to pay it..?
I got in a wreck about 2 weeks ago. I wasn't at fault but because I had no insurance I got my car taken anyway. It's out of impound now, they didn't hold my tags, and I now have insurance and a nice size scratch/dent going from my front fender to my back door. So now all that's left is the ticket that he gave me for driving a vehicle with no insurance. How much will the ticket cost? And does it cost more because the vehicle was in an accident?""
How Fast Does Car Insurance Start?
Can I buy insurance today and have it ready same day or next day or is there a long process before it starts. I want to buy a car tomorrow, get insurance, and drive the car to my job by Friday.""
62 year old mother wants to retire but has no medical insurance...Ideas?
My 61 year old mother wants to retire next year. She doesn't qualify for medicare till 65. She has diabetes and chronic bronchitis. How would she get affordable medical care if ...show more
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
I am selling my older car to my brother but we are trying to find out which insurance companies would be the cheapest for him. Any suggestions?
""I want to trade my car in. I have no GAP Insurance, where can I get it?
I got a used 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT rom Drivetime (rip off) in March of this year. I knew nothing about financing a car or anything. Now I want to trade the car in at a new lot for a ...show more
Car insurance??????? UK?
where can i get a rough idea of what i might pay for insurance, if i pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try wants a reg. no. But all i want for now is a rough idea so i can see what insurance groups i can choose a car in. Fanx :0)""
How much will my car insurance be?
I just got my 7th DUI conviction and I want to buy a Chevrolet Corvette, but dont know how much insurance will cost my parents? I don't want them to have to pay too much but i really want the car. please help""
Violations that show up on insurance quotes in nj?
About 2 years ago i got a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. I went to court and they knocked it down to something so i wouldn't get any point and just pay a fine. I don't remember what they knocked it down to. But why is it still a concern on my auto insurance. I didn't get any points so should it matter?
Insurance Rates?
What's the best I can expect to pay for insurance monthly if I have a reckless driving ticket (-2 points) for speeding in California and am 20 years old? I have no accidents or other tickets. Any other 20 year olds out there in a similar situation what is your insurance premium?
When will we be required to have health insurance?
When will government make us buy insurance?
Where can a young person get decent auto insurance?
Where can a young person get decent auto insurance?
7 day auto insurance quotes
7 day auto insurance quotes
How much does it cost to run your car per month?
Including tax, insurance, petrol etc. What car do you drive? And how many miles do you do a week? Just trying to work out what kind of figures I'd be looking at.""
Can a car insurance co. refuse to remove a driver who has moved out of the house and no longer drives?
Mom, dad, daughter, and son lived together and were on the same car insurance policy. A few months ago, son had a minor accident with no one else involved - he was not hurt, only some damage to the car. Filed a claim and took care of it. A few months later, son moves out of the house, to a major city where he will use only public transportation. Can the insurance company refuse to remove son from the policy, even though he no longer lives in the house, no longer drives, and does not own a car? Insurance company is refusing to remove him, and says he must stay on the policy for 3 years? Is this legal, or is this lunacy?""
Slough car insurance at age 17?
I want to get: volkswagen golf 1.6 volkswagen golf 1.8 volkswagen golf 1.9 I dont mind any just want to know can i get insured on all of them and im only buying one not all three all im going to use the car for is to go college and back no where else and no intentions of driving fast, just need transport for college and also i dont want any idea's that leads to fraud i want my own policy and not any multi car insurance as it causes alot of hassle and no one in my familys drives so im all good. Everything i will do is legal not any lie or anything so how should i choose my insurance. I will be only taking the car to college I wont be taking the car out at night so college starts at nine and finish at 6 going to use it 4 days a week only""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i currently use the general
Are car insurance quotes free?
i just want to know
""On an Annual basis, how much does health insurance cost in America?
I would like to know how much the average American citizen pays in Health Insurance per year please.
No insurance and expired tags in kentucky?
I got a ticket for no insurance and expired tags in Louisville Ky, I've never neen in any trouble before with anything not even a parking ticket I just could'nt afford the insurance and tags. Whatare the chances of serving jail time for this? I know inKy, it can pack a 90 day sentence please answer I'm kinda freaking out.""
All about Nissan 350z? (Nissan 350z Owners plz)?
Okay, Well I just need to ask a couple question.... I've had my eye at the Nissan 350z for a while.... And I know you have to put premium gas on it in order for it to run smoothly... I just need to know from an owner.... How much do you end up paying... How much was the car? How Much was insurance? Gas? Any other things I should know about it? O.o""
Cheapest Car Insurance Nineteen Year Old?
So im nineteen and am hoping to pass my test friday, i have been looking on comparison websites and cant find any quotes for a low litre car under lets say 2500. I was just wondering if anyone out there knows of any specific insurers which could offer a much better deal, i would be very very grateful""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 23 yr old?
Impeccable driving record, no tickets, felonies etc... Have a car and I've been driving for 6 1/2 years. My premium with Geico is only $80/mo. I just need a general figure for something with over 600ccs. Thanks.""
Whats a good way to lower car insurance if your about to turn 16 and live in Las Vegas?
Hi! I'm about to get my license come July and I just found out I'm gonna have to pay for it by myself. Is there anything I can do to lower my insurance and what would be the best insurance brand to buy that good, not so pricey, etc. Thank you!""
What is an affordable life insurance for a cigarette smoker?
What is an affordable life insurance for a cigarette smoker?
Does anyone have term life insurance with primerica? Are rates with another company better?
Does anyone have term life insurance with primerica? Are rates with another company better?
How would McCain guarantee affordable healthcare for all?
Healthcare costs are hurting the budgets of working families, businesses, states and the federal government. Don't tell me someone is looking for a handout when it comes to something as basic as healthcare. A simple accident can wipe out hard-won savings in any family. Now how's McCain gonna do it? Please?""
Can friend get insurance on car in my name?
I gave a friend of mine a car that was my Mother's after she passed away. The title has my name on it however the credit union will not release it because there was still some money owed. Anyway since he drives the car I was told that I had to get insurance on it being in my name and just put him down as a driver. Is this true? Can he get his own insurance on the car? I am worried if he would get in an accident it would raise my premiums.
How much does UPS ground insurance cost?
selling my psp through ebay and would like to know how much does it cost to get insurance on the item and delivery confirmation
""What is the cheapest car insurance company, In Pa?""
I am looking to see what car insurance would be cheapest between, allstate, state farm, nationwide, geico, progressive, esurance, 21 century, unitrin Direct ???? HELP""
Question about life insurance?
Here is a little background info...I am a month away from joining the navy and going to flight school, I am 26 no health problems and my wife is 23 with no health problems. I went to get car insurance and the lady suggested i get life insurance now why I am still considered a substitute teacher. She said once I join the military It will require A lot more info and also my career will be considered hazordous. Does this sound right? And finally she just did a quick quaote and to cover my wife and myself each for 250k it will cost just under 70 dollars. This is also whole life not term and she said after a certain amount of time I could also cash the policy out and even make money ( something like 30 yrs). Does all this sound legit and does the quote sound reasonable, it was also state farm if that makes a difference. Thanks""
""I drive a work vehicle 5 days a week, shouldn't I get a low rate insurance for my own car?""
I've started a new job few months ago, where I'm provided with a work vehicle (insured by my work) and I drive this work car 5 days a week (Monday thru Friday) ... I still have my own car and I'm not getting rid of it, but the question is shouldn't I get a lower rate insurance for driving my car only in weekends, if any?""
Moving out and my father says my insurance rate will go up some $80 or so. Hmmm?
Im 19 years old, and moving out of my parents house within the next month. Im already paying $140/month full coverage through State Farm, and my father says that if I move out, my insurance rates will rise approximately $80, to $220/month. Im just curious as to know if he wants the money himself rather than the insurance company? Fact or Greedy Father?""
How much would an urgent care visit cost with out insurance for strep throat?
I live in California, and I have strep throat. I know that OTC don't work to cure this so I need to go to urgent care. I'm most likely going to go to Kaiser...help please!""
Speeding ticket in a rental car raises my insurance?
Hey forum, I got a 34mph-over speeding ticket in some tiny texas town in my rental. I didn't give the cop my insurance b/c the car was insured through my credit card. How will this affect my Texas Farmers insurance rate? Thanks heaps""
""Having a driver's license, but no car? Insurance question.?""
I'm 18 years old and currently have my driver's license and pay car insurance on it under my parents insurance plan. I want to know if it's possible to sell my car and stop paying for the car insurance. Is it possible to have a drivers license, but not be paying for insurance? I wont be driving any cars, I'm going to get a motorcycle. I live in Florida.""
What insurance companies are in massachusetts?
I believe that insurance in mass is horrible, but I don't know if there are even other insurance companies here where can I find out?""
Car insurance for a 1973 corvette?
I'm 14 now but am starting to work. I want to buy a 1973 corvette. I would get it when I'm 16. What would the car insurance be for that car with my age?
7 day auto insurance quotes
7 day auto insurance quotes
I need cheaper car insurance.?
Alright, so right now, I have progressive car insurance and I pay about $190 a month. I'm 19, 20 in August. Have had my license for one year. no tickets, no accidents. old cheap car. I just want PLPD insurance that isn't so expensive. I've been told I'm paying too much. I've tried getting quotes from many insurance companies online. The insurace I have now is the cheapest I can find. I have my own policy.I 'm all on my own. Does anyone know where I could get cheaper insurance?""
How much people can be on someone's auto insurance?
is there a limit to how many people/vehicles can be insured under one person's name? lets say, can a person insure his car and himself, as well as his 2 sons cars and his 2 ...show more""
What are the cheapest high risk car insurance companies? I have 2 DWI's!?
I recently got my 2nd DWI. I am looking for some of the cheaper high risk auto insurace companies that I can get in Missouri. Thanks for your help
I would like to get a moped when i am 16 and was wondering how much around the insurance would cost a year?
I live in england and will be 16 soon and am wanting to get a derbi gpr 50. I am male and will be a student in 6th form possibly working part time. can't think or anything else i just wanna know an average like will it be more for the insurance because derbi gpr 50 is a geared bike etc.
What is a sporty car that won't kill a teenager in insurance prices and is good on gas?
Also I prefer American made, but it doesn't necessarily have to be.""
How to convince parents to let me have auto insurance?
I've had my license for a little over three months now. However, I have no insurance, and therefore cannot drive (in California). Their reasoning is that I am an unsafe driver which I disagree with because I quite easily passed my driving test at the DMV and always think before I do anything when I drive. However, they seem firm on their decision... It's a bit frustrating having my license for so long but still being unable to drive. I'm tired of having to always ask friends for a ride or my parents; I just want a taste of independence. Of course, I'm not trying to be too arrogant or stubborn, I've respected my parent's decision, it's just bugging me a bit now haha. I offered to do a six-month plan instead of a year plan since I'm heading off to college in Septemberish. I'm about to turn 18 in a couple weeks also. Does anyone have any advice?""
Cheapest car insurance south australia?
what is and the price, for the cheapest car insurance places in south australia for a japanese import car with a turbo for a p plater, 16 years old, nealry 17? thanks""
Is a 2004 used infiniti g35 a good and affordable car?
i am saving up about 2000 to put down on it. and how much would the monthly payments be. including insurance? i gross about 700-900 a month. thanks.
What is the absolute cheapest classic insurance broker in the uk?
cars 1960-1991
Is Foremost Auto Insurance good insurance?
I am looking at switching to Foremost for my auto insurance and was wondering if anyone had any comments or experiences about auto insurance through Foremost Insurance company.
Can my car insurance company do this?
I called my insurance company yesterday to get a quote for a change of vehicle as I was planning to buy a new car. They said my monthly premium would still stay the same and the quote was only valid till end of the day which is fair enough. They said they give the quote on whatever the insurance rate is at the current time so if i was to call another day it could go up but it shouldn't go up that much. So I went to view the car yesterday evening and decided to buy the car. I called my insurance company today and they said it would cost me an extra 350 to get me insured on the car. So i asked them how could it go from nothing to 350 within a day. They come out with the quote is based on the daily rate of insurance and they cant do nothing about it. I wouldn't have mind if it went up by 100 or so but from nothing to 350 in one day is a big jump. Is there anything I can do?
Can i change my license address to be covered by car insurance?
background info: -17 yrs old, male, got my license in january so its provisional, live in california. so i contacted my mom's auto insurance (liberty mutual) and they said the only way i would be covered as an occasional driver without being listed is if i didn't live in the same household otherwise i would have to be listed. so would it work if i just changed the address on my license?""
How much will health insurance cost for a 21 year old with no preexisting conditions?
I never had to pay for health insurance (part of family benefit package) so now I'm thinking of getting one. How much will it cost? I am healthy, work in an office (not dangerous), attend university (are there student discounts?), I am athletic,(healthy weight), I live in Los Angeles the only health issue my family has is that my dad is diabetic (but he got it when he was around 50 so i don't think it's heritable)] I need an insurance to only cover me in case something happens and I need emergency care (surgeries, hospital stay etc.) approximate numbers will be appreciated.. thank you""
""What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
How much dose car insurance usually coast?
How much dose car insurance usually coast?
Car Insurance in California?
Anyone know a good low cost auto insurance company in California? Someone w/ a suspended licsence that is now released?
Which insurance is better?
Which insurance is better health or life?
""Difference in insurance price between 2007 4DR Chevy Cobalt, and 2008 Pontiac G6 GT 4DR?""
I currently have a 2007 Cobalt LT 4DR 2.2. I'm fairly happy with the car but I want a car with a little bit more room, that's still a GM or Ford and has a little bit better get up and go. I love my low insurance rates with the cobalt how much do you think i'd go up with the g6?""
Is it absolutely necessary for my car insurance company to have my husband's drivers license info?
My husband and I recently got married. We both keep separate finances and have our own cars and insurance policies. He actually owns cars jointly with his elderly mother and they have insurance together. He does not drive my car, he can barely fit in it. I have State Farm insurance. When I got my insurance I was told that they would cover anyone I choose to let drive my cars. I have 3 cars insured with them. I've been with them for 10 years, I've never missed a payment or had any claim of any kind. My husband doesn't feel comfortable giving out his information to anyone who does not need it. I think he has this right. State Farm claims it won't affect my policy so why do they need it? They keep calling me. I'm thinking of emailing them and telling them my opinion and that there are plenty of other insurance companies out there if they have a problem with it.""
Whats a cheap auto insurance for teens?
I just got a new car, and i want to take resposibitly to pay for the insurance. Whats a cheap insurance? Im 17 and still a student in school Helppp! please :]""
Car accident claim to insurance company?
a car rear-ended me one night. after i made a claim to his insurance company, his insurance company said that they will deny my claim because that guy was also rear-ended and he was dragged into my car. i did not see any car rear-ending the car behind me. when i told that insurance company that your customer might be lying to you, and i asked them if they are going to go for his words. then that insurance company told me that, wouldn't your insurance company do that for you. what should i do in this case? any help is appreciated. thanks""
Can I fight a NYS TVB no motorcycle insurance ticket?
I got five Traffic Violations Bureau tickets on my bike: Uninspected - $145 Unlicensed Motorcycle Driver - $175 Motorcycle Unreg (istered) - $175 Improper plates - ? Uninsured - ??? The tickets will cost me more than the bike is worth. :( I now have the bike insured and a license; any chance the judge would show leniency (clean license/record) and throw out one or two of the tickets? (Do I postpone and hope the officer doesn't show up?) Also, I'd like to plead on-line but the tickets still haven't shown up (getting close to the 15-day deadline). Will I have a default judgment against me if I keep on waiting? Any idea how severe no insurance on a bike is for the TVB? Sorry for all the questions, thanks in advance.""
What do you think about auto insurance?
What do you think about auto insurance?
Car insurance with a provisional license?
i have a provisional license, i want to take my test in my car, if i insure myself on the car as a provisional holder. can anyone over 21 whos had a license long enough accompany me? or does the person accompanying me have to be named on the insurance as well? i.e the driving instructor""
How much average premium for Car insurance....?????
i need some basic info... about car insurance..in NJ STATE... record is clear and 3 years exp....need to know average range... Most of people paying.......
7 day auto insurance quotes
7 day auto insurance quotes
Insurance costs for a 17 year old for a car/quad/bike?
what would be the (rough) cost to insure; say a small engined car (1.2l ish), a mid sized quad (400cc ish) or a bike (between 125 and 600cc)? what would be the cheapest for a 17 year old? (geussing the bike then the quad then the car?) any help would be appreciated :) cheers dougie""
What is the average taxi insurance price for a Small city?
What is the average taxi insurance price for a Small city? per car?
Which car might be more on insurance for teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or 2006 Jeep Commander?
Which car might be more on insurance for teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or 2006 Jeep Commander?
Car insurance question?
Im 18 (female) i just bought a 1994 ford explorer. I have my license and stuff. First time im getting insurance. I need coverage to fix my car if i was in an accident and fix the other persons etc. Would it be cheaper to the car in my dads name and get insurance under him? Hes 58 and stable job for years and good credit. Thanx
What Car insurance should i get at 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old who is unemployed. I need car insurance that is cheap and is helpful. I need to know how much insurance is.
How much will cost to insure a mustang gt. I'm 20 years old.?
I'm looking to buy a 94 mustang gt and I was wondering how much it would cost me under my father policy. I'm 20 years old, I'm a guy and I have a good driving record. What would be the range on how much it would cost me. Don't say a lot because I know it will obviously be a lot that's why I'm asking the question.""
Can my car insurance rate go UP if they pay for the medical bills of the other person in the car accident?
Ok so I was involved in a car accident November 10,12, I was at fault because I hit the car in the back, the guy just literally stopped and obviously even if you are right about saying that the other driver stopped too fast for you to stop,when you hit a car in the back (most of the time) you are at fault of the accident.Either way, my insurance paid for his damage ($2,000 worth) and I took my ticket to court,there I only paid for court fees but no points. Today, June 02,13 (almost 7 months after the accident) I get a letter from a lawyer( lawyer of the guy I hit in the previous accident) saying he is asking for a $10,000 on medical expenses,it says I should send the letter to my insurance company as soon as possible,which I will do tomorrow but my thing is, I don't want my insurance rate to increase, it already increased after the accident (was $130, now $170) so I'm just asking, will the insurance company approve paying for his medical expenses even if he is self-employed as a driver of big trucks (I guess he also lift heavy furniture in order to work) and has diabetes ( he was ketotic at the time of the accident,the guy is in his 60s)?? And if the insurance approves paying ( guessing he has all the medical papers in order) will my rate increase too? Again?? I have full cover in my car, and it also includes medical bills. I had to pay $1000 of deductible in order to fix my and his car so pretty much I don't want to loose more money is just horrible I am 21,full time student with full time job! Yes,is possible to do both things but honestly I don't think this is fair anymore, the guy wanted to leave at first and not only that he is sick (diabetes) and he was very rude at first but then the police ask him if he was ok and he said yes so I don't understan this... :(. Thank you!""
Hip but affordable places for young couples to live?!?
My boyfriend and I are talking about moving; at the moment we live in central Pennsylvania. The only thing keeping us here is our families. We would like to move to an affordable area, either a small city or large town. Somewhere that has good jobs, and local colleges or universities since I'm still in college and lots of jobs. Also we want an area that offers a lot of activities, especially outdoors. All suggestions are welcome!""
Can I add a motorcycle to my car insurance policy without them rechecking my points?
I want to buy a motorcycle and add it to my insurance but when I got insurance I only had 4 points. Now I unfortunately have 6 points (3 points come off in 10 months) and I probably cannot afford to pay for insurance that high. A few months ago I asked them if I could switch the car I drive now out for a different car and they said that was fine and that they would not recheck my points but would just give me a new, higher rate (since it was a better car) while only including the 4 points. So is it possible to just add a motorcycle to my existing policy while only continuing to pay for 4 points? Thank you very much. (I know I can call and ask the insurance company myself but I can't call them because I will be extremely busy for the next few days so I was hoping to get a quicker answer on here if anyone knows) thank you!! :)""
Car insurance for a 19 year old female?
I am a 17 year old female and I am hoping to pass my test this year,my plan is to pass my test and save a little more for my car and car insurance etc... I have my eye on small cars ...show more""
What would the full coverage insurance be for a 2008 eclipse gs?
I'm 15 years old with a permit. I'm doing this for a driver's ed. project at school so it doesn't have to be very accerate.
Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?
So, my 2010 Sentra (Brand New less than 6K miles) was rearended. It's been hell dealing with the other guy's insurance company- never return calls, no followup, etc..... My car is back looking great except for minor details (issue with the trunk) which I hope to work out with the shop. They are giving me a low ball offer on diminished value and I live in a state that grants diminished value Here are my questions: 1) Is there a simple calculator that can be used to calculate diminshed value? The car was in pristine condition prior to the wreck 2) At this point, is it better to use a Attorney? I want to be compensated for days lost from work, medical expenses, diminished value, pain and suffering (also if shop is not able to work out minor repair detail I want compensation for that )""
Term life insurance policies?
if i buy a term life insurance policy and three month later i die, will my family get the money?""
Question regarding auto insurance claim?
Recently, our car got pummeled by a hailstorm. We went to a bodyshop prior to the meeting with the damage adjuster (which is today), and was told by the tech that our car would require both conventional and PDR repair. However, the estimate report was written up today for PDR repair only. Does that mean I'm limiting to PDR repair only? Or can the bodyshop challenges the insurance company's estimate and go for the conventional & PDR repair?""
Cheapest car and car insurance for a 21 year old.?
Well i dont know anything about cars so please dont criticise me lol my partner is having his test next month and he is 21 so his insurance will be sky high, so whats the best car for cheapest car insurance at his age? We need it as cheap as possible as were only looking for a second hand one due to it being his first car and he isnt botherd about the looks like as long as it gets us n the kids A to B lol please help.""
AAA car insurance wont return my phone calls?
i was in a car accident on the fourth of july and the guy ran a red. he hit my car and totaled it leaving me injured and now out of work for almost a month. the police report was sent to both insurances (mine & his) saying he is at fault. i and my insurance (state farm) have tried calling his AAA agent several times and they still have not called back. i have also called the supervisor with no returned phone call from her as well. ive asked my insurance and they basically told me to wait for them to call. im getting impatient and i was just wondering if anybody else has ever had this problem? im frustrated and not sure what to do.
How much will it cost to insure my car?
My cars is a 1987 Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett E wagon, with a 1.2 litre engine, developing 80 horsepower. When it gets insured I'll be 17. How much will this cost annually in the UK? Also, the car is left hand drive.""
Rent a car or insurance for behind the wheel test in California?
Hi, I got my instructional permit from the DVM of CA. However what is the best way to pass the behind-the-wheel test? Rent a car? And if so, where can I rent a car that allows me to pass the test? Use a friend's car? And if so, how to I get the insurance? Thanks for any help !""
""Insurance companies have told me I now, do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. What can I do?""
I no longer have health insurance. My employer could no longer afford the premiums and I cannot afford Cobra. The 63 day preexisting conditions deadline has passed. I had a heart valve repaired in 2009 and donated a kidney for my wife in Feb. of 2011. Insurance companies have told me I now do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. Under the new Health Care Law, what can I do and who can I contact to get affordable coverage?""
Hi, I recently passed my driving test (approx 2 weeks ago) I've been looking at car insurance and the quotes are ridicouly high if I wanted to be the main driver with my own policy. So my dad has kindly said he will buy a car and be the main driver and I will be the second driver and drive the car sometimes. However the quotes are so high? Anyone know any companies that will insure me cheap below 2,000? The quotes that I get now are like 3,000+ on a standard Vauxhall Astra. Please can you let me know if you know any companies that will insure me and cheaply! Thanks.""
What can I do about my car insurance?
My son wrecked my 2007 Dodge Ram1500 6/23/09. My mother offered to apply the truck to her insuance for lower rates. I ask the agent for full coverage because it had a lien on it with collion, now the insurance won't pay because they saud I have libility w/no collion, I'm sick, so it's a battle what can I do, please help""
Can my health insurance cover it?
My dad went to the dr for a check up and found out that he has slight high blood pressure, so he wants to buy a blood pressure machine so he can monitor it while he tries to bring it down so we have health insurance and was wondering if health insurance would pay for the machine if we bought one""
I can't get car insurance because of where I live what can I do?
I am 17 (boy) and passed my test on 15.08.2013 and I cannot get a quote under 4000 because of where I live. Don't try saying its my age or the car I want (Mini One 1.6l) because they seriously don't change a lot. I've tried every car possible with a 1.4l and lower engine and the prices don't go below 4000. If I change the address to my friends house who lives like 2miles away the price goes down to 2700 and if I change the address to my Nans address who only lives 15minutes away it goes down to 1500. I am seriously thinking of putting my Nans address down for insurance because there is no other way I can see myself driving and I know it's insurance fraud but how else am i suppose to get f***ing insurance. Someone please help and don't just tell me stuff I already know.
Where can I find drivers programs that will help me lower my car insurance rates?
I am a high risk driver. I am 20 years old, and would really like to lower my monthly payments. Could you please tell me of any programs in Kansas or national programs that I could participate in that would lower my insurance? BTW, idk if it matters but i get my insurance thru dairyland.""
Possible new car owner with questions about insurance prices?
I'm looking into buying a car. I'm just now about to get my driver's license and I am a twenty year old college student. I need a car to get to work next year, but I need to know if I'll be able to afford one with insurance as well. I live in Georgia, and I just want bare minimum coverage. I'll upgrade if I get a job when I graduate, but until then, I just need something to get me by, you know? How do I go about getting cost estimates? Any time I try to get a quote, I need to already have the car information, but I can't buy a car without knowing how much it's going to cost me...""
7 day auto insurance quotes
7 day auto insurance quotes
0 notes
Episode 4 - “I’d rather get spanked in the ass by karma herself” - Emmon
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Oh my god! That tribal could not have gone any better than it did. It proves how strong trust can be, and that people can trust you back if you give them the chance to. Some of the Odawa members were just too social, and that was their downfall tonight.
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BLESS. I am back to my tribe. Also literally went to exile for NOTHING since someone else found the super idol first, but whatever. I think i'm in a good spot now because of Queen Luke. ALSO BYE KAGE.
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HAHAHAHAHA IM CACKLING FUCKKKK!!! All the lies I told Kage made him paranoid and then he went crazy. THEN I told all the people I trust that he's a crazy player and they believed me and now he's here in Redotion lake and I literally get to end his game omg. Poetic justice at its finest
Okay i bet all the records and I can die now.I didnt give 100% in the challenge because why huh ??? Kage is so ugly like his game is messy af.
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I'm legit ecstatic lol.  An idol was used to send out someone I didn't trust, my whole former tribe is not looking to be in the best spot, and I'm about to go take me a little vacation at exile :D
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AHHH! Tribe swaps are never fun, especially when it's 4-4-1. But hey, we just have to keep winning at this point. This next week is the week i went home the last time i played, so i'm praying history doesn't repeat itself. I'd rather get spanked in the ass by karma herself than get out 3rd again.
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Hi! I'm Luke and I just did THAT. The plan worked perfectly and Kage was taken out thanks to me. I was not ready for the fuckery of rocks this early in the game because I could have been rocked out and I ain't no Paschal English, Katie Collins or Jessica Lewis! I also think it's extremely fitting that the Oscars are happening tonight when my alliance is talking about the super idol because the Oscar should go to ME for acting shocked that it exists when I have it in my pocket ready to use for when I get voted out. Hopefully I won't have to use it until merge if I make it but (:
So Matt is telling me whilst at The Shoreline there is a new idol combination that's longer the previous one and I sWEAR TO GOD! IF Y'ALL! MADE MY SUPER IDOL FAKE! IN EXCHANGE FOR A NEWER HARDER TO FIND ONE! I'LL CHOKE!
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I love the fact that the swap has forced me onto such a weird position, I'm not the one being pagonged but Meskwaki members that stayed on their tribe might be completely Anti-Odawa which could be bad for me. I wish Kage luck but he might get eaten up by Andreas so ehh, I hope the other 4 Odawa can stick it out. About the abduction it was most likely someone on NuMeskwaki but it definitely could be someone here as well, either way Odawa is screwed and whoever it was just did this in an attempt to get Adam safe and now the tribe is 5-4-1 :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] why is everyone doing this to me i don't know how to be an underdog
i'm tired and every time i go to the shoreline i regret it and i always forget to search FUCK
I'm not gonna lie I was pretty sad to see that I was separated from literally every Odawa member and I might not see them until the reunion call which is pretty grim but probably true unless there's another swap. I really don't know the dynamic of this tribe but I'm really glad we keep winning and winning because I don't want to deal with tribal and not live up to the underdog role the game is practically forcing on me. The way I see it Meskawaki 2.0 is pretty much full-on boner assault on Anti-Odawa which has me concerned but my weak ass can't do anything about it so whatever.
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i was bored so i started drama with andreas. i really have no idea what kind of game i want to play so far.... adam being added is extremely interesting because meskwaki now has majority 5-4-1. I feel like i can convince people to vote on my side for a game-changing vote. :D i wanna get some threats out while andreas aka the comp master iss till in redemption
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This is fantastic. People are LITERALLY THANKING US FOR TAKING KAGE OUT. I feel kinda bad, but he did it to himself. He didn't keep his mouth shut WHATSOEVER and he threw people's names around, especially mine, so that's grounds for elimination. Talk shit, get hit. I'm currently talking to Bodhi about the tribal council and he's asking for "reassurance we're still working together" and of course I say yes, but something doesnt feel right about it. He's using those petty ass cheeky emojis and it makes me not want to trust him. ESPECIALLY SINCE HE TOLD ADAM TO VOTE FOR ME! I'm leading him to believe I'm still on his side, but I can't say at this point if I want to or not yet. This is going to cause me to have to choose between allies, which I really don't want to do this early in the game. On one end, I have Luke and Eric, with Luke ready to flip on Eric whenever I flip the switch. I'm pretty close to Luke at this point, and to flip on him would be chaos. And then Bodhi, who comes as a package deal with Aidan and Christian. Hopefully, if worst comes to worst, I try to get Bodhi to vote Christian or Aidan since they're rarely around. Dana is in the middle with me, so we're going to have to choose if we have to go to tribal again. I plan on winning today though, because this is a challenge I'm actually good at.
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Pet Peeve #1 = Attempting to correct me on the rules when you, yourself do not understand them......I love Matt but yikes, that's how you get on my bad side.
I knew Kage would try and slander my name once he got voted out. Sucks that I just pinned it on Eric and evaded attack...I mean, Eric did lie about the Super Idol saying it was just a regular one.....
Crow caws onward! Shook that we won that tribal immunity, but we did it! I've secured a spot in the final 17 without attending TC yet....good and bad, but still mostly good ;) Scott is clearly wary of me after my incident with Kage at Shoreline, but I actually don't need him :X I have a good relationship with both Kyle and Stoner so if the vote goes Anti-Meskwaki I should be in the loop....so Scott better not keep up this sort of untrustworthy attitude towards me or we're gunna have some issues....jeepers!
YYYYAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I got invited into an alliance and its not by tribal lines! Me, Julia, Augusto, Scott, and Kyle.....it's perfect. 2 from both Meskwaki and Wyandot - 1 from Odawa (so no tribe has majority within the alliance) and we all get along! This will definitely ensure all of our safety at this upcoming tribal considering the others will assume it's Old Meskwaki vs. Old Wyandot.... And I'm also glad that I wasn't the founder of the alliance so that if it does get exposed, I won't take the (full) fall for it and can recover.....this is amazing!
And now I find out that it's because of Kyle....I KNEW THAT BOND WOULD COME IN HANDY! Hey, I might be at the bottom of this alliance, but I'm in it! Like Jeff Varner once said, the answer is yes! This ship is sailing, and I don't know where it's going but I'm ON IT! >:)
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Things have certainly shaken up here in the Great Lakes! Firstly, Wyandot won immunity last round which was amazing cause who knew what would've happened if we did. Meskwaki went to tribal and everything went perfectly, Dana and Carson stayed and Kage went... thankfully. After that dramatic tribal, Emmon told me he found an Amulet of Abduction and asked who we should take. He eventually decided Adam, which I wasn't opposed to as he is someone we could swing on over to our side. Emmon, being the lovely person he is, had me in his thoughts when he made that decision which I appreciate. Adam came to our tribe and everything was fine and dandy. Everyone decided to have a sex party or whatever at the Shoreline and it was REVEALED by Andreas that a super idol had been found. First of all, why is everyone but me finding advantages? Secondly, HE DID THAT!! It jumbled things up a bit and because I'm a messy bitch that lives for drama, I certainly didn't mind that. Whoever has it is lucky af!! Back at Wyandot, I decided to create a lovely alliance with Kyle and Scott. My thought process regarding that was the simple fact that we all were on different starting tribes and could spill all sorts of tea to each other. I also want to save myself by any means neccessary to get to the merge, so this is somewhat beneficial. If the alliance will be successful, I'm not sure. All I know is that we have to put rubber to road and see how things pan out.
For whatever reason, I am looking in all the wrong places! The Shoreline doesn't mesh well with me apparently, so yay for that! I do appreciate the fact that the other tribe gets to see me, so it could build up bonds and whatnot... which is the plan! My intuition is on-point because I totally suspected something would happen this round and surely enough, it's a double tribal council! Now we have to break down what we've built here on NuWyandot and it sucks, honestly. I wanted to escape tribal for a few more days to make sure I didn't go home. ;-; Now we just have to wait for the free-for-all to begin and for the bloodbath to commence. I was complaining about not playing the game, but I guess you truly get what you wish for out here. What I'm trying to do is build good relationships with everyone here and make side alliances if I need to. An alliance that is in the works is myself, Roxy, Kyle, Crow, and Scott which I'm fine with because I had made an alliance with Kyle and Scott a few days prior to that. The old Wyandot tribe wants to stick together, which is lovely! Honestly, it would be the best if maybe Dan went home cause it'd be easier for people to flip on him... especially due to the fact that he probably hasn't connected with everyone, at least in my eyes. My best bet would be him or maybe Adam? We'll see, but I really hope I can win immunity or something cause it's crucial that I make it through this round... I don't wanna flop again ;-;
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I've been weighing out my options for this vote. I could either A) vote for Eric, stick with Aidan, and have Aidan be voted out 4-2. Or I could B) vote for Aidan, my closest ally from day 1, and have him go in a 5-1 vote. If I pick A, then I feel good about myself, but then Eric might not trust me. If I pick B, then I'll feel like shit for voting out my closest ally, but Eric might trust me. I want Eric, Luke, Carson, and Dana to all want to stick with me because Odawa is very dead now. If I can line up these targets correctly, I'll just ride it out until the end. But fuck, it hurts me very hard to vote out someone as close as Aidan.
0 notes
currentfandomkick · 4 years
Bio! Dad Strange part 3
Marinette, she had no idea how this happened, she swore, somehow got lost in gotham during an Arkham jailbreak. All she knew was one minute she was talking to Uncle Ed and then the next there was explosions and then she was... wherever she was.
Apparently Two-Face recognized her on the streets and grabbed her... only she didnt know him.
Her response was to flip him over her tiny shoulder and flee with a vengence. Guess which member of the batfam saw?
If you guessed Tim before he became a Robin because Dick was still Robin—albeit in charge of the Titans and not in Gotham at the time.
Tim did the reasonable thing and somehow convinced the freaked out french girl to go into a cafe while they called her parents.
Two-Face, convinced that tiny Tim kidnapped tiny Marinette and somehow his family would hurt tiny Marinette. Which given that she has how many Rogues around her little finger—Strange, Joker, Quinn, Ivy, Riddler, Penguin AND Zsasz. He did a coin flip to see if he should save her from being in the public eye and possibly expose her family. The coin was in favor of keeping Marinette from being on the news with pictures.
Two-Face decided it was safer to kidnap her from said public place and bring her to Ivy and Harley.
So he grabbed mutliple machine guns, raided the cafe and threw tiny Marinette over his shoulder and sent out shots at abyone that tried to get near them. He wasnt dying becuase of this kid, ok?
Of course said kid is super-powered, terrified, and did i mention its sunny out so her treatments are wearing out faster? No, well they are. This means everything is much scarier and louder and overwhelming that bwing thrown over a stranger that shot at people should be in any situation.
Tiny Tim is very scared for her. He finds Batman and alerts him to the tiny foreigner’s kidnapping—nearly getting killed by Mr. Freeze in the process to boot.
Batman is angry for many reasons, manages to take down Mr. Freeze and tells Gordon to be on alert for Two-Face who kidnapped a tiny french girl.
Only it gets worse.
Superman saw what was going on in Gotham and went to help out—his freind was dealing with a mass prison break of very dangerous criminals, why wouldnt he help?
And on hearing a tiny kid that freaked out in french was in danger? Well, what was he supposed to do Bruce? Ignore her?
He sent Conner after her while he helped out with a number of distrubed individuals, including a pyromaniac (firefly).
Conner manages to track down the pair on his own and almost loses it when he sees tiny Marinette kick Two-Face hard enough he falls down and the girl bolts a lot faster than a normal kid should. He comms in that the girl is a scared foriegn meta, and requests backup.
Kidflash is the one who answers, and takes care of Twoface while Conner tries to track down a terrifed tiny meta that screams in french.
Conner sees her running to a greenhouse and follows her in. Especially as the tiny girl jumped a lot higher than she should and it felt too familiar for comfort.
He manages to sneak in, followed by Kidflash, and they have an ‘oh shit’ moment when they see the scared girl run to a younger Poison Ivy with brown hair, crying. This teen holding a crying child is Rose.
Rose is visibly pissed. “Do you want me to kill him? J called dibs on his brother this time and Harley’s aiming for Tetch after last week.”
Tiny marinette shakes her head and delivers the best line for the young justice members, but worst for a baby Rogue.
“I dont want him to die, i just want him to stop hurting people.”
*remember, she is Jill in Gotham.
“Jilly bean, the world isnt nice. If it was, then batsy wouldnt have dropped me onto an ecoterrorist when i was a week old, and i would be allowed to leave the greenhouse. You wouldnt need to have nearly as many aliases as you do. You can try to make it nice in a lot of ways. I’m happy to handle extermination sicne thats the only thing i have shot at besides the rkc.”
Tiny marinette is frowning. “But then the world wins. I want to beat the world, not lose by being like it.”
Conner is (understandably) confused. Kidflash is processing that oh fuck. This is a meta raised by villians. And another meta raised by villians and goddamnit batman, why did you give a villian a baby? (He didnt. He gave ivy a ten year old. He thought she was her kid and she was raising her or something.)
Tiny Marinette is not happy with Rose’s conclusions.
“Can we call Ghoul and Frost? Maybe they can help with their dads?”
“And why not Puzzles?”
“He has asthma and he cant dodge.”
Rose considers for a moment before nodding. She grabs a plant and talks into it. “Ghoul, Frost, i need you at HQ. Someone has to reign in our dumbass parents. Bring the nuetralizers and tranqs.”
A voice came from another flower. “Should we have zsasz come with?”
“No! He’ll switch sides again!” Marinette yelled.
“Oh. Nets, what the hell are you doing at HQ?”
“Two-Face stole me. I ran.”
“Well, Fuck. Be there in five. Uh, how are your treatments holding?”
“She’s getting lighter. Might want to break out the rocks again.”
“Double fuck. Ill force Frost out of lab. Be there in a few—any crews to aviod or...”
“If they have a green arm band dont give them the fear toxin fixes, and Jerimah’s cult is back,” Marinette added.
“Fuck me up why dont you Gotham!” Ghoul cursed.
“Hey, she’s a kid!” Rose snapped
“Im older than you though!” Marientte chirped.
Conner had a lot to process with this information. Kidflash put together that they were applarently going to try to help the gothamites rather than the rogues, and decided they should leave and focus on helping the others.
Given that Marinette didnt catch the pair (she was still trying to focus on near things) she doesnt know that anyone but Batman and maybe Batgirl is fighting.
So she doesnt hide her abilities, flying at low levels to aviod Batman’s attention. But Kidflash and Batman see her and have a Moment of ‘which of us is telling Superman he might have another clone?’
Marinette, oblivious to this, is seen beside Jason Todd giving people Fear Toxin Antidote and Joker Gas Nuetralizer. Marinette is getting and distributing the antidotes. Jason Todd is making sure she doesnt die by wielding his baseball bat and riding his bike while she flies.
The day ends with most going back to Arkham and Marinette and Jason hiding from heroes for obvious reasons—including a teen and small child ignoring evacuation orders and avoiding GCPS.
Batman is aware of Marinette’s existence as “Jill” and “Nets” and that she helps a group of Rogue’s children that are content to undercut their parents crime. And now he knows Rose is either mcuh younger than he thought when he gave her (he thought brought her back home to) Poison Ivy. And is feeling guiltyTM
If you thought he was having a case of Serial Adopter Bruce Wayne, you are correct. He is now actively looking for these kids and where they are hiding since they moved post-breakout.
Zsasz is only slightly disappointed that Marinette didnt kill Two-Face. Jerome thinks its great and somehow convinces him to apoligize to her by offering to make up a number of contracts between rogues and the gotham underground in general to make things more organized so she and other rogue kids have a safe way of handling situations like that in the future.
Why dies JEROME of all people think this up and not Eddy or Riddler? The answer is he stole the idea from them, gave them no credit, and yes, is doing this as an attempt to score a few extra of marinette’s cookies. He has no shame in this, and riddler hates sweets so he isnt mad. Ed is too busy teaching Marinette Science to realize what happened until long after it did.
This puts Marinette and the RKC in a very odd position. Not only is The Batman trying to find them now, but they have to handle the Rogues trying to baby them. Ghoul and Frost are almost an adults, most people think Rose is almost an adult when irl she’s 5, and yes, Marinette is very much now Gotham Underground’s Princess as the Council is basically set up to ensure her safety.
Marinette knows none of this, as she is small child that just wants to cuddle her stuffed kitty Chaton and sleep on her Father (Strange) while he finishes up in his lab. She does this.
Mr. Freeze and Scarecrow got pictures. They use these to insert themselves in the Teach the Kids Science and Dangerous ThingsTM.
At one point marientte learns how to diassemble a bomb, reassemble one, and diffuse various bombs.
Riddler starts to use bombs more when she’s around to help her practice. Batman is confused as that is Not his usual M.O. Robin/ Dick gets called in and thigns get messy for the Batfam dynamics (he saw the research on the RKC and is pissed that He Was Right! Ivy Didnt Have Rose! and then saw plans for new batkids and reacted BadlyTM due to Teen AngstTM).
The summer ends with Batman having a bad fallout with Robin, Marinette thinking No One knows she’s kyptonian. When Conner suspects, Batman and Kidflash put two and two together, and no one has told Superman yet because um. Well.
They need the girl as proof and would rather not send Clark into another spiral about havig kids he wasnt aware of, ok? He just got decent with Conner. No need to rock the boat, right? (Wrong)
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